"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 September 2010


Sept 17

09-16-2010: Senate Passes Phony Small Business Aid Bill

09-16-2010: Pentagon to funnel US arms to Yemen to fight al-Qaeda

09-16-2010: Soros Insider Trading Case To Be Reviewed

09-16-2010: Eugenicist Holdren Attempts To Re-Brand Discredited Global Warming as “Global Climate Disruption”

09-16-2010: Pentagon Reverses Decision To Investigate Child Pornography Purchases

09-16-2010: 1 In 7 Americans Living In Poverty

Walt Disney, Monsanto discovered among Blackwater’s hidden clients | Raw Story

Make Clothes Out of a Can With Spray-On Fabric | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

Mice-Human Hybrids, Vince Foster's 'Murder', and the Anti-American President of America - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine


Obama is preparing to attend a United Nations summit next week to endorse “innovative finance mechanisms”—global taxes—to drain even more wealth out of the U.S. economy | Before It's News


*Site:UN Millennium Project


PROGRESSIVE RINO JOHN McCAIN: Now He's Suddenly Open to "Back Door Amnesty" | Before It's News

The Moon Reveals Rich and Unexpected Geologic Complexity in Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment | Before It's News

Woman Who Blamed Black Woman For Acid Attack Says She Did It To Herself | Before It's News

'It's time to impeach Obama for high crimes against U.S.'


*Impeach Obama:(www.impeachobamacampaign.com/)


Documented: Grounds for impeachment

The real costs of not passing food safety legislation - more sick people and more lawsuits : Marler Blog : Food Poisoning Lawyer & Attorney : Bill Marler : Marler Clark

White House Insider on Obama: “the President is Losing It.” | Newsflavor

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The Death Panel Is About to Rule: Death for Geraldine Satossky

ObamaCare’s Threat to Free Speech | Cato @ Liberty

Obama appoints Homosexual Propagandist to Education | Western Journalism.com

Howard Kurtz - White House rips Forbes article

Is Barack Obama a socialist? No, he's worse than that | Mail Online

The American Spectator : Neocolonial Dreams from Obama's Mother

» Shock Audio: Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash - Big Government


*88 PGS/Ancient Eugenicsa


The Biocratic Utopians Part II: 1913 Booklet Admits Infanticide is the Father of Modern-Day Eugenics


Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-16-10

Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-15-10

Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-14-10


Activist Post: Orwellian DoubleThink: Welfare is Employment

Activist Post: Orwellian DoubleThink: Rights are Privileges

Activist Post: Orwellian DoubleThink: War is Peace

Activist Post: Orwellian DoubleThink: Illness is Health


*12Part Video: The Khazarian Conspiracy

Video: White House Science Czar Says He Would Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’


*3 Part Video: Globalist All Out Assault on Your 1st Amendment and The Tea Party – Alex Jones Tv

YouTube - Keiser Report №78: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #61: DHS Creates Citizenship Database

Skin whitening creams found to contain toxic mercury

Bought and paid for | SocialistWorker.org

Video: Geo-Engineering – Killing Off The Useless Eaters

Video: Pennsylvania Homeland Security Employed Israeli Company to Suppress American Political Dissent

*4 Part Video: Lord Christopher Monckton – Antics of The Global Warming Extremists – Alex Jones Tv

The Fraudulent Criminalization of Marijuana in America

Big Oil’s Long Term Energy Plan? A One World Government and Global Depopulation :

YouTube - Guns, Gold & Tea


*(46:22)Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis


YouTube - Ron Paul : We Live In Revolutionary Times!

YouTube - Did Police Go Too Far?

Gold And Silver Hit New Highs For Second Time In One Week

Protest Group Demands Investigation Into Homeland Security Spying

O’Reilly Says 9/11 Truth Activists Are Dangerous Radicals

Gold to Surge 50% to ‘Real’ Record?

Karl Rove: Defender of Forever War and a Devastating National Debt

Your Body Is Your ID

Eugenicist Holdren Attempts To Re-Brand Discredited Global Warming as “Global Climate Disruption”

Bill Gates Death Panels Tip of Iceberg

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate

*36 pgs/Cloning, Gene Therapy, Human behaviour, Eugenics… Six lectures

YouTube - David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 Cell Phone Calls: Exclusive CBC Interview

YouTube - CNN on Jews Did 9/11

YouTube - Nothing informations

YouTube - WTC 7 Explosion

The face that launched a global ad scam | Stuff.co.nz

YouTube - Jewish Corporatism, Fiat Money and Commercialism

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : This Is A Revolution! Dr Ron Paul

YouTube - Why the Mythbusters won't do RFID (last hope Adam Savage)


Camp FEMA: America Lockdown 1/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 2/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 3/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 4/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 5/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 6/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 7/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 8/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 9/10

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown 10/10

Don't Tread On Me : Rise of the Republic - part 1

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-2

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-3

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-4

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-5

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-6

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-7

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-8

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-9

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-10

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-11

United We Fall Part 1 of 12

United We Fall Part 2 of 12

United We Fall Part 3 of 12

United We Fall Part 4 of 12

United We Fall part 5 of 12

United We Fall part 6 of 12

United We Fall part 7 of 12

United We Fall part 8 of 12

United We Fall part 9 of 12

United We Fall Part 10 of 12

United We Fall part 11 of 12

United We Fall part 12 of 12


*(2:20:36) Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA


poorrichard's blog: China Will Allow Credit Default Swaps, As Long As They Are Not Naked

YouTube - Renaissance 2.0: Lesson 1 - Revisiting American History - Financial Empire

YouTube - Land of the Free, Home of the Broke?

Washington's Blog:The "National Security" Apparatus Has Been Hijacked to Serve the Needs of Big Business

Muriel Mirak-Weissback: Why Tariq Aziz Should Be Release | Intifada Palestine

Ron Paul: The Second American Revolution Has Begun | Alexander Higgins Blog

[redacted] news: Pentagon re-opens probe into 100s of employees with child porn & other warwhore updates

[redacted] news: Weapons ads on Washington subway-just part of the scenery

Collapsing America | Sabbah Report

9/11: The day racists burn God’s book | Sabbah Report

Ernest Withers: Martin Luther King photographer exposed as FBI informant | Mail Online

Rattling the Cage: Why ‘Time’ magazine isn’t anti-Semitic

Bomb-Plot Witness Says FBI Sent Him to Terrorist Camp

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Govt. Can't Print More Gold

Google Is Now Officially Evil

[redacted] news: It wasn't Muslims who trained their cameras on the WTC prior to the first aircraft impact

Flying Saucers: CIA Declassified Documents

John Holdren in 1971: “New ice age” likely · zomblog

ETs want carbon taxes? New Book Claims ETs will save us from carbon dioxide :

US Media Intensifies Campaign Against Chavez

Building What? - A campaign to raise awareness of BUILDING 7

The unanswered questions of 9/11 | Rebel News - Independent News and Analysis

How Corporations Own the US Congress

Follow the Dirty Money

Congressman: BP "Openly Blackmailing the American Government" | Environment | AlterNet

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : FBI Had Spy In MLK's Inner Circle

Say Goodbye to Sunspots? - ScienceNOW

poorrichard's blog: Sex trade of children rampant in US

Israeli Govt: They Hate Us For Our Freedom -- News from Antiwar.com

Activist Post: New U.S. Gov't Study Shows NO Damage from Vaccines, Court Cases and Foreign Countries Prove Otherwise


poorrichard's blog: The Hate Mongers Among Us

Refreshing News: Adolf Hitler was a 'cowardly pig' according to fellow First World War soldiers

*The Israeli Spy Ring

kenny's sideshow: Does Anyone Believe Kenneth Feinberg?

Interview with Sen. Russ Feingold - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The $6 Trillion 401K Grab | FINANCIAL SENSE


The real reasons why one billion go hungry: wind farms, biofuels, sustainability… – Telegraph Blogs

9/11: Asking For Answers | Opinion Maker

The likely future picture of global Islam | Opinion Maker

Wireless recharging for mobile phones by 2012 - Telegraph

Barack & Michelle Gave Up Law License | Fellowship of the Minds

Reflections in a Petri Dish: This is the Teabagging that John Waters considers Pornographic.

Tea Party deals near fatal blow to Republican Senate chances - Telegraph

Kennedy Tesch kicked off cheerleading squad after mother's chant complaint | Mail Online

America's War On Islam

Kazakhs to farm produce on nuclear wasteland - Telegraph

Were Stalin's crimes really less wicked than Hitler's? – Telegraph Blogs

Roy Tov – Mossad, Matrix and Mortgage

Look, most WW2 unknowns are in fact known – I should know – Telegraph Blogs

Hosni Mubarak left red faced over doctored red carpet photo | World news | The Guardian

Video: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad condemns America's 'ugly zionists' - Telegraph

Average mortgage rates rise to 4.37 percent - Yahoo! Finance

Criminals Can Buy Influence in Mormon Church

Real Versus Fake Crises: Concealing The Risk of An All Out Nuclear War

The Manufacturing of a President | Before It's News

savethemales.ca - Pictures Prove Mini Nukes Caused 9-11 Devastation

Devvy - Robbing You To Pay Freddie-Fannie Mass Debt

Mad Cow Disease Causes Cattle Eyes to Glow : Discovery News

Preventing Your Government From Stealing Your Gold - TheStreet


Peter Eyre's Space: Pandora's Box opens up more Grime

Pandora's Box opens up more Grime (Part 2)

Pandora's Box opens up more Grime Part 3


Video:"Bad Company"

** Body Corporate

*Scientology: The Ex-Files


09 12 10 The Easy Organic Gardener Podcast

09 11 10 Herb Talk Podcast

09 11 10 pt 1 The Magic Garden Podcast

09 11 10 pt 2 The Magic Garden Podcast

09 16 10 pt 1 The Nutrimedical Report Podcast

09 16 10 pt 2 The Nutrimedical Report Podcast

09 16 10 pt 3 The Nutrimedical Report Podcast


CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports – Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages From H1N1 Vaccine

Holdren uses free market to get back to stone age

Real Versus Fake Crises: Concealing The Risk of An All Out Nuclear War

gulfnews : US should allow impartial 9/11 probe

YouTube - City Commission captive audience to 6 minutes of WTC-7 Collapse video.

The Progressive Theory of History

*The “National Security” Apparatus Has Been Hijacked to Serve the Needs of Big Business

The Architect Has No Clothes

*4 Videos:Lord Christopher Monckton: Antics of The Global Warming Extremists

YouTube - Alternative Universe - "TSA Training Film"

YouTube - The poor and impoverished turn to the forest

Fed Issues More Debt Than It Needs

Gibbs, Boehner trade shots - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

More Than a Third Say It's Okay to Walk Away from Mortgage

Child Still Expelled for Toy Gun – a Year Later

YouTube - Hidden Message Of Islam In Childrens Toys!

False Flag Terror! They Will Use It Unless We Wake Up and Expose It!

YouTube - America's Fair Health Care: "Not Anymore"

With Tax Hikes Soon, Cable News Uses ‘Tax Cut’ Phrasing 13 Times as Much

Karl Rove: Defender of Forever War and a Devastating National Debt


McDonald’s Food Doesn’t Break Down Over Time?

*McDonalds Happy Meal Project


John Holdren in 1971: “New Ice Age” Likely

Newsvine - Computers set for quantum leap


09 17 10 pt1 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 17 10 pt2 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 17 10 pt3 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 16 10 pt1 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 16 10 pt2 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 16 10 pt3 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 15 10 pt1 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 15 10 pt2 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 15 10 pt3 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 14 10 pt1 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 14 10 pt2 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 14 10 pt3 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 13 10 pt1 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 13 10 pt2 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast

09 13 10 pt3 The Jesse Lee Peterson Show Podcast


The Charlatans Keep Talking: Neuroscientist Claims The Internet Is Harmful to Society

Atlas just shrugged

BBC News - US 'sees world influence declining' amid economic woe

The making of 9/11 activists

The “National Security” Apparatus Has Been Hijacked to Serve the Needs of Big Business

Rand Paul to Hold “Repeal Obamacare” Press Conference in Lexington

The Tea Party as a Leaderless Movement

YouTube - GOP hates a black man in the white house

Judge denies Fort Hood suspect’s request for closed hearing

Scientist: There is no observational evidence for influence of CO2 on present or past climate

Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections

Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren -- Urashima et al., 10.3945/ajcn.2009.29094 -- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Thimerosal Accumulates in Rat Brains, Study Reveals

O’Reilly: Muslims that doubt official 9/11 story could be terrorists | Raw Story

Pope visit: Five suspected Islamist terrorists arrested over assassination plot - Telegraph

Why Fluoride Should Be Banned From Our Drinking Water - thatsfit.ca

Mexican Border Fence Cost $3 Billion, Does Nothing: Television - Bloomberg

Pelosi hedges on tax cuts - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Scott Rasmussen and Douglas Schoen: One nation under revolt | Washington Examiner

New Western Concerns Over Iran's Nuclear Program

Saif Shahin: War Talk, Peace Talk


*Site:Connecting Authors and Readers | FiledBy



Principled Nonvoting: The Beginning of Disengaging From the State

Hope Fading that radical/Islamist Factions keep Separate

Obama, Dhimmi President

Conservative America Ready to Take Control

Do the (Thirty-Year) Math: The Consultants Are Wrong

Death for Libricide, Sweets for Genocide

Medicare and ObamaCare

The U.S. Constitution: An Agreement by States

W.H. Science Czar: 'Global Warming' Is 'Dangerous Misnomer'

The 'Buckley Rule' - Now?

The group most out of step on walking away from mortgages

All Factions Need to Heed lessons from Delaware

'Why Democrats can't win on taxes'

Who holds the title of 'Greatest Mass Murderer in History?'

Aides to Rep. Waters kicked out of Pelosi event

'Contract with America II' nearly done but will anybody sign it?

It's Tough Out There

Not much bang for the stimulus buck

From Both Sides of Their Mouths

Thirty years later, Carter still blames Kennedy

The Architect Has No Clothes

Crawling Out from under the Rauf

Can Democrats Save Their Party?

Identifying Palestinian Anti-Semitism Is Itself Racist?

The Shariah Threat to America

Rick Santorum Has A Google Problem. Poor Little Ricky!

Elizabeth Warren to be appointed as special advisor for new consumer agency

Jim DeMint Defends His Support of Christine O'Donnell

Left jab of the day by Blue America and Americans for America: John Boehner's big booze tab

Palin's advice to O'Donnell: 'Speak through Fox News'. Hm. Sounds familiar.

Voter Crisis Translates To Opportunity For Dems. Will They Take Advantage Of It?

Live Chat: Blue America Welcomes Back Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ)

The smell of schadenfreude in the morning: Christine O'Donnell sparks all-out right-wing civil war

Paladino: No Mosque or Islamic Center Where Dust Cloud Was and Use Eminent Domain to Seize Site

Mitch McConnell Cries Over The Plight Of Those Hardest Hit By Recession: Those Making $250K

Senate Republicans Unveil PIG Act

Street Fighting Man: The Political Mind of Alan Grayson

Boehner vows to do everything he can to "prevent Obamacare from being implemented"

Blitzer Allows 'Young Guns' Cantor and McCarthy Some Fact-Free Air Time on CNN

Likely Tornado Tears Through NYC Yesterday At Height Of Rush Hour, One Person Killed By Falling Tree

PG&E Accused of Delaying Crucial Repair Work on Gas Lines

New Studies Expose GOP Lies about Public Employees

Dueling Rallies: Stewart, Colbert Sponsor Competing Marches In D.C., Oct. 30th - 'A Date Of No Particular Significance'

The political ad FOX News doesn't want you to see!

Duck eggs blamed for fatal salmonella outbreak

Pope makes history with Lambeth Palace visit

'When the predators are still in ministry it's not safe'

Two men convicted of sperm donor racket

Americans' wealth fell in spring as stocks tanked

Man emerges after story about his 1993 abduction

GM expanding engine production at Tennessee plant

Colbert, Stewart plan rallies on National Mall

Americans' wealth drop in spring as stocks tank

Clinton and Gates to hold Australia talks in November

What America Is Fighting Against

What If Obama’s Wrong?

Meanwhile, Back in Brussels …

Sharia Transit Authority

A True ‘Reset’ in Russia, from the Ground Up

Public School Field Trip: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah

‘We Wish Her the Best’? Cartoonist, Threatened by Islamists, Disappears

Barbary Pirates: the Next Generation

Craig Smith: Chinese Currency Manipulation and National Security

End of Cuba’s Communist Economy: Global Implications

The Success of ‘Economic Peace’ and Arab Rejectionism

What Is ‘Shariah’?

Brave Newt World Kills Gaga MoDo’s Obama Mojo

Surprise: White House Unhappy with Dinesh D’Souza

What’s Behind David Frum’s Attack on Dinesh d’Souza and Mr. Newt?

MSM Headlines Offer Dems Help and Encouragement

MSM Sitting Out Eleanor Holmes Norton Scandal

Sorry MSM Spin Machine, the ‘Skeptical Environmentalist’ Is Still Skeptical

Study: Energy Tax Hikes Could Cripple U.S. Economy

Holmes Norton Responds, Ignores Past Ethical Problems

Friday Free For All: Constitution Edition

Constitution Day

The Legislative Shakedown

Sorry Inconvenient Truthers, the ‘Skeptical Environmentalist’ Is Still Skeptical

‘Government Motors’ Fills Political Coffers

Amtrak: Taxpayers Subsidizing First Class

Gary Sinise: Help Build the National Memorial For Permanently Disabled Veterans

Hollywood Feminism: Women Smart, Men Dumb

‘Flipped’ Review: Good Performances, Strong Story

‘Hope!’: The Obama Musical

‘Fire From the Heartland’: Story of the Conservative Woman in Her Own Words

Tonight on NBC: Jimmy Smits’ New Show Trashes Conservatives (Naturally, Joe Scarborough Has a Cameo)

‘Mesrine’ Review: Two Parts of Action Packed With Visceral Thrills

Rather Than Retire Gracefully, Barbra Streisand Chooses Irrelevance and Hypocrisy

‘The Town’ Review: No Sophomore Slump For Director Affleck

The Oxymoron of Campus Tolerance

Hollywood Feminism: Sexuality and Integrity Are Not Mutually Exclusive

‘Good Guys’ Review: Smart, Funny, and Refreshingly Politically Incorrect

Help Support Our Troops: The San Gennaro Foundation’s ‘Feast of LA’

George Lopez Cracks Sarah Palin is ‘Evil Egomaniac That Might Destroy the World’ | NewsBusters.org

'40-Year-Old Virgin' actor guilty of attempted murder | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

Lawrence O'Donnell: Glenn Beck's 'fascinating'

Kurt Loder Reviews Easy A -- Says Emma Stone Has Arrived

Copernicus at TIFF survives BURIED and Danny Boyle's 127 HOURS!!! -- Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Gemma Arterton says she is treated as a 'piece of a**' by Hollywood | Mail Online

Video Rental Stores Adding Tanning Beds to Stay Alive - The Moviefone Blog

Movie Review: Chosin - Page 1 - Film+TV - Los Angeles - LA Weekly

The Move to Digital Production: Faster, Cheaper ... Fewer Employed | TheWrap.com

» Shock Audio: Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash - Big Government

Eleanor Holmes Norton: Democrat Asks Lobbyist For Campaign Cash In Voicemail - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Pelosi Calls for Vote on 'Obama Middle-Class Tax Cuts'

Pelosi won't rule out extending all tax cuts - TheHill.com

FOXNews.com - White House: Global Warming Out, 'Global Climate Disruption' In

Senate breaks filibuster to pass long-stalled small-business bill - TheHill.com

New Contract With America nearly done; candidates won't sign it - TheHill.com

Schmidt: Arizona law nearly racist | Video | Reuters.com

NY GOP governor hopeful sends trash-scented flier

Townhall - When Policies Flop, Political Enthusiasm Wanes

Norton lashes out at Breitbart for audio posted on BigGovernment.com | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The Volokh Conspiracy » Justice Breyer Clarifies Earlier Remarks, Suggests Koran-Burning Is Constitutionally Protected After All

The American Spectator : The Legend of Helen Thomas

START treaty passes first test - TheHill.com

White House Science Czar Says He Would Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’ | CNSnews.com

DeMint: 'You can't change Washington unless you change people who are here' | Washington Examiner

The Associated Press: Expiring tax cuts hit taxpayers at every level

Lobbies ready final 'don't ask' push - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

Dem health bill foes escape payback - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Philly man admits going to Egypt to impregnate young girls | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/16/2010

171 animals seized from S. Arizona home

Waters aides expelled from Pelosi event - TheHill.com

Bruni book author stands by Michelle Obama anecdote - Yahoo! News

Jimmy Carter Slams Ted Kennedy On Health Care - 60 Minutes - CBS News

New web address hints at Putin return to Kremlin | Reuters

Criminals steal Interpol chief's Facebook identity

Despite porn pledge, scientists accused of studying 'anatomy' - Washington Times

Holloway's mom sneaks into jail, confronts suspect - World news - Americas - msnbc.com

AFP: US Internet users staying connected during sex: study

E! orders extreme plastic surgery bridal competition

'Judge Judy' was daytime's top-rated show last season, beating 'Oprah' - NYPOST.com

The World from Berlin: 'Obama Has Underestimated the Frustration in the Country' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Index Unexpectedly Declines - Bloomberg

Lost Decade for American Income - WSJ.com

Pelosi hedges on tax cuts - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Pope visit: Five suspected Islamist terrorists arrested over assassination plot - Telegraph

Sacha Baron Cohen to play Freddie Mercury in Queen film - Telegraph

Acid 'victim' admits injuring herself | The Columbian

Capitol police shoot armed suspect - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Has Lady GaGa killed off sex? Feminist Camille Paglia claims star has no substance | Mail Online

Congressmen Weiner and Waxman Set Gold Hearing -- Seeking Alpha

Associated Press monitors CNN since dropping service | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Jackson concert promoters call lawsuit "meritless" - Yahoo! News

Documentary? Better Call It Performance Art - NYTimes.com

Paladino Charges Albany Of Stinking Things Up « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY

YouTube - This Is A Revolution! Dr Ron Paul

Kicesie: A Social Phenomenon That the Media Have Yet to Discover -- Not Even Oprah

Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque | The New York Observer

The Emerging Global Fed

Billionaire College Dropouts

Tax inspectors get police-like powers to tackle tax evaders - Telegraph


**Toxic Reverend - Revelations


*Katherine Albrecht.Com


*Mystical Blend


Earthfiles.com Environment | More Evidence That “1984 Big Brother” Is Taking Over United States

SPACE.com -- New Physics? Fundamental Cosmic Constant Now Seems Shifty

Secret Corps of Filmmakers Documented Nuclear Bomb Tests - NYTimes.com

Oxford scientist calls for research on technology 'mind change' | Science | The Guardian

Patience Worth: Author From the Great Beyond | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine

Blimp Enthusiast Is Buoyed by Idea of Round-the-World Race - WSJ.com

Unexplained Mysteries - Sealand skull photos released

YouTube - David Aaronovitch - Voodoo Histories (1/2)

YouTube - David Aaronovitch - Voodoo Histories (2/2)

A Quick Guide to Bacon | Mark's Daily Apple

Poll: Most Want New Blood in Congress - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

On Obamacare, Wilson was rude but right | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Manhattan Moment: Obama puts public sector employees ahead of private sector | Washington Examiner

What can we do about corruption in Afghanistan? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

What the Mariners and America have in common - USATODAY.com

Peggy Noonan: Why It's Time for the Tea Party - WSJ.com

Tea Party Mocking Needs To Stop - The Daily Beast

Two L.A. departments get $111 million in stimulus funds but have created only 55 jobs - latimes.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The Tax-Cut Racket - NYTimes.com

Strassel: Why Democrats Can't Win on Taxes - WSJ.com

Zombie Banks Have Us Right Where They Want Us: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

Islamophobia as the "New McCarthyism" Doesn't Wash | Politics & Media | SPLICETODAY.com

Republicans Promise To Repeal And Replace Health Care Reform. Here's What That Would Mean. | The New Republic

Tea Party not over yet - Courant.com

Editorial - Don’t Enforce ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - NYTimes.com

Johnson Surges Into Lead Over Feingold in Wisconsin

What the Latest Polls Told Us -- 9/17/2010 Edition

CT : Obama Raising Money for Blumenthal as Race Tightens

IL-10 : Open Seat Creates Opportunity, Uncertainty for Parties


*Transcripts:15th/ Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Interview with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer

Interview with Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell

Interview with Delaware Senate Candidate Chris Coons

Panel on Christine O'Donnell's Primary Win

Analysts Discuss the Latest Primary Results

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Interview with Reps. Cantor & McCarthy

Interview with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Interview with Florida Senate Candidate Marco Rubio

Obama's Remarks on the Small Business Jobs Bill

Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Israeli Pres. Peres

+14th/Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan

Interview with Former British PM Tony Blair

Panel on the Politics of Cutting Taxes

+13th/Middle East Briefing with Secretary Clinton

Geithner's Remarks to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

Interview with Former British PM Tony Blair

Interview with David Plouffe

Interview with Rep. Darrell Issa

Interview with Senate Candidate Marco Rubio

Panel on the Tax Cut Battle

Reporters on the Anniversary of the Wall St. Panic


**Politics Video:17th/Rep. Pence: USA's "Social And Cultural Fabric Is Unraveling"

O'Donnell On Controversial Past: "My Faith Has Matured"

Sheila Jackson Lee: "Obama Has To Let People Know What He Has Done"

Eugene Robinson: O'Donnell Has Mastered The "Sarah Palin Affect"

Sen. McCain: "Let's Not Anticipate A Great Victory"

Bill Clinton: "Give Us Two More Years"

O'Reilly: The Delaware Conundrum

Olbermann: Extreme Tea Party Makeover

Cavuto: If You Can't Beat 'Em...

Ed Schultz: The Mission Of The GOP Is To Defeat Obama

*16th/LA-Sen: Dem Ad: Congratulations, David Vitter Just Made You Rich

MO-Sen: American Crossroads Ad: "Say No To Robin Carnahan"

WA-Sen: Rossi Ad: Murray "Part Of The Problem"

WI-7: DCCC Ad: Sean Duffy Is "Out Of Touch"

CO-Sen: American Crossroads Ad: Bennet Has "Wasted Our Money"

CO-Sen: NRSC Ad Slams Bennet: "More Spending, Higher Taxes, Jobs Lost"

NV-Sen: Reid Ad Touts Strength On Border Security

PA-Gov: Corbett Takes On Rendell And Specter In Ad

CO-Sen: Buck Ad: "Bennet's Votes Are So Bad He Can't Defend Them"

CA-Sen: Boxer Ad: "Carly Fiorina: Outsourcing Jobs, Out For Herself"

PA-Sen: Club For Growth Ad: Sestak Is "Just Another Liberal"

CO-Sen: Club For Growth Ad: Bennet Has "Already Been In Washington Too Long"

WI-Sen: Club For Growth Ad: "Russ Feingold: 18 Years In Washington Is Enough"

NV-Sen: Club For Growth: "Harry Reid: Three Decades In Washington Is Enough"

Obama To Blumenthal: "I Promise That I Would Not Let Michelle Talk To Cynthia"

School Takes Children On Fieldtrip To Mosque, Bow To Allah

Jimmy Carter: Ted Kennedy "Killed" Health Care

Krauthammer: O'Donnell Has A 1 In 10 Chance Of Winning

Obama Uses "Car" And "Slurpee" Metaphor At Campaign Event

Dem Politician Hits Poll Inspector With Her Car

Pelosi: "If I Were Not In Politics I'd Probably Be In Business"

Sen. Gregg: Elizabeth Warren Will Encourage "Social Justice"

Olbermann: Why Is Rove Mad At A Republican?

Whoopi To Ground Zero Mosque Protestors: "Kiss My Butt"

Rove Gives O'Donnell Advice: Be "Frank And Honest"

Carville On O'Donnell: "This Woman Has Run Against Masturbation"

Rep. Kingston: O'Donnell's Win A "Mixed Blessing"

Palin On Rove Vs. O'Donnell Feud

CO-Sen: DSCC Ad: Buck "Too Extreme For Colorado"

Sharron Angle: Reid's Biggest Weakness Is The Economy

Matthews: How Far Will Fire of Voter Anger Burn?

Bill Maher Drops N-Word Talking About GOP Hate Of Obama

Obama On Exports: "We're Six Months Into A Five Year Process"

O'Reilly: "Independents Will Make The Call" In November

Krauthammer: If GOP Is Serious About Stopping Obama, They Need The Majority


*Markets Video:17th/Home Foreclosure Tidal Wave?

Stay Short With Bonds?

More Money Trouble For Municipalities

David Stockman Is Not Very Sanguine

Trump: We Need to Extend Bush Tax Cuts

- 16th/Greenspan: Raise Taxes

Euro Debt Concerns Will Return

What Wall Street Didn't Learn from Lehman

Dicker: Investors Must Buy Natural Gas

Survey: A Dimmer View of Home Ownership

*World Video:17th/Sarkozy Attacks Roma Row Critics

World Economic Update

Afghans Tighten Election Security

Hillary Clinton On Peace Talk Progress

Strikes Spread Across Europe

- 16th/Scotland Prepares For Pope's Visit

Niger Facing Severe Hunger Crisis

Sting Does Opera In Russia

Japan Moves To Combat Rising Yen

Tourists Hurt In Greece Boat Crash

Schwarzenegger In South Korea

Cosmonauts Gear Up For Soyuz Mission

Clinton: This Moment Must Be Seized

Drug War Clouds Mexican Bicentennial

Bacevich on Washington Rules


RealClearPolitics - An Opportunity With Iran?

China leads the way economically – but will it ever lead the world? - Telegraph

Al Qaeda-Inspired Groups Disrupt Mideast Peace Talks - The Daily Beast

It's About Time We Got START - By John Kerry | Foreign Policy

Mary Dejevsky: In defence of Benedict and his faith - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent

Gregory Feifer And Brian Whitmore On Vladimir Putin's Influence Over Vaclav Klaus And The Czech Republic. | The New Republic

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : A return to the lunar surface

A spy chief for president? - World - Macleans.ca

Editorial - A More Democratic Turkey - NYTimes.com

Mexico can proudly celebrate after 200 years - The Globe and Mail

AEI - Dmitri Medvedev's Modernization Thaw

RealClearWorld - Germany Goes Global, Leaving Europe

FT.com / Columnists / Philip Stephens - National interests collide in the new world disorder

Our Best Economic Minds Are Failing Us - Newsweek

Nouriel Roubini - What America needs is a payroll tax cut

RealClearMarkets - Our Rate Of Poverty Isn't a Surprise

Five points to keep in mind as Congress debates the Bush tax cuts. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

China Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card Vexes Geithner: William Pesek - Bloomberg

What happened to Europe's collapse? - Sep. 17, 2010

So many stock dividends, so little yield - Jim Jubak - MSN Money

Goldman Bias Suit Offers Wall Street a Chance: Jacki Zehner - Bloomberg

Resentment never sleeps - Larry Ribstein - The Creative Destroyer - Forbes

Economic Treason Not To Hire? - Rich Karlgaard - Digital Rules - Forbes

Greg Mankiw's Blog: How much would the President raise the top tax rate?

ROI: The 10 Biggest Myths About Gold - WSJ.com

Terence Corcoran: The U.S. income ’divergence’ myth | FP Comment | Financial Post

Video: Investment Contingency Plans 2010-2011 | Stock Market Blog - Financial Blog - Investment Blog - Technical Analysis Blog

ProducerPriceIndexAugust2010.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Economy treading water as jobless rate edges up

Why Obama wants Republicans to win in November


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Reid holding troops hostage to amnesty

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Let's become a big, noisy GOP'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Civil war or healthy debate?


'It's time to impeach Obama for high crimes against U.S.'

Phyllis Schlafly: 'Jesus is not on the ballot'

Pastors taken to task for political apathy

'God bless Barack Obama'

Nation needs 'warriors,' not 'conservatives'

'Tyranny' author Mark Levin's answer to Obama

GOP lawmakers offer fix to 'silly' light bulb ban

FOXNews.com - White House: Global Warming Out, 'Global Climate Disruption' In

Americans complain about boastful stimulus signs

White House Science Czar Says He Would Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’ | CNSnews.com

FOXNews.com - School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque

Painting Shows Obama Trampling Constitution - News Story - WXII The Triad

West Palm Beach man freed after fatally shooting man in road rage incident

Summit over Afghanistan collapses

GOP blasts Reid immigration 'ploy' - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

Obama to Latinos: Don't forget who stands with you - Politics - Wire - TheState.com

Battleground Poll: Democrats tied in generic - Charles Mahtesian and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

Palin to make high-profile visit to Iowa | Reuters

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Despite pressure, GOP leader to attend fundraiser for gay Republicans « - Blogs from CNN.com

Rockefeller Republicans

Crist, Greer, wives spent GOP dollars for vacations

Coons took 'bearded Marxist' turn - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

California NAACP chief signs ballot argument, profits from campaign - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Do Dems want president on campaign trail?

» Shock Audio: Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash - Big Government

Waters aides expelled from Pelosi event - TheHill.com

Patriotic Americans' 'man on the inside'

State tracked, reported on constitutionally protected protests

Disabled woman was tortured and held as a sex slave

WND Money

Expiring tax cuts hit taxpayers at every level | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


On-This-Day.com - The best source for daily history.

17 Sept

**Today in History: September 17

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union ...

Today in History


GOP lawmakers offer fix to 'silly' light bulb ban

Wall Street Journal: Boycott Haiti

Why the tea party's more important than ever

Why the tea party's more important than ever

Extremists calling mainstreamers extremists

Tea-party triumphs: Good news for Democrats

The tea party, good and bad - chicagotribune.com

Musings about Israel and Obama

A system conceived in failure

After the tea party

Obama's new book: 'Tyranny for Dummies'

Daniel Henninger: It's the Spending, Stupid - WSJ.com

Expiring tax cuts hit taxpayers at every level | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Shocking Video Of Toddler Smoking Pot

WSVN-TV - Man dies in argument over money

Pagans biker gang plotted to kill rival Hells Angels with grenade attacks, say Feds

South Carolina GOP lawmaker McConnell defends picture with 'slave' re-enactors | McClatchy

NJ teacher to serve jail time for removing a student from class by his ear - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - NC teen faces long-term school suspension over faith-based nose piercing; ACLU stepping in

Showdown over Islam looming for SBOE

U.S. cartoonist in hiding after cleric's threat - U.S. news - Security - msnbc.com

How reliable is personal DNA testing? - CSMonitor.com

FBI Informant Divulges Past In Bronx Terror Plot Trial

CENTCOM Engineering Contingency Construction Overview August 2010

Broke Towns Can't Afford to Drug Constituents with Fluoride

Green Shoots: U.S. Census Bureau Reports Highest Poverty Rate Since 1994: 14.3 Percent

Yen Intervention Fans Flames Of Anti-Japanese Rage Across China

YouTube - Disgusting Jay-Z Haiti Song - Illuminati Sacrifice

YouTube - Illuminati commercial Luciferian NWO

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Wisconsin Public Radio Ben Merens Sept 15 2010

YouTube - Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich: Allies Against War

YouTube - Unannounced Psych Warfare Drill at School Designed to Condition You - Alex Jones Tv

YouTube - Wayne Madsen: Blackwater/Xe Cells Conducting False Flag Hits in Pakistan - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Wayne Madsen: Blackwater/Xe Cells Conducting False Flag Hits in Pakistan - Alex Jones Tv 2/2

The Charlatans Keep Talking: Neuroscientist Claims The Internet Is Harmful to Society

Noam Chomsky: “President Obama is Involved in War Crimes Right Now”

The Hate Mongers Among Us

Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren't Possible Unless Good People Back Them

Dismantle America’s Military Behemoth

We Are Living Through an Exceptional Moment in Human History.

Is Islam Really the Greatest Threat to the World Today?

Afghan War Lies

Surge in Housing Supply Will Drive Down Prices


*Audio: Interview with Victor Thorn on 9-11 Attacks



YouTube - American Free Press Interviews Filmmaker on New Gulf War Illness Movie


Real Versus Fake Crises: Concealing The Risk of An All Out Nuclear War

Save the Banks and Kill the Economy

The Infinite Hypocrisy of the West: The Plight of the Roma People

Camouflage and Contamination: What's Going On In The Gulf?

Save American Democracy, or What’s Left of It

The Saudi Arms Deal: The U.S. Stirs Persian Gulf Waters

Regarding US Muslims: A Misguided Debate

America's "Justice" in Occupied Iraq: Why Tariq Aziz Should Be Released

US Media Intensifies Campaign Against Chavez

The Strategic Counteroffensive

VIDEO: Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed

The Al Qaeda threat is "exaggerated": 120,000 US Troops fighting "No More that 50 Members of Al Qaeda"

Follow the Dirty Money

VIDEO: Iraq to Pay $400 Million to US Victims of Saddam Regime

Can bankruptcy bring more justice to the legal system?

A New Low From the New World Order Folks

First the psychics, then the churches...

Never-Ending Government Lies About Markets

YouTube - Worker's Paradise

The Road To (Intellectual) Serfdom

YouTube - Direct TV hilarious fantasy football

YouTube - Leno: Govt Workers Who Aren't There, Spend $ We Don't Have, To Create Jobs That Don't Exist

Become Dangerous

With Tax Hikes Soon, Cable News Uses 'Tax Cut' Phrasing 13 Times as Much

White House: We Totally Didn't Say Recovery Summer Meant Economic Recovery...Except When We Did

The Tea Party as a Leaderless Movement

The System's Not Rigged Enough for Cops and Prosecutors

YouTube - We Who Dared to Say No to War | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.

Waking up to a World Currency

YouTube - Cops on Camera

Senate rejects amendment to strip out IRS reporting requirement in new health care law

MLK Photographer was FBI informant hired to spy on civil rights movement

Skull and Bones Member "Economic Advisor" to Obama White House

Why Libertarians Oppose War

Obama the Neoconservative

High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) Master Key Leaked | Public Intelligence


Virginia Fusion Center Again Requests Removal of Documents from Public Intelligence | Public Intelligence


**Guide to Firearm Types


17 pg/USCENTCOM-Engineer Brief aug 2010


crisis global austerity USA system breakdown 2011

The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy

Should we rely on natural gas in earthquake zones? - CSMonitor.com

Activists Demand Investigation into DHS Bulletin, Long History of Labeling Americans as Terrorists :

Activists call for probe into intelligence bulletins - News - Citizens Voice

Dave Daubenmire -- Does Jesus Respect Islam?

Justice Breyer Suggests “Globalization” Trumps First Amendment

Do Herbal Supplements Work? Botanical Supplements Face New Scrutiny - WSJ.com

Mexico’s Top Narco-Blogger Comes Forward | Danger Room | Wired.com

Neithercorp Press» Blog Archive » Real World Solutions To Economic Tyranny

France, Germany in spat over illegal Gypsy camps

South African hospital chain charged in organ trafficking case - thestar.com

The hate mongers among us -- Part 2: Signs of a rift between U.S. politicians and U.S. national security?

9/11 Truth and America’s ‘Global War on Terrorism’: The pretext to wage war is totally fabricated

The questions of 9/11 are still unanswered

United States laid ground for Ergenekon “Deep State” in Turkey

The fraudulent criminalization of marijuana

Regarding US Muslims: A misguided debate

Risky drug ads raise awareness and insurance rates

The F Word: Sexy primary victories on both sides

Row after Pope's remarks on atheism and Nazis

US intervening in Venezuelan elections

Dr David Kelly's body 'had obviously been moved': Paramedic at death scene reveals concerns over Hutton Inquiry

Vegas drone trial makes history

Tea party wins could derail GOP bid for Senate control

Sarah Palin, Tea Party are not viewed favorably by most Americans, latest poll finds

Christine O'Donnell Slams Welfare, Pop Culture: You Can Legislate Morality

4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City

Former UN secretary general now leads Alliance for a Green Revolution

Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brother' Health Bureaucracy

Big Sis Iris Scanners: The Prison Without Bars

Census Bureau reports new spike in poverty

Wisdom facing forward: What it means to have heightened future consciousness

Robotics breakthrough: Scientists make artificial skin

'Mind-reading machine' can convert thoughts into speech

A People's History of the Human Genome

Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented (Video)

Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades: Military Communiqué regarding the Israeli assassination of Iyad Shelbaieh « Inteltrends

BioTech Terrorist Monsanto Hires Blackwater Operatives to Infiltrate Activist Groups - Truth is Treason

The Impact of Fiat Money as the World’s Reserve Currency - Truth is Treason

Department of Justice Lists Survivalists, Constitutionalists in Extremism Guide - Truth is Treason

Afghanistan hit by kidnappings on eve of vote | GlobalPost

Political Clout Growing, Sarah Palin's Next Stop Is Iowa

31 Dems Oppose Obama on Tax Cut Expiration

Colbert, Stewart Plan March to Counter Glenn Beck

O'Donnell To Address Values Voter Summit

McCain Warns GOP against Overconfidence

Consumer Agency Critics Blast Warren Pick

Dean Swings Both Ways on Tea Party

McConnell: GOP Must Erect Broad Tent

Obama Promises He'll Push DREAM Act

Expiring Tax Cuts Hit Taxpayers at Every Level

Pope's Security in Spotlight after London Arrests

FBI Tells US Mohammed Cartoonist to 'Go Ghost''

Arizona Sheriff: Obama ‘Undermining’ Law on the Border

Oman: No Plans to Free 2 Other Americans in Iran

Gates: Surge Seems to be Working in Afghanistan

AP-NCC Poll: Not Much Trust in Major Institutions

GOP Tries to Bring Tea Party Enthusiasm into Fold

US Panel to Review FBI Work in Anthrax Case

Creator of 'The Club' Antitheft Device Killed in Crash

SEC Eyes New Rules on Banks' Debt-level Disclosure

Gunman Kills Himself, Mother at Johns Hopkins

Candidate Linda McMahon Avoids Social Security

Republicans Slate Millions for Additional Key Races

Poll: Voters Expect Republicans to Win Both Houses

Taliban Claims 30 Kidnappings on Election Eve

Chavez Meets With Venezuela's Jewish Leaders

New Zealand Politician Stole Baby's Identity, Quits

China Spooks American Automakers

Gangs Riot in Pakistan Over Murdered Politician

IMF Doesn't Think Ireland Will Need a Bailout

Greenspan: Tax Cuts, Stimulus Won’t Save US

Buffett Partner: More Faith in Costco Than Charity

9 Breakthroughs in Defeating Alzheimer’s

Drug-resistant Superbugs in 20 States

AT&T Said to Offer Microsoft Software at Debut

Author of Carla Bruni Book Defends Sources

Tea Party Dashes GOP's Senate Hopes

Math and Science Skills Are Recession Beaters

Extremists Call Tea Partyers Extremists

It's Time to Get Fired Up — Tea Party-Style

America's Top Priority Should Be Education

One Nation Under Tea Party Revolt

Has Obama Been Paying Attention to Reforms in Cuba?

Political Elites Fuming at Tea Party Success of O'Donnell, Paladino

Obama's Justice Dept Slow to Assure Overseas Ballots for Armed Forces

Democrats Target John Boehner

The Myth of Conservative Vulnerability

Europeans Push Global Tax to Fund Poverty-Reduction, Climate Change Causes

Taxpayers Paid At Least $9 Million for Signs Promoting Obama's Economic Stimulus

Border District Congressman: DREAM Act Ought To Be ‘Part of a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package’

Sanchez ‘Can’t Answer in 30 Seconds’ Whether She’s Committed to Securing Border against Drugs

Muslim-American Soldier at Fort Hood Tells Al Jazeera: U.S. Army Training is ‘Propaganda Against Islam’

Medal of Dishonor

Federal Contracts Set Aside for Small Businesses Going to Large Firms

Defund Obamacare? Boehner Says: 'I Am Committed To Doing Everything' to Stop It

Bozell Declares War on Liberal Media; Launches 'Tell the Truth' Campaign

First Lady Cites Push for Healthy Produce, Even in Some Liquor Stores

U.S. Fights Order to Release Guantanamo Detainee

Senate Passes $30B Small Business Credit Measure

Quran-Burning Cartoons Sought in Iran

Drop in Illegal Immigration in Va. Due in Part to County Law Against Illegal Immigration, Demographer Says

Ex-Guardsman Sentenced in US Border Fence Theft

California Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening Pelosi

New Push for Bill to Aid Sick 9/11 Responders

Gov't Say Banks Should Share Fannie, Freddie Costs

Pa. City to Ask Supreme Court to Reverse a Court Ban on Illegal Immigration Ordinances

US Radio Takes on Taliban in Afghan Propaganda War

NFL Reminds Clubs of Media Policy after NY Jets’ Locker Room Incident

Bans on Fake Pot Do Little to Deter Business

Atheist Billboard Provokes Oklahoman Christians

Harry Reid’s Illegal Alien Student Bailout

'Recovery Summer' Needs Life Support

Liberal Crackup


Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part One

Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part Two

Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part Three

PART FOUR: Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 5: Forbidden Gates - How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 6 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART SEVEN -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 8 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 9 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 10 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual

PART 11 - Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 12 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 13 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare


**Interview with Thomas Horn, controversial author of Forbidden Gates


Those popular joint-pain supplements? They don't work. - latimes.com

"H.I.V." Was in Monkeys for Millennia: Why Didn't We Get Sick? - Health Blog - CBS News

Women With Sexual Dysfunction Respond Well To Placebo Therapy

Whooping cough hits hardest among young babies, data show - latimes.com

Study: Mom's education level is connected to child mortality

What’s in a Name? High Fructose Corn Syrup’s Pseudonym : Discovery News

Kids Are Getting Vaccinated

Flu Vaccines, Redux: The Mystery Deepens | CommonHealth

Healthcare Reform Changes: September 23, 2010

Drug-resistant 'superbugs' hit 20 states, spread worldwide - USATODAY.com

Testing Idea of Public Enforcing a Public Smoking Ban - NYTimes.com

Gene predicts how fast Alzheimer's progresses | Reuters

A scientifically improved salmon stokes debate | Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ

Maternal Deaths Worldwide Decline by One-Third

BBC News - Drill reaches trapped men in Chile mine

BBC News - Murder of Pakistani exile 'politically motivated'

China sets example for global anti-poverty efforts, ECOSOC president says

Japan Prime Minister Unveils Cabinet - WSJ.com

Al-Ahram newspaper defends doctored photo of Hosni Mubarak | World news | The Guardian

Acid Attack Hoax: Why Did She Say Attacker Was Black? - Health Blog - CBS News

Chechen Exile Detained in Poland as Russia Seeks Extradition on Terrorism - Bloomberg

New world university ranking puts Harvard back on top - CSMonitor.com

AFP: Iran's Ahmadinejad to visit Syria on Saturday: diplomat

Is Israel more isolated than ever?

MI5: Somalia, Yemen Pose Increasing Threat to Security | Africa | English

BBC News - Pope visit: Six men held over papal terror alert

YouTube - Pope reaches out to Anglicans on historic Britain visit

Joaquin Phoenix’s ‘I’m Still Here’ Hoax Reminds Us A Lot Of The Network » MTV Newsroom

Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert to Host Dueling Rallies in D.C.

'Idol' contestant Adam Lambert accused of battery

Lady Gaga's Meat Dress Follows Other Flesh Fashion And Art - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Report: Octomom is going on welfare - USATODAY.com

America's Got Talent Winner's Fiancée 'Had No Clue' About the Proposal - Proposals, America's Got Talent : People.com

Yom Kippur: 10 Foods We Can't Wait to Eat - Health Blog - CBS News

Natalee Holloway's mother meets with van der Sloot - CNN.com

'Catfish': A Great Story Of Isolation And Connection : NPR

Cartoonist Molly Norris in hiding after 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day' picture | Mail Online

Why Yahoo plays well in Peoria | Relevant Results - CNET News

Intel Confirms HDCP Encryption Key Leak -- InformationWeek

"Observe the Moon Night" Tomorrow: Top Five Lunar Targets

Google Me Details Emerge: Social Layers and Building off Buzz - PCWorld

Privacy-Focused Facebook Alternative Releases Source Code - Technology News - redOrbit

Obama Picks Warren to Set Up Consumer Bureau - NYTimes.com

United and Continental merge to create world's biggest airline | Business | The Guardian

BP says Gulf well should be completely sealed Saturday - CNN.com

SEC Votes 5-0 to Propose Rules on 'Window Dressing' - WSJ.com

Regulators Say West Virginia Mine Didn't Meet Safety Standards - WSJ.com

GM adding jobs, ramps engine production - MarketWatch

Weather Service Investigating If New York Storm Was a Tornado - Bloomberg

Christine O'Donnell's shock Tea Party win puts $1m in war chest | World news | The Guardian

Why Congress Should Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire - Newsweek

FOXNews.com - It's the Law: Government Agencies, Schools and Universities Mark Constitution Day

Health Insurance Fell in 2009: Will Obamacare Really Help? - Health Blog - CBS News

Michele Bachmann Accuses Obama of "Infantilism" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

King says Riley 'easily manipulated' by BP | montgomeryadvertiser.com | Montgomery Advertiser

The Associated Press: Clinton will campaign for Brown, a former rival

Guess Which Democratic Senate Nominee Harry Reid Referred to As “My Pet”? | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Andrew Breitbart Exposes How Politicians Raise Cash : It's All Politics : NPR

Wellesley parents seem to support students' mosque trip - Wellesley - Your Town - Boston.com

'As the World Turns' and More Soap Operas That Launched Stars - ABC News

Biden Finds 100 Reasons to Like the Stimulus - Washington Wire - WSJ

40-Year-Old Virgin Stabbing Victim: I'll Be Scarred Forever - Crime & Courts, Shelley Malil : People.com

The Associated Press: Texas woman's ex-spouse, son emerge after 17 years

The Associated Press: Police: Officers shoot gunman on Capitol Hill

An explainer on the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund - chicagotribune.com

Mark Kirk ally rips Alexi Giannoulias vote ploy: Giannoulias boosting Libertarian candidate - Lynn Sweet

Stroger spends over $13,000 on going-away gift for pal :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: News

Convicted ex-cop loses pension in media glare :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics

Daily Herald | Lombard officially ends its only red-light camera contract

Imposter CTA bus driver takes his act on the road :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Transportation

Last act? Ex-con runs theater under fake name: officials :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Carol Mosely Braun Addresses Alma Mater, Mayoral Run Questions

Gamasutra - News - The Psychology Of Games: Priming, Consistency, Cheating, and Being a Jerk

'Fructose-Slurping' Cancer Could Sour the Soda Business - DailyFinance

National Security Agency growth could add 11,000 workers at Fort Meade - Baltimore Business Journal


091610 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091610 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

Sept. 16, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Paul Drockton Show 9-15

Paul Drockton Show 9-14

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 9/17 h1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 9/17 h2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 9/17 h3

09/16 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-16, Thursday

The Michael Savage Show 09/16/2010


Debbie Schlussel:FUNNY VIDEO: Criminals Too Fat to Steal

Debbie Schlussel:Ground Zero Muslim Chick Brings Real Life “Amityville Horror” to “Amityville” Director

Debbie Schlussel:Absolutely HILARIOUS Video: The Real Sex Harassment – Tired of the Ines Sainz NFL Story?

Debbie Schlussel:My Friend, a Wellesley Parent, & The Forced Islamic Prayer by Public School Students

NYC storm leaves 14-mile path of destruction

A look at favorite car colors in different cities

Newspaper's revelation rocks photographer's family

Jupiter making closest approach in nearly 50 years

New Thriller ‘Buried’ Has a ‘Strong Message About America’s Conduct In Iraq’

Norton Call ‘Could Not Come at a Worse Time for Democrats’

Burning the Constitution with the Koran

Will Sarah Palin run for the presidency in 2012? Duh.


**NEWS VIDEO:It’s On: Ingraham Bets O’Reilly on Outcome of DE Senate Race

‘Fire From the Heartland’: Story of the Conservative Woman in Her Own Words

Soldiers Blow-Up an ‘EFP’ Bomb

The New Samsung Tablet

Krauthammer: O’Donnell Has 1 in 10 Chance

Freak Storm Speeds Through New York; Tornadoes Sighted

Awkward: CNN Host Scolds Co-Host On Air

Parent Reports: Public School Kids Taught to Pray to Allah on Mosque Field Trip

Police Say Acid Attack Self-Inflicted

Fort Hood Muslim Soldier Accuses Army Of Islamophobia

Middle East Peace? Hillary Sees the Future

Exclusive Interview: Regis Giles, ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Guns’

With New Provisions Set to Kick, Obamacare Ad Blitz Launches

Carter Slams Teddy Kennedy For Killing Health Care

White House Science Czar Says He’d Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’

White House Plays Politics With Tax Policy

Film Trailer: ‘Runaway Slave’

Castle Blames Rush and Hannity for Loss

Maher Drops ‘N-Word’ on CNN; No Reaction From Larry King

Pot Smoking Baby

Gov. Chris Christie: ‘This is the Crap I Have to Hear’

Lanny Davis Takes on ‘Sanctimonious and Intolerant’ Rachel Maddow

Shock Audio: DC Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail Asking For Lobbyist Cash

Is It Possible Chris Matthews ‘Gets It’ About the Tea Party Victories?

Olbermann Slams TV Azteca Sports Reporter at Center of Locker Room Controversy

Prager: The Bigger the Government, The Smaller the Citizen

Maddow Positively Gleeful Over O’Donnell Win

Obama’s Science Czar: ‘The Term Global Warming is Dangerous Misnomer’

French Senate Bans Wearing of Muslim Veil

MSNBC Host Gives Platform to Anti-Christian Zealot on Eve of 9/11; Christian Fundamentalists are the Real Threat

Bill Maher Slams Religion and Palin; Tea Parties are ‘Nativist Bedwetters’ Who Fear Obama’s ‘Negro Army’