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14 July 2011

"A Shot Heard Around the World"

McConnell: I Don't Know Constitution Any Better Than Obama Does - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

A Bully Debt Limit Increase : Need vs Want « The PPJ Gazette

Who Owns U.S. Nationa Debt

‪Organic Spies Find Lies‏ - YouTube

AllAboutFeed - News: Hungary destroys all GMO maize fields

Nanotechnology: Tracking food from farm to fork…and you right along with it « The PPJ Gazette

Manhattanhenge: New York's 'magical' astronomical alignments

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider: A Woman will Herald the Antichrist

Translate:GLOBAL 2000 warns: Fukushima has "time bomb" in the basement!

Light goes out on Edison's bulb as House GOP fails to overturn energy-saving reform | Mail Online

Science with real bite: Full set of teeth grown in the lab | Mail Online

Activist Post: Who's Afraid of Ron Paul?

Activist Post: Belief in Global Warming at New Low; Gore Launches Re-Education Project

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Milky Way pictures: Alex Cherney's photos of galaxy seen with naked eye | Mail Online

No Camp David debt talks plans: White House official - Yahoo! News

Michele Bachmann's Shocking Police Reports | Gallery | POWERWALL

Arab Attitutes: 2011 | The Arab American Institute

Abir Aramin | Mantiq al-Tayr

Dismembered body of missing 8-year-old Lieby Kletzky found in Brooklyn, suspect Levi Aron arrested & charged after body parts are found in his home and nearby Dumpster - NYPOST.com

Children Now Make Up Smallest-Ever Percentage Of U.S. Population

Ukraine ready to begin building Chernobyl shelter | World news | guardian.co.uk

PIIGS, Presstitutes And The Global Meltdown

‪Terror Level Hit a New Hi ...‏ - YouTube

PUC allows 'smart meter' opt-outs | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

OPS buys 8,000 diversity manuals - Omaha.com

UN reveals its master plan for destruction of global economy – Telegraph Blogs

Fukushima to decontaminate entire city : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)

#Radiation in Japan: As It Is Being Spread Almost Willfully, The Country Is Getting Unhinged | EX-SKF

Goldman Sachs Betrayal Of America | Real Zionist News

Bernanke "prepared to respond" if economy worsens - Yahoo! News

Pills prevent HIV in straight men and women - Yahoo! News

Mother 'with attitude' arrested after refusing TSA pat-down of daughter | Mail Online

George Soros also profiting off controversial new TSA scanners | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Department Of Justice Accused Of Racketeering Cover Up

Kazakh billionaire granted UK asylum - Telegraph

Al Gore returns with new climate campaign | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Roy Tov – Herem

McDonald's withdraws McFalafel from Israeli restaurants | World news | The Guardian

Egyptian pipeline hit by fourth explosive attack since January | World news | guardian.co.uk

Syria: Bashar al-Assad not 'indispensable', says Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

US trade deficit tops $50bn on rising oil prices - Telegraph

OpEdNews - Quicklink: News Corp. Paid No Taxes After Profiting $10B (Yet Rec'd $4.5B In Refunds)

OpEdNews - Article: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims

Phone hacking: pressure in United States to investigate News Corporation - Telegraph

Sorry we could not find the page you were looking for.

Sorry we could not find the page you were looking for.

NOTW staff to get new positions - Press, Media - The Independent

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch’s '$5bn’ battle to prop up News Corp shares - Telegraph

Top Bronx prosecutor spent night in 'cosy' room not cells after DWI arrest | Mail Online

Blinded By Misdirection

Gentile Jambalaya is on the Menu. Smoking Mirrors

US drone strikes kill 48 suspected militants in Pakistan - Asia, World - The Independent

Pakistan: Capable of Occupying "The Last Trench"! | Opinion Maker

The real axis of evil | Opinion Maker

Local News | OK for suspect to view child porn in Tacoma jail | Seattle Times Newspaper

52,547 Bq/Kg Off Cesium Radiation Found In Soil Just Outside Tokyo - Jersey City Civil Rights | Examiner.com

Officials Investigate Leak at V.C. Summer Nuclear Station | wltx.com

‪Radiation check in Japan June7/11‏ - YouTube

Radiation Station Stats - EnviroReporter.com

savethemales.ca - Casey Anthony Verdict Unacceptable

The U.N. and “Livestock’s Long Shadow” « The PPJ Gazette

Copwatcher Founder Convicted For Resisting Arrest In Missing Camera Case | Pixiq

U.S. military drones that are so small they even look like insects | Mail Online

Articles: The Animal Rights Extremists Nearing Victory in California

Activist Post: Anonymous Threatened Orlando Mayor According to Police; Still Fueling the Web Crackdown

Activist Post: Alternative Markets, Barter Systems, and Local Co-ops are the Lifeboats That Will Save Us


Activist Post: Uncle Sam: The Godfather Of Terrorism And Taxable Vices

Michelle Obama spotted consuming 1,700 calorie Shake Shack meal | Mail Online

Does the US government want to prevent you from leaving? | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Sex Parasite Is Most Common in Women Older Than 40, Study Finds - Bloomberg

Radioactive meat circulating on Japanese market - CNN.com

Ahmad Karzai - From Dishwasher To Drug Kingpin

‪The NIST WTC 7 Report is False‏ - YouTube

Electoral Extremism: 23 Candidates on the Radical Right | Southern Poverty Law Center

‪Social Security Didn't Create the Deficit‏ - YouTube

States court California companies - Jul. 12, 2011

Gonzalo Lira: The Beginning of the End of Europe

Caterpillar Accused of Demoting Executive Discovering $2 Billion Tax Dodge - Bloomberg

What If 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?

Police: Internet providers must keep user logs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Drug shortages slam patients, health workers - Health - Health care - msnbc.com

FDA Unveils New Tobacco Warning Labels For Teens To Laugh At While They Smoke - The Consumerist

D.A.: Philly's new pot policy just makes sense ... and saves dollars - Philly.com

‪Brazil Magnet Boy Paulo David Amorim Attracts Attention Because Metal Objects 'Stick To His Body'‏ - YouTube

‪Amazing -massive sinkhole, TOWN of Daisetta_‏.mp4‏ - YouTube

Billions of bugs wiped out on Dutch roads | Reuters

School Application Criticized For Birth Questio - Flash Player Installation

Paul Drockton M.A.: My Counter-Offer to the Illuminati

Are you a lesbian? Norfolk council's bizarre question after grandmother reports missed rubbish bag collection | Mail Online

Paul Drockton M.A.: Vision: God to Remove Illuminati Leadership

GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul to retire from House - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Taxes, Social Security fears cited in debt ceiling talks - CNN.com

‪A Price on Carbon - In Five Easy Steps‏ - YouTube

Belfast riots 2011-A Nation of terrified,divided citizens is a manipulators wet dream - 12160

Anti-Neocons - Ron Paul can win

Activist Post: 7 reasons schools should NOT mandate vaccines

Revolutionary Politics : Marcy Kaptur Says "Wall Street Greed & Endless Wars!' Are To Blame For Our Budget Crisis

Activist Post: Fair Game: How to survive an irrelevant Congress

Activist Post: The Coming Insurrection - A Final Warning to Governments around the World

Activist Post: Corporations are laughing at taxpayers

Anti-Neocons - President OogaBooga pulls "obey me or crisis" tactic again.

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Tea Party Caucus Moves To Make Sure Money Will NOT Be Cutoff From Military Industrial Complex

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "If We Don't Become OUTRAGED What Will They Do Next!"

Revolutionary Politics : CIA Doing Secret "Interrogations" In Somalia

9/11 And The Rise of The World Wolf State :

The U.S. Military’s “Third-Country Nationals” : The New Yorker

CNN exposes ‘terror expert’ as a fraud | Raw Replay

Ron Paul's first TV ad "Conviction" - 12160

Rupert Murdoch and his son James had both refused to testify next week about the phone hacking that has shaken their British media empire to the core - 12160

Colombian colonel sentenced for faking civilian murders - 12160

Americans Have Become So Desperate That They Will Do Just About Anything For Money - 12160

Who is Rupert Murdoch? A Word Or Two on What Isn’t Being Said

Greed, Excess and America's Gaping Class Divide | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

You Want Proof That Congress Is Owned By Corporations? Check Out What They Did Right Before Going On Break - Home - The Daily Bail

Prisoners Near Death As 1,700 California Inmates Continue Hunger Strike To Protest Appalling Conditions | ThinkProgress

Murdoch media dynasty descends from deal to disaster | Media | The Guardian

Moody’s Warning Pressures U.S. on Debt Deal - Bloomberg

Over a Fifth of Navy Ships Aren’t Ready to Fight | Danger Room | Wired.com

Sheila Bair Op-Ed Blames Bernanke, Geithner & Paulson, Another Wall Street Tax Loophole, Merrill Warns Of MAJOR Crisis In Italy, Murdoch Paid NO Taxes On $10B In Profits, Libertarians Call For Arrest Of TSA Agents (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul Wins NH Straw Poll, Obliterates Mitt Romney - Home - The Daily Bail

NYT Scolds Unemployed People For Not Becoming Communists [FedUp] - MarketTicker Forums

Financial Services Hearing July 13 2011 - 12160

Foreclosure fraud investigators forced out at attorney general's office

Mitch McConnell Debt Ceiling Plan: Senate GOP Leader Offers Alternative To Obama's 'Grand Bargain' [UPDATED]

The Coming Insurrection - A Final Warning to Governments around the World | Wake Up From Your Slumber

*3 PART/Prison Planet.com » Police Intelligence Analyst Fired For Blowing Whistle On False Flag Terror

+Prison Planet.com » Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push Genetically Engineered Crops on Africa

- Prison Planet.com » 15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Become So Desperate That They Will Do Just About Anything For Money

*Prison Planet.com » How Globalism Has Destroyed Our Jobs, Businesses And National Wealth In 10 Easy Steps

+Prison Planet.com » Italy’s 2400 tons of gold: Real target of ‘IMF terrorists’?

Prison Planet.com » Expert: Parents should lose custody of obese kids

Prison Planet.com » How to protect your mobile phone and computer from illegal police searches

Prison Planet.com » Executive Dictatorship: McConnell Proposes Handing Over Power of Purse to Obama

Prison Planet.com » US government caught in fake vaccination program harvesting DNA from civilians to target terrorists

Prison Planet.com » Richard Wolff: US is in serious trouble

Prison Planet.com » Rating Agency Wars 2: The New Evil Empire Strikes Back – Dagong Says Likely To Downgrade US Even If Debt Limit Raised

Prison Planet.com » Where are the 400,000 new jobs promised by Pelosi?

Prison Planet.com » Insider: Secretive Elite Set Policy At Bohemian Grove

Watchdog hits out at Yahoo! for 'spying' on customer emails for targeted advertising | Mail Online

Triceratops horn discovery shows 'asteroid wiped out dinosaurs' | Mail Online

Prison Planet.com » Radiation Data From Aerial Radiological Survey In Washington State May Be Classified For National Security Purposes

Prison Planet.com » Ron Paul Blasts GOP Establishment In Dramatic First Campaign Video

Prison Planet.com » Obama Walkout Linked To Debt Panic Ploy?

Prison Planet.com » Will the U.S. Default On Its Debt … Even If It Raises the Debt Ceiling?

Prison Planet.com » The Petulant Teleprompter: Obama “Abruptly” Walks Out Of Debt Negotiations

Prison Planet.com » Barney Frank On Whether There Is A Chance The US Will Be Put Into Default: “Yes”

Prison Planet.com » The Debt Ceiling Charade

Prison Planet.com » Moody’s Puts USA On Credit Downgrade Watch

Prison Planet.com » ’1,108 Libyans killed in NATO attacks’

Libyan rebels looted and beat civilians, rights group says - CNN.com

Prison Planet.com » Why the US Won’t Leave Afghanistan

Prison Planet.com » Libya’s Not-so-Noble Rebels

Prison Planet.com » The Risks of Shadowy Hacktivists Stealing Secret Data

Prison Planet.com » AE911Truth’s Richard Gage Was On Irish Mainstream Television

US Rating Close to 'Junk': Independent Strategist - CNBC

Prison Planet.com » Fed Chairman Bernanke Says “Gold Is Not Money” … But His Predecessor Alan Greenspan Disagrees

Prison Planet.com » Quantitative Easing Rounds 1 and 2 Hurt the Economy … Bernanke Proposes Round 3

Prison Planet.com » Tonight Tens Of Thousands Of Formerly Middle Class Americans Will Be Sleeping In Their Cars

Bachmann: Obama's Default Warning 'Simply Not True' | CNSnews.com

Prison Planet.com » Bill O’Reilly Calls For New National Sales Tax

42% of Britons will get cancer, statistics show | World news | guardian.co.uk

Prison Planet.com » Boy sells kidney to buy iPad, now regrets decision as his health wanes

Prison Planet.com » Vladimir Putin Calls Bernanke A Hooligan, Angry At American Money Printing

Prison Planet.com » Coming soon from Al Gore: 24 Hours of Bull Shit

Prison Planet.com » Study: Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothing

Prison Planet.com » Gore Announces New Campaign and Worldwide Event to Re-energize Global Warming Hysteria

Video: Mitt Romney Loves The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Corporation Lobbiest Hard At Work - Make Americans pay down the Debt not Corporations! - 12160

‪disclose.tv #12‏ -(The Tiny Dot) YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Italy's 2400 tons of gold: Real target of 'IMF terrorists'?

Pakistan: US drone attacks kill 61 in 24 hours Malik Mumtaz & Irfan Burki

Pakistan - Chemical being used in drone attacks: Ajmal Khan Associated Press of Pakistan

Revolutionary Politics : The NIST WTC 7 Report is False

Libertarians Call For Arrest Of TSA Agents - News - Domas Jefferson

Why the US won't leave Afghanistan - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

China orders US oil giant to halt rigs after spill

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Social Security And Pension Funds Should Be Separate From Government Or Company Operating Funds, So THEY Can't Steal It! (VIDEO)

Chris Whalen: "Geithner Is Wrong! There Is No Downside To Not Raising The Debt Ceiling" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

THE ARROGANCE OF OBAMA: The Deficit President Doesn't Care About Your Opinion On The Debt Ceiling - Home - The Daily Bail

US Federal Reserve faces split if economy fails to pick up - Telegraph

‪Hawaii Police State, TSA Naked Body Scanners unfortunately welcomed with an Aloha‏ - YouTube

Robert Fisk: Even I question the 'truth' about 9/11 - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Lawsuit Claims Banks Manipulated Libor Leading To Billions For JPMorgan, AG Deal With Banks Investigated, Moody's Fraud Warning Rocks Chinese Shares, $1.2M Mansion For $10K, Greece Default Now Seen As 'Inevitable' (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Phone-hacking scandal costs hedge funds millions | Business | guardian.co.uk

All charges dropped in massive cocaine smuggling case - 12160

‪TSA: GROPING GONE WILD!!!!!!!!‏ - YouTube

‪Belfast riots: More video of 'Molotov cocktail' battles in N. Ireland‏ - YouTube

Nearly 3,000 victims of 9/11 don’t show up as dead in Social Security records | BobTuskin.com

Police Statement On Leibby Kletzky Murder - Fai - Flash Player Installation

Inside the October Surprise Cover-up :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]

Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: Gold Isn’t Money - Agustino Fontevecchia - Moral Hazard - Forbes

Mitt Romney - Net Worth Over $200 Million - Tells Unemployed People ‘I’m Also Unemployed’ - Home - The Daily Bail

‪EU Big Bang? 'Germany could rule United States of Europe'‏ - YouTube

Would you have approved? - General - TheBostonChannel's u local Message Board - u local, Your Boston Photos & Videos

Bernanke: Fed May Launch New Round of Stimulus - CNBC

The Rutherford Institute: Citing Secret Order, Federal Court Dismisses Airline Passenger Lawsuit Against DHS & TSA Over Scanners, Virtual Strip Searches & Full-Body ‘Rub-Downs’

How should the U.S. solve its debt crisis? - Your Community

Former Intelligence Chief: Expect Intensified Social Conflicts, Social Hostility, Civil Unrest, Extremism :

PressTV - 'Iran deploys forces along NW border'

Obama, US viewed less favorably in Arab world, poll shows from Political Intelligence

How Is This Different From Armed Robbery?: - 12160

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Harry Reid And Mitch McConnell: 'Hybrid' Solution To Debt Standoff

Media News and Opinion on The Huffington Post


Ahmed Wali Karzai's Memorial Service Targeted By Suicide Bomber

Ann Dunham, Obama's Mother, Had Health Insurance During Battle With Cancer, Book Claims

Mitch McConnell Debt Ceiling Plan Fails To Garner Positive Support From GOP Field

Jon Stewart Mocks Marcus Bachmann, Gets Help From Jerry Seinfeld With 'Comedy Repression Therapy' (VIDEO)

Polygamists Challenge Utah's Anti-Polygamy Law

» New Brown University Report Pegs The Real Cost Of Current Wars At $4 Trillion Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» QE3 Off? Bernanke Says Fed Not Prepared To Take Action At This Point Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. national debt: dancing on the brink of a world crisis | Features & Opinion | RIA Novosti

US Official: No Tangible Evidence at Hand to Prove Iran's Aid to Iraqi Militants

Fed Ready to Act, but Not Now, Bernanke Says - NYTimes.com

Childhood Obesity: A Call for Parents to Lose Custody - ABC News

Police: Internet providers must keep user logs | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

» Living in and Through The Poison Century Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Belief in Global Warming at New Low; Gore Launches Re-Education Project Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fluoride consumption leads to brain damage, says study Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cellphones, Cancer and Infertility - FoxNews.com

Obama's Secret Wars: How Our Shady Counter-Terrorism Policies Are More Dangerous Than Terrorism | | AlterNet

» Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: U.S. Gov’t Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Will international terrorists help the U.S. build ‘The Greater Middle East’? | "International Affairs" | RIA Novosti

Activist Post: Fed sees 5-year exit from US crisis support

25 Reasons To Buy Gold And Dump Dollars

» Rumsfeld Gets His Junk Touched Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Barack Obama, Cop Killer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Helicopter Ben’s Doublespeak: Fed Created to Prevent Panics Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Walkout Linked To Debt Panic Ploy? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Yet Another Reason Not to Enlist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russian ministry calls for media network to censor web comments Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ministry calls for media network to censor extremist comment on Web media | Society | RIA Novosti

Humans become 'pets' in rise of the machines: Apple co-founder

Tech Today: Cisco, China Team Up for Surveillance - Digits - WSJ

» The worlds largest human experiment: GMOs, Roundup and the Monsanto monstrosity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Robotics, Human-Style Perception and Motion Are Elusive - NYTimes.com

» Fluoride consumption leads to brain damage, says study Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The “War On Terror” Is A $6 Trillion Racket, Exceeding The Total Cost Of World War II Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: U.S. Gov’t Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

9/11 families demand to reopen case — RT

Activist Post: Fed sees 5-year exit from US crisis support

RogueGovernment.com - Ben Bernanke Makes Insane Comments On Gold

First study into GM Atlantic salmon mating reveals danger of escape to wild gene pool - BlackListedNews.com

CNN exposes ‘terror expert’ as a fraud | Raw Replay

165 years after discovery, Neptune completes first orbit - BlackListedNews.com

Gold Advances to Record on Fed Stimulus Signal, Debt Concerns

DHS plans to spend $300 million on troubled radiation detectors - The Washington Post

Jesuits Teaching Nearly 4,000 Afghan Youths - BlackListedNews.com

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Government Builds First Law Enforcement Base in Puebla, Mexico : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Chinese Bank Helped Fund Hamas, Suit Says - BlackListedNews.com

How a Communist Party Propaganda Film Cheated at the Box Office - BlackListedNews.com

Megacities destroy your brain - BlackListedNews.com

Is the International Baccalaureate Programme Co-opting Your Child? - BlackListedNews.com

The Strategic Advantages Of Community Building - BlackListedNews.com

Are Indian doctors turning girls into boys for parents who wanted a son? - BlackListedNews.com

Monsanto official Beaten by farmers in India over Failed GMO Bt Cotton Seeds - BlackListedNews.com

A Brave New Banking System - BlackListedNews.com

Private space race heats up as U.S. shuttle retires | The Raw Story

Homeland Security gives MTA 10$ Million Dollars for Psyops Ad Campaign. ~ -Inform Infect Spread.

‪FEMA Partners with Homeland Security on Psyops campaign.‏ - YouTube

Why Spotify deserves the hype - Fortune Tech

‪Spotify has landed in the U.S.‏ - YouTube

Esther Dyson Notes Google+ Has “The Advantage Of Following Facebook” (TCTV) - The Washington Post

Source: Obama says he'll risk job for debt deal - CBS News

Mass Graves Reported in Sudan | Africa | English

Both Murdochs to attend UK parliament hearing | Reuters

Video triggers mistrial in Clemens perjury case - CNN.com

Reid Criticizes Cantor as Debt Talks Stall - WSJ.com

Bomber hits service for Afghan leader's brother | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Security crackdown continues across Syria - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

On free speech, Israel and Iraq draw closer together - CSMonitor.com

Mourners gather in Michigan for first lady Betty Ford | Reuters

AP source: NY suspect said he suffocated boy | ajc.com

Romney's Bachmann Strategy | Story | POWERWALL

Space Toilet Gives Astronauts Smelly Time in Orbit - FoxNews.com

Harry Potter, fans grew up together - Entertainment - MiamiHerald.com

Is Mila Kunis Bailing on Date With Marine to Corps Ball? - FoxNews.com

Placebo Effect Rivals Steroid Benefit for Asthmatics - ABC News

Pills Prevent H.I.V. Infection in 2 New Studies - NYTimes.com

Girls On Top At Google Science Fair

New cancers in the family may merit extra screening | Reuters

Do tea, coffee drinkers have lower risk of MRSA superbug? | Reuters

Cancer incidence higher for men than women | HemOncToday

Opinion: Don't remove obese kids from their homes - Health - Health care - Breaking Bioethics - msnbc.com

Health reform aids small business | GoDanRiver.com

Staying Healthy From Head to Toe May Help Ward Off Dementia - Health News - Health.com

Vaginal mesh implants: FDA reevaluating vaginal mesh implants - latimes.com

Restaurants join forces so kids can 'live well' – Eatocracy - CNN.com Blogs

Stem Cell Research Supported by Majority of Americans | ThirdAge

Google+ Users Clamor for Gmail Integration - Messaging and Collaboration - News & Reviews - eWeek.com

Geotracking controversy homes in on iPhone (roundup) | Apple - CNET News

Netflix arrives on Nintendo 3DS | The Digital Home - CNET News

Borneo rainbow toad seen for 1st time in 87 years | toad, borneo, amphibians - TheMonitor.com

Rainbow Toad Rediscovered In Malaysia After 87 Years | Geekosystem

Google Can Remove Your Account If You Break Its Rules

Behind the increase: Why Netflix is raising prices

Lady Gaga Turned Intern? - on desihits.com

Man arrested for second Letterman theater break-in | Reuters

Alleged Halle Berry Stalker Pleads Not Guilty - The Hollywood Gossip

Borders closer to liquidation - Jul. 14, 2011

Oil Trades Near 4-Day High as U.S. Supply Counters Debt Review - Bloomberg

China Struggles to Tame Pork Prices - WSJ.com

IMF Calls for ‘Greater Sense of Urgency’ on Greek Funding - Bloomberg

Bill O'Reilly: The Folks Sound Off on Bitter Debt Crisis - Talking Points - The O'Reilly Factor - FoxNews.com

US Rep Gohmert: Boehner Should Stop Listening To Obama About Debt Ceiling - WSJ.com

Ron Paul says he's all in for the presidency, won't run again for Congress - CSMonitor.com

College documents: Loughner's outbursts 'intimidated' faculty - CNN.com

Rick Perry mixes Texas-sized helpings of jobs, social values | Iowa Caucuses

Penis Attack: "Inappropriate Relationship" May be Motive in Wife's Penis Severing Attack - kwch.com

Book questions Obama mom story - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Obama Lied About His Mother’s Medical Treatment | TexasSparkle | a Chron.com blog

'Sister Wives' Star Sues Utah Over Bigamy Law

Poll: Voters trust Obama more than GOP on economy - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Authorities probe how 5 pelicans ended up partially covered in oil - CNN.com

BBC News - Minnesota shutdown puts MillerCoors beer sales in doubt

Man wanted in NY in fatal fire faces judge in NH - WSJ.com

Medicis Tumbles Most in Two Months After Woman Is Found Dead in CEO’s Home - Bloomberg

Libya rebels find landmines after Gaddafi troops flee | Top News | Reuters

Egypt purges police force, delays polls

Child abuse tragedy made worse by Irish bishops and Vatican - The Irish Times - Thu, Jul 14, 2011

Karachi shuts down after night of violence leaves 12 dead | World news | guardian.co.uk

LEBANON: Seven Estonian hostages freed after nearly four months in captivity - latimes.com

AFP: Afghan leader orders probe into NATO 'civilian deaths'

Pakistani Intelligence Chief to Meet with CIA Director | South Asia | English

Why Pakistan wants to keep that $800 million in aid, after all - CSMonitor.com

Thai Election Commission Postpones Certifying New Prime Minister | Asia | English

Clinton to Discuss Libya Situation During Trip to Turkey | Europe | English

Turkey Pushes 'Road Map' To End Libyan Crisis : NPR

Israel expands its borders into Europe - Features - Al Jazeera English

Analysis: Saleh's vow to return fragments chaotic Yemen | Reuters

AFP: 'Qaeda' men killed in Yemen: security official

More than 40 injured in Pamplona bull-run festival

Murdoch, Son Decline to Testify at Phone Hacking Hearing | Europe | English

‪Is human bomb behind Mumbai attack?‏ - YouTube


Ex-cop accused of plotting with son to kill girlfriend - chicagotribune.com

On the trail of Chicago's booming barbecue business - chicagotribune.com

Burge Confession Probe: FBI Expanding Its Investigation Into Police Torture Scandal That Sent Jon Burge To Prison - WGN

After police Cmdr. Jon Burge is imprisoned, feds' probe of police torture targets Burge's old detectives and ex-Cook County prosecutors, sources say - chicagotribune.com

Quinn OKs coal-to-gas plant for Chicago's Southeast Side - chicagotribune.com

A salute to Chicago-style ribs - chicagotribune.com

Tammy Duckworth starts House race in strong position - Lynn Sweet

Cops: Man shooting squirrels breaks patio window - Chicago Tribune

Thousands Still Without Power In Chicago Area Following Monday Storm

AAA Provides Five Ways to Help Your Car Survive Extreme Heat

Kathy Chapman describes last moments with 1957 Sycamore murder victim, Maria Ridulph | abc7chicago.com

Former Sycamore Police Officer Says Likely No Physical Evidence Left in 1957 Murder Case


‪Congressional Hearing: Ben Bernanke U.S. Economic Outlook And Monetary Policy Day 1 pt.1‏ - YouTube

‪Congressional Hearing: Ben Bernanke U.S. Economic Outlook And Monetary Policy Day 1 pt.2‏ - YouTube

‪Congressional Hearing: Ben Bernanke U.S. Economic Outlook And Monetary Policy Day 1 pt.3‏ - YouTube

‪Congressional Hearing: Ben Bernanke U.S. Economic Outlook And Monetary Policy Day 1 pt.4‏ - YouTube

‪Congressional Hearing: Ben Bernanke U.S. Economic Outlook And Monetary Policy Day 1 pt.5‏ - YouTube

The Dangers of Legal Tender

What is Gray State?

Fighting Diabetes With Benfotiamine

Avoiding Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

Rupert Murdoch Promised One Thing, Delivered Another

Brainwashing 101: What You Need to Know

Shutdown forcing MillerCoors to pull beer from shelves | StarTribune.com

Insider: Secretive Elite Set Policy At Bohemian Grove

‪Obama Purposely Creating Panic Over Debt Ceiling‏ - YouTube

Your Edible Landscape: Amaranth

Indian Officials Blame 'Terrorists' for Mumbai Blasts

Arab League Chief Slams 'Foreign Interference' in Syria

cryptogon.com » Fukushima Cleanup Recruits ‘Nuclear Gypsies’ from Across Japan

‪Ron Paul to Bernanke: Is Gold Money?‏ - YouTube

The “War On Drugs” Is A $2.5 Trillion Racket: How Big Banks, Private Military Companies And The Prison Industry Cash In | AmpedStatus

Bombers Over Libya

Lockdown: U.S. Builds New Jails Across Afghanistan | Danger Room | Wired.com

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

Anonymous Calls For Occupation of Bohemian Grove Entrance (video)

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

The Alex Jones Show – July 13th, 2011

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 13th, 2011

Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 13th, 2011

‪Bill O'Reilly: We Need New Revenue‏ - YouTube

Boy sells kidney to buy iPad, now regrets decision as his health wanes | Dprogram.net

*3 PARTS/Tony Farrell: British Whistle Blower Fired for Exposing 9/11 as “State Sponsored Terror” | Dprogram.net

*2 PARTS/The dangers of the cloud – Alex Jones on The Corbett Report | Dprogram.net

‪Gerald Celente - Coast To Coast AM July 11, 2011‏ - YouTube

‪7/13/11 D-20: Obama being set up?, Bombs Over Baghdad, Larry Pratt: Fast & Furious VS Gun Control‏ - YouTube

+The 9/11 Hijackers: Amateur Aviators Who Became Super-Pilots on September 11 | Dprogram.net

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work – Mike Adams | Dprogram.net

AE911Truth’s Richard Gage Was On Irish Mainstream Television | Dprogram.net

The Risks of Shadowy Hacktivists Stealing Secret Data | Dprogram.net

Obama's Secret Wars

Foreign Policy, Africa and Hypocrisy

Rights Group Exposes Libyan Rebel Abuses

Why Did Democracy Fail in Bahrain?

Putin Slams US

They Only Way To Financially Survive

Rupert Murdoch: Anthony Blair’s Bagman

Murdoch Shaped British Politics for 40 Years

This Media is Corrupt

Tell Big Biz To Stop Undermining Our Democracy


‪Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - Jacque Fresco - "This Shit's Got To Go"‏ - YouTube


‪Complete Original '07 Zeitgeist With 2010 Updates by: Peter Joseph‏ - YouTube



Obama's health care story under challenge - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Pogos Paul Sefilian 'pelted Southwest Airlines flight attendant with peanuts' | Mail Online

Lightning strikes twice after father and son are both killed by electric bolt | Mail Online

Two photos, thirty years apart, move the Web | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Imperial Decline: Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class

Risk-Free And Above The Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare

What the President has on his mind, Defense Secretary has on the tip of his tongue

NATO's "Operation Unified Protector": More than 15,000 sorties directed against the Libyan People

"1,108 Libyans killed in NATO attacks"

Canada looking at building military bases in Arctic

Britain's Fish and Chips linked to Whale Slaughter

VIDEO: No Way Through: Imagine If London Was Occupied by Israel

Ahmad Karzai: From dishwasher to drug kingpin

The True Costs of America's Wars

Empire and the Criminalization of the Media: The Fourth Estate is Bankrupt

Culture of Concealment: Corruption South Africa Style

The Meaning of a True Palestinian State. A Strategy to End Occupation

Big Banks Waging Warfare Against the People of the World

Disintegrating Economic Recovery

The California Prison System. The Pelican Bay Prison Hunger Strikers: We Are Human Beings!

Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push Genetically Engineered Crops on Africa

Europe and America: "Financially Burning"

Petraeus at the Head of the CIA: Business as Usual?

The Rampant Criminality of the Corporate and Political Elite

NATO enabling Human Rights Abuses: Libyan Rebel Ethnic Cleansing and Lynching of Black People

VIDEO: A Full-Scale NATO Ground Invasion of Libya is Imminent

The Media's Endless Propaganda for War


*ARTICLE LINKS:The Murdoch News Corp Scandal


‪Ademo's "Improper Influence" or Edward Burke's Abuse of Power - You Decide‏ - YouTube

New Port Richey couple says TSA search went too far | wtsp.com

Next Up: Pakistan by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Was the Space Shuttle Worth It? - informationliberation

California prison doctor: Prison surgeon gets paid for doing little or nothing - latimes.com

Encryption defense attorney fights DOJ demands (Q&A) | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

#042 “Dr. Doom” Marc Faber: If You Only Lose 50% in the Coming Crash, Count Yourself Lucky

San Diego seeks to impose tax on cats, require license for ownership - informationliberation

IRS Seeks To Rob Fan Who Gave Up Jeter's 3,000th - informationliberation

Consent of the Governed? - informationliberation

‪Geithner: "I Never Had A Real Job"‏ - YouTube

Put Down Your Rights and No One Needs to Get Hurt! - informationliberation

It's Not Personal; It's Institutional - informationliberation

The Right to Lie to the Cops - informationliberation

VIDEO-Federal Reserve Causes Middle East Unrest - StumbleUpon

Sovereign Debt Blows Big Holes in Big Banks :: Liberty Maven

The Dangers of Legal Tender | Don't Tread On Me

‪Gerald Celente & Max Keiser on The Edge- Press TV 25 June 2011‏ - YouTube

Confronting The Face Of Evil In Mexico » Publications » Family Security Matters

Articles: Minority Feelings and Violent Facts

NRA Will Sue Obama Administration Over New Gun-Control Measure | CNSnews.com

U.S. Taxes Bought ATF Guns for Cartels; Holder Lied

Articles: Tyrannus Obama Rex

theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God

UN reveals its master plan for destruction of global economy – Telegraph Blogs

Apple pays S.Korean user compensation over iPhone tracking | Reuters

Major grocer getting rid of self-checkout lanes - Business - Consumer news - Retail - msnbc.com

Study finds environment more important to predicting autism risk than genetics | Stanford Daily

FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulated after 1994

Global fertility dropping dramatically as UN celebrates World Population Day | Old-Thinker News

The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man | Old-Thinker News

TheStreet:15 Food Companies That Serve You 'Wood'

Activist Post: The Pusher and the Popper

Activist Post: Ratigan Show: The Battle for Food Freedom (Video)

Activist Post: CFR to Thailand: Accept US-Stooge or Else

EPA: Fluoride Must Be Phased Out | BobTuskin.com

7 reasons schools should NOT mandate vaccines

Activist Post: Big Worldwide Earthquake Uptick (Video)

Activist Post: Fair Game: How to survive an irrelevant Congress

Activist Post: The Coming Insurrection - A Final Warning to Governments around the World

Activist Post: The Long-Term Unemployed Meets The Company Men

‪The unPATRIOTic Act & COINTELPRO 2.0‏ - YouTube

Former Intelligence Chief: Expect Intensified Social Conflicts, Social Hostility, Civil Unrest, Extremism :

The Intel Hub Fully Censored By the New World Order :

Bob Tuskin: STOP SMART METERS – Radiation, Privacy, And Cost With Joshua Hart :

Will The Casey Anthony Trial Be The Means To The End Of The 6th Amendment? :

The Road to Perdition: David Galland interviews Terry Coxon

PIIGS, Presstitutes, and the Global Meltdown by Gerald Celente

Historical Distortion by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Why Casey Anthony Got Away With It… by Eric Peters

Some of My Favorite Public Servants by Anthony Gregory

A fight broke out for my dinner tab in Greece | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

James Turk: Gold Is Our Defense Against the Fiat Currency Graveyard by Chris Martenson

Active Volcanoes of Debt by Bill Bonner

Jul 12, 2011 The Emperor has no Clothes Bob Moriarty 321gold ...s

Why salt is addictive: It stimulates the brain cells just like cigarettes and hard drugs | Mail Online

The Silent Inflammation That Afflicts 3 Out of 4 Americans by Joseph Mercola

Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: Gold Isn’t Money - Agustino Fontevecchia - Moral Hazard - Forbes

‪Financial Services Hearing July 13 2011‏ - YouTube

Lobbyists Ramp Up Pressure To Get PROTECT IP Passed - informationliberation


+The Evolution of Government (Comic) - informationliberation


Boehner 'Sees No Need to Go to Camp David' to Discuss Debt-Limit Deal

Harry Reid Calls Eric Cantor 'Childish'

S&P: U.S. Debt Could Reach ‘Junk’ Rating by 2030, Absent Entitlement Reform

Texas Republican to Boehner: 'Quit Believing the President'

Obama Showboats His Way Out of Debt-Limit Talks

Jesse Jackson on Obama: 'I Hope He Does Not Blink'

Food Companies Offer Voluntary Limits on Advertising to Kids--Lib Senator Wants More

White House: “Americans Don’t Have a Lot of Time to Focus on ‘What is a Debt Ceiling?’”

Computer Game Gives Americans a Shot at Managing Federal Budget

GOP's Graham Won't Say If He'd Accept Tax Increases in Debt Ceiling Deal

Poll: Obama’s Outreach Has Not Improved Arabs’ Views of the U.S.

Republicans Attempt to Bar ‘Backdoor Amnesty’ by Obama Administration

GOP Homeland Security Chair to FBI Director: ‘Commence an Investigation of News Corporation’

Treasury: June Tax Revenues Covered Social Security and Veterans Benefits More Than 3-Times Over

U.S. Cannot Constitutionally Default on Its Debt, Says Constitutional Scholar

India-Pakistan Thaw Could Face Setbacks After Terrorist Bombings

Gallup: Public Trusts GOP Leaders More Than Obama to Handle Deficit and Debt Limit

'Enough Is Enough,' Obama Says; It’s Like Dealing With Jello, Boehner Says

Giuliani Heads to NH to Explore Presidential Bid

Palin May Run 'In the Name of Service'

GOP 2012 Candidates Quiet on McConnell Plan

Singer Harry Chapin Recalled As a Charitable Giant

Mexico Suspends Search for 7 Missing US Tourists

Poll: Western Europeans Say China Will Overtake U.S.

China Worried About U.S. Economy, Third Fed Stimulus

Son of Former DC Mayor Faces Drug-Dealing Charge

ICE Sending Illegal Aliens Home on Chartered Flights

As Consumers Cling to DVDs, Netflix Is Raising Prices

Ron Paul Exclusive: 'It's Going to End Very Badly'

Moody's Warns US May Be Downgraded on Debt

Dick Armey: GOP Will Not Cave to Obama

Cantor: Obama Stormed out of Debt Meeting

Rep. Allen West: Obama Using ‘Scare Tactics’

Pentagon to Issue US Strategy for Cyberspace Wars

What Happens on Day One of Default

Charles Dunn: Obama Is Supersized Carter

First Ron Paul TV Ad for 2012 Race on Debt

Obama Is Selling Himself, but GOP Isn't Buying It

Gadhafi Has 'Suicide Plan' for Capital: Russia Envoy

US Begins Drawdown of Troops from Afghanistan

Gold Rises on ‘Witch’s Brew’ of Debt, Dollar Woes

Addiction Problem? How to Tell and What to Do

Teflon Chemical Linked to Arthritis

Study: No Link Between Cell Phones and Benign Brain Tumors

Eight Daily Glasses of Water a Myth

Siestas and Diet Explain Greek Longevity

Obama as Centrist Gains Traction With 2012 Voters

Debt Ceiling Outcome Will Define Nation's Character

A New Reagan Revolution Can Avert Economic Armageddon

Ron Paul Shuns Dirty Politics

Republican Re-elections Hinge on Debt Ceiling Votes

Texas Grows on Rust Belt Woes

Why the Left Hates Rupert Murdoch

++Yellowstone Supervolcano Getting Ready To Blow Its Cork | Before It's News

July 7-9: Comet Elenin Telescope Images | Before It's News

Nikola Tesla's "Black Magic" Touring Car | Before It's News

*100,000 Years Old Man-Made Structures | Before It's News

Secret Weapons Now Beaming Into Your Skull | Before It's News

Glenn Beck: Obamas Mother Ann Dunhams Health Insurance Video of Obamas Massive Lies | Before It's News

Pictures: Largest "Sea Monster" Skull Revealed?

Obama Executive Orders Impose New Gun Rules | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‪Alex jones says he knew charlie veitch was an "operative" a year ago.‏ - YouTube

“The biggest media myth is that he is a centrist”

Galaxy Sized Twist In Time Pulls Violating Particles Back Into Line | Before It's News

New Way To Store Sun’s Heat | Before It's News

The One Life-Saving Low-Carb Secret You Never Hear About | Before It's News

Tomatoes Reduce Risk Of Killer Diseases | Before It's News

People Today Are Trying To Change The History Of America By Leaving God Out Of It | Before It's News

Getting Prepared for an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm | Before It's News

3 Things Every Bug Out Bag Needs | Before It's News

A State of 9/11: The Nightmarish Effects of The Departure From Reality | Before It's News

9/11 truthers need to risk challenging ALL elements of the official story | Before It's News

Why physicians should speak up about the debt deadlock | Before It's News

Solar Cells Printed On Paper | Before It's News

Leeches – They Really Suck | Before It's News

Mayor Hebei Handan Killed Allegedly Because of Demolition Work | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

The Dancing Ghosts On The Jurassic Coast | Before It's News

New Electric Car from Munich Set to Impress Frankfurt Auto Show | Before It's News

Seeing Beyond the Skyline of One World Into the Play Ground of Another .. Awesome | Before It's News

Ron Paul Blasts GOP Establishment In Dramatic First Campaign Video | Before It's News

50 Eco Crimes By College Students | Before It's News

What Plants Know | Before It's News

Domestic spy operations: Fake activists, self-appointed leaders and sockpuppets | Before It's News

'Harry Potter' Explained in 7 Minutes (Video) | Gather

The Daily Bell - Conspiracy's Longer Timeline

Did the driver shoot JFK? (revised) | Before It's News

Op-ed by Vice President Biden: Delivering the Accountable Government that Taxpayers Deserve | Before It's News

Toking And Drinking At The UAW | Before It's News

House Democrats renew battle against cafeteria Styrofoam

US resumes program that flies illegals to Mexico City during hot summer months

New Deportation Case Tests Obama Administration on Gay Marriage

House votes to block EPA on water pollution

Religious Freedom Group Sues Perry Over Planned All-Day Prayer Event in Texas

Transcript shows Perry likening office to pulpit

NBC Apologizes to Lawmakers for Omitting 'Under God' in Pledge

Killer python tried to eat toddler, deputy medical examiner testifies

Number of homeless students in Sacramento County schools jumps 50%-plus

State bans unhealthy food sales in schools

Programs cropping up across USA to address 'food deserts'

Obama warns Cantor: 'Don't call my bluff' in debt-ceiling talks

With no debt deal, Obama would face tough choices on what bills to pay

Republicans vote to block funding for new gun-sale requirements

McConnell’s gambit splits both parties

D.C. firefighters sent to protect youth workers

Key Democrat testifies against Obamacare's Medicare cost-control panel

Oil giant ConocoPhillips to split into two companies

Kennedys at odds over compound

World Sea Attacks Rise as Pirates Become Bolder

In debt talks, GOP suffers from lack of lead messenger

Schumer criticizes Cantor from the Senate floor

Issa seeks DNC records of White House meeting

GAO: Homeland Security to spend millions on unproven radiation detectors

Marketers flock to fan who returned historic "3,000" ball to Jeter

Iowa’s ardor for Bachmann not shared in New Hampshire

Senate Probe: 'Mystery' Fees on Phone Bills Charge Billions to Consumers

Casey Anthony Sued by Caylee Search Team

Census: Traditional Arizona families continue to fall in number

Huffington Post Suspends Editor for Repackaging the Work of Others

D.C. report urges changes to celebrity escort policies

Web Mix-Up Has Arizona State Fans Going to Nudist Site

Obama hits Chicago for 50th birthday fund-raisers at the Aragon - Lynn Sweet

GOP Debt Ceiling Ace in the Hole: Obama’s Birthday Bash | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Obama hits Chicago for 50th birthday fund-raisers at the Aragon - Lynn Sweet

U.S. Satisfaction Slides to Two-Year Low

Hundreds scramble for Dallas County rental vouchers | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth

Legionnaires' Disease Bacteria Discovered at ARIA

Poll: Views of U.S., Obama Drop Sharply Across Arab World - Anna Van Hollen - NationalJournal.com

Report: Obama MIA in Latin America - US News and World Report

NYPD Arrest Alvin Moore Of Sebring, Florida For - Flash Player Installation

Dial-a-Crowd Confronts Debt-Laden Spanish Banks by Thwarting Foreclosures - Bloomberg

NYC boy spent hours with suspect before murder - CBS News

'Friends with Benefits' star Mila Kunis wants to skip date to Marine Corps Ball with Sgt. Scott Moore: report - NYPOST.com

'Manorexia' on the rise: Experts blame pressure from male models as men suffer eating disorders | Mail Online

Los Angeles braces for weekend of Carmageddon | Reuters

The burnt-out generation: They push themselves to the limit at work AND at home | Mail Online

Tourists saw Calif. man fall into Maui blow hole - US news - msnbc.com

Rep. Walsh Tells Obama ‘Quit Lying’ About Debt - Flash Player Installation

McConnell: GOP Won't Be | RealClearPolitics

Barack 'No Drama' Obama makes a stand on debt and finally loses his cool - Telegraph

My Way News - 'Enough is enough,' Obama says, calling for deal

Source: Obama says he'll risk job for debt deal - CBS News

President Obama abruptly walks out of debt ceiling talks - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Obama warns Cantor: 'Don't call my bluff' - TheHill.com

Obama May Call Lawmakers to Camp David - Bloomberg

Boehner rejects Camp David meeting - Washington Times

Phone hacking: former NoW executive editor Neil Wallis arrested in London | Media | guardian.co.uk

Phone hacking scandal – live coverage | Media | guardian.co.uk

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Tycoon considers selling all UK papers

U.S. lawmakers urge feds to investigate Murdoch media company - CNN.com

Don't let them see you sweat: Why Murdoch and other powerful men shouldn’t exercise in public - Features, Health & Families - The Independent

BBC News - Austrian driver allowed 'pastafarian' headgear photo

Space-Time Cloak Possible, Could Make Events Disappear?

A Different Perspective: The Roswell Festival

Paranormalia: Sylvia Browne in Two Worlds

Snake with 2 heads wows Ukraine zoo - Technology & Science - CBC News

Radioactive meat circulating on Japanese market - CNN.com

Comet's Death By Sun Photographed for First Time | Comets & the Sun, Sun-Grazing Comets | Sun Photos & Solar System | Space.com

Supersize Dust Storms Could Become Southwest Norm | Wired Science | Wired.com

U.S. military drones that are so small they even look like insects | Mail Online

Fireball UFO Seen Over Georgia, US (Video) | Science | Epoch Times

A Lost World? Atlantis-Like Landscape Discovered Icelandic Mantle Plume & North Atlantic Ocea | LiveScience

Man indicted in latest US 'homegrown terror' case

Lawmakers snipe, Bernanke warns as deadline nears

Lithuania chooses Hitachi-GE for nuclear project

German farm in deadly E. coli outbreak to reopen

AP Enterprise: Army treats brain injuries in field

Minnesota governor makes conditional offer to end shutdown

NATO commander Petraeus meets Pakistani army chief

Hispanic births overtake immigration in U.S.

Vladimir Putin tells Russian MPs they must pay for a monument to his hero

German politician loses doctorate for plagiarism

Murdochs face grilling from lawmakers

China holds firm on rare earth quotas

LAPD memo criticizes figure in Shaquille O'Neal kidnapping case

'Inappropriate relationship' may be motive in severing of penis, source says

AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space

WOLF: 'German Miracle' Barack Obama doesn't see - Washington Times

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Libyan rebels looted and beat civilians, rights group says - CNN.com

U.S. Satisfaction Slides to Two-Year Low

Turkish police detain 14 people in al-Qaida ... JPost - Headlines

Report Shows Gaping Holes in Intelligence on Overseas Terrorists - FoxNews.com

Holder must go over gun scandal, but what did Obama know? | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Local News | Most violent job in Washington? Nurse's aide | Seattle Times Newspaper

Did mother’s urge to play Yahtzee cause son to strangle her? | StarTribune.com

Diathermia, the "laser" of its day Pictures - CBS News

Virginia girl found eating herself in cage in mobile home; parents Brian and Shannon Gore charged - New York Daily News

East Downtown wants city to ban sleeping on sidewalks | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Janice Hahn Wins CA House Seat

UCLA Medical Center Ordered to Pay Fine for Celebrity Medical Record Violations

Underwater Volcanoes Discovered in Antarctic

Hugo Chavez Health Rumors Swirl

Roger Clemens Lied About Steroid Use, Prosecutor Says

Oprah Winfrey Names Herself CEO, CCO Of OWN Network

Mila Kunis: "It's Hard To Be Funny"

Sarah Jessica Parker Talks Stage Fright

Why haven't GOP called for repeal of Obama Care as part of debt ceiling deal?

The "Grand Bargain" Myth

The Wasted Vote Lie

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Citizen’s Arrest of Congress

Romney Makes “Flip-Flopping” A Campaign Staple

The Reason behind Egyptian Christian Anti-Semitism

Exploiting the 9/11 Tenth Anniversary

What Liberals Fear the Most

The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See

Obama’s Legendary “Cool” Goes Missing in Debt-Ceiling Walk Out

Why Islamists Persecute the Baha’is

Don’t Blame China For Temperature Standstill

RAF Book of Heroes Listing 107 signatures of Battle of Britain Pilots for sale at Bonhams Oxford

New Disclosures in Brian Ross Hatchet Job on Bachmann

NBC’s Gregory Nails Treasury Secretary Geithner on Obama Economy

He’s Just Not That Into Your Spending Approach

Jimmy Carter Redux

Necessarily Skyrocketing of Energy Prices is Tax Enough

Education Reformation – returning excellence to teaching our children

Obama’s Social Security “Threat”—More Lies and Romper Room Rhetoric!

The National Home Front Exercise: The Improved Preparedness is not Enough

Black-Led Tea Party Group to Rally Against NAACP (7/24/11)

Obama’s terrorist detention policy a “tangled mess”: U.S. congressman

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim Kills Muslim @ Tax-Funded Islamic Charter School Near Mosque

Debbie Schlussel:Well, If Muslims Can Do It, Why Not This Guy?

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: “Sister Wives” Lawsuit is Front for Islam, Sharia Bigamy; Lawyer Got Big $s From Islamic Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:Brave Muslim Betrayed by Obama Takes Rap for Bin Laden Kill


‪*47 min/The mysterious origin of man‏ - YouTube

*72 min/9/11 In Plane Site - Director's Cut


‪Law Enforcement Corruption & Abuse US police as dangerous as criminals‏ - YouTube

‪Law Enforcement Corruption Abuse Who serves who?‏ - YouTube


Video - Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying


Cataclysmic Turning Of “The Great Solar Serpent” Warned Near

Quantum Breakthrough Stuns World, Changes Reality For All Mankind

Share of children in U.S. hits bottom | Deseret News

'Ex-terrorist' rakes in homeland security bucks - CNN.com

Struggling U.S. Capitals Seek More From Tax-Exempt Landowners - Bloomberg

US Aid to PLO/Hamas in Jeopardy; BHO To The Rescue

The Israeli Public and the Death of the ‘Two-State Solution’

Bin Laden Stayed Involved

US Navy Is Not Ready For War

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Versus Ahmad Wali Karzai

Justice, Afghan Style

Al Qaida’s Use Of Encryption

EU Attacks Ratings Agencies, And Moves Towards ‘Selective Defaults’

AUDIO:Congressman Paul Gosar: Serious About Peace Means Not Giving Guns and Money to Avowed Enemies

Anthony Bourdain Partners With Fidel Castro’s Secret Police

Invasive TSA Procedures WIll Get Worse Until We Recognize the Threat

Video: Desperate Dash In Iran To Get Subsidized Chicken

Female Afghan military pilots making history in US

US team eyes Iraq weapons trail back to Iran

Obama, Russia's Lavrov meet at White House

University Gone Wild: Senior UMSL Administrators Bare (Almost) All in Embarrassing Internal Emails

AUDIO:Eric O’Keefe Talks About the Health Care Compact

Obama’s Labor Board: We Prosecute Dead People Too…

BREAKING ON GLADNEY TRIAL: SEIU Dragged in Bogus ‘Witness’ Who Wasn’t Even at Scene of the Crime

Leader Admits in Email: Teachers Union ‘Stands Up For Adults’

Internal Emails Reveal UMSL Cover-Up: Administrators Targeted Student, Misled Public, Backed Radical Course

Stengel-gate Update: The National Constitution Center Ducks the Issue

Obama’s Debt Rebellion

FTC Ban on Junk Food Ads Would do More Harm than Good

Michigan Next to Cut Cigarette Tax?

BREAKING: Even As They Devour Your Tax Dollars, the Deadbeat Thugs of ACORN Housing Owe $163,000 in Back Taxes

Justice for Sale in St. Louis County

The Future of News

Tell Darrell Issa To Stop The Pigford Perversion

Blagojevich Convicted—Is Accountability in the Offing for Rep. Jackson, Jr.?

McConnell warns GOP: Don't help re-elect Obama

Energy Freedom Now

Suspect allowed to view child porn in Wash. jail

Travel Channel Host Partners With Fidel Castro’s Secret Police

Your Morning Call Sheet: Netflix Blues, More Spider-Man, Shatnerpalooza, and a Bad Seed

IndieWire Writer Finds Appearance of Black Conservative in Palin Doc ‘Shocking’

Mila Kunis Impossibly Hotter Today Than Yesterday

More Leftist Propaganda Spoon-fed to Your Kids Through ‘Glee’

‘Horrible Bosses’ Review: Neither Horrible or Good

New York PC-Police Seek to Cancel ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ Screening

‘Red Eye’ Podcast: Massages – Wink Wink Nudge Nudge

Michelle Obama Pushes for Better Treatment of Military in Hollywood

Documents Show White House Attacked, Excluded Fox News

UMSL in Attacking Student Whistleblower: “MMfA Did Our Work For Us”

Sound Bite For the Day: “Is He a True American?”

‘Better Homes’ and a Shake Shack Burger

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Schultz Psycho Talk Edition

Bill Maher’s Unchecked Assault on Conservative Women

Washington Post Fact Checker Gets Facts Wrong About Israel and GOP

MMfA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Forget Gunrunner Let’s Focus On … Fox!

Sound Bite For the Day: Splitting the “MILF Vote”

» The BBC Is at Least a Thousand Times More Evil and Dangerous than Rupert Murdoch - Big Government

Even on the defensive, Murdoch can steal thunder | Reuters

On PBS, Stephanopoulos Insists Obama's 'Done Remarkably Well' in Office Despite Tough Times | NewsBusters.org

Ron Paul Releases First TV Ad — And It’s Epic | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Is Gold Money?’: Ron Paul Grills Bernanke on Fed Policies | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chrysler Workers Again Caught Smoking & Drinking On the Job — ‘Steps Away’ from Union Hall | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Nobody Can Out Debate Him’: Pelosi’s Creepy Obama Worship on Debt Crisis | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can the Gov’t Regulate Private Gunmakers? Montana Man Challenges Federal Laws | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Jon Stewart Attacks Marcus Bachmann’s Sexuality | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Congressman Says Fast & Furious Was Obama Administration Conspiracy to Regulate and List Gun Owners- Calls on Holder to Resign | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Should a Girl With No Arms and No Legs Get Special Treatment to Become a Cheerleader? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Okla. Rep. Lashes out at Obama For Social Security Threat: ‘Sick And Twisted’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sources Say Obama Scolded Leaders Before Walking Out of Debt Mtg: ‘Enough is Enough’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ Racist? Watch the Scene, Take the Poll | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Acclaimed Presidential Historian Accused of Stealing Rare Documents | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Allegedly Storms Out of Budget Negotiations with Republican Lawmakers | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Movie Star Mila Kunis May Now Cancel Dance Date With Marine | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Got Milk?’ Dairy Group to Men: Milk Will Cure Your Woman’s PMS | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Cats, Not Cars, Cause…Climate Change? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Moody’s Blues: Major Agency Threatens to Downgrade U.S. Credit Rating | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

A Fine Bottle of Cantor Whine to Go With That Grand Bargain

Carney: Obama Doesn't Want McConnell Deal, He Wants Big Cuts. 'Bigger Is Better'

Mo Brooks Will Do "Anything Short of Shooting" Illegal Immigrants

Minnesota running out of booze, cigarettes due to government shutdown

Drama Queen Mitch: We Need To Rewrite The Constitution Because Voters Just Won't Agree With Us!

Dick Morris: Bachmann and Palin are an Existential Threat to the Democratic Party

Tucker Carlson Carries Water for Rupert Murdoch, Claims Outrage Politically Motivated by Liberal Media

All Six Fake Democrats Lose in Wisconsin Primary Recall Elections

Mitch McConnell's new Blinky Gambit on Debt Ceiling

And the Winner Is...

Marcus And Michele Explain Marriage To You

'The Five': Fox's fill-in for Beck's hour features the network's idea of 'fair and balanced'

Light Bulb Conservatism

Rick Perry's Upcoming Prayer Rally Loaded With Radical Right Wing Preachers

ALEC exposed, and it ain't pretty - UPDATED

Tennessee lawmaker vandalizes desk on state House floor

Kenneth Gladney's supposed 'victimhood' at hands of 'SEIU thugs' exposed as a fraud: jury acquits pair

Rupertgate Wednesday - Imagining The Domino.

The Holy Church of Republican Economic Policy

The Man in the Moon: Killing NASA is a way to poke ourselves in the eye

The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Conspicuous Silence of the Media

The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote

The Speech Boehner Should Give

Obama's Strategy to Kill the Space Program

Barry's Angels: Obama's Amazonian Guard

The Debt Ceiling Charade

Germany's Giant Green Reversal

The Lesson of Reykjavik

Suicide bomber kills 4 at Karzai memorial service

What's to like about Obama? An exercise in graciousness

Bernanke's 'QE3' talk sends dollar into a tailspin

Stop insulting us, President Obama!

Obama more unpopular in the Middle East than Bush

How to fix the budget in 72 hours

Obama Blunders, Admits Bluffing on Debt Ceiling

Civil Disobedience 2011; Standing up to the TSA

Rachel Maddow Goes to Bat for Late-Term Abortion

Obama Should Withhold His Vacation Dollars

Are Conservatives Being Fair to Barack Obama?

Obama's Own Economic Benchmarks Give Administration Failing Grade

Cut the Damn Spending!

Warmers Go Harold Camping On Us

Social Security: a Reckoning

Obama's Foreign Policy: Dithering or Stealth Postnationalist?

Iranian Officials: This is The Century of a Worldwide Islamic Awakening

The Left Starts to Dump Obama

Terminal Media Delusion

Aiding and Abetting the Enemy

Barack Obama, Prince of Gloom

Where Obamanomics Went Wrong


14-Jul-11 World ....

13-Jul-11 World View....


*12TH: Transcripts/Presenting the Medal of Honor to SFC Leroy Arthur Petry

Interview with House Speaker John Boehner

Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Analyst Discusses Debt Ceiling Battle

Interview with Representative Raul Grijalva

11TH/Obama's Press Conference on the Debt Ceiling

Panel on Obama's Press Conference

Sen. Durbin and Rep. Roskam on the Debt Ceiling

Interview with Representative Tim Scott

NBC News Interview with Secretary Panetta

Interview with Senator Dick Durbin

Rep. Burgess on the Light Bulb Debate

Guests: Representatives Culberson and Edwards

10TH/Guests: Secretary Geithner and Tim Pawlenty

Guests: Sens. McConnell & DeMint and Rep. Becerra

Guests: McCarthy, Van Hollen and Santorum

Guests: Secretary Geithner, Sens. Sessions & Nelson

Interview with White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley


**Muckety - (http://muckety.com/)**

Muckety - (http://news.muckety.com/)




The Great Green Tech Transformation

Utility Shelves Ambitious Plan to Limit Carbon - NYTimes.com

OPINION SHAPER: Assessing natural disasters and nuclear power plants

Energy Fact of the Week: Energy and Poverty in China « The Enterprise Blog

Nation and Nevada should invest and help spur renewable energy industry - Thursday, July 14, 2011 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

The Solar Powered Oil Rig

6 'green' products: How green are they? - Aquafina 1-liter bottle (1) - CNNMoney

Climate Change and Confirmation Bias - Reason Magazine

Stinky Feet Odor May Prevent Malaria Deaths | Mosquitoes, Traps & Malaria | LiveScience

Supermassive Black Holes: No Crash Required - ScienceNOW

Iapetus Gets Dusted - Science News

Where Did Earth's Water Come From? | Origin of Water on Earth | Life's Little Mysteries

Video - Naked in Public? Popular Recurring Dreams Interpreted By Dream Expert Deirdre Barrett - WSJ.com

Why New Jersey is #2 in solar power (and why this isn't good)

Triceratops Was Last Dinosaur Standing : Discovery News

Coffee Protects Against Drug-Resistant Germs in Latest Baffling Benefit - Bloomberg

Radioactive meat circulating on Japanese market - CNN.com

RealClearScience - We Are Not Prepared For Bioterrorism

What the James Webb Space Telescope means : Starts With A Bang

Does The United States Still Care About Space Leadership? - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes

Taken for a ride : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

Biologists Discover an 'Evening' Protein Complex That Regulates Plant Growth

Silver Solos In Lemon Circuit | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Are dogs willing to eat the remains of their masters? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

BBC Nature - Lizard has problem-solving skills

Domino synthesis mimics nature's chemistry : Nature News

Near-Perfect Particle Measurement Achieved | Quantum Mechanics Observation & Back Action | LiveScience

Corruption in Russian Medical Schools Triggers Uproar - Global - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Human history recorded in a single genome - life - 13 July 2011 - New Scientist

Going Topless: The Loss Of Top Predators Drives Ecosystem Shifts

Cell biology: On your marks... | The Economist

Parasitized throughout the ages » Scienceline

China-Watching in the Vatican | First Things

Blood, tears and theodicy in Brooklyn » GetReligion

Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman: What Would A 'Conscious Judaism' Look Like?

Society has forgotten 'art of dying', says bishop - Telegraph

To Live Each Day with Dignity | First Things

The Debt Ceiling Crisis and Biblical Economics | Religion Dispatches

Irish report damns Catholic Church abuse response – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Pawlenty Appeals to Iowa With Video on His Faith - Washington Wire - WSJ

Baptist Press - Civil unions law could force gay adoptions - News with a Christian Perspective

Michele Bachmann's Church Says the Pope Is the Antichrist - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic

Tunisian secularists nervous over slow change, concerned about Islamists | FaithWorld

Religion: Final gasp of the 'Harry Potter' wars? :: The Republic

When Yiddish Came to North Korea – The Arty Semite – Forward.com

Q & A: Bristol Palin on Abstinence after Levi | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Candidates should be candid on faith - On Faith - The Washington Post

Ministry Matters™ | Articles | The Spirituality of Giving

Voices of Faith: Is God really fair? - KansasCity.com

Book Review - Absolute Monarchs - A History of the Papacy - By John Julius Norwich - NYTimes.com

Vasudha Narayanan: The Real Riches of India's Vishnu Temple

Mother Teresa and Me: An Interview with Ruma Bose

The God Factor: Acting school aims to make Hollywood more like Holywood

Science fiction probes at religion | Roz Kaveney | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

My Take: Why we’re drawn to Harry Potter’s theology – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Giving up religion for individual faith. Is there a difference? | Washington Times Communities

David Lose: Where Did The Bible Come From?

Rep. Bachmann, no gay cure is necessary - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Debt talks reveal the Republicans’ apocalyptic war on government - The Washington Post

What if Bachmann's "moment" actually lasts? - 2012 Elections - Salon.com

America Tunes Out - WSJ.com

The Opposing Party - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Debt Ceiling "Grand Bargain" No Such Thing

Obama Losing His Base? Here Are 552,000 Reasons Why That's Wrong | Mother Jones

Back To Basics: The Deficit And Obama's Reelection | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - New Reality Emerging on Illegal Immigration

Phone-hacking scandal: Britain should seize this chance to break the culture of fear at its heart | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obamageddon Coming to a City Near You? | Via Meadia

France and US: Vive la différence - The Boston Globe

Book Challenges Obama on Mother’s Health Care Fight - NYTimes.com

No free lunch - The Times of India

Panetta: Tripping on verbal landmines - The Boston Globe

Blowing smoke: New EPA rulings on pollutant emissions make good sense | Editorial | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Editorials | Editorial: Obama administration labor rule changes unfair to employers | The Detroit News

Small business needs big boost - BostonHerald.com

The Republican Crazy Is Not An Act | The New Republic

PRUDEN: Waiting for the enemy to blink on the debt limit - Washington Times

RealClearPolitics - Obama Flexes Fundraising Muscles

Alternative Headline: Obama 2012 Fundraising Behind 2008 Pace - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Michele Bachmann: How She Could Win the Republican Nomination - The Daily Beast

Robert Reich: The President's Jobs Plan (Not)

HURT: Welcome to Jimmy Carter's 2nd term - Washington Times

America’s Burgeoning Class War Could Spell Opportunity For GOP - Joel Kotkin - New Geographer - Forbes

RealClearPolitics - The Spending Is the Problem

Hard Slog -- the Real Future of the U.S. Economy: Peter Orszag - Bloomberg

Goodwin: Obama takes nation's citizens for fools - NYPOST.com

Suspect in Dismembering of 8-Year-Old Brooklyn Boy Recently Joined ‘Is Your Family Safe?’ Facebook Group | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nationwide ‘Porn Harms’ Campaign Launches, Organizers Say Porn ‘Silently and Secretly’ Destroys Lives | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Just Do It – Or Else: Nike Accused of Sweatshop Abuses | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are U.S. Cops Preparing Widespread Use of Facial Recognition iPhone? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judge Halts Illinois From Cutting Funding To Catholic Charities Over Gay Parent Stance | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Here’s Some Video of the Serious Mudslides in China Washing Away Cars | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Mumbai Blasts: Taliban-Style Explosive Found — Police Suspect ‘Coordinated Terrorist’ Attack (Graphic Images) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Handyman Kills Catholic Priest, Then Uses His Car to Take His Family to Disney World | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hundreds of Business Leaders Appeal to White House and Congress to Act Swiftly on Budget | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Art? Taxpayer-Funded Exhibit Equates Republican Govs. With Nazism | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

U.S. Embassy Releases Video Taking Tough Immigration Stance…On Jews! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Jim Wallis’ Ultra-Lib Christian Mag ‘Sojourners’ Has Ties to Soros, Democratic Ideals | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Egyptian Shaykh: Whoever Insults Muhammad Must Be Killed…Even if He Repents | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gang of Six returns in debt-ceiling showdown « Hot Air

Protecting the Rich | Mother Jones

The Tax Increases We'll Get - NYTimes.com

United Nations: World Must Spend $76 Trillion for Green Economy

Political Animal - Cantor ‘is basically standing in the way’

Grilling Elizabeth Warren | Swampland






Murdoch and the British phone-hacking scandal: Why the U.S. should prosecute News Corp. and strip its TV licenses if it's guilty. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine

The Government’s Four-Decade Financial Experiment — The American Magazine

Reinhart and Rogoff: The Economy Can’t Grow - Bloomberg

William Watson: U.S. turn to be banana republic | FP Comment | Financial Post

Who exactly has the tax target on them? - USATODAY.com

RealClearMarkets - The Virtues Of a Balanced Budget Amendment

RealClearMarkets - The IMF Isn't Worth Another Penny of Anyone's Money

Time to buy: Here's what and why - 1 - how to invest - MSN Money

Kirshenbaum: Blame Facebook for Your Divorce - Bloomberg

Bernanke: Gold Isn’t Money - July 13, 2011 - The New York Sun

Merk Commentary: Bernanke - Money for Nothing and Dollars For Free

Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum

What If The Right And The Left Are Both Wrong About Why The Economic Recovery Is So Slow? A New Theory. | The New Republic

RealClearMarkets - The Tea Party Is 'Ceiling' the Budget Deal

RealClearMarkets - Beware Of Means Tests As a Way to Reduce the Budget Deficit

Who's Hiring? Not Who You'd Expect - WSJ.com

War On Small Businesses Is Keeping Job Gains Low - Investors.com

Why America Needs an Infrastructure Bank - NYTimes.com

Blaming Fannie for Crash Gives Banks Free Pass: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

KEENE: Pickpocketing with the Pickens Plan - Washington Times

Stock sentiment in wake of correction Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

Role reversal: The Government and banks Todd Harrison - MarketWatch

How the GOP Turned Tax Reform into a New Way to "Starve the Beast" - Brookings Institution

5 Reasons to Listen to Bernanke | Fin - Breakout - US - Yahoo! Finance

U.S. Superpower Status Challenged By China

The rise and fall of Iran’s Ahmadinejad - The Washington Post

America’s political system isn’t quirky, it’s dangerous - Telegraph

The Wilson Quarterly: For America, An Arab Winter by Aaron David Miller

Commentary: Beijing through Rose-Colored Glasses: Why Democracy Cannot Tame China | The National Interest

War in Libya: Dumb and Dumber - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Asia Times Online :: Mumbai rocked, Pakistan suspected

The fear has lifted and Britons breathe easier - The Globe and Mail

For Bastille Day, What America Owes France - NYTimes.com

Panetta: Tripping on verbal landmines - The Boston Globe

No free lunch - The Times of India

US forces Pakistan's generals to flaunt their independence - The National

Slaying of Afghan President’s brother creates vast power vacuum - The Globe and Mail

The Afghan Enforcer I Knew - NYTimes.com

Why Italy is not the next Greece | Trading Desk | Financial Post

Commentary: North Koreans Starve while Washington Wavers | The National Interest

First, They Came for the Lawyers - By Jerome A. Cohen | Foreign Policy

China raises undersea ante | The Japan Times Online

Cairo Dispatch: Why Is The Revolution Stagnating? | The New Republic

Jonathan G. Panter: Life Among Syria's Not-So-Secret Police - WSJ.com

The Fall of the House of Murdoch - Jonathan Schell - Project Syndicate

[OPINION] Nagorno-Karabakh in the shadow of Russian influence

Hamish McRae: The debt crisis will change the way we live - Hamish McRae, Commentators - The Independent

The Next Big Threat to US-China Ties | The Diplomat

The king of Kandahar is dead – who will succeed Ahmed Wali Karzai? | Stephen Grey | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The Path to Democracy in Egypt - Daniel Brumberg - International - The Atlantic

US interests in Iraq: Like a good neighbor, Turkey is there - CSMonitor.com

Blowback - by Lee Smith > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

U.S. Funding Cut May Help, Not Hurt, Pakistan's Generals - TIME

View of U.S., Obama Plummets in Arab World, RealClearWorld - The Compass Blog

BBC News - Owl leaves imprint on Kendal woman's window

Caligula statue discovered by 'tomb raiders' unveiled in Rome - Telegraph

Archaeologists Excavate Biblical Giant Goliath's Hometown - FoxNews.com

Are you semihappy or a workhorse wife? New book defines five different kinds of modern marriage | Mail Online

Brainwashed to believe in evolution

Sgt. James Hackemer, amputee veteran, thrown from Ride of Steel coaster in Darien Lake Theme Park & Resort and killed - NYPOST.com

Two trillion insects killed on Dutch cars every year - Telegraph

I'm not dead: Oviedo woman to her bank: I'm not dead - Orlando Sentinel

Scientists: Stinky sock smell helps fight malaria | AP | 07/13/2011

Why out-of-body experiences could be all in the mind | Mail Online

Chili's, Denny's, IHOP, others aim for healthy kid menus | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

The media-manufactured Bachmann scandal

Has America gone stark, raving bonkers?

The Republican crackup

Another scandal that could take Obama down

Soros-funded lobby helping Palestinian statehood bid

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Al-Qaida scoffs at Leon Panetta

Did ATF train corrupt Mexican police?

Is this why White House funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' scheme?

'Gays,' atheists fight rights for Christians

Pitchforks, sidearms, torches and eligibility

FDA confirms RU-486 abortion drug kills

New York crackdown on speech hits road bump

Colleges grab Facebook posts to punish student, fire prof

'Rapture' real aftermath: Beheadings, shootings, mass graves


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND Player

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Let's get out the infectious pus';Rep. Gohmert slams both parties for secret debt talks, demands enforceable cuts

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'It would be capitulation';Rep. Fleming calls McConnell plan 'all wrong,' wants GOP to keep fighting

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'More campaigning than policy';Rep. Huizenga rips Obama claim no debt deal means no Social Security checks

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Terrorism returns to Mumbai;Walid Phares dissects latest attacks, says U.S. too quick to dismiss al-Qaida

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'All the romance of a Soviet stairwell';Rep. Burgess leading charge to repeal ban on traditional incandescent light bulb

Obama 2012 fundraising smashes record with $86 million haul - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

House turns out light on old-style bulbs - Washington Times

Gun scandal: Republicans seek documents about Operation Fast and Furious - latimes.com

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Congress to Obama: How to avoid 'default'

State programmer identifies template for Obama 'forgery'

Deception evidence reaches Oval Office?

Another software expert questions birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

'The Clinton Tapes' and TWA Flight 800

The Republican crackup

McConnell schools Obama on debt

Raising the bar for guilty verdicts

Why Obama cannot be impeached

The inmates are running the asylum

Charlie Rangel preaches Jesus

'Greecing' the skids to prosperity

10 reasons even liberals should root for the GOP

My experiment on Google+

PFOX-ExGays: Michelle Bachmann and Ex-Gays

Loving Obama - How Can We Not Love Obama? - Esquire

Obama the extortionist


*14 July

American Minute for July 14th

July 14th This Day in History

Today in History: July 14

This Day in History for 14th July

July 14th in History

July 14 Events in History

Today in History: July 14

‪Today in History for July 14th‏ - YouTube

**Markets Video**

Real Clear Markets - Video - Shilling: 20% Housing Drop to Cause 2012 Recession

Real Clear Markets - Video - In Deficit Dilemma, Pain Looms for Middle Class

Real Clear Markets - Video - Rogers: SIlver Is Going Much Higher

Real Clear Markets - Video - Buffett Blasts DC's 'Silly' Game of 'Russian Roulette'

Real Clear Markets - Video - Forget Earnings. Show Me the Jobs!

Real Clear Markets - Video - Worst Recovery Since Great Depression?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Obama Discusses Debt Ceiling at Twitter Town Hall

Real Clear Markets - Video - DoubleLine's Gundlach on 'Schizophrenic' Trading

Real Clear Markets - Video - Twitter Valued at as Much as $7 Billion

Real Clear Markets - Video - Texans Grab Their Guns as Economy Stalls

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is Borrowing from your 401(k) a Bad Idea?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Ron Paul: America Is on the Road to Serfdom

Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Dark Horse' CEO Moynihan Rebuilds BofA

Real Clear Markets - Video - Poor Jobs Report Clouds Recovery Outlook

**World Video**

Real Clear World - Video - Dr. Brzezinski: 'On Our Way to Losing Pakistan'

Real Clear World - Video - Eurozone Debt Crisis Worsens

Real Clear World - Video - NATO, Rebels Showing Strains in Libya

Real Clear World - Video - What Would Thaddeus McCotter Do Differently?

Real Clear World - Video - House Churches Fear Crackdown

Real Clear World - Video - Defying The Crackdown In Syria

Real Clear World - Video - Calls For Reform Gather Pace In Malaysia

Real Clear World - Video - Five Killed In UK Explosion

Real Clear World - Video - Pope Assistant Drawn Into Abuse Scandal

Real Clear World - Video - British Gov't Issues Summons For Murdoch, Son

Real Clear World - Video - Revolutionary Literature

Real Clear World - Video - Why Pakistan is a Terrorist Attraction

Real Clear World - Video - Kandahar 'Detabilised' After Karzai's Brother Murder

Real Clear World - Video - July 13, 2011 Archives

Real Clear World - Video - Ashton on Democracy and the Economy


Real Clear World - Video - Russia in a Multipolar World

Real Clear World - Video - Assassination Leaves Power Vacuum in Afghanistan

Real Clear World - Video - Assassination and Post-NATO Afghanistan

Real Clear World - Video - 1,000 French Troops to Quit Afghanistan Early

Real Clear World - Video - Obama Pressuring For Change In Syria

Real Clear World - Video - China Inc Moves Offshore

Real Clear World - Video - China's Economic Growth Eases, But Not Too Much

Real Clear World - Video - Gunmen Abduct 2 Americans In Philippines

Real Clear World - Video - Euro Currency Dream Falling Apart?

Real Clear World - Video - Political Parties United Over Murdoch

Real Clear World - Video - Police Tackle Belfast Rioters

Real Clear World - Video - Afghan President Buries Slain Brother

Real Clear World - Video - Soyuz Rocket Blasts Of On Mission

Real Clear World - Video - 2012 Farm Bill: Global Trade & Conservation

Real Clear World - Video - Serial Blasts in Mumbai

**Politics Video**

McConnell: GOP Won't Be | RealClearPolitics

Rubio: Obama Competing For "Title Of Worst In American History" | RealClearPolitics

Chicago GOP Congressman To Obama: "Quit Lying" About Debt Ceiling | RealClearPolitics

Ron Paul 's First Official TV Campaign Ad: "Conviction" | RealClearPolitics

Sen. Toomey: "We're Living On Borrowed Time Fiscally" | RealClearPolitics

Palin On Debt: "Not The Time To Retreat, Time To Reload" | RealClearPolitics

Sen. Harry Reid: Eric Cantor Acting "Childish" | RealClearPolitics

Sen. McCaskill: Mitch McConnell Has "Lost His Mind" | RealClearPolitics

O | RealClearPolitics

Reich: Debt Ceiling Debate "A Giant Game Of Chicken" | RealClearPolitics

Krauthammer: 2012 Will Be "The Dirtiest Campaign You Have Ever Seen" | RealClearPolitics

Schultz: Are Republicans Afraid Obama Will Do Well With Independents? | RealClearPolitics


RNC Ad: "Change Direction" | RealClearPolitics

Rick Santelli: | RealClearPolitics

Sen. Johnson: Obama Is "Fear Mongering" | RealClearPolitics

Rep. Paul Ryan Chides A Panel With Power To Deny Seniors Care | RealClearPolitics

DNC's Schultz Promots July 16th "Day Of Action" | RealClearPolitics

Rep. Becerra: "Everything Should Be On The Table" | RealClearPolitics

Wasserman Schultz: Republicans Acting Like "Spoiled Children" Over Debt Limit | RealClearPolitics

McConnell: We Refuse To Let Obama | RealClearPolitics

Bernanke To Ron Paul: | RealClearPolitics

Krauthammer: Press | RealClearPolitics

O'Reilly: | RealClearPolitics

Schultz: Let McConnell | RealClearPolitics

Matthews: Are Republicans Driving the Economy Off a Cliff? | RealClearPolitics

Carney: No TV And Print Reporters Allowed To Cover WH Debt Meeting | RealClearPolitics

WH: "We Do Not Support The Balanced Budget Amendment" | RealClearPolitics

Obama Raises More Than $86 Million In Second Quarter | RealClearPolitics

Trump "Disgusted" With Republicans Over Debt Ceiling Fight | RealClearPolitics


**news videos:Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Weinergate Edition

Buzz Break: Chrysler Workers Toking, Drinking in UAW Parking Lot

Rubio: ‘Incompetent’ Obama ‘Not Up To the Job’

Big Drama Obama: ‘Don’t Call My Bluff’

Christie: Destiny Should Not Be Determined by Zip Code

Newsweek Reporter Fires Back at O’Donnell Over Palin Article

Congressman to Obama: ‘Cut Up the Credit Card’

Creepy Videos Taken by Jaycee Dugard Kidnappers Released

RNC Slams Obama in New Ad

13th/Fans Celebrate US Team Bound for World Cup Final

MSNBC’s Matthews: Is Rupert Murdoch a ‘True American’?

WH Spokesman: ‘I’m Not Going to Publicly Say What All of Our Positions Are’

Two-Headed Snake Fights With Self Over Food

NYPD Arrests Man in 8-year-old’s Death

Brawl Erupts at Murder Trial

Terror Attack Kills 17 in Mumbai

Congressman: Obama ‘Despicable, Sick and Twisted’ on Debt Ceiling Threats

Bob Beckel Needs Shotgun to Interview Ann Coulter

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: MSNBC’s Tax-Exempt Research Dept, Schultz Psycho Talk Edition

Brzezinski: ‘Ignorant’ Americans Susceptible to ‘Simplistic Slogans’ By Inexperienced Candidates

Paul Ryan Schools Sebelius on Medicare Reform

McConnell Defends Debt Ceiling Plan

12th/Laura Ingraham Exposes Obama’s ‘Shared Sacrifice’ Lie

Rubio: ‘Every Aspect of America Is Worse Under Obama’

Obama to Hold Senior and Vets Benefits Hostage for Tax Increases

Media Matters Propaganda Watch: The Tax-Exempt Research Department of MSNBC, Martin Bashir Edition

Whining About Wine: Susan Feinberg, Woman Who Confronted Rep Paul Ryan Over Wine in Restaurant

GOP Stands Firm in Debt Showdown

2 Americans Abducted in Southern Philippines

Inmates Escape Jail

Stun Gun Found in Boston-to-NJ Jet After Arrival

Bill Maher Hopes Palin and Bachmann ‘Split the MILF Vote’

11th/Female MPs Brawl in Afghan Parliament

Key Witness Testifies Rachel Corrie’s Death Was Accidental

In Defiance of Law, Islamic Schools Keep Veil in French Classrooms

Inn Made Famous in ‘Twilight’ Films Burns

Bill Maher Equates Casey Anthony Verdict with Voting Republican

Kitten Attacks Two Very Scary Apples


The Manning Report – 13 July 2011

The Manning Report – 12 July 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

July 13, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-13-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-13, Wednesday

The Redding News Reveiw1

The Redding News Reveiw2

The Redding News Reveiw3

The Michael Savage Show 07/13/2011

07/13 The Mark Levin Show