"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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17 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

‪Geiger counters in Japan post-Fukushima: The disturbing discoveries made by those living here‏ - YouTube

‪Fukushima Neglicide(Background vs Artifical Radiation) -27-06-2011‏ - YouTube

‪Nuclear Nightmare(Fukushima) - 03-06-2011‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: al Qaeda rebels finally get the nod from Washington, what will become of the Libyans still loyal to Gaddafi?

‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go?‏ - YouTube

savethemales.ca - Obama - Political Equivalent of a Suicide Bomber?

msnbc.com Video Player

How QE3 Could Bring About $5,000 Gold and $1,000 Silver

The Economic Collapse

US Debt Crisis - It Is Not A Joke

First Read - What Americans support (and don't support) in cutting the deficit

Activist Post: US Recognizes Al-Qaeda War Criminals As Libya's Official Government

Colorado woman Yukari Mihamae, 61, gropes TSA agent in Phoenix, Arizona | Mail Online

Court upholds TSA's use of full-body scanners - Travel - News - msnbc.com

Corporate Water World | Reality Sandwich

China Oil Spill Six Times Size of Singapore: Govt | Common Dreams

Activist Post: Stealing the World...Country By Country

Central Banks' First-Half Gold Buying Surpasses 2010 Total - CNBC

‪POLICE STATE 2011: Police Chief Shuts Down Children's Lemonade Stand‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Nude, bound woman found dead in Big Pharma CEO’s home; no criminal investigation yet

Testimony To Massachusetts Legislators on H1055 & Right to School For Vaccine Exempt Children - AGE OF AUTISM

Event Horizon Chronicle: Remote Viewing The "Event" -- 666 Days And Counting

‪Radiation in school yard!(Tokyo Metro) -16-07-2011‏ - YouTube

84 Additional Meat Cows That Ate Radioactive Hay Already Shipped to 5 Prefectures | EX-SKF

Radioactive Cesium from Shiitake Mushrooms Grown Indoors in Date City, Fukushima | EX-SKF

High Level of Plutonium Rumored to Have Been Detected in Rice Paddies 50 Kilomters from Fukushima I Nuke Plant | EX-SKF

SteveLendmanBlog: Debt Ceiling Debate Charade Masks Planned Entitlement Cuts

We are ALL fed up but 90% of Americans are still walking in their sleep. - Thus knowledge flows like water / Teachable Moments

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormons Find Romney's Lack of Faith Disturbing

Iran Stands Firm! | Opinion Maker

An Idea Whose Time Has Come? | Opinion Maker

A Plague on the Gulf: Local Fisherman Pulls Up Dozens of Crabs with Oil Stains, Burns and Lesions Off Pensacola | Stuart H. Smith

Why Americans can't afford to eat healthy - David Sirota - Salon.com

Next: They Steal Your Gold

Vision: America is Zion, Satanists Will Surrender Utah

Barack Obama’s extravagant Ancien Régime tells the American people: let them eat taxes – Telegraph Blogs

We’re not Greece, says Barack Obama as US fears grow - Telegraph

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: 48 hours to save the euro as Greece deal stalls

US risks AAA rating even with debt deal - Telegraph

Small Earthquake Strikes Berkeley Area: News: SFAppeal

First Gulf of Mexico cruise: Dead zone already bigger than Delaware | SciGuy | a Chron.com blog

Too much internet use 'can damage teenagers' brains' | Mail Online

Poor memory? Blame Google | Science | The Guardian

A Discreet Nonprofit Brings Together Politicians and Corporations to Write ‘Model Bills’ - ProPublica

West prepares to hand rebels Gaddafi's billions - Africa, World - The Independent

UK sends four more RAF Tornado jets to Libya | World news | The Guardian

Campaigners seek arrest of former CIA legal chief over Pakistan drone attacks | World news | The Guardian

Aftermath Of Israeli Anti-Free Speech Law Passage

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: The Herem Law in the context of Jewish Past and Present

‪Israel,The Promised Land of Organized Crime -David Duke ( Full Version)‏ - YouTube

Israel’s “KKK’nesset” gets new Anti-Boycott Law… Will they Lynch the West Bank? | Veterans Today

MAX HASTINGS: Our great institutions are becoming tainted by venality and incompetence. Where are leaders of integrity when we need them? | Mail Online

Rupert Murdoch's US papers face closer scrutiny | Media | The Guardian

Video: John Prescott: 'Murdoch is responsible' - Telegraph

The Sun enters frame as Jude Law makes new hacking claims - Crime, UK - The Independent

The fight to rescue the Arab spring | World news | The Guardian

Doctors turn on each other as sectarianism tears Bahrain apart - Middle East, World - The Independent

Thousands on secret council blacklists: Personal details kept of residents who dare to complain | Mail Online

Mexican soldiers find biggest ever marijuana plantation - Telegraph

Mozart died at 35 'because he didn't get enough sun' | Mail Online

The 'super tomatoes' fortified with minerals that combat cancer | Mail Online

Latest generation of children will live 20 years longer than their grandparents - Telegraph

Here be monsters | Carole Jahme | Notes & Theories science blog | Science | guardian.co.uk

Scientists capture atmospheric signature of tsunami in discovery that could lead to early warning system | Mail Online

Green algae covers beaches and the sea in Qingdao, China - Telegraph


‪S.O.S. From Fukushima English translation‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Smart meters: public health nightmare or public utility boon?

Executive Order # 13575: The theft of rural and agricultural lands for UN Agenda 21 « The PPJ Gazette

AGENDA 21 - Woman Exposes Rockefellers Eugenics & Sterilization Program

‪News Round-Up - Tearing The Lies Apart‏ - YouTube

‪More Shocking Details Emerge in ATF Scandal, Part 1 [FOX 7-08-2011]‏ - YouTube

‪More Shocking Details Emerge in ATF Scandal, Part 2 Fox News Video FoxNews comal part 1‏ - YouTube

Google has made us stupid: How search engine has rewired our memory to leave us forgetful | Mail Online

Activist Post: The world’s largest human experiment part two: why Europeans (and everyone else) should be worried

savethemales.ca - Diet is Key to Spiritual Advancement

Activist Post: 9/11 ANNOUNCEMENT: Long-awaited International Hearings Set for September, 2011


‪Debt Ceiling‏ - YouTube

The Intercept: Gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants

Rebekah Brooks has been arrested in connection with the phone-hacking scandal - 12160

Rebekah Brooks arrested in UK hacking scan - The Washington Post

‪Ron Paul "They Resent Us Bombing Them & Killing Civilians & Occupying Their Lands"‏ - YouTube


‪*War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Iraq lies from the same cabal)‏ 3:08:30 - YouTube

‪*2:28:42/War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy‏ - YouTube


‪Wikileaks-Good For 9/11, Good For Israel‏ - YouTube

‪Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel and WikiLeaks‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: The 40-Year Cycle of Cultural Change

‪S.O.S. From Fukushima English translation‏ - YouTube

Simple; we stand our ground now and in the future; “No.” is a complete sentence | LeatherneckM31

World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia: U.S. Sends in the Marines and More Drones Glen Ford

With Friends Like AFRICOM, Who Needs Enemies? by Mark P. Fancher

Ex-CIA Agent Explains How Bloggers Can “Dump Congress On Its Ass” :

The Intercept: US and internationalism

PressTV - 75,000 US veterans face homelessness

Beyond Absurd: Obama Thinks 80% Of Americans Want More Taxes :

Pentagon declares the Internet a war domain - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

A Message To The Wall Street Captured, Bailout Loving, Military Industrial Political Class Regarding Cuts To Social Security - Take Your Austerity And Shove It Up Your Ass! - Home - The Daily Bail

Dylan Ratigan On The Grand Political Delusion: "Wake Up America! Both Parties Are The SAME! Six Industries Control Everything! It's Time For Independents To Rise!" - Home - The Daily Bail

Senators Ask Spy Chief: Are You Tracking Us Through Our iPhones? | Danger Room | Wired.com

Solar plant keeps working, even after sundown | Energy

Maximum PC | Lawsuit Accuses 70-Year-Old Retired Widow of Downloading Porn via BitTorrent

"Who Will Default First On Their Debt Greece Or The United States?" - Question Arises As Germany's Top Court Considers Whether The Greek Bailout Is Even Constitutional - Home - The Daily Bail

Gaddafi: A New World Order Obstacle | Financial News

10 Signs That The American People Are Starting To Freak Out About The Condition Of The Economy - 12160

Occupy Wall Street - Tahrir Style | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Obama lies about dying mother, book claims — RT

Economic Armageddon? Is the US Economy Collapsing? | www.track-cell-phones.com

Cape Doctor Says He’s Not Leading Survivalist Group And Has Been Harassed By Believers In ‘Planet X’ :

‪US citizens to Obama: No more sacrifices‏ - YouTube

Experts Warn of al-Qaeda Attack If Debt Ceiling Not Raised - 12160

The Intercept: Congress Blesses Israel's Matrix of Control

CA prisoners reject state offer as inmate hunger strike enters 3rd week | The Raw Story

US Conoco Phillips' China Oil Spill Six Times Size of Singapore - 12160

As military operations stall, US recognises Libyan rebels

Iran, Pakistan urge stronger ties - Yahoo! News

Revealed: Brown's £1bn power windfall | Politics | The Guardian

Goldman Sachs Shorted Greek Debt After It Arranged Those Shady Swaps

Federal Court Rules That TSA ‘Naked Scans’ Are Constitutional - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

The Rothschild's South Sudan Oil Grab - BlackListedNews.com

Pentagon Wants a Social Media Propaganda Machine | Danger Room | Wired.com

Bodyguard who killed Karzai's brother was trusted CIA contact - Asia, World - The Independent

The UN Is Aiding a Corporate Takeover of Drinking Water | Water | AlterNet


Amid Privacy Fears, Police Across the Nation Will Roll Out Face-Recognizing iPhone Tech This Year | Popular Science

BI2 Technologies MORIS | Popular Science


A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

Critics savage Palin film as audiences stay away in droves | The Raw Story

Straight man who appeared gay rejected for blood donation | The Raw Story

Rick Perry growing ‘more comfortable’ with ‘call’ to run for president | The Raw Story

Giuliani says he has better record than current GOP presidential hopefuls | Raw Replay

NASA spacecraft to enter orbit of large asteroid | The Raw Story

San Rafael man arrested for making death threats to Sen. Boxer - San Jose Mercury News

ISI rules out return of USmly trainers | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

PressTV - US is real enemy of Pakistan: Leader

BBC News - Syria: Tens of thousands attend protester funerals

Sarah Palin Movie Debuts to Empty Theater in Orange County - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

ADHD, learning issues may be linked to secondhand smoke - USATODAY.com

Casey Anthony freed from jail, slips from view - Yahoo! News

Murder suspect swapped places with another man to escape courthouse, police say - The Washington Post

Texas facing execution for killing Indian man in spree of attacks in wake of 9/11 | Mail Online

Nina Holbrook 'poured lighter fluid over sex offender dad Carl and set him on fire' | Mail Online

BBC News - Habsburg: Austro-Hungarian heir's heart to be buried

BBC News - Syria: Tens of thousands attend protester funerals

ADHD, learning issues may be linked to secondhand smoke - USATODAY.com

Casey Anthony freed from jail, slips from view - Yahoo! News

Murder suspect swapped places with another man to escape courthouse, police say - The Washington Post

Texas facing execution for killing Indian man in spree of attacks in wake of 9/11 | Mail Online

Nina Holbrook 'poured lighter fluid over sex offender dad Carl and set him on fire' | Mail Online

BBC News - Habsburg: Austro-Hungarian heir's heart to be buried

Pakistan: Dollars, drones and development

Obama presses case for “something big” on social spending cuts

Libya's "Freedom Fighters" Found to Engage in Pillage

World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia: U.S. Sends in the Marines and Drones

Response To "Humanitarian Advice" By Former British Ambassador To Libya

AFRICOM Is In Place, The Recolonization Of Africa Commences

Financial Crimes on Wall Street and the Debt Crisis

VIDEO: The Truth Behind the US/NATO War on Libya

Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen

If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It Could Potentially Unleash Financial Hell Across The United States

‪Obsessives: Soda Pop - CHOW.com‏ - YouTube

‪Vegas Baby! Jeffrey Tucker on Freedomain Radio‏ - YouTube

‪Woman Arrested For Grabbing And Squeezing TSA Agent's Breast‏ - YouTube

‪Sheriff's deputy kills former football star in front of son‏ - YouTube

3 Examples Of How "It's Policy" Has Become An Excuse For Absolutely Unspeakable Acts - informationliberation

NATO Struggles to Find an Endgame in Libya

Yemeni Protesters Announce Shadow Govt

Why the US Won't Leave Afghanistan

Two Libertarians Debate Foreign Policy

The Internet, Freedom are Threats to the State

Bradley Manning Chat Logs Revealed

Bipolar Federal Court Slams Body Scans, Praises TSA in One Breath

Iran to Cooperate in Probe of Argentina Jewish Center Bomb

14 Suspected al-Qaeda Militants Charged for Allegedly Planning to Attack US Embassy in Turkey

Georgia Says 3rd Photographer Confessed to Spying for Russia; Lawyer Says He Earlier Proclaimed Innocence

Mexico's Border With California Resembles a Demilitarized Zone

Judge Questions Proof in Fla. Terror Finance Case

Ex-NSA Official Accused in Leak Case Gets One Year Probation

Navy's Newest Prison Set to Open in Chesapeake, Virginia

First Demonstration of Time Cloaking - Technology Review

This Almost Perfect Food Gobbles Up Your Body's Toxins by Joseph Mercola

No more Mr Bald Guy | Life and style | The Observer


*Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


*Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business(http://www.burzynskimovie.com/)


‪*1:48:00/Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION)‏ - YouTube


Activist Post: Coming in 2012: Genetically modified front lawns and the mass spraying of neighborhoods and playgrounds with RoundUp

Crisis And Collapse Unfortunate but Inevitable | International Forecaster Weekly Bob Chapman The International Forcaster | Economy News | Investing | US Market Information | Gold | Silver | Wall Street Bailouts | Investment Trends | Money Resources | US and Worldwide Politics

Predictive Programming: Illuminati Pictures Presents "Contagion" | Before It's News

Activist Post: Free Energy Home Generator Zero Point Energy Off the Grid (Video)

American Karma - The Boomerang of Death | Before It's News

Activist Post: Obama welcomes Dalai Lama, to China's anger

Activist Post: Decoding Extraterrestrial Messages

N.Y. surveillance firm planning 'fusion center' in Moonachie - NorthJersey.com

Activist Post: Cybersecurity: the Pentagon offensive and the digital Pearl Harbor

Activist Post: Fortified Superfoods Aim to Convince Public of GM Food "Benefits"?

Jane Fonda: 'I Have Never Done Anything to Hurt My Country'

Rupert Murdoch: 'We Are Deeply Sorry'

Obama's Proposal: Increase Debt Extra $26B This Year, $83B Next Year, $2.7T Over Decade

British Muslims Urged to Reject Democracy, Embrace Shari’a-Ruled ‘Emirates’

Rep. West: Obama ‘Needs to Admit’ His Economic Policies ‘Have Failed’ America

Pulverized Lizards Shouldn't Be Used to Treat AIDS and Impotence, Philippines Warn

Twin 1-Year-Old Boys Drown in Unfenced Pool

Women on Steroids: Five Test Positive on North Korean World Cup Team

GOP To Push Stronger Voter I.D. Laws, Says ‘Voter Fraud Is Real’

DNC White House Event Included Big Money Obama Donors

Democrat: Photo-ID Rule Seeks to Keep Poor, Minorities, Elderly and Students From Voting

Pelosi: Obama Has More Patience Than Biblical Job

Pelosi Says She’s ‘Almost Too Busy’ to Continue Listening to Debt Talks

Obama Wants Military- Not Courts - to Lift Ban

Fundraising Numbers May Indicate 2012 Candidates' Viability

Army Finds Mexico's Biggest Marijuana Plantation

Lady Gaga's YouTube Account Is Suspended

NATO Warplanes Hit Libyan Military Targets Near Tripoli, Brega

White House and Congressional Leaders: No Default on US Debt

Pat Boone: Ignored Seniors Can Win 2012 White House for GOP

Angry Seniors May Punish Obama at Polls

House Probing Kagan's Link to Obamacare

Experts: Default Would Plunder Average Americans

GOP Voters as Divided as Candidates on Debt Debate

Your Share of Uncle Sam's Debt: $534,000

Wis. Gov. Walker Admits Errors, Defends Policies

Mubarak's Lawyer Says Ex-president Suffered Stroke

10 Arrests So Far in UK Phone Hacking Probe

Former Murdoch Exec Rebekah Brooks Arrested

Tables Turn on Murdoch as Scandal Rocks His Empire

Giuliani: I Have the ‘Best Record'

Rick Perry 'Comfortable' with Idea of 2012 Run

Cain: Americans Can Prohibit Mosques

Sen. Graham: ‘We’re Becoming Greece’

Giuliani Says 2012 White House Run an Option

Rick Perry 2012 Run Likely, Iowa Governor Says

Whither Astronauts? Corps Shrinks as Shuttles Stop

Obama Picks Ex-Ohio AG to Lead Consumer Agency

Perry's Credentials: As Conservative as They Come

O'Donnell Attorney: Feds Should Investigate CREW

Small Donations Fuel Bachmann Campaign Fund

Two-thirds of Obama Campaign Cash from Small Donors

Prevent Heart Attacks Naturally

Vitamin C Linked to Cataract Risk

Our Prison System Needs Radical Changes

How Is Obama Preparing for China's Dominance?

Obama Will Reduce US to European Welfare State

Syrian Opposition Mulls Government Transition

Gaddafi rejects international recognition of rebels

Military denies key to Taiwan's secrets sold to China

Taiwan needs U.S. weapons to gain leverage with China

Army Releases June Suicide Information

Obama's Senior Moment: 'I'll be turning 50 in a week.' - Political Punch

Dog bites shark! Incredible hound rounds up the sea's most fearsome beasts | Mail Online

Cops: Indiana Woman Hid Meth Inside Bible In Jail Smuggling Bid | The Smoking Gun

Casey Anthony released from jail: Casey Anthony was released from jail early Sunday - OrlandoSentinel.com

Intense Speculation About Where Casey Anthony Will Settle - NYTimes.com

Casey Anthony Not Allowed to Return Home Following Release From Jail - FoxNews.com

Mom acquitted of daughter's murder leaves US jail - Yahoo! News

After Jail Time for Contempt, Alleged Rape Victim Returns to Testify

Romania Weapons Stolen - Scrap Metal Thieves May Have Stolen Warhead Parts - CNBC

Murdochs 'in family fallout' over crisis | Media | The Observer

Rupert Murdoch's empire must be dismantled – Ed Miliband | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Gordon Brown calls in police as row with Rupert Murdoch's News International deepens - Telegraph

Uncertain future for British newspapers amid scandal - Yahoo! News

President Obama Meets With the Dalai Lama at the White House as China Objects - FoxNews.com

Nibiru Shadows Over Antarctica Landmass & Personnel Witness Brown Dwarf | Before It's News

Shocking Illusion -Pretty Girls Turn Ugly! | Before It's News

Something Big Is Going On At Giza | Before It's News

Ten Years Ago Portugal Legalized All Drugs -- What Happened Next? | | AlterNet

China and Gold | Before It's News

'Meteor' crashes at Kilimambogo, Kenya - 16th July 2011 | Before It's News

Egyptian Ring Uses Sexual Coercion to Convert Christian Girls | Before It's News

The Top Ten Most Bizarre And Crazy Stories Reported On IrishCentral | Before It's News

Five Ways to Keep Your Home Cooler in Summer | Before It's News

5 Military Surplus Rifles For Survival And Self Reliance | Before It's News

Getting Prepared for an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm | Before It's News

Bin Laden Documents Show Plan To Target Obama | Before It's News

Dark-energy fingerprints found in ancient radiation - physics-math - 15 July 2011 - New Scientist

Space telescope to create radio 'eye' larger than Earth - space - 16 July 2011 - New Scientist

Free Energy: Home Generator Zero Point Energy Off the Grid | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

10 Most Influential People in the Alternative Media (2011) | Before It's News


Is birther terrorism expert a fake? | Before It's News

Will FEC decide presidential eligibility? | Before It's News

Astrology Mantras | Before It's News

Home remedies for Cancer | Before It's News

NASA's Dawn Begins Science Orbit of Vesta | Before It's News


Des Plaines betting on casino to spur development - DailyHerald.com

New congressional maps put squeeze on Republicans - Beacon News

Bystanders catch driver after SUV strikes, kills motorcyclist - chicagotribune.com

The Seven Year Itch: Facts about Billy Wilder's movie and Marilyn Monroe's iconic dress shot - chicagotribune.com

‪Giant Marilyn Monroe statue erected in Chicago‏ - YouTube


BBC News - Casey Anthony freed after toddler murder acquittal

Carmageddon in Los Angeles: So what was the big deal anyway? - CSMonitor.com

UPDATE 2-Obama to name Cordray to consumer job | Reuters

Obama Pushes U.S. Debt Deal, Spurns Republican Plan - Bloomberg

DNC revs up jobs attack on Mitt Romney - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Palin Film Opens Strong, Theaters Packed - 'The Undefeated' - Fox Nation

Texas’ Rick Perry starting to feel ‘called’ to run for president | Iowa Caucuses

California governor signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history - CNN

Herman Cain Says U.S. Communities 'Have the Right' to Ban Mosques - FoxNews.com

Man flees police car, jumps off Ohio bridge, dies - Forbes.com

Giuliani to GOP: 'Get the Heck Out of People's Bedrooms' - FoxNews.com

The Associated Press: Iowa congressman, family safe after home invasion

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Military members march for San Diego gay pride | Reuters

N.Y. Man Charged With Murder of Boy Reportedly Has History of Strange Behavior - FoxNews.com

Strauss-Kahn Attends Two Concerts in the Berkshires - NYTimes.com

Military Gay couples won't enjoy benefits - Watertown Daily Times Online : National:

US Offers Full US Support for Greek Economic Recovery Plan | News | English

Senior aide to Karzai assassinated - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Germany withdraws award for Putin | World | RIA Novosti

tehran times : Pro-Palestinian activists sail to Egypt

Egypt's Prime Minister Names Two Deputies - WSJ.com

Yemenis Protest on 33rd Anniversary of Saleh's Rule | News | English

AFP: In Sudan border state, Nuba fighters ready for war

Prince Charles Calls Prince William & Kate Middleton Overexposed? « earsucker

tehran times : U.S. is real enemy of Pakistan’s unity: Leader

Erekat: U.S. has no reason to veto Palestinian bid for statehood - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Vatican ejects Chinese bishop

Vatican excommunicates Chinese bishop Joseph Huang Bingzhang appointed by Beijing - Telegraph

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Reconciliation and nation building: the Mandela way

China Formally Protests Obama Meeting With Dalai Lama | News | English

Syrian opposition struggles to unite as protests swell | World news | The Guardian

Foreign Troops Hand Over Province To Afghan Police : NPR

‪NATO begins Afghan handover‏ - YouTube

With Hugo Chávez in Cuba for chemotherapy, who's running Venezuela? - CSMonitor.com

‪Dragon vs Tiger: Who's stronger in China-India race?‏ - YouTube

Egypt's Mubarak in a coma, hospital says - CNN.com

‪Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in coma‏ - YouTube

London police chief quits over hacking ties | ajc.com

‪Ex-Murdoch Aide Rebekah Brooks Arrested‏ - YouTube

Will Google+ Be the Next Facebook? | IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Patent Law

Google News Gets Gamified -- InformationWeekGoogle News Gets Gamified - internet Blog

Google News Badges Preview Google's Game Plans - Search Engines - News & Reviews - eWeek.com

Maybe G+ Isn't Quite As Much of a Boys Club - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Google Chromebook Isn't For Power Users -- Yet.

Google Maps Dumps Driving Times With Traffic Estimates | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Internet Use Affects Memory, Study Finds - NYTimes.com

Twitter Won't Fly as High if it Flubs Bing Social Search Deal | PCWorld

tehran times : Facebook launching news platform Facebook Editions in September

Is Your Hotmail Password '123456'? Not For Long | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Crazy Vibrations: What Strings Look Like From Inside A Guitar : All Songs Considered Blog : NPR

A Weird Quirk Of The iPhone Camera Produces A Very Cool Video

U.S. autopsy guidelines revised for Alzheimer's | Reuters

Street Drug Bath Salts, A Dangerous Stimulant | SmartAboutHealth.Net

Bath Salts | Recreational Drugs | Synthetic Marijuana

Binge Drinking Damages Teenage Girls' Brains More Than Boys'

WHO Fears Measles Outbreak in Africa | The State Column

Is obesity grounds for taking away a child? - baltimoresun.com

Study of Alpha Male Baboons Shows It’s Stressful at the Top - NYTimes.com

Use A Bigger Fork To Eat Less | SmartAboutHealth.Net

Coffee and Tea Consumption Can Reduce MRSA Risk By 67 Percent, Study Says | ThirdAge

Less Lighting Up in Movies Aimed at Kids - Health News - Health.com

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony’s Reality Show Still a Go Despite Split - E! Online

The Associated Press: Museum scavenger hunts ask who killed the curator

Jane Fonda: QVC axed my appearance over politics - CBS News

Marilyn Monroe Sculpture in Chicago: Methinks We Doth Protest Too Much. | Show Me Chicago

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver Reunited at a Birthday Party | Photos - ABC News

Netflix Nix on Affordability: Price Hike - Middletown, NJ Patch

Paul McCartney Yankee Stadium Concert Review - NYTimes.com

Last space shuttle crew almost done packing up - Technology & science - Space - msnbc.com

BBC News - Dawn probe orbits asteroid Vesta

Video: Indonesia's Mount Lokon volcano erupts - Telegraph

Elusive snow leopards discovered in remote corner of Afghanistan - CNN.com

Sunken 19th Century Schooner Found Intact In Lake Ontario - Irish Weather Online

Great Bee Count aids scientists

Absence Of Top Predators Brings Unanticipated Changes: Scientific American Podcast

Youngest Dinosaur Ever – Dinosaur Fossil Found In Montana By Yale Scientists - Secaucus New Jersey News | Secaucus New Jersey News

Grand Rapids' Angry Bird still fuming (photo gallery) | MLive.com

Delta IV lifts GPS satellite into orbit | FLORIDA TODAY | floridatoday.com

Rainbow Toad Rediscovered in Borneo after 87 years: First Ever Photos

Rotten dino egg reveals ancient scavengers - CBS News

Lovely bones: See them at L.A. Natural History Museum's new Dinosaur Hall - USATODAY.com

WILDOMAR: Bee problem plagues neighborhood | Local News | PE.com | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

SpaceX breaks ground on Falcon Heavy launch site | The Digital Home - CNET News

Forests Absorb One-Third of Fossil Fuel Emissions: Study - International Business Times

How To Make Time Invisible

SES Launches Satellite for North American TV, Broadband Service - Bloomberg

Petrohawk deal to triple BHP's oil output

Mississippi oyster harvest could be lost - BusinessWeek

Chilean miners sue over ordeal

The Intelligent Investor: Where to Invest When You Don't Trust Treasurys - WSJ.com

Carmageddon contractor may receive incentive pay - latimes.com

Greece 'will not go bankrupt', vows Papandreou | World news | The Guardian

Judge dismisses racketeering claims against BP in spill | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Sign-ups for college-affiliated credit cards drop - USATODAY.com

World Bank chief urges broad global trade accord | Agricultural Commodities | Reuters

Carmageddon: Cyclists Win Race With JetBlue Plane, Christian News

BBC News - Somalia drought: UN aid for camps under Islamists

‪Horn of Africa drought to worsen, warns UNICEF‏ - YouTube

SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex

AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space

Gun trafficking: Mexican gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants - latimes.com

More Illegal Immigrants From India Crossing Border - FoxNews.com

Accused child killer Levi Aron tried to snatch neighbor's kid: mom - NYPOST.com

NUGENT: You have the right to remain stupid - Washington Times

Details of Somali Terrorist Recruitment in Minneapolis Revealed in New Court Documents - FoxNews.com

$140,000 horse arrives dead at JFK - NYPOST.com

Man hit by lightning dies 48 years after his father died the same way

Nothing to Fear?

Is This the Worst Economy since the Great Depression?

Poisoning the Language of Wealth

The Global Warming Hoax: How Soon We Forget

A Nation of Enablers

The Coolidge Model

When to Protect Americans Abroad (Hint: Not All the Time)

Barack and Joe: Social Justice

Humberto Leal Garcia and U.S. Federalism

Green Living Through Conservatism

Palestinians give up on full statehood; seek General Assembly recognition at UN

Steyn on 'Barack Obluffer'

Soft landing for fired IL school superintendents

The Murdoch hacking scandal ensnares former editor of News of the World

House passes light bulb bill

'Cut, cap, and balance' will get a vote this week in House

Obama's Tibet Two-step

Assad forces poised for another bloody crackdown

About that 'deadline' Obama gave for a debt deal...

Post-Surge Iraq: 2010 'Worst Year' for Christian Minority

Obama's selling but Americans aren't buying

President Demands 'Massive, Job-killing Tax Increases' and Dares Republicans to Call His Bluff

Time For Once Upon A Time In America

Barack and Joe: Obama's Keynesian Vision

Are Jews Permitted to Doubt The New York Times?

Leftist Mythology of the Spanish Civil War

Berkeley-CAIR Islamophobia Report: 'No There, There'

A Governor Who Prays or Preys?

American Exceptionalism and Identity Politics

Charlie Rangel's Misunderstanding of Christ and Charity

We Are Liberals; They Are Serviles

Israel: The National State Dedicated to Jewish Survival

Has the Muslim Brotherhood Changed?

Obama’s Amateur Paint-by-Numbers Liberalism Driving the World Off a Cliff

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

Time to Reboot America

Democrats import illegal voters with communicable diseases

No Red Lines for the Left

Palestinians want their own state and vote with their feet

Where’s the exterminator?

Drawing Out Leviathan

Airport Security: Lawmakers concerned over security breaches

The World’s Most Extreme Workers’ Compensation Fraud Cases

The Lebanese Presidency: Marginalization and Dhimmitude

Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama

10 Steps to Understanding How Liberals Think

Obama fights against school choice for black children

How Do You Know When Government Has Gotten Too Big?

The truth about Democrat Racism

Freeing Al Qaeda?

The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote

Supporting black Republican candidates

Obama: “The American People Are Sold”

Debbie Schlussel:UBER-SCHMUCK: Boston Mayor Says Illegal Alien Car Theft No Big Deal

Debbie Schlussel:DISGUSTING: Great American Donald Rumsfeld Gets Full TSA Terrorist Treatment

Congressman, Family Unharmed After Armed Intruder Breaks Into Home | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Straight Man Says Blood Bank Rejected Him Because He Seemed Gay | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Army Torches Massive 300-Acre Pot Farm in Mexico | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Allen West Says Obama ‘Needs To Admit That His Economic Policies Have Failed This Country’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is Rudy Running? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Report: Police Arrest Former News of the World Editor Rebekah Brooks in Phone Hacking Scandal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Man Arrested for Death Threats Against Sen. Barbara Boxer | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Volcano Eruption Causes Villagers to Flee in Indonesia | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hugo Chavez Goes Back to Cuba to Start Chemotherapy | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Would You Perform ‘Mouth to Beak’ Resuscitation? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

A Free Woman: Casey Anthony Released From Jail | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Police: Woman Shoots at Puppy, Kills Husband Instead | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Engaged Couple Sees Jesus On Walmart Receipt | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

178 Teachers & Principals Named: Atlanta Schools Created Culture of Cheating & Fear | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Laura Ingraham Airs Scary ‘Obama Remix’ of Jimmy Carter‘s ’Malaise’ Speech | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Indiana: Woman Give Uncles ‘Thumbs Up’ After Setting Fire to Sex-Offender Dad | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Poetic Justice or Assault? Woman Gropes TSA Agent in Phoenix | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Iowa Governor Sees Rick Perry Running For President in 2012 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

QVC Cancels on Jane Fonda: Actress Blames ‘Well Funded and Organized Political Extremist Groups’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Authorities Believe Somali Terrorist Group al-Shabab Conducted Recruiting Activities in Minneapolis | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

GM Looking to Reinvent the Automobile With This Two-Wheeled Car of the Future | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama: Can‘t Solve Deficit Without Asking Wealthiest Americans to ’Pay Their Fair Share’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

New Jersey Restaurant Owner Ordered to Remove American Flag Banners | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Cats Crash Hillary Clinton’s Interview in Turkey | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Murderous Road Rage: Double-Parking Fight Leaves Man Dead (WARNING: Graphic Video) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bin Laden Documents Show Plan to Target Obama | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

150 Things the Government Kinda Did With the Help of Some Left Liberals Some of Which Don't Suck!


The Pickens plan and crony capitalism

Cosmic Log - Invisibility gets a reality check

The human spirograph: Artist's amazing geometric drawings he produces with his body | Mail Online

'Sleeping Beauty': Kleine-Levin Syndrome Makes British Woman Sleep for a Week - ABC News

Out-of-Body Hallucinations Linked to Brain Glitch | The Brain, Temporal Lobe & Hallucinations | LiveScience

Dark-energy fingerprints found in ancient radiation - physics-math - 15 July 2011 - New Scientist

Virgin Mary Aids In Miraculous Conceptions, Priest Says - Albuquerque News Story - KOAT Albuquerque

Father and Son Both Die in Lightning Strikes, 48 Years Apart - ABC News

Facebook - the CIA conspiracy - Technology - NZ Herald News

‪Just Released! ANONYMOUS declares war on the system! JOIN THE RESISTANCE!‏ - YouTube

Law Enforcement: Corruption & Abuse "US police as dangerous as criminals"


*TED: Ideas worth spreading(http://www.ted.com/)


‪Try The McGurk Effect! - Horizon: Is Seeing Believing? - BBC Two‏ - YouTube

‪For Liberty Re-cut - Ron Paul 2012 Handout DVD HD‏ - YouTube

Executive Order #13575: Theft of Rural and Agricultural Lands for UN Agenda 21

“You Can’t Continue With The Status Quo”

Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know

Greenspan: Dumb Americans Deserve Unemployment

*Prison Planet.com » A Brief History Of Obama’s Fiscal Record

Ron Paul expands TV ad campaign to Nevada | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » Charting America’s Brief Trip In And Out Of Austerity… And Onward To Complete Disaster

Prison Planet.com » Crisis And Collapse Unfortunate but Inevitable

Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones on gay rituals of Bohemian Grove

Egypt Military Aims to Cement a Muscular Role in Government - NYTimes.com

Prison Planet.com » Clinton Announces al-Qaeda as Legitimate Government of Libya

Prison Planet.com » The Debt Ceiling Farce Is Ending… Or Is It?

Prison Planet.com » Why We Must Put The Neocons On Trial

Prison Planet.com » Violent Mexican Drug Cartel Video Game Has Politicos Up in Arms

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul on FOX News with Martha MacCallum taking about his new Ad and the Debt Limit

Prison Planet.com » We Have Forgotten What the Ancient Sumerians and Babylonians, the Early Jews and Christians, the Founding Fathers and Even Napolean Bonaparte Knew About Money

Prison Planet.com » Secrets of the RAND CORP Exposed

Prison Planet.com » Infowars News Brief From Southern California

Prison Planet.com » Confirmed: Federal Reserve Policy is Killing Lending, Employment and the Economy

Ron Paul to report $4 million in bank – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Prison Planet.com » Hollywood begins mass brainwashing campaign to get people ready for the next bioengineered virus release

Prison Planet.com » Junk food ads on TV strongly influence children’s eating habits

Pentagon Wants a Social Media Propaganda Machine | Danger Room | Wired.com

» There’s no point saving the world if we don’t cherish what makes the world worth saving Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bohemian Grove: Where the Elite Meet to Eat (and Conspire)

Obama nominates consumer finance chief - UPI.com

German unions call for healthy lunchtime siestas | World news | The Guardian

» Global fertility dropping dramatically as UN celebrates World Population Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Osama Hit List: President Obama, Petraeus, Major U.S. Sporting Event - ABC News

» The FBI Entraps Citizens To Claim Success Against Terror Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Oil Baron Al Gore Exposed As Carbon Scammer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

No Cell Phone-Brain Tumor Link, Latest Study Finds

Gun Dealers in Border States Face New Reporting Requirements | PBS NewsHour | July 14, 2011 | PBS

» Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: U.S. Gov’t Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New 9/11 curriculum released for teachers on how to educate students Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New 9/11 curriculum released for teachers on how to educate students | NJ.com

Obama's Secret Wars: How Our Shady Counter-Terrorism Policies Are More Dangerous Than Terrorism | | AlterNet

Chris Matthews Asks Panel Which GOP Presidential Candidate Might be a Great One and is Met With Crickets

While GOP dithers over default, infrastructure crumbles

Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

Rebekah Brooks Arrested: Rupertgate grows

The Welfare State

The Very Serious People Still Want That Grand Bargain And Don't Care What It Does To The Economy -- Or Us

Gaxiola escapes the death sentence in Flores family murders -- for now

Let them Eat Cake

Back In January 2009, Obama Announced A Fiscal Responsibility Summit -- With Special Focus On Social Security And Medicare

Eric Boehlert Weighs in on the Media Coverage of the Murdoch Hacking Scandal

Palin's propaganda movie does not-so-boffo biz -- even in right-wing markets

Rep. Ted Deutch spins 'GOP Wheel of Misfortune' on House floor

Will Rick Perry Ride The New Apostolic Reformation To The White House?

Erick Erickson Walks Back His Statements That Republicans Should Ignore Warnings on Raising Debt Limit

Wisconsin recall Republican denies domestic abuse, insists he doesn't 'smoke rocks'

flashback:FDR Has A Word Or Two About Taxes - 1936. | Newstalgia

Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Tea Party Crazy and the Default | Video Cafe


*Transcript:15th/Obama's Press Conference on the Debt Debate


9/11 Anniversary: Bin Laden & Al Qaeda’s Obsession with New Attack - The Daily Beast

FPI Fact Sheet: Five Steps to Hasten Assad's Exit | Foreign Policy Initiative

U.S. Status as World's Superpower Challenged by Rise of China - Pew Research Center

The Arab awakening: Revolution spinning in the wind | The Economist

Seoul-Beijing Defense ties

The questions the select committee must ask Rebekah Brooks, James and Rupert Murdoch | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

The Clash of Generations - NYTimes.com

Doyle McManus: U.S. may not like Sudan leader Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir, but it must talk with him - latimes.com

Elite few spearhead the anti-Murdoch campaign over phone-hacking scandal | The Australian

Why is China afraid of the Dalai Lama? - The Washington Post

Tough times for America’s enemies - Frida Ghitis - MiamiHerald.com

Turkey-EU relations: Is the plug being pulled?

Siddiqui: Turkey is a vital member of the Western camp - thestar.com

Asia Times Online :: Japan-South Korea ties hit turbulence

Government debt, investment risk, Tom Petruno: U.S. AAA credit rating in jeopardy as risks get reality check - latimes.com

Obama Legacy: Too Much Debt, Too Little Growth? | The Weekly Standard

Obama’s communications gap - The Washington Post

PRUDEN: Obama's tantrum in a high chair - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Make My Day

Obama bailout chief changes story: Maybe I did say, 'I did this all for the unions' | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

A Wilsonian move by the White House in Libya | FP Passport

Review & Outlook: 'Exchange' You Can't Believe In - WSJ.com

Diminished Pell Grants will hurt the neediest

Chicago Mayor Emanuel is giving unions a clear choice: perfectly reasonable work-rule changes or painful layoffs. - chicagotribune.com

Google: The Beginning - WSJ.com

Ed Koch turns up heat on President Obama over Israel - NYPOST.com

Why Are Prosecutors Striking Out? - NYTimes.com

VERNUCCIO: Labor's new strategy: Intimidation for dummies - Washington Times

Why Won’t Obama and Democrats Defend the Public Sector? - Working In These Times

Why Hasn’t The Earth Warmed In Nearly 15 Years? - Patrick Michaels - Climate of Fear - Forbes

Why Fighting Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs Is So Stupid - Ecocentric - TIME.com

How many lawmakers does it take to... - The Boston Globe

Tim Rutten: News Corp. meltdown has become an American problem too - latimes.com

Phone hacking: The 'BBC Left' is using hacking to get revenge - Telegraph

Texas’ Rick Perry starting to feel ‘called’ to run for president | Iowa Caucuses

Obama Has Early Fund-Raising Lead for 2012 Elections - NYTimes.com

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

A progressive case for deficit cutting? - Debt ceiling - Salon.com

A Fling with the Welfare State | The Weekly Standard

How the Bursting of the Consumer Bubble Continues to Hold the Economy Back - NYTimes.com


**17th/Politics Video:Budget Director Won't Answer If WH Would Prioritize Social Security Payments

Sen. Marco Rubio: Real Problem Is Not Debt Limit, But The Debt Itself

Klein: "Eat Your Peas" Is Language Americans Can Understand

Sen. DeMint: "The Day Of Reckoning Is Going To Come"

"This Week" Roundtable On The Politics Of The Debt Debate

Van Hollen: GOP Will "Manipulate" Constitution With Balanced Budget Amendment

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Tax Policy, Simplification

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Next Steps In Debt Limit Debate

CBS' Schieffer To Rubio: Admit Bush Has Something To Do With Economy

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "We're Becoming Greece"

Giuliani Unsure If He Could Win In New Hampshire

Sat.:16th/Obama Weekly Address: Corporations And The Wealthy Need To Sacrifice

Sen. Hatch Gives GOP Weekly: Pass Balanced Budget Amendment

Krauthammer To GOP: Call Obama Out For Being "Sanctimonious"

Susan Page: Obama Winning The Debt Fight


**The Week in Pictures: July 10 - 16**


‘Harry Potter 8′ Review: Epic Finale

The Marxist Priest of Nixon in China

Jane Fonda Blames Canceled QVC Appearance on the ‘Right Wing’

New ‘Captain America’ Poster Is All About Marketing the Flag-Waving

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Empty Theatre!!!: MSM Currently Brewing Up Phony ‘Undefeated’ Narrative

MALDEF: The Common Line of Controversy

The Anti-Incumbent Sentiment

‘Independent’ Group Stays Close to Moore Campaign

Cartoon:Obama Nation: Making Cuts

By Refusing to Raise Debt Ceiling, Speaker Boehner Can End Obama’s Hopes for Re-election Now

Looming Treasury ‘Default’: Theater of the Absurd

Which Was Worse: Iran/Contra or Operation ‘Fast and Furious’?

Liberals Don’t Know What They Don’t Know

No Freedom Fries for Fatty

Reason.tv: 3 Reasons Why The Debt-Ceiling Debate is Full of Malarkey

Rep. Shelia Jackson-Lee Uses Race Card to Cover for Obama’s Lack of Leadership

What Sheila Jackson Lee and Eric Cartman Have in Common

Mr. President, Here’s that Balanced Approach You Keep Demanding

Minnesota Possibly Reaching the End of Longest Shutdown in Recent U.S. History

Unnecessary Government Intervention

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black - The Hill's Floor Action

‘The Undefeated’: The Atlantic’s Phony ‘Empty Theatre’ Meme Falls Further Apart

Empty Theatre!!!: MSM Currently Brewing Up Phony ‘Undefeated’ Narrative

It’s the End of the World as We Know It

Sound Bite For the Day: Kids In the Back Seat

Cartoon:UI: Willful Ignorance

Grassroots Media Must Continue to Engage Washington

Jake Tapper Corners Jay Carney on Debt Ceiling

Charles Krauthammer Accuses Press of 'Accepting Every Leak Out of the White House' | NewsBusters.org

Last Crown Prince Of Austria Laid To Rest; Advocate of Sharia Law Speaks At Funeral

Enough About ‘Civilian Casualties’: What About Military Murders?

Baer: Israel To Dismember Iranian Nukes In September?

If Only Words Could Kill (Better Than IEDs)

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: With Deep Budget Cuts, We Might Need To Bring Back….The Draft?!

CNN’s Hit Piece On Walid Shoebat

Norway: Proposal To Build An ‘Interfaith Center’ For Dialogue With Islam On Site Where Christianity Began In Norway

*Audio:Catherine Herridge: America’s Terrorists

Mere 73% of Palestinians Want Jews Annihilated

Prosecutors outline recruitment of US Somalis

LA freeway reopens ahead of schedule

Casey Anthony lies low on first day of freedom

Top British police chief resigns over phone hacking

Senate nears debate on backup debt plan-aides

Heat wave in central US shows no signs of ending

Lead doctor says Mubarak did not have stroke

Defense ministry official says gunmen kill close adviser to Afghan president and a lawmaker.

London police chief resigns over claims of links to Murdoch figure in hacking scandal.

World Bank chief urges broad global trade accord

U.S. autopsy guidelines revised for Alzheimer's

Russia scrambles to raise sunken Volga boat

MKs visits tent city, declares emergency meeting

Syrian tanks circle town on Iraq border as soldiers defect

Orthodox groups to Obama: Keep religious hiring exemption

Verdict expected for alleged Hungarian war criminal

Murdoch-free News

Archbishop of Canterbury dismisses spin doctor


+17-Jul-11 World View+


House of the Day: Builders Really Nail Pixar's 'Up' Home | AOL Real Estate

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Pretty home? It’s all front...

Elaborate hoax or a sign from outta space? The crop circle phenomena continues | Mail Online

Uncovering the Kingdom of Israel | Spero News

'World's oldest' wreck found in Swedish Baltic - The Local

Gallery: America’s Secret Space Arsenal | Danger Room | Wired.com

Flying sphere goes where humans fear to tread | Reuters

Wild Parrots Get Names From Parents | Wired Science | Wired.com

Watch the World’s Largest Shark Tank on Live Webcam | Wired Science | Wired.com

New Scientist TV: Friday Illusion: Turning pretty girls into gargoyles

Google has made us stupid: How search engine has rewired our memory to leave us forgetful | Mail Online

A $330,000 home for $16? 'This is not a normal process' | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth

U.S. citizenship losing its meaning

Tree surgeon Tom Connelly almost beheaded himself with chainsaw | Mail Online

Saudi authorities behead man for snapping photos of nude woman to blackmail her for sex - Winnipeg Free Press

Man tells judge why he was driving without a license: ‘I’m blind’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Pleasure Hunting / Telling porkies - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

One Per Cent: Microsoft accidentally reveals social networking plans

Spacecraft Visits Giant Asteroid This Weekend | Wired Science | Wired.com

Space telescope to create radio 'eye' larger than Earth - space - 16 July 2011 - New Scientist

Teen girls' brains hit hard by binge-drinking: study | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features

How much alcohol is REALLY safe? Scientists | Mail Online

Drinking too much water 'can be bad for your health': Benefits are a myth | Mail Online

Diners who use big forks eat less: study | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features

Designs from the heart

CNN's 'gotcha' hatchet-job on terrorism fighter

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

Does Google spy on you for NSA? Judge says, 'None of your business'

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Soros-funded lobby helping Palestinian statehood bid


The media-manufactured Bachmann scandal

Grandfather struggling to raise young granddaughter wins $2m Keno jackpot | News.com.au

CNN's 'gotcha' hatchet-job on terrorism fighter


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Surprise! Obama can't remember his birthday

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Tax hikes: 'No news is good news';John Gizzi offers predictions on debt-ceiling debate, remembers Betty Ford

Hey Mr. President! What about cutting Obamacare?

Number of healthcare waivers nears 1,500 - The Hill's Healthwatch

Book claims Obama misstated mother’s struggle with health care coverage | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

It’s Time to Roll Back Big Government: Rep. Ron Paul Says ‘No’ to Debt Ceiling Increase | Fin - Daily Ticker - US - Yahoo! Finance

Pulling the needle out of government's arm

White House attempt to control news reporting confirmed

Casey Anthony released from jail: Casey Anthony was released from jail early Sunday - OrlandoSentinel.com

Federal funds build sidewalks to nowhere

ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious' - FoxNews.com

Gun trafficking: Mexican gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants - latimes.com

Congressman Says Fast & Furious Was Obama Administration Conspiracy to Regulate and List Gun Owners- Calls on Holder to Resign | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

TWA Flight 800 families mark 15 years since crash - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

'Rapture' real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves

Romney skirts debt debate, defends health law again | Reuters

Bill Maher Targets Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin in On-Air Tirade

Hezbollah second-in-command: ‘Lebanon will not let Israel seize its natural gas fields’ - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Saddam's Half-Brothers to be Executed - International News - Israel News - Israel National News

Dalai Lama and Obama Meet to Talk About Tibet - NYTimes.com

*17 July

American Minute for July 17th

July 17 Events in History

Today in History: July 17

This Day in History for 17th July

July 17th This Day in History

Today in History: July 17

July 17th in History

‪Today in History for July 17th‏ - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS/Obama’s Budget Director Leaves Seniors Dangling

Man Arrested for Alleged Sen. Boxer Threats

GOP Rep to Cokie Roberts: Why Does Compromise Always Mean Raising Taxes Now and Cutting Spending Later?

Rubio: ‘Where is the President’s Plan?’

The ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Book of Mormon’ Viral Video Mash-up

Murdoch’s News Empire Must Be Dismantled – Labour Party Leader

Ex-Murdoch Aide Rebekah Brooks Arrested

16TH/New Low: HBO ‘Real Time’ Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum

Dan Savage: ‘I Wish [Republicans] Were All F–king Dead’

15TH/Dem Plays Race Card in Debt Ceiling Debate

Keith Olbermann: The Lost Months

ABC News’ Stephanopoulos Salutes Obama: ‘He’s Done Remarkably Well’

Obama: 80% of Americans Want Higher Taxes

Obama Blames Bush

Carmageddon: LA’s Busiest Freeway Will Close this Weekend

Woman Attacks Judge During Hearing

Boehner: Obama Has Not Led on Debt

‘We Are Running Out of Time’

NewsBusted – Biden, Twitter and Toothless Hillbillies

‘That’s a Bunch of Garbage’

14TH/Crowder Challenges Stewart: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

MSNBC’s Matthews Lashes Out at Conservative Bloggers

ABC’s Tapper Brilliantly Paints White House Spokesman Into Corner

White House Spokesman Gets Snippy With Reporter

Tea Party Freshman Stands-Up to ‘Racer’ Bashir

Palin: ‘I Don’t Trust This President’



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Herb Talk Podcast 9th

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The Easy Organic Gardener 10th

The Easy Organic Gardener 17th

World Crisis Radio : Webster Tarpley 9th 1

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