"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 July 2010


'Ten big media lies' about Israel

American Double Standards - Unjustifiable

savethemales.ca - Col. House's Version of the "Protocols"

Google Biblical Earth: artist recreates Christian stories seen from space - Telegraph

Interactive climate map from Google shows future impact of climate change - Telegraph

'Russian' spy granted right to live in UK - Telegraph

EU to subject Britons to new 'Big Brother' surveillance and investigation powers | Mail Online

The EU’s monstrous UN power grab – Telegraph Blogs

YouTube - What is going on, here?

Debtor's Prison Back in Business

Obama-Dodd-Frank FinReg Monstrosity Delays Derivatives Curbs until 2022! « TARPLEY.net

YouTube - Tarpley: 'Obama, the Wall St. puppet'

Orwell's nightmare--big brother is here

The U.S. Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out : ICH - Information Clearing House

Feds look for WikiLeaks founder at NYC hacker event | Citizens for Legitimate Government

Rust Discovered On Bank Of Russia Issued 999 Gold Coins | zero hedge

The Real Unemployment Rate: Is It 9.5%, 16.5%, 22%, or Higher? - DailyFinance

savethemales.ca - Well Cap Causing Seabed to Leak -- Engineer

Iranian scientist was CIA mole - Telegraph

Does Event Honoring Israeli Spy Suggest Another Israeli Operation? : Veterans Today

HARTWELL: Obama lawsuit invites fortified state militia - Washington Times

Olive oil shock as consumers feel effects of Greece's financial crisis - Europe, World - The Independent

Long lost Charlie Chaplin film found at antiques fair - Telegraph

Arizona turns off speed cameras - Telegraph

'Inception' And 528 Code For Musical Transcendence

Did police kill Raoul Moat? Wounds were inconsistent with shotgun, say his family | Mail Online

Blair in secret talks with Gaddafi: Lockerbie families' fury as ex-Premier is treated like a 'brother' by dictator just days after denying links with Libya | Mail Online

Chinese oil pipeline explodes - Telegraph

The EU is now recognised as a state under international law – Telegraph Blogs

Something Lingering in the Lingerie? Bed Bugs Hit Victoria's Secret | NBC New York

Water and Drug War «Kawther Salam

Unusual Texas Cattle Watering Tank Visitors

OilSpill-CNR.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Iran scientist: CIA offered me $50m to lie about nuclear secrets - Middle East, World - The Independent

Petraeus's first act is to establish militias to fight the Taliban - Asia, World - The Independent

US senators demand BP records on Libya lobbying - Telegraph

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen to give half of his fortune to charity | Technology | The Guardian

Tracie Washington: This crime was a symptom of a wider sickness in the police - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Darkness In America - Lynne Stewart's Re-Sentencing

savethemales.ca - Sperm Donor Children Feel Fatherless

Vatican: Female priests as bad as paedophiles - Europe, World - The Independent

Video: Iranian nuclear scientist: 'US and Saudi agents abducted me' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Vatican radio waves blamed for high cancer risk - Telegraph

Did Larry McDonald Survive The 'Shootdown' Of KAL 007?

Larry McDonald on the New World Order 17:40

Chiappalone/Rense 6 16 AUDIO

Chiappalone/Rense 7 13 AUDIO


BP Paying Off Universities And Gulf Scientists In Mass To Hide Oil Spill Research Data From The Public | Alexander Higgins Blog

YouTube - Gulf seafloor crack leak in slow motion shows oil coming from crack

YouTube - OIL 2010-07-16 05video

YouTube - OIL 2010-07-16 video

YouTube - OIL 2010-07-16 video

CNN reports well has “weak points at 9,000″ and “17,000 feet” that BP is likely “watching in the seismic” (VIDEO) | Florida Oil Spill Law

YouTube - US Funded, KSM Founded, CIA Backed Al Qaeda Group, Jundallah Blows Up a Mosque in Iran Again

The Right To Nullify This Government - HUMAN EVENTS

YouTube - Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit - Available at BSRemoval.com - feat. Brad Stine

TWA Flight 800:Was TWA 800 Shot Down By a Military Missile?

YouTube - Blowdown your house

YouTube - Andrew Maguire finally exposes systemic fraud by CFTC & JPMorgan


YouTube - OIL 2010-07-16 video

YouTube - Censorship Alert: Obama Deception Illegally Removed from You Tube

YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs story (pt1 of 2)

YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs pt2 of 2 oligarchy

The Associated Press: Schwarzenegger mobilizes National Guard to border

Tinfoil Hat News: Orwell's nightmare--big brother is here

FOXNews.com - Obama Trying to Shift Oil Spill 'Off the Front Page,' Senator Says

The Rot from Within: Character Disorders of the Republic by Robert Logan -- Antiwar.com

The Serious Tracking of Americans Begins | The Liberty Voice

BBC - Newsbeat - US army heat-ray gun in Afghanistan

Porn, Meth, and Oil Company Parties | Mother Jones

Darkness in America: Lynne Stewart's Resentencing :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

'NHS doesn't care about cost of medicine': Drugs firms accused of profiteering by raising prices by ONE THOUSAND per cent | Mail Online

Lost in Taxation - WSJ.com

UPDATE: Admiral Allen Orders Well Opened, BP Says It Will Keep Well Closed

Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax - NYTimes.com

U.S. Risks Military Clash With China In Yellow Sea

NATO: Whoring itself to American Imperialism - Vive

un[redacted] news: Patriot Act Political Prisoner Lynne Stewart Sentenced to Ten Years in Prison

Blumenauer demands that Pentagon explain KBR immunity deal | OregonLive.com

Smoking Mirrors: The Polanski Gambit and the Old World Order.

SHOCK: Water “sample exploded” when chemist tested for oil; “Most likely” methane or Corexit (VIDEO) | Florida Oil Spill Law

Methane Thought To Be Responsible For Mass Extinction

How's Rupert Murdoch's paywall working out at the Times of London? - Projo Subterranean Homepage News

The Marijuana Conspiracy | www.tpuc.org

YouTube - Gulf of Tonkin: McNamara admits It didn't happen.


SITE:Six Revisions - Web Development and Design Information


Newsalert: Reagan: " Government is the Problem"

Women Are the New Men - The postindustrial economy belongs to females

Obamacare and Unlimited Federal Power

Newsalert: Reason.tv: All Charges Dismissed! John Stagliano Reacts Outside the Courthouse

U.S. District judge drops porn charges against video producer John A. Stagliano

Entitlements to claim 50 cents of every dollar

The tea party makes trouble with a capital T

FLASHBACK;How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

Obama needs a dose of ideology - The Week

The President's Truce with Business | The Weekly Standard

Poor little CEOs: The government's giving them everything they want, yet still they whine. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Firms cancel health coverage - The Boston Globe

Back Channels: The liberal roadblocks to shrinking government | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/18/2010

Democrats engage in 'circular firing squad'

GOP should support state of Puerto Rico - Other Views - MiamiHerald.com

Haass: Time to Get Out of Afghanistan - Newsweek

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

We’re drinking Tea, not Kool-Aid - BostonHerald.com

We're better than this: The rising tide of racial mudslinging will not win over a mature America

Excusing the Oakland Rioters | The Weekly Standard

Op-Ed Columnist - The Good News About Mel Gibson - NYTimes.com

Let the devil's advocate rot - NYPOST.com

Andrew Alexander - Why the silence from The Post on Black Panther Party story?

Wall Street reform that isn't | Washington Examiner

The Do-Nothing Party - Sunday, July 18, 2010 | 2:05 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Bill Brady, Chris Christie and Mitch Daniels - chicagotribune.com

Heading home: Nothing should slow the U.S. pullout from Iraq

National Journal Magazine - A New Form Of Check and Balance

American politics has caught the British disease - Telegraph

He came, he saw, he spent | themichiganview.com | The Michigan View

Obama's Economic Dilemma: To Spend or Not to Spend - TIME

How Obama Lost Small Business - The Daily Beast

Clean, Green, Safe and Smart | The Nation

Charles Krauthammer - Obama's next act

Kass: NAACP plays latest race card against tea party - chicagotribune.com

The Troubled Recovery - Forbes.com

Nini and the European Dream - The Globe and Mail

Kicking the Oil Habit | The Nation

Bobby Jindal - Ban on deep-water drilling adds insult to injury

Op-Ed Columnist - Dog Days of Obama - NYTimes.com

Anti-Deficit Hysteria? - The Agenda - National Review Online

Fineman: Obama and 'Indie Men' Voters - Newsweek

Ron Smith: Nostalgic for … Bill Clinton? - baltimoresun.com

Restore the Estate Tax | The Atlantic Wire

Blago trial produces no bombshells but casts doubt on Obama’s truthfulness | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The French Anti-Burqa Jihad - Forbes.com

A Defiant Steve Jobs Confronts 'Antennagate' - WSJ.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Tweet Less, Kiss More - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: Where the recession is no problem - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Deepwater drilling moratorium: the legal fight - latimes.com

A vote of no confidence - BostonHerald.com

Editorials | Reset 2010: Who gets it? | Seattle Times Newspaper

Republicans fundraising rivals Democrats for midterm congressional races

Road to Missouri U.S. Senate seat runs through black pulpits | McClatchy

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jul 16, 2010 - Senators move to revive estate tax at reduced rate

Why Venezuela's Chavez Dug Up Bolivar's Bones - TIME

Colombia Becomes a Latin American Star - Newsweek

David Frum: The new, in-your-face, Israel lobby | Full Comment | National Post

Colbert I. King - Can U.S. prepare for China's new fortune?

Free the hikers

Al-Shabaab’s Regionalization Strategy / ISN

RealClearWorld - Ditching NATO Would Save U.S. Money

Lexington: Where has all the greatness gone? | The Economist

The Rich Catch Everyone Else’s Cutback Fever - NYTimes.com

Goldman's Grand Delusions Finally Hit Reality: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

Is Wall Street Now Just Another Utility? - IBD - Investors.com

Bank Fix for Unpaid Commercial Property Loans: 'Extend and Pretend' - WSJ.com

Obama Vows New Push on Stalled Trade Pacts - NYTimes.com

Europe presents main threat to global recovery, IMF says

World Video:FRIDAY:Rebel Group Claims Iran Mosque Attack

Bomb Tears Through Pakistani Bazaar

Investigation Into Deadly Iraq Hotel Fire

Hundreds Drown In Russia Heat Wave

India And Pakistan Revive Talks

The Business Of Being Beckham

Markets Video:FRIDAY:Time to Take Advantage of Gold's Volatility?

Jobs: iPhone 4 Bugs Exaggerated

Was This a Big Win for Goldman Sachs?

BP Stops the Oil Flow ... For Now

KKR: Barbarians at the Gate Move to NYSE

Immelt to Obama: Focus on Jobs & Economy


*FRIDAY/Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the BP Cap

THURSDAY:Geithner's Remarks on the Passage of Wall St. Reform

Analysts on the Passage of Financial Reform

Panel on Obama and Good News In The Gulf

Interview with Secretary Napolitano

Rep. Pete Hoekstra on the Economy and the Stimulus

Obama's Remarks on Clean Energy

WEDNESDAY:Obama Interviewed By South African Television

Panel on Obama & the Business Community

Interview with Rep. Edward Markey

Interview with Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell

Debate Over Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan

TUESDAY:Obama Announces Jack Lew to Be OMB Director

Obama's Poll Numbers Fall as Economy Falters

Roundtable on Obama's Political Problems

Interview with Af/Pak Envoy Richard Holbrooke

Senators Brown and Gregg on the Deficit

Interview with San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro

MONDAY:Obama's Remarks With President Fernandez

Interview with Former President Bill Clinton

George Schultz on the Reagan White House

Restoring the Flow of Credit to Small Businesses

SUNDAY:Interview with Attorney General Eric Holder (PDF)

Guests: Reps. Gutierrez and Bilbray; David Axelrod

Rep. Franks, Gov. Richardson and David Axelrod

Interview with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

Interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu



Defending the 'Bailout' - Politics - The Atlantic

TaxVox: the Tax Policy Center blog :: Extending the Bush Tax Cuts

Would You Have Voted for SB 1070, Yes or No? - Jesse Naiman - The Corner on National Review Online

The Plum Line - Boehner: No more new Federal regulations!

What the Cap Means for Obama - Politics - The Atlantic

TARP Kills: Political Careers in Peril from Bailouts; Americans Overwhelmingly Support Government Stimulus to Create Jobs | Elections

Feeding the Beast | Mother Jones


**18TH/Politics Video:Biden On Midterms: "The Reports Of Our Demise Are Premature"

Rep. Pence: People "Frustrated With Lack Of Leadership" From Obama

Cornyn: "Slanderous" To Accuse Tea Party Of Racism

J.D. Hayworth And Bill Richardson On Immigration Reform

Rep. Van Hollen: Obama "Absolutely An Asset" In Midterms

Biden: Stimulus "Would Have Been Bigger" But For GOP

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On GOP Agenda Against Obama

Rep. Clyburn: Dems Will Have "Very Strong Showing" In November

"This Week" Roundtable On Nation Building In Afghanistan

Biden: People "Don't Know" What Financial Reform Means "Yet"

*17TH/Obama Slams GOP For "Obstructing" Economic Progress In Weekly Address

Krauthammer: Executive Order On Abortion Funding Is "Paper Thin"

Olbermann To Tea Party: "You Are Getting Your Asses Kicked"

John King Grills Tea Party Spokesman On Satirical Letter To NAACP

Wisconsin AG, Governor At Odds Over Supporting Arizona

*16TH/Apple's Steve Jobs: "We're Working Our Asses Off"

CO-Gov: Scott McInnis (R) Calls Himself A "Jobs Governor"

Rep. Paul Ryan: A Time for Choosing

Rep. Maxine Waters: Government Should Be "Compassionate" Of Illegal Immigrants

How To Answer The Interview Question: "What Is Your Biggest Weakness?"

WV Gov. Manchin Taps Goodwin For Byrd's Senate Seat

Alan Greenspan: Bush Tax Cuts Should Expire

Carter's NSA Brzezinski Senses "Malaise" With Obama

Rep. Barney Frank: Republicans "Rooting For Failure"

GOP's Boehner: Democrats In "Full Scale Civil War"

Eugene Robinson: "Time To Act" For Democrats

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: "Today We Have Two Vietnams, Side By Side"

Obama On Oil Cap: "Don't Get Ahead Of Ourselves"

NV Woman's Obituary: Don't Vote For Harry Reid

NV-Sen: Ad Slams Reid On Unemployment And Stimulus

Dem Congresswoman: "We're Not Going To Lose The House"

Sen. Shelby On Financial Reform: Repeal It

Sen. Hatch To Obama: Stop Your Job Killing Agenda

Janet Napolitano: We Can Not "Seal" The Border

Krauthammer: Capping Of Well Won't Have "Lasting Impact" On Obama

O'Reilly: Media Is Covering For Holder On Black Panther Case

Olbermann: Tea Party's Racism Revealed

Hardball: Black Panthers' Actions "More About Television Than Turnout"


07-18-2010: The Jobless Effect: Is the Real Unemployment Rate 16.5%, 22%, or. . .?

07-17-2010: Video Game CEO cheers Digital Tyranny and Technological Enslavement

07-17-2010: 25,000 new asteroids found by NASA's sky mapping

07-17-2010: Dollar Weakens Most in 14 Months Versus Euro on Signs of Economic Slowdown

07-17-2010: Carbon trading used as money-laundering front: experts

07-17-2010: Underground tunnel complexes FOUND ON MOON

07-17-2010: DC’s spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose

07-16-2010: Government Wants Your Individual Obesity Rating By 2014

Puppet Obama Takes Another Vacation

Favorite Survival Books by M.D. Creekmore

Men’s Fashion Guide: How to Dress in the Summer (Part 1) | The Art of Manliness

Men: How to Dress for Summer | The Art of Manliness

The Money Supply Conspiracy by Richard Daughty

Government Mules by David Galland

Marc Faber expects a return to massive quantitative easing by October - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

The Tea Party Isn’t Racist - The Daily Beast

What faith God has in America!

$8 per gallon gas – if you can find it

The real deal

Gun control is using 2 hands

Bezos-Dell vs. Reid-Pelosi

Arizona in the crosshairs

A symposium starring Aristotle and Ayn Rand

Pastors – are you friend or enemy?

Black Panthers: Obama's latest Rev. Wright

Afghanistan is Vietnam all over again

Fox and the Saudi bagman

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

'Thought police' slam media with fine totaling $125,000

8 more in Congress sign on for Obamacare repeal

$8 per gallon gas – if you can find it

Elena Kagan on truth serum

Pat Condell on Ground Zero mosque: "Is it possible to be astonished, but not surprised?" - Jihad Watch

The Obama-Lenin-Hitler billboard

What faith God has in America!

Arizona in the crosshairs

HARTWELL: Obama lawsuit invites fortified state militia - Washington Times

A symposium starring Aristotle and Ayn Rand

Gun control is using 2 hands

Pastors – are you friend or enemy?

Bezos-Dell vs. Reid-Pelosi

The real deal

Aurora Sentinel > Archives > Opinion > Columnists > Green: Obama is a victim of Bush's failed promises

RealClearPolitics - Democrats Can Stop GOP Blowout

Wake up, black America!

Kimberley A. Strassel: About That Financial Reform 'Victory' - WSJ.com

Congressman introduces resolution to protect citizens who videotape cops

Columbia University Brain Imaging Center Routinely Injected Mental Patients with Drugs that Contained Potentially Dangerous Impurities

Insurers Push Plans Limiting Patient Choice of Doctors

Brzezinski Senses “Malaise” With Obama

SHOCK: Water “sample exploded” when chemist tested for oil; “Most likely” methane or Corexit (VIDEO)

VIDEO: Pain Pill Abuse Up 400% In 10 Years!

Blame Central Banking Not Banks

They're All Grovelling and You Can Guess the Reason

How Wall Street Starved Millions and Got Away With It

What Will Wall Street Reform Mean for You? | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice

Confronting both China and Russia: U.S. Risks Military Clash With China In Yellow Sea

Collapse in Living Standards in America: More Poverty By Any Measure

China Calls for Restraint as U.S., South Korea Plan Military Drill

Erlinder: Defense Lawyers Now Risk Assassination in East Africa

More than one million American households are likely to lose their homes to foreclosure this year

VIDEO: Initial Results from Well Integrity Test Are Inconclusive

BP Has Stopped the Oil From Flowing ... But Is It Only Temporary?

Study: Attack on Iran Would be the "Start of the Long War": "An Attack could Send Oil Prices through the Roof"

Man Fined $2,000 For Taking Garbage From Sidewalk -- 'It Belongs To The City'

Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

Rockefeller Study Outlines “Doom Decade”: Life For All But Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth

Historian warns of sudden collapse of American 'empire'

Congress Passes Bankster Consolidation Bill

Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Says HHS

Marc Faber Expects a Return to Massive Quantitative Easing by October

Freeing the Innocent from Guantanamo

The Goal Is Rationed Care

NSA Executive Leaked After Official Reporting Process Failed Him

Railroads, Robber Barons, and Unbridled Capitalism

Financial Reform Bill: Bureaucratic Absolutism

Early Indications Say Paywall For The Times Is A Dreadful Failure

PolitiFact: Ron Paul says U.S. spends $1 trillion on foreign policy

Daily Kos: Why liberals should love the Second Amendment

Man tries to pay tax with 200,000 pennies

Copyright law is like 1930s prohibition says top music manager

Climatologist: 'Global Warming Theory: False in Parts, False in Totality'

File Sharing Is Not Pollution, And You Don't Need An ISP 'Tax' To Deal With It

Obama the Socialist Fascist Communist

Lieberman's Model For America: Purging The Internet of Dissent

A Lawless Regime of Unlimited Government

Homeland Security Mission Creep: "Intellectual Property Crime"

Let’s Make Journalism Fair and Balanced — Just Like the Universities!

Inflating War

Punishing Success One Merger at a Time

Yeah, But They Have “Free” Healthcare

The revolving door spins faster on healthcare reform

The motive behind whistle-blower prosecutions

Ron Paul: The People Can Handle The Truth About Unemployment and Inflation!

Real Jobs, Fake Jobs

Millennium Ark: Hot News: Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere

America’s Dead Souls: 8 Reasons To Hate Our Billionaire Bolsheviks - By Mark Ames - The eXiled

The Roth Show » Blog Archive » Obama is trying to surround us with Islam

Islam Must Be Stopped In America » Publications » Family Security Matters


Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 1)

Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Thoughts 1-2)

Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 2)

Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Part3) - Apotheosis

Tribulation-Now: Demons & Spiritual Warfare Basics


Nanotechnology professor Franco Cerrina found dead in his lab

Synthetic Biology: Great Promise and Potential Peril | LiveScience

Altered animals: Creatures with bonus features - life - 14 July 2010 - New Scientist

Machine gun-toting robots deployed on DMZ - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide

Economics in freefall

Senate committee orders a new course – and new rocket – for NASA

Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money And Getting Away With It

What was Washington’s role in the coup against Australian prime minister Rudd?

Taking the nanny-state mentality to new heights

4 PART:Video: Alex Jones Tv – We’re Under A Scientific Technocracy « Dprogram.net

Eugenics Alert: UN’s Agenda of Population Control Accelerating


*Rockefeller Study Outlines “Doom Decade”: Life For All But Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth

*54 PG/ Scenarios for the Futureof Technology and International Development


YouTube - Alex Jones Action Alert: Make "The Obama Deception" #1 Search Term on Google, Yahoo & Twitter


The Obama Deception 1:51:21


YouTube - Alex Jones: Government cyber invasion

Central banks start to abandon the U.S. dollar

EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

National Guard’s “Homeland Response Force” to Patrol Missouri, Nine Other States

Obama Administration OKs First Tax-Funded Abortions Under Health Care Law

Big Pharma nanotechnology encodes pills with tracking data that you swallow

Marketing Transhumanism: A New Retail-friendly Face


*OVGuide: Online Video Guide*


New Regulations Outline Content, Transmission Standards for Every Americans’ Electronic Health Records

Maryland Becomes Second State to Offer Federally Funded Abortions under Obamacare

Alliance Defense Fund Demands that University of Illinois Immediately Reinstate Professor Fired For Teaching Facts about Catholic Doctrine on Homosexual Behavior in Class About Catholic Doctrine

New Smallpox Vaccine Delivered to National Stockpile As Part of Bioterrorism Program That May Be Cut

Mikulski Says Senators Will Question Berwick at 'Confirmation Hearings'--Despite His Recess Appointment

Americans Say Government and Politicians Are Bigger Problems than Illegal Immigration, Health Care, Disaster Response and Federal Debt

Feds: Test Results from Well Not as Good as Hoped

Democrat Bart Stupak Accuses Pro-Life Groups of 'Politicizing' Abortion Issue to Undermine Health Care Reform

Public Hearing Would Have Made Obama’s ‘Health Care Rationing Czar’ ‘Unconfirmable,’ GOP Senator Says

36 Arrested in Medicare Scams Totaling $251M

Vietnam Publication Aims to Counter Human Rights Criticism From ‘Hostile Forces’

Police: 2 Dead in Stockton Shooting That Wounded 5

Sudan Army: 300 Rebels, 75 Troops Killed in Darfur

Father of Missing Ore. Boy: 3rd Party Involved

Officer Wants Ariz. Lawsuit Merged With Feds' Case

George Steinbrenner Buried at Florida Cemetery

Ariz. Border Patrol Group Called 'Explicit Nazis'

Suspects Free With Conditions in Minn. Terror Case

Trial Mystery: How Did Blagojevich Get Elected?

Official: No One Under NJ Parking Garage

Biden's 2008 Campaign Told: Pay $219K to Treasury

Va. Man Back in US After Weeks on No-Fly List

Man Moved off Arizona Death Row Seeks New Trial

Biden 2008 Presidential Campaign Penalized $219,000

Officials: Small Plane Crash in Maine Kills 2

Iroquois Passport Dispute Raises Sovereignty Issue

Abduction Signs Found for Missing SoCal Teen

Wildfire out Near Reagan Ranch Near Santa Barbara

Idaho Man Accused of Keeping Rattlers in Apartment

Federal Officials Resume Nevada Wild Horse Roundup

U.S. to Send Stern Message to North Korea

Taliban Hit Afghan Police Posts; Free 23 Prisoners

6.7 Magnitude Quake Hits off Coast of Alaska

Convoy Attack Just Another Day in Rural Afghanistan

AIDS Groups Call for "Renaissance" in Vaccine Hunt

Police: 10 Hurt at Ind. Black Expo in 3 Shootings

BP Says "Hopeful" Well Can Stay Shut Indefinitely

Talk Persists of Bloomberg Presidential Run

Fear of `Resegregation' Fuels Unrest in NC

Mideast Leaders Queue for Talks With Egypt's Mubarak

Police: Man Killed Friend Near Conn. 'Holy Land'

Money Worries, "Broken Promises" at AIDS Conference

1 Dead, 2 Sons Hurt in Wash. Domestic Attack

Mom Dead, 2 Sons Hurt in Wash. Attack

Clinton Seeks More Pakistan-Afghan Cooperation

Ex-Gov. Blagojevich Likely to Testify This Week

WI Boy Scout Dies After Fall From UT Rock Bridge

Clinton Woos Pakistan on Security, Aid

NYC City Hall Renovation Targets Dangerous Decay

WA State Park Remains Closed After Deadly Shooting

Oakland Pot-Growing Plan Worries Small Bud Tenders

Police: Mich. Woman Killed Daughter, Tried Suicide

Man Dies After Bridge Fall During Ky. Flash Floods

Election Shocker Awaiting GOP, Biden Promises

Biden Didn't Take McChrystal Attack Personally

GOP, Dems Woo Wary Voters in Bid to Control House

Biden Doesn't See Tea Party As a Racist Group

Unwelcome Surprise for GOP Senator: a Challenger

Biden: Iraq Drawdown On Schedule Despite Politics

Bloomberg-for-President Talk Won't Fade Away

McConnell: GOP Opposes Broad Energy Bill

Unwelcome Surprise for Sen. Vitter: A Challenger

Paul Defends Obama's Right to Make Afghan Calls

Sessions Questions Kagan Role in Abortion Veto

Obama: GOP Is Obstructing Our Progress

Castro Takes Questions, Warns of Nuclear War

McCain Pledges $5K to 2 Sheriffs' Defense Fund

AFL-CIO Adopts 'Firewall' to Block GOP

Poll: Ex-Obama Voters Like Romney

Oprah at All-Time Lows

Vatican Defends Revised Abuse Rules

BP, Scientists Try to Make Sense of Well Puzzle

Foundation Wants Money Back From Colo. Candidate

Officials: Ex-Manchin Aide Tapped for Byrd Seat

Chavez Opens Bolivar's Tomb Over Foul Play

McCain, Kerry Mark U.S.-Vietnam Normalization

Greenspan to Congress: Let Bush Tax Cuts Lapse

Soros: Reform Fails to Solve Banks' Real Problems

Banks Already Scheming to Cash In on New Rules

9 Healthy Habits That Thwart Cancer

Google Expansion Helps Economy, Hurts Stock Price

Report: Paris Hilton Caught With Marijuana

Detectives Get Recordings in Gibson Custody Case

Address Underlying Causes of Radical Islam

Family Secrets Do More Harm Than Good

It's Wrong to Call Obama a Post-racial President

Iran's Global Influence Poses Grave Threat

The End of the Post-racial Presidency

Breaking The Seafloor Exploded!!!! | Before It's News

The Eckhart Encounters: The World Will Know the Truth | Before It's News

Got water? Will you have the right to water in the future? | Farm Wars

Meet the New Republican Alchemists

Alan Greenspan gets religion

Obama To Apply Stupak Amendment to High Risk Pools. We Just Love Having Men Make These Decisions For Us!

Why the Financial Bill is Weak Sauce

Robert Reich: The Root Of Economic Anger And Fragility? Declining Wages

Megyn Kelly wildly defends her attack on Kirsten Powers over the New Black Panther non-story to Bill O'Reilly

Wingnut Candidates Crash and Burn

Deficits of Mass Destruction? Deja Vu All Over Again!

GA Cops Repeatedly Taser and Pepper Spray 57 Year Old School Teacher Who Called for Help

One Million Americans To Lose Their Homes. Where Will They Go And How Will They Live?

Mark Williams Rewarded With More Television Appearances Following Racist Online Screed

The Keynesians Won!

The Blue America "Build a Boehner Billboard" Contest

What If The Tea Party Was Black?

The Charm of David Vitter

Hannity: 'I can't find any' racist Tea Party signs

Conservative Bush Appointee: New Black Panther Controversy a "Fantasy to Topple Obama"

McCain's Cover Up of Abramoff Scandal in Indian Affairs Committee Comes Back to Bite Him During Debate

Michele Bachmann Nominates Herself as Chairwoman of the Tea Party Caucus

Arizona Tea Party Candidate Jim Deakin: Fix Government by Gutting It

SHOCK: Gulf water sample "explodes" when tested

Unemployed Wait For Help After Republicans Stiff Them. Second Extension Vote Scheduled Tuesday.

Cal Thomas Thinks the NAACP Should Care About Fox's Over-Hyped Phony New Black Panther Scandal

Biden on This Week: Stimulus Package Was Too Small, Thanks To GOP

McCain: Paying Teachers is Pork, But Let's Cut Taxes for Those Military Contractors!

Spy Swap or Spy Flop?

Sources: Washington Post Set to Disclose Intelligence Contract Information

Celebrating Multicultural Education in Austria: Part 1

Celebrating Multicultural Education in Austria: Part 2

Hillary’s Independence (from Reality) Day

Jordanian Queen Writes Kids’ Book Teaching Tolerance, but Will Not Allow Hebrew Translation

Open Thread: China Does Not Have Enough Women…

Elena Kagan: Will She Tolerate Shariah?

Congresswoman: “We Now Have Two Vietnams…” Who Knew?

Get Ready: Car Bombs Come to the Border

Rep. Brian Bilbray: Border Security Is a National Security Issue

Foreign Agents: What CAIR, Anna Chapman, and Rep. Mark Siljander Have in Common

Elena Kagan and Iftikhar Chaudhry: Another bad call by Kagan

North Korean Propaganda Boasts of Sinking South Korean Ship

Michael Rubin: Turkey Beyond the Brink

The American Media, Past the Point of No Return

CARTOON:Useful Idiots: We’re in the Best of Hands

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #10: Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #9: Liz Sidoti, Associated Press

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #8: Christiane Amanpour, CNN

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #7: Howard Fineman, Newsweek

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #6: Rick Sanchez, CNN

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #5: Cynthia Tucker, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Warning: Media Coverage Will Vary Depending on President

NewsBusted: Why Do Drug Companies Support Harry Reid?

Unions (Not the Tea Party) Now AstroTurfing, MSM Silent

Michael Moore Caught Lifting Other’s Work

MSM Ignored Racial, Gender Quotas in Financial Reform Bill

Media Coverage Neither Fair Nor Balanced

A Misleading Story on ‘Facts’

The Deadly Impact of the Death Tax

Newest NAACP Hate Speech Double Standard Alert

Huh?… Rep. Elijah Cummings: ‘Best Way Tea Party Can Fight Their Racism… Is to Help Folks Get Jobs’ (Video)

*AUDIO PAGE:Ricochet Podcast #25: Miramanee!

The Ku Klux Klan, Terrorist Wing of the Democratic Party

Reagan’s Political Conversion

Obama ‘Disses’ the Federal Courts

Business Knows More than Obama about Creating Jobs

Paul Krugman’s Boondoggle

Bookmark Makenolaw.org: Join the Nationwide Fight to Save Free Speech

Why Georgia’s 12th CD Should be on Everyone’s Mind

We Have The ‘F’ Word And The ‘N’ Word, What About The Other Letters?

Americans Voting with their Feet to Escape Obama Tax Oppression

Obamacare Should Be Repealed, but That Should Be Just the First Step

Teachers Union Demands End to War but Lobbies for Its Continued Funding

How The West Can Be Won By Republicans

Obama Should Apologize to Hoekstra

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘Inside the TV Writer’s Room: Practical Advice for Succeeding in Television’ — Part 1

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘Inside the TV Writer’s Room: Practical Advice for Succeeding in Television’ — Part 2

Film Review: ‘Predators’ Almost Lives Up to Original

We Love Pixar: What I learned From ‘Toy Story 2′

‘Sick Joke’: Tom Jones’ Own Label Slams Gospel Album

Dallas Tea Party Hits Back at Janeane Garofalo (and MSNBC) … Hard

Daily Gut: CNN Guffaws as Kathy Griffin Trashes Scott Brown’s Daughters

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Jack Schaefer, George Stevens, and ‘Shane’ Part 3

‘Inception’ Is a Hit: What Did You Think?

The New Black Panthers & American Robespierre

‘Ed Wood’: A Look Back at 1994, Best Year Ever

Clarity and the New Black Panther Party

In Case You Missed It: ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’ is the Best Album of 2009

Drug hitmen kill 17 at party in Mexico

Ohio to test Chia Pet-like sound wall on highway

Lebanon's PM Hariri in Syria, focus on economy

Fifteen wounded in suicide attack in Pakistan

Abbas sets terms for Mideast talks

Uganda police say suicide bombers carried out attacks

U.S. says Kyrgyz must act now to stop more violence

Afghan and NATO forces ready security before Kabul Conference

Mideast leaders line up to talks to Egypt's Mubarak

Iranian prosecutor urges Islamic dress checks

AIDS groups call for "renaissance" in vaccine hunt

Bomb kills four civilians in Afghan capital

China's CNPC seeks to contain oil spill after pipe blast

Suicide bomber attacks Sunni militia in Baghdad

Taliban hit Afghan police posts; free 23 prisoners

China coal mine accident kills 28

Australia government holds poll lead as campaign gears up

Angelina Jolie relishes spy role, but only in fiction

Largest Banks Mostly Pass on Dividends for '09

Changing Tune, Administration Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax - NYTimes.com

Insurers Push Plans That Limit Health Choices - NYTimes.com

Firms cancel health coverage - The Boston Globe

Lost in Taxation - WSJ.com

Andrew Alexander - Why the silence from The Post on Black Panther Party story?

Woman Charged With Molesting Daughter's Friends - cbs2chicago.com

Andrew Lloyd Webber: 'Why I'm working with Tim Rice for the first time in 34 years' | Mail Online

My Way News - Immigrant deaths in Arizona desert soaring in July

Four dead in Juarez bombing | KTSM News Channel 9

Mexico Drug War Catches Two Americans Who Allege Abuse - WSJ.com

Director Polanski Attends Swiss Jazz Fest - ABC News

US wanted to 'swap Iranian scientist for hikers'

Barack Obama finally makes his peace with Bill Clinton - Telegraph

Clinton off to Afghanistan as war fears rise - Yahoo! News

Americans Favor Confirming Kagan to High Court, 44% to 34%

AIDS conference chief lashes out at world leaders

Obama casts Republicans as party of the rich - Yahoo! News

GOP senators: Obama failing in oil clean-up - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Mel Gibson leaves the States after selling his mansion at cut price | Mail Online

Biden cautious about predicting Afghan troop cuts

Exclusive: Official - Troops out of Afghanistan by 2014 - Asia, World - The Independent

The 'porn star killers': Actors who met on adult film set charged with killing tattoo shop owner with a sledgehammer | Mail Online

Margaret Thatcher's family are 'appalled' at Meryl Streep film - Telegraph

Obama Moves away from 'Freedom of Religion' toward 'Freedom of Worship'? - U.s. - Catholic Online

TWT Exclusive: Is Wash Post harming intelligence work? - Washington Times

State Department warns employees about new website highlighting Top Secret facilities | The Cable

Army suicides hit record number in June - Yahoo! News

Oliver Stone and the politics of film-making | Film | The Observer

CNSNews.com - Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Says HHS

Chavez communes stoke Venezuela democracy debate | Reuters

Napolitano's Gaffe in the Gulf | The FOX Nation

Twin toddler girls in Mass. drown in family pool - Yahoo! News

AUDIO: Savage intervie w/Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani

HARTWELL: Obama lawsuit invites fortified state militia - Washington Times

Michael Savage and Whoopi Goldberg stick up for Mel Gibson

KUHNER: The conservative ban on Michael Savage - Washington Times

Biden didn't take McChrystal attack personally - Yahoo! News

Mexico kidnappings: Arrests shed light on border operation - latimes.com

White House wanderers tour Acadia | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

Medicare fraud bust: $251M in scams - Washington Times

American Thinker: The Scapegoating of Michael Savage

Fraudster gets 24 years after giving judge phony "charity" photos - NYPOST.com

CIA suspects Iranian nuclear defector who returned to Tehran was a double agent - Telegraph

Judge: Law penalizing fake heroes unconstitutional - NewsFlash - OregonLive.com

New U.K. government bans Michael Savage

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

State detention agency blasted over "orgy" at Orange County juvenile hall - NYPOST.com

Roman Polanski makes first public appearance at jazz festival | Mail Online

Oakland cops not coming unless crime is violent

FDA says breast cancer drug did not extend lives

Jews gone bad steal spotlight at S.F. film fest

Competing currency being accepted across Mid-Michigan : News : WEYI NBC25


LA Sen: Obama Trying to Conceal Oil Spill

Biden: The Tea Party Not Racist

Proof: Tea Party Leadership Denounced Racist Fringe in Writing in April; Black Leadership Ignored

George Will Defends Tea Party, Calls NAACP Resolution ‘Left-wing McCarthyism’

The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit

Changing Arguments, Obama Admin Now Calls Insurance Mandates ‘Tax Increase’

Without Warning, Olbermann Announces Two-week Vacation On Air

1000+ Union Nurses Protest in Front of Meg Whitman’s Private Residence

Caught on Camera: Union Goon Hits, Shoves and Harasses GOP Supporter at Rally

DiCaprio and ‘Inception’ Co-stars Trash BP, Cheney and Palin

Another Napolitano Gaffe

Castro Appears in Public After Four Years of Seclusion, Warns of Iran War

Iran Blames US for Deadly Mosque Bombing

Mexican Drug Cartel Explodes Car Bomb at Border

Senator Suggests Rachel Maddow Looks Like a Man

Economics of Obama’s Liberation Theology Explored

Niger Innis: ‘No Evidence of Racism at Tea Party’

NAACP’s Washington Director Caught in Another Lie About Tea Party

Teacher Faked Cancer; Pocketed Donations

Raw Video: Officer Struck by Car, Suspect Shot

Iran Suicide Bombing Caught on Camera

UFO Seen Over China

Dolphin Jumps Out of Tank During Show


YouTube - 'HIV test a crime, AIDS 'cure' killed a whole generation'

AIDS: HAART treatment for HIV best way to stop spread of AIDS, study finds - latimes.com

Insurers Push Plans That Limit Health Choices - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Oakland pot-growing plan worries small bud tenders

Pumps like Cheney's can extend lives of patients with congestive heart failure

Researchers engineer malaria-proof mosquitoes - Los Angeles Times

'Not enough good data' to back obesity drug, panelist says - CNN.com

Another J&J drugmaking plant under FDA scrutiny - Jul. 16, 2010

WikiLeaks founder: Site getting tons of 'high caliber' disclosures - CNN.com

NASA appears to no longer be shooting for the stars - Los Angeles Times

Facebook reaches a staggering 500 million users | TG Daily

Inspector General Criticizes Treasury's Role In Auto Dealer Closures - WSJ.com

Obama to Sign Reform Bill Into Law - WSJ.com

U.S. bank results portend investment bank woes | Reuters

IMF Pulls Out of Hungary Loan Talks - WSJ.com

Toyota, Tesla Agree to Develop Electric Version of RAV4 by 2012 - BusinessWeek

Zsa Zsa Gabor breaks hip in fall, to have surgery | Reuters

Could Mel Gibson Go to Jail? - Crime & Courts, Mel Gibson, Oksana Grigorieva : People.com

FOXNews.com - Report: Mel Gibson Planning Move to Australia With Ex-Wife

John Edwards Scandal Will Become a Film | Hollywood Today

James Gammon dies at 70: character actor - latimes.com

ENTERTAINMENT - Roman Polanski Makes Public Appearance Again

Pink Returns To Stage Day After Tumble In Germany - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

FOXNews.com - Jennifer Love Hewitt Gives Female Empowerment a New Name in The Client List

Levi Johnston: Ive missed out on a lot of son`s life - Monsters and Critics

Christina Aguilera's dud album rattles label - NYPOST.com

Angelina Jolie: The unshakable star who tells all and takes it all with a grain of 'Salt'

National Ice Cream Day 2010 is underway Thanks to Reagan | Mens Spot

'American Idol' auditions draw 16,000+ singers | tennessean.com | The Tennessean

BP, federal officials confer on closed gulf oil well cap

Tea Party Federation kicks out Williams over blog post - CNN.com

Biden on McChrystal, U.S. Troops out of Afghanistan - ABC News

White House Intensifies GOP Attacks - WSJ.com

Obama chides Republicans for thwarting jobless extension - latimes.com

Analysis: Obama's recovery summer can't shake discontent | Reuters

Pass notes No 2,814: the Clinton wedding | World news | The Guardian

FOXNews.com - Ombudsman: Washington Post 'Virtually Silent' on Black Panther Case

FOXNews.com - Greene Making Campaign Debut at NAACP Meeting in South Carolina

Immigrant detention center in Va. would be mid-Atlantic's largest

‘Gibbs-Gate’ - 16 Words Can Be a Big Issue in Politics - NYTimes.com

Are Sarah Palin's 'Mama Grizzlies' Feminist? - Newsweek

GOP Candidates in Tightest Races Seize Fund-Raising Edge - WSJ.com

Pakistan, Afghanistan Sign Trade Pact - WSJ.com

US military build-up in Kandahar will bolster Taliban, warns security monitor | World news | The Guardian

Uganda releases photos of Kampala bombers - CNN.com

Iraq attacks: 50 killed in Iraq attacks aimed at anti-Al Qaeda fighters - latimes.com

Mandela's 92nd Birthday Celebrated | News | English

Women banned from smoking hookah pipes in Gaza - Telegraph

BBC News - China coal mine accidents 'kill at least 38', trap more

AFP: 'Legitimate concern' over Sudan referendum: Biden

Poland Hosts Post-Communist Europe's First Gay EuroPride Parade | Europe | English


site:Metaweb - Connect your site to the web's best sources


Debbie Schlussel:Religion of “We Must Have 13th Century Toilets”

Debbie Schlussel:Dancing @ Auschwitz: The “I Will Survive” Controversy

Debbie Schlussel:Eeuuww: Which of These Bad Eating Habits Are Deal Breakers For You?

Debbie Schlussel:Make a Difference: Young Conservative, Pro-Israel Candidate Needs Our Help

Obama and the Call for 'Economic Justice'

Cherry-Picked Constitutionality

Future of the News

Palin's Potential Path to the White House Parallels Obama's

Liberal Bipolarity

Liberty, Sovereignty, and Arizona

Leftists Are Neither Progressive Nor Liberal

The Media are Not Exempt

Free at Last: Endgame of Liberal Racism

American Jeopardy: What is Fascism?

Iranian Refugees - A Human Rights Disaster

Storm of an Epoch

NAACP Spits into the Wind -- with Obvious Results

Progressivism and the Dissolution of Boundaries

Parameters for a Final Peace Agreement between Israel and the PA

Fighting for Free Speech in Detroit

Put Some Harvard SmartCream On That

Terrorist-supporting lawyer gets off easy - 10 years

DC spies sentenced today

Here's What You Haven't Heard About the Oil Crisis

Is the French Revolution Relevant?

Judicial one-upsmanship

The case for bombing Iran's nuclear facilities

Obama's foreign policy brings nations together

It's not just Mexicans crossing our southern border illegally

Benevolent Billboards

Is America heading for Judge Dredd Justice?

Somewhere, Jimmy Hoffa is spinning like a top

NYT Confirms Steven Chu Frustrated Spill Intervention Attempts

To EU: Push the Palestinians please.

Terrorists go Madison Avenue with glossy new mag

A preview of what Obamacare has in store for us

Obama lied, babies died

New York Times blames the rich for weak recovery

A case against Scott Brown

In defense of Eric Holder?

White House: We lied when we denied the insurance mandate was a tax

It's here! The 'Obama bumper sticker removal kit'

Iran's friends at AARP

Tea Partiers Easily Put On The Defensive. Stop it!

DoE Suspends Funds to CRU Crew

Political Triage

Arrogant Press plays dumb on Afghan blowback

Critiques of Libertarians

Profit: The Forgotten Objective

Is Communism the New Capitalism? Six Fortune 500 Companies Move HQ to China

The Decision: Freedom or Slavery?

Assembly-Line Medicine

Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

US Government Halts Funds For Climate Unit

Alarmist Stephen Schneider: It’s “likely” that “super” heat waves are coming; blogosphere may lead to civil war; CO2 could flip the Gulf Stream

Obama casts Republicans as party of the rich - Yahoo! News

Insurers Push Plans That Limit Health Choices - NYTimes.com

NAACP’s Washington Director Caught in Another Lie About Tea Party

Hidden Cameras Show Illegal-Immigrants Streaming Across AZ Border

Will Thousands Of Police Layoffs Unleash Chaos And Anarchy Across America?

Eugenics Alert: UN’s Agenda of Population Control Accelerating

3 Reasons The New Financial Regs Won’t Fix Anything

Fears & Facts: Polish plane probe stirs up debate

‘The Obama Deception’ Censored

Censorship Alert: Obama Deception Illegally Removed from You Tube

Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord - The National Newspaper

Iran accuses US and UK of supporting group behind mosque attacks | World news | The Guardian

CIA says it moved Iranian scientist, 2nd informant to U.S. over safety concerns

Tony Blair met Colonel Gaddafi in Libya last month - Telegraph

Can the Financial Reform Bill Fix the Economy?

To retire comfortably, under-40 workers need to seriously bulk up savings

Dollar Weakens Most in 14 Months Versus Euro on Signs of Economic Slowdown - Bloomberg

Financial Regulation Bill: Federal Reserve Wins Greater Role in Overhaul - WSJ.com

CNBC Host Accuses Guest Of Just Trying To Scare The Crap Out Of Everyone

BP buys up Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community | al.com

Congressman introduces resolution to protect citizens who videotape cops

The Alex Jones Show – July 16th With Bob Chapman

Botched CIA Kidnapping and the PR War: Has the Agency Lost Its Touch?

*Facebook Deletes Official Alex Jones Page Over Gadsden Flag

The Serious Tracking of Americans Begins

U.S. military turns to TV for surveillance technology - Los Angeles Times

A Puzzling Collapse of Earth’s Upper Atmosphere

Obamaland Pension Meltdown Update - Exchequer - National Review Online

Economic Crisis Forces Local Governments to Let Asphalt Roads Return to Gravel - WSJ.com

Chicago cop: 'Scary' growth of gangs in war zones :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Glenn Beck’s Lincoln Contradictions

Constitutional Convention Updated


site:Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku

*blog/ Dragonline


Second UFO sighting baffles China - Breaking Stories - XinMSN News

Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope discovers 'superheated planet with comet tail' - Telegraph

Company director drops four stone after hypnotist convinces her she has gastric band | Mail Online

'Universal' Flu Vaccine to Become Reality - Cold & Flu - FOXNews.com

Single star count ups odds of ET - space - 16 July 2010 - New Scientist

Paul the Psychic Octopus Available as iPhone App by uTouch Labs

World's oldest doodle found on rock - Telegraph

BBC News - Malaria-proof mosquito engineered

Our Eavesdropping-on-ET Strategy Not Likely to Work | Wired Science | Wired.com

New Fibers Can See, Hear, Speak : Discovery News

18th-Century Wooden Ship Unearthed At World Trade Center Site - WPIX

The Occult World of CG Jung | Features | Fortean Times

Human Trials Next for Darpa’s Mind-Controlled Artificial Arm | Danger Room | Wired.com

Hunting for Bigfoot: N.C. expert stakes out the forest - CharlotteObserver.com

Egypt's Two-Headed Calf Could Be a Cash Cow

UFO in China Closes Airport and Prompts Investigation - ABC News

Pyramid power used to stop road accidents | Herald Sun

Report: Teens Using Digital Drugs to Get High | Threat Level | Wired.com

BBC News - Phantom Eye hydrogen-powered spy plane unveiled

Pope's astronomer: 'Science helps me be a priest' - opinion - 14 July 2010 - New Scientist

Oldest written document ever found in Jerusalem discovered

Hacking the Electric Grid? You and What Army? | Danger Room | Wired.com

'Hypochondriac's Handbook' highlights rare health problems - USATODAY.com

Google Street View captures man with two heads - Telegraph

forgetomori » Jacques Vallée: Magonians create crop circles


Institute of Noetic Sciences

American Society for Psychical Research

Society for Psychical Research

site:Mitch Horowitz


Biden: Democrats will 'shock the heck out of everybody' in midterms

Think Progress Ripped Content From Tea Party Video To Create Fraudulent Racism Claim

Obama’s Dog and Lover Fly In Own Jet « Fellowship of the Minds

savethemales.ca - Obama's Masonic Ring and Handshake

Michele Bachmann, queen of the right | World news | The Observer


Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-16, Friday

July 16, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

07/16 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/16/2010

071610-1What Really Happened? Podcast

071610-2 What Really Happened? Podcast

071710-1What Really Happened? Podcast

071710-2What Really Happened? Podcast

071610-1Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

071610-2Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast


PANNA: From the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution | Pesticide Action Network North America

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board makes second takeover offer for Intoll | The Australian

Bayer Loses Fifth Straight Trial Over U.S Rice Crops - BusinessWeek

EUobserver / States back emission trading rules


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Feds now demanding 'Body Mass Index' from you

YouTube - BREAKING NEWS! - OBAMA HAS CRIMINAL TIES TO KENYA? Indirectly Responsible for Kenyan deaths?

Ex-prosecutor: Obama's Kenyan activities may be 'criminal'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Hoekstra says Obama stimulus 'bad approach'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Conservative leader: Scott Brown must 'be seen as Republican'

Declassified docs show Kissinger siding with Arabs

Gaza flotilla organizer: We'll send convoys to Gaza on land - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Summer sizzle: Obamacare could be repealed before election

Entitlements to claim 50 cents of every dollar

Breitbart to NAACP president: 'Go to hell'

Why we passed our Tea Party resolution - CNN.com

Bachmann forms Tea Party Caucus - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Congress exempt from Civil Rights Act - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

Sen. Shelby on Financial Reform: Repeal It - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

State detention agency blasted over "orgy" at Orange County juvenile hall - NYPOST.com

Immigration solution: 'Enforce the law'

FOXNews.com - Philly to Continue Sharing Arrest Records With Immigration Officials

Painting criticized as anti-Christian sells for $500 - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Online Spies Spot North Korea’s Underground Airfields | Danger Room | Wired.com

N.Korea builds 'shrine' to leader's likely successor - Yahoo! News

GOP Pushes For More Votes Against Kagan : NPR


*American Minute for July 18th:William J Federer's American Minute

*American Minute for July 17th:William J Federer's American Minute


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama 'citizenship papers' arrive from remote village

Eligibility challenger: Army convicted me without trial

Obama student-loan mystery shrouded by politics