"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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15 September 2010

15 Sept'10

Sept 15

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Parts 1-5) -- Signs of the Times News

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 6) : Veterans Today

John McCain – A Closer Look at Evil (Part 7) : Veterans Today

John McCain – A Closer Look at Evil (Part 8) | Criminal State

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 9) | Criminal State

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 10) | Criminal State

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 11) : Veterans Today

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 12) | Criminal State

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 13) | Criminal State

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 14) | Criminal State

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 15) | Criminal State

The Hate Mongers Among Us — First in a 4-part series | Criminal State

The Hate Mongers Among Us – Part 2: Signs of a Rift Between U.S. Politicians and U.S. National Security? | Criminal State

The Hate Mongers Among Us – Part 3: The Use of Pliable and Reliable Assets to Advance a Narrative | Criminal State

The Hate Mongers Among Us – Part 4: Staying on Message to Advance the Narrative | Criminal State

Bizarre Background Of The '911' NY Mosque

PressTV - Analysis: How UK armed Saddam in 80s

Barack Obama in about turn on Afghanistan corruption - Telegraph

Who Owns the Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?

Europa & Palestine News «Kawther Salam

CRA petitions FDA for high fructose corn syrup name change

Were the three Jewish US citizens spying?

Britain under the Swastika: Rare Nazi book detailing German plans to invade Britain is revealed | Mail Online

Kitat Kohenut and the Israeli Police State in Amerikka « Mark Dankof’s America

Lookout! Government peering at you with X-rays on highway

Conspiracy Theory? Zionist Connection to Organized Islamophobia | loonwatch.com

Tony Blair awarded Liberty Medal by Bill Clinton | Mail Online

Four face jail over plot to 'sell virginities' of girls | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Visible Origami: Moonwalking into the Dimensional Shift.

Anti-Establishment Fervor A Hammer Blow To Washington Elite

The Real Story Behind Bill Gates And “Death Panels”

Big Sis To Get Expanded Role In Policing Internet

What If This Were Bush?

Government Using Anti-Terrorism Laws to Crush Dissent

Gold Confiscation – Straws in the Wind

Robert Scheer: 'The Great American Stickup': It Was The Economy, Stupid

On More Stimulus Spending

The Government Can’t Create Jobs

The Developing Diversity Scam

Reid adds controversial immigration measure to defense bill

CNN Poll: Only quarter of public trusts government

Millions of Chinese oppose mass vaccination plan

National measles vaccination plan sparks outcry in China - The Boston Globe

‘US – Israel’s partner in crime, not a referee’

History Channel Documentary: Hitler’s Blood Oath

7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction

Charlie Veitch – Every End is a New Beginning

Carbon offsets: Green project offends Indian farmers who lose land to windmills - CSMonitor.com

Iraq Inquiry: Military had 'no idea' why we were going to war claims Col Tim Collins | Mail Online

Terror Group In Warning To 'Criminal' Bankers - Yahoo! News UK

Currency Intervention, Bitches

Where Are The Jobs?

John Williams Sees The Onset Of Hyperinflation In As Little As 6 To 9 Months As Fed “Tap Dances On A Land Mine”

Will the Basel III Bank Regulations Change Anything?

Three Powerful Trends Will Push Gold Prices To $1600

Bank of America warns of new fees after financial reforms

Obama tax will kill energy jobs--Joseph R. Mason - NYPOST.com

Silence is the Death of Liberty

Poll: Voters Disapprove of How Obama Is Handling Illegal Immigration | CNSnews.com

Tea Party strikes again: Mainstream Republicans lose out in primary battles | Mail Online

Drill Held to Detainee's Head: Ex-CIA Agents Confirm Torture at Polish Black Site - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Senate rejects amendment to strip out IRS reporting requirement in new health care law | Washington Examiner

Google guy "invaded teen users' privacy": David Barksdale - Computerworld Blogs

Now Comes a Topper: Obama's Newest Giveaway to the Banks

National Security Used As Pretext to Confiscate Samples and Notes On Dispersant

Should Science Take Sides In The Gulf? : NPR

Yen hits 15-year high vs dollar - Yahoo! News UK

Tightened muzzle on scientists is 'Orwellian'

Veterans Agency Made Secret Deal Over Benefits - Bloomberg

FOXNews.com - UPDATE: New Drug-Resistant Superbugs Found in 3 States

No, you don't own it: Court upholds EULAs, threatens digital resale

Anti-Establishment Fervor A Hammer Blow To Washington Elite

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente on Dan Diorio 14 Sept 2010

YouTube - 9-11 WTC Attacks Original Sound. Steve Vigilante

9/11 Was An Inside Job, Who Did It and How? :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : James David Manning Officially Joining the 911 Truth Movement

Nixon plot against newspaper columnist detailed - Politics - msnbc.com

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Bill O'Reilly: NYC Mosque Imam Associated With 9/11 Truth

'Goldman Conspiracy' helps China defeat U.S. - BlackListed News

IMF fears 'social explosion' from world jobs crisis - Telegraph

[redacted] news: Untangling the Bizarre CIA Links to the Ground Zero Mosque

YouTube - LEONARD COHEN - Don't Go Home With Your Hard-on

09-14-2010: Tightened muzzle on scientists is 'Orwellian'

09-14-2010: How UK armed Saddam in 80s

09-14-2010: Senate rejects amendment to strip out IRS reporting requirement in new health care law

09-14-2010: Expanding U.S.-Canada Security and Economic Partnership

09-14-2010: The Warped Mission Of America's Military - Out Terrorize The Terrorists

Yatom: Only attack will stop Iran


video:Eye to Eye


Jpost - Clinton: 'This is the time, and these are the leaders'

Power Struggle in Egypt: ElBaradei's Boycott Call Could Erode Mubarak's Legitimacy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

U.S. drilling ban unlikely to be extended: official | Reuters

Justice Department 'expects it may' sue BP - CNN.com

The Global Economy 'Still Has Deep-Seated Structural Problems'

FOXNews.com - U.S. Unleashes Record Number of Airstrikes in Pakistan, Killing Dozens

Jerusalem Watchman » Clinton: Israel to blame if talks collapse

BBC News - History of failed peace talks

YouTube - Marc Morano: Carbon Taxing Your Family into Non-Existence - The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Marc Morano: Carbon Taxing Your Family into Non-Existence - The Alex Jones Show 2/2

The George W. Bush Memoir: Now Here’s a Book I Might Consider Burning « Revolt of the Plebs

**Video: What Really Happened Show with Michael Rivero 9-14-10

How Corporations Own the US Congress

Government Report on Drugging of Detainees Is Suppressed

Adults as young as 25 could be screened for dementia - Telegraph

Real IRA says it will target UK bankers | UK news | The Guardian

Climategate whitewashers squirm like maggots on Bishop Hill's pin – Telegraph Blogs

National Security Used As Pretext to Confiscate Samples and Notes On Dispersant, Homeland Security Works For BP? :

Video: Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan – “I am A 9/11 Truther”

Video: Soros Front Group Exploits Teenage Celebrity to Get Out Vote for War Party

9/11 Truth and America's "Global War on Terrorism": The Pretext to Wage War is Totally Fabricated

*7 Part Video: The Awakening – Max Igan

*3 Part Video: Ex-FBI Agent Don Adams – Bombshell Account of JFK’s Last Days and Why He was Killed

The Ugly truth of trying to be Beautiful | Before It's News

PopSci Investigation: What Kind Of Top-Secret Assassination Tech Does $58 Billion Buy? | Popular Science

Review & Outlook: The 1099 Insurrection - WSJ.com

Obama Declares Another National Emergency When None Exists | Dissident Voice

Texas for Sarah Palin: Scarborough 'Blames' Sarah Palin For O'Donnell Win

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid. Not all conspiracies are theories… | Dailycensored.com

Activist Post: Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brother' Health Bureaucracy

Debbie Schlussel:Tim Gunn & the Diarrhea of TMI

Debbie Schlussel:Pete Rose, 25 Years Later: In or Out of Hall?

Debbie Schlussel:Blockade?: Israel, US Helped Gaza Economy Grow 16% in First Half of ’10; “West Bank,” Too

Debbie Schlussel:Questions About Released Far-Left Activist “Hiker” Sarah Shourd

Debbie Schlussel:Chick Nation – Men Under Attack: Women Now Dominate Amateur Sports

Apology or not, Pete Rose still longshot for Baseball Hall of Fame | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

Recount NY Governor’s Race: Blame the New Machines

MERS, the Hidden Link of the Housing Crisis.

Citizen, Unleashed

General Petraeus' Mistake

November Is Just the Beginning

Reaping the Whirlwind

Retirement Fund Trillions Lure Government Grabbers

Pax Americana (1949-2010)

Media's Self-Defeating Attacks on Palin

Thomas Jefferson was a Shriner?

China vs. UN goals in Africa

Gold and the Obama Administration

Will GOP Victories Save Obama?

The 'cybersecurity bill' is back

Oprah's 'Down Under' surprise

Sloppy Democrats in New Mexico

Major announcement today from Democrats

Jonah Goldberg on last night's primary results

GOP Leadership Betrayed by the Base?

Reid adds DREAM act rider to defense policy bill

Delaware Crosses the Washington

The Gospel of Obama

Islam and the American Public

What D'Souza Doesn't Get Quite Right

Obama, the Academic Zombie

Genuine Institutionalized Racism

What's the Matter With Islam?

Warmist Slander of Scientific Skeptics

YouTube - Christine O'Donnell's 90's MTV Anti-Masturbation Campaign

Christine O’Donnell Wins Delaware GOP Bid For U.S. Senate

Guy Who Burned Quran Near Ground Zero On 9/11 Fired From Transit Job

Christine O'Donnell's 1996 Anti-Masturbation Campaign On MTV's 'Sex In The 90s'

Former Giuliani Staffer Thinks We Need to Tone Down Partisan Rhetoric Over Islamic Center

After Winning For 30 Years, Republicans Are Suddenly Concerned About America's Class Warfare

The "tax and spend Dems" GOP loves to bash just reduced the deficit by 13%

Attacks on Markos' new book are silly

Big Shocker: White Male Republicans Dominate Sunday Shows

Elizabeth Warren: Rumors indicate an interim appointment to CFPB Director slot

Ed Schultz Reminds Brian Kilmeade That Most Americans Don't Make Anywhere Near $250K a Year

Dick Armey Tells Those Trusting Teabaggers He Wants To Use Them To Push Legislation

Progressives Fight Back With $100,000 Bounty on Karl Rove's Dirty Tricks

Stewart slams conservatives for hypocrisy on imam's 'threats'

Michele Bachmann: Lawmaker, Lawbreaker

Republican Operative Castellanos Pretends That Astroturf Tea Party Somehow Equates to Left Wing Blogs

Ex-Florida GOP Chair Greer says: 'Many within the GOP have racist views"

Left jab of the day by Blue America and Americans for America: Alaska's Craziest Catch-Joe Miller

Howard Dean Urges Progressives: 'Get Mad after Nov. 5th'


*audio:Savage interviews psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin






Special Needs: Ofsted Says Half Of Children Identified With Special Needs Are Wrongly Diagnosed | UK News | Sky News

Obama pushes kids to work hard in back-to-school speech - CNN.com

Obama-tied group: Mosque opponents 'intolerant'

Justice Stephen Breyer: Is Burning Koran 'Shouting Fire In A Crowded Theater?' - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

President Obama seeks his inner Bill Clinton and feels voters' pain - TheHill.com

Ayatollah Speaks of Plot to Abuse Koran - NYTimes.com

'Don't ask, don't tell' policy facing a Senate vote next week - Federal Eye -

TBO.com - News From AP

Revealed: Obama hired media expert to monitor 'negative' coverage of BP oil spill | Mail Online

New Jersey town files lawsuit against New York mosque imam - NYPOST.com

Left-Wing Terrorism Surges In Europe, As Governments Dismantle Social Safety Net

Townhall - Gangster Government Stifles Criticism of Obamacare

Bulletproof-vest mogul David Brooks found guilty of all 17 counts - NYPOST.com

First lady asks restaurants to do more to prevent obesity | Washington Examiner

Connecticut jury sees video of murder victim Jennifer Hawke-Petit withdrawing ransom money at bank - NYPOST.com

Local butcher describes different cuts of meat on Lady Gaga's VMA dress - NYPOST.com

The Fix - Christine O'Donnell upsets Mike Castle in Delaware Senate primary

One nation under revolt | Washington Examiner

Christine O'Donnell on Rove's 'Un-factual' Remarks and 'Republican Cannibalism' - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

Rangel Easily Defeats Five Primary Rivals - NYTimes.com

D.C. voters oust Mayor Fenty - wtop.com

Bill Clinton: New-look GOP makes Bush look liberal - Yahoo! News

RealClearPolitics - The Crash, Obama and the Disappearing Dem Majority

Reuters AlertNet - Zawahri criticises Pakistani govt in al Qaeda tape

Police continue to harass citizens who record them | Washington Examiner

Lawsuit planned after protesters put on terror list - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Argentina sells DNA as world demands more beef - Yahoo! News

Gun turned up after hands went up and pants fell down | StarTribune.com

US women more likely to accept climate science than men, study finds | Leo Hickman | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Chinese think tank warns US it will emerge as loser in trade war - Telegraph

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Reid adds controversial immigration measure to defense bill « - Blogs from CNN.com

Retirement on Hold: American Workers $6 Trillion Short - CNBC

Drive-Through Tax Proposed for Road Money

Showdown | NBC Chicago

YORK COUNTY | Rock Hill to cut off water despite residents' pleas | The Herald - Rock Hill, SC

Feds target 60 hunters in Kansas hunting probe - Yahoo! Sports

TSA Screener Cited "Torture" In Scanner Case | The Smoking Gun

Pot Flavored Ice Cream Anyone? | NBC Bay Area

Are poll workers being used to inflate employment totals? - NYPOST.com

Combat mission continues as U.S.-Iraqi raid kills 7 in Fallujah | McClatchy

The Associated Press: States cutting benefits for public-sector retirees

Marcos Cuevas, sicko charged with raping 75-year-old woman, begged God for forgiveness during crime

Police: Shocking Abuse of 91-Year-Old Caught on Video

Garbage truck cameras give new meaning to trash TV

Exclusive: Gen. David Petraeus Discusses War on Afghanistan, Koran Burning, U.S. Troops Drawdown, Karzai - ABC News

FT.com / Europe - Moscow mayor sues state-owned media

NBA star Shaquille O'Neal sued for computer hacking, framing former employee

Popularity can come at a price: getting flu first | Reuters

Sailor Sold Gear on eBay: Feds | NBC San Diego

Burial at sea fails when body surfaces off Fort Lauderdale

IHOP (the pancake-maker) sues IHOP (the prayer center) over trademark - KansasCity.com

flashback:Newstalgia Reference Room - A Portrait Of Orville Faubus - 1957 | Newstalgia

RealClearPolitics - O'Donnell Wins, Bad Blood Simmers in DE GOP

RealClearPolitics - What Last Night's Primaries Told Us

RealClearPolitics - California Senate Race Tops EMILY's List's Radar

O'Donnell says she can win without national GOP support - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

ObamaCare’s Threat to Free Speech | Cato @ Liberty

The Global Warming Establishment Needs More than Cosmetic Fixes - Shikha Dalmia - Uncommon Sense - Forbes

Making it about Boehner | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Campaign 2010: How George Bush Is Helping GOPers

How Obama Gets Our First Principles Wrong - Article - National Review Online

Pelosi: Democrats 'absolutely' will retain the House in 2010 - TheHill.com

Small biz bill breaks through Senate - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Sep 15, 2010 - House Dems deeply divided over Obama tax cut plan

Cybersquatters Muddy Political Waters - NYTimes.com

Review & Outlook: Senate Tax Showdown - WSJ.com

Bush tax cuts: Democrats vs. Republicans - latimes.com

Polarizer In Chief - IBD - Investors.com

G.O.P. Insurgents Win in Del. and N.Y. - NYTimes.com

Now the Tea Party has really done it - 2010 Elections News | Midterm Elections: Senators, Governors - Salon.com

Rogue States - Reason Magazine

Under the tax cut microscope - The Boston Globe

Obama’s Washington Animal Farm - Article - National Review Online

The Least We Can Do - Magazine - The Atlantic

Op-Ed Columnist - Who’s the Con Man? - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - An Unusual Legal Case in Israel

Lessons of the Koran’s non-burning - The Boston Globe

RealClearPolitics - The Stakes in Venezuela's Vote

WOOLSEY & MCCARTHY & SOYSTER: Second opinion needed on Shariah - Washington Times


**14th/Transcripts:September 14 State Department Briefing

+ 13th/Middle East Briefing with Secretary Clinton

Geithner's Remarks to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus

Interview with Former British PM Tony Blair

Interview with David Plouffe

Interview with Rep. Darrell Issa

Interview with Senate Candidate Marco Rubio

Panel on the Tax Cut Battle

Reporters on the Anniversary of the Wall St. Panic

Sunday - 12th/Interview with Secretary Napolitano & Leader Hoyer

Guests: Minority Leader Boehner & Rep. Ellison (PDF)

Guests: David Axelrod & Rudy Giuliani

Interview with Austan Goolsbe

Guests: Austan Goolsbee & Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

*Site:The Solari Report


**15th/Politics Video:Krauthammer: Dems Have No Intention To Vote For Tax Increases

Olbermann: Another GOP Whistleblower Shows Support For Obama

O'Reilly: Say Goodbye To Proposed Ground Zero Mosque

Maddow Uses Vintage Footage Of O'Donnell Discussing Masturbation

Rove: O'Donnell Win More About Castle Than Her

+ 14th/MA-Gov: Patrick Ad: "We Want To Keep Moving Forward"

SD-AL: Noem Ad: "Give South Dakota A Voice Again"

GA-Gov: Deal Ad: "He'll Get It Right The First Time"

Reid Snaps At Reporter When Asked About Poll Numbers

O'Donnell Victory Speech: "No More Politics As Usual"

Reid Adds "Path To Citizenship" For Illegals To Defense Bill

MD-Gov: Ehrlich: "Tonight, The People Spoke"

Rangel: "President Obama Needs People Like Me"

Ellsberg: Release Wikileaker Pfc. Bradley Manning

MSNBC: O'Donnell Win Product Of Angry Hillary Voters

GOP "Young Guns" Explain Platform

CA-8: John Dennis On Pelosi "Wicked Witch" Ad

Obama's Back To School Speech: We Must Help Others Achieve Their Dreams

RCP's Tom Bevan: O'Donnell Took The "Wave To Victory"

WH's Bernstein: Millionaires "Don't Need The Extra Cash"

Dem Van Hollen: "I Have No Intention Of Wanting To Be Speaker"

Rep. Pence: GOP United Against Obama

Krauthammer: Palin Endorsement Of O'Donnell Is "Disruptive And Capricious"

Justice Breyer: First Amendment Probably Doesn't Protect Burning The Koran

Florida Challenging Health Care Reform In Court

O'Reilly: Evidence Imam Associated With Radical Muslim

CA-Gov: Jerry Brown Casts Whitman As Pinocchio

Krauthammer: "Have To Vote Yes" On Middle Class Tax Cuts

ME-Gov: GOP Candidate Paul LePage Swears At Reporter

Ed Schultz: Real Threat Is From Christian Fundamentalists

Matthews: Boehner Faces Scrutiny Over Smoking

Maddow: GOP Stands Up For More Money For Rich People

DNC Ad: "Boehner Land"


**15th/Markets Video:Japan Intervenes in Currency Markets

Should Lehman Brothers Have Been Saved?

BOJ's Intervention Won't Work For Long

Intel CEO: 'A Very Good Year for Us'

3 Stocks to Set Your 'Site' On

14th/Cramer: Four Bullish Signs

Pernod Ricard CEO: We See Recovery

Treasury Yields: Back to the Future?

Is It Time to Dump the Penny?

How Malkiel Diversifies In China

**15th/World Video:Belgium's Inflated Festival

Secret Of World War II Agent

Sarah Shourd Freed, Arrives In Oman

Will Iran Try Other U.S. Prisoners?

The Battle for Afghanistan

Bomb Alert At Eiffel Tower

OPEC Comfortable With Oil Price

Man Medivaced From Antarctica

Floods Threaten The Taj Mahal

Pre-Viking Find In Norway Mountains

+14th/Japan's Big Corporate Failure

Is Tel Aviv The New Miami?

The U.S. and Iraq

Clinton in Egypt Ahead of Peace Talks

EU Growth Forecast Revised Upward

EU Contemplates Legal Action Against France

Pope Prepares to Visit Britain

U.S. Hiker Could Be Freed From Iran

Taiwan Protesters Burn Japanese Flag

Passengers Survive Venezuela Plane Crash

India's Self-employed Face Grim Pension Future


Israel's ambassador to the U.S.: Why Israelis care about peace - latimes.com

Middle East peace talks: four reasons not to be cynical - CSMonitor.com

Op-Ed Contributor - In Mexico, a War Every Century - NYTimes.com

Out of Iran, but Not Yet Home Free - Newsweek

The Pope deserves better from Britain - Telegraph

Pope Benedict's real agenda | John Hooper | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Why a US-Vietnam Nuclear Deal? | The Diplomat

Marc A. Thiessen - How will al-Qaeda mark the 10th anniversary of 9/11?

Does India Want Stable Pakistan? | The Diplomat

Third world America - World - Macleans.ca

11 Famous Financials to Sell - TheStreet

There's Nothing Good About the 'Common Good' - Investing - Economy - SmartMoney.com

Obama’s Insults Mask Fear of Boehner: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg

Reagan, Obama, Summers All Wrong on Tax Credit: Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Orszag Is Half Right On the Fiscal Gap

Microsoft's Plan to Sell Bonds to Pay Dividends Addresses Need for Yield - Barrons.com

Even money | Features | Fund Strategy

Why Carry a Gun

Gerald Celente's New Food Supply Warnings on Off the Grid News

Why Libertarians Oppose War by Jacob H. Huebert

Swiss Institutions Ask: Where’s the Gold? by Ron Holland

Gold Confiscation: Straws in the Wind by David Galland

Another Kind of Liberalism by Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Never Before Seen Banking Phenomena by Richard Daughty

Going Out With a Bang: Americans Using Credit Cards They Can’t Pay Back by Mac Slavo


**Audio:Lew Rockwell Show w/ Gary North: Overthrow the Universities (and the Public Schools, too)


Armageddon or Peace?

Our Massive Debt Is a Threat to National Security—or, How the End May Come

Wapo: Big Terrorist Attack Coming?

Justice Stephen Breyer: Koran Burning May Not Be Protected Under the First Amendment

Carving a Swastika into the Forehead of Free Speech

Hacked: Radical Muslim Goes After Rifqa’s Attorney

Geert Wilders: ‘It’s like being caught in a bad B-movie’

Americans Say Iraq Better Off Now than Before War

What if Reverend Terry Jones Called Koran Burning ‘Art’?

9/11, a 2061 Memorial

What America Is Fighting Against

What If Obama’s Wrong?

Obama’s On-Again, Off-Limits-Again Personal Biography

On ‘Hallowed Ground,’ and Imam Rauf’s Misunderstanding of It

‘Do We Cower in the Face of Terror? Or Do We Lead in the Face of Terror?’

Calling All Readers — Dennis Miller Needs You!

New York Times to America: We’re Going To Make One Of These Tea Party Memes Stick, Even If It Kills Us

NewsBusted: How Did Liberals Refer to the 9/11 Anniversary?

Morning-After Thread: Doofus MSM Surprised by Tea Party Yet Again

Kicking the Status Quo to the Curb — No More Beltway Bozos

In Wake of Primaries, Clueless MSM Suffering from Shock and Awe

Want to Put Your House Up For Sale? Better Ask the Government First

DNC Plans ‘Major’ Announcement on the ‘Future of the Democratic Party’

The FCC’s ‘Third Way’ Internet Land Grab is Hardly a ‘Moderate’ Solution

American Rancher X – Part 1

How Prostitution Killed the Constitution

Jan 2011 Agenda: Progressive Corporate Taxes

Hey GOP: Lead. Follow. Or Get Out of the Way

Interview: Actor/Director D.B. Sweeney On His New Film & Support of Troops

Calling All Readers — Dennis Miller Needs You!

Christine O’Donnell Opposes Porn, MSM Screams Extreme

‘Two Tickets to Paradise’ Review: D.B. Sweeney Makes A Movie For ‘Guys Like Us’

Sarah Palin: The Perfect Feminist

‘Running’ Review: RealNetwork Political Reality Show an Addictive, Heartfelt Winner

Feds probe time it took to shut down gas pipe

Tea party celebration: O'Donnell wins Delaware

Special Report: Has Roche got the right medicine?

Chase online banking service still having problems

BP's Hayward defends company's safety record

CDC: One-third of sex ed omits birth control

US Republicans see Senate takeover hopes dim

House Dems deeply divided over Obama tax plan

U.S. industry, lawmakers urge action on China's yuan

Gastric band patient to sue NHS

Muslims still protesting against Koran burning in US

Union warns of jobs 'massacre' across transport in capital

Survey: Obama still has plenty of fans in Europe

In pictures: Pope Benedict XVI

Fears for missing 14-year-old

Jury out in millionaire's ex-wife shooting trial

US stocks lower on manufacturing data

Tokyo stocks boosted by yen intervention

Clint Eastwood to Receive Museum of Tolerance Award | TheWrap.com

The New York Times - The Hollywood Reporter To Get Overhauled - Contactmusic News

Barbra Streisand: Stop. Think. Breathe.

Bill Maher gets Hollywood Walk of Fame star

Spare Parts - Reason Magazine

Ads Try to Build Support for Gay Marriage - NYTimes.com

Grading the Networks on Their New Fall Slates | TheWrap.com

Lady Gaga and Harry Reid Discuss Repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' on Twitter | NewsBusters.org

The 2010 Results Maps - POLITICO.com

Tea party favorite O'Donnell wins in Delaware

The Plum Line - "The Obama tax cuts for the middle class"

ObamaCare’s Threat to Free Speech | Cato @ Liberty

Union boss Richard Trumka to accuse Republicans, businesses and insurers of ‘economic treason’ | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Democrats Use Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ Tickets to Raise Money

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Reid adds controversial immigration measure to defense bill « - Blogs from CNN.com

Public Policy Polling: ACORN!

EDITORIAL: Black Panther case roars back - Washington Times

Blagojevich asks judge to nullify conviction

First Lady Calls for Kids’ Menus With Healthy Choices; Says French Fries Should Be Special ‘Request’ | CNSnews.com

Commentary » Blog Archive » O’Donnell’s Victory and What It Means

After Delaware Race Called, Rove Continues To Rip O'Donnell | NewsBusters.org

Why SEO and audience tracking won’t kill journalism as we know it » Nieman Journalism Lab

Poynter Online - Romenesko

Liberal despair: Age of irrationality - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Obama's Book for Kids, 'Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters,' Due in November

Napolitano: Border "As Secure As It Has Ever Been" | Judicial Watch

TV correspondent Edwin Newman dies


**News Video:Obama’s Safe School Czar: Gay Issues in Curriculum is ‘Ultimate Goal’

Rangel: Obama Needs People Like Me

A Message for Keith Olbermann from Kelsey Grammer

Rove Privately Asked DE Tea Party to Back Castle

Christine O’Donnell Victory Message: ‘We’re In This To Win Big’

Palin Effect? O’Donnell, Tea Party Win in Delaware

French Senate Bans Wearing of Muslim Veil

500,000 Cubans Booted Off Government Payroll

Shock Video: 91-Year-Old Mother Slapped, Shoved by Caregiver

MSNBC’s Matthews Re-Writes History, Says Arlen Specter Was ‘Forced to Quit’ Republican Party

CNN Helps Dems Attack Boehner

Late Night Conservative Talk – Broadcasting From a Hollywood Bar

Cafferty: House Dems are Disgraceful Cowards

Dennis Miller’s Time Capsule Holds the Left Accountable for Their Outlandish Predictions

MSNBC Host Gives Platform to Anti-Christian Zealot on Eve of 9/11; Christian Fundamentalists are the Real Threat

Bill Maher Slams Religion and Palin; Tea Parties are ‘Nativist Bedwetters’ Who Fear Obama’s ‘Negro Army’

Taiwan Protesters Burn Japanese Flag, Throw Fish at Police

Underwear Bomber Ready to Plead

Woody Allen Comes Clean on Carla Bruni Rumors

BP Oil Found at Bottom of Gulf

Krauthammer: Voting for O’Donnell is ‘Self-Indulgent and Irresponsible’

La Rouche Supporters Infiltrate Tea Party Event with Obama/Hitler Signs

Report: Imam Linked With Truther

Napolitano Urges Latinos to Get Out the Vote

Imam: Mosque Location Not ‘Hallowed Ground’

Mosque Move? Imam Says ‘Everything is on the Table’

The Stage Right Show – Late Night Conservative Talk

MSNBC’s Matthews Scolds His Guest for Chuckling Too Much

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate

Obama: We Knew Health Costs Would Go Up


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'They are literally gutting Medicare'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Senate Democrats protect Obamacare

WND.com - Video - God is in no way 'tolerant'

Bertone Alfa Romeo Pandion Concept Car In The Flesh

Sheyla Hershey Has World's Largest Breast Implants Removed

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Tax cuts for all

Lookout! Government peering at you with X-rays on highway

U.S. soldiers to be subjected to 'mind control'

WRAPUP 3-U.S. Senate Republicans firm on tax cuts for rich | Reuters

New weapon to survive everything bad: NRA's top gun

FOXNews.com - U.S. Border Patrol Agents in 'Firefight' With Mexican Gang

Justice IG probing Black Panther case - Washington Times

New Children’s Book Coming from President Obama - Political Punch

Justin Bieber 'takes up three per cent' of Twitter - Telegraph

Going the Distance | Justin Long's Porn Career Hopes

Bob Marley family loses case over hit records | Reuters

Conventions: Another day at the office for celebs - CNN.com

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Pop star was a washer-up in takeaway

French claim to 'greatest lovers' dealt blow - Telegraph

Hopeless romantics yearn for soul mates - Washington Times

Spectacular Northern Lights display pictured after violent space storm - Telegraph

Universal Orlando adjusts Harry Potter ride to accommodate larger guests

BBC News - Swindon farmer uses bras to support farm's melons

Miss Universe a world of bitchiness | Herald Sun

Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2010: recent entries, 3 September 2010 - Telegraph

Great Wall China | World's most stunning structures | News.com.au

Animal pictures of the week: September 3 2010 - Telegraph

Ugly animals | Ugliest animals | News.com.au

Anna Chapman's former lovers still long for the Russian spy's touch - NYPOST.com

A 'WHITE wizard' who sends waves of joy to commuters across Torbay has attracted a massive following on internet site Facebook.

Message in the turf: Will you marry me? - The Morning Sun News: Serving Clare, Gratiot and Isabella counties

New Resident Evil sequel rules world box office | Reuters

Hanging around: Chilean illusionists stage amazing LEVITATION for 200 minutes | Mail Online

Armenia Produces World's Biggest Chocolate Bar : NPR

Being lonely 'can kill you', research shows - Telegraph

911 calls: Non-emergency calls to 911 can lead to arrests - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Tancredo gets good news in polls, court - Washington Times

One nation under revolt | Washington Examiner

Social conservatives stay in fray - Washington Times

Florida Gov. Crist shifts support on gay rights issues | McClatchy

Builders plan to boycott construction of mosque

Feisal Abdul Rauf, religious leader behind proposed Ground Zero mosque, is hit with building-code lawsuit in Jersey - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - Sears Yanks Shirts Showing Picture of Twin Towers With Word 'Gotcha'

Shariah a danger to U.S., security pros say - Washington Times

The Ground Zero mosque project is more in line with a rabat, which is built for Muslim raiders - NYPOST.com

Ohio Town Won't Allow Tea Party to Celebrate U.S. Constitution in Town Square | CNSnews.com

Survey: Cost of health insurance claims to rise

The Associated Press: Senate fails to cut tax provision in health law

'Birther in chief' invited to dinner by Harry Reid

Where is truth?

Enough's enough: Obama has conceded ineligibility

Cornyn embraces O'Donnell - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Paladino Stuns N.Y. G.O.P. With Victory - NYTimes.com

Rangel Wins New York Democratic Primary; DioGuardi Wins Senate Nomination - Bloomberg


*American Minute for September 15th:William J Federer's American Minute


WND.com - Video - God is funny

Harry Reid in the arena - TheHill.com

Suits could be stake in heart of Obamacare | health, obamacare, government - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Israel to extend freeze of Jewish construction

Obama-tied group: Mosque opponents 'intolerant'

Builders plan to boycott construction of mosque

'Birther in chief' invited to dinner by Harry Reid

Jihad ban on killing elderly, children 'doesn't apply to Israel'

Report: Abortionist tried to remove woman's bowel

With presidential drones, who needs judges?

Money is not what schools need

Bad idea: Common core standards for public schools

Liberal crackup

GOP establishment vs. tea party on abortion

Leave the messaging up to God

Why burning a Quran is a terrible idea

Good imam/bad imam

Romania Fortune Teller Tax Dropped Because Politicians Fear They Will Be Cursed | Strange News | Sky News

Under new California law, residents will get extra taxes refunded - CNN.com

Law on fashion knockoffs not needed say experts | Reuters

Congress set to turn up heat on China over yuan | Reuters

People should fear liberals offering help

Police evacuate parts of Capitol - Yahoo! News

As Obama's popularity drops, so do sales of his merchandise

Carolina Beach restaurant Olde Salty not anti-children, just pro-courtesy | StarNewsOnline.com

Before You Take an Assistant Job, Read This: An Interview with Lilit Marcus - Careers Articles

Why free trade doesn't work for America

Why Didn't I Think of That? SwitchFlops, the $30 Million School Project - AOL Small Business

'Tax junk food and booze to save lives' | News.com.au

YouTube tests new live streaming video platform

Democrats challenge Nancy Pelosi on taxes - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Senate Republicans firm on tax cuts for rich | Reuters

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Shopper, 64, told to prove he’s 18

Lily Allen fritters fortune away

Couple spend $25,000 to save family cat | News.com.au

Lesbians flock to Greek island of Lesbos for festival - Telegraph

Dakota Fanning revelling in cocaine and lesbian kisses as rock's Queen of Noise | Mail Online

Suicidal man saved after nodding off

Driver attacks Coast mum in labour Local Gold Coast News | goldcoast.com.au | Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Repressed boy freed after child-sex acts | News.com.au

'Lazarus' toddler whose heart stopped for an hour amazes medics by making full recovery | Mail Online

Australian scientists find bats have regional accents | Reuters

FOXNews.com - Parents Sue Catholic School for Denying Admission to Their Unvaccinated Son

School tells all parents their kids are absent | The Columbus Dispatch

Want to live longer? Get a grip! | Reuters

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: People who walk fast likely to live longer

Fewer than half of U.S. moms breastfeed enough: CDC | Reuters

Swimming Pool Chemicals May Carry Cancer Risk

Margery Booth: British opera singer turned spy who performed for Hitler | Mail Online

Anger over Nazi-named hiking paths - General News - Austrian Independent Online News - English Newspaper

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Toast is the smell we love best

Mayor David Dinkins tells voters: Hispanic candidate 'looks more like us' - NYPOST.com

How the internet makes us stupid

Belgian jail tells barrister 'babes' to remove their bras - Telegraph

WTO Criticizes Boeing Payments From NASA, Dept Of Defense-Source - WSJ.com

New ruling on claims for spill damage

Turkey and cacao genomes sequenced - Science Fair: Science and Space News - USATODAY.com

Sweet victory: DNA of chocolate in reach

Gov't say banks should share Fannie, Freddie costs - Forbes.com

MasterCard's Billion-Dollar Buyback Juices Stock - Forbes.com

Twitter.com redesign mirrors useful parts of iPad client

Google planning to ape Facebook for "Google Me" social network

Study finds 35 percent of US adults have apps on their phones | Phones | MacUser | Macworld

Ovi maps out Google competitor • The Register

Study: Women more likely to accept climate science than men - Green House - USATODAY.com

AppleInsider | Apple rumored to announce newspaper subscription plan for iPad

Facebook, Microsoft in talks to deepen search ties | Digital Media - CNET News

Master Key Protecting Blu-ray Movies May Have Leaked | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Industry Report Finds 30,000 New Jobs Added in 2010 - IT Management from eWeek

Pregnancy Related Deaths Drop 34% Globally, But Still 1000 Women Die Each Day

Corn Industry Wants to Make Corn Syrup Sound a Little Sweeter - DailyFinance

A first step in health-care suit

Autistic Children Don't Respond to Contagious Yawning - ABC News

America's 'Hotbeds of Sex' Survey Rates Austin, Texas, First and Portland, Maine, Last - ABC News

foodconsumer.org - Negativity Linked to Heart Ailments

First genetically modified salmon sparks FDA debate - USATODAY.com

FOXNews.com - 9th Infant in California Dies From Whooping Cough

Notions of Personal 'Sacrifice' Help Docs Take Gifts From Industry









John Mayer Left Twitter: Where Does His Account Go Now? - TIME NewsFeed

Designers show versatility in styles at Fashion Week | cleveland.com

DOT to propose plan to improve pipeline safety | Reuters

Obama's policies remain popular in Europe -- some more than others - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Sharron Angle: Harry Reid is "the Best Friend an Illegal Alien Ever Had" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Charlie Rangel, Carolyn Maloney Prevail in New York House Races - US News and World Report

Officers rally against police supt., manpower shortage :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Gibbs: Consumer Protection Bureau Nominee Could Come This Week - WSJ.com

Ethics officials seek restrictions on free tickets - BusinessWeek

Report: Famed Civil Rights Photographer Ernest Withers Spied for FBI - TIME NewsFeed

Tennessee gubernatorial candidates spar over Pilot - BusinessWeek

The Associated Press: Coal miners rally against Obama administration

Dallas-area students react to Obama speech | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

YouTube - Obama back-to-school speech

Republican primaries: Conservatives win upsets in primaries - WDAF

YouTube - Paladino takes on Cuomo for governor

Obama To Make Statement On Economy, Taxes Wednesday - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - Republican Leaders Pledge Support for O'Donnell After Infighting

YouTube - Big Night for Tea Party in Primaries

Mystery Surrounds Decapitated Body | NBC Chicago

Police Identify Evanston Man Decapitated By Bomb, Nearby School Closed - MyStateLine.com

Old Chicago Main Post office will soon be paying taxes :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business

'Patron saint' of drug traffickers didn't protect 2 from arrest :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

The President's Forum With Young African Leaders

Michael Auslin: Tokyo's Relationship Anxiety - WSJ.com

Latest drone strikes in northwest Pakistan kill 15 - CNN.com

American team helping to free Chilean miners - CNN.com

YouTube - Ray of hope for Chile miners

The Associated Press: Police: Eiffel Tower bomb threat was false alarm

YouTube - Raw Video: Eiffel Tower Emptied After Bomb Scare

Contentious veil ban sails through French Senate

American Hiker Sarah Shourd, Freed From Iran, to Receive Medical Exam - ABC News

What Ails North Korea's Kim Jong Il - ABC News

The Associated Press: Nigeria's leader declares election bid on Facebook

Japan-China trawler row deepens - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Musharraf Claims Support for a Comeback - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Musharraf vows to return to Pakistan

Kabul protest over canceled Koran burning in U.S. turns violent

France hits back at Roma criticism - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Pope's visit: aide steps aside after comparing Britain to 'third world' | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Catholic Church 'a safe place for children'

YouTube - The 'Unholy Alliance' Against War

YouTube - Jockey Jack

YouTube - SA@TAC - Government Intervention, Left and Right

YouTube - Stimulus #2: A Bailout for the Public Sector?

Who Will Lose In November?

Gold and Silver Explode as Banksters Abandon Market Manipulation

Gold Rising, Silver Ready To Take Off?

Bill Gates: Death Panel Advocate

The Biocratic Utopians Part I: Prussian Grenadiers


Sept. 14, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Sep-14, Tuesday

The Michael Savage Show 09/14/2010

09/14 The Mark Levin Show

Paul Drockton Show 9/14

Devvy Kidd Show 9/14

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 14th h1

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 14th h2

The G. Gordon Liddy Show 14th h3

091410 1 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

091410 2 Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast


Secretive Executive Order Establishes 'Big Brother' Health Bureaucracy

Real IRA Says it Will Target UK Bankers

Obama the Neoconservative

Herbal Supplements Face New Scrutiny

Hate Crime Hypocrisy | FrontPage Magazine

Debbie Schlussel:The End of Free Speech . . . When It’s About Islam, Supreme Justice & Govt Agency Say

BP could kill Gulf well in four days: U.S.

BP's Hayward defends safety record to UK lawmakers

Coal miners rally against Obama administration

O’Donnell Wins in Delaware, Is The Senate Lost For Republicans? No, No, No, and NO!

CNN Misses Primary Boat, Sails On With King & Maher

Chris Hayes: Boehner's Support for Middle Class Tax Cuts Just to Give Republicans in House Cover

Ah, the schadenfreude: There's nothing quite like watching Republicans and Tea Partiers rip each other up

*4 Part Video: Civil Rights Icon Dick Gregory: The Social Engineers are Here to Divide and Conquer Us

*3 Part Video: Life is A Test, What Side Will You Choose? – The Alex Jones Show

Bombshell from London

One in Every Six Iraqis is an Orphan

Ex-CIA Agents Confirm Torture at Polish Black Site

US Soldier Committed Suicide Rather Than Take Part in Torture

IMF Fears 'Social Explosion' From World Jobs Crisis

U.S. military report: Taliban uses youths in Afghan fight:

Clinton: Israel must extend (illegal) settlement freeze for peace talks to succeed:

US-Saudi arms deal aimed at Iran,

Ralph Nader: Doomsday for Democrats?

US Transfer of Iraqi Prisoners: An Ongoing War Crime

The Al Qaeda threat is "exaggerated": 120,000 US Troops fighting "No More that 50 Members of Al Qaeda"

Follow the Dirty Money

The questions of 9/11 are still unanswered

One in seven Americans now living in poverty

Evidence Mounts of BP Spraying Toxic Dispersants

Breaking Down Obama's Idiotic Back to School Speech

4 Reasons to Change the Way We View Education

The Non-Mystery of the Bed Bug Epidemic

9/11's (Jumped the) Shark Week

Cuba to cut one million public sector jobs, allow private jobs

The public hates almost everything Congress has done

'Goldman Conspiracy' helps China beat U.S. Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Why governments love inflation and you should love gold - MoneyWeek

Many hopeful about Russian scientist’s anti-aging drug - RT Top Stories

Pentagon Plots Insta-Vaccines for Mystery Bugs | Danger Room | Wired.com

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Synthetic Pathogens Might Pose Bioterror Threat, Scientists Warn

The powerful coalition that wants to engineer the world's climate | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Homeland Security to test iris scanners - USATODAY.com

'Hyperbolic map' of the internet will save it from COLLAPSE • The Register

Monkeys, Men and Mind Control «

One World Currency - Step By Step By Ray Gano

The making of 9/11 activists

US should allow impartial 9/11 probe

US endgame in Afghanistan: The evil of three lessers

The true cost of the war

Religion and democracy are incompatible, this is why we learn history

Dodd Unaware Of Interim Appointment Power For Warren?

Angry union leaders warn Government of national strikes

Pentagon Plan: Buying Books to Keep Secrets

The Biocratic Utopians Part I: Prussian Grenadiers

Social Engineering Bill In Senate Will Force You Into City

Clinton Talks World Government at the Council On Foreign Relations

Big Sis Iris Scanners: The Prison Without Bars

Wisdom facing forward: What it means to have heightened future consciousness

Orwellian DoubleThink: Rights are Privileges

Robotics breakthrough: Scientists make artificial skin

'Mind-reading machine' can convert thoughts into speech

A People's History of the Human Genome

Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented (Video)

Justice Breyer Suggests That Burning a Quran Could be Like Shouting 'Fire' in a Crowded Theatre--Thus Not Protected by 1st Amendment

Democrat Party Leader Seizes on Republican Criticism of Christine O’Donnell

O’Donnell Says She’s Listening to the People, Not the ‘Experts’

Ohio Town Won't Allow Tea Party to Celebrate U.S. Constitution in Town Square

Senate Small Business Chair Ducks Questions on Bush Tax Cuts

Senate Passes Small Business Bill Without Easing Burdensome Paperwork Requirements on Those Businesses

Afghan Militants Hit With Record Number of U.S. Airstrikes

House Democrats Deeply Divided Over Obama Tax Cut Plan

First Lady Calls for Kids’ Menus With Healthy Choices; Says French Fries Should Be Special ‘Request’

The Stupidest Spending Program of All

The Obamacare Inquisitions: A Brief, Brutish History

Suit against Imam of NY Mosque Due in Court in NJ

Lawsuit on Obama Health Plan Likely Going to Trial

EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Government Loaned Mexican Government More Than $1 Billion to Drill Oil in Gulf of Mexico Last Year; Has $1 Billion More Planned For This Year

World Poverty Seen Falling Sharply but Patchily

Original Quran-Burning Took Place in the Mid-Seventh Century

NAACP Backs Pardon for 2 Serving Life for Robbery

Airmen: Lesbian Should Not Have Been Discharged

Massachusetts Doctor to be Sentenced in Botched Abortion

'Change' Is Still the Battle Cry

Who Is the Enemy?

O'Donnell Victory Triggers GOP Family Feud as Rove Predicts Damage to Senate Hopes

Kaine Sees Hope in Delaware Tea Party's Win

Mitt Romney Endorses O'Donnell

Voight Slams Time Mag as Anti-Semitic

Karl Rove Blasts O'Donnell on Sean Hannity

Tom Tancredo Surges in Poll for Colo. Governor

Dems Gamble by Shifting Fire from Bush to Boehner

Johnson Wins Wisconsin GOP Sen. Primary

Obesity Costs US $215 Billion Annually

Reid Wants to Attach DREAM Act to Defense Bill

Greenspan Calls for Tax Hikes to Curb Deficit

Pentagon Starts to Bargain Hunt

Soldier of Fortune Magazine Turns 35

GOP: Crist Linked to State Party's Financial Scandal

Pope's Visit Angers Sex Abuse Victims

US Steelmakers Warn of Prolonged Weak Economy

Moody's: Wealthy Save Tax Cuts Rather Than Spend

6 Tips for Sizzling Sex After 50

Treatment for Substance Abuse Doubles in Older Adults

Twitter Redesigns Site, Makes It Easier to Post

New Book: WH Party Crasher Says She Has MS

Bill Maher Says Atheism Stands in Way of an Emmy

Energy Tax Hikes Will Raise Costs, Cut Jobs

Schools Don't Need More Stimulus

Bill Nelson Amendment to Obamacare Will Crush Small Business

Has Obama Been Paying Attention to Reforms in Cuba?

Math and Science Skills Are Recession Beaters

'Obama Is a Kenyan Anti-colonialist' and Other Crackpot Theories

Harry Reid vs. Lady Gaga on Twitter? No, Thanks!

Why Obama Needs Mike Bloomberg