"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

15 July 2010

15 JULY'10

Group to oppose President Obama's Mideast policy - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Kyrgyzstan, America and the Global Drug Trade: Deep Forces, Coups d'Etat, Narcotics and Terror

The Jewish Question Now A Political Agenda | Real Zionist News

FOXNews.com - Feds Issue All 10,000 Crime Victim Visas to Immigrants

FOXNews.com - Reid Schedules Test Vote on Banking Overhaul Bill

FOXNews.com - 9 States Back Arizona in U.S. Immigration Suit

FOXNews.com - Senate Poised to Pass Finance Overhaul Bill




YouTube - 9/11 Hijackers ALIVE!


archive:CNN.com - Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks - September 17, 2001

What’s Your Beef with Illegal Immigration? : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

The Fed is Steering the Economy into Deflation : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

The Genocide Myth : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

A Banana Republic Ripe for a Coup d’état : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

Corporations gone wild (as Jefferson warned us) : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

Anger in Costa Rica over deal to ‘invite’ 46 US warships in the war on Drugs : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

archive:Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

Has BP Triggered A World-Killing Event? : NOVAKEO.COM – The Radically Alternative Webzine

Life of the Party

David Vitter Draws the Wrath of Anti-Birther Hysterics

Obama the Liar on Free Trade

If You Don’t Like the Ol’ Time Religion Just Change It

“USA” is downsizing to the letter “U”


13 pg/The Jefersonian Conservative Tradition

158 pgs/The Open-Borders Network

9 pg/The "Moral Mythology" of C.S. Lewis

7 pg/Political Philosophy and the Unwritten Constitution Claes G. Ryn


film:Immigration by the Numbers 13:41

film:The Illegal Immigration Invasion.. 1:41:02

YouTube - Obama Outlines Immigration Reform (full video)


We're Not All Pluralists Now

What Happened to Harry Reid?

Obama Chooses Mexico Over Arizona

Inflating War ;How the Fed Finances War


YouTube - SA@TAC - Is Palin a Neocon Puppet?

Is Palin a Puppet?


Russia’s Spies: What Did They Know?

New Healthcare Czar Fuels Repeal ObamaCare Drive

Pulling Back the Curtain on Terrorism and War


YouTube - Overview of America 1 of 4

YouTube - Overview of America 2 of 4

YouTube - Overview of America 3 0f 4

YouTube - Overview of America 4 of 4


Communizing the US

Counting al Qaeda

The Politics of the Deficit

YouTube - Kill the Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad

Hispanic Support for Obama Has Declined Since Arizona Immigration Law Passed

UN Moves Forward to Implement Goldstone Report

Equal Opportunity Terrorism

The Afghan "Fiasco"

‘No’ Was Right

Obamacare Is Not Entitlement Reform

Kagan and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

The Reeducation Of Rand Paul

New Black Panthers, You're Free To Go -- Not So Fast, Arizona

The "Don’t Ask" Trojan Horse Strategy

Boehner 'White House threw House Democrats under the Bus'

Senate Judiciary GOPers Want Kagan Answers on Obamacare Recusal

If the President is an Anarchist, then Who is in Charge?

Jeff Sessions: 'Kagan Filibuster Not Off The Table'

The New Black Panther Party, gangsta edition!

New Black Panther Party Leader Wants to "Eat Tea Party for Breakfast"

Bolton: 'Obama Won't Defend American Interests'

Bolton: 'We will fail in Afghanistan'

Bolton: 'Overthrow of Iranian regime should be official American policy'

Bolton: 'I'd reverse all of Obama's policies'

Bolton: 'Arab Countries Would Support Attack On Iran'

Forbes Says Obama Admin. Sees Private Sector as Evil

Forbes Says Market Would Soar if Obama Kept Bush Tax Cuts

Forbes Blasts Obama Handling of Oil Spill

Obama's Illegal Immigration Policy: Break the Law, Don't get Sued

Adamo: Obama And Holder Weaponize American 'Justice'

Signs of your money

Let the Illegal Immigration Law Suits Begin

No Flowers, Please, Just "Bury" Harry Reid

Judge Andrew Napolitano Renews Call For Indictment of Bush/Cheney

Russia Gives New Powers to KGB Successor

Deporting Illegal Immigrants

Change You Can Believe In: From Bushisms to Obamanisms

Case: Is Obama anti-business or anti-free market?

O’Connell: Are Barack’s Followers Mindless Fanatics?

Cap-and-Trade Will Be Part of Senate Climate Change Bill

Government “Controlled” Healthcare – vs – Government Run Census

A Mexican Stand-Off Re: Selective Law Enforcement

Wipe That Smile Off His Face

YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts: Military has more power than the people

YouTube - How NOT To Profile

Reviewing Rand Paul

Does Climategate Matter?

Nietzsche and the State

The Raging Revenant: Anti-Imperialism -- Past, Present and Future

Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Supermax Prisons: Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading

Obama’s Erosion Among White Voters Continues ,

President Obama, White House: Al Qaeda Is Racist ,

Tea Party to NAACP: ‘Grow Up’ ,

Governors: Obama’s Immigration Suit Is ‘Toxic’ ,

Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning ‘Racist’ Elements of Tea Party ,

New Panthers, Old Panthers and the Politics of Black Nationalism in the United States ,

King Tut’s DNA Is Western European ,

Blagojevich Trial: How Damaging to Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.? ,

Black GOP Candidate Slams Obama for Exploiting Race ,

Black Political Leaders to Recapture ’08 Momentum ,

Indians Top Non-Immigrant Population in the US ,

The HAARP that only angels should play

Immigration Ends the Nation State

The CFR - NeoCon Connection

Bilderberg Propaganda Rules the Planet

Ellis Island Kitsch: Jeb Bush And Robert Putnam Blame Americans For Modern Immigrants' Failure To Assimilate


**World Map: Races of the World


Bonfire of the Big Brother state: Coalition unveils drastic review of New Labour's attack on civil liberties | Mail Online

Riddle of missing Iranian physicist's US 'captivity' - World Politics, World - The Independent

Sen. Schumer calls for probe into link between Libyan 'blood money' and BP oil spill payouts

Sacrificing Your Health to the Oil Volcano

Robert L. Cavnar: Well Integrity Test - Where Did That Come From?


How Lieberman Stole Our Freedoms | Real Zionist News

President Petraeus: The Neocons’ Choice

Polanski Freed By Global Pedophile Movement

Jitters have investment fund for UT, A&M buying gold | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Record-Breaking X-ray Blast Briefly Blinds Space Observatory

Rosetta Discovers Haunting Beauty in Deep Space - NASA Science

Flocking to the Coast: World's Population Migrating into Danger | LiveScience

07-15-2010: Bank of England governor's men fiddle with UK forecasts

07-15-2010: Soon Eye-Tracking Technology Will Reveal If You're Lying

07-15-2010: China ponders closing 'outdated' re-education labour camps

07-15-2010: National Guard Homeland Response Force coming to Missouri

07-15-2010: U.S. military turns to TV for surveillance technology

07-14-2010: Dept. of Homeland Security posts ads for TSA jobs on D.C. airport pizza boxes

07-14-2010: Taxes To Fight Obesity?

Former Member of Clinton Regime: Obama Needs “A 9/11 Event or an Oklahoma City Bombing” to Command Confidence

07-14-2010: U.S. conservatives form new pro-Israel lobby group

07-14-2010: Boeing Unveils Phantom Eye Hydrogen-Powered Spy Plane

07-13-2010: Study: Attack on Iran would be ‘start of long war’

07-13-2010: JFK conspiracy researcher sues Dallas over arrest


stream:Re-Education Radio

Micro Effect /archives


American Freedom Radio/archives

The Animal Farm Radio Show/archives


*Global Reality TV

*global reality radio; player*

The Global Reality Show/archives


archives:Axiom Radio Live with Rob Chowdah


YouTube - Mike Chambers with Lord Christopher Monckton Pt. 1

YouTube - Mike Chambers with Lord Christopher Monckton Pt. 2

YouTube - Mike Chambers with Lord Christopher Monckton Pt. 3

YouTube - Mike Chambers with Lord Christopher Monckton Pt. 4


Obama Violates Own Executive Order, Funds Abortions


City of Austin, Texas, Selects i2 for Fusion Center Implementation - BlackListed News

Thousands of Laptops Stolen During Nine-Hour Heist from Government Contractor - BlackListed News

Scientists Say Gulf Spill May Permanently Alter Food Chain - BlackListed News

Philip Morris Said to Benefit from Child Labor - BlackListed News

DARPA Wants Instant, On-Demand Airstrikes, Removing Middlemen from the Bomb-Dropping Process - BlackListed News

Banks Repossess U.S. Homes at Record Pace - BlackListed News

Obama, Cloning & the Bluebeam Project

2012 & the Age of Catastrophe

Obama Alien Invasion


Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 1]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 2]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 3]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 4]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 5]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 6]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 7]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 8]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 9]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 10]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 11]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 12]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 13]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 14]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 15]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 16]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 17]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 18]

Freeman on Truth Frequency Radio - 5/13/10 [part 19]


*site:The Freeman Perspective








Obama’s trust issues - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Republican Voodoo Put Us on This Path

TIME Poll: Voters Like Obama More Than His Domestic Policies - TIME

Henninger: Berwick Recess Appointment Is Bigger Than Kagan - WSJ.com

U.S. economic recovery: Great Recession's psychological fallout - latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Financial Reform's Empty Promises

RealClearPolitics - Tea Parties Make Space for Bigots

The Tea Party Isn’t Racist - The Daily Beast

Black Americans and the Tea Party

TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect

RealClearPolitics - As Obama Kowtows, Unions Eye the Private Sector

EMILY’s List vs. Sarah Palin - The Boston Globe

Islam: Unmentionable In D.C. | The New Republic

Karl Rove: My Biggest Mistake in the White House - WSJ.com

George F. Will - The high price of American hubris

White House sells bogus figures on stimulus jobs--Editorial - NYPOST.com

Thinking outside the box to avoid a double-dip recession

GOP readies 'reform'of Obamacare | republicans, health, bill - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Obama plan outlines reductions in U.S. nuclear arsenal

Senior Republicans aren’t banking on Senate takeover - TheHill.com

Dems tiptoe around Bush tax cuts - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Fund-Raisers Before House Vote on Financial Overhaul Examined - NYTimes.com

Lee Bollinger: Journalism Needs Government Help - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Lights, Camera, Liberty

The Kremlin Is Finally Listening to Obama | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Change in Obama's Israel policy?

Why Does China Want BP? - Forbes.com

The two faces of Mahmoud Abbas: He says one thing to the Palestinians, another to Obama

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : India's Africa policy: can we do better?

World Video:Video of Times Square Bomb Suspect Appears

Suspected Suicide Attack In Pakistan

Amnesty: N.Korean Health Care Dire

Sarkozy Rejects Scandal

Senators Seek Probe Into BP-Lockerbie Link

Uganda Vows to Rein in al-Shabab

Vatican To Revise Abuse Rules

Missing Iranian Scientist Goes Home

Top German Banker Fined Over Crisis

Gregg Sherrill: Speaking Up for American Capitalism - WSJ.com

Real Joblessness Grimmer Than Gov't Stats - IBD - Investors.com

The Politics of the Deficit | The Weekly Standard

Stealth Bankers Bomb as Anti-Reform Crusaders: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

July's Big Stock Gains Look Shaky Despite Good Earnings - Barrons.com

Markets Video:Bad Blood Between Business and the White House?

Showdown: Motorola's Droid X Challenges iPhone

The Secrets of the Chinese Economy

Cramer: Don't Wait for US Recovery to Buy Stocks

Wessel: Economy Could Use Some Animal Spirits


**Transcripts:Obama Interviewed By South African Television

13th/Obama Announces Jack Lew to Be OMB Director

Obama's Poll Numbers Fall as Economy Falters

Roundtable on Obama's Political Problems

Interview with Af/Pak Envoy Richard Holbrooke

Senators Brown and Gregg on the Deficit

Interview with San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro


**Politics Video:15th/Pelosi: White House Has Been Very "Cooperative" With Dems On Midterm Strategy

World Economy At Risk Of Folding In On Itself

Bush Speechwriter: Obama Helped Derail An Immigration Bill He Supports

GOP Rep. Pence: Stimulus Jobs Created Claim Is "Absurb"

Cheney Has Heart Pump Implanted To "Buy Time"

Gov. Granholm: We're "Climbing" Out Of Economic Devastation

Van Hollen: Midterm Results Will Be Referendum On Obama, Congress

Reid: GOP Midterm Strategy Is "Betting On Failure"

Krauthammer: Obama's Focus Is On Re-Election, Not Midterms

Countdown: NAACP President Defends Condemnation Of Tea Party "Racist Elements"

Matthews: Obama Smart To Enlist Bill Clinton To Sell Policies

O'Reilly: NAACP Selectively Condemns Racism

Maddow: GOP Tosses Fiscal Responsibility For Tax Cuts

14th/WA-Sen: New Ad Portrays Murray Stepping On Child

Sen. Cornyn On Health Care Showdown In Texas

Holbrooke And Maddow On "Drawing The Line" On Terrorism List

Michelle Obama: I Barely Have Enough Time To Cook One Meal A Week

Holbrooke On Prospects For Success In Afghanistan

Tucker Carlson On End Of DC Voucher Program

Virginia Gov. McDonnell Explains Conquering Budget Deficit

Gibbs Changes Course: Democrats Will Retain House And Senate

Dem Rep. Cummings Supports NAACP Condemning Tea Party As Racist

Chris Matthews: Palin Is "Proud" That She Doesn't "Know Anything"

Gibbs On Stimulus Signs: "I'm Glad The Republicans Have Noticed"

AZ Democratic Congresswoman Explains Opposition To Immigration Lawsuit

Signs Touting Stimulus Projects In Ohio Cost Taxpayers $1 Million

Gov. Pawlenty: Government Is Broke Because Of Obama

Sen. Schumer On Lockerbie Bomber And BP Connection

Ingraham: Obama "Arrogant" About Midterm Elections

Libtalker Bill Press: Obama Poll Shows "Americans Are Spoiled"

Van Hollen: Gibbs Comment On Dems Losing House Is Wrong

Krauthammer: Democrats' Election Strategy Isn't Going To Work

O'Reilly: Big Government Can't Solve Inequality And Poverty

Matthews: "Know-Nothingism" Is "Catchy" In Republican Party

Olbermann: Is The GOP Ruining America?


Polanski’s Saviors: Hollywood, the MSM, and a Weak Obama

‘Dallas’ Star Larry Hagman Refuses to Let Facts Get In the Way Of Enviro-Propaganda

‘Matrix’ Filmmakers Begin Casting Gay Iraq Romance

We Love Pixar: What I Learned From ‘A Bug’s Life’

Same Whoopi Goldberg Who Condemned Tea Party ‘Racism’ Defends Mel Gibson

Daily Gut: Obama’s Not the Problem, ‘Americans Are Spoiled’

Please Whoopi Goldberg, Change Your Last Name

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘Inside the TV Writer’s Room: Practical Advice for Succeeding in Television’ — Part 1

I Condemn the NAACP: The New Black Panther Party Are the Real Racists

Breitbart Exposes the ‘N Word’ Lie on Hannity

I Condemn the NAACP: Screaming ‘Racism’ Discredits the Organization

I Condemn the NAACP: It Should Stand With Tea Parties

I Condemn the NAACP: It Has a Selective Memory on Race

I Condemn the NAACP: Where Is the Evidence of Tea Party Racism?

The Tea Party Is Not Racist

The NAACP Risks the Ash-bin of History

NAACP: Even When They Make it Up, They Get it Wrong

NAACP Is Making a Grave Mistake

NAACP Plays Latest Race Card Against Tea Party

NAACP Uses Teachers For Anti-Tea Party Vitriol

Simple Logic Defies Tea Party ‘Racist’ Label

MSM Attempts to Smother DOJ Discrimination Scandal By Labeling Everyday Americans as Racist

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #10: Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times

Top Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists – #9: Liz Sidoti, Associated Press

NBC, CBS Reject Anti-Ground Zero Mosque Ad

Zuckerman Does a 180 on Obama

Newsweek Reporter David A. Graham Runs Interference for Black Panthers, Relies on Media Matters Research

Why Won’t the Media Cover the Black Panther Scandal?

David A. Graham: A Closer Look at a Newsweek ‘Reporter’

‘I Will Survive’ – Dancing Auschwitz

Iran, Nuclear Weapons and Execution by Stoning: the Danger of International Affairs Relativism

UK Signals Retreat…

The Marines’ M27 LMG Substitute: Hit, or Miss?

Arab TV Broadcasts Times Square Bomber’s Message to Muslim World

The Specter of Chamberlain: Obama, Iran, and Appeasement

Obama’s Clean Energy: a Dangerous Dependence on China

Our Greatest National Enemy

Of Obama Mooselums and Obama Muslims

archive:White House Speech Writer Turns Violent After 9/11 Questions

U.S. hands over last Iraq jail but keeps 200 inmates

Amy Winehouse promises new album next year

Vatican toughens rules on sexual abuse of children

Illegal logging of tropical forests in decline: study

Five killed in suicide bombing in NW Pakistan

BP lobbied UK over Libyan prisoner transfer case

Karzai approves plan for new Afghan police force

Border agents: NY man says ankle monitor for Lohan

New strike hits Honda parts supplier in China

Mitchell arrives to push direct talks

4 killed in Michigan plane crash

Justice Department withheld evidence from 9/11 panel

What?! FBI weblinks promote Ayers, Peltier

*Demand for re-vote on Obamacare surges

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obamacare's mountain of paperwork

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Chaos' to follow 'draconian' Medicare cuts

'Another week to climb on Stop Kagan Express'

Americans Split on Kagan Nomination, Oppose Her More Than Sotomayor

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Black conservatives slam NAACP desperation

Should people pray for top atheist who has cancer?

FOXNews.com - Florida Atheists Sue Over Prayers at City Meetings

Messianic Jewish Church Won’t Appeal Israeli Court Ruling

Feds Want Docs Off Paper Records - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

CNSNews.com - Step Right Up and Get Your Free Health Care...

Republican Leader, Pro-Life Groups Slam Obama Admin for HCR Abortion Funding

Justice: Sanctuary cities safe from law - Washington Times

Congress debates biblical stance on immigration – Religion - CNN.com Blogs

Voters Are Much More Embarrassed by Political Class Than By Arizona - Rasmussen Reports™

Felonious assault on U.S. elections

FOXNews.com - Watchdog: Feds Were Asleep at the Switch When Minnesota Felons Went to the Polls

House Democrats hit boiling point over perceived lack of White House support

Hizbullah has 'precise' target list

Microsoft says it employed Russian deported in connection with spy ring - latimes.com

Spy swap puts halt to fact finding - Washington Times

Cleric Urges Murdering US Cartoonist who Didn't Draw Mohammed - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

Federal Eye - White House: No Muslim outreach for NASA

Daily Nation: - Referendum |US accused of paying groups to boost ‘Yes’ camp support

Sifting a Range of Suspects as Gulf Wildlife Dies - NYTimes.com

Will human life be wiped out by a BP-induced methane eruption? No. - Yahoo! News


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Black candidate wonders if Obama 'entitled' to office

Obama student-loan mystery shrouded by 'politics'

Senator: Resolve eligibility in court


*American Minute for July 15th:William J Federer's American Minute


Beijing starts gating, locking migrant villages - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - Gitmo Detainees Serve Time By Playing Games, Talking to Family on Skype, Taking Classes

New Terror Tape: Times Square Bomber Wimped Out on Suicide - ABC News

Report: Teens Using Digital Drugs to Get High | Threat Level | Wired.com

Obama and the press: Premier and Politburo

Black Panthers: Obama's latest Rev. Wright

LeBron James a 'runaway slave'?

NAACP, media owe tea party apology

Lindsey Graham, you're no Ronald Reagan

Black Panthers, you're free to go – not so fast, Arizona

America the bankrupt

The myths of the Barefoot Bandit

The media's real target

Herman Cain: Possible 'Dark Horse' 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate

Virtually Conservative -- In These Times

Jimmy Kimmel crew tries to fry pro-lifer

The Rosett Report » Next Up in Washington, a Media Czar?

Poll: Voters' support for ‘capitalism’ loses ground - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Archaeologists Uncover Goliath's Hometown - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Palestinians 'preparing' for Israeli strike on Iran

State blinks in standoff over pharmacists' rights

Demand for re-vote on Obamacare surges

Lindsey Graham, you're no Ronald Reagan

The Jealous NAACP

video:Reincarnated 'tiger' finds everlasting life

Top Clinton Official: Only A Terror Attack Can Save Obama


WND TV - Jackie Mason


071410 -1 Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

071410 - 2 Katherine Albrecht Show Podcast

071410-1 What Really Happened? Podcast

071410-2 What Really Happened? Podcast


Debbie Schlussel:VIDEOs: 2 Goldbergs on Mel Gibson–Whoopi Absurdly Defends, Bill Gets It

Debbie Schlussel:Incredible: Top Rapper Brags to Fans About Luxe Prison Life @ Rikers

Debbie Schlussel:Space Age: Israel Makes Airplanes Disappear in the Sky

Debbie Schlussel:Lessons in Plagiarism By Washington Times “Reporter” Anath Hartmann, “Editor” Dave Mastio

Debbie Schlussel:The (Denying) History Channel’s Mel Gibson


The Shahram Amiri News Cycle

China Devalues US Treasury Bonds

GAO report: State Department issued passports to 4,500 sex offenders - TheHill.com

FOXNews.com - Critics Question Why Obama Administration Doesn't Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities

FOXNews.com - Montana Parents Weigh In on Proposed Kindergarten Sex Ed

Cuban migrant found in Styrofoam boat still with Coast Guard - Immigration - MiamiHerald.com

FOXNews.com - Florida Atheists Sue Over Prayers at City Meetings

Times Square bomb plot suspect appears in new video threatening US (video) - NYPOST.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalker Bill Press Blames 'Spoiled Americans' For Obama's Poll Collapse

Sex-swap paedo spared 'bad time' in jail | The Sun |News

Poll: Support for Arizona Immigration Law Hits 57 Percent - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Florida may have Arizona-like anti-illegal immigration law by August | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Pelosi Slams Gibbs for 'Politically Inept' House Forecast - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - NASA Outreach Program 'Confirmed' Despite White House Denial, Rep Says

'Flub' freed Polanski - NYPOST.com

U.S. pockets $20.6 bln in sin taxes in FY'09 | Reuters

Gov. Paterson turns to higher power by wearing red string kabbalah bracelet to ward off evil

Why President Obama loses by winning - John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei - POLITICO.com

FOXNews.com - Europe Warns Obama: This Relationship Is Not Working

House Democrats hit boiling point over perceived lack of White House support

Pentagon warns Congress: accounts running dry - Yahoo! News

Obama enlists Bill Clinton's aid on economy - Yahoo! News

Karl Rove: My Biggest Mistake in the White House - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Gov't says abuse of prescription meds skyrocketing

Man posts bail with counterfeit bills | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/14/2010

St. Simons Island couple found dead in home elevator | jacksonville.com

Cop uses Taser on another in Mass. off-duty spat - Yahoo! News

July snow, torrential rains pound province

SPCA: Approximately 100 Animals Removed From South Philadelphia Home - cbs3.com

Prince Charles attacks climate change 'sceptics' | News

U.S. paid Iranian nuclear scientist $5 million for aid to CIA, officials say

Iranian nuclear scientist returns home to a hero's welcome

Lindsay Lohan's a gun licking nun in shocking poster for new movie, Machete | Mail Online

Financial Crisis - World at Risk of Folding in on Itself: Deputy Doom - CNBC

Senate VIP Loans Mount - WSJ.com

Finance bill favors interests of unions, activists - Washington Times

Senate clears sweeping bank bill for final passage - Yahoo! News

Ex-Clinton fundraiser gets 12 years in prison - Yahoo! News

Hillary Clinton for President - WSJ.com

Jeff Sessions on Kagan: "Filibuster Is Not Off The Table" - HUMAN EVENTS

Beijing starts gating, locking migrant villages - Yahoo! News

South Korea deploys robot capable of killing intruders along border with North - Telegraph

My Way News - Report: Amputations without anesthesia in NKorea

4-Year-Old Boy Dies During Exorcism | News | The Moscow Times

Horny Man In Assault Bust - July 14, 2010

Not Much of a Teachable Moment

The Left's Psychological Assault on Independence

Suppressing the Political Impact of the Gulf Oil Crisis

Why Do Ethics Cost More in the Obama White House?

Immigration, Reconsidered

Barack Hussein Einstein at Harvard

What Obama needs to reverse his fortunes is a terrorist attack?

How Can I Prove I am Not a Racist?

Christmas is a year around holiday for unions and other Democratic special interests

Israel Wins, Hamas and Libya Lose in Latest Blockade Stunt

Our post racial president thinks al-Qaeda is racist.

Trial lawyers in line for $1.6 billion tax break

Destruction of American Energy Production Contuinues

Why Russia makes a lousy ally

Kagan nomination hits roadblock

The Graduate Tax

The Key to a Real Revolution

The Scapegoating of Michael Savage

Spy Swap or Spy Flop?

Obama's Backwardness

Hold Your Nose: I Smell Cap-And-Trade

The Parade of Bleeding Stumps

DARPA Wants Instant, On-Demand Airstrikes, Removing Middlemen from the Bomb-Dropping Process




How Washington Lobbyists Shaped the Financial Reform Bill - TIME

Elena Kagan Confirmation Vote Delayed Until Next Tuesday By Judiciary Committee Republicans


video:The Political Economy of Israel's Occupation



Castro: War on Iran 'Imminent'

American War Versus Real War

How American Right-Wing Christians Are Waging 'Spiritual Warfare' in Northern Iraq

Historian warns of sudden collapse of American ‘empire’

The Fed is Steering the Economy into Deflation

Oliver Stone Tells the Real Story of the Leftist Latin American Leaders Transforming the Continent

Obamacare Begins -- In Idaho

Real Jobs, Fake Jobs

The FTC Will Make You Safe

Economics Is ... Easy

Timing of George Steinbrenner's death saves family $500 million in taxes

Billboard linking Obama, Hitler draws complaints

Iowa billboard linking Obama, Hitler removed

Get Ready For A Newspaper Bailout

CBS SHOCK POLL: 13% believe President's policies have helped them

FTC Wants to Eliminate Competition With Government Courts

Homeland Security Mission Creep: Anti-Globalization

Bilderberg Corporate Media Mogul Wrote Obama Speech

Elena Kagan: High Priestess of the Regulatory State

Big Pharma’s Lifetime Dependents

Road Warrior-level collapse imminent: Alex Jones says we must take corrective action now

Millennium Ark: Hot News:Scientists Say Gulf Spill Altering Food Web

t r u t h o u t | BP's Well May Leak for 55 Years or More Into the Gulf of Mexico?

Whispers Become Louder; Potential For Gulf Evacuations? :

Exclusive: Somali Terrorists At Large In The U.S. » Publications » Family Security Matters

CNSNews.com - Experts to Obama: You Can’t Ignore the Islamic Ideology Behind Terrorism

Islam Must Be Stopped In America » Publications » Family Security Matters

The Roth Show » Blog Archive » Obama is trying to surround us with Islam

Nanotechnology professor Franco Cerrina found dead in his lab

Using nanotechnology to unlock a fountain of bull

Nanotechnology converts heartbeat and breathing into electricity

Synthetic Biology: Great Promise and Potential Peril | LiveScience

Altered animals: Creatures with bonus features - life - 14 July 2010 - New Scientist

Machine gun-toting robots deployed on DMZ - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide

NWO to wipe out 30 million people in Gulf states, Central & South America, page 1

Large Hadron Collider rival Tevatron 'has found Higgs boson', say rumours - Telegraph

A revolutionary breakthrough in terahertz remote sensing

The reformist delusion

Police abuse: Blame the victims! It’s reassuring

A heap of broken images: Social media and the architecture of anomie

Airline Fees: Six Ways They Say 'Gotcha'

Low vitamin D predicts dementia

Central banks start to abandon the U.S. dollar

EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

CNN Host Calls Deadly Terror Bombings “Helpful” To NWO Agenda

Marketing Transhumanism: A New Retail-friendly Face

Norquist: Bush Tax Cut Expiration Will Cost Taxpayers $1 Trillion

GOP Likens Bank Bill to Financial Obamacare

Republicans Propose Cutting Obama Budget

Kyl Backs Return of Estate Tax

Chamber Blasts Obama on Economy, Regulation

Specter, Yes; Wicker, No, As Kagan Vote Draws Near

Vatican Issues New Sex Abuse Norms After Crisis

Pelosi: Obama Must Do Better Job for Dems

GOP Raises Huge Sums in Open Senate Races

Illegals Granted 10,000 Crime Victim Visas

Issa: Countrywide Gave VIP Loans to Senate

Blago Lawyers Seek Permission for More Tapes

Palin: NAACP Tea Party Racism Charge 'False'

Illegal Immigrants Hold DC 'Teach-In' to Push Bill

Revs. Sharpton, Jackson Downplay Tea Party Issue

Angle Says Campaign to Defeat Reid God's 'Calling'

Yellen: Job Creation Must Be 'High Priority'

Senate Clears Sweeping Bank Bill for Final Passage

Report: CIA Paid Iranian Scientist $5 Million

Post-Cold War, Darker Side of Spy Game Moves East

Petraeus Wants Taliban in Pakistan on Terror List

Arab TV Airs Video of Times Square Car Bomber

Va. Man Stuck in Egypt On No-Fly List Coming to US

Immigration Law to Get First Major Court Hearing

Gov't Says It's Made No Conclusions in Toyota Case

Dick Morris Slams Rick Scott, Says Can't Be Trusted

Romney Outraises Potential 2012 Rivals

UN: Vatican Child Rights Report 13 Years Overdue

Rethinking Islam in Saudi Arabia

Vietnam Publishes Human Rights Magazine

Mobius: Obama Must Learn From Stimulus Mistakes

Garlic Improves Health 7 Ways

Roy Rogers' Stuffed Horse Sold to Neb. TV Station

Letterman Tosses off Mild Bristol Palin Jokes

Public Hearing Would Have Made Obama’s ‘Health Care Rationing Czar’ ‘Unconfirmable,’ GOP Senator Says

Americans Say Government and Politicians Are Bigger Problems than Illegal Immigration, Health Care, Disaster Response and Federal Debt

Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Says HHS

Step Right Up and Get Your Free Health Care...

Democrat Bart Stupak Accuses Pro-Life Groups of 'Politicizing' Abortion Issue to Undermine Health Care Reform

Missouri Governor Lets Abortion Law Take Effect

‘Vacation Liberty School’ Aims to Re-Teach Civics With Focus on Faith

Senate Republicans Demand Answers from Kagan on Whether She Must Recuse Herself from Constitutional Challenges to Obamacare

Plan to Entice Fighters to Leave Taliban Is ‘Ready to Go,’ Administration Says

Dick Cheney Recuperating After Surgery to Install Heart Pump

Obama, Criticized for Economy, to Promote Electric Vehicles in Michigan

Helena School Board, Blasted Over Sex Ed Proposal for Young Children, May Reconsider

BP: Cap Should Start Choking Oil 'Soon' after Fix

EPA OKs More Hazardous Waste for California Toxic Dump

Obama Promises to Help House Democrats

University of Texas Strips Klansman's Name from Austin Dorm

A Failed Obama Hero

Obama’s Race War

Obama Hates the Press and Journalists Can't Handle That Truth

Scandal Kills Babies and Souls

Will Kagan—and Recusal Law—Cost Obamacare a Vote?

China Learns From Past Totalitarian Mistakes

Household Calculator Reveals Cost of Cap and Trade

Newt Gingrich Presidential Run Makes Sense

Obama's Failures Set Stage for Real Change

Climate Fears About Control, Not Science

Obama's Afghanistan Hubris Belies Turmoil

Corporate Taxes Crushing Economy

Obama creates more crises to manipulate and control

Whatever happened to our ‘right to privacy’???




*Radio Show of The Tea Party


*The Roth Show » 2009 Archives

The Roth Show » January 2010

The Roth Show » February 2010

The Roth Show » March 2010

The Roth Show » April 2010

The Roth Show » May 2010

The Roth Show » June 2010

The Roth Show » July 2010


Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 1)

Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Thoughts 1-2)

Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 2)

Tribulation-Now: The Alien Demon Agenda (Part3) - Apotheosis

*Intel Hub Radio


Rev Manning on Intel Hub Radio 1/7

Rev Manning on Intel Hub Radio 2/7

Rev Manning on Intel Hub Radio 3/7

Rev Manning on Intel Hub Radio 4/7

Rev Manning on Intel Hub Radio 5/7

Rev Manning on Intel Hub Radio 6/7

Rev Manning on Intel Hub Radio 7/7


YouTube - Richard Reeves: Trans Texas Corridor Back with a Vengeance - Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Richard Reeves: Trans Texas Corridor Back with a Vengeance - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Richard Reeves: Trans Texas Corridor Back with a Vengeance - Alex Jones Tv 3/3


YouTube - Alex Jones Special Broadcast: Obama to Stage 9/11-OKC Style Event to Save Presidency!!! 1/3

YouTube - Alex Jones Special Broadcast: Obama to Stage 9/11-OKC Style Event to Save Presidency!!! 2/3

YouTube - Alex Jones Special Broadcast: Obama to Stage 9/11-OKC Style Event to Save Presidency!!! 3/3


YouTube - Road Warrior-level collapse imminent: Alex Jones says we must take corrective action now


YouTube - Gerald Celente & Jeff Rense BP Gulf Oil Leak 2012 Corexit Iran 1 of 4

YouTube - Gerald Celente & Jeff Rense BP Gulf Oil Leak 2012 Corexit Iran 2 of 4

YouTube - Gerald Celente & Jeff_Rense BP Gulf Oil Spill 2012 Corexit 3 of 4

YouTube - Gerald Celente & Jeff_Rense BP Gulf Oil Spill 2012 Corexit 4 of 4


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: Asia, Middle East News & Financial Terror on The Way! 1/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: Asia, Middle East News & Financial Terror on The Way! 2/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: Asia, Middle East News & Financial Terror on The Way! 3/4

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: Asia, Middle East News & Financial Terror on The Way! 4/4


MCGINLEY: Kagan's cookbook: The joy of tyranny - Washington Times

Lieberman’s Model For America: Purging The Internet of Dissent

Road Warrior-level collapse imminent: Alex Jones says we must take corrective action now

The U.S. Economy Is A Dead Horse And The American People Are Starting To Get Really Pissed Off And Frustrated


*UPDATE – Hoax! Videos Purported to be Flyover of Gulf Oil Spill Hits Internet


Is the Well Integrity Test Failing?


*Oxford Research Group Concludes Israeli Attack On Iran Would Start Long War


America Stands On The Precipice Of Total Collapse

UAE Ambassador Says Country May Back A US-Israeli Attack On Iran

YouTube - Max Keiser: Virtual Slavery on Facebook


*Rats fed junk food pass down cancer risk through multiple generations of offspring


India: ISI behind Mumbai attacks

Stars and Stripes Rumor Doctor: ‘Jihad monkey’ report is fake | Raw Story

CNSNews.com - U.S. Taxpayers to Subsidize New U.N. Agency Promoting Abortion

Government’s Expert Witness: Over 42 million gallons of dispersant used during BP oil disaster

Lessons from Exxon Valdez spill have gone unheeded

Economics in Freefall

Just What Is America Doing all Over the World?

The Decision: Freedom or Slavery?

Glenn Beck: “Do we have to go to the Bilderbergers?”

John Taylor: “Cash Is Now King, Worthless Or Not, So Buy Dollars.”

Bam turns the key on big change: From public housing to AIDS policy, Obama shows long-range vision

Upcoming False Flag? Put Options Placed On Energy Companies

Classified documents reveal UK's role in abuse of its own citizens | Law | The Guardian

Middle-Eastern-style 'squat' lavatories fitted in Rochdale shopping centre - Telegraph

Prince Charles attacks climate change ’sceptics’

Climategate and the Big Green Lie - Politics - The Atlantic

If we don't free child rapists, the terrorists have won

Sharron Angle Latest Republican to Claim God is on Her Side

Feds Charge Six NOPD Officers Involved in Danziger Bridge Shooting Following Hurricane Katrina

GOP Candidate for NH Statehouse Rides the Racist Wave

Security contractor: BP fired me for taking photos of dispersants

Conservative pundits don't even pretend not to be racists anymore

FCC to Fox et al : Cursing won't cost you

The Food Bubble: How Wall Street Starved Millions and Got Away With It

Beck compares Obama to Ronald McDonald

Remember that guy Rick Barber? Good, now forget about him.

Sharron Angle's angle

FOX News Pushes Unsubstantiated Threat of Lesbian Prison Gang Rapes of Lindsay Lohan

Government agency suspected as source for leaked Utah Latino list

Senate To Vote Tuesday On Unemployment Benefits After Byrd's Replacement Is Sworn In

Did Sen. Tom Coburn Fib on C-Span?

Sean Penn on Haiti Six Months After the Earthquake

EMP Cult of Crazy is Concerned

Blowout Fears Delay Oil Cap Test Another Day


*site/Kagan Watch


YouTube - Marine Biologist Dr. Chris Pincetich - "Corexit Sprayed on Land, in Backyards" Part 1/2

YouTube - Marine Biologist Dr. Chris Pincetich - "Corexit Sprayed on Land, in Backyards" Part 2/2


YouTube - Intel Hub Radio - Matt Smith from Project Gulf Impact 1/5

YouTube - Intel Hub Radio - Matt Smith from Project Gulf Impact 2/5

YouTube - Intel Hub Radio - Matt Smith from Project Gulf Impact 3/5

YouTube - Intel Hub Radio - Matt Smith from Project Gulf Impact 4/5

YouTube - Intel Hub Radio - Matt Smith from Project Gulf Impact 5/5


I thought wholemeal bread was healthy - then I found out it was poisoning me | Mail Online

Is Time Disappearing from the Universe? (A Weekend Feature)


*22 Statistics That Prove That The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America


The Attack of the Real Black Helicopter Gang: The IMF Is Coming for Your Social Security | Phil’s Stock World

The Alex Jones Show – July 14th With Larry Pratt

Obama the Socialist Fascist Communist by Scott Lazarowitz

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Revolution and Repression in America

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

RealClearMarkets - Let's Ditch the Home Ownership Dream

Government Seeks Tough Sentence Against NY Lawyer

EU-U.S. Ties Not Living up to Potential: Barroso

Oil Hits Louisiana's Largest Seabird Nesting Area

Piracy Attacks Fall by a Fifth in First Half of 2010

Abducted Calif. Girl Found in Phoenix Home

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' On Trial

`Grim Sleeper' Suspect Assaulted in County Jail

School Aims to Re-Teach Civics With Focus on Faith

Dallas-Area Mayor Kills Daughter, Self

Workers Discover Ancient Ship at Ground Zero

Cops: NJ Woman Made up Carjacking to Cover up Sex

Obama's Maine Island Long Visited by Rich, Famous

Iran Nuclear Scientist Returns Home From U.S.

Elderly Couple Dies While Trapped in Home Elevator

Austrian Power Company Tells Customer She Is Dead

No Bail for Maine Man Detained in Car Bomb Probe

Moms of Detained US Hikers Again Push for Release

Court Strikes Challenge to DC Gay Marriage Law

Democratic Fundraiser Nemazee Gets 12 Years Prison

U.S. Hands Over Last Iraq Jail but Keeps 200 Inmates

BP Says Key Test on Blown Gulf Well to Start Soon

Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen Pledges Fortune to Philanthropy

Half of Social Networkers Worried About Privacy: Poll

Russians Brood, but Americans Get Depressed

Snack Attack: Schools Try to Get the Junk Out

Shelters Filling up as Gulf Pet Owners Struggle

Mummified Body Found Under S. California Home

Crews Make Progress on Fast-Growing SE Idaho Fire


Management Tip of the Day: Two Steps to Changing Bad Habits - ABC News


Obama-Dodd-Frank FinReg Monstrosity Delays Derivatives Curbs until 2022!

YouTube - Ron Paul: The People Can Handle The Truth About Unemployment and Inflation

A Failed Obama Hero By Walter Williams

Synthetic Marijuana Spurs State Bans - NYTimes.com

EPA Sets Foundation For Unprecedented Dust Regulation

Sterilise the poor and bring back the workhouse: Public's bizarre suggestions for spending cuts | Mail Online

Flashback: Maricopa County Sheriffs Speak Out On Accusations Of Racial Profiling

“Sons of Liberty” Rockers Fight the NWO with a Full Length Record

Shadowstats' John Williams Exposes The Media's Propaganda Spin, Or Why Watching CNBC Can Be Hazardous To Your Wealth | zero hedge

t r u t h o u t | The IMF Is Coming for Your Social Security

Rand Paul would form 'tea party caucus' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

Cybersecurity consensus: 'We haven't done enough' - Washington Times

New Documentary About Operation Gladio and False Flag Terrorism

Twelve US-led soldiers killed in 48 hours

Requiem for the Antiwar Movement

Irregular Warfare Causing the Coalition to Rethink its Entire Approach in Afghanistan | Oil Price.com

Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money And Getting Away With It « SpeakEasy

24 multinationals move HQ to Shanghai CCTV News - CNTV English

YouTube - MSNBC: RELIEF WELLS SUSPENDED, not just the cap test; "Raises a lot of questions"

Report: CIA Made AWOL Iranian Scientist a YouTube Star | Danger Room | Wired.com


film:The Secret of Oz


Rand Paul Faces Backlash After Suggesting That America's Poor Don't Have It That Bad (VIDEO)

YouTube - US & British Intel Agencies Are Working On A Fake Video To Lead To War With Iran

YouTube - Does the US have a double standard for Israel?

YouTube - Elderly man facing serious charges for shooting at illegal alien thieves

Record-breaking X-ray blast briefly blinds space observatory

U.S. Plans Cyber Shield for Utilities, Companies | Before It's News

Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Sued Over Subprime Loans - Bloomberg

BP admits 'lobbying UK over Libya prisoner transfer scheme but not Lockerbie bomber' - Telegraph

Wonkette : Dick Cheney, America’s Only Hero, Much Closer To Heroic Death

Clinton: U.S. to contribute $150 million to Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Religious Conservatives Love Online Porn

America: hooked on war and getting poorer | Clancy Sigal | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil' - Times Online

Mobile phones 'causing memory loss' | Latest technology and web news | Web User

U.S. banks laundering Mexican cartels' drug money

Activist Post: Is Military Spending Saving or Enslaving?

MSNBC Brings on Wingnut Pam Geller to Discuss Islamic Community Center Near Ground Zero

YouTube - FOX: BP Connected to Libyan Bomber's Release

Maybe this'll help us win it: Dutch crop circle followers spotted dancing around 200ft 'cube' ahead of World Cup final | Mail Online

UFO in China Closes Airport and Prompts Investigation - ABC News

Pyramid power used to stop road accidents | Herald Sun

Report: Teens Using Digital Drugs to Get High | Threat Level | Wired.com

BBC News - Phantom Eye hydrogen-powered spy plane unveiled

Pope's astronomer: 'Science helps me be a priest' - opinion - 14 July 2010 - New Scientist

Oldest written document ever found in Jerusalem discovered

Hacking the Electric Grid? You and What Army? | Danger Room | Wired.com

'Hypochondriac's Handbook' highlights rare health problems - USATODAY.com

BP to Start Drilling Off Libya as U.S. Senators Seek Lockerbie Link Probe - Bloomberg

Everybody’s a Critic … Some Will Behead You

NAACP Looks for Relevance In Wrong Place…Race

Story Suggestion for the AP: Fact-Checking the NAACP

Wounded Heroes Ride and Bond Toys

Small Ill township makes English official language - chicagotribune.com

Illinois teacher salaries: Some educators in suburban Chicago earning more than $100,000 - chicagotribune.com

YouTube - Miscommunication Cause for Polanski's Release?

The Associated Press: Justice Dept: LA DA kept informed in Polanski case

It's amore in the 'Top Chef' kitchen - Entertainment - Reality TV - TODAYshow.com

The Associated Press: Conductor Sir Charles Mackerras dies at 84

The Associated Press: CBS producer who blackmailed Letterman up for Emmy

'I'm Still Here: The Lost Year of Joaquin Phoenix' documentary gets September release date

Sharon Osbourne: Kelly Will Get Over Her Breakup - Breakups, Kelly Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne : People.com

Lindsay Lohan Checks Into Sober-Living Facility - Rehab, Health, Lindsay Lohan : People.com

A fifth Mel Gibson tape: Enough is enough | EW.com

On new tape, Gibson shouts he has no money - Entertainment - Celebrities - TODAYshow.com

Reliable Source - Bristol and Levi's engagement: Why are they back together, and why did they go behind Sarah Palin's back?

Libyan Aid Ship for Gaza Unloading Supplies in Egypt | Middle East | English

The Hindu : News / International : North Korea, UN Command agree on talks

North Korea healthcare: North Korea's healthcare is a horror, report says - latimes.com

BBC News - US hands over last Iraqi detention centre

The Associated Press: Facebook page that praised UK killer taken down

4 Questioned in Widening French Scandal - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Blast in Pakistan's Swat Valley kills 5, wounds 58

Expert on Islam welcomes French ban on burqa | EnerPub - Energy Publisher

Sens. ask envoy: When can we leave Afghanistan? - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times

Shahram Amiri: Iran Nuke Defector Left Behind $5 Million In CIA Cash - ABC News

YouTube - Iran-USA: Shahram Amiri's return to Iran

Financial overhaul legislation: Financial overhaul legislation clears Senate hurdle - latimes.com

Nemazee Sentenced to 12 Years - WSJ.com

Tea Party Time? Influence on November Mid-Term Elections Remains Untested - ABC News

Romney eclipses other possible GOP contenders in fundraising

Kidnapped California Girl Found Alive Seven Years Later but No Arrests Yet - ABC News

Feinberg Says BP Fund Will Be Generous, Better Than Lawsuits - BusinessWeek

D.C. appeals court upholds same-sex marriage in 5-4 vote

Would Elena Kagan bow out of a health-care reform case? - CSMonitor.com

Fire causes power outage at DC-area airport - CNN.com

Specter Damns Kagan With Faint Praise, But Will Support Her « The Washington Independent

The Associated Press: 12 horses now dead from Nev. roundup; hearing set

Suspected ‘Burly Bandit’ nabbed in Bangor - BostonHerald.com

NBC, CBS decline to run mosque-bashing ad from conservative group

WRAPUP 6-BP says key test on blown Gulf well to start soon | Reuters

YouTube - Oil cap test given green light

*site:The Non-GMO Shopping Guide

ITV - John Pilger - The charge of the media brigade

Give parliament back its powers, says Ken Clarke | Mail Online


*Landmark Legal brief taking on the ACLU and the Mexican government in the Arizona immigration law case (PDF)


CNSNews.com - Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools

White House to Unveil List of Free Preventative Services - WSJ.com

Justice: Sanctuary cities safe from law - Washington Times

NAACP Gives New Black Panther Party a Pass, Condemns Tea Party Movement Instead - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Culling farting feral animals could curb carbon, Pew says | News.com.au


7-14 The Michael Savage Show Podcast

July 14, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

07/14 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-14, Wednesday


Carville Slams Obama Administration on Moratorium

Old Spice ‘Shirtless Guy’ Takes Internet by Storm

Senators Seek Probe Into BP’s Role in Release of Lockerbie Bomber

Beck Feature: Black Conservatives Denounce NAACP on Big Government

Tea Party Candidate Cedra Crenshaw Fights Illinois Democrats to Get on Ballot in Will County

Liberal Tolerance: Radio Host Says Reid ‘Ball-less’ and GOP Should be ‘Shoved Into the Dirthole’

Sparks Fly During Debate Over NAACP Tea Party Resolution

Black Tea Party Leader Fights Back Against NAACP President

Celebrations in the Streets as Argentina Legalizes Same-sex Marriage

Arab TV Broadcasts Times Square Bomber’s Message to Muslim World

Former CNN Host in Obama WaPo Poll Meltdown: ‘Americans are Spoiled’

Burglary Victim Charged with Attempted Murder for Shooting at Illegal-Immigrant Thieves

Black Activist Supports SEIU Thugs Accused of Beating Black Man and Calling Him N-Word

Leaked! Videos Purported to be Flyover of Gulf Oil Spill Hits Internet – UPDATED

GOP Senator Supports Obama Birth Certificate Investigations