"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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14 July 2010

14 JULY '10


The Michael Savage Show 07/13/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/12/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/09/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/08/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/07/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/06/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/05/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/02/2010

The Michael Savage Show 07/01/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/30/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/29/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/28/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/25/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/24/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/23/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/22/2010

The Michael Savage Show 06/21/2010


*Alex Jones ;Stream


Oil Expert: “Real concerned about shut-in integrity test” by BP “because of the down hole damage” that “could cause it to blowout” (VIDEO) | Florida Oil Spill Law

Loop Current stretching all the way to Louisiana coast; Directly over BP oil well blowout (VIDEO) | Florida Oil Spill Law

savethemales.ca - Is New Oz PM Head of Satanist Lodge?

savethemales.ca - G-20 Arrests a "Dry Run" -- Sinn Fein Veteran

savethemales.ca - Network News: Seeing Through Illuminati Eyes

YouTube - Fired BP Contractor Tells All

For the World is Hollow ... and I Have Touched the Sky!

YouTube - It's A Trap America

Ground Zero mosque...and church, synagogue, temple, atheist center, etc.

Muslims demand Facebook adhere to Islamic/sharia law

Indo-Israeli Collaboration: A Different Perspective | Opinion Maker

BP Testing Delayed on Gulf Oil Fix - CBS News


Nicolas Sarkozy suggests cash allegations plot to undermine him - Telegraph

America: hooked on war and getting poorer | Clancy Sigal | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

'Walls of fat' removed from London's sewers - Home News, UK - The Independent

Chinese rating agency strips Western nations of AAA status - Telegraph

WMD claims were lies says former envoy - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Republican senator says he backs birther lawsuits | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Jewish Question Now A Political Agenda | Real Zionist News

Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid | World news | The Guardian

Obama Stole Election From Hillary « Fellowship of the Minds

Americans have lost faith in Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

Psychopaths, Christianity and the "Sale of Indulgences"

Newsvine - SHC Study Suspended, FDA Excludes Doctors' Research

Why did Tony Blair receive a hero’s welcome in Kosovo?He should have been arrested as a war criminal

New Statesman - General Petraeus’s leaked emails about Israel

Union Pension Funds - The States And Financial Ruin

Scientists discover how broccoli fights cancer - Telegraph

Tiny fragment bears oldest script found in Jerusalem - Telegraph

Gods, floods – and global warming - Telegraph


U.S. banks laundering Mexican cartels' drug money

flashback:The Activities at Mena


Washington's Blog:Is the New Oil Cap Succeeding or Failing? D

Review: Sound Truth & Corporate Myth$ by Riki Ott | Energy Bulletin

Think Progress » Bolton Lays Out His Pro-Israel Strategy: Increase Political Support In The U.S. For Letting Israel Bomb Iran

Top Clinton Official: Only A Terror Attack Can Save Obama

The Raw Story | Obama warns Africans about Al-Qaeda

US accuses BP of Libya oil deal on Lockerbie bomber | News

The Spy Scare | My Catbird Seat

Cap-and-Trade Will Be Part of Senate Climate Change Bill

Sen. Levin Calls for More Attacks Against Pakistan Tribal Areas -- News from Antiwar.com

Religious Conservatives Love Online Porn

Israel's false friends are multiplying... | Stephen M. Walt

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil' - Times Online

YouTube - Who repealed the Glass-Steagall Act?

YouTube - Tarpley: 'Obama, the Wall St. puppet'

YouTube - Even The Troops Are Waking Up

OpEdNews - Article: When Will We Take Responsibility for the Obama Presidency's Failings?

A Banana Republic Ripe for a Coup d'état

poorrichard's blog: 25 Warning Signs of HARD Economic Times Ahead

CNN Host Calls Deadly Terror Bombings “Helpful” To NWO Agenda

Republicans force one-week delay in Judiciary panel’s Kagan vote - TheHill.com


audio page:U.K. Conservative Party Government Bans Dr. Savage - Talk Radio Network

» Britain Bans Michael Savage (Again), Welcomes Che’s Daughter - Big Journalism

New U.K. government bans Michael Savage

News : Despite a new P.M., Britain's travel ban for Michael Savage continues | Radio-Info.com

Savage still banned in Britain – Tom Jicha’s TV Plus – Sun-Sentinel


Michael Savage still banned from UK - Washington Times


Michelle Obama Visits NAACP on Eve of Tea Party Condemnation - ABC News

FOXNews.com - NAACP Resolution Calls on Tea Party to Repudiate 'Racist Elements' in Movement

N.J. court reverses DUI case - USATODAY.com

Weis on gun law: 'We want to know who has weapons' :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

FOXNews.com - White House Shrugs Off Concern That Regulations Could Inhibit Job Growth

Milford’s melting pot boils over - The Boston Globe

CBC News - Money - Saudi prince, Fox to start Arabic news channel

TV Indecency Rule Struck Down by U.S. Appeals Court - BusinessWeek

Majority of Americans losing faith in Obama: poll, hope GOP takes control of Congress in November

China Devalues US Treasury Bonds


The French Veil-Ban, Forced Equality, and Pollsters

Barack Hussein Einstein at Harvard

Immigration, Reconsidered

Why Do Ethics Cost More in the Obama White House?

Suppressing the Political Impact of the Gulf Oil Crisis

The Left's Psychological Assault on Independence

Not Much of a Teachable Moment

Not Again! Obama v. Petraeus

Americans joining Somali terrorist group

The new Emergency Committee for Israel brings forth foolish foes

Rahm's brother had a key role in Lebron James circus

Obama's Deficit Commission: What's the point?

Fareed Zakaria Expects the Problem to Become the Solution

Under Obamacare, abortions will, in fact, be covered

France bans the veil in public places

Jesse Jackson Gets This One Right and Bravo to David Stern

Google surrenders to China

Kofi Annan's Holocaust Problem

Conservative and Latino

The First Special Interest

The Mosques of War

The October Surprise Is Coming

Sex and State Power

07-13-2010: New Massachusetts law extends censorship to IM, e-mail, Web

07-13-2010: JFK conspiracy researcher sues Dallas over arrest

07-13-2010: Wall Street overhaul on track for final approval

07-13-2010: ATF seizes 1,000 guns in East Mesa raid

Unmanned Stealth Jet That Will Hit Targets In Another Continent

07-13-2010: Iraq inquiry: Government ‘intentionally and substantially’ exaggerated WMD threat

07-13-2010: South Korea deploys robot capable of killing intruders along border with North

07-13-2010: CNN Host Calls Deadly Terror Bombings “Helpful” To NWO Agenda

07-12-2010: American Credit Scores Crash To New Lows

07-12-2010: Backlash grows vs. full-body scanners

07-12-2010: Bank of International Settlements Lent 380 Tonnes of Physical Gold?

YouTube - I AM Campaign for Liberty


*site:A Herbal Healer Academy



YouTube - B.P. Covering Up Health Effects From Oil Leak On Humans

CNN’s Sanchez: Dead Africans Good for War Against Manufactured Terror

Bilderberg Corporate Media Mogul Wrote Obama Speech

Former Contractor: BP Not Interested In Cleaning Up Oil Spill

BIS gold swap signifies a threat to Europe, not to gold

Silver’s Historical Correlation with Gold Suggests A Parabolic Top As High As $714 per Ounce!

Empty Store Shelves Coming to America

Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning ‘Racist’ Elements of Tea Party

Obama’s top spokesman Robert Gibbs: There’s ‘no doubt’ Democrats could lose control of House

Following outcry, Coast Guard rescinds ban of reporters and photographers from oil spill

Issa wants answers on White House’s Google ties

Printing money won’t save us from the next wave of deflation

Who’s Buying All That Debt?

Ron Paul: Funding Corruption and Waste in Afghanistan

Gulf Crisis Exposes Failures of Centralized Power

Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe

YouTube - Immortal Technique: Haiti a police state run by US & UN

YouTube - Rand Paul on Fox and Friends 7-13-10


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071210-2 The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Host: Dr. Katherine Albrecht

071310-1 The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show Host: Dr. Katherine Albrecht

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The WTO's Hidden Agenda, by Gregory Palast

LOTIS -- Corporate Power at Work


Both parties mull raising retirement age - Washington Times

U.S. First lady Michelle Obama flashes two thumbs-up to the ... - Yahoo! News Photos

BP Delays Test on New Fix for Well Leak - WSJ.com

BP Oil Spill: Containment Cap to Be Tested, as Environmental Devastation Spreads - ABC News

EXCLUSIVE: President Obama, Oprah On Chelsea Clinton's Wedding Guest List | RadarOnline.com

News - Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston Are Engaged! - Healthy Lifestyle - UsMagazine.com

Obama plans to cut up to 40 percent of nukes - Yahoo! News

Billboard linking Obama, Hitler draws complaints - Yahoo! News

Critics slam Harry Reid's immigration remark - Scott Wong - POLITICO.com

Charlotte zings Reid from beyond the grave - John L. Smith - ReviewJournal.com

For left, Al Gore still matters - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com

GOP Pushes Kagan on Health-Care Recusal - WSJ.com

FOXNews.com - NAACP Resolution Calls on Tea Party to Repudiate 'Racist Elements' in Movement

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Out Of Control Mel Gibson Says He'll Burn Down House After Demanding Sex | RadarOnline.com

South Korea deploys robot capable of killing intruders along border with North - Telegraph

BBC News - Venezuela oil 'may double Saudi Arabia'

Larry Hagman of 'Dallas' fame becomes the new face of SolarWorld | OregonLive.com

FT.com / Media - Net neutrality comes back to haunt Google

Cuban migrant found after spending weeks on a Styrofoam boat - Immigration - MiamiHerald.com

My Way News - Utah agencies probe alleged illegal immigrant list

Thousands of laptops stolen during nine-hour heist - Yahoo! News

CBS News Poll: 7/13/10 - CBS News


White House hits the panic button on fall elections | Washington Examiner

The Associated Press: Analysis: Dems show signs of battle fatigue

Federal budget gap tops $1 trillion through June - Yahoo! Finance

Republicans propose cutting Obama budget - Yahoo! News

Finance Overhaul Casts Shadow on Plains - WSJ.com

U.S. Business Groups Air Policy Concerns With Obama - WSJ.com

Obama Administration OKs First Tax-Funded Abortions Under Health Care Law

FT.com / US & Canada - Obama faces growing credibility crisis

President Obama, White House: Al Qaeda Is Racist - Political Punch

As NAACP aims to stay in national debate, charge of tea party racism draws fire

NAACP vs. Tea Party: Racism Debate Heats Up as Sarah Palin Joins the Fray - ABC News

Fed Sees Slower Growth - WSJ.com

Taxes To Fight Obesity? - cbs2chicago.com

Let the Marijuana Money Grab Begin | NBC Bay Area

German minister calls for Internet 'honour code'

Tiny, toxic mushrooms kill hundreds in China - Yahoo! News


Debbie Schlussel:DumbAssity (TM) of the Day: New Boon for Illegal Aliens

Debbie Schlussel:You Won’t Believe This Animal Rights Absurdity

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEOs: 2 Goldbergs on Mel Gibson–Whoopi Absurdly Defends, Bill Gets It

Debbie Schlussel:Incredible: Top Rapper Brags to Fans About Luxe Prison Life @ Riker’s


cartoon:Day By Day: Tea Time


Don’t Be Too Quick to Judge Abortion Episode of ‘Friday Night Lights’

Daily Gut: What I Learned From ‘Cops’

FILM REVIEW: ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ All Flash, No Fun

Osama and Me: Michael Moore Condemns American Taxpayers as War Criminals

Dem Congressman Claims ‘Unaware’ of New Black Panther Case

Black Activists Condemn NAACP Resolution Against Tea Party Movement

NAACP Escalates War Against Tea Party Using Phantom ‘N-Word’ as Justification

We Will Not Be Silenced! St. Louis Tea Party Passes Resolution Condemning NAACP Racism

How America’s Hugo Chavez Fan Club Plans to ‘Reform’ Our Media Marketplace

The NAACP Acting Stupidly (Again)

Tea Party Preempts NAACP

Smells Like a Cover-up at Obama White House

The Racism of the NAACP

NAACP Is Not At All Serious: They’ve Missed the Real Issues

Chicago Machine Democrats Deserve NAACP Condemnation, Not Tea Party

I Condemn the NAACP

I Condemn the NAACP: Get Back to Freedom

I Condemn the NAACP: It Has Been Taken Over by the Hard Left

I Condemn the NAACP: The New Black Panther Party Are the Real Racists

I Condemn The NAACP: They Are Obsessed With Identity Politics

Breitbart Exposes the ‘N Word’ Lie on Hannity

I Condemn the NAACP: It Has Lost its Way

I Condemn the NAACP: It Needs to Wake Up!

I Condemn the NAACP: Screaming ‘Racism’ Discredits the Organization

I Condemn the NAACP: It Is Grossly Out of Touch

I Condemn the NAACP: It Should Stand With Tea Parties

I Condemn the NAACP: Call Me a Racist!

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #10: Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times

DOJ Discrimination Scandal: Megyn Kelly Schools Liberal Pundit

NewsBusted: Is President Obama a Socialist?

STORY SUGGESTION For WaPo’s Lori Montgomery & Paul Kane: Possible Ongoing Racial Discrimination In the DOJ

THE MSM PLAYBOOK: To Suppress Story, Leftist Media Attempts to ‘Swiftboat’ DOJ Discrimination Scandal

STORY SUGGESTION for Diane Sawyer: Possible Discrimination at the DOJ

Even More Evidence the Washington Post Is the Enemy of Truth

Stolen Valor: Mayor Lies About Medals; Files Defamation Suit to Silence Opponent…

Yes, We Kenya!

Bolton: Obama Will Fail in Afghanistan

Even as the World Watched IV: Peaceful, or Pistol?

Open Thread: Obama as Commander–Incompetent or Anti-American?

Farrakhan Demands Reparations from Jews

Hizb ut Tahrir and the End of Capitalism


Islamic Jihad in Norway: Part 1

Islamic Jihad in Norway: Part 2


Can Obama Persuade Voters to Stay the Course? - Newsweek

The root of economic fragility and political anger - Great Recession | Economic Recession, Economic Crisis - Salon.com

Better Stimulus For States: Cash For Cuts - IBD - Investors.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama Must Rethink His Immigration Position

RealClearPolitics - Obama Cleanses Terrorism Glossary

Obama Cleanses the Terrorism Glossary - HUMAN EVENTS

A slew of new polls suggest Obama is not a great pitchman for his policies. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Change at a Cost | The New York Observer

Opinion: The Democrats' middle-class problem - Joel Kotkin - POLITICO.com

A decade of spiraling deficits | KeithHennessey.com

NAACP strikes back at tea party - chicagotribune.com

Sarah Palin: The Charge of Racism: It’s Time to Bury the Divisive Politics of the Past | Facebook

Media Maven | The New Republic

The Return of the Jeffersonian Vision and the Rejection of Progressivism — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

Dana Milbank - Are Democrats painting themselves as the lesser of the evils?

Why The "Choice" May Not Work - Hotline On Call

A Failed Financial Bill - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Lincoln or Kagan?

Op-Ed Columnist - The Spies Who Loved Us - NYTimes.com

Who's Afraid of Federalism? - Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Marriage and the Reign of Judges

RealClearPolitics - Attacks on Freedom

Ugandan bombs are reason for global alarm - The National Newspaper

Editorial - A New, and Necessary, Moratorium on Drilling - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: Obamacare abortions on tap - Washington Times

Finance Overhaul Casts Shadow on Plains - WSJ.com

Pennsylvania, other states in tug of war before congressional redistricting

Hill exempts self from veterans' law - Erika Lovley and Marin Cogan - POLITICO.com

U.S. Issues Rules on Electronic Health Records - NYTimes.com

Obama's Foreign Policy Performance - Council on Foreign Relations

Yes, it really is the economy, stupid - War Room - Salon.com

Revealed: Where America's strength originated


**Transcripts:13th/Obama Announces Jack Lew to Be OMB Director

*12th/Obama's Remarks With President Fernandez

Interview with Former President Bill Clinton

Roundtable on Financial Reform Bill

George Schultz on the Reagan White House


Restoring the Flow of Credit to Small Businesses

Commentary » Blog Archive » Rand Paul Really Is Against the Afghanistan War

Why it's time to diversify reserves from the US dollar - Jul. 14, 2010

RealClearMarkets - The Internet Is U.S./China's New Dollar/Yuan

In the Tank for Big Labor | The Weekly Standard

Arrogance Surplus Leads to Government Excesses: Commentary by Amity Shlaes - Bloomberg

U.S. bidding Iraq goodbye and good luck | The Japan Times Online

Uganda bombings: Obama mustn't meddle in Somalia - CSMonitor.com

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

‘Burqa ban’ poorly veils Sarkozy’s failed efforts - The National Newspaper

RealClearPolitics - Roman Polanski's Freedom -- And Unmitigated Gall

+World Video:13th/Castro Reappears on Cuban TV

Australian Police Seize Cocaine Haul

Cuban Political Prisoners Freed

Ceremony Marks Haiti Quake

Bookies Bid To Buy Psychic Octopus

+Markets Video:14th/Doing Business in China

Inside a Hedge Fund's Black Box

Wal-Mart: Load Up the Shopping Cart!

5 Reasons Apple Won't Recall

Wise Words from Financier Jim Rogers

13th/Michael Wolff on Hef's Playboy Plans

Cramer: 'We've Seen the Lows for the Year'

Best Places to Live: Why Eden Prairie is #1

Gene Simmons on the Future of U.S. Capitalism

O'Brien: Despite Rally, Investors Wary of Stocks

Obama student-loan mystery shrouded by 'politics'

Breitbart.tv » Democrat Congressman ‘Unaware’ of the New Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case


*American Minute for July 14th:William J Federer's American Minute


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Wall Street bill: GOP support 'disconcerting and puzzling'

Breitbart.tv » Another Democrat Congressman Loses Temper on Camera

Breitbart.tv » New Documentary Charges Obama Stole Nomination From Hillary

Felonious assault on U.S. elections

Angle takes aim at head of Senate political machine

Pelosi vents about Gibbs - Jonathan Allen and John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

White House hits the panic button on fall elections | Washington Examiner

Confidence in Obama reaches new low, Washington Post-ABC News poll finds

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalker Bill Press Blames 'Spoiled Americans' For Obama's Poll Collapse

Florida legislators want bill modeled after Arizona illegal immigration law » Naples Daily News

Rival to Arizona governor suspends campaign - Politics - Decision 2010 - msnbc.com

N.J. court reverses DUI case - USATODAY.com

NAACP says tea partiers racist

St. Louis Tea Party calls on NAACP to withdraw ‘racist’ resolution | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Michelle Obama Visits NAACP on Eve of Tea Party Condemnation - ABC News

New 'Freedom Ride' targets culture of abortion

Issa wants answers on White House’s Google ties - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

NAACP says tea partiers racist

Felonious assault on U.S. elections

The Jealous NAACP

Crash Data Suggest Driver Error in Toyota Accidents - WSJ.com


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Senator: Resolve eligibility in court


The Jealous NAACP

Jimmy Kimmel crew tries to fry pro-lifer

Illegals voting? Ho-hum

Obama's failed hero

Millions of rules stifling freedom

Obama: A global menace

Polanski freed by global pedophile movement

Act like a citizen or get out!

Elena Kagan: Not marriage-friendly

CitizenLink: Then & Now

GOP Economic Terrorism Destroys the Safety Net of 38 Americans Every Minute | Economy | AlterNet

A speech every U.S. high-school principal should give

ESR | July 12, 2010 | How to spot Democrats in the news

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'This is a guy who really changed the game'

Council bosses ask swimmers not to drink water... so pools can save £1.11 a day on chlorine | Mail Online

JLS songwriter's wife died after agonising headaches were blamed on pregnancy | Mail Online

The brain infection time bomb which nearly killed teenager Kate Newton | News.com.au

Muslims seek to add holidays on NY school calendar | Reuters

Mom jailed over sex with 14-year-old son - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

Woman Jailed for Texting Threats to Herself | Threat Level | Wired.com

An Ocala woman reported that $16,000 worth of Star Wars memorabilia was stolen. | Ocala.com

Image Makeover From Admirers of ‘Son of Sam’ - NYTimes.com

Hacking the Electric Grid? You and What Army? | Danger Room | Wired.com

'Hypochondriac's Handbook' highlights rare health problems - USATODAY.com

Google Street View captures man with two heads - Telegraph

Jacques Vallée: Magonians create crop circles | forgetomori

Taranis: The £143million unmanned stealth jet that will be hit targets in another continent | Mail Online

Terahertz Detectors Could See Through Your Clothes From a Mile Away | Wired Science | Wired.com

Do you know this man? | Life and style | The Guardian

Superstitions Bring Real Luck, Study Reveals | Good Luck Charms Actually Bring Luck, Scientists Find | Life's Little Mysteries

Dracula was not bloodthirsty, just a victim of bad propaganda, new exhibition claims - Telegraph

Dark Matter May Be Building Up Inside the Sun | Wired Science | Wired.com

Historians locate King Arthur's Round Table - Telegraph

BBC News - Rosetta probe passes Asteroid Lutetia

Until Cryonics Do Us Part - NYTimes.com

5 Common Deathbed Experiences - 1 - Just Dreaming - Your Life - MSN Lifestyle


*site:Life Extension News






site:Current Solar Data: NOAA data


*U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program

European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

RSOE EDIS:http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index.php?lang=eng




**Politics Video:14th/Signs Touting Stimulus Projects In Ohio Cost Taxpayers $1 Million

Holbrooke And Maddow On "Drawing The Line" On Terrorism List

Michelle Obama: I Barely Have Enough Time To Cook One Meal A Week

WA-Sen: New Ad Portrays Murray Stepping On Child

Holbrooke On Prospects For Success In Afghanistan

Libtalker Bill Press: Obama Poll Shows "Americans Are Spoiled"

Ingraham: Obama "Arrogant" About Midterm Elections

Krauthammer: Democrats' Election Strategy Isn't Going To Work

Sen. Schumer On Lockerbie Bomber And BP Connection

Olbermann: Is The GOP Ruining America?

Gov. Pawlenty: Government Is Broke Because Of Obama

O'Reilly: Big Government Can't Solve Inequality And Poverty

Matthews: "Know-Nothingism" Is "Catchy" In Republican Party

13th/Michelle Obama Promotes Florida Beaches: "They Are Open For Business"

Rep. Van Hollen: "The Democrats Are Not Going To Lose The House"

Jerry Brown On Campaign For CA Governor

Whoopi Goldberg: Mel Gibson Is Not A Racist

WI-Sen: Feingold On Standing Up Against Big Oil

Gibbs Explains Why Obamas Won't Vacation In Gulf

Gibbs: Obama's Poor Poll Numbers Due To Economy

Harry Reid: No Illegal Immigrants Do Construction Work In Nevada?

Obama: Financial Regulations Reform Will End "An Era Of Irresponsibility"

Pelosi: Democrats Have "No Intention Of Losing The House"

FNC's Megyn Kelly And Kirsten Powers Fight Over Black Panthers Case

Sen. Gregg: Financial Reform Will Create "Massive New Bureaucracies"

Rep. Hoekstra: WH Being "Politically Correct" On Terror Makes US More Vulnerable

KY-Sen: Rand Paul's Top Three Issues: Debt, Debt And Debt

Carville On Midterm Strategy: "The Father, The Son And The Holy Ghost"

DNC's Kaine On Midterms: Americans Want To Go "Forward" With Dems

McAuliffe: Bill Clinton Will Have "A Lot" To Do With Midterms

Krauthammer: "We Are Having A Capital Strike"

Olbermann: FOX News Fabricated Facts About Black Panther Story

O'Reilly: "America Can No Longer Afford Liberal Policies"

Maddow: GOP Flouts Oil Disaster Lessons, Embraces Big Oil


***Film: Fall of America & The Western World « Dprogram.net


4 part/Video: Gerald Celente & Jeff Rense on BP Gulf Oil Leak 2012 Corexit Iran « Dprogram.net

4 part/Video: Alex Jones Tv – Asia, Middle East News & Financial Terror on The Way! « Dprogram.net

4 part/Video: Alex Jones Tv – News on Cnn’s Sanchez Comment, BP Gulf Update, Police Taser old Woman & More « Dprogram.net

Monsanto's Roundup - Be Warned

NAACP Resolution Designed to Wreck Tea Party Movement by Playing Race Card

CNN Host Calls Deadly Terror Bombings “Helpful” To NWO Agenda

3 part/Video: Infowars Exclusive – Operation Vigilant Guard – Chicago 2010 « Dprogram.net

When Teachers Unions Back War Escalation


Fantasyland On Earth: You Won't Believe These Pictures | Before It's News

Fantasyland On Earth: The Mega Crystals of Naica Mine | FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL


*Playboy bunnies revisited [SLIDESHOW] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

*Hooters Bikini contest contestants from 2010 | Before It's News


EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’

Dr. Joseph Mercola Stresses Artificial Sweetener Killing Americans

Former Hanover Commonwealth's Attorney Kirby Porter Found Dead in Arizona | Virginia Right!

Is Time Disappearing from the Universe? (A Weekend Feature)


*The World's Strangest Sights on Google Earth

In Pictures: The Strangest Sights in Google Earth - PCWorld


Washington Think Tank Predicts New Mideast War - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Fornerly Inactive Fault Activity May Indicate the Next "Big One" | Before It's News

Jonathan Cook: Israel’s New ‘Video Game’ Executions

World Market Nervous over BP’s Possible Collapse

BALOCHISTAN: BNP Central Secretary General Habib Jalib Killed


Russian Spies and Strategic Intelligence

Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee: a political ecology of change

Feds Bully 'Die Hard' Moviemaker McTiernan Into Plea for False Statements

Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism or Communism....Can there be no other isms?

Police abuse: Blame the victims! It’s reassuring

BP and Obama administration committing ecocide on islands in Gulf

A Palestinian state on Obama’s watch will be nothing more than a mirage

A heap of broken images: Social media and the architecture of anomie

Sheehan cleared of D.C. protest charge

New Neocon Israeli Propaganda Outfit Run By Opponent of Two States

A Turning Point for Genetic Testing

Headless bodies and other immigration tall tales in Arizona

The Gulf oil disaster truth

Archaeologists Uncover Goliath's Hometown - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

NWO to wipe out 30 million people in Gulf states, Central & South America, page 1

New Satellite Images of Gulf: Oil reaches Mexico’s Yucutan, near Cancun (PHOTOS) | Florida Oil Spill Law

Free Speech Isn’t Free; Bloggers and Message Boards Could be Silenced Overnight (Updated)

Large Hadron Collider rival Tevatron 'has found Higgs boson', say rumours - Telegraph

A revolutionary breakthrough in terahertz remote sensing

Controlling the wealth of America – top 1 percent control 83 percent of U.S. stocks. As a share of personal income mortgage debt ate up 19 percent in 1949. In 2003 it went up to 85 percent. 80 percent of Americans 65 years and older depend on Social Security for half of their income. | Finance my Money

Yale bioethicist warns of singularity's perils at futurist gathering | ZDNet

Singularity University: On future robotics and AI

The Mil & Aero Blog:DARPA wants electronic warfare systems that learn from their mistakes to keep pace with the latest communications technology

Trapped: Is It Too Little, Too Late for Real Financial Reform?

Afghan Army Attack Shines Light on Unpopular Occupation

Free Press to FCC: Say No! to Comcast/NBC Merger

FTC Wants to Eliminate Competition With Government Courts

A Modest Solution

Homeland Security Mission Creep: Anti-Globalization

Big Pharma’s Lifetime Dependents

Elena Kagan: High Priestess of the Regulatory State

Fox legal analyst: Bush should have been indicted

Slaying of Army veteran shocks friends

Huge U.S.-India Arms Deal To Contain China

Are You a "Perfect Citizen"? Big Brother Deploys Snooping Sensors on Private Networks

Mozambique: Not Then But Now: The Present Globalist, Neoliberal Agenda

Scare-Mongering Keeps Us from Fixing the Economy

The Disappearing Intellectual in the Age of Economic Darwinism

Hillary Clinton’s Latest Lies

How Financial Brokers Became Bookies: The Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Casinos

Collapse in Living Standards in America: More Poverty By Any Measure

Kyrgyzstan, America and the Global Drug Trade: Deep Forces, Coups d'Etat, Narcotics and Terror

An Unholy Alliance, of Strange Characters.

The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment

Rarely Seen Pictures Of The Devastating Consequences Of The BP Disaster

Obama's Recess-Appointed Medicare Chief Speaks at HHS Press Conference But Doesn’t Stick Around for Questions

Senate Republicans Demand Answers from Kagan on Whether She Must Recuse Herself from Constitutional Challenges to Obamacare

Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools

U.S. Taxpayers to Subsidize New U.N. Agency Promoting Abortion

EPA Issues Taxpayer Money to ‘Enhance Environmental Education and Awareness’

Plan to Entice Fighters to Leave Taliban Is ‘Ready to Go,’ Administration Says

Court Decision Striking Down Broadcast Indecency Ban is ‘Anti-Family,’ Says FCC Commissioner Copps

Axelrod: ‘No Administration Has Been Tougher’ on Immigration Enforcement than Obama Administration

White House: It Was 'Vitally Important' to Appoint Wealth-Redistribution Advocate to Run Medicare Even Without Confirmation Hearing or Senate Vote


Obama Administration Uses New ‘Restore the Gulf’ Web Site to Spin Its ‘Quick’ Response to the Oil Spill


*site:Restore the Gulf


Experts to Obama: You Can’t Ignore the Islamic Ideology Behind Terrorism

New White House Report Claims Millions of Jobs ‘Saved or Created’ by Stimulus Bill

China to Invest $10B in Argentina's Railways

Afghans Paid $1 Billion in Bribes Last Year, Survey Says

List of Alleged Illegal Immigrants Mailed in Utah

U.N. Eyes Private Help in Funneling $100 Billion in Climate Aid to Developing Countries

'Octomom' Doc Accused of Implanting 7 Embryos

NAACP to Vote on Resolution Condemning Alleged Tea Party Racism

4-Time Texas Lotto Winner Rich with Money, Mystery

Dick Morris Raising Money for Nevada Republican

Republicans Propose Cutting Obama Budget

Scandal Kills Babies and Souls

Will Kagan—and Recusal Law—Cost Obamacare a Vote?

The National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People

audio:NEW REPUBLIC:Preparing for a Showdown in the Middle East This Fall 7.8.10

audio:NEW REPUBLIC:Is Our Favorite Renewable Energy Source A Disaster? 7.9.10

Real Jobs, Fake Jobs by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

America’s Longest War by Eric Margolis

Signs of the Times By Thomas Sowell

Teach yourself free market economics in two hours – Telegraph Blogs

How the Economy Will Look On Election Day - Yahoo! News

The most expensive city in the world…

Smoking is 'good for your memory and concentration' | Mail Online

Stop policing our thoughts, including the hateful ones | spiked


Lexophiles (Lovers of Words) | MyJokeMail


Millionaire Senators Moan About 'Disincentives' For The Lazy Unemployed. Meanwhile, No Action On Extensions

MLB All Star Game draws Major Protests, activities planned as more players criticize Arizona's SB 1070

Sharron Angle on Robert Bennett: "He's outlived his usefulness"

Birtherism Just the Latest Fetish for David Vitter

Megyn Kelly threatens to cut off Kirsten Powers "mic" over heated New Black Panther argument

New Orleans Residents Tell Oil Spill Commission: "Do The Right Damn Thing" in words and song

GOP candidate: Obama taking away your chance to find God

George Steinbrenner: 1930-2010

If we don't free child rapists, the terrorists have won

Michele Bachmann calls US a "Nation of Slaves"

Sharron Angle Latest Republican to Claim God is on Her Side

Feds Charge Six NOPD Officers Involved in Danziger Bridge Shooting Following Hurricane Katrina

GOP Candidate for NH Statehouse Rides the Racist Wave

Neb. Council OKs Ban on Hiring Illegal Immigrants

Many Americans Will Run Short in Retirement: Study

UN's Internal Watchdog Faces Leadership Vacuum

Cops Could Face Death in Post-Katrina Shootings

Da Vinci Restoration Reveals Hidden Details

Chandra Levy Suspect to Leave DC Jail Briefly

Flock of 18 Canada Geese Beaten, Shot in NJ Town

Your Bad: Toyota Blames Drivers for Some Unwanted Acceleration

Utah Agencies Probe Alleged Illegal Immigrant List

Paris Challenge Shows Electric Car's Power

Theater Seats Get Bigger to Meet Growing Demand

Pakistan ISI Behind Mumbai Attacks: India Official

Blagojevich to Take Stand at U.S. Corruption Trial

Comic Writer Tackles Daughter's Autism With Humour

Geldof's Live Aid Story to Be Made Into a Film

2 Brothers, Another Man Die in Texas Plane Crash

1st Turtle Hatchlings in Gulf Oil Now in Atlantic

Novelist Reinvents Robin Hood as Medieval Gangster

Deaf Inmate Says Fingerprint Proves His Innocence

Fears Grow as Millions Lose Jobless Benefits

Four NATO Soldiers Killed in Afghan Bomb Attack

Buffalo, NY, Bus Driver Saves 10 From Burning Home

2 Shootings in Less Than a Week at Ohio Hospital

Russian Boy Dies in Shaman Ceremony

Pilot, 3 Grandchildren Die in Michigan Plane Crash

BP Delays New Cap Test to Avoid Inconclusive Result

Dallas-Area Mayor, Teen Daughter Are Shot Dead

Charges Dropped Against Gay Veteran Protester

Judge Blocks New Neb. Abortion Screening Law

Cheltenham Gold Cup Stolen From Winner's House

Iowa Billboard Linking Obama, Hitler Removed

LA Blaze Showers Firefighters With Molten Titanium

Alleged 'Barefoot Bandit' to Face Charges in US

NY Man, 90, Pleads Guilty to Fatally Beating Wife

Feds: Accused NY Killer Also Killed in Fla.

Explosion at Pittsburgh-Area Steel Plant Hurts 15

U.S. Hands Over Prisons and Prisoners to Iraq

Obama Policies Saved Millions of Jobs: White House

Failed Times Square Bomber Made Video: TV

U.S. Got "Useful Information" From Iran Scientist

2 Get Prison for Roles in Counterfeit Nike Ring

Montana Sex Education Proposal Draws Outrage

Tenn. Governor Commutes Death Sentence of Woman

Device With Gas Cans, Wires Found in Car in NJ

Senate Republicans Press for Deep Cuts in Obama Budget

Obama Desperate to Win Back Business Vote

GOP Poised to Grab Control at State Levels

Obama Nominates Jacob Lew As Budget Director

Federal Deficit Tops $1 Trillion Through June

Mass. Sen. Brown to Vote Against Fundraising Bill

Boehner: Obama Order Funds Abortions in Pa.

Blago Prosecutors Done Quicker Than Expected

Opponents Pack Hearing on Ground Zero Mosque

Arpaio Defends Arizona Law at GOP Rally

Dick Morris: Medicare Pick Threatens Healthcare

Ex-Blago Aide Says He Was Worried, Contacted FBI

Gibbs Backtracks: Dems Will Keep the House

Salazar Defends Pulling Oil-Lease Parcels in Utah

Christiane Amanpour to Start Sundays on ABC

NAACP Resolution Calls Tea Party Racist

Farrakhan Tells Jews He Wants Reparations

Senior Republican Wins Weeklong Delay on Kagan

Both Parties Mull Raising Retirement Age

Trade Gap Widens As Imports and Exports Both Rise

SF Requires Cell Phone Radiation Data

Watchdog: Small Banks Struggling Despite Bailouts

New Plagiarism Question in Colo. Governor Campaign

Whitman Attacks On Nurses Part of Larger Strategy

Drunk Russians Drown Escaping Heatwave

Prisoners Freed, But Fidel Castro Captures Spotlight

Uganda: Training to Fight Al Shabab

Experts Cut Growth Outlook on Housing, Job Fears

Buffett: Economic Recovery Is on Solid Ground

Karl Case: Home Building 'Dead Flat in the Mud'

7 Deadliest Food Trends

Reduce Alzheimer's Odds With Vitamin E

Rare Dark Jellyfish Showing up in San Diego Bay

Solar Wells Displacing Windmills On Western Range

Polanski's Lawyers in US Call for Investigation

Pa. Lawmaker Looks Into 'Kate Plus 8' Work Permits

GOP Will Take Both the Senate and House

Political System Change Spells Doom for UK

Obama's Leftward Lurch Erodes His Control of Congress

Death of Israel Wouldn't Slow Anti-U.S. Terrorism

Elena Kagan Isn't Fit for the Supreme Court

Meddling Bureaucrats Attack Our Freedom

Sarah Palin and the 'Mom Awakening'

Corporate Taxes Crushing Economy

Women Deserve Equality in Justice Department

Why BP is readying a ’super weapon’ to avert escalating Gulf nightmare

Scientists Say Gulf Spill May Permanently Alter Food Chain

Boeing Unveils Phantom Eye Hydrogen-Powered Spy Plane

Is Military Spending Saving or Enslaving?

Israel’s ‘Spot and Shoot’ System Aims to Perfect Joystick Based Warfare

Rioters hurl petrol bombs in new N.Ireland unrest

How Brokers Became Bookies: The Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Casinos

Former BP Contractor Turned Whistleblower Tells All

The Attack of the Real Black Helicopter Gang: The IMF Is Coming for Your Social Security

Are You a "Perfect Citizen"?

Scientific Proof That High Frequency Trading Induces Adverse Changes In Market Microstructure And Dynamics, And Puts Market Fairness Under Question

2053 Nuclear Explosions Conducted 1945-1998

Bank Profits Depend on Debt-Writedown ‘Abomination’

Giant unmanned airships to patrol Afghanistan skies for up to three weeks at a time

Management Tip of the Day: Strengthening Your Big-Picture Skills - ABC News


*292 PGS/The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth/ JULY '10


July 13, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-13, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-12, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-11, Sunday

07/13 The Mark Levin Show

07/12 The Mark Levin Show


YouTube - President Obama OMB Director Announcement New Director of Budget Lew Economy Politics

YouTube - Prosecution Rests in Blagojevich Trial

YouTube - BP tests new device to cap US oil leak

YouTube - Spy Chapman stripped of British citizenship

YouTube - French National Assembly approves ban on burqa

YouTube - Iranian scientist 'free to go': Clinton

YouTube - 'Octomom' Dr. Implanted 7 Embryos in 48-year-old

YouTube - Big Anti-crime Sweep in Italy, 300 Arrests

YouTube - Local HIV agency hopes Obama's program helps

Bloodshed in Chicago resurrects most wanted list :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

New Chicago Most Wanted List released - chicagotribune.com

Illinois schools find ways to curb bullying - chicagotribune.com

FOXNews.com - Republicans Sound Warning Over Expiration of Bush Tax Cuts

Why no full text of the NAACP resolution? | Ad Astrum

Obama White House tries to turn around bad poll numbers - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

W.House's Romer: recent US data has been mixed | Reuters

Plant explosion near Pittsburgh injures 15, official says - CNN.com

Reid, Targeting Power Plant Emissions, Hopes Support Arrives Along the Way - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Utah firm nixes plan to import Italian nuke waste

New budget director's Wall Street stain - Mortgage Crisis - Salon.com

U.S. Delays Test of Device That Could Seal Gulf Well - NYTimes.com

Gas leak sickens at least 98 in India - CNN.com

BBC News - EU to let states rule on GM crops

Sudan oil row threatens peace ahead of referendum | World news | The Guardian

BBC News - Two more Cuban dissidents arrive in Spain

BBC News - Italian 'Ndrangheta steps out of Mafia's shadow

AFP: 'Barefoot Bandit' vows to reform his ways: attorney

Anger at France Bastille Day parade - Europe - Al Jazeera English

France, veil: National Assembly approves ban on face veils - latimes.com

At Least 8 NATO Troops Dead in New Afghan Attacks - NYTimes.com

Russian spy worked for Microsoft | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Iranian nuclear scientist recounts 'CIA abduction' - Telegraph

Gibson allegedly threatens arson in 4th clip - Entertainment - Celebrities - TODAYshow.com

Lindsay Lohan's 'Machete' poster shows star in a nun's habit licking a gun

'The Sorcerer's Apprentice': Wizard War, By Kurt Loder - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Piers Morgan nearing deal for Larry King's job? - USATODAY.com

CNN, NBC Said to Discuss Piers Morgan as Larry King Replacement - BusinessWeek

News - Kate Gosselin Targeted in New Child Labor Probe - Movies, TV & Music - UsMagazine.com

Trial continues for 2 in Stamos extortion plot | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Courts: Swiss government's decision could hinder further efforts to extradite Polanski - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Exclusive: What Surprises Angelina Jolie Most About People in Washington?

'Old Spice Guy' Scores Marketing Coup with YouTube Videos | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Google Launches 'Fiber for Communities' Site | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Microsoft Shows Off 'Milo' Virtual Human | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Facebook Assets Frozen by NY Judge: Who Owns Facebook? - Crimesider - CBS News

FOXNews.com - Chicken-and-Egg Mystery Finally Cracked

Illinois turns to borrowing to nurse budget to health - Jul. 14, 2010

Twitter to work with Groupon, Gilt deal sites on 'earlybird' offers - San Jose Mercury News

UPDATE 1-Bailed-out small US banks face takeover risk -panel | Reuters

What is the Reason for HIV Among African American Women?

Many Doctors Reluctant to Report Inept, Impaired Colleagues - ABC News

New Recommendations for Alzheimer's Diagnosis

GE touts new rules on computerized health records - Health - msnbc.com

Medicine: Octuplet mom's doctor faces more state scrutiny - latimes.com

New global AIDS focus: careful budgets? | Reuters

Bloomberg Poll Finds Americans No Longer Drinking Kool Aid, 71% See Economy “Mired In Recession”

Glenn Beck: “Do we have to go to the Bilderbergers?”

NAACP Resolution Designed to Wreck Tea Party Movement by Playing Race Card

Obama, Hitler billboard ‘not disrespectful,’ Tea Party leader says | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs

Government’s Expert Witness: Over 42 million gallons of dispersant used during BP oil disaster

Lessons from Exxon Valdez spill have gone unheeded

Obama’s Rhetoric Undermined By On-the-Ground Reality: Afghanistan in Ruins

Retired NASA Flight Director: 9/11 Aircraft Speed Is The “Elephant In The Room”

The October Surprise Is Coming

Climate Change Used as Excuse For Population Control

The Big Green Lie Exposed

What Does The Financial Reform Bill Do Other Than Being Completely And Utterly Worthless?

Are the jobs gone for good? The facts about this downturn are very grim

Palin Endorses 'pro-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender' Repub for Georgia Governor - The Tree Of Liberty

Rats fed junk food pass down cancer risk through multiple generations of offspring

Six more NOLA police officers charged in post-Katrina shootings | Raw Story

Sterilise the poor and bring back the workhouse: Public's bizarre suggestions for spending cuts | Mail Online


*Watch Now: Rare ABC News TV Climate Debate: Climate Depot Vs. Center For Am. Progress: Morano: ‘The climate con is ending’

Eyeblast.tv:Climate Depot's Marc Morano on July 12 ABC News 'Twittercast' (Part 1)

Eyeblast.tv:Climate Depot's Marc Morano on July 12 ABC News 'Twittercast' (Part 2)


Blog Archive - Poll: Positive opinion of Gore drops « - Blogs from CNN.com

Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe

Greenland Hype Meltdown


The Alex Jones Show – July 12th With Peter Schiff


Sen. Schumer calls for probe into link between Libyan 'blood money' and BP oil spill payouts

Pak-China Strategic Ties Irks The Indo-Israelis | Opinion Maker

Roy Tov – IIB, Bibi and Terror

Iranian nuclear scientist 'kidnapped a year ago by U.S.' shows up at Pakistan embassy and demands to be sent home | Mail Online

Riddle of missing Iranian physicist's US 'captivity' - World Politics, World - The Independent

Barack Obama compared to Hitler and Lenin in Tea Party billboard - Telegraph

BP oil spill: Michelle Obama urges US holidaymakers to support Gulf coast | World news | The Guardian

More of world's poor live in India than in all sub-Saharan Africa, says study | World news | The Guardian

Government 'plotted to send UK citizens to Guantánamo' | Politics | The Guardian

Top Government adviser warns children 'send text messages instead of making mobile calls - it may be safer' | Mail Online

Internet addiction driving South Koreans into realms of fantasy | World news | The Guardian

The fast-food giant eating up the world - Business Analysis & Features, Business - The Independent

New Yorkers can't flee city's bed bugs – even in the Hamptons - Americas, World - The Independent

Cherry juice, the sweet solution for insomniacs? | Mail Online

Walt Disney's War With Hollywood's Jews

Did police shoot Moat with unapproved Taser 'rifle' before killer turned gun on himself? | Mail Online

Bonfire of the Big Brother state: Coalition unveils drastic review of New Labour's attack on civil liberties | Mail Online


Stocks rise modestly on strong Intel earnings

Airline fees make it hard to shop for best deal

Prosecutor accuses hotel heir wife in Fla. death

Sunday Funnies characters set to brighten letters

3 officers plead not guilty in Katrina shootings

UN's internal watchdog faces leadership vacuum

Restored Da Vinci painting reveals hidden details

Iraq: US hands over Tariq Aziz, other detainees

Preventive care to come at no out-of-pocket cost

Explosion at Pittsburgh-area steel plant hurts 15

Utah firm nixes plan to import Italian nuke waste

Iran: Russia shouldn't follow US path

Al-Qaida blamed for Yemen shootings | World news | guardian.co.uk

‘Dallas’ Star Larry Hagman Refuses to Let Facts Get In the Way Of Enviro-Propaganda

Polanski’s Saviors: Hollywood, the MSM, and a Weak Obama

I Condemn the NAACP: It Has Tarnished its Reputation

I Condemn the NAACP: It Has a Selective Memory on Race

MSM Attempts to Smother DOJ Discrimination Scandal By Labelling Everyday Americans as Racist

Iran, Nuclear Weapons and Execution by Stoning: the Danger of International Affairs Relativism

“I Will Survive” – Dancing Auschwitz

Democrat Levin Demands More Illegal Attacks On Pakistan

Requiem for the Antiwar Movement

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Brussels go-ahead for new wave of migrants

Irregular Warfare Causing the Coalition to Rethink its Entire Approach in Afghanistan | Oil Price.com

EPA Sets Foundation For Unprecedented Dust Regulation

Activist Post: 10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

Why Not Carry the Big Gun?, by Steve Collins - SurvivalBlog.com

Campaign For Liberty — Gulf Crisis Exposes Failures of Centralized Power | by Brian Roberts

The Taranis (PHOTOS): Britain Unveils Unmanned 'Combat Aircraft Of The Future'

Mobile phones 'causing memory loss' | Latest technology and web news | Web User

Nanotechnology professor Franco Cerrina found dead in his lab

Witness: Rahm Emanuel asked me to call Blagojevich to say President Elect Barack Obama wanted Valerie Jarrett - The Blago Blog

AFP: Iran-backed group eyes US bases in Iraq: general


*The Blago Blog


US v. Blagojevich Trial Exhibits


Blagojevich Lawyers File for Dismissal | NBC Chicago

Judge Won't Release Juror Names Because of Facebook, Bloggers | NBC Chicago


Kagan Watch

Video News

#Top Obama Advisor: ‘No Administration Has Been Tougher’ on Immigration Enforcement

Black Activist Supports SEIU Thugs Accused of Beating Black Man and Calling Him N-Word

Steelers QB Accused of Urinating on Golf Course

Harry Reid: No Illegals Working Construction in Nevada

Former CNN Host in Obama WaPo Poll Meltdown: ‘Americans are spoiled’

Breitbart Exposes the ‘N Word’ Lie on Hannity

Breitbart Rips NAACP for Bogus Racism Charge

NAACP Director Claims Tea Parties are ‘Communists and Nazis’;Repeats Unproven Racial Slur Charges

Megyn Kelly Delivers Devastating Verbal Barrage on Unprepared Liberal Pundit

Flashback: Black Panther Leader Defends Saddam Hussein

Congressman: Fed Lawsuit Against AZ is ‘Frivolous’

Holder Blames Politics for Holding up 9/11 Trial

New Blank Panther Party President: ‘We’ll Eat This Tea Party For Breakfast’

NAACP President: ‘It is Time To Warn the People That Racism and Hatred is Still Alive in America’

NAACP Condemns Tea Party as Racist, ‘Genetic Descendant’ of White Supremacist Group