"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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21 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"


*U.S. Temperatures(http://vortex.plymouth.edu/ustemp.gif)


The Foundation For A Free Society (http://f4fs.org/)

In God We Trust ~ America (http://ingodwetrust-america.org/)


The Alex Jones Show [07/20/2011]

Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/19/2011]

Wallbuilders Live [07/20/2011]

Wallbuilders Live [07/19/2011]

The Alex Jones Show [07/19/2011]


Media mogul charged with first-degree Murdoch

Pajamas Media » Obama Pulls the Plug on a Great Run in Space

Nullification: The Documentary!

The Philosophy of Liberty: Plunder

Liberty: With or Without Federal “Permission” – Tenth Amendment Center

President Obama’s Big Deal: Cuts for Social Security but No Taxes for Wall Street | Op-Eds & Columns

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Communists Are “Patriots”

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Pelosi Wants to Amend America’s Sacred Documents Forever Expanding Freedom that Comes With Jobs

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » Disinformation Story Against Israel?

The Day Of the Jackal – Progressivism and Globalization. | Don't Tread On Me

The Only 6 Choices In Your Russian Roulette Future | Don't Tread On Me

14 Reasons To Continue To Buy Gold And Silver | Don't Tread On Me

7 Things to Know Before Buying Precious Metals | Don't Tread On Me

12 Top Tech Rumors We Hope Will (and Won't) Come True | PCWorld

Obama's citizen 'protection' bureau pick misused state funds?

Video story explains proof of Obama forgery

Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud


Tenth Amendment Center(www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/)


USDA To Invest $250 mln In Smart Grid Development | Newsroom Magazine USA Edition

CERN 'gags' physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment • The Register

20 Signs That The Fabric Of American Society Is Coming Apart At The Seams - BlackListedNews.com

As The Dollar And The Euro Continue To Collapse, How High Is That Going To Push The Price Of Gold?

savethemales.ca - Jews Led De-Christianization of American Culture

Overhead Bin - Internet rallies around flier accused of groping TSA agent

Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets

Fed passes China to become largest U.S. creditor - The Tell - MarketWatch

NewsDaily: Slain kids cast larger shadow on Mexican drug war


Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear-Part 1 | Opinion Maker

Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear-Part 2 | Opinion Maker


The Difference Between Putin & Obama (Video!) | Real Zionist News

Influential Conservative is Dangerously Wrong on E-Verify » Publications » Family Security Matters

Post 9/11 Era and Radicalism | Opinion Maker

Universe - The Cosmology Quest - Part 1 Of 2 - Google Video Video

Bachmann Gets and Gives Headaches

‪Rense & Jordan Maxwell - Democracy Now Equals Enslavement‏ - YouTube

Bohemian Grove mystery broken down — RT

Tea Party favourite Michele Bachmann suffers 'incapacitating' migraines - Telegraph

Govern America | The Restore America Plan (T.R.A.P.)

‪Environ-Mentalism: A New Religion for a New Age‏ - YouTube

Man's call for Obama assassination is free speech, not crime, court rules - latimes.com

‪Tel Aviv On Fire Protesting Immigrants ; Multi-Cultural Hypocrisy?‏ - YouTube

Paul Drockton M.A.: Gold Confiscation Act in the Works

Biofuel demand in US driving higher food prices, says report | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Vandals Destroy 10 Acres Of Big Island Papayas - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

Iran's acceleration of its nuclear programme angers the west | World news | The Guardian

Italian government blocks investigation into missing arms cache | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan aid 'would be cut off unless US gets access to Osama bin Laden's wives' - Telegraph

Pakistani spies 'operating in Britain' - Telegraph

US-Pakistan relations worsen with arrest of two alleged spies | World news | The Guardian

China police station attack leaves several dead in Xinjiang | World news | The Guardian

Anti-HIV drug made by GM plants begins trials in humans | Science | guardian.co.uk

The USDA “Invasive Species” Sham « The PPJ Gazette

savethemales.ca - Masonic Blackmail Behind Murdoch Scandal?

H1N1 S188T Dominant In Southern Hemisphere

Japan Won't Rule Out Possibility Radioactive Fukushima Beef Was Exported - Bloomberg

240 Children in 3 Nursery Schools in Yamagata Prefecture Ate Cesium Beef | EX-SKF

U.S. says safe to use Sendai Airport - The Mainichi Daily News

Denying Palestinian Children Education

Anti-Goyimism In All It's Multifaceted Ugliness And Racist Evil

Bering sea water temperature, headed down | Watts Up With That?

Why world leaders are losing hearts and minds - World Politics, World - The Independent

News of the World phone hacking and bribes: US Justice Department launches investigation | Mail Online

Hacking crisis edges closer to David Cameron - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

News International 'deliberately' blocked investigation | Media | The Guardian

Consumer group chews out restaurants for unhealthy menus - KansasCity.com

Activist Post: Oil Pipeline Breaks on Blackfeet Reservation; Significant Volume of Oil Floods Cut Bank River, Montana (Video)

1,458 Meat Cows Possibly Contaminated from Radioactive Rice Hay Have Already Been Sold | EX-SKF

‪Leonor is a Frequent Visitor to Libya - She Tells All‏ - YouTube

‪Ghadafi‏ - YouTube


‪China's Ghost Cities and Malls‏ - YouTube

Idaho: Chinese Communist Invasion?



**Foreign Trade Zones - Mapped**

**List of Foreign-Trade Zones by State**











Editorial: DOJ needs to come clean about 'Fast & Furious'

Terror Warning Warns of Insider Threat to Infrastructure - ABC News

Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be 'Stability Police' in U.S.

Paul Drockton M.A.: No Sympathy for the Devil


UN System of Organizations(www.unsystem.org/)

United Nations Member States(www.un.org/en/members/)

United Nations(www.un.org/)

UN Security Council: Background

Security Council Resolutions(http://www.un.org/documents)

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights(www.ohchr.org/)

UN Works (http://www.un.org/works/)

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(www.unesco.org)


Sustainable Development Partnerships(www.sdp.gov/)


International Institute for Sustainable Development (www.iisd.org/)

CODEX ALIMENTARIUS(www.codexalimentarius.net)

Official US Executive Branch Web Sites (http://www.loc.gov/rr/news/fedgov.html)

Foreign Affairs(www.foreignaffairs.com/)

Bilderberg Meetings(www.bilderbergmeetings.org)

* www.trilateral.org

Council on Foreign Relations(www.cfr.org/)


The Political Graveyard(http://politicalgraveyard.com/)


‪FEMA Partners with Homeland Security on Psyops Campaign‏ - YouTube

‪Smart Meters‏ - YouTube

No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every Single Minute Of Every Single Day

Gerson Tapes were nearly lost, but now reveal censored cancer cures that have saved thousands of lives

Drought Of 2011: The Southern United States Is Desperate For Rain As The Middle Part Of The Country Continues To Get Scorched

THE QUIET COUP: The implementation of Agenda 21 « The PPJ Gazette

Tom DeWeese -- E-Verify and the Emerging Surveillance State

Jonathan Emord -- The Food Police

Hollywood begins mass brainwashing campaign to get people ready for the next bioengineered virus release

Activist Post: 10 Essential Rules Of Liberty

Liberty News Radio - Articles - Corporate Social Responsibility

Liberty News Radio - Articles - We Can Stop Obama's Rural Council

*Liberty News Radio - Articles - Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson

Testimony To Massachusetts Legislators on H1055 & Right to School For Vaccine Exempt Children - AGE OF AUTISM

Pentagon tries to grok social media | TG Daily

Obama stimulus funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' plan (WND.com)

‪Ron Paul vs Bernanke: Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011‏ - YouTube

Reports: US drone shot down over Iran nuke site - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran - msnbc.com


The American Cash Cow


**The WWW Virtual Library(http://vlib.org/)


*BATFE Gun-Smuggling Scandal


*gunlaws.com - State by State Firearms Laws


*China e-Lobby(http://china-e-lobby.blogspot.com/)


Lucis - A New Age Symbol

Lucis - Descent and Sacrifice


‪Ron Paul: 'Freedom Is a Young Idea and We're Throwing It Away'‏ - YouTube

‪Unusual Evacuations & Power-Downs before WTC 911 Demolition‏ - YouTube

‪Power Downs, Evacuations, Strange Events in Weeks Before 9/11‏ - YouTube

‪9/11 WTC Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power downs.‏ - YouTube

‪San Francisco - Fuck the Police They Can't Shoot Us All‏ - YouTube


*Now Two Murdoch Whistleblowers Dead | Yes, But, However!


The 'Cut, Cap, and Balance' Fraud by Ron Paul

NYC Dept. of Buildings: No Records for Pre-9/11 WTC Elevator Rebuild, One of the “Largest, Most Sophisticated” Ever :

Blistering heat wave stressing nation's power grid

Activist Post: UN may switch blue helmets to green, then launch climate change peacekeeping wars

UN security council to consider climate change peacekeeping | Environment | guardian.co.uk

The Intercept: The Climategate Hacking Scandal Link

The Intercept: Pakistan drone victims seek CIA arrest

+9/11/00-She Was On The 92nd Floor

Activist Post: Pentagon looks to social media as new battlefield

‪Judyth Vary Baker on JFK Assassination Witness "Suicides"‏ - YouTube

Groundbreaking Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker :

Dennis Kucinich "It's A Fake Crisis, Social Security Did NOT Create The Deficit! It Will Be Able To Pay 100% Of Benefits Through 2037!" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

‪How do you say "booger" in Italian?‏ - YouTube

Jon Stewart On The Debt Ceiling: Broke Bank Mountain - Home - The Daily Bail

Iran Invades Iraq - Iran - Fox Nation

Opera House photo in al-Qaeda bomb-making magazine Inspire | News.com.au

American's Journey: EPA: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Clean-up and Disposal


Prominent Doctor Agrees Vaccination May Increase Autism Risk | BobTuskin.com

Shh! There’s a Secret CIA Prison in Somalia | BobTuskin.com

PressTV - Quick News: FAA facing shutdown threats

PressTV - 'Torture common in US secret prisons'

Undercover police officer unlawfully spied on climate activists, judges rule | Environment | The Guardian

Multiple Nuclear Whistleblowers Claim TVA Nuke Plant Officials Harassed And Threatened Them :

CBS Investigation Reveals Shocking Conditions At Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant In Tennessee

Gundersen On Nuclear Fallout: Stop Minimizing Information And Start Minimizing Radiation Exposure

Leuren Moret - Nuclear Genocide of Babies and Children in Japan, US, Canada Grows

Manufacturing Justification for the NATO Takeover of Central Asia–Smashing Greater Central Asia – (Part One) « Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog

The Top 10 Failures Of Federal Reserve Chairman Helicopter Ben Bernanke - Home - The Daily Bail

Dubai murder-accused had Kiwi link | Stuff.co.nz

U.S. Moves Toward Home ‘Rentership Society,’ Morgan Stanley Says - Bloomberg

Lone Star Watchdog: The Truth About the Abortion Issue Republicans and Democrats Will Not Tell You

Big Brother database could map drivers’ whereabouts with police cruiser-mounted scanners - 12160

Prison Planet.com » DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists

Activist Post: [Operation Paranoia] Amplified! – DHS/FEMA Psy-Fi Theater (Satire)

Christian Zionists embrace the very people who call Jesus "Hitler of Bethlehem"

Murdoch's Minions Helped Steal 2000 Election for Bush - 12160

The Economist: Global Debt Clock Now $42T And Ticking - Home - The Daily Bail

Bankrupting America: History Of The U.S. Debt Ceiling - Home - The Daily Bail

Fed passes China to become largest U.S. creditor - The Tell - MarketWatch

America: Why Aren’t You Protesting? | Oil Price.com

The Energy at the Earth’s Core | Oil Price.com

Activist Post: The Murdoch Empire: How media shapes society (Video)

Activist Post: Fed fines Wells Fargo over US subprime mortgages

What did he know and when did he know it? Cameron, Coulson and those pesky emails By William Bowles « William Bowles.info

Michele Bachmann promises to build border fence | Video | TheBlaze.com

[redacted] news: Jon Stewart “casually” Admits to CIA Prior Knowledge of 911 Attacks

A Free Thinker's Journey: Anarchism in America

*H.R.2560 Passes The House: To Cut, Cap, And Balance The Federal Budget - Full Text - Home - The Daily Bail


*Phone Hacks: A Guide to Resignations, Arrests and Convictions


COVER UP - Justice Dept. Shielding Obama Officials In Gun Smuggling Scandal, ATF Chief Says

HR Bill 1505 allows for DHS takeover of seashores and coastal areas | The Intel Hub Radio

Police Kill Teenager After Shooting Him 5 Times In Back And While Laying Face Down On Street

The TRUTH About Who Really Owns All Of America’s Debt | The Intel Hub Radio

Ahmadinejad wants Iran-China trade to reach 100 billion dollars - Monsters and Critics

Gaddafi Could Possibly Stay In Libya: French Official

Six Ways to Liberate America From Wall Street Rule | Truthout

Gates Foundation Partner in Malawi Vaccinates 131 Children At Gunpoint :

An unprecedented 1 in 66 Americans is a diagnosed psychotic | The Raw Story

Spanish lawyer sues Obama for killing Osama Bin Laden | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Max Keiser: 'Italy's 2400 Tons Of Gold Are The Real Target Of IMF Terrorists' - Home - The Daily Bail

The Kingdom and the Towers;Did Saudi Arabia Attack Us on 9/11?

There could be a lot more to KCK police scandal - KansasCity.com

Banks Pay Back TARP Funds by. . .Borrowing From Treasury | Daniel Gross - Yahoo! Finance

Madness: 39 Things That Are Driving Ordinary Americans Absolutely Crazy - BlackListedNews.com

Anger at government highest in 19 years: poll | The Raw Story

Somalia Famine Declared By The United Nations

Pluto's Fourth Moon Discovered By Hubble

Apollo 11 Anniversary Honored By Final Shuttle Crew

Michele Bachmann Criticized By Gay Advocacy Groups

‪The Murdoch Empire: How media shapes society‏ - YouTube

+2 Parts/James Corbett & Tony Gosling: The Suspicious Murder of Whistleblower in Murdoch Hacking Case | Dprogram.net


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 20th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 19th, 2011


+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 20th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 19th, 2011


+The Alex Jones Show – July 19th, 2011

+The Alex Jones Show – July 18th, 2011


*2 Parts/Dr. Webster Tarpley: Washington D.C. Drives US Towards Catastrophic Default! | Dprogram.net

Big Brother Creep Out: 7 Ways US Govt. Invades Brains | Dprogram.net

‪- 7/20/11 The r3VOLution gets a Super PAC!, Anonymous swept out by FBI‏ - YouTube

*ATF Chief Says Justice Department Covering Up Gun Smuggling Scandal To Protect Obama Officials | Dprogram.net

DOJ casts serious doubt on its own claims about the anthrax attack - Department of Justice - Salon.com

**US Stability Police Force: Obama’s Brown Shirts? | Dprogram.net

AdAge:Your Smartphone Is Listening in While You Watch TV

Phone Hacking: botched de Menezes operation officer now counter-terrorism head - Telegraph

Lawyer: Cop scanner ‘crosses line’ - BostonHerald.com

AFP: India reveals 'world's biggest' uranium discovery

“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

Cenk Uygur says he left MSNBC because they don’t ‘challenge power’ | Raw Replay

Colbert: Murdoch ‘needs to be hit with more pies’ | Raw Replay

Franken grills anti-gay rights leader at marriage hearing | Raw Replay

States negotiating immunity for banks over foreclosures | The Raw Story

Reuters: Federal Reserve planning for potential default | The Raw Story

New poll carries warning signs for Obama in 2012 | The Raw Story

Worrying Questions About Libya's Rebel Army

'West Ignoring Rebel War Crimes

Stopping the Train: Stopping the System

How War Is Used To Redistribute Wealth

There’s an Acrid Smell of Business as Usual

Iran Opens Oil Bourse

Banks to Pay $25 Billion Bribe For Immunity

Crisis Junkies Warring Against Our Future

How to Liberate America from Wall Street

What?s the Difference?

Creating a Military State

'Bodies on the streets' in Syrian crackdown - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Obama's Support Among Jews Steadies Despite Distrust On Israel Policy

Michael Walter Fitzgerald, Fourth Openly Gay Judicial Candidate, Nominated By Obama

Seventeen Charged With Running Prostitution Ring Catering To Wall St.

Rahm Emanuel Immigration Support: Chicago Mayor Opens 'Office Of New Americans' (VIDEO)

That sinking feeling: Woman finds giant sinkhole under her bed | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Fatter and fewer German nudists as numbers dwindle | Reuters

ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme


*ARTICLE LINKS:The Dirty Digger: Selected Articles on the Rupert Murdoch Eavesdropping Affair


The Famine in Somalia. The Use of Food as an Instrument of Warfare

Pentagon Seeks to Manipulate Social Media for Propaganda Purposes

‪The Battle For Brooklyn: Eminent Domain Abuse Gone Wild‏ - YouTube

‪Saying "Dude" is NOT a Crime!‏ - YouTube


*Audio:Doug Casey Interviewed by Lew Rockwell: The Greater Depression and the International Solution


The Surveillance State Rolls On - Casey Research

Alex Daley: On Curing Cancer - Casey Research

Park Ranger Arrests Woman For Attempting To Record Her Own Traffic Stop | Pixiq

Police to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns | Reuters

"They're Only Out To Make Cold Hard American Cash"; Park Police Crack Down on Bicycle Cabs in DC - informationliberation

Feds Charge Activist as Hacker for Downloading Millions of Academic Articles | Threat Level | Wired.com

US Aid May be Fueling Afghan Insurgency -- News from Antiwar.com

Worries Grow About Libya Rebels’ Brutality -- News from Antiwar.com

US Navy’s Fifth Fleet Could Abandon Bahrain -- News from Antiwar.com

Panic as US Warplanes Attack Southern Iraq -- News from Antiwar.com

The antiwar movement isn't dead - War Room - Salon.com

Inevitability and Overconfidence in the Launching of War | The National Interest Blog

Adding up human costs of Iraq and Afghanistan wars | Focal Point

Pen and Sword: Panetta's an Idiot, What the Frick Can He Tell You?

Hollow Growth in Defense Spending « Antiwar.com Blog

Obama Doesn’t Quite Hate Freedom Enough for Some Republicans « Antiwar.com Blog

Sure, ‘Gaddafi Must Go’, But What Else Did U.S. Officials Tell the Libyan Leader’s Envoys? - Global Spin - TIME.com

Petraeus warns of deteriorating US-Pakistan relations | World | DAWN.COM

TSA introduces software that uses less-revealing body scanner images - The Washington Post


Overthrown, The Death of America Bk1 Ch 1-12

Overthrown, The Death of America Bk1 Ch 13-23

Overthrown, The Death of America Bk2 Ch 1-12

Overthrown, The Death of America Bk2 Ch13-23

Overthrown, The Death of America Bk3 Ch1-12

Overthrown, The Death of America Bk3 Ch13-23


DEBKAfile: Stuxnet returns to bedevil Iran's nuclear systems

Articles: Obama Redefining 'Poverty'

Supply, Demand & the USDollar

» Religion of Eugenics: The State is God Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus | A Time For Choosing

Spheres move over San Jacinto while military jets seem to respond - National ufo | Examiner.com

Transhumanism’s Solipsistic Utopianism » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Autonomous machines, networks, and robots will self-improve in the future by publishing their own upgrade suggestions | KurzweilAI

Big Brother Creep Out: 7 Ways US Govt. Invades Brains | PCWorld

Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

NSA Aquaint Artificial Intelligence


If You Can Never Seem to Get Truly Well, This Could Be Why... by Joseph Mercola




The Myth That Democracy = Freedom by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Allure of Respectable Welfare by Anthony Gregory

A Positive Approach to a US Government Default

Over-Insured America by Eric Peters

Here’s another obligation you didn’t sign up for | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Carbon price battle is lost, say experts

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company


*Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


**108 min/Burzynski : Cancer is Serious Business FDA Tyranny


Activist Post: Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps

Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps (Part 2 of 5)


Activist Post: Priorites for the Human Species: Just Something to Think About


*SETI infographic @ Flickr


Activist Post: Gaia, Our Home. She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... Hurting... Worth Dying for.

Activist Post: Cenk Exposes How Mainstream Media Controls Their Anchors (Video)

Marijuana Can’t Kill, But Marijuana Prohibition Certainly Can | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

Activist Post: Fragmenting the Internet Is Not a Security Solution

Afghanistan, Iraq Soldiers Returning Home With Untreatable Lung Disease In Some Cases, Doctors Report

Activist Post: UN may switch blue helmets to green, then launch climate change peacekeeping wars

Activist Post: Around 35 People Arrested In California March Protesting a Fatal Police Shooting of Unarmed Man (Video)

Activist Post: FEMA Partners with Homeland Security on Psyops Campaign (DHS Propaganda Video, Citizen Spies)

Activist Post: Stopping the Train: Stopping the System

Activist Post: Petraeus warns of deteriorating US-Pakistan relations

Md. Governor: ‘Dinosaur Wing’ of the GOP Trying to ‘Kill’ Economic Recovery

Dem. Senator: GOP Has ‘Morphed Into A Kind Of A Cult’

Flaws Undercut US Efforts Abroad Aimed at Stopping Terrorists From Crossing Int’l Borders, Says GAO

Hoyer: Balanced Budget Amendment Would ‘Make it Virtually Impossible to Raise’ Taxes

Wheels Down, Shuttle Era Is Over

Obama Sees November Election As Assessment of His Leadership

U.S. Urged U.N. Security Council to Make ‘Climate Change’ A Priority

Brent Bozell: Obama Lies About His Mother and the TV Networks Yawn

Sen. Mikulski On 'Cut, Cap' Bill : 'What A Sham What A Scam'

Bachmann Votes No On Cut, Cap and Balance: ‘Does Not Go Far Enough’

Two 2012 Hopefuls Among 9 Republicans Voting No on Cut, Cap, and Balance

Republicans Say They're 'Taking Action,' As 'Cut, Cap and Balance' Passes House

Rep. West On Wasserman Schultz: 'Vile, Unprofessional And Despicable'

Rep. Connolly Says Federal Spending 'Too High'--Then Says 'Raise Revenue'

Bachmann Vows She'll Submit Only Balanced Budgets

Cindy McCain in Congo to Publicize Violence Against Women

Ex-Astronaut Mitchell Says Moon Camera Was a NASA Gift

Libyan Rebels Ask France for Weapons to March on Tripoli

'Mission Complete' for Shuttle Atlantis

Debt a Struggle for Average Americans

Obama Legacy May Be Withering American Dream - Yahoo! News

Poll: Weakened Obama would lose vote today - Washington Times

Terror Warning Warns of Insider Threat to Infrastructure - ABC News

Obama U-turn as he accepts extension of debt limit for a few days if a broader deal is in place | Mail Online

Heirs Lose Fight Over Rare Gold Coins | NBC Philadelphia

Election commission rules Edwards must pay back $2.3 million - CNN.com

Marilyn Monroe alleged sex film surfaces - CBS News

The end of the space shuttle marks a retreat in America's ambitions – Telegraph Blogs

Russia declares 'era of Soyuz' after shuttle - Yahoo! News

Oklahoma City man who wore diapers sentenced to three years in prison | NewsOK.com

Lady GaGa is accused of copying the styles of two famous divas | The Sun |Features

Sour 'lemon' driver returns to dealer; 'I didn't hit a car under $20K' | SeacoastOnline.com

Parent complains after children were searched at pool | The Columbus Dispatch

Exclusive: Emanuel To Send Kids To U. Of C. Lab - Flash Player Installation

When Rahm's Temper Made a Comeback | NBC Chicago

Unable to connect to database server

Probe of journalists' misdeeds appears to expand beyond Murdoch papers - CNN.com

Heat 'Dome' Covers 1 Million Square Miles Acros - Flash Player Installation

Attack of the Urban Mosquito - WSJ.com

We're Going To Need A Cleanup In Lane Three | The Smoking Gun

Drought Creating Surplus Of Cattle At Auction, - Flash Player Installation

Obama Legacy May Be Withering American Dream - Yahoo! News

Poll: Weakened Obama would lose vote today - Washington Times

Terror Warning Warns of Insider Threat to Infrastructure - ABC News

Obama U-turn as he accepts extension of debt limit for a few days if a broader deal is in place | Mail Online

Heirs Lose Fight Over Rare Gold Coins | NBC Philadelphia

Election commission rules Edwards must pay back $2.3 million - CNN.com

The end of the space shuttle marks a retreat in America's ambitions – Telegraph Blogs

Russia declares 'era of Soyuz' after shuttle - Yahoo! News

Oklahoma City man who wore diapers sentenced to three years in prison | NewsOK.com

Lady GaGa is accused of copying the styles of two famous divas | The Sun |Features

Sour 'lemon' driver returns to dealer; 'I didn't hit a car under $20K' | SeacoastOnline.com

Parent complains after children were searched at pool | The Columbus Dispatch

Exclusive: Emanuel To Send Kids To U. Of C. Lab - Flash Player Installation

When Rahm's Temper Made a Comeback | NBC Chicago

Unable to connect to database server

Probe of journalists' misdeeds appears to expand beyond Murdoch papers - CNN.com

Heat 'Dome' Covers 1 Million Square Miles Acros - Flash Player Installation

Attack of the Urban Mosquito - WSJ.com

We're Going To Need A Cleanup In Lane Three | The Smoking Gun

Drought Creating Surplus Of Cattle At Auction, - Flash Player Installation

Mike Lee: Greedy Politicians Don't Want Balanced Budget

Democratic Poll: Obama Losing to Romney

Obama Backs Down in Debt Battle

Sen. Lee: Greedy Politicians Fear Loss of Power

Short-Term Debt Hike May Be Used as Band-Aid

Perry Courts Potential Fundraisers in LA

Romney Says Obama's Policies Hurt Economy

Obama: Election Will Give Me My Grade

Coulter: Media Vendetta Against Murdoch

Death More Common Than Layoff in Fed. Agencies


*Slideshow: Historic Moments of the Space Shuttle


Sharpton Appears to Win Olbermann's MSNBC Spot

Shuttle Relics Skyrocket With Final Mission

Texas Lt. Gov. Enters Race for US Senate

Hoenig: Fed Won’t be of Much Help if US Defaults

Dr. Brownstein: 5 Lifestyle Changes for Prostate Health

Lung Problems Found in Recent Veterans

Clinton Wraps Up India Visit, Nuclear Impasse Unresolved

Clinton Urges More Assertive Indian Role in Asia

ASEAN, Beijing Agree on China Sea Guidelines

US Denies Losing Drone in Iran

Time Is on the Side of Tea Party Reforms

Can Obama Raise the Debt Ceiling Himself?

The Danger Muslim Brotherhood Poses

Bachmann's Headaches Reinforce Stereotypes

Dick Morris Pretends Republicans Can Allow Us to Partially Default Without Wrecking the Economy

Allen West thinks Obama supporters are "a threat to the gene pool"

Bill O'Reilly tries to reel in the wingnuts, admits GOP losing debt-ceiling PR campaign while bashing Michele Bachmann

Wisconsin Democrat Dave Hansen Easily Wins Recall Election

Rep. Joe Walsh's Strange Contradictions

Rep. Allen West's sophomoric, whiny tirade against Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Look, Enough With The 'Shared Sacrifice' Talk. We've Already Had More Than Our Share, Time For The Wealthy To Feel The Pain

Jon Stewart mocks Fox News over their defense of News Corp's phone hacking scandal

News of Progress On Women's Health, LGBT Issues Buried In Budget Noise

Wealthy Fox pundit Stuart Varney reminds poor people just how much better off they are nowadays

House Republicans Show Up Outside of White House Demanding Written Proposal on Debt Ceiling

Rush Limbaugh on debt ceiling deadline: "Had To Get A Special Dispensation" To Fundraise On Aug. 3 Because of Ramadan

Monica Crowley blames Obama, O.J. Simpson, Casey Anthony for student cheating 'epidemic'

+Audio:Rupertgate Wednesday - Exchanging Hotseats and New U.S. Hacking scandal from News Corp.

Palin wants to 'help' mainstream media: 'I have a journalism degree'

Chris Christie's poll numbers drop gain in NJ, but billionaires still begging for him to run in 2012

A PA County Leases Out Its Watershed To A Fracking Operation Where They Don't Even Allow Fishing

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz refutes Allen West's lie that he apologized to her

Why Does The Corporate Media Ignore the GOP's Un-American Pledge To Grover Norquist, An Enemy of the Constitution?

New UFO Documentary - The Watchers | Before It's News

Egyptian Archaeologist Admits Pyramids Contain Alien Technology |Latest UFO News| UFO 2011 Sightings|Alien Pictures|2012 Solar Flares|UFO News|Web Bot|UFO

Koch, Exxon Mobil Among Corporations Helping Write State Laws Across U.S. | Before It's News

High Fiber Diet Linked with Lower Heart Disease Risk | Before It's News

Military-Industrial Journalism | Common Wonders

Wasserman-Schultz’s Very Own ‘Tea Party’ Started This Fire (VIDEO) | Before It's News

Improve Your Productivity By Eating Frogs | Before It's News

9/11 Attacks - George Bush, Condoleezza Rice - Who'd a thunk? | Before It's News

PPE- Psyops Project Elenin | Before It's News

Donald Trump Still Skeptical, Obama Birth Certificate, Settling the Controversy Once and for all?, Citizen Wells trumps Trump | Before It's News

How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen – Where Did the $2.5 Trillion Surplus Go? | AmpedStatus

Afghan Taliban denied Mullah Omar death?

Doris Rapp, M.D. (http://dorisrappmd.com/)

» DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bill Gates wants to reinvent the toilet for the Third World

EPA decides to delay ruling on coal plant near Grand Canyon

EPA criticizes federal plan for roadless forest land in Colorado

NYC Mayor Bloomberg gives $50 million to fight coal-fired power plants

News Corp. PAC gave big to Democrats in June

Judge orders 6 children given back to couple who were living in storage shed

'GOP resistance to a debt deal turns off a slew of voters'

Arizona raises nearly $40K for border fence in 1st day

Video parody slams RI House Speaker for backing civil unions

Texas lawmaker says he'll 'zero out' VA cemetery official's job

Al Franken clashes with Focus on the Family executive

Federal consumer protection agency begins business Thursday amid controversy

Debt ceiling talks see Senate, House GOP go separate ways

FAA may partially shut down on Friday amid congressional funding stalemate

Prosecutor seeks to quash 'gay panic' defense in Oxnard slaying

Lesbian will sit on U.S. Military Academy Board of Visitors

Gov. Patrick backs in-state tuition for illegal immigrants

Californians would rather reduce penalties than pay more for prisons

Teachers' union wants to stop Fla. from funneling money to religious institutions

Straw Buyers at heart of ATF gun-running scandal

Critics: 'Texas fatigue' could hurt a Perry bid

Doctors, med students could lose licenses for using test prep firm that stole exam questions

As more older people continue working, fewer jobs for younger set

Study: U.S. Flag 'Primes' Voters Toward Republican Viewpoints

Conference focused on the challenges and perils of teenage breakups in the social media age

+Why Does Time Fly?: Scientific American

"Death Dance" Stars Found—May Help Prove Einstein Right

Heat 'dome' traps much of US in pressure cooker - Yahoo! News

Lock Ness Monster's little brother? Couple discover 30ft sea creature carcass | Mail Online

Fast-Evolving Brains Helped Humans out of the Stone Age: Scientific American

10 Things To Do If You See A UFO - Salisbury, PA Patch

Messing with Sasquatch may not be such a good idea - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

VIDEO ADDED: Wal-Mart receipt has image of Jesus - CBS 21 News - Breaking news, sports and weather for the Harrisburg -York -Lancaster -Lebanon Pennsylvania area

The Paranormal Pastor: Slenderman

BBC News - New Pluto moon spied by Hubble

Billionaire sheikh carves out his name in desert in capital letters visible from space | The Sun |News

‪Claim Bush & Obama Covering Up Evidence 9/11 Hijackers Were Bankrolled By Saudi Royal Family!‏ - YouTube

‪Keiser Report: Ideas for Revolution (E166)‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul "Republicans NEVER Say ANYTHING About Cutting These Military OccupationS Around The World"‏ - YouTube

Deficits And Stimulus Only Delay The Inevitable Collapse

Shearer Uneasy With Corps in New Katrina Film

Busted: NWO Mass Media Uses Porno Movie To Fabricate Rape Propaganda Against Libyans

The Federal Reserve: Our Policy Is To Steal From You

Fed Preparing For US Default Says Plosser

An Urgent Appeal To All Who Oppose The Mass Media’s Lies

Latest DHS Fear-mongering: al-Qaeda Plans to Take Out Nuke Plant

Counterfeit Hopes: An Analysis of the Emerging Church

+Executive Order #13575: Theft of Rural and Agricultural Lands for UN Agenda 21

Big Sis Tries to Turn Minorities Against Whites by Labeling Them Terrorists

Wyllie Goads Sheriff Coats Into Giving Him Legal Standing in Real ID Case

TSA Charges Congressman With Violating Federal Law For Exposing Security Breaches

‪Good Morning America Covers 25,000 Security Breaches at U.S. Airports Since 9/11‏ - YouTube


TSA Oversight Part I: Whole Body Imaging (Part 1 of 3)

TSA Oversight Part I: Whole Body Imaging (Part 2 of 3)

TSA Oversight Part I: Whole Body Imaging (Part 3 of 3)


Legions Of Biometric Face Scanning Cameras To Be Installed At Heathrow Airport

Government Increases Hysteria Over Cyber Attacks in Push to Crack Down on Internet

The Magic of Manganese

Church Mice Put Us in Debt, It’s Only Right to Take Away the Crumbs

Lilly Says Alzheimer Patients Didn’t Improve

Prison Planet.com » Ex-MSNBC Left After Being Told To “Tone Down” Attacks on Establishment

Prison Planet.com » Big Sis Spy Story Goes Viral

Prison Planet.com » ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme Dwarfs Murdoch’s “News of the World”

Prison Planet.com » Scandal Survival: Cameron to sink first in phone hack tsunami?

Prison Planet.com » 10 Reasons Why America Is A Failed Terrorist State

Prison Planet.com » NOTW not dead yet! Murdoch’s paper 2nd life with Russian tycoon?

Prison Planet.com » S&P Says Likelihood US Is Downgraded To AA As Soon As Early August Is 50-50

Prison Planet.com » Bohemian Grove Mystery

Rupert Murdoch's Fox News ran 'black ops' department, former executive claims - Telegraph

Prison Planet.com » Man Buys $300K House For $16

Prison Planet.com » Massachusetts considers allowing unvaccinated kids in public school

‪Big Sis Spy Story Goes Viral‏ - YouTube

Prison Planet.com » Coming in 2012: Genetically modified front lawns and the mass spraying of neighborhoods and playgrounds with RoundUp

Prison Planet.com » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate - WSJ.com

Part-time troops on the front line: Government to replace 17,000 professional combat soldiers with reservists | Mail Online


‪Alex Takes Calls on The Eugenics 'Culture of Death' 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪Alex Takes Calls on The Eugenics 'Culture of Death' 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪Alex Takes Calls on The Eugenics 'Culture of Death' 3/3‏ - YouTube

‪Pro-Lifer Mark Crutcher & Alex Jones: Eugenics is The Heart of The Globalists Religion 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪Pro-Lifer Mark Crutcher & Alex Jones: Eugenics is The Heart of The Globalists Religion 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪Pro-Lifer Mark Crutcher & Alex Jones: Eugenics is The Heart of The Globalists Religion 3/3‏ - YouTube

» Big Sis Tries to Turn Minorities Against Whites by Labeling Them Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


* Mark Crutcher: Eugenics is The Heart of The Globalists Religion Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*Life Dynamics(www.lifedynamics.com/)


» RupertGate: Will Murdoch Scandal Sink David Cameron? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

UN security council to consider climate change peacekeeping | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Anita Perry encourages husband to run for president | khou.com Houston

» NYT Brooks Promotes Eugenics “Death Panels” Amid Budget Crisis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. Warplanes Attack Iraq City Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Oil Prices: Oil Up on IEA Decision, US Data, Greece Optimism - CNBC

Police to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns | Reuters

Hospitals, doctors take 'palm prints' to ID patients | 7online.com

Health body backs free birth control for women - Yahoo! News

Race to the Moon Heats Up for Private Firms - NYTimes.com

Gun trafficking: Mexican gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants - latimes.com

» Rashard Mendenhall sues Champion after 9/11 tweets prompted sponsor drop Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» The Milgram Obedience Experiment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Milgram experiment - Wikipedia

Milgram Experiment - The Milgram Obedience Experiment


NATO hacked by Anonymous — RT


» Whistleblower’s Death: James Corbett on Murdoch scandal turning bloody Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Religion of Eugenics: The State is God Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm : Discovery News


Parolee charged in shooting of 2 Chicago cops - chicagotribune.com

Emanuel's children going to private school this fall - chicagotribune.com

Rahm Emanuel's Temper Flares Over Question About Kids' Schooling (VIDEO)

Chicago Unions Resist Mayor Emanuel’s ‘Threat’ - Working In These Times

The Fat Lady sings: an overview of the opera scene in Chicago | WBEZ

CPS' new survey for potential teachers creates controversy - chicagotribune.com

Man found guilty in 2008 slaying of girl on CTA bus - Chicago Tribune


Obama and Boehner Close to Major Deal, Officials Say - NYTimes.com

Space shuttle Atlantis touches down, ending an era of adventure in space | Science | The Guardian

Borders to Seek Deal Approval With Books-A-Million - Bloomberg

AFP: Hitler's deputy exhumed, cremated in Germany

Analysis: Perry candidacy would reshape 2012 race | Reuters

Poll: Romney still ahead, but with big vulnerabilities in quest for GOP nod - The Washington Post

AT&T: No longer just the iPhone carrier | Wireless - CNET News

'Captain America: The First Avenger' review: Muscular, red-blooded adventure with heart

symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » Wealth of particle physics data yields numerous results for EPS conference

Breakthrough in quantum computing: Resisting 'quantum bug'

Mini-moon for Pluto

Some airline passenger-protection rules delayed

Emotional shuttle crew say goodbye to "old friend"

Swiss adviser charged in U.S. tax fraud tied to UBS

Wall St con man Minkow sent back to jail

White House sees momentum toward "balanced" debt deal

Lindsay Lohan slapped with $1 million assault lawsuit

Captain America, without the Stars and Stripes?

Chilean volcano darkens Argentine tourism outlook

White House: not close to a deal on debt, deficit

U.S. electronic checking system in immigration spotlight

Groups seek to block tough Alabama immigration law

House tries to shackle sway of new consumer agency

Top Fed official got waiver on AIG holdings: GAO

Vice PM: Libya is new source for smuggled arms to Gaza

Hamas prisoner benefits still not cut, despite PM's plan

South African ministries attack Walmart plan

IEA calls halt to emergency oil release

Steinitz to declare new Iran sanctions in coming days

Woman found hanging at Coronado mansion wasn't depressed, family says

Pakistani PM: US promises not to repeat Bin Laden raid

Alternative Fuels as a Military Strategy

Renewables Investment in MENA: Financier Views

Natural Gas Reconsidered

Blistering heat wave stressing nation's power grid - Yahoo! News

It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Stupidity: Limbaugh Calls Heat Index a Liberal Government Conspiracy | ThinkProgress

The Breakthrough Institute: Krugman Still Doesn't Get It

Fracking pitting greens vs. greens? - Talia Buford - POLITICO.com

Obama’s Chance to Reduce Auto Emissions and Our Thirst for Oil - NYTimes.com

How to sell Big Oil on the Web - War Room - Salon.com

Fuel Fix » Shale Gas and U.S. National Security

Sen. Lisa Murkowski: Expanding Natural Gas Use Good for Alaska, Nation | The State Column

Jeffrey Hollender: The 10 Top Sustainable Business Trends & Investment Opportunities for the Next Decade

The Solar Industry's Biggest Problem : Greentech Media

Obama Anti-Coal Energy Agenda Would Hurt America - Energy Intelligence (usnews.com)

An Inconvenient Truth for Latin America | Building Capacity through Rethinking Development

The New Green Economy Is Bleeding A Great Deal Of Green - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

Our view: 56 mpg could be a bridge too far - USATODAY.com

Could Murdoch’s News Corp be behind Climategate too? | Grist

Rotten Wind in the State of Denmark — The American Magazine

A New Study Takes The Wind Out Of Wind Energy - Forbes.com

Fred Kaplan: Karzai’s brother’s death means Afghanistan worse than we thought | Full Comment | National Post

How to Contain the European Debt Crisis: Giavazzi and Kashyap - Bloomberg

WPR Article | Over the Horizon: China's Military Threat a Tough Political Sell

Africa could be the bread basket of the world - Telegraph

Say Something, Chancellor Merkel! Germany's Undernourished Democracy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

A new political consciousness finds a voice in the Arab spring - The National

Scant Planning for Post-Qaddafi Libya - James Joyner - International - The Atlantic

A Continent, Sinking - By Steven Erlanger | Foreign Policy

A euro crisis... but also an opportunity for Britain - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Plotting a Post-Assad Road Map

Chinese Foreign Policy After Hu | The Diplomat

Adrian Hamilton: We're near to the limit of charitable giving - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society - latimes.com

RealClearScience - The World Is Not Overpopulated

Watershed moment in China's food security | The Japan Times Online

Turkish threat to Syria changes the dynamics

Murdoch: This scandal has exposed the scale of elite corruption | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

London Dispatch: How The Murdoch Scandal Is Changing Britain | The New Republic

Irish prime minister accuses Vatican of ‘narcissism’ | CatholicHerald.co.uk

Cathleen Falsani: The Dudeist Bible: Just Take It Easy, Man

The Buddhist art of nonjudgmental judging is subtle | Barbara O'Brien | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Dangers of “Radical” Faith (and What They Teach Us) | Philosophical Fragments

How To: Write a Science-Explains-Religion Op-Ed | Religion Dispatches

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Confessions of a (former) dot-com millionaire - News with a Christian Perspective

The Present State of Our Polygamous Future | First Things

100 years ago, Utah, Mormon Church sold lots of magazines for publishers | The Political Surf

Plague of Economists | Writing | SPLICETODAY.com

That hopey changey thing | The Asheville Citizen-Times | citizen-times.com

Are Conservative Churches Getting “Radical”? | Philosophical Fragments

The American melting pot: Atheists keep out? - On Faith - The Washington Post

Russia’s Muslim Chechnya to ban energy drinks | FaithWorld

Terry Moran: 'Battle With the Devil': Meeting People Who Believe Satan Tortured Them

5 Health Benefits of Smoking | Long-Term Smoking & Heart Attacks | Smoking Lowers Parkinson's Disease Risk | LiveScience

Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society - latimes.com

Male infertility linked to protein invisibility cloak - health - 20 July 2011 - New Scientist

Man-Eating Lions Attack by the Dark of the Moon - ScienceNOW

Probiotics: the pros and cons. - By Amanda Schaffer - Slate Magazine

Nepal to remeasure Mt Everest - GlobalPost

Semiconductors Drive a Faster, Cheaper DNA Decoder - NYTimes.com

One gene keeps Mickey from turning into Minnie | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Cyanide, Uranium, and Ammonium Nitrate: When Kids Really Had Fun With Science | Collectors Weekly

Survey: Killing of Bin Laden Worsened Americans' Views Of U.S. Muslims

Baylor University || Marketing & Communications || News

News Releases - Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC)

Fermilab | Press Pass | Press Release | Fermilab experiment discovers a heavy relative of the neutron

Political Polarization Grows as Job Security Falls - Miller-McCune

Science could have it all wrong. But... : Starts With A Bang

Killing Mosquitoes With a Genetic Trick that Makes Digesting Blood Deadly | Popular Science

Anti-HIV drug made by GM plants begins trials in humans | Science | guardian.co.uk

Milky Way’s Core Hides Big Twisted Ribbon | Wired Science | Wired.com

Electrical Patterns Found on Frog Face : Discovery News

Transgenic grass skirts regulators : Nature News

Why we’ll have 10% unemployment soon Jeff Reeves - MarketWatch

John Taylor: The End of the Growth Consensus - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - A Pro-Growth Plan From the Gang of Six

GHEI: The crony-capitalist triumph - Washington Times

Wall St. Makes Fallback Plans for Debt Crisis - NYTimes.com

Sorry, Elizabeth Warren, Wall Street Said No | The Nation

Goldman Sachs: Why aren't clients fleeing? - By Bethany McLean - Slate Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Health Insurance Exchanges: A Race To the Bottom

Investors again pay big for dot-com stocks - USATODAY.com

Brainstorm Tech video: Frank Quattrone on Bubble 2.0 -- or is it? - Fortune Tech

RealClearMarkets - Innovative New Ideas for Job Creation

Robert Reich: The Shameful Murder Of Dodd-Frank

Barney Frank, Financial Overhaul's Defender in Chief - NYTimes.com

Geithner: A Dodd-Frank Retreat Deserves a Veto - WSJ.com

Corporate America’s chokehold on wages - The Washington Post

How Even Scholars Misread 90 Years Of Tax-Cut History - Investors.com

Budget Calculations Slay the ’Starve the Beast’ Mythology: View - Bloomberg

Revenue the GOP could love - The Washington Post

The S&P 500 is headed for a breakout Lawrence G. McMillan - MarketWatch


*The U.S. Department of Labor(http://www.dol.gov/)

*U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(http://www.bls.gov/)

Census Bureau (http://www.census.gov/)


UN to Open New Routes to Somalia's Famine-Stricken Areas | News | English

The Associated Press: Searing heat newest challenge for Cairo protesters

Yemen terror chief killed | The Australian

Hadzic Could Head for Hague War Crimes Tribunal Friday | Europe | English

China seeks shared development, pragmatic cooperation with ASEAN: FM

Wendi Deng's Charlie's Angel moment boosts husband's image | Media | The Guardian

UPDATE 1-Cameron faces fresh fire over News Corp meetings | Reuters

Sydney Opera House appears on cover of terror magazine - Telegraph

Libyan Rebels Ask France for Weapons to March on Tripoli | News | English

PM: Peace will come with recognit... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Iranian president urges world powers to "take step" to resolve nuclear issue

The Associated Press: Pakistan protests arrest of alleged agent in US

Yosemite waterfall accident a cautionary tale for Yosemite visitors - CSMonitor.com

Anti-tax group tries to contain fallout - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Leiby Kletzky Suspected Murderer Indicted on Murder Charges, Christian News

Ill. teen Danielle Dennis-Towne's alleged killer was childhood friend - Crimesider - CBS News

Amish community gathers to mourn 5 killed in N.Y. crash - USATODAY.com

Referendum on Ohio Union-Bargaining Law Certified for Ballot - Bloomberg

Todd Palin : News : People.com

Track Palin, son of Sarah Palin, expecting child with wife Britta Hanson two months after wedding

Michele Bachmann headaches raise GOP concern - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Rais Bhuiyan Spoke With Mark Stroman Before the Execution | FrontBurner

Mark Stroman Executed for 9/11 "Revenge" Killings

Tyler Hadley, Fla. teen, told friend he would kill parents, say police - Crimesider - CBS News

Florida Teen Accused of Killing Parents, Then Partying, Allegedly Confessed to Friend - FoxNews.com

Philly woman gets 11 months for spouse kidnap plot - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Consumer Confidential: New watchdog agency, safer Toyotas, Kardashian sues - latimes.com

House votes to shackle power of new financial consumer protection agency - The Washington Post

Wall St con man Minkow sent back to jail | Reuters

BBC News - Justice 'achieved' for killed Lindsay Hawker, says family

'Freaky' Mouse Is Immune to Poison : Discovery News

Applause, but no tears in Mission Control at end

Genetics: Studies map key spots on African American genomes - latimes.com

More Asian carp DNA found near Lake Michigan - WSJ.com

When full moon wanes, lions attack humans - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience - msnbc.com

Caltech Scientists Create "Tiny Brain" Neural Network Using DNA Strands [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Next Mars Rover Destination Set - International Business Times

EPA issues final mountaintop mining guidance - The Hill's E2-Wire

Tall people at heightened risk for cancer: Study - HealthPop - CBS News

WHO Urges Ban On Blood Tests for Tuberculosis | iNewp.com

Medical News: Rare Lung Damage Found in U.S. Soldiers - in Pulmonology, General Pulmonology from MedPage Today

Eradicating polio: Late? Or never? | The Economist

Semiconductors Drive a Faster, Cheaper DNA Decoder - NYTimes.com

Coatless Sperm May Be Major Culprit for Male Infertility

Bill Gates: Toilet Evangelist | ITworld

Free Contraceptives under ObamaCare? HHS Says Maybe

Tortoise has leg replaced with wheel - KPLC 7 N - Flash Player Installation

Restaurants Often Miss The Mark On Calorie Counts : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Xtreme Eating Awards List Worst Menu Choices

Judge EXTREMELY Impatient with Lindsay Lohan | TMZ.com

411mania.com: Music - Britney Spears' Personal Hygiene Being Criticized In Court

Final season premiere of 'Entourage,' Sunday on HBO | Television | The Republic

AFP: Beatles photos from first US tour fetch $360,000

411mania.com: Music - Rare Photos From The Beatles First US Auction Sell For $360,000

Kim Kardashian sues Old Navy | News Briefs | EW.com

Get Jennifer Aniston's Soft Smoky Eyes and Golden Glow - UsMagazine.com

Articles of faith: Pondering good, God and prayer in Harry Potter | OregonLive.com

The Morning Fix: Simon vs. Simon! News Corp. looks for goodwill. - latimes.com

Fake Apple stores story could be a fake • Channel Register

Anonymous Claims Hack On NATO Servers -- InformationWeekAnonymous Claims Hack On NATO Servers - government Blog

Who Will Succeed Steve Jobs at Apple? - International Business Times

Google's Nexus S Coming to AT&T July 24 | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Google warns about PC virus - Faster Forward - The Washington Post

Q&A: Mark Cuban Tells Why He Likes Google+ | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Google Labs to Shut Down: Is Google Killing Innovation's Womb? - International Business Times

Google to Shutter Google Labs in 'Streamlining' Effort | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Oil up on IEA decision, U.S. data, Greece optimism | Reuters

Sound Economy with Jon Talton | Why did Boeing get its tail kicked by Airbus? | Seattle Times Newspaper

Michelle Obama Announces Initiative to Aid Food Deserts | News | BET

Union, GM contract talks set | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN

Fed's Evans on need for further easing | Reuters

Study says U.S. shale may weaken Iran, Russia | Energy | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Syria Transfers Advanced Missiles To Hezbollah Terrorists

What Are The Special Forces Trying To Build? Strange Request For Supplies

Arkansas Jihadist Murder Trial Begins

Israel’s Struggle Is Not A War Of Words

Another Foreign Policy Disaster and New South Asia Power Dynamics

Now Here’s A Good Idea: How To Hit Syria

Rupert Murdoch Hearings Show Generational Split

Baby Girls Hanged, Burned, Stabbed To Death In Pakistan

Anti-American Activities: A Cold War-Style Effort to Root Out ‘Civilizational Jihad’

The Specter of Success In COIN? But For Whom?

Claim: North Korea Photoshops Pictures To Extract More Aid From the West

Audio:Casualties of Politcal Correctness Fight Back

Israel’s Only Two Options

Boys And Girls Banned At Swedish Preschool?! Kids To Be Called ‘It’

Obama’s Pentagon Personnel Chief Slammed For Waste And Abuse

Marine to receive Medal of Honor for Afghan valor

Al-Qaida plans cartoon recruiting film for kids


+21-Jul-11 World View

+20-Jul-11 World View


Who Says Union Goons Are Violent?

Polls that Tap ‘Random’ Americans Urge ‘Compromise’

Low Voltage Problems at Government Motors

Making a Situation of the West/Wasserman-Schultz Non-Situation

Longest State Government Shut Down in Last Decade Ends

Lipstick on a Union Pig

Sebelius vs. Orszag on HHS’s Power Over Health Care Rationing

My Country ‘Tis Of Thee, Sweet Land of…Removing the Pledge of Allegiance?!

Ten Oil Rigs Have Exited the Gulf of Mexico Since President Obama’s Moratorium Went Into Effect

Blink: Obama May Agree to Short-term Deal After All

Big Labor Tries to Buy Wisconsin Recall Elections

Ann Wagner Bests Ed Martin in Missouri’s 2nd District on All Fronts

Alabama Still Collecting Tax for Confederate Vets

Audio:Is the Gang of Six Headed for a Shootout with the House?

Government Solutions Inefficient & Uncreative

ITS OFFICIAL! Herman Cain’s Campaign is Done-Stick A Fork In It!

Obama holds new talks in bid to avoid debt default

Is Media Matters about to lose with the IRS? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

House Ethics Committee appoints outside counsel to handle Waters case - The Hill's Floor Action

SHOCKER (Not): Politico ‘Reporter’ Takes Democratic Party Job

Sound Bite for the Day: Flashback – Contessa Brewer Calls Jesse Jackson “Al Sharpton”

Tabloids Don’t Deserve the 1st Amendment

Lefty Outrage Du Jour: Bachmann’s Staffers Manhandle Reporter

Bachmann Responds to Migraine Story

The ‘Oh Snap!’ Files: “Do You Have a Degree in Economics?”

Olbermann: Allen West Is a “Bash*t Crazy Bully” Who Would “Shoot People” on TV

CNN Ignores Pigford Fraud, Joins John Boyd In Suggesting Critics are Racists

Sound Bite for the Day: “Encapsulates the British Mood”

Fact-Checking NPR’s Agenda Journalism on Terrorism

Steve Wynn Goes on Obama Rant, Media Silent

NewsBusted: Generic Republican in 2012!

Politico Reporter | Democratic Party Job | Andy Barr | The Daily Caller

MSNBC's Bashir Touts Murdoch's Power as Reason For Why Government Must Regulate Media Ownership | NewsBusters.org

Michael Steele Laughs At Joan Walsh For Calling Obama 'The Reagan Figure' | NewsBusters.org

WaPo's 'On Faith' Wonders if Atheists Need a Televangelist of Sorts | NewsBusters.org

Irish Examiner USA: The Unbelievable Brilliance Of Barack Obama

Chicago Tribune to print rival Sun-Times, 400 will lose jobs | Poynter.

‘Friends With Benefits’ Review: Great Cast In Teriffic Romcom

Morning Call Sheet: Snake Plissken, Conan, Buck, The Lone Ranger and an Idea Worse Than a Remake

NewsBusters Shreds ‘Entertainment Weekly’s’ Dishonest ‘Undefeated’ Hypocrisy

‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Trailer: Another Origin Story?

Review: Captain A meh rica – An Unexceptional Film for An Unexceptional Country

Guns = Liberty

Big Hollywood Review: The Red Button’s New Album ‘As Far as Yesterday Goes’ Channels the Best of ‘60s Pop

Are the Arts Gay Enough?

Numbers Don’t Lie: “The Undefeated” Had a Remarkable Box Office Debut

Morning Call Sheet: Apes, Riddick, Superman, ‘South Park,’ and Walter Mitty

Hollywood Reporter: ‘Captain America’ Sticks to ‘Simplistic, Patriotic Origins’

Working on a dream race: Chris Christie vs. Bruce Springsteen - latimes.com

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » NewsBusters Shreds ‘Entertainment Weekly’s’ Dishonest ‘Undefeated’ Hypocrisy

Scientology's Hollywood Real Estate Empire - The Hollywood Reporter

John Taylor: The End of the Growth Consensus - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - GOP's Gang Warfare on Debt Ceiling

Bonuses for Billionaires - NYTimes.com

Secrets of the Budget Talks - WSJ.com

How to Understand Obama’s Chances in 2012 — The American Magazine

Michele Bachmann’s Very Rough Road Ahead | The New Republic

As Rivals Stir, Romney Sticks to Playing It Safe - NYTimes.com

The American Spectator : An Intransigent President

Sen. Harkin: "Cult Fringe" Holding Up Debt Ceiling Increase | RealClearPolitics

Ryan: "Leading On Reporters At Press Conferences Is Not Leadership" | RealClearPolitics

The Murdochs: Power Without Responsibility | The Nation

Home Depot Co-Founder: Obama Is Choking Recovery - Investors.com

Debt crisis: In our competitive decadence, we face eurogeddon and dollargeddon | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

Atlantis landing ends 30 years of space shuttle flights - USATODAY.com

The ‘Gang of Six’ and Signs of Sanity in Congress - NYTimes.com

Gang of Six plan is more smoke and mirrors | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Federal spending: Breaking political gridlock - latimes.com

Editorial: Gang Of Six Plan: A $3.1 Tril Tax Hike - Investors.com

RealClearPolitics - No More Washington Tricks

Guilty Men | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Gender Politics, Evangelical Edition

House Race Scramble - Josh Kraushaar - NationalJournal.com

Power and the Press - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Long Retreat of Liberalism

'Balanced budget' act a wolf in sheep's clothing - CNN.com

James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters.com

40 Percent Less Government Will Be Fun! | Mother Jones

Conventional Wisdom Frames a Faulty Storyline to Suit Obama on Debt « Commentary Magazine

Gambling mogul Steve Wynn's "epic" anti-Obama rant - Barack Obama News - Salon.com

Bachmann Busts Up GOP Race - FoxNews.com

As debt talks continue, feds are hiring -- and never firing | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner


**Transcripts :19th/Obama on the Latest in the Debt Ceiling Talks

Senators Conrad & Chambliss on the Debt Ceiling

Interview with House Budget Chair Paul Ryan

Analyst Discusses the Gang of Six Talks


Taste Test: Wine, Chocolate Preferences Shaped More by Where You Think They Come From Than by Taste - ABC News

Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call

State worker Kathleen McGrade gave 'husband and daughter $52m in contracts' | Mail Online

Which companies are sitting on the biggest piles of cash? - USATODAY.com

Video gives evidence of CNN's 'gotcha' reporting

Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be 'Stability Police' in U.S.

UN security council to consider climate change peacekeeping | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Medicaid office offers 'how-to' for 'fraudster'

Report on Homeland Security scandal blocked

Look who Obama's hired for cybersecurity team

Terror Warning Warns of Insider Threat to Infrastructure - ABC News

Clerks 'protected' from 'gay' marriage license demands

House to question ATF officials on guns to Mexico - Washington Times

‪Smartphone pictures pose privacy risks‏ - YouTube


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


White House operative heading 'birther' smear campaign?

'Irrefutable' proof of Obama forgery

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Where's Obama's plan?';Rep. Reed leads group demanding written debt-reduction proposal

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Straightjackets and gangs';Sen. Wicker pushed budget amendment, endorses 'Gang of Six' plan as backup

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Phony spending reforms;Grover Norquist rips 'Gang of Six' for tax hikes, debt-reduction charade


Deep pockets back presidential hopeful Perry | Reuters

Rick Perry For President? Meet 24 Billionaires Who’ve Backed Him - Clare O'Connor - Filthy Rich - Forbes

Barack Obama's 2008 bundlers flee political 'machine' - Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman and Byron Tau - POLITICO.com

Bachmann Releases Doctor's Note on Migraines as Pawlenty Says Candidates Must Be Able 'To Do All of the Job, All of the Time' - The Note

Barack Obama fined over London congestion charge: Foreign drivers owe £50m | Mail Online

House passes GOP debt measure; Obama praises compromise plan - CNN.com

Debt downgrade looms larger for US - Business - Eye on the Economy - msnbc.com

West: Liberals threatened by a black conservative with ‘a strong voice’ | Post on Politics

State's 1st 'gay' Supreme Court justice defies ethics code

Police to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns | Reuters

Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud

TSA to bolster body scanner privacy - CBS News

U.S. Missed Awlaki By Inches In Yemen - ABC News

Pakistan Taliban releases video of mass execution | Video | Reuters.com

Fisherman Catches Alaskan 'Loch Ness' Monster On Tape - FoxNews.com

Lock Ness Monster's little brother? Couple discover 30ft sea creature carcass | Mail Online

Elaborate hoax or a sign from outta space? The crop circle phenomena continues | Mail Online

Lawnchair Wheelchairs: Irvine Man Makes Lawnchair Wheelchairs for Disabled, Impoverished - ktla.com

Hamad that Arab sheikh carves two-miles-long name in sand until it's visible from SPACE | Mail Online

APNewsBreak: Skull discovered at Pearl Harbor - Forbes.com

Digging into Technology's Past - Archaeology Magazine

Egypt Just Can't Get Rid of Mummy Tsar Zahi Hawass - ARTINFO.com

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Day & Night :: Party ends for broody Paris Hilton

*Fulfilling Orwell's Prophecy: 15 Futuristic Films You Should See

‪VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: 'Dominate. Intimidate. Control.'‏ - YouTube

‪The New FBI Powers: Cointelpro on Steroids‏ - YouTube

‪The Changing Face of the Police and the Death of the Fourth Amendment‏ - YouTube

Obama's citizen 'protection' bureau pick misused state funds?

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

Medicaid office offers 'how-to' for 'fraudster'

Report on Homeland Security scandal blocked

Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be 'Stability Police' in U.S.

My conversation with Obama camp

Sticking it to the grandkids

Obama's here to stay – regardless

A closer look at Obama Sr.

Looking for work in a jobless 'recovery'

The presstitutes and our public 'servants'

Media mogul charged with first-degree Murdoch

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's worn out race card

The Chessboard Series - Middle East Intel Update—Stand Up America US

Why Americans can't afford to eat healthy - David Sirota - Salon.com

Bernie Sanders on'Gang of Six' Plan: 'Not So Fast' | Common Dreams

Blame Bush for teachers cheating?

Obama’s Ministers of Culture and Agitprop | FrontPage Magazine

The Army's Bold Plan to Turn Soldiers Into Telepaths | Machine-Brain Connections | DISCOVER Magazine

Is Google saying your computer is infected with a virus? Believe it - San Jose Mercury News

Study suggests lifestyle linked to some Alzheimers - San Jose Mercury News

Citrus Heights police review evidence against school principal suspected of molestation - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Mexico gangsters publish etiquette guide | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

NZ quake may have revealed Israeli spy ring - CBS News

"They were so high they called 911 on themselves" - Crimesider - CBS News

Rebecca Leighton quizzed by police as 5th patient dies of saline poisoning | Mail Online

'Are you home, mum?' Suicidal Swiss man crashes plane into mom's home; kamikaze called from cockpit

Deadly Asian tiger mosquito invades U.S. cities | Mail Online

Many U.S. kids are lost on basic geography facts | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Keepin' It Cool: How the Air Conditioner Made Modern America - Rebecca J. Rosen - National - The Atlantic

*21 July

American Minute for July 21st

This Day in History for 21st July

July 21st This Day in History

Today in History: July 21

July 21st in History

Today in History: July 21

July 21 Events in History

‪Today in History for July 21st‏ - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:End of an Era

Lefty Journalist Finally Admits: Obama Not Serious About Spending Cuts

Man Buys $300K House for $16

Lefty Joan Walsh Compares Obama to Reagan

Voldermort Hugs Draco… For Way Too Long

High-end Prostitution Ring Busted in NYC

Suspect Indicted in Brooklyn Dismemberment Case

20TH/Police Arrest 35 in San Francisco After Protests Turn Violent

Obama Backs Repeal of Clinton Era Traditional Marriage Law

NBC News’ Contessa Brewer Owned by GOP Congressman

Same-Sex Marriage Advocacy Video Features Underage Boys Kissing (Update)

Perry’s Wife: Run Rick, Run!

Harkin’s Angry Rant: Tea Party ‘Cult Fringe’; GOP ‘Dead-Beat Debtors’

Olbermann To Allen West: ‘Just Resign, Congressman’

Casey Anthony Caught on Video in Orlando?

Pigford’s John Boyd: Bachmann Will Have ‘Hard Time Proving She’s Not Racist’

Wasserman-Schultz’ Floor Comments Raise Rep. West’s Ire

Tucker Carlson: ‘Very Few People Have Done More To Divide The Country Than Chris Matthews’

O’Keefe Medicaid Investigation Triggers Official Ohio Inquiry

Obama Praises ‘Gang of Six’ Debt Plan

Israeli Navy Intercepts Gaza-Bound French Yacht

Nazi Doctor Mengele’s Diaries Up For Sale

Black Caucus ‘Furious’ Over Rep. West’s Email to Dem Party Chief

19TH/Congressman to NBC’s Matthews: Obama ‘Doesn’t Send Thrill Up My Leg’

Carney: Obama Showing Leadership by NOT Submitting Debt Plan

Obamacare Fables: The Greatest Hits Video

Cain: Romney Can’t Win Because He’s a Mormon

NBC News’ Contessa Brewer: Murdoch Attacker ‘Encapsulates’ British Mood

O’Keefe Team Investigates Carolina Medicaid; Gov’t Health Care for 25 IRA Terrorists?

Murdoch Attacked At Parliament Hearing

Steve Wynn Goes Off on Obama in Conference Call

18TH/Whistleblower in Hacking Scandal Found Dead

Newest O’Keefe Video Sting Targets Medicaid Offices in Ohio

Warren Buffett Hits Back Against Obama’s Corporate Jet Rhetoric

Couple Sees Face of Jesus in Walmart Receipt

Marine Asks Betty White to Ball

Palin Film Opens Strong

NBC’s Curry Asks Dalai Lama to Advise Obama on his ‘Fierce Struggle’ with Republicans

Fox News Anchor: Romney ‘Obviously Not Christian’

Herman Cain: Any Community Has Right to Ban Mosques

17TH/Murdoch’s News Empire Must Be Dismantled – Labour Party Leader

Ex-Murdoch Aide Rebekah Brooks Arrested

The ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Book of Mormon’ Viral Video Mash-up


**World Video:New Imperial China - Part One

Libya War Update

Barroso: Euro Crisis Is 'Very Serious'

Cameron: 'My Staff Behaved Entirely Properly'

Syrian Refugees Escape To Wadi Khaled

Greek Taxi Drivers Clash With Police

MP Warned Cameron About Coulson

EU Leaders Consider New Banking Tax

Europe Welcomes Hadzic Arrest

Attacks In Afghanistan As ISAF Hands Over Security

Car Explodes In Yemen, Kills British Shipping Surveyor

Francis Fukuyama: Future Of Conflict

Taoiseach Enda Kenny Criticizes The Vatican

New Imperial China - Part Two

Israel Security Update From Mike Huckabee

20th/How To Ignite, Or Quash, A Revolution

Ex-Murdoch Employee Talks Scandal, Hearing

Attempted Attack On Rupert Murdoch

Merkel: 'Europe Without The Euro Is Unimaginable'

Progress In Libya Conflict?

Inside China's Hacker World

Murdoch: No Evidence 9/11 Victims Targeted

Clinton Extends U.S. Support To India To Battle Extremism

South Koreans Rally Against Japan

Famine To Be Declared In Somalia

Brooks Denies Paying Police

European Trade Restrictions In North Africa

Japan Bans Fukushima Beef Exports

Cycle Of Scandal


**Politics Video:Carney: Economy Has "Vastly Improved" Since Obama Was Sworn In

Coburn: "I Will Bet You A Porterhouse Steak" Obama Will Sign Cut, Cap & Balance

Report: Obama Floating Plan Of $3 Trillion With No Revenue

Dem Senator: "Cut, Cap And Balance" Is "Cut, Cap And Kill Medicare"

Carney Responds To Coburn: "We Would Take That Bet"

Rep. Allen West: Apology To Wasserman Schultz "Is Not Happening"

Boehner: "Irresponsible" Not To Have A Back-Up Plan

Obama: 2012 Will Be Referendum On My "Stewardship"

Pawlenty Ad: "Prove The Experts Wrong" About Me

Krauthammer: Pawlenty Attack On Bachmann A "Cheap Shot"

Schultz: "Republican Devotion To Protecting The Rich Is A Religion"

O'Reilly: Bachmann, ABC Incident Illustrates "Problem With Security Going Overboard"

Matthews: Obama's Doing "What Reagan Did"

20th/Obamanomics Vs. Reaganomics

Michael Eric Dyson: GOP Against More Debt Because Economy Is "In the Hands Of The Black"

Obama On Lack Of Change: "This Is Something That We Inherited"

RNC Ad: "Change Direction"

Sen. Rand Paul: "Everything Is Worse Under This President"

Carney: Obama Willing To Take The "Heat"

MSNBC To GOP Congressman: "Do You Have A Degree In Economics?"

WH's Carney: Obama May Accept A Short-Term Debt Ceiling Deal

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Allen West Is "Cracking Under The Pressure"

Politico's Ken Vogel: Bachmann's Medical Illness Is "Fair Game"

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Does Hit Piece On Murdoch's Wife

Matthews: GOP Wasting Time With "Cut, Cap And Balance"

Bachmann Ad: "I Will Not Vote To Increase The Debt Ceiling"

O'Reilly: Does Big Business Fear President Obama?

O'Donnell: Republicans Still Saying "Don't Blame Me"

Allen West Responds To Wasserman Schultz: You're Not A Victim

Krauthammer: Expectations Are Really High For Bachmann

Keith Olbermann To Allen West: "Just Resign, Congressman!"

+Markets Video

Real Clear Markets - Video - Can Google Still Be a Startup?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Banks Are Not Scaring Away the Bulls

Real Clear Markets - Video - Companies Hoard Cash for Deficit 'Flood'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Man Attempts to Hit Rupert Murdoch with Foam Pie

Real Clear Markets - Video - Why Gold Could Lose its Grip on $1,600

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Swiss Franc Retains Premier Status

Real Clear Markets - Video - Geithner: Certain of a Debt Deal

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe Stress Tests Don't Pass With Markets

Real Clear Markets - Video - An Interview With Google Employee No. 59

Real Clear Markets - Video - Would You Buy a Ferrari for $18 Million?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Companies Bidding Farewell to Vacation Days?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Would You Leave Wall Street to Start a Business?

Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Dangerous Game' Being Played in Global Debt Crisis

Real Clear Markets - Video - What Happens to Goldman Sachs After Blankfein?


July 20, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-20, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-20-11

Redding News Reveiw 1

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, July, 20, 2011

07/20 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/20/2011