"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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than an idea whose time has come.”

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22 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

Ron Paul: | RealClearPolitics

More Trouble in Murdoch World - Salem-News.Com

Updates on Fukushima: | Fairewinds Associates, Inc

The Importance of Venting, When a Reactor Threatens to Blow Its Stack | Fairewinds Associates, Inc

America’s Nuclear Nightmare | Fairewinds Associates, Inc


Activist Post: The Murdoch Empire: How media shapes society (Video)


*78 min/OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism


Anonymous Hackers Breach Nato, Threaten Mass Leak Of Data

savethemales.ca - "Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father

UN official: Climate change could lead to conflicts - US news - Environment - Climate Change - msnbc.com

Mexico seizes over 800 tonnes of meth chemicals - Yahoo! News

CIDRAP >> DOJ defense of Army lab stirs up anthrax case controversy

Old News – Same TSA Tactics « The PPJ Gazette

Why world leaders are losing hearts and minds - World Politics, World - The Independent

Prince Andrew quits as UK's trade envoy over links to sex offender Jeffrey Epstein | Mail Online

Activist Post: Fragmenting the Internet Is Not a Security Solution

As Simple As Possible ‐‐‐ But Not More So

Representative Ron Paul – Brave Enough For Real Change? « The PPJ Gazette

Mossad spy ring 'unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake' - Telegraph

: Pollutants Can Lurk and Hide

Alzheimer's: Did a trip to the dentist accelerate Columbo's descent into dementia | Mail Online

Technolog from msnbc.com - Hackers to FBI: 'We are not scared anymore'

Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be 'Stability Police' in U.S.

DailyTech - Rental Firms May be Allowed to Spy on Customers With Webcams

Why We Can't Sustain Mass Immigration

Arizona College Student Killed & Tortured In Nogales, Mexico | Mike Broomhead - Fox News Radio 550 KFYI

‪The Photoshop Effect‏ - YouTube

First God Created Idiots - Practice For Creating Politicians

Divorced dad's blog becomes free-speech test - phillyBurbs.com : Doylestown: psychoexwife.com, anthony morelli, allison morelli, judge diane gibbons, first ammendment

Hidden Poison Of The Gold Standard

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - An interesting collage- Two Psychopaths Juxtaposed

The Real War vs The Illusions

Smashing Greater Central Asia-Part One

Les Hinton faces US calls for Dow Jones inquiry over phone hacking | Media | The Guardian

Murdoch: This scandal has exposed the scale of elite corruption | Seumas Milne | Comment is free | The Guardian

Now Two Murdoch Whistleblowers Dead | Yes, But, However!

Phone hacking: News Corp hires former US attorney general to fight lawsuits - Telegraph

Rupert Murdoch's Fox News ran 'black ops' department, former executive claims - Telegraph

The Energy at the Earth’s Core | Oil Price.com

Multimetallic Nanomachines: Magnetic and Chemical Power Combine :: MaterialsViews

CERN 'gags' physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment • The Register

USDA To Invest $250 mln In Smart Grid Development | Newsroom Magazine USA Edition

Whistleblowers "terrified" at TVA nuke plants? - CBS News

20 Signs That The Fabric Of American Society Is Coming Apart At The Seams - BlackListedNews.com

Fed passes China to become largest U.S. creditor - The Tell - MarketWatch

Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets

Military-Industrial Journalism | Common Wonders

Post 9/11 Era and Radicalism | Opinion Maker

Bohemian Grove mystery broken down — RT

‪Rense & Jordan Maxwell - Democracy Now Equals Enslavement‏ - YouTube

‪Environ-Mentalism: A New Religion for a New Age‏ - YouTube

Man's call for Obama assassination is free speech, not crime, court rules - latimes.com

Paul Drockton M.A.: Gold Confiscation Act in the Works

Biofuel demand in US driving higher food prices, says report | Environment | guardian.co.uk

New World Order Blog

OpEdNews - Article: There and Back Again: Sobering Thoughts about the Nuclear Madness We All Face

States negotiating immunity for banks over foreclosures | Reuters

Rossi's Self Sustaining One Megawatt Reactor

Iodine-131 also found in Philadelphia-area sewage plants; Sludge set off radiation detectors at landfills — Experts skeptical it’s from cancer patients’ urine « ENENEWS.COM

Exclusive: Fed planning for potential default | Reuters

Wall Street paralysed by US debt talks - Telegraph

Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011

Death and Budgets - NYTimes.com

Your Call to Action on Federal Budget

The Constitution Is Too Big To Fail

Alberta issues Lyme disease warning

CIA veteran: Israel to attack Iran in fall - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Social And Economic Inequality In Israel

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Huseyin Oruç talks to Silvia Cattori- Whenever the Palestinians need it, the Mavi Marmara will go

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Officer and a Gentleman the Israeli version..

Iran claims to have shot down US drone 'spying on nuclear facility for CIA' | Mail Online

Syria warns ambassadors not to leave Damascus - Telegraph

Killing of Syrian civilians 'crime against humanity', says US ambassador | Law | guardian.co.uk

The headless corpse, the mass grave and worrying questions about Libya's rebel army - Telegraph

A Kinder Middle East Hegemony

Sarkozy and the Saudis | Opinion Maker

Influenza Vaccine Concerns

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Uproar as BBC muzzles climate change sceptics

Unconscious bias, and a handsome apology, from the BBC – Telegraph Blogs

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: ‘Soup’ of poisonous jellyfish hit Britain

Lions 'more likely to eat people after a full moon' - Telegraph

Washington's Blog:Fukushima: Still Dire For Japan ... Still Threatening the U.S. and Canada

Revolutionary Politics : Jeremy Scahill "CNN Playing Ball With C.I.A. For Spin" On Secret Prisons In Somalia Story

Revolutionary Politics : CNN BUSTED!!! AGAIN more Fake videos from Libya conflict

The Intercept: Mutilated pro-Gaddafi soldiers found dead in rebel-controlled area – report

Activist Post: An Economy Destroyed: The Enemy Is Washington

Audio:Philip Giraldi « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette

Operation Fast & Furious: House committee to hear from agents based in Mexico - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com

Breaking: Karzai blocking probe of missing U.S. $billions in Afghanistan

Holder's goal in Fast & Furious investigation: Protect political appointees

Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA

‪Wall Street Prostitution Ring BUSTED‏ - YouTube

*WTC7 expert witness Danny Jowenko dies in car crash | 911Blogger.com

‪Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 controlled demolition‏ - YouTube

Group takes DEA to court over claim ‘marijuana has no medicinal value’ | The Raw Story

A Great Book About the Great Games — Kevin Barrett | My Catbird Seat

How close are we to Martial Law in the US? ALERT! | www.track-cell-phones.com

San Francisco police: Man at first thought shot dead by police died from self-inflicted wound - The Washington Post

Man claimed to be lion before fight with police at Denver Zoo - The Denver Post

PressTV :Media denied access to California jails

PressTV - Thousands stage anti-govt. rally in Cairo


*May 1 2011 Los Angeles - Have you seen this in the media?

*Unions and Communists March Side By Side at May Day Rally - Los Angeles, Ca 5/1/

Militants plan al Qaeda cartoon for kids, monitors say | Reuters


The Cloud Mystery 1/6

The Cloud Mystery 2/6

The Cloud Mystery 3/6

The Cloud Mystery 4/6

The Cloud Mystery 5/6

The Cloud Mystery 6/6


Lone Star Watchdog: Has City Hall Declared War on the People?

Times Of London Cartoon | Bellyful Of Hacking | News Corp. | Mediaite

The four horsemen of the middle class apocalypse – what does it say that we as a nation bailed out the financially wealthy too big to fail banks yet failed to bail out the middle class?

**A visualization of USA credit card bill (debt) stacked in 100 dollar bills

Lone Star Watchdog: If White People Are Terrorist. What About the Federal Run KKK and Neo Nazi Provocateurs?

Jim Rogers: Fed Will Launch QE3 by Q3, Goldman's Bonus Bonanza In A DOWN Year, Prostitution Ring For Wall Street Busted, DOT Sign Hacked To Read 'Impeach Obama' (Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

*Education - Republic for Arizona

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "Republicans NEVER Say ANYTHING About Cutting These Military Occupations Around The World"

Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff: Two Former Social Security Officials Admit The System Is Not Much Different from a Ponzi Scheme

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "Congress Has To Assume It's Powers & Stop The Spending For Wars!"

‪Mocking Jesus on Israeli Zionist TV - The Crucifixion of Yeshu‏ - YouTube

‪Obama To End The War‏ - YouTube

‪FEMA Partners with Homeland Security on Psyops Campaign‏ - YouTube

Monsanto-Resistant Weeds Take Root, Raising Food Prices | Fast Company

80% Of World's Climate Data Not Computerized : TreeHugger

Ron Paul Vs. Obama 2012 - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: Freshman Congressman Dig Your Heels in ,You Have a Traitor Among You. His Name is John Boehner

**The Flying Elephant: Evidence for Involvement of a Third Jet in the WTC Attacks

‪Scotland Yard's Most Senior Officers Tried To Convince Guardian Not To Cover Murdoch Hacking Scandal‏ - YouTube

*The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed At 4:54 p.m.' Videos

‪ENHANCED VERSION: News Reports WTC7 Fell Before It Happens!‏ - YouTube

‪New: Fox News 5 reports WTC 7 collapse BEFORE it happens‏ - YouTube


The Fed Audit - Newsroom: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)

A Free Thinker's Journey: IMF Urges Boosting of Yuan -

Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul "We Bring In Plenty To Pay Interest On The Debt & Pay Social Security & Pay Our Soldiers"

Marijuana Can’t Kill, But Marijuana Prohibition Certainly Can | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

A Free Thinker's Journey: Reading between the lines - a SWAT team love story

BP Lawsuit Judge Denies Demand for White House E-Mails on Gulf Oil Spill - Bloomberg

Lost But Not Found: $2.3 Trillion Still Missing At Pentagon - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: Freshman Congressman Dig Your Heels in ,You Have a Traitor Among You. His Name is John Boehner

Activist Post: Police state insanity: teens arrested while waiting for parents in OKC curfew sweep

No Need To Audit The Federal Reserve According To GOP Flavor Of The Month, Idiot Herman Cain - Home - The Daily Bail

FOCUS | Report: James Murdoch Lied to British Parliament

Chrysler (Fiat) CEO Tells CNN: "U.S.Taxpayers Are Getting A Phenomenal Deal By Losing ONLY $1.3 Billion On Bailout" - Home - The Daily Bail

Fed's Plosser Admits 'Helicopter Bernanke' Is Planning For Potential U.S. Debt Default - Home - The Daily Bail

Presidential Hopeful Cain: “I would attack Iran to protect Israel” « The Ugly Truth

BBC News - Phone hacking: PM says James Murdoch has 'questions to answer'

James Murdoch misled MPs, say former NoW editor and lawyer | Media | guardian.co.uk

‪children playing kites in Jerusalem Shot by the Zionist army in the day of "Freedom in Colors"‏ - YouTube


‪*1:30:00/Food, Inc.‏ - YouTube


Bomb rocks government offices in Oslo, two said dead | Reuters

Large bomb rocks government buildings in central Oslo; at least two dead - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

BBC News - Oslo: Bomb blast near Norway prime minister's office

Murdoch Threat To Expose Obama As “Christ-Child” Ignites Western Fury


Part 1 - The Cult of The Black Virgin


Part 3 - The Sacred Marriage




Part 7 - Counterfeit Michael the Archangel

Part 8 - The Roman Dragon


‪*48 min/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Investigators Say China Was Behind The ‘Very Major’ IMF Hack Attack - BlackListedNews.com

Debt Crisis Being Used as Shock Doctrine to Steal More Money from the American People - BlackListedNews.com

Mossad spy ring 'unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake' - Telegraph

New rules urged on hybrid animal-human experiments | Reuters

Department Of Homeland Security Spreads More Terrorism Related Conspiracy Theories - BlackListedNews.com

HR Bill 1505 allows for DHS takeover of seashores and coastal areas - BlackListedNews.com

2 N.J. teens labeled sex offenders for life after 'horseplay' incident | NJ.com

‪Strong explosion rocks Oslo, one dead, 8 injured in 'car bomb' blast‏ - YouTube

Is This Mike On? Another YouTube SOS from Fukushima - Ecocentric - TIME.com

‪SOS Again from Minamisoma, Fukushima‏ - YouTube

Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011

Florida Makes $63M Selling Drivers' Info - Miami News Story - WPLG Miami

Second Major Oil Spill In Montana In 2 Weeks | Reed Perry

Gun trafficking: Mexican gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants - latimes.com

Lawyer: Cop scanner ‘crosses line’ - BostonHerald.com

Banks Pay Back TARP Funds by. . .Borrowing From Treasury | Daniel Gross - Yahoo! Finance

“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

Cornel West: Obama ‘an extension of the corporate state’ | Raw Replay

Stewart: Migraines not in top 20 problems with Bachmann’s brain | Raw Replay

Activist Post: Why Australians (and Everyone Else) Should Oppose Carbon Taxes (Video)

Activist Post: Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Short-Term 90 Days

The Excavator: Cenk Uygur's Departure From MSNBC Shatters The Popular Myth That Only Ratings Matter

An Economy Destroyed: The Enemy Is Washington

‪Working in the US for .23 cents/hour‏ - YouTube

Multiple Nuclear Whistleblowers Claim TVA Nuke Plant Officials Harassed And Threatened Them :

Activist Post: The Evolution of the Brain and the Mind

Bail by Fred Reed

Activist Post: First-ever National Heirloom Exposition in CA this September

Activist Post: Israeli Mossad's international criminal activities revealed yet again

Activist Post: Neocon Jeffrey Feltman Visits Libya Brandishing The Dahiyeh Doctrine and “The New Realities”

Activist Post: Four indicted on helping US taxpayers hide assets

Activist Post: Legions Of Biometric Face Scanning Cameras To Be Installed At Heathrow Airport Within Weeks

1 In 66 Americans Is A Psycho

+Start a 1-Acre, Self-Sufficient Homestead - Modern Homesteading - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

The USDA “Invasive Species” Sham « The PPJ Gazette

‪Cenk Leaves MSNBC (Inside Story)‏ - YouTube

Social Media Targeted by Pentagon for “Strategic Communication” | Old-Thinker News

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists | Old-Thinker News

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

CGS : How to Hack a Genome

Carbon price battle is lost, say experts

Worrying Questions About Libya's Rebel Army

'West Ignoring Rebel War Crimes

How War Is Used To Redistribute Wealth

Crisis Junkies Warring Against Our Future

How to Liberate America from Wall Street

PressTV - Afghans stage anti-US demonstrations

Anonymous, LulzSec: ‘Your threats to arrest us are meaningless’ - Faster Forward - The Washington Post

Allen West: Apology to Wasserman Schultz ‘is not happening’ - 2chambers - The Washington Post

PressTV - NATO fuel truck torched in Pakistan

AFP: US aid may be flowing to Afghan insurgents: audit

Terror Warning Warns of Insider Threat to Infrastructure - ABC News

Accidentally Conceived in 1971, Gold Money Baby Now Due by Arthur M.M. Krolman

Marc Faber on Gold, Silver, Deflation and the U.S. Economy :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Welcome to Needle Park by Mark Thornton

Good Things by Thomas Sowell

The Morality of Gold by Anthony Wile

David Morgan on Silver Price Manipulation, Delivery Default & Supply Shortage Risks by Chris Martenson

If you haven’t bought any gold yet… | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Bomb in Oslo – UPDATE: Oil & Gas Ministry Was Target | Max Keiser

Syrians Call for Assad's Resignation

Egyptian Activists Continue to Press for Faster Reforms

Somali Militants Will Block Aid to Famine-Stricken Areas

Senate Blocks Republican-Backed US Debt Plan

Asia Not Worried About Possible US Debt Default

Serbia Hands Hadzic to War Crimes Tribunal

Report: Obama, Boehner Close to Major Debt Deal

Jordan: 66% of Americans Want Balanced Budget

Michael Reagan: Dad Still Waiting for Democrat Cuts

Ahmadinejad Amps Up Iran Nuke Development

Panetta to OK End of Military Gay Ban

Fight over Teaching Evolution in Texas Fizzles

House Oks Bill Scaling Back Consumer Agency

James Murdoch Contradicted By Ex-legal Manager

Traditional Employee Recruiting on Chopping Block?

Thanks to Obama, Panetta for Ending 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Time Is on the Side of Tea Party Reforms

Manned Space Flight? Call the Russians

Illegal Aliens Drive Up National Debt

'Gang of Six' Offers Misguided Proposals

Justice Department Prepares Subpoenas in News Corp. Inquiry - WSJ.com

Oslo Explosion: Blast Result of Massive Vehicle Bomb, Sources Say - ABC News

BBC News - Oslo: Bomb blast near Norway prime minister's office

BBC News - Oslo blast eyewitnesses: 'Total chaos'

‪Oslo Explosion Aftermath.mp4‏ - YouTube

Noonan: Out of the Way, Please, Mr. President - WSJ.com

Police: Men Use Tin Foil, Ladder To Scam Gas Station - Cincinnati News Story - WLWT Cincinnati

5-year-old boy drives away in mom's van in search of candy - El Paso Times

L.A. officials fire traffic officer who appeared in adult film [Updated] - latimes.com

Marilyn Monroe alleged sex film surfaces - CBS News

Many Summer School Students Going Without A/C « - Flash Player Installation

6-Year-Old Hit Chasing Ice Cream Truck Dies | NBC New York

Crews Need Police Escort To Shut Off Fire Hydra - Flash Player Installation

Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Government Considering Renting Foreclosed Homes - WSJ.com

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

News of the World Staff Offered Siberia, DJ Jobs - Bloomberg

My Way News - 2 new suspects arrested in Giants fan beating

Man dies after suffering 19 Black Widow spider bites - KDVR

Heist Suspect Hid Cash Behind "Scarface" Poster | The Smoking Gun

Hidden cameras expose privacy problem in Macy's fitting rooms | wtsp.com

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History


Who is Baphomet? | Secret Arcana

MTV's Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video) | The Vigilant Citizen


**Historic Photo Captures Bird's-Eye View of Atlantis Re-entry


DoctorsTop 10 Anti-Aging Tips Fight Effects of Time

New Rules Urged on Human-Animal Experiments

Plastic Surgery Goes Beyond Nose Jobs

8 Natural Ways to Prevent a Sunburn | Mark's Daily Apple

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video) | The Vigilant Citizen

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' | The Vigilant Citizen

What's in Your Meat? USDA Calls for Clearer Labeling

Space Shuttle Era Ends with Atlantis Landing

'Mission Complete' for Shuttle Atlantis

Winnefeld: Military Must Prepare for Range of Conflicts

U.S. Looks at New Ways to Supply Troops in Afghanistan

China sub makes first dive to below 4,000m - Yahoo! News

Mosquitoes increase disease risk in USA - USATODAY.com

Open wide: The diver who nearly got swallowed by a whaleshark | Mail Online

Casey Anthony gets job offers, taxpayers get legal bill | Reuters

Autonomous machines, networks, and robots will self-improve in the future by publishing their own upgrade suggestions | KurzweilAI

Transhumanism’s Solipsistic Utopianism » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

» Religion of Eugenics: The State is God Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cuts to Pentagon Don’t Make a Dent -- News from Antiwar.com

Next Army Chief Isn’t So Cool With A Smaller Force | Danger Room | Wired.com

House Seeks to Slash Foreign Aid Budget -- News from Antiwar.com

Wars not only reason for rise in defense spending - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

Iraq ‘Deadline’ on US Troop Extension Set to Expire With No Decision -- News from Antiwar.com

Iraq Shi'ite militia splinters into hit squads, gangs - Yahoo! News

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Top Qaeda leader, 10 soldiers killed in Yemen

New study proves falsity of John Brennan's drone claims - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Hornberger's Blog - End America's Role as a Military Empire

Nexus 7: America’s Orwellian Project in Afghanistan « Antiwar.com Blog

Pentagon nominees talk about future threats and funding cuts - News - Stripes

News of Progress On Women's Health, LGBT Issues Buried In Budget Noise

Wealthy Fox pundit Stuart Varney reminds poor people just how much better off they are nowadays

House Republicans Show Up Outside of White House Demanding Written Proposal on Debt Ceiling

Rush Limbaugh on debt ceiling deadline: "Had To Get A Special Dispensation" To Fundraise On Aug. 3 Because of Ramadan

Monica Crowley blames Obama, O.J. Simpson, Casey Anthony for student cheating 'epidemic'

Palin wants to 'help' mainstream media: 'I have a journalism degree'

Chris Christie's poll numbers drop gain in NJ, but billionaires still begging for him to run in 2012

A PA County Leases Out Its Watershed To A Fracking Operation Where They Don't Even Allow Fishing

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz refutes Allen West's lie that he apologized to her

Why Does The Corporate Media Ignore the GOP's Un-American Pledge To Grover Norquist, An Enemy of the Constitution?

Allen West defends 'sexist' comments by implying Democrats are racists

Right-wing union-bashers trying to turn ordinary, legal organizing tactics into 'thuggery'

Reid slams House Republicans for 'taking the weekend off'

Sen. Al Franken Destroys Focus on Family member over DOMA Hearing

Tea Party Crazy Dominated GOP Threaten Aviation Safety While Engaging In Union Busting

Yes, I'll Dare Call It Treason

Here We Go Again -- James O'Keefe's Latest 'Terrorist' Medicaid Sting

Why Oligarchs Don't Want A Deal

Cenk Uygur Explains His Departure from MSNBC

Horde of 'gay barbarians' glitter Bachmann clinic

Ezra Klein On Likely Debt Deal: It's An Unnecessary Concession To Republicans, Takes Bush Tax Cuts Off Table

Arrested for role in phone hacking, News Corp's Neil Wallis was hired by Scotland Yard. Is he linked to the Climategate hoax?

Generic Ballot Has Good News For Dems and God


Rupertgate Thursday - Post Mortem And Prevarications. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Wednesday - Exchanging Hotseats and New U.S. Hacking scandal from News Corp. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Tuesday - The Circus This Time. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Monday - More Scalps Than A Rogaine Seminar. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Sunday - Breaking Out In Handcuffs. | Newstalgia

Newstalgia Weekend Documentary - Profile: Rupert Murdoch. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Friday - Exit Ginger And Yonder Walk The Feebees. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Thursday - The Games Begin. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Wednesday - Imagining The Domino. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Tuesday Recap. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate - Kerfuffle Redux. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate Recap - Killing The Patient To Make Him Look Better. | Newstalgia

Rupertgate - The Smoking Phone. | Newstalgia


Florida’s Gulf Beaches Appear Clean But What Lies Below The Surface? :

UN May Switch Blue Helmets To Green, Then Launch Climate Change Peacekeeping Wars :

Flash Floods Near Los Alamos Could Wash Through Canyons Full Of Nuclear Waste :

*Cannabinoids in Cancer Treatment :

Gigantic Crack Opens Up In Mexico - Alert -Pole Shift-Brown Dwarf-Nibiru-Elenin | Before It's News


8-3-11: 'Creepy' Website Gains Cult Following | Before It's News

Euro Weekly News | The ‘Belle 8-3-11’ mystery grows | Costa del Sol | News | The Largest English Language Newspapers in Spain




'Mysterious Skeleton' Washed Ashore On A British Beach | Before It's News

Egyptian Archaeologist Admits Pyramids Contain Alien Technology |Latest UFO News| UFO 2011 Sightings|Alien Pictures|2012 Solar Flares|UFO News|Web Bot|UFO

Is Mossad Behind Oslo Bombing? | Before It's News

Norway socialist party wants Israel bombed | Colonel6's Blog

News - Latest breaking news - Telegraph

"Major Problem" 3D Smartphones Causing Visual Discomfort Says Study | Before It's News

Could the moon provide clean energy for Earth? - CNN.com

Purely Plant Based Ice Cream: Lupinesse | Before It's News

‪Outfoxed: Bill O'Reilly attacks 9/11 victim's son‏ - YouTube

Free Trade, Trojan Horse Stole America | Veterans Today

The New 9/11 Bait and Switch? | Before It's News

Darth Vader's Motherland Discovered | Before It's News

World Guides website claims Obama born in Kisumu, Kenya

Donald Trump to CNN: Check Obama's birth certificate very carefully

Who is trying to kill Grandma now? | Before It's News

The Lessons Of The Bees As A Symbol | Before It's News

Some Thoughts About Art Criticism That Might Encourage Constructive Dialogue | Before It's News

Dad Masturbates Watching Son Get Molested | Before It's News

Obot blamed for financial meltdown | Before It's News

The video WorldNetDaily doesn’t want you to see (update 2)

Unnamed person says anonymous source says Obama born in Kenya

WorldNetDaily: Obama unleashes Obot army



*the Birthers


The Political Commentator: Obama concedes that he will lose the 2012 presidential election! (Video)

Georgia GuideStones Vandalized | Before It's News

Conspiracy? Operation Millenium Dragon, Amalgam Virgo, MASCAL 9/11 Military Exercises | Before It's News

Internet Privacy in the New Age | Before It's News





**DarkGovernment ;Documentaries


‪*Atlantis's Final Landing at Kennedy Space Center‏ - YouTube

Atlantis Returns to Earth for Last Time Ever (Video) | Science | Epoch Times

Anonymous and LulzSec Post Response to FBI Arrests | Technology | Epoch Times

Obama's Meeting With Dalai Lama ‘Biggest Joke in the World,’ Says Chinese Media | China News | Epoch Times

Movement of Black Holes Fuels Luminous Quasars | Science | Epoch Times

Discover EXACTLY What Your Audience Wants With This Clever Google Analytics Hack | Before It's News


*Google Analytics Website


Why is Google Shuttering Google Labs? | John C. Dvorak | PCMag.com

Best of Google Labs: A Retrospective CIO.com

Harry Reid Won’t ‘Waste the Senate’s Time’ on ‘Worst Legislation’ in U.S. History

MSNBC Distorts Reagan Position on Debt Ceiling, Says Media Watchdog Group

Liberals Salivate: ‘Could This Be the End of Rupert Murdoch and Fox News?’

Grassley Sees DOJ Cover Up in ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation

Grassley Suspects Botched Gun-Tracking Program Was Motivated by Desire to ‘Restrict Guns’

Border Patrol Official: Drug Cartels 'Have Taken Control' of 'Several Areas Along Our Border'

USDA: 6,501 ‘Food Deserts’ Are Spread Across Most of U.S. Mainland

State Governments Feeling Impact of Threatened U.S. Default

Herman Cain: Bachmann's Migraines Are a Non-Issue

Huntsman's Campaign Manager Resigns

Cindy McCain in Congo to Publicize Violence Against Women

From Cuba, Venezuela's Chavez Governs Via Twitter

Retailers Plan to Bring Fresh Produce to 1,500 'Food Deserts'

Exxon Spill Highlights Gaps in Pipeline Oversight

NAACP Diversifies Its Agenda to Embrace 'Gay Rights,' Immigration

Maricopa County urging employees to get in shape

Dems worry that Obama might retreat on 'revenue increases'

Debt-limit talks: As Obama, Boehner rush to strike deal, Democrats fume

Higher gas could put damper on economy

The five best small towns in America

Campus Ministry Drops 'Christ' From Name

Napolitano: Domestic terrorists a growing threat

U.S. Court Interpreter Killed in Mexico After Being Held for Ransom

ATF sought to downplay guns scandal, emails show

Rep. Allen West: No apology for insulting email to DNC chief

CPS reverses course on controversial tests for teacher applicants

Obama, Geithner Could Face 'Impossibly Difficult' August

Two new suspects held in beating of Giants fan Bryan Stow

Son charged with killing adoptive mom who tried to save him

Coloradans' use of drugs, alcohol much higher than U.S. average




ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme

Cut off U.S. funding for war in Libya

Defence cuts will leave China as the world's policeman, warns Nato chief

VIDEO: Srebrenica: A Town Betrayed

Amid the Murdoch Scandal, The Acrid Smell of "Business as Usual"

The Real Crime: Concentration of Power

"Kamikaze Warfare" and the Debt Ceiling

Impeach President Obama

US Afghan Strategy: Senseless and Merciless

The UN's "Green Helmets. Climate Change as a Pretext for Military Intervention?

Why Hybrid Drivers Close Their Eyes When They Talk | Dprogram.net

Scientists find a mass of synthetic chemicals in every glass of milk | Dprogram.net

Space Shuttle Atlantis: A Retrospective - IT Infrastructure - News & Reviews - eWeek.com

The Associated Press: Panetta says US must keep up pressure on al-Qaida

Tour bus crash in upstate New York kills one, injures dozens | Reuters

Woman accused in penis attack may have tainted victim's tofu soup - latimes.com

Borders liquidation sale begins - Charlotte Business Journal

Star Market: Is Mila Kunis Leading-Lady Material? -- Vulture

Gale Crater next landing site for Mars rover - The Washington Post

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times - IBTimes.com

Tea Tainted by ‘Undisclosed Ingredients’ Like Garden Flower: Study - International Business Times

Alzheimer’s debate: Should you test if you can’t treat it? | The Salt Lake Tribune

Hospital stays are riskier than flying, says WHO - CTV News

Frogs That Spread Salmonella Are Being Sold Again

New rules urged on hybrid animal-human experiments | Reuters

Walmart's Big Plan To Feed The Food Deserts Of The U.S. | Fast Company

AIDS transmission rates cut through circumcision, says study - HealthPop - CBS News

How An Injured Tortoise Rolls Now : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

TriValley Central > Front > Agriculture Department proposes clearer labeling of meat additives

Loughner: Prison medicates Loughner against his will, shooting suspect's lawyers say - latimes.com

Health at birth linked to teen academic performance | Reuters

Defect in Sperm Protein Linked to Male Infertility | Bioscience Technology Online

Poor Peer Review Cited In Retracted DNA Study : NPR

Mandatory Contraceptive Insurance Is Urged - NYTimes.com

FDA issues draft guidance on mobile medical apps

Caterpillar Lowers the Boom on Markets

3 more gloomy bargains: How much the debt deal will cost you | Reuters Money

U.S. Stocks Decline on Caterpillar Drop - Bloomberg

Ford, Without Strike Ban, Has Risk in Union Talks - Bloomberg

Crude Oil Advances in New York on Debt Talks in U.S., Europe

McDonald's Outperforms Yum! in the U.S. - TheStreet

SEC Loses Appeals Court Decision on Rule Easing Board Removal by Investors - Bloomberg

Prince Andrew to Step Down as Trade Envoy | ThirdAge

Police question nurse over deaths

Adult rating of video games - not in this state

U.S. officials, former Pakistan leader worry about latest split - CNN.com

BBC News - Irish PM's attack on church sign of changing times

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Ahmadinejad Wants Public Nuke Push: Intel Analysis

Somali Militants Will Block Aid to Famine-Stricken Areas | News | English

Britain's PM: James Murdoch has 'Questions to Answer' | Europe | English

China irate over push on sea claim | The Australian

The Associated Press: Croat survivor recalls Hadzic-linked horrors

Libyan Rebels They Captured General Behind Misrata Offensive - Businessweek

BBC News - Malawi anti-Mutharika protesters buried in Mzuzu

Israeli companies discover South Sudan - Israel Business, Ynetnews

Report: 41 die in bus blaze on China highway - World news - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

Remains of Hitler Deputy, Hess, Are Removed in Germany - NYTimes.com

‪Rudolf Hess exhumed to deter neo-Nazi pilgrims‏ - YouTube

Eleven killed during mass protests in Syria | Reuters

‪Explosion Rocks Oslo Gov't Offices‏ - YouTube

Is Jon Huntsman's presidential bid already dead? - The Week

NY Opponents of Gay Marriage Set to Protest on Sunday, Christian News

N.C. Rep. Watt wants to defund panel that investigated him - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com

NYT Names David Leonhardt Washington Bureau Chief - ABC News

Pawlenty Ad: Yes, We Need a Miracle | Mother Jones

Firefox Fluff: Red Panda Cubs Born at National Zoo ǀ Red Pandas & Zoo Babies, Newborn Red Pandas | Our Amazing Planet

Endorsements pose tough question for Tea Partiers - USATODAY.com

Obama stresses need for more tax revenue; Senate rejects House debt plan - The Washington Post

Fred Malek gives thumbs down to Michele Bachmann, plugs Rick Perry - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Paper: Lawyer for accused killer of NY boy quits - TODAY News - TODAY.com

Michele Bachmann releases physician’s note on migraines - The Washington Post

'Lemon' Van Crashed Into Dealership by Enraged Customer - ABC News

Cops: Mom gave her children beer and cocaine - Connecticut Post

Coronado Mansion Mystery: 15 Detectives, Zahau's Personal Trainer, Boyfriend's Ex-Wife - ABC News

Police looking for answers in mysterious Calif. mansion deaths - Crimesider - CBS News

Forensics key in solving mansion mystery - Local News - Los Angeles, CA - msnbc.com

L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa defends LAPD handling of Bryan Stow case - latimes.com

‪New Suspects Arrested in Baseball Fan Beating‏ - YouTube

AFP: Queen spooked by Catherine's wedding dress display


*Apollo's Lunar Modules (photos)


Climate change threatens world peace: UN boss

Great White Shark Jumps On Boat, Stressing Everyone – National Geographic News Watch

Fermilab Scientists Discover New Particle | ConceivablyTech

Stabenow wants locks closed to bar Asian carp - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel

After shuttle lands, Mission Control workers will be out of work - Boston.com

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin: the tragic speech Nixon was prepared to give - latimes.com

DNA Tests Unravel The Story Of Pacific Coast Killer Whales - Irish Weather Online

Longest Polar Bear Swim Recorded—426 Miles Straight

Loch Ness Monster-Like Animal Filmed in Alaska? : Discovery News

BBC News - Nepal to re-measure Mount Everest to end China row

NOAA study suggests aerosols might be inhibiting global warming

Exoplanet aurorae 'a thousand times' brighter than ours | TG Daily

'Freaky' Mouse Is Immune to Poison : Discovery News

BBC News - Vesta rock turns for Dawn probe

Mass Extinction Caused by Deadly 'Earth Burp' - FoxNews.com

New Pluto Moon Adds Another Chapter to Dwarf Planet's Saga | Pluto & Its Moons | NASA & New Horizons Mission | Space.com

‪NASA's Hubble Discovers P4, Another Moon Around Pluto‏ - YouTube

'Amazing Spider-Man' Trailer: What We Know So Far - MTV Movie News| MTV

Harry Potter movies earn $7 billion - Entertainment - Movies - TODAY.com

Comic-Con celebrity parties - latimes.com

Lindsay Lohan Facing New Lawsuit -- Assault & Battery | TMZ.com

Beavis & Butt-head return to MTV feisty as ever

‪Beavis And Butt-Head SDCC 11 Sneak Peek Video MTV‏ - YouTube

'Captain America: The First Avenger:' What Critics Say About Chris Evans - Hollywood Reporter

Arnold & Maria's Son Hospitalized -- Surfing Accident | TMZ.com

Lucian Freud obituary: Lucian Freud, British artist who put nudes in anti-erotic poses, dies at 88 - latimes.com

‪Lucian Freud: One of Britain's greatest artists‏ - YouTube

Oracle can question Google's Larry Page in patent dispute - latimes.com

Google doodle: An interactive Alexander Calder mobile - latimes.com

Google News Gets Plus-like Redesign | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

AFP: NATO probes hacker's claim of security breach

NASA vs. China - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post

Google Scrambles to Accelerate Google+ Business Profiles | PCWorld

BBC News - Are patents good for you?

Hackers Vow to Continue Attacks After Raids - Mobiledia

China Mobile Executive Sentenced to Death Over Bribes - NYTimes.com

The Winklevii Will Not Take Larry Summers Sitting Down | Story | POWERWALL

How Star Wars: The Old Republic will move gamers - PC News at GameSpot

TechZone360 - Your Full Circle Technology Resource

BlackBerry PlayBook Wins Security Clearance From Feds -- InformationWeekBlackBerry PlayBook Wins Security Clearance From Feds - government Blog

Verizon Trails AT&T On New iPhone Activations -- InformationWeekVerizon Trails AT&T On New iPhone Activations - mobility Blog

Report: Apple Considering Hulu Buy | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

‪Alexander Calder Google Logo Animated‏ - YouTube


Realty group that overreported Chicago home prices says number crunching was incomplete - chicagotribune.com

Victims in Metra crash remain unidentified - chicagotribune.com

Emanuel sending kids to private school at University of Chicago - chicagotribune.com

2nd-degree murder conviction in death of street artist - chicagotribune.com

Jennifer Olvera's 'The Food Lovers' Guide to Chicago' highlights hot spots like JP Graziano Grocery Co., Joong Boo Market | abc7chicago.com

County: Life, Death and Politics at Chicago's Public Hospital by David A. Ansell - chicagotribune.com

Major O'Hare concessions deal on the way to city council | WBEZ

Chicago broker missing since '79 found working in Las Vegas - chicagotribune.com

New law cracks down on child abductors - chicagotribune.com

Big plans for the old Chicago post office | WBEZ

Kids 'Slumped Over Desks' in Hot Schools | NBC Chicago


Semantic Propaganda Feeds Stupidity

The Last Hope for the Euro

Legislating Curriculum Or Why Kids Hate Social Studies

Are the Republicans just an opposition party?

The Syrian regime’s survival is Lebanon’s demise

The Art of War Series

Show us the bodies, EPA

Palestine - United Nations Needs Reality Check

Karzai blocking probe of missing billions of U.S. dollars in Afghanistan

Democrat Pollster: If Election Were Held Today, Obama Would Lose!

Sustainable Health: Are You Ready to Be Forced into Health Prevention

It’s no longer “Look what Obama is Doing” but “See what Obama has done”

The Five Step Plan to kill the Australian economy with High Cost Electricity

President Wilson Could Never Imagine - Democracy Made Safe for Perversion

Col. Larry Sellin: Obama’s Eligibility Must Be Dealt With Before 2012 Election

Sister Wives: The Concubines of the Cult of Kody Brown

A Definition of the “Green or “Clean Economy”—Not What You Would Think

A Poll That Barack Would Like to Bury and Ignore

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

The Love of Scandal

Obama’s Amateur Paint-by-Numbers Liberalism Driving the World Off a Cliff

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

Lemmings the Cliff and 2012

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Strategy to win

Edge of the Spending New Frontier


AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space

SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


* Savage to make his fiction debut


U.S. Urges U.N. Security Council to Make ‘Climate Change’ A Priority | CNSnews.com

Blog: Chicken Liberals

The Left's Big Lie On Allende - Investors.com

Russian agent linked to U.S. Embassy blast - Washington Times

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

Obama: Cut Defense Spending Before Food Stamps - Rebecca Kaplan - NationalJournal.com

Space shuttle comes to 'final stop' after 30 years - latimes.com

Russia declares 'era of Soyuz' after shuttle - Yahoo! News

Wynn's Rant: One Among Many - Investors.com

Perry slams Obama for closing down NASA's space shuttle program - The Hill's Transportation Report

Home Depot Co-Founder: Obama Is Choking Recovery - Investors.com

DeMint warns that the tea party is losing ‘focus’ | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

New York subway fight: Not even a baby can get in the way of scrap between two women

Indian Mega-Weddings Faulted for Wasting Food - FoxNews.com

‪Millions Being Spent Lobbying On Debt Ceiling Issue‏ - YouTube

‪Dennis Kucinich "War Takes Money From The American People & Gives It To War Profiteers!"‏ - YouTube

‪John Stossel-07-21-11-A‏ - YouTube

‪James Murdoch Being Called Back To Parliament!‏ - YouTube

+A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word

Deficits And Stimulus Only Delay The Inevitable Collapse

Debt Ceiling Myths

ALERT: MSM Magazine Overt Subliminal: “Silver Is Money”

Government Is To Blame For Blackouts

Busted: NWO Mass Media Uses Porno Movie To Fabricate Rape Propaganda Against Libyans

Who Is Rupert Murdoch?

Your Edible Landscape: Queen Anne’s Lace aka Wild Carrot

Melatonin: The Biggest Health Bang For Your Money

Cop threatens to execute driver over concealed weapon permit

The Magic of Manganese

The Miracle Lipid That Burns Fat

Debbie Schlussel:Michele Bachmann’s Migraine Headaches, Courtesy of Tucker “Dancing Star” Carlson

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS Video: BBC Boobs Have the Wrong Guest

Debbie Schlussel"ABSURD: Harry Potter Ad Teaches Your Kids About “Fighting for Vagina”

Debbie Schlussel:Homeland Security VIDEO: White Men are the Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel;My NHK Japan Interview on Islam in America

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim Doctor Ring Perpetrated Immigration Fraud, Over $3 Million in Medicare Fraud

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, Another Hezbollah Car Theft Ring in N America; Disturbing Death Threats, Police Ties

The Most Dangerous Man In America

The Worst Steward of the Economy in American History

Catch-22 on Poverty and Welfare

Queer Theory vs. Reality in Chicago's Boystown

The Jews in the Basement

Why Google Replaced the Golden Rule with 'Don't Be Evil'

Feigning Powerlessness to Retain Power

Demonizing Milton Friedman

Standing With Israel

Dark days for America

UN power sharing plan for Libya a non-starter

Obama-Boehner 'Grand Bargain' an invitation to disaster

Credit agencies warn of bond 'death spiral' if credit limit not raised

There's No Reason Libertarians and Gay Conservatives Can't Support Michele Bachmann

Bill O'Reilly Addresses the Tea Party

Leftist mythology debunked by new autopsy

Rahm blows his top

American Blacks Cannot Be Blamed For Barack Obama

The 70-Million-Check Constituency

Islamic Supremacism Trumps Christianity at Ground Zero

Bebé Glotón and the Gender Benders

Are Hispanics For or Against Illegal Immigration?

Liberals Launch Christian Witch Trials

Sauce for the Gerrymander

Black Privilege

Obama Redefining 'Poverty'

Can We Afford Not Borrowing?

Can Increased Demand Save the Economy?

LBJ and the Destruction of American Currency

Slaves Are Issued Weapons; Free People Own Them

Obama Makes Socialist Joke During Debt Town Hall | Video | TheBlaze.com

Angry Canton Police Officer Daniel Harless Threatens William Bartlett Suspended | TheBlaze.com

Home Depot Co-Founder Bernie Marcus Blasts Obama Economy | TheBlaze.com

Norway Terror: Man Dressed as Police Officer Opens Fire on Youth Camp Outside Oslo | TheBlaze.com

Explosion Hits Norway Government Headquarters Parliament Oslo | Video | TheBlaze.com

Senate Rejects GOP’s Cut, Cap & Balance Debt Plan | TheBlaze.com

Illegal Immigrant Journalist Antonio Vargas Has License Revoked by Washington | TheBlaze.com

California Milk Board Changes PMS Milk Ad | TheBlaze.com

Sneak Peek at 9/11 Memorial Museum | Video | TheBlaze.com

SEIU Launches New Ad Bashing GOP, Conservative Ad Responds with ‘Spenditol’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

Boy Impaled by Bamboo Stick Through Neck | Video | TheBlaze.com

New Suspects Arrested in Bryan Stow Giants Fan Beating | Video | TheBlaze.com

Alaska’s Loch Ness Monster? | Video | TheBlaze.com

‘Gay Barbarian Horde’ Glitters Waiting Room of Bachmann Clinic | TheBlaze.com

L.A. Police Officer Fired for Starring in Porn Film | Video | TheBlaze.com

Federal Employees More Likely to Die Than Get Fired | TheBlaze.com

Beck Responds to Contessa Brewer’s Interview With Rep. Mo Brooks | Video | TheBlaze.com

Pentagon to Okay Open Gays in Military | TheBlaze.com

Lutheran Social Service Groups May Separate Over Differences on Bible Homosexuality | TheBlaze.com

Anti-Walmart Flash Mob in Maryland | Video | TheBlaze.com

Baggy Saggy Pants Ban Could Violate Constitution | Video | TheBlaze.com

Former Pakistani President Musharraf Certain Rick Perry Will Run for President? | Video | TheBlaze.com

Young boy makes baseball‘s ’Play of the Day’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

‘All-American Muslim’ Reality Show on TLC | TheBlaze.com

Hitler Deputy Rudolph Hess Bones Dug Up | TheBlaze.com

Twitter suspends empower texans conservative group | TheBlaze.com

Rahm Emanual Walk Out Interview Kids School | Video | TheBlaze.com

Canton Ohio Police Officer Threatens Concealed Carry Weapon CCW Holder During Traffic Stop | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jon Huntsman Campaign Manager Susan Wiles Resigns | TheBlaze.com

Valley Park Middle School Sharia Law Muslim Girls Menstruation | Video | TheBlaze.com

Cenk Uygur Leaves MSNBC | Video | TheBlaze.com

Texas State Board of Education Debates Evolution, Creationism in Schools | TheBlaze.com

Obama Admin Is Pushing For The Release Of A Convicted Muslim Terrorist – Abdul Rahman Al-Amoudi | TheBlaze.com

Al Franken Focus on the Family Gay Marriage Children Nuclear Families Tom Minnery | Video | TheBlaze.com

Holocaust Denier Praises Ahmadinejad for Breaking Holocaust ‘Taboo’ Lies Propaganda | TheBlaze.com

Space Shuttle Atlantis Final Landing NASA video | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jack Vale Fake Fart Target Punched | Video | TheBlaze.com

Weather underground movie robert redford shia labeouf company you keep | TheBlaze.com

9/11 Fire Truck Lowered into Ground Zero Site Memorial | Video | TheBlaze.com

Enough is Enough, Black Caucus Slams Allen West for Calling Wasserman Schultz ‘Vile,’ West Refuses to Apologize | TheBlaze.com

MSNBC‘s Martin Bashir Claims Murdoch’s Power is Reason Why Government Must Regulate Private Media | Video | TheBlaze.com

Bizarre: Man Sets House on Fire While Trying to Cremate Dog | Video | TheBlaze.com

Geoffrey Farrow Catholic Gay Rights Activist Gay Marriage | TheBlaze.com

Illinois Study Public Employees Earn More Than Private Sector Employees | Video | TheBlaze.com

‘Worst Ride of My Life’: Man Afraid of Heights Stuck on Bungee Ride for Three Hours | Video | TheBlaze.com

Sen. Tom Harkin Republicans Dead-Beat Debtors Cult Fringe | Video | TheBlaze.com

China Executes Corrupt Officials | TheBlaze.com

Obama Americans are Sold Debt Ceiling | TheBlaze.com

MSNBC Anchor Contessa Brewer Asks About Economics Degree | Video | TheBlaze.com

Skull Found at Pearl Harbor, Could Have Belonged to Japanese Pilot | TheBlaze.com

Gay Marriage Video Kissing Kids | Video | TheBlaze.com

California DMV Keeps Sending Out Disabled Placards — To People Who Are Dead | TheBlaze.com

**Prison Planet.com » Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident

Prison Planet.com » Oslo Bombing: Why Would “Terrorists” Attack Near-Empty Office Building on Public Holiday?

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Challenges Romney In NH Donations Tally

Prison Planet.com » Cenk Uygur’s Departure From MSNBC Shatters The Popular Myth That Only Ratings Matter

Prison Planet.com » The Green Police Are No Longer A Joke – The UN May Create An Army Of “Green Helmets” To Fight Climate Change

Prison Planet.com » 500 Million Debt-Serfs: The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal Kleptocracy

Prison Planet.com » Ex-MSNBC Host Left After Being Told To “Tone Down” Attacks on Establishment

Sea-level rises are slowing, tidal gauge records show | The Australian

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”

Prison Planet.com » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

‪Hal Sparks On Living Forever And The NWO‏ - YouTube

*3 Parts: Mark Crutcher: Eugenics is The Heart of The Globalists Religion Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Grassley Sees DOJ Cover Up in ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation | CNSnews.com

» Pentagon Warning Order: ‘Prepare for War’ (By September?) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Race to the Moon Heats Up for Private Firms - NYTimes.com

» Psychopathic Cop Threatens to Kill Man for Legal Concealed Carry Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Proposed Law Would Mandate Jail for Critics of Saudi King - NYTimes.com

Consumers in U.S. Relying on Credit as Inflation Erodes Incomes - Bloomberg

Activist Post: New US software to end 'naked' airport scans

Lawyer: Cop scanner ‘crosses line’ - BostonHerald.com

» ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme Dwarfs Murdoch’s “News of the World” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Farm Felons Pick Off California Crops - NYTimes.com


*Transcripts:21st/Bernanke's Testimony on One-Year of Dodd-Frank

20th/Interview w/DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Panel on the 2012 Battle in Iowa


Update & Outlook on the Penn Marcellus Nat Gas Industry

Alternative Fuels as a Military Strategy

Renewables Investment in MENA: Financier Views

Natural Gas Reconsidered

Power Line Policy Passed by Energy Regulatory Commission - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Green, Shovel-Ready Stimulus -- 100 Years Ago

Here’s A Real Stimulus Plan – Restoring Oil And Gas Production In The Gulf Of Mexico Would Add 230,000 Jobs - Christopher Helman - Fuel - Forbes

Pros and Cons: ‘Renewable’ energy also comes at a price | syracuse.com

Solar's Sunniest Days Still Lie Ahead

The Groupon of solar power: One Block Off the Grid - Jul. 20, 2011

Michael Bloomberg Funds Guerilla War Against Big Coal | Rolling Stone Politics | RS Politics Daily | Rolling Stone Writers and Editors on Political News

The coal stops here : Michael Brune : City Brights

Press Releases - News - United States Senator Joe Manchin

Toothlessness of Alberta's Final Oil Sands Plan Worries Conservationists in U.S. & Canada | SolveClimate News

Is nuclear energy different than other energy sources? | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The SPR as a National Piggy Bank

New Reactor in Tennessee: Safety Concerns Cloud US Nuclear Renaissance - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Despite naysayers, it’s time to move on with nuclear power - The Daily Sentinel: Editorials

Pictures—Ten Oldest U.S. Nuclear Plants: Post-Japan Risks

Pipeline Oil Spills: Energy Fact of the Week « The Enterprise Blog

Five Aftereffects of Climate Bill's Failure - Amy Harder - NationalJournal.com

What happened to global warming? - Science Fair - USATODAY.com

How Much Does Global Warming Cost? - Miller-McCune

CfA Press Room:Exoplanet Aurora: An Out-of-this-World Sight

Space is still the new frontier - CNN.com

We're going to see a black hole!!! : Starts With A Bang

Hell of a Choice: Cerberus Leads for New Pluto Moon Name | What Will Pluto's New Moon Be Named? | Life's Little Mysteries

When Mr. Heat Comes To Washington - Patrick Michaels - Climate of Fear - Forbes

The rise of the dinosaurs: Pardon! | The Economist

BBC Nature - Mandrill monkey makes 'pedicuring' tool

Ethical rules needed to curb 'Frankenstein-like experiments' on animals - Telegraph

'Freaky' Mouse Is Immune to Poison : Discovery News

The New Atlantis » Why the Arabic World Turned Away from Science

The Navy Wants You... To Be Energy Efficient - Blog

UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center : In the News : Scientists Create First Mapping of Molecule in Human Embryonic Stem Cells that may Regulate Genes

An eye gene colors butterfly wings red | Science Codex

Paternity testing helps fill in family tree for Puget Sound's killer whales: Inbreeding could reduce whales' genetic diversity

Experimental Science Education | Policy - ISNS

Colorado River Faces Flood and Drought--Becoming Less Reliable?: Scientific American

Ancient footprints show human-like walking began nearly 4 million years ago

Addressing PTSD With Surf Therapy - Miller-McCune

Fish and chips? Fish filmed using rock as tool - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience - msnbc.com

Follow Up: Plastic Bioaccumulation in Ocean - Blog

Cyanide, Uranium, and Ammonium Nitrate: When Kids Really Had Fun With Science | Collectors Weekly

One gene keeps Mickey from turning into Minnie | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Semiconductors Drive a Faster, Cheaper DNA Decoder - NYTimes.com

Probiotics: the pros and cons. - By Amanda Schaffer - Slate Magazine

Man-Eating Lions Attack by the Dark of the Moon - ScienceNOW

Male infertility linked to protein invisibility cloak - health - 20 July 2011 - New Scientist

RealClearScience - The World Is Not Overpopulated

Overpopulation: Perpetual growth is the creed of a cancer cell, not a sustainable human society - latimes.com

Colleen Carroll Campbell: Smearing Bachmann

WORLDMag.com | A forgetful duo: Obama and Wallis

The American Spectator : McLuhan's Centennial

Adults who do not speak to a parent | Opinion | Jewish Journal

A Critique of ALL Religions | Books and Culture

Death Beds | First Things

Hindu diners sue Indian restaurant for selling meat samosas – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Tim Pawlenty calls Jesus his ‘political hero’ - Under God - The Washington Post

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway: Michele Bachmann and the Pope - WSJ.com

The Paul We Think We Know | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Lessons from Mary Magdalene

Bruce Chilton: Who Was Mary Magdalene?

Rethinking a Classic from the Conservative Contraception Canon | Sexuality/Gender | Religion Dispatches

How marriage works on you | Joel J. Miller

The American Spectator : The College Racket

Irish prime minister accuses Vatican of ‘narcissism’ | CatholicHerald.co.uk

The Buddhist art of nonjudgmental judging is subtle | Barbara O'Brien | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Meghan Daum: The Marcus Bachmann hypocrisy - latimes.com

How To: Write a Science-Explains-Religion Op-Ed | Religion Dispatches

The Dangers of “Radical” Faith (and What They Teach Us) | Philosophical Fragments

The Present State of Our Polygamous Future | First Things

Plague of Economists | Writing | SPLICETODAY.com

What's Behind China's Hard Line Against Catholics?

Who is supreme in a nation without God? - On Faith - The Washington Post

My Take: Political pledges are unbiblical and unchristian – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Michele Bachmann’s Very Rough Road Ahead | The New Republic

NY Times: It’s the Democrats Who Are Blocking a Deal « Commentary Magazine

Obama’s bad debt deal getting worse - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

The Politics Of Grand Bargaineering | ThinkProgress

The Mysterious Dr. Coburn | The New Republic

Washington's spending addiction is bankrupting America | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

In the wake of Obamacare | Nealz Nuze | www.boortz.com

A party divorced from sanity - War Room - Salon.com

David Rieff On The Libyan Intervention | The New Republic

Pledging Allegiance to the Special Interests: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg

The Lesser Depression - NYTimes.com

Noonan: Out of the Way, Please, Mr. President - WSJ.com

Best Debt Plan Would Shave A Half-Trillion - Investors.com

RealClearPolitics - The Limits of Compromise

Impediment to reform - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Why Obama Will Win in 2012

RealClearPolitics - Iowa Remains Deeply Unsettled as Straw Poll Nears

Obama tests the line between campaigning and his official duties | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Jobs-Creation Idea Both Parties Can Love: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

Analysis: Job Growth Was 10-Fold Higher Before the Democrats Passed Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

We are on course to stop a new financial crisis - FT.com

Opinion: Dodd-Frank: Missed opportunity - Mark A. Calabria - POLITICO.com

Why America’s Young And Restless Will Abandon Cities For Suburbs - Joel Kotkin - New Geographer - Forbes

RealClearPolitics - Will College Bubble Burst From Public Subsidies?

RealClearPolitics - The Last Space Shuttle and the Limits of Obama's Vision

The World from Berlin: 'A New Epoch Has Begun in the History of the Euro' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Sanctions aren’t slowing Iran’s nuclear progress - The Washington Post

John Taylor: The End of the Growth Consensus - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - GOP's Gang Warfare on Debt Ceiling

How to Understand Obama’s Chances in 2012 — The American Magazine

Why we’ll have 10% unemployment soon Jeff Reeves - MarketWatch

Ryan: "Leading On Reporters At Press Conferences Is Not Leadership" | RealClearPolitics

Debt crisis: In our competitive decadence, we face eurogeddon and dollargeddon | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

Barack Obama as Mr. Pink | Mother Jones

New U.S. Space Program Must Include the World (pdf)

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty: Still Seriously Flawed | The Heritage Foundation

The Limits of U.S. Assistance to Pakistan

A Continent, Sinking - By Steven Erlanger | Foreign Policy

Adrian Hamilton: We're near to the limit of charitable giving - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

Chinese Foreign Policy After Hu | The Diplomat

Exclusive: Inside Darpa’s Secret Afghan Spy Machine | Danger Room | Wired.com

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Hope in change

Commentary: The New Power Alliance: Russia, Germany and France | The National Interest

Canada-U.S. relations: In praise of the ‘hidden wiring’

Bringing Our Foreign Policy Home - Council on Foreign Relations

Watergate took some time to unravel. The phone-hacking scandal could too | Martin Kettle | Comment is free | The Guardian

David Cameron News Corp. Scandal: Miliband's Opportunity Crisis - The Daily Beast

Obama’s Policies Help Build Support for Israel’s Anti-Boycott Law « Commentary Magazine

The Prince of Persia - By Karim Sadjadpour | Foreign Policy

China takes credit for human rights progress | The Japan Times Online

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: It sure looks and smells like apartheid

After New START - Mark B. Schneider - National Review Online

WikiLeaks show US calling shots in Haiti - Haiti - MiamiHerald.com

Hillary Clinton and Asia's watery flashpoint - CSMonitor.com

Equip the UN to act faster - thestar.com

Monetary union, always unworkable, has set in train a European disaster | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Pity the Policymakers - Mohamed A. El-Erian - Project Syndicate

Thomas Saving: Obama's Debt-Ceiling Scare Tactics - WSJ.com

5 questions dogging News Corp. investors Jon Friedman's Media Web - MarketWatch

Apple Does it Again: Why Companies Win While Economies Lose | Moneyland | TIME.com

Advancing Mispriced Credit To Individuals And Countries - Reuven Brenner - Leapfrogging - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - The Recovery Awaits On the Other Side of Price Discovery

Robert Schiller: A Lot of What Happens in Markets is Driven by Pure Stupidity « Stone Street Advisors

Simon Johnson: Could Tax Reform Make the Financial System Safer? - NYTimes.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: A New Gold Conspiracy Theory: Bernanke and His Global Central Bankers are Driving Up the Price of Gold

Concerns About Economy, Jobs Outweigh Worries About Deficit

Cumberland Advisors - Market Commentary

GHEI: The crony-capitalist triumph - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - Health Insurance Exchanges: A Race To the Bottom

Brainstorm Tech video: Frank Quattrone on Bubble 2.0 -- or is it? - Fortune Tech

RealClearMarkets - On the Road to Armageddon: America's Permanent Deficit Problems

Wall Street Sees Big Selloff If Debt Deal Isn't Reached - CNBC

Home Depot Co-Founder: Obama Is Choking Recovery - Investors.com

Asia Times Online :: Why banks aren't lending


What Could Bury Gold - SmartMoney.com

John Taylor: The End of the Growth Consensus - WSJ.com

Developed world cannot thrive at ‘stall speed’ - FT.com

One Comedian’s Perspective: Maron and Savage Crossed the Line

Down Syndrome Advocates Silent on Maher Trashing Trig Palin

Morning Call Sheet: Pee Wee, Star Wars, Aquaman, and a Happy Friday to You All

Review: Let’s Hear It for ‘Captain America’

‘Red Eye’ Podcast: That Jerk In a Mosh Pit

Ugly American: Alec Baldwin Demands Leader of Foreign Country Resign

BigDawg Spotlight: Bobby Powers and Party Time Tell D.C. ‘Take Your Hands Out of Our Pockets’

‘Friends With Benefits’ Review: Great Cast In Teriffic Romcom

Morning Call Sheet: Snake Plissken, Conan, Buck, The Lone Ranger and an Idea Worse Than a Remake

NewsBusters Shreds ‘Entertainment Weekly’s’ Dishonest ‘Undefeated’ Hypocrisy

Breathless: FDA Bans Asthma Medication

Oslo Explosion Was a Bomb; Gunman Opens Fire at Youth Camp

Senate Rejects ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ Legislation

Big Sis: Sean Hannity, Possible Terrorist, Osama bin Laden, Possible Patriot

Audio:Congressman Paul Ryan Discusses a Debt Ceiling Deal, the Gang of Six and Fixing the Economy

Has CA Public Utilities Commission Jumped on the ‘Media Reform’ Astroturf Bandwagon?

Cartoon:Obama Nation: On the Other Hand…

Indoctrination Fridays: Students Chant for Genderless Society

Bye Bye Shuttle Era…Hello, Innovation

St. Louis Cookie Stand Lawsuit Goes to Court

What Does Raising the Debt Limit Mean to You Personally?

UPDATE: Union Goon Only Supports ‘Some’ Violence?

Unholy War in Texas Escalates

Breaking News: Wisconsin Accounts for More than Half of Nation’s Net New Jobs in June

Audio:Congressmen Bill Cassidy, Steve King and Jeb Hensarling on Cut, Cap and Balance and the Gang of Six

Who Says Union Goons Are Violent?

Polls that Tap ‘Random’ Americans Urge ‘Compromise’

Low Voltage Problems at Government Motors

Failed Voice Over Actor Isn’t Bitter at All Over FreedomWorks Dust Up

Palm Beach Post Mocks Congressman Allen West’s Military Pride

Bill Maher’s Easy, Politically Safe Humor

Why Does Media Matters Hate The Jews And Israel?

MSNBC Gives Up Entirely, Replaces Cenk Uygur with Al Sharpton

Will The Press EVER Call Out “Dr.” John Boyd on His Lies and Use of the Rural Race Card?

Cenk Uygur’s Rambling Reason for Getting Axed at MSNBC

SHOCKER (Not): Politico ‘Reporter’ Takes Democratic Party Job

Sound Bite for the Day: Flashback – Contessa Brewer Calls Jesse Jackson “Al Sharpton”

Tabloids Don’t Deserve the 1st Amendment

Norway’s 9/11?

Conquest Through Rape In Europe? Latest Victim Raped On Steps Of Parliament

VIDEO: Syrian Tribal Leader Threatens TO BARBECUE The U.S. Ambassador–’With Or Without Salt’

Covert Influence Operations: Illegal Lobbying, The Red Cross, And the National Republican Senatorial Committee

Australia: Sharia-Sanctioned Polygamy and Child Marriage

Audio:Senator James Risch: Israel Matters

Obama And Our Energy Realities

China’s Stimulus No Better Than America’s; Local Governments Piling Up Huge Debts

Syria Transfers Advanced Missiles To Hezbollah Terrorists

What Are The Special Forces Trying To Build? Strange Request For Supplies

Arkansas Jihadist Murder Trial Begins

Israel’s Struggle Is Not A War Of Words

Another Foreign Policy Disaster and New South Asia Power Dynamics

Man Of Steel moved to June 14, 2013 | Film | Newswire | The A.V. Club

Cindy McCain and Ben Affleck together again - CLICK - POLITICO.com

Probe Pigford Fraud - Investors.com

Mika Brzezinski: Return Taxes to 'Normal Levels' | NewsBusters.org

Army general: US should aid Iraqi defense


22-Jul-11 World View

21-Jul-11 World View

20-Jul-11 World View

19-Jul-11 World View

18-Jul-11 World View

17-Jul-11 World View

16-Jul-11 World View


2 dead in Oslo bombing; shooting at Norwegian youth camp

Paul Simon concert review: You can call him great

Hundreds of thousands protest in Syria, 11 killed

Blast rocks central Oslo, Norway PM's office

'Syrian police, militiamen attack Kurdish protesters'

Iran public execution outrages human rights groups

Canada to deport China's most-wanted fugitive

State cites NY theme park in vet's coaster death

Senate rejects House GOP budget-cutting plan

Wall Street still gives big cash to Obama

McDonald's sales keep rising, even with price hike

Verdict reached in Ohio case involving 11 deaths

Dad of NYC subway bomb plotter is convicted

Ten admitted to Oslo hospital after blast: spokesman

Beavis & Butt-head return to MTV feisty as ever

Koreas agree to work toward resuming nuclear talks

Dalai Lama doesn't want to be like British queen

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he has completed "first cycle" of chemotherapy.

Shelling by Yemen security kills girl, mother

Norway: Several shot at Labor Party youth camp

Chances for gas pump price breaks appear slim


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Experts: Registrar stamps confirm Obama forgery

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Anything Obama endorses, I have suspicions about';Sen. Coats wants vote on 'cut, cap and balance,' wary of Senate alternatives

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Dodging default;Rep. Webster offers bill to prioritize spending if debt deal not reached

White House operative heading 'birther' smear campaign?

'Irrefutable' proof of Obama forgery

Video: Trump Still Skeptical of Obama Birth Certificate | Impeach Obama Campaign

World Guides website claims Obama born in Kisumu, Kenya | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Video gives evidence of CNN's 'gotcha' reporting

Sharpton Close to Being MSNBC Anchor - NYTimes.com

Teachers' union chief: Let's ignore 'science' of homosexuality

Jerry Brown assumes uncommon influence over FPPC - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Fast and Furious: ATF sought to downplay guns scandal, emails show - latimes.com

'Strike' on Mexican drug cartel nabs dozens in Texas | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Day laborers' suit alleges harassment by League City | Immigration | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

User's Manual to the Debt Ceiling - FoxNews.com

Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be 'Stability Police' in U.S.

The best 8 exercises for older adults

Report on Homeland Security scandal blocked

Poll: Weakened Obama would lose vote today - Washington Times

Barack Obama's 2008 bundlers flee political 'machine' - Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman and Byron Tau - POLITICO.com

Al Qaeda magazine pokes fun at fall of sexting pol Anthony Weiner

Schwarzenegger seeks to avoid spousal support for Shriver - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Harlem woman sues JetBlue after officials question if she's wearing underwear, kick her off flight

TerraNet Portal Site:Stripper army' urges Putin Kremlin return

Soros machine steps up assault on Murdoch's empire

Obama's citizen 'protection' bureau pick misused state funds?

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

WorldNetDaily – A Free Press for a Free People

Call Obama's bluff

My conversation with Obama camp

Franken, Blumenthal introduce privacy bill - Tony Romm - POLITICO.com

Man dies in savage lawn mower accident - The Local

Texas education board to rekindle evolution debate; new Perry-appointed chair has rocky start - The Washington Post

Reunited shed family starts a new life in new home (w/video) | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Dead-end debt debate

Call Obama's bluff

Addicted to government: Is there a way out?

Living in a world of the tea party's lies

Never trust anything from a gang

A worldwide crisis on my birthday

Idiotic politeness doctrine is killing soldiers

The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Anytown, USA: Bags of Mulch, "Cooling" Burqas and Sharia for the People

Racist violence on campus: Who knew?

Death to the Living Constitution - Reason Magazine

Bigger Than the Tea Party | OurFuture.org

A closer look at Obama Sr.

David Rieff On The Libyan Intervention | The New Republic

Archaeologists Discover High Priest's Bell? - - News - Israel National News

APNewsBreak: Skull discovered at Pearl Harbor - Forbes.com

Digging into Technology's Past - Archaeology Magazine

Egypt Just Can't Get Rid of Mummy Tsar Zahi Hawass - ARTINFO.com

Mass Extinction Easier to Trigger Than Thought | Wired Science | Wired.com

Fatter and fewer German nudists as numbers dwindle - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

Al Futaysi island: Hamad carves 2-miles-long name in sand visible from SPACE | Mail Online

Lawnchair Wheelchairs: Irvine Man Makes Lawnchair Wheelchairs for Disabled, Impoverished - ktla.com

Explorers find bizarre, spaceship-like object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

Hell of a Choice: Cerberus Leads for New Pluto Moon Name | New Pluto Moon P4 | Pluto Moons & Atmosphere | Space.com

Attack of the Urban Mosquito - WSJ.com

Mysterious 'Frankenstein-like' fossils provide fresh clues to evolution of insects | Mail Online

State of New Hampshire Erects Historical Marker for Betty and Barney Hill

"Death Dance" Stars Found—May Help Prove Einstein Right

Heat 'dome' traps much of US in pressure cooker - Yahoo! News

Fast-Evolving Brains Helped Humans out of the Stone Age: Scientific American

10 Things To Do If You See A UFO - Salisbury, PA Patch

Meet Shun Shun the four-eared dog | Orange UK

*22 July

American Minute for July 22nd

This Day in History for 22nd July

Today in History: July 22

July 22nd This Day in History

July 22nd in History

July 22 Events in History

Today in History: July 22

‪Today in History for July 22nd‏ - YouTube


07/21 The Mark Levin Show

July 21, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-21, Thursday

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, July, 21, 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-21-11

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Redding News Reveiw

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

The Manning Report – 20 July 2011

The Manning Report – 19 July 2011

The Michael Savage Show 07/21/2011

**News Videos**

**World Video:U.S.-China Economic Engagement In Africa

Gaddafi Rules Out Talks With Libyan Rebels

Oslo Explosion Aftermath

Musharraf: 'Gov't Wasn't Hiding Osama'

What Has U.S. Learned About Terrorism?

What Does The Greek Bailout Mean?

President Obama Calls The International Space Station

Famine Aid To Go To Islamist Areas

Libya Rebels Warned Over Abuses

Prince To Quit UK Trade Envoy Job

EU Leaders Discuss Second Greek Bailout

Ministers Arrive At Euro Summit

Morocco Can Be A Bridge Between Europe And Africa

The Effects Of The Conflict On Women And Children

Did Saudi Arabia Help Bin Laden On 9/11?

21ST/New Imperial China - Part One

New Imperial China - Part Two

Libya War Update

Barroso: Euro Crisis Is 'Very Serious'

Cameron: 'My Staff Behaved Entirely Properly'

Syrian Refugees Escape To Wadi Khaled

Greek Taxi Drivers Clash With Police

MP Warned Cameron About Coulson

EU Leaders Consider New Banking Tax

Europe Welcomes Hadzic Arrest

Attacks In Afghanistan As ISAF Hands Over Security

Car Explodes In Yemen, Kills British Shipping Surveyor

Francis Fukuyama: Future Of Conflict

Taoiseach Enda Kenny Criticizes The Vatican

Israel Security Update From Mike Huckabee

**Markets Video

Real Clear Markets - Video - Betaworks CEO: Google Doesn't Grasp Social Media

Real Clear Markets - Video - U.S. Nuclear Plant's 'Disturbing' Report

Real Clear Markets - Video - Deja Vu? Is Market 'Distressingly Similar' to 2007?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is Zillow Worth $1 Billion?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Sell News Corp!: Against the Grain

Real Clear Markets - Video - Banks Are Not Scaring Away the Bulls

Real Clear Markets - Video - Companies Hoard Cash for Deficit 'Flood'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Man Attempts to Hit Rupert Murdoch with Foam Pie

Real Clear Markets - Video - Why Gold Could Lose its Grip on $1,600

Real Clear Markets - Video - Could Marijuana Save the U.S.?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Can Google Still Be a Startup?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Would You Buy a Ferrari for $18 Million?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Companies Bidding Farewell to Vacation Days?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Would You Leave Wall Street to Start a Business?


**Politics Video:Obama Thanks Man Who Called Republicans "Hooligans" For "Excellent Question"

Andrea Mitchell Asks Dem Sen: "Aren't You Giving Up Too Much?"

Boehner: Where Is Obama's Plan?

Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance Is "Over, Done And Dead"

Obama: Getting "Patriotic" Rich To Pitch In Is Not "Wild-Eyed Socialistic Position"

Obama: FDR "Was Pretty Fiscally Conservative"

Obama: "Would Be Easier If I Could Do This Entirely On My Own"

Obama: Policy Has Been Right In Past Two Years, Messaging Could Be Better

O'Reilly: Is The Tea Party Self Destructive?

Ed Schultz Makes Plea With Obama: "Don't Do This"

Krauthammer: If Perry Runs, He Will Be "First-Tier" Candidate

Cenk Talks To Olbermann On Getting Dumped At MSNBC

21ST/Rubio: "Hard To Compromise When The Other Side Does Not Have A Plan"

Obama: Cut Defense Spending As Opposed To Food Stamps

Fareed Zakaria: Debt Ceiling Fight "A Sideshow"

Dean: With Default We Can't Pay Off Debt And Pay Social Security

Giuliani: "If We Default, 90% Of Blame Falls On Obama"

Mark Levin: Boehner, McConnell Are In Wrong Place In History

Kerry: Founding Fathers Would Be Against Balanced Budget Amendment

Harry Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance "Worst Piece Of Legislation" Ever

Carney: Economy Has "Vastly Improved" Since Obama Was Sworn In

Michelle Malkin: Wasserman Schultz Is "Alan Grayson In Heels"

E.J. Dionne: Tea Party Threatening To Devour The GOP

Carney Responds To Coburn: "We Would Take That Bet"

Rep. Allen West: Apology To Wasserman Schultz "Is Not Happening"

Boehner On Rush Limbaugh: There Is No Deal

Coburn: "I Will Bet You A Porterhouse Steak" Obama Will Sign Cut, Cap & Balance

DeMint: We're Not Elected To "Make It Easier To Increase Debt Limit"

Report: Obama Floating Plan Of $3 Trillion With No Revenue

Obama: 2012 Will Be Referendum On My "Stewardship"

O'Reilly: Bachmann, ABC Incident Illustrates "Problem With Security Going Overboard"

Dem Senator: "Cut, Cap, And Balance" Is "Cut, Cap And Kill Medicare"

Boehner: "Irresponsible" Not To Have A Back-Up Plan

Krauthammer: Pawlenty Attack On Bachmann A "Cheap Shot"

Schultz: "Republican Devotion To Protecting The Rich Is A Religion"

Matthews: Obama's Doing "What Reagan Did"

Pawlenty Ad: "Prove The Experts Wrong" About Me


**NEWS VIDEOS:Senate Kills Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill

Disgraced GEICO Voice-Over Actor Lashes Out at Breitbart in Propaganda Parody Video

Rudy Still Contemplating White House Run

Flashback: Debbie Wasserman-Shultz Bad Mouths Allen West in 2010

21ST/Sexist Media Scrutinize Bachmann’s Migraines, Ignore Obama’s Smoking

Ousted MSNBC Anchor Reveals ‘People in Washington’ Influence On-Air Content

GOP Senator Tries to Sell ‘Gang of Six’ Deal to Hugh Hewitt

South Korea’s Susan Boyle

NBC News and Chris Matthews Selectively Edit Reagan’s Position on Taxes

House GOP Whip: There Is No Deal

Grim Details Emerge in Parent Hammer Murders

West: No Apology

Breitbart Debates Journalism School Lefty in Lively Radio Appearance

DeMint: We’re Not Elected to Make It Easier to Raise the Debt Limit

Rahm Pulls His Kids From Chicago Public School

Homeland Security Depicts Terrorists as White Americans in Promotional Video

Voldermort Hugs Draco… For Way Too Long

Lefty Journalist Finally Admits: Obama Not Serious About Spending Cuts

High-end Prostitution Ring Busted in NYC

End of an Era

Suspect Indicted in Brooklyn Dismemberment Case

Man Buys $300K House for $16

Lefty Joan Walsh Compares Obama to Reagan

20TH/Black Caucus ‘Furious’ Over Rep. West’s Email to Dem Party Chief

NBC News’ Contessa Brewer Owned by GOP Congressman

Same-Sex Marriage Advocacy Video Features Underage Boys Kissing (Update)

Perry’s Wife: Run Rick, Run!

Harkin’s Angry Rant: Tea Party ‘Cult Fringe’; GOP ‘Dead-Beat Debtors’

Israeli Navy Intercepts Gaza-Bound French Yacht

Nazi Doctor Mengele’s Diaries Up For Sale

Police Arrest 35 in San Francisco After Protests Turn Violent

Casey Anthony Caught on Video in Orlando?

O’Keefe Medicaid Investigation Triggers Official Ohio Inquiry