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Express.co.uk - David Kelly's dental records were stolen

Express.co.uk - Dr David Kelly 'too weak to cut his wrists'

Express.co.uk - Independent Kelly death probe urged


Did Larry McDonald Survive The 'Shootdown' Of KAL 007?


News: Is COREXIT a Masked BIOWEAPON? Shrimpers exposed to Corexit bleeding from the rectum | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Video: MSNBC reporting that Corexit is killing cleanup workers | Wake Up From Your Slumber

Obama's Dog And Gay Lover Fly In Own Jet

Occidental Observer:What Would It Take?

The U.S. Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out : ICH - Information Clearing House

Orwell's nightmare--big brother is here

The art of slow reading | Books | The Guardian

Is the internet ruining our minds?

Will atheism spell trouble for Gillard?

Revealed: brutal guide to punishing jailed youths | Society | The Observer

It's time to bring family law to book - Telegraph

Scientist leading GM crop test defends links to US biotech giant Monsanto | Environment | The Observer

Jaffa's Arab haven of coexistence resists influx of Israeli hardliners | World news | The Observer

Demands for release of nuclear whistleblower as Israel holds Vanunu in solitary confinement - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Israel’s computer game decides Palestinans' fate

Roy Tov – V: Non-Persecuted Jews are Israeli Agents

The Megrahi Affair: Blair, BP & the Libyan link - World Politics, World - The Independent

US senators may quiz Mandelson in probe into BP role in Lockerbie case - Telegraph

Bernanke must print 40 Trillions now, 100 Trillion next year, 200, 500, 1000 …

Study: Hundreds of Contractor Deaths in Afghanistan Unreported -- News from Antiwar.com

savethemales.ca - Obama's Masonic Ring and Handshake

Michele Bachmann, queen of the right | World news | The Observer

Hell Has Come to South Louisiana >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Maan News Agency: AP, DPA, Reuters journalists targeted by Israeli forces

G20 Toronto Riots perpetrated by Agents Provocateurs of the Police

An unkind complicatedness - The Globe and Mail

My $80,000 Says Deflation Will Only Get Worse: William Pesek - Bloomberg

Prelude To The Protocols - Napoleon & The Jewish Sanhedrin | Real Zionist News

US to give another $1.5 billion to Pakistan for energy, health, counterterrorism projects | Citizens for Legitimate Government

Microneedles may make getting flu shots easier - Yahoo! News

U.S. To Grant Israel 2.775 Billion In Security Aid :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]

Braverman: Israel should embrace its Arabs, Haredim - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Jews reluctantly abandon Swedish city amid growing anti-Semitism - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Mystery trader buys all Europe's cocoa - Telegraph

Turkish hackers steal personal details of tens of thousands of Israeli web surfers | Citizens for Legitimate Government


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GOP senators: Obama failing in oil clean-up - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Government says leak detected 'a distance from' oil well - CNN.com

BP says Gulf oil seep may not be from its well | Reuters

U.S. warns BP amid fears over seep near well - Disaster in the Gulf - msnbc.com

Fed's volte face sends the dollar tumbling - Telegraph

A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

YouTube - MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd"

YouTube - The Video The USA Army Doesn't Want You To See (Watch At Your Own Risk)

A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com


Pyramids of the World;www.world-pyramids.com/

Astronomical Alignment in Egyptian Pyramids

Cydonia Monuments - Symbols in the Bible & the Mars / Egypt Connection

Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars

Ancient Egypt of Isis: history of pharaon, pyramids and Egyptian religion

Egypt Pyramids

National Geographic: Egypt Pyramids--Facts, Photos, Diagrams

Egypt Pyramids Pharaohs Hieroglyphs - Mark Millmore's Ancient Egypt

NOVA Online/Pyramids/Explore the Pyramids

Ancient Aliens — History.com TV Episodes, Schedule, & Video


Did Jesus Christ exist? All sides to the question

Skeptic's Annotated Bible / Quran / Book of Mormon


Audio Bible Online


Labyrinthine US security efforts defy coordination - The Boston Globe

DC’s spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose | Raw Story

Record-breaking X-ray blast briefly blinds space observatory

Cuban ex-intelligence chief recalls JFK assassination

Venezuela in diplomatic row with Washington - Americas, World - The Independent

Noam Shalit: I know nothing of reported Clinton, Carter mediation initiative - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


Famous Quotes / Liberty-Tree.Ca


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YouTube - Palestinian Women Prisoners

YouTube - BP covers oil with sand on Gulf Shores Beach as the Coast Guard looks on

BBC News - Washington Post exposes US 'intelligence flaws'

FOXNews.com - Union Shops Driving Down Job Growth, Critics Warn

Former New Yorker Samir Khan behind graphics of new Al Qaeda recruiting magazine Inspire: officials

WaPo Will Commit Treason Monday/National Security Staff Warned

On the Edge with Max Keiser - July 18th, 2010 - 12160.org

American's Journey: 3 Vids: On the Edge with Paul Craig Roberts/Max Keiser

An Exclusive Interview with Stephen Sniegoski, author of The Transparent Cabal | My Catbird Seat

An American “Terrorist” in London | Intifada Palestine

A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

Clinton believes Osama bin Laden still in Pakistan - Yahoo! Canada News

Activist Post: 10 Ways You're Being Fleeced by Banks

Palin on the Ground Zero Mosque vs. the Founding Fathers | Informed Comment

They're All Grovelling and You Can Guess the Reason : ICH - Information Clearing House

Obama’s War on the Internet « Dprogram.net

Maan News Agency: AP, DPA, Reuters journalists targeted by Israeli forces

Obama Flaunts His Insanity: Freaks Over U.S. Chamber Attack

Wealth And Inequality In America

Chicago cop: 'Scary' growth of gangs in war zones :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Oil Rig's Final Hours Probed - WSJ.com

The U.S. Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out : ICH - Information Clearing House

Porn, Meth, and Oil Company Parties | Mother Jones

Wrong records: £600 million NHS database shows inaccuracies for 1 in 10 patients | Mail Online

Activist Post: Obama Plays Phony Populist Card: Says GOP 'Party of the Rich'

65th anniversary of first nuclear test - RT Top Stories

The Intelligence Industrial Complex Prepares for War | Emptywheel

The Modern Slave’s Guide to Modern Slavery « 99 Percent Space

Fear, Complexity, Environmental Management in the 21st Century

Many False-Positive HIV Test Results for Those in AIDS Vaccine Trials - Yahoo! News


audio:Matthew Simmons: Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Ocean Energy Institute & Former Chairman Emeritus of Simmons & Company International


audio:John Williams 7-17




07-19-2010: Obama Plays Phony Populist Card: Says GOP 'Party of the Rich'


07-18-2010: Food dyes linked to cancer: Report

07-18-2010: Gold Transactions with Dealers Over $600 Will Require IRS Filing Effective January 1, 2012

07-18-2010: U.S. citizen believed to be writing for al Qaeda website, source says

07-17-2010: 25,000 new asteroids found by NASA's sky mapping

RealClearPolitics - An Ugly Preview of ObamaCare

Will: Boxer, Fiorina, and California Politics - Newsweek

Op-Ed Columnist - The Pundit Delusion - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010

In Colorado, reflections of an anxious electorate - USATODAY.com

GOP Divisions Over Afghanistan - Newsweek

A hidden world, growing beyond control (Printer friendly version)| washingtonpost.com

Economic View - What Germany Has Learned About Debt - NYTimes.com

Obama's untold story | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obama's Anti-Business Policies Are Our Economic Katrina - US News and World Report

Mystery for White House: Where Did the Jobs Go? - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Feds' response slow in spill crisis--James Jay Carafano - NYPOST.com

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Just Say No to Extending the Bush Tax Cuts - Business - The Atlantic

Leslie H. Gelb Talks to Veterans Leader About Troops With PTSD - The Daily Beast

Stimulus road signs: Politicians use tax dollars to promote themselves - chicagotribune.com

Health-care reform: Rationer-in-chief | The Economist

Editorial - Health Reform Moves Ahead - NYTimes.com

Review & Outlook: A Climate Absolution? - WSJ.com

Special election for Byrd seat in doubt - News - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports -

Chances of campaign finance bill affecting midterms dim - TheHill.com

Hispanic Democrats want health-care fix - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Bunning's Pitch to Curb Jobless Benefits Lures Converts Among Republicans - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - Rejecting Bush Label is Key for GOP

Opinion: Why Obama Should Defend the Tea Party

Political Times - Beneath Divides Seemingly About Race Are Generational Fault Lines - NYTimes.com

Border security must be viewed with an eye on terrorists

RealClearPolitics - History's Turning Points Often Go Unnoticed

Fareed Zakaria - The failed-state conundrum

US politics blinker its policy on Cuba – sound familiar? - The National Newspaper

Leading article: A chance to clear the air in Washington - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Should the U.S. carry on with further arms sales to Taiwan? - The China Post

Petraeus' risky militia maneuver for Afghanistan - latimes.com

Hudson Institute > A Way India can Outshine China

5 places to look for the next financial crisis

In Finance We Distrust - Project Syndicate

Bank Fix for Unpaid Commercial Property Loans: 'Extend and Pretend' - WSJ.com

Paul Volcker and preventing financial collapse : The New Yorker

Three little pigs: How entitlements will destroy us - NYPOST.com

RealClearMarkets - To Peer Into Obamacare's Future, Look to Massachusetts

Beware Greedy Relatives If You Hope to See 2011: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg

Corporate America Turns Against China | The New Republic

Obama's Bull Market Intact as Midterm Gridlock Signals Gains - Bloomberg


*Transcripts:7-19/ Toward a Big Society


*19TH/Politics Video:Howard Dean On Midterms: Obama "Doing Exactly The Right Thing"

Dem Rep. Luis Gutierrez Defends Sanctuary Cities

Obama: GOP Lacks "Faith In The American People"

Rubio: Crist Using Oil Spill As A "Prop For His Own Campaign"

Washington Post Reveals Contractors Employed To Fight Terror

Halperin: Dems Start To Panic As Reality Of Midterm Woes Sets In

*18TH/CBS' Schieffer Says He Didn't Ask Holder About Black Panther Case Because He "Didn't Know"

J.D. Hayworth And Bill Richardson On Immigration Reform

Mystery SC Senate Dem Candidate Greene Gives First Campaign Speech

Biden: Stimulus "Would Have Been Bigger" But For GOP

Rep. Pence: People "Frustrated With Lack Of Leadership" From Obama

Rep. Clyburn: Dems Will Have "Very Strong Showing" In November

Cornyn: "Slanderous" To Accuse Tea Party Of Racism

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP Agenda Against Obama

Rep. Van Hollen: Obama "Absolutely An Asset" In Midterms

Biden: People "Don't Know" What Financial Reform Means "Yet"

Biden On Midterms: "The Reports Of Our Demise Are Premature"

"This Week" Roundtable On Nation Building In Afghanistan


*Markets Video:19TH/Obama: What About Wall Street Reform?

U.S. to Face Biggest Tax Increase in History

Liz Ann Sonders on Stock Market Uncertainty

Cashin: If S&P Stalls Now, Bears May Seize Market

Some Big Insider Buys For a Change

* World Video:19TH/Cameron Unveils 'Big Society' Plan

Clinton Offers Aid To Pakistan


Clarity and the New Black Panther Party

In Case You Missed It: ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’ is the Best Album of 2009

We Love Pixar: What I Learned From ‘Monsters Inc.’

Book Review: ‘Life to the Right of Hollywood,’ a Sharp, Biting Look at Tinseltown

Jennifer Lopez: You Made the Right Move, Thank You!

Think Progress Ripped Content From Tea Party Video To Create Fraudulent Racism Claim

Unions Going to Pot? Union Endorses Initiative to Legalize Pot in California

It’s Not About Philosophy-It’s About Common Sense

No One Steps Forward to Serve in Detroit

UK Facing Blackouts from Obama Energy, Environment Policies

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism–2010

NAACP: ‘Useful Idiots’ of Liberal Racism

Orville Schell and the Elite/Maoist/PBS/Environmental/J-School Mentality

DOJ Scandal: How Politico & WaPo Memory-Hole a Story They Wish Would Go Away

How the L.A. Weekly Surpassed the Los Angeles Times

Kagan, Shariah, and Cultural Relativism

Elena Kagan’s Active Promotion of Shariah Law

WaPo: You Helped Get Us Into This Mess…

WH Press Briefing- Classified Leaks & Consequences, Dana Priest

Elena Kagan’s Work to Make Constitutions More Shariah-Compliant

Arizona’s Wide-open Border

Sudan systematically tortures detainees: Amnesty

U.S. seeks rifts among Somali rebels after blasts

Iran calls for world body free of big power control

German court gives al Qaeda helper 6-year jail term

U.N. chief hopes for wider freedoms in Cuba

Liberian elephant rampages against timber company

L'Oreal heiress to be questioned in French scandal

Wide-eyed primate caught on camera for first time

Afghanistan plans ambitious vision for the future

Six tiger skulls seized in Sumatra

North Korea and Myanmar top agenda for Asia security meet

Bomber attacks British firm in northern Iraq

China seals oil port after spill

Nations to seek clean energy cooperation

China on track to aim 2,000 missiles at Taiwan: report

Most vulnerable nations pledge climate action

Australian PM extends lead in election race

China boomtown migrants sorely underpaid says survey

Only One of Three Americans Know that Bush, Not Obama, Signed Bank Bailout

Cities Rent Police, Janitors to Save Cash

Cops electrocute pastor to death

Big Pharma Makes Another Killing

Study: Hundreds of Contractor Deaths in Afghanistan Unreported

Columbia University Brain Imaging Center Routinely Injected Mental Patients with Drugs that Contained Potentially Dangerous Impurities

Congressman introduces resolution to protect citizens who videotape cops

Brzezinski Senses “Malaise” With Obama

Fighting for Farmworkers' Rights for More Than 40 Years

Why The Presidency Matters, And Why It's Okay To Believe So

UN’s Agenda of Population Control Accelerating

Feds Ignore Due Process, First Amendment, Shut Down Thousands of Blogs


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 1/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 2/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 3/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 4/4


Cameron Raids Dormant U.K. Accounts as Minister Attacks Banks

Censorship Alert : Obama Deception Illegally Removed from You Tube

National Guard’s “Homeland Response Force” to Patrol Missouri, Nine Other States

Obama Administration OKs First Tax-Funded Abortions Under Health Care Law

Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’

Big Pharma nanotechnology encodes pills with tracking data that you swallow

Marketing Transhumanism: A New Retail-friendly Face

American Thinker: Future of the News

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The Serious Tracking of Americans Begins

Smackdown of Barack Obama by US Supreme Court - Keep Calling & Writing - We Are Having an Effect! - Patriotic Resistance

The Debt Supercycle

Look Up Fellowship: Birth Of The Antichrist's Reign? Bottomless Pit Foreshadowed?

The Saudi succession: When kings and princes grow old | The Economist

DARPA Wants Instant, On-Demand Airstrikes, Removing Middlemen from the Bomb-Dropping Process | Popular Science

Sticking it to small business ....

Exclusive: Black Tea Party Spokesperson Rebukes NAACP » Publications » Family Security Matters

The state of the future « KurzweilAI

The Open Society Is Dying

BBC News - 'Red hot' chillies arrive at frozen seed vault

Jews and Arabs work together to save Hevron‘s olive trees

True democracy or pseudo democracy?

AETA 4 case dismissed, but re-indictment possible

BP Launches Effort To Control Scientific Research Of Oil Disaster

Muslims demand Facebook adhere to Islamic/sharia law

Man with neo-Nazi ties leading patrols in AZ

Blumenauer demands that Pentagon explain KBR immunity deal

Officials ID 2 allegedly behind immigrant list

Rome Fiddles, We Burn

Cracks Widen in Israel’s Coalition Government

Clinton Raises Pressure on Pakistan to Fight Militants

11 Escape as Taliban Attacks Aid Afghan Jailbreak

Shas Chair: Absence of Conversion Law Poses Danger to Jewish People

Ahmadinejad: US Behind Jundallah's Suicide Bombings

Separatist Strike Call Brings Kashmir to Standstill Again

'Legitimate Concern' Over Sudan Referendum: Biden

Lost Korean War Battalion Awaits MIA Decision

11 Reasons We'd be Better Off with No Government at All

23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed

How Printing Money Constitutes Theft and Forced Wealth Redistribution

Think Progress Fabricates Examples of Tea Party Racism for Bogus Video

Changing Stance, Administration Now Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax

Lost in Taxation: The IRS's vast new ObamaCare powers

Firms cancel health coverage

Global Warming Scam: 2010 is Not the Hottest Year

Carbon trading used as money-laundering front: experts

US Government Halts Funds For Climate Unit

Layoffs, Socialist Style

Chavez "communes" stoke Venezuela democracy debate

Grayson's shakedown lawsuit threatens D.C. business

Injustice Everywhere: 2010 Q2 NPMSRP National Police Misconduct Statistical Report

EMT Jason Green, who allegedly refused to help dying pregnant woman, shot in face outside club

22 Statistics That Prove That The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America

Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

Rockefeller Study Outlines “Doom Decade”: Life For All But Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth

YouTube - "Officer Bubbles"- From Bubbles to Bookings?

How Wall Street Starved Millions and Got Away With It

Half of Women Have Sex with Their Clothes On | Before It's News


Free energy: magnetism | Before It's News


Health Care Bill Mandates Tracking of Your Gold and Silver Coin Purchases




video:The Dangers of Vaccines Part 1 & 2 | Before It's News


19 Facts You May Not Have Known About the Star Wars Universe | Before It's News


Power Line - Behind the mosque at Ground Zero

Taking Financial Reform into Our Own Hands

The Killing Fields of Multi-National Corporations

Misguided US Economic Policies Drive Many Mexicans to Cross Border

Big Oil Makes War on the Earth

Our Planet, Our People are not Expendable! We Refuse To Sacrifice Life for Corporate Profits

Iranian Scientist Amiri Told CIA Iran Has No Nuclear Bomb Programme

States Failing to Control Transport of Arms: Amnesty

Obama’s Job Approval Lowest in Wyoming at 29%, and Utah, 34%

Ahead of Key Kabul Meeting, Clinton Woos Pakistan With Aid, But Wants More Counter-Terror Measures

Obama to GOP: Restore Unemployment Benefits Now

Pro-Lifers Win a Round in Health Care Overhaul

Maryland Becomes Second State to Offer Federally Funded Abortions under Obamacare

New Regulations Outline Content, Transmission Standards for Every Americans’ Electronic Health Records

GOP Lawmakers Say US Is Backing Draft Kenyan Constitution That Expands Access to Abortion

Accusing US of Backing Terror Group, Ahmadinejad Says He Will File Int’l Complaint Over Bombing

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Firm Pulls Out of Gas Deal

Communist Cuba Faces Prospect of Drastic Cuts to Bloated Work Force

New Smallpox Vaccine Delivered to National Stockpile As Part of Bioterrorism Program That May Be Cut

Alliance Defense Fund Demands that University of Illinois Immediately Reinstate Professor Fired For Teaching Facts about Catholic Doctrine on Homosexual Behavior in Class About Catholic Doctrine

Judge Extends Order Blocking Oklahoma Abortion Law

Surprise SC Senate Candidate Makes First Speech

Oil Cap Kept Shut Despite Seep Near Ruptured Well

Gun Permit Allows Quick Access to Texas Capitol

Obama Says Voters Will Decide Who Caused ‘This Mess’

Look Who’s Talking

A Libertarian's Misplaced Attack on the Constitution

Gitmo, Free Markets and Red Tape

Scores Killed in India Train Wreck

Russian Opposition Sees Shadow of KGB in New Security Bill

US Diplomats, Warships Headed for South Korea

New Life for Vanishing Species

Bill Clinton: Much More Needs to be Done about HIV/AIDS

The Past Comes Alive in Historic US City

Recent Russian Spy Case Good Fit for Spy Museum in Washington

Is Google Running the World (or Trying To)?

Watchdog: Gov't Blundering Cost Auto Jobs

McConnell: Cap and Trade DOA for GOP

Special Election for Byrd Seat in Doubt

Justice Integrity Project: 'No' on Kagan


site:Justice Integrity Project

site:Kagan Watch


Tancredo Cheered for Political Encore

Biden: He, Obama Don't Believe Tea Party 'Racist'

Defense to Start in Trial of Blagojevich Brothers

Strategist: Jeb Bush Biggest 2012 Threat to Obama

Paper: Gore Accuser Had No Evidence

Palin Criticizes Planned Mosque on WTC site

Tea Party Group Expels Faction for NAACP Slam

Biden's Campaign Told: Pay $219K to Treasury

WPost Says It Missed Black Panthers Story

Sessions: GOP Will Take Back House

Netanyahu Backs US Leaders on Conversion

Blagojevich Likely to Testify This Week

Auditor Blasts Obama Car Dealer Closing

Obamacare Gives IRS Sweeping Powers

McCollum to Push Arizona-Style Law in Florida

Clinton Aims to Refine Goals of Afghan War

Spain May Follow France's Ban on Muslim Veils

US to Send Stern Message to North Korea

RICO Law Made to Combat Mafia Used in BP Lawsuits

Post Documents Growth of Intelligence Since 9/11

Fishing Families Turn to Fast Food, 'Grind Meats'

Oakland Pot-Growing Plan Worries Small Bud Tenders

Fear of 'Resegregation' Fuels Unrest in NC

Rasmussen: Toomey Holds Lead Over Sestak in Pa. Race

GOP Sees Chance to Retake Senate

GOP, Dems Woo Wary Voters in Bid to Control House

Report: Kabul's Water Supplies Dangerously Low

Hamas Bans Women From Smoking Pipes in Gaza

Egyptian Leader Mubarak's Health on U.S. Radar

Buffett Warns Obama: Recovery Has Long Way to Go

Ferguson: Obama, Fed Pushing Economy Off Cliff

Wealthy Shirk Their Mortgages at Highest Rate

The 7 Easiest Weight-Loss Tricks

Olive Oil 'Extra Virgin' Claims Dubious

NY Man Pleads Guilty to Online Dating Scam

NH Lawyer out $240,000 in Scam Targeting Attorneys

Google Expansion Helps Economy, Hurts Stock Price

Filipino Singer Undergoes Cosmetic Fix for 'Glee'

Time to Act on Iran's Nuclear Plans

Did Roman Polanski Get an Assist From the Obama Administration?

God Has Faith in America

Fox News Poll: Democrats Deserting Obama

GOP Should Look to Puerto Rico

'Muhammad' Cartoonists Stand Up Against Islamist Threats

Video: Government says leak detected ‘a distance from’ oil well


Foods and drinks sweetened with fructose linked to high blood pressure


*8 PartVideo: Alex Jones Tv Special Sunday Edition – Obama Deception Censored by NSA/CIA Controlled Google!! « Dprogram.net


HARTWELL: Obama lawsuit invites fortified state militia - Washington Times

American Federal » Insider's Corner » Rare Coin Reporting Legislation PASSES


*4 Part Video: Alex Jones Tv – We’re Under A Scientific Technocracy « Dprogram.net


Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax - NYTimes.com


Obama birth certificate issue not going away

YouTube - Mike Castle on Barack H. Obama Birthcertificate.


Obama's Pandora's Box of horrors--the truth revealed


Mr. President--you lie!

The Cancer-Preventing Vitamin Your Doctor Is Likely Completely Clueless About by Joseph Mercola

Activist Post: The Marijuana Conspiracy: The reason hemp is illegal

Too Rich to Live? - WSJ.com

Harry Schultz on the Power Elite, Free Markets, the Internet and Why Gold Is Going Much Higher

Traffic Cameras Worldwide Go Haywire

23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed: Rasmussen Reports

Party Scooper by Brian Wilson

Is Obama Care Illegal? by Dom Armentano

Taki’s Magazine, edited by Taki Theodoracopulos


*The 11 All-Time Scariest Animals in Movies by Erin McCarthy


Arizona Tea Party Candidate Jim Deakin: Fix Government by Gutting It

SHOCK: Gulf water sample "explodes" when tested

Unemployed Wait For Help After Republicans Stiff Them. Second Extension Vote Scheduled Tuesday.

Cal Thomas Thinks the NAACP Should Care About Fox's Over-Hyped Phony New Black Panther Scandal

Biden on This Week: Stimulus Package Was Too Small, Thanks To GOP

McCain: Paying Teachers is Pork, But Let's Cut Taxes for Those Military Contractors!

Biden: Democrats will 'shock the heck out of everybody' in midterms

Can We Breathe Yet? BP Announces It Will Keep Well Closed 'Indefinitely'

National Tea Party umbrella group says it has 'expelled' Mark Williams' Tea Party Express after racist screed. Right.

NAACP president on NBPP: 'They're not in our group'

Insurers and Employers, Not Government, Limiting Choice of Doctors

BP's Expanding Evils: Restricting Research and Cutting Qualified HazMat Workers' Pay

Mitch McConnell: Obama's Spending and Deficit Too Large to Pay Unemployment Benefits

BP Clashes With Government Over Re-Opening Capped Well

The Party of Nothing

Pence agrees that tax cuts don't have to be paid for


*cartoon:Obama Nation: Crisis Management


» Michael Moore Caught Lifting Other’s Work - Big Journalism

Oliver Stone and the politics of film-making | Film | The Observer

Pamela Anderson's 'Sexist' New PETA Ad (Video) - Starpulse.com

Sean Connery Tax Fraud Investigation Involves Land Sales in Spain, Investigators Say - Crimesider - CBS News

Chances of campaign finance bill affecting midterms dim - TheHill.com

Independents crucial to Dems' election prospects

Power Line - The New Black Panther Party case: Just blow it

Mitt Romney may have a woman problem - War Room - Salon.com

NPR.org Touts 'Obama's Very Good Week' -- While Polls Are 'Terrible for the Democrats' | NewsBusters.org

Fool Me Twice: Biden Says No Exit from Afghanistan

Top Professor at Globalist Population Control Summit: “No More Shrouding Our Statements in Code”


*10 Ways You’re Being Fleeced by Banks


China Becomes World's Biggest Energy Consumer - WSJ.com

Pay-Per-Cop « Revolt of the Plebs

Airport body scanners reveal all, but what about when it's your kid? - St. Petersburg Times

US Military Surge in Costa Rica May Fan Regional Tensions

Mexico Drug War Catches Two Americans Who Allege Abuse - WSJ.com

17 gunned down in Mexico fiesta slaughter

Report: U.S. intelligence community inefficient, unmanageable - CNN.com

The Serious Tracking of Americans Begins


U.S. military turns to TV for surveillance technology - Los Angeles Times

Bilderberg’s John Keane & Jessica Mathews: The Waging of Peace

Smart Meters for Electricity Use Run Into a Revolt in California - DailyFinance

Bill Gates' School Crusade - BusinessWeek

Midterm Elections: Democrats Start to Fear Senate Losses - TIME

Americans Favor Confirming Kagan to High Court, 44% to 34%

Obamas find a way to do Broadway at home, hosting star-studded PBS taping [Updated] | Culture Monster | Los Angeles Times

Vblogger Reviews the Obama Deception

Glenn Beck’s Lincoln Contradictions

Google Spies, Censors Users

Oh-No: Tests Confirm Oil Seep Distance Away From Deepwater Well

Gulf oil spill: Fouling air as well as water? - CSMonitor.com

Obama’s War on the Internet

Murdoch’s paywall is killing the Times Of London

Stress-testing Europe's banks won't stave off a deflationary vortex - Telegraph

John Taylor Says The Euro Is Like A “Headless Chicken”, States Prop Trading Makes Up 80% Of Goldman’s Revenue

The Sovereign Debt Supercycle Will Keep Getting Worse Until Something Breaks

Can the Financial Reform Bill Fix the Economy?

To retire comfortably, under-40 workers need to seriously bulk up savings

Why I’ll never take my kids to the Chicago Field Museum

'NHS doesn't care about cost of medicine': Drugs firms accused of profiteering by raising prices by ONE THOUSAND per cent | Mail Online

BP buys up Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community | al.com

Skin patch may end the need for flu jabs by 2015 | Mail Online

Sea Ice News – an inconvenient July

US Government Halts Funds For Climate Unit

Alarmist Stephen Schneider: It’s “likely” that “super” heat waves are coming; blogosphere may lead to civil war; CO2 could flip the Gulf Stream


The Alex Jones Show – July 16th With Bob Chapman

The Alex Jones Show – July 15th With Paul Joseph Watson

The Alex Jones Show – July 14th With Larry Pratt

The Alex Jones Show – July 12th With Peter Schiff

The Alex Jones Show – July 9th With Ted Nugent


Bill Cunningham 7/18/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 7/18/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 7/18/10 Hour 3


Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-18, Sunday


YouTube - Has Capitalism Failed? | by Ron Paul

YouTube - Dangerous Allies: Big Business and Big Government

YouTube - Ron Paul : The People Can Handle The Truth About Unemployment and Inflation!


071710 1 What Really Happened? Podcast

071710 2 What Really Happened? Podcast


Is Communism the New Capitalism? Six Fortune 500 Companies Move HQ to China

The Decision: Freedom or Slavery?


Censored Videos Obama Deception, Police State 4 Back on YouTube


*Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA Full Length

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Invisible Empire; A New World Order Defined


Obamas find a way to do Broadway at home, hosting star-studded PBS taping [Updated] | Culture Monster | Los Angeles Times

Glenn Beck Tells Audience He Might Be Going Blind

Is Rick Santelli the Father of the Tea Party? 'If that's what they put on my tombstone, they can bury me with a smile.' - mediabistro.com: TVNewser

Spending showdown looms as Reid clears deck for energy reform bill - TheHill.com

Midterm Elections: Democrats Start to Fear Senate Losses - TIME

BP, government disagree over keeping well capped - MarketWatch

Preliminary results show concentrations at some points to be a million times higher than normal

Is NAACP blind to Farrakhan & Co.? The Nation of Islam is built on racism and lies

Woman Charged With Molesting Daughter's Friends - cbs2chicago.com

Mass. may join effort to bypass Electoral College - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

Surgeon General Koop Urges No Vote on Kagan Based on Abortion Manipulation

Americans Favor Confirming Kagan to High Court, 44% to 34%

AIDS conference chief lashes out at world leaders

Sperm Bank Uses Familiar Faces to Categorize Donors | NBC Los Angeles

Cities Rent Police, Janitors to Save Cash - WSJ.com

Obama to GOP: Restore Jobless Benefits - CNBC

Will President Obama Address America's Question: Where are the Jobs? - Blog - GOP.gov

Homebuilders losing confidence in the recovery - Yahoo! News

A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

My Way News - Post documents growth of intelligence since 9/11

Blagojevich to testify in own defense - chicagotribune.com

Biden says Democrats will 'shock' everyone in midterms

My Way News - Oakland pot-growing plan worries small bud tenders


Download :7-18-10- Aaron Klein

Download :7-11-10- Aaron Klein

Download :7-4-10- Aaron Klein


Ex-prosecutor: Obama's Kenyan activities may be 'criminal'

Bachmann forms Tea Party Caucus - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

44 - Tea Party Nation reaffirms opposition to racism

Indonesian Muslims facing Africa during prayers - Washington Times

Pakistan couple ordered stoned to death for adultery | McClatchy

NYT: Obama gains evangelical allies on immigration - Politics - The New York Times - msnbc.com

Immigration solution: 'Enforce the law'

Mexico kidnappings: Arrests shed light on border operation - latimes.com

A third of doctors would help terminally ill die - The Local

Army Suicides Rise; Prevention Strategy Changes - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Judge rips sheriff for rejecting gun permit | desmoinesregister.com | The Des Moines Register

Justice Department withheld evidence from 9/11 panel

Poll: Most Americans would back Israel attack on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

eCanadaNow » Pamela Anderson’s Ad Too Sexist for Canada

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

British Prime Minister Cameron to tell President Obama release of Lockerbie bomber was 'wrong'

'Thought police' slam media with fine totaling $125,000

Spending showdown looms as Reid clears deck for energy reform bill - TheHill.com

BP canvassing investors on possible break up: report | Reuters

Tancredo cheered for political encore - Washington Times

Biden says Democrats will 'shock' everyone in midterms

Model Obama should follow

Declassified docs show Kissinger siding with Arabs

Egyptian leader's health on radar of U.S. - Washington Times

Half the Public Wants to See Holy Temple Rebuilt - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

The Associated Press: Abortion foes win a round in health overhaul

Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax - NYTimes.com

More evidence of Justice racism

YouTube - BREAKING NEWS! - OBAMA HAS CRIMINAL TIES TO KENYA? Indirectly Responsible for Kenyan deaths?

Pot to kettle: 'You're a racist'

Calling tea-party people racist is a S.I.N.

Matches for arsonists

Public schools playing parents for fools

Round 1: Lawmen face off with feds

Haley's Navy

Worse comes to worst

Air conditioning and its impact on American life and culture - latimes.com

Gun control is using 2 hands

Andrew Alexander - Why the silence from The Post on Black Panther Party story?

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

'Thought police' slam media with fine totaling $125,000

Immigration-law author: Obama attack 'outrageous'

Pot to kettle: 'You're a racist'

Afghanistan is Vietnam all over again

Fox and the Saudi bagman

Black Panthers: Obama's latest Rev. Wright

A symposium starring Aristotle and Ayn Rand


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility challenger: Army convicted me without trial

Obama 'citizenship papers' arrive from remote village


*American Minute for July 19th:William J Federer's American Minute


Economic Crisis Forces Local Governments to Let Asphalt Roads Return to Gravel - WSJ.com

Boulder: No masks, nudity during City Council meetings - Boulder Daily Camera

Wisconsin Scout dies from 100-foot fall | Deseret News

Professor of Women's Studies Slams Islamic Gender Apartheid - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

Woman, 108, reunites with husband, 38 | Herald Sun

Fraudster gets 24 years after giving judge phony "charity" photos - NYPOST.com

Man believed clowns were attacking home in Roberts, Wis. - TwinCities.com

Palm Springs cops feel heat over gay sex sting

Study: Test-tube kids face increased cancer risk - Health - Cancer - msnbc.com

GAO Report: Carbon Capture Increases Power Costs up to 80% - HUMAN EVENTS

'Brown Dogs' complicate climate plan - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com

Earth atmosphere collapse puzzles scientists - Technology & science - Space - Space.com - msnbc.com

Scientists trash reports of 'God particle' discovery - Science - Home - The Times of India

Northwoods church gets Galesburg site - Peoria, IL - pjstar.com

Planned Temecula Valley mosque draws opposition - latimes.com

Joe the Plumber (not that one) says he helped stop Gulf oil spill leak - CSMonitor.com

Women’s Role in Holocaust May Exceed Old Notions - NYTimes.com

Washington State Fire Burns Home, Endangers Others

Body Found at Home of Mom Murder Suspect

China Boomtown Migrants Sorely Underpaid

Defense Chief in Seoul for Talks on North Korea

Spill Probe Eyes Anomalies in Crew's Response: Report

Suspect Hospitalized in Oakland Freeway Shootout

Ga. Softens Once Lauded Strict Sex Offender Law

Defense to Start in Trial of Blagojevich Brothers

Body Found at Washington Home of Homicide Suspect

Argument Led to Deadly Wash. State Park Shooting

Benmosche Tightens Grip on AIG With New AIA Boss

NY Mulls Indoor Tanning Rules, Cites Cancer Risk

Fishing Families Turn to Fast Food, 'Grind Meats'

Clinton Reveals New Aid Projects in Pakistan Visit

Greeks to Recreate the Marathon Run of Pheidippides

Clinton Tries to Win Over Skeptical Pakistan

NY Man, 70, Killed in Pa. Skydiving Midair Mishap

Federal Prison Sentence Ends for Ex-Mayor in Conn.

Bill Clinton and Bill Gates Want Value for Money in AIDS Fight

Painting Found in Rome Could Be Caravaggio Work

Md. Weighs Allowing Inmates' Own Clergy at Death

Spill Probe Eyes Anomalies in Crew's Response: Report

Gun Permit Allows Quick Access to Texas Capitol

Homebuilders Less Confident in Housing Market

Afghanistan Plans Ambitious Vision for the Future

Robert Gates in Seoul for Talks on North Korea

Ashes of Coronation Street Cat up for Auction

Clintons in Tears Over Chelsea? You Can Bet on It

EMT Accused of Ignoring Dying NYC Woman Is Killed

Judge Extends Order Blocking Okla. Abortion Law

World War II Museum Features Animals of War

Fan Boys, and Girls, Gear up for Comic Con

Judge: NY Can Try to Detain Man Who Infected Women

Britain Says No Plans to Review Libya Prisoner Deal

Guilty Plea Entered in Obama Student Loan Case

Investors Worry About Seepage at Capped BP Well

Obama Says Republicans Playing Politics With Jobless

Poverty-Stricken U.S. Cities Have HIV Epidemics

U.S. Army Unveils a Trove of Soldiers' War Paintings

AP Source: Obama Adviser Unlikely Blago Witness


Management Tip of the Day: How to Ask for a Reference Letter - ABC News


*Forbidden Archeology - Links

Michael Cremo and Forbidden Archeology


Space Weather Turns into an International Problem - NASA Science

Swarm of 30,000 bees that 'turned the sky black' - Telegraph

Deep space X-ray flash is most powerful ever recorded - space - 16 July 2010 - New Scientist

Illinois office workers watch pieces falling off hovering daylight UFO

Man grows freak watermelon | Orange UK

Second UFO sighting baffles China - Breaking Stories - XinMSN News

Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope discovers 'superheated planet with comet tail' - Telegraph

Company director drops four stone after hypnotist convinces her she has gastric band | Mail Online

'Universal' Flu Vaccine to Become Reality - Cold & Flu - FOXNews.com

Single star count ups odds of ET - space - 16 July 2010 - New Scientist

Sarah Palin compares herself to William Shakespeare

Shootout in Oakland May Have Been Result of Pent-up Anti-Government Anger


Glenn Beck’s Myopia

A bill to reinstate the draft and slavery

Harper, Obama and the Impossible Fat Albert

Political Triage

Arrogant Press plays dumb on Afghan blowback

Put Some Harvard SmartCream On That

Fighting for Free Speech in Detroit

Progressivism and the Dissolution of Boundaries

NAACP Spits into the Wind -- with Obvious Results

Iranian Refugees - A Human Rights Disaster

The Stimulus: A Different Story Every Day

Cleaning Up on the oil spill

Self-interest and the Democrats

No, Michelle, obesity isn't the biggest problem of the NAACP's children

IG Report: Obama policies responsible for job losses

The Ruling Class Creates its Own Demise

Obama seeking dominion over nation's waters

The hypocritical multi-culti Queen Rania of Jordan

Biden: It's the GOP's fault the stim bill didn't work

Steven Chu's Snake Oil

Arlen just won't retire

President Haters

A War amongst Ourselves

I'm from the Government, and I'm Here for Your BMI

NAACP Ushers in The Era of Nonsense

Race Roils Tea Party Movement

The Feds' $95-million Breastfeeding Boondoggle

Reflections Magazine - Who’s afraid of Michael Savage? By Dr. Grace Vuoto - July 2010 Vol. I, No. 18

BP oil spill: failed safety device on Deepwater Horizon rig was modified in China | Environment | The Observer

Environment: Obama to set up stewardship policy for oceans, Great Lakes - latimes.com

Reality gap: U.S. struggles, D.C. booms - Jim VandeHei and Zachary Abrahamson - POLITICO.com

HARTWELL: Obama lawsuit invites fortified state militia - Washington Times

FDA says breast cancer drug did not extend lives

Oakland cops not coming unless crime is violent

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

The Associated Press: Jobless in Cuba? Communism faces the unthinkable

Blagojevich to testify in own defense - chicagotribune.com

Conservationists believe there are fewer than 400 Sumatran tigers left in the wild

YouTube - We Have Been Lied To On A Monumental Scale

YouTube - Gun Owner Stops Men Dressed As FBI Agents Attempting Break Into His Home

WaPo: What’s Really Behind the Story

‘Face the Nation’ Host Schieffer Didn’t Ask Holder About Black Panther Case Because He ‘Just Didn’t Know About It’

‘Top Secret America’: New WaPo Series Indicts American Intelligence Community

I Condemn the NAACP: It Has Betrayed its History

Debbie Schlussel:Heroes: “Snooping” Utah State Workers & Mysterious List of 1,300 Illegal Aliens

Debbie Schlussel:Give an Inch: Islamic Terrorist’s Daughter Cured by Israel, Murders Jewish Cop

New Israeli rocket shield passes final test: ministry

Former U.S. resident jailed for Srebrenica massacre

BP oil spill clean-up costs rise to $4bn as it plans final kill - Telegraph

BP oil spill: US orders new emergency plan as seepage detected near capped well - Telegraph

China tackles oil slick after pipeline blast | Environment | guardian.co.uk

US military build-up in Kandahar will bolster Taliban, warns security monitor | World news | The Guardian

Inquiry urged into Lockerbie bomber release - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Blow for Angela Merkel as ally resigns - Telegraph

Row over Danish plan to cut immigrants' pay - Europe, World - The Independent

Whither Climate Change? - Mail Online - Michael Hanlon's Science blog: From The Cutting Edge

Palestinians build solar car from scratch | Environment | The Guardian

Hedge funds accused of gambling with lives of the poorest as food prices soar | Environment | The Guardian

Arizona immigration battle turns bitter | World news | The Guardian

Arizona: Arpaio's immigration war threatens Obama administration | World news | The Guardian

Sarah Palin invents word in Twitter gaffe - Telegraph

Nasa 'elated' after new telescope uncovers 'previously invisible space objects' - Telegraph

Finance experts call for 'Tobin tax' on foreign exchange trades | Business | The Guardian

Mayan king's tomb discovered in Guatemala - Telegraph

CCTV and police abuse of power | Nicola Cutcher | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Britons 'breaking law without realising it', study finds - Telegraph

Draconian religious hate laws 'fuel worrying rise in prosecutions for even mild remarks' | Mail Online

Twenty babies in Britain named Adolf - Telegraph

Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board | Mail Online

Patch heralds new era in battle against pandemics - Science, News - The Independent

IVF children more likely to develop cancer - Telegraph

un[redacted] news: A Hidden World, Growing Beyond Control: The Paranoid US Government

GOP senators: Obama failing in oil clean-up - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

BBC News - Washington Post exposes US 'intelligence flaws'

Dissent and you may disappear or go to jail « Co2 Insanity


*US v. Blagojevich Trial Exhibits


.WGIL. Blago Brother: Never Tied State Acts to Donations

.WGIL. Burris Speaks to Reporters

Burris Is In If There’s A Special Election « Liveshots

Rod’s brother describes strains between them - Blagojevich on Trial

AP Source: White House adviser Jarrett unlikely to testify at Blagojevich trial - latimes.com

Blagojevich may take stand tomorrow - The Boston Globe

Lonna Saunders: Blagojevich Trial: Where's the Beef?

Ex-Gov. Blagojevich likely to testify this week - One News Page

Roland Burris: US Senator Roland Burris: US Senator Roland Burris and Vacant Obama Seat: Rod Blagojevich and US Senate Seat: Politics: Illinois Politics: US Senate: - Chicago Political Commentary

As Blagojevich defense begins, the White House intersection - Lynn Sweet

Blagojevich trial: Prosecutors sought to humiliate ex-Illinois governor - latimes.com

Rod Blagojevich trial shows spending habits to which he was ill-suited

Robert Blagojevich: I thought helping Rod was "the right thing to do" - The Blago Blog


Ban Point-of-Sale Tobacco Ads in Retail Outlets, Researchers Urge - US News and World Report

HHS unveils new health care fraud tool - Orlando Business Journal

Hundreds Attend Bone Marrow Drive for 'Lion King' Child Star With Leukemia - DNAinfo.com

Animal Study Shows Potential of Universal Influenza Vaccine

Drinking Raw Milk Is Worth The Risk, Advocates Say : NPR

Children born via in vitro fertilization may have slightly higher cancer rates - latimes.com

Study: Ecstasy Can Help Traumatized Soldiers - Mental Health | Illness | Disorders - FOXNews.com

'Major League' manager Lou Brown passes away - Page 2 - ESPN

Actor James Gammon Dies 70

Kelly Osbourne's Dog Woody Dies - Kelly Osbourne : People.com

Why Teen Singer Charice Got Botox - Health, Glee : People.com

What Bristol and Levi Should Know About Modern Parenting - Newsweek

FOXNews.com - Evil Wins the Day In Switzerland

Anna Chapman's Future in Russian Politics - Newsweek

Russian Spy Anna Chapman (“The Attractive One”) Selling Rights to Life Story | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Shocker! Paris Hilton Poses Topless on Vacation - E! Online

BBC News - Actor Wesley Snipes faces up to three-year prison term

After 'Inception,' What's Next For Leonardo DiCaprio? - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

News - Jennifer Aniston Goes Topless in New Perfume Ad - Style & Beauty - UsMagazine.com

'Inception': What was the best scene? | EW.com

Alleged Tiger Woods Mistress to Enter "Celebrity Rehab" - ABC News

Donald Trump to Rachel Uchitel -- Beat It! | TMZ.com

Lindsay Lohan to report to jail tomorrow - USATODAY.com

Mel Gibson will not move to Australia, will remain in California to help raise his daughter

All the Details About Chelsea Clinton's Wedding – Sort of - Weddings, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton : People.com

Zsa Zsa Gabor hospitalized after breaking hip in fall [Updated] | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Zsa Zsa Gabor to Have Hip Surgery Monday


Google Acquires Metaweb -- InformationWeek


Official Google Blog: Deeper understanding with Metaweb


The Associated Press: Rare Sri Lankan primate gets 1st wide-eyed closeup

Maya royal tomb discovered filled with offerings - Science Fair: Science and Space News - USATODAY.com

FOXNews.com - Bowls of Human Fingers and Teeth Found in Mayan Tomb

Netflix coming to Canada, launching this fall

Facebook about to reach 500 million members - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - msnbc.com

Airplane Makers Are Bullish, Analysts Cautious - NYTimes.com

IMF remains open for talks with Hungary: TV | Reuters

OIL FUTURES: Crude Tops $77/Bbl, Erasing Friday's Losses - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Innkeepers USA Trust seeks bankruptcy protection

Unemployment benefits: Obama pushes Republicans to approve extended unemployment benefits - latimes.com

YouTube - HiQ Video- Obama Blasts GOP Over Unemployment Benefits





Steps need to be taken to stop Chicago gun violence - chicagotribune.com

'Transformers 3' filming leaves Mag Mile with a bang - About Last Night

Obama to headline Giannoulias fund-raiser in Chicago :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Election 2010

Poll: Mayor Richard M. Daley's Approval Rating Sinking - cbs2chicago.com

A majority of Chicagoans want a new mayor - Your Doubting Thomas

5 states sue to keep Asian carp out of Great Lakes - Chicago Breaking News

In Pakistan, Hillary Clinton announces new aid projects, lauds mango - CSMonitor.com

India disaster: 60 dead, 90 injured in India train crash - latimes.com

White House shifts Afghanistan strategy towards talks with Taliban | World news | guardian.co.uk

BBC News - US defence chief Gates in Seoul for security talks

Four Senators press British PM on Lockerbie release - latimes.com

Sunni Awakening resolute in face of Iraq bombing - CSMonitor.com


China steps up effort to contain oil spill off Dalian - CNN.com

allAfrica.com: South Africa: Soweto Remembered as Mandela Marks 92nd Birthday

AFP: US envoy Mitchell takes Mideast peace talks to UAE

18 Killed in Birthday Massacre in Mexico - NYTimes.com

Earthquake in Hawaii: Tremors in Oahu | News Provider

Iranian Scientist Says U.S. Wanted to Swap Him for 3 Hikers - NYTimes.com

Rise of the Greens could spell the strange death of Labor Party | The Australian

World War I dead laid to rest 94 years after slaughter - CNN.com

44 - Palin invents word 'refudiate,' compares herself to Shakespeare

What's the Tea Party Express? - CNN.com

Christian faith group hits back at Beck in radio ad campaign | The Underground

The Associated Press: Kagan would weigh health law recusal case-by-case

Kagan Says She’ll Hear Health Care Lawsuit « Liveshots

Utah identifies 2 allegedly behind immigrant list | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

John Fund: Happy-Talk Warrior - WSJ.com

Republican lawmakers gird for rowdy tea party

Gallup Shows Friendlier Picture for Obama in Mississippi « Majority In Mississippi

Obama's day: More back-and-forth over jobless benefits - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Feds make 105 arrests in sting targeting gangs | AP Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Secret world outlined by Post includes local firms - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe

YouTube - Top Secret America

BP WATCH: Containment Cap Testing Continues Amid Concerns About Seeps - WSJ.com

YouTube - BP told to draft new oil well plan after seepage

Video News

Breitbart.tv:Shock: Teen Pop Star Gets Botox Treatment for ‘Glee’ Debut

Glenn Beck Tells Audience He Might Be Going Blind

Dept of Agriculture Official: Gov’t Employees Don’t Get Fired

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism

‘Face the Nation’ Host Didn’t Ask Holder About Black Panther Case Because He ‘Just Didn’t Know About It’

Viral Video: Hiker Gets Emotional Over Double Rainbow

BP, Feds Clash Over Re-opening Capped Well

Suicide Bombers Attack Iraq Militia; Cell Phone Video Shows Casualties

Zsa Zsa Hospitalized

Hillary in Pakistan

Two Trains Collide in India

Muslim Men in Pakistan Protest French Ban on Veil

Tea Party Leader Stands Up to NAACP CEO on ‘Face the Nation’

Biden: The Tea Party Not Racist

Proof: Tea Party Leadership Denounced Racist Fringe in Writing in April; Black Leadership Ignored

George Will Defends Tea Party, Calls NAACP Resolution ‘Left-wing McCarthyism’

Without Warning, Olbermann Announces Two-week Vacation On Air

Changing Arguments, Obama Admin Now Calls Insurance Mandates ‘Tax Increase’

The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit

LA Sen: Obama Trying to Conceal Oil Spill

Castro Appears in Public After Four Years of Seclusion, Warns of Iran War

DiCaprio and ‘Inception’ Co-stars Trash BP, Cheney and Palin

Another Napolitano Gaffe