"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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16 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

‪Auschwitz The Comedy‏ - YouTube

‪Open Letter to Casual Christians‏ - YouTube

The 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto In America | The Intel Hub Radio

**If you tip Obama's signature on end ......

‪POLICE STATE 2011: Police Chief Shuts Down Children's Lemonade Stand‏ - YouTube

CHART: China Passes India As World's Biggest Gold Buyer - Home - The Daily Bail

‪PressTV - 'Murdoch behind 9 11, Iraq, Afghan wars and financial meltdown'. YouTube

PressTV - Why Americans can't afford to eat healthy

Google-NSA Secrets Can Stay That Way, Judge Rules | BobTuskin.com

WANTED: men with balls to stand up to our banking overlords | Wake Up From Your Slumber

CHART SHOCK - The Real National Debt Is $202 Trillion - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : "Social Security Has NOTHING To Do With The Debt Crisis!" Congressman Dennis Kucinich

‪Gordon Duff De-Mystifies Rupert Murdoch‏ - YouTube

New Solar Cells Can Now be Printed on Paper | Oil Price.com

History of U.S. Debt Defaults :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Sovereign Defaults and Debt Restructurings: Historical Overview


'01/FOXNews.com - Report: Bin Laden Already Dead - U.S. & World


Explorer to embark on quest to find body of Osama bin Laden

Why Banks Aren't Lending: The Silent Liquidity Squeeze - BlackListedNews.com

The Intercept: Homeland Security Funds Talks by Fake "Ex-Terrorist"

Murder or suicide? Investigators consider both in woman’s violent death at SoCal mansion - The Washington Post

Pentagon perception manager knows how to manipulate search engine algorithm | Old-Thinker News

Prosecutions for Abu Ghraib Torture and Murder, Highest Officials Immune from Law « Antiwar.com Blog


Was TWA 800 Shot Down By a Military Missile? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Scientist Sues CIA for TWA Flight 800 Crash Documents

The Banksters and American Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com


Federal Court Rules That TSA 'Naked Scans' Are Constitutional - 12160


Kissinger blighted millions as U.S. jockeyed for position | The Japan Times Online

Economic Collapse — Why It Won’t Be Stopped | www.track-cell-phones.com

Track cell phones, discover a legal way to spy on any cell phones, without leaving any trace

4um: Federal Court Rules TSA Violated Law By Introducing Body Scanners

Sheila Bair: 'I Can't Believe Bernake, Geithner & Paulson Bailed Out Bear Stearns' (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

James Murdoch paid £100,000 to meet Pope - Press, Media - The Independent

Minnesota Governor Offers To End Shutdown, Reestablish Beer Supply

Libya Rebels Recognized By U.S.

“Covert” Operations by East Anglia’s CRU « Climate Audit

Radiation from airport TSA body scanners ‘minor’ | The Raw Story



Former CIA Official: Israel Will Bomb Iran in September | BobTuskin.com

More employers using firms that check applicants’ social media history - The Washington Post

Lone Star Watchdog: We are the Sane Ones,The TSA and the Government are the Sickos with the Mental Illness.

Stop Chasing the Buck and Change Your Luck « Beyond Money

Activist Post: US builders indicted in Iraq kickback scheme

Activist Post: US sour on Arab UN bid for Palestinian statehood

Debt limit: U.S. outreach to banks, investors over possible default comes up empty - The Washington Post




"Expert" on PLO Terrorism Outed As Fraud

Video: If I Only Had a Bank: Overthrowing the Banksters | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Why QE2 Failed: The Money All Went Offshore | Wake Up From Your Slumber


‪Israeli Espionage - Part 1 of 4‏ - YouTube

‪Israeli Espionage - Part 2 of 4‏ - YouTube

‪Israeli Espionage - Part 3 of 4‏ - YouTube

‪Israeli Espionage - Part 4 of 4‏ - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics : Police Officers Kidnaps Child Father Puts Cops in Their Place

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Rogers – “America is in Serious Trouble”

Looking at FBI Entrapment | FPIF

‪S.O.S. From Fukushima English translation‏ - YouTube

‪Nuclear beef scare again hits Japan‏ - YouTube

Finding that radiation-tainted straw was produced far from nuclear plant causes shock - The Mainichi Daily News

Activist Post: Smart meters: public health nightmare or public utility boon?

‪News Round-Up - Tearing The Lies Apart‏ - YouTube

‪More Shocking Details Emerge in ATF Scandal, Part 1 [FOX 7-08-2011]‏ - YouTube

‪More Shocking Details Emerge in ATF Scandal, Part 2 Fox News Video FoxNews comal part 1‏ - YouTube

Google has made us stupid: How search engine has rewired our memory to leave us forgetful | Mail Online

Activist Post: The world’s largest human experiment part two: why Europeans (and everyone else) should be worried

‪Shocking!! Man explains to WFTV News why he loves the Orlando Police Department - Hilarious!!‏ - YouTube

‪Profiling an Islamic Fundamentalist‏ - YouTube

Google spying on you for NSA? Judge: 'None of your business'


Play It Again, Sam - Why Obama Can't Be Impeached


Devvy Kidd -- The conundrum of removing Obama/Soetoro from office - 5-11-11

Devvy Kidd -- Follow up on Quo Warranto as it relates to removing Obama/Soetoro - 5-12-11


Denver Airport hail storm damages planes, delays flights

Gold tallies nine-session gain of nearly $108 Metals Stocks - MarketWatch

Executive Order # 13575: The theft of rural and agricultural lands for UN Agenda 21 « The PPJ Gazette

AGENDA 21 - Woman Exposes Rockefellers Eugenics & Sterilization Program

United States recognizes Libya rebels - Yahoo! News

Citi profit beats forecasts, challenges remain - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: 9/11 ANNOUNCEMENT: Long-awaited International Hearings Set for September, 2011

savethemales.ca - Diet is Key to Spiritual Advancement

Lady Gaga calls in police after thousands of fans' personal details are stolen from website | Mail Online

Immigration minister says 550 Afghan interpreters will be in Canada in months - Winnipeg Free Press

We Must Risk Everything

Dumb Voters Blame Bush Over Obama For Economy

State Fracking Rules Could Allow Drilling Near New York City Water Supply Tunnels - ProPublica


*"Gasland" @ PBS


Whizz kids deserting the spy world as threat of attacks increases - Telegraph

Obama fears for his presidency as debt crisis spreads to U.S. | Mail Online

Barack Obama 'wants agreement on debt deal in 36 hours' - Telegraph

S&P joins Moody's to warn of US downgrade if no debt deal reached - Telegraph

Debt Ceiling Debate Charade Masks Planned Entitlement Cuts

Costs, Consequences Of Costly US Power Grid Tests

Bus Stop Relocated Because Of Homeless Person - Video - KITV Honolulu

The Man Who Sold the War

Scientists Punch a Hole in the Fabric of Time with a "Time Cloak"

Massive Sonic Boom Found in Stephan's Quintet - Softpedia

An Illegal Alien's Guide to the Top Five Best Places to Live In America - FoxNews.com

Bernanke warns Congress on debt default as China expresses alarm - Telegraph

US debt standoff threatens to turn crisis into catastrophe | Business | The Guardian


Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels - Telegraph

Paul Drockton M.A.: Next, They Take Your Gold

Gonzalo Lira: Full Spectrum Decay

1,000-pound whale, second found this week in Indian River County, to be part of study » TCPalm.com

Outrage in Brooklyn's Jewish quarter over boy's grisly killing - Americas, World - The Independent

English Channel struck by 'biggest quake in 300 years' | Mail Online

Earthquake strikes in middle of Channel | UK news | guardian.co.uk

'Lost tribe' of Mallorca Jews welcomed back to the faith 600 years later | World news | guardian.co.uk

Denunciation Of Israel's Anti-Boycott Law

Israel's boycott ban draws fire from law professors | World news | The Guardian

Israel's New Boycott Law: The end of Free Speech and Democracy In Israel?

Israel: Religious paper bans women from event - Middle East, World - The Independent

Did Israeli hacker abuse 100 US girls? - Israel News, Ynetnews

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Culture is Resistance

Murdoch hit by FBI 9/11 hacking inquiry - Press, Media - The Independent

Phone hacking: Murdoch paid US anti-bribery law lobbyists | Media | guardian.co.uk

Phone hacking: Rupert Murdoch's American legal woes mount up - Telegraph

It is in America that Rupert Murdoch faces ruin - Telegraph

Rupert Murdoch attacks Gordon Brown in first interview since NoW closed | Media | guardian.co.uk

Phone hacking: Family of Jean Charles de Menezes targeted - Telegraph

Man Videotapes Himself Getting Detained For Openly Carrying Gun In California | Pixiq

Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Pentagon to treat cyberspace as operational domain | Reuters

Paul Joseph Watson: The Globalists Final Endgame Plans for Libya [Parts 1 & 2]


Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/14/2011]

Wallbuilders Live [07/15/2011]

The Alex Jones Show [07/15/2011]


80 Percent of Americans Side With Obama in Debt Limit Talks? Not Quite - FoxNews.com

The black code: why Obama still owns the black vote

The Red/Blue Paradox - Reason Magazine

» Seven Myths About the Looming Debt-Ceiling ‘Disaster’ - Big Government

The Truth Behind Marcus Bachmann’s Controversial Christian Therapy Clinic | Swampland

HoosierAccess » Blog Archive » Remember that Tragic Story About Obama’s Mother? Pretty Much a Lie

Terry Glavin: The Obama Doctrine: Retreat, Surrender, Pretend, Lose, Run Away, Hide.

TrevorLoudon.com: New Zeal Blog » The Obama Strut

In Pictures: How To Protect Your Dignity From The TSA - Airport Security - Forbes.com

Google+ Gets a Leg Up on Facebook - NYTimes.com

Zogby: Majority Wants Cuts Rather Than New Taxes

Obama the extortionist

Miss America: Obama Shirking the Constitution

Rolling Back the Obamacare Banana Republic - Michelle Malkin - National Review Online

Pelosi: Obama Has More Patience Than Biblical Job | CNSnews.com

Bin Laden Plotted 9/11 Anniversary Attack - WSJ.com

PHOTO: Jesus was a slave to Allah? – Glenn Beck

Facebook vs. Google+ [Infographic]

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama's Social Insecurity

HURT: Welcome to Jimmy Carter's 2nd term - Washington Times

PJ Lifestyle » Mila Kunis on Casual Sex: ‘It’s like communism—good in theory, in execution it fails’

'Rapture' real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves

Soros-funded lobby helping Palestinian statehood bid

TSA Behavioral Detection Billion Dollar Boondoggle - BlackListedNews.com

al Qaeda rebels finally get the nod from Washington, what will become of the Libyans still loyal to Gaddafi? - BlackListedNews.com

Ron Paul: Stop payments to the Federal Reserve instead of the people - BlackListedNews.com

The Banksters and American Foreign Policy - BlackListedNews.com

Bohemian Grove: Hackivists next target | Mail Online

Bohemian Grove: Where the Elite Meet to Eat (and Conspire)

RT: Alex Jones on Bohemian Grove | _

Anonymous Launch 'Operation: Bohemian Grove' | Death and Taxes

» Secrets of the RAND CORP Exposed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ratigan Show: The Battle for Food Freedom (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Nude Woman Found Dead At SoCal Mansion Of Pharmaceutical Firm CEO « CBS Los Angeles

» Clinton Announces al-Qaeda as Legitimate Government of Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Confirmed: Federal Reserve Policy is Killing Lending, Employment and the Economy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 Signs Americans Are Starting To Freak Out About Condition Of Economy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Iran lawmaker: US behind Iraq unrest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Global fertility dropping dramatically as UN celebrates World Population Day Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

No Cell Phone-Brain Tumor Link, Latest Study Finds

The fine print: North Dakota may not be a state | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Obama said ready to move on South Korea trade bill - Yahoo! News

» Former NM mayor admits to gun smuggling Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gun Dealers in Border States Face New Reporting Requirements | PBS NewsHour | July 14, 2011 | PBS

Metro and State | U.S.-Canada border could get security upgrades | The Detroit News

» FBI informant who stung RNC 2008 anarchists connected to ‘firebomb plot’ on Brave New Books and “suicided” Palestinian activist Riad Hamad Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Looking at FBI Entrapment | FPIF

‪Better This World: SXSW 2011 Accepted Film‏ - YouTube

Obama's Secret Wars: How Our Shady Counter-Terrorism Policies Are More Dangerous Than Terrorism | | AlterNet

Osama Hit List: President Obama, Petraeus, Major U.S. Sporting Event - ABC News

New 9/11 curriculum released for teachers on how to educate students | NJ.com

» Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: U.S. Gov’t Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» CFR to Thailand: Accept US-Stooge or Else Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: Fed sees 5-year exit from US crisis support

‪Landing in Hell..LA that is.‏ - YouTube

‪Attorney Jonathan W. Emord: Global Censorship of Health Information 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Attorney Jonathan W. Emord: Global Censorship of Health Information 2/2‏ - YouTube

Westerners 'programmed to eat junk food' - Telegraph

Hackers Gained Access to Important Files, Pentagon Says - NYTimes.com

» Oil Baron Al Gore Exposed As Carbon Scammer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pentagon wants to change strategy for dealing with cyber-attacks | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Activist Post: Pentagon releases strategy for cyberspace

Prison Planet.com » Alex Jones on gay rituals of Bohemian Grove

Woman Gropes TSA Agent's Breast at Security Checkpoint

US debt crisis: Obama warns of 'tax rise for all' if deal cannot be done | Business | The Guardian

Prison Planet.com » Greenspan: Dumb Americans Deserve Unemployment

Prison Planet.com » Violent Mexican Drug Cartel Video Game Has Politicos Up in Arms

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul on FOX News with Martha MacCallum taking about his new Ad and the Debt Limit

Prison Planet.com » Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth is Stolen — Kucinich

Prison Planet.com » Infowars News Brief From Southern California

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: “America’s AAA Rating Not Worth Saving” Because “We Are Insolvent”

Prison Planet.com » Confirmed: Federal Reserve Policy is Killing Lending, Employment and the Economy

Prison Planet.com » “They’re Going to Cut Back the Bone and They’re Going to Keep the Fat…”

Prison Planet.com » Treasury To Stop Funding Its Market Manipulation Fund To Delay US Bankruptcy

NSA whistleblower sentenced to one year’s probation | The Raw Story

Campaigners seek arrest of former CIA legal chief over Pakistan drone attacks | World news | The Guardian

CYBERSPACE: Pentagon Declares the Internet a "War Domain"

Prison Planet.com » 3 Examples Of How “It’s Policy” Has Become An Excuse For Absolutely Unspeakable Acts

Prison Planet.com » I arrest you in the name of the Earth

Prison Planet.com » Scientists from around the world decry proposed human trials of GM wheat

‪WAC San Antonio in-Studio: 1776 World Wide, It's Time to Just 'Get Some' on The Nwo! 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪WAC San Antonio in-Studio: 1776 World Wide, It's Time to Just 'Get Some' on The Nwo! 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪WAC San Antonio in-Studio: 1776 World Wide, It's Time to Just 'Get Some' on The Nwo! 3/3‏ - YouTube

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 3/3‏ - YouTube

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Blasts GOP Establishment In Dramatic First Campaign Video

Prison Planet.com » 15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Become So Desperate That They Will Do Just About Anything For Money

Prison Planet.com » How Globalism Has Destroyed Our Jobs, Businesses And National Wealth In 10 Easy Steps

Prison Planet.com » AE911Truth’s Richard Gage Was On Irish Mainstream Television

US Rating Close to 'Junk': Independent Strategist - CNBC

Prison Planet.com » Fed Chairman Bernanke Says “Gold Is Not Money” … But His Predecessor Alan Greenspan Disagrees

Bachmann: Obama's Default Warning 'Simply Not True' | CNSnews.com

Prison Planet.com » Bill O’Reilly Calls For New National Sales Tax

Prison Planet.com » Coming soon from Al Gore: 24 Hours of Bull Shit

Prison Planet.com » Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing

Prison Planet.com » Gore Announces New Campaign and Worldwide Event to Re-energize Global Warming Hysteria

Court: TSA must accept public comment on full body airport scanners, but not stop operations - BlackListedNews.com

Ron Paul: Stop payments to the Federal Reserve instead of the people - BlackListedNews.com

The Banksters and American Foreign Policy - BlackListedNews.com

Hungary destroys all GMO maize fields - BlackListedNews.com

What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund? - Merrill Matthews - Right Directions - Forbes


‪47 min./The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube


Total War Against Human Thought Declared

Cataclysmic Turning Of “The Great Solar Serpent” Warned Near

Les Hinton Resigns After Hacking Scandal

SpaceX Breaks Ground on Launch Pad for Huge Private Rocket | SpaceX & Private Spaceflight | Falcon Heavy & Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicles | Space.com

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 15th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 15th, 2011

Ex-CIA Agent Explains How Bloggers Can "Dump Congress On Its Ass"


Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 14th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 14th, 2011


‪9/11 Super-Pilots, Dear Netflix, Self-Checkout Stores - New World Next Week‏ - YouTube

‪7/15/11 D-18: It takes a debt limit, DC police finally arming residents‏ - YouTube

+Executive Order #13575: Theft of rural and agricultural lands for UN Agenda 21 | Dprogram.net

Why Have I Spoken Against Certain Bohemian Grove Protestors This Year? – Brian Romanoff | Dprogram.net

‪Gerald Celente - Mike Broomhead on KFYI - 14 July 2011‏ - YouTube

AUDIO:CounterSpin – James Galbraith on debt ceiling, John Nichols on Murdoch scandals | Dprogram.net

‪7/14/11 D-19: Enough is enough, Murdoch VS Rockefeller, Charlie Veitch: 9/11 Truther Flipped?‏ - YouTube

9/11: Starting Over With The Truth–Part One | Dprogram.net

Scientists from around the world decry proposed human trials of GM wheat | Dprogram.net

Soderbergh’s CONTAGION Trailer Infects The Net | WhatCulture!

The Fed, the debt, Ron Paul and gold | Dprogram.net

Nato and "Rebels" Co-ordinate Attacks

NATO will be Defeated in Libya

Video: The Truth Behind the U.S./NATO War on Libya

Will the U.S. Really Leave Iraq?

War With Iran?

How the PA Sold Out Palestinian Unity

Manhunt for a Known Terrorist Ignored by MSM

The Emperor Has No Economy

Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans' Wealth Is Stolen

How Much Should One Man Be Able To Make?

Meet The Indonesian Workers Who Make Your Nikes:

Freedompalooza Festival a Stunning Success

George Soros, Feds Seize Control of America’s Flooded Farmland

Pennsylvania Town Epitomizes America’s Cultural Disintegration

Nuclear Power Plant Safety Needs to Be Addressed

Not even Rumsfeld escapes TSA’s clutches - The Federal Eye - The Washington Post

Imprelis Herbicide Suspected in Tree Deaths - NYTimes.com

U.S. border cities prove havens from Mexico's drug violence - USATODAY.com

Black men survive longer in prison than out: study | Reuters

Is Casey Anthony in danger after her release Sunday? - USATODAY.com

Hollywood begins mass brainwashing campaign to get people ready for the next bioengineered virus release

Biotech farm to milk mutant transgendered offspring of GM goats

AIDS drugs linked to premature aging, dementia, and heart disease

Junk food ads on TV strongly influence children's eating habits

Earth in Crisis

The FDA's End Game may severely limit nutritional supplements and natural products

Meditation halts age-related degeneration throughout entire brain

Breakthrough new wind farm design to increase energy production efficiency

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work

7 reasons schools should NOT mandate vaccines

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry | Old-Thinker News

Australian government launches $12 million carbon tax propaganda blitz | Old-Thinker News

Study finds environment more important to predicting autism risk than genetics | Stanford Daily

Blasts Expose Mumbai's Vulnerability to Terrorism

Cyber Threat Grows More Destructive, Lynn Says

How Disappointed are Arabs in US Policies? Answer: Very

Exit Interview: Eikenberry On Karzai, Iran, And Security

US Joins 30 Countries in Recognizing Libyan Rebels

IAEA Briefs Security Council On Syria

Libya in Pictures: What the Mainstream Media Does Not Tell You

Why Banks Aren’t Lending: The Silent Liquidity Squeeze

Imperial Decline: Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class

Financial Crimes on Wall Street and the Debt Crisis

VIDEO: The Truth Behind the US/NATO War on Libya

Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans’ Wealth Is Stolen

The Great Global Debt Depression: It's All Greek To Me

CYBERSPACE: Pentagon Declares the Internet a "War Domain"

NATO Summit: Chicago Trains 13,000 Police For Mass Arrests

"Green Light" to Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Libya?

Food Sovereignty: A Peoples' based Solution to Hunger and Poverty

What the President has on his mind, Defense Secretary has on the tip of his tongue

Senators Ask Spy Chief: Are You Tracking Us Through Our iPhones? | Danger Room | Wired.com

Do tea, coffee drinkers have lower risk of MRSA superbug? | Reuters

First Demonstration of Time Cloaking - Technology Review

‪US is weeks away from default.‏ - YouTube

‪'US picks wrong allies again, cannot accept defeat in Libya'‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Stealing the World...Country By Country

‪Police State: 2011‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Should We Bother to Vote When Revolution Is Inevitable?

Corporate Water World | Reality Sandwich

Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels - Telegraph

Laigle’s Forum » Blog Archive » EU failing on all fronts

Stop Chasing the Buck and Change Your Luck « Beyond Money

Anti-frack-attack - The Colbert Report - 2011-11-07 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Ten Years Ago Portugal Legalized All Drugs -- What Happened Next? | | AlterNet

Activist Post: Nude, bound woman found dead in Big Pharma CEO’s home; no criminal investigation yet

Campaign seeks arrest of ex-CIA legal chief who authorized drone attacks | The Raw Story

Activist Post: US official charged under spy act gets probation

Congressman Mo Brooks will 'do anything short of shooting' illegal immigrants | Mail Online

1 Million Protesters Push Syria's Assad to the Brink

Obama: 'We Aren't Greece'

Obama Will Reduce US to European Welfare State

Profound Deficiencies Plague Debt Talks

Murdoch Says Sorry Over Hacking; Brooks Quits

Wall Street Journal Publisher Hinton Resigns

Syrian Opposition Calls for Civil Disobedience

Inside Rebekah Brooks' News of the World

Chavez to Return to Cuba for Chemotherapy

Early 'Carmageddon' Traffic in LA Moving Smoothly

Christine O'Donnell Says Feds End Money Probe

Glenn Beck Warns Against ‘Vaporization of Israel’

Prevent Heart Attacks Naturally

Vitamin C Linked to Cataract Risk

How Is Obama Preparing for China's Dominance?

Our Prison System Needs Radical Changes

Rep. West: Obama ‘Needs to Admit’ His Economic Policies ‘Have Failed’ America

GOP To Push Stronger Voter I.D. Laws, Says ‘Voter Fraud Is Real’

House Republicans Call Obama’s Bluff, Endorse Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill

British Muslims Urged to Reject Democracy, Embrace Shari’a-Ruled ‘Emirates’

Muslim Woman in Hijab Becomes First Fully Covered Competitor in Weightlifting Championship

'Harry Potter' Finale Rakes in Record $43.5 Million From Midnight Opening

Rep. Cohen: Defeating Obama is GOP’s ‘Entire Agenda’ Even If They ‘Take Down’ Economy

DNC White House Event Included Big Money Obama Donors

Democrat: Photo-ID Rule Seeks to Keep Poor, Minorities, Elderly and Students From Voting

GOP: We'll Pass 'Cut, Cap, and Balance' Next Week; Obama: It's Just Political Posturing

Obama Wants Military- Not Courts - to Lift Ban

Cantor and Boehner: 'Not Going to Allow This Kind of Spending to Continue'; Bill Coming

Pelosi: Obama Has More Patience Than Biblical Job

Pelosi Says She’s ‘Almost Too Busy’ to Continue Listening to Debt Talks

Medvedev OKs Law Warning of Abortion Health Risks

NRA to UN: Don't Regulate US Arms Ownership

Rep. Gohmert: 'We Know From House Rules the President Never Lies'

Gingrich Campaign over $1M in Debt

China Worried About U.S. Economy, Third Fed Stimulus

Army Finds Mexico's Biggest Marijuana Plantation

Hacking Scandal Casts Light on Murdoch's Politics

Three U.S. Ships in Vietnam to Train With Former Foe

UN Shipping Agency Adopts New Rules on Emissions

House Passes Energy Bill $6B below Obama's Request

Experts: Casey Anthony Should Go to a Safe House

Obama, Republicans Still Wrangling Over Debt Solution

China Urges US to Cancel Dalai Lama Meeting

New Procedure Could Get More TB Patients Treated

US Attack on Yemen Police Station Kills 50

32 Killed as One Million March Across Syria

GOP Leader Cites Casey Anthony in Terror Case

Pentagon: Budget Cuts Could Force a Draft Return

The American Fantasy of Irreversible Victory

As US Wars Wind Down, Drones Gain New Prominence

Bodyguard Who Killed Karzai's Brother Was Trusted CIA Contact

Wash Post : Al-Qaeda Tool Kit Includes Training Manuals From Pakistani Spy Agency

CIA's bin Laden Scheme Imperils Health Work, Charity Says

Inside Al Qaeda's Hard Drives

West Prepares to Hand Rebels Gadhafi's Billions

Saddam Half-Brothers to Be Executed Within a Month

Foreign Spies Stole Weapons Data From US Contractor

Texas Inmate Set to Die for Hate Crimes in 9/11's Wake

Violence in Mexico's Key Industrial Hub Continues to Spike, Rival Border Cities

Venezuela's Chávez to Boost Prison Construction

Radiation News 7-16-11

Project Blue Beam In Action | Before It's News

+Yellowstone Supervolcano Getting Ready To Blow Its Cork | Before It's News

Getting Prepared for an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm | Before It's News

Shocking Illusion -Pretty Girls Turn Ugly! | Before It's News

*WEEKLY ADDRESS: A Unique Opportunity to Secure our Fiscal Future | Before It's News

North American Union Update | Before It's News

Article Page | TheStreet

Crystals detect threats to national security

Man drinks gasoline for 42 years|China|chinadaily.com.cn

FINANCING of 9/11: Video Reveals How the "Attacks", Cleanup, and Freedom Tower Construction were Financed | Before It's News

‪45 min/Insured Freedom‏ - YouTube

Police Intelligence Analyst Fired For Saying 9/11 And 7/7 Look Like Inside Jobs | End the Lie - Independent News

Chicago Muslim conference: "Islam will be made supreme in the land. Islam will be the ruling system in the land....Under the Khalifah we will be unified. One state." | Before It's News

Exposing The Left...oooops....juan Williams Gets Punked By Hannity...a Must Watch!... | Before It's News

The Shady Ways People Are Losing Their Homes--Even If They Don't Have Mortgages | Economy | AlterNet

Who Are The Women and Men Behind Online Sex Shows? | Sex & Relationships | AlterNet

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News


Rare Magnetar Discovered: Giant Eruption Reveals 'Dead' Star | Before It's News

Connection Between OKC Bombing and Operation Fast and Furious | Before It's News

Mystery Of 200ft Crop Circle Near Stonehenge | Before It's News

Is birther terrorism expert a fake? | Before It's News

‪CNN: Terror training fraud?‏ - YouTube

Will FEC decide presidential eligibility? | Before It's News

Obama October Surprise: Blaming al Qaeda | Before It's News

Obama Drops Debt Bomb: ‘The American People Are Sold’ on My Debt Proposal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‪'The American People Are Sold'‏ - YouTube

Are Officials Trying to Starve Us? City Gardener Fined for Planting Front Yard Garden: Authorities--Garden Not Suitable for Front Yard | Before It's News

+Dr. Mark Sircus: Shaking Earth :

Silver Shield: The Dangers of Legal Tender :

Former Intelligence Chief: Expect Intensified Social Conflicts, Social Hostility, Civil Unrest, Extremism :

9/11: Starting Over With The Truth–Part One :

The Falsification of Science :

Erick Erickson Walks Back His Statements That Republicans Should Ignore Warnings on Raising Debt Limit

Wisconsin recall Republican denies domestic abuse, insists he doesn't 'smoke rocks'

Bad News: Warren Out As Consumer Head. Good News: She Might Be Running For The Senate!

Keith Olbermann and Janeane Garofalo Weigh in on the 'Tea Party' and the Bachmanns

15th/Rupertgate Friday - Exit Ginger And Yonder Walk The Feebees.

The Rev. Al Sharpton Knocks Down Pat Buchanan's Talking Points on Reagan Being a Tax Cutter

Pelosi Warns Women Of Changes To Social Security And Medicare, But Says Chained CPI Isn't A Cut

Another Bomb Explodes In News Corp’s Rattled Empire: Les Hinton – Murdoch Lackey for 50+ Years – “Steps Down”

Are Dems Giving away the Store?

Giuliani defends Murdoch: 'Don't rush to judgement'

Republican Senators now regret picking a fight over 'Debt Ceiling'

Tea Party Nation Waves White Debt Ceiling Flag

Should Streaming Online Video Make You A Felon? Let Your Congressperson Know What You Think

FBI's inquiry over Rupertgate's alleged hack attacks of 9/11 victims is timely, necessary, and important

Rebekah Brooks Resigns From News International

Grover Norquist tries put all blame on Obama for the economic mess. Grade: FAIL. CNN's Morgan: 'It's complete hogwash'

Blue Dog Rep. Jim Cooper Chides Republicans For Rudeness And Partisan Attacks On Elizabeth Warren

Colbert Report: Republicans Choose None of the Above

Five Outrageous Examples of Bureaucratic Lunacy | Before It's News


*Wikileaks Mirrors



The Boho Blog(http://thebohemiangroveblog.wordpress.com/)


*Audio:Producers Strike;Lew Rockwell&Brian Wilson


Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels - Telegraph

Let Prices Flow: Water Needs Markets by Floy Lilley

Good Car Names Gone Bad by Eric Peters

Makers, Takers and the Transfer of Wealth by Bill Bonner

Be Clutch, Don’t Choke: How to Thrive in High Pressure Situations (Part II) | The Art of Manliness

This Almost Perfect Food Gobbles Up Your Body's Toxins by Joseph Mercola

No more Mr Bald Guy | Life and style | The Observer

3 Examples Of How "It's Policy" Has Become An Excuse For Absolutely Unspeakable Acts - informationliberation

94-year-old upset by TSA pat down | abc11.com

Threatening a police officer gets longer sentence than homicide - informationliberation

WLS 890AM:Mayor announces up to 625 layoffs, won’t hesitate with more

TSA told to get public comment on body scanners

Risque 26-foot tall statue of Marilyn Monroe to be unveiled in Chicago tomorrow | Mail Online

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black - The Hill's Floor Action

Obama: Public is 'sold' on tax increases in a debt-ceiling deal - TheHill.com

Owling, it's the new planking! New crouching craze springs up on the internet | Mail Online

Syracuse teen admits guilt in 7-cent robbery after jury convicts accomplice | syracuse.com

Dead Horse Lands At JFK Airport

Rahm Emanuel sends layoff notices to city workers in union showdown - Chicago Sun-Times

NH Electric Co. Offers 10K Reward Over Copper T - Flash Player Installation

Cops: Indiana Woman Hid Meth Inside Bible In Jail Smuggling Bid | The Smoking Gun

The Associated Press: Iran says it can block 'Internet in a suitcase'

Hospital poisoning: police to interview surviving patients after three die in Stockport - Telegraph

In Orlando, Intense Speculation About Where Casey Anthony Will Settle - NYTimes.com

So far, so good for new casino in Des Plaines - DailyHerald.com

The Future of Wrigley Field | North Side Talk

Tribune editorial: Let's get this gambling expansion bill vetoed. - chicagotribune.com

15,000 restaurants order healthy new kids meals

Medical News: Washington Week: Obama Backs Medicare Means-Testing - in Washington-Watch, Washington Watch from MedPage Today

Baby Boomers' Aging Future Studies Reveal All; Optimism, Drugs

Seasonal Testing Of Blood Supply Can Control West Nile Virus

The Hindu : Health : Gene linked to 70 per cent of breast cancers ‘identified’

Using a Big Fork May Help You Eat Less – TIME Healthland

Study of Alpha Male Baboons Shows It’s Stressful at the Top - NYTimes.com

For First Time, Majority in U.S. Supports Public Smoking Ban

HHS Unveils State Health Care Exchange Framework

FDA warns mesh used in surgery poses risk - Boston.com

Campaign Says - ‘Got PMS? Get Milk’ - NYTimes.com

Scientists ask for escort in Indian Ocean due to pirates - Asia, World - The Independent

CTV Ottawa- Yale scientists discover the last living dinosaur - CTV News

Protective blackbird diving, attacking pedestri - Flash Player Installation

100,000 bee observers start counting today - MontereyHerald.com :

AFP: Forests soak up third of fossil fuel emissions: study

Chessie the manatee pops up in Calvert - The Washington Post

Radio-controlled penguins: South Africa fits trackers to monitor baby birds - Telegraph

BBC News - Whaling: Chaos or compromise?

Threatened snow leopards found in Afghanistan - USATODAY.com

Rupert Murdoch phone-hacking scandal: US connections grow - CSMonitor.com

U.S. Downgrade Would Ripple Into Every Home - FoxBusiness.com

Government wants airlines to report more fee data - BusinessWeek

Google lifts US stocks in otherwise rough week

Nuclear reactor in Japan halted - MarketWatch

Italian President Welcomes Austerity Plan, Urges Faster Growth - Bloomberg

Stunning Maps Visualizing Twitter, Flickr Usage (PHOTOS)

BBC News - Internet's memory effects quantified in computer study

Explicit Groups vs Implicit Groups

A beginner's guide to telecom jargon | Wireless - CNET News

Twitter tries to come to terms with Microsoft's Bing | Digital Media - CNET News

Mozilla's BrowserID aims to simplify authentication on the Web

[H]ard|OCP - Microsoft Leak Their Secret Social Network: "Tulalip"

Obama appeals to middle class on debt talks; GOP touts balanced budget - CNN.com

DNC revs up jobs attack on Mitt Romney - Alexander Burns - POLITICO.com

Jail Prepares For Casey Anthony's Release - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Will Obama Blink Like Mark Dayton in Minnesota?, Christian News

Tanya Greene: Rais Bhuiyan: Another Irrelevant Victim?

GOP voters as divided as candidates on debt debate | Deseret News

Kerry chastises GOP over deficit crisis - The Boston Globe

Michele Bachmann indebted to debt stalemate - Molly Ball - POLITICO.com

New state law requires LGBT history in textbooks

'Harry Potter' Opens With Record $92.1 Million in Receipts

Paul McCartney Yankee Stadium Concert Review - NYTimes.com

Man charged with taking Picasso pleads not guilty - BusinessWeek

If Netflix Falls, What Could Replace It? « Spinoff Online – TV, Film and Entertainment News Daily

Icahn Bid Puts Clorox in Play - WSJ.com

Google+ Female Users Increasing, Still Lagging Other Networks | PCWorld

The Warner Robins Patriot - 24 000 data files stolen from defense contractor in massive cyber attack

Mila Kunis Blasts Billy Bush for Marine Ball Report - FoxNews.com

Nasa probe enters into orbit around asteroid Vesta after four year journey - Telegraph

Sunken 1906 shipwreck found in Lake Ontario | TG Daily

BBC News - Binge drinking 'can damage memory skills' in teen girls

Dark-energy fingerprints found in ancient radiation - physics-math - 15 July 2011 - New Scientist

Lizard Man Reportedly Mauls And Bites Through South Carolina Couple's Car

Virgin Mary Aids In Miraculous Conceptions, Priest Says - Albuquerque News Story - KOAT Albuquerque

Father and Son Both Die in Lightning Strikes, 48 Years Apart - ABC News

123 year-old talking doll record speaks again - CBS News

BBC News - Dawn probe has date with asteroid


Inside SpaceX: A Hint of Life After the Space Shuttle | Wired Science | Wired.com

Space-Time Cloak Possible, Could Make Events Disappear?

Comet's Death By Sun Photographed for First Time | Comets & the Sun, Sun-Grazing Comets | Sun Photos & Solar System | Space.com

U.S. military drones that are so small they even look like insects | Mail Online

A Lost World? Atlantis-Like Landscape Discovered Icelandic Mantle Plume & North Atlantic Ocea | LiveScience

Fish Photographed Using Tools to Eat | Wired Science | Wired.com

Cryptomundo » An Editorial: What Impact Will Finding Bigfoot Have?

Oil spill cleanup turns up trove of Indian relics

Conn. tries new cleanups at dirty industrial sites

Obama urges compromise, 'shared sacrifice' on debt

On last day in jail, Anthony's future uncertain

India police have 'good leads' on Mumbai blasts

UAE's mission impossible: Cooling the desert

'Erekat: Abbas to personally ask UN for state recognition'

Northern Ireland violence drives out immigrant families

'John Demjanjuk could face more death camp charges'

Netanya: 'Building where blast occurred likely to collapse'

Top CIA officer: Israel will probably attack Iran in Sept.

'Syria increasing arms shipments to Hezbollah'

Obama rings astronauts aboard the Int'l Space Station

‘It’s an Honor’: Justin Timberlake Says ‘Yes’ to Female Marine’s Invite

New ‘Captain America’ Poster Is All About Marketing the Flag-Waving

Fox Nation: ‘Palin Film Selling Out in Theaters’

‘The Undefeated’: The Atlantic’s Phony ‘Empty Theatre’ Meme Falls Further Apart

‘Winnie the Pooh’ Review: Charming and Delightful

So Much to Love About Mila Kunis

Idan Raichel and India Arie: Israeli Spirit, American Soul

Empty Theatre!!!: MSM Currently Brewing Up Phony ‘Undefeated’ Narrative

Bristol Palin Meets Jay Leno (and Don Rickles!)

Your Morning Call Sheet: A Sarah Palin, Joel Surnow, Dana Andrews Triple-Threat

‘The Undefeated’ Review: A Profoundly Important Game-changer (Especially For Me)

PJTV - Whoopi Do! A Heartless Promotion of Single Parenthood on The View - AlfonZo Rachel

Obama's 2012 Bundlers: Clinton H'w'd Fundraisers Join the Team - Wilshire & Washington on Variety.com

What Sheila Jackson Lee and Eric Cartman Have in Common

Mr. President, Here’s that Balanced Approach You Keep Demanding

Minnesota Possibly Reaching the End of Longest Shutdown in Recent U.S. History

Unnecessary Government Intervention

Seven Myths About the Looming Debt-Ceiling ‘Disaster’

Stephen Marche Publishes Hilarious Parody On Obama Cult Worship In Esquire Magazine

Romney banks 3-to-1 cash edge over closest rival

Bachmann, family leave Minn. church congregation

Grassroots Media Must Continue to Engage Washington

Jake Tapper Corners Jay Carney on Debt Ceiling

Carney to Press: No Questions, Stills Only Today

UMSLgate:The Academic Fiefdom Is All Wet

Salon Can’t Get Facts Straight In Gladney Smear Piece

Stengel-gate Update: The National Constitution Center Ducks the Issue

Sound Bite For the Day: “Would You Let Casey Anthony Babysit Your Kids?”

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Weinergate Edition

Looks like the White House went after Fox News in 2009 after all | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Audio:Catherine Herridge: America’s Terrorists

Mere 73% of Palestinians Want Jews Annihilated

Iran’s Economic Spiral: Country To Cut ‘4 Zeros’ Off Of National Currency

Freeing Al Qaeda? DOJ Moves to Cut Prison Term for Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist

Student Islamic Movement Of India Inside The USA?

Petraeus: COIN Has ‘Borne Fruit’ In A-stan

Michael Totten And the Muslim Brotherhood

Japanese Heavy Equipment Company Leaves Iran Over ‘Crane Hangings’


16-Jul-11 World View

15-Jul-11 World View


+Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Debt ceilings and default:Rep. McClintock explains what really happens if deal not reached by August 2

The fine print: North Dakota may not be a state | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Gabino Aguirre’s Secret Political Past | CalWatchDog

Illegal immigrant working inside nuke plant arrested | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona

Planned Monument for Mecca Goers Leaves Eilat Residents Shocked - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

6 Mind-Blowing Discoveries Made Using Google Earth | Cracked.com

U.S. citizenship losing its meaning

The media-manufactured Bachmann scandal

Soros-funded lobby helping Palestinian statehood bid

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Google spying on you for NSA? Judge: 'None of your business'

U.S. citizenship losing its meaning

Revolution, French-style

Clean a toilet, save America

Why do blacks still let Obama off the hook?

Government termites

Letter to Generation Y

Why global warmists hate climate skeptics

The church that changed the world

Senate vote would cement 'gay' marriage in New York

World Net Daily Defends Against Islamist Enemies Within America

Bill Boyarsky: ‘Entitlement’ Is a Republican Word - Bill Boyarsky's Columns - Truthdig

The 3 scariest things about Obama

NUGENT: You have the right to remain stupid - Washington Times

Flavor company that uses embryo cells hides partner company names | LifeSiteNews.com

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Political power of evangelicals;Brittany Brady reports on impact of faith-based voting in 2012 elections

New Scientist TV: Friday Illusion: Turning pretty girls into gargoyles

Resistance training: A fountain of youth?

'World's oldest' wreck found in Swedish Baltic - The Local

Caligula statue discovered by 'tomb raiders' unveiled in Rome - Telegraph

Google has made us stupid: How search engine has rewired our memory to leave us forgetful | Mail Online

53-year-old love letter finally on way to intended recipient | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Lions and LEGOs and concubines, oh my!

Communion wafer turns "blood red" in South St. Paul - miracle, or bacterial? - TwinCities.com

Military expedition com... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Gates Foundation Initiative To Revolutionize The Toilet For Clean Drinking Water

New Scientist TV: Time-lapse Tuesday: Watch a dust storm sweep Phoenix

This Year's Hottest Super-Convertibles - FoxNews.com

Car lover's dream leads to surprising historical find

Escape from your husband and duck your duties as a mother: Feminists face furious backlash over flippant comments | Mail Online

Rathke calls ACORN critic 'creep'

ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious' - FoxNews.com

Light bulbs: House Republicans move to thwart lighting efficiency rules - latimes.com

Cain calls out Obama on debt ceiling 'scare tactics'

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black - The Hill's Floor Action

Rep. Cohen: Defeating Obama is GOP’s ‘Entire Agenda’ Even If They ‘Take Down’ Economy | CNSnews.com

Number of healthcare waivers nears 1,500 - The Hill's Healthwatch

Book claims Obama misstated mother’s struggle with health care coverage | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Iran developing centrifuge to sp... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Japanese firm cuts ties with Iran over crane executions - Israel News, Ynetnews

Free Plastic Surgery With Abortion? Gimmick Used in Miami | LifeNews.com

Cain: Tenn. mosque 'isn't innocent' (OneNewsNow.com)

White House attempt to control news reporting confirmed

Federal funds build sidewalks to nowhere

Latest economic casualty: Basic defense for the West


The Pickens plan and crony capitalism

China and Russia Angry at USA

Time to Reboot America

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

Debut of Made-in-China Social Security Checks

Even As They Devour Your Tax Dollars, the Deadbeat Thugs of ACORN Housing Owe $163,000 in Back Taxes

The Lebanese Presidency: Marginalization and Dhimmitude

Airport Security: Lawmakers concerned over security breaches

Time to Name a Hurricane After Obama?

The World’s Most Extreme Workers’ Compensation Fraud Cases

House GOP hits EPA on collusion with enviros, tox assessments

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Citizen’s Arrest of Congress

Inhofe Scores Another Victory on EPA’s Lead Based Paint Rule

The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See

OK Delegation Demands Obama Administration Stop Regulatory Regime that will Shut Down States Coal In

Obama fights against school choice for black children

How Do You Know When Government Has Gotten Too Big?

The truth about Democrat Racism

Freeing Al Qaeda?

The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote

Supporting black Republican candidates

America’s ‘Other’ Rising Deficit – Which we also can’t afford

Persuading Politicians to Do Your Price Fixing

Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset


Obama’s ineligibility: It is time to create a genuine opposition

PRUDEN: Obama's tantrum in a high chair - Washington Times

NUGENT: You have the right to remain stupid - Washington Times

Details of Somali Terrorist Recruitment in Minneapolis Revealed in New Court Documents - FoxNews.com

Leiby Kletzky died fighting for life against kidnapper Levi Aron: NYPD commissioner - NYPOST.com

My Way News - Orthodox communities rely on patrols for safety

Bail hiked for LI pediatrician facing sex charges - NYPOST.com

Overhead Bin - Man tries to board plane at Baltimore airport with 13 knives

$140,000 horse arrives dead at JFK - NYPOST.com

Monster Billionaire Mansions - Morgan Brennan - Closing Table - Forbes

Detective: Victim In DIA Assault Was On Her Way To Become A Nun « CBS Denver

Debbie Schlussel:UBER-SCHMUCK: Boston Mayor Says Illegal Alien Car Theft No Big Deal

Debbie Schlussel:DISGUSTING: Great American Donald Rumsfeld Gets Full TSA Terrorist Treatment

Debbie Schlussel:Honor Killing or Just Muslim Savagery?: MI Man Charged w/ Murder, Burning Woman’sTorso

Debbie Schlussel:Feel Safe? 25,000 Airport Security Breaches Since 9/11

Debbie Schlussel:DumbAssity Lawsuit of the Day: Single Mom Cougar Romance Gone Wrong

New Jersey Restaurant Owner Ordered to Remove American Flag Banners | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama: Can‘t Solve Deficit Without Asking Wealthiest Americans to ’Pay Their Fair Share’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

It’s (Definitely) On: Mila Kunis Accepts Marine’s Invitation, Slams TV Host for Saying She Wouldn’t Go | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hoosiers Show How It’s Done: Indiana Posts a Surplus And Dems Are Unhappy | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bill Maher Segment Features Violent & Obscene ‘Hate Sex’ Fantasies About Bachmann & Santorum | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Troops to March in San Diego Gay Pride Parade | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Oops: Sears Website Lists iPad 2 for $69 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bin Laden Documents Show Plan to Target Obama | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Controversial New Documentary Asks: Is America Ready For a Mormon President? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Just as Clinton Arrives…Turkey Stops al-Qaeda Plot to Attack U.S. Embassy | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Vatican Excommunicates Chinese Bishop Ordained Without Papal Approval | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Iraq War Veteran Holds Burglary Suspect at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Georgia Cops Shut Down Girls’ Lemonade Stand for Lack of Business License | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

History Revisited: Nazi ‘Gustav’ Was Largest Gun of All Time | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Democrats Claim GOP Conspiracy: Showing Photo ID at Polls Keeps Poor, Minorities From Voting | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Female Muslim Weightlifter Makes History — Competes in a Full-Body Covering! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sausage Factory Worker Killed in Horrifying Meat Grinder Accident | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

All Fall Down: Dow Jones CEO and WSJ Publisher Resigns Amid News Corp. Scandal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Woman Attacks Judge During Hearing on…Domestic Violence! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Survey Reveals Palestinians Could Be Worse Than Inhabitants of Nazi Germany | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Police Work to Determine Whether Bizarre Death at Historic Cali Mansion Was Suicide or…Murder | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

China Calls on US to Retract Dalai Lama Invite | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sheila Jackson Lee: GOP Complicating Debt Debate Because Obama is Black | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pro-Life Momentum? States Implement Record Number of Abortion Restrictions | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Mission Accomplished’: Vietnam Veteran’s Remains Make it Home Nearly Half-Century Later | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Girlfriend of Man Who Fell Into Maui Blow Hole Says Warning Signs Should Have Been Posted | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Introducing the World‘s First ’Green Bikini’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Drops Debt Bomb: ‘The American People Are Sold’ on My Debt Proposal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

This is the Video of the Man Crashing His Jetpack on Live TV | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Syria: 32 Dead, Anti-Assad Protesters Stage Largest March Yet | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

7 Dead, 59 Escape in Mexico Prison Fight Near U.S. | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Following Facebook Plea, Man Receives Much-Needed Kidney From Stranger | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Syria: 32 Dead, Anti-Assad Protesters Stage Largest March Yet | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

ABC’s Jake Tapper Stumps Press Sec. Jay Carney on Debt Ceiling | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Another ‘Rev. Wright Moment’? Bachmann Officially Leaves Her Church | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gov. Rick Perry Continues With Prayer Event Plans, Says He Wants ‘God’s Will to Be Done’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘You Are Entering a Shariah Controlled Zone’: UK Group to Wage Islamic Law Campaign | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Alleges False Editing in Clinic Controversy: ‘Not the Way I Would Talk’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rare Syndrome Causes British Teen to Sleep for Days at a Time | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: California Governor Signs Bill that Mandates Gay History Lessons in Public Schools | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘In God We Trust’ Will Be Allowed on New Georgia License Plates — for $1 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judge Napolitano’s Open Letter to John Boehner: A Common Sense Guide to What Needs to Be Done | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Armless, Legless Girl Allegedly Offered Compromise on Cheerleading but Parents Refused | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Herman Cain Opposes Tennessee Islamic Center, Says it‘s Not ’An Innocent Mosque’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Shelia Jackson-Lee Uses Race Card to Cover for Obama’s Lack of Leadership

What Sheila Jackson Lee and Eric Cartman Have in Common

Mr. President, Here’s that Balanced Approach You Keep Demanding

cartoon:UI: Willful Ignorance

Grassroots Media Must Continue to Engage Washington

CNN’s Hit Piece On Walid Shoebat


**NEWS VIDEOS:New Low: HBO ‘Real Time’ Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum

Dan Savage: ‘I Wish [Republicans] Were All F–king Dead’

Carmageddon: Day 1

15TH/Dem Plays Race Card in Debt Ceiling Debate

ABC News’ Stephanopoulos Salutes Obama: ‘He’s Done Remarkably Well’

Keith Olbermann: The Lost Months

Carmageddon: LA’s Busiest Freeway Will Close this Weekend

Woman Attacks Judge During Hearing

Obama: 80% of Americans Want Higher Taxes

Boehner: Obama Has Not Led on Debt

‘We Are Running Out of Time’

NewsBusted – Biden, Twitter and Toothless Hillbillies

‘That’s a Bunch of Garbage’

14TH/Crowder Challenges Stewart: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

MSNBC’s Matthews Lashes Out at Conservative Bloggers

ABC’s Tapper Brilliantly Paints White House Spokesman Into Corner

White House Spokesman Gets Snippy With Reporter

Tea Party Freshman Stands-Up to ‘Racer’ Bashir

Palin: ‘I Don’t Trust This President’

Gingrich Slams McConnell’s Plan

Christie: Destiny Should Not Be Determined by Zip Code

Newsweek Reporter Fires Back at O’Donnell Over Palin Article

Buzz Break: Chrysler Workers Toking, Drinking in UAW Parking Lot

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Weinergate Edition

Rubio: ‘Incompetent’ Obama ‘Not Up To the Job’

RNC Slams Obama in New Ad

Creepy Videos Taken by Jaycee Dugard Kidnappers Released

13TH/Two-Headed Snake Fights With Self Over Food

Terror Attack Kills 17 in Mumbai

Paul Ryan Schools Sebelius on Medicare Reform

NYPD Arrests Man in 8-year-old’s Death

Brawl Erupts at Murder Trial

12TH/2 Americans Abducted in Southern Philippines

Stun Gun Found in Boston-to-NJ Jet After Arrival

Inmates Escape Jail

Bill Maher Hopes Palin and Bachmann ‘Split the MILF Vote’

11TH/Female MPs Brawl in Afghan Parliament

Whoopi Goes Nuts on Bachmann: ‘Damn It, I Am Sick of This Crap!’

Sen McCarthy

Sen Joseph McCarthy - American Patriot - Vid


YouTube - The Investigation of William Mandel by Sen. Joseph McCarthy

YouTube - Sen. Joseph McCarthy on "See it Now" - Part 2

YouTube - Sen. Joseph McCarthy on "See it Now" - Part 3

YouTube - Sen. Joseph McCarthy on "See it Now" - Part 1

YouTube - Joseph McCarthy on Democrats


American's Journey: JFK + Executive Order 11110 = Head Shot?

The Rise of Techno-Gods: The Merging of Transhumanism and Spirituality


+Read the Updated Beck TV Background Guide to George Soros | The Blaze

Hot for Teacher?

*The big list: Female teachers with students


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

**Markets Video**

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gold Hits New Record, Will It Last?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Blame "Generation X" for Unemployment Problems?

Real Clear Markets - Video - In Deficit Dilemma, Pain Looms for Middle Class

Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogers: SIlver Is Going Much Higher

Real Clear Markets - Video - Forget Earnings. Show Me the Jobs!

**World Video**

Real Clear World - Video - July 15, 2011 Archives

Real Clear World - Video - The European Union Response to the Arab Spring

Real Clear World - Video - Indian PM Vows Relentless Pursuit of Mumbai Attackers

Real Clear World - Video - White House to Try Terror Suspect in U.S. Court

Real Clear World - Video - Gauging China's Economic Future

Real Clear World - Video - Eurozone Debt in Focus as Banks Face Health Checks

Real Clear World - Video - Difficult to Trade the Euro-Dollar

Real Clear World - Video - Russia's Eurasian Economic Union

Real Clear World - Video - Brooks' Resignation 'The Right Decision'

Real Clear World - Video - Chavez Discusses Battle With Cancer

Real Clear World - Video - Karzai Memorial Service Attack

Real Clear World - Video - Thousands Rally To Support Saleh

Real Clear World - Video - Raw Video: Volcano Erupts In Central Indonesia

Real Clear World - Video - Search for Suspects in India Triple Bombing

Real Clear World - Video - Promoting Shared Prosperity and Global Security


**15th/ Transcripts:Obama's Press Conference on the Debt Debate

14th/Interview with Speaker of the House John Boehner

Interview with Senator Marco Rubio

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with Representative Paul Ryan

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Senator Mike Lee

Reporters Discus the Debt Ceiling Debate

Panel on the White House and Fox News

13th/Bernanke's Semiannual Monetary Report to Congress

Press Conference with Medal of Honor Recipient SFC Petry

Interview with Senator Robert Menendez

Interview with Senator Pat Toomey

Panel on Obama's 2012 Fundraising

Analyst Discusses Obama's 2012 Fundraising

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Senator Sherrod Brown

Guests: Representatives Steve King & Jim McDermott

Interview with Representative Ben Quayle

13th/Presenting the Medal of Honor to SFC Leroy Arthur Petry

Interview with House Speaker John Boehner

Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Analyst Discusses Debt Ceiling Battle

Interview with Representative Raul Grijalva

11th/Obama's Press Conference on the Debt Ceiling

Panel on Obama's Press Conference

Sen. Durbin and Rep. Roskam on the Debt Ceiling

Interview with Representative Tim Scott

NBC News Interview with Secretary Panetta

Interview with Senator Dick Durbin

Rep. Burgess on the Light Bulb Debate

Guests: Representatives Culberson and Edwards

10th/Guests: Secretary Geithner and Tim Pawlenty

Guests: Sens. McConnell & DeMint and Rep. Becerra

Guests: McCarthy, Van Hollen and Santorum

Guests: Secretary Geithner, Sens. Sessions & Nelson

Interview with White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley


Obama Holds News Conference on Debt Limit Increase - NYTimes.com

Obama's Debt-Ceiling Press Conference - Clive Crook - Politics - The Atlantic

Robert Reich: The Rise of the Wrecking-Ball Right

Obama isn’t going to be the dealmaker - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Just How Hard Would It Be For A Republican President To Govern? | The New Republic

Why Minnesota matters | Power Line

Egyptian elections: Could the ultraconservative Salafis be the biggest beneficiary of the February revolution? - By Sarah A. Topol - Slate Magazine

America's coming oil boom--Arthur Herman - NYPOST.com

Getting to Crazy - NYTimes.com

What Deal Should Obama Take? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - High Expectations Pose New Challenge for Bachmann

Barack Obama’s future looks precarious as America faces its most important presidential election since 1980 – Telegraph Blogs

Taking a Look at the Governor, Back When He Was a Democrat - NYTimes.com

A Lost Opportunity - Ronald Brownstein - NationalJournal.com

RealClearPolitics - Who's Irresponsible?

Althouse: Obama lied about a central fact about his own life which he used — powerfully — to push health care reform.

Italy and the euro: On the edge | The Economist

On budget deficit, Obama cries wolf - BostonHerald.com

No way to cut to prosperity - St. Petersburg Times

Government debt, investment risk, Tom Petruno: U.S. AAA credit rating in jeopardy as risks get reality check - latimes.com

Obama’s communications gap - The Washington Post

Mark Steyn: No bargaining with Barack Obluffer | government, debt, year - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Obama Suggests Deficit Deal Would Bolster Liberalism Politically. Public Opinion Experts Are Skeptical. | The New Republic

PRUDEN: Obama's tantrum in a high chair - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Make My Day

Rudy Giuliani eyes New Hampshire path - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

Obama bailout chief changes story: Maybe I did say, 'I did this all for the unions' | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Caution: Storm Approaching

A Wilsonian move by the White House in Libya | FP Passport

Rupert Murdoch's bloody Friday as Rebekah Brooks and Les Hinton quit | Media | The Guardian

How John Kerry Tries to Put Out Diplomatic Fires - NYTimes.com

Obama Legacy: Too Much Debt, Too Little Growth? | The Weekly Standard

Robert Fisk: Now the Arab Spring becomes an Arab Summer - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Asia Times Online :: Taliban explain why Ahmad Wali had to die

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Ahmed Wali Karzai Killing Leaves Afghan Power Vacuum

Libya after Gaddafi

Commentary: Failure in AfPak: How the U.S. Got It Wrong | The National Interest

Somalia's Drought, America's Dilemma - Daveed Gartenstein-Ross & Tara Vassefi - International - The Atlantic

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : In Karachi, jihadists plot war against Mumbai

Pakistan will be suspect until evil in its midst is rooted out - Telegraph

Al Qaeda's moves in Saudi Arabia?--Amir Taheri - NYPOST.com

The Non-Return of American Isolationism - Michael Cohen - International - The Atlantic

Let truth spring forth - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

gulfnews : Fate of Baath party hangs in the balance

BOLTON: North Korea edges toward next nuke test - Washington Times

The Rise of Moderate Islam - TIME

Angela Merkel: What Explains Her Unexpected Position On Libya? | The New Republic

Inept rule makes India a soft target | The Australian

Commentary: Assad Takes Hezbollah Down with Him | The National Interest

Panetta’s challenge: China’s and Iran’s weapons programs - The Washington Post

FPI Fact Sheet: Five Steps to Hasten Assad's Exit | Foreign Policy Initiative

Understanding US-Czech Relations on Missile Defense

U.S. Status as World's Superpower Challenged by Rise of China - Pew Research Center

Arab Attitutes: 2011 | The Arab American Institute

Phone hacking: A scandal that has diminished Britain - Telegraph

Rupert Murdoch scandal: FBI investigation of possible U.S. link to Murdoch scandal - latimes.com

Nationalism Rules - By Stephen M. Walt | Foreign Policy

Europe regains the stage - The Washington Post

RealClearWorld - Leadership-Starved EU Heads for Oblivion

Column One: Caution: Storm approa... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

gulfnews : Collusion tests people’s resolve

The morning after will be the measure of Libya’s freedom - The Globe and Mail

Asia Times Online :: Undemocratic China can't rule the world

9/11 Anniversary: Bin Laden & Al Qaeda’s Obsession with New Attack - The Daily Beast

Colombia's Guerrillas: The Rebellion That Would Not Die - TIME

Trapped in an unhappy geopolitical marriage - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Credo | Crisis Magazine

Clinton seeks to smooth Islamic defamation row | Reuters

GODSTUFF: Bachmann is a Christian feminist? Yes, and I’m Galadriel, Queen of the Elves. « The Dude Abides

The Bible and the Good Life » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

God's foreknowledge: This life shows who we are | Deseret News

The American Spectator : Needless Things

RealClearReligion - The Necessity of Social Conservatism

Jesus and Harry Potter | Philosophical Fragments

Geek Theologian | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

The Politics of the Family and the Lies Our Culture Tells | First Things

Casey Anthony Won't Talk to Pro-Life Group During Jail Time, Christian News

Michele Bachmann officially leaves her church – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Is Bachmann the media’s anti-Christ? » GetReligion

Pastor Hosting Bachmann Claims No Endorsement, Just Invite to "True Follower of Christ" | Religion Dispatches

The End of Church Planting? | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

How will Catholics approach immigration reform? - Catholic America - The Washington Post

Michele Bachmann | Catholicism | Catholics shouldn't fear Michele Bachmann | The Daily Caller

What Really *Is* the Institution of Marriage? | Philosophical Fragments

Teens to confess their sins to Pope Benedict XVI - Faith & Reason

Rick Perry Wants To Leave Government ‘In God’s Hands,’ Says ‘God, You’re Gonna Have To Fix This’ | ThinkProgress

Faith in the GOP: Pawlenty’s video pitch, Bachmann’s ‘Antichrist’ buzz, Islam and the election - Under God - The Washington Post

RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

A Cloak In Time - Science News

New Spin Revealed on Mysterious Antimatter | Galactic Spin, Space-time Warping & Matter Antimatter Asymmetry | Space.com

A High-Bandwidth Interplanetary Connection - ScienceNOW

Respiratory virus jumps from monkeys to humans : Nature News

Does co-sleeping mean the end of sex? - The Globe and Mail

Facebook Might Be to Blame for Your Divorce: Sheril Kirshenbaum - Bloomberg

The Beer Archaeologist | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Why Bill Gates Wants to Reinvent the Toilet - TIME

The man who proved that everyone is good at maths - Africa, World - The Independent

Manga And Relativity - Otaku Only Or Science For Everyone?

Humans 'predisposed' to believe in gods and the afterlife

Your Brain on Androids

Rice University | News & Media

NASA - New Ways to Measure Magnetism Around the Sun

Medical marijuana: A science-free zone at the White House [Blowback] - latimes.com

Pentagon Makes Love, Not Cyber War, in New Strategy | Danger Room | Wired.com

Are these ruins of biblical City of David? - CNN.com

3-D Prints Of Vocal Chords Let Extinct Mammoths Roar Again | Co. Design

Guardian Bees Protect Kenyan Crops from Roaming Elephants | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Zoologger: No brain, but at least it's got personality - life - 13 July 2011 - New Scientist

What our future looks like to an outsider : Starts With A Bang

Ethiopia Moves Forward with Massive Nile Dam Project

Daniella Martin Wants You To Eat Bugs

Scott's Pizza Chronicles: A Brief History of the Pizza Box | Slice Pizza Blog

Diamond disappears in sunlight : Nature News

A quantum bomb detector used to detect rubidium

Search engines affect our memories | COSMOS magazine

'Big Bang Theory' actress Mayim Bialik a real-life scientist - CNN.com

Investigating the asteroids: Dawn's early light | The Economist

Here be monsters | Carole Jahme | Notes & Theories science blog | Science | guardian.co.uk


**The Week in Pictures: July 10 - 16 **


Green Bootleggers and Baptists - Bjørn Lomborg - Project Syndicate

The Intelligent Investor: Where to Invest When You Don't Trust Treasurys - WSJ.com

Terence Corcoran: A fixable crisis | FP Comment | Financial Post

How to cut the deficit — and what happens if we don’t - The Washington Post

Sorry Krugman, the GOP position on the debt ceiling is the mainstream position | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can Europe Become The New Land Of Milk And Honey? - Reuven Brenner - Leapfrogging - Forbes

Why Hasn’t The Earth Warmed In Nearly 15 Years? - Patrick Michaels - Climate of Fear - Forbes

Industry clusters: The modern-day snake oil - The Washington Post

US results season will affect the world - Telegraph

Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - Bernanke Employs a Modified 'Pump and Dump'

Getting to Crazy - NYTimes.com

Yes, You Really Can Cut Your Way to Prosperity — The American Magazine

If U.S. defaults on debt: How to protect your investments - USATODAY.com

Beginning of the end of the entire crisis? Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

The Worst China Mistake You Can Make

Robert Reich: Can Obama Pull a 'Clinton' on the GOP? - WSJ.com

Obama and the Establishment Have Tried Everything But Reaganomics - Peter Ferrara - On The Cutting Edge - Forbes

Why Exxon, J&J And The Big Banks Care About The Debt Ceiling - Steve Schaefer - Exile On Wall Street - Forbes

The last time the US defaulted (and blamed the printer) - Telegraph

Why I’m lightening up on stocks for good Howard Gold's No-Nonsense Investing - MarketWatch

Preparing for the (Possible) China Crash - BusinessWeek

- A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment

- The Great Green Tech Transformation

Oil Industry Claims We Need Unsafe Drilling To Create Jobs | ThinkProgress

Tomgram: Bill McKibben, The Great American Carbon Bomb | TomDispatch

Energy Industries, Old And New, Seek Workers as Labor Shortage Looms | SolveClimate News

Quick! Booze Up the Car! « The Enterprise Blog

Nake M. Kamrany: Energy Independence for the United States -- How?

EPA’s Power Sapper - Kathleen Hartnett White - National Review Online

Hypocritical Obama Heads to the Brink « Commentary Magazine

Obama’s toughest sales job: tax increases to GOP - The Fix - The Washington Post

Two Pictures that Perfectly Capture the Rise and Fall of the Welfare State | Cato @ Liberty

A Job-Creating No-Brainer - By Douglas Holtz-Eakin - The Corner - National Review Online

Let There Be Light Bulbs - WSJ.com

Incandescent “ban” repeal passes in House — by voice vote « Hot Air

Today’s GOP Waste of Energy – Voting to Roll Back Bill Which Would Save American Consumers $12.5 Billion | The Gavel


**Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address: Corporations And The Wealthy Need To Sacrifice

Sen. Hatch Gives GOP Weekly: Pass Balanced Budget Amendment

Krauthammer To GOP: Call Obama Out For Being "Sanctimonious"

Susan Page: Obama Winning The Debt Fight


‪*40 min/President Obama's News Conference on Deficit Reduction‏ - YouTube


‪Press TV - Obama and the Debt Ceiling with E. Michael Jones - 7/15/11‏ - YouTube


Obama holds news conference on debt talks :: WRAL.com


15th/Obama: "I Always Have Hope, Don't You Remember My Campaign?"

Maher: Isn't The Tea Party What The Founding Fathers Feared Most?

Bill Maher: Republicans Are Like Arafat In Debt Talks

Obama: 80% Of American People Want Higher Taxes As Part Of Deal

Dem Congresswoman Brings Obama's Race Into Debt Ceiling Fight

GOP Senators Object: No Spending Bill Without Budget

Krauthammer: FOX News Gets Under The White House's Skin

Obama: I "Don't Watch What Is Said About Me On Cable"

Limbaugh: Obama Is "Panicking"

Obama: "I Will Win" The Debate In 2012

Obama: "We Don't Need To Do Anything Radical To Solve This Problem"

Rove: Obama "Passed The Buck To Congress" ... "Doesn't Get It"

Obama: GOP Plan "Doesn't Seem Like A Serious Plan To Me"

Obama: "I'm Going To Get My AARP Card Soon ... And The Discounts"

Obama Warns Of Economic "Armageddon"

Obama: "Congress Has Run Up The Credit Card"

Obama: "We Don't Need A Balanced Budget Amendment"

Boehner: We Have Put Forth A Plan, Obama Has Not

Krauthammer: GOP Should Call Obama's Bluff

Schultz: "Obama Has Put The Country Before His Own Political Future"

O'Reilly: "If A Debt Deal Is Not Reached, Americans Will Suffer"

Rep. Frank: Republicans "Divorced From Reality" On Debt

Obama Forgets His Own Birthday


+Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Debt ceilings and default:Rep. McClintock explains what really happens if deal not reached by August 2

The fine print: North Dakota may not be a state | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Gabino Aguirre’s Secret Political Past | CalWatchDog

Illegal immigrant working inside nuke plant arrested | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona

Planned Monument for Mecca Goers Leaves Eilat Residents Shocked - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

6 Mind-Blowing Discoveries Made Using Google Earth | Cracked.com

U.S. citizenship losing its meaning

The media-manufactured Bachmann scandal

Soros-funded lobby helping Palestinian statehood bid

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Google spying on you for NSA? Judge: 'None of your business'

U.S. citizenship losing its meaning

Revolution, French-style

Clean a toilet, save America

Why do blacks still let Obama off the hook?

Government termites

Letter to Generation Y

Why global warmists hate climate skeptics

The church that changed the world

Senate vote would cement 'gay' marriage in New York

World Net Daily Defends Against Islamist Enemies Within America

Bill Boyarsky: ‘Entitlement’ Is a Republican Word - Bill Boyarsky's Columns - Truthdig

The 3 scariest things about Obama

NUGENT: You have the right to remain stupid - Washington Times

Flavor company that uses embryo cells hides partner company names | LifeSiteNews.com

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Political power of evangelicals;Brittany Brady reports on impact of faith-based voting in 2012 elections

New Scientist TV: Friday Illusion: Turning pretty girls into gargoyles

Resistance training: A fountain of youth?

'World's oldest' wreck found in Swedish Baltic - The Local

Caligula statue discovered by 'tomb raiders' unveiled in Rome - Telegraph

Google has made us stupid: How search engine has rewired our memory to leave us forgetful | Mail Online

53-year-old love letter finally on way to intended recipient | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Lions and LEGOs and concubines, oh my!

Communion wafer turns "blood red" in South St. Paul - miracle, or bacterial? - TwinCities.com

Military expedition com... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Gates Foundation Initiative To Revolutionize The Toilet For Clean Drinking Water

New Scientist TV: Time-lapse Tuesday: Watch a dust storm sweep Phoenix

This Year's Hottest Super-Convertibles - FoxNews.com

Car lover's dream leads to surprising historical find

Escape from your husband and duck your duties as a mother: Feminists face furious backlash over flippant comments | Mail Online

Rathke calls ACORN critic 'creep'

ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious' - FoxNews.com

Light bulbs: House Republicans move to thwart lighting efficiency rules - latimes.com

Cain calls out Obama on debt ceiling 'scare tactics'

Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black - The Hill's Floor Action

Rep. Cohen: Defeating Obama is GOP’s ‘Entire Agenda’ Even If They ‘Take Down’ Economy | CNSnews.com

Number of healthcare waivers nears 1,500 - The Hill's Healthwatch

Book claims Obama misstated mother’s struggle with health care coverage | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Iran developing centrifuge to sp... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Japanese firm cuts ties with Iran over crane executions - Israel News, Ynetnews

Free Plastic Surgery With Abortion? Gimmick Used in Miami | LifeNews.com

Cain: Tenn. mosque 'isn't innocent' (OneNewsNow.com)

White House attempt to control news reporting confirmed

Federal funds build sidewalks to nowhere

Latest economic casualty: Basic defense for the West


The Pickens plan and crony capitalism

China and Russia Angry at USA

Time to Reboot America

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Congress is inviting rebellion

Debut of Made-in-China Social Security Checks

Even As They Devour Your Tax Dollars, the Deadbeat Thugs of ACORN Housing Owe $163,000 in Back Taxes

The Lebanese Presidency: Marginalization and Dhimmitude

Airport Security: Lawmakers concerned over security breaches

Time to Name a Hurricane After Obama?

The World’s Most Extreme Workers’ Compensation Fraud Cases

House GOP hits EPA on collusion with enviros, tox assessments

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Citizen’s Arrest of Congress

Inhofe Scores Another Victory on EPA’s Lead Based Paint Rule

The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See

OK Delegation Demands Obama Administration Stop Regulatory Regime that will Shut Down States Coal In

Obama fights against school choice for black children

How Do You Know When Government Has Gotten Too Big?

The truth about Democrat Racism

Freeing Al Qaeda?

The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote

Supporting black Republican candidates

America’s ‘Other’ Rising Deficit – Which we also can’t afford

Persuading Politicians to Do Your Price Fixing

Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset


Obama’s ineligibility: It is time to create a genuine opposition

PRUDEN: Obama's tantrum in a high chair - Washington Times

NUGENT: You have the right to remain stupid - Washington Times

Details of Somali Terrorist Recruitment in Minneapolis Revealed in New Court Documents - FoxNews.com

Leiby Kletzky died fighting for life against kidnapper Levi Aron: NYPD commissioner - NYPOST.com

My Way News - Orthodox communities rely on patrols for safety

Bail hiked for LI pediatrician facing sex charges - NYPOST.com

Overhead Bin - Man tries to board plane at Baltimore airport with 13 knives

$140,000 horse arrives dead at JFK - NYPOST.com

Monster Billionaire Mansions - Morgan Brennan - Closing Table - Forbes

Detective: Victim In DIA Assault Was On Her Way To Become A Nun « CBS Denver

Debbie Schlussel:UBER-SCHMUCK: Boston Mayor Says Illegal Alien Car Theft No Big Deal

Debbie Schlussel:DISGUSTING: Great American Donald Rumsfeld Gets Full TSA Terrorist Treatment

Debbie Schlussel:Honor Killing or Just Muslim Savagery?: MI Man Charged w/ Murder, Burning Woman’sTorso

Debbie Schlussel:Feel Safe? 25,000 Airport Security Breaches Since 9/11

Debbie Schlussel:DumbAssity Lawsuit of the Day: Single Mom Cougar Romance Gone Wrong

New Jersey Restaurant Owner Ordered to Remove American Flag Banners | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama: Can‘t Solve Deficit Without Asking Wealthiest Americans to ’Pay Their Fair Share’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

It’s (Definitely) On: Mila Kunis Accepts Marine’s Invitation, Slams TV Host for Saying She Wouldn’t Go | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hoosiers Show How It’s Done: Indiana Posts a Surplus And Dems Are Unhappy | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bill Maher Segment Features Violent & Obscene ‘Hate Sex’ Fantasies About Bachmann & Santorum | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Troops to March in San Diego Gay Pride Parade | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Oops: Sears Website Lists iPad 2 for $69 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bin Laden Documents Show Plan to Target Obama | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Controversial New Documentary Asks: Is America Ready For a Mormon President? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Just as Clinton Arrives…Turkey Stops al-Qaeda Plot to Attack U.S. Embassy | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Vatican Excommunicates Chinese Bishop Ordained Without Papal Approval | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Iraq War Veteran Holds Burglary Suspect at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Georgia Cops Shut Down Girls’ Lemonade Stand for Lack of Business License | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

History Revisited: Nazi ‘Gustav’ Was Largest Gun of All Time | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Democrats Claim GOP Conspiracy: Showing Photo ID at Polls Keeps Poor, Minorities From Voting | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Female Muslim Weightlifter Makes History — Competes in a Full-Body Covering! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sausage Factory Worker Killed in Horrifying Meat Grinder Accident | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

All Fall Down: Dow Jones CEO and WSJ Publisher Resigns Amid News Corp. Scandal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Woman Attacks Judge During Hearing on…Domestic Violence! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Survey Reveals Palestinians Could Be Worse Than Inhabitants of Nazi Germany | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Police Work to Determine Whether Bizarre Death at Historic Cali Mansion Was Suicide or…Murder | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

China Calls on US to Retract Dalai Lama Invite | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sheila Jackson Lee: GOP Complicating Debt Debate Because Obama is Black | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pro-Life Momentum? States Implement Record Number of Abortion Restrictions | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Mission Accomplished’: Vietnam Veteran’s Remains Make it Home Nearly Half-Century Later | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Girlfriend of Man Who Fell Into Maui Blow Hole Says Warning Signs Should Have Been Posted | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Introducing the World‘s First ’Green Bikini’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Drops Debt Bomb: ‘The American People Are Sold’ on My Debt Proposal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

This is the Video of the Man Crashing His Jetpack on Live TV | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Syria: 32 Dead, Anti-Assad Protesters Stage Largest March Yet | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

7 Dead, 59 Escape in Mexico Prison Fight Near U.S. | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Following Facebook Plea, Man Receives Much-Needed Kidney From Stranger | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Syria: 32 Dead, Anti-Assad Protesters Stage Largest March Yet | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

ABC’s Jake Tapper Stumps Press Sec. Jay Carney on Debt Ceiling | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Another ‘Rev. Wright Moment’? Bachmann Officially Leaves Her Church | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gov. Rick Perry Continues With Prayer Event Plans, Says He Wants ‘God’s Will to Be Done’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘You Are Entering a Shariah Controlled Zone’: UK Group to Wage Islamic Law Campaign | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Alleges False Editing in Clinic Controversy: ‘Not the Way I Would Talk’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rare Syndrome Causes British Teen to Sleep for Days at a Time | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: California Governor Signs Bill that Mandates Gay History Lessons in Public Schools | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘In God We Trust’ Will Be Allowed on New Georgia License Plates — for $1 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judge Napolitano’s Open Letter to John Boehner: A Common Sense Guide to What Needs to Be Done | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Armless, Legless Girl Allegedly Offered Compromise on Cheerleading but Parents Refused | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Herman Cain Opposes Tennessee Islamic Center, Says it‘s Not ’An Innocent Mosque’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Shelia Jackson-Lee Uses Race Card to Cover for Obama’s Lack of Leadership

What Sheila Jackson Lee and Eric Cartman Have in Common

Mr. President, Here’s that Balanced Approach You Keep Demanding

cartoon:UI: Willful Ignorance

Grassroots Media Must Continue to Engage Washington

CNN’s Hit Piece On Walid Shoebat


**NEWS VIDEOS:New Low: HBO ‘Real Time’ Guests Discuss Having Violent Hate Sex With Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum

Dan Savage: ‘I Wish [Republicans] Were All F–king Dead’

Carmageddon: Day 1

15TH/Dem Plays Race Card in Debt Ceiling Debate

ABC News’ Stephanopoulos Salutes Obama: ‘He’s Done Remarkably Well’

Keith Olbermann: The Lost Months

Carmageddon: LA’s Busiest Freeway Will Close this Weekend

Woman Attacks Judge During Hearing

Obama: 80% of Americans Want Higher Taxes

Boehner: Obama Has Not Led on Debt

‘We Are Running Out of Time’

NewsBusted – Biden, Twitter and Toothless Hillbillies

‘That’s a Bunch of Garbage’

14TH/Crowder Challenges Stewart: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

MSNBC’s Matthews Lashes Out at Conservative Bloggers

ABC’s Tapper Brilliantly Paints White House Spokesman Into Corner

White House Spokesman Gets Snippy With Reporter

Tea Party Freshman Stands-Up to ‘Racer’ Bashir

Palin: ‘I Don’t Trust This President’

Gingrich Slams McConnell’s Plan

Christie: Destiny Should Not Be Determined by Zip Code

Newsweek Reporter Fires Back at O’Donnell Over Palin Article

Buzz Break: Chrysler Workers Toking, Drinking in UAW Parking Lot

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Weinergate Edition

Rubio: ‘Incompetent’ Obama ‘Not Up To the Job’

RNC Slams Obama in New Ad

Creepy Videos Taken by Jaycee Dugard Kidnappers Released

13TH/Two-Headed Snake Fights With Self Over Food

Terror Attack Kills 17 in Mumbai

Paul Ryan Schools Sebelius on Medicare Reform

NYPD Arrests Man in 8-year-old’s Death

Brawl Erupts at Murder Trial

12TH/2 Americans Abducted in Southern Philippines

Stun Gun Found in Boston-to-NJ Jet After Arrival

Inmates Escape Jail

Bill Maher Hopes Palin and Bachmann ‘Split the MILF Vote’

11TH/Female MPs Brawl in Afghan Parliament

Whoopi Goes Nuts on Bachmann: ‘Damn It, I Am Sick of This Crap!’


A Standard to Which We Can Repair

Green Living Through Conservatism

Humberto Leal Garcia and U.S. Federalism

Barack and Joe: Social Justice

The Media Hates Mitt

When to Protect Americans Abroad (Hint: Not All the Time)

The Coolidge Model

The Worldview War

A Nation of Enablers

The Global Warming Hoax: How Soon We Forget

Poisoning the Language of Wealth

Is This the Worst Economy since the Great Depression?

India's Resolve

Nothing to Fear?

Is The First Dude Still Toking?

Caylee Anthony's Legacy

Instant Balanced Budget Amendment: Maintain the Present Borrowing Limit

The 'Arab Spring' becomes the 'Arab Mobilization'

Neo-Soviet Russia crawls back toward darkness

Just another day of race baiting for Sheila Jackson Lee

Baer: Israel To Dismember Iranian Nukes in September?

Throwin' Br'er Perry in the Briarpatch

Obama's 2nd quarter fundraising: 40% from his rich cronies

Goldman Sachs report a warning to the Obama administration

Is the GOP about to cave on taxes?

Blog: House passes light bulb bill

Debt Ceiling: Groping for Clarity

The Debt Limit

The Soft Dictatorship

Playing the Man: Defeating Obama With the Debt Ceiling

Negotiating with Lunatics

Barack and Joe: Taxation

The Real 'Under the Radar' Target of Operation Fast and Furious

Shovel-Ready in the Middle East?

The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Conspicuous Silence of the Media

The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote

Obama's Foreign Policy: Dithering or Stealth Postnationalist?

The Left Starts to Dump Obama

Barry's Angels: Obama's Amazonian Guard

Obama's Strategy to Kill the Space Program

*16 July

American Minute for July 16th

This Day in History for 16th July

July 16th in History

Today in History: July 16

July 16 Events in History

Today in History: July 16

July 16th This Day in History

‪Today in History for July 16th‏ - YouTube


*Apollo 11

Apollo 11 Mission

Human Space Flight (HSF) - Apollo History

+Apollo 11

*Apollo 11 : Facts, Myths, Photos, and More

Apollo 11 - Wikipedia


Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-15, Friday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-15-11

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

July 15, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 07/15/2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, July, 14, 2011

07/15 The Mark Levin Show

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3


‪President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils Fox News Agenda 21 July 4, 2011 ‏‏ - YouTube

‪IMPORTANT! Executive Order 13575 = UN Agenda 21‏ - YouTube

HIDE Project(http://www.hideproject.org/)


The Manning Report – 15 July 2011

The Manning Report – 14 July 2011

The Manning Report – 13 July 2011

The Manning Report – 12 July 2011

The Manning Report – 11 July 2011


Natural Born Citizen for Dummies | ATLAH Media Network

“Marxism in America” by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin – OAK

‪Ron Paul on Bloomberg 07/14/11‏ - YouTube

‪For Liberty Re-cut - Ron Paul 2012 Handout DVD HD‏ - YouTube

‪Keiser Report: Oligarchy Propaganda (E164)‏ - YouTube

‪*Ron Paul Ad - Conviction‏ - YouTube

GCN News/ What is Gray State? «

GCN News/Latest Terror Attack On Mumbai Another CIA-Mossad False Flag Operation To Set Up Pakistan? «

“You Can’t Continue With The Status Quo”

GCN News/Executive Order #13575: Theft of Rural and Agricultural Lands for UN Agenda 21 «

Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know