"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 July 2010



The Great Global Warming Swindle 1:15:56




Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds

Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines


Washington's Blog:SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options On

Obama’s “jobs program”: Poverty wages and mass unemployment

Activist Post: 10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

San Francisco Chronicle: Leaked Corexit Information | Before It's News

Amount Of Neurotoxin Pesticide Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops 1 Million Gallons | Alexander Higgins Blog

The New American Republic: The Soviet Story

Why I'm certain my friend Dr Kelly was murdered | Mail Online

Was the Social Security Money “Borrowed” or “Stolen”? | Dissident Voice

Hundreds of FBI, DEA and ICE Agents Fall Victim to Ponzi Scheme

Fake prescription drugs surpass heroin earnings

TaxProf Blog: WSJ: The Estate Tax Death Panel -- Too Rich to Live Past 2010?

The Anatomy of the State by Murray N. Rothbard

How the Mossad Tricked US into Bombing Libya

Threatening World Order: US and Israel Quietly Announce Plans to Reconstitute Their Nuclear Stockpiles

Hacker Creates Plugin That Trashes Chrome’s Security

Do sweeteners bring on early birth? How fizzy drinks can harm an unborn child | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - Network News: Seeing Through Illuminati Eyes

Angels and Devils: Mozart, Strauss, Hitler, Hertzl «Kawther Salam

Opinion Maker: Where Truth is The News and Readers are The Opinion Makers | Opinion Maker

Halfpasthuman - Israeli Mistake, Confusion, and chart

Does U.S. Support for Israel Threaten American Safety?

How can the public feel safe when the police are so scared? | Mail Online

A truly toxic issue | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Leading doctors call for urgent crackdown on junk food | Politics | The Observer

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Russia: Paralysed by paranoia?

Gold keeps rising as panicky investors look for security | Business | The Observer

Mossad agents murdered my husband, says widow of billionaire arms dealer | World news | The Observer

Israeli academics hit back over bid to pass law that would criminalise them | World news | The Observer

Feds 'Disappear' Edgar Steele - Mystery Deepens

Wall St. Hiring in Anticipation of an Economic Recovery - NYTimes.com

Blair African charity run by banker linked to US toxic loan fraud | Mail Online

The mystery of Lord Mandelson's finances - Telegraph

Gordon Brown anger at Peter Mandelson's 'treachery' over euro role - Telegraph

Peter Mandelson puts boot into Tony Blair in 'hatchet job' book | Mail Online

John McCain ditches his liberal past and turns hard right | World news | The Observer

Eco warrior's Pacific journey shows how 'dumb plastic' is killing our seas | Environment | The Observer

When Psychopaths run the Asylum

News - Crime & Courts: Four bust in 'dirty bomb' sale sting

Free speech in Barack Obama's America: Whatever you say, say nothing - Telegraph

YouTube - Look who's come to visit?

BBC News - Australian vegetables poisoned as police probe sabotage

5 Fixes America Needs Right Now | Uncommon Wisdom Daily

BP claims progress on new cap as oil spews in Gulf - Yahoo! Finance



*SITE: Center for Health Transformation



Dollar Devaluation and Destruction of America Pick Up Steam

A Brutal Case of Backwards Justice in America

Obama’s Summer of Misery and Hardship Tour Hits the Road

Crusade Against Mel Gibson Stamped, Sealed and Delivered by the New World Order

Economic Hitmen Come for Their ‘Pound of Flesh’ in New Jersey

The Collapse Is Upon Us

Is the IMF about Ready to Muscle U.S. Taxpayers?

Biometric entry planned for California skate park! | EUROPESKATE

Rangel eyes draft return - NYPOST.com

Did NIST lie about the time it placed Jennings on the 23rd floor?

Police Ask Gun Shops For Info In Serial Killer Case - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Why is the President ignoring the Constitution?

Analysts say WHO communication errors spurred ‘false pandemic’ charges

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’

The Creativity Crisis - Newsweek

BBC News - Google Street View accused of Congress 'snooping'

New eco fees catching consumers by surprise - thestar.com

Europe Seeks to Ban Food From Cloned Animals - NYTimes.com

Fluoridation: Mind Control of the Masses

How your Apple iPhone spies on you - Telegraph

More bad news for BP as arsenic levels rise around Gulf of Mexico | Herald Sun

Ed Schultz: Borrow More Money from Bankers to Pay for Welfare

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin, Paul expose rift in Tea Party « - Blogs from CNN.com

Coca Cola Commercial: A Closer Look

More and more Americans preparing for social unrest | Raw Story

Senate bill would make airport body scanners mandatory | Raw Story

Central banks start to abandon the U.S. dollar - Street Sweep: Fortune's Wall Street Blog

A Key Piece in the Oil Leak Story: Two Sections of Drill Pipe Lodged in the Blowout Preventer

Schlumberger’s secret “smoking oil rig” documents

Why I'm certain my friend Dr Kelly was murdered | Mail Online

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Gen. Casey: America may be in Iraq and Afghanistan for another decade « - Blogs from CNN.com

Tighter banking rules will drain £1tn from financial system, study shows | Business | The Observer

The Financial Con Of The Decade Explained So Simply Even A Congressman Will Get It

Presenting The Wall Of Worry: The 50 Ugliest Facts About The US eCONomy

Fingerprints Now Required At Poway Skate Park - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego

Toxicologists: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding”, “Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells” and “Every Organ System”

128 BP Oil Cleanup Workers Sickened in Louisiana – Told NOT to go to Public Hospitals

Irony: Our Huge Military Is What Made Us an Empire … But Our Huge Military is What Is Bankrupting Us, Thus DESTROYING Our Status as an Empire

Amazongate: At last we reach the source - Telegraph

Parliament misled over Climategate report, says MP • The Register

Belgium considers proposals to dissolve bodies and flush them into sewage systems | Mail Online

Copying the NHS is the last thing the US should do - Telegraph

Obama And The Coming "Choice Election" | The New Republic

What Bam can learn from Bill: President Clinton's ex pollster tells Obama how to win independents

George F. Will: Campaign ‘reforms’ aimed at protecting incumbents | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

RealClearPolitics - Relating to Our Presidents

Unjust Spoils | The Nation

Think Big | The Weekly Standard

Long-term structural changes start at state level

National Journal Magazine - Two Suburbs, Two Views of Obama

Brian Bolduc: Robert Byrd's Highways to Nowhere - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - From Australia to America, the Concerns Are the Same

Campaign Attack Ads: As Old As the Edsel

Bad Politics Is Better Than No Politics - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

Plenty of clouds hover over 'recovery'

Recovery summer? Obama can't spin this one - Sunday, Jul. 11, 2010

Climategate still echoes - BostonHerald.com

Editorial - A Climate Change Corrective - NYTimes.com

News Analysis - Basis of Ruling on Gay Unions Stirs Debate - NYTimes.com

Tax report rehashes debate over cost effectiveness of healthcare reform law - The Hill's Healthwatch

Tennesee Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, says his party must be more centrist

Census Countdown Brings Fear of Exclusion - WSJ.com

Global Warming Alarmist: Make It Illegal To Emit CO2

Practice Your Mercury Escape Plan

EU gives US access to its citizens’ financial data


*11TH/Politics Video:Axelrod On WH's Relationship With Business

Axelrod On Border: "No Administration Has Been Tougher On Enforcement"

Gibbs: "No Doubt" Republicans Could Gain Control Of House

Eric Holder: "Still A Need For Dialogue" About Race

Netanyahu: US, Israel Alliance Is Not Faltering

Rep. Franks Defends AZ Gov. Brewer Over Criticism From Law

Axelrod Defends Recess Appointment Of Donald Berwick

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Fight Ahead In Afghanistan

Reps. Bilbray and Gutierrez Debate Immigration Reform

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Administration Suing Arizona

"This Week" Roundtable On Midterm Message

Axelrod: Economy Is "Better" But Not "Good"

10TH/Weekly GOP Address: Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) On Gov't Spending

President Obama Weekly Address: Help For Vets With PTSD

CA-Gov: Jerry Brown Discusses Race Against Meg Whitman

Krauthammer: Conservatives Should Embrace Federalism On Gay Marriage

DNC Chairman Tim Kaine On The Democrats' Plan For The Midterms

O'Reilly: Immigration Debate A Battle Between President And The People


Proof Of How Easy It Is To Violate The Patriot Act

07-11-2010: Murdoch, Saudi prince team up to launch ‘Arabic Fox News’

07-11-2010: The EU Banking System Is In Big Trouble

07-10-2010: Evidence Indicates Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster Was Engineered And Prolonged By Design

07-10-2010: Millions More Tax Forms For Businesses

Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche - May. 5, 2010

Thousands Of Oil Wells Possibly Leaking In Gulf Of Mexico?

07-09-2010: Sculptor Watches Over Chicago With Giant 'Eye'

07-09-2010: Mind Control? Scientists Have Discovered How To Use Nanoparticles To Remotely Control Behavior!

07-09-2010: Engineered Global Depression Being Used To Help Bring In One World Currency System

With news like this, who needs PR?

Forbe's Top Ten Industries

Arizona Immigration Law and the Ahistorical Press

Understanding the BP Oil Tragedy: Time Blindness


Debbie Schlussel:My Former Boss Pleads Guilty in Islamic Terrorism Case

Debbie Schlussel:Meet “Son of HAMAS’” Pro-Obama Israeli Handler

Debbie Schlussel:Photo of the Day: Cosa Nostra Style


Michele Bachmann Revives Death Panels Yet Again

With the Crime rate flat in Arizona, Gov. Brewer turns to the mythical "beheading" narrative to attack Latinos

Residents outraged: BP dumping oily waste in Gulf landfills

Democrats Keep Floating Trial Balloons on Social Security Cuts. We Need To Shoot Them Down.

Sarah Trainwreck strikes again

Health Care Law Rollout Continues: Checks to Seniors, Patients' Bill of Rights, Healthcare.gov

Ashley's War

Sea Turtle Egg Evacuations Begin in the Gulf of Mexico

James Galbraith: To Fix The Economy, Feds Need to Clean House in The Banking Industry

Florida State Senator's Totally Tubular Campaign Ad


*Open Thread: Driftglass and Bluegal Weekly Podcast--Why Progressives Can't Take the Summer Off and More


The Alex Jones Show – July 9th With Ted Nugent


What Really Happened? Podcast 7-10 PT 1

What Really Happened? Podcast 7-10 PT 2


Sarah Palin Has Zero Military Cred

Why, Congressman Issa! What Big Profits You Make On Shady Inside Deals!

Who are the two big donors to Liberty Central? Is the US Supreme Court Corrupt Beyond Repair?

Netanyahu: Only US military threats can stop Iran from building nukes

Why Won't The Senate Pass The Food Safety Bill? Because They're Worried About The Container Industry

Coal Industry Mocks Ashley Judd’s Crusade to Destroy a Way of Life

WATCH: ‘Inception’ Stars Trash Evil, Stupid Cheney & Palin — Preach Hypocritical Environmentalism

Caught on Tape: Mel Gibson’s Raging, Hate-Filled Rant (NSFW)

Daily Gut: Ringo’s Mindless Peace & Love

Penn Jillette: Mistrust of Government Is a Beautiful Thing

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 2

The ‘Twilight’ Phenomenon: The Kids Are All Right

‘Natural Born Killers’: A Look Back at 1994 — Most Sensational Year Ever!

Bill & Hill: The Progressive Version of George and Gracie

New Black Panther Party President Admits to Philadelphia Voter Intimidation; Holder’s Justice Department Still Silent


*AUDIO :Obama’s Recovery Summer and Leaders With Plans

AUDIO:Get Ready for Donald Berwick to Run Your Health Care

AUDIO: Ricochet Podcast #24: Jabba The Fed


James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles Sued by ACORN San Diego Employee

None Dare Call it a Coincidence: Andy Stern and the White House Biodefense Program

Dispelling Moral Relativism, Multiculturalism and By Extension All Leftism

Kagan’s Double Standard


Judges, Guns and Money: Part I

Judges, Guns and Money: Part II

Judges, Guns and Money: Part III


Love Or Hate Sarah, She’s The Best Pick For RNC Chair

Why Didn’t the Democrats Take a Vote on Deficit-Neutral Unemployment Bill?

World’s Greatest Press Secretary Hems, Haws, Sneers, Cites Ezra Klein!

CARTOON:Useful Idiots: Transparency

From Walter Duranty To Vicky Pelaez, Communist Penetration of American Journalism Nothing New

The Ad the CBS ‘Standards and Practices’ Dept. Doesn’t Want You To See

Forget Dave Weigel — the Real Issues Are the ‘JournoList,’ MSM Groupthink, Transparency, and Advocacy Masquerading As Journalism

Journalist At Work: Megyn Kelly Interviews Karl Rove About the New Black Panther Case

NewsBusted: Chris Matthews Issues a Clarification!

CNN’s Very Own Ron Burgundy, Ricardo Leon Sanchez de Reinaldo, Goes After Rush Limbaugh; Rush Wins By Default

Behind CNN’s Octavia Nasr, a Media Army Of Lawrence of Arabias

Must Read of the Day: Bill Kristol On ‘The Crisis At Which We’ve Arrived’

Government As Standup Comedy: Joe Biden On Leno

No Pony Under the Tree After All: The Left Begins To Come To Terms With the Looming Catastrophe Of Hope and Change

‘Lawfare’: Weaponizing Human Rights

Romney: New Treaty is a Non-STARTer

Learning From Our Mistakes: Nation-Building Follies and Afghanistan

Our First American Chairman: America’s Blind Fuhrer

Turkey: Still an Ally?

Where Do We Get Such Men?


Alliance to Stop Sharia Formed in France: An Interview, Part 1

The Alliance to STOP Sharia: Part 2

The Alliance to STOP Sharia: Part 3


Islam and Marxism from Allah to Alinsky: Part 1 – The Ends


Brazil: Air France jet lands after bomb threat

'Barefoot Bandit's' 2-year run from law is over

Leader of governors group focuses on college grads

LA police teach Marines how to train Afghan police

Nelson Mandela appears at closing ceremony at World Cup.

Obama spokesman says Democrats could lose House

Hundreds rescued from overheated trains in Germany

'Israel shouldn't fund traitors'

Iran may back down from stoning of woman

Suspect in Palestinian murder freed

Police question Olmert in Holyland case

China exports up 44% in spite of global fears

G20 looks to Beijing to drive global growth

15 years on Srebrenica buries its dead

PM: Israel-US alliance strong

Israel alert as aid ship heads for Gaza

China banks fear falling confidence

Measuring Risk of Recidivism Among Detainees - Or Not

The NAACP's Second-Class Citizens

The Reindustrialization of America

Squandering the Stimulus

Obama's 'Fly Me to the Crescent Moon' Policy

Green groups seeking to milk the Washington cash cow

Obama's Maine 'pre-vacation' vacation

Mc Donald's Has a Mommy

Illegal Alien Child Molester Receives $4M In Lawsuit

Obama Team rewards Hollywood donors

Gore also beneficiary of federal green dollars in PA

Israel vows to stop Libyan 'peace' ship

The Big Trade and our National Pastime

The Pacific Intelligencer

Ratcheting to Ruin

Alinsky, Stalinsky, It's Still the Same Old Agitprop

Crimes of the NY Times

Magical Education and the Slide into Third-Worldism

Clarice's Pieces

Raising Your Indirect Taxes

Corrupting Hatred

Life vs. Feminism

Climate Panel Urges ‘Distance” From Reporters - Green Blog - NYTimes.com

Obama may have worn out his welcome on Capitol Hill - latimes.com

Are Overdue Reports Concealing ObamaCare Impact On Medicare? - IBD - Investors.com

Black GOP candidate slams Obama for exploiting race - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

CNSNews.com - Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

Obama: Israelis suspicious of me because my middle name is Hussein - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

"Zombies" crash on I-84 near Lloyd exit | kgw.com | KGW News | Portland, Oregon

Greenspan Says Economy May Be Undergoing a `Pause' - Bloomberg

Limbaugh Gets Mega Millions on Condo Sale - WSJ.com

My Way News - Feds say new cap could contain Gulf leak by Monday

Liberals analyze their Obama 'despair' - Abby Phillip - POLITICO.com

FOXNews.com - Holder Floats Possibility of Racial Profiling Suit Against Arizona

FOXNews.com - Virginia Lawmaker Challenges Feds to Sue His State Over Immigration Enforcement

Scientists develop 'fake' genetically-engineered blood for use on the battlefield | Mail Online

Holder raises question on Sept. 11 death penalty - Yahoo! News

Obama's Israel policy could loom large as midterm election issue in key races - TheHill.com

NYers go for the border - NYPOST.com

Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’ - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: Obama appointee's prescription for socialism - Washington Times

HARTWELL: Obama aborted the recovery - Washington Times

Unemployment Pay: Labor Department Estimates $7 Billion Overpayments - ABC News

Clintons looking to move to new $11 million manse - NYPOST.com

Queens Rep. Anthony Weiner marries Huma Abedin, with Former President Bill Clinton presiding

'Muslim science' fiction - NYPOST.com

Department of Justice to conduct independent review Mehserle case, may prosecute | abc7news.com

My Way News - Presbyterians: End Israel aid over settlements

How to get costly extra attention at school for your kids: Claim they've got an attention deficit - NYPOST.com

Ginsburg: Roe will hold - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Biggest revolution in the NHS for 60 years - Telegraph

PRUDEN: Flying to the moon on feel-good pills - Washington Times

KRTV - Great Falls News - Montana's News Station | Helena schools' draft sex-ed document causing controversy

Mobster Mickey Spillane's son, actor Bobby Spillane, falls to death from Midtown apartment

Baghdad kills 58,000 stray dogs in 3-month span


*American Minute for July 11th:William J Federer's American Minute


Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’ - NYTimes.com

W.H. works to flip anti-business rep - Ben White - POLITICO.com

Monkeys trained as battlefield killers in Afghanistan - People's Daily Online

Challenged! Court using 'feelings' as case decider

How the Spy Swap Plays in Russia: Darkly

'Life will be a nightmare for the spies returning to Russia' - Telegraph

Sea otters worth $700 million in carbon credits - environment - 07 July 2010 - New Scientist

Prosecutor says he's not done investigating former Freeland teacher charged with 29 sex crimes | MLive.com

The big list: Female teachers with students

Female mice 'can be turned lesbian by deleting gene' - Telegraph

Schoolgirls Controlled by Loverboys: Math Class in the Morning, Turning Tricks at Lunchtime - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Waco ministry reaches out to exotic dancers | Wacotrib.com

Artificial Sweetener Killing Americans

Global Governance and World Order Studies - BlackListed News

Global Warming Indoctrination, ‘Tell your kids They are killing Santa Claus’!

The 24 Types of Authoritarians

55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama?

Pipeline Geopolitics: The Russia German Nord Stream Strategic Gas Pipeline

The Drums of War? Pentagon Provokes New Crisis With China

The Three Stooges Go To Israel

Biggest Defaulters on Mortgages Are the Rich

Saving Face in Unwinnable War

U.S. Congress United in its Support of Israel, says Republican Minority Whip

Obama: 'I Have Met Israel and It Is "Us"'

The "Stress Test" Fraud

The First Thing Young Women Do in the Morning: Check Facebook [STUDY]

The Siege against Gaza: America's Ongoing Support of Israeli Military and Intelligence Operations

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship


VIDEO: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding” "Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells”


Russian Spies Get Quick "Justice" While Wall Street Criminals Remain at Large With Few Prosecutions

Political Assassination: Dr. David Kelly 'Couldn't Have Slit his Wrist as He Was Too Weak'

Obama Reaffirms Alliance Between U.S. and Israel Against Iran

Taxation is Theft, and Theft Cannot Be "Reformed"

President Obama is Not "Anti-Business" -- He's Just Anti-Free Market

Dubai airports nix full-body scanners "out of respect for privacy of individuals and personal freedom"

Elderly man facing serious charges for shooting at thieves

Hundreds of FBI, DEA and ICE Agents Fall Victim to Ponzi Scheme

ACLU: Univ. of Wash. police spied on activists

Inhofe slams EPA push to revive Superfund taxes

Bringing smokers to their knees


The 24 Types of Anti-Libertarians

Clarence Thomas' Suicidal, Epileptic Nephew Punched, Tasered

Feds require dog bathrooms at airports

Liberation by Internet

Broadcast viewership hits record low

Contempt of State -- An Indispensable Virtue

Robert Byrd, Federal Bankruptcy, and Moral Debauchery

No free speech, please, we’re British: The silencing of Abdullah, the ex-Muslim

Schlumberger’s secret “smoking oil rig” documents

Cluster bombs and civilian lives: Efficient killing, profits and human rights

Owner of Exploded Rig Is Known for Testing Rules


YouTube - 9/11 William Cirone footage (FOIA, Part 1/2)

YouTube - 9/11 William Cirone footage (FOIA, Part 2/2)


YouTube - BBC: al Qaeda Does Not Exist


YouTube - Ron Paul on FOX Business News 07/09/10 (part 1)

YouTube - Ron Paul on FOX Business News 07/09/10 (part 2)


The government war on raw milk is an attack against food freedom

Pfizer: The Drug Giant That Makes Bank from Drugs That Can Kill You | | AlterNet

YouTube - Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit "bleeding from the rectum"

YouTube - Gulf Oil Spill Science Experiment On All Says Biologist

YouTube - Controversial US general to head Central Command

4 PART/Video: Sheriff Paul Babeu – Obama Has Undermined The Rule of Law!! – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

Academics, Politicians: Pending Global Treaty Threatens Free Internet, Fundamental Rights

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools


YouTube - Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover - PT 1/2

YouTube - Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover - PT 2/2


EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

America Is In A Societal Meltdown

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Holder: Death Penalty May Not Be Possible for 9/11 Plotters

Half of Americans Oppose Obama's Immigration Lawsuit

Feds Looking for Racism in Arizona Policing

Kyl: Federal Effort to Stop Illegals Isn't Working

Kennedy's Clout Could Grow On Supreme Court

Napolitano Meets With Brewer at Governors Meeting

Holder: Russian Spies Posed Threat to US

2 Planes Enter No-Fly Zone During Obama Nev. Visit

Sen. Levin: Pakistan Must Take On Haqqani Network

Abbas: No Point in Direct Talks With Israel Now

New Photos of Smiling Fidel Castro Posted On Web

Seventh Lawsuit Filed Over Ariz. Immigration Law

Dems Hope Voters Remain in Empire State of Mind

Spy Swap: Agents Were Pawns in a Practiced Game

Hussman: U.S. Headed into Second Recession

5 Organic Food Myths Exposed

Antibodies Neutralize Most HIV Strains

China Group Says US Uses Facebook to Sow Unrest

Roy Rogers Auction in NYC Offers Trigger's Remains

Thomas Jefferson Lives On in Ron Paul

Mutual Corruption Between Politicians and Wall Street

States Fight Back Against Federal Tyranny

'Free Press' Using Third Parties to Push for Net Neutrality

Johnson & Johnson Sued Over Pediatric Drug Recall

San Francisco Hits Nerve With Pet Sale Ban Idea

Southern Calif. Police Fatally Shoot 15-Year-Old

NY Woman Questioned Again and Again Over ID Mix-Up

Spanish Success Raises Nationalist Hackles

US Capitol Christmas Tree Will Come From Wyoming

Mont. Advocacy Group Shuts Down Cannabis Caravans

Ecstasy to Blame for Northern Calif. Rave Death

Police: Boy Accidentally Shot Toddler Brother

Man Charged With Girl's Murder Back in Utah

11 Hell's Angels Members Indicted in Vegas Brawl

Psych Group Backs CIA Detainee Abuse Claim

Struggling States Seeking More Aid From Washington

Scientists Roll out Mats to Kill Lake Tahoe Clams

Duncan: Congress Needs to Act Now on School Money

'Grim Sleeper' Near Misses: Cops Previously Arrested Suspect 15 Times

LAPD Bomb Squad Removes Live Ordnance From Home

Activists Keep Nev. Horses From Going to Slaughter

2 Hungarian Boat Crash Victims Remembered in Pa.

Spill Spreads Anxiety Among Vietnamese Fishermen

Mental Health a Growing Concern After Gulf Spill

Taliban Attacks Kill 14 Afghan Police: Officials

LA Grim Sleeper Suspect Had 4-Decade Arrest Record

Record-Breaking Pilot Takes to the Skies for Diabetes

NATO Denies Taliban Ascendant as Afghan Toll Mounts

Israel Says Won't Let Libyan Aid Ship Reach Gaza

BP Sees Progress on New Oil-Containment System

Vt. Scrap-Wood Dinosaur Posing Modern-Day Problem

No Margin for Error in Wall St Bill's Final Test

12 Arrested in Alleged S. California Pot Ring

Leader of Governors Group Focuses on College Grads

Conn. Land Dug up for Items From Tribe-Settler War

Financial Regulatory Bill Approved by House Gives Feds Power to Subpoena Any Record from Any Financial Institution Without Establishing Any Probable Cause

Rep. Maloney and Sen. Menendez Introduce Bill to Restrict Speech of Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers by Controlling Their Advertising

Obama Urges Increase in Clean Energy Tax Credits

Is Democracy Overrated?

Whitewashing Black Racism

Representation Without Taxation

Invasion! Mexican drug cartels in heavy artillery buildup at border

Look what they found near the Texas and Mexico border | Before It's News

FQXi Community:The Black Hole Universe

Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next | Before It's News

Sugar versus Fat: Dietary Guides Advisory Committee Ignoring Recent Studies… | Before It's News

Epoch Times - Painter Says, ‘A way of using art to reach people’s hearts and minds’

Epoch Times - Bill of Rights Could Help Asylum Seekers

Epoch Times - Using Plants to Clean Contaminated Sites

Canyon News - Lindsay Lohan Sentenced To 90 Days In Jail

Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer Reportedly Told Can't Quit Yet

Nicolas Cage’s interest in the occult made ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ appear | HoumaToday.com

Synthetic Marijuana Gives Users Legal High - CBS Evening News - CBS News

WRAPUP 1-BP sees progress on new oil containment system | Reuters

U.S. Gasoline Drops to $2.7259/Gallon, Lundberg Says - BusinessWeek

Bank of America Says Trades Were Wrongly Classified - BusinessWeek

Toyota’s Toyoda Seeks to Rebuild Trust After Recalls - BusinessWeek

BBC News - Easter Island set for total solar eclipse

BBC News - Rosetta probe passes Asteroid Lutetia

The Associated Press: Scientists roll out mats to kill Lake Tahoe clams

Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot - NYTimes.com

With Facebook Gifts demise, Credits are maturing | The Social - CNET News

FOXNews.com - NASA Chief Revealed Muslim Outreach Plan to Al Jazeera Before Congress

YouTube Leanback: Hands On - BusinessWeek

Attorney General Eric Holder: Politics plagues Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial, Guantanamo closing

Axelrod responds to criticism from the WH's left flank - CNN.com

Congress Shuns Stimulus - ABC News

Arizona Law Derails Conference of Governors of U.S. and -Mexico Border States - NYTimes.com

Feinberg lays out plan for $20 billion BP claims fund - CNN.com

With votes looming, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan plays it cool

Kagan Distances Herself From Left-Leaning Movements - WSJ.com

White House Defends Nominee To Head Medicare, Medicaid Services - WSJ.com

Businesses step up criticism of Obama's agenda | Reuters

"To Kill a Mockingbird" Turns 50 - CBS Sunday Morning - CBS News

Palin says Obama agenda is ‘backasswards,’ defends Angle from president | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Biden doesn't dodge the late-night jabs | delawareonline.com | The News Journal

Replacing Byrd could create domino effect in W.Va. - Statehouse News - Charleston Daily Mail - West Virginia News and Sports -

Body of Fall River Marine to arrive at Logan today - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

BP Begins Effort to Contain All Oil From Leaking Well - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Oil to flow into Mexican Gulf again as BP changes cap

AFP: 20 kilos of 20 pct enriched uranium ready: Iran

Raoul Moat: Northumbria Police topped Taser league table - Telegraph

YouTube - Questions over Taser use in Moat operation

AFP: Government inspectors ease scandal over French minister

In Haiti, the Displaced Are Left Clinging to the Edge - NYTimes.com

AFP: Bahamas police capture 'Barefoot Bandit'

YouTube - Official: Bahamas Police Catch 'Barefoot Bandit'

Curfew lifted in Indian Kashmir - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Al Jazeera English

Plane makes emergency landing in Brazil after bomb threat - CNN.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Bomb Threat Forces Landing in Brazil

Libya's Qaddafi latest to challenge Israel's Gaza blockade - CSMonitor.com

Cuba begins freeing political prisoners | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - New photos of Fidel Castro appear online

Critics fear Kagan would use bench to promote 'gays'


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama's 'gay'-marriage agenda

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Democrats 'ducking and hiding' until midterms


'Want freedom? Kill some crackers!'

YouTube - The Obama Administration Protected Black Panther Who Advocates Killing White Babies

Kupelian to CBN: Churches 'subverted, dumbed down'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'De facto moratorium killing us economically'

Ex-Michigan congressman Mark Siljander pleads to obstruction | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Muslim group ousted from Chicago-area hotel - chicagotribune.com

Justice Ginsburg Rolls Out Welcome Mat for Kagan - Law Blog - WSJ

Kagan: 'No view on natural rights'

Frigate attack earns U.N. condemnation

'Hizbullah: Israel preparing something'

IDF Releases Map of Hizbullah Targets - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama? - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Obama may have worn out his welcome on Capitol Hill - latimes.com

Lawmakers question whether Obama violated law by backing pro-abortion Kenyan constitution | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Islam on the rise, compliments of Obama (OneNewsNow.com)

NBC comedian: I love and trust Sarah Palin

Dem defends organization whose leader said 'kill crackers'

U.S. House plan overturning Obamacare halfway there

Obamacare at Three Months | The Weekly Standard

Oil unleashed temporarily in attempt to contain it - Yahoo! News

Is endorsing Reid on the NRA's calendar?

Survey: Bible reading tied to financial success

Famous last words: 'I can handle it'

Obama, marriage: 'Saboteur in chief'

Challenged! Court using 'feelings' as case decider

U of I fires Catholicism professor - Peoria, IL - pjstar.com

Tiger Woods, Obama and the redemption of America


ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Senate-seeker wants Obama birth-certificate treatment

Has 'standing' been created in hunt for Obama birth doc?

Obama birth lawyer goes to the Supreme Court | strong, court, taitz - News - The Orange County Register

Axelrod on This Week: GOP Economic Theory Was Tested - 'It Led To Catastrophe'

Hope and Change and the Scariest Movie Scene Ever


New Documentary Charges Obama Stole Nomination From Hillary

Feds Bust Neo-Nazi Gang in Utah

Weekly Republican Address: ‘Americans Are Fed Up’

President’s Weekly Address: Help for Vets with PTSD

US-Russia Spy Swap at Vienna Airport

Foreign Officer Kept Afghans From Going AWOL in U.S.

California Attorney General Uses ‘Tea Bagger’ Insult

Final Moments of UK Fugitive Murderer’s Life Caught on Home Video

Bomb Threat Forces Landing in Brazil

Afghans Protest NATO-led Operation

Justice Department and Media Ignore Black Panther Case

Biden Talks Spy-Swap with Leno: ‘I Thought They’d Take Rush Limbaugh’

Gusher! Well Cap Removed

AFL-CIO Advocates Cutting Off AZ Cops From Federal Training

Former GOP Congressman: Obama Biggest Threat to Nation

New Black Panther President Praises Bin Laden

President of New Black Panther Party Admits Plan to Intimidate Voters


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