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Lennon Marx

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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Bill Cunningham 7/11/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/11/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/11/10 Hour 3


Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-11, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-09, Friday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-08, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-07, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-06, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-05, Monday


The Michael Savage Show 07/09/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/08/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/07/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/06/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/05/2010 FULL


07/09 The Mark Levin Show

07/08 The Mark Levin Show

07/07 The Mark Levin Show

07/06 The Mark Levin Show

07/05 The Mark Levin Show


July 9, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

July 8, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

July 7, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

July 6, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

July 5, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


Printing money won’t save us from the next wave of deflation

Who’s Buying All That Debt?

Bernanke: $40B in small biz loans disappears

Homefront the Latest in Desensitization Gaming

Global population study launched by Royal Society

Global Warming Alarmist: Make It Illegal To Emit CO2

Practice Your Mercury Escape Plan

Iran Dumps A Glut Of Oil Onto The Market

Berlin Pushing For European Bankruptcy Framework With Provision For State Sovereignty Give Up

Over 4 Years, Nearly 52,000 Police Stops in a Few Brooklyn Blocks - NYTimes.com

It's not the end for stop and search • The Register

The big crash – America plunges into Depression for real | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post

Critics say loan modification law isn't working | rgj.com | The Reno Gazette-Journal

Pro Libertate: Addicted to the Warfare State

Iraq inquiry: Government ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat - Telegraph

Exposed: U.S. Concentration Camps in Iraq

Press For Truth Post G20/Charlie Veitch Update


YouTube - Liona Boyd - Adagio for Guitar and Strings

YouTube - La Malaguena

YouTube - Asturiana - Liona Boyd






Old Time Radio (OTR)

RadioLovers.com - Old Time Radio Shows

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*Bank for International Settlements

IMF -- International Monetary Fund

Federal Reserve System

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*ARTICLE LINKS:Weekly Southern African Report


YouTube - David Icke-The Only Thing, You Really Need To Know, is...

New Oxford Review:The Smoke of Satan in the Vatican?

John McCain ditches his liberal past and turns hard right | World news | The Observer

Eco warrior's Pacific journey shows how 'dumb plastic' is killing our seas | Environment | The Observer

When Psychopaths run the Asylum

Free speech in Barack Obama's America: Whatever you say, say nothing - Telegraph

ALIPAC - Terry Anderson was an American Hero Farewell Our Friend

BP happy with new oil-leak effort, but no promises - Yahoo! Finance

5 Fixes America Needs Right Now | Uncommon Wisdom Daily

Feds 'Disappear' Edgar Steele - Mystery Deepens

From Political Prisoner Edgar J. Steele

IDF officer indicted for sexual offenses against 11 underage girls, harassing thousands of others | Citizens for Legitimate Government

High Noon in Pahrump, Nev.: Sheriff Arrests the D.A. - WSJ.com

King Tut’s DNA is Western European | EUTimes.net

Singing and Dancing Under Rain and Sun «Kawther Salam

Pink Amazon River Dolphins Being Slaughtered for Bait

BP Gulf Oil Gusher: Methane, Climate & Dead Zones :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Washington's Blog:You Are Not Authorized to See These Pictures of the Oil Spill, Citizen ... Do Not Look!

YouTube - Ron Paul: Feds spend $400/gallon on gas in Afghanistan


MP3:Scott Horton Interviews Philip Weiss

MP3:Cynthia McKinney


*Antiwar Radio:ARCHIVE PAGE*


YouTube - Evidence - Obama Stole Election Against Hillary Voter Intimidation And Fraud

Washington's Blog:If Explosives Are Used to Seal the Leaking Oil Gusher, Extreme Caution Should Be Used to Prevent Landslides

North Korea, US to Hold Warship Talks | News | English

IRS tax bills: 80,000+ still need to pay income taxes according to the Indiana Department of Revenue - WXIN

American Credit Scores Crash To New Lows - 24/7 Wall St.

FOXNews.com - Governors: Obama's Immigration Suit Is 'Toxic'

arthur zbygniew: italian police general guilty of drug trafficking

Roman Polanski: Roman Polanski avoids extradition to U.S - latimes.com

The Case against Confirmation - Orrin G. Hatch on National Review Online

IDF officer indicted on charges of sexually harassing thousands of underage girls - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama spokesman says Democrats could lose House - Yahoo! News

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration - NYTimes.com

American's Journey: A Letter to a Senator: Is it Rational? Is it Radical? Is it Right?

Obama’s Health Care Bill Is Enough to Make You Sick « American Everyman

Fake prescription drugs surpass heroin earnings

TaxProf Blog: WSJ: The Estate Tax Death Panel -- Too Rich to Live Past 2010?


TheSpec.com - BreakingNews - Military purges offensive, sexist cartoons in training materials

If HAMAS is a Terrorist Organization, What Does That Make Israel? | Intifada Palestine

At least 9 killed in two Uganda bombings – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Homefront the Latest in Desensitization Gaming

Former Contractor: BP Not Interested In Cleaning Up Oil Spill

UN’s World Population Day 2010: Beijing Announces Measures to Stop “Unauthorized Births”

Crisis Awaits World’s Banks as Trillions Come Due - NYTimes.com

Secret gold swap has spooked the market - Telegraph

Economic Hitmen Come for Their ‘Pound of Flesh’ in New Jersey

Al-Shabaab Islamists suspected in deadly Ugandan World Cup bombings - Telegraph

Analysts say WHO communication errors spurred ‘false pandemic’ charges

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration - NYTimes.com

Holder: U.S. may take further legal action against Ariz. immigration law

U.S. might launch 2nd suit against Arizona immigration law, Holder says

“US attack on Iran a matter of time”

Climate Panel Struggles With Media Plan - Dot Earth Blog - NYTimes.com

Obama's debt commission warns of fiscal 'cancer'

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin, Paul expose rift in Tea Party « - Blogs from CNN.com

More and more Americans preparing for social unrest | Raw Story

Pat Michaels: The Climategate Whitewash Continues: Don't Believe the 'Independent Reviews' About Goings on at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia - WSJ.com

The Creativity Crisis - Newsweek

Police Ask Gun Shops For Info In Serial Killer Case - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Why is the President ignoring the Constitution?

Did NIST lie about the time it placed Jennings on the 23rd floor?

Fidel Castro to appear on Cuban television and radio | Reuters

BBC News - Global population study launched by Royal Society

LeBron Nation: Americans Hypnotized As Country Collapses

Former Contractor: BP Not Interested In Cleaning Up Oil Spill

BP Rumormill Update: Sunday Times Reports Exxon And Chevron Receive Green Light From Obama To Plot Takeover

Medvedev: Iran Is On The Brink Of Building A Nuclear Weapon

Top anti-war Democrat: Afghanistan war could ‘destroy’ Obama’s presidency | Raw Story

Flotilla attack seriously flawed: probe

Iran Dumps A Glut Of Oil Onto The Market

Iran Cuts Crude Oil Stored in Tankers 40% Since April

Obama's top spokesman Robert Gibbs: There's 'no doubt' Democrats could lose control of House

Scores die in Uganda World Cup final bombings - Telegraph

Giant unmanned airships to patrol Afghanistan skies for up to three weeks at a time | Mail Online

Berlin Pushing For European Bankruptcy Framework With Provision For State Sovereignty Give Up

Economic Problems?

Sovereign Debt Crisis - Chance of Euro Death up 50%: Economist - CNBC

Tighter banking rules will drain £1tn from financial system, study shows | Business | The Observer

The Financial Con Of The Decade Explained So Simply Even A Congressman Will Get It

Over 4 Years, Nearly 52,000 Police Stops in a Few Brooklyn Blocks - NYTimes.com

It's not the end for stop and search • The Register

Raoul Moat was police informer - exclusive - mirror.co.uk

Dr. Joseph Mercola Stresses Artificial Sweetener Killing Americans

Government’s Treason Against Liberty

Jaywalking – 4th of July (Embarrassing!)

Former Australian pilot says toxic engine fumes made him sick | News.com.au

Ice has flatlined in the North Pole, while it goes through the roof in the South Pole

Taranis: The £143million unmanned stealth jet that will hit targets in another continent

Giving the IPCC a Pass on Errors of Omission, and Errors of Willful Omission:

Cops Show Marines How to Take on the Taliban | NBC Los Angeles

American Airlines flight diverted to U.S. military airbase in Alaska after fire alarm goes off

Neighbors on edge after box left at northwest Houston home explodes in woman's face | abc13.com

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration - NYTimes.com

Can America Afford an Empire?

New Documentary Charges Obama Stole Nomination From Hillary

07-12-2010: Obama's Debt Commission Warns Of Fiscal Cancer

Proof Of How Easy It Is To Violate The Patriot Act

07-11-2010: Murdoch, Saudi prince team up to launch ‘Arabic Fox News’

07-10-2010: Central banks start to abandon the U.S. dollar


*Oracle Broadcasting Network - Live Free Or Die Radio Archives


Debbie Schlussel:I Warned You: Muslim Miss USA Steps Up the Propaganda

The Truth Honors Pat Tillman Best

WE LOVE PIXAR: What I Learned From ‘Toy Story’

Hollywood Rorschach: Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen & the Child Rapist

Love Or Hate Sarah, She’s The Best Pick For RNC Chair

Why Didn’t the Democrats Take a Vote on Deficit-Neutral Unemployment Bill?

Hope and Change and the Scariest Movie Scene Ever

Revised Version of U.S. Constitution Found In DC Cave: The Dead Potomac River Scrolls

More Questions About Rep. Schakowsky’s Mystery Earmark

Democrats Gone Wild: Rep. Ciro Rodriguez Loses It

Brookyln Census Scandal Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Will Senate Democrats Stifle Free Speech?

No Pony Under the Tree After All: The Left Begins To Come To Terms With the Looming Catastrophe Of Hope and Change

Government As Standup Comedy II: Eric Holder On ‘Face the Nation’

Kurtz Takes Rush Out Of Context As ‘Racist,’ Politico’s Roger Simon Piles On

‘We Will Not Be Silenced, 2008′ — Charges That Obama Stole the Nomination From Hillary Clinton

Live On Fox: Geraldo Rivera Takes Apart Malik Zulu Shabazz

The Cook County Jail Inmate the Chicago Papers Are Working Hard to Forget

Forget the MSM: Savvy Sarah Goes Over Them, Around Them and Through Them

Islam and Marxism From Allah to Alinsky: Introduction

Islam and Marxism from Allah to Alinsky: Part 1 – The Ends

U.S. Muslim Group Seeks Islamic Domination

Obama = Neville Chamberlain?

A Bad Spy Deal: Ten Rooks for Three…and a Pawn

Elena Kagan Disrespected Military and Law

Like A Good Mystery?


Alliance to Stop Sharia Formed in France: An Interview, Part 1

The Alliance to STOP Sharia: Part 2

The Alliance to STOP Sharia: Part 3

The Alliance to STOP Sharia: Part 4


50% Rate Obama’s Economic Performance As Poor - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama at odds with Petraeus doctrine on 'Islam' - Washington Times

Holder raises question on Sept. 11 death penalty - Yahoo! News

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration - NYTimes.com

Obama's Israel policy could loom large as midterm election issue in key races - TheHill.com

Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’ - NYTimes.com

HARTWELL: Obama aborted the recovery - Washington Times

'Muslim science' fiction - NYPOST.com

KRTV - Great Falls News - Montana's News Station | Helena schools' draft sex-ed document causing controversy

Breitbart.tv » New Documentary Charges Obama Stole Nomination From Hillary

» No Pony Under the Tree After All: The Left Begins To Come To Terms With the Looming Catastrophe Of Hope and Change - Big Journalism

Al-Shabaab Islamists suspected in deadly Ugandan World Cup bombings - Telegraph

Breitbart.tv » New Black Panther President Praises Bin Laden

NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement - KansasCity.com

Liberals analyze their Obama 'despair' - Abby Phillip - POLITICO.com


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*Google Map of FEMA Concentration Camps in AMERICA? // Current

Google Map of Over 800 FEMA Concentration Camps in AMERICA?( REX 84 ) | Before It's News

DHS Program Develops Mass Evacuation Simulation for Stadiums


Belly-buttons key to success in sport: study - Yahoo! News

Al-Shabaab Islamists suspected in deadly Ugandan World Cup bombings - Telegraph

Roman Polanski will not be extradited to the US, Switzerland decides. - swissinfo

Doctors Threaten to Pull Out of Texas Medicaid | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Obama's debt commission warns of fiscal 'cancer'

Taranis: The £143million unmanned stealth jet that will be hit targets in another continent | Mail Online

In the heat wave, the case against air conditioning

Climate Panel Urges ‘Distance’ From Reporters - Green Blog - NYTimes.com

Pat Michaels: The Climategate Whitewash Continues: Don't Believe the 'Independent Reviews' About Goings on at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia - WSJ.com

New tax reporting rules leave IRS to mop up Congress's mess - Jul. 9, 2010

Dad Tosses Tot Into Traffic: Cops | NBC Bay Area

Kyiv Post. Independence. Community. Trust - Russia and former Soviet Union - Russia parliament votes to strengthen KGB successor

Conde Nast's Reddit Asks Users for Donations to Fix Site | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

German minister calls for Internet 'honour code'

Historians locate King Arthur's Round Table - Telegraph

FT.com / US & Canada - New BP oil well cap to take days to fit

BP Removes Old Cap, Starts to Install New Oil-Containment System - WSJ.com

Fidel Castro to appear on Cuban television and radio | Reuters

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: DHS delivers job offers on pizza boxes

Cops Show Marines How to Take on the Taliban | NBC Los Angeles

EXCLUSIVE NEW AUDIO: Mel Gibson Admits Hitting Oksana, Threatens To Kill Her - Listen To It Here | RadarOnline.com

Russia says Iran close to nuclear weapons | Reuters

Hatch lays out case against Kagan - On Congress - POLITICO.com

Breitbart.tv » Another Democrat Congressman Loses Temper on Camera

Obama at odds with Petraeus doctrine on 'Islam' - Washington Times

Bomb scare on Air France jet flying same route where 228 died last summer | Mail Online

BBC News - Australian vegetables poisoned as police probe sabotage

Suspected Spies Disappear After Swap - WSJ.com

Rev. Jesse Jackson: Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert put LeBron James in danger - ESPN

Armed Guards Posted At Buffalo City Pools - wcbstv.com

DEBORCHGRAVE: America's uncertain trumpet - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - Donald Berwick's Five-Year Plan v. the iPhone

Unemployed need support from Congress - KansasCity.com

Who Will Investigate the Investigators? - WSJ.com

Oil and the entrepreneur - The Boston Globe

As Congress Returns, Series of Tests Awaits - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - The Great Stranglehold

RealClearPolitics - Obama Economy Sends Americans to Their Mattresses

RealClearPolitics - How Obama Can Turn Things Around for Dems

Looking Towards Mid-Term Elections Democrats' Math Problem Complicates Agenda - ABC News

Mechanical Failure - Stephen Spruiell - National Review Online

Why Obama Stood Up for What He Believes on Arizona and Immigration -- New York Magazine

Politics behind US suit vs. Arizona--Kris W. Kobach - NYPOST.com

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Health Care Rationing Obama Believes In

Peter Beinart On Why Liberals are Down on Obama - The Daily Beast

Putting the left's Obama "despair" in perspective - Barack Obama News - Salon.com

RealClearPolitics - Is Palin Cranking Up 2012 Campaign?

Pat Michaels: The Climategate Whitewash Continues: Don't Believe the 'Independent Reviews' About Goings on at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia - WSJ.com

Howard Kurtz - Fox News's Bill Hemmer melds middle-of-the-road persona with conservative guest list

RealClearSports: Sports News, Opinions & Analysis

Harry Reid & the Great Las Vegas Newspaper Wars - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Expanding PTSD benefits is the right call

Obama is pro-growth (of government) | Washington Examiner

Editorial - Big Oil’s Good Deal - NYTimes.com

Kagan confirmation: Kagan looks better than the confirmation process - chicagotribune.com

Congress returns from recess to even more of the same

CQ Politics | Unions, Business Lobbies Look to November

NRA takes flak for ties with left - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

End of Census, and for Many, End of a Job - NYTimes.com

Pajamas Media » Muslim Organization ICNA Linked to Anti-American Terror Movement

Senate Democrats face critical four weeks - TheHill.com

The Myth of Anti-Intellectualism - National - The Atlantic

Whole Foods Versus Shoplifters: The Conundrum - Chicago magazine - July 2010 - Chicago

Roman Polanski – A Free Man : World Correspondents

Military launches purge of offensive cartoons found in training materials - thestar.com

Arizona Capitol Times » Blog Archive » Money, name ID make Ben Quayle ‘top-tier’ candidate

Obama science czar: Surrender to 'planetary regime'

Blago's attorneys cross-examine former deputy

Hefner bids for Playboy, Penthouse to follow | Chicago Breaking Business

David Cameron and Nick Clegg : We'll transform Britain by giving power away - Telegraph

In this corner - The Boston Globe

Washington’s state of denial claims yet more casualties - The National Newspaper

I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor - A Successful Waste of Money - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld - The Compass Blog

Russian games up north | The Japan Times Online

A dictator blinks in Cuba - The Globe and Mail

New Start: Romney Is Right - The Editors - National Review Online

Obama has a military dream team, time for civilians to step up - By Peter Feaver | Shadow Government

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Double-Dip Scare

Your Money - ‘Daddy, Are We Rich?’ and Other Tough Questions - NYTimes.com

What Safeway Can Teach Us About Economics - Forbes.com

Canada's economy in good shape: U.S. could learn from Canada - latimes.com

Fundamentally - Ways to Protect Your Portfolio From Market Volatility - NYTimes.com

Investing appeal of large-cap technology stocks - MSN Money

RealClearMarkets - Here's How You Quickly Create Jobs

Op-Ed Columnist - The Feckless Fed - NYTimes.com

Immigration Can Fuel U.S. Innovation—and Job Growth - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - What If Stimulus Advocates Were (Half) Right?

RealClearMarkets - The Great Recession's Stranglehold

When policy solutions don't work, America turns to foreign investment and homegrown ingenuity. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Europe presents main threat to global recovery, IMF says

Robert Reich (The Vanishing American Consumer and the Coming Trade War)

Markets Video:12TH/Merk: Dump the Dollar, Buy the Euro?

Andreessen: Searching for Smarts

A Look at the Week Ahead

Does Austerity Lead to Prosperity?

Fed's Jeffrey Lacker on Monetary Policy & Economy

The Future of Ford

With news like this, who needs PR?

Forbe's Top Ten Industries

Life vs. Feminism

Corrupting Hatred

Raising Your Indirect Taxes

Magical Education and the Slide into Third-Worldism

Alinsky, Stalinsky, It's Still the Same Old Agitprop

Debt Commission recognizes the problem but will it do any good?

Even Democratic governors are starting to blame Washington

DoJ racial preferences Bush's fault!

Jesse Jackson plays the race card in LeBron James controversy

You Darn Disruptive Voters, You

The Democrats worst nightmare if the GOP takes over the House? Investigations

The Helena, MT Plan for K-12 Sex Ed

Hezb'allah cell rolled up in ... Tijuana

Tehran merchant strike continues

The power behind the throne in national security

Deepwater Horizon Update

Liberal Racism

The Feckless System Called 'Justice'

Sarah Palin Outs Darth Vader

Values Voters and Limited Government

Free Market Obama

Fighting Election Fraud

Sarah Palin Has Zero Military Cred

Why, Congressman Issa! What Big Profits You Make On Shady Inside Deals!

Who are the two big donors to Liberty Central? Is the US Supreme Court Corrupt Beyond Repair?

Netanyahu: Only US military threats can stop Iran from building nukes

Why Won't The Senate Pass The Food Safety Bill? Because They're Worried About The Container Industry

Axelrod on This Week: GOP Economic Theory Was Tested - 'It Led To Catastrophe'

Trumka: Ruth Marcus' Idea is to Soak the Middle Class -- The Rich Have Gotten By

Republicans Still Pushing 'America Speaking Out' Gimmick in Their Weekly Address

Holder: Death penalty may not be an option with military tribunals

Jon Kyl Needs to Be Examined: 'You Should Never Have to Offset the Cost of Lowering Taxes'

Meet the Press: Rachel Maddow--not host David Gregory--fact checks Harold Ford

Trish Regan Calls Taxing the Rich at Higher Rates Un-American

Bill Kristol: Arizona Law Suit Shows Obama Administration's 'Disrespect for Democracy'

Shut Up and Sing, Part Deux: FOX & Friends Shocked By Jimmy Buffett's Blaming Bush For Oil Spill

Watch Howard Kurtz "Make a Case" For Rush Limbaugh's Racism

Record U.S. Income Gap Growing Again

George Will: President Obama is the Expert on Snake Oil, Not the GOP


**12TH/Politics Video:Gingrich In Iowa: Obama "Wanted To Change What We Believe In"

Jesse Jackson: Cleveland Owner Treating LeBron Like A "Slave"

Obama Debt Commission Leader Warns Of Fiscal "Cancer"

Dem Congressman: BP Not Giving Minorities "Opportunities" In Clean Up

Rep. Cantor: GOP Will Takeover House

Dana Perino On Midterms, Arizona Immigration Lawsuit

FOX News' Major Garrett On Helen Thomas' Seat: "Justice Will Be Done"

Thad Allen: Close To Containing 100% Of Oil Spill

11TH/Axelrod On WH's Relationship With Business

Eric Holder: "Still A Need For Dialogue" About Race

Axelrod Defends Recess Appointment Of Donald Berwick

Axelrod On Border: "No Administration Has Been Tougher On Enforcement"

Rep. Franks Defends AZ Gov. Brewer Over Criticism From Law

Netanyahu: US, Israel Alliance Is Not Faltering

Reps. Bilbray and Gutierrez Debate Immigration Reform

Gibbs: "No Doubt" Republicans Could Gain Control Of House

Richardson: Canceled Border Conference Shows AZ Law Hurting Foreign Policy

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Administration Suing Arizona

Axelrod: Economy Is "Better" But Not "Good"

"This Week" Roundtable On Midterm Message

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Fight Ahead In Afghanistan


Military police general guilty of drug smuggling

Bank Profits Depend on Debt-Writedown ‘Abomination’

Boom Times for Millionaires

Pipe bomb detonates at Houston oil executive's home

World's banks face wealth 'crisis'

Bank of International Settlements Lent 380 Tonnes of Physical Gold?

Sunday Times Reports Exxon And Chevron Receive Green Light From Obama To Plot Takeover

Toxicologist: Oil/Corexit mix caused heart trouble, organ damage, rectal bleeding

Artificial Sweetener Killing Americans

Global Governance and World Order Studies

Global Warming Indoctrination, ‘Tell your kids They are killing Santa Claus’!

55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama?

The 24 Types of Authoritarians

The Drums of War? Pentagon Provokes New Crisis With China

Hundreds of Federal Agents Fall Victim to Ponzi Scheme

World Market Nervous over BP’s Possible Collapse

Obama’s Health Care Bill Is Enough to Make You Sick

Academics, Politicians: Pending Global Treaty Threatens Free Internet, Fundamental Rights

VIDEO:Internet Strikes Back, LeBron Who?, Israeli Nukes

EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

New MoD Strategic Report Extends Vision to 2040

Columbia University: Body Scanners Increase Risk Of Skin Cancer

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds | The Vigilant Citizen

Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines | The Vigilant Citizen

Conficker, Cyber Emergency, and the Internet Kill Switch

YouTube - World wide Camps of Slavery

Climategate: A Reality Check on Climate Change

In This Article, I Show How Easy It Is For Peaceful People to Violate the Patriot Act and Face 15 Years in Jail « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Freedom Watch - 07/10/10 (part 1)

YouTube - Freedom Watch - 07/10/10 (part 2)

YouTube - Freedom Watch - 07/10/10 (part 3)

YouTube - Freedom Watch - 07/10/10 (part 4)

YouTube - Freedom Watch - 07/10/10 (part 5)


YouTube - Global Politics in 30 Seconds

YouTube - Journalist Being Blocked From Reporting On Growing Health Crisis In Gulf

YouTube - CNN: Dispersants Will Kill You!

8 PART/Video: Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition – Our Republic is More Important Than LeBron James & Spain! « Dprogram.net

Was the Social Security Money “Borrowed” or “Stolen”? | Dissident Voice

Obama’s “jobs program”: Poverty wages and mass unemployment

Do sweeteners bring on early birth? How fizzy drinks can harm an unborn child | Mail Online

YouTube - Daniel Estulin exclusive: Bilderberg are terrified!

Hail Caesar! Queen Gives Marching Orders To The UN

4 PART/Video: Bob Chapman’s Friday Report – The Economic Point of No Return! – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net


'The Constitution and Freedom,' Part 1

'The Constitution and Freedom,' Part 2

'The Constitution and Freedom,' Part 3

'The Constitution and Freedom,' Part 4

'The Constitution and Freedom,' Part 5

'The Constitution and Freedom'


**Proof Man-Made Earthquakes Are Real And More | Before It's News

Experimental Bomb To Create Huge Tidal Wave Was Tested In 1944

Bill Text - 107th Congress (2001-2002) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Defense.gov /News Transcript: DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen


Canadian Research Team Shatters Concepts of Ancient Hebrew | Before It's News


Nostradamus Barack Hussein Obama Prophecy Revealed !! | Before It's News

Nostradamus Barack Hussein Obama Prophecy | Obama Antichrist

Nostradamus Obama Prophecies Revealed


New Black Panther Party “Ready to Rumble” with Tea Partiers in August | Before It's News

YouTube - Leader of Black Panthers Threatens War with Tea Party, RNC, Glenn Beck, Congress

Epoch Times - Doctor of Sociolinguistics: ‘Absolutely stunning’

NASA-funded game aims to make science more appealing

6 Completely Legal Ways The Cops Can Screw You | Cracked.com

The new geopolitical importance of Lubmin

Dalit woman humiliated and victimized in Allahabad

When will the SEC prosecute for market rigging?

Iran halts stoning of woman 'for time being'

No less than 75 tons of depleted uranium found in Gaza soil and subsoil after Israel attacks

The US Drone Attacks: Have We Become An International Outlaw?

No full Social Security benefits until age 70?

‘What kind of America’? Hate-filled rally to stop mosque

Bill O’Reilly Humiliates Sarah Palin on Fox News

NSA setting up secret 'Perfect Citizen' spy system

Why We Must Fight Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s Dumbing Down of America

Taxation is Theft, and Theft Cannot Be "Reformed"

President Obama is Not "Anti-Business" -- He's Just Anti-Free Market

Dubai airports nix full-body scanners "out of respect for privacy of individuals and personal freedom"

Senate bill would make airport body scanners mandatory

Israel is a strategic US ally in the Middle East: When the American Empire falls, Israel will be Weakened

Mozambique: Not Then But Now: The Present Globalist, Neoliberal Agenda

Stirrings of a New Push for Military Option on Iran

Are You a "Perfect Citizen"? Big Brother Deploys Snooping Sensors on Private Networks

Witch-Hunt Begins in Israeli Schools and Colleges

US-South Korea Military Exercise, An Act of Provocation directed against China

Russian Spies Get Quick "Justice" While Wall Street Criminals Remain at Large With Few Prosecutions

The Drums of War? Pentagon Provokes New Crisis With China

New Cold War? Deployment of US anti-missile defense (AMD) close to Russian border

No Free Press for BP Oil Disaster

America's Role in Central Africa: AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command, Rwanda, the Congo

Threat to Russia? Ukraine-NATO Military Drills

US Patriot Missile System in Poland Sours Relations with Russia

A Key Piece in the Oil Leak Story: Two Sections of Drill Pipe Lodged in the Blowout Preventer

VIDEO: Afghan Protests Against NATO Raid in Full Swing

Gun Victory in Chicago!

Financial Reform Bill Passed by House Would Create 'Office of Minority and Women Inclusion' in Every U.S. Financial Regulatory Agency

U.S. Spent $410,624 on Project to Teach Chinese Meditation to Cocaine Addicts

Independents Oppose Justice Department Lawsuit against Arizona Immigration Law by More Than Two-to-One, Says Gallup Poll

86 Percent of Afghan Army Recruits Cannot Read and Write, Complicating U.S. Efforts to Train Self-Sufficient Security Force

Senate Committee That Failed to Hold Confirmation Hearing for Obama's Medicare Czar Held Only 12 Hearings of Any Kind Between Obama's Nomination and Recess Appointment

Government’s New $25-Million Fund to Help Pregnant Teens May Benefit Abortion Providers, Pro-Family Advocates Say

Census ‘Successfully Completed’ Work to Date Despite ‘Shaky’ Computer Problems, Census Director Says

China Bristles at Prospect of U.S. Aircraft Carrier in the Yellow Sea

Eric Holder Raises Question on Death Penalty for Sept. 11 Mastermind

Debt Commission Leaders Paint Gloomy Picture; Nation’s Debt ‘Is Like A Cancer’

Nation’s New Drilling Chief Plans to ‘Jump on Evidence of Violations’

Poll: 75 Percent of Americans Blame State Budget Problems on Politicians’ Unwillingness to Cut Spending

Oil Spill Gives Obama's Health Secretary an Opening to Push ‘Access to Needed Services’

Twin Explosions Kill Dozens in Uganda As Crowds Watched World Cup Final

Financial Regulatory Bill Approved by House Gives Feds Power to Subpoena Any Record from Any Financial Institution Without Establishing Any Probable Cause

Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

Rep. Maloney and Sen. Menendez Introduce Bill to Restrict Speech of Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers by Controlling Their Advertising

Chicago's New Gun Ordinance Goes into Effect

U.S. Should Better Define Islamic Extremism in Order to Fight It, Report Says

The Useless U.N.

Why the Truth Drives Them Nuts!

It's The Culture, Stupid

Is Democracy Overrated?


IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast 7-9

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast 7-9

Progressive Paradise 7.9.10

Is Our Favorite Renewable Energy Source A Disaster? 7.9.10


Illinois Hotel Backs out of Hosting Muslim Group

U.S. Troops Face Afghan Enemy Too Young to Kill

Mo. Dad Says Daughter Who Was Abducted Doing OK

Uncle of Shooting Victim Rejects Letter of Apology

'Hour of Power' Pastor to Retire, Passes Pulpit to Daughter

Rev. Schuller's Daughter Assumes Lead Pastor Role

Israel Failed in Ship Interception Planning: Reports

What Have Prosecutors Proved About Blagojevich?

Cuban Ex-Intelligence Chief Recalls JFK Assassination

Morocco Theater School Wages Battle for Young Minds

Crime, What Crime? Doom-Mongers Eat Words

Babies of the Oil Spill Face an Uncertain Future

Russia's Medvedev Calls for Alliances With U.S., EU

Polish Performer Burns Barn to Commemorate Pogrom

Russian Curators Anger Church but Escape Jail

28 Years Later, Maine Woman Gets Stolen Ring Back

10-Foot Gator Bites off Man's Hand in Fla. Canal

Oracle Octopus Gets Own World Cup for Winning Streak

Fidel Castro to Appear on Cuban Television and Radio

North Korea and U.N. Officers to Meet Over Ship Sinking

Senate Vote on Wall St Bill Possible This Week: Aide

U.S. Agency Issues Subpoenas on Private Mortgage Bonds

Manure Helps Power New British Army Barracks

Strong Russian Remarks on Iran Please Washington

Haitians Get 6 More Months to Apply to Stay in US

Chili Pepper Delivery Spices up Remote Seed Vault

Wall Street Bill Could Face Further Delay in Senate

Rare 17th Century Bowls Found at London Dig Site

Police Search for Gunman in Albuquerque Shooting

NTSB: Pa. Duck Boat Radioed Tug, Got No Response

Ill. Cousins Being Sentenced in Antimilitary Plot

NYC Mayor: Investigating Mosque Is Un-American

Two Bad Investments: Stocks, Bonds by Gary North

Addicted to the Warfare State by William Norman Grigg

Dirty War in Afghanistan by Douglas Valentine

Octavia Nasr's firing and what The Liberal Media allows - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Save the Virgins! by David Galland

Activist Post: 10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

College: Big Investment, Paltry Return - BusinessWeek

Dracula was not bloodthirsty, just a victim of bad propaganda, new exhibition claims - Telegraph

Government knows best: San Francisco criminalizes juice and soft drinks

Unfounded fear of immigrant crime grips Arizona

Obama: Bumbling incompetent…or bumbling Marxist?

Democrats Fear Voters' Wrath Over Obama Immigration Lawsuit

GOP Preps for Dem Push on Finance, Cap and Trade

Gibbs: Democrats Could Lose House

Kyl: Federal Effort to Stop Illegals Isn't Working

Gingrich Says He's Considering a Presidential Run

Ric Grenell: Robert Gibbs Misleads on Iran

Rasmussen: Obama's Economic Rating Hits Nadir

What Have Prosecutors Proved About Blago?

Report: US Must Define Islamic Extremism

Palin Donated $87K to Fiorina, Haley, Others

Netanyahu: Obama Can't Let Up on Iran

Napolitano Meets With Brewer at Governors Meeting

Kennedy's Clout Could Grow on High Court

Feds Looking for Racism in Arizona Policing

Holder Questions Death Penalty for 9/11 Terrorists

Justice Dept. Conducts Interviews in Spill Probe

White House: Russian Spies Didn't Get Secrets

Holder Mulls Second Fed Lawsuit Against Ariz.

'Barefoot Bandit's' 2-Year Run From Law Is Over

Ted Nugent: Why Guns Are Good for Freedom

Libya Preventing Gaddafi's Son From Joining Ship

Netanyahu: U.S.-Israel Alliance Remains Strong

Buffett Gives Obama Mixed Review for Handling BP

Study: When Dieting, Watch Your Vitamins

Drug Helps Brain Grow New Cells

13 New Reasons to Kick Your Cola Habit

Tiny Shard Bears Oldest Script Found in Jerusalem

Estimate: Global Cell Subscriptions Pass 5 Billion

Nolan Won't Replace Ledger As Joker in 'Batman 3'

Hefner Offers to Take Playboy Private

Obama Admin. Ignores Economic Pain From Offshore Drilling Ban

Offensive Sarah Palin Song Gets Emmy Nomination

Lax Immigration Laws Encourage Lawless Society

Why Elena Kagan Doesn't Belong on Supreme Court

Democrats Rushing 'Disclose' to Control November Elections

'To Kill a Mockingbird' Exposed Racism

Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’ | Aspen Daily News Online

BIO-WARFARE: Corexit dump in the Gulf may just be the perfect delivery vehicle

American Thinker: Alinsky, Stalinsky, It's Still the Same Old Agitprop

Why is Drug Company with 50 Years of Proven Safety Violations Using Taxpayer Money to Make Next Gen Flu Vaccine?

Darpa’s Lab-Grown Blood Starts Pumping [Corrected] | Danger Room | Wired.com

Darpa Plots Death From Above, On-Demand | Danger Room | Wired.com

Run Wired, Run Deep: Subs May Finally Get Online | Danger Room | Wired.com

Damaged brains rewired by singing

Report: NSA creating spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure | Raw Story

Sir, Your Liver Is Ready: Behind the Scenes of Bioprinting | Raw File

DARPA Plots Supercomputing Future -- Supercomputing -- InformationWeek

The US Treasury and the Federal Reserve are Manipulating the Gold Market

Walking Away From Million-Dollar Mortgages - NYTimes.com

Police: 6 dead, 4 wounded in Albuquerque shooting

Crewman buried at Arlington 60 years after he died

Officials: Gov't to issue new oil moratorium

Belfast police, Catholic rioters clash over parade

Treasury: 4.5M hires qualify for new tax break

Fed looks for ways to aid small business lending

BP robots slowly lowering oil cap toward Gulf leak

Police search for gunman in Albuquerque shooting

'There were faults that need correcting'

Sudan president charged with genocide

Alleged spy arrested in Majdal Shams

Afghan civilian deaths rise as violence escalates

Russia: Iran close to nuke capability

Germany bans IHH for Hamas links

Gaza flotilla: Israel braces for report

Legal high 'NRG1' to be made Class B drug

'US support is insurance policy'

Moat victim PC 'bears no malice'


CARTOON:Obama Nation: Mr. Post Racial


Radical NAACP Leftists Propose Resolution Condemning Tea Party Racists

Don’t Believe the MSM When It Says Cuba’s Prisons Are Emptying

U.S. Intelligence on Cuba; Consistently Wrong



The Fringe Dweller

SITE:From the Shadows

Free Resources & Articles: Mind Motivations

SITE:National UFO Reporting Center


Dark Matter May Be Building Up Inside the Sun | Wired Science | Wired.com

Historians locate King Arthur's Round Table - Telegraph

BBC News - Rosetta probe passes Asteroid Lutetia

Until Cryonics Do Us Part - NYTimes.com

Two New "Walking" Batfish Species Found

Lair of the Beasts: A Spectral Beast - Mania.com

Australian towns at war over legacy of Mary Poppins author - Telegraph

This article is not available | LiveScience

3 Officers Involved in Shooting at Summerlin Costco - KLAS-TV Channel 8 News Las Vegas

Flights diverted, delayed as UFO detected hovering - People's Daily Online

Science of Evil: Depravity Scale Ranks Crimes : Discovery News

Attack of the Amomorphous Monster: When Things Aren’t What They Seem | Mysterious Universe

Sharp-eyed robins can see magnetic fields

BBC News - Earliest evidence of pet tortoise in Britain

Neanderthal Males Had Popeye-Like Arms : Discovery News

BBC News - Black hole blows huge gas bubble

Primitive Cinema Used Echoes and Rock Engravings | LiveScience


Management Tip of the Day: 3 Important Conversation Ingredients - ABC News


Is the Sun Setting on the American Empire? | Global Research TV

Insect bite Natural Home Remedies, home Remedy for insect sting

Why Every Man Should Go To A Barber Shop | The Art of Manliness

Is Time Disappearing from the Universe? (A Weekend Feature)


**New U.K. government bans Michael Savage


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Uganda massacre: 'Choice of targets symbolic'


Rogue regime hunts for atomic weapons

FOXNews.com - Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds

Obama sets campaign mode to attack

Republicans' Dilemma: Michael Steele's Replacement

Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki puts 'Everybody Draw Mohammed' cartoonist Molly Norris on execution hitlist

Egypt, censorship: Egypt lawyer group takes aim at Arabic classic - latimes.com

Package bomb possibly targeted Texas oil executive, woman injured

Critics fear Kagan would use bench to promote 'gays'

Hatch lays out case against Kagan - On Congress - POLITICO.com

Justice Ginsburg Rolls Out Welcome Mat for Kagan - Law Blog - WSJ

Kagan: 'No view on natural rights'

Will Chelsea Clinton Convert? Jews Wonder -- and Ponder the Implications

Flip-flops made for Christian walk

Obama wants to create new 'super-left' party?

The Left's total moral bankruptcy

Obama science czar: Surrender to 'planetary regime'

President Obama's policy time bombs - Chris Frates and Ben White - POLITICO.com

Businesses step up criticism of Obama's agenda | Reuters

Radio host confronts Cindy Sheehan with 'aiding' terrorists

Obama at odds with Petraeus doctrine on 'Islam' - Washington Times

Holder unsure about death penalty for terrorist cases in military court - Washington Times

Planet of the apes: Monkeys taught to shoot Americans?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Next stop for 'Where's the birth certificate?' campaign


White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 1

White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 2

White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 3

White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 4


*American Minute for July 12th:William J Federer's American Minute


Challenged! Court using 'feelings' as case decider

Late-blooming lesbians: women can switch sexualities as they mature - Telegraph

AFP: Human body found on Saudi plane tyre

Dracula was not bloodthirsty, just a victim of bad propaganda, new exhibition claims - Telegraph

Female mice 'can be turned lesbian by deleting gene' - Telegraph

Earth is much younger than previously thought - Telegraph

Al-Qaeda: poor Yemeni town cursed by its name - Yahoo! News

Post-racial, my foot!

The Left's total moral bankruptcy

Coming soon! Worst tax increases of 2011

Time for talk is over

Now it can be told

Lying: America's favorite pastime

Plenty of clouds hover over 'recovery'

Famous last words: 'I can handle it'

John Fund: The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy - WSJ.com

Priest will wait to look at water park's flag - Thursday, Jul. 8, 2010

The Left's total moral bankruptcy

Patti’s Tribune rant makes a comeback - Blagojevich on Trial

Rod Blagojevich Trial Day 22: John Wyma on deck - Lynn Sweet

Feeding frenzy outside court for ex-gov's fans :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Mark Brown

Police investigating Kingston Stadium vandalism - chicagotribune.com

Bucktown beating victim flown home :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Ready for LiLo law? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Bill Zwecker

Six Dead in Albuquerque Office Shooting - CBS News

Republican Sen. Scott Brown backs Wall Street bill - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid | World news | The Guardian

Patti’s Tribune rant makes a comeback - Blagojevich on Trial

Site Linking President Obama To Rod Blagojevich Launched By Swift Boat Funder

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - NAACP Considers Condemning Tea Party for 'Racism'

NAACP vs. Tea Party: Civil Rights Group Considers Resolution Condemning Racism in Tea Party - ABC News

Obama team ponders possible Democratic loss of the House - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Chicago's Tough New Gun Law Under Fire Already - ABC News

Obama team's lawsuit against Arizona could expand - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Hatch says he won't vote to confirm Kagan - UPI.com

New ruling suggests high court may uphold health care law :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics

California candidates caught in a voter paradox

44 - Rand Paul defends tea party as 'mainstream'

Rand Paul to America’s poor: you don’t have it so bad | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Gates Foundation playing pivotal role in changes for education system

David Vitter's New GOP Challenger Says ABC News Report On Violent Aide Helped Spur Primary Bid - ABC News

GLAD: Frequently asked questions regarding DOMA decision in Boston | San Diego Gay & Lesbian News

Man claiming to have explosive device taken into custody - CNN.com

BP Starts Test Today on Stopping Leak From Gulf Well - BusinessWeek

YouTube - Raw Video: BP Places Cap Over Leaking Oil Well

Bernanke: More Needed To Boost Small-Business Lending - WSJ.com

Avon to Buy Jewelry Seller Silpada for $650 Million - BusinessWeek

The Associated Press: Hugh Hefner offers to take Playboy private

YouTube - News Update: Hugh Hefner Offers to Take Playboy Private for $5.50 Per Share

**SITE**Obama/Blagojevich ........

Mel Gibson threatens to kill ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva during terrifying taped conversation

The Associated Press: New Mel tape mentions allegedly hitting girlfriend

Lindsay Lohan Looks for Lawyer, Sparks Twitter Touble With Samantha Ronson, Joan Rivers - ABC News

Ed Norton will not play The Hulk in 'The Avengers' | EW.com

Walter Hawkins, Grammy-Winning Gospel Singer, Dead At 61 - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Schuller is not retiring as lead pastor role, his daughter confirms - latimes.com

Martin Lawrence Marries Longtime Girlfriend Shamicka Gibbs - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

FOXNews.com - Tiger Woods Wants Porn Star Paternity Case Dismissed

How the Srebrenica Massacre Led to the Iraq War - Newsweek

allAfrica.com: Zimbabwe: There's No Blood On Our Diamonds, Says Mpofu

BBC News - Kashmir parties seek inquiry into deaths of protesters

ICC Issues Second Arrest Warrant for Sudan's al-Bashir | Africa | English

Total solar eclipse blots out sun, amazes skywatchers - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Thousands watch South Pacific solar eclipse

Israeli Military Finds Flotilla Killings Justified - NYTimes.com

French police search heiress' home in scandal | Reuters

The Tale of the Barefoot Bandit - Newsweek

YouTube - Joyride over for 'Barefoot Bandit'

Somali militants claim responsibility for Uganda bombings - CNN.com

YouTube - Kampala bombings kill scores

Indian Brutal Oppression And Kashmir Uprising

Kashmir: Observance Of Martyrs’ Day

Af-Pak: India Blind To New Realities

Rewritten History: The Hill characterizes Democrats as vitriolic and relentless

Monsanto's Roundup - Be Warned

Aspartame Jumps Premature Births Up To 78%

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox: Requiem for the Antiwar Movement by Cindy Sheehan

Allow them to own a home? La, Abadan! ( No, never!) | Opinion Maker

Fidel Castro to appear on Cuban television and radio | Reuters

Debunking Joe Farah's Jewish Fables

The Siege against Gaza: America's Ongoing Support of Israeli Military and Intelligence Operations

Secret gold swap has spooked the market - Telegraph

Isael's 'Settlements' - Longstanding, Outrageous, Illegal

Roy Tov – Jewish Paradises’ Empty Husks

Lloyd's adds its voice to dire 'peak oil' warnings | Business | The Guardian

Egypt plans 100MW solar power plant | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Giant unmanned airships to patrol Afghanistan skies for up to three weeks at a time | Mail Online

The ridiculous ban on crucifixes will have Italians falling out of love with Europe – Telegraph Blogs

Mexican girls survive flood by clinging to tree for four days | World news | The Guardian

Nicolas Sarkozy to address France in live TV broadcast - Telegraph

British banks face US suit over 'misselling' £1.6bn of sub-prime loans - Telegraph

PIIGS may yet fly, but not while they're trapped in this rickety eurozone - Telegraph

Food Standards Agency to be abolished by health secretary | Politics | The Guardian

Food companies under fire over large portions - Telegraph

Stem cell 'pharmacies' in the high street in 20 years, predicts expert - Telegraph

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: How walnuts can help in the fight against dementia

Gunman Raoul Moat 'was a police informant for years' | Mail Online

Raoul Moat: questions for police after claim gunman was 'executed' - Telegraph

Taser stun guns: life-saving deterrent or lethal weapon? | UK news | The Guardian

Ian Tomlinson pathologist accused of incompetence over autopsies | UK news | The Guardian

Expelled Russian spies 'living in Britain' - Home News, UK - The Independent

California welcomes the Poodle of Lurve – Telegraph Blogs


Where We Get Our News


New Oz PM is Lesbian Communist

Network News: Seeing Through Illuminati Eyes

Video News

#Ed Driscoll’s Latest Video: ‘The Cold Civil War’

Polanski Set Free

Ambassador John Bolton Predicts Failure in Afghanistan

Democrats Speak Out on Voter Intimidation, Fraud in 2008 Caucuses

British Health Care System Moves Toward Free Market Solutions

Does Rep. Ciro Rodriguez Have an Anger Management Problem?

Geraldo Takes Black Panther Leader Apart in Interview

CNN Host Takes Rush Quote Out of Context, Paints Him as Racist

Florida Republican’s Catchy Campaign Music Video Goes Viral

White House Spokesman Concedes GOP Could Win House

Solar Eclipse Crosses South Pacific

Deadly Bombings in Uganda; Al Qaeda Affiliate Suspected

Final Moments of UK Fugitive Murderer’s Life Caught on Home Video

Bomb Threat Forces Landing in Brazil

Afghans Protest NATO-led Operation

US-Russia Spy Swap at Vienna Airport

Feds Bust Neo-Nazi Gang in Utah

Biden Talks Spy-Swap with Leno: ‘I Thought They’d Take Rush Limbaugh’

Justice Department and Media Ignore Black Panther Case