"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 September 2010

18 Sept'10

18 Sept

YouTube - Gerald Celente: US Economy = Depression

Happy Constitution Day: Judge Overturns Ban On “Too Political” Tea Party Rally

*Videos:Lord Christopher Monckton: Antics of The Global Warming Extremists

YouTube - Hidden Message Of Islam In Childrens Toys!

Big Brother fears as motorists are urged to spy on each other | Mail Online

China powers booming world climate change industry | The Australian

News Radio 1200 WOAI San Antonio Texas

CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports – Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages From H1N1 Vaccine

British Tea Party launched by Conservative activists to challenge Coalition - Telegraph

Some of Blackwater/Xe’s Corporate Clients: Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Deutsche Bank and Barclays

POPE'S UK VISIT: Six men arrested over plot to harm Benedict XVI | Mail Online

Europeans Push Global Tax to Fund Poverty-Reduction, Climate Change Causes | CNSnews.com

20 Signs That The Economic Collapse Has Already Begun For One Out Of Every Seven Americans

United States laid ground for Ergenekon “Deep State” in Turkey

GM salmon Frankenfish about to be unleashed into US food supply

US economy fears as consumer confidence plunges - Telegraph

Wall Street ‘casino’ spooks small American investors | Raw Story

The Secret List Of 10 States With Soaring Poverty Rates The Government Doesn’t Want You To See

The Secret List Of 10 States With Soaring Poverty Rates The Government Doesn't Want You To See

9/11 Truth: Direct Engagement to Incite Public Inquiry

Take a Second Look at Christine O’Donnell

YouTube - City Commission captive audience to 6 minutes of WTC-7 Collapse video.

Our Best Economic Minds Are Failing Us - Newsweek

The Emerging Global Fed

BBC News - US 'sees world influence declining' amid economic woe

Gold Rises to Record on Increased Demand for Wealth Protection - Bloomberg

Pentagon to funnel US arms to Yemen to fight al-Qaeda - Telegraph

Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informer - NYTimes.com

Judge denies Fort Hood suspect’s request for closed hearing

Pope visit: Five suspected Islamist terrorists arrested over assassination plot - Telegraph

State's homeland security chief goes in hiding

Walt Disney, Monsanto discovered among Blackwater’s hidden clients | Raw Story

Mexican Border Fence Cost $3 Billion, Does Nothing: Television - Bloomberg

» Shock Audio: Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash - Big Government


The Great Cosmic Cross

The Great Cosmic Cross Part II

The Great Cosmic Cross Part III


September Surprise Warned To Shock The World

September 10, 2010 Missile Strike Downs San Francisco Plane, News Blackout Ordered

Likely Tornado Tears Through NYC Yesterday At Height Of Rush Hour, One Person Killed By Falling Tree

PG&E Accused of Delaying Crucial Repair Work on Gas Lines

New Studies Expose GOP Lies about Public Employees

Dueling Rallies: Stewart, Colbert Sponsor Competing Marches In D.C., Oct. 30th - 'A Date Of No Particular Significance'

The political ad FOX News doesn't want you to see!

Will Sarah Palin run for the presidency in 2012? Duh.

Sen. Gregg Worries That Elizabeth Warren May Use Her New Post To (Gasp!) Promote Social Justice!

Victory! Obama appoints Warren

Sheriff Joe's plan for armed immigrant-hunting posse mirrors neo-Nazi pals' patrols

'Outsider' Glenn Beck Asks the Tea Partiers to Quit Playing Dress-Up

Meg Whitman Asked By Audience Why She Continues To Run Ads With Lies

Wear a condom, America!

Christine O'Donnell: Con Artist

Christine O'Donnell: 'I Dabbled into Witchcraft' but 'I Never Joined a Coven'

Elizabeth Warren Talks To Bloggers As Her First Official Act

I Challenge Michelle Malkin to A Conversation With Gaby Pacheco

flashback:Love In the Air - The Republican Battle For Soul Of The Party In 1961 | Newstalgia

audio:Mark Glenn talks with Les Visible

Hidden costs | DarkPatterns.org

YouTube - CNN Mossad 911

*9 Part Video:"9/11 Truth is Still the Issue" - Corbett Report Documentary - 12160

YouTube - Zionist Kosher Tax and the symbols on YOUR food supporting Israel

YouTube - The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!

YouTube - From Bad to Worse? US Face of Poverty

YouTube - US helping to keep Israel's dangerous WMD out of the spotlight at IAEA conference

Social Security disability claims on the rise in Tampa Bay - St. Petersburg Times

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : We Have To Understand How Badly Damaged Our Economy Is! Peter Schiff

BP Has Ties to Michigan Oil Spill, Enbridge :

Big Oil’s Long Term Energy Plan? A One World Government and Global Depopulation :

Tinfoil Hat News: The Boot That Stamps On Your Face

Information Clearing House: ICH

Collapsing America | Sabbah Report

Ali Baba and the Myth of Global War on Terror | Sabbah Report

Is America’s Military Prepared For The Israeli Threat? Can America Stop An Israeli “Nuclear” 9/11? | Sabbah Report

Ernest Withers: Martin Luther King photographer exposed as FBI informant | Mail Online

FBI Informant Divulges Past In Bronx Terror Plot Trial - NY1.com

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Govt. Can't Print More Gold

[redacted] news: It wasn't Muslims who trained their cameras on the WTC prior to the first aircraft impact

Flying Saucers: CIA Declassified Documents

The Saudi Arms Deal: The U.S. Stirs Persian Gulf Waters

General Patton Discovered the Truth | Rebel News - Independent News and Analysis

John Holdren in 1971: “New ice age” likely · zomblog


Afghan Resistance Statement: Information Clearing House: ICH

Monsanto, Blackwater and GM crop saboteurs :

Illinois Supreme Court Coverup For Obamas | Fellowship of the Minds

Pres. Barack Obama – Editor of the Harvard Law Review – Has No Law License??? « Alamo City Pundit

Michelle Obama does not have a Law License in Illinois « Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog

Barack & Michelle Gave Up Law License | Fellowship of the Minds

snopes.com: Barack and Michelle Obama's Law Licenses

Reflections in a Petri Dish: This is the Teabagging that John Waters considers Pornographic.

Barack & Michelle Gave Up Law License | Fellowship of the Minds

America's War On Islam

Roy Tov – Mossad, Matrix and Mortgage

Were Stalin's crimes really less wicked than Hitler's? – Telegraph Blogs

Look, most WW2 unknowns are in fact known – I should know – Telegraph Blogs

Criminals Can Buy Influence in Mormon Church

Real Versus Fake Crises: Concealing The Risk of An All Out Nuclear War

The Manufacturing of a President | Before It's News

Devvy - Robbing You To Pay Freddie-Fannie Mass Debt

Preventing Your Government From Stealing Your Gold - TheStreet

Glucosamine supplements for arthritis do not work, new study shows – Telegraph Blogs

Johann Hari: Suffocating the poor: a modern parable - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

Space travel opens to all as Boeing asks tourists to reach for the stars | Science | guardian.co.uk

White House changes 'global warming' to 'global climate disruption' | Mail Online

Global warming is dead. Long live, er, 'Global climate disruption'! – Telegraph Blogs

America’s True Believers and the Great Muslim Scare | Opinion Maker

American Muslims | Opinion Maker

Britain facing a new wave of terrorist attacks, MI5 warns - Telegraph

Tea Party fights back with claim it can win national elections - Telegraph

Karachi stunned by politician's London murder - Asia, World - The Independent

S-510 - The Most Dangerous Bill In American History

The Methanol In Aspartame Issue

Reid, Senate Continue to Foul Up Food Safety Bill | OMB Watch

A Timeline Of World Population Control

james fetzer: "The Echo From Dealey Plaza" -- an interview with Abraham Bolden

Salt, Sea-Salt & Blood Pressure

savethemales.ca - Why I Didn't Join the Masons

Nuclear waste piles up with no disposal plan | APP.com | Asbury Park Press

Hamas member’s killing flies under Israeli public’s radar - The Globe and Mail

The American Conservative » The War on Christine O’Donnell

Sharia Transit Authority

A True ‘Reset’ in Russia, from the Ground Up

Public School Field Trip: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah

‘We Wish Her the Best’? Cartoonist, Threatened by Islamists, Disappears

Barbary Pirates: the Next Generation

Craig Smith: Chinese Currency Manipulation and National Security

Gunbattle Near Mexican-American Border: 22 dead

End of Cuba’s Communist Economy: Global Implications

The Success of ‘Economic Peace’ and Arab Rejectionism

What Is ‘Shariah’?

Burning the Constitution with the Koran

Can You Take the Taboo ‘Toon?

UPDATE: School Apologizes for Allowing Students to Participate in Mosque Prayer

Burned for Being American

Al Qaeda Seeks an Exchange of Hostages

MSM Sitting Out Eleanor Holmes Norton Scandal

Sorry MSM Spin Machine, the ‘Skeptical Environmentalist’ Is Still Skeptical

Media Embraces Eleanor Holmes Norton’s ‘We All Do It’ Excuse

Why the Eleanor Holmes Norton Phone Call Matters

NewsBusted: Are the Trash Police In Your City?

audio page:Ricochet Podcast #34: The Squishy RINO

The Tax Debate Is Built on a False Choice

No Accepted Medical Use? Three Perspectives on Medical Cannabis

Senator Lisa Murkowski – Sore Loser

Dem Congresswoman’s Supporters Participate in ‘Palin-As-Hitler’ Rally

D.C. School Reform: R.I.P.

Norton Call ‘Could Not Come at a Worse Time for Democrats’

Amtrak: Taxpayers Subsidizing First Class

‘Government Motors’ Fills Political Coffers

Sorry Inconvenient Truthers, the ‘Skeptical Environmentalist’ Is Still Skeptical

The Legislative Shakedown

Holmes Norton Responds, Ignores Past Ethical Problems

Study: Energy Tax Hikes Could Cripple U.S. Economy

Lady Gaga Judges No One … Except the U.S. Military

Hollywood Feminism: Eat Pray Love … Vomit Rinse Repeat

New Thriller ‘Buried’ Has a ‘Strong Message About America’s Conduct In Iraq’

Help Support Our Troops: The San Gennaro Foundation’s ‘Feast of LA’

‘Good Guys’ Review: Smart, Funny, and Refreshingly Politically Incorrect

Hollywood Feminism: Sexuality and Integrity Are Not Mutually Exclusive

The Oxymoron of Campus Tolerance

‘The Town’ Review: No Sophomore Slump For Director Affleck

Rather Than Retire Gracefully, Barbra Streisand Chooses Irrelevance and Hypocrisy

‘Mesrine’ Review: Two Parts of Action Packed With Visceral Thrills

‘Fire From the Heartland’: Story of the Conservative Woman in Her Own Words

Nigerian leader front-runner as election battle begins

Obama lectures GOP on campaign finance bill stall

Mauritania says 12 Qaeda members killed in clash

Toyota 'settles suit' over fatal crash

Iran invites Turkey into space program: report

French team probe Rwandan leader's 1994 plane crash

Pope apologizes for abuse

Afghans vote for parliament amid threats, attacks

Trapped miners force Chileans to re-examine image

Ahmadinejad hopeful US will release Iranians

Iranian president stops in Syria on way to UN

Thousands protest at Pope's visit

Pope expresses sorrow to child abuse victims

Queerfest Claims Under Pressure From City Hall

Afghan elections marred by attacks

Ben Affleck’s ‘The Town’ Surprises For #1; ‘Easy A’ #2, ‘Devil’ #3, ‘Alpha & Omega’ #5 – Deadline.com

‘The Town’ – Affleck’s redemption complete

Polanski's 'Ghost Writer' wins prize at San Sebastian

Lady Gaga urges repeal of gay military ban | Reuters

Michael Moore knocks Canadian policy | Reuters

New MSNBC Host Admits to Being a Socialist

Andrew Breitbart Exposes How Politicians Raise Cash : It's All Politics : NPR

Public School Field Trip: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah

Obama picks consumer adviser, dodging Senate fight

Charles Krauthammer - The Buckley rule

Eleanor Norton fights back against Andrew Breitbart - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

The Volokh Conspiracy » Justice Breyer Clarifies Earlier Remarks, Suggests Koran-Burning Is Constitutionally Protected After All

Link to website of al Qaeda leader who threatened cartoonist with death found on CAIR leader’s site

US, world powers to hold talks on Iran next week

Hezbollah ups pressure to torpedo UN Hariri tribunal

Lady Gaga urges Senate to repeal gay taboo in US military

US must free Iranians in return for freed hiker: Ahmadinejad

Oman: No plans to free 2 other Americans in Iran

6 arrested in UK in alleged terror threat to pope

Couple tried to give nuclear arms secrets to Venezuela: US


For Conservative Movie Lovers: James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, and ‘Aliens’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, and ‘Aliens’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, and ‘Aliens’ Part 3

For Conservative Movie Lovers: James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, and ‘Aliens’ Part 4

For Conservative Movie Lovers: James Cameron, Sigourney Weaver, and ‘Aliens’ Part 5


Cartoon:Back to Formula - Big Government

Cartoon:Obama Nation: On Second Thought… - Big Government

Cartoon:Useful Idiots: Fraidy Cat - Big Journalism


Op-Ed Columnist - The Grand Illusion - NYTimes.com

ATLAS: Obamacare: The sequel - Washington Times

Liberal, Conservative, And Confused -- Meet The American Voter | The New Republic

Barack Obama Is No James Madison - Merrill Matthews - Right Directions - Forbes

Global warming is dead. Long live, er, 'Global climate disruption'! – Telegraph Blogs

Afghanistan War: The Strange Vietnam Parallel - The Daily Beast

Diana Furchtgott-Roth: Bring us your young, hard-working immigrants | Washington Examiner

Opinion: Common Ground Can Be Found in American Politics

RealClearMarkets - A Bullish Tea-Party Revolt

Op-Ed Columnist - A State of Two Minds - NYTimes.com

A Twenty-First-Century GOP by Tevi D. Troy, City Journal Summer 2010

Was politics behind the government's decision to preserve the UAW's pensions?

The Teapot Tempest | The Nation

Sloooow Trickle - IBD - Investors.com

Social Safety Net Greases Wheels of Capitalism - Newsweek

Opinion: White House Should Retract Insurance Industry Threats

America’s Ideology and Obama’s - Karlyn Bowman - By the Numbers - Forbes

Padded pensions costing Illinois taxpayers millions - chicagotribune.com

Save the Planet: Shop Walmart - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

It's About Time We Got START - By John Kerry | Foreign Policy

OneUnited Bank received special treatment beyond what was disclosed

Republicans to release 'Contract With America'-style election agenda - Jake Sherman and Richard E. Cohen - POLITICO.com

Obama needles GOP for allowing 'corporate takeover' of U.S. campaigns - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Tea Party's Rise Gives Business Pause - WSJ.com

Murkowski to Launch Write-In Bid in Alaska

Johnson Surges Into Lead Over Feingold in Wisconsin

What the Latest Polls Told Us -- 9/17/2010 Edition


*90 pg/Global Views 2010 - Constrained Internationalism: Adapting to New Realities


George F. Will - Cuba's Castro learns what most of us already knew

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: The Tea Party's Jacksonian Instincts

Trade With China is About More than Money | The Weekly Standard

I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor - Millennium Goals, Five Years to Go - NYTimes.com

Are the U.S. and Hamid Karzai on the same side in fighting Afghan corruption?

Editorial - Mr. Geithner and China - NYTimes.com

AEI - Dmitri Medvedev's Modernization Thaw


*18th/World Video:Several Arrested During Pope's UK Visit

Prince William Qualifies As A Pilot

Attacks Disrupt Afghan Elections

No 10 Rejects Cable Migrant Claim

Blast In Sri Lanka Kills 60

17th/Sarkozy Attacks Roma Row Critics

World Economic Update

Afghans Tighten Election Security

Hillary Clinton On Peace Talk Progress

Strikes Spread Across Europe


A Presidential Tax Cut For Liberal Elites - IBD - Investors.com

The winners and losers of the financial crisis Outside the Box - MarketWatch

How a touch of inflation could boost the economy

Gold Continues to Shine - Investing - Stocks - SmartMoney.com

With Interest Rates at Zero, Central Banks Look to Lower Currencies - Barrons.com

Japan Intervenes to Bail Out America.com | Euro Pacific Capital

America's economy: Are we there yet? | The Economist

Op-Ed Columnist - Two Different Worlds - NYTimes.com


17th/Markets Video:Home Foreclosure Tidal Wave?

Stay Short With Bonds?

More Money Trouble For Municipalities

David Stockman Is Not Very Sanguine

Trump: We Need to Extend Bush Tax Cuts


*Fri 17th/Transcripts-Obama Announces Warren Appointment

-16th - Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Jordan's FM

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Panel on Tax Cuts and November

Interview with Rep. Gene Taylor

Interview with Former Speaker Dennis Hastert

Analysts on Poverty in America

Interview with the President of the Export-Import Bank

Obama at Meeting of President's Export Council

The U.S.-China Economic Relationship


*Fri 17th - Politics Video:CA-Sen: Fiorina Ad Criticizes Boxer For Wealth

Obama Names Warren "Architect" Of Consumer Protection Agency

AZ-Gov: Goddard Ad: "Is This The Best Arizona Can Do?"

Sheila Jackson Lee: "Obama Has To Let People Know What He Has Done"

O'Donnell: "They Call Us Whacky And Wingnuts, We Call Us We The People"

FL-Sen: Chamber Of Commerce Calls Crist A "Flip-Flopper"

Gibbs: Palin Dipping Her Toe In 2012 Waters

Rep. Pence: USA's "Social And Cultural Fabric Is Unraveling"

Press To Obama: "Why Not Submit Her To Confirmation?"

Eugene Robinson: O'Donnell Has Mastered The "Sarah Palin Affect"

O'Donnell On Controversial Past: "My Faith Has Matured"

Bill Clinton: "Give Us Two More Years"

Sen. McCain: "Let's Not Anticipate A Great Victory"

O'Reilly: The Delaware Conundrum

Olbermann: Extreme Tea Party Makeover

Cavuto: If You Can't Beat 'Em...

Ed Schultz: The Mission Of The GOP Is To Defeat Obama


09-18-2010: Australian Aborigines 'world's first astronomers'

09-17-2010: Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010

09-17-2010: Pope Benedict XVI's astronomer: the Catholic Church welcomes aliens

09-17-2010: Texas Sues to Block Bizarre “Global Warming” EPA Rules

09-17-2010: United, Continental shareholders approve merger

09-17-2010: Illuminati "63336" Commercial

09-17-2010: World's largest mining group calls for carbon tax in Australia

09-17-2010: House Democrat names Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee in Goldline probe

Chinese “Body Fishers”: The Business of Selling Corpses Pulled from the Yellow River

Pentagon to funnel US arms to Yemen to fight al-Qaeda

Holdren uses free market to get back to stone age

The Secret List Of 10 States With Soaring Poverty Rates The Government Doesn’t Want You To See

YouTube - O2 commercial - chemtrails

McDonald's Food Doesn't Decay | The Vigilant Citizen

They Died for Iran

Concealing The Risk of An All Out Nuclear War

Signs of a Rift Between U.S. Politicians and U.S. National Security?

A Campaign to Free Bradley Manning

This Country Just Can't Deal with Reality Any More

Grave Danger Ahead

Americans No Longer Invest In Their Future

Money for Prisons, Not for Social Services

Tent City: The Face Of Poverty In US

C’mon, Time to Rebrand Your Life!

Following Israeli assassination of Hamas leader in Tulkarem

Home Prices Drop in 36 States;

Noam Chomsky: “President Obama is Involved in War Crimes Right Now”

Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren't Possible Unless Good People Back Them

Were ‘Mini-Nukes’ Used to Bring Down WTC?

*Audio Interview with Victor Thorn on 9-11 Attacks

Ed Steele’s ‘Intended Victims’ Thwart Accuser’s Release

Radical Eco-Legislation Coming?

Korean Cult Leader Wants to Buy Back Faltering Washington Times

New Statesman - The NS Interview: Noam Chomsky

Richard (RJ) Eskow: As the Aging Stoop to Their Labors, Well-to-Do Pundits Lecture Them About Sacrifice | Financal Advisor

Real Versus Fake Crises: Concealing The Risk of An All Out Nuclear War

Gold Rebounds, Dollar Plummets, Higher Inflation is on its Way...

Income Poverty: One in Three Americans Lacks the Income Needed to “Make Ends Meet”

Spreading Falsehoods about Iran: "United Against Nuclear Iran": America's War Propaganda Mouthpiece

Save American Democracy, or What’s Left of It

Money for Prisons, Not for Social Services

Piping Mad: Fair People at the Mercy of a Government Gone Fowl

Fidel Castro and American Statism

Will Cuban Socialists Lead America to Freedom?

Under Surveillance America

First They Came for the Gold Owners...

Tax inspectors get police-like powers to tackle tax evaders

Trouble in Welfare-State Paradise: France, Sweden and Cuba

Does the US Economy Need Another Stimulus Package?

YouTube - 4409 -- How to handle a 9/11 deniar!

Mao's grandson, promoted to major general, faces ridicule

Stop the Real Bank Robbery

Police informants within libertarianism

Greedy Socialist Pig

The Economics of Mass Destruction

Media Climate Change Bias; Only Melting Ice Makes News

Taxpayers Paid At Least $9 Million for Signs Promoting Obama's Economic Stimulus

Computers set for quantum leap

Can bankruptcy bring more justice to the legal system?

A New Low From the New World Order Folks

First the psychics, then the churches...

Never-Ending Government Lies About Markets

YouTube - Worker's Paradise

The Road To (Intellectual) Serfdom

The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy

9/11 Truth and America’s ‘Global War on Terrorism’: The pretext to wage war is totally fabricated

The questions of 9/11 are still unanswered

The fraudulent criminalization of marijuana

4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City

Former UN secretary general now leads Alliance for a Green Revolution

Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brother' Health Bureaucracy

Documents show Homeland Security tracks anti-drill groups in Pa

Orwellian DoubleThink: Rights are Privileges

A People's History of the Human Genome

Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented (Video)

Energy Department Says It Has ‘Mandate’ to Force ‘Market Transformation’ for Household Appliances

White House Science Czar Says He Would Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’

Border District Congressman: DREAM Act Ought To Be ‘Part of a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package’

Harry Reid’s Illegal Alien Student Bailout

Texas Gov. Perry Criticizes GOP Leader Boehner

Muslim-American Soldier at Fort Hood Tells Al Jazeera: U.S. Army Training is ‘Propaganda Against Islam’

Bozell Declares War on Liberal Media; Launches 'Tell the Truth' Campaign

ATF Forms Teams in 7 Cities to Stop Gun Smuggling

Ex-Guardsman Sentenced in US Border Fence Theft

Texas Man Who Duped Army Gets 6 Months in Prison

Judge Wants Imam to Prove He's Fixing NJ Buildings

Americans' Wealth Fell in Spring as Stocks Tanked

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Government Loaned Mexican Government More Than $1 Billion to Drill Oil in Gulf of Mexico Last Year; Has $1 Billion More Planned For This Year

Expiring Tax Cuts Hit Taxpayers at Every Level

Unapologetic DeMint Savoring Revolution within GOP

DeMint: Country Suited to Tea Party Candidates

Tony Perkins: Tea Party a 'Civil Awakening'

Author Robert Ringer: US 'Decaying From Within'

Dems Try to Tap Voter Anger over Job Loss Overseas

Huckabee: Obama Should Show Love to All Faiths

Foreign Policy Expert: Afghan War 'Not Sustainable'

Obama Urges Action on Campaign Finance Bill

Dems to Voters: You May Hate Us, but GOP Worse

Carter: Iran Rescue Effort Should Have Worked

Muslim Summit Planned over Ground Zero Mosque

O'Donnell Wows Conservatives at Values Summit

Inhofe: BP Spill Doesn't Justify Drilling Ban

Palin on 2012: 'Of Course I Would Give It a Shot'

US Plans $60 Billion Arms Sale to Saudis

Newspaper: Mexican Media Defenseless Against Gangs

Experts: Obama Unlikely to Compromise With GOP

FBI Tells US Muhammad Cartoonist to 'Go Ghost'

Arizona Sheriff: Obama ‘Undermining’ Law on the Border

Pope's Security in Spotlight after London Arrests

DeMint Defends Tea Party Political Picks

Candidate Linda McMahon Avoids Social Security

China Spooks American Automakers

Silver Ends at Highest Since '80 as Gold Hits Record

9 Breakthroughs in Defeating Alzheimer’s

Lohan Tweets She Failed Court-ordered Drug Test

Pope Stresses 'Moral Principles' During Visit to Britain

Obama Czar Says 'De-develop' US to Preserve Environment

Tea Party Dashes GOP's Senate Hopes

Extremists Call Tea Partyers Extremists

It's Time to Get Fired Up — Tea Party-Style

Political Elites Fuming at Tea Party Success of O'Donnell, Paladino

Obama's Justice Dept Slow to Assure Overseas Ballots for Armed Forces

Democrats Target John Boehner

Gridlock in Congress: Our country coming undone | Before It's News

A Timeline Of World Population Control

Happy Constitution Day: Obama's Original Birth Certificate; An original work of art that has fooled millions. | Before It's News

Greenspan's Dark Cloud by Gary North

Doug Casey on Castro and Cuba

Was Stagflation in '79 Really Hyperinflation? by Gonzalo Lira

Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill? by Mark Nestmann

15 Shocking Poverty Statistics That Are Skyrocketing as the American Middle Class Continues To Be Slowly Wiped Out

Rockefeller Republicans by Patrick J. Buchanan

What Our Fingernails Say About Us by Margaret Durst

"H.I.V." Was in Monkeys for Millennia: Why Didn't We Get Sick? - Health Blog - CBS News

9-11 "Hijackers" Identified by FBI: Seven Are Alive and Well | Before It's News

FCC’s Warrantless Household Searches Alarm Experts | Threat Level | Wired.com

Anti-Aging ‘Cocktail’ Extends Youthfulness in Mice | GREENDUMP

Communists lured to their deaths by MI6 with promise of sex - Telegraph


Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part One

Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part Two

Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare -- Part Three

PART FOUR: Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 5: Forbidden Gates - How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 6 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART SEVEN -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 8 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 9 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 10 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual

PART 11 - Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 12 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

PART 13 -- Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare


Janet Napolitano Amused by Drudge's 'Big Sis' Nickname - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

How Janet Napolitano knows she's made it: Matt Drudge dubs her 'Big Sis' - CSMonitor.com

Howard Kurtz - White House rips Forbes article

Speculation builds that Barry Diller plans to combine the Daily Beast with Newsweek digital operations - NYPOST.com

Florida couple pleads guilty to abusing Filipino workers - Yahoo! News

FT.com / Companies / Retail - Macy’s credits Madonna range for online hit

John Boehner: the second of 12 kids from Ohio who is Barack Obama's elitist target - Telegraph

Waters aides expelled from Pelosi event - TheHill.com

When Presidents Cry "Hostage!" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Holloway's mom sneaks into jail, confronts suspect - World news - Americas - msnbc.com

The World from Berlin: 'Obama Has Underestimated the Frustration in the Country' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

A Week Without Facebook? Students At A Pennsylvania College Give It A Shot - cbs3.com

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Bill calls for two weeks of federal furlough

Christine O'Donnell hits the stage at Values Voter Summit - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

POPE'S UK VISIT: Six men arrested over plot to harm Benedict XVI | Mail Online

DA: Paris Hilton to avoid felony in Vegas arrest - Yahoo! News

Push to collect online sales tax gathers steam - Business - Personal finance - Tax Tactics - msnbc.com

Acid 'victim' admits injuring herself | The Columbian

Has Lady GaGa killed off sex? Feminist Camille Paglia claims star has no substance | Mail Online

Congressmen Weiner and Waxman Set Gold Hearing -- Seeking Alpha

Associated Press monitors CNN since dropping service | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Documentary? Better Call It Performance Art - NYTimes.com

Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-17-10

Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-16-10

*4 Part Video: Lord Christopher Monckton – Antics of The Global Warming Extremists – Alex Jones Tv

YouTube - How Money is Created By Banks - in 5 Minutes!

YouTube - CNN on Jews Did 9/11

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Wisconsin Public Radio Ben Merens Sept 15 2010

YouTube - Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich: Allies Against War

YouTube - Unannounced Psych Warfare Drill at School Designed to Condition You - Alex Jones Tv

YouTube - Wayne Madsen: Blackwater/Xe Cells Conducting False Flag Hits in Pakistan - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Wayne Madsen: Blackwater/Xe Cells Conducting False Flag Hits in Pakistan - Alex Jones Tv 2/2

Take a Second Look at Christine O’Donnell « Revolt of the Plebs

Take a Second Look at Christine O’Donnell « Revolt of the Plebs

The Charlatans Keep Talking: Neuroscientist Claims The Internet Is Harmful to Society

YouTube - Guns, Gold & Tea


* Film:46:22 - Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis


YouTube - Ron Paul : We Live In Revolutionary Times!

YouTube - Did Police Go Too Far?

Geo-Engineering: Killing Off The Useless Eaters

Fill Their Mouths With Metal: The Untold Story of Mercury Poisoning

Gold Price Breakout, the Ominous Silent Canary

Atlas just shrugged

The Emerging Global Fed

Congressmen Weiner and Waxman Set Gold Hearing

Ron Paul: We Live in Revolutionary Times

Your Body Is Your ID

Soros insider trading case to be reviewed


*88 PG/Ancient Eugenics


Eugenicist Holdren Attempts To Re-Brand Discredited Global Warming as “Global Climate Disruption”

Bill Gates Death Panels Tip of Iceberg

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate

Europeans Push Global Tax to Fund Poverty-Reduction, Climate Change Causes


*36 PGS/Cloning, Gene Therapy, Human behaviour, Eugenics… Six lectures


God's laws become focus of WND-GOProud debate

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'A belly full of Obama's grand schemes'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Stimulus 'an absolute abject failure'

Mike Pence: Don't abandon social issues - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

CQ Politics | McConnell Embraces Big Tent GOP

Unions Find Members Slow to Rally Behind Democrats - NYTimes.com

President Clinton to stump for Frank - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

Colbert, Stewart plan rallies on National Mall - Washington Times

Why Obama wants Republicans to win in November

Americans complain about boastful stimulus signs

Obama goes on incredible $192 million splurge-fest

Carter: Kennedy delayed health care - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

OneUnited Bank received special treatment beyond what was disclosed

Nancy Pelosi keeps losing Democrats on tax cuts - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

GOP lawmakers offer fix to 'silly' light bulb ban

State hammers EPA on science of global warming

Security forces on high alert as Israelis mark Yom Kippur

School visit to mosque decried - The Boston Globe

Pentagon to investigate hundreds of suspected child pornography fans in its ranks | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

Tea Party Express secret weapon: Chuck Norris? - CSMonitor.com

The World from Berlin: 'Obama Has Underestimated the Frustration in the Country' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Patriotic Americans' 'man on the inside'

Warning! U.S economy 'just like Argentina'

Moratorium on Muslim immigrants?

A time to laugh and pray with 'SNL' star

'It's time to impeach Obama for high crimes against U.S.'

Pastors taken to task for political apathy

Why some people don't get the tea party

Congressional stealth attack on conservative talk

Why some people don't get the tea party

Realism, not ideology, drives tea partiers

Out of Woodstock, into the fired up

Dueling demonstrations

Hilaire Belloc: The state of slaves

Conspiracy to elect Tancredo Colorado governor

Preparedness 101

What we need to know about temptation

Our light for God's glory

Poverty Rises as Wall Street Billionaires Whine | CommonDreams.org

America’s Ideology and Obama’s - Karlyn Bowman - By the Numbers - Forbes


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Man comes clean over elevator urine puddles - The Local

9th baby in California dies from whooping cough - CNN.com

Herald Citizen - Random drug testing returning for high school athletes

Swedish team targets addict relapse molecule - The Local

Bride in coma clings to life | ajc.com

City of Port St. Lucie deletes its Facebook page » TCPalm.com

County Sues Farmer, Cites Too Many Crops - News Story - WSB Atlanta

C.B. Hanif: Sheriff's Office's first imam chaplain seeks to educate, show compassion - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Miami woman charged after husband commits suicide

171 animals seized from S. Arizona home

Dead alligators: Dead alligators found on Broward County beaches. - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Sweden Democrats fear Islamic revolution - The Local

Political Scientist Hamed Abdel-Samad: 'Islam Is Like a Drug' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Bush Tax Cuts Not Important for Economic Growth: Summers - CNBC

Taxes would go up without action on the Making Work Pay credit - The Hill's On The Money

Push to collect online sales tax gathers steam - Business - Personal finance - Tax Tactics - msnbc.com

Green religionists: Children in bodies of adults

FOXNews.com - Octomom Ready To Go on Welfare, Report Says

Munich brothel cries foul over Oktoberfest taxi driver bribes - The Local

Cuba's Brave New Economic World - ABC News

American-made Retail E-guide is here!

Employment generation disappointing: LA City Controller - International Business Times

Operation Pastorius: Hitler's Unfulfilled Dream of a New York in Flames - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

John Lennon's killer Mark David Chapman: I signed into protective custody to have sex with my wife

Limbaugh Taken In by Federal Judge Hoax - NYTimes.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: MSNBC Libtalker Furious With His Own Party's Overconfidence

Egyptian paper doctors photo of Mubarak and Obama | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News


*American Minute for September 18th:William J Federer's American Minute


**news video:They Plotted to Kill the Pope

Taiwan’s Anime View of O’Donnell/Tea Party Story

MA Governor: Tea Party = Hate & Anger

Palin Plays Des Moines

O’Donnell Addresses Values Voter Summit

Parent Reports: Public School Kids Taught to Pray to Allah on Mosque Field Trip

It’s On: Ingraham Bets O’Reilly on Outcome of DE Senate Race

Awkward: CNN Host Scolds Co-Host On Air

Late Night Conservative Talk – Open Line Friday

‘Fire From the Heartland’: Story of the Conservative Woman in Her Own Words

The New Samsung Tablet

Freak Storm Speeds Through New York; Tornadoes Sighted

Soldiers Blow-Up an ‘EFP’ Bomb

Jesse Jackson: Jesus Didn’t Speak English, US Shouldn’t Be English-Only

Krauthammer: O’Donnell Has 1 in 10 Chance

Hypocrites: Dem Astro-Turfers Wield Palin-As-Hitler Signs at Rally

Police Say Acid Attack Self-Inflicted

Exclusive Interview: Regis Giles, ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Guns’

Castle Blames Rush and Hannity for Loss

Maher Drops ‘N-Word’ on CNN; No Reaction From Larry King

With New Provisions Set to Kick, Obamacare Ad Blitz Launches

Carter Slams Teddy Kennedy For Killing Health Care

White House Science Czar Says He’d Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’

Pot Smoking Baby

Film Trailer: ‘Runaway Slave’

Gov. Chris Christie: ‘This is the Crap I Have to Hear’

Fort Hood Muslim Soldier Accuses Army Of Islamophobia

Middle East Peace? Hillary Sees the Future

White House Plays Politics With Tax Policy

Lanny Davis Takes on ‘Sanctimonious and Intolerant’ Rachel Maddow

Burka-Wearing Superhero in Islamic-Themed Comic Series

French Senate Bans Wearing of Muslim Veil

Late Night Conservative Talk – Dennis Miller Show Producer Christian Bladt

Obama’s Science Czar: ‘The Term Global Warming is Dangerous Misnomer’


Afghan elections marred by violence but pronounced a success | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pope Apologizes for Sex Abuse Victims of Church | News | English

Ahmadinejad talks with Syrian ally before journey to U.S. - CNN.com

In E.U. Roma Policy Clash, Many Get a Bruising - NYTimes.com

Chinese protest - latimes.com

The Associated Press: World leaders to spotlight goals to help poor

Baby brings miners hope and rebirth - CNN.com

Pakistan's strange response towards Indian aid offer - The Times of India

The Associated Press: A look at Sweden's candidates for prime minister

Indian Kashmir Death Toll Reaches 100 | News | English

Pope visit: at Lambeth, warm words of a joint mission - Telegraph

Feds: Scientist tried to sell classified nuclear data to Venezuela - Venezuela - MiamiHerald.com

The Associated Press: Nigeria's president kicks off election campaign

Putin Says Russian Economy Improving | Europe | English

FOXNews.com - Obama's Call for Tougher Oversight of Pipeline Stirs Debate Over Infrastructure Safety

Bill Helping Small Businesses Inches Closer - TheStreet

FOXNews.com - How to Observe the Moon Saturday Night

Google CEO Wants Facebook Data for Social Layers - Web Services Web 20 and SOA from eWeek

Facebook wannabe Diaspora hit on security issues - Computerworld

Jupiter Has Cosmic Show Planned For Monday

Reports: Motorola planning tablet for early 2011 | The Digital Home - CNET News

Yahoo Refreshes Site Products - WSJ.com

Joaquin Phoenix and the Big Fake Out

Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Eminem And Taylor Swift: This Week’s VMA Deep Cuts » MTV Newsroom

Robots rule: Manned copter crashes, driverless Audi OK - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive - USATODAY.com

People: Sacha Baron Cohen signs on to play Freddie Mercury in new movie - San Jose Mercury News

The Associated Press: US face transplant patient promotes organ donation

Police arrest `fake' MD in buttocks injection case - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

"H.I.V." Was in Monkeys for Millennia: Why Didn't We Get Sick? - Health Blog - CBS News

Medicinal marijuana shop in California offers dope-flavoured ice cream | Mail Online

Changing name of high fructose corn syrup makes it no healthier - St. Petersburg Times

Testing Idea of Public Enforcing a Public Smoking Ban - NYTimes.com

First genetically modified salmon sparks FDA debate - USATODAY.com

foodconsumer.org - Acne Triggers Angst, Depression in Teens

Scott Brown blasts Elizabeth Warren appointment - BostonHerald.com

Career criminal allegedly used fake identity to take control of historic theater in Park Forest - chicagotribune.com

Can Cohen be a spoiler in the governor's race? Independent candidate fights for recognition with new ad campaign, as he looks to recapture primary success - Chicago Tribune

Air pollution: Indiana power plant a major contributor to Chicago-area air pollution - chicagotribune.com

Gingrich blasts Democratic establishment at annual summit - CNN.com

Mitt Romney takes aim at Obama in speech The former Massachusetts governor says the president has 'declared war on free enterprise' at a summit for conservatives. - Los Angeles Times

Election indicates Tea Party viability | Fox10tv.com

The Associated Press: Muslim summit planned over NYC Islamic center

Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell won't stay execution of Teresa Lewis

DA who sent racy messages says he won't resign - JSOnline

"As the World Turns" Goes Dark - The Early Show - CBS News

White House rips Forbes over Obama cover story

Defending Newt And D'Souza - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

White House: Forbes Magazine Hit "New Low" With D'Souza Article - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

POW/MIA Recognition Day | The Columbia Daily Tribune - Columbia, Missouri

YouTube - POW/MIA Day remembers missing soldiers

The Associated Press: Obama lectures GOP on campaign finance bill stall

YouTube - Weekly Presidential Address: Campaign Finance

The Associated Press: Murkowski mounting write-in bid for Alaska Senate

YouTube - Sen. Murkowski Announces Write-in Candidacy

YouTube - Palin in Iowa, Jokes About Running

Sarah Palin Tells Karl Rove Where To Go... : It's All Politics : NPR

The Associated Press: Senate hopeful O'Donnell cancels national TV spots

YouTube - Tea Party Pick O'Donnell: 'We Are Our Country'


The G. Gordon Liddy Show 17 h1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 17 h2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show17 h3

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 16 h1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 16 h2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 16 h3

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 15 h1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 15 h2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 15 h3

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 14 h1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 14 h2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 14 h3

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 13 h1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 13 h2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 13 h3

09/17 The Mark Levin Show

09/16 The Mark Levin Show

09/15 The Mark Levin Show

09/14 The Mark Levin Show

09/13 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-17, Friday

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-16, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-15, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-14, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-13, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-12, Sunday

The Michael Savage Show 09/17/2010

The Michael Savage Show 09/16/2010

The Michael Savage Show 09/15/2010

The Michael Savage Show 09/14/2010

The Michael Savage Show 09/13/2010

Paul Drockton Show 9-15

Paul Drockton Show 9-14

Paul Drockton Show 9-13

Devvy Kidd Show 9-15

Devvy Kidd Show 9-14

Devvy Kidd Show 9-13

Sept. 17, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Sept. 16, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Sept. 15, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Sept. 14, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Sept. 13, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

091310 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091310 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091410 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091410 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091510 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091510 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

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091610 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091710 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

09171 02 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast


Debbie Schlussel:Weekend Box Office: “The Town,” “Easy A”

Debbie Schlussel:Observing Yom Kippur

Debbie Schlussel:“Electability” v. Conservatism: The Sarah Palin/Tea Party Hypocrisy on Christine O’Donnell

Debbie Schlussel:My Friend, a Wellesley Parent, & The Forced Islamic Prayer by Public School Students

Deregulation did not Cause Financial Crisis, Welfare Did


Principled Nonvoting: The Beginning of Disengaging From the State

Hope Fading that radical/Islamist Factions keep Separate

All Hail The Power Of The "Grassroots": Tea Party Convention Canceled

Polls: Swedish government poised for re-election

World leaders to spotlight goals to help poor

Pope meets with victims, tells UK he's sorry

Gridlock? Men with earpieces? Must be the UN

‘Easy A’ Review: All Christians Bad, All Gays Good, and John Hughes Really is Dead

Christine O'Donnell and the Tea Party Era

The Krauthammer-Rove Axis of Disdain

Take Back America: What Does It Mean?

The World's Greenest Milk Cow: Family Farmed and not Organic

This Is Your Brain in a Crock-Pot

Back to the Future

The Wage Gap Myth

'We WILL Get Fooled Again (by Castro),' chants the MSM

Rules for Republicans

The Problem of Honor Killings

Pursuit of Happiness!

President Obama removes 'Creator' from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence

Did the administration play politics with UAW pensions for GM supplier?

The Murkowski Betrayal

DoJ investigates itself

Michelle's Marvelous Malady

A professional Marxist vs an amateur politician for senator

President Obama removes "Creator" from the Declaration of Independence.

An informant on every corner

Freedom of expression forces cartoonist to go ghost

Why Carter dissed Kennedy

TN Dem candidate calls on Pelosi to 'step aside'

DC March 10.02.10 - Communists, Socialists & SEIU Unite

Obama, Dhimmi President

Conservative America Ready to Take Control

Do the (Thirty-Year) Math: The Consultants Are Wrong

Death for Libricide, Sweets for Genocide

Medicare and ObamaCare

The U.S. Constitution: An Agreement by States

W.H. Science Czar: 'Global Warming' Is 'Dangerous Misnomer'

The Architect Has No Clothes

Crawling Out from under the Rauf

Can Democrats Save Their Party?

The Shariah Threat to America

Hamas member’s killing flies under Israeli public’s radar - The Globe and Mail

Nuclear waste piles up with no disposal plan | APP.com | Asbury Park Press

savethemales.ca - Why I Didn't Join the Masons