"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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09 July 2010



site:Kagan Watch


Blago's Lawyers Feel Judge's Heat - Felsenthal Files - July 2010

Crazy About Blago - WSJ.com

Blago Prosecution Could Wrap Up Case Next Week - MyStateLine.com

Illinois Republican Party Issues Blago T-Shirts - Chicagoist

Change of Subject: Blago the 'bully' puts the squeeze on for more than just lunch money

Politico 's frantic Obama-Blago piece rests on a falsehood | Media Matters for America

Witness: Blago spoke of fundraising, road program | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment


The Week of June 27-July 3 - Kagan's Week in the Sun - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com

Kagan's Harvard policy was vapid and hollow - SFGate

Does Kagan Support Stoning? | Mother Jones

Elena Kagan’s ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Sharia Policy - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Elena Kagan Will, Unfortunately, Fit Right In - Forbes.com

Elizabeth Bisbee Silber: Do We Really Want "Mainstream" Leaders?

Whelan revives myth that Kagan ditched constitutional duty in DOMA case | Media Matters for America

WORLDmag.com | Community | Blog Archive | Kagan doesn’t shudder

Wash. Times pushes slew of tired smears in attack on Kagan and Obama administration | Media Matters for America

The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times : July 9, 2010


Neanderthal Males Had Popeye-Like Arms : Discovery News

BBC News - Black hole blows huge gas bubble

At Candia water park, some see Jesus in a flag - Thursday, Jul. 8, 2010

Primitive Cinema Used Echoes and Rock Engravings | LiveScience

Incredible shrinking proton raises eyebrows - physics-math - 07 July 2010 - New Scientist

On P.T. Barnum's 200th Birthday, the Spirit of the Ringling Bros. Circus Showman Speaks

Asteroid to eclipse a star over Europe


Ron Paul ponders politics, 2012 run - CNN.com

Contempt of State – An Indispensable Virtue by Karen Kwiatkowski

Is Profit Un-Christian? by Gary North

Capitol Weekly: Author's Corner: Tom Woods

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin, Paul expose rift in Tea Party « - Blogs from CNN.com

Seriously Underpriced Silver by Richard Daughty

Sell Bonds, Buy Precious Metals, Rice as ‘Refuge,’ Rogers Says - BusinessWeek

» Barack Obama Cannot, Will Not and Does Not Want to ‘Create Jobs’ - Big Government

07-09-2010: Obama to submit three trade agreements to Congress

07-09-2010: Greenspan Says Economy May Be Undergoing a `Pause'

07-09-2010: UFO Disrupts Chinese Air Traffic

07-09-2010: U.S. Missiles Deployed Near China Send a Message

07-09-2010: Actor Ed Norton named UN biodiversity ambassador

07-09-2010: New CENTCOM commander once called shooting Arab men ‘a hell of a lot of fun’

The New “Convenient” Way to Buy Wine in Pennsylvania: Swipe Driver’s License, Look Into Camera, Blow Into Breath Sensor

Europe Seeks To Ban Food From Clones

07-09-2010: More Private Planes Are Being Repossessed

07-09-2010: Analysts say WHO communication errors spurred 'false pandemic' charges

07-09-2010: 'Like a war zone': Some NYC residents living behind barricades, checkpoints 9 years after 9/11

07-09-2010: The secret code in U.S. Cyber Command's logo

College uses creepy spy tech to stop cheating

07-09-2010: NSA building 'massive' spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure; Contractor building it calls it 'Big Brother'

07-09-2010: CNBC Guest Says Absent Plunge Protection Team Stepping In, Market Would Fall; Wien, Kernan Disgusted

07-09-2010: EMU break-up risks global deflation shock that would dwarf Lehman collapse, warns ING

07-09-2010: ‘Perfect Citizen’ Program Places ‘Sensors’ Throughout Web

07-09-2010: Costa Rican Govt Approves US Occupation

07-09-2010: Google Says China Renews Its Internet License

Goldman Sachs Executive to Advise Head of Canada’s Central Bank, a Former Goldman Sachs Executive

YouTube - 1,500 oil cleanup workers sickened says BP's lead doctor in Gulf


YouTube - Sea Shepherd at Deepwater Ground Zero. ***Exclusive footage***


*New World Order Quotes. . We can't say that we weren't warned. - 12160.org


YouTube - Tarpley: EU to little too late

YouTube - America's Militias Respond to 3-Day Muster Along Deteriorating Arizona Border

Gateway Pundit:Obama DOJ OK’s Voter Fraud to Help Dems Like Robin Carnahan Win Elections

The Jews Who Run Congress | Real Zionist News

Rabies Exploding Worldwide And In US

Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic – Telegraph Blogs

Is olive oil the key to understanding why the Mediterranean diet helps prevent cancer? – Telegraph Blogs

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Fish oil can slash the risk of breast cancer by a third

No anti-junk food laws, health secretary promises | Society | The Guardian

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: EU: Work until 70 to pay for pension crisis

Milton Friedman got it wrong on profit being the only aim, HSBC chief Green argues - Telegraph

Raoul Moat: Now SAS joins gunman hunt | Mail Online

French public anger grows at government sleaze allegations - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - The New World Order is "Communism"

Indian army returns to Srinagar | World news | The Guardian

Extradition for suspect in killing of Hamas man | World news | The Guardian

Israeli bodyguards' guns go missing en route to Washington - Americas, World - The Independent

UAE ambassador backs strike on Iran's nuclear sites | World news | The Guardian

Papers reveal Nixon plan for North Korea nuclear strike | World news | The Guardian

Obama versus Arizona – a strike against national security – Telegraph Blogs

Russian Spy Suspects Plead Guilty as Part of a Swap - NYTimes.com

BP aims to fix oil spill 'by end of July' - Telegraph

BP Oil Spill: Plan Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Supports Draws Criticism from Federal Government and Scientists - ABC News

Roy Tov – Defining Mossad

Compared to running out of money, fear of death is no biggie

“OPERATE TO FAILURE”: How BP’s MO & The US Addiction To Oil Caused The Catastrophe Of The Millennium | Phoenix Rising from the Gulf

BBC News - Huge Roman coins find for hobbyist

Deteriorating Conditions For Israeli Arab Citizens

Normality Is Now An Endandered Species

A Gay Parade for the Gaza Concentration Camp «Kawther Salam

Hillary Clinton's Latest Lies

savethemales.ca - I Meet the "Minister of Public Safety"

A Rejoinder: Terrorists and their apologists | Opinion Maker

Terrorist-turned-canary Najibullah Zazi may land in witness protection program | Citizens for Legitimate Government

America in Russia's back yard: Eastern approaches | The Economist

Obama Selects General Who Likes Killing Muslims to Centcom

As the United States Collapses, Media Worships LeBron James

U.N. Security Council to condemn sinking - CNN.com

The Israeli stranglehold on CNN | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next

US opposes Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline

'Eminent Domain': We're All Indians Now by William Norman Grigg

California transit cop verdict sparks looting | Reuters

Survey: Corruption Doubled in Afghanistan Since 2007 -- News from Antiwar.com

American's Journey: How did Jefferson know?

Hundreds Of Fishermen Missing Checks From BP - New Orleans News Story - WDSU New Orleans

Need a Job? Try the Skin Trade | NBC Bay Area

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Expands Probe In Fraud At Holocaust Claims Conference | The Jewish Week

Washington and Russia agree to swap intelligence gatherers - CNN.com

Obama: Israelis suspicious of me because my middle name is Hussein - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

un[redacted] news: Fascist Founder of IKEA Furnishing the Occupation of Apartheid USrael

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship « PEACE BY TRUTH

American's Journey: From Galactic Tides Blog: 911 Truth and Evidence

New eco fees catching consumers by surprise - thestar.com

Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona

Activist Post: The Cybersecurity Directive Goes Viral


IAEA’s Heinonen Pushed “Fabricated” Iran Nuclear Weapons Intel « Aletho News

BBC News - Nasa space shuttle firm to cut 1,000 jobs

The Official Message Board of Michael Crichton • Index page

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Two State Hypocrisy by Daniel McGowan

Lieberman’s Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Bill Hits Roadblock

Rangel Legislation: Mandatory Military Service For ALL Americans 18-42 yrs old - 12160.org

MichNews.com: Obama's "Fundamental Transformation" means Total Annihilation

Secret document confirms US-Israel nuclear partnership

FT.com / UK / Politics & policy - Ancient Britons lived 800,000 years ago

BBC News - US to access Europeans' bank data in new deal

flashback:Bush admits he targeted Saddam from the start

Former FNC Producer Commits Suicide; Left Classless As Usual

Tasteless Gawker Gawks About Suicide of Former Fox News Employee

Fifth Column Alert: CNN ‘Senior Editor for Middle Eastern Affairs’ Out After Indiscreet Tweet Praising Ayatollah Fadlallah

The Ayatollah Bloomberg and the Curious Case Of the Lapdog Media

CNN’s Octavia Nasr Commits Twittercide

A New ‘Declaration’ Of Media Independence: ‘Declaration Entertainment’ Is Born

The Great Wall Of Mexico — Stranger Things Have Happened

Death and Journalism — What Are the Boundaries Of Professionalism?

Shed No Tears for CNN’s Octavia Nasr Or Ayatollah Fadlallah

Keeping the Narrative Moving Along: Left, Right, Left, Right…

With Larry Stepping Down, Who Can Replace the King? Maybe It’s Miller Time

World’s Greatest Press Secretary Stumped By Simple Question!

Occam, Call Your Office: The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Strikes Again

Another Story the MSM Doesn’t Want You To Know About: ‘Never Bring Another Lawsuit Against a Black’

World’s Greatest Press Secretary Hems, Haws, Sneers, Cites Ezra Klein!

Useful Idiots: Transparency

From Walter Duranty To Vicky Pelaez, Communist Penetration of American Journalism Nothing New

While Illinois Goes Broke, State Union Employees Get 14% Raises

FREE TRADE BAN: 90 Days in Jail? Farmers Fight Back

Defeat Socialism: Save America From the Obama-Pelosi Regime…Draft Sarah Palin for RNC Chair

Reason.tv: Hurricane Katrina’s Silver Lining – The school choice revolution in New Orleans

Education Blob’s Dismissal of Competition, Capitalism Will Further Its Demise

WTO Delivers Victory for Boeing, US Trade

Caught on Tape: Racist NAACP Leader Says ‘Kenneth Gladney Not Black Enough,’ an ‘Uncle Tom’

The First-ever Republican State Convention

Institutional Bailouts: All Regulation, No Reform

Friday Free For All: Marriage Edition

NASA and the Last Fig Leaf of Big Government

Cap-and-Trade Would Hammer Economy, Job Creation

Prosperity Requires Humility

YouTube - The Obama Administration Protected Black Panther Who Advocates Killing White Babies

Faisal Shahzad, Jihadi, Explains Terrorism

Chavez’s Alliance with Iran – And How to Stop Him

Afghanistan: the Meaning of Mattis

NASA’s Neanderthals

Not Learning the Lessons from Ft. Hood

Mosque Arsonist Caught, Lefties Hardest Hit

Even as the World Watched III: Getting Hit to Get the Shot

Alliance to Stop Sharia Formed in France: An Interview, Part 1

Hezbollah in Mexico: Two Inconvenient Men

Ground Zero Mosque: Imagine if Imperial Japan Had Built a Temple at Pearl Harbor

YouTube - AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL by Ray Charles

Obama Nation: Isn’t She Lovely

WE LOVE PIXAR: How Hollywood Cynicism Almost Ruined ‘Toy Story’ (and Pixar)

Waiting for President Godot

Why Would We Act Like Leftists and Want Michael Moore Blacklisted?

Now That He’s Apologized, Will Hollywood Have Any Use for Levi Johnston?

NEW TRAILER: Who’s Ready For More ‘Resident Evil?’

OIL SPILL: Jimmy Buffett’s Partisan Cheap Shot Backfires With Locals

Daily Gut: A Muslim on Muslim … Hate Crime?

Fighting For America’s Soul With ‘Declaration Entertainment’

Rage Against the Machine Rages Against ‘Anglo-Centric Police State’ in Arizona


*CARTOON PAGES:Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash

*CARTOON PAGES:» James Hudnall and Val Mayerik - Big Journalism

*CARTOON PAGES:Big Hollywood » Chris Muir


AUDIO PAGE:TRUTH2U – Joe Kovacs – Best Journalist in the World | TRUTH2U


Google, Microsoft aiding Obama policies?

Cops accused of erasing street preacher's evidence

Attorney general asked to investigate arrests of Christians

U.S. House plan overturning Obamacare halfway there

The last great coverup

The phony Mideast debate

Obama's unequal justice

The war for Arizona – and America

The Associated Press: Aide: Blagojevich hid in bathroom to avoid staff

Tapes played at trial reveal shaken Blagojevich | Chattanooga Times Free Press

Lawyers fight for profits from John Edwards sex tape - National - NewsObserver.com

Fairfield, Ill., teacher accused of having sex with student » Evansville Courier & Press

CBC News - Canada - Regina doctor jailed for sex assaults

Calif. won't investigate claims by kidnapped woman - Yahoo! News

Norway bomb arrests linked to US, British plots - Yahoo! News

New jihadist mag hopes to bomb - Washington Times

UK reins in police power to stop, search people - World AP - MiamiHerald.com

Deal struck on Native Hawaiian recognition

Student fluency woes rising - The Boston Globe

Critics of doctor deplore 'cure' for lesbianism in utero - Washington Times

Full face transplant, with tear ducts, a world first

Why some earthquakes unleash tsunamis and others don't - CSMonitor.com

The secret code in U.S. Cyber Command's logo - Yahoo! News

By the Numbers: Has Facebook Fatigue Set In? | Epicenter | Wired.com

Solar Impulse Lands After Successful Night Flight | Autopia | Wired.com

World's Weirdest Diets - Forbes.com

Cities, including Pittsburgh, are turning green with urban farms

Food fight in Livermore over out-of-town food at public park events | abc7news.com

Up in the air: Two local tree houses get national attention

Divorce 'is contagious' - Telegraph

Face of Jesus seen from the heavens on Google Earth | Mail Online

Forbes 'Celebrity 100' honors conservative hosts

Genetic test to place family origins 'within miles' - Telegraph

Scantily clad German men happy to bare their beer bellies - The Local

Intelligent cars will report accidents to authorities - Telegraph

U.S. Lost Most Jobs Among Rich Countries - ABC News

CHART OF THE DAY: Young Americans Learn That Trying To Find Work Is Pointless

For a New Generation, an Elusive American Dream - NYTimes.com

States fight back against tyranny

Term limits for Supremes

The phony Mideast debate

Revealed! Islam's greatest contribution to science

Clarence Thomas' judicial statesmanship

Clarence Thomas' supreme conflict of interest

Anti-Semitism in mainstream Christianity

Climategate probe proves nothing

Is democracy overrated?

The Death of Neoliberalism - Reason Magazine

We're in a Recession Because the Rich Are Raking in an Absurd Portion of the Wealth | Economy | AlterNet

The last great coverup

Elena Kagan’s ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Sharia Policy - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

VIDEO/Christianity: True faith or tired fable?


*American Minute for July 9th:William J Federer's American Minute


Arizona Immigration Law and the Ahistorical Press

Understanding the BP Oil Tragedy: Time Blindness

The Interposition of the Several States

There’s No Recovery, Just More Hard Times Ahead

What Is Your Breaking Point?

Never-Ending Racial Hostility

China Winning a Victory at Sea

What America Lost with McChrystal's Resignation

The Dumbest President...EVER!

The Ground Zero mosque; a contrary view

Russia flexes its muscles while swapping spies

This is how the brilliant one thinks?

Jimmy Buffett, 'Growing Older But Not Up'

With taxes, less is more

Charlie Rose Fails to Stereotype David Mamet

Edwards Exposed

Energizing the Dead

When Good Trees Go Bad

Dems hiding the financial mess they created

Russia Flexes Muscles While Swapping Spies

Boring Barry

'Illegal' Espionage

Arizona's Constitutional War Powers

After Obama: Forgiveness?

Are You an American, or Do You Just Live Here?

Women and Children Die First

Debbie Schlussel: Despite Hannity & Tea Party Aid, Anti-Semite Traficant Fails Again

Debbie Schlussel: Another Muslim “Hate Crime” Hoax – Who CAIRs?

Debbie Schlussel: 1939 All Over Again: Poland Sends Jew to Germany in Dubai HAMAS Case

Debbie Schlussel: Meet “Son of HAMAS’” Pro-Obama Israeli Handler

Costa Rican Govt Approves US Occupation

Russian bomber incursions continue

The Welfare-Warfare Crackup

Lucas decries 'real' lightsaber as dangerous (and not licensed)

Invasion of the Robot Babies

Shipping Our Economy, Our Jobs And Our Prosperity To China

RealClearMarkets - Racial, Gender Quotas in the Financial Bill?

Carnahan Drops Prices For Obama Event - Hotline On Call

John Fund: The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy - WSJ.com

RealClearMarkets - Racial, Gender Quotas in the Financial Bill?

Holder's Justice Is Not Colorblind - IBD - Investors.com

FOXNews.com - Lawyer Who Defended 'American Taliban' Now Heads DOJ Suit Against Arizona

Abu Hamza, Babar Ahmad, can't be sent to US prisons because human rights would be violated: court

Recess move draws bipartisan fire - Washington Times

ABC calls Obama out « Don Surber

Student fluency woes rising - The Boston Globe

Iranian Embassy: Widow won't be stoned - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran - msnbc.com

Who Will Investigate the Investigators? - WSJ.com

Schoolyard Killer Sentenced To 245 Years In Prison - wcbstv.com

S.F. considers banning sale of pets except fish

Boxer's approval ratings sink, Field Poll says

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

CNSNews.com - Obama Science Czar Called for Carbon Tax to Redistribute Wealth from Global 'North' to 'South'

how-the-expiring-bush-tax-cuts-affect-you: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

‘Hitler’s Pope saved 200,000 Jews’

California transit cop verdict sparks looting | Reuters

After dark, mobs form, smash windows, loot

Schwarzenegger urges calm following shooting trial

Department of Justice to conduct independent review Mehserle case, may prosecute | abc7news.com

Australia halts web filter plan ahead of polls - Yahoo! Singapore News

Obama may have worn out his welcome on Capitol Hill - latimes.com

Are Overdue Reports Concealing ObamaCare Impact On Medicare? - IBD - Investors.com

FOXNews.com - Jimmy Buffett Organizes Gulf Benefit, Blames Bush for Spill

Black GOP candidate slams Obama for exploiting race - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

CNSNews.com - Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

Obama: Israelis suspicious of me because my middle name is Hussein - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Unemployment Pay: Labor Department Estimates $7 Billion Overpayments - ABC News

Tiger population 'falls to lowest level since records began' - Telegraph

Broadcast viewership hits record low - Washington Times

U.S. trials first ever wine vending machine... complete with CCTV and breathalyser | Mail Online

Clown Busted In Sex Attack - July 9, 2010

U.S. Tomahawk Missiles Deployed Near China Send Message - Yahoo! News

NorthJersey.com: Christie looks to privatize motor vehicle inspections, other services

In Sun Valley, Media Chiefs Fret Over Economy - WSJ.com

Ann Coulter vs. Bill Kristol: Beginnings of a Conservative Schism?

'Tan tax' discussions include allegations of reverse racism

John Fund: The Obama-Pelosi Lame Duck Strategy - WSJ.com

BBC News - Google's Street View 'snoops' on Congress members

Cavs owner: 'Cleveland fans don't deserve this cowardly betrayal' - Ball Don't Lie - NBA - Yahoo! Sports

55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama? - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Obama talks kid's growing pains - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

Flights diverted, delayed as UFO detected hovering - People's Daily Online

Advance in Quest for HIV Vaccine - WSJ.com

Venezuela nabs 2 for trying to 'Twitter' a run on banks

Google Says China Renews Its Internet License - Bloomberg

Belgium considers proposals to dissolve bodies and flush them into sewage systems | Mail Online

FDA Cafeteria Serves Drinks With Label Lies | NBC Washington

RealClearPolitics - Video - Niall Ferguson On The Future Of America's Economy

Boushey: An Unemployed American Should Not Be a Political Football - Roll Call

Poisoning The Nomination Process | The New Republic

Al Gore as Allegory: Nothing in Moderation

Is immigration lawsuit a joke? - The Denver Post

EDITORIAL: Kagan: for fruits but not for liberty - Washington Times

Climate change: The science stands | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Clueless in Illinois - chicagotribune.com

Obama heads west to discuss economy, campaign for candidates

Appointee will have big role in health care law - USATODAY.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Pity the Poor C.E.O.’s - NYTimes.com

Amity Shlaes - Obama threatens to follow in FDR's economic missteps

Tremble, Banks, Tremble | The New Republic

Americans Oppose Federal Suit Against Ariz. Immigration Law

The U.S. Needs Incomprehensive Immigration Reform - Forbes.com

The pros and cons of the nexus of Reid and Obama - Friday, July 9, 2010 | 2:01 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

RealClearPolitics - Obama Faces Left Wing Spiral Trap

Resistance Land - By Andrew Tabler | Foreign Policy

Jobs outlook for small businesses may be getting bleaker - latimes.com

Peggy Noonan: The Town Hall Revolt, One Year Later - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Establishment's Chicken Little Consensus

RealClearPolitics - David Brooks' Neo-Hooverite Plea

The Selective Modesty of Barack Obama - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

RealClearSports: Sports News, Opinions & Analysis

Democracy Corps' Prophecy of Doom - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

EDITORIAL: Welcome back, Mr. President - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

How to boost confidence in the American economy - CSMonitor.com

Berwick appointment - baltimoresun.com

The President's One-Man Death Panel - IBD - Investors.com

Health-care law may pose compliance issues for IRS, taxpayers

U.S. Appeals Court Turns Down Moratorium on Drilling in Gulf - NYTimes.com

Inouye adjusting to new role — slowly - TheHill.com

For Democrats, Politics Is Local Again - WSJ.com

Democrats battle independents' weakening support of Obama and Congress

Democrats Mean to Raise Middle Class Taxes in 2011 | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Four Big Ideas For Creating New Jobs | FrumForum

How To Be and Not To Be a Responsible Opposition - By Peter Feaver | Shadow Government

Conservatives Are Right About the Economy; So Are Liberals - Business - The Atlantic

Octavia Nasr's firing and what The Liberal Media allows - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

RealClearMarkets - How To Exit Liquidity Traps

Computerized stock trading leaves investors vulnerable - USATODAY.com

Jim Jubak: How investors can know when a stock is cheap - MSN Money

RealClearMarkets - All Talk, No Action On Free Trade

Walking Away From Million-Dollar Mortgages - NYTimes.com

Henry Blodget's Risky Bet on the Future of News - BusinessWeek

Charles S. Robb and Charles Wald - Sanctions alone won't work on Iran

Fighting the right war in Afghanistan - The Week

Did China Just Win the Caspian Gas War? - By Alexandros Petersen | Foreign Policy

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : One year after riots, tensions linger in China's far west

Is Al Qaeda Now Just a Brand? - Newsweek

Hugo Chavez belongs in the rogues' gallery: Compare him to the world's worst dictators

Is Israel a normal country? by Ian Buruma*

Actions belie Turkey's 'zero conflict' policy | The Japan Times Online

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Sarkozy Has a Popularity Problem

Cuba's marginal gesture

Leading article: Still waiting for freedom - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Britain's sovereignty and security are reduced - Telegraph


**Transcripts:Standing Shoulder to Shoulder with the U.S.

8TH/Obama's Economic Remarks in Kansas City

7TH/Remarks at a Town Hall With Georgian Women Leaders

Obama Announces President's Export Council

Interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Reps. Frank & Paul on Military Spending

Analysis of the Tea Party and Republican Politics

Panel on the Berwick Recess Appointment

Reps. Beccerra and Bilbray on Immigration


Wholesale inventories rise in May, sales fall

West Va. Gov Manchin: Senate run 'highly likely'

Violent protests after Calif train killing verdict

Police arrest 60 anti-India protesters in Kashmir

China finds more milk tainted with deadly chemical

Body in Pa. river ID'd as tourist; 2nd body seen

Sarajevans honor Srebrenica massacre victims

S. Korea welcomes U.N. Security Council statement on ship sinking

Somali clerics work to denounce radical al-Shabab

2nd body spotted in river near Pa. boat crash site

China renews Google license amid censorship row

Taliban commander captured as NATO ramps up raids

DOJ announces successful completion of spy swap

Violent protests after Calif train killing verdict

US long-term unemployment

Rabbi Yehuda Amital dies at 85 in J'lem.

Pirate Bay under attack ... again

Four spies expelled by Russia land in Britain

McDonald's to partner London 2012

A history of Google in China

Lybian ship to sail for Gaza

Phones recovered in hunt for Moat

Language schools win visa ruling


Video: Darth Vader Puts \'Force Choke\' on Greg Screws

Video: Von Rumohr Says Politics Favors Boeing in Tanker Contest: Video

Video: Italy's Tomato Business Victim of Mafia Clans

Video: Unique job hunting strategies

Video: Update: UofL Biologist DIscusses Gulf Oil Disaster

Video: DOJ Announces Completion Of Spy Swap


Seven Reasons Why We Can’t Stop Making War

Transparent Lies

Get Ready for a Binational State

Norman Finkelstein: Results, Not Rhetoric

US Grants Tax Exemptions For Illegal Israeli Settlements

"Christian-Zionism" Is Trouble for Israel and the USA

Obama administration: Israel Has Right to Nuclear Capability for Deterrence Purposes

The War On Terror's Forgotten Victim Speaks

EU-US Agree to Share Citizens Bank Data

What the Hell is the Obama White House Doing?

YouTube - I Like Mike! White House Shocker!

New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship

America's Role in Central Africa: AFRICOM, the U.S. Africa Command, Rwanda, the Congo

New Cold War? Deployment of US anti-missile defense (AMD) close to Russian border

No Free Press for BP Oil Disaster

Friendly "Siege Of China"? U.S. Submarines Reach Asian Ports

Pipeline Geopolitics: The Russia German Nord Stream Strategic Gas Pipeline

BP's Deepwater Horizon Disaster; Mitigating Annihilation

The US Treasury and the Federal Reserve are Manipulating the Gold Market

Washington Pushes the Reset Button with Moscow: Obama Administration Renews U.S. Claims On Former Soviet Space

The Relief Wells Are Ahead of Schedule … But Will They Work?

VIDEO: US Failing to Adjust to New Reality

The Trees of the Particular: Why the Tea Party is Just Another Tree In the Forest of Identity Politics

Obama’s Nuclear Postures: The Nuclear Weapons Complex

The Humanitarian with the Guillotine

Why Not Revitalize the Economy with Pyramids?

Repeal the Drinking Age

Controlled Chaos: European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs

NY National Guard Violate Posse Comitatus

House-Passed Financial Overhaul Allows for GM-Style Bailouts of Big Banks

Harvard Professor: 'Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax'

New eco fees catching consumers by surprise

Obama bypasses Senate for new Medicare chief

75% Blame State Budget Problems on Politicians’ Unwillingness to Cut Spending

Most Americans Not Willing To Pay Higher Taxes For Public Employees, Entitlement Programs

Obama Science Czar Called for Carbon Tax to Redistribute Wealth from Global 'North' to 'South'

White Castle Has Offered Health Insurance To Its Workers Since 1924, But Obamacare May End That

Manufacturing Terror

Climategate: reinstating Phil Jones is good news – the CRU brand remains toxic

Legalization could slash the price of pot 80%

Georgia claims it has world's oldest person, 130

New rule makes violating BP oil spill 'safety zone' criminal

Obama bypasses Senate for new Medicare chief

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing'

Flashback: Obama Medicare Czar Praised British NHS for Not Leaving Health Care in 'The Darkness of Private Enterprise'

Flashback: Donald Berwick “We Must Redistribute Wealth”

Goldman Sees "Disturbing Signs" If Government Does Not Bow Down To Krugman, Reflate Monetary And Fiscal Bubbles

National Guard Troops Invading Neighborhoods to “Fight Drugs”

Venezuela slum takes socialism beyond Chavez

Adventures in media transparency

Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent

Eminent Domain: We're All Indians Now

Overthrowing the Government: As American as Apple Pie

The crux of our endless War on Terror

Rules of America's rule of law

Yet Again with the National ID

Obama Can Kill American Citizens Anywhere in the World

The Alien Demon Agenda (Interim Thoughts 1-2)

The Alien Demon Agenda (Part 1)

Transgenics: Forbidden Technologies of an Ancient Sin? – Catalyst

YouTube - TED sixth sense technology


*STREAM:Steve Quayle

*ARCHIVE/ Survive 2 Thrive

*ARCHIVE/Shatter the Darkness

The Q Files:'08-'09


No free speech, please, we’re British: The silencing of Abdullah, the ex-Muslim

Schlumberger’s secret “smoking oil rig” documents

Victim of harsh adoption laws

Cluster bombs and civilian lives: Efficient killing, profits and human rights

Coast Guard dispatching ships and personnel to Costa Rica to threaten Nicaragua

NSA setting up secret 'Perfect Citizen' spy system

Mississippi coast hit by tar mats 'size of school buses'

Where Your Credit Card is Most Likely to Be Stolen

Why We Must Fight Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s Dumbing Down of America

Vatican's New Rules Against Child Sex Abusers to Maintain Status Quo

Harvard Professor: ‘Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax’

The Anti-Educational Effects of Public Schools

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

Rep. Maloney and Sen. Menendez Introduce Bill to Restrict Speech of Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers by Controlling Their Advertising

Two Congressmen, Both Democrats, Ask Obama to Dismiss His NOAA Administrator

Federal Ban on Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Is Ruled Unconstitutional in Massachusetts

‘God is Sad and God is Mad’ Over Oil Spill, Says Liberal Religious Leader

Fair Tax Coalition to Obama: Tell IRS Not to Tax BP Compensation to Oil Spill Victims

China Dilutes Another U.N. Measure Dealing With North Korea’s Aggression

Obama Promotes Energy Projects, Economy – and Harry Reid -- in Nevada

Republican Leaders Letting Tea Party ‘Demagogues’ Set Tone, Defeated Republican Lawmaker Complains

Obama Attacks Sen. Harry Reid's Tea Party Opponent

Poll: Majority Oppose Justice Department’s Decision to Challenge Arizona’s New Immigration Law

Violent Protests Follow Involuntary Manslaughter Conviction of Former Transit Officer Who Killed Black Man

Suicide Bombers Kill 62, Wound 111 in Pakistan

Legal Group Urges Homosexuals to Boycott Pentagon Survey on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

LeBron James Dumps Cleveland for Miami

Obama's Unconfirmed 'Recess' Appointee to Run Medicare Advocated Rationing, Redistribution of Wealth

$500k Donated to Arizona to Defend Immigration Enforcement Law

Marines' Mattis to Take over Central Command

British Envoy’s Eulogy to Hezbollah Cleric Removed From Foreign Office Web Site

Presbyterians Voting on More Open Stance on Homosexuals

Is Democracy Overrated?

Swapping Spies

Whitewashing Black Racism

Representation Without Taxation

A True Moderate Muslim And Why Obama Sides Against Him

Federal Judge Rules Ban on Gay Marriage Is Unconstitutional

Legal Group: Gays Shouldn't Answer Pentagon Survey

'Taliban' Counsel Heads Case Against Arizona Law

Ariz. Immigration Law Emerges as Model for Others

Sarah Palin: A Replacement for Steele?

Presbyterian Leaders Approve Gay Clergy Policy

Rasmussen: 67% Call Illegals Major Budget Strain

Obama Plays Blame Game on Stump

Colbert Teams Up With UFW Over Immigration

Hezbollah Blasts CNN's Firing of Mideast Editor

Rep. Inglis: GOP Lets Demagogues Set Tone

Paul: Obama Jabs at BP Could Harm Spill Cleanup

WH Chief of Staff Criticized Steele on Afghanistan

NBC Changes Rules to Allow Gay 'Today' Wedding

Aide Says Blago Hid in Bathroom to Avoid Staff

Angle Backtracks on 'Slush Fund' Comment

Exclusive: Rubio Backs Contract From America

Church: Cuba Agrees to Free 52 Political Prisoners

U.S.-Russian Spy Swap Completed in Vienna

10 Russian Spies Deported After NY Guilty Pleas

Netanyahu Says He'll Confound Critics, Make Peace

Administration Declines to Cite China on Currency

IMF Calls for Deficit Cuts in US

Court Rejects Bid to Restore Drilling Moratorium

Bruce Mandelblit: Beware of Summertime Pickpockets

Chrysler, Ford Recalling Suvs, Vans

Transferring Oil From Broken Well an Option for BP

Facebook Message Led to Arrests in Child's Death

Officer Convicted in Calif. Train Station Killing

Calif. Plan, N.Y. Heat May Foretell Car/Power Gridlock

Jindal Agrees to Allow Concealed Guns in Church

Palin Pushes Tea Party to Exempt Military From Cuts

Gaddafi's Son Sends Libyan Aid Ship to Gaza

Chavez Launches Attack on Caracas Archbishop

Church of England Debates Allowing Women Bishops

NKorea: Imprisoned American Tried to Kill Himself

Zell Bullish on Commercial Real Estate, Housing

Ferguson: Krugman Wrong, We’re Not in Depression

Gartman: Gold Could be Headed for “Parabolic” Rise

5 Organic Food Myths Exposed

Antibodies Neutralize Most HIV Strains

China Group Says US Uses Facebook to Sow Unrest

Patent Holder Sues Smart Phone Makers

Get out Your Decoder Ring; but Don't Get Excited

Borders Group Inc. Launches Electronic Bookstore

'The Cove' Star Says Dolphin Video Shows Cruelty

Anne Frank Story Published As Graphic Novel

Gulf Cleanup and FEMA Trailers Don't Mix

No Place for Freedom of Speech in China

CEOs Troubled by Obama's Expanding Govt

Obama's Misguided NASA Policy

States Fight Back Against Federal Tyranny

Ariz. Immigration Law, Not Jobs or Recession, Tops Obama's Agenda

Newsmax - Obama: Israelis Suspicious Because of My Middle Name

Newsmax - Palin: 'Stampede of Pink Elephants' Heading Toward Washington

Newsmax - Gibbs Stumped on Immigration Lawsuit Question

Bipartisan Stupidity on Afghanistan | CommonDreams.org

New Statesman - The charge of the media brigade

Blair 'exaggerated' Iran support for al-Qaida, says former ambassador | Evening Echo

Navy’s New Solution to Bombs: Cook Them With Microwaves | Danger Room | Wired.com

Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 times higher than first thought | Mail Online

DARPA Plots Supercomputing Future -- Supercomputing -- InformationWeek

Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Quantum Entanglement Holds DNA Together, Say Physicists

ET Tech: "Could Technology Exist That's Beyond Information & Matter?" (A Galaxy Classic)

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine

At The Extreme Edge Of Artificial Intelligence - Forbes.com

NexGen Space Travel: Uploading the Human Mind

*VIDEO:(www.soundintel.com) - ABC: Sound Intelligence in Nightline

Look who's listening in on public conversations

'Want freedom? Kill some crackers!'

Investigation of 'antiwhite bias' grows

Dem defends organization whose leader said 'kill crackers'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Window dressing and race politics

Kupelian to CBN: Churches 'subverted, dumbed down'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Russia-U.S. history of spy swaps

Tancredo's remarks rain on Senate candidate Buck's party - The Denver Post

Aspen Ideas Festival: Obama Loses Support of Nation’s Elite, by Lloyd Grove - The Daily Beast

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: MSNBC Libtalker Blasts Obama: 'Maybe This Just Isn't My Gig'

NBC comedian: I love and trust Sarah Palin

Minnesota race a cash dash - Washington Times

Anti-Semitism in mainstream Christianity

FOXNews.com - U.S., Russia Complete Largest Spy Swap Since Cold War

Russian spies could find it hard to return 'home' | World news | guardian.co.uk

Russian spy applied for jobs at think tanks with links to Obama - Telegraph

North Korea Avoids Blame in UN Statement on Warship Sinking - Bloomberg

Ginsburg: Roe will hold - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Here he is! Meet the new health-care rationing czar

Kagan: 'No view on natural rights'

Obama creates 'protected class' of illegals

Bonner County GOP celebrates in English - Spokesman.com - July 8, 2010

Look who flip-flopped on 'Audit the Fed' vote

Court rejects bid to restore drilling moratorium | Business news | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Oil containment effort facing 2 key moments - Yahoo! News

Alvin Greene: America's most unlikely politician | World news | The Guardian

Google, Microsoft aiding Obama policies?

Netanyahu suggests no Iran attack planned

Department of Justice to conduct independent review Mehserle case, may prosecute | abc7news.com

After dark, mobs form, smash windows, loot

Hell has Frozen Over and I Agree with Ann Coulter


Paul McCartney Performs with Ringo for Ringo's 70th Birthday

President Obama Echoes GOP Talking Points on the Economy

Donald Berwick Appointed Director of CMS Via Recess Appointment

WaPo's Ruth Marcus: It Would Be 'Insane' To Restore Tax Rates For The Rich To Previous Levels

Morning Joe Panel Lauds Palin's Chances as 2012 Presidential Nominee

Sarah Palin's New Web Ad: Pink Elephants

Markos gets blacklisted from MSNBC because "Morning Joe" has a hissy fit

Why Did BP Cover Up The Oil In Gulf Shores With Fresh Sand -- And Then Lie About It?

David Vitter says disgraced aide worked on abortion issues, but not 'women's affairs'

Advocacy group warns military gays not to trust 'don't ask, don't tell' survey

Beck thinks he's connected Obama to the racist New Black Panthers. But he's not even close

Nothing says "Jesus loves you" like guns in church

BREAKING: Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Government Moratorium on Offshore Drilling

Insurance Company Threatens To Cancel Cancer Patient's Insurance, Claimed Payment Was One Cent Short

Resident MSNBC Racist Pat Buchanan Defends Rush Limbaugh's Racist Attacks on Obama

Tom Tancredo: Like the Civil War and Soviets and Al Qaeda, President Obama is 'the greatest threat to the United States today'

Federal Judge Strikes Down DOMA

YouTube - CFR Meeting: Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening


Government Trying to Sweep Size of Oil Spill Under the Rug, Just As It Tries to Sweep the Economic Crisis, 9/11 and Everything Else Under the Rug



Revelations:Einstein Stole E=mc2

Fussy eaters to be classed as having eating disorder | Mail Online

BBC News - Russian sub 'could stop oil leak'

US Professors Raise Doubts About Report on South Korean Ship Sinking | Asia | English

Obama US Attorney expected to stand behind federal gay marriage ban, plaintiffs say | Raw Story

Chicago Dems ask Treasury to use TARP funds to bring Illinois bank ‘back to life’ - TheHill.com

Shorebank Investigation taken out of Financial Reform Bill

savethemales.ca - Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust

*PHOTOS:Legendary Secret Societies



The Bruce Collins Show

Voice of The People Radio

Achieve Radio - Walking With Spirit with Monique Chapman

Native Wisdom Radio

The Veritas Show with Mel Fabrega

X-Squared Radio Paranormal Internet Talk Radio with Brooks Agnew


Badlands Radio - Paranormal Radio Studios on USTREAM:

ZTALK RADIO | The Best in Alternative Talk Radio!

The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio

Sphinx Radio

CONTACTEES: A History of Alien-Human Interaction

Nick Redfern's Celebrity Secrets

Nick Redfern's "There's Something in the Woods..."




The Night of the Living Jackboots




Science Fiction Secrets


*Audio: Nick Redfern


YouTube - Mass Monster Mash - Nick Redfern1

YouTube - Mass Monster Mash - Nick Redfern2


YouTube - Nick Redfern on The Men in Black


YouTube - Dolan and Redfern on UFO secrecy


YouTube - Fallen Angels (UFO Crash Retrievals)


The Other Side of Truth

Beast of Bray Road Home Page; Werewolf, Michigan Dogman, Dog Man, Manbeast, Bigfoot, Man Bat, Lima Marsh Monster

Lets Talk Paranormal chat show hosted by Tracie Austin Peters

Paranormal Magazine

Posthuman Blues

The Gralien Report

Alien Worlds Magazine


Anomalist Books

Arkansas Paranormal & Anomalous Studies Team

Backyard Phenomena

Beast of Bray Road

Beasts of London

Beyond Magazine

Bigfoot Quest


Cannock Chase X-Files

CFZ – Center for Fortean Zoology

CFZ Australia

CFZ Guyana Expedition 2007

CFZ Manchester


CNB Scene

Cosimo Books


Dark Dorset

Dark Dorset Blog

Dial M for Morfadile

Enigma Street

Excluded Middle

Female of the Species

Fortean Times

Heart of Albion Books

Hecate Hill

Jon Downes’ Fortean Zoology

Joshua P. Warren

Karl Shuker

Kent Big Cats

Kent Monsters

Kentucky Bigfoot

Kithra’s Krystal Kave

Lair of the Beasts

Let’s Talk Paranormal

Man-Beast U.K.

Monsters Are Real

Mothman Flutterings

Mysteries of the Universe

Mystery Animals of Kent

Neil Arnold’s Monster!

Nick Redfern at My Space

Nick Redfern’s Celebrity Secrets

Other Side of Truth

Para Explorers

Paranormal Bigfoot

Paraview Books

Posthuman Blues

Raven’s Mysterious Haven

Red Star Films

Russia 2008: Search for the Wildman

S. Miles Lewis

Southeastern Skunk Ape Research Center

Southern Fried Bigfoot

Strange Frequencies Radio

Strange State

UFO Mystic

UFO Review

Uncanny Radio

Uncanny Radio Blog

Weird Michigan


*Basic Emergency Car Kit | Security Whip


Disgraced Ex-OC Sheriff Got $215,000 Pension

Recalls: Chocolate Peanut Butter Pure Whey Protein

BMI: Enough Wild Horses Left After Nevada Roundup

Amid Gunfire, U.S. Troops Try to Bring Governance to Kandahar

Jennifer Lopez Cancels Cyprus Gig After Outcry

Presbyterians Continue to Be Divided Over Gays

Rio Grande Communities Brace for Floodwaters

U.S. Mulls Response After Court Refuses Drilling Stay

Former Top Russian Spy Sergei Tretyakov Dies at 53

Factbox: Sex Abuse Scandals in the Catholic Church

Antiques Dealer Faces Jail Over Shakespeare Folio

Special Report: In Irish Schools, Catholic Church Remains Master

Singer Susan Boyle Seeks Duet Partner

British Non-Stick Chewing Gum Wins U.S. Okay

Mass. Lt. Gov. Murray Returns to Statehouse Duties

Missing SC Boy Buried in Concrete; Dad Arrested

Shanghai Flirts With Legacy of 1920s Heyday

Singer Sargent's Sea Paintings Focus of UK Show

U.N. Statement "Bodes Well" for N.Korea Nuclear Talks

Adrenalin and Injuries in Spain's Running of the Bulls

DOJ Reviews Mass. Rulings on Fed Gay Marriage Ban

Antibody Finding May Help in Quest for AIDS Vaccine

Ask AP: McChrystal's Fate, Disposing of Gulf Oil

Travel Picks: Top 10 Cities to Catch a Baseball Game

Georgian Matriarch Celebrates 130th Birthday

Britain's "Happiest" Earn 50,000 Pounds a Year

Airports Firm to Pay Compensation After Semi Chaos

Spain Free Book Fair Sets Sights on Belt-Tightening

Dad of Missing Ore. Boy Says He Suspects Stepmom

DNA Trail in LA Serial Killer Case Detailed

Kids Might Not Follow Deported Russian Spy Parents

A Spy Swap I Knew and Loved

U.S. Man in North Korean Prison Attempts Suicide: Report

California Transit Cop Verdict Sparks Looting

Russia's Medvedev Pardons Four Jailed Spies: RIA

Crowd Forces Way Into Oakland Store Amid Protests

The PETA Files | Alicia Silverstone Clues in Lab Workers

46 U.S. Warships Deployed Close To The Gulf - WHY? | Before It's News

Trading FDA, Clinical Trial Binary Events: Nephros, Vivus | Before It's News

Absolute Proof of Reincarnation? From Fox 8 News Archive | Before It's News

Mark Of The Beast Rears Its Head In Pennsylvania


*FEMA Coffins ?? Concrete Tombs ?? EVERYWHERE ! VIDEOS | Before It's News


YouTube - Massive Concrete Tombs Prepared in Phoenix, AZ and California -- FEMA Coffins


The Anti-Vaccine Movement: Blinding Us With Pseudoscience | Before It's News

Nanoparticles Deliver Drugs On Target Triggered by Non-Invasive Electromagnetic Fields, A Holy Grail of Medicine | Before It's News

Old Black Panther vs. New Black Panther Party | The FOX Nation

Black Panther Party: Old Vs. New

There Is No New Black Panther Party: An Open Letter From the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation

SITE:Black Panther

Canadian Research Team Shatters Concepts of Ancient Hebrew | Before It's News

The Black Hole Universe

Government Keeping Scientists Away From Oil Spill, Just As Government Kept Scientists Away from Ground Zero | Before It's News

OBAMA goes on the Record now!. .. "I am from Kenya ... not American" . .. (incredible footage!!) | Before It's News

Obama Selects General Who Likes Killing Muslims to Centcom

Management Tip of the Day: Defending Without Being Defensive - ABC News


Video: America will Collapse – featuring Jim Rogers Marc Faber and Gerald Celente

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Sheriff Richard Mack: Fed's Can't Tell States What to do! - Alex Jones Tv 4/4


The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Revolution and Repression in America


YouTube - David Icke: Humanity's Last Chance - Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - David Icke: Humanity's Last Chance - Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - David Icke: Humanity's Last Chance - Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - David Icke: Humanity's Last Chance - Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - David Icke: Humanity's Last Chance - Alex Jones Tv 5/5


America Is In A Societal Meltdown – Chuck Baldwin « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Chris Emery: OKC Bombing was Design to Save Bill Clinton from Whitewater Investigation 1/4

YouTube - Chris Emery: OKC Bombing was Design to Save Bill Clinton from Whitewater Investigation 2/4

YouTube - Chris Emery: OKC Bombing was Design to Save Bill Clinton from Whitewater Investigation 3/4

YouTube - Chris Emery: OKC Bombing was Design to Save Bill Clinton from Whitewater Investigation 4/4


YouTube - WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions

NEW TRAILER: Non-Racist ‘Machete’ Trailer Released

MOVIE REVIEW: ‘The Lottery’ Exposes Truth About Public Schools

Severing the Taliban Lifeline

Trust the Palestinian Authority?

Stop Iran Now

The Ad the CBS ‘Standards and Practices’ Dept. Doesn’t Want You To See

Toxic Environmental Regulations Poison the Job Market

Pork Report, July 9, 2010: Guns and Poetry Edition


No Justice, No Sneakers? Rioters Loot Foot Locker Store During Oakland Riots

Banned by CBS: Watch the Ad Opposing the Ground Zero Mosque

Ed Schultz: America Must Pay More Welfare Or Risk Becoming ‘Third-World Country’

Elston McCowan and NAACP Laugh About Calling Kenneth Gladney ‘N-Word’

Riot in Oakland

Homeless Man Saves Fallen American Flag

O’Reilly Debates Ariz. Illegal Immigration Law With Univision’s Jorge Ramos

Another Geriatric Getting His Freak On – This Time in a Speedo

Obama Science Czar John Holdren on Redistribution of Cap & Trade Revenue From U.S. to Global South

Gibbs Mocks Medicare Czar Health-Care Redistribution Question

DOJ Whistleblower: Government Keeping Ineligible Voters On Rolls

Obama Claims Israelis Suspicious of Him Because His Middle Name is Hussein

New Black Panther Leader Shabazz on Whether He Supports Killing White Babies: ‘Not in That Context’

Black Panther Leader to Beck and Tea Partiers: ‘Ready to Rumble’


*World Video/Understanding Norway Terror Arrest

Suicide Bomb Blast in Pakistan Tribal Area

U.S., Russia Swap Spies

Clinton Welcomes Cuba Prisoner Deal

Visa Monopolises UK Olympics

Brazil, Tanzania in Biofuel Deal

Eric Holder On U.S.-Russia Spy Swap


*Markets VideoAn Interview with Morgan Stanley's Stephen Roach

The New Detroit ... of South Asia?

Alan Greenspan on the Economy

China Renews Google's License

Whalen: Financial Reform Will Hit GE

Microsoft's Recent Losing Streak


**Politics Video:9TH/Obama Campaigns For Reid: Sharron Angle Is "More Extreme" Than GOP In Washington

MA-Gov: Baker (R) Hits Patrick For Record On Jobs

Sen. Corker: Financial Regulations Continues "Assault On Economy"

NV-Sen: Angle Hits Back At Reid: "Help Is On The Way"

Sen. Menendez: Palin "Helping" Democrats By Endorsing Extreme Candidates

Sen. Boxer Discusses Her Tough Re-Election Fight

Krauthammer: Spy Swap Is About Diplomacy, Not Justice

Olbermann: Angle Shows Insensitivity For Rape Victims

O'Reilly: Berwick Appointment Proves Obama Is "Far Left"

Matthews: Steele Had It Right On Afghanistan


8TH/Obama: "Absolutely Clear" Economy Headed In Right Direction

RNC Chairman Steele: I'm Not Going Anywhere

NV-Sen: Reid Criticizes Angle Over Jobs

Palin Promotes "Mama Grizzlies" Running For Office

Rep. Bilbray On Controversy Over Canceled Border Conference

Malkin On Obama's Recess Appointment, Sagging Poll Numbers

Jon Stewart On NASA Reaching Out To Muslims And Mosque Building

Gov. Rendell: Obama Has Done "A Lot" For Small Business

Krauthammer: Democrats Don't Want Health Care Debated Again

Olbermann: GOP Should Like Donald Berwick

Justice Department Refuses To Prosecute Samir Shabazz

Matthews: "There Are People Who Want It All To Go Bad" So Obama Fails


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Senate-seeker wants Obama birth-certificate treatment

Has 'standing' been created in hunt for Obama birth doc?


Lady Gaga-inspired lens fad draws eye doctors' warning - USATODAY.com

Busy Social Life Is Key to Beating Cancer, Study Finds - Cancer - FOXNews.com

Cancer Death Rates Are Dropping in U.S.

FDA Warns Against Using Malaria Drug for Leg Cramps - WSJ.com

Fertilizing Future Brain Cells - US News and World Report

Reliable Source: Lindsay Lohan takes on human rights

FOXNews.com - Mel Gibson Could Serve Four Years if Found Guilty of Felony Assault

Lady Gaga Writhes In The Rain For 'Today' Show - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

BBC News - Russian spy Anna Chapman's British passport reviewed

Emmy shocker: Conan O’Brien the nominee - BostonHerald.com

Melissa Etheridge's ex files for full custody of twins | EW.com

Hollywood Docket: Ken Starr vs. Martin Scorsese; Rachael Ray wins domain name; Food Channel vs. Food Network

The Answer Sheet - The story behind ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

BBC News - Inception influenced by 007, says Christopher Nolan

Faster Forward - Grading Google's China compromise

Facebook Will Shut Down Virtual Gift Shop | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Facebook Acquires Recommendation Site Nextstop | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Facebook Answers Claim by German Privacy Regulator - PCWorld

Video/Yahoo to Display Zillow Listings; Google's Street View

YouTube - Final score 10-4: US, Russia in spy swap 'of the century'

'Everybody knew Lonnie' - latimes.com

YouTube - DNA Trail in LA Serial Killer Case Detailed

State legislature should decide Byrd election: official | Reuters

Officials Identify Body Found in River as Missing Tourist - NYTimes.com

Federal Eye - Parts of 'don't ask, don't tell' survey released

Crazy About Blago - WSJ.com

New Palin video praises conservative 'Mama Grizzlies'

Federal Eye - James Mattis: 'It's fun to shoot some people'

Pot Legalization Initiative Falls Short in New California Poll - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

First Read - First Read's Top 10 Senate takeovers

OK, I’ll Ask: Is Perry Afraid of White? | FrontBurner

YouTube - Gov. Rick Perry on Ties with the Farm Bureau

New Cap, Ships Could Contain Gulf Leak by Monday - WSJ.com

Obama on Tea Party candidate Angle: 'Even more extreme' than GOP in DC - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

83 arrests in Oakland follow Mehserle verdict

YouTube - Raw Video: Riots in Calif. After Bart Verdict

'Transformers' filming to close downtown streets :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Transportation

Crooked ex-chief loses pension :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

The Chicago Bulls still have a lot of money, question is what will they do with it? | Online News Heard Now

Suspect in murder of Chicago Police officer charged :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

10 DUIs: Man gets 24 year sentence. - chicagotribune.com

He's been presumed guilty long enough :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

DNA linked to Marine :: News Sun :: News

BBC News - Iran's grim history of death by stoning

Online news site leads charge in French scandal | Reuters

Malevolent inspiration

AFP: Iraq's Allawi hopes for new government in August

Raoul Moat sightings suggest fugitive remains near village - Telegraph

Cuba takes first steps toward prisoner release | Reuters

Tainted Dairy Products Seized in China’s Qinghai Province - NYTimes.com

The Hindu : News / International : Narrow miss for Australia Premier in egg attack

Shanghai Daily | 上海日报 -- English Window to China News

BBC News - Iran bolsters friendships abroad

BBC News - First great-grandchild for Queen due in December

BBC News - Iraq suicide bomb attack kills five

The Associated Press: Norwegian terror trial could face problems

Pakistan blasts: suicide blasts kill more than 65 - latimes.com

YouTube - Deadly blast in Mohmand Agency


Alex Jones - 2010-Jul-08, Thursday

The Michael Savage Show 07/08/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/07/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/06/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/05/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/02/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 07/01/2010 FULL

The Michael Savage Show 06/30/2010 FULL

July 8, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

07/08 The Mark Levin Show


YouTube - Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

Report: NSA creating spy system to monitor domestic infrastructure | Raw Story

CNSNews.com - Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

CNSNews.com - Obama Science Czar Called for Carbon Tax to Redistribute Wealth from Global 'North' to 'South'

how-the-expiring-bush-tax-cuts-affect-you: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Dem Leadership 'Knows' The Base They Screwed Will Be Back For Mid-Terms. 'I Got Nowhere Else To Go!'

Coal Industry Mocks Ashley Judd’s Crusade to Destroy a Way of Life

Consortiumnews.com:Neocons, Likud Conquer DC, Again

46 US Warships Plus 7,000 US Marines On Route To Costa Rica?

US to buy Russian helicopters for Afghan air force - Telegraph

California riots as Oscar Grant killer Johannes Mehserle cleared of murder | Mail Online

Scientists develop 'fake' genetically-engineered blood for use on the battlefield | Mail Online

Perfect Citizen: US to set up secret 'Big Brother' surveillance system to monitor internet for cyber-attacks | Mail Online

How your Apple iPhone spies on you - Telegraph

Gary Leupp: Petraeus, Palin, Boot and the Power of Israel

mish say no to stocks because optimism is "insane": Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Fungus decimates local bat population

Australian inquiry finds Google Street View cameras may have broken privacy laws | Mail Online

IMF tells Europe to inject more stimulus - Telegraph

Implantable eye telescope approved by FDA for use in patients | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - I Meet the "Minister of Public Safety"


*David Icke on Alex Jones TV: Humanity’s Last Chance


Witness The Recent Gold Market Takedowns

Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next

America Is In A Societal Meltdown

NY National Guard Involved In Mass Arrests Of U.S. Citizens

Two Stories that Should Scare the Heck Out of You | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Federal Budget Deficit Hits $1 Trillion For 1st 9 Months Of FY'10

Tasman Times - Blow 12% of your income in the stock market

Could the Dow plunge to 1,000? - The Week

CNBC Guest Says Absent Plunge Protection Team Stepping In, Market Would Fall

IMF presses US to cut debt - Yahoo! News

Ron Paul: More Power for the Fed

Double Dip Recession: Myths Paul Krugman Does Not Want To Talk About | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Strategies - Robert Prechter’s Market Forecast Says ‘Take Cover’ - NYTimes.com

46 US Warships Plus 7,000 US Marines On Route To Costa Rica?

Coast Guard dispatching ships and personnel to Costa Rica to threaten Nicaragua

U.S. Program to Detect Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure - WSJ.com

Chemicals found on receipts possible danger to male hormone levels - 680News

Shopping 'makes men impotent' | Mail Online

John Gormley: Fluoride, GMO and the Rockefeller Communist ‘Coincidence’

Health law risks turning away sick - TheHill.com

Fluoridation: Mind Control of the Masses

How your Apple iPhone spies on you - Telegraph

Oil found in Gulf food chain, salmon nastiness, Mexico woes, U.N. lauds sustainable ag | Grist

Facebook to recognize faces, help tag photos - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - Justice Department Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

Pinal County Sheriff Receiving Death Threats

LiveLeak.com - Cochise County Militia patrol border areas

I-Team: BP's Environmental Mess in Nevada - KLAS-TV Channel 8 News Las Vegas

Whistleblower: Relief payments get slashed if fishermen refuse to work for BP | Raw Story

The War That’s Not a War

DoD Buzz | Chatter Rises On Iran Strike

AFP: Ahmadinejad brands US world's dictator ahead of summit

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin, Paul expose rift in Tea Party « - Blogs from CNN.com

Department of Justice to conduct independent review Mehserle case, may prosecute | abc7news.com

Obama administration: Israel has right to nuclear capability for deterrence purposes - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Democrats Want to Tax Your ATM Withdrawals | RedState

6′4″ Cop Bullies 4′11″ Videographer as She Videos a BP Worker Taken Away in Ambulance

Murdoch’s mouthpiece: It’s not what Beck exposes, it’s the issues he deflects and who he discredits that counts

National Guard Troops Invading Neighborhoods to “Fight Drugs”

Mark Of The Beast Rears Its Head In Pennsylvania

Harvard Professor: ‘Exploit Gulf Disaster For Carbon Tax’

Witness The Recent Gold Market Takedowns

Banksters are Coming for Your Retirement Next

Obama Science Czar Called For Global Carbon Tax

Documentary Featured on Fox Blames Baby Boomers for Depression

Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona

Celente Says Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm

Gulf Coast now a BP police state as law enforcement conspires with BP to intimidate journalists

Congressman Ron Paul “Suspicious” Of BP, U.S. Government Response To Spill

EU-US agree to share citizens bank data

Popular Music Is The Babylon System

More Power for the Fed

Is America Really Free, If A Privately-Owned Central Bank Controls Our Currency And Runs Our Economy?

Operation Enduring War

The Disaster of Government-Run Businesses

Is the ‘bin Laden Hunter’ So Crazy?

Police Terror Stop Powers Stripped Following European Court Ruling

National Guard and Cops Impose Military Police State in New York State

Retired Geography Professor Advocates Global One-Child Policy

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback

Global Warming Alarmist: Make It Illegal To Emit CO2

Practice Your Mercury Escape Plan

Climategate Whitewash Complete: Third Inquiry Clears Everyone Involved

Streets of Rage: Searching for Justice in Oakland

Climategate Investigations Are Arrogant Insults

In Trying To Cover It’s Own Behind, BP Has Lowballed the Amount of Oil … Which Has Made Everything Worse

Greenspan Says Economy May Be Undergoing a `Pause' - Bloomberg

Legal noose tightens on Europe's monetary union – Telegraph Blogs

The Russian Bear Awakens

CNBC Guest Says Absent Plunge Protection Team Stepping In, Market Would Fall; Wien, Kernan Disgusted

BP Fisherman: Oysters are All Dead

BBC News - Germany officials launch legal action against Facebook

The Future is Soylent Green! Daddy’s Dead so We Flushed Him Down the Toilet But Don’t Worry, We’ll Drink Him Next Week!

Residents outraged: BP dumping oily waste in Gulf landfills | Raw Story

Reporter’s Question on Obama’s Illegal-Immigration Policy Leaves Gibbs Stammering

CNSNews.com - Gibbs Evades Question of Whether Obama Agrees With His Medicare Director That Health-Care System Must Redistribute Wealth

U.S. consumers left defenseless against toxic chemicals in consumer products

Warning: Consumer Products May Be Harmful to Your Health | CommonDreams.org

The Truth About Sunlight, Cancer and Vitamin D

Something Fishy This Way Swims! Genetically Modified Population Control is Something to Beef About!


The Alex Jones Show – July 8th With David Icke

The Alex Jones Show – July 7th With Paul Craig Roberts