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Filmschatten: Peeping Tom


*World History Archives(www.hartford-hwp.com/archives)


+Earth’s High and Lows Graph


+Panoramic Photography and Map @www.360cities.net


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:(http://plato.stanford.edu/)


Arrests and resignations as probe into Britain's phone hacking scandal widens - Wikinews, the free news source

“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy

News Corp. Phone-Hacking Whistleblower Found Dead

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

The work of Congress is like making sausage…never know what you might get | Veterans Today

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview | Veterans Today

Tiny green organism to save the world from energy crisis - English pravda.ru





How 9/11 Was Done:http://how911wasdone.blogspot.com/


Bachman Smeared by Right-Wing Blog | Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Analysis: What Did Rebekah Brooks Know and When? | Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Hoare’s allegations against Coulson

New doubts over crucial evidence in Lockerbie trial


U.S. National Debt Clock : www.usdebtclock.org


United States Lotteries: http://us-lotteries.com/





FBI — The Vault

Library :Central Intelligence Agency(www.cia.gov/library/)


CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

Darpa Searches for Life’s Master Clock | Danger Room | Wired.com

Aquaponic Food Production for Long Term Survival, by Stone of Scone - SurvivalBlog.com

Scientists Gagged From Interpreting Study That Links Climate Change To Cosmic Rays

When Will We Be Transhuman? Seven Conditions for Attaining Transhumanism | Science Not Fiction | Discover Magazine

GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars

The Archaeology News Network: World's oldest ritual discovered

‪Tim Wallace-Murphy Lectures on Hidden Wisdom‏ - YouTube


‪*48 MIN/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


Moody's warns could cut 5 states tied to U.S. credit | Reuters

FBI arrests 16 in probe of Anonymous hackers - Technology & science - Security - msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Corn prices rise as crop bakes in US heat wave

Barack Obama accused of crime against humanity for killing Bin Laden - latimes.com

» Alex Jones On Bohemian Grove 2011 Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bohemian Grove: Shhhh it’s happening right now | Haute Living Magazine

Filmmakers and Bohemian Grove activists harrassed and arrested - Oakland Film Industry | Examiner.com

From containerized cargos they can’t rob to Voter Id they can’t cheat Democrats always fight honesty

Obama Regime NOT to blame for Gunwalker,decides Democrat Congressman Cummings

Hacks: The Left’s Lilliputians Try to Take Murdoch Down

MEMRI: Faraeen TV Owner and Egyptian Presidential Candidate Tawfiq Okasha: The Jews Plan to Rule the World through Schemes, Intrigues, and Civil Strife - Like They Are Doing in Egypt

Billionaire sheikh carves out his name in desert in capital letters visible from space | The Sun |News

Pastors: Homosexuality not a sin (OneNewsNow.com)

Taliban say hackers broke into phone, website - Washington Times

Prehistoric Footprints Show How Our Ancestors Walked : Discovery News

Men who buy sex commit more crimes, U.S. study finds - Yahoo! News

Great news: Gang of 6 plan won’t be ready for August 2nd deadline « Hot Air

American Airlines to buy 460 new planes - CBS News

McConnell's "Plan B" Is a Humiliating Abdication of Legislative Responsibility - Page 1 - Jacob Sullum - Townhall Conservative

Stem Cells Help Irradiated Mice Grow New Brain Cells - Technology Review

Big Government Means Small People - Dennis Prager - National Review Online

What Chris Christie told the tycoons - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

The Betrayal of Michele Bachmann - By David French - The Corner - National Review Online

‪The Five: Dems use Ronald Reagan in debt ad July 19, 2011‏ - YouTube

Rick Perry | Iowa | Straw Poll | The Daily Caller

Scarborough, Bashir In MSNBC Bash-up Over Hacking Scandal | NewsBusters.org

The Democrat Downgrade: Reality and Repercussions - By Kevin D. Williamson - Exchequer - National Review Online

Give Greece What It Deserves: Communism - Bill Frezza - Political Capital - Forbes

Geithner: A Dodd-Frank Retreat Deserves a Veto - WSJ.com

WORLD Magazine | Misfeasance | Marvin Olasky | Jul 30, 11

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

Oh My: Allen West Absolutely Unloads on Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- "Vile, Unprofessional, Despicable" - Guy Benson




Rep. Joe Walsh Blasts Chris Matthews: Obama ‘Doesn’t Send a Thrill Up My Leg’

Are You Ready For The United Nations’ Green Helmets? | Right Wing News

Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed - Richard Miniter - National Security - Forbes

McConnell Plan: Bidding For Survival, Not Victory - Page 1 - Michael Medved - Townhall Conservative

Pajamas Media » Obama Pulls the Plug on a Great Run in Space

Behind The Wall - Mrs. Rupert Murdoch wins hearts & minds in China

Obama and Reagan, &c. - Jay Nordlinger - National Review Online

Education Is Worse Than We Thought - Page 1 - Walter E. Williams - Townhall Conservative

DeMint warns that the tea party is losing ‘focus’ | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Deputy Attorney General James Cole Involved in 'Fast & Furious' Whistleblower Cover-up? - Government Accountability Project

'Gunwalker' could have major impact on Mexican politics - St. Louis gun rights | Examiner.com

Reaganite Republican: PPP: Bachmann Now Polling Ahead of Romney Nationally

PressTV - GOP passes spending-cap bill amid row

FoxNews.com Tops with News Consumers, HuffPost Dead Last - David DiSalvo - Neuropsyched - Forbes

UK: Cabdriver shouts "All Jewish children must die" at Jewish school - Atlas Shrugs

Jack Cashill - TWA Flight 800: "The Clinton Tapes and TWA Flight 800"

China's Chery Will Build Cars in Brazil - WSJ.com

Rep. West Stands by Email Calling Wasserman Schultz 'Vile, Despicable and Cowardly' - FoxNews.com

Webcast Pushes Benefits of TSA Security Training for Student Transporters

Tucker Carlson: 'Very Few People Have Done More To Divide The Country Than Chris Matthews' | NewsBusters.org

GOP wants Obama's unconditional surrender - CNN.com


**Constitution for the United States of America**


*Inside Job(8 Parts)


‪Fitzgerald and Gould Examine the Afghan American Narrative 2011.mp4‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul "This President Is Out Of Touch & He Needs To Admit It!"


+The Press Room;Media "Distortions"


With strong swipe, Murdoch's wife stands by her man | Reuters

Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed [VIDEO] | Intifada Palestine

Why did UK police declare death of News of the World whistleblower “not suspicious?”

SAY WHAT? If 9/11 Victims Were Hacked, Fox News Is Finished?

Murdoch Media Misdirection from Financial Meltdown | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

BBC News - Phone hacking: Australian PM promises 'hard questions'

A Voice In The Wilderness: A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

‪A Bit of Fry&Laurie: If Rupert Murdoch hadn't been born...‏ - YouTube

‪Floor Speech on Debt Ceiling July 19 2011‏ - YouTube


‪*48 min/OUTFOXED Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism Interviews Video‏ - YouTube

*1:17:41/OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism


‪Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 controlled demolition‏ - YouTube

‪BREAKING: Exxon Oil Pipeline Breaks on Blackfeet Reservation In Montana - Media Silent‏ - YouTube

[redacted] news: Breaking news: Bush's cousin sanctions April Gallop & her Lawyer Veale for requesting recusal in 9/11 case!

Activist Post: Oil Pipeline Breaks on Blackfeet Reservation; Significant Volume of Oil Floods Cut Bank River, Montana (Video)

‪James Corbett on Sean Hoare's Death, Murdoch Scandal Turning Bloody [RT]‏ - YouTube

‪Sean Hoare - NoW Whistle-Blower Found Dead - Speaking About Hacking In March 2011‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul: Allow the Correction & Stop Printing Money‏ - YouTube


‪FOX News Whistle blowers. UNBELIEVABLE!!!‏ - YouTube


‪*3:13:57/The Corporation Nation Master (2010) - Full Length‏ - YouTube


The Hindu : News / International : News of the World whistleblower found dead

How Big Multinational Corporations Hire the CIA and NSA To Kill People and Nations

U.S. Cyber Command Hires Woman With Fake Computer Degrees - 12160

Cain: I would attack Iran to protect Israel - Washington Times

UN declares first famine in Africa for three decades as US withholds aid - Telegraph

Nuclear Whistleblower: “The Books Are Being Cooked” Fukushima In American Will Happen :

Sheila Jackson Lee Plays Race Card: Congress Is Challenging Obama On Debt Ceiling Because He Is Black (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

Drone War in Pakistan: Photos from the Ground Show Civilian Casualties - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

+Secretive Banking Cartels Enslave Us by Ron Paul

Creating a Military State by Andy Worthington

How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen – Where Did the $2.5 Trillion Surplus Go? | AmpedStatus

Christian Zionists unite in D.C. to express support for Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Activist Post: UN security council to consider climate change peacekeeping

News of the World journalists 'used terror tool to track celebrities' | Metro.co.uk

Activist Post: “Robo-Signing” Fraud Continues–Surprise!

Pentagon Warning Order: 'Prepare for War' (By September?)

‪wenger giant swiss army knife review‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "This Military Spending Doesn't Defend Us IT MAKES THINGS WORSE!"

U.S. Government Caught Smuggling Guns To Criminals In Puerto Rico and Honduras

Germany’s Governments since 1945: Turncoats and Traitors, all! | Veterans Today

OBAMA + DEBT = BIAS? | Sheila Jackson Lee Obama Congressional Black Caucus Debt Ceiling Black News, African American News, Minority News, Civil Rights News, Discrimination, Racism, Racial Equality, Bias, Equality, Afro American News

Homeland Security Facial Recognition System Revoked Wrong Citizen’s Drivers License | BobTuskin.com

FBI: N.J. rabbi and wife kidnapped Israeli to force divorce | Courier-Post | courierpostonline.com

Pharmageddon: Prescription drugs are killing America's youth

Did Saudi Arabia Attack Us on 9/11?

Why Americans can't afford to eat healthy - David Sirota - Salon.com

Amid Murdoch scandal, Israel backers worry about muting of pro-Israel media voice | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

FLASHBACK - Bernanke Admits "Inflation Is A Tax" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

CHART: Federal Reserve Dollar Destruction - Home - The Daily Bail

OpEdNews - Article: Caught Scissorhanded: Sean Hannity Edits Obama's Answer at Press Conference

US: al-Qaeda Faction Arming Somali Militants -- News from Antiwar.com

WHY WOULD THEY KEEP THIS A SECRET? >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Could Cameron Be Next? - Iain Dale - Dale & Co.

Dignity Attacked | Jewbonics | Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

‪Cops Strip Search Man & Leave Him Naked For 10 Hours In Holding Cell For Saying "Good Luck Tomorrow"‏ - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: It is Time to Break Up The Corporate Monopoly Government Partnerships. No More Corporate Fascism

‪Video of Rupert & James Murdoch grilled over hacking scandal‏ - YouTube

Fukushima-type disaster inevitable in U.S.? - CBS News

‪Half naked protesters attacked by Georgian embassy staff in Kiev‏ - YouTube

American's Journey: If You can't Take away Guns - Go after the ammunition!

More Mossad spying in New Zealand: Zaka team used? | jeff-goodall

Book: Hollywood producer was Mossad agent | BobTuskin.com

CERN 'gags' physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment • The Register

Video: Debunking The Bullshit Corporate Media Lies We Are Told About Greece

‪Unexplained, but not suspicious?! UK cops hacking shame exposed‏ - YouTube

Sheila Jackson Lee Plays Race Card: Congress Is Challenging Obama On Debt Ceiling Because He Is Black (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

*Prison Planet.com » Anthrax Attacks: Justice Dept. Destroys FBI Case Then Does A 180 Reversal Days Later

Law enforcement to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns | Reuters

Prison Planet.com » Feds Indict Hacktivist For “Stealing” Public Domain Data

Prison Planet.com » RupertGate: Will Murdoch Scandal Sink David Cameron?

Fars News Agency :: US Spy Drone Shot Down by Iran

Prison Planet.com » CERN Scientists Gagged On ‘Politically Incorrect’ Global Warming Data

Prison Planet.com » 20 Signs That The Fabric Of American Society Is Coming Apart At The Seams

Prison Planet.com » Raging Inequality May Cause Unrest and Violence In America and the Rest of Western World

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: “Deficit Cutting” Bill Maintains Status Quo

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: “We Will Default Because The Debt Is Unsustainable”

Cameron refuses to deny discussing BSkyB bid with News International | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Prison Planet.com » Why Hybrid Drivers Close Their Eyes When They Talk

1 In 66 Americans Is A Psycho

PressTV - 'US wooing Gaddafi to give up power'

Prison Planet.com » Rupert Murdoch’s Sewer Press Sun Attack on Tony Farrell: How Low Can You Go?

GOP Warns of ObamaCare Rationing Panels

Prison Planet.com » Speculation Grows That Berlusconi Supplied “Missing” Weapons To Libya

Carbon price battle is lost, say experts

Postmaster says days are numbered for Saturday mail delivery - USATODAY.com

Prison Planet.com » We’re On Track For Record-Low Housing Completions In 2011

Prison Planet.com » A Few Years From Now You’re Going To Wake Up With A Bunch Of New Taxes

Man's call for Obama assassination is free speech, not crime, court rules - latimes.com

Wall Street Journal: WikiLeaks worse than News of the World | The Raw Story

What Makes Spot ‘Vicious’? LA County To Seize D - Flash Player Installation

Prison Planet.com » Peer pressure causes people to literally alter their memories of recent events

Peer pressure makes people form false memories: study | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » Some facts about deaths due to heat waves

Prison Planet.com » Medicare announces it will continue to cover drugs even if the FDA bans them as dangerous for humans

‪Alex Breaks Down The Latest Movie from Hollywood on Bird Flu Pandemic - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition‏ - YouTube


» The Dark Truth About 9/11 Emerges From The Fog of Infowar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Press TV:Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran

‪9/11: WTC Building 7 "Collapse" video compilation‏ - YouTube

‪Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 controlled demolition‏ - YouTube

» 9/11 Truth: Latest News. We Are Winning! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Feds Indict Hacktivist For “Stealing” Public Domain Data Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DOJ and FBI Make Arrests in PayPal Hacking Case Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 20 Signs That The Fabric Of American Society Is Coming Apart At The Seams Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Murdoch’s media malpractice and the genetic altering of humans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story | COTO Report

» Bohemian Grove 2011 Cremation Of Care Interviews Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Armed Drones: A Diabolical Revolution in the “Art of War” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Arkansas town seeks to ban free speech for residents - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Health body backs free birth control for women - Yahoo! News

Wash. state woman tried to sell 3-day-old baby at Taco Bell; desperate mom wanted $500-$5,000: cops

Funding the Arizona border fence - TODAY News - TODAY.com

Stranger moves into foreclosed home, citing little-knownTexas law | khou.com Houston

Murdoch: No Evidence of 9/11 Hacking | NBC New York

» Calling CNN About Bohemian Grove 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

- Prison Planet.com » EPA Tells Kids That The Weather Has Gotten Wilder


+The Signs of Climate Change ; A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change(http://www.epa.gov)


DEBKAfile: Qaddafi pushes to improve his bargaining position for ending war

DEBKAfile: Stuxnet returns to bedevil Iran's nuclear systems

» Feds Indict Hacktivist For “Stealing” Public Domain Data Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hospitals, doctors take 'palm prints' to ID patients | 7online.com

CERN 'gags' physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment • The Register

Power from the air: Device captures ambient electromagnetic energy to drive small electronic devices

All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm : Discovery News

» Leuren Moret: Nuclear genocide of babies and children in Japan, US, Canada grows Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Funding the Arizona border fence - TODAY News - TODAY.com

The Imperial President | Personal Liberty Digest

» Calling CNN About Bohemian Grove 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Walter Reed Army hospital to close its doors | The Raw Story

Raging Inequality May Cause Unrest and Violence In America and the Rest of Western World - BlackListedNews.com

Murdoch Eavesdropping Op Amateurish Next to U.S. and UK Snooping - BlackListedNews.com

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

71% of Americans Would Rather See Spending Cuts than Stimulus, According to Latest American Pulse™ Survey

Atlanta OKs surveillance center; cameras to watch city | ajc.com

CBS Investigative Report on the Safety of the New Reactor at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant in Spring City | WDEF News 12 | News, Weather and Sports for Chattanooga and the Tennessee Valley

Japan bans Fukushima beef shipments over radiation - Yahoo! News

Head of NM resource protection office resigns - KWES NewsWest 9 / Midland, Odessa, Big Spring, TX: newswest9.com |

‪SOS Again from Minamisoma, Fukushima‏ - YouTube

The USDA “Invasive Species” Sham « The PPJ Gazette

White House operative heading 'birther' smear campaign?

NYT Launches Attack on Supplement-Protecting Senator—Just as DSHEA Comes under Renewed Threat | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Sean Hoare dead: 'No-one else involved' in phone-hacking whistleblower's death | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - Masonic Blackmail Behind Murdoch Scandal?

OpEdNews - Article: Fmr. Fox News Executive: Americans' Phones Were Hacked

Talk's Fine But Rothschild Can Cut The Food Supply

How Foreign Money Can Find Its Way Into Political Campaigns

GM Crops Farmer to Farmer - The Truth about GM Crop Farming | Farm Wars

Chellis Glendinning: The Growing Movement Against Electromagnetic Contamination


‪Wal Thornhill NPA Lecture - Part One‏ - YouTube

‪Wal Thornhill NPA Lecture - Part Two‏ - YouTube


Eating Meat Linked To Disease, Report Says

Dildos for Justice | The Agitator




‪Rense & Oates - Shocking NASA Reversals Reveal Mars, Space Secrets‏ - YouTube

‪Bernanke: "Inflation is a tax"‏ - YouTube

The Difference Between Putin & Obama (Video!) | Real Zionist News

THE QUIET COUP: The implementation of Agenda 21 « The PPJ Gazette

16 Suspected 'Anonymous' Hackers Arrested in Nationwide Sweep - FoxNews.com

Why Smart Meters Produce Higher Bills

‪Poisoned Horses Excerpts‏ - YouTube

Harry Potter - Jo's Other Ending


The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part 1)

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part Two)

The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust (Part Three)


Rahm Emanuel - Chicago's War Criminal/Anti-Labor Mayor

Phone hacking: Profile of Sean Hoare, the News of the World journalist and whistleblower - Telegraph

Italian insider threatens Europe's greatest MPs' expenses scandal - Europe, World - The Independent

Does Baroness Ashton think she’s General Eisenhower? Britain rejects the EU’s delusional plan for a permanent military HQ – Telegraph Blogs

Anti-swearing law draws expletive-laden protesters - Telegraph

Night-vision goggles, tracking devices and the councils snooping on your sex life | Mail Online

Fortnum & Mason protest: CPS drops charges against 109 UK Uncut activists | UK news | The Guardian

DOT road sign flashes: 'Impeach Obama'

Murder mystery at San Diego mansion after two die in two days - Americas, World - The Independent

Groundbreaking Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker :

Revolutionary Politics : Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran-The Autograph-07-13-2011

Nuke Plants Face Short and Long Term Flood-Safety Questions | Missouri News Horizon

Clinton would raise debt ceiling on own -- but not Obama - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Weak trading bites into Goldman profits | Reuters

EPA Drops Tough New Lead Paint Rule In Face Of Industry Opposition

Families Protecting The Valley

Use of chemicals 'threaten grain output'|Society|chinadaily.com.cn

Eileen Bower 'lost custody of newborn when she failed opiate test' | Mail Online

Iodine-131 Still Detected in Sewage Sludge in Tokyo | EX-SKF

Latest BP Spill in Alaska Was Foreshadowed in Risk Assessment Last Year - ProPublica

Big US Banks Ate Everyone's Lunch: Strategist - Yahoo! Finance

Iran Opens Oil Bourse - Harbinger of Trouble for New York and London? | Oil Price.com

Lawyers say Gould ordinances violate Constitution - FOX16.com Little Rock, AR

Gary Harvey Case Illustrates Corrupt, Evil System

Russia criticises US for recognising Libyan rebel government | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iran refuses to let in UN's human rights monitor | World news | The Guardian

'Real Indiana Jones' sacked as keeper of Egypt's heritage - Telegraph

Police examine bag found in bin near Rebekah Brooks's home | Media | The Guardian

Rupert Murdoch Dogpaddles over the Cosmic Sewer. Smoking Mirrors

Paul Drockton M.A.: No Sympathy for the Devil

Business as Usual for Nuke Industry as Hitachi-GE Won Negotiating Right with Lithuanian Government for Nuke Plant in the Country | EX-SKF


‪Rense & Devvy - Dangerous Smart Meters‏ - YouTube

GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars

Dawn Spacecraft Snaps Close-up Image of Asteroid Vesta - NASA Science

SkyTruth: BP Spill Stopped One Year Ago Today - 5,000 Spills Since Then

*G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire


+123456789 F*ck Sh*t Piss


Phone Hacking: botched de Menezes operation officer now counter-terrorism head - Telegraph

AFP: India reveals 'world's biggest' uranium discovery

First Read - FBI arrests Pakistani agent for making political contributions in US

Two never-finished Navy ships head to scrap heap | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

Wait, Did the USDA Just Deregulate All New Genetically Modified Crops? | Mother Jones

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

Social Media Targeted by Pentagon for “Strategic Communication” | Old-Thinker News


Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


‪*1:46:00/Burzynski The Movie ~ Cancer Is Serious Business‏ - YouTube


Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

NSA Aquaint Artificial Intelligence

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

Activist Post: Cannabinoids in Cancer Treatment

+Dangerous Levels Of Radiation Recorded In Canada As Fukushima Radiation Dangers Continue :

Activist Post: Ontario Big Brother At Your Service Cradle to Grave (Video)

Activist Post: New US software to end 'naked' airport scans

Law enforcement to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns | Reuters

Activist Post: NYT Brooks Promotes Eugenics "Death Panels" Amid Budget Crisis

Old News – Same TSA Tactics « The PPJ Gazette

Murdoch Media Misdirection from Financial Meltdown | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

UN security council to consider climate change peacekeeping | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Nuclear Whistleblower: “The Books Are Being Cooked” Fukushima In American Will Happen :

US, India Press Pakistan on Terrorist Safe Havens

Clinton Calls For Deeper Ties With India

New Study Asserts Taliban Faction Linked to al-Qaida

U.S. Promotes New Plan To Battle Drug Trade

Libya Says Qaddafi Government Held Talks With U.S.

Man Pleads Guilty to Aiding Somali Militants

Rep. Allen West demands ‘vile’ Rep. Wasserman Schultz ‘shut the heck up’ | The Raw Story

Discovery Channel plans marijuana reality show | The Raw Story

Stewart rips Fox News for defending Murdoch while attacking NPR | Raw Replay

The US Love Affair With Drones

Drone Attacks Are Wrong And Cowardly, Regardless

Murdoch Empire Sinking Beneath The Sands

It's Do or Die-time for Rupert Murdoch

10 Questions The MPs Will Not Ask Murdoch

Phone Hacking: Murdoch Paid US Anti-bribery Law Lobbyists

America's Disappeared

How the US Controls "Civil society" Throughout Africa

More Trouble in Murdochworld

Letting Bankers Walk

Obama Raises Record Sums from the Wealthy

Wall Street’s Euthanasia of Industry

The Secrecy of the Obama Administration

The Most Incredible Thing Fox News Has Ever Done

The CIA and the Media

Get your Torture Degree from School of Americas

ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme

Libya in Pictures: What the Mainstream Media Does Not Tell You

Why Banks Aren’t Lending: The Silent Liquidity Squeeze

The Class Politics of the US Debt Ceiling Crisis

GMO Deregulation: An Act of War

Canadian Military Stages Show Of Force Against Russia In Arctic

‪Greenfield, MA Jury Finds Pete & Ademo Not Guilty!!!‏ - YouTube

Republicans Say They're 'Taking Action,' As 'Cut, Cap and Balance' Passes House

Two 2012 Hopefuls Among 9 Republicans Voting No on Cut, Cap, and Balance

Rep. West On Wasserman Schultz: 'Vile, Unprofessional And Despicable'

Rep. Connolly Says Federal Spending 'Too High'--Then Says 'Raise Revenue'

‘Gang of Six’ Deficit-Reduction Plan Greeted Cautiously by Taxpayer Group, Republicans

Key Dem on 'Gang of Six' Debt Plan: 'Still a Lot of Details That Have Not Come Out'

Obama Backs Repeal of ‘So-Called Defense of Marriage Act’

Terry Jeffrey: Workers at Government Lab Used Dead People's SSNs

Gingrich: Republicans 'Can Tell the Truth Better Than Democrats Can Lie'

Coburn: U.S. Gov't Headed Toward Imposing 'Financial Repression' on American People

Cut, Cap and Balance Passes House, 234-190

Judiciary Committee Should Subpoena DOJ if Needed for Kagan-Related Documents and Interviews, Says Rep. Fleming

House Panel Weighs Bill Restricting Foreign Aid

Bachmann Camp Accused of Shoving TV Reporter in S.C.

Oxfam: $800 Million Needed to Feed Hungry in Horn of Africa

Clinton Promises $28M More in Famine Aid to Africa

Ice Loss Study: Long-Distance Swims Seen As Problem for Polar Bears

Second Man Arrested in Attack at U.S. Congressman’s Iowa Farm

Ex-Astronaut Mitchell Says Moon Camera Was a NASA Gift

Gadhafi Could Remain in Libya Under French Plan

Serbia Arrests Last Remaining War Crimes Fugitive

Heat Wave 2011: Hot 'Dome' Traps Much Of U.S. In Pressure Cooker (VIDEO)

John Boehner Seeks Votes For Debt Ceiling Deal As Republicans Balk

GOP Presidential Field More Secretive Than Bush On Top Donors

Bill O'Reilly: News Corp Being Attacked By 'Vicious' Opponents Exploiting Hacking Scandal (VIDEO)

‘Gang of Six’ Plan Faces Roadblock in House

Buchanan: Obama Wins PR Battle, GOP to Win War

5 Democrats Backed 'Cut, Cap'; 9 Republicans Opposed

Existing Home Sales on Worst Pace Since Bust

Free Birth Control Pressed Under Obamacare

Allen West Trashes Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Prostate Surgeries Escalate With Robotics

Sex Hormone Makes Men Susceptible to Liver Cancer

John Edwards Could Owe $2.3M to Feds

Geithner: Dodd-Frank Bolstered Financial System

Low Health Literacy May Mean Worse Health

Obama's Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Exposed

Herman Cain's Bid for President

Left Would Love to See Murdoch Go

Congress: Enablers of the Rich and Powerful

China urges U.S. to boost confidence in debt, dollar | Reuters

Nazi 'Angel of Death' Josef Mengele's handwritten notes by to be auctioned off | Mail Online

U.S. to Close 800 Computer Data Centers - NYTimes.com

Glenn Beck Prays For Fox News, Laughs About Sean Hoare's Death (AUDIO)

'Shoe cam' suspect William Wright pleads guilty to filming upskirt videos | Mail Online

Imperial Priorities: Obedience First, Character Last - informationliberation

Media News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

News Corp Tried To 'Deliberately Thwart' Investigations Into Phone Hacking: Parliament

Chris Matthews, GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Have Blistering Exchange Over Debt Bill (VIDEO)

Rachel Maddow's Soccer Skills Stun! (VIDEO)

Piers Morgan Skewers Louise Mensch, MP Who Charged Him With Phone Hacking: 'Show Some Balls' (VIDEO)

Former NSA official says mismanagement continues at spy agency

Medical marijuana gets green light from Gov. Christie

Democrats invoke Reagan in debt limit debate

Video: 'Casey Anthony' dunk tank shut down in Ky.

Jettisoned NASA workers launch new careers in energy, oil industries

Rep. Maxine Waters again calls for ethics case to be dropped

Taliban blames hack attack for announcement of Mullah Omar's death

Foreign investment begins to pour into Iraq

FBI: Pakistani Spies Spent Millions Lobbying U.S.

Hugh Grant win legal victory in hacking case

Earth Could Flip With Polar Shift: Mass Media Catches Up To First Nations Warnings | Before It's News

California Told To Prepare for Biblical 'ARkStorm' | Before It's News

+Unbelievable! UFO Inside Crater of Moon | Before It's News

The New 9/11 Bait and Switch? | Before It's News

Rock-Paper-Scissors Automatic Imitation Shows People Are Natural Copycats Say Researchers | Before It's News

Food Real 'Drug Of Choice' For Some, Junkies Seek Brain Chemical Rush From Eating | Before It's News

Other Planets Showing signs of Global Warming | Before It's News

Pluto Has New Moon, Photos of 4th Moon, P4, Orbiting Icy Dwarf | Before It's News

ATF director Kenneth E. Melson, Justice Department protects political appointees, Media lies, Fast and Furious run out of Phoenix office | Before It's News

+Viber Makes Its Way to The Market – Linking 12 Million+ Users Through VoIP | Before It's News

Free Energy Device to be Tested Next Week! - Project Nsearch

Integration Engine and Data-Transmission Device Certified as EHR Modules | Before It's News

New Sexting Laws Put College Students At Risk; Half Of All College Students Have Been 'Sexted' | Before It's News

Quake Victim 'Was Not A Mossad Agent' | Before It's News

Comet Elenin Matches "Deep Impact" Events Happening Now | Before It's News

Video: GOP Congressman to Obama, Stop Lying About Social Security Checks | Before It's News

Sen. Chuck Schumer tries reviving immigration bill | Before It's News




* http://zenhabits.net/


AccuWeather.com - Weather News | The Stifling States of America

Postmaster says days are numbered for Saturday mail delivery - USATODAY.com

Medical marijuana store gets Discovery reality show | Inside TV | EW.com

Hacking crisis edges closer to David Cameron - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

David Cameron's dig at Brown: 'At least I've never seen Rebekah Brooks in her pyjamas' | Mail Online

Buckingham Palace 'gobsmacked' by Andy Coulson's appointment as David Cameron's aide - Telegraph

Analysis: Is Britain more corrupt than it thinks? | Reuters

Investors Betting Millions On Sierra Gold Mine - Flash Player Installation

Deputies Arrest 5 Suspected Copper Thieves « CBS St. Louis

No Felony Charges For Longmont Woman In TSA Gro - Flash Player Installation

'American Idol' Creator Sues Fox For Millions in 'X-Factor' Money (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter

BBC News - Bond actress Angela Scoular died drinking acid cleaner

Vive La France by Eric Margolis

The Dollar, Gold And The Quality Of Money - Charles Kadlec - Community of Liberty - Forbes

Prison Planet.com » Ventura Threatens To Vacate US Over TSA Groping

SEIU Intimidation Manual Undermines Employers

Food Security: A Pantry and a Garden by Marianna - SurvivalBlog.com

Headache? Why eating too many sandwiches, not getting enough sleep and having a hot shower each day may be to blame! | Mail Online

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: The Health Benefits of the 'Mother'

Wendi, Rupert Murdoch True to Character, Biographer Says - ABC News

Goran Hadzic capture a milestone for Yugoslav war crimes tribunal | World news | The Guardian

The Associated Press: Murdoch-owned media rate their boss

Google+ iPhone App Quickly Tops Apple's List of Free Apps | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

3 Reasons Google Is Killing Internet Search - FoxNews.com

Amid TV, Film, Comics Underpin Annual Comic-Con - ABC News

Defendant in Sycamore slaying to return to Illinois

Body found slain in Kankakee was missing Army vet

Teachers union sues CPS over local school council elections

Hoffman cops describe scene of '09 triple murder

Fugitive brother of Naperville murder victim finally nabbed

Hanhardt walks on new landscape, but it's the same Chicago Way

Hasan arraignment set for today, reports of attorney change

Driver of Passing Car Charged in Deaths of 5 Amish Farmers - NYTimes.com

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Planning Visit to Iowa - FoxNews.com

Governor Dayton Signs Spending Plan, Ending Minnesota’s Shutdown - NYTimes.com

Killer waterfalls claim tourists in Yosemite and Kauai - USATODAY.com

Six GOP candidates to hold Twitter debate. Here's how to see it. - CSMonitor.com

Texas inmate set to die for post-9/11 killings | ajc.com

RNC, American Crossroads Target Hispanic Voters in Battleground States - The Note

Ron Klein blasts Allen West’s email diatribe - David Mark - POLITICO.com

Obama backs measure repealing Defense of Marriage Act - CNN.com

Michele Bachmann wants to talk about the debt ceiling, not migraines - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Margaret Hoover on Future of Republican Party - Interviews - The O'Reilly Factor - FoxNews.com

Activist charged with hacking - Cambridge - Your Town - Boston.com

Casey Anthony's Team Used Social Media to Shape Its Arguments - Fox News Latino

‪Casey Anthony wants to become a lawyer‏ - YouTube

Analysis: Time on Cameron's side in UK phone-hacking storm | Reuters

RN-T.com - Taliban says website hacked new leader still alive

Guinea's president survives rocket attack, appeals for calm - CSMonitor.com

Is Afghanistan safer, or isn't it? - CSMonitor.com

L'affaire Fai: US lawmakers, Indian liberals come under scrutiny - The Times of India

Earthquake Kills 13, Injures 80 in Uzbekistan | Central Asia | English

Clinton fights cooking deaths in developing world - Boston.com

French pol questioned on Strauss-Kahn accusations - World - TheState.com

Sudan's Nuba People Flee Attacks | GlobalPost

Cyprus foreign minister offers to resign over deadly naval base blast - The Washington Post

Watch A Leopard Maul 11 People Before Getting Shot And Stabbed In India

Kiwi Jewish leaders dismiss Israeli spy accusations | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Alzheimer's Feared, Misconceptions Common

Calorie counts: Restaurants don't always get it right - latimes.com

Xtreme Eating: Report 'Awards' Worst Menu Choices of 2011 - - TIME Healthland

FDA Proposes Guidance for Certain Mobile Medical Apps

Medical News: ICAD: Brain Edema More Common With AD Biologic - in Meeting Coverage, ICAD from MedPage Today

Hazards of stopping aspirin | theheart.org

AFP: AIDS: New evidence backs circumcision campaign

Gates Foundation: Toilet needs improvements - latimes.com

Babies born to stressed mothers could struggle with emotional scars for life | Mail Online

Child’s Play: What’s So Bad About ‘The Breast Milk Baby’? – TIME Healthland

How to exercise in a heat wave - chicagotribune.com

Health Buzz: U.S. News Releases Best Hospitals Rankings - US News and World Report

Dodger Stadium beating victim undergoes emergency surgery - latimes.com

The Associated Press: Trying a new approach to primary care: prevention

Hearing Loss in Teens Linked to Secondhand Smoke - ABC News

Roku Adds Angry Birds, Improves Netflix Support | PCWorld

Schmidt: Google was “left behind” on social - SlashGear

Apple Not Engaged In CEO Search, Jobs Says -- InformationWeekApple Not Engaged In CEO Search, Jobs Says - hardware Blog

T-Mobile rolls out new Value plans with 'worry-free' unlimited data | ZDNet

Google+ has a 'celebrity acquisition plan' - CNN

Nissan to build electric car motors at Tenn. plant - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

Viber brings free text and VoIP calls to iPhone and Android - SlashGear

China Now Has Fake Apple Stores | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Lost Space Shuttle Tradition? Astronaut Wake-Up Songs May Retire With Fleet | Shuttle Atlantis & STS-135 Mission | NASA & Space Shuttle Program | Space.com

American Girls Sweep Google’s First Science Fair - NYTimes.com

How high is Mount Everest? Nepal survey aims to answer huge question | World news | The Guardian

Shelbyville Times-Gazette: Local News: Down to earth...for now; space educator mourns shuttle program (07/20/11)

Apollo 11 Landed on the Moon July 20, 1969 | firstcoastnews.com

Cosmic Log - Mars rover's destination decided

Loch Ness Monster-Like Animal Filmed in Alaska? : Discovery News

Western forests: Whitebark pine in danger of extinction - latimes.com

BBC News - Atlas rocket in line for human launches

Northern White-Cheeked Crested Gibbon Picture - Gibbon Photo - The Daily Green

U.S. May Impose Sanctions on Iceland for Hunting Whales - Bloomberg

Why Is the Earth So Hot? Radioactivity Is Half the Answer | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Evans, Downey Jr. & Hemsworth Talk ‘Avengers’ | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2' breaks IMAX records - CNN.com

R. Kelly has emergency throat surgery - USATODAY.com

Paris Hilton Good Morning America Meltdown (WATCH): Storms Off! | Twirlit

Paul McCartney to Debut 911 Documentary | Parade.com

How the iPad is driving Apple’s business | Reuters

The Associated Press: Dollar falls against euro ahead of EU meeting

AFP: Oil prices climb as US crude stocks dive

Countrywide Will Pay 450,000 Borrowers in F.T.C. Settlement - NYTimes.com

Legislating Curriculum Or Why Kids Hate Social Studies

Are the Republicans just an opposition party?

Productive Efficiency and Reality TV

150 Things the Government Kinda Did With the Help of Some Left Liberals Some of Which Don't Suck!

Debbie Schlussel:Govt Study on Gay Penis Size – The Work of a Lasting Civilization

Debbie Schlussel:US Govt: Hey, We Didn’t Screen 58,000 Iraqi Refugees We Let In, Might Be Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:GirlieMan USA: ABC News Says American Boys Should Wear More Pink

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS Video: BBC Boobs Have the Wrong Guest

Black Privilege

Obama Redefining 'Poverty'

Could Turkey Abandon The Resistance Bloc?

Can We Afford Not Borrowing?

Can Increased Demand Save the Economy?

LBJ and the Destruction of American Currency

Slaves Are Issued Weapons; Free People Own Them

Last Shuttle flight to land on anniversary of Moon walk

Iran to 'speed up' enrichment

GOP primary schedule a mess - and getting messier

How Will Murdoch's Mayhem Play Out In U.S.?

More Obama campaign contributors than Obama new jobs

Carmageddon - The Untold Story

The truth about the West Bank, those 1967 borders and more

Gang of Six gambit revives spending shell game

Obama supports bill to repeal DOMA

Laughter as Political Antidote

Glossy mass murder

Obama and the Coming Democalypse

Spend It Like Bush

One Obama Presser, 36 Obama Lies and Deceptions

Debt Debate Discloses Dems' Depravity

The Threat to Israeli Liberties from the Israeli Supreme Court

Breaking the Incumbent Protection Rackets

Portrait of a Spy


+SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex

+AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space


Huge deficit-cutting bill sails through GOP House - Yahoo! Finance

Report: Obama top recipient of News Corp. donations - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Wendi strikes back: Pie incident could mark turning point for Rupert Murdoch – Telegraph Blogs

FBI arrest points to Pakistan influence-peddling scheme - Washington Times

Study finds half million illegal immigrants in Bay Area - Inside Bay Area

Tom Watson has done the impossible – made Rupert Murdoch a sympathetic figure – Telegraph Blogs

Ex-Cameron aide arrested in News of the World hacking scandal - Washington Times

Modern Poverty Includes A.C. and an Xbox - By Ken McIntyre - The Corner - National Review Online

Military records reveal subversion suspicions of black soldier - Washington Times

In the Ozarks, a Home With Room to Spare (72,000 Square Feet) - NYTimes.com

Colour pictures revealed of London blitz from Nazi bombers in World War II | Mail Online

Paranormal Report: The Great Orb Debate - The Morton Report

Messing with Sasquatch may not be such a good idea - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

Why Does Time Fly?: Scientific American

Wal-Mart receipt has image of Jesus, couple says - CBS 21 News - Breaking news, sports and weather for the Harrisburg -York -Lancaster -Lebanon Pennsylvania area

The Paranormal Pastor: Slenderman

Egyptians Celebrate Firing of the 'Mubarak of Antiquities' - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Radioactive Decay Fuels Earth's Inner Fires | Earth's Formation & Interior, Birth & Primordial Heat | LiveScience

A Cloak In Time - Science News

Disaster Awaits! What will you say to future generations?

Chinese counterfeiting extends to full-blown fake Apple retail stores

Author raises $13,000.00 to Support Camps for Children Born With Facial Differences

Will the Islamobile Reach Main Street?

The Syrian Horror Show

Natural gas provides a third of our energy needs and “fracking” has EPA chief Lisa Jackson’s seal of

Whitebark pine tree faces ‘imminent’ extinction from climate change?

Offshore Oil Production Stymied: What about Onshore

The next climate debate bombshell

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

Senator Boxer and Senator Inhofe Release Bipartisan Transportation Reauthorization Bill Outline

Anti-American activities: A Cold War-style Effort to Root Out Civilizational Jihad

What’s the going prize for destroying, the once most powerful economy?

Con Jobs, Snake Oil Salesmen and False Prophets; do we know the difference?

Abortion: Number One Killer in Black Community

Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Private Industry Keeps Telling Us to “Go Green”

Heads-up on the American Community Survey!

Obama fundraising in White House may be criminal

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Strategy to win

Obama’s Back-Door Recess Appointment of Craig Becker to NLRB Does No Good for Job Production in U.S.

Outraged Protest Tours - The Tourism Package for Leftists Who Hate Israel

Obama launches bogus TV campaign to save CFL bulbs

Sustainable Health: Are You Ready to Be Forced into Health Prevention

It’s no longer “Look what Obama is Doing” but “See what Obama has done”

CNN Host Piers Morgan Mensch UK Phone Hack | Video | TheBlaze.com

Leopard Attack India Photographed | TheBlaze.com

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow Raise Children Jewish Chris Martin Coldplay | Video | TheBlaze.com

San Francisco Police Kenneth Harding Violent Protest | Video | TheBlaze.com

‘Count Me a Jew and Come For Me First’ Video of Beck’s Moving Keynote Address at the Christians United for Israel Summit | Video | TheBlaze.com

Alabama Tax for Confederate Soldiers | TheBlaze.com

Keith Olbermann Allen West Debbie Wasserman Schultz | Video | TheBlaze.com

Ecstasy and Devil Made Teen Hammer Parents Dead According to Best Friend | Video | TheBlaze.com

Nikki Haley South Carolina Unemployment Jobs Media | Video | TheBlaze.com

Bachmann Camp Accused of Shoving ABC News Reporter in South Carolina | TheBlaze.com

Taliban Mullah Omar Dead Phone E-mail Hack | TheBlaze.com

Poll: Majority of Young Hispanics Say Cut Spending, Liberate Private Business | TheBlaze.com

Allen West Slams Planned Tank Sale to Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Cites Risks to Israel | TheBlaze.com

Syrian Tribal Leader Threatens to ‘Barbecue’ U.S. Ambassador ‘With or Without Salt’ | Video | TheBlaze.com

‘Not a Lady’: Allen West Blasts DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz as ‘Most Vile’ Member of Congress | TheBlaze.com

iPhone App Resurrect Twin Towers World Trade Center Ground Zero | Video | TheBlaze.com

Joe Walsh to Chris Matthews: He Doesn’t Send a Thrill Up My Leg | Video | TheBlaze.com

Hallucinating Drugs 911 Georgia Meth | Video | TheBlaze.com

Reverend-Sharpton-Mo-Brooks-Debt-Ceiling-Ronald-Reagan | Video | TheBlaze.com

African American Abortion Pro-Life | Video | TheBlaze.com

House Passes Cut, Cap and Balance Bill | TheBlaze.com

Professor He Guanghu Shouwang Church Christian Communist China | TheBlaze.com

Mother Tries to Sell Newborn Infant at Taco Bell | Video | TheBlaze.com

Vincent McCrudden Guilty Kill Regulators Death Threats | TheBlaze.com

Walter Bagsasarian 9th District Federal Appeals Assassination | TheBlaze.com

Reddit Co-Founder Aaron Swartz Arrested Stealing Documents MIT JSTOR | TheBlaze.com

Asian Snakehead Fish Found in Maryland River, Scientists Say It’s Aggressive and Spreading | Video | TheBlaze.com

Ron Paul Privatize TSA Airport Security | Video | TheBlaze.com

Herman Cain Mitt Romney Mormonism | Video | TheBlaze.com

Jonathan May-Bowles Jonnie Marbles Comedian Attack Rupert Murdoch UK Parliament | Video | TheBlaze.com

Reading Bible Social Justice Poverty | TheBlaze.com

"Two And A Half Men" Poster Revealed

Groupon Privacy Changes Could Open Access


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 18th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 18th, 2011


‪+25min/Interview with the Pesticide Sheriff from AlwaysEco.com‏ - YouTube


+2 Parts/David Beckham Vs The New World Order – Paul Watson | Dprogram.net

‪Globalists Parasites Want The World for Themselves‏ - YouTube

‪+Full Show - 7/18/11. D-15: Obama's Deadline Doesn't Matter to GOP‏ - YouTube


‪Two Former Social Security Officials Admit The System Is Not Much Different from a Ponzi Scheme‏ - YouTube

*Ron Paul Road to 2012: The Tom Sulivan Show | Dprogram.net

Mass Murder Merger: Petraeus Moves to CIA | Dprogram.net


‪+1:06:48 - YouTube/Interview with Dr. John Cannell from the Vitamin D Council


Will Free-Marketeers Save Fannie and Freddie?: Phillip L. Swagel - Bloomberg


Part I. The Tentacles of Megas: Reaching from the Government to the Emasculated Watchdogs

Part II. The Journey from Watch-Dogs to Lap-Dogs

Part III. A Watch-Dog for All Seasons

Part IV. POGO: Mastering the Art of Lap-Dancing for Mega Sugar Daddies


The EyeOpener: Who Watches the Watchdogs?

Claim: North Korea Photoshops Pictures To Extract More Aid From the West

Audio:Casualties of Politcal Correctness Fight Back

Boys And Girls Banned At Swedish Preschool?! Kids To Be Called ‘It’

Obama’s Pentagon Personnel Chief Slammed For Waste And Abuse

Obama Stifling Energy Production Offshore and Onshore

Why Am I Freer Than The Troops Who Keep Me Free?

Video: Taliban Mass Execution of Afghan Policemen

Man Claims Store Is Closed Because Of ‘Islamophobia’

Israeli Summer Camp…For The Children Of Terrorists

Audio:Congressman Mike Coffman: How the Economy Effects Our Troops

Europe Unravels In Panic, As Fed Considers A European Bailout

Does ‘Stars And Stripes’ Want More Black Casualties?

Video: Israeli Commandos Board Gaza Flotilla Ship

Reading A Death Sentence For Apostasy in Iran

WaPo Reporter: JFK ‘The Flat-Out Absolute Worst U.S. President Of The 20th Century’

Olbermann: Allen West Is a “Bash*t Crazy Bully” Who Would “Shoot People” on TV

CNN Ignores Pigford Fraud, Joins John Boyd In Suggesting Critics are Racists

Sound Bite for the Day: “Encapsulates the British Mood”

Fact-Checking NPR’s Agenda Journalism on Terrorism

Steve Wynn Goes on Obama Rant, Media Silent

NewsBusted: Generic Republican in 2012!

Rupert Murdoch Attacked At Hearing! (VIDEO) …Update: A Leftist UK Uncut Activist

MMFA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Protester Outside Murdoch’s Home Repeats MMfA Talking Points

Comrades! Rejoice in the Death of Right-Wing Media!

Larry Flynt on Journalistic Integrity

Ann Wagner Bests Ed Martin in Missouri’s 2nd District on All Fronts

Alabama Still Collecting Tax for Confederate Vets

Audio:Is the Gang of Six Headed for a Shootout with the House?

Government Solutions Inefficient & Uncreative

ITS OFFICIAL! Herman Cain’s Campaign is Done-Stick A Fork In It!

Solving the NLRB Ambush Election and Card-Check Issues in One Fell Swoop

Breaking News: When the Government Raises Costs on Businesses, Businesses Raise Costs for Consumers

Electric Cars, Liberal Dreams, and Decepticon Democrats

House GOP Passes ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ Plan; Trims Spending by $6 Trillion

VIDEO: DeMint Calls Out McConnell-Reid Debt Plan

Underlying Mechanics Behind the SEIU Anti-corporate Smear Campaign Against Sodexo

Reason.tv: Battle for Brooklyn-Eminent Domain Abuse Gone Wild

Roy Blunt Sides With USDA Against Missouri Man Facing Up to $4 Million in Fines for Selling Bunnies

The Gang of Six Is Back from the Dead: Contemplating the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in their Budget Plan

A Good Debt Ceiling Deal

EPA Offers Golf Clinic Whilst Complaining About Draconian…Slices?

Illinois AFSCME: Three Raises in Seven Months is ‘Fair’

Audio:2012 Fundraising and the Tough Road to the GOP Nomination

The Debt-Limit Fight, ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance,’ and Rescuing America from Greek-Style Fiscal Collapse

Numbers Don’t Lie: “The Undefeated” Had a Remarkable Box Office Debut

Morning Call Sheet: Apes, Riddick, Superman, ‘South Park,’ and Walter Mitty

Linda Hamilton Asks Sgt. Ray Lewis to Marine Corps Ball

Hollywood Reporter: ‘Captain America’ Sticks to ‘Simplistic, Patriotic Origins’

Rob Riggle: An Actor Who Loves His Country and His Fellow Marines

‘Red Eye’ Podcast: Andy Levy vs. Beer Pong

Independent Filmmaker Seeks Your Help to ‘Heal America’

Hollywood Hoping for Obama, The Sequel

HomeVideodrome: Jackie Gleason, Steven Seagal, ‘Boyz’ and ‘Amelie’

Conor Friedersdorf: The Colonel Klink of the Blogosphere Responds to Breitbart and The Bigs

Morning Call Sheet: Andrew Klavan, Kyle Smith, Stephen King, and a Hearty ‘Screw You’ to DC Comics

Lawyer says suspect in soldier's death delusional

Britain-style hacking could happen in US: senator

Kidnapped NYC boy was given drugs, then smothered

Simon Fuller sues Fox over "X Factor" fees

Prosecutor: Ohio man a 'vile' serial killer

Senator Kohl says AT&T deal should be blocked

US Republicans hit aid to Israel neighbors, Pakistan

U.S. space shuttle spawned heart pump, fly by wire

Somalis plead not guilty to U.S. murder charges

Clint Eastwood, aka 'Dirty Harry,' honors US cops

Egypt army moves to secure key role in country's future

Syrian opposition says Assad fomenting sectarian strife

Reggae band 'getting goosebumps' before 1st J'lem gig

Livni: Those backing 'NGO probe bill' are against Israel

Serbia arrests last war crimes suspect

Cameron 'regrets' hiring scandal-hit tabloid editor

Trafficked girl's carer in court fight for access to children's services

Irish prime minister attacks Vatican

BBC gives too much weight to fringe views on issues such as climate change

Netflix Emails 3% Discount To Apologize For Streaming Outage - The Consumerist

Martin Sheen, former TV president, lobbies Congress on drug courts - latimes.com

Romney to Campaign at North Hollywood Shopping Mall - Wilshire & Washington on Variety.com

King announces third hearing on Muslim radicalization in US - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Michele Bachmann Latest Example of How the Left Doesn't Take Women Seriously | NewsBusters.org

Dylan Ratigan: What I Read - Business - The Atlantic Wire


20-Jul-11 World View

19-Jul-11 World View


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Biggest problem facing U.S.';Rep. Gibbs among freshman Republicans 'elected to address debt problem'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'The only way to go';Rep. Gingrey: Cuts and caps mean little without balanced-budget amendment

Military praises 'fantastic' new post-traumatic stress therapy

Feeding frenzy over 'gays' remark facing challenge

Crossroads GPS Courts Hispanic Voters - Washington Wire - WSJ

Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud

Environmentalists: Keep 'secret highway for illegals' open

Mexico gangsters publish etiquette guide | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

FBI arrest points to Pakistan influence-peddling scheme - Washington Times

'Irrefutable' proof of Obama forgery

Video story explains proof of Obama forgery

Surprise! Obama can't remember his birthday

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Mother of Tristan Banon admits she had sex with Dominique Strauss-Khan - Telegraph

Keep this 'moderate' Muslim in jail

Debt limit debate simplified

For The Record

Who took the fight out of Americans?

The answer man

Blame Bush for teachers cheating?

American torture: Which side are you on?

Jousting with HuffPost's 'Bible scholar'

A businessman for president?

Eugene Robinson: GOP Candidate Cain Gets Away With Bigotry - Truthdig

The long retreat of liberalism

Articles: One Obama Presser, 36 Obama Lies and Deceptions

Rebecca Rescate set to make $1m from her CitiKitty cat toilet training kit | Mail Online

'Leisure dive': Summer posers caught mid-air in new photography craze | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Day & Night :: Justin Bieber a thief, says Davy Jones

In at the deep end: The synchronised swimming team that look more like an insect | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Day & Night :: Party ends for broody Paris Hilton

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: Hasselhoff's girlfriend mystified by Baywatch

Men are happy for women to propose | News.com.au

Uncovering the Kingdom of Israel | Spero News

Gallery: America’s Secret Space Arsenal | Danger Room | Wired.com

Flying sphere goes where humans fear to tread | Reuters

BBC Nature - Beehives stop elephant crop-raids in Kenya, Africa

New Scientist TV: Friday Illusion: Turning pretty girls into gargoyles

Chihuahua thwarts robbery at Altadena smoke shop - latimes.com

Why cats go next door: The reason your pet always chooses the neighbour's garden as a convenience | Mail Online

Town hall snoopers ask about residents' sex lives in intrusive 'diversity' questionnaires | Mail Online

Now that's a REAL drugs bust! Cocaine baron jailed after wife flaunts boob job | Mail Online

Generation Fat: Kids as young as 10 getting heart disease | News.com.au

Riding TriMet? Plenty of bugs could be sharing your seat | OregonLive.com

Swiss devise sex boxes | Orange UK

World War II: London in Color - Photo Gallery - LIFE


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Obama's citizen 'protection' bureau pick misused state funds?

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

Students punished for Krispy Kremes want rights back

Debt limit debate simplified

The real Donald Trump


U.S. citizenship losing its meaning

The Debt Ceiling and the Balanced Budget Amendment | Cato @ Liberty

Why Obama Should Think Medium | The New Republic

Obama Winning or Tying the Debt-Ceiling Fight, Losing 2012 Battle? - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Stephens: News of the World vs. WikiLeaks - WSJ.com

I'm Impressed By Your Fundraising, Mr. Obama -- But Not As Much As I Thought I'd Be - FoxNews.com

Stand up to Herman Cain’s bigotry - The Washington Post

Carl J. Schramm: The Startup Act: A Proposal to Jumpstart the American Economy

RealClearPolitics - No More Washington Tricks

Debt negotiations: The "grand bargain" between Obama and Republicans is back in play. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Guilty Men | The Weekly Standard

Geithner: A Dodd-Frank Retreat Deserves a Veto - WSJ.com

Obama and G.O.P. Plot Way to Win in a Down Economy - NYTimes.com

The American Spectator : 2012: The End of the World As We Know It

RealClearPolitics - Gender Politics, Evangelical Edition

RealClearPolitics - Ann Romney to Make Solo Debut on Campaign Trail

House Race Scramble - Josh Kraushaar - NationalJournal.com

Power and the Press - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Long Retreat of Liberalism

Debt Ceiling Delusions | The Nation

News International crisis: New questions and little contrition | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The American melting pot: Atheists keep out? - On Faith - The Washington Post

Are Conservative Churches Getting “Radical”? | Philosophical Fragments

Terry Moran: 'Battle With the Devil': Meeting People Who Believe Satan Tortured Them

Cain: Romney can’t get elected because of his religion « Hot Air

Jon Huntsman Jr. stands by his Mormon religion | Deseret News

Brad Hirschfield: Seven Things You Should Know At Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Dying Decisions: Should Relatives Intervene? | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Asia Times Online :: DISPATCHES FROM AMERICA: How Muslim-bashing loses elections

‘Republicanity’—The GOP Transformation is Nearly Complete | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Catholic Charity in Secular America | First Things

The Hated and the Hater, Both Touched by Crime - NYTimes.com

Is Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann the 2012 Dream Team?, Christian News

More breaking news from 1537! » GetReligion

The Social Cost of Carbon in U.S. Climate Policy

Why the EPA's Toxic Rule is Good for the Economy

Energy Efficiency Policy: Surveying the Puzzles

Energy Outlook:Energy Implications of a Federal Default

Is an "Oil Shockwave" America's Biggest Energy Threat? | The Energy Collective

Opinion: What if it turns out there's plenty of oil? [w/video] — Autoblog Green

The Sizzle Factor for a Restless Climate - NYTimes.com

U.S. role in natural gas gets close look | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Disputing Natural Gas Reserves In Congress

Cleaner Coal Faces an Uncertain Future - Technology Review

Report: Greener energy policies will create more Midwest jobs - JSOnline

New EPA Ozone Rules Will Cost Jobs | The ChamberPost

Can PV Challenge Fossil Fuels | EnergyBiz

Can Greeks Become Germans? - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld - Another Overhyped Challenge to U.S. Power

The Murdoch story is not a Berlin Wall moment – just daft hysteria | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

U.S. officials fear al Qaeda faction is making gains - Washington Times

Syria Assad: U.S. softens its criticism of Syria - latimes.com

Will Egypt’s Military Hijack its Revolution? - Global Spin - TIME.com

Asia Times Online :: China's pearls unstrung - for now

Afghanistan Is Now India's Problem - By Sumit Ganguly | Foreign Policy

Al-Qaeda Goes Local in India | The Diplomat

Venezuela without Chávez - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

Do we care that Canada is an unequal society? - The Globe and Mail

The British press and the phone-hacking scandal: Rupert and James Murdoch before Parliament | The Economist

The West must start heeding early famine warnings - The Globe and Mail

RealClearWorld - Obama's Step Forward on Libya

The Shadow Boxers: Putin and Medvedev Eye the Kremlin -- and Each Other - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Asia Times Online :: China's pearls unstrung - for now

Cambodia’s Uighur ‘Madness’ | The Diplomat

Counterpoint - Debunking Myths About China - NYTimes.com

Big Science: The 10 Most Ambitious Experiments in the Universe Today | Popular Science

Political Polarization Grows as Job Security Falls - Miller-McCune

Embattled Professor Marc Hauser Will Resign from Harvard | News | The Harvard Crimson

Science could have it all wrong. But... : Starts With A Bang

An Environmentalist Joins the Reality-Based Community - Reason Magazine

Killing Mosquitoes With a Genetic Trick that Makes Digesting Blood Deadly | Popular Science

Anti-HIV drug made by GM plants begins trials in humans | Science | guardian.co.uk

Still Think Girls Can't Do Science? Females Sweep The Google Science Fair

New lung cancer gene found - MIT News Office

Gene therapy delivered once to blood vessel wall protects against atherosclerosis in rabbit studies — University of Washington - washington.edu

Engineering Excitable Cells for Studies of Bioelectricity and Cell Therapy | Engineering at Duke University, Pratt School

Monitoring cellular interactions at nano-scale in more detail than ever before

The Neuroscience of the Debt Debate, or Why Cooperation Takes a Backseat to Mistrust: Scientific American

From Technologist to Philosopher - Manage Your Career - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Centipedes: a life story. - By Constance Casey - Slate Magazine

Kiki or bouba? In search of language's missing link - life - 18 July 2011 - New Scientist

The Autism Generation - Allen Frances - Project Syndicate

Mythbusting 101: Organic Farming > Conventional Agriculture | Science Sushi, Scientific American Blog Network

A New Study Takes The Wind Out Of Wind Energy - Forbes.com

The U.S. Navy's Going Green. Why That's a Good Thing - TIME

This ancient insect was a chimera


**Transcripts:Obama on the Latest in the Debt Ceiling Talks

Senators Conrad & Chambliss on the Debt Ceiling

Interview with House Budget Chair Paul Ryan

Analyst Discusses the Gang of Six Talks

Media Availability with Secretary Clinton

How Even Scholars Misread 90 Years Of Tax-Cut History - Investors.com

The Tables Are Turned on Rupert Murdoch - NYTimes.com

The Breaking Point

The 5 Best and 5 Worst Regulations in Dodd-Frank

Bespoke Investment Group - Think BIG - Time to Move to Cash?

Size of government: Bigger than a breadbox, smaller than a planet | The Economist

Analysis: Anything's possible if U.S. debt downgraded to AA | Reuters

Today's 5 Biggest Contrarian Plays (AIG, CSC, CSCO, NLY, RIMM)

Wynn Slams Obama On Business: | RealClearPolitics

The dangers of being wrong on Keynes - The Washington Post

Geithner: A Dodd-Frank Retreat Deserves a Veto - WSJ.com

Joke Is on China as U.S.’s AAA Becomes Laughable: William Pesek - Bloomberg

Scrap the Accredited Investor Rule — The American Magazine

The bulls are back baby- MSN Money


**Politics Video:Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Allen West Is "Cracking Under The Pressure"

Bachmann Ad: "I Will Not Vote To Increase The Debt Ceiling"

Sen. Harkin: "Cult Fringe" Holding Up Debt Ceiling Increase

Keith Olbermann To Allen West: "Just Resign, Congressman!"

Allen West Responds To Wasserman Schultz: You're Not A Victim

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Does Hit Piece On Murdoch's Wife

Ryan: "Leading On Reporters At Press Conferences Is Not Leadership"

Krauthammer: Expectations Are Really High For Bachmann

Matthews: GOP Wasting Time With "Cut, Cap And Balance"

O'Reilly: Does Big Business Fear President Obama?

O'Donnell: Republicans Still Saying "Don't Blame Me"

Politico's Ken Vogel: Bachmann's Medical Illness Is "Fair Game"

19th/Ron Paul: "We Will Default Because The Debt Is Unsustainable"

Gov. Christie On Debt Talks: Obama Failed To Lead

Epic Showdown Between Chris Matthews And Rep. Joe Walsh

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Attacks Allen West On Floor; West Responds

Mark Levin: Congress An "Entrenched Ruling Class"

MSNBC Host: Murdoch Attack "Encapsulates What The British People Are Feeling"

Ann Coulter Tired Of "Free Publicity" For Bill Maher

WH's Carney: "Leadership Is Not Proposing A Plan"

Sen. McConnell: Americans Want Us to Cut, Cap and Balance

Man Tries To Throw Foam Pie At Murdoch During Hearing

Obama: Republicans Need To Accept "Revenues" In Package

Rep. Price: Washington Has "Borrowed Too Much, Spent Too Much And Taxed Too Much"

Boehner: "Cut, Cap & Balance" Will Stop Spending Binge

Brit Hume's Commentary: Debt History Repeats Itself

Sen. Johnson: "Business As Usual Is Bankrupting This Nation"

Elizabeth Warren: I Will Fight Republicans For Consumer Agency

Krauthammer: Rick Perry Could Be The Anti-Mitt Romney

Ezra Klein Predicts Obama Will Not Get Tax Increases In Debt Deal

Sen. Reid: Senate Will Stay In Session Until Debt Fight Is Over

Chris Matthews Takes On Grover Norquist Over Tax Pledge

O'Reilly: Future Of U.S. Depends On Debt Debate

**Markets Video

Real Clear Markets - Video - Companies Bidding Farewell to Vacation Days?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Why Gold Could Lose its Grip on $1,600

Real Clear Markets - Video - The Swiss Franc Retains Premier Status

Real Clear Markets - Video - Geithner: Certain of a Debt Deal

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe Stress Tests Don't Pass With Markets

Real Clear Markets - Video - An Interview With Google Employee No. 59

Real Clear Markets - Video - El-Erian: U.S. Needs to Get Its Act Together

Real Clear Markets - Video - Too Much Economic Risk to Invest in the Markets?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Want Facebook Stock? Buy This Fund

Real Clear Markets - Video - Would You Leave Wall Street to Start a Business?

Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Dangerous Game' Being Played in Global Debt Crisis

Real Clear Markets - Video - What Happens to Goldman Sachs After Blankfein?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Barry Ritholtz Rates Ben Bernanke

Real Clear Markets - Video - Herman Cain vs. Barack Obama


**World Video:How To Ignite, Or Quash, A Revolution

Ex-Murdoch Employee Talks Scandal, Hearing

Attempted Attack On Rupert Murdoch

Merkel: 'Europe Without The Euro Is Unimaginable'

Progress In Libya Conflict?

Inside China's Hacker World

Murdoch: No Evidence 9/11 Victims Targeted

Clinton Extends U.S. Support To India To Battle Extremism

South Koreans Rally Against Japan

Famine To Be Declared In Somalia

Brooks Denies Paying Police

European Trade Restrictions In North Africa

Japan Bans Fukushima Beef Exports

Cycle Of Scandal

19th/Translating the Middle East

Petraeus Hands Over Command of Afghanistan

Human Rights Watch's Sarah Leah Whitson On Syria

Syrian Activists Meet Secretly To Debate

U.S. Overcome With Troubles

U.S. Troops Begin Afghanistan Pullout

Hacking Scandal Widens: Top Cop Quits

News Corp Suffers 'Reputational Damage'

Hungarian Court Clears 97-year Old Of WWII War Crimes.

Clinton Arrives In India.

Syria: New Homs Video

Hacking Whistleblower Dead.

Russian Girls Urged To Strip For Putin

Is The CIA Running Secret Prisons In Somalia?

Harkin’s Angry Rant: Tea Party ‘Cult Fringe’; GOP ‘Dead-Beat Debtors’

*20 July

American Minute for July 20th

This Day in History for 20th July

July 20th This Day in History

Today in History: July 20

July 20th in History

July 20 Events in History

Today in History: July 20

‪Today in History for July 20th‏ - YouTube


‪Apollo11: Lunar Landing July 20, 1969‏ - YouTube

+Apollo 11 Landing Site

Apollo 11 Landing Site Overview

The Moon Landing


July 19, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 19 July 2011

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-19-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-19, Tuesday

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, July, 19, 2011

07/19 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Reveiw 1

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

The Michael Savage Show 07/19/2011


Rep. Allen West's sophomoric, whiny tirade against Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Rep. Joe Walsh's Strange Contradictions

Wisconsin Democrat Dave Hansen Easily Wins Recall Election

Bill O'Reilly tries to reel in the wingnuts, admits GOP losing debt-ceiling PR campaign while bashing Michele Bachmann

Allen West thinks Obama supporters are "a threat to the gene pool"

Dick Morris Pretends Republicans Can Allow Us to Partially Default Without Wrecking the Economy

Piers Morgan on Rupertgate: 'Murdoch victim of a 'witch hunt'

Audio:Elizabeth Warren Sidesteps Question About Possible Run in Conference Call, Praises President's Choice To Head CFPB

Andrea Mitchell Gives Tom Price a Pass on Republicans Handcuffing the SEC

McConnell: GOP will still block CFPB nomination

Murdoch attacked with pie at hearing

Hit Piece In The Daily Caller Says Bachmann A Heavy User of Migraine Meds; Sources 'Concerned' About Incapacitation

Michele Bachmann Uses IA Flooding To Attack Obama, Black Farmers

Bill Clinton: I'd Raise The Debt Ceiling And Force The Courts To Stop Me

Both Progressives and Conservatives Eviscerate the House GOP for “Cut, Cap & Mangled” Shenanigans

New Oil Spill In Montana Wasn't Reported By Drilling Company. Are We Surprised?

Murdoch Organization Still Paying Phone Hacker's Legal Fees? Amazing

Fox News contributor insists he's 'not a pedophile'

Audio:Rupertgate Tuesday - The Circus This Time.

Paul Krugman Says We Need To Hold The Bankers Accountable

*NEWS VIDEOS:20th/19th

Casey Anthony Caught on Video in Orlando.

Harkin’s Angry Rant Tea Party ‘Cult Fringe’; GOP ‘Dead-Beat Debtors’.url

Israeli Navy Intercepts Gaza-Bound French Yacht.

Nazi Doctor Mengele’s Diaries Up For Sale.

Obama Backs Repeal of Clinton Era Traditional Marriage Law.

Olbermann To Allen West ‘Just Resign, Congressman’.

O’Keefe Medicaid Investigation Triggers Official Ohio Inquiry.

Pigford’s John Boyd Bachmann Will Have ‘Hard Time Proving She’s Not Racist’

Police Arrest 35 in San Francisco After Protests Turn Violent.

Tucker Carlson ‘Very Few People Have Done More To Divide The Country Than Chris Matthews’.

Wasserman-Schultz’ Floor Comments Raise Rep. West’s Ire. l

Cain ;Romney Can’t Win Because He’s a Mormon.

Carney; Obama Showing Leadership by NOT Submitting Debt Plan

Casey Anthony Caught on Video in Orlando.

Congressman to NBC’s Matthews Obama ‘Doesn’t Send Thrill Up My Leg’.

Harkin’s Angry Rant Tea Party ‘Cult Fringe’; GOP ‘Dead-Beat Debtors’.

Israeli Navy Intercepts Gaza-Bound French Yacht.

Murdoch Attacked At Parliament Hearing.

Nazi Doctor Mengele’s Diaries Up For Sale.

NBC News’ Contessa Brewer Murdoch Attacker ‘Encapsulates’ British Mood.

Obama Backs Repeal of Clinton Era Traditional Marriage Law.

Obamacare Fables The Greatest Hits Video.

Olbermann To Allen West ‘Just Resign, Congressman’.

O’Keefe Medicaid Investigation Triggers Official Ohio Inquiry.

O’Keefe Team Investigates Carolina Medicaid; Gov’t Health Care for 25 IRA Terrorists.

Pigford’s John Boyd Bachmann Will Have ‘Hard Time Proving She’s Not Racist’.

Police Arrest 35 in San Francisco After Protests Turn Violent.

Santorum Responds to Dan Savage’s Disgusting ‘Hate Sex’ Rant.

Steve Wynn Goes Off on Obama in Conference Call.

Tucker Carlson ‘Very Few People Have Done More To Divide The Country Than Chris Matthews’.

Unhinged Protester Outside Murdoch’s Home Repeats Media Matters Talking Points Verbatim

Video Response Big Gov Tries to Throw Uncle Sam Off Cliff.

Wasserman-Schultz’ Floor Comments Raise Rep. West’s Ire.