"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 July 2010


*San Francisco Chronicle: Leaked Corexit Information | Before It's News

City Brights: Yobie Benjamin : LEAKED: What's in gushing crude oil? Question: How does it all react to Corexit?


BBC News - Google Street View accused of Congress 'snooping'

savethemales.ca - I Meet the "Minister of Public Safety"

savethemales.ca - The New World Order is "Communism"

Walking Away From Million-Dollar Mortgages - NYTimes.com

Hundreds of FBI, DEA and ICE Agents Fall Victim to Ponzi Scheme

Hillary Clinton's Latest Lies

Gary Leupp: Petraeus, Palin, Boot and the Power of Israel

Lenin McCartney McCrystal Pajama Sleepover | Opinion Maker

10-brands-that-may-disappear-in-2011: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Video--Government arrogance from top to bottom

Sources say smackdown of Obama by Supreme Court may be inevitable

A viral video expresses citizen outrage over government arrogance

Polls show upswing in support to oust key incumbents

Videos--Local government arrogance a symptom of era of Obama


YouTube - CFR Meeting: Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening

YouTube - Obaaama why does the "antiwar" left continue to make excuses for him?

YouTube - obamunist obama the two faced conartist

YouTube - There is no left and right only imperialism marketed in two ways

YouTube - Obama financial terrorist

YouTube - Obama is Bush Dark

YouTube - congress didn't read it

YouTube - ABCDs of politics

YouTube - no change

YouTube - Ralph Nader Challenges Obama while visiting UB Law School


The Con of the Decade Part I | Benzinga.com

The Con of the Decade Part II | Benzinga.com


YouTube - OFFICIAL - 128 BP Oil Cleanup Workers Sickened in Louisiana - Told NOT to go to Public Hospitals !


YouTube - Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit "bleeding from the rectum"

YouTube - BP OIL SPILL HEALTH EMERGENCY! DIRE! MUST BE WATCHED! Corexit Being Sprayed From Coast Guard Planes!

YouTube - Tutte le esplosioni nucleari dal 1945 al 1998

Washington's Blog:Toxicologists: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding”, "Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells” and “Every Organ System"









*FILM:The Great Global Warming Swindle 1:15:56


Washington's Blog:SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options O

How to Fight Conspiracies and Win by Gary North


Memory-restoring compound could destroy Alzheimer's forever

Chicago Dems ask Treasury to use TARP funds to bring Illinois bank ‘back to life’ - TheHill.com

Obama US Attorney expected to stand behind federal gay marriage ban, plaintiffs say | Raw Story

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Is the IMF about Ready to Muscle U.S. Taxpayers?

Pipeline Geopolitics: The Russia German Nord Stream Strategic Gas Pipeline

The US Treasury and the Federal Reserve are Manipulating the Gold Market

BP's Deepwater Horizon Disaster; Mitigating Annihilation

117 Iraqis Killed in Two Days of Attacks on Pilgrims Nearly 500 Wounded as Bombings Tear Through Baghdad :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

SOUTH LEBANON: Behind Turkey and Israel's Not-So-Secret Meeting - Business as Usual

Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic – Telegraph Blogs

Obama Selects General Who Likes Killing Muslims to Centcom

TruthNews:Robert Byrd Built a Career on Opportunism

TruthNews:Israel Releases Intelligence on Iran’s Control of Hizbullah

TruthNews:Netanyahu Says Palestinians Could Have State Next Year

TruthNews:Energy Expert Questions Green Future

TruthNews: The Midterm Elections David Budge, July 8, 2010


Radio Liberty Podcast PT 1

Radio Liberty Podcast PT2

The Nutrimedical Report Podcast PT 1

The Nutrimedical Report Podcast PT2

The Nutrimedical Report Podcast PT 3

World Crisis Radio Podcast PT1

World Crisis Radio Podcast PT2


YouTube - As United States Collapses, Media Worships LeBron James


YouTube - I Spy: Former MI5 officer on 'secret agent swap'

YouTube - SA@TAC - Michael Steele Talks About Fight Club


What Really Happened? Podcast PT 1

What Really Happened? Podcast PT2

Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast PT 1

Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast PT2


Mark Of The Beast Rears Its Head In Pennsylvania

Nearly Half a Million Dollars Pledged by Americans to Fight DOJ Lawsuit Against Arizona

Witness The Recent Gold Market Takedowns

Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next

Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists

EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

Operation Enduring War

The Disaster of Government-Run Businesses

Global Warming Alarmist: Make It Illegal To Emit CO2

Practice Your Mercury Escape Plan

EU gives US access to its citizens’ financial data

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback


*Academics, Politicians: Pending Global Treaty Threatens Free Internet, Fundamental Rights

Text of Urgent ACTA Communique; American University Washington College of Law

Michael Geist - ACTA Negotiations, Day Two: What's On Tap

Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK

Leaked ACTA Internet Provisions: Three Strikes and a Global DMCA | Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet


*Presenting The Wall Of Worry: The 50 Ugliest Facts About The US eCONomy

Why I'm certain my friend Dr Kelly was murdered | Mail Online

Global Elite Designed Sanctions to Kill and Impoverish the People of Iran

Irony: Our Huge Military Is What Made Us an Empire … But Our Huge Military is What Is Bankrupting Us, Thus DESTROYING Our Status as an Empire

Coca Cola Commercial A Closer Look

BP Security Still Stopping Filming Despite Obama Policy

Residents outraged: BP dumping oily waste in Gulf landfills | Raw Story

U.S. consumers left defenseless against toxic chemicals in consumer products

Warning: Consumer Products May Be Harmful to Your Health | CommonDreams.org

Flights diverted, delayed as UFO detected hovering - People's Daily Online

EU Banking System on the Brink

New BP Data Show 20% of Gulf Spill Responders Exposed to Chemical That Sickened Valdez Workers - NYTimes.com

Harvard Professor: ‘Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax’

Obama Science Czar Called For Global Carbon Tax

Belgium considers proposals to dissolve bodies and flush them into sewage systems | Mail Online

Warming Indoctrination: ‘Tell your kids They are killing Santa Claus’!

The Truth About Sunlight, Cancer and Vitamin D

Individuals Donate $500,000 to Arizona to Defend Immigration Enforcement Law

Nearly Half a Million Dollars Pledged by Americans to Fight DOJ Lawsuit Against Arizona

Reporter’s Question on Obama’s Illegal-Immigration Policy Leaves Gibbs Stammering

CNSNews.com - Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

Peter Mandelson stars in TV advert for his autobiography | Mail Online

Pakistan bomb attacks claim 102 lives | Raw Story


*6 PART VIDEO:More Evidence Of BP Corexit Chemical Rain Blowing Into Fort Worth Texas


Toxicologists: Corexit “Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding”, “Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate “Into The Cells” and “Every Organ System”

128 BP Oil Cleanup Workers Sickened in Louisiana – Told NOT to go to Public Hospitals

Schlumberger’s secret “smoking oil rig” documents

Is the IMF about Ready to Muscle U.S. Taxpayers?

Greenspan Says Economy May Be Undergoing a `Pause' - Bloomberg


The Alex Jones Show – July 9th With Ted Nugent

The Alex Jones Show – July 8th With David Icke

The Alex Jones Show – July 7th With Paul Craig Roberts

The Alex Jones Show – July 6th With Mike Rivero


YouTube - Sheriff Paul Babeu : Obama Has Undermined The Rule of Law!! - Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Sheriff Paul Babeu : Obama Has Undermined The Rule of Law!! - Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Sheriff Paul Babeu : Obama Has Undermined The Rule of Law!! - Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Sheriff Paul Babeu : Obama Has Undermined The Rule of Law!! - Alex Jones Tv 4/4

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 4/4


Crusade Against Mel Gibson Stamped, Sealed and Delivered by the New World Order


**Ten Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased


**IMAGE:Evolution of a Parasite


Tyranny Response Team Exposes the DC Police State

Stirrings of a New Push for Military Option on Iran

Rangel eyes draft return - NYPOST.com

Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche - May. 5, 2010

Analysts say WHO communication errors spurred ‘false pandemic’ charges

Chemicals found on receipts possible danger to male hormone levels - 680News

Shopping 'makes men impotent' | Mail Online

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Revolution and Repression in America

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’

America’s Militias Respond to 3-Day Muster Along Deteriorating Arizona Border

FOXNews.com - Justice Department Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

Murdoch’s mouthpiece: It’s not what Beck exposes, it’s the issues he deflects and who he discredits that counts

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin, Paul expose rift in Tea Party « - Blogs from CNN.com

Ed Schultz: Borrow More Money from Bankers to Pay for Welfare

Obama Promises Push on Trade Pacts - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Google Street View accused of Congress 'snooping'

New eco fees catching consumers by surprise - thestar.com

Europe Seeks to Ban Food From Cloned Animals - NYTimes.com

Fluoridation: Mind Control of the Masses

How your Apple iPhone spies on you - Telegraph

Did NIST lie about the time it placed Jennings on the 23rd floor?

New CENTCOM commander once called shooting Arab men ‘a hell of a lot of fun’ | Raw Story

Brussels fines us £150m for failing to fly the EU flag at funded projects | Mail Online

07-10-2010: Vatican posts financial loss for third year in a row

07-09-2010: Sculptor Watches Over Chicago With Giant 'Eye'

07-09-2010: Monkeys trained as battlefield killers in Afghanistan

07-09-2010: Mind Control? Scientists Have Discovered How To Use Nanoparticles To Remotely Control Behavior!

07-09-2010: New BP Data Show 20% of Gulf Spill Responders Exposed to Chemical That Sickened Valdez Workers

07-09-2010: Engineered Global Depression Being Used To Help Bring In One World Currency System

07-09-2010: Broadcast viewership hits record low

07-09-2010: Some private security firms, NGOs helping militants

07-09-2010: Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next

07-09-2010: Obama to submit three trade agreements to Congress

Audits, not raids mark U.S. immigration crackdown: report

Feds cautious on timing for new cap in Gulf leak

Finish line in sight for major financial overhaul

GOP candidate Angle rallies GOP against Reid

2nd body identified in Philadelphia boat sinking

In spy swap, agents were pawns in a practiced game

Obama: More post-traumatic stress help for vets

'Israel must meet Hamas demands'

Raoul Moat killed by single gunshot in police standoff

Heatwave may have killed hundreds

BP to place new cap over oil rupture

Chinese exports soar belaying global fears

Naomi Campbell will testify at war crimes trial

Obama supports Abbas leadership

Lybian aid ship on way to Egypt

Video: Raw Video: Parachutist Rescued From Power Lines

Video: Protesters set for AZ governor in Boston

Ground Zero Mosque: Imagine if Imperial Japan Had Built a Temple at Pearl Harbor

Stop Iran Now

Trust the Palestinian Authority?

Severing the Taliban Lifeline

What Is Hillary’s ‘Appropriate’ Punishment for Adultery?

Spy Swap: From Russia, with Love

‘Lawfare’: Weaponizing Human Rights

The Washington Post: Clueless about Courage

Alliance to Stop Sharia Formed in France: An Interview, Part 1

The Alliance to STOP Sharia: Part 2

An Islamophobe in Sweden

An Islamophobe in Sweden, Part 2

With Larry Stepping Down, Who Can Replace the King? Maybe It’s Miller Time

World’s Greatest Press Secretary Stumped By Simple Question!

Occam, Call Your Office: The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Strikes Again

Another Story the MSM Doesn’t Want You To Know About: ‘Never Bring Another Lawsuit Against a Black’

World’s Greatest Press Secretary Hems, Haws, Sneers, Cites Ezra Klein!

Useful Idiots: Transparency

From Walter Duranty To Vicky Pelaez, Communist Penetration of American Journalism Nothing New

The Ad the CBS ‘Standards and Practices’ Dept. Doesn’t Want You To See

Forget Dave Weigel — the Real Issues Are the ‘JournoList,’ MSM Groupthink, Transparency, and Advocacy Masquerading As Journalism

Journalist At Work: Megyn Kelly Interviews Karl Rove About the New Black Panther Case

NewsBusted: Chris Matthews Issues a Clarification!

CNN’s Very Own Ron Burgundy, Ricardo Leon Sanchez de Reinaldo, Goes After Rush Limbaugh; Rush Wins By Default

Behind CNN’s Octavia Nasr, a Media Army Of Lawrence of Arabias

Caught on Tape: Racist NAACP Leader Says ‘Kenneth Gladney Not Black Enough,’ an ‘Uncle Tom’

The First-ever Republican State Convention

Institutional Bailouts: All Regulation, No Reform

NASA and the Last Fig Leaf of Big Government

Cap-and-Trade Would Hammer Economy, Job Creation

Prosperity Requires Humility

Toxic Environmental Regulations Poison the Job Market

ShoreBank Fiasco Reveals Rift on the Left

New Black Panther Party President Admits to Philadelphia Voter Intimidation; Holder’s Justice Department Still Silent


*audio page:Obama’s Recovery Summer and Leaders With Plans


Jilted Basketball Fans Should Blame the Income Tax, not LeBron James

Get Ready for Donald Berwick to Run Your Health Care

James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles Sued by ACORN San Diego Employee


*audio page:Ricochet Podcast #24: Jabba The Fed


Want Economic Stimulus? Don’t Build a Sports Stadium!

None Dare Call it a Coincidence: Andy Stern and the White House Biodefense Program

cartoon:Waiting for President Godot

Why Would We Act Like Leftists and Want Michael Moore Blacklisted?

Now That He’s Apologized, Will Hollywood Have Any Use for Levi Johnston?

NEW TRAILER: Who’s Ready For More ‘Resident Evil?’

OIL SPILL: Jimmy Buffett’s Partisan Cheap Shot Backfires With Locals

Daily Gut: A Muslim on Muslim … Hate Crime?

Fighting For America’s Soul With ‘Declaration Entertainment’

Rage Against the Machine Rages Against ‘Anglo-Centric Police State’ in Arizona

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘The Lottery’ Exposes Truth About Public Schools

NEW TRAILER: Non-Racist ‘Machete’ Trailer Released

Coal Industry Mocks Ashley Judd’s Crusade to Destroy a Way of Life

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘Despicable Me’ Is Smart, Funny Animated Tale For Whole Family

WATCH: ‘Inception’ Stars Trash Evil, Stupid Cheney & Palin — Preach Hypocritical Environmentalism

Caught on Tape: Mel Gibson’s Raging, Hate-Filled Rant (NSFW)

Daily Gut: Ringo’s Mindless Peace & Love

Penn Jillette: Mistrust of Government Is a Beautiful Thing

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 2

Debbie Schlussel: Meet “Son of HAMAS’” Pro-Obama Israeli Handler

Debbie Schlussel: My Former Boss Pleads Guilty in Islamic Terrorism Case

Debbie Schlussel: Photo of the Day: Cosa Nostra Style

Forbe's Top Ten Industries

Arizona Immigration Law and the Ahistorical Press

Understanding the BP Oil Tragedy: Time Blindness

The Interposition of the Several States

Resident MSNBC Racist Pat Buchanan Defends Rush Limbaugh's Racist Attacks on Obama

Tom Tancredo: Like the Civil War and Soviets and Al Qaeda, President Obama is 'the greatest threat to the United States today'

Sharron Angle's ludicrous abortion stance. If you're raped, that's GOD's plan

Federal Judge Strikes Down DOMA

Dem Leadership 'Knows' The Base They Screwed Will Be Back For Mid-Terms. 'I Got Nowhere Else To Go!'

Raul Grijalva: Why it's important for progressives to get behind Obama's comprehensive immigration reform push

After the barrage of hate they generated, will the 'Climategate' accusers cop to their hoax and apologize?

Terry Savage tries to justify her vile attack of young girls giving away free lemonade

Times Report: Wealthiest Homeowners Are Most Likely To Walk Away From Mortgages

Democrats Face 200 million Republican War Chest Without the Strong Allies They Should Have

Ed Schultz Hits Back at O'Reilly for Saying MSNBC Lies Every Day With Highlight Reel of Fox Lies

The Rich Got Rich And The Poor Got Poorer. But Ain't We Got Fun?

After the latest bloodshed, 'sovereign citizens' -- and the threat of right-wing violence -- rise on media radar

Michele Bachmann Revives Death Panels Yet Again

With the Crime rate flat in Arizona, Gov. Brewer turns to the mythical "beheading" narrative to attack Latinos

Residents outraged: BP dumping oily waste in Gulf landfills

Women and Children Die First

Are You an American, or Do You Just Live Here?

After Obama: Forgiveness?

Arizona's Constitutional War Powers

'Illegal' Espionage

America an Empire 'On the Edge of Chaos' and Collapse

What British company helped in the release of the Lockerbie terrorist?

Leaving Las Vegas - if they re-elect Reid

Deepwater Horizon update

Green Schemes benefits Democratic 'friends and family' program members

What happened to the guns belonging to Bibi's guards?

Son Pleads To Save Mother From Stoning in Iran

Just trying to be a good neighbor

Obama's 'Fly Me to the Crescent Moon' Policy

Squandering the Stimulus

The Reindustrialization of American

Blather in Kansas City

The NAACP's Second-Class Citizens

Wankers: Then and Now

Measuring Risk of Recidivism Among Detainees - Or Not

That Magic Moment

The Twilight of Fatherhood

Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’ - NYTimes.com

HARTWELL: Obama aborted the recovery - Washington Times

Carnahan Drops Prices For Obama Event - Hotline On Call

Unemployment Pay: Labor Department Estimates $7 Billion Overpayments - ABC News

EDITORIAL: Obama appointee's prescription for socialism - Washington Times

Killing white babies is okay… in context. | RedState

Ginsburg: Roe will hold - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Biggest revolution in the NHS for 60 years - Telegraph

Department of Justice to conduct independent review Mehserle case, may prosecute | abc7news.com

Second woman attacked in Riverside Park, minutes after first mugging - NYPOST.com

Drilling delay to boost oil imports - Washington Times

Obama loses drilling moratorium appeal

Cosmic Log - Cat calls monkeys to their doom

PRUDEN: Flying to the moon on feel-good pills - Washington Times

Indian mum 'tries to flush newborn down plane toilet' - Telegraph

Christie administration recommends massive privatization of N.J. services | NJ.com

podcast pages: The New Ledger - Big Government

podcast pages: ricochet - Big Government

Sheriff revokes license of gun owner and son for writing letter to the editor critical of sheriff

Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event

‘Liar Loans’ Make a Comeback

The "Stress Test" Fraud

Disaster Capitalism Hits Europe (and the US is Next)

Crises of Capitalism

Wealthy Reap Rewards While Those Who Work Lose

US Professors Raise Doubts About Report on South Korean Ship Sinking

‘Perfect Citizen’ Program Places ‘Sensors’ Throughout Web

Report: NSA creating spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure | Raw Story

Report: Secret document affirms U.S.-Israel nuclear partnership - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Utah Gun Permits Popular With Out-of-Staters - NYTimes.com

U.S. has now lost 75 percent of Guantanamo habeas cases | McClatchy

The First Thing Young Women Do in the Morning: Check Facebook [STUDY]

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

The Drums of War? Pentagon Provokes New Crisis With China

The Siege against Gaza: America's Ongoing Support to Israeli Military and Intelligence Operations

Russian Spies Get Quick "Justice" While Wall Street Criminals Remain at Large With Few Prosecutions

VIDEO: Daniel Estulin Exclusive: Bilderberg are Terrified

Pipeline Geopolitics: The Russia German Nord Stream Strategic Gas Pipeline

How to Tame Financial Speculators

Cluster Bombs and Civilian Lives: "Efficient Killing", Profits and Human Rights

Hope and the Un-Holy Nuclear Trinity: The Battle to Shut Down Nuclear Reactors as an Energy Source

Economic Downward Spiral: The Next Big Wave of Deflation is Upon Us

In Trying To Cover It's Own Behind, BP Has Lowballed the Amount of Oil ... Which Has Made Everything Worse

Washington Pushes the Reset Button with Moscow: Obama Administration Renews U.S. Claims On Former Soviet Space

No Free Press for BP Oil Disaster

New Cold War? Deployment of US anti-missile defense (AMD) close to Russian border

Daniel Estulin Exclusive: Bilderberg are Terrified | Global Research TV

Is the Sun Setting on the American Empire? | Global Research TV

Liberation by Internet

Contempt of State -- An Indispensable Virtue

Full Body Scanner Bill Introduced in Senate

Is Police Violence and Brutality State-Sponsored Terrorism?

Sheriff revokes license of gun owner and son for writing letter to the editor critical of sheriff -- Federal judge orders a reissue of permits and forces sheriff to attend college level course on the 1st Amendment

Robert Byrd, Federal Bankruptcy, and Moral Debauchery

Financial Regulatory Bill Approved by House Gives Feds Power to Subpoena Any Record from Any Financial Institution Without Establishing Any Probable Cause

Costa Rican Govt Approves US Occupation

Let’s just shut down all progress using copyright and patent

California voters back pot legalization, but support is shaky

YouTube - The Terrafugia Transition

The Humanitarian with the Guillotine

Why Not Revitalize the Economy with Pyramids?

Navy’s New Solution to Bombs: Cook Them With Microwaves | Danger Room | Wired.com

DARPA Plots Supercomputing Future -- Supercomputing -- InformationWeek

No free speech, please, we’re British: The silencing of Abdullah, the ex-Muslim

Schlumberger’s secret “smoking oil rig” documents

Cluster bombs and civilian lives: Efficient killing, profits and human rights

Owner of Exploded Rig Is Known for Testing Rules

Where Your Credit Card is Most Likely to Be Stolen

Why We Must Fight Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s Dumbing Down of America

Ten Economic Blunders From History by John S. Chamberlain

We Need a Holiday! It’s Hard Work Being a Lying, Cheating, Psychopathic, Scumbag Politician! | Sovereign Independent

Something Fishy This Way Swims! Genetically Modified Population Control is Something to Beef About! | Sovereign Independent

The Future is Soylent Green! Daddy’s Dead so We Flushed Him Down the Toilet But Don’t Worry, We’ll Drink Him Next Week! | Sovereign Independent

Russell & Huxley’s Brave New World Order of Sexual Depravity | Sovereign Independent

What is Product Stewardship? | Stewardship Ontario

New eco fees catching consumers by surprise - thestar.com

Bavaria votes on total smoking ban : Infowars Ireland

YouTube - Alan Hart (former ITN and BBC) discusses 9/11 CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS


*1:36:46/Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film}


YouTube - 9/11 truth is not protected by copyright


3 Part Video: The Ethnic Cleansing of Silwan : Infowars Ireland


How The Elite Control Politics : Infowars Ireland

Is the eurozone bailout legal? : Infowars Ireland


Black Eugenics/White Eugenics: It’s all Mass Murder of Humanity! Stand Up and Fight These Psychopaths! | Sovereign Independent


Maafa 21: Part 1 of 3 Black Abortion

Maafa 21: Part 2 of 3 Blacks Abortion

Maafa 21: Part 3 of 3 Blacks Abortion


*One World Scam - 911 Videos

*One World Scam - Technology Videos

*One World Scam - War Videos

*One World Scam - Elites Videos

*One World Scam - Health Videos

*One World Scam - Environment Videos


YouTube - Cathy O'Brien on Mind Control

YouTube - President Clinton admits to mind control experiments

YouTube - CIA Mind Control

YouTube - David Rockefeller speaks about population control.

YouTube - Eugenics

YouTube - War on the Weak: Eugenics in America


One World Scam - The Truth About Margaret Sanager

One World Scam - The Truth About Margaret Sanager

One World Scam - The Truth About Margaret Sanager

One World Scam - Eugenics Takes Shape in America

One World Scam - "Modem Genetics Is Eugenics"

One World Scam - A History Timeline of Population Control

One World Scam - The Georgia Guidestones

One World Scam - Rockefeller, Nazis, The UN, & Genocide


Wise Up Journal - » END OF NATIONS - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (Film) *


*12 part video ; links/Wise Up Journal - » The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (FILM)


CCTV turning schools into 'prisons' - Telegraph

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Councils use bugs in lampposts to eavesdrop on you

YouTube - Video: America will Collapse – featuring Jim Rogers Marc Faber and Gerald Celente

3 Part Video: Ted Nugent – Obama is Waging War on The American Way of Life – Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

Hope and Change Fade, but War Endures by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com

Mind Control? Scientists Have Discovered How To Use Nanoparticles To Remotely Control Behavior!

Millions Of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Going Right Into The Pockets Of Corrupt Government Officials In Afghanistan

The Open Society Is Dying

5 Part Video: David Icke – Humanity’s Last Chance – The Sleeper Must Awaken! Alex Jones Tv « Dprogram.net

Primal in Philly: How I Lost 71 Pounds in Six Months by Eating Like a Caveman | Be Well Philly


YouTube - Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover - PT 1/2

YouTube - Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover - PT 2/2


The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Columbia University: Body Scanners Increase Risk Of Skin Cancer

Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

Financial Regulatory Bill Approved by House Gives Feds Power to Subpoena Any Record from Any Financial Institution Without Establishing Any Probable Cause

Rep. Maloney and Sen. Menendez Introduce Bill to Restrict Speech of Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers by Controlling Their Advertising

Fair Tax Coalition to Obama: Tell IRS Not to Tax BP Compensation to Oil Spill Victims

China Dilutes Another U.N. Measure Dealing With North Korea’s Aggression

Republican Leaders Letting Tea Party ‘Demagogues’ Set Tone, Defeated Republican Lawmaker Complains

Obama Science Czar Called for Carbon Tax to Redistribute Wealth from Global 'North' to 'South'

Obama's Unconfirmed 'Recess' Appointee to Run Medicare Advocated Rationing, Redistribution of Wealth

Obama Urges Increase in Clean Energy Tax Credits

New Cap, Ships Could Contain Gulf Leak by Monday

Marines' Mattis to Take over Central Command

Louisiana ACLU: Prisoners Confined in 'Squirrel Cages'

Is Democracy Overrated?

Swapping Spies

Whitewashing Black Racism

Representation Without Taxation

A True Moderate Muslim And Why Obama Sides Against Him

Who to Blame When Dems Lose Big in November

We Need Some Journalists With Guts to Take on the Government and BP!

Robots begin work to remove cap from gushing well - Yahoo! News

Military scrambles jets after Obama air space violated, NORAD says - CNN.com

Obama may have worn out his welcome on Capitol Hill - latimes.com

Are Overdue Reports Concealing ObamaCare Impact On Medicare? - IBD - Investors.com

Clintons looking to move to new $11 million manse - NYPOST.com

Replacing old cap on gulf oil starts this weekend as hopes run high for relief

Welcome to AnnCoulter.com

Ann Coulter vs. Bill Kristol: Beginnings of a Conservative Schism?

Mel Gibson Accuses Ex-Girlfriend of Extortion - Crime & Courts, Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva : People.com

Bill Clinton to Officiate Weiner Wedding Saturday - NYTimes.com

Scientists develop 'fake' genetically-engineered blood for use on the battlefield | Mail Online

Painting of dead Mandela draws outrage in S.Africa

55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama? - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - America: Optimism on hold

U.S. Lags in Job Growth - WSJ.com

Ignore the Polls and Focus on Economic Stimulus - Newsweek

One Job Forward, Two Jobs Back | The Weekly Standard

With Gloves Off, Obama Stumps for Reid - NYTimes.com

Mark McKinnon: Obama’s New Politics of Fear - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Representation Without Taxation Bad for Democracy

Op-Ed Columnist - Restoring a Hallowed Vision - NYTimes.com

Too Rich to Live? - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Cynical Recess Appointment of Donald Berwick

Obama and DOMA: Will the President Do the Right Thing? | The Nation

Christine M. Flowers: The New Black Panthers voting-rights case has nine lives | Philadelphia Daily News | 07/09/2010

Clift: The Battle for Control Inside the GOP - Newsweek

RealClearPolitics - Tom Friedman's Fantasies Are Dangerous & Arrogant

Krugman’s Tales From The Crypt | The New Republic

Why Octavia Nasr and Dave Weigel shouldn't have lost their jobs. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine

» Forget Dave Weigel — the Real Issues Are the ‘JournoList,’ MSM Groupthink, Transparency, and Advocacy Masquerading As Journalism - Big Journalism

Grim diagnosis: Senate's doctors pan Obamacare | NewsOK.com

Editorial - Redefining Marriage - NYTimes.com

Obama can't explain away Israelis' suspicion--Editorial - NYPOST.com

Health-care law may pose compliance issues for IRS, taxpayers

For Democrats, Politics Is Local Again - WSJ.com

U.S. Appeals Court Turns Down Moratorium on Drilling in Gulf - NYTimes.com

Inouye adjusting to new role — slowly - TheHill.com

The Cowardice of His Convictions - Critical Condition - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Silly 'Argument' Over Whether Climate Change is Real

Terence Corcoran: Climate science’s watery reprieve | FP Comment | Financial Post

Commentary » Blog Archive » Obama’s “False Narrative”

Demography is Destiny | Mother Jones

The Government's Catastrophic Response to the Oil Disaster - Reason Magazine

Obama's Military Dream Team

Will DOMA Decision Be Overruled?

Selling Obama's Policies in Nevada

Lame Duck for Card Check, Cap-and-Trade?

One Job Forward, Two Jobs Back | The Weekly Standard

A Masterpiece Of An Economic Mess - Forbes.com

A Special Report: Revitalizing the American Dream

Why So Gloomy? - IBD - Investors.com

RealClearMarkets - Donald Berwick's Five-Year Plan v. the iPhone

Microsoft's Bold Bid to Fix Health Care - Newsweek

Wealth Matters - How the Rich and Famous Can Stay Rich (if Not Famous) - NYTimes.com

The changing faces of terrorism - The National Newspaper

RealClearWorld - Media Distorts the Middle East

Ivan Fallon: A great nation has finally come of age - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Turkey: what axis shift? - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

The G-20’s Dead Ideas | Foreign Affairs

Web access as a legal right - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Real Clear World - Video - UN Condemns South Korean Sinking

Editorial - After the Flotilla - NYTimes.com

The new Obama style: cozy up to world leaders - CSMonitor.com

Toned-down rebuke

Obama Signs Landmark Formaldehyde Legislation | Before It's News

Federal Court Makes Rare Ruling in Favor of the 10th Amendment – Tenth Amendment Center Blog


Transcripts:9th/ Obama's Economic Remarks in Las Vegas

Standing Shoulder to Shoulder with the U.S.

8th/Obama's Economic Remarks in Kansas City

Interview with W.H. Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with BP Fund Overseer Kenneth Feinberg

Rep. Barney Frank on Reducing Military Spending


**10th/Politics Video:President Obama Weekly Address: Help For Vets With PTSD

Weekly GOP Address: Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) On Gov't Spending

CA-Gov: Jerry Brown Discusses Race Against Meg Whitman

Krauthammer: Conservatives Should Embrace Federalism On Gay Marriage

DNC Chairman Tim Kaine On The Democrats' Plan For The Midterms

O'Reilly: Immigration Debate A Battle Between President And The People

9th/MA-Gov: Baker (R) Hits Patrick For Record On Jobs

Obama Campaigns For Reid: Sharron Angle Is "More Extreme" Than GOP In Washington

NV-Sen: Angle Hits Back At Reid: "Help Is On The Way"

Sen. Boxer Discusses Her Tough Re-Election Fight

Sen. Corker: Financial Regulations Continues "Assault On Economy"

Krauthammer: Spy Swap Is About Diplomacy, Not Justice

Sen. Menendez: Palin "Helping" Democrats By Endorsing Extreme Candidates

Rahm Emanuel: Steele's Opinion On Afghanistan War Is "Horrible"

Olbermann: Angle Shows Insensitivity For Rape Victims

O'Reilly: Berwick Appointment Proves Obama Is "Far Left"

Matthews: Steele Had It Right On Afghanistan


World Video:Video Captures Hostage Shooting

Hague Condemns Iran


video:Christianity: True faith or tired fable?


Not your 1930s Depression

Pinheads with power

Here come da judge … not!

Kagan blows fundamental judicial question

The next tea party

Tiger Woods, Obama and the redemption of America

To salt or be salted

American patriot Terry Anderson, RIP

Rule of law: Endangered species

The U.S. government promotes God

Famous last words: 'I can handle it'

Revealed! Islam's greatest contribution to science

Charles Krauthammer - The selective modesty of Barack Obama

Google, Microsoft aiding Obama policies?

Obama, marriage: 'Saboteur in chief'

Cops accused of erasing street preacher's evidence

The last great coverup

The next tea party

The phony Mideast debate

Obama's unequal justice

Pet bathrooms open at D.C. area airports - wtop.com

Icy wife plotted hotel slay: feds - NYPOST.com

3 killed in shooting at McDonald's in Finland - CNN.com

Caught On Tape: Gas Station Attack - Video - WPLG Miami

Warren County woman allegedly posed as teenage boy to have sex with girl | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

Kids might not follow deported Russian spy parents - Yahoo! News

Presbyterians continue to be divided over gays - Yahoo! News

Schoolgirls Controlled by Loverboys: Math Class in the Morning, Turning Tricks at Lunchtime - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

W.H. works to flip anti-business rep - Ben White - POLITICO.com

Sick leave for psychological problems at record high - The Local

Jews better at sex than Christians: theologian - The Local

Bugged earrings, a scorned lover and the racist rant that could ruin Mel Gibson | Herald Sun

William J Federer's American Minute


*American Minute for July 10th:William J Federer's American Minute


audio page:TRUTH2U – Joe Kovacs – Best Journalist in the World | TRUTH2U


Vitter Faces 16 Challengers in Senate Race

Denver Driver Survives 500-Foot Drop From Road

Engineer: Crane in NYC Collapse Had Unusual Base

Spy Mystery: Was NY Columnist a Wife Betrayed?

5 Charged in California Freight Train Cargo Theft

87-Year-Old Ore. Woman Dies After Hit by Stun Gun

White House Silent on Mass. Gay Marriage Ruling

14 Hawaii Religious Marijuana Advocates Indicted

San Diego Foster Mom Convicted of Grand Theft

Feds Charge 38 in Black Market Travel Scheme

Explosion Erupts Through Grate, Burns Pa. Woman

Rio Grande Rises in Texas City That Bears Its Name

North Korea Shrugs off Ship and Calls for Nuclear Talks

Slow, Deadly Road to Peace for US Troops in Kandahar

Cops to Probe Cold Cases for Serial Killer Ties

Duck Boat, 2 Bodies Pulled From Philadelphia River

Electrician Working at Disney Complex in Fla. Dies

Body of Escaped Texas Inmate Found in NM Landfill

Duncan: Congress Needs to Act Now on School Money

Moderate Earthquake Hits in Guam Region

More 'Grim Sleeper' Murders?: Cops Comb Cold Case Files

Death Toll From Pakistan Bomb Attack Reaches 102

Value of Oil Skimming Gulf Flotilla Is Uncertain

Civilian Deaths Rise as Afghan Fight Intensifies

Mom of 'Barefoot Bandit' Gets Entertainment Lawyer

Audits, Not Raids Mark U.S. Immigration Crackdown: Report

An Indian Finds Himself on the Emerald Isle

Spill Spreads Anxiety Among Vietnamese Fishermen

Biden: It's Okay U.S. Only Got 4 for 10 in Spy Swap

Mont. Group Shuts Down Cannabis Caravans

Historic Church Brings NM Village Together

Russia-U.S. Spy Swap Participants Phone Families

2 Hungarians Identified as Pa. Boat Crash Victims

Ore. Cyclists Survive Encounter With Alaska Bears

Half of Americans Oppose Obama's Immigration Lawsuit

Ariz. Dems Blast Obama's Immigration Stance

No Oil Spill Claims Money to Illegals

Experts: 'Ridiculous' Lawsuit Won't Nix Arizona Law

Ariz. Immigration Law Emerges as Model for Others

'Taliban' Counsel Heads Case Against Arizona Law

Biden Tells Leno US Did Fine in Russian Spy Swap

GOP Sen. Bennett Predicts Reid Victory

Pentagon at Odds With Gay Rights Groups

Black Political Leaders to Recapture '08 Momentum

Gallup: New Low for Obama, 48% Disapproval

Rasmussen: 67% Call Illegals Major Budget Strain

Colbert Teams Up With UFW Over Immigration

Rep. Inglis: GOP Lets Demagogues Set Tone

Paul: Obama Jabs at BP Could Harm Spill Cleanup

WH Chief of Staff Criticized Steele on Afghanistan

Feds Cautious On Timing for New Cap in Gulf Leak

Spy Swap Brings Swift End to Diplomatic Problem

Finish Line in Sight for Major Financial Overhaul

NOAA: Gulf Seafood Tested so Far Is Safe to Eat

US Began Deliberating Spy Swap Well Before Arrests

Taliban Leader Captured As NATO Ramps Up Raids

Obama Says Country Must Help Vets With PTSD

IRS Phone Number Set up for Gulf Oil Spill Victims

NAACP: Minorities Assigned Tougher Oil Spill Jobs

Cops to Probe Cold Cases for Serial Killer Ties

Mass Gov. Patrick Says Brown Talked Slots Recently

Europeans Back Veil Ban, Americans Opposed

Pope Names New Head of Scandal-Plagued Order

Iran: Adulteress Will Be Executed, Not By Stoning

Paulson: Buy a House Right Now, Crisis Ending

5 Organic Food Myths Exposed

Estimate: Global Cell Subscriptions Pass 5 Billion

China Group Says US Uses Facebook to Sow Unrest

Patent Holder Sues Smart Phone Makers

Obama's Misguided NASA Policy

States Fight Back Against Federal Tyranny

Mutual Corruption Between Politicians and Wall Street

Thomas Jefferson Lives On in Ron Paul

'Free Press' Using Third Parties to Push for Net Neutrality

Oil Companies Take Taxpayers to the Cleaners

The Associated Press: Robots begin work to remove cap from gushing well

YouTube - Deadly blast in Mohmand Agency

YouTube - Neil Adamson reveals details of manhunt for Moat

YouTube - Duck Boat, 2 Bodies Pulled From Philly River

YouTube - No blacks in jury: Mehserle trial fair?

Iran to review woman's stoning sentence - CNN.com

Cuban church identifies 5 more dissidents for release - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Spy mystery: Was NY columnist a wife betrayed?

Spy Swap Breakdown: What Led to Russian Roundup? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

News Analysis - Basis of Ruling on Gay Unions Stirs Debate - NYTimes.com

Byrd's Burial Caps D.C. Recess Week | Capitol News Connection

Kagan Distances Herself From Left-Leaning Movements - WSJ.com

Sotomayor's GOP 'yea' votes remain mute on Kagan - USATODAY.com

New Kagan Testimony on Death Penalty & DOMA « Liveshots

Obama: It will take time to dig ourselves out of the jobs hole - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

The Associated Press: New Palin biography aimed at 9- to 12-year-olds

Obama Under Fire for Recess Appointment - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Americans’ Unemployment Benefits on Empty | U.S. Chronicle

Republican-leaning groups set to outspend Democrats in midterms

Arizona immigration lawsuit: Obama sails into a political storm - CSMonitor.com

Johannes Mehserle,ex-cop apologizes for killing unarmed Oscar Grant in Oakland, family not impressed

The Associated Press: Duck boat tours resuming outside Pa. after crash

Google With Chinese Characteristics - WSJ.com

YouTube Leanback: Hands On - BusinessWeek

2010 total solar eclipse: Some cross the Earth to watch the show - latimes.com

Google: 'We did not follow Apple into phone market' • The Register

With Facebook Gifts demise, Credits are maturing | The Social - CNET News

From Museum Basement, a ‘New’ Dinosaur - NYTimes.com

Facebook's privacy policies hit a language barrier | The Social - CNET News

Discovery May Pave Way to AIDS Vaccine

Cancer Death Rates Are Dropping in U.S.

Fertilizing Future Brain Cells - US News and World Report

Study Suggests Link Between HPV, Skin Cancer

Scientists Criticize Study on Genetics of Old Age - NYTimes.com

The Science of Cougar Sex: Why Older Women Lust - TIME

Busy Social Life Is Key to Beating Cancer, Study Finds - Cancer - FOXNews.com

Lohan 'scared to death' of jail, plans to appeal - Entertainment - Celebrities - TODAYshow.com

‘Harry Potter’ Cast Will Not Be At Comic-Con, Warner Bros. Confirms » Hollywood Crush

Charlie Sheen's hearing postponed - USATODAY.com

Emmy Nomination For Conan, None For Leno | Seer Press

Can Mel Gibson's Career Survive Latest Ugliness? - The Early Show - CBS News

YouTube - Recording of Mel Gibson's Alleged Racist Rant

Social Security mix-up ends in widow's windfall - chicagotribune.com

Bail denied for suspected cop killer - chicagotribune.com

Lawsuits challenge Chicago's new gun-ownership restrictions - chicagotribune.com

Asian carp: Waiting on Illinois record - Stray Casts

Illinois coal plant expected to raise electricity rates, fuel global warming - chicagotribune.com

Red-light camera reforms in Illinois signed into law - chicagotribune.com

Two crooked cops, but one gets to keep his pension :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Berwyn schools, ex-principal owe $3.5 million in abuse case - chicagotribune.com


Not sold on RentAFriend - Los Angeles Times

site:Rent a Friend


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama's 'gay'-marriage agenda

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Democrats 'ducking and hiding' until midterms

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'De facto moratorium killing us economically

Obama, marriage: 'Saboteur in chief'

Is endorsing Reid on the NRA's calendar?

Democrats battle independents' weakening support of Obama and Congress

Survey: Bible reading tied to financial success

Campaign for genuine 'hope' launching

Justice Ginsburg Rolls Out Welcome Mat for Kagan - Law Blog - WSJ

Kagan: 'No view on natural rights'

First Read - Will GOP hold up Kagan vote?

'U.S. dollars burn while Obama fiddles'

Palestinian leader calls for Arab invasion of Israel

Issa: Steele is 'not my leader' - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Islam on the rise, compliments of Obama (OneNewsNow.com)

NASA's Muslim outreach: Al Jazeera told first | Washington Examiner

Notizie di cronaca del Corriere della Sera

Obamacare at Three Months | The Weekly Standard

Elderly man facing serious charges for shooting at thieves - KWGN

Cops accused of erasing street preacher's evidence

God’s place in Charter challenged | Holy Post | National Post

Feds say new cap could contain Gulf leak by Monday


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Has 'standing' been created in hunt for Obama birth doc ? | Before It's News

Has 'standing' been created in hunt for Obama birth doc?

Senate-seeker wants Obama birth-certificate treatment

Obama birth lawyer goes to the Supreme Court | strong, court, taitz - News - The Orange County Register

Faced with internal division, liberal website clamps down on Obama criticism | Washington Examiner


The Michael Savage Show 07/09/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/08/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/07/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/06/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/05/2010 FULL

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-09, Friday

July 9, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

07/09 The Mark Levin Show


Obama, Netanyahu Plan For Conflict, Nor Resolution

Hail Caesar! Queen Gives Marching Orders To The UN

Seriously Underpriced Silver

Overexposure to cellphones hazardous to one’s health | Comment | London Free Press

Gen. David Petraeus takeover speech hypocritical

Muslim charged with plotting genocide of Canadian Jews - Telegraph

A whole world of uncertainty - Telegraph

Why I'm certain my friend Dr Kelly was murdered | Mail Online

National census to be axed after 200 years - Telegraph

Is this the best The Guardian can do to defend a two-tier justice system biased in favour of PC elites? – Telegraph Blogs

Live Chat: Blue America Welcomes Fred Johnson (D-MI)

Democrats Keep Floating Trial Balloons on Social Security Cuts. We Need To Shoot Them Down.

Residents outraged: BP dumping oily waste in Gulf landfills

With the Crime rate flat in Arizona, Gov. Brewer turns to the mythical "beheading" narrative to attack Latinos

Michele Bachmann Revives Death Panels Yet Again

BP: Cap on gushing well removed, oil flows freely

LA Grim Sleeper suspect had 4-decade arrest record

Snowe: no decision on U.S. financial reg reform vote

New rules, big changes coming for financial world

Toyota lashed out at instructor during big recall

Robots begin work to remove cap from gushing well

Dispelling Moral Relativism, Multiculturalism and By Extension All Leftism

None Dare Call it a Coincidence: Andy Stern and the White House Biodefense Program

Behind CNN’s Octavia Nasr, a Media Army Of Lawrence of Arabias

CNN’s Very Own Ron Burgundy, Ricardo Leon Sanchez de Reinaldo, Goes After Rush Limbaugh; Rush Wins By Default

NewsBusted: Chris Matthews Issues a Clarification!

Romney: New Treaty is a Non-STARTer

The Washington Post: Clueless about Courage


Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. suffers collateral damage in Blagojevich trial - chicagotribune.com

WSIL TV • Blagojevich: Jackson, Madigan "Repugnant"

Witness testifies about Blagojevich's interest in a Washington job

Blagojevich trial: Question of criminal intent :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Blagojevich trial: Highlights and forecast - chicagotribune.com

Change of Subject: Blago's `Madigoon’ fantasy

Is There a Smoking Gun in Blago Case?

The Associated Press: Blagojevich witness clashes with attorney

John Kass: Will Blagojevich's $400,000 clothing spree fit him for federal orange outfit? - chicagotribune.com


Biden Talks Spy-Swap with Leno: ‘I Thought They’d Take Rush Limbaugh’

CNN Anchor: Conservative Talk Show Hosts Uneducated

Banned by CBS: Watch the Ad Opposing the Ground Zero Mosque

Ed Schultz: America Must Pay More Welfare Or Risk Becoming ‘Third-World Country’

Mel Gibson’s Raging, Hate-Filled Rant Caught On Tape

No Justice, No Sneakers: Rioters Loot Foot Locker Store During Oakland Riots

NAACP Leader, SEIU Thug Who Attacked Black Tea Partier Laugh Over Calling Victim N-Word

Riot in Oakland

6′4″ Cop Bullies 4′11″ Videographer as She Tapes BP Worker Taken Away in Ambulance

New Black Panther President Praises Bin Laden

President of New Black Panther Party Admits Plan to Intimidate Voters