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Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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15 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part I: The Eight Families « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part III: The Roundtable & The Illuminati « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part IV: A Financial Parasite « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part V: The Solution « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson


Wallbuilders Live [07/13/2011] :: New World Order Blog

The Alex Jones Show [07/13/2011] :: New World Order Blog


Washington's Blog:Are We On the Verge of an Energy Breakthrough?

The Gulf Cooperation Council: Rockefeller/Rothschild Puppet Monarchy « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

Washington's Blog:The Founding Fathers Tried to Warn Us About the Threat From a Two-Party System

Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/12/2011] :: New World Order Blog

Deception evidence reaches Oval Office?

Activist Post: Big Pharma's Latest Shady Ploy to Sell Depression Drugs That People May Not Need

Activist Post: Rense and Marti Oakley – Guardianship – Theft, Looting And Murder (audio)

Acoustic “Device” or Acoustic Weapon? (Updated) | Danger Room | Wired.com

Microwave ray gun controls crowds with noise - tech - 03 July 2008 - New Scientist

I'm Just Wondering » Blog Archive Secret Weapons Now Beaming Into Your Skull » I'm Just WonderingI'm Just Wondering

The United Nations Bans Opposition to Its Global Tax Design Meeting | Politics and Economics Right Side News

9/11 Taught America Nothing | Islam in America Right Side News

Obama Executive Orders Impose New Gun Rules | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Activist Post: 5 Reasons Progressives Should Join the Ron Paul Revolution

Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire :: New World Order Blog

Executive Dictatorship: McConnell Proposes Handing Over Power of Purse to Obama :: New World Order Blog

Mexican Outlaws Get Guns Via ATF: Signs of A Desperate, Mad, Crazed Dictator Losing Control! :: New World Order Blog

US Unemployent is Over 30% - An Interview with Dr. John Russo :: New World Order Blog

True News: Borrow More, or Cut Spending? False Dichotomy Planet! :: New World Order Blog

Obama and Holder are Cop Killers :: New World Order Blog

Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Pentagon to treat cyberspace as operational domain | Reuters

Pentagon Loses 24K Files in Huge Cyber Attack | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment

The Great Green Tech Transformation

Energy Outlook:Ethanol's Future Without Subsidies

Crisis Plans Urged for U.S. Nuclear Plants - WSJ.com

The Last Drops: How to Bridge the Gap Between Oil and Green Energy | Popular Science

Barack Obama: A Mediocre Energy President | The Energy Collective

Al Gore Launches the Climate Reality Project - Ecocentric - TIME.com

Lisa P. Jackson: Green Jobs for Our Health and Our Economy

Energy prices: without reform, we’ll all be in the dark - Telegraph

Desert Solar: Not A Mirage But Future Still Hazy - Todd Woody - Green Wombat - Forbes

America's coming oil boom--Arthur Herman - NYPOST.com

Oil Industry Claims We Need Unsafe Drilling To Create Jobs | ThinkProgress

Tomgram: Bill McKibben, The Great American Carbon Bomb | TomDispatch

Energy Industries, Old And New, Seek Workers as Labor Shortage Looms | SolveClimate News

Nake M. Kamrany: Energy Independence for the United States -- How?

Quick! Booze Up the Car! « The Enterprise Blog

EPA’s Power Sapper - Kathleen Hartnett White - National Review Online

Medical marijuana: A science-free zone at the White House [Blowback] - latimes.com

Pentagon Makes Love, Not Cyber War, in New Strategy | Danger Room | Wired.com

Are these ruins of biblical City of David? - CNN.com

3-D Prints Of Vocal Chords Let Extinct Mammoths Roar Again | Co.Design

Guardian Bees Protect Kenyan Crops from Roaming Elephants | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Zoologger: No brain, but at least it's got personality - life - 13 July 2011 - New Scientist

What our future looks like to an outsider : Starts With A Bang

Ethiopia Moves Forward with Massive Nile Dam Project

Daniella Martin Wants You To Eat Bugs

Scott's Pizza Chronicles: A Brief History of the Pizza Box | Slice Pizza Blog

Humans 'predisposed' to believe in gods and the afterlife

Your Brain on Androids

Rice University | News & Media

NASA - New Ways to Measure Magnetism Around the Sun

Parasitized throughout the ages » Scienceline

Cell biology: On your marks... | The Economist

Going Topless: The Loss Of Top Predators Drives Ecosystem Shifts

Human history recorded in a single genome - life - 13 July 2011 - New Scientist

Corruption in Russian Medical Schools Triggers Uproar - Global - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Near-Perfect Particle Measurement Achieved | Quantum Mechanics Observation & Back Action | LiveScience

Domino synthesis mimics nature's chemistry : Nature News

BBC Nature - Lizard has problem-solving skills

Are dogs willing to eat the remains of their masters? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

Hope for millions of Alzheimer's sufferers as scientists make brain cells from human skin - Science, News - The Independent

Genomes edited to free up codons : Nature News

TED Global 2011: Interspecies sex, the West's killer apps and expert liars | Carole Cadwalladr | Science | guardian.co.uk

Tomorrow's Transistor, Built Atom by Atom - Technology Review

Strip Mine the Moon to Fuel Space Exploration : Discovery News

RealClearMarkets - Bernanke Employs a Modified 'Pump and Dump'

Yes, You Really Can Cut Your Way to Prosperity — The American Magazine

If U.S. defaults on debt: How to protect your investments - USATODAY.com

The Worst China Mistake You Can Make

The Politics of the Family and the Lies Our Culture Tells | First Things

Group Speaks Out, Calls Caylee Anthony's Death 'Later-Term Abortion', Christian News

Michele Bachmann officially leaves her church – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Is Bachmann the media’s anti-Christ? » GetReligion

Pastor Hosting Bachmann Claims No Endorsement, Just Invite to "True Follower of Christ" | Religion Dispatches

The End of Church Planting? | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

How will Catholics approach immigration reform? - Catholic America - The Washington Post

Michele Bachmann | Catholicism | Catholics shouldn't fear Michele Bachmann | The Daily Caller

What Really *Is* the Institution of Marriage? | Philosophical Fragments

Teens to confess their sins to Pope Benedict XVI - Faith & Reason

Rick Perry Wants To Leave Government ‘In God’s Hands,’ Says ‘God, You’re Gonna Have To Fix This’ | ThinkProgress

Political Editor Believes in the Afterlife - FishbowlDC

Faith in the GOP: Pawlenty’s video pitch, Bachmann’s ‘Antichrist’ buzz, Islam and the election - Under God - The Washington Post

Credo | Crisis Magazine

Seeds of Arab Spring sown in Islam's past, author says | Reuters

A Principled Charity | First Things

Billy Graham | Yes, Jesus is the only path to God - KansasCity.com

Michele Bachmann's Church Says the Pope Is the Antichrist - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic

Tunisian secularists nervous over slow change, concerned about Islamists | FaithWorld

The American Spectator : What Kind of Revolution?

Religion: Final gasp of the 'Harry Potter' wars? :: The Republic

When Yiddish Came to North Korea – The Arty Semite – Forward.com

Candidates should be candid on faith - On Faith - The Washington Post

Blood, tears and theodicy in Brooklyn » GetReligion

Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman: What Would A 'Conscious Judaism' Look Like?

Irish report damns Catholic Church abuse response – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

‘Sister Wives’ polygamy lawsuit tackles privacy in Utah | The Salt Lake Tribune

Society has forgotten 'art of dying', says bishop - Telegraph

Commentary: Assad Takes Hezbollah Down with Him | The National Interest

Panetta’s challenge: China’s and Iran’s weapons programs - The Washington Post

The Rise of Moderate Islam - TIME

Beware the South China Sea | The Diplomat

BOLTON: North Korea edges toward next nuke test - Washington Times

The Non-Return of American Isolationism - Michael Cohen - International - The Atlantic

gulfnews : Fate of Baath party hangs in the balance

Let truth spring forth - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

A Year of Waste - NYTimes.com

Al Qaeda's moves in Saudi Arabia?--Amir Taheri - NYPOST.com

Pakistan will be suspect until evil in its midst is rooted out - Telegraph

Inept rule makes India a soft target | The Australian

The fate of the euro is in the hands of Germany - Telegraph

Ireland Confronts the Vatican - NYTimes.com

Leaders must join the fight against terrorism | The Australian

FPI Fact Sheet: Five Steps to Hasten Assad's Exit | Foreign Policy Initiative

U.S. Status as World's Superpower Challenged by Rise of China - Pew Research Center

Arab Attitutes: 2011 | The Arab American Institute

America’s political system isn’t quirky, it’s dangerous - Telegraph

The rise and fall of Iran’s Ahmadinejad - The Washington Post

Why to Sell F-16s to Taiwan | New Leaders Forum

For Bastille Day, What America Owes France - NYTimes.com

China's New Parochialism - TIME

Counterpoint - Don’t Write Off the U.S. - NYTimes.com

0 for 2 | The Weekly Standard

A Shot in the Back - By Alanna Shaikh | Foreign Policy

Susan Rice: Hard Work for South Sudan Only Beginning - The Daily Beast

How the Arab world lost southern Sudan - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

The Money Changers Last Hurrah

Obama stimulus funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' plan (WND.com)

Goldman Sachs Betrayal Of America | Real Zionist News

‪Dennis Kucinich "Social Security Will be Able To Pay 100% Of It's Benefits Through 2037!"‏ - YouTube

savethemales.ca - Chemtrails, HDTV -- SSSS Waves as Mind Control

Why Are Your Tax Dollars Funding Secret CIA Prisons in Somalia? | | AlterNet

‪**Ron Paul Ad - Conviction‏ - YouTube

‪Sports Science: "World Record Kick to the Groin" Part 2‏ - YouTube


THE GREAT PENSION FUND HOAX - Corporation Nation 2


Corporation Nation Pt 01.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 02.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 03.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 04.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 05.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 06.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 07.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 08.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 09.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 10.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 11.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 12.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 13.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 14.mp4

Corporation Nation Pt 15.mp4


How To Spend Stimulus Money

Paul Drockton M.A.: Freak Happenings in Utah

Vision: America is Zion, Satanists Will Surrender Utah

Vision: God to Remove Illuminati Leadership

Helter Skelter and Rosemary's Baby

Reincarnation and Past Lives Explained

PIIGS, Presstitutes And The Global Meltdown

EPA: Fluoride Must Be Phased Out | BobTuskin.com

Eco-activists destroy Australia GM wheat crop - Yahoo! News

10 Middle-Class Jobs That Will Vanish by 2018 | InvestingAnswers

Apple pays S.Korean user compensation over iPhone tracking | Reuters

Everything Goes Wrong in an Australian Morning-News Segment - Yahoo! TV Blog

Woman keeps captured burglar as sex slave | News To Me with George Mathis

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oregon Sheriff Stands Up To USFS With Class

V for Vendetta-ANONYMOUS-Hackers Rise Up against the establishment! : Vaccine Liberation Army

Smart Choices About Smart Meters: Critical Issues to Consider in Deciding Whether to Opt Out « smartmetersafetydotcom

Hispanic births overtake immigration in U.S. - Yahoo! News

More Mexicans fleeing the drug war seek U.S. asylum - Yahoo! News

Beef Contaminated by Radiation Intensifies Food-Safety Concerns in Japan - Bloomberg

AccuWeather.com - Weather News | Rapidly Strengthening Ma-On Targeting Japan

Japan PM calls for nuclear-free future | Environment | guardian.co.uk

How Globalism Has Destroyed Our Jobs, Businesses And National Wealth In 10 Easy Steps

The new "Let them eat cake!" | Slide Show - Salon.com

America’s political system isn’t quirky, it’s dangerous - Telegraph

TSA Screeners Once Again Prove Ignorance Over Checkpoint Photo Policy | Pixiq

S.E.C. Sues Sean Morton, ‘America’s Prophet,’ for Fraud - NYTimes.com

Goldman Sachs Betrayal Of America | Real Zionist News

Has the time come for a military embargo on the State of Israel? | Jody McIntyre | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

Egypt hit by new wave of protests as military postpones election | World news | guardian.co.uk

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Nato And Rebel Atrocities In Libya

Iran moves nuclear enrichment programme to underground bunker - Telegraph

PressTV - US bigger peace threat than Iran: Poll

Inside the Ring - Washington Times

Barack Obama attacked by Arab states for withdrawing support for Syria's Assad regime - Telegraph

Bush trumps Barack in the Arab world: President Obama is proving an embarrassing flop in the Middle East – Telegraph Blogs

The invasion of Facebook: Al-Qaeda calls for 'cyber-jihad' in bid to attack the West | Mail Online

A Decade Of US War Costs

Moody’s Will Cut 7,000 Top-Rated Munis If U.S. Downgraded, Reviewing More - Bloomberg

Activist Post: The Long-Term Unemployed Meets The Company Men

Activist Post: The Pusher and the Popper

-A Bully Debt Limit Increase : Need vs Want « The PPJ Gazette

Yahoo! News:Republicans, the no-tax party: Smart marketing, but flawed policy?

FDIC Chairwoman: Mortgage Industry ‘Didn’t Think Borrowers Were Worth Helping’ - ProPublica

Alternative Markets, Barter Systems, and Local Co-ops are the Lifeboats That Will Save Us | Farm Wars

Lizard Man Reportedly Mauls And Bites Through South Carolina Couple's Car

The Fall of the House of Murdoch - Jonathan Schell - Project Syndicate

Steve Richards: Now we know who runs the country - Steve Richards, Commentators - The Independent

Rupert Murdoch to spend £3billion to prop up News Corp's ailing share price | Mail Online

US politicians demand phone-hacking investigation after 9/11 claims | World news | The Guardian

Former Wall St Journal owners: 'We wouldn't have sold if we had known' | Media | The Guardian

Phone-hacking scandal costs hedge funds millions | Business | guardian.co.uk

Monsanto official Beaten by farmers in India over Failed GMO Bt Cotton Seeds - Salem-News.Com

Kenya set to give green light to GM crops | Climate Connections

‪24 Hours of Reality‏ - YouTube

BP to redevelop North Sea oil fields | Business | The Guardian

China halts drilling at leaking oil platforms | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Australian industry fights government's carbon tax bill - Telegraph

Outsourced: Clinical Trials Overseas | Common Dreams

'Four in 10' face ordeal of cancer - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Robert Fisk: Even I question the 'truth' about 9/11 - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

They steal supermarket trolleys and wheelchair ramps - and risk blowing up homes by hacking through gas pipes... Can anyone stop the scrap metal thieves stripping Britain bare? | Mail Online

Just how secure are police databases? | Ben Chu | Independent Eagle Eye Blogs

‪The Good, The Bad and The Gnomely‏ - YouTube

McConnell: I Don't Know Constitution Any Better Than Obama Does - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine



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*Howard M. Brandston: ConcerningLight.Com


+The worlds largest human experiment: GMOs, Roundup and the Monsanto monstrosity – part one | End the Lie - Independent News

+The world’s largest human experiment part two: why Europeans (and everyone else) should be worried | End the Lie - Independent News


**Facebook vs. Google+ [Infographic]


Help wanted: American citizens need not apply

Obama plans may gut U.S. national security

Rolling Back the Obamacare Banana Republic - Michelle Malkin - National Review Online

Pentagon: 24,000 files stolen in cyber attack - Jennifer Epstein and Jennifer Martinez - POLITICO.com

Bin Laden Plotted 9/11 Anniversary Attack - WSJ.com

Obama upset he has money he doesn’t need – Glenn Beck

PHOTO: Jesus was a slave to Allah? – Glenn Beck

Pajamas Media » Gunwalker: Smoking Gun Email?

Operation Fast and Furious: Designed to Promote Gun Control - Katie Pavlich

The Wedding-Industrial Complex, Lobbying to Stay Cool and More in Capital Eye Opener: July 13 - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Read Transcript of a Live OpenSecrets.org Web Chat About Ex-Lobbyists Now Working for Congress - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

God's Lobbyists: The Hidden Realm of Religious Influence - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obama's Social Insecurity

+Bohemian Grove: Hackivists next target | Mail Online

+Smart meters: public health nightmare or public utility boon? - BlackListedNews.com

What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund? - Merrill Matthews - Right Directions - Forbes

Greenspan: Dumb Americans Deserve Unemployment - BlackListedNews.com

US Recognizes Al-Qaeda War Criminals As Libya's Official Government - BlackListedNews.com

Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels - Telegraph

ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious' - FoxNews.com

TSA failure: 25,000 airport security breaches since 2001, says report - BlackListedNews.com

Beef Contamination Spreads in Japan as Cattle Eat Radiation-Tainted Straw - BlackListedNews.com

If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It Could Potentially Unleash Financial Hell Across The United States - BlackListedNews.com

Scientists Punch a Hole in the Fabric of Time with a "Time Cloak" - BlackListedNews.com

Libya: Col Gaddafi has 'suicide plan' to blow up Tripoli - Telegraph

Pentagon perception manager knows how to manipulate search engine algorithm - BlackListedNews.com


Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/13/2011]

Wallbuilders Live [07/14/2011]

The Alex Jones Show [07/14/2011]


CAIR Spokesman Turns Blind Eye to "War on Islam" Rhetoric | Islam in America Right Side News

Roger L. Simon » America the Broken

'Rapture' real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves

U.S. Military Uses Biometrics to Identify People - NYTimes.com

Revolutionary Politics : Hoover announces his 1931 stimulus plan

Revolutionary Politics : Empire - Egypt: The unfinished revolution

ah, mephistophelis.: Almost Gotcha: Watergate, Bush Sr., & his CIA Confirmation Hearings:

‪If I Only Had a Bank | How to Make California Prosper - California Public Bank‏ - YouTube



‪Who is Rupert Murdoch?‏ - YouTube

Phone hacking: Rupert and James Murdoch agree to give evidence to Commons committee - Telegraph

Oak Park Drops Charges Against Julie Bass and Her Vegetable Garden

Activist Post: 9/11 ANNOUNCEMENT: Long-awaited International Hearings Set for September, 2011

‪WTC7 controlled demolition, side-by-side video‏ - YouTube

‪FOX NEWS Staff Daring Each Other To Mention Hacking Scandal - NOTW Phone Hacking‏ - YouTube

‪Re: WTC Tower 7: Examining Conspiricist Claims‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : The Fed, the debt, Ron Paul and gold

Police Intelligence Analyst Fired For Saying 9/11 And 7/7 Look Like Inside Jobs | BobTuskin.com


Activist Post: Mullen says N. Korea poses ''very real'' threat

What Happened To The $2.6T Social Security Trust Fund?, China Gets Nervous About U.S. AAA, Deficit Hits $1T For 2011, Issa Bought Goldman Bonds Then Pressured SEC To Stop Prosecution, Moody's Hints At Muni Downgrade (Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

Lost But Not Found: $2.3 Trillion Still Missing At Pentagon - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: FBI opens inquiry into Murdoch's News Corp.

The Intercept: Democrats to Introduce Gun Control Legislation

People Stampede For Public Housing Vouchers In Dallas, Wait Till There Is No Cash & Food : Federal Jack

The United States Is In Deep Doodoo! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

It Ain't Money If I Can't Print It! by Peter Schiff

‪JPMorgan made 5.4 Biliion Dollars In The 2nd Quarter of 2011‏ - YouTube

How the U.S. government uses its media servants to attack real journalism - 12160

Ex-CIA Agent Explains How Bloggers Can "Dump Congress On Its Ass"

A Voice In The Wilderness: Conspiracy's Longer Timeline

The Intercept: U.S. can't account for $8.7 billion of Iraq's money: audit

Reduced Brain Function, Early Death in Elderly Linked to Common Drugs - AboutLawsuits.com

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "War Takes Money From The American People & Gives It To War Profiteers!"

‪Woz's $2 bill sheets - The Engadget Show‏ - YouTube

Obama Girl Nightmare - "I'm A Ron Paul Girl" - Home - The Daily Bail


PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: 9/11 Survivors Will Not Be Allowed to Attend Ground Zero Commemoration


‪JFK assassination: Secret Service Standdown‏ - YouTube

‪Lyndon Johnson Swearing-in Nov 22, 1963‏ - YouTube

‪Evil George Bush Sr. smiling at JFK Assassination‏ - YouTube


‪Where is the media in the US heading?‏ - YouTube

AFP: China urges US to protect investors

Big Coal: Inbreeding, Not Mining, to Blame for Birth Defects | Mother Jones

‪Al Gore says earth's core is millions of degrees‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : TSA Tries to Confiscate Video at Airport Security Screening Checkpoint

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul The Fed Chairman Bernanke "Was Very Blunt & Said Gold Is NOT Money"

‪On Treason‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Interview with Kevin Innes -- Liberty Dollar "Criminal"

Activist Post: 7 reasons schools should NOT mandate vaccines

The Family Prostitute - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly

Michele Bachmann: How She Could Win the Republican Nomination - The Daily Beast

A Free Thinker's Journey: Google Plus has eye on future, taking on Facebook

Ron Paul Asks Bernanke: "When You Wake Up In The Morning Do You Care About The Price Of Gold? Why Doesn't The Fed Hold Diamonds Instead?" - Home - The Daily Bail

Suit: Blackwater may have overbilled government $300 million - 12160

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » The Greater Depression Is Upon Us

Israel gives go-ahead to museum opposed by Muslims - The Boston Globe

Pentagon discloses largest-ever cyber theft - CBS News

UN 2011 mid-year report on Afghanistan reveals alarming new trend in war propaganda | empirestrikesblack


Pentagon to treat cyberspace as operational domain - 12160

The Intercept: Red light camera deception

First study into GM Atlantic salmon mating reveals danger of escape to wild gene pool

DHS plans to spend $300 million on troubled radiation detectors - The Washington Post

‪Andrew Gavin Marshall: Full-Scale NATO Ground Invasion of Libya is Imminent‏ - YouTube

Ron Paul: "America's AAA Rating Not Worth Saving" Because "We Are Insolvent" | zero hedge

The Associated Press: AP source: FBI reviews News Corp. 9/11 phone claim

How Globalism Has Destroyed Our Jobs, Businesses And National Wealth In 10 Easy Steps :

Lone Star Watchdog: The Tea Party Wing of the GOP Cannot Show Weakness in the Face of Obama's Financial Terrorism

‪Ron Paul Ad - Conviction‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul on Bloomberg 07/14/11‏ - YouTube

‪For Liberty Re-cut - Ron Paul 2012 Handout DVD HD‏ - YouTube

‪Keiser Report: Oligarchy Propaganda (E164)‏ - YouTube

GCN News /The Dangers of Legal Tender «

GCN News /What is Gray State? «

GCN News /25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars – Part 1 «

GCN News /25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars – Pt. 2 «

GCN News /Latest Terror Attack On Mumbai Another CIA-Mossad False Flag Operation To Set Up Pakistan? «

‪Mumbai Terror Mastermind, David Coleman Headley was a CIA-Mossad Undercover Agent.‏ - YouTube

Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle | NowPublic News Coverage

Asia Times Online :: India fears the dawn of Hindutva terror

**GCN News Police Intelligence Analyst Fired For Blowing Whistle On False Flag Terror «

GCN News/ Senator: Obama Creating Panic To Push Through Debt Hike «

GCN News /America’s Quiet Heroes «

GCN News /Rupert Murdoch Promised One Thing, Delivered Another «

GCN News /Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know «

‘Anonymous’ members protest Bohemian Grove retreat a day early - BlackListedNews.com

Gonzalo Lira: Full Spectrum Decay

SpaceX Breaks Ground on Launch Pad for Huge Private Rocket | SpaceX & Private Spaceflight | Falcon Heavy & Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicles | Space.com

Oakland County | Charges dropped against Oak Park woman over veggie garden | The Detroit News

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)


The Alex Jones Show – July 13th, 2011


“You Can’t Continue With The Status Quo” – Chuck Baldwin | Dprogram.net

‪Scahill: US is making enemies in Somalia‏ - YouTube

CNN exposes ‘terror expert’ as a fraud | Raw Replay

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work – Mike Adams | Dprogram.net

*The 9/11 Hijackers: Amateur Aviators Who Became Super-Pilots on September 11 | Dprogram.net

‪Murdoch vs Rockefeller‏ - YouTube

3 Examples Of How “It’s Policy” Has Become An Excuse For Absolutely Unspeakable Acts | Dprogram.net

"Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%


Jeffrey M. Smith & Mike Adams: Biotech Industry Taking Over Our Food Supply | Dprogram.net

Seeds of Deception(www.seedsofdeception.com)

300 Somali Children Left for Dead in Drought

Taliban Warns Kabul Administration

Gunboats and Gurkhas in the American Imperium

"Why Libya? Why Qaddafi?"

Prosecute White House Rights Abuse Crimes or Other Countries Must

Israel Expands its Borders Into Europe

God's Lobbyists: The Hidden Realm of Religious Influence

Prisoners Near Death As 1,700 California Inmates Continue Hunger Strike

How Propaganda Shapes Political and Economic Outcomes

Debt Ceiling Kabuki; Wall Street is "Out on a Limb" Again

The Military Industrial Complex: The Enemy from Within

Can Libertarians Save America?

Greed, Excess and America's Gaping Class Divide

Jailed For Banking While Black

ATF/Mexico Gun Scandal Heats Up

Juan Cole Sues To See If Government Kept a File on Him:

Is Casey Anthony in danger after her release Sunday? - USATODAY.com

Mexico Provokes Israel with Historical Question

Pentagon hit by huge cyber theft - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Internet Use Affects Memory, Study Finds - NYTimes.com

U.S. border cities prove havens from Mexico's drug violence - USATODAY.com

Black men survive longer in prison than out: study | Reuters

Libya in Pictures: What the Mainstream Media Does Not Tell You

Imperial Decline: Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class

NATO Summit: Chicago Trains 13,000 Police For Mass Arrests

Food Sovereignty: A Peoples' based Solution to Hunger and Poverty

What the President has on his mind, Defense Secretary has on the tip of his tongue

Canada looking at building military bases in Arctic

The Media's Endless Propaganda for War

VIDEO: A Full-Scale NATO Ground Invasion of Libya is Imminent

Victors Justice in Iraq. Tariq Aziz : “Ill, Isolated and Abandoned"

The Legacy of Nelson Mandela

3 Examples Of How "It's Policy" Has Become An Excuse For Absolutely Unspeakable Acts - informationliberation

Threatening a police officer gets longer sentence than homicide - informationliberation

Final Ruling Confirms 'Pirate' Sites Act Lawfully in Spain - informationliberation

Carbon cops will have to clean their own house | thetelegraph.com.au

‪Neumayer Station Antarctica Personal witness BROWN Dwarf and Nibiru over SKYS! 7/14/11‏ - YouTube

NUGENT: You have the right to remain stupid - Washington Times

Chuck Baldwin -- You Can't Continue With The Status Quo

Anti-depressant prescriptions quadruple over the last 20 year as one in 10 adults is now depressed | Mail Online

Senators Ask Spy Chief: Are You Tracking Us Through Our iPhones? | Danger Room | Wired.com

Congressman Says Fast & Furious Was Obama Administration Conspiracy to Regulate and List Gun Owners- Calls on Holder to Resign | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Belgian Blues Will Blow Your Mind, These Cows Are Totally Ripped | Singularity Hub

Freeway Shutdown Promises Sales for Gridlock-Survival Services - Businessweek

JOHN THE BAPTIST TV - Revival, Repentance, Reformation - Andrew Strom, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Leonard Ravenhill » FALSE PROPHECY Causes HUNDREDS KILLED

Do tea, coffee drinkers have lower risk of MRSA superbug? | Reuters

First Demonstration of Time Cloaking - Technology Review

Little Things You Can Do to Make Your Car Look New by Eric Peters

How to Retire Abroad – 7 Key Considerations - EFAM | Escape From America Magazine | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

A Prepper Goes to College, by S. John - SurvivalBlog.com

Healing vibes curing cancer: Medical mumbo-jumbo that's actually all TRUE | Mail Online

The Best Foods that Fill You Up and Boost Your Metabolism and Shed Pounds by Ori Hofmekler

How Often Should You Eat? | Mark's Daily Apple

FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulated after 1994

Video:Ongoing Hunger Strike at Pelican Bay Prison

GOP: We'll Pass 'Cut, Cap, and Balance' Next Week; Obama: It's Just Political Posturing

Cantor and Boehner: 'Not Going to Allow This Kind of Spending to Continue'; Bill Coming

Pelosi: Obama Has More Patience Than Biblical Job

Pelosi Says She’s ‘Almost Too Busy’ to Continue Listening to Debt Talks

Pelosi: I Hope Obama Doesn’t Ask Us to Go to Camp David

Boehner 'Sees No Need to Go to Camp David' to Discuss Debt-Limit Deal

Rep. Gohmert: 'We Know From House Rules the President Never Lies'

California Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Law Requiring Public Schools to Teach 'Gay History'

Belief in Bible Climbed as Employment Declined, Say Gallup and Labor Dept. Data

Herman Cain: Tennessee Mosque Would 'Sneak Shari'a Law' Into U.S.

Ohio Legislators Introduce Bills To Fund Health Clinics, Not Abortion Providers

Dem Governor Lets Bill Limiting Late-Term Abortions Become Law--Without His Signature

Balloon Boy Parents Auction Off UFO-Like Craft

Lady Gaga's YouTube Account Is Suspended

Singer Harry Chapin Recalled As a Charitable Giant

China Worried About U.S. Economy, Third Fed Stimulus

Chinese Doctor Sets Out to 'Cure' Bad Driving

Judge Throws Out Challenge to Visa Lottery

Inmate Wants to Sue Anthony for Caylee's Death

Needles Handled by New Mexico Preschoolers Not Tainted

Activist Post: Egypt: what revolution?

Activist Post: Obama calls new debt talks under China pressure

U.S. military could be shut down by secret 'back door'

Looking at FBI Entrapment | FPIF

EFF Action:

‪IMPORTANT! Executive Order 13575 = UN Agenda 21‏ - YouTube

Record heat, drought, and flooding sweeps US; food supply to take a hit

Detectives Hunt For Clues at Scene of Mumbai Attacks

Geithner Warns US 'Running Out of Time' on Debt Issue

Murdoch British Media Empire Chief Resigns

Obama Warns of Consequences if US Defaults on Debt

Chavez Discusses Cancer, Rallies Supporters in Venezuela

'Green' US Jobs Starting to Pay Off

WHO Says World Better Prepared for Next Influenza Pandemic

Rare Earth Elements Becoming Hot Commodity

Pundits, Palin to GOP: You Must Own Debt Ceiling Message

McConnell's Plan B Gaining Support

Obama: I Don’t Care if Debt Battle 'Brings Down My Presidency'

Bachmann Uses Ceiling as Campaign Weapon

Hillary Wants Off 'Merry-Go-Round' — in 18 Months

Boehner: 'Too Many People in the Room'

Giuliani: Don't Rush To Judgment on News Corp.

Murdoch Defends Handling of Crisis to WSJ

Obama Administration Blackballed Fox News

Suicide Bomber Blasts Karzai Brother's Memorial

Judge Nixes Suit Against Mosque Near Ground Zero

RNC Chief Priebus: Obama Will Lose Pa. in 2012

Trump: GOP's 'Terrible Negotiators' Buoy Obama

First Ron Paul TV Ad for 2012 Race on Debt

Glenn Beck Warns Against ‘Vaporization of Israel’

Greenspan: Kids Today Can't Replace the Boomers

Scott Minerd: Paper Money is Garbage, so Buy Gold

Coffee, Tea Lower Superbug Risk

Vitamin C Linked to Cataract Risk

You Are What You Tweet

Lynn: Cyber Strategy’s Thrust is Defensive

U.S. Drawdown Stirs Fears In Central Asia

UN welcomes South Sudan as 193rd Member State

How Is Obama Preparing for China's Dominance?

Our Prison System Needs Radical Changes

Obama's Middle East Plan Weakens Israel

GOP Should Call Obama's Bluff on Debt Deal

Obama Will Reduce US to European Welfare State

Obama as Centrist Gains Traction With 2012 Voters

How Globalism Has Destroyed Our Jobs, Businesses And National Wealth In 10 Easy Steps :

Former Intelligence Chief: Expect Intensified Social Conflicts, Social Hostility, Civil Unrest, Extremism :

The Falsification of Science :

Pakistani-American Relations Continue To Be Strained As U.S. Starts To Cut Aid, CIA Faux-Vaccine Program Busted :

EPA: Fluoride Must Be Phased Out :

Bob Tuskin: STOP SMART METERS – Radiation, Privacy, And Cost With Joshua Hart :

Millennium Ark: The Nerd Who Saw Too Much

Accused Child Molester Allowed Child Porn in Jail - Fox News Video - FoxNews.com

‪The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See‏ - YouTube

5.3 Earthquake in Upala Alajuela | Costa Rica News

BBC News - Earthquake hits English Channel

Obama: Unneeded Income Belongs to the Government « Commentary Magazine

Monsanto files suit against two Erie area farmers over seeds

World Sea Attacks Rise as Pirates Become Bolder - FoxNews.com

'Rapture' real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves

Sexual Contradictions in Islam » Publications » Family Security Matters

Chimera embryos have right to life, say bishops - Telegraph

Triceratops Bones Support Asteroid Extinction Theory | Wired Science | Wired.com

Wi-Fi–Hacking Neighbor From Hell Sentenced to 18 Years | Threat Level | Wired.com

Websites Launched to Support Obama Impeachment & Protests -- RALEIGH, N.C., July 13, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk | Mail Online

CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

Obama’s ineligibility: When government declares war on the people

Emails show White House lied about targeting Fox News

Another provision of Obamacare comes under bipartisan assault

Ron Paul to run ads criticizing GOP on debt-ceiling compromise

Guns selling at record pace this year in Arizona

ATF Florida Gun Probe Earns Congressional Scrutiny in Wake of 'Fast and Furious'

Bachmann bashes Whoopi Goldberg in fundraising letter

Classified document about U.S. detention criteria inadvertently given to ACLU

Energy Company Abandons Coloring Book on Fracking Featuring 'Friendly Fracosaurus'

Contract worker with expired Mexican ID arrested at nuclear plant

Ventura County eradicates largest pot plantation in its history

John Bolton: North Korea edges toward next nuke test

Pentagon declares the Internet a war domain

Killer of Karzai's brother was once a U.S. ally and Taliban foe

O’Reilly: I’ll broker debt talks

UPDATE 1-News Corp shareholder says Brooks "has to go"-BBC - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance

In Interview, Murdoch Defends News Corp. - WSJ.com

U.S. Attorney General says probe progressing into News Corp | Reuters

Rash Of American Flag Burnings Concerning Resid - Flash Player Installation

Chouteau Clerk Mistaken For Casey Anthony Attac - Flash Player Installation

Obama Holds News Conference on Debt Limit Increase - NYTimes.com

Obama, Republicans trade demands for debt plan | Reuters

Manufacturing Gauge Slumps as Core Inflation Gains - CNBC

Dr. Loses License; Former Patients, Attorneys R - Flash Player Installation

Hillary Clinton circumnavigates a sphere of diminishing US influence | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Frustrated man takes homeless from downtown to million dollar neighborhood | wtsp.com

Bus Stop Moved To Avoid Homeless Woman's Smell - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

Last Harry Potter 'almost like watching your childhood come to an end' - York Dispatch

Pentagon: 24,000 files stolen in cyber attack - Jennifer Epstein and Jennifer Martinez - POLITICO.com

Pentagon declares the Internet a war domain - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

‪Contagion (2011) Official Exclusive 1080p HD Trailer‏ - YouTube

Venezuela's Chavez to boost prison construction - Yahoo! News

Chavez to 'get cancer treatment in Brazil' - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels - Telegraph

Bin Laden Plotted 9/11 Anniversary Attack - WSJ.com

Rebekah Brooks resigns as head of News International but refuses to apologise | Mail Online


*Obama Enacts the DREAM Act | Before It's News


A New Way for Income Investors to Get Ahead | Before It's News

Obama's Tantrum and Other Signs of Sabotage | Before It's News

Top 10 Animals Unintentionally Channeling Harry Potter Characters | Before It's News

James Ridgeway, “Mass Psychosis in the U.S.” | Before It's News

The Falsification of Science | Before It's News

Mossad Ran 9/11 Arab "Hijacker" Terrorist Operation | Before It's News

Solar Power Camping Gadgets | Before It's News

Credit Card Slave | Before It's News

Connection Between OKC Bombing and Operation Fast and Furious | Before It's News

New Species of Fox discovered in North Carolina | Before It's News

Morgellans / Chemtrails: They Are Killing Us... | Before It's News

'Harry Potter' Explained in 7 Minutes (Video) | Gather

RFID Chips Are in Your Food | Before It's News

Going Galt: Obama’s Employment Line Worst Since 1948 | Before It's News

15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Become So Desperate That They Will Do Just About Anything For Money | Before It's News

7 Giant UFOs Flying Over Moon! Watch Close Up Video Of The UFO Sighting, July 9, 2011 | Before It's News

Before Mankind, What Was Really On Earth? | Before It's News

'Breath-Taking Snaps Of Galaxy' Seen With The Naked Eye | Before It's News

Here Are The 29 Public Companies With More Cash Than The US Treasury | zero hedge

A Step-By-Step Guide To Rank #1 On LinkedIn Search | Before It's News

Freelance Writer’s Guidelines For Beginners | Before It's News




Freelance Writing:(http://freelancewritersguides.com/)


How To Get More Facebook Likes | Before It's News

Rebekah Brooks Resigns From News International

Grover Norquist tries put all blame on Obama for the economic mess. Grade: FAIL. CNN's Morgan: 'It's complete hogwash'

Colbert Report: Republicans Choose None of the Above

Rupertgate Thursday - The Games Begin.

Dick Morris: Bachmann and Palin are an Existential Threat to the Democratic Party

Drama Queen Mitch: We Need To Rewrite The Constitution Because Voters Just Won't Agree With Us!

Minnesota running out of booze, cigarettes due to government shutdown

Mo Brooks Will Do "Anything Short of Shooting" Illegal Immigrants

Carney: Obama Doesn't Want McConnell Deal, He Wants Big Cuts. 'Bigger Is Better'

A Fine Bottle of Cantor Whine to Go With That Grand Bargain

Lou Dobbs thinks President Obama is 'beneath contempt' for warning that debt-ceiling vote will hit Social Security payments

So Much for the 'Tea Party' Being All About Fiscal Issues

Now the FBI is looking into Murdoch media's phone-hacking activities in the USA

Lead Foreclosure Fraud Investigators Forced To Resign By Florida AG's Office. Something Smells Fishy in the Sunshine State!

Jon Stewart Goes There -- Questions Marcus Bachmann's Sexual Orientation

For God's Sake - Stop Talking

Hunger Strike Protesting Inhuman Conditions at Pelican Bay Spreads To 13 Prisons; Many Strikers Reportedly Near Death


**Steve Quayle News Alerts:List of Dead Scientists


White House attempt to control news reporting confirmed

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Let's get it done!';Rep. Lankford leading charge toward balanced-budget amendment


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Does Google spy for NSA? Judge says you can't know

U.S. condemns death penalty for apostasy

Congress to Obama: How to avoid 'default'

Debt talks: No 'hallelujah moment' in sight - Yahoo! News

Access Denied / User Login | CNSnews.com

Top aide: 'Millions' hope Donald Trump runs in 2012 - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Resistance training: A fountain of youth?

'Gays,' atheists oppose rights for Christians

Gov. Brown jumps on 'teach-Johnny-to-be-gay' bandwagon

Thank you, Michele and Marcus Bachmann

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

World Net Daily Defends Against Islamist Enemies Within America

Overhead Bin - Man tries to board plane at Baltimore airport with 13 knives

Donald Rumsfeld Patted Down as TSA Unveils New Security Measures - The Note

'Nazi'-cop town council mysteriously vanishes

Bolton: Obama worst president for Israel – ever -

State programmer identifies template for Obama 'forgery'

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Colleges grab Facebook posts to punish student, fire prof

Germany to fund new coal plants with climate change cash - The Local

The Green Economy Withers - Investors.com

Military expedition com... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Caligula statue discovered by 'tomb raiders' unveiled in Rome - Telegraph

Archaeologists Excavate Biblical Giant Goliath's Hometown - FoxNews.com

Ancient Egypt’s embalme... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

New Scientist TV: Time-lapse Tuesday: Watch a dust storm sweep Phoenix

Two photos, thirty years apart, move the Web | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Gates Foundation Initiative To Revolutionize The Toilet For Clean Drinking Water

Lions and LEGOs and concubines, oh my!

The day Twitter brought down Red China

Bare-faced Kim Kardashian is almost unrecognisable as she goes make-up free ahead of photoshoot | Mail Online

Kite surfer Maciek Kozierski walks on water - Photostory

Sinead O'Connor's sad slide from being pop's most ethereal beauty | Mail Online

Tennessee governor 'volunteers' to raise national taxes

Car lover's dream leads to surprising historical find

This Year's Hottest Super-Convertibles - FoxNews.com

FDA confirms RU-486 abortion drug kills

U.S. condemns death penalty for apostasy

Does Google spy for NSA? Judge says you can't know

Soros-funded lobby helping Palestinian statehood bid

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

The media-manufactured Bachmann scandal

The Republican crackup

Has America gone stark, raving bonkers?

Has Mitch gone mad?

GOP: Play offense for a change

Who's in charge here? Not Boehner!

GOP Debt Ceiling Ace in the Hole: Obama’s Birthday Bash | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

The media-manufactured Bachmann scandal

McCotter runs for president

The 3 scariest things about Obama

When will Obama side with America?

American veteran-hero jailed

We're all Greeks now

Reagan mythology is leading US off a cliff - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

National debt and blood-alcohol level

Why Obama cannot be impeached

How Four Influential Socialist Anti-Semites Shaped the Left | FrontPage Magazine

S&P: U.S. Debt Could Reach ‘Junk’ Rating by 2030, Absent Entitlement Reform | CNSnews.com

Tourists saw Calif. man fall into Maui blow hole - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Guilderland Town Clerk resigns over gay marriage | guilderland, gay, marriage - WRGB Channel 6 News

Assad doctors swearing-in photo? - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Al Sharpton Could Be Joining MSNBC, Radio Callers Pound Away

Hollywood scraps filming after Malmö Jews alert - The Local

Monkey-Killing Virus Sickens Lab WorkersAdenoviruses, Infectious Diseases & Lab Accidents | LiveScience

Superbug gonorrhoea found in Japan - health - 13 July 2011 - New Scientist

Meteorite did kill the dinosaurs, fossil shows - Telegraph

We'd be lost without them: meet the team behind GPS - Telegraph

123 year-old talking doll record speaks again - CBS News

Indonesian volcano erupts | World news | guardian.co.uk

BBC News - Dawn probe set to orbit Asteroid Vesta


Inside SpaceX: A Hint of Life After the Space Shuttle | Wired Science | Wired.com

Space-Time Cloak Possible, Could Make Events Disappear?

A Different Perspective: The Roswell Festival

Paranormalia: Sylvia Browne in Two Worlds

Snake with 2 heads wows Ukraine zoo - Technology & Science - CBC News

Radioactive meat circulating on Japanese market - CNN.com

U.S. recognizes Libyan rebels as legitimate government - The Washington Post

NATO chief calls for more planes to bomb Libyan targets | News by Country | Reuters

Prison Planet.com » Endgame Approaches In Libya With Gaddafi Set to Step Down

Prison Planet.com » 3 Examples Of How “It’s Policy” Has Become An Excuse For Absolutely Unspeakable Acts

Prison Planet.com » NATO jets violate Pakistani airspace

Prison Planet.com » Bohemian Grove: Where the Elite Meet to Eat (and Conspire)

Prison Planet.com » This Is What Passes For Democracy In Greece… And America

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul: “America’s AAA Rating Not Worth Saving” Because “We Are Insolvent”

Prison Planet.com » Italy’s 2400 tons of gold: Real target of ‘IMF terrorists’?

Prison Planet.com » Gold And Silver Likely To Go Parabolic Due To ‘Global Shockwaves’ If U.S. Defaults

Manufacturing Gauge Slumps as Core Inflation Gains - CNBC

Debt limit: U.S. outreach to banks, investors over possible default comes up empty - The Washington Post

Ron Paul and six other Republicans refuse to sign Family Leader pledge | The Raw Story

Prison Planet.com » I arrest you in the name of the Earth

Prison Planet.com » Scientists from around the world decry proposed human trials of GM wheat


‪WAC San Antonio in-Studio: 1776 World Wide, It's Time to Just 'Get Some' on The Nwo! 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪WAC San Antonio in-Studio: 1776 World Wide, It's Time to Just 'Get Some' on The Nwo! 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪WAC San Antonio in-Studio: 1776 World Wide, It's Time to Just 'Get Some' on The Nwo! 3/3‏ - YouTube


‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 1/3‏ - YouTube

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 2/3‏ - YouTube

‪Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 7/7, 9/11 as "State Sponsored Terror" 3/3‏ - YouTube

+ Executive Order #13575: Theft of rural and agricultural lands for UN Agenda 21 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ Jeffrey Smith & Mike Adams: Biotech Industry Taking Over Food Supply Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Washington's Blog:Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: American Government Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers

Andrew Kohut: The World Says China Will Overtake America - WSJ.com

Pentagon wants to change strategy for dealing with cyber-attacks | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Manufacturing Gauge Slumps as Core Inflation Gains - CNBC

Police: Internet providers must keep user logs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Hackers Gained Access to Important Files, Pentagon Says - NYTimes.com

Westerners 'programmed to eat junk food' - Telegraph

» Living in and Through The Poison Century Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 families demand to reopen case — RT

Obama's Secret Wars: How Our Shady Counter-Terrorism Policies Are More Dangerous Than Terrorism | | AlterNet

Will international terrorists help the U.S. build ‘The Greater Middle East’? | "International Affairs" | RIA Novosti


+Prison Planet.com » Coming soon from Al Gore: 24 Hours of Bull Shit


**More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims Scientists Continue to Debunk Fading “Consensus” in 2008 & 2009 & 2010


Climate Reality:(http://climaterealityproject.org/)

Climate Clash(http://climateclash.com/)


**CO2 Science:Carbon Dioxide and Earth's Future: Pursuing the Prudent Path


Prison Planet.com » Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing

Prison Planet.com » The Risks of Shadowy Hacktivists Stealing Secret Data

Prison Planet.com » 9/11 And The Rise of The World Wolf State

Prison Planet.com » AE911Truth’s Richard Gage Was On Irish Mainstream Television

» How to protect your mobile phone, computer from illegal police searches Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cellphones, Cancer and Infertility Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cellphones, Cancer and Infertility - FoxNews.com

» The NIST WTC 7 Report is False Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Syrian security forces kill 16 in biggest protests to date

London banks caught up in stress-test selling

J'lem: 4,500 march in support of Palestinian statehood

Sir David King: world should abandon Kyoto protocol on climate change

Julian Assange a great dissident, says his father

IDF: Hamas at fault for escalation in rocket fire from Gaza

Obama warns on interest rate risk

FDA commissioner reaches out to small businesses

Murdoch apologizes to family of slain schoolgirl

Delta may drop flying in 24 small cities

US soldier killed in Iraq, the fourth this month

Casey Anthony plans to appeal convictions for lying

Obama urges compromise to ease way for trade deals

Lamborghini files trademark suit vs Vegas business

New York man denies killing 3 family members, torching home

One-legged S.African driver used boy as clutch: police

Lawyer for family of murdered schoolgirl says Rupert Murdoch seemed shaken as he offered apology.

Astronauts fix another failed computer on shuttle

Gov't wants to know all the fees airlines charging

Clinton seeks to smooth Islamic defamation row

Italy gives final OK to austerity package

Will She Or Won’t She? Marines Rally For Sgt. Scott Moore: Mila Kunis, Please Go To the Ball

Japanese Heavy Equipment Company Leaves Iran Over ‘Crane Hangings’

Arab World Gives Obama Thumbs Down: Poll

Pakistan Turns To China As US-Pakistan Relations Collapse

The Arab Spring And The Cold War

Left of Bang

Egyptian Shaykh: ‘We Still Kill Him, Even If He Repents!’

Audio:Walid Phares: The State Of Play From Sudan To Syria

U.S. Intelligence Flaws Identified In GAO

US Aid to PLO/Hamas in Jeopardy; BHO To The Rescue

The Israeli Public and the Death of the ‘Two-State Solution’

Stengel-gate Update: The National Constitution Center Ducks the Issue

Sound Bite For the Day: “Would You Let Casey Anthony Babysit Your Kids?”

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Weinergate Edition

Forbes Stands By Article suggesting Palin Illegality in Newsweek cover attire

The Time Has Found Us: Modern Day Parallels of Common Sense

Documents Show White House Attacked, Excluded Fox News

UMSL in Attacking Student Whistleblower: “MMfA Did Our Work For Us”

Sound Bite For the Day: “Is He a True American?”

‘Better Homes’ and a Shake Shack Burger

IMF Says US Budget Requires 33% Spending Cut & 35% Tax Increase

Still Keeping the Light On

Audio:Can Republicans Force Obama’s Hand on Debt Ceiling Deal?

Grassley and Issa Should Include Obama and Clinton in Operation Fast and Furious Probe

Labor-Management Dynamic Shifts in Wisconsin Schools, Taxpayers Reap Rewards

Comrades! We Must Not Let This Debt Crisis Go To Waste!

Indoctrination Fridays: Green Curricula’s Real Target is Free Markets, Not Global Warming

Wikileaks ‘Assistant’ Hypes Expansion of Government Power to Aid…Wikileaks

Another Day, Another Obama Presser

Obama Uses Debt Crisis to Raise Taxes

Union Corruption: There’s No App For That

New Study from Swedish Economists Allows Us to Quantify the Cost of the Bush-Obama Spending Binge

Obama Figures Out How to Create Jobs! (in Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Russia…)

Rep. Issa, Where Is the Pigford Investigation?

Why Are Economists Confused? Americans Aren’t

University Gone Wild: Senior UMSL Administrators Bare (Almost) All in Embarrassing Internal Emails

Audio:Eric O’Keefe Talks About the Health Care Compact

Obama’s Labor Board: We Prosecute Dead People Too…

BREAKING ON GLADNEY TRIAL: SEIU Dragged in Bogus ‘Witness’ Who Wasn’t Even at Scene of the Crime

‪The Whistleblower (2011) - Official Trailer [HD]‏ - YouTube

Rick Moranis … Come Back!

Bristol Palin Meets Jay Leno (and Don Rickles!)

Your Morning Call Sheet: A Sarah Palin, Joel Surnow, Dana Andrews Triple-Threat

‘The Undefeated’ Review: A Profoundly Important Game-changer (Especially For Me)

Steven Crowder Issues Challenge to Jon Stewart: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

Daily Gut Podcast: Aging Causes Wrinkles and Squeamishness

FOX 411: Contrary to False Reports, Kunis Will Attend Marine Corps Ball

Travel Channel Host Partners With Fidel Castro’s Secret Police

Your Morning Call Sheet: Netflix Blues, More Spider-Man, Shatnerpalooza, and a Bad Seed

IndieWire Writer Finds Appearance of Black Conservative in Palin Doc ‘Shocking’

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Your Morning Call Sheet: Netflix Blues, More Spider-Man, Shatnerpalooza, and a Bad Seed

Kal Penn to leave White House again - CLICK - POLITICO.com

'Kennedys' Executive Producer on Emmy Noms: 'I'm Feeling Vindicated' - The Hollywood Reporter

Grant Regrets Making Fox Film

Jennifer Love Hewitt to star in Jewtopia film | Film | guardian.co.uk

Giuliani tests waters, warns of Republican debt risk | Reuters

Stolen Mailboxes Pose ID Theft Risk To Valley P - Flash Player Installation

AP source: FBI probing News Corp. 9/11 phone link

Vatican adviser urges tougher stance with China

CSI Science Joins Fight Against Taliban Terror - FoxNews.com


15-Jul-11 World View

14-Jul-11 World View

13-Jul-11 World View

12-Jul-11 World View

11-Jul-11 World View

10-Jul-11 World View

9-Jul-11 World View

*15 July

American Minute for July 15th

July 15th in History

Today in History: July 15

July 15th This Day in History

July 15 Events in History

Today in History: July 15

This Day in History for 15th July

‪Today in History for July 15th‏ - YouTube


Leiby Kletzky died fighting for life against kidnapper Levi Aron: NYPD commissioner - NYPOST.com

House GOP Takes New Tack in Debt Talks -- Schedules Vote on 'Cap, Cut and Balance' Pledge - FoxNews.com

Girl with no arms and legs says Nebraska school cheerleading try-out is unfair | Mail Online

Overhead Bin - Man tries to board plane at Baltimore airport with 13 knives

Lady Gaga slammed by disability groups after performing on stage in a wheelchair | Mail Online

Report Shows Gaping Holes in Intelligence on Overseas Terrorists - FoxNews.com

Diathermia, the "laser" of its day Pictures - CBS News

Obama Drops Debt Bomb: ‘The American People Are Sold’ on My Debt Proposal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘In God We Trust’ Will Be Allowed on New Georgia License Plates — for $1 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

ABC’s Jake Tapper Stumps Press Sec. Jay Carney on Debt Ceiling | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Alleges False Editing in Clinic Controversy: ‘Not the Way I Would Talk’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Armless, Legless Girl Allegedly Offered Compromise on Cheerleading but Parents Refused | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

U.S. Officially Recognizes Libyan Rebels as Legitimate Government | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judge Napolitano’s Open Letter to John Boehner: A Common Sense Guide to What Needs to Be Done | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Congressmen Are Now Demanding Answers About ‘Operation Castaway’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Herman Cain Opposes Tennessee Islamic Center, Says it‘s Not ’An Innocent Mosque’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Video Team to Produce 100 Clips in 24 Hours to Mock Washington Spending | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

TSA to Test New Trusted Traveler Program, But At What Cost to Privacy? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Routine Traffic Stop: Ohio Troopers Find Drunk Man Riding With Dead Passenger | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Herman Cain On The Debt Ceiling Crisis And What’s Really Behind It | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Las Vegas: Illegal Immigrants Busted with 212 Pounds of Meth, Heroin in Record Seizure | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pawlenty Releases Evangelical-Friendly Ad With Focus on Gay Marriage, Abortion and His Christian Faith | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Exposed: White House Press E-mails Reveal Anti-Fox News Bias | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Move Over Mila: Marine Makes Justin Timberlake an Offer He Can’t Refuse | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Pay Off Reps Who Voted ‘Yes’ on Gay Marriage? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gaddafi Vows to ‘Blow Up’ Tripoli if Rebels Capture City | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

White House Refuses to Challenge Claim That Obama Lied About Mother’s Health Care Coverage | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Another Congressman Claims Twitter Account Hacked…From Indonesia? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chrysler Workers Again Caught Smoking & Drinking On the Job — ‘Steps Away’ from Union Hall | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Delta Planes Collide on Runway at Boston Airport | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can the Gov’t Regulate Private Gunmakers? Montana Man Challenges Federal Laws | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

+Can Republicans Force Obama’s Hand on Debt Ceiling Deal? | RedState

* audio : Can Republicans Force Obama’s Hand on Debt Ceiling Deal?

The No Social Security Payments Myth | RedState

The EPA Must Be Stopped, and I’m Not Talking About Light Bulbs | RedState

Can Jeff Sessions Disband The 800 Club? | RedState

The Entire Premise Behind Debt Negotiations is a Farce | RedState

NJ Cops’ Union Files Internal Charges Against Lawmaker For Supporting Reform | RedState

‪GOP12.com: Pawlenty summons courage‏ - YouTube

Thune: I Will Not Vote For New Taxes - HUMAN EVENTS

Palin Tells Obama 'The Sugar Daddy Has Run Out of Sugar' and Reveals Clues About Her Presidential Intentions - HUMAN EVENTS

'The Next Middle East War' - HUMAN EVENTS

One President Left Behind: McConnell Schools Obama on Debt - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama sees time for a 'big deal'

Boehner signals options are open

Can Obama force 'big deal' on GOP?

Is Obama losing rich liberals?

Report: Osama targeted Obama

CNN silent on Morgan hacking angle

Our immigration lock-up system

Accused leaker: Fact check book

Reid: Tea party argument 'garbage'

Deal reached to end Minn. shutdown

The 2012 card is played

Debbie Schlussel:Feel Safe? 25,000 Airport Security Breaches Since 9/11

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya!: 17 Arrests of NFL Players Since Lockout Began

Debbie Schlussel:DumbAssity Lawsuit of the Day: Single Mom Cougar Romance Gone Wrong

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim Kills Muslim @ Tax-Funded Islamic Charter School Near Mosque

Debbie Schlussel:Well, If Muslims Can Do It, Why Not This Guy?

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: “Sister Wives” Lawsuit is Front for Islam, Sharia Bigamy; Lawyer Got Big $s From Islamic Terrorists

The Pickens plan and crony capitalism

Humbly thank President Obama for his leadership

China and Russia Angry at USA

Media Falsifies Clergy Sex Abuse

The Soft Dictatorship

Playing the Man: Defeating Obama With the Debt Ceiling

Arianna Does The UK

Negotiating with Lunatics

Barack and Joe: Taxation

The Real 'Under the Radar' Target of Operation Fast and Furious

Shovel-Ready in the Middle East?

Only 73% of Palestinians Want Jews Annihilated (as Per Islam's Canonical Hadith)

Bachmann haul for 2nd quarter: $4 million

The Black Code Exposed

Fannie Mae defender trips himself

Barack's Bankruptcy/Birthday Bash

The network that produced Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

What Obama could sacrifice to protect Social Security

Our Bully President in the Pulpit

Where Obamanomics Went Wrong

Barack Obama, Prince of Gloom

Aiding and Abetting the Enemy

Terminal Media Delusion

The Left Starts to Dump Obama

Iranian Officials: This is The Century of a Worldwide Islamic Awakening

Obama's Foreign Policy: Dithering or Stealth Postnationalist?

Are Conservatives Being Fair to Barack Obama?

Barry's Angels: Obama's Amazonian Guard

Obama's Strategy to Kill the Space Program

The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote

The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Conspicuous Silence of the Media

Debt Ceiling Reality: Debut of Made-in-China Social Security Checks

Climategate Spin Doctor Arrested

Why Islamists Persecute the Baha’is

Don’t Blame China For Temperature Standstill

RAF Book of Heroes Listing 107 signatures of Battle of Britain Pilots for sale at Bonhams Oxford

Exploiting the 9/11 Tenth Anniversary

The Reason behind Egyptian Christian Anti-Semitism

NBC’s Gregory Nails Treasury Secretary Geithner on Obama Economy

Persuading Politicians to Do Your Price Fixing

Exposed! Obama Brutal Vendetta Against Fox News, 1st Amendment

We Can Stop Obama’s Rural Council

Thomas More Society Wins Significant Victory for Free Speech

Education Reformation – returning excellence to teaching our children

Even As They Devour Your Tax Dollars, the Deadbeat Thugs of ACORN Housing Owe $163,000 in Back Taxes

The Iranian Embassy in Canada Should be Shut Down!

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Citizen’s Arrest of Congress

Romney Makes “Flip-Flopping” A Campaign Staple

The Democrats’ own Reichstag Fire

Want to See the World’s Only Turbine-Powered Batmobile? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can the Gov’t Regulate Private Gunmakers? Montana Man Challenges Federal Laws | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Congressman Says Fast & Furious Was Obama Administration Conspiracy to Regulate and List Gun Owners- Calls on Holder to Resign | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Broadway Will Turn Some of New York’s First Gay Marriages Into Theater Event | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sources Say Obama Scolded Leaders Before Walking Out of Debt Mtg: ‘Enough is Enough’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Damage Control: WH Vows No Pricey Obama Birthday Bash Until Debt Crisis Resolved | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Future is Here: These ‘Transition’ Flying Cars Approved as ‘Street Legal’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Don't Listen to What Bond Market Says, Watch What It's Doing - CNBC

Barack Obama a joke on debt--Michael A. Walsh - NYPOST.com

Debt Talks Turn Dire as Obama Gets Tough, Business Leaders Beg for Deal - The Daily Beast

Carney: 'Preposterous' to Say Obama Walked out of Deficit Talks - Rebecca Kaplan - NationalJournal.com

The myth of Obama’s great temperament - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Committee to Reelect Barack Obama? - 2012 Elections - Salon.com


Obama Lied About Mother’s Health Insurance Problem « Commentary Magazine

Obamageddon Coming to a City Near You? | Via Meadia

The rise and fall of Iran’s Ahmadinejad - The Washington Post

Back To Basics: The Deficit And Obama's Reelection | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - New Reality Emerging on Illegal Immigration

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Debt Ceiling "Grand Bargain" No Such Thing

Obama Losing His Base? Here Are 552,000 Reasons Why That's Wrong | Mother Jones

The Opposing Party - NYTimes.com

Henninger: The Disappearing Recovery - WSJ.com

Global Weirding Coming At Us All | Via Meadia

Althouse: Obama lied about a central fact about his own life which he used — powerfully — to push health care reform.

Robert Reich: Can Obama Pull a 'Clinton' on the GOP? - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Who's Irresponsible?

A Lost Opportunity - Ronald Brownstein - NationalJournal.com

RealClearPolitics - Romney Applies Lessons of 2008 to 2012 Run

Taking a Look at the Governor, Back When He Was a Democrat - NYTimes.com

The Tragedy Of Tim Pawlenty: He Did Everyhing Right. And That Was The Problem. | The New Republic

Barack Obama’s future looks precarious as America faces its most important presidential election since 1980 – Telegraph Blogs

What Deal Should Obama Take? | The New Republic

Getting to Crazy - NYTimes.com

As White House talks falter, Senate works on framework to raise debt limit - The Washington Post

Regime Change May Be Needed To Cut Deficit - Investors.com

Review & Outlook: The Obama Downgrade - WSJ.com

The One Democratic Advantage: Unified Leadership « Commentary Magazine

Protecting the Rich | Mother Jones

RealClearMarkets - Bernanke Employs a Modified 'Pump and Dump'

Democrats Want To Raise Debt Ceiling? GOP Should Demand Growth Initiatives - Louis Woodhill - Unconventional Logic - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - We'll Go Greek Without A Grownup Conversation

Yes, You Really Can Cut Your Way to Prosperity — The American Magazine

Worried About Debt Limit? The Bond Market Isn’t: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

If U.S. defaults on debt: How to protect your investments - USATODAY.com

Beginning of the end of the entire crisis? Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

The Worst China Mistake You Can Make

Robert Reich: Can Obama Pull a 'Clinton' on the GOP? - WSJ.com

Obama and the Establishment Have Tried Everything But Reaganomics - Peter Ferrara - On The Cutting Edge - Forbes

“Underpants Gnomes” Political Economy - Art Carden - The Economic Imagination - Forbes

BBC News - Behind the downgrades and the doubt: A crisis of growth

Ailing Economy Needs Self-Interest, Not Sacrifice - SmartMoney.com

Why the U.S. could use a strategic default Jeff Reeves - MarketWatch

Obama And His Slavish 14th Amendment Courtiers - Jerry Bowyer - The Great Relearning - Forbes

Five reasons to be bullish on stocks (Yes, bullish.) - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

First sounds of news war coming to FM - chicagotribune.com

Garry McCarthy to NATO, G-8 protesters: Police will be ready - Chicago Sun-Times

Emanuel to lay off 625 workers after union misses deadline | WBEZ

CPS students want more support, fewer cops in schools - Chicago Sun-Times

How Facebook saved my son's life - TODAY Health - TODAY.com

Coffee and Tea Drinkers May Be Less Susceptible to MRSA – TIME Healthland

Medical News: Smoking Down in Movies Targeted at Kids and Teens - in Primary Care, Smoking & Tobacco from MedPage Today

Baby Boomers' Aging Future Studies Reveal All; Optimism, Drugs

Study of Alpha Male Baboons Shows It’s Stressful at the Top - NYTimes.com

Want to Eat Less? Try a Bigger Fork - US News and World Report

Three Decades of HIV/AIDS: Historical Overview

WXXI: Most in U.S. want ban on smoking in public: poll (2011-07-15)

Genome: Researchers Devise Method For Wholesale Alteration Of Bacterial Genome - latimes.com

Campaign Says - ‘Got PMS? Get Milk’ - NYTimes.com -

Radio World: Spotify Debuts

‪Spotify Coming to the United States; Popular Music-on-Demand Service Hailed by Tech Blogs‏ - YouTube


Astronaut welcomes China to space brotherhood | Reuters

Dawn to Rise over Asteroid Vesta: Scientific American Gallery

Loss of Large Predators Man’s 'Most Pervasive Influence on Nature' - International Business Times

Pirate threat forces scientists to turn to Navy for help | TG Daily

BBC News - Whaling: Chaos or compromise?

Brainy lizards rival birds in intelligence

Shrimpers May Face New Restrictions | BAYOU LA - Flash Player Installation

Rainbow Toad Rediscovered in Borneo after 87 years: First Ever Photos

The Associated Press: Threatened snow leopards found in Afghanistan

Russian rides end astronaut career | The Australian

SpaceX breaks ground on Falcon Heavy launch site | The Digital Home - CNET News

Scientists Find Youngest Dinosaur Bone

Caught on tape: Bird attacks pedestrians | abc7.com

Forests absorb one-third of global fossil fuel emissions | Bioscience Technology Online

The Associated Press: Former resident sues to claim Alaska moon rocks

BBC News - Gagarin statue unveiled in London

Video: The week that ended Rebekah Brooks's News International career - Telegraph

Full text of Rupert Murdoch apology in UK newspapers | Reuters

Obama Presses Congress on Debt Ceiling as House Sets Vote - WSJ.com

US Stocks Post Small Gains Following Stress-Test Results - WSJ.com

Record numbers of Germans worried about euro: poll | Reuters

French Greens provoke ire over Bastille parade call | Reuters

AFP: Russia wants to complete Kyoto talks: Putin

Fourteen killed in Karachi violence after minister's comments | Reuters

Afghan civilian deaths: U.N. says Afghan civilian deaths up 15% this year - latimes.com

More Than a Dozen Killed in Syrian Protests Against Regime | Middle East | English

Mumbai attacks spark outrage in city fed up with terrorism - CSMonitor.com

Killer of Karzai's half-brother worked against Taliban, officials say - CNN.com

EGYPT: Protests continue but activists divided over goals - latimes.com

Turkey launches offensive against Kurdish rebels - CBS 3 Springfield - WSHM - News, Weather and Sports

Volcano Erupts in Central Indonesia - TIME

Attacks in Sudan Could Amount to War Crimes, U.N. Report Says - NYTimes.com

Fighting in southern Yemen leaves 10 dead - thestar.com

Internal UN Report: Summary Executions, Mass Graves in Sudan - Battleland - TIME.com

Ireland censures Vatican on silence | The Australian

Pink Floyd Rocker's Son Sent to Jail For 16 Months For Violent Student Protest - FoxNews.com

Phone hacking: Met police put pressure on Guardian over coverage | Media | guardian.co.uk

$153 million of marijuana found in Mexico - Collegenews.

‪Biggest ever? Video of giant marijuana plantation in Mexico‏ - YouTube

Five indicted in North Chicago bus kickback scheme - Lake County News-Sun

Is Microsoft launching a social network? - Computerworld

Are You a Facebook Defector for Google+? [POLL]

NY Tweets More Than Most of the World — NYConvergence.com

The Facebook Phone Review: Let's Just Pretend This Isn't It

Google News badges track what you read, are sharable and social - latimes.com

Google News badges: Foursquare For News Addicts in New Google Feature - International Business Times

Where Is Google Apps On Larry Page's Priority List? (GOOG, MSFT)

How search engines are messing with our minds - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience - msnbc.com

Is Google Really Wrecking Our Memory? - Techland - TIME.com

‪The Buzz: Internet vs. Memory‏ - YouTube

'Winnie The Pooh' Directors Take A Trip Back To The 100 Acre Woods

AnnaLynne McCord Of 90210 One Of 'Strongest Young Female Philanthropists' In Hollywood

Formula 1 heiress buys for $85 million Hollywood mansion | Reuters

What’s Next For Daniel Radcliffe? » MTV Movies Blog

‘Harry Potter’ Stars Conjure Up ‘American Talk 2′ » Hollywood Crush

Rick Santorum raises just $582,000 for presidential campaign - latimes.com

The fugitive life of 'The Elvis of gangsters' - CNN.com

Judge sets $450,000 bail for Blagojevich, lower than feds sought - chicagotribune.com

Michele, Marcus Bachmann: Clinics are not anti-gay | The State Column

South California as 51st state? - Collegenews.

Parents of Missing Missouri Mom Eye Husband as Suspect - FoxNews.com

Naked, bound woman found hanging at historic California mansion - Crimesider - CBS News

New York man denies killing 3 family members, torching home | Reuters

Campaigning in N.H., Romney focuses on economy but avoids specifics - The Washington Post

More than 200 D.C. teachers fired - D.C. Schools Insider - The Washington Post

Levi Aron to Be Indicted As Early As Friday - International Business Times

‪Bringing Kletzky killer to justice‏ - YouTube

Hunker down or flee? Los Angelenos gird for 'carmageddon' on I-405 - CSMonitor.com

Obama excited about turning 50 -- and getting AARP discounts - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Casey Anthony Zenaida Gonzalez civil: New judge and hearing scheduled in Zenaida Gonzalez civil suit against Casey Anthony - chicagotribune.com

Minnesota Lawmakers Work on Budget - NYTimes.com

‪Minn. Gov., GOP Have Deal to End Shutdown‏ - YouTube

**Politics Video

Rove: Obama "Passed The Buck To Congress" ... "Doesn't Get It" | RealClearPolitics

Obama: "We Don't Need To Do Anything Radical To Solve This Problem" | RealClearPolitics

Obama Warns Of Economic "Armageddon" | RealClearPolitics

Krauthammer: Fox Gets Under The White House's Skin | RealClearPolitics

Obama | AARP | Discounts | RealClearPolitics

Obama: | RealClearPolitics

Obama: 80% Of The American People Want Higher Taxes | RealClearPolitics

Obama: | RealClearPolitics

Obama: | RealClearPolitics

Boehner: We Have Put Forth A Plan, Obama Has Not | RealClearPolitics

Schultz: "Obama Has Put The Country Before His Own Political Future" | RealClearPolitics

Krauthammer: Let 2012 Be About The Debt Deal | RealClearPolitics

O'Reilly: | RealClearPolitics

Rep. Frank: Republicans "Divorced From Reality" On Debt | RealClearPolitics

Obama | I Will Win In 2012 | RealClearPolitics

Pelosi: You Can't Out Debate President Obama | RealClearPolitics

Obama To GOP: | RealClearPolitics

Carney Unsure If Default Is Worst Than Debt Vote In An Election Year | RealClearPolitics

Rep. Van Hollen: | RealClearPolitics

Carney Snippy With Press: | RealClearPolitics

Boehner: GOP And Democrats Speak Two Different Languages | RealClearPolitics

Chicago GOP Congressman To Obama: "Quit Lying" About Debt Ceiling | RealClearPolitics

McConnell: GOP Won't Be | RealClearPolitics

Sen. Toomey: | RealClearPolitics

Pelosi Compares Obama's | RealClearPolitics

Sen. Harry Reid: Eric Cantor Acting | RealClearPolitics

Krauthammer: 2012 Will Be | RealClearPolitics

Reid On Default: | RealClearPolitics

O | RealClearPolitics

Rubio: Obama Competing For | RealClearPolitics

Schultz: Are Republicans Afraid Obama Will Do Well With Independents? | RealClearPolitics

Ron Paul 's First Official TV Campaign Ad: | RealClearPolitics

Reich: Debt Ceiling Debate | RealClearPolitics

Sen. McCaskill: Mitch McConnell Has "Lost His Mind" | RealClearPolitics

Palin On Debt: | RealClearPolitics

**World Video

Real Clear World - Video - Ashton on Democracy and the Economy

Real Clear World - Video - Dr. Brzezinski: 'On Our Way to Losing Pakistan'

Real Clear World - Video - Eurozone Debt Crisis Worsens

Real Clear World - Video - NATO, Rebels Showing Strains in Libya

Real Clear World - Video - What Would Thaddeus McCotter Do Differently?

Real Clear World - Video - House Churches Fear Crackdown

Real Clear World - Video - Defying The Crackdown In Syria

Real Clear World - Video - Calls For Reform Gather Pace In Malaysia

Real Clear World - Video - Five Killed In UK Explosion

Real Clear World - Video - Pope Assistant Drawn Into Abuse Scandal

Real Clear World - Video - British Gov't Issues Summons For Murdoch, Son

Real Clear World - Video - Revolutionary Literature

Real Clear World - Video - Why Pakistan is a Terrorist Attraction

Real Clear World - Video - Kandahar 'Detabilised' After Karzai's Brother Murder

**Markets Video

Real Clear Markets - Video - Obama Discusses Debt Ceiling at Twitter Town Hall

Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogers: SIlver Is Going Much Higher

Real Clear Markets - Video - Worst Recovery Since Great Depression?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Buffett Blasts DC's 'Silly' Game of 'Russian Roulette'

Real Clear Markets - Video - How to Hack Like a Pro

Real Clear Markets - Video - Shilling: 20% Housing Drop to Cause 2012 Recession

Real Clear Markets - Video - Texans Grab Their Guns as Economy Stalls

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gross: Fed to Keep Rates Low for 'Long, Long Time'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is Borrowing from your 401(k) a Bad Idea?

Real Clear Markets - Video - America's Disappearing Recovery

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gold Hits New Record, Will It Last?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Blame "Generation X" for Unemployment Problems?

Real Clear Markets - Video - In Deficit Dilemma, Pain Looms for Middle Class


**NEWS VIDEOS:Obama: 80% of Americans Want Higher Taxes

Boehner: Obama Has Not Led on Debt

‘We Are Running Out of Time’

‘That’s a Bunch of Garbage’

NewsBusted – Biden, Twitter and Toothless Hillbillies

Obama Blames Bush

Carmageddon: LA’s Busiest Freeway Will Close this Weekend

Woman Attacks Judge During Hearing

14TH/MSNBC’s Matthews Lashes Out at Conservative Bloggers

Crowder Challenges Stewart: Come Out of the Ideological Closet

ABC’s Tapper Brilliantly Paints White House Spokesman Into Corner

White House Spokesman Gets Snippy With Reporter

Tea Party Freshman Stands-Up to ‘Racer’ Bashir

Palin: ‘I Don’t Trust This President’

Gingrich Slams McConnell’s Plan

Christie: Destiny Should Not Be Determined by Zip Code

Newsweek Reporter Fires Back at O’Donnell Over Palin Article

Buzz Break: Chrysler Workers Toking, Drinking in UAW Parking Lot

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Weinergate Edition

Rubio: ‘Incompetent’ Obama ‘Not Up To the Job’

Congressman to Obama: ‘Cut Up the Credit Card’

RNC Slams Obama in New Ad

Creepy Videos Taken by Jaycee Dugard Kidnappers Released

Big Drama Obama: ‘Don’t Call My Bluff’

13TH/MSNBC’s Matthews: Is Rupert Murdoch a ‘True American’?

WH Spokesman: ‘I’m Not Going to Publicly Say What All of Our Positions Are’

Two-Headed Snake Fights With Self Over Food

Tea Party Congressman to Obama: ‘Quit Lying’

Terror Attack Kills 17 in Mumbai

Paul Ryan Schools Sebelius on Medicare Reform

NYPD Arrests Man in 8-year-old’s Death

Brawl Erupts at Murder Trial

12TH/2 Americans Abducted in Southern Philippines

Stun Gun Found in Boston-to-NJ Jet After Arrival

Inmates Escape Jail

Bill Maher Hopes Palin and Bachmann ‘Split the MILF Vote’

11TH/Female MPs Brawl in Afghan Parliament

Key Witness Testifies Rachel Corrie’s Death Was Accidental

In Defiance of Law, Islamic Schools Keep Veil in French Classrooms

Whoopi Goes Nuts on Bachmann: ‘Damn It, I Am Sick of This Crap!’

Inn Made Famous in ‘Twilight’ Films Burns