"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
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18 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

**News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead | Media | The Guardian


Phone Hacking Scandal: Can the UK Prime Minister Survive Murdoch Scandal? - CNBC

Respect the verdict, Casey Anthony lawyer says - US news - Life - msnbc.com

Former First Lady Betty Ford Laid to Rest in Grand Rapids - Local News - Fort Wayne, IN - msnbc.com

Study: Falls may be a sign of Alzheimer's disease - CBS News

Africans on HIV drugs can expect normal lifespan says new study | News.com.au

Congress Seeks Debt Solution, Obama Goes to Public - ABC News

Senior UK police official quits as scandal widens - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

Radioactive decay fuels Earth's inner fires - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet - msnbc.com

15 Biggest Nutrition Myths | Fitbie

The Art of Entertaining | Gallery | Glo

Mystery surrounds deaths at Spreckels Mansion - latimes.com

Lawyer: Elaborate Plans Made to Keep Anthony Safe - TIME

Casey Anthony Release: Parents Refused to be Decoys - ABC News

Debt Ceiling Debate Moves From White House to Congress, Prospects Uncertain - FoxNews.com

Hashtag creator brings his idea to Google+ | Deep Tech - CNET News

US General Petraeus hands over command in Afghanistan amid wave of attacks - CSMonitor.com

Nelson Mandela turns 93 - Hindustan Times

Cameron Keeps Parliament in Session, Second Top Cop Resigns - ABC News

Syrian exiles vote for 'transitional government'

The Associated Press: Israel: Support waning for Palestinian state bid

Richard Cordray, Nominee to Be Nation’s Top Consumer Advocate, in 10 Quotes | Moneyland | TIME.com

Mystery surrounds deaths at Spreckels Mansion - latimes.com

Stage COLLAPSES At Cheap Trick Concert [VIDEO] | TMZ.com

Betty White Is Latest Belle Invited to Marine Corps Ball - Good Deeds, Betty White, Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis : People.com

Last space shuttle crew bids historic goodbye

Eye test for Alzheimer's could revolutionize diagnosis: How does it work? - HealthPop - CBS News

‪Fukushima(Thrown To The Lions) - 08-07-2011‏ - YouTube

‪UFO Fleet, amazing clip from March 26, 2011.flv‏ - YouTube

Removing fuel from Fukushima Nos. 3, 4 reactors to be given priority ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

‪UFO Fleet Over Bulgaria - Amazing Footage 2011 June.flv‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Fortified Superfoods Aim to Convince Public of GM Food "Benefits"?

Activist Post: Beyond absurd: Obama thinks 80% of Americans want more taxes

Rebekah Brooks WILL appear before MPs after 9 hours of police interviews following arrest | Mail Online

Lawyer says Egypt's Mubarak in coma, TV denies - Yahoo! News

savethemales.ca - Planned Pedophilia, UN Style

Doc feels heat over foster care idea for obese kids - Health - Kids and parenting - msnbc.com

Activist Post: Obama welcomes Dalai Lama, to China's anger

Radiation concerns for Japan's beef supply | abc13.com

Las Conchas Fire Air Monitoring

‪Geiger counters in Japan post-Fukushima: The disturbing discoveries made by those living here‏ - YouTube

‪Fukushima Neglicide(Background vs Artifical Radiation) -27-06-2011‏ - YouTube

‪Nuclear Nightmare(Fukushima) - 03-06-2011‏ - YouTube

Jimstonefreelance.com - Digital stepping in the Aurora Borealis

NPPD gets $61M to pay for storing nuclear waste - Forbes.com

Unconstitutional DHS Actions at New Level: VIPR Exercizes ‘Dominate, Intimidate, Control’

In Pictures: How To Protect Your Dignity From The TSA - Airport Security - Forbes.com

‪MORIS Handheld Iris/Face/Fingerprint Biometric Recognition Device‏ - YouTube

Wealthy Suburbs Not Immune To Hunger Struggle - CTnow

9/11 Survivors Will Not Be Allowed to Attend Ground Zero Commemoration - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes

Bankrupt-Bailed-Out-Government-Owned-Tax-Free-Overseas-Job-Outsourcing GE Tells American Business Owners, 'Stop Complaining About Big Government' | Sad Hill News

Down on the farm, investors see big potential - Business - US business - msnbc.com

Murdoch's World - Demagoguery, Propaganda, Scandal, Sleaze & Warmongering

Phone hacking or buying votes with blood, what's worse? | Mail Online

Murdochs fight to stay afloat in US as sharks circle News Corp | Media | guardian.co.uk

Revealed: Senior MP's secret links to Murdoch - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Rebekah Brooks vetoed BBC man and told Cameron he should give No10 job to Andy Coulson | Mail Online

Rupert Murdoch's empire must be dismantled – Ed Miliband | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Paul Drockton M.A.: Sons of Perdition

Willingly Marching to the Guillotine and Auto Da Fe. Reflections in a Petri Dish

RENAVIGATING THE HUMAN PROCESS: ALDOUS HUXLEY & JOHN C. LILLY: 20th CENTURY VISIONARIES (whose messages are more important now than ever)

Digital Life - Google Maps mixup sends park-goers to private home

Astronomical Fashion Flips

‪FREE ENERGY Home Generator Zero Point Energy Off the Grid‏ - YouTube

Wealthy Britons prepare to flee | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Oh Danny (Shapiro) Boy | Mantiq al-Tayr

The Murder of Non-jews and The Israeli Law Against Boycott « Kawther Salam

Palestine: the flags are already waving but will a declaration of statehood help? | World news | The Observer

China accuses US of damaging diplomatic relations after President Barack Obama meets Dalai Lama - Telegraph

Queensland floods and Russian heatwave will be used to justify 'climate change' policies - Telegraph

North Korea faces famine: 'Tell the world we are starving' - Telegraph

Mullah Omar In Kabul | Opinion Maker

‪PressTV - 'Murdoch behind 9 11, Iraq, Afghan wars and financial meltdown'.flv‏ - YouTube

Dog bites shark! Incredible hound rounds up the sea's most fearsome beasts | Mail Online

Egypt: Picking Up The Remains of a Revolution | Opinion Maker

Activist Post: al Qaeda rebels finally get the nod from Washington, what will become of the Libyans still loyal to Gaddafi?

Activist Post: US Recognizes Al-Qaeda War Criminals As Libya's Official Government

Colorado woman Yukari Mihamae, 61, gropes TSA agent in Phoenix, Arizona | Mail Online

‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go?‏ - YouTube

savethemales.ca - Obama - Political Equivalent of a Suicide Bomber?

The Economic Collapse

Activist Post: Stealing the World...Country By Country

Central Banks' First-Half Gold Buying Surpasses 2010 Total - CNBC

Activist Post: Nude, bound woman found dead in Big Pharma CEO’s home; no criminal investigation yet

Radioactive Cesium from Shiitake Mushrooms Grown Indoors in Date City, Fukushima | EX-SKF

We are ALL fed up but 90% of Americans are still walking in their sleep. - Thus knowledge flows like water / Teachable Moments

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormons Find Romney's Lack of Faith Disturbing

An Idea Whose Time Has Come? | Opinion Maker


*Articles:Weekly Southern African Report


Precious Metals: Gold Tops $1,600 an Ounce as Debt Fears Simmer - CNBC

Rebekah Brooks WILL appear before MPs after 9 hours of police interviews following arrest | Mail Online

Cameron defends decision to stay in Africa - FT.com

Hack row claims second police scalp - Crime, UK - The Independent

Romania Weapons Stolen - Scrap Metal Thieves May Have Stolen Warhead Parts - CNBC

Girls urged to strip to support Vladimir Putin as president - Telegraph

Police shoot each other as they arrest child porn suspect at Harry Potter screening | Mail Online

I was beaten, taunted for being white, Bronx man says after subway attack

Obama's Senior Moment: 'I'll be turning 50 in a week.' - Political Punch

Many states celebrate surpluses as Congress struggles with debt - Washington Times

*Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate - WSJ.com

Casey Anthony's Whereabouts Remain Mystery - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando

New Doll By Berjuan Toys Coming To The U.S. Tea - Flash Player Installation

Colorado murderer suing state for saving his life - National News - MyNorthwest.com


SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex

AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space


Barack Obama accused of crimes against humanity for Osama bin Laden killing - Telegraph

Jane Fonda: 'I Have Never Done Anything to Hurt My Country' | CNSnews.com

Morality police hit Tehran streets - Israel News, Ynetnews

Rebekah Brooks's arrest raises questions over James Murdoch - Telegraph

Author who debunked Obama insurance tale doesn't want to talk | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Hollywood stars open wallets for Obama - Mackenzie Weinger - POLITICO.com

Marisol Valles Garcia, who became sheriff of a Mexican town after no one else wanted the job, seeks asylum in US - NYPOST.com

Cain: Americans should be able to ban mosques - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Gun trafficking: Mexican gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants - latimes.com

More Illegal Immigrants From India Crossing Border - FoxNews.com

Law School Economics - Job Market Weakens, Tuition Rises - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Expanding Catalogue of Obamacare Fables

Old Consumers, New Consumers | Mother Jones

Goldman Sachs downgrades Obamanomics « Hot Air

Google: The Beginning - WSJ.com

VERNUCCIO: Labor's new strategy: Intimidation for dummies - Washington Times

Why Won’t Obama and Democrats Defend the Public Sector? - Working In These Times

Why Hasn’t The Earth Warmed In Nearly 15 Years? - Patrick Michaels - Climate of Fear - Forbes

Why Fighting Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs Is So Stupid - Ecocentric - TIME.com

How many lawmakers does it take to… - Boston.com

Phone hacking: The 'BBC Left' is using hacking to get revenge - Telegraph

Tim Rutten: News Corp. meltdown has become an American problem too - latimes.com

Obama Has Early Fund-Raising Lead for 2012 Elections - NYTimes.com

The Clash of Generations - NYTimes.com

Bill Jamieson: March towards euro Armageddon - The Scotsman

A progressive case for deficit cutting? - Debt ceiling - Salon.com

A Fling with the Welfare State | The Weekly Standard

How the Bursting of the Consumer Bubble Continues to Hold the Economy Back - NYTimes.com

Energy efficiency: Light-bulb standards make sense - latimes.com

Editorial: No taxes in debt-ceiling deal - Orange County Register

Romney: Euro-trashing politics - The Boston Globe

Review & Outlook: News and Its Critics - WSJ.com

RealClearSports: Sports News, Opinions & Analysis

RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Ray Dalio’s Richest and Strangest Hedge Fund : The New Yorker

Murdoch's Mess - BusinessWeek

The Economy and the Election | The Weekly Standard

Letting Bankers Walk - NYTimes.com

Obama's defeat next year could be a win for Cuomo in 2016 - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - GOP Sees a Friend in Facebook -- and Vice Versa

Straw poll is anyone’s game | Iowa Caucuses

Dissembler in Chief | The Weekly Standard

Politics, Not Economics, Drives Anti-Tax Stand: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg

Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Why Did Congress Waste Six Months?

Blaming It All On the Tea Party « Commentary Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Obama Releases List of Campaign Fundraising "Bundlers"

RealClearPolitics - GOP Sees a Friend in Facebook -- and Vice Versa

RealClearPolitics - What the Debt Limit Battle Is All About

As the US nears the brink, the budget row is exposing Republican madness | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

Shale and its Discontents - Robert Bryce - National Review Online

Clean Coal Canceled Thanks to Poor Policy - Ecocentric - TIME.com

Carbon Capture may be Buried | EnergyBiz

Grid Renewal Could Boost Economy

Kelly Rigg: Will the Real Global Warming Alarmists Please Stand Up?

Cutting Need for Energy by Using Less of It - NYTimes.com

Natural Gas Not the Answer to a Low-Carbon Future | The Energy Collective

Montana Spill Pipeline May Have Carried Oil Sands Crude | SolveClimate News

Making oil and mining dollars transparent | The Great Debate

Wind power: not always there when you need it - On Line Opinion - 18/7/2011

More than Meets the Eye: The Social Cost of Carbon in U.S. Climate Policy, in Plain English | World Resources Institute

Why EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics Rule is Good for the Economy and America's Workforce | Clean Air Council

Energy Efficiency Policy: Surveying the Puzzles

Ray Dalio’s Richest and Strangest Hedge Fund : The New Yorker

RealClearMarkets - The Astronomical Cost of Not Taxing Everything

How the Bursting of the Consumer Bubble Continues to Hold the Economy Back - NYTimes.com

America's real credit problem--Stephen Meister - NYPOST.com

Economists Lower Their Expectations for GDP Growth - Barrons.com

Ford CEO sees good outlook for U.S., hot prospects abroad - USATODAY.com

What Europe can do to restore financial stability - The Washington Post

Plan D stands for default and death of euro - FT.com

Broke? Not if you can print money - financial crisis - MSN Money

How Bernanke’s Fed Triggered the Great Recession - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum

General David Petraeus on Leaving Afghanistan and Going to CIA - Newsweek

A second financial crisis if we don't learn from the last one - The National

If we retreat from Iraq, will Iran take over? - The Washington Post

Why China Wants South China Sea | The Diplomat

Israel’s opportunity to stop a train wreck - The Boston Globe

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: American views about the path to peace

RealClearWorld - Why World's Mineral Wealth Is LoST at Sea

Mary Ann Sieghart: And the real winners will be ... - Mary Ann Sieghart, Commentators - The Independent

Asia Times Online :: US drones target white jihadis

Column: Could Catholic leader usher in a new Cuba? - USATODAY.com

Why Are Russia's Young Entrepreneurs Fleeing the Country? - TIME

Who’s afraid of democracy? | Opinion | DAWN.COM

1 Million Dead in 30 Seconds by Claire Berlinski, City Journal Summer 2011

Horn of Africa drought: African desperation - Telegraph

Human rights at home, too - The Globe and Mail

World on edge as US on the brink | Deccan Chronicle

Elite few spearhead the anti-Murdoch campaign over phone-hacking scandal | The Australian

Why is China afraid of the Dalai Lama? - The Washington Post

Tough times for America’s enemies - Frida Ghitis - MiamiHerald.com

Turkey-EU relations: Is the plug being pulled?

Asia Times Online :: Japan-South Korea ties hit turbulence

Vatican excommunicates pro-govt Chinese Catholic bishop, criticizes Beijing | FaithWorld

Herman Cain: Communities have right to ban mosques - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Huntsman to GOP: Judge my record, not my religion - Washington Times

The Seeker: Dalai Lama wants to be Jain in next life

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: 5 reasons the pro-life movement is winning - News with a Christian Perspective

Bachmann Husband’s Counseling Center Raises Questions - NYTimes.com

Humans 'predisposed' to believe in gods and the afterlife

Is Scientology a religion? - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Obama meets with Dalai Lama – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

How Hot Is Hell? | How Hot Is the Center of the Earth? | How Hot Is Earth's Core? | Life's Little Mysteries

My Take: Casey Anthony and the challenge of forgiveness – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Go Ahead. Kiss Your Spouse! | Kyria

“Don’t Be a Stranger” « Monday Morning Music Ministry by Rick Marschall

Greenpeace destroys CSIRO wheat GM trial | COSMOS magazine

For climate’s sake, nuclear power is not an ‘option’, it is a ‘necessity’ « BraveNewClimate

The Campaign to Terrify You About EMP - Patrick Disney - International - The Atlantic

Space telescope to create radio 'eye' larger than Earth - space - 16 July 2011 - New Scientist

The tautochrone: a shape that "looks like" time

BIG's Plan For A Stockholm Freeway Looks Like 1970s Sci-Fi | Co. Design

The extinct species back from the dead and causing mayhem - Telegraph

When Antarctica was a tropical paradise | World news | The Observer

Jello Made From Humans Is Not As Weird As It Sounds | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Costco and B.P.I. Require Broad E. Coli Testing - NYTimes.com

Genetic research confirms that non-Africans are part Neanderthal | Science Codex

USC Researchers Explore the Source of Empathy in the Brain: News Release

OHSU scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye — and the brain

Graphene Gives up More of its Secrets « Berkeley Lab News Center

A Cloak In Time - Science News

New Spin Revealed on Mysterious Antimatter | Galactic Spin, Space-time Warping & Matter Antimatter Asymmetry | Space.com

A High-Bandwidth Interplanetary Connection - ScienceNOW

The Beer Archaeologist | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Why Bill Gates Wants to Reinvent the Toilet - TIME

The man who proved that everyone is good at maths - Africa, World - The Independent

Manga And Relativity - Otaku Only Or Science For Everyone?

Cryptomundo » Finding Bigfoot Faked

BBC News - Dawn probe orbits asteroid Vesta

Communion wafer turns red in S. St. Paul -- is it miraculous? | StarTribune.com

No Stranger To Spaceships, N.M. Builds A Spaceport : NPR

Could the sun save us from global warming? - Science - Salon.com

Cosmic Log - Invisibility gets a reality check

The human spirograph: Artist's amazing geometric drawings he produces with his body | Mail Online

Court OKs Airport Body Scanners, Rejects Constitutional Challenge | Threat Level | Wired.com

'Sleeping Beauty': Kleine-Levin Syndrome Makes British Woman Sleep for a Week - ABC News

Out-of-Body Hallucinations Linked to Brain Glitch | The Brain, Temporal Lobe & Hallucinations | LiveScience

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

Adult or tyrant – you be the judge!

We Are All Barbarians

Obama’s Amateur Paint-by-Numbers Liberalism Driving the World Off a Cliff

David Cameron’s Big Green Mistake

MSNBC’s Ratigan: “I Wouldn’t Read a Newspaper Now Unless You Put a Gun to My Head”

Is Obama Our Gorbachev?

Airport Security: Lawmakers concerned over security breaches

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

The World’s Most Extreme Workers’ Compensation Fraud Cases

Time to Reboot America

The US Presidential Race: July 2011 Update

Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama

Climategate Spin Doctor Arrested

No Red Lines for the Left

10 Steps to Understanding How Liberals Think

Where’s the exterminator?

Obama fights against school choice for black children

The truth about Democrat Racism

The Left is Seldom Right

Obama’s ineligibility: It is time to create a genuine opposition

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President


*Audio:AFP Podcast interviews Ray McGovern, a passenger on The Audacity of Hope

*Audio:AFP Podcast interviews Medea Benjamin, a passenger on The Audacity of Hope,


George Soros, Feds Seize Control of America’s Flooded Farmland

Jewish record label JDub closes due to financial difficulties - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

‪Gerald Celente & Max Keiser - pt 1/2 - International Monetary Fund At A Glance - 06-24-2011‏ - YouTube

‪Gerald Celente & Max Keiser - pt 2/2 - International Monetary Fund At A Glance - 06-24-2011‏ - YouTube

‪Gerald Celente - US and Europe Collapse & Glass--Steagall Act - 14 July 2011.‏ - YouTube


*72 min/9/11 In Plane Site - Director's Cut

‪*47 min/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


Asia Times Online :: SPENGLER: Memo to Tea Party: Obama wins if you stir a crisis

Share of children in U.S. hits bottom | Deseret News

'Ex-terrorist' rakes in homeland security bucks - CNN.com

2011 already costliest year for natural disasters - World news - World environment - msnbc.com

Fed Government Decision Paves Way For Destruction Of Gray Wolves

150 Things the Government Kinda Did With the Help of Some Left Liberals Some of Which Don't Suck!

An Astounding Turnabout by Obama

The Progressive Mask Slips

The Global De Facto Gold Standard

Obama's Magical Thinking

Gay Men: The Democrats' Reserve Army of Histrionics

Who Owns the Deficit?

Syria accelerates arms deliveries to Hezb'allah

Wilders: 'Jews shouldn't emigrate, Antisemitic Moroccans should'

MSM hysteria against GOP growing as debt deadline nears

The 'Gimme Mine' mentality and the American Spirit

Obama, the taxman cometh

You can count on Obama

Herb Meyer: Now (part of) the story can be told

Obama, Clinton and Robert Reich

President Demands 'Massive, Job-killing Tax Increases' and Dares Republicans to Call His Bluff

Time For Once Upon A Time In America

Barack and Joe: Obama's Keynesian Vision

Leftist Mythology of the Spanish Civil War

Berkeley-CAIR Islamophobia Report: 'No There, There'

American Exceptionalism and Identity Politics

Charlie Rangel's Misunderstanding of Christ and Charity

We Are Liberals; They Are Serviles

Has the Muslim Brotherhood Changed?

Debbie Schlussel:Polo Jumps the Shark: The Supermodel Ralph Lauren Never Wanted

Debbie Schlussel:GirlieMan USA: You Might Not Be a Dude if You Wear Women’s Sports Jerseys

» Government Increases Hysteria Over Cyber Attacks in Push to Crack Down on Internet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Cowardly Congress and the Tyrannical President Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ventura Threatens To Vacate US Over TSA Groping Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rick Perry growing ‘more comfortable’ with ‘call’ to run for president Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CIA Veteran Robert Baer Predicts September Israel-Iran War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is There Anything We Are Still Free To Do Without Government Permission? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

News Desk: What Murdoch Faces Now : The New Yorker

Another Top Police Official Resigns in British Scandal - NYTimes.com

Rebekah Brooks's arrest came as a surprise despite fortnight of bad press | Media | The Guardian

Climate sceptic Lord Monckton told he's not member of House of Lords | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Activist Post: Pentagon releases strategy for cyberspace

» Fortified Superfoods Aim to Convince Public of GM Food “Benefits”? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Coming in 2012: Genetically modified front lawns and the mass spraying of neighborhoods and playgrounds with RoundUp Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Global fertility dropping dramatically as UN celebrates World Population Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Imperial President | Personal Liberty Digest

Obama's Secret Wars: How Our Shady Counter-Terrorism Policies Are More Dangerous Than Terrorism | | AlterNet

Osama Hit List: President Obama, Petraeus, Major U.S. Sporting Event - ABC News

Fed Presidential $1 inventory tops 1.2 billion | CoinWorld

New Movie “Contagion” Brings Bird Flu Fear Mongering To New Levels - BlackListedNews.com

New Mexico ‘spaceport’ in the works - BlackListedNews.com

Complete History Of U.S. Debt Defaults - BlackListedNews.com

Social Media Targeted by Pentagon for “Strategic Communication” - BlackListedNews.com

Amid Privacy Fears, Police Across the Nation Will Roll Out Face-Recognizing iPhone Tech This Year | Popular Science

Corporate Water World | Reality Sandwich

Fed Presidential $1 inventory tops 1.2 billion | CoinWorld

New Movie “Contagion” Brings Bird Flu Fear Mongering To New Levels - BlackListedNews.com

New Mexico ‘spaceport’ in the works - BlackListedNews.com

Complete History Of U.S. Debt Defaults - BlackListedNews.com

Social Media Targeted by Pentagon for “Strategic Communication” - BlackListedNews.com

Amid Privacy Fears, Police Across the Nation Will Roll Out Face-Recognizing iPhone Tech This Year | Popular Science

Corporate Water World | Reality Sandwich

‪Nuclear Watchdog Group Accuses US Govt Of Failing To Keep Public Informed About Radiation Fallout‏ - YouTube

‪Push For Stricter Gun Laws‏ - YouTube

‪Will America default on 2 August?‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul On The Tom Sullivan Show: You Have To Ask The Question Why Do We Have A Recession?‏ - YouTube

Greenspan: Dumb Americans Deserve Unemployment

Bradlee Dean's benediction - Minneapolis - City Pages

Latest Terror Attack On Mumbai Another CIA-Mossad False Flag Operation To Set Up Pakistan?

+Police Intelligence Analyst Fired For Blowing Whistle On False Flag Terror

“You Can’t Continue With The Status Quo”

Executive Order #13575: Theft of Rural and Agricultural Lands for UN Agenda 21

Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know

$ Is Over. (If you want it.)


*Anonymous To Build Its Own Social Network Called AnonPlus - Yahoo! News


*AnonNews.org : Everything Anonymous


*AnonPlus - The Anonymous Social Networking Site.





- Prison Planet.com » Bohemian Grove 2011 Cremation Of Care Interviews

+Prison Planet.com » Secrets of the RAND CORP Exposed

Woman boards plane with 3-inch knife TWICE but TSA shrug it off because explosives are 'biggest threat' | Mail Online

Economy: Default 'Off the Table,' Debt Deal Will Be Struck: Geithner - CNBC

Moody’s suggests U.S. eliminate debt ceiling | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » Experts Warn of al-Qaeda Attack If Debt Ceiling Not Raised

Prison Planet.com » CVN 77 G.H.W. Bush Enters Persian Gulf As CIA Veteran Robert Baer Predicts September Israel-Iran War

Prison Planet.com » Is There Anything We Are Still Free To Do Without Government Permission?

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: Stop The Endless Spending

Prison Planet.com » Support Group: Documenting the Peace Laureate’s Progressive Atrocities

Prison Planet.com » The Dark Truth About 9/11 Emerges From The Fog of Infowar

U.S., South Korea to stage joint drill next month | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » UK media ignore Murdoch role in Iraq war

Prison Planet.com » WaPo Whitewashes Al Qaeda War Criminals

Prison Planet.com » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

Halliburton profit jumps on strong U.S. demand - Yahoo! News

Prison Planet.com » Gold soars above $1,600 per ounce for first time

Part-time troops on the front line: Government to replace 17,000 professional combat soldiers with reservists | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » Police Across the Nation Will Roll Out Face-Recognizing iPhone Tech This Year

Predictive Programming: Illuminati Pictures Presents "Contagion" | Before It's News

Prison Planet.com » EPA Tells Kids That The Weather Has Gotten Wilder

Prison Planet.com » Devastating paper on IPCC consensus

Prison Planet.com » Trained for Pain: Get your Torture Degree from School of Americas




‪Attorney Jonathan W. Emord: Global Censorship of Health Information 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Attorney Jonathan W. Emord: Global Censorship of Health Information 2/2‏ - YouTube

» Two Examples of Fascism Run by Banks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Cowardly Congress and the Tyrannical President Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

News Desk: What Murdoch Faces Now : The New Yorker

Another Top Police Official Resigns in British Scandal - NYTimes.com

Climate sceptic Lord Monckton told he's not member of House of Lords | Environment | guardian.co.uk

» Coming in 2012: Genetically modified front lawns and the mass spraying of neighborhoods and playgrounds with RoundUp Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 3/3‏ - YouTube

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Blasts GOP Establishment In Dramatic First Campaign Video

Prison Planet.com » AE911Truth’s Richard Gage Was On Irish Mainstream Television

Triceratops horn discovery shows 'asteroid wiped out dinosaurs' | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » Gore Announces New Campaign and Worldwide Event to Re-energize Global Warming Hysteria

Prison Planet.com » Coming soon from Al Gore: 24 Hours of Bull Shit

The Miracle Lipid That Burns Fat

Texas Rep. Gohmert: Obama is 'Scarer-in-Chief,' His Tactics are 'Unconscionable'

Obama Faces Outrage Over 'Fast and Furious'

Jane Fonda: 'I Have Never Done Anything to Hurt My Country'

Pat Boone: Ignored Seniors Can Win 2012 for GOP

Governors May Press Congress on Debt Deal

Obama Gets Big Hollywood Money

House Republicans Press Conservative Debt Plan

Rove Group Targets 10 Democrats

*Your Share of Uncle Sam's Debt: $534,000

Giuliani: I Have the ‘Best Record'

Sen, Durbin: Optimistic on Deficit Plan

Rick Perry 'Comfortable' with Idea of 2012 Run

Cain: Americans Can Prohibit Mosques

Worst Heatwave in Years Strikes Midwest

Ex-CIA Officer: Israel Likely to Attack Iran in Fall

Jane Fonda Claims QVC Banned Her Over Politics

Whither Astronauts? Corps Shrinks as Shuttles Stop

Father of Admitted Terrorist Faces NYC Trial

RNC Raises $19 Million, Still Owes $17.5 Million

London Mayor: John Yates Right to Resign

China Boosts Holdings of US Treasury Securities

Falls, Eye Test May Lend Early Alzheimer's Clues

Do Newer Doctors Provide Better Care?

Using Bigger Fork May Help You Eat Less

DOJ Moves to Cut Prison Term for Convicted Terrorist

President Obama's Family Tall Tale

Pearl Harbor Memorial to Host Japan Tea Ceremony Involving U.S. Military Leader

Commentary: It’s Always a Surprise to Obama

Rep. West: Obama is ‘Sad,’ ‘Pathetic,’ ‘Fear-Mongering’ on Debt Ceiling

Rep. West: Obama ‘Needs to Admit’ His Economic Policies ‘Have Failed’ America

'Cut, Cap and Balance' Plan Set to Pass the House on Tuesday

GOP To Push Stronger Voter I.D. Laws, Says ‘Voter Fraud Is Real’

Democrat: Photo-ID Rule Seeks to Keep Poor, Minorities, Elderly and Students From Voting

Rep. Cohen: Defeating Obama is GOP’s ‘Entire Agenda’ Even If They ‘Take Down’ Economy

Western, Islamic Gov’ts Find Common Ground on Religious Tolerance, But Pakistan’s ‘Blasphemy’ Abuses Continue

Coalition Forces Hand Over Province to Afghans

British Muslims Urged to Reject Democracy, Embrace Shari’a-Ruled ‘Emirates’

Dalai Lama Meets with Obama to 'Show My Respect'

On Anniversary of Deadly Terrorist Bombing Blamed on Iran, Argentina Ponders Iranian ‘Cooperation’ Offer

Taliban Execute Pakistani Policemen on Video

Post-9/11, Biggest Terror Threat Is Underground

Democrat congressman from Iowa saved by shotgun during home invasion

Family of U.S. agent slain in Mexico demands to know gun source

Forgo meat, cheese once a week to save energy, liberal group says

Catholic University faces lawsuit over same-sex dorms

Chicago tourists can go underneath Marilyn Monroe's skirt

BP oil spill cleanup turns up trove of Indian relics

Mass. using facial recognition technology to build database of every suspect they book

Obama administration is looking to strike the 'largest deal possible' in debt talks

McConnell plan to let Obama raise debt ceiling gains traction in Senate

Opposition to McConnell fallback plan grows among Republican senators

Did ethics staff taint Rep. Maxine Waters probe?

Los Angeles schools to revamp their ban on social promotion of students

Dem leader calls for Congress to investigate News Corp. phone hacking

Wall Street Journal fights back on hacking scandal

Governors gag over dysfunction in Washington

Homosexual advocacy groups target Bachmann

Activists plan to launch debate on military benefits for gay couples

New York State launches gay-marriage tourism campaign

On border, peaceful U.S. side is torn by Mexican strife

Six churches, told to close, look to Vatican

Four airports to test expedited screening for frequent fliers

Botox maker to reduce animal testing

Romney Adviser Backs Key Health Care Overhaul Provision - FoxNews.com

cryptogon.com » Russia: Tits for Putin


*Obama for America 2012


+Nearly half of Obama’s $86M traceable to bundlers


*Top Contributors to Obama Victory Fund | OpenSecrets


NATO forces continue to remove threats against civilians

Senior Aide To President Karzai Reported Killed

Brazil & construction of four Scorpene-class subs

Yemenis Protest on 33rd Anniversary of Saleh's Rule

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

Gingrich camp. $1m in debt from jets, web developers

Journo: If 9/11 victims hacked, ‘Fox News is finished’

Fox News host: Romney ‘obviously not a Christian’

America's Disappeared

Dollars, Drones and Development

How the US Controls "Civil society" Throughout Africa

More Trouble in Murdochworld

Wall Street’s Euthanasia of Industry

Obama Raises Record Sums from the Wealthy

The Secrecy of the Obama Administration

The Most Incredible Thing Fox News Has Ever Done

The CIA and the Media

Libya in Pictures: What the Mainstream Media Does Not Tell You

Why Banks Aren’t Lending: The Silent Liquidity Squeeze

Imperial Decline: Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class

VIDEO: Foreign Intervention Behind Creation of South Sudan

Global Economic Crisis: Finance Is the New Mode of Warfare

The Deficit Battle

California's Pelican Bay Prison Hunger Strike: "We Are Human Beings!"

The Criminalization of the British Media

World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia: U.S. Sends in the Marines and Drones

AFRICOM Is In Place, The Recolonization Of Africa Commences

Crunch Time for America's Public Sector Unions

VIDEO: The Truth Behind the US/NATO War on Libya

Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen

VIDEO: This is Libya: On the Ground Scenes

Suspension of aid to Palestinian Authority by US Congress

Libya's "Freedom Fighters" Found to Engage in Pillage

Obama presses case for “something big” on social spending cuts

‪Judge jails rape victim for contempt; victim put in cell next to attacker‏ - YouTube

‪Greenfield Overview in 4min‏ - YouTube

‪Greenfield Police Are Unsuccessful In Extortion Attempt‏ - YouTube

‪Obsessives: Soda Pop - CHOW.com‏ - YouTube




ISP Refuses To Block The Pirate Bay | TorrentFreak


Obama’s Ineligibility: Prepare To Defend America – Congress Is Inviting Rebellion

Pakistani Taliban Release Video of Police Execution

Egypt Postpones Swearing-In of New Cabinet

Cameron Cuts Africa Trip Short to Deal with Phone-Hacking Scandal

World Bank Chief Calls Open Trade Best Economic Stimulant

Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Special report: Japan's throwaway nuclear workers | Reuters

Montco woman wins victory over Verizon | Philly | 07/12/2011

Family confirms death of Scottsdale CEO's young son

Bodyguard who killed Karzai's brother was trusted CIA contact - Asia, World - The Independent

Police Shut Down Lemonade Stands And Cookie Stands Run By Kids All Over America -- Is There Anything We Are Still Free To Do Without Government Permission? - informationliberation

Gun trafficking: Mexican gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants - latimes.com

Articles: The Soft Dictatorship

The True Elephant In The Room Appears: Trillions In Commercial And Industrial Loans To Europe's Insolvent Countries | zero hedge

Central Banks' First-Half Gold Buying Surpasses 2010 Total - CNBC

The CON Game: Confidence, Spending and Inflation Expectations | Don't Tread On Me

Company Using Aborted Fetal Cells in Flavors Shields Partners | LifeNews.com

savethemales.ca - Planned Pedophilia, UN Style

Army Commandos Look To Wield The Power of Thor | Danger Room | Wired.com







‪Forbidden Gates: GRIN Technology & Spiritual Warfare‏ - YouTube


‪Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed‏ - YouTube


‪Biotechnology and the Future of Man - Part 1‏ - YouTube

‪Biotechnology and the Future of Man - Part 2‏ - YouTube

‪Biotechnology and the Future of Man - Part 3‏ - YouTube



Wrestle Mania Over Debt Ceiling

Debt Ceiling Charade a Move to the Right

Debt Ceiling Debate "Fraud"


‪Trained for Pain: Get your Torture Degree from School of Americas‏ - YouTube

Popeye Calls CNN Live On Air About Bohemian Grove 2011 : Federal Jack

9/11/01: “It was a Military Plane” : Federal Jack

FLASHBACK: 9/11 Official Story is “Bogus” According to Bush Economist : Federal Jack

Herman Cain Is Not For Freedom : Federal Jack

Citing Secret Order, Federal Court Dismisses Airline Passenger Lawsuit Against DHS & TSA Over Scanners, Virtual Strip Searches & Full-Body ‘Rub-Downs’ : Federal Jack

Skinheads Hunt Native American Family: Guess Who Gets Arrested? : Federal Jack

Study: Politicians share personality traits with serial killers : Federal Jack

‪Groundbreaking Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald's Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Groundbreaking Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker

Activist Post: Two Examples of Fascism Run by Banks

Joel Salatin on Twinkies vs Raw Milk « LewRockwell.com Blog

Activist Post: Ventura Plans Explosive Press Conference Over TSA Groping Lawsuit

True Inflation Rate 2011 | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

It Ain't Money If I Can't Print It! | Euro Pacific Capital

Activist Post: Propaganda campaign ensues after US recognizes terrorists as Libya's government

Activist Post: 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

Activist Post: The Cowardly Congress and the Tyrannical President

Activist Post: Testimony For Vaccine Exemption in Schools To MA Legislators on H1055 (Video)

Activist Post: Is al Qaeda Ready to Vacation at Disney?

*G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire


Woman Hasn’t Used Money Or Credit in 15 YearsWith Video | Before It's News

Nibiru Shadows Over Antarctica Landmass & Personnel Witness Brown Dwarf | Before It's News

Something Big Is Going On At Giza | Before It's News

Secret Weapons Now Beaming Into Your Skull | Before It's News

Predictive Programming: Illuminati Pictures Presents "Contagion" | Before It's News

Cold Fusion during the Cold War | Before It's News

Pepper Compound Selectively Kills Breast Cancer Cells | Before It's News

Natural Chemical Found In Grapes May Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease | Before It's News

AT&T/T-Mobile Merger: 5 Myths + 5 Facts.

Garden Vegetable Pasta | Before It's News

Is Murdoch the "Front Man" of a "Criminal Conspiracy of Industrialists, Bankers and others," Who are Behind 9/11, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... et cetera?

Face Recognition Technology Gone Wild: Man's Driver's License Revoked Because He "Looked Like" a Man Who Did Not Pay Traffic Tickets | Before It's News

Geithner: Taxes Must Rise To Feed Big Government | Before It's News

Scientists Gagged From Interpreting Study That Links Climate Change To Cosmic Rays | Before It's News

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview | Before It's News

9/11 And Israel: Shocking Press TV Interview | Before It's News

7,500 Earthquakes Hit Shattered New Zealand City | Before It's News

Hollywood begins mass brainwashing campaign to get people ready for the next bioengineered virus release

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

Giant UFO Seen On Google Earth! In Africa! | Before It's News

CIA bank accounts used to funnel oil deal money, court documents claim | Before It's News

'Harry Potter' Explained by Cats | Before It's News

Obamageddon | Before It's News

Whose Nukes are Safer?

‪Ron Paul visits Smokey Row in Des Moines 7/11/2011‏ - YouTube

Ron Paul "Delighted to Hear" of NH Straw Poll Win | GOP-USA.com

New Video: Ron Paul will beat Obama in 2012! | GOP-USA.com

Ron Paul's First Ad of the 2012 Campaign! | GOP-USA.com

Michele Bachmann the tax collector versus Ron Paul fans - Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. - Salon.com

Ron Paul Launches Nationwide Grassroots Campaign to Stop Debt Ceiling Betrayal | GOP-USA.com

Who's Afraid of Ron Paul?

Ten Economic Blunders From History by John S. Chamberlain

House Fails to Pass BULB Act

We're All Greeks Now by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Free Market Currency Manifesto by Michael S. Rozeff

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Eliot Spitzer's Outrageous Attack on Libertarianism

The Banksters and American Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Questions for Presidential 'Debate' Participants by Chris Sullivan

Sticking With the Golden Formula As Empires Crumble by Bill Bonner

‪Cash In On Chaos: Goldman Sachs ripped off Gaddafi?‏ - YouTube

‪Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'?‏ - YouTube

Why is the West at War with Libya?

‪Gene Simmons‏ - YouTube

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Democracy for Dummies

Historical Timeline of the Persecution of the Jews Throughout History

‪Princess Diana & Palestine? - Ex MI5 Agent Annie Machon Speaks Out‏ - YouTube

Daily Kos: Fmr. Fox News Executive: Americans' Phones Were Hacked

How the RFC worked- The real cause of economic recovery

UK media ignore Murdoch role in Iraq war « Aletho News


‪Israel terrorism‏ - YouTube

The Press Room;Media "Distortions"

The Intercept: Central Banks Choose Gold Over Paper

'00/Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?

Declassified: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed [VIDEO] | Intifada Palestine

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "They Resent Us Bombing Them & Killing Civilians & Occupying Their Lands"

‪How to Kill Yourself and Save Money!‏ - YouTube

Murdoch: “There is an Ongoing War Against the Jews” - 12160

FOX Security Call - 12160

The Intercept: Arrest sought for ex-CIA lawyer who authorized drone strikes

Michael Hudson: Go Beyond Left And Right To An Anti-Banker Party | Video Rebel's Blog

U.S. AAA Credit Rating Downgraded By Egan-Jones -- Moody’s and S&P Warn They May Follow

Activist Post: Propaganda campaign ensues after US recognizes terrorists as Libya's government

‪Willingly Marching to the Guillotine...‏ - YouTube

How to Eat Healthy on the Road | Mark's Daily Apple

Just 1 TBSP a Day: An Easy Way to Lower Your Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and... by Joseph Mercola


*90 min/Food , Inc .

*85 min/Addicted to Plastic

*75 min/Tapped

*109 min/The World According To Monsanto (2008)

*93 min/HOME

95 min/Earthlings

*93 MIN/An Inconvenient Truth


Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: Fall in the American Empire | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 6/23/11

‪San Francisco Police Shoot Innocent Victim 5 Times After Chasing Him Down For Not Paying Bus Fare!‏ - YouTube

'07/Issues On Call: Rupert Murdoch, Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Seizing The World!

History Of U.S. Debt Defaults, U.S. Considers Asset Sales To Pay Bills, Registrar Vs. Robosigners, As SEC Starves Wall Street Tossed A Bone, Bernanke Rules On Chatty Fed (Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Ron Paul - This is why the US troops support Ron Paul (MUST SEE) 2012‏ - YouTube

‪The Mystery - YouTube

‪"We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period!"‏ - YouTube


THE ARROGANCE OF OBAMA: The Deficit President Doesn't Care About Your Opinion On The Debt Ceiling - Home - The Daily Bail

George Galloway: End of Murdoch dominance over media - 12160

Rebekah Brooks WILL appear before MPs after 9 hours of police interviews following arrest | Mail Online

History Of U.S. Debt Defaults, U.S. Considers Asset Sales To Pay Bills, Registrar Vs. Robosigners, As SEC Starves Wall Street Tossed A Bone, Bernanke Rules On Chatty Fed (Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

The Party Is Over For The Bankers :

‪Murdoch's ex-CEO arrested: 'Case proves UK's endemic corruption'‏ - YouTube

Tea Party Group to Host GOP Debate on Twitter

Fox News host: Romney 'obviously not a Christian'

Obama Picks Former Ohio Attorney General To Head CFBP

Last Year, America Spoke Loud and Clear. We Still Haven't Changed Our Minds: Tax The Rich, Cut Defense Spending!

DeMint: Congress shouldn't investigate Murdoch

Lindsey Graham compares America to Greece which is why he shouldn't be taken seriously

Meet the Press Panel Plays The "Both Sides Do It" Argument On Debt Ceiling

This Week: Are We Going To Be Taken Seriously By The Very Serious People On The Debt Ceiling?

London Police Chief Resigns As Rupertgate Spirals Toward The US

Fox News Watch Finally Addresses the Murdoch Scandal

The Race To The Bottom: Half Of US Social Program Recipients Believe They "Have Not Used A Government Social Program"

Van Hollen: GOP wants constitutional amendment to end Medicare

Chris Matthews Asks Panel Which GOP Presidential Candidate Might be a Great One and is Met With Crickets

While GOP dithers over default, infrastructure crumbles

Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

Rebekah Brooks Arrested: Rupertgate grows

The Welfare State

The Very Serious People Still Want That Grand Bargain And Don't Care What It Does To The Economy -- Or Us

Reid: Senate to meet every day until debt limit hike passes - The Washington Post

Clark Judge: The Debt Battle Is Good for the GOP - WSJ.com

Carmageddon? No, It's 'Carmaheaven,' Says LA Mayor, Christian News

Technical Special: Gold Powers To New High; No Signs of Top Close at Hand - WSJ.com

How to Break the Consumer Finance Stalemate - CNBC

Google vs. Facebook: Which Can You Trust? | PCWorld

Study: Kids Safer When Grandparents Drive

Baby Boomers and Alzheimer's Disease - ABC News

Why national Dems want Elizabeth Warren to challenge Scott Brown for Senate - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Consumer agency won’t be led by Elizabeth Warren, source says - The Washington Post

Did you know: the Earth produces 44 trillion watts of heat

All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm : Discovery News

Defendant in Oak Brook parking lot slaying wants to plead guilty - chicagotribune.com

Private haulers compete with city workers for Chicago recycling - chicagotribune.com

Defendant in Oak Brook parking lot slaying wants to plead guilty - chicagotribune.com

Cook County: 831 Couples Applied For Civil Union Licenses In June

High Heat Grips Chicago | NBC Chicago

Casey Anthony Released From Jail Like a Rock Star (VIDEO) | The Stir

Elizabeth Warren supporters silent on Richard Cordray as CFPB pick - Ben White - POLITICO.com

Independent GOP Group Attacks House Dems in TV Ad Campaign - The Note

Amending Social Security: how to's surface during national debt talks - CSMonitor.com

Tire blowout eyed in latest fatal New York tour bus crash | Reuters

Sen. Scott Brown: Time to make a debt deal | The State Column

Daniel Self, Convicted Colo. Murderer, Sues State For Saving His Life

Suspect in Ark. soldier slaying wants no lawyers - USATODAY.com

Parolee, 19, is IDd as man shot by S.F. police

Congressman, grandson fight off armed intruder - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

Jilted Tea Partiers Spelled Mike Haridopolos’ Doom | Sunshine State News

Lindenwold police shoot suspect after attempted robbery | NJ.com

Herman Cain Doesn't Believe in the First Amendment - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Welcome to Forbes

Obama's 2012 Campaign Reports Monster Haul, Romney Reigns Above GOP Hopefuls

Apple to sell contract-free, $350 iPhone, report says | Wireless - CNET News

Rental textbooks available on Kindle - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Back to School - msnbc.com

Google adds achievement badges to Google News

Gigantic, Dual-Screen SpaceBook Laptop Begins Pre-Orders | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

CNN puts live news behind a pay wall — Online Video News

Fears Twitter now apps rival

Terrafugia Flying Car Cleared for Landing in US - FoxNews.com

Microsoft integrates wp7 and window home server- The Inquirer

Greek taxis lift blockade of roads to port, airport | World | Reuters

The Associated Press: Yemeni journalists protest harassment, censorship

Strauss-Kahn ‘bedded 3 women’ the weekend he assaulted maid - Hindustan Times

Campaign to Support Vladimir Putin Has Women Ripping Off Their Clothes - FoxNews.com

BBC News - John Yates quits Met Police amid phone-hacking scandal

BBC News - Afghanistan: US Gen John Allen warns of 'tough days'

Libyan Rebels Say They’re Advancing on Oil Town of Brega - Businessweek

Dozens dead after 'sectarian clashes' in Homs - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

The Associated Press: Clinton in India for security talks

BBC News - Egypt state TV broadcasts officials' trials

BBC News - Btselem raps Israel for jailing Palestinian children

gulfnews : Swearing-in of Egypt's reshuffled Cabinet delayed

Pakistani Taliban Release Video of Police Execution | News | English

Nazi war crimes suspect acquitted - Telegraph

BBC News - Sudan's South Kordofan fighting: UN warns of war crimes

Kate Middleton, Queen Elizabeth II to Hang Out - The Hollywood Gossip

Dalai Lama: Internet a ‘helpful’ path to ‘new ideas’ - TODAY People - TODAY.com

‪Barack Obama meets Dalai Lama‏ - YouTube

BBC Nature - Lost rainbow toad is rediscovered

Bee bearding competition - Times Union

Radio-controlled penguins: South Africa fits trackers to monitor baby birds - Telegraph

Atlantis crew pay awkward tribute to 'iconic' shuttle • The Register

Bob Stover: Special magazine to chronicle 30 years of space shuttle coverage | FLORIDA TODAY | floridatoday.com

New GPS satellite rockets into space aboard Delta 4 from Cape Canaveral, Fla. - The Washington Post

The Associated Press: Threatened snow leopards found in Afghanistan

Angry Bees Plague California Community - International Business Times

CTV Ottawa- Yale scientists discover the last living dinosaur - CTV News

VIDEO: Dog bites shark!

Russian Proton Rocket Orbits Two New Broadcasting Satellites | Russian Space Program & Human Spaceflight | Russian Satellites | Space.com

‪ILS Proton Successfully Launches SES-3/KazSat-2‏ - YouTube

Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak: Real? Cornell Physicists Think So - Entertainment & Stars

Rare gibbon community found in Vietnam - CNN.com

Richmond company helping build the next space telescope - San Jose Mercury News

Can Twitter Save NASA? | Tony Hoffman | PCMag.com

‪Obama 'dials for pizza', gets International Space Station‏ - YouTube

US shuttle prepares to depart station for last time | Reuters

Astronaut Captures Fantastic Shot of Aurora From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com

Houston Welcomes Home Final Space Shuttle Crew - PR Newswire - sacbee.com

A New Dawn at Vesta | GeekDad | Wired.com

‪Nasa Spacecraft DAWN now in orbit around dwarf planet Vesta [NEW IMAGES 17.07.2011]‏ - YouTube

Ban the Debt Limit - FoxBusiness.com

News Corp. Says Lawyer to Lead Internal Probe - Bloomberg

Want to stop teachers from cheating? A history lesson from corporate America - The Washington Post

Halliburton Profit Beats On High Oil Prices - Heather Struck - Market Pulse - Forbes

HEARD ON THE STREET: Euro Stress Tests Tell Only Half the Story - WSJ.com

Shares of gold miners climb as bullion sets record | Reuters

Homebuilder Confidence Edges Higher in July - FoxBusiness.com

Asia braces for direct hit from the West's debt woes | Reuters

Borders Fate to Be Decided This Week - ABC News

What happens if the debt ceiling bomb explodes? - How the World Works - Salon.com

Sarah Palin 'The Undefeated' Documentary: What Critics Say - The Hollywood Reporter

Pitchfork Music Festival 2011: 15 Things Seen & Heard | Billboard.com

Is Netflix killing DVD like Apple killed floppies? | Media Maverick - CNET News

'Captain America' to Debut at Comic-Con | The Wrap Movies

Weekend Box Office:"Harry Potter" and the Breaker of Records

Charlie Sheen Returning To TV In ‘Anger Management’ | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Paul McCartney and Billy Joel Rock Out at Yankee Stadium | Rolling Stone Music

Ottawa Bluesfest stage collapse 'a freak situation' - Canada - CBC News

‪Bluesfest 2011 Stage Collapse in Ottawa, Ontario‏ - YouTube

Fla. Dems urge feds to reject Medicaid overhaul

Sharing Bed With Toddler Won't Harm Development: Study - US News and World Report

Heavy teens need more health talks: study | Reuters

BBC News - Binge drinking 'can damage memory skills' in teen girls

UN reports measles outbreaks, deaths among children in Ethiopia, Kenya - The Washington Post

How Weight Can Tip the Scales of Your Marriage - FoxNews.com

More Evidence That Early Treatment Can Stop HIV's Spread to Partners - US News and World Report

Pediatrician Feels Heat Over Child Obesity Idea - FoxNews.com

Big fork could be key to small waistline, study says - USATODAY.com

Ecuador Bans Alcohol Following Deaths From Poisoning

BBC News - Scientists find 'better way' to grow adult stem cells

Wrong Mothers Breastfeed Babies Switched at Hospital - FoxNews.com

Straight Man Looks Too Gay to Donate Blood | Death and Taxes

Vaccine Production to Double by 2015

Tree surgeon Tom Connelly almost beheaded himself with chainsaw | Mail Online

Girl with no name for two years | thetelegraph.com.au

Dad gets custody from mum who kept children in nappies well past the usual time | News.com.au

One Per Cent: Microsoft accidentally reveals social networking plans

Space telescope to create radio 'eye' larger than Earth - space - 16 July 2011 - New Scientist

How much alcohol is REALLY safe? Scientists | Mail Online

Drinking too much water 'can be bad for your health': Benefits are a myth | Mail Online

Grandfather struggling to raise young granddaughter wins $2m Keno jackpot | News.com.au

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Political power of evangelicals;Brittany Brady reports on impact of faith-based voting in 2012 elections

House of the Day: Builders Really Nail Pixar's 'Up' Home | AOL Real Estate

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Pretty home? It’s all front...

Elaborate hoax or a sign from outta space? The crop circle phenomena continues | Mail Online

Couple Sees Jesus In Walmart Receipt - Greenville News Story - WYFF Greenville

Communion wafer turns "blood red" in South St. Paul - miracle, or bacterial? - TwinCities.com

'World's oldest' wreck found in Swedish Baltic - The Local

Uncovering the Kingdom of Israel | Spero News

Gallery: America’s Secret Space Arsenal | Danger Room | Wired.com

Watch the World’s Largest Shark Tank on Live Webcam | Wired Science | Wired.com

New Scientist TV: Friday Illusion: Turning pretty girls into gargoyles

Rick Perry is the 3rd Bush


Showdown at Washington's OK Corral

Obama's debt-ceiling debacle

CNN's Anderson Cooper is a fraud

I confess …

Social/sexual indoctrination?

Waking the Sleeping Giant - Its Again Time America! | Before It's News

Has Obama finally agreed to reduce taxes?

Time for Republicans to negotiate fairly

A progressive case for deficit cutting? - Debt ceiling - Salon.com

Truth: The kiss of death

Why do blacks still let Obama off the hook?

Tiny Tim tiptoeing through the tulips

A Fling with the Welfare State | The Weekly Standard

U.S. citizenship losing its meaning

Is this why White House funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' scheme?

Did ATF train corrupt Mexican police?

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

Soros-funded lobby helping Palestinian statehood bid

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

Does Google spy on you for NSA? Judge says, 'None of your business'

CNN's 'gotcha' hatchet-job on terrorism fighter


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


'Irrefutable' proof of Obama forgery

Surprise! Obama can't remember his birthday

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements


Husband, in-laws 'tried to sell unborn baby for $5,000'

Hey, Mr. President! What about cutting Obamacare?

Jane Fonda: 'I Have Never Done Anything to Hurt My Country' | CNSnews.com

New Doll By Berjuan Toys Coming To The U.S. Tea - Flash Player Installation

Federal funds build sidewalks to nowhere

Rathke calls ACORN critic 'creep'

Gun trafficking: Mexican gun-smuggling cartel figures possibly were paid FBI informants - latimes.com

Gun trafficking: Family of U.S. agent slain in Mexico demands to know source of guns - latimes.com

TWA Flight 800 families mark 15 years since crash - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Resistance training: A fountain of youth?

U.S. condemns death penalty for apostasy

'Rapture' real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves

Romney skirts debt debate, defends health law again | Reuters

Bill Maher Targets Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin in On-Air Tirade

Cancer, memory loss top boomers' health concerns

Casey Anthony's attorneys mum on her whereabouts

2 top London police resign in UK hacking scandal

Race officials: 2 boaters pulled from lake died

Pew study examines emergence of non-profit news

FDA approves flu vaccine for coming season

Google: Belgian papers to appear in searches again

Live shop mannequins spark controversy in Italy

Jews trying to interfere, Malaysian newspaper warns

Man arrested on suspicion of starting J'lem forest fire

3 teens found guilty of sexual offenses against youth

Chinese police and protesters clash, leaving four dead

Book: Hollywood producer dealt Israeli nuclear secrets

PM calls on opposition to support housing measures

London banks fall on eurozone debt exposure

Egypt TV shows trial live to assuage anger of protests

Record marijuana plant seizure reported by authorities

Startup helps find best kindergarten match for children

'Istanbul bombing was Hezbollah strike on Israeli envoy'

George Osborne should reverse VAT hike to boost growth, says lobby

World Bank chief blames Barack Obama for Doha trade talks deadlock

Marc Anthony and J-Lo Say Adiós

‘Eunuchs’: Did Anyone Notice Bill Maher Trashing Sarah Palin’s Children as ‘Family of Inbred Weirdos’?

Morning Call Sheet: Bristol, Crowder, Pacino, Cowboys, Aliens, Dinosaurs…

Palin Doc Director Bannon: With Almost No Marketing Dollars We Hit ‘a Home Run’

Sucker Punch Squad: ‘The Whistleblower’: Anti-Americanism & Factual Inaccuracies Plaque Screenplay

Strong Opening for “The Undefeated,” With Multiple Sold-out Runs

The Left’s Assault on Investment Will Bring Down Our Economy

First-Ever Twitter Presidential Debate Announced

Audio:The Failing Economy, the Debt Ceiling and 2012

Sen. Coburn to Unveil $9 Trillion Deficit-reduction Plan

President Obama Received No Oil ‘Bump’

Rope-A-Dope Debt-Ceiling Strategy Fails

AFSCME: The Big Green Dog Behind Big Government & Higher Taxes

How Does Cantor Find that Last $700 Billion that Obama Demands? EasyPeasy

Secretary Sebelius Has No Idea What Premium Support Is-and She Should

California Needs a Pay Day Loan

World War II Was Not the Quintessential Keynesian Miracle

MALDEF: The Common Line of Controversy

The Anti-Incumbent Sentiment

‘Independent’ Group Stays Close to Moore Campaign

*Cartoon:Obama Nation: Making Cuts

Dylan Ratigan: Hates Newspapers, Claims Not to be a Common Leftist

Sound Bite For the Day: The Meaning of Compromise

Fox Detroit Apologizes for Exposing Big Labor

NewsBusted: Bill O’Reilly to Portray a Murder Suspect!

Keith Olbermann: The Lost Months

‘The Undefeated’: The Atlantic’s Phony ‘Empty Theatre’ Meme Falls Further Apart

Empty Theatre!!!: MSM Currently Brewing Up Phony ‘Undefeated’ Narrative

Upheaval in Syria, Somnolence in The White House

What?! Soldiers Ordered Not To Shoot Taliban Terrorists Planting Mines; It Might Wake Up Locals!

Post-Surge Iraq: 2010 ‘Worst Year’ for Small Christian Minority

Active Duty Troops March In Gay Pride Parade

Islamic Teacher: Bring Back Slave Girls!

Syrian Opposition Movement Falters Even As Protests Grow

Desperately Fleeing Cuba’s Free And Fabulous Healthcare

Last Crown Prince Of Austria Laid To Rest; Advocate of Sharia Law Speaks At Funeral

Enough About ‘Civilian Casualties’: What About Military Murders?

Tea party takes its turn in debt battle

Debt stalemate invokes language of Armageddon | Reuters

Opposition to McConnell fallback plan grows among Republican senators - TheHill.com

Giuliani says he has better record than current GOP presidential hopefuls | Raw Replay

No 'Chris Matthews Show' Panelist Can Name Republican Candidate That Could Be Great President | NewsBusters.org

The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – July 18th, 2011

‪In/Dependence Day: Foreign Intervention Behind Creation of South Sudan‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul on FOX News with Martha MacCallum taking about his new Ad and the Debt Limit - 07 15 11.flv‏ - YouTube

Ron Paul expands TV ad campaign to Nevada | The Raw Story

Ron Paul to report $4 million in bank – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

+2 Part/The truth about the Arab Spring | Dprogram.net

‪Interview with Dr. John Cannell from the Vitamin D Council‏ - YouTube

‪Hans Himmler with Gerald Celente on Jefferson memorial‏ - YouTube

‪ELECTION 2012: Herman Cain on War, Social Security and Bailouts‏ - YouTube

» Karzai Hitman Worked for CIA and U.S. Special Forces Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Charting America's Brief Trip In And Out Of Austerity... And Onward To Complete Disaster | zero hedge

Junk food ads on TV strongly influence children’s eating habits | Dprogram.net

Hollywood begins mass brainwashing campaign to get people ready for the next bioengineered virus release | Dprogram.net

Beckhams a 'bad example' for families | Life and style | The Observer

Support Group: Documenting the Peace Laureate’s Progressive Atrocities | Dprogram.net

Questions and Answers with Kevin Fenton | Dprogram.net

18-Jul-11 World View....

17-Jul-11 World View....

+Radiation News 7-18-11 | Dprogram.net

Debbie Schlussel:Former ICE Counterterrorism Agent, Army Vet on “Hell’s Kitchen”

‪Nuclear Watchdog Group Accuses US Govt Of Failing To Keep Public Informed About Radiation Fallout‏ - YouTube

» Gold Breaks Record Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» TSA Charges Congressman With Violating Federal Law For Exposing Security Breaches Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

News Desk: What Murdoch Faces Now : The New Yorker

World Bank chief blames Barack Obama for Doha trade talks deadlock | Business | The Guardian

» Fortified Superfoods Aim to Convince Public of GM Food “Benefits”? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison Planet.com » EPA Tells Kids That The Weather Has Gotten Wilder

#Radioactive Rice Hay Found in Miyagi Prefecture | EX-SKF


Bill Cunningham 7/15/11 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/15/11 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/15/11 Hour 3

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-17, Sunday


**Root For America:(www.rootforamerica.com/)


The Root For America Blog/Mr. Obama, Tear Down Your Debt Ceiling!


O’Keefe’s latest sting target: Medicaid bureaucrats « Hot Air

James O'Keefe Claims He Has a Blockbuster on the Way… - James O'Keefe - Fox Nation


**Politics Video:SC Gov. Nikki Haley Pushes For Balanced Budget Amendment

Buchanan On 2012: "Romney Or Someone On The Right"

American Crossroads Launches Ads Against Dems Over Spending

+17th/Budget Director Won't Answer If WH Would Prioritize Social Security Payments

Sen. Marco Rubio: Real Problem Is Not Debt Limit, But The Debt Itself

Gloria Borger: Tea Party Stopped Obama From Being "Transformational"

Sen. DeMint: "The Day Of Reckoning Is Going To Come"

CBS' Schieffer To Rubio: Admit Bush Has Something To Do With Economy

Klein: "Eat Your Peas" Is Language Americans Can Understand

Van Hollen: GOP Will "Manipulate" Constitution With Balanced Budget Amendment

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "We're Becoming Greece"

"This Week" Roundtable On The Politics Of The Debt Debate

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Tax Policy, Simplification

Giuliani Unsure If He Could Win In New Hampshire

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Next Steps In Debt Limit Debate

Herman Cain: "They Do Not Need To Raise The Debt Ceiling"

**Markets Video

Real Clear Markets - Video - Barry Ritholtz Rates Ben Bernanke

Real Clear Markets - Video - El-Erian: U.S. Needs to Get Its Act Together

Real Clear Markets - Video - Too Much Economic Risk to Invest in the Markets?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Want Facebook Stock? Buy This Fund

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gold Hits New Record, Will It Last?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Blame "Generation X" for Unemployment Problems?

Real Clear Markets - Video - In Deficit Dilemma, Pain Looms for Middle Class

Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogers: SIlver Is Going Much Higher

Real Clear Markets - Video - Buffett Blasts DC's 'Silly' Game of 'Russian Roulette'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Herman Cain vs. Barack Obama

Real Clear Markets - Video - America's Disappearing Recovery

Real Clear Markets - Video - How to Hack Like a Pro

Real Clear Markets - Video - Shilling: 20% Housing Drop to Cause 2012 Recession

Real Clear Markets - Video - Texans Grab Their Guns as Economy Stalls


**World Video:Arctic Oil and Gas Development

How Will Afghanistan Look in 2015?

Bin Laden Had Plot to Kill Obama?

European Stress Tests Not Stressful Enough?

The Cost of War in Afghanistan

Clinton Calls For Peaceful Reforms In Syria

The Challenges Of A Social Network Ban

Military Aid in Pakistan

The Challenge of Population Growth

Boris Johnson Called Phone Hacking Story 'Codswallop'

Petraeus Hands Over Command

Japan Wins Women's World Cup Soccer Title

Libya Rebels Keep Fit Playing Volleyball

Mubarak Stable After Reports Of Coma

Chavez To Get Chemotherapy In Cuba

**News Videos

**NEWS VIDEOS:Newest O’Keefe Video Sting Targets Medicaid Offices in Ohio

Rep. Allen West: Obama is a Marxist; I’ve Been Racist All My Life According to Liberals

Fox News Anchor: Romney ‘Obviously Not Christian’

Herman Cain: Any Community Has Right to Ban Mosques

San Francisco Police Accused of Shooting Teenager Over $2 Bus Fare

NBC’s Curry Asks Dalai Lama to Advise Obama on his ‘Fierce Struggle’ with Republicans

CNN’s Borger: Tea Party ‘Hijacked’ GOP Preventing Obama From Becoming ‘Transformational President’

CBS’ Schieffer to Senators: Why Are You ‘Wasting Time Debating Balanced Budget Amendment?’

Palin Film Opens Strong

17th/Man Arrested for Alleged Sen. Boxer Threats

GOP Rep to Cokie Roberts: Why Does Compromise Always Mean Raising Taxes Now and Cutting Spending Later?

Rubio: ‘Where is the President’s Plan?’

The ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Book of Mormon’ Viral Video Mash-up

Obama’s Budget Director Leaves Seniors Dangling

Murdoch’s News Empire Must Be Dismantled – Labour Party Leader

Ex-Murdoch Aide Rebekah Brooks Arrested

16th/New Low: HBO ‘Real Time’ Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum

Dan Savage: ‘I Wish [Republicans] Were All F–king Dead’

*15th/Dem Plays Race Card in Debt Ceiling Debate

Keith Olbermann: The Lost Months

ABC News’ Stephanopoulos Salutes Obama: ‘He’s Done Remarkably Well’

Obama: 80% of Americans Want Higher Taxes

Obama Blames Bush

Woman Attacks Judge During Hearing

Boehner: Obama Has Not Led on Debt

‘We Are Running Out of Time’

NewsBusted – Biden, Twitter and Toothless Hillbillies

14th/Creepy Videos Taken by Jaycee Dugard Kidnappers Released

Crowder Challenges Stewart: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

13th/Two-Headed Snake Fights With Self Over Food

13th/NYPD Arrests Man in 8-year-old’s Death

*18 July

American Minute for July 18th

July 18th in History

Today in History: July 18

July 18th This Day in History

July 18 Events in History

This Day in History for 18th July

Today in History: July 18

‪Today in History for July 18th‏ - YouTube