"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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16 September 2010

16 Sept'10

McDonald's targeted in US health ad | Business | The Guardian

YouTube - Sharia Law with Hesham Tillawi. How long before its Law in the USA

Kitat Kohenut and the Israeli Police State in Amerikka « Mark Dankof’s America

Hate Crime Hypocrisy | FrontPage Magazine

Who Owns the Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

How Peru's wells are being sucked dry by British love of asparagus | Environment | The Guardian

Scientists hail 'penicillin moment' in cancer treatment - Telegraph

Paedophile priests remain part of church | World news | The Guardian

9/11 and the Rise of the Phoenix | Before It's News

US tests depth of anti-incumbency feeling ahead of midterm election - Americas, World - The Independent

Aging gas pipe at risk of explosion nationwide | World news | guardian.co.uk

Defence spending: the world's biggest armies in stats - Telegraph

Van Rompuy accused of power grab over EU foreign policy - Telegraph

NATO's Secret Armies

savethemales.ca - Intelligent Scientists "Expelled" by Illuminati

The Unanswered Questions Of 9-11

9-11 Truth And America's 'Global War On Terrorism'

Smoking Mirrors: Time for that Old Time False Flag Redux.

Pornographer sells Twitter ID to Israel - Middle East, World - The Independent


Speak no evil: DEA, DOJ stay mum on medical marijuana raids | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

‘Killer’ Shrimp Found in UK, Scientists Worried | Science | Epoch Times

Congressman: BP "Openly Blackmailing the American Government" | Environment | AlterNet

Feature: Andy Beckett reports on the British-American Project | World news | The Guardian

Israeli art student activity reported at federal officials' homes


*Geert Wilders' ties to the Israeli mob


*film "The Secret of Oz"


YouTube - David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 Cell Phone Calls: Exclusive CBC Interview

YouTube - CNN on Jews Did 9/11

YouTube - Nothing informations

Occidental Observer:Is the Madoff Scandal Paradigmatic?

The unanswered questions of 9/11 | Rebel News - Independent News and Analysis

How Corporations Own the US Congress

America’s True Believers and the Great Muslim Scare | Intifada Palestine

WTC Building 7 Press Conference on 9/11/2010 :

[redacted] news: Is America's Military Prepared for the Israeli Threat of a Nuclear 9/11?

911, Power Elite, and Al-Qaeda | Intifada Palestine

poorrichard's blog: Who Did 9/11 - OBL, Bush Or Mossad? The Evidences

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 9/11 Family Member Meets Janet Napolitano

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Tarpley: 'Globalization is failing'

Dr David Kelly's body 'had obviously been moved': Paramedic at death scene reveals concerns over Hutton Inquiry | Mail Online

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : James David Manning Officially Joining the 911 Truth Movement

Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informer - NYTimes.com

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Bill O'Reilly: NYC Mosque Imam Associated With 9/11 Truth

[redacted] news: Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque

9/11 Was An Inside Job, Who Did It and How? :

Gunning for Islam. The Islamophobes: fringe wackos, or rising mass movement? | Sabbah Report

Globalist Foundation Exploits Angry Child to Blame Adults for Fake Climate Change

Protest Group Demands Investigation Into Homeland Security Spying

O’Reilly Says 9/11 Truth Activists Are Dangerous Radicals

Justice Breyer Suggests “Globalization” Trumps First Amendment

Government Bans Tea Party From Celebrating U.S. Constitution

Karl Rove: Defender of Forever War and a Devastating National Debt

Secretive Executive Order Establishes ‘Big Brother’ Health Bureaucracy

Bill Gates Death Panels Tip of Iceberg

Anti-Establishment Fervor A Hammer Blow To Washington Elite

Soros Insider Trading Case to Be Reviewed by Court - BusinessWeek

Gold Rises to Record on Increased Demand for Wealth Protection - Bloomberg

Group offers $100,000 for ‘information leading to the arrest and conviction of Karl Rove’ | Raw Story

Cops on Camera

The making of 9/11 activists

O’Reilly: Muslims that doubt official 9/11 story could be terrorists | Raw Story

ObamaCare’s Threat to Free Speech | Cato @ Liberty

Violent Crime Declined As Gun Sales Climbed in 2009 | CNSnews.com

Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a pandemic | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com

Bilderberg Mourns: Nationalism Gaining

U.S. shifts approach to deporting illegal immigrants - USATODAY.com

Scott Rasmussen and Douglas Schoen: One nation under revolt | Washington Examiner

Rand Paul to Hold “Repeal Obamacare” Press Conference in Lexington

The Tea Party as a Leaderless Movement

Glenn Beck the Socialist by Phil Maymin

Quran-Burning Cartoons Sought in Iran | CNSnews.com

Protest Group Demands Investigation Into Homeland Security Spying

With Tax Hikes Soon, Cable News Uses ‘Tax Cut’ Phrasing 13 Times as Much

Karl Rove: Defender of Forever War and a Devastating National Debt

The Architect Has No Clothes

Currency War

9/11 first responders demand health care and compensation

Yen Intervention Fans Flames Of Anti-Japanese Rage Across China

History Channel Documentary: Hitler’s Blood Oath

7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction

Fed Issues More Debt Than It Needs

Vitamin D proven far better than vaccines at preventing influenza infections

Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren -- Urashima et al., 10.3945/ajcn.2009.29094 -- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Scientist: There is no observational evidence for influence of CO2 on present or past climate


FBI Forwards Letters to Political Prisoners to Local Law Enforcement Agencies


FOIA REQUEST:www.firstamendmentcenter.org


Obama's Science Adviser: Don't Call it 'Global Warming' | CNSnews.com

Say Goodbye to Sunspots? - ScienceNOW

Taxes must rise to fight budget deficit: Greenspan | Raw Story

Campaign For Liberty — Afghanistan on Life Support by Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt

Michelle Obama thinks being First Lady is 'hell', says Carla Bruni | Mail Online

End of combat mission? U.S.-Iraqi raid in Fallujah kills 6 | McClatchy

CNBC's Fast Money : Gold to Surge 50% to 'Real' Record? - CNBC

Pentagon re-opens probe into hundreds of employees suspected of child porn | Raw Story

Christine O'Donnell on Rove's 'Un-factual' Remarks and 'Republican Cannibalism' - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Reid adds controversial immigration measure to defense bill « - Blogs from CNN.com

Poll: Voters Disapprove of How Obama Is Handling Illegal Immigration | CNSnews.com

TSA Screener Cited "Torture" In Scanner Case | The Smoking Gun

09-16-2010: Video: Christine O'Donnell's Insane Anti-Masturbation Campaign

09-15-2010: NYC to try banning smoking in parks and beaches

09-15-2010: Amid Criticism, U.S. Veterans Affairs Promises Better Clarity In Options For Paying Life Insurance Claims

09-15-2010: Unattended Luggage Causes Airport Evacuation

09-15-2010: Veterans sue CIA, Army for experiments at Detrick, Edgewood

09-15-2010: DirectTV Commercial Promotes Police State And Taser Usage

09-15-2010: Al-CIAda leader condemns corruption in Pakistan

09-15-2010: Dead Body With Hands Bound And Bag Over His Head Believed To Be Suicide By Police

09-15-2010: US urges NATO to build 'cyber shield'

09-15-2010: Man carrying SPORTS ILLUSTRATED swimsuit issue arrested for masturbating in WALMART toy aisle

90% Of Americans Are Walking Around With A Portable Tracking Device And Have No Idea

Bank of America employee stole $200K from elderly customers

Homeland Security works for the oil companies

Cashless Society FAIL: Chase Site Still Crippled; Angry Users Vent on Twitter

VIDEO: Justice Breyer Suggests “Globalization” Trumps First Amendment

Documents show Homeland Security tracks anti-drill groups in Pa.

Georgia Man Fined $5000 for Growing Vegetables

Government Report on Drugging of Detainees Is Suppressed

Military Not Probing Heroin Smuggling

Admitted! Terror Alerts were used to stop Constitutional Dissent

The EU demands recognition as a state by the United Nations

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate (video)

Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brother' Health Bureaucracy

Pentagon tries to buy entire print run of US spy expose book | The Vigilant Citizen

Vatican Shocked at Britain's Hostile Reaction to Pope

Papal Aide Stirs Fury With 'Third World' Quip on Britain

Pope Must Make Amends, Say British Abuse Victims

Abortion Issue Arises Ahead of Pope's Visit to Britain

Shariah a Danger to US, Security Pros Say

Abuse Victims Group Blasts Pope's Remarks

GOP Dumps Own Candidate, Dan Maes, for Colo. Gov

Poll: Voters Expect GOP to Win House and Senate

Reid Citizenship Plan Called an Election Ploy

Hoyer, Other Dems Mull Extending All Tax Cuts

Warren Named Consumer 'Czar'

Poll: Nearly Half Oppose Tax Hikes for Rich

Steele Defends Gingrich 'Kenyan' Obama Remarks

Cornyn Under Fire for Meeting Gay Republicans

GOP Expands 'Young Guns' House List

Nancy Reagan Endorses Whitman, Fiorina

Bill Clinton: New GOP Makes Bush Look Liberal

Obama Blames GOP for Immigration Collapse

Limbaugh Encourages Donations for O'Donnell

Limbaugh: Double Standard With O'Donnell

US Senate Panel Poised to Approve Nuclear Treaty

Soros: Gold Isn't Safe Bet Despite Record Rally

Barry Goldwater Jr.: 'Shut Up' Over O'Donnell

Study: Memory Problems Not a Normal Sign of Aging

General: U.S. Military Needs to Close More Bases

WHO Cuts Global Estimate for Maternal Deaths

O'Donnell's Upset Win Sparks GOP Family Feud

SC Senate Leader Defends Photo Evoking Slave past

NRA Endorses Scott in Fla. Gov. Race

Pelosi Exudes Confidence Dems Will Keep House

Castle Aide: Boss Won't Back 'Con Artist' O'Donnell

Clinton: Peace Talks 'Constructive'

Pakistan's Musharraf Attempts Political Comeback

US Debates Karzai Role in Fighting Corruption

Bloomberg: European Banks Still 'Fragile'

GM CEO: Repayment of Bailout May Take Years

Cramer: Millionaires Should Pay Higher Taxes

Are You a Type 2 Diabetes Time Bomb?

Mild Memory Problems Not Normal Aging

FDA Approves Drug for Resistant Gout

Radiation Increases Second Cancer Risk

All Antibiotics Mess Up Stomach

Microsoft Teams up with Japanese Game Studios

Scientists Complete Cacao Genome Mapping

'King Kong' Musical Could Make it to Broadway

GOP Leaders Have Lost Control of the Party

The Myth of Conservative Vulnerability

Big Govt's War on Middle Class

Bill Nelson Amendment to Obamacare Will Crush Small Business

Tea Party Will Send Democrats Packing

China's Power Depends on Modern Weaponry

Business Owner, Veteran Outdoes Career Politician in Calif.

Tea Party Signals GOP's Great Awakening

White House Science Czar Says He Would Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’

Census: 1 in 7 Americans Live in Poverty

First Lady Cites Push for Healthy Produce, Even in Some Liquor Stores

Insurgents Attack Civilians Praying at Mosque in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province

Libyan Membership Under Fire As U.N. Human Rights Council Gets Poor Grades

Sen. Reid Pushes Amendment to Defense Bill That Would Allow Illegal Aliens to Attend State Colleges, Get Amnesty

France's Explusion of Gypsies Dominates EU Summit

Justice Breyer Suggests That Burning a Quran Could be Like Shouting 'Fire' in a Crowded Theatre--Thus Not Protected by 1st Amendment

Gingrich: Public Should Not Trust Republicans But 'Loan Them Power'

Obama’s Drilling Moratorium Has Not Increased Unemployment in Gulf Region, Administration Report Says

Obama to Announce Expansion of Education Campaign

Marijuana Availability Fuels Sharp Increase in Illegal Drug Use

Senate Fails to Repeal Tax Provision in Health Law

Bans on Fake Pot Do Little to Deter Business

Representatives Say Glenn Beck to Donate Fee

Atheist Billboard Provokes Oklahoman Christians

World Poverty Seen Falling Sharply but Patchily

Iran's President Intervened in American's Release

Castro Says He Was Misinterpreted on Cuban Economy

Egypt's Youth Build A New Opposition Movement, Call for Democratic Reform

Liberal Crackup

Build the Ground Zero Mosque on Michael Moore

The Obamacare Inquisitions: A Brief, Brutish History

The Stupidest Spending Program of All

4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City

Clinton Talks World Government at the Council On Foreign Relations

Global currency coming

Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brother' Health Bureaucracy

Big Sis Iris Scanners: The Prison Without Bars

Wisdom facing forward: What it means to have heightened future consciousness

Orwellian DoubleThink: Rights are Privileges

Robotics breakthrough: Scientists make artificial skin

'Mind-reading machine' can convert thoughts into speech

Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented (Video)

A People's History of the Human Genome

*BREAKING: Democratic Party of Hawaii would not certify in 2008 that Obama was constitutionally and legally eligible for the Office of President. | Before It's News

How Halley's Comet sightings changed history over the past 2500 years

The hate mongers among us -- first in a 4-part series

Blackwater/Xe cells conducting false flag terrorist attacks in Pakistan

Driving the mullahs mad

The F Word: Campaign cash from health insurance rate hikes

Double standards of life hamper the growth of social movements

The making of 9/11 activists

US should allow impartial 9/11 probe

The true cost of the war

Escaping tolerance

Religion and democracy are incompatible, this is why we learn history

Obama’s failing Middle East policy

Nato's Secret Armies

Turn Out The Lights - The Party Is Over: 20 Signs That American Consumers Are Completely And Totally Tapped Out

Pope's visit: aide steps aside after comparing Britain to 'third world'

Neithercorp Press» Blog Archive » Real World Solutions To Economic Tyranny

Search Top Secret America’s Database of Private Spooks | Danger Room | Wired.com

Army Asks Itself: Shouldn’t We Be Diplomats? | Danger Room | Wired.com

The powerful coalition that wants to engineer the world's climate | Environment | guardian.co.uk

'Hyperbolic map' of the internet will save it from COLLAPSE • The Register

What If This Were Bush?

The Great Food Truck Lobbying Race

The System's Not Rigged Enough for Cops and Prosecutors

YouTube - We Who Dared to Say No to War | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.

Waking up to a World Currency

Senate rejects amendment to strip out IRS reporting requirement in new health care law

MLK Photographer was FBI informant hired to spy on civil rights movement

Skull and Bones Member "Economic Advisor" to Obama White House

Warren Buffet: Make private schools illegal, force children into government schools by random lottery

Why Libertarians Oppose War

DEA Fighting Against California Marijuana Initiative

Obama the Neoconservative

Why the Violent Crime Decline? And Why So High to Begin With?

"Who’s Funding This?!"

Breaking Down Obama's Idiotic Back to School Speech

4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

The Non-Mystery of the Bed Bug Epidemic

The Fraudulent Criminalization of Marijuana in America

Brazil's Debt Crisis

US Media Intensifies Campaign Against Chavez

The remaining prisoners in Guantánamo

The Strategic Counteroffensive

VIDEO: Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed

US Transfer of Iraqi Prisoners: An Ongoing War Crime

The Al Qaeda threat is "exaggerated": 120,000 US Troops fighting "No More that 50 Members of Al Qaeda"

Follow the Dirty Money

The questions of 9/11 are still unanswered

China Will Allow Credit Default Swaps, As Long As They Are Not Naked

Surge in Housing Supply Will Drive Down Prices

Right-wing paramilitaries, the heirs of the infamous death squads, have started to re-emerge in Colombia

Architects, engineers say they have proof 9/11 was a 'lie'




Government Using Anti-Terrorism Laws to Crush Dissent

When Political Activism Gets Treated as Potential Terrorism | Emptywheel

Noam Chomsky: “President Obama is Involved in War Crimes Right Now”

The Hate Mongers Among Us

Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren't Possible Unless Good People Back Them

Dismantle America’s Military Behemoth

We Are Living Through an Exceptional Moment in Human History.

Is Islam Really the Greatest Threat to the World Today?

Census Reveals 45 Million Americans Living in Poverty

Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-15-10

Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-14-10

Video: O’Reilly Says 9/11 Truth Activists Are Dangerous Radicals

YouTube - Tarpley: 'Globalization is failing'

*4 Part Video: Max Igan – A Broader View of Things

YouTube - Training You to Accept Evil - The Alex Jones Show

*3 Part Video: Life is A Test, What Side Will You Choose? – The Alex Jones Show

Quick Tip: Why Vegetarians and Vegans Should Use Hemp Instead of Soy

The Avalon Round Table | Ordo Ad Chao

*3 Part Video: Joe Rogan & Eddie Bravo {In-Studio} The Nature of Reality – The Alex Jones Show

*6 Part Video: Bill Gates Death Panels Tip of Iceberg – The Alex Jones Show

The European Banking Crisis: Next Phase by Gary North

*Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede by John Taylor Gatto

Jim Rogers: US Debt Is a Problem for 'You, Me, and Our Parents'

The Pure Rendition of How You Yourself Are by Jeff Snyder

*The Book;The Underground History of American Public Education: - John Taylor Gatto

Cold War Origins of the CIA Holocaust by Len Hart

The radical reform that would end boom and bust in banking - Telegraph

*Important Papers - Security Whip

Vaccinations are high, but measles shots decline

‘Running’ Review: RightNetwork Political Reality Show an Addictive, Heartfelt Winner

What if Reverend Terry Jones Called Koran Burning ‘Art’?

Interview: Longtime Action Star Turns His Attention to Autism with ‘God’s Ears’

New York Jets Cold, Mexican Reporter Hot

Gary Sinise: Help Build the National Memorial For Permanently Disabled Veterans

Hollywood Feminism: Women Smart, Men Dumb

‘Flipped’ Review: Good Performances, Strong Story

‘Hope!’: The Obama Musical

‘Fire From the Heartland’: Story of the Conservative Woman in Her Own Words

Hey GOP: Lead. Follow. Or Get Out of the Way

O’Donnell Wins in Delaware, Is The Senate Lost For Republicans? No, No, No, and NO!

What is Obama’s Pay Czar’s Pay?

Dems Jockey to Get Off Ship

Poll: 71% of Americans Less Likely to Vote for Candidate Who Supports FDA Drug Rationing

FEC Okays SEIU Threats for PAC Contributions

New ‘Green’ EPA/DOT Scheme Under Fire

**Shock Audio: Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash

Peeping John: Adler’s Campaign Accussed of Harassing Runyan’s Family

The Democrats’ Alice-in-Wonderland Tax Guide

Adult Swim: A Republic Is for Grown-ups

How Regulations Accumulate as a Small Business Grows

MoveOn.org Moves Into Panic Mode

Explosive Norton Voicemail — Where’s the MSM?

Inside the Obama War Room: Senior Moments

Keith Olbermann, Sexist

The Last Word on Delaware: El Rushbo Speaks

Voight: ‘This Is Exactly the Way We Create Wars Between Nations’

The Disinterested Nature of Karl Rove’s Political Analysis is Suddenly Suspect

Kelsey Grammer Thanks Former Sportscaster for Naming Him ‘Worst Person in the World’

Whatever Happened to, You Know, the Homeless?

CNN Misses Primary Boat, Sails On With King & Maher

In Wake of Primaries, Clueless MSM Suffering from Shock and Awe

Kicking the Status Quo to the Curb — No More Beltway Bozos

Morning-After Thread: Doofus MSM Surprised by Tea Party Yet Again

NewsBusted: How Did Liberals Refer to the 9/11 Anniversary?

9/11, a 2061 Memorial

What America Is Fighting Against

What If Obama’s Wrong?

Meanwhile, Back in Brussels …

General William Boykin: The Second Team B

Al-Qaeda on Capitol Hill: Congressional Muslim Staffers Association Embraces Islamic Radicals and Terrorists

Sharia Transit Authority

A True ‘Reset’ in Russia, from the Ground Up

Public School Field Trip: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah

Doctor shot at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore

A Minute With: Disney's grown-up child star Raven-Symone

Census: 1 in 7 Americans live in poverty

3D mania hits Tokyo Game Show

European truckmakers probed over price-fixing

Inflation in China

'Third world' gibe mars start of papal visit

Woman in Iran stoning case denies being whipped, tortured

New web TV service YouView announced

American Thinker: What's the Matter with Islam?

FOXNews.com - Republicans Call Reid's Immigration Proposal Political Ploy

What Ails North Korea's Kim Jong Il - ABC News

Al-Qaeda: West 'weakened' by jihadists

Zawahri criticizes Pakistani government in al Qaeda tape | Reuters

Like, Is Sarah Palin Totally Conceited? - HUMAN EVENTS

‘A Nation of Dodos’ - Article - National Review Online

'2010 is gone for Democrats' - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

'Tea party' is polarizing, but has many 'closet admirers,' poll finds - CSMonitor.com

Townhall - Christine O'Donnell Must Be Punished!

Meg Whitman breaks US campaign spending records

AP-GfK Poll: Climate for GOP keeps getting better

Michelle Obama thinks being First Lady is 'hell', says Carla Bruni | Mail Online

Russell Simmons: Dear Sen. Feinstein & Sen. Hatch, Let's Stop Sending Our Kids to Prison!

The Move to Digital Production: Faster, Cheaper ... Fewer Employed | TheWrap.com

Movie Review: The Whistleblower (2010) - RopeofSilicon.com Movie News, Trailers, Reviews and More

New NBC Show Turns Conservative Hypocrite Into Liberal Hero -- But Even MSM Ridicules Plot

Movie Review: Chosin - Page 1 - Film+TV - Los Angeles - LA Weekly

GOP leaders scramble to mend fences after Delaware upset - TheHill.com

Why Hollywood Should Be Afraid of Netflix ... Very Afraid | TheWrap.com

Eva Longoria backs moves to reform US child labor laws

US cartoonist who inspired 'Draw Mohammed Page' in hiding

Hollywood weighs in on fat people | Reuters

Left jab of the day by Blue America and Americans for America: Alaska's Craziest Catch-Joe Miller

Howard Dean Urges Progressives: 'Get Mad after Nov. 5th'

Christine O'Donnell's 1996 Anti-Masturbation Campaign On MTV's 'Sex In The 90s'

Ah, the schadenfreude: There's nothing quite like watching Republicans and Tea Partiers rip each other up

Chris Hayes: Boehner's Support for Middle Class Tax Cuts Just to Give Republicans in House Cover

The New Republican Young Guns are really half cocked

They should all choke on their tea

Live Chat with Russ Feingold: 'Worth fighting for'

Chris Matthews Thinks Women are Idiots

Manmade Oil Volcano Covers Sea-Floor

Cognitive Dissonance, Courtesy of America's Top CEOs

While everyone obsesses on teabagging candidates, good things happen elsewhere

Quran burner fired from his job at NJ Transit

Critiquing the Afghanistan Study Group's Report

Rick Santorum Has A Google Problem. Poor Little Ricky!

Elizabeth Warren to be appointed as special advisor for new consumer agency

Jim DeMint Defends His Support of Christine O'Donnell

Left jab of the day by Blue America and Americans for America: John Boehner's big booze tab

Warmist Slander of Scientific Skeptics

Genuine Institutionalized Racism

Obama, the Academic Zombie

What D'Souza Doesn't Get Quite Right

Islam and the American Public

The Gospel of Obama

The Shariah Threat to America

Identifying Palestinian Anti-Semitism Is Itself Racist?

Can Democrats Save Their Party?

Crawling Out from under the Rauf

The Architect Has No Clothes

The New O Word is 'obsolete'

Obama will avoid senate confirmation process for Warren posting

Ryan Avoids Getting Pricked by Rose

Bill Clinton Helps the Republicans Run against Bush

Internet Causes Violent Reaction Among Muslims?

Islamic Mosque Raises Money for Terrorist Group Hamas

The Right Wing Onslaught on the University?

Sharia - What Every American Must Know

Harry Reid's 'Pet'

Clinton: Israeli-Palestinian status quo sustainable until 2040


Principled Nonvoting: The Beginning of Disengaging From the State

Hope Fading that radical/Islamist Factions keep Separate

Debbie Schlussel:The End of Free Speech . . . When It’s About Islam, Supreme Justice & Govt Agency Say

Debbie Schlussel:No Tea Party: Palin’s Pro-Illegal Alien Candidate Wins New Hampshire

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE: 6-Yr-Old Kicked Out of Cheerleading Squad b/c Parents Oppose Lewd Chant

Debbie Schlussel:SHOCKING VIDEO: If You Live in Detroit . . . Good Luck – You’re Gonna Die

Barack and Michelle Obama decline dinner with the Sarkozys - Times Online

Jimmy Carter Slams Ted Kennedy On Health Care - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Harry Reid's 'Pet' Can Win Delaware Seat | The Atlantic Wire

Obama: I'm not walking away from immigration reform - Yahoo! News

Despite porn pledge, scientists accused of studying 'anatomy' - Washington Times

Into the deadly deep: How James Cameron plans to film Avatar sequel 7 miles below the sea's surface | Mail Online

AFP: US Internet users staying connected during sex: study

E! orders extreme plastic surgery bridal competition

6th District candidate Carter asks Pelosi to step aside | tennessean.com | The Tennessean

Doctor In Surgery After Johns Hopkins Shooting - News Story - WBAL Baltimore

Pot Flavored Ice Cream Anyone? | NBC Bay Area

RealClearPolitics - What the Latest Polls Told Us - Thursday Edition

RealClearPolitics - O'Donnell Trails Coons by Double Digits

In Tight Republican Race, DioGuardi Is Chosen to Face Gillibrand - NYTimes.com

Whitman's $119 million donation breaks record

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Sep 15, 2010 - Clinton stumping in NV for gov hopeful Rory Reid

Daniel Henninger: It's the Spending, Stupid - WSJ.com

George F. Will - Trifle with the government? Just ask Jacob Maged

RealClearPolitics - Tea Parties and the Value of Craziness

RealClearPolitics - Extremists Are Taking Over GOP

Karl Rove: Obama's Mystifying Strategy - WSJ.com

Not a New START, but a bad START - TheHill.com

Sanford Bishop’s scholarships are not the real scandal | Cynthia Tucker

The Left’s Lie About Reagan; Google Instant - Rich Karlgaard - Digital Rules - Forbes

Pajamas Media » The Bridge: Bob Dylan, the ‘Ruling Class,’ and the ‘Country Class’

RealClearPolitics - Gridlock Breaker: Country First

RealClearPolitics - Bobblehead Era

New day dawnin’ - BostonHerald.com

Editorial - Primary Day 2010 - The Tea Party’s Snarl - NYTimes.com

Editorial: Grasping for an Obamacare hangover cure | tax, obamacare, businesses - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - The Era of Expert Failure

Thoughts on Ryan and Brooks and the Small Government Ideal - The Agenda - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Money Is Not What Schools Need

A Republican Takeover Of Congress Would Threaten The EPA And The Planet | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - The Disarmament Delusion

Republicans waver on earmarks ban - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Fear of GOP takeover forces unions to back Dems critical of health - The Hill's Ballot Box

Bill would force U.S. lawmakers to disclose owed taxes, have wages garnished

Op-Ed Contributor - An Opportunity on North Korea - NYTimes.com


No winners by appeasing China | The Australian

FISHER: China and START - Washington Times

What can we do about corruption in Afghanistan? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Latin America can’t sit still after 200 years - The Globe and Mail

The Daily Star - Editorial - The state with the most at stake

Zombie Banks Have Us Right Where They Want Us: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

For investors, optimism about the market could pay - MSN Money

Why Does Government Grow and Grow and Grow? — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Our view on the federal budget: Tax debate reflects breathtaking disconnect - USATODAY.com

Why Is Obama's Tax Cut for the Wealthy Not Big Enough for Even Some Democrats? - Newsweek

Why America is Losing Its Innovative Edge - 24/7 Wall St.

Don't Blame Short Sellers for Lehman Brothers' Bankruptcy - DailyFinance


The Two Fundamental Problems Facing The Housing Market

How to Tell When the Recession's Really Over - Rick Newman (usnews.com)

Economy treading water as jobless rate edges up


*11 Badass Conspiracy Theory Movies | KoldCast Entertainment


Jesse Jackson Jr. on Rahm Emanuel meeting: Mayor's race should be on "moral high ground" - Lynn Sweet

Ax for Axelrod? Pssst! :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Michael Sneed

Daley rips U.S. snub on education funds :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall

Prepare for Fare Hikes: RTA | NBC Chicago

Theater Operator Facing Multiple Charges Following Arrest

Frank A. Castaldi | Suburban Accountant Gets 23 Years for $30M Ponzi Scheme

Chicago Suburb Considers Taxi Crack-down | NBC Chicago

The Stew: Groupon offering Chicago Gourmet ticket discount, but hurry

FOXNews.com - Congress Poised to Hit Campaign Trail Before Finishing Basic Budget Duties

Breyer Makes Case for Justices' Adherence to Constitution - WSJ.com

Post Tech - White House to announce $5 million science, math, tech education initiative

Harry Reid Bundles Immigration and Troops Bills - Newsweek

The Associated Press: Ind. teen who killed brother breaks down in court

FOXNews.com - Democrats, Republicans Spar Over Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

The Associated Press: Emanuel, Jackson discuss Chicago mayor's race

Rahm Emanuel puts his feelers out for Chicago mayor's race - latimes.com

Obama: Republicans playing games with tax cuts | Reuters

YouTube - Boehner: Voters Will Speak Loud and Clear in Nov

Hospital violence on the rise, agency warns - Health - Health care - msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Fort Hood shooting suspect's hearing to be open

Elizabeth Warren: Consumer Champion? - Newsweek

Obama touts US exports plan again, as voters stew over slow economy - CSMonitor.com

North Korea wants to revive nuclear talks, says Jimmy Carter | World news | guardian.co.uk

Colour, music, security mark bicentennial of Mexico's independence - Monsters and Critics

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: 'We've Made Real Progress But There's More to Do' (Page 1 of 2)

Employees of French firm abducted in Niger - CNN.com

Charges Recommended in Deadly Phillipine Hostage Crisis | Asia | English

Pope's visit: No apology from aide who called Britain third world country | World news | guardian.co.uk

White House, French Embassy deny report that Michelle Obama told Carla Bruni life as First Lady is 'hell'* - Political Punch

Nigeria's ruling party sets presidential primary dates - CNN.com

China, Japan fishing boat row reflects shift in Beijing's approach toward Tokyo - CSMonitor.com

Mini-moo: 33-inch cow named world’s smallest - TODAY Pets & Animals - TODAYshow.com

The Associated Press: Turkey seeks closer trade ties with Iran

EU calls for extension in settlement building moratorium

Taliban urge Afghan vote boycott, warn of violence | Reuters

Nicolas Sarkozy hits back at critics of Roma expulsions - Telegraph

YouTube - Roma: Reding says Barroso now to represent 'unanimous' EC in debate

Christine O'Donnell: The GOP establishment's new BFF? - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Tea Party Victories Concern for GOP

FOXNews.com - Kid Rock Testifies: Why I Punched Tommy Lee

"MasterChef" Winner Whitney Miller Victorious Despite Chicken Mishap - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Early Buzz: Jolie/Depp, Vanilla Ice, 'Big Bang' and more - Pop Candy: Unwrapping pop culture's hip and hidden treasures

Fresh Air Remembers Newsman Edwin Newman : NPR

Facebook Gets Movie Treatments as Social Media Hits High - ABC News

Emma Stone Dishes On ‘Easy A’ Sex-Scene-Induced Asthma Attack » Hollywood Crush

Oprah absolves Jonathan Franzen and picks 'Freedom' for the Book Club | EW.com

Jackson family sue concert promoter over Michael`s death - Monsters and Critics

YouTube - Jackson's Mother Sues Concert Promoter AEG Live

FOXNews.com - The Great Times Square 'Butt' Out

Suicidal Thoughts May Be Due To Acne Rather Than Medication

A Taste of the Chocolate Genome - US News and World Report

AFP: Australia warning over deadly US whooping cough outbreak

Popular People Serve as Flu Pandemic Whistleblowers - ABC News

Forgetfulness may not be normal part of aging - Health - Aging - msnbc.com

Smoke-Free Laws May Help Kids Breathe Easier

Ezra Klein - Health-care reform polling poorly


**Markets Video:16th/Greenspan: Raise Taxes

What Wall Street Didn't Learn from Lehman

Euro Debt Concerns Will Return

Dicker: Investors Must Buy Natural Gas

Survey: A Dimmer View of Home Ownership

BOJ's Intervention Won't Work For Long

Should Lehman Brothers Have Been Saved?

Japan Intervenes in Currency Markets

Intel CEO: 'A Very Good Year for Us'

3 Stocks to Set Your 'Site' On


The Associated Press: Average mortgage rates rise to 4.37 percent

White House Report Says Gulf Drilling Ban Hasn't Hurt Employment - WSJ.com

Schapiro explains why some info should be secret - Sep. 16, 2010

Google fires employee for snooping on users - latimes.com

Facebook Competitor Diaspora Launches Developer Release | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

AppleInsider | Yahoo CEO predicts demise of Apple's iAd mobile ad network

Can IE9 bring back Microsoft's glory days? | Betanews

12 Things You Need to Know About Internet Explorer 9 Beta | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Craigslist says adult ads gone for good - Technology & science - Security - msnbc.com

How Context-Aware Computing Will Make Gadgets Smarter | Reuters

First Look: A Screenshot Tour of the New Twitter | Epicenter | Wired.com

YouTube - Evan Williams Explains New Twitter Interface


**World Video:Scotland Prepares For Pope's Visit

Niger Facing Severe Hunger Crisis

Sting Does Opera In Russia

Japan Moves To Combat Rising Yen

Tourists Hurt In Greece Boat Crash

Schwarzenegger In South Korea

Cosmonauts Gear Up For Soyuz Mission

Clinton: This Moment Must Be Seized

Drug War Clouds Mexican Bicentennial

Bacevich on Washington Rules

Mexico Plans Largest Ever Bicentennial

Belgium's Inflated Festival

Secret Of World War II Agent

Will Iran Try Other U.S. Prisoners?

Sarah Shourd Freed, Arrives In Oman

Bomb Alert At Eiffel Tower

The Battle for Afghanistan

OPEC Comfortable With Oil Price

Man Medivaced From Antarctica

Floods Threaten The Taj Mahal

Pre-Viking Find In Norway Mountains


**Transcripts:15th/ Secretary Clinton's Remarks With Israeli Pres. Peres

+14th/Interview with Education Secretary Arne Duncan

Interview with Former British PM Tony Blair

Panel on the Politics of Cutting Taxes

+13th/Middle East Briefing with Secretary Clinton

Geithner's Remarks to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

Interview with Former British PM Tony Blair

Interview with David Plouffe

Interview with Rep. Darrell Issa

Interview with Senate Candidate Marco Rubio

Panel on the Tax Cut Battle

Reporters on the Anniversary of the Wall St. Panic

Sunday:12th/Interview with Secretary Napolitano & Leader Hoyer

Guests: Minority Leader Boehner & Rep. Ellison (PDF)

Guests: David Axelrod & Rudy Giuliani

Interview with Austan Goolsbe

Guests: Austan Goolsbee & Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

9-11/President Obama at the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial


**Politics Video:16th/LA-Sen: Dem Ad: Congratulations, David Vitter Just Made You Rich

MO-Sen: American Crossroads Ad: "Say No To Robin Carnahan"

WA-Sen: Rossi Ad: Murray "Part Of The Problem"

CO-Sen: DSCC Ad: Buck "Too Extreme For Colorado"

WI-7: DCCC Ad: Sean Duffy Is "Out Of Touch"

CO-Sen: American Crossroads Ad: Bennet Has "Wasted Our Money"

CO-Sen: NRSC Ad Slams Bennet: "More Spending, Higher Taxes, Jobs Lost"

Rove Gives O'Donnell Advice: Be "Frank And Honest"

Matthews: How Far Will Fire of Voter Anger Burn?

Palin On Rove Vs. O'Donnell Feud

Krauthammer: If GOP Is Serious About Stopping Obama, They Need The Majority

Olbermann: Why is Rove Mad at a Republican?

O'Reilly: "Independents Will Make The Call" In November

+15th/Steele On Attacking O'Donnell: "Stop It, Stop It"

RCP's Tom Bevan: Dems Running Away From Tax Cuts

DeMint: "I Don't Want The Majority Back If We Don't Believe Anything"

Obama: GOP Wants To Hold Middle Class "Hostage" For Rich Tax Cuts

Christie To Public Unions: You'll Be Thanking Me

Biden On GOP: "No Moderates Need Apply"

Gibbs: O'Donnell Not In The "Mainstream"

DE-Sen: Coons Says Obama Has "Done A Good Job"

NV-Sen: Angle Hits Reid Over Helping Illegals

Pelosi Talks About Having "Same, Big Majority"

Kaine: Tea Party Has Created "Civil War" For GOP

Scarborough On O'Donnell Win: "I Blame Sarah Palin"

Rove: O'Donnell Win More About Castle Than Her

O'Reilly: Say Goodbye To Proposed Ground Zero Mosque

Maddow Uses Vintage Footage Of O'Donnell Discussing Masturbation

Krauthammer: Dems Have No Intention To Vote For Tax Cuts

Palin To "The Machine" Member Karl Rove: "Buck Up"

Olbermann: Another GOP Whistleblower Shows Support For Obama

Colmes: Do Conservatives "Hate Republicans"?


Family spooked as 'Satan' possesses new bathroom


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'A fight for the heart-and-soul of GOP'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Millions of jobs could be negatively impacted'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Housing market suffering from withdrawal symptoms'


Christian site whacked by Muslim hack attack

Shariah a danger to U.S., security pros say - Washington Times

Nation needs 'warriors,' not 'conservatives'

State tracked, reported on constitutionally protected protests

Homeschool mom takes kids to murder trial

Wall Street Journal: Boycott Haiti

'Birther in chief' invited to dinner by Harry Reid

Message to pope: Our souls were 'murdered' - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

Democrats Attempt Re-Branding in Difficult Election Season | Foxnews.com

Democrats spend on anti-health-reform advertisements - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Tancredo gets good news in polls, court - Washington Times

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Despite pressure, GOP leader to attend fundraiser for gay Republicans « - Blogs from CNN.com

Rebel Jim DeMint sparks GOP Senate civil war - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Rove Fires Up Talk on O’Donnell - Washington Wire - WSJ

Analysis: Tea Party Spoils the Party for GOP Establishment Candidates - The Note

Hot Air » Rush: Maybe Rove should have gotten this excited about Democrats

Is tea party end of our two-party system? Darrell Delamaide's Political Capital - MarketWatch

More Americans living in poverty - U.S. news - Life - msnbc.com

Lobbies ready final 'don't ask' push - Jen DiMascio - POLITICO.com

News Briefs - Israel National News

Builders plan to boycott construction of mosque

Feisal Abdul Rauf, religious leader behind proposed Ground Zero mosque, is hit with building-code lawsuit in Jersey - NYPOST.com

Burqa Is Banned in France - WSJ.com

Ohio Town Won't Allow Tea Party to Celebrate U.S. Constitution in Town Square | CNSnews.com


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Wall Street Journal: Boycott Haiti

Where is truth?

Enough's enough: Obama has conceded ineligibility

Israel to extend freeze of Jewish construction

Obama-tied group: Mosque opponents 'intolerant'

Nation needs 'warriors,' not 'conservatives'

Christian site whacked by Muslim hack attack


*American Minute for September 16th:William J Federer's American Minute


Just Holding an Alcoholic Drink Makes You Seem Dumb, Study Says

The hidden (and not-so-hidden) meanings of 12 brands' favorite numbers

French claim to 'greatest lovers' dealt blow - Telegraph

Great Wall China | World's most stunning structures | News.com.au

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Pop star was a washer-up in takeaway

Going the Distance | Justin Long's Porn Career Hopes

Conventions: Another day at the office for celebs - CNN.com

Boeing Plans to Fly Tourists to Space - NYTimes.com

10,000 birds trapped in Twin Towers memorial light - Telegraph

Hong Kongers witness five UFO sightings in one day - People's Daily Online

Freak lobster with two cutting claws has new friend - with two crushing claws

SPACE.com -- New Physics? Fundamental Cosmic Constant Now Seems Shifty

Secret Corps of Filmmakers Documented Nuclear Bomb Tests - NYTimes.com

Earthfiles.com Environment | More Evidence That “1984 Big Brother” Is Taking Over United States

AFP: Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground

Cockroach Brains May Hold New Antibiotics?

BBC News - Sensitive touch for 'robot skin'

Nobel physicist: Building Hubble's heir in deep space - opinion - 13 September 2010 - New Scientist

Greenspan: Fiscal Stimulus Worked Far Less Than Expected - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Senate OKs small-business aid - Washington Times

Steve Jobs preparing to revolutionize the newspaper business? - CSMonitor.com

WalMart Faces Criticism from Mom Bloggers - ABC News

The Next PayPal? Facebook Credits Takes A Step Forward - Oliver Chiang - SelectStart - Forbes

Twins Tyler Winklevoss and Cameron Winklevoss are Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg’s worst enemies - NYPOST.com

Green religionists: Children in bodies of adults

The Pearcey Report:Secular "Values" No Defense Against Mosque

Obama's new book: 'Tyranny for Dummies'

Like, is Sarah Palin totally conceited?

Election 2010 and 8th Commandment

Liars lie because they're liars

Obama asks thug nations to judge America

Why assassination attempt goes unreported

American Thinker Blog: Burning the Constitution with the Koran

Can the Grand Old (Tea) Party Win in November? | The Nation

With presidential drones, who needs judges?

Scott Rasmussen and Douglas Schoen: One nation under revolt | Washington Examiner

What Ails North Korea's Kim Jong Il - ABC News

Pennsylvania Pastor Arthur Burton Schirmer Accused of Killing Wife - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Man Charged in Dean's Stabbing at College Minutes Before Speech

Narcisa Novack requests free lawyer in trial against her for killing Fontainebleau heir Ben Novack Jr. - NYPOST.com

Bank Manager Arrested In Connection With Bank Robbery - West Palm Beach News Story - WPBF West Palm Beach

Canadian scientists claim 'muzzling' - UPI.com

FOXNews.com - Girl, 6, Removed From Cheerleading Team After Parents Object to 'Booty' Cheer

Ahmadinejad: Muslims 'not against Americans' - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran - msnbc.com

Dem health bill foes escape payback - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

The Associated Press: NY Rep Rangel wins primary, despite ethics charges

Burqa Is Banned in France - WSJ.com

Obstacle to Deficit Cutting: A Nation on Entitlements - WSJ.com

Shariah a danger to U.S., security pros say - Washington Times

Narcisa Novack requests free lawyer in trial against her for killing Fontainebleau heir Ben Novack Jr. - NYPOST.com

NJ Transit employee Derek Fenton fired for burning Koran at Ground Zero on ninth anniversary of 9/11 - NYPOST.com

Special Needs: Ofsted Says Half Of Children Identified With Special Needs Are Wrongly Diagnosed | UK News | Sky News

Obama pushes kids to work hard in back-to-school speech - CNN.com

Indian River County men sport high heels to raise awareness of domestic violence shelters » TCPalm.com

Ice cream ad banned as "offensive" to Catholics

Twins Tyler Winklevoss and Cameron Winklevoss are Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg’s worst enemies - NYPOST.com

Feisal Abdul Rauf, religious leader behind proposed Ground Zero mosque, is hit with building-code lawsuit in Jersey - NYPOST.com

Shocking testimony reveals police inaction in Conn. horror home invasion - NYPOST.com


**NEWS VIDEOS:Fort Hood Muslim Soldier Accuses Army Of Islamophobia

Middle East Peace? Hillary Sees the Future

Film Trailer: ‘Runaway Slave’

Gov. Chris Christie: ‘This is the Crap I Have to Hear’

White House Plays Politics With Tax Policy

Lanny Davis Takes on ‘Sanctimonious and Intolerant’ Rachel Maddow

Christine O’Donnell Victory Message: ‘We’re In This To Win Big’

500,000 Cubans Booted Off Government Payroll

French Senate Bans Wearing of Muslim Veil

Rove Privately Asked DE Tea Party to Back Castle

A Message for Keith Olbermann from Kelsey Grammer

Rangel: Obama Needs People Like Me

Obama’s Safe School Czar: Gay Issues in Curriculum is ‘Ultimate Goal’

MSNBC Features Segment on Christine O’Donnell’s Masturbation Abstinence Video for MTV in 1996

Burka-Wearing Superhero in Islamic-Themed Comic Series

Dem Pundit: ‘Tea Party is Flesh Eating Bacteria For GOP’

Rush Chastises Rove Over O’Donnell Attack

Obama’s Science Czar: ‘The Term Global Warming is Dangerous Misnomer’

Maddow Positively Gleeful Over O’Donnell Win

Olbermann Slams TV Azteca Sports Reporter at Center of Locker Room Controversy

Late Night Conservative Talk – Dennis Miller Show Producer Christian Bladt

Prager: The Bigger the Government, The Smaller the Citizen

Is It Possible Chris Matthews ‘Gets It’ About the Tea Party Victories?

MSNBC Host Gives Platform to Anti-Christian Zealot on Eve of 9/11; Christian Fundamentalists are the Real Threat

Dennis Miller’s Time Capsule Holds the Left Accountable for Their Outlandish Predictions

Late Night Conservative Talk – Broadcasting From a Hollywood Bar

Underwear Bomber Ready to Plead

Shock Video: 91-Year-Old Mother Slapped, Shoved by Caregiver

Taiwan Protesters Burn Japanese Flag, Throw Fish at Police

Woody Allen Comes Clean on Carla Bruni Rumors

Shock Audio: DC Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail Asking For Lobbyist Cash

Palin Effect? O’Donnell, Tea Party Win in Delaware

MSNBC’s Matthews Re-Writes History, Says Arlen Specter Was ‘Forced to Quit’ Republican Party

Cafferty: House Dems are Disgraceful Cowards

Breitbart.tv » Rush Chastises Rove Over O’Donnell Attack

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Safe School Czar: Gay Issues in Curriculum is ‘Ultimate Goal’


*E BOOK:Mises on Money


How to Clean Like a Man | The Art of Manliness

YouTube - The Govt. Can't Print More Gold

YouTube - This Is A Revolution! Dr Ron Paul

YouTube - Keiser Report №78: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

YouTube - Lehman Bros Domino Effect still flattens US banking system

Protest Group Demands Investigation Into Homeland Security Spying

O’Reilly Says 9/11 Truth Activists Are Dangerous Radicals

Anti-Establishment Fervor A Hammer Blow To Washington Elite

Pennsylvania Homeland Security Puts Anti-tax Protesters On List of Terror Threats

Expanding U.S.-Canada Security and Economic Partnership

Gold to Surge 50% to ‘Real’ Record?

Gold Rises to Record on Increased Demand for Wealth Protection

Globalist Soros Declares “Gold Is The Ultimate Bubble”… Again

Real IRA Targets Banks and Bankers

IMF Fears ‘Social Explosion’ From World Jobs Crisis

The George W. Bush Memoir: Now Here’s a Book I Might Consider Burning

Soros Front Group Exploits Teenage Celebrity to Get Out Vote for War Party

Karl Rove: Defender of Forever War and a Devastating National Debt

Government Bans Tea Party From Celebrating U.S. Constitution

Justice Breyer Suggests “Globalization” Trumps First Amendment

Tough choices taking shape for Bernanke, Fed

Foreclosures Rise; Repossessions Set Record

Fed Buys $1.379 Billion of Short-Term Treasuries

Swiss Institutions Ask: Where’s the Gold?

Police Continue to Harass Citizens Who Record Them

Your Body Is Your ID

Afghanistan on Life Support

Paying for Tax Cuts?

Why Libertarians Oppose War

Globalist Foundation Exploits Angry Child to Blame Adults for Fake Climate Change

Soros insider trading case to be reviewed

Rockefeller Foundation Conceptualized “Anti-Hormone” Vaccine in the 1920s and 30s, Reports Reveals

Eugenicist Holdren Attempts To Re-Brand Discredited Global Warming as “Global Climate Disruption”

Bill Gates Death Panels Tip of Iceberg

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate


*36 PGS/Cloning, Gene Therapy, Human behaviour, Eugenics… Six lectures


Wise Up Journal - » University computer translates brain signals into words - Funded by U.S. Defense *

Pentagon tries to buy entire print run of US spy expose Operation Dark Heart | World news | The Guardian

Mind reading computer unveiled by scientists | Mail Online

What would a computer find inside YOUR mind? | Mail Online

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg under fire for claiming privacy fears are overblown | Mail Online

How the Internet is making us stupid - Telegraph


**Digital Nation/FRONTLINE :PBS Video


091510 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091510 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 15TH H1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 15TH H2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 15TH H3

Paul Drockton Show 9/15

Devvy Kidd Show 9/14

Sept. 15, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 09/15/2010

09/15 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-15, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-14, Tuesday


Voter Crisis Translates To Opportunity For Dems. Will They Take Advantage Of It?

Palin's advice to O'Donnell: 'Speak through Fox News'. Hm. Sounds familiar.

A Bipartisan Look at the Israel Lobby by Philip Giraldi -- Antiwar.com

IAEA resolution on Israel could 'threaten' Mideast peace process: U.S.

UN scientists say ozone layer depletion has stopped

'Halo: Reach' rings up 200 million dollars on first day

‘Mesrine’ Review: Two Parts of Action Packed With Visceral Thrills

Tonight on NBC: Jimmy Smits’ New Show Trashes Conservatives (Naturally, Joe Scarborough Has a Cameo)