"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

20 July 2010

20 July'10

Obama's Dog And Gay Lover Fly In Own Jet

WashingtonPost:Top Secret America: A hidden world, growing beyond control

Occidental Observer:What Would It Take? Edmund Connelly

Gambling Case Studies

Vatican radio waves blamed for high cancer risk - Telegraph

A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

savethemales.ca - Col. House's Version of the "Protocols"

'Ten big media lies' about Israel

Google Biblical Earth: artist recreates Christian stories seen from space - Telegraph

Are Homosexuals Psychopaths

Geert Wilders to spread his anti-Muslim movement west | World news | The Guardian

Vatican: Female priests as bad as paedophiles - Europe, World - The Independent

The EU’s monstrous UN power grab – Telegraph Blogs

savethemales.ca - Sperm Donor Children Feel Fatherless

Tracie Washington: This crime was a symptom of a wider sickness in the police - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen to give half of his fortune to charity | Technology | The Guardian

Petraeus's first act is to establish militias to fight the Taliban - Asia, World - The Independent

Iran scientist: CIA offered me $50m to lie about nuclear secrets - Middle East, World - The Independent

Water and Drug War «Kawther Salam

The EU is now recognised as a state under international law – Telegraph Blogs

Blair in secret talks with Gaddafi: Lockerbie families' fury as ex-Premier is treated like a 'brother' by dictator just days after denying links with Libya | Mail Online

Arizona turns off speed cameras - Telegraph

HARTWELL: Obama lawsuit invites fortified state militia - Washington Times

Tricky Bibi - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Iranian scientist was CIA mole - Telegraph

Rust Discovered On Bank Of Russia Issued 999 Gold Coins | zero hedge

Orwell's nightmare--big brother is here

The U.S. Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out : ICH - Information Clearing House

Did Larry McDonald Survive The 'Shootdown' Of KAL 007?

The art of slow reading | Books | The Guardian

Mystery trader buys all Europe's cocoa - Telegraph

Is the internet ruining our minds?

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: David Kelly's dental records were stolen

Scientist leading GM crop test defends links to US biotech giant Monsanto | Environment | The Observer

The Megrahi Affair: Blair, BP & the Libyan link - World Politics, World - The Independent

US senators may quiz Mandelson in probe into BP role in Lockerbie case - Telegraph

Bernanke must print 40 Trillions now, 100 Trillion next year, 200, 500, 1000 …

Study: Hundreds of Contractor Deaths in Afghanistan Unreported -- News from Antiwar.com

News: Is COREXIT a Masked BIOWEAPON? Shrimpers exposed to Corexit bleeding from the rectum | Wake Up From Your Slumber

savethemales.ca - Obama's Masonic Ring and Handshake

Michele Bachmann, queen of the right | World news | The Observer

Prelude To The Protocols - Napoleon & The Jewish Sanhedrin | Real Zionist News

Microneedles may make getting flu shots easier - Yahoo! News

Patch heralds new era in battle against pandemics - Science, News - The Independent

Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board | Mail Online

Twenty babies in Britain named Adolf - Telegraph

Draconian religious hate laws 'fuel worrying rise in prosecutions for even mild remarks' | Mail Online

Britons 'breaking law without realising it', study finds - Telegraph

CCTV and police abuse of power | Nicola Cutcher | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Mayan king's tomb discovered in Guatemala - Telegraph

Nasa 'elated' after new telescope uncovers 'previously invisible space objects' - Telegraph

Sarah Palin invents word in Twitter gaffe - Telegraph

Arizona immigration battle turns bitter | World news | The Guardian

Hedge funds accused of gambling with lives of the poorest as food prices soar | Environment | The Guardian

Whither Climate Change? - Mail Online - Michael Hanlon's Science blog: From The Cutting Edge

Inquiry urged into Lockerbie bomber release - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Roy Tov – Devil’s Agent: AIPAC, Bibi and Terror

BBC News - Model of Bloodhound supersonic car unveiled

Creating Silver Out of Thin Air

savethemales.ca - Capitalism is NOT Free Enterprise

**Air and satellite operations | Top Secret America | washingtonpost.com

Judge Napolitano at the American Revival- The Right Scoop

The Virgin-Born Son of the Sun God

ALIPAC - VIDEO: Latino KKK Says You are Too White To Be American

Islam - A Cancer Oozing Across America

Videotaping Police Is Often Cause for Arrest - ABC News

The Crucifixion of Mel Gibson | JAMES EDWARDS

My Way News - Oakland pot-growing plan worries small bud tenders

23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed - Rasmussen Reports™

Zionism - Trojan Horse Of The West

BofA Says It Incorrectly Hid Debt - WSJ.com

Fishing Families Turn To Fast Food, Donated Groceries - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans

It’s the End of the World As We Know It | Phil’s Stock World

Stores push summertime 'Christmas' sales - Business - Retail - msnbc.com

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : 32 Conservative Leaders Call on the Senate to Reject Kagan Nomination

JEFF GATES: Sayanim — Israeli Operatives in the U.S. : Veterans Today

Man on Army officer murder charge

Orde praises Moat police approach

Hundreds honour fallen servicemen

Sleaze watchdog probes party funds

Four more held over Moat inquiry

Lockerbie bomber 'should have died in jail'

Cameron agrees to meeting over Megrahi release

Megrahi: Blair, BP & the Libyan link

The Megrahi Affair: Blair, BP & the Libyan link

Senate may investigate BP's role in release of Megrahi

Riddle of missing Iranian physicist's US 'captivity'

Woman with multiple wombs 'pregnant with two babies who are not twins'

Goldman Sachs needs to show it's business as usual

How the 'special relationship' between Britain and the US became something to fret over

Clinton: Osama Still in Pakistan

Allawi Meets Sadr in Iraq Coalition Talks

*savethemales.ca - IS BP Well Cap A Hoax? -Update

Is New Oz PM Head of Satanist Lodge?

Satanist Hints Oz PM is "Toilet Vampyress"

Pensioner welcomes first neighbours after three years in luxury ghost town

Anna Chapman: 'hot' Russian spy 'approached to star in porn film'

Man spotted with mysterious bulge in his clothing had 18 monkeys up his jumper

Russians questioned over parachuting donkey

One in three men 'frightened' by their partner's driving

Apollo 11 moon landing film has sound restored

Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope discovers 'superheated planet with comet tail'

Big Brother Shuts down 73,000 Blogs in U.S.

Glenn Beck responds to winning #2 in Root Magazine’s “blackest white folks we know”

Lt. Col. Allen West: We have to get away from ‘occupation warfare’ in Afgahnistan

JD Hayworth hits McCain hard with new Ad

Proof that the media conspired to help Obama win in 2008

Newt Gingrich: Eric Holder should resign over racism in New Black Panther case

Hannity interviews Herman Cain and Andrew Breitbart on new NAACP racist video

Dream Act Amnesty still a dream


30 pg/Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ by Acharya S

24 pg/The REAL Zeitgeist Challenge

YouTube - Does God exist at all? Exclusive look at God in the Box (repost)

Birth, death and rebirth in Hinduism

YouTube - The Mythicist Position | What is Mythicism?

YouTube - Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection

YouTube - Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 1 of 2)

YouTube - Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ (Part 2 of 2)

YouTube - There's lots of evidence for Jesus!

YouTube - Sun of God?

YouTube - Easter - Christian or Pagan?

Krishna Born of a Virgin


site:Web of Debt - How Banks And The Federal Reserve Are Bankrupting The Planet...


video:The Essence of Money, a Medieval Tale (7:36)

video:Digital Coin Introduction (8:32)

Digital Coin in Brief - July 17 2009

Digital Coin Draft Proposal

Digital Coin Technology

Mortgages in the Credit Coin System

The Essence of Money, a Medieval Tale

*Money As Debt 47:10

Video:Money As Debt II - Promises Unleashed

Prosperity - Freedom from debt slavery

e book:The Police State Road Map

site:The Money Masters

The Money Myth Exploded

Transaction Net: How Currency Systems Work (a Money Map)

Balancing the Power of Money

Financial Armageddon

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview. 36:49

Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order 1:09:23

America Freedom to Fascism 1:49:17

Aaron Russo UNPLUGGED 1:22:28

Aaron Russo - Mad As Hell 1:30:06

e book:Margrit Kennedy: Interest and Inflation Free Money

Usury: A Short History of Banking

e book:The National System

Economy In Crisis

True Cost Economics


Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy

Money and Banking: Quotes and Insights

Transforming "Capital" in Capitalism By Susmita Barua

*History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day

Sources on Monetary History

Binary Economics



22 pg/THE HISTORY OF MONEY From Its Origins to Our Time

114 pg/The New Economics of Sustainable Development: A Briefing for Policy Makers

Section 1:Beyond The Dependency Culture: People, Power and Responsibility

Section 2:Beyond The Dependency Culture: People, Power and Responsibility

Section 3:Beyond The Dependency Culture: People, Power and Responsibility

75 pg/Sharing Our Common Heritage: Resource Taxes and Green Dividends

Section 1:Future Wealth: A New Economics for the 21st Century

Section 2:Future Wealth: A New Economics for the 21st Century

Section 3:Future Wealth: A New Economics for the 21st Century

Section 1:Future Work: Jobs, self-employment and leisure after the industrial age

Section 2:Future Work: Jobs, self-employment and leisure after the industrial age

Section 3:Future Work: Jobs, self-employment and leisure after the industrial age

The Sane Alternative

YouTube - James Robertson - It's Our Money Anyway

site:Richard C. Cook

From Revolution to Reconstruction: Documents: A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency (1729)

Local and Interest-Free Currencies, Social Credit and Informal Credit Systems


The Polanski Gambit and the Old World Order.

More Mad Max Keiser

War Is Cheaper With Robots

The U.S. Is On The Edge Of A Growing Deflationary Sinkhole

Another Easily Moved Thing Is US Dollars

Just Another Intelligence Failure In The Mega Million Corporate Idiocracy

YouTube - Inside Job

YouTube - CBS: "Engineers detected seepage and traces of methane" near site of BP oil blowout

Wanted by the CIA: The man who keeps no secrets -- Signs of the Times News

Ancient Water Works Surpass Modern Sewers -- Signs of the Times News

Sarah Palin : Proof the American Education System has Failed!

Meet the Military American Patriot Battling the Forces of Evil (The Religious Reich) - HiddenMysteries

Mossad : Translation= Murderers

Israeli Cyber Spies on Blogs

Liberals Want to Turn off the Air Conditioning

YouTube - Tarpley: 'Obama, the Wall St. puppet'

Do you guys believe in the Illuminati conspiracy on hip hop?

illuminati conspiracy?


Sarah The Sexy Slave Girl Leia


YouTube - Stewart Rhodes(Oath Keepers) on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:Defend The Constitution!

YouTube - Stewart Rhodes(Oath Keepers) on Alex Jones Tv 2/2:Defend The Constitution!

Chomsky's Hypocrisy


***WIDE EYE CINEMA – Free Conspiracy Videos /l Films

***WIDE EYE CINEMA – Free Conspiracy Video Clips



Vimeo:The Truth About Obama And How He Got Elected:


**Conspiracy Reality TV - Truth Documentaries, Videos and Movies


*Spoof Phone Number

Directory of Phone Numbers


Archigram Archival Project

Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web

The World Wide Web Library Directory

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History

Art cyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine

The Blueprints

UNL Digital Collections


*RainbowBody Network

Dead Sea Scrolls prove Bible unoriginal

site:Truth Be Known

site:Symbols on Stuff


site:Trilateral Commission News and Analysis


YouTube - Sniper Shootout in Oakland : Police Negotiations Fail, Civil Unrest Begins in California

YouTube - Election Official's Body Found in Burning Car

YouTube - BP Insider Admits Disaster Call Center Is A Diversion, Don't Even Take Notes...



film: Meltup


John Kaminski:They’re still lying about the oil disaster

Washington's Blog:As Predicted, BP Tries to Pretend New Leak is a "Natural Seep"

Reflections in a Petri Dish: ZioNazis, Time Fugues and other Anomalies.

Insidecostarica.com | Costa Rica Daily News and Information

Sources: Amiri Told CIA Iran Has No Nuclear Bomb Program by Gareth Porter -- Antiwar.com

More Than 40 Pct. Leave Obama Mortgage-Aid Program - NYTimes.com

The 6 Most Surprising Ways Alcohol Is Actually Good for You | Cracked.com

Modern Political Prisoners in America

Activist Post: Ron Paul EXPOSES the Real GDP and Unemployment Numbers

Homeless camp a symbol of rising problem (www.HometownGlenBurnie.com - The Maryland Gazette)

Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche - May. 5, 2010

Wealth And Inequality In America

Oil Rig's Final Hours Probed - WSJ.com

un[redacted] news: A Hidden World, Growing Beyond Control: The Paranoid US Government

Say Anything » Government Stopping Charities From Feeding The Homeless

6 Completely Legal Ways The Cops Can Screw You | Cracked.com

RealClearPolitics - Who is Barack Obama?

RealClearPolitics - The High Cost of Dems' Policies

The only thing Americans hate more than big government is the absence of government protection. - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine

Obama: Mr. Incredible - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Race Card Fraud

RealClearPolitics - On Economic Fatalism and Elections

Economy Sets Up Democrats for Autumn of Discontent: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg

Terrorism trials: Civilian courts are up to the job - latimes.com

Falling Out of Love With Obama | The American Prospect

RealClearPolitics - NAACP Confirms Election of a Black President Made No Difference

Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Stimulating Unemployment - WSJ.com

The SEC’s fishy deal with Goldman | Washington Examiner

Editorial - The Republicans and the Constitution - NYTimes.com

Sen. Schumer bets on success for Rangel - TheHill.com

Warren May Lack Votes for Consumer Agency, Dodd Says - Bloomberg

State rules clash with health pools - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Opinion: Job creation is essential to recovery - Rep. Carolyn Maloney - POLITICO.com

Unions ‘Own the Democratic Party’ - Reason Magazine

GOP Fairy Tales | Mother Jones

Neal Boortz: Enjoy paying bill for president’s PR | ajc.com

Obama Flip-Flops on the Individual Mandate (Again) | Cato @ Liberty

Watch the Obama reelect numbers - POLITICO.com Print View

A Piece of the Dream | The American Prospect


*19th/TranscriptsObama's Remarks on Unemployment Insurance

Toward a Big Society; David Cameron

*18th/Interview with Vice President Joe Biden

Interviews with Leaders McConnell & Hoyer

Guests: Menendez, Cornyn, Van Hollen and Sessions

Interview with Reps. Clyburn and Pence

Guests: Gov. Richardson, Fmr. Rep. Hayworth (PDF)


Bret Stephens: Why Hasn't Israel Bombed Iran (Yet)? - WSJ.com

World Affairs Journal - Gathering Storm: America and China in 2020

Steve Richards: But what if the Big Society doesn't work? - Steve Richards, Commentators - The Independent

Nuking Westphalia: Obama’s Deep Convictions Point to War With Iran - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

How Guatemala's fragile democracy nearly went `narco' - Americas - MiamiHerald.com

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Today’s Keynesians have learnt nothing

The Deficit is Bad for America - The Daily Beast

The Social Security Squeeze Can Be Solved - BusinessWeek

RAHN: Abolish state income taxes - Washington Times

Don't Buy the Gold Correction Just Yet - Barrons.com

RealClearMarkets - Worry Over the Wealth Gap Is Wasted


site:Rosemary Ellen Guiley/Paranormal Research | Ghosts & Hauntings - Visionary Living

site:Earth Changes Media


BBC News - Anti-aircraft laser unveiled at Farnborough Airshow

How the Blind Dream

China has become fertile ground for UFO conspiracy theories – Telegraph Blogs

Woman Claims Cancer Cured By Prayer - KTVI

Black parents give birth to white baby | The Sun |News

Space Weather Turns into an International Problem - NASA Science

Swarm of 30,000 bees that 'turned the sky black' - Telegraph

Deep space X-ray flash is most powerful ever recorded - space - 16 July 2010 - New Scientist

Illinois office workers watch pieces falling off hovering daylight UFO

Man grows freak watermelon | Orange UK

Man claims aliens are pelting his home | Orange UK

Second UFO sighting baffles China - Breaking Stories - XinMSN News

Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope discovers 'superheated planet with comet tail' - Telegraph

'Universal' Flu Vaccine to Become Reality - Cold & Flu - FOXNews.com

Single star count ups odds of ET - space - 16 July 2010 - New Scientist


*20th/Markets Video:Risk Aversion Trumps Strong Profits

What Are Falling Bond Yields Telling Us?

Technical Analysis Vs. Fundamental Analysis

Gold: Worthless Rock or Really Good Investment?

Why People Care About Apple's iPhone & Beatles

19th/Liz Ann Sonders on Stock Market Uncertainty

U.S. to Face Biggest Tax Increase in History

Obama: What About Wall Street Reform?

Cashin: If S&P Stalls Now, Bears May Seize Market

Some Big Insider Buys For a Change

*20th/World Video:NATO Secretary-General Talks to Al Jazeera

Afghans Want Control By 2014

Al Qaeda Mocks Obama

Peru Hosts Military Exercises

U.S. Investigates Mexican Bomb Attack

New Violence Erupts in Afghanistan

19th/Cameron Unveils 'Big Society' Plan

Karzai Prepares For Kabul Meeting

Clinton Offers Aid To Pakistan


David Cameron "Big Society" - Part 1

David Cameron "Big Society" - Part 2


IDF Makes Video of the Gaza Flotilla Incident

Raw Video: Suicide Blasts Kill Dozens in Baghdad


*WND.com - Video - How Obama plans to destroy America


Will NAACP repudiate racism?

Pot to kettle: 'You're a racist'

Afghanistan is Vietnam all over again

Fox and the Saudi bagman

'Obama pledges big movement' on carving up Israel

Soros-funded terrorist, ACORN pushed felon vote

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

'Thought police' slam media with fine totaling $125,000

Black Panthers: Obama's latest Rev. Wright

Black Panthers, you're free to go – not so fast, Arizona

Will NAACP repudiate racism?

Bias and bigotry in academia

You betcha! Sarah against Ground Zero mosque

Confirmed! Black president makes no difference

Race-card fraud

Why did NAACP do it?

Pot to kettle: 'You're a racist'

The NAACP Is Off Base - The Philadelphia Bulletin

Half measures won't work against tyranny

Op-Ed Columnist - The Pundit Delusion - NYTimes.com

Neal Boortz: Enjoy paying bill for president’s PR | ajc.com


*American Minute for July 20th:William J Federer's American Minute


Feinberg sells compensation fund to spill victims

YouTube - Flying donkey shocks beachgoers in Russia's south

Christmas date hot topic at summer Santa convention -- again

Airport body scanners reveal all, but what about when it's your kid? - St. Petersburg Times

Woman Charged With Molesting Daughter's Friends - cbs2chicago.com

German abandons son on highway to 'teach him lesson'


YouTube - Paul Watson on The Alex Jones Show 1/2: Flight 253 Staged Event Reveals an Inside Job!!

YouTube - Paul Watson on The Alex Jones Show 2/2: Flight 253 Staged Event Reveals an Inside Job!!


Skin patch may end the need for flu jabs by 2015 | Mail Online

When There is No Rule of Law

Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA

China To End Yuan Peg To U.S. Dollar

07-19-2010: Coca-Cola accused of using porn to target children on Facebook

07-19-2010: Nasa 'elated' after new telescope uncovers 'previously invisible space objects'

07-19-2010: "The Obama Deception" Censored or is Alex Jones Creating His Own Deception?

07-19-2010: Someday, Your Flu Shot Could Come In The Mail

07-19-2010: ‘NHS doesn’t care about cost of medicine’: Drugs firms accused of profiteering by raising prices by ONE THOUSAND per cent

07-19-2010: Ahmadinejad: US behind terror attacks

07-19-2010: President of the Council on Foreign Relations on Afghanistan: ‘It’s not worth it’

07-19-2010: Obama Plays Phony Populist Card: Says GOP 'Party of the Rich'

Red-light cameras spark debate in Texas cities

Gordon Brown says Saddam Hussein was in the way of the New World Order

1 million vaccine doses sent to Strategic National Stockpile for smallpox bioterror attack on U.S.

What Really Qualifies as Science? GM Foods and Conflict of Interest. No Surprise There Then!

McCain applauds Raytheon’s ‘wonderful missiles’

VIDEO: "Top Secret America"


Food dyes linked to cancer: Report

Only One of Three Americans Know that Bush, Not Obama, Signed Bank Bailout

Lost in Taxation

UK Official - Troops out of Afghanistan by 2014

Hopes and Prospects, By Noam Chomsky

A Hidden World, Growing Beyond Control

Iranian Scientist Would Not Play Curveball

Caught On Tape: What The Israelis Really Think Of Us

Israel Set to Force all Citizens to Swear Oath to Jewish State

Calling All Future-Eaters

Misguided U.S. Economic Policies Drive Many Mexicans to Come Here

Buying Venezuela’s Press With U.S. Tax Dollars




Money Supply Charts

Activist Post: Is Communism the New Capitalism? Six Fortune 500 Companies Move HQ to China

Laser Weapon Used to Shoot Down Planes

America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

USDA Admits Link Between Antibiotic Use by Big Ag and Human Health

How Legalized Pot Could Hurt Mexico's Cartels

10 Ways You're Being Fleeced by Banks

Capitalism is NOT Free Enterprise

CIA to UNICEF, big aid has a very dirty secret

The burqa/niqab ban controversy

Senators’ confidential worries about democracy itself

Self-defense for radicals: Collective soul + activist heart

Odd old Fla. law makes earnest renters into squatters at risk of losing their homes

U.S. troops to arrive at U.S.-Mexico border August 1

Poverty-stricken U.S. cities have HIV epidemics

Muslims demand Facebook adhere to Islamic/sharia law

Man with neo-Nazi ties leading patrols in AZ

UN’s Agenda of Population Control Accelerating


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 1/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 2/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 3/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: We're Under A Scientific Technocracy 4/4


Google's Wi-Spying and Intelligence Ties Prompt Call for Congressional Hearing

Big Pharma nanotechnology encodes pills with tracking data that you swallow

America is 234 Years Old Today - Is It Finished? | Phil’s Stock World

It’s the NAACP That’s Racist, By Definition » Publications » Family Security Matters

Sun Exposure Builds Disease-Preventing Vitamin D

Human Trials Next for Darpa’s Mind-Controlled Artificial Arm | Danger Room | Wired.com

'You can't hide your lyin' eyes': Eye-tracking lie-detection

DARPA Wants Instant, On-Demand Airstrikes, Removing Middlemen from the Bomb-Dropping Process | Popular Science


YouTube - "How Much Government Is Necessary?" - Part 1 of the Debate

YouTube - "How Much Government Is Necessary?" - Part 2 of the Debate


11 Reasons We'd be Better Off with No Government at All

23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed

How Printing Money Constitutes Theft and Forced Wealth Redistribution

Think Progress Fabricates Examples of Tea Party Racism for Bogus Video

Changing Stance, Administration Now Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax

Lost in Taxation: The IRS's vast new ObamaCare powers

Firms cancel health coverage

Global Warming Scam: 2010 is Not the Hottest Year

Carbon trading used as money-laundering front: experts

US Government Halts Funds For Climate Unit

Layoffs, Socialist Style

Columbia University Brain Imaging Center Routinely Injected Mental Patients with Drugs that Contained Potentially Dangerous Impurities

22 Statistics That Prove That The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America

Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

Rockefeller Study Outlines “Doom Decade”: Life For All But Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth

Why China Opposes US-South Korean Military Exercises in the Yellow Sea

Threatening North Korea and China? South Korea Develops 1,500km Cruise Missile

Stage Two of Europe's Credit Crisis: An Internal Bank and Sovereign Debt Crisis Combined

Racist Elements in the Tea Party

The Transformation of American Warfare: Fighting Wars with Robots

Is the "War on Wall Street" Over.

Gulf War Syndrome, PTSD and Military Suicides: U.S. Government's Message to America’s Vets: "Drop Dead"

Working People in America impoverished by Obama's Economic Policies: Labor Fights Back for Living Wages and Jobs For All

Requiem for the Antiwar Movement

America is Insolvent. Why Would China's Rating Agency Rate US Sovereign Debt AA When it is No Better Than Junk?

BP's Incentive: To Not Capture All the Oil.

Militarization of Central America and the Caribbean: The U.S. Military Moves Into Costa Rica

Gitmo, Free Markets and Red Tape

A Libertarian's Misplaced Attack on the Constitution

Leading by Listening

Indonesian Muslim Group May Ban Coffee Extracted from Cat Dung

Wade Apologizes for Reference to 'World Trade'

Supreme Court Police Told School Teacher It’s ‘Definitely Contrary to the Law’ to Pray on Supreme Court Steps, Says Alliance Defense Fund

Lesbian Teen Accepts Mississippi School District's Offer

Hatch: There’s ‘All Kinds of Pressure’ by Democratic Caucus Not to Have Hearings on Berwick

Census Officials in New York Instructed Workers to Falsify Questionnaires, Says Inspector General

Obama Job Approval Lowest Among ‘Conservative’ States

Committee Vote Tuesday on Kagan Court Nomination

Judiciary Panel OKs Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

Obama Pushes Anew on Fair, Equitable Pay for Women

Idaho GOP Reshaped by Tea Party Outrage

USDA Worker Quits Over Racism Charge from Video

Gates, Clinton To Visit Korean DMZ

White House Will Not Label Tea Party as Racist

Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Killed After Mosque Incitement

A Lockerbie Timeline: From the Murder of 270 People in the Flight 103 Bombing through the Release of the Killer on 'Compassionate' Grounds

Clinton Urges London, Edinburgh to Probe Lockerbie Release and BP Deal Claims

Kagan Says She Has Never Been Asked and Has Never Offered Her Opinion on Legality or Constitutionality of Any Proposed Health Care Bill

Obama Launches Policy to Protect Oceans

Anti-AIDS Gel Helps Prevent Infection, Study Finds

Feinberg Sells Compensation Fund to Spill Victims

US Gay Rights Group Gets UN Accreditation

Obama's 'Special Relationship' with Britain Tested Over BP, Lockerbie

Ex-M15 Spy Chief: No Link Between Iraq and 9/11

Intelligence Director Nominee Faces a Grilling

Hoekstra Wants Probe of Bomber's Release

Nearly 1M Americans Have Top Secret Clearance

Feds: Oil, Gas Leaking From Cap On Ruptured Well

Panel OKs Kagan; Graham Only GOP 'Yes' Vote

Blagojevich Expected to Testify After His Brother

W.Va. Gov Declares Intentions on US Senate Seat

Feds Tracking Obesity Under New Stimulus Rule

Top Judiciary Republican to Oppose Kagan

Palin Backs Dark Horse in Alaska Race

California Establishes Day Honoring Reagan

Tea Party Group on Defensive Over Blog About NAACP

Court Grants Bail to Jailed Ex-Media Mogul Black

Palin Slams Plans for Mosque at Ground Zero

GOP Mulls Prospects for Stopping Kagan

Glenn Beck Reveals He May Be Going Blind

Gallup: Dems Take Lead on Generic Ballot

Obama, Cameron Meeting Colored by BP, Lockerbie

Clinton Urges Review of Decision to Release Libyan

Syria Bans Full Islamic Face Veils at Universities

Blago's Brother Denies Role in Alleged Corruption

Senator Wants More Credit Card Protection

R.I., Ariz. Immigrant Measures Diverge on Key Points

Ex-Sen. McGovern Celebrates Birthday With Sky Dive

Obama to Return Home for Giannoulias Fundraiser

GOP Sees Chance to Retake Senate

Independents Crucial to Dems' Election Prospects

GOP, Dems Woo Wary Voters in Bid to Control House

BP and Budgets on Obama-Cameron Agenda

Cuba Corruption Probe Targets Colorful Chilean

Singapore Releases UK Author in Defamation Case

Clinton: Afghanistan's Women Must Not Be Forgotten

Faber: Fed to 'Print Money Like Crazy' This Fall

Firms Want to Rehire but Skilled Workers Scarce

Is a 'Shadow Disease' Lurking in Your Body?

Fish Eaters Have Less Eye Disease

Playboy Launches Work-Safe Website

Dennis Hopper's Estate in SoCal to Go on Sale

GOP Should Oppose Obama Without Compromise

Did Roman Polanski Get an Assist From the Obama Administration?

God Has Faith in America

State Income Taxes Stall Growth

'Muhammad' Cartoonists Stand Up Against Islamist Threats


The Feds' $95-million Breastfeeding Boondoggle

Race Roils Tea Party Movement

NAACP Ushers in The Era of Nonsense

I'm from the Government, and I'm Here for Your BMI

A War amongst Ourselves

President Haters

The road to Utopia

Race-Targeted Abortion: Today's Greatest Civil Rights Challenge

Growing violence along our southern border being ignored by media

The consequences of announcing a timeline for withdrawal in Afghanistan

NAACP meeting calmly listened to racist remarks from black fed official

Is Egypt's Mubarak dying?

Journolist docs show libs conspiring to kill Rev. Wright story

A food czar coming to your city soon?

ObamaCare lies keep on coming

Conservatives and Republican Victory

Evil Educators

Obama's Deadly Anti-British Agenda

ObamaCare Mythology: One Man's Life Is Another Man's Loss

Obama's 'Mandate for Sacrifice' Costs Thousands of Jobs

When Fall Arrives, Israel's New Challenge Begins


Debbie Schlussel: Heroes: “Snooping” Utah State Workers & Mysterious List of 1,300 Illegal Aliens

Debbie Schlussel:Give an Inch: Islamic Terrorist’s Daughter Cured by Israel, Murders Jewish Cop

Debbie Schlussel:Celebrate “Muslim Family Day” @ Six Flags on . . . September 12th?!

Debbie Schlussel:The Ninth of Av: Fast Day Marks Anniversary of Tragedies

Debbie Schlussel:FUN VIDEO: Baskin-Robbins Retires Five Flavors


Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Reflections Magazine - Who’s afraid of Michael Savage? By Dr. Grace Vuoto - July 2010 Vol. I, No. 18

Osama kin hoping for US haven - NYPOST.com

Soros-funded group wants feds to probe talk radio

Hundreds of dead penguins wash up on Brazil shores

BP oil spill: failed safety device on Deepwater Horizon rig was modified in China | Environment | The Observer

Is NAACP blind to Farrakhan & Co.? The Nation of Islam is built on racism and lies

Firms cancel health coverage - The Boston Globe

FOXNews.com - Post: U.S. Intelligence Grows Beyond Control

Bachmann forms Tea Party Caucus - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Conservationists believe there are fewer than 400 Sumatran tigers left in the wild

FOXNews.com - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Chicago cop: 'Scary' growth of gangs in war zones :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Sperm bank says donors look like celebrities - Washington Times

Two 70-somethings, Theodore Wilson and George Flynn, killed after mid-air skydiving collision

A new German study shows that boys growing up in pious Muslim families are more likely to be violent | Muslims Debate

Opposing view on the Supreme Court: A big-government vision - USATODAY.com

My Way News - Fed workers to be urged to commute, travel less

Biden: Pelosi is the 'most strategic' | POLITICO 44

Big Heaping Praise: VP Biden Calls House Speaker Pelosi “The Most Powerful Person in American Politics” - with exception of Obama - Political Punch

Is experimental well cap making disaster worse? - Yahoo! News

AMERICAblog News: BP photoshops fake photo of crisis command center, posts on main BP site

Oliver Stone: US should nationalize oil resources - Yahoo! News

Woman Found Dead in Garbage-Filled Home | NBC Chicago

Lindsay Lohan at same jail as member of 'bling ring' that robbed her home | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Illinois Failures Go Nationwide Under Obama - IBD - Investors.com

Bias and bigotry in academia

Rod Blagojevich Expected To Take Witness Stand - cbs2chicago.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Hillary Clinton: Pakistani Government Knows Where Bin Laden Is

Iran Accuses U.S, Pakistan of Supporting Terrorism - WSJ.com

SHOCK: Racism At NAACP Event? - wcbstv.com

Breitbart.tv » Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism

FOXNews.com - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

FOXNews.com - Ex-Ag Official Says White House Forced Her Out Without Hearing 'Truth' About Video

Farmer's wife says fired USDA official helped save their land | ajc.com

Google's Wi-Spying and Intelligence Ties Prompt Call for Congressional Hearing -- SANTA MONICA, Calif., July 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: The Tape That Could Destroy Mel: "No One Will Believe You", He Says After She Charges: "You Hit The Baby" | RadarOnline.com

China shows military strength ahead of US drill | Reuters

Russia earmarks 800 million dollars for new spaceport: Putin

Students and stars celebrate Broadway, arts at White House

Videotaping Police Is Often Cause for Arrest - ABC News

Chicago Sun-Times: Gov. Blagojevich

YouTube - Missouri's Future

White not planning to attend Obama's Texas fundraisers | First Reading

Soros-funded terrorist, ACORN pushed felon vote

Here's what 'Obama money' is doing for you – in Kenya!


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Big, bloated, bumbling bureaucracy'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Taxpayer-funded abortions under Obamacare

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Immigration fight in heartland


'Journalists' plotted to bury stories about Rev. Wright

Does GOP truly want Kagan stopped?

Senate Judiciary panel approves Kagan nomination - Washington Times

'Obama pledges big movement' on carving up Israel

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Crazed Libtalker: Glenn Beck Should 'Fulfill Family Tradition' And Put Gun To Head

FOXNews.com - Post: U.S. Intelligence Grows Beyond Control

GOP leery of Tea Party Caucus - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Hispanic Democrats want health care fix - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama 'citizenship papers' arrive from remote village

Eligibility challenger: Army convicted me without trial


Jaywalking by Gail Jarvis

Ron Smith: Nostalgic for … Bill Clinton? - baltimoresun.com


**88 Incredible Sand Sculptures - ChicagoNow Arts & Entertainment


Bibi Unmasked by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Mark Cuban Would Like to Grab Facebook Photos for Facial Recognition

Red-light cameras spark debate in Texas cities | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Politics | The Dallas Morning News

BP to Continue Test, Seepage Unrelated to Well

Could Feds Keep Barefoot Bandit, Mom From Profit?

US Marine Officer in Haditha Case Leaves Service

Abducted Girl Was Loved, Says Man Who Raised Her

LA Couple Charged in Toddler's Hammer Death

Spider-Infested Ship Turned Back From Guam Landing

2 Children Found Dead After Fire at Ariz. Marina

Abducted Girl Was Raised by Gypsies

Colo. City Would Bar Disrobing at Council Meetings

The Perils of Eating Fire in Saudi Arabia

U.S. and South Korea Unveil Drills in "Show of Force"

China Becomes World's Top Energy Consumer

Bridge Game Rows "Led Man to Murder Wife"

Conrad Black Bail Hearing Set for Wednesday

France Players Questioned Over Under-Age Escort Girl

Afghans Set Ambitious 2014 Security Target

Young Dutch Sailor May Be Moored for Another Year

How the AP-Univision Poll Was Conducted

Obama Pushes for Passage of Women's Pay Act

Texas Mom Accused of Strangling Kids, Killing Son

Wis. Justices Uphold Ex-Jesuit Priest's Conviction

US Pet Owners Paying for High-Tech Veterinary Care

Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Wins Committee Approval

Surprise Commercial Orders Overshadow Defense

BP to Sell Assets to Pay for Spill

Heroic Mailman Saves 3 Lives While on the Job

Lindsay Lohan Begins Jail Term

NM Mayor Enters No Contest Plea in Fistfight Case


Management Tip of the Day: 3 Tips to Resolve Co-Worker Conflicts - ABC News


**20th/Politics VideoLimbaugh: When Does Unemployment Benefits Become Welfare?

Sen. Lindsey Graham Supports Kagan: Obama "Chose Wisely"

Sen. Whitehouse: Senate Has "To Clean Up The $9 Trillion Bush Debt"

MO-Sen: Blunt Ties Opponent To Obama

PA-Sen: Sestak: "I'm In A Dead Heat And I Know That"

DNC Warns Of Return Of Bush Policies In 2010

Rep. King: The Way To Win In 2010 Is To Run Against Obama

Krauthammer: "Politics Of The Debt" Has Gone Mainstream

Countdown: Obama Reprimands GOP Over Unemployment Benefits

O'Reilly: "Old" Media Reveals Disconnect With Mainstream Americans

Maddow: Voodoo Economics Back From The Dead

*19th/FOX News Crew Caught In Middle Of US-Taliban Firefight

OH-Gov: Kasich (R) On Job Losses

Sen. Hatch: Democrats Want To Create Jobless "Constituency"

Dana Priest: We "Ignored" National Security "Concerns" In Exposing Intel Community

Rep. Cummings: Most Americans Don't Think Like Tea Partiers

Washington Post Reveals Contractors Employed To Fight Terror

White House: No Answer On Stopping Unemployment Benefits

Pence: GOP Would Repeal Obamacare "Lock, Stock And Barrel"

Obama: GOP Lacks "Faith In The American People"

Howard Dean On Midterms: Obama "Doing Exactly The Right Thing"

FNC Rejects VoteVets Ad Comparing Oil To Troop Deaths

Hillary Clinton: Pakistani Problem Like A "Poisonous Snake"

Poll: Obama Would Lose To GOP Candidate In 2012

CA-Gov: Whitman Releases Spanish-Language TV Ad

Rubio: Crist Using Oil Spill As A "Prop For His Own Campaign"

Halperin: Dems Start To Panic As Reality Of Midterm Woes Sets In

Dem Rep. Luis Gutierrez Defends Sanctuary Cities


Pence agrees that tax cuts don't have to be paid for

Shootout in Oakland May Have Been Result of Pent-up Anti-Government Anger

Sarah Palin compares herself to William Shakespeare

Harry Reid Opens Strong Lead Over Wacky Sharon Angle

Even David Gregory Gets Tired Of Vague Republican Non-Answers

The Tea Partiers can't just paper over their innate nuttiness

Of Course The Political Class Doesn't Listen to Ordinary Citizens. Why Would They?

John Cornyn: We'll Be Happy to Cooperate With Democrats to Destroy Our Social Safety Nets

Job Retraining Makes No Difference In Making People Employable In This Economy. Gee, Who Knew?

NY Times columnist: Fox News 'exploited' New Black Panther Party case

BP Tries to Buy Gulf Coast Scientists

Obama Turns Up The Heat On GOP Obstruction Of Unemployment Benefits

When vigilantes rule: Feds hand down hate-crime charges for post-Katrina shootings in white neighborhoods

DREAM Now Series Launch: Letter From Mohammad Abdollahi to President Barack Obama

President Obama Claimed Escrow Fund From BP Would Not 'Supersede' Rights to Present Claims in Court, Feinberg Says It Will

YouTube - Fault Lines - Haiti: Six months on

Video: Infowars.com Poll – Majority Believe Road Warrior Depression Coming « Dprogram.net

Video: Bilderberg’s John Keane & Jessica Mathews – The Waging of Peace « Dprogram.net

American Thinker: Future of the News

Top Professor at Globalist Population Control Summit: “No More Shrouding Our Statements in Code” « Dprogram.net

The Coming Depression: Top Secret America: What Is This For?

Campaign For Liberty — Obama's War on the Internet | by Philip Giraldi

The Modern Slave’s Guide to Modern Slavery « 99 Percent Space


The Serious Tracking of Americans Begins | The Liberty Voice


**Newstalgia World Week - July 12-17, 2010 | Newstalgia


Indonesian Muslims allowed to drink civet coffee

U. S. seeks ways to boost African forces in Somalia

Israeli lawmaker visits flashpoint religious site

Serbia and Kosovo's EU future clouded as court rules

Mogadishu fighting kills 52 civilians in a week: group

Twitter ban as French lawmakers debate pension bill

Coffee from cat droppings clean enough for Muslims

UK "swamped" with threats after wars: ex-spy chief

Cambodian police abuse sex workers: rights group

Honda China supplier gets tough on striking workers

China floods claim more lives

U.S. cleric warns Yemen could be next Iraq or Afghanistan

Elena Kagan’s Work to Make Constitutions More Shariah-Compliant

Arizona’s Wide-open Border

WaPo: Top Secret America-hating William Arkin

Politics, fraud, and PTSD

Europe: Tax Money for Radicals

‘JournoList’ E-mails Show Media Plotting to Kill Stories about Reverend Jeremiah Wright: Daily Caller

JournoList: …Yes, But the Reporters at Pravda Weren’t Such Insufferable Assholes

Imam: ‘Terrorists are Real Men’

WaPo: Arkin’s History of Exposing America’s ‘Top Secrets’

Kakistocratic Leadership Exemplified In The Obama Administration

Justice Department Not Approving Authority for CIA Interrogations

The Border: A Dirty War (Part 1)

Orville Schell and the Elite/Maoist/PBS/Environmental/J-School Mentality

DOJ Scandal: How Politico & WaPo Memory-Hole a Story They Wish Would Go Away

‘Top Secret America’: New WaPo Series Indicts American Intelligence Community

‘Face the Nation’ Host Schieffer Didn’t Ask Holder About Black Panther Case Because He ‘Just Didn’t Know About It’

WaPo’s William Arkin Blamed America for 9/11 Attacks

Politico’s Ben Smith More Interested in Palin Mis-tweet Than DOJ Whistleblower

WaPo Uses Left-Wing ‘Activist’ For Straight National Security Reporting

Columbia University vs. The Murdoch Effect

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #4: Chuck Todd, NBC

JournoList: …Yes, But the Reporters at Pravda Weren’t Such Insufferable Assholes

The DNC’s ‘Accountability Project’ and the State of Modern Media

JournoList: ‘Call Them Racists’ Is the Least Shocking Revelation

UK Facing Blackouts from Obama Energy, Environment Policies

Video Proof: The NAACP Awards Racism–2010

NAACP: ‘Useful Idiots’ of Liberal Racism

I Condemn the NAACP: It Has Betrayed its History

Unions Hire Nonunion Pickets to Protest Hiring of Nonunion Workers

Democrats Edge Closer to Abandoning Troops in Battle for Teachers Unions

Minority Groups to FCC: Not so Fast on Net Neutrality

Obamacare: The President’s Wooden-headed Interpretation of Our Constitution

Racist Govt Official/NAACP Award Recipient Resigns after Big Government Exposé

NAACP Statement on Resignation of Shirley Sherrod

Financial Regulations Reformed?

Think Progress Manufactures Another Fake Tea Party Racism Story

Washington’s Worst Nightmare: A Principled Man

Democrat Policies Are Undermining Business Confidence

Government ‘Stimulus’ Is the Problem, Not the Solution for Economic Recovery

Congress Tenaciously Determined to Bail Out Teachers Unions

Real Simpletons: Selling ObamaCare One Subscriber at a Time

cartoon:Obama Nation: Crisis Management

The D-List Bigotry of Kathy Griffin

New Blacklist: The New York Observer’s Zachary Woolfe Singles Robert Davi Out for Hit Piece

Daily Gut: Self-Righteous Town of Maywood Suffers Immigration Karma

Flashback: Milton Friedman Schools a Young Michael Moore

Wealth Distribution Should Start at the Screen Actors Guild

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘Life to the Right of Hollywood’

Roman Polanski: Evil Wins the Day In Switzerland



US v. Blagojevich Trial Exhibits


Rod Blagojevich on the witness stand: a high-risk legal strategy - CSMonitor.com

Blagojevich trial: Robert gets a bit spicy, apologizes a few times | Blagojevich | blogs.vocalo.org

First Read - The (Senate) Replacements

ILLUME :: Testimonies Reveal Emanuel’s Possible Involvement in Blagojevich Conspiracy Case

Blagojevich lawyer: "Highly unlikely" that Valerie Jarrett will take the stand - The Blago Blog

The Associated Press: Blago lawyer: Defense plans to call Emanuel

When Blago Takes the Stand « Above the Law: A Legal Tabloid - News, Gossip, and Colorful Commentary on Law Firms and the Legal Profession


*site:Kagan Watch

Kagan Moves One Step Closer to Supreme Court « The Speakers Lobby

Judiciary panel OKs Elena Kagan for Supreme Court - The Macomb Daily News


Speech Patterns May ID Kids With Autism

Ecstasy May Ease PTSD Symptoms

Study Links Zinc Nose Sprays, Loss of Smell

U.S., S. Korea to hold military exercise - CNN.com

BBC News - China 'leapfrogs US to become biggest energy user'

BBC News - Chinese villagers helpless in face of devastating floods

China recruits 800 fishing boats to disperse Yellow Sea oil slick | Environment | guardian.co.uk

The Associated Press: US to boost training, aid for troops in Somalia

BBC News - Former N Korea spy in Japan to tackle abductee issue

Syria extends ban on wearing face veil - UPI.com

The Associated Press: Iran's parliament adopts bill against inspections

Lindsay Lohan Enters Jail for 90-Day Sentence - Crime & Courts, Lindsay Lohan : People.com

Ice-T Arrested For Driving With Suspended License - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

'Inception': Am I the only one who didn't get it? | EW.com

Sixth purported Mel Gibson tape surfaces | EW.com

Television - News - Cruise and Holmes for reality show? - Digital Spy

Sandra Bullock Takes Out Restraining Order - ABC News

Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Want Full-Season Deal for Reality Show - PEOPLE TV Watch

Stocks are mixed as investors digest earnings | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

The Associated Press: Is experimental well cap making disaster worse?

Conrad Black Bail Hearing Set for Tomorrow by Trial Judge in U.S. Court - Bloomberg

Toyota Subpoenaed on Steering Flaws - NYTimes.com

Facebook Lawyer `Unsure' Whether Zuckerberg Signed 84% Ownership Contract - Bloomberg

Obama praises 'bipartisan affirmation' for Kagan - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

The Fix - W.Va. Gov. Joe Manchin launches Senate campaign; Capito on deck

James Clapper headed for hot seat in spy chief hearing - CSMonitor.com

The Associated Press: Obama pushes anew on fair, equitable pay for women

The White House Gets Into a Broadway State of Mind - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Blagojevich Waits to Take Stand - WSJ.com

In battle to build mosque near Ground Zero, opponents ask 'why there?' - CNN.com

The Rev. Wright Media Cover-Up - WSJ.com

Five Reasons Amazon E-Books are Outselling Hardcovers - PCWorld Business Center

Google introduces visual ads to revamped Image Search | VentureBeat

Facebook, MySpace Get Failing Grade on Customer Satisfaction | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Google Strikes Wind-Power Deal - WSJ.com

Clout St: Daley says 100 more officers needed, but no money

AFTERNOON SPORTS CLUB Despite no LeBron, did Bulls improve in free agency? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Bulls

After Oprah, local show will take slot here :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Lewis Lazare

Illinois' Governor Candidates Raising Millions For Their Campaigns - MyStateLine.com

Mother charged with murder in toddler's son - chicagotribune.com


Shirley Sherrod Speaks: Claims Administration Harassed, Forced Her to Resign

First Ad Linking Dem to Obama Runs in Missouri

Indiana Planned Parenthood Caught On Tape Giving Fabricated Medical Information

JournoList: The Jeremiah Wright Sermons the Liberal Media Didn’t Want You to Focus On During the 2008 Election

Help Us Identify This Man; Glenn Beck Exposes Phony Racist Charge

‘Superhero’ Postal Worker Saves Lives

Carolina Swimmers Suffer Shark Bites

Troops Ordered to Mexican Border

Caught on Tape: Daring Helicopter Heist

Cuban Women Continue Protest

Journalist Gunned Down in Greece

O’Reilly Leads With NAACP Awards Dinner Story From Big Gov’t

Breitbart, Hannity and Herman Cain Explore Racist Speech at NAACP Awards Dinner

Massacre in Mexico: Escalation in Bloody Drug Wars Blamed

Shock: Teen Pop Star Gets Botox Treatment for ‘Glee’ Debut

Hillary in Pakistan

Suicide Bombers Attack Iraq Militia; Cell Phone Video Shows Casualties

Two Trains Collide in India

JournoList Flashback: Breitbart offers $100,000 for Contents of Liberal Media Coffee Clatch

New Orleans Parish President Slams Fed Incompetence and Secrecy in Oil Spill Response

Viral Video: Hiker Gets Emotional Over Double Rainbow

BP, Feds Clash Over Re-opening Capped Well

Rick Santelli Talks About the Birth of Tea Party Movement

Zsa Zsa Hospitalized

“Robin Hood” Of Vegas Drops F-Bomb During Fox News Segment

The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit

LA Sen: Obama Trying to Conceal Oil Spill

Muslim Men in Pakistan Protest French Ban on Veil


Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-19, Monday

July 19, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

07/19 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/19/2010

071910 1 What Really Happened? Podcast

071910 2 What Really Happened? Podcast

071910 1 Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

071910 2 Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast


YouTube - The Dow Jones Index Versus Gold (1999-2010).

YouTube - Keiser Report №61: Markets! Finance! Scandal!


Tom Woods - Thomas Jefferson and the Principles of '98 - Part 1 of 5

Tom Woods - Thomas Jefferson and the Principles of '98 - Part 2 of 5

Tom Woods - Thomas Jefferson and the Principles of '98 - Part 3 of 5

Tom Woods - Thomas Jefferson and the Principles of '98 - Part 4 of 5

Tom Woods - Thomas Jefferson and the Principles of '98 - Part 5 of 5


Harry Schultz: The Power Elite and Why Gold Is Going Much Higher

Video of NAACP Racism Emerges After Resolution Condeming Tea Party Movement

Google Spies, Censors Users

Can the Financial Reform Bill Fix the Economy?

Real Jobs, Fake Jobs

The Decision: Freedom or Slavery?

Top Professor at Globalist Population Control Summit: “No More Shrouding Our Statements in Code”


**Top Secret America: Google Launches Cover Up Of ‘Google Spies’ Story


Weighty guests arrive for annual Bohemian Grove | PressDemocrat.com

U.S. Allows BP to Keep Gulf Oil Well Closed for Another Day - NYTimes.com

BP Says Seepage From Ocean Floor Is NOT Related To Deepwater Horizon

White House shifts Afghanistan strategy towards talks with Taliban | World news | The Guardian

DC’s spy establishment in panic mode over Washington Post expose | Raw Story

Midterm Elections: Democrats Start to Fear Senate Losses - TIME

Videotaping Police Is Often Cause for Arrest - ABC News

Council race spies secretly rummage through rubbish bins to discover families' habits | Mail Online

Chicago cop: 'Scary' growth of gangs in war zones :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Wanted by the CIA: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange - Features, Life & Style - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk

America's secret army: how the 'war on terror' created a new industry | World news | The Guardian

An unkind complicatedness - The Globe and Mail

Phil Jones got to endorse papers for Oxburgh inquiry

Please remain calm: The Earth will heal itself - The Globe and Mail

HIV vaccines cause 50 percent false positive rate in HIV tests

Paul Krugman: It's How Policies Affect People, Not How They Play In The Press That Determines Elections

Israeli PM in spat with hardline foreign minister - Middle East, World - The Independent

Family of Briton killed by Israeli soldier demand meeting with ministers | World news | guardian.co.uk

Man claims aliens targeted his home with meteorites - Telegraph

Tea Party civil war over 'racist' letter - Telegraph

Computer program translates ancient language | Mail Online

Iraq inquiry: Saddam posed very limited threat to UK, ex-MI5 chief says | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Why did Tony Blair ignore MI5's advice? – Telegraph Blogs

Times loses almost 90% of online readership | Media | guardian.co.uk

Raoul Moat's family win fight for second postmortem | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Greenpeace finds evidence of GM rice contamination in China's emergency grain stores | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Regular mobile phone use linked to tinnitus: research - Telegraph

Could being too houseproud raise risk of breast cancer? | Mail Online

I-dosing: How teenagers are getting 'digitally high' from music they download from internet | Mail Online


The Alex Jones Show – July 19th With Max Keiser


YouTube - Bob Chapman: The United States Middle Class is being Wiped-Out!!! - Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Bob Chapman: The United States Middle Class is being Wiped-Out!!! - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Bob Chapman: The United States Middle Class is being Wiped-Out!!! - Alex Jones Tv 3/3


*Top Secret America: Google Launches Cover Up Of ‘Google Spies’ Story

Hosting Company Says al-Qaeda Website Reason for Removing 73,000 Blogs

Economic Meltdown: The Final Phase

Roger Altman: Bilderberg’s man to get China ‘hooked on America’

Sec. State Clinton Admits U.S. Created Mujahideen that Became al-Qaeda

Mexico car bomb: 'Colombianization' of Mexico nearly complete - CSMonitor.com

t r u t h o u t | BP's Scheme to Swindle the "Small People"

UPDATE: BP To Drill 80-100 New Oil Wells In Iraq's Rumaila -Exec - WSJ.com

Climate Change Fraud - Gulf Oil Spill 'Crisis' May Revive Growth-Killing Cap-And-Trade Bill

Americans Favor Confirming Kagan to High Court, 44% to 34%

GOP senators: Obama failing in oil clean-up - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com

Is the Next Global Food Crisis Now in the Making?

Why Are Unions Pushing so Hard for Elizabeth Warren as Consumer Protection Czar?

JournoList and the MSM Template: Minimize, Marginalize, and Drop It Down the Memory Hole

‘COEXIST?’ You First.