"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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03 June 2010

3 Jun '10

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YouTube - Blagojevich Fraud Trial to Get Underway

Blagojevich subpoenas Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett for his defense UPDATED - Lynn Sweet

Rahm Emanuel Testimony Sought in Blagojevich Trial (Update1) - BusinessWeek

What do you want to hear out of the Blagojevich trial? - Trib Nation

Blagojevich Supporters Gathering Outside Court - cbs2chicago.com

Trust Us, We’re Opaque

Attempt to Rein in Blago Circus « Liveshots

» The Blagojevich Trial: Honest Graft and Dishonest Graft - Big Government

Four Months of Rod Blagojevich in the Press, Starting Right Now! | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Rod Blagojevich's recorded comments - chicagotribune.com

The Associated Press: Lawyers say Emanuel subpoenaed in Blagojevich case

Why Does The Sestak Mess Sound So Familiar?

Sinclair, Amazon, Barnes & Noble Threatened Over Book


'Sack tapping' a silly game with serious consequences | Comments Blog | Los Angeles Times

Stephany Flores Murder; Joran van der Sloot Suspect Pictures - CBS News

Van der Sloot Wanted in Peru Killing: Murderous Coincidence or Holloway Link? - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta - FOXNews.com

Van Der Sloot Lawyer Inconsistencies Already - One News Page | Front Page

Joran van der Sloot | al.com

Joran Vandersloot Killed A 21 Year Old Girl In Peru | MicroMixx

Joran van der Sloot, suspect in disappearance of Natalee Holloway accused of murder in Peru

Natalee Holloway's Mom Keeps Focus on Action, Not Anniversary - AOL News


YouTube - AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea

YouTube - The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain


YouTube - NWO: 'Bilderberg controls the world' -- Alex Jones on RT

YouTube - How The U.S. Government Killed The Safest Car Ever Built

YouTube - 9/11 Was An Inside Job from Egyptian General


YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (1/5) 10:10 | 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (2/5) 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (3/5) 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (4/5) 0:43:56

YouTube - BilderBerg Group: The Exclusive Documentary (5/5) 0:43:56


Ex-Mossad agent: Gaza flotilla raid ’so stupid it’s stupefying’ | Raw Story

Arms spending unaffected by financial crisis, says thinktank | World news | The Guardian

‘Drunk’ parrots struck down by mystery illness - Times Online

GAZA AID FLOTILLA RAID: Israel's people believe war is better than peace | Mail Online

Robert Fisk: Western leaders are too cowardly to help save lives - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Steve Jobs says Foxconn in China 'not a sweatshop' after worker deaths | Technology | The Guardian

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: BP and Hayward fight for their survival - Telegraph

Tehran has enough material for two nuclear bombs, IAEA says - Times Online

Proposed Joint Resolution No.666 Supporting Israel « Mantiq al-Tayr

Discovery of two different strains complicates investigation of chronic wasting disease - University of Alberta

The sinking of the Cheonan: Another Gulf of Tonkin incident « what’s left

BP Ownership, institutional ownership, 5 % ownership - MSN Money

savethemales.ca - McDonald's Ad Makes Gay Disorder Seem "Cool"

Flotilla Crimes And The Strategic Ally Myth | Real Zionist News

After Flotilla Raid, U.S. Is Torn Between Allies - NYTimes.com

Obama uses Gulf oil spill for energy agenda push - CNN.com

'Sack tapping' a silly game with serious consequences | Comments Blog | Los Angeles Times

Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests - Times Online

savethemales.ca - UK Welfare State = Family Breakdown, Emasculated Men

ADL Rewrites New Testament

Turkey welcomes Gaza aid survivors from Israeli attack - VIDEO - PHOTO [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]

Congress exploring driving age of 18 | NewsOK.com

New Law Will Require a License to be a Journalist


**Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2010 Congressional Candidates


Craig Murray - Israeli Murders, NATO and Afghanistan


*Congress Watch | A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion


The Israeli Massacre and the Cover-Up

YouTube - Helen Thomas Mocks Gibbs Over White House's Lack Of Condemnation Of Israel's Act Of War

YouTube - Mark Regev interviewed about Gaza Freedom Flotilla by Jon Snow on Channel 4, 1 June 2010

Hawaii Woman Held By Israelis | MichaelMoore.com

Supreme Court eases Miranda enforcement - latimes.com

YouTube - Israel Created Hamas - Ron Paul Admits


*Partial List of Items Prohibited/Permitted into the Gaza Strip May 2010


*Full Text of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Speech! (English, Turkish) | Sabbah Report


YouTube - A Cry For Help From A Political Prisoner

YouTube - Israeli Protest at Ashdod for Freedom Flotilla Aid for Gaza

YouTube - Auschwitz Survivor on Palestine

Richard Falk, Huwaida Arraf & Norman Finkelstein on the Freedom Flotilla | My Catbird Seat

6 Reasons We Can't Fix The Oil Spill | The Atlantic Wire


YouTube - The Rachel Corrie ship and crew sail to Gaza (PLEASE SHARE)

Eight Turks, one US citizen shot dead in Israeli attack to aid ship, report says - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

‘New York Times’ fails to interview a single flotilla member about killings

Israel’s Defenders Mobilize, Threaten by Jim Lobe -- Antiwar.com


Obama’s Timidity and Deaths at Sea | My Catbird Seat

Washington Questions Obama’s Commitment to Israel « The Speakers Lobby

20 in Black Caucus Ask for Curbs on Ethics Office - NYTimes.com

U.S. Government: Murderers Should Lead Investigation of Their Murders « LewRockwell.com Blog

un[redacted] news: Schizophrenia Is The New Ad Gimmick - Privacy Fears Mount as Ad Targeting Grows

Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida Arrested on Corruption charges - 12160.org

Reporters Without Borders: 15 journalists still missing « Aletho News

A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a "Failed State"

The Gaza Flotilla: How Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fakes Photos of Seized Weapons : Political Theatrics


Antiwar Radio :archive page


Democracy Now! 2010-06-03 Thursday

Democracy Now! 2010-06-02 Wednesday

Democracy Now! 2010-06-01 Tuesday


video:Democracy Now! 2010-06-03 Thursday

video:Democracy Now! 2010-06-02 Wednesday

video:Democracy Now! 2010-06-01 Tuesday


*Democracy Now! | Shows Archive


Army War College Prof. Says Military Brass Knows Mossad Behind 911

*9-11 Videos


Time for law-abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 1 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 2 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 3 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 4 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 5 of 13

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 6 of 13


Blagojevich trial will feature D.C. transplants Emanuel and Jarrett, adding to Obama’s woes

Daley is right

Mayor Daley responds to EPA letter

Obama abandons Chicago way in favor of going Hollywood with BP oil leak

Political Songs: Their Importance (20 Best are 'click-able' in Music Videos)

Chicago-style politics still alive and well in the Obama administration

YouTube - David Icke - HUMAN RACE, GET OFF YOUR KNEES : A Project Avalon Interview with Bill Ryan

Paedophilia And Satanism ... The Fabric Of The Web - David Icke Website

Barack Obama: The Naked Emperor - David Icke Website

YouTube - Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

YouTube - Roberts: 'AIPAC purchases US elections'

YouTube - Oliver with former President Nestor Kirchner discussing President Bush.

YouTube - Deep Cuts Looming for Nation's Public School Kid

YouTube - 2012 A HOPI PROPHECY

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Who Owns the Gold in Ft. Knox? - May 28, 2010

Approaching space object 'artificial, not asteroid' says NASA • The Register

The Raw Story | US House votes quadrupling of per-barrel oil tax

Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal

savethemales.ca - Canada Gives $30 Million to Muslim Terrorists

Vatican bank under scrutiny

*Listen : Red Ice Radio: Richard Hoagland - Phobos an Ancient Alien Spaceship, Mars, NASA & Disclosure

Media Disinformation regarding Israel's Murderous Assault in International Waters

US VP defends Israeli atrocity

Pacific islands 'growing not shrinking' due to climate change - Telegraph

SWAT Raids Gone Wrong -- Paramilitary Policing Is Out of Control | | AlterNet

Physics professor: Oil leak could last for years | Raw Story

When Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Entertainment Industry | The Vigilant Citizen


Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 1/3), “Baby it's Cold Outside“ 59:12

Written Transcript of BBC Documentary Power of Nightmares

The Power of Nightmares Part 2: The Phantom Victory - by Adam Curtis 59:13

Written Transcript of BBC Documentary Power of Nightmares

The Power of Nightmares Part 3: The Shadows in the Cave - by Adam Curtis 59:41

Written Transcript of BBC Documentary Power of Nightmares

Mind Control; Summary The Secrets of Mind Control

CIA Mind Control Experiments Declassified Documents Reveal Sex Abuse, More

Mind Control: America's Secret War (43 min)


Bilderberg 2010: Plutocracy with palm trees | World news | guardian.co.uk

Secret Bilderberg Meeting Underway, Password Is ‘Fidelio’ | Benzinga.com

Activists angry, blaming Bilderbergers for undermining democracy - RT Top Stories

Poll: Would you like to be at Bilderberg? | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Bilderberg 2010: Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse

Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked | Before It's News


Liberal Coalition Demands FCC Move to Shut Down Talk Radio

Into the Abyss: The Cycle of Debt Deflation | Before It's News

Gaza flotilla deaths: pressure builds on Israel for full inquiry | World news | The Guardian

Misleading Photos Used by Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Justify Killing Activists

Canadian and American Cops Run Training Exercise on New Hampshire Campus

Tyranny Response Team Exposes the DC Police State

Police officer's estimate good enough for speeding ticket | The Columbus Dispatch

U.S. to Join South Korea Military Exercise Near North Korea Coast - ABC News

U.S. is world's top user of targeted killings, U.N. says

NSW Government recording features for facial recognition | The Daily Telegraph

Chinese hiding three million babies a year - Telegraph

The “Vaccine Shock” of the Year

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee - Telegraph

Chinese Edge Closer to Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com

Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

Charge to Obama: 'Go off!' - CNN.com

Paul McCartney: Lay Off “Great Guy” Obama | NBC Washington

Obama uses Gulf oil spill for energy agenda push - CNN.com

Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord, and Corporate Shill

Iran haze contains depleted uranium

Video: President Obama gets Heckled on Bus | Bayanihan Tayo

YouTube - Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli lapdog Apologist

Filmmaker Spike Lee States the Obvious: BP in Cahoots with Government

YouTube - Eyewitness and victim recounts Israeli flotilla attack on an American boat and crew


Al Qaeda Number 3 Killed… Again


Sec. State Clinton Calls for Israel to Investigate Itself in Flotilla Incident

Rand Paul Extends Lead Over Conway Despite Racism Smear

Activists tell of ‘barbaric’ attack

Just what is it that greens like George Monbiot find so offensive about prosperity, abundance, happiness? – Telegraph Blogs

Ron Paul Points Out That Israel Created Hamas

A Tea Party to Nowhere

Si, se puede! — Yes, We Can Enforce the Arizona Law


YouTube - Paul Watson Details The Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Paul Watson Details The Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse 2 Alex Jones Tv


YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


Notch Up Another Disaster for Israel’s Well-Oiled Propaganda Machine

The WSJ’s Hit Piece On Gold

Premiums on gold bullion coins surge

Strategic Defaults: Is It Morally Right To Decide To Simply Stop Paying Your Mortgage?

Deflationary Depression and Purging To Come

FOXNews.com - Los Angeles Students to Be Taught That Arizona Immigration Law Is Un-American

NY Raid Rage: Immortal Technique joins crowds in march for Gaza

Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Put Patients and Doctors Back in Control of Healthcare


NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus

*4 pg/NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 2nd With Charlie Skelton

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 1st With Mike Rivero


How NOT To Save the News Business--Jeff Jarvis - NYPOST.com

Bill would give DHS emergency cyber powers

Nine meals from anarchy: What the coming food collapse means for civilization

Gores have lots of loot to split

‘Activists Threw Stun Grenades’

Hay festival 2010: Overpopulation fears nonsense, says author Fred Pearce | Books | guardian.co.uk

The Death Spiral for Climate Alarmism Continues

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops

Ronnie Cummins: Obama USDA Poised to Take Away Our Right to GMO-Free Food






BILDERBERG: Global cabal pushes agenda before meeting in Sitges, Spain

Bilderberg Agenda Leaked


Immigration Revolution Brewing

Oil Spill Update: Obama Lashes Out at Republicans Over Regulation - WSJ.com

Buffett Expects ‘Terrible Problem’ for Municipal Debt (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

GM and Ford see strong sales gains; Toyota lags - MarketWatch





Woman Goes Nearly $100,000 Into Debt to Get Liberal Arts Degree; Financially Screws Herself for Life

BP Rig Atlantis An Even Bigger Disaster In The Making

06-03-2010: Lieberman Bill Gives Feds ‘Emergency’ Powers to Secure Civilian Nets

06-02-2010: New Private Rocket Now Aiming for Friday Test Launch

06-02-2010: Faber: U.S. Inflation to Approach Zimbabwe Level

06-02-2010: Al-Qaeda's Number 3 Was Reported Dead In 2008 And Again In 2010

06-02-2010: EU plans green taxes to cut debt

06-02-2010: Leaked Vatican Document: Israeli Occupation Unjust

06-02-2010: Man facing felony charge for recording a traffic stop with a video camera

06-02-2010: U.S. Mint Has Run out Of Gold And Silver Eagle Coins

Video: Mckinney – ‘Israel bought the executive branch’

The Back Art Of ‘Master Illusions’

Washington Post Exposes BP ties to Eco-Groups, Other Media Ignore Controversy

SEC Files Lawsuit Against Diebold, Then Settles for $25m, Pursues Fraud by Three Diebold Executives

Former CIA Officer’s Giraldi & McGovern: Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media

World currency unit intended to rival U.S. dollar for supremacy

Israelis Opened Fire Before Boarding Gaza Flotilla

A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a "Failed State"

The Empire and the War

Why Conservatives Hate You

A Crude Awakening

Plenty of money for war, but far too little to help nation's jobless

Israel is Already Singled Out: Unbending US Support to Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program

Plunged in Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg Conference

Paul McCartney meets Barack Obama: Why did McCartney not take a Stand on a Matter of Gross Injustice and Human Suffering

From the 1953 CIA Overthrow of Democracy in Iran, to the Iraq War, to the Criminal Gulf Catastrophe and Deaths, BP Was There

Media Disinformation regarding Israel's Murderous Assault in International Waters

The Rift Between Teachers and Democrats Widens

BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario

UN Security Council Only Calls for Investigation of Attack

Splitting the Sky, John Boncore: Solidarity with the Man Who Attempted To Arrest George W. Bush

Fieger: New autopsy suggests cover-up, shows Aiyana shot in head

YouTube - Cops Murder Elderly Woman Who Refused To Answer Census

Obama USDA Poised to Take Away Our Right to GMO-Free Food

SCOTUS Takes Aim at 5th Amendment

CA Assembly Bans Open Carry

Bank Of International Settlements Warns To Ignore Banker "Doomsday Scenario" Fearmongering And Racketeering


*1:06:06/The Fed and the Power Elite [Murray N. Rothbard]

*33:44The Eternal Struggle Between Liberty and Power [Hans-Hermann Hoppe]

*28:39/Is Limited Government an Oxymoron? | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

*54:19/Environmental Problems, Libertarian Solutions [Walter Block]


YouTube - Freedom Watch - Gitmo Suicides Were Actually Homicides? - May 28, 2010


AllGov - Justice Department Not Prepared to Deal with WMD Attack

SpyTalk - Audit: Justice Department clueless on WMD attack

*73 PG/Review of the Department’s Preparation to Respond to a WMD Incident May 2010


AllGov - News - Is Congress Just a Stepping Stone to a Life of Lobbying?


SHADOW CONGRESS: More Than 170 Former Lawmakers Ply The Corridors Of Power As Lobbyists | TPMMuckraker

*Shadow Congress/Interactive


Has Israel declared war on the international community?

No free pens but pharma influence still felt at psychiatric meeting

Chronic Joblessness Bites Deep - WSJ.com

2-3-10/DARPA Nanotech, Machine Intelligence, Supersoldier Project Highlights for 2010-2011

Pentagon: Let Us Secure Your Network or Face the ‘Wild Wild West’ Internet Alone | Threat Level | Wired.com

YouTube - John Taylor Gatto - Fighting Back

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

'G-20 agenda should touch on education'

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

The New Homesteaders: Off-the-Grid and Self-Reliant - Popularmechanics.com

Princess Diana 'was killed for planning to expose senior Brits involved in the land mine trade' | Mail Online

A Primer: Sovereign Debt Defaults = Social Unrest + Much Higher Gold Prices | iStockAnalyst.com

Consent of the Governed? | The Beacon

No Exit at Kandahar by Ron Shirtz

*Put Patients and Doctors Back in Control of Healthcare by Ron Paul(W/AUDIO)

The Dark Heart of the US Government by Ron Unz

How Oil Breaks Down in Water - Deepwater Cleanup Efforts - Popularmechanics.com

Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

A MINORITY VIEW:The Right To Discriminate

Top Republicans to White House: Alleged Facts in Your Sestak Memo Appear to Document Lawbreaking

White House Tried to Persuade Colorado Democrat to Abandon U.S. Senate Primary

Gibbs Won't Say What Job Sestak Was Offered

Anti-Israel Resolution Makes U.N. Look ‘Foolish,’ Mideast Expert Says

U.N. Human Rights Council Condemns Israel, Then Calls for Investigation Into Flotilla Raid

Targeted Killings, Including U.S. Drone Strikes, Come Under U.N. Human Rights Council Scrutiny

U.S. Citizenship Should Not Protect Enemy from Justice, Ashcroft Says

Obama’s Oil Spill Panel May Look Beyond Gulf Disaster at U.S. Energy Needs

White House Misled Media: Originally Denied Sestak Job Offer That It Now Confirms

Blagojevich Corruption Trial May Call Obama Administration Officials As Witnesses

White House Spokesman Has No Answer on Sestak Job Offer; ‘I’d Refer You to the Memo’

U.S.-Mexico Border Isn't So Dangerous, AP Reports

Romanoff Says Job Prospects Didn't Influence Him

Obama Administration Talked Jobs with Romanoff

Community Exchanges Allow Members to Pay With Time, Not Cash

Consumers Cut Back Retail Spending in May

Mother of Accused Cop Killer Sues Over 911 Response

Huge Welcome Home for Turkish Activists From Gaza

BP Executive Apologizes for Saying, ‘I’d Like My Life Back’

Ted Haggard to Start New Church in Colorado Springs

FCC Plans Study to Measure Broadband Speeds

Suspect in Natalee Holloway’s Disappearance Linked to Murder of Peruvian Woman

Kagan Wants to Impose Her Values on Your Speech

The Presidential Anti-Semite Strikes Again

How real-world corruption works. : Economics

Megafauna cave painting could be 40,000 years old - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

On The Subject of iLeafs And Cowborgs » Scienceline

10 Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill | Environment | AlterNet

The Road To Armageddon » Publications » Family Security Matters

Arizona Gov. Brewer Faces Off with Obama over Immigration

Brewer: I Won't Give in on Immigration Law

Abortion Foes Claim Victories at State Level

Healthcare Research Cited by W.H. Said Flawed

Biden: Israel Right to Search Ships

Giuliani Rips Obama’s Handling of Oil Spill

Greens Angry Over New Gulf Drilling Permit

Bush Defends Waterboarding of KSM

Conservatives Seek Gov't Solutions After Oil Spill

Gibbs Denies Offering Job to Romanoff

Alaska Gov Backs Palin in Fence Flap

Biden Admits Mistakes in Spill Response

Emanuel Subpoenaed in Blagojevich Case

Black Lawmakers Want to Limit New Ethics Office

Jimmy Carter Blames Israel for Gaza Flotilla Incident

GOP Blasts Obama for Attack Speech as Spill Worsens

UN Criticism Not Likely to Stop CIA Drone Strikes

Jail Population Declines for First Time Since '82

Female SC Gov Hopeful Denies Claim of 2nd Affair

Calif. GOP Gov Race Tightens As Attacks Intensify

NY Republicans Choose Lazio As Governor Candidate

Palin Endorses GOP Challenger in Alaska Senate

Chavez Finds Allies On Twitter

Castro Says Obama Lives in 'Fantasy World'

States Borrow From Uncle Sam to Pay Unemployed

Obesity Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Work Stress Increases Asthma Risk

Diplomats Tap Into Social Media

Facebook CEO: No Date in Mind for IPO

Stephen Hawking Honored at NYC Science, Arts Gala

Yahoo Faces Privacy Test With New E-Mail Features

Author Lionel Shriver Takes On US Health System

Sestak Affair Politics as Usual

Free Countries Won't Take Notice of China's Space Warfare

Obama Must Reduce Debt Burden to China

Hamas Refuses Flotilla Aid Cargo

Don't Rush to Condemn Israel for Gaza Flotilla Tragedy

Reid, Tea Party Want Sharron Angle to Win Nev. GOP Primary

Obama Rejects Notion of Limited Govt

Newspapers Question Obama's Competence

Gulf of Mexico oil slick closes in on Florida - Telegraph

$2-billion mass flu immunization program a bust, figures reveal - The Globe and Mail

Dying, dead marine wildlife paint dark, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill

NATO chopper downed in Afghanistan

Halliburton campaign donations spike - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Obama extends benefits for gay federal employees | Reuters

INTERPOL hails Iran war on drugs

Not content with BP's destruction of the oceans, Obama calls for big expansion of nuclear power | Citizens for Legitimate Government

informationliberation - The Real Public Service

informationliberation - Only morons, cheats and liars still believe in Man-Made Global Warming

Why I keep banging on and on about Global bloody Warming – Telegraph Blogs

informationliberation - The taste of tiny: Putting nanofoods on the menu

informationliberation - FCC asked to monitor "hate speech," "misinformation" online

informationliberation - Who's in Charge of Your Life -- You or the Government?

informationliberation - The Government Is Not the Country

informationliberation - All the News That the Government Sees Fit to Print

informationliberation - Are Cameras the New Guns?

informationliberation - Guarding Your Money from Government Onslaughts

Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility :

Director James Cameron says BP turned down help offer - Yahoo! News

Gulf Oil Spill Update: Slick Nears Florida Panhandle Beaches - WSJ.com

Federal debt tops $13 trillion mark - Washington Times

Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests - Times Online

RealClearPolitics - Video - McCartney Bashes Bush: "It's Great To Have A President Who Knows What A Library Is"

Gershwin Prize event at White House: A really big night for Sir Paul McCartney

North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon - Yahoo! News

BP Boycotts Spreading as Frustration Over Gulf Oil Spill Boils Over - ABC News

The Ten Dirtiest Hotels in America - The Early Show - CBS News

This Is Not How You're Supposed to Fly Out of Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport - Dallas News - Unfair Park

Load of Bottled Vodka Sauce Falls, Kills Long Island Worker | NBC New York

Meet the face of Big Brother in NSW | The Daily Telegraph

How NOT To Save the News Business--Jeff Jarvis - NYPOST.com

Police Search for Porn Actor Stephen Hill Wanted in Killing

American Furkan Dogan Killed on Gaza Aid Flotilla - ABC News

My Way News - Jim Joyce: `I just cost that kid a perfect game'

ESPN Video: Watch Sports Videos and Highlights Online - ESPN

Lawmakers urge MLB to overturn bad call for Galarraga | detnews.com | The Detroit News

AP Sources: Admin talked jobs with Romanoff - Yahoo! News

Romanoff confirms White House job discussions - The Denver Post

GOP demands more Sestak docs - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Blagojevich trial may entangle Obama - Yahoo! News

Rod Blagojevich case puts Illinois politics on trial - chicagotribune.com

Blagojevich trial: Rahm Emanuel may testify :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Sources: President Obama to Visit Gulf Again 'Soon'; White House Discussing Delaying Trip to Indonesia Again - Political Punch

Obama Weekly Approval Average Dips to New Low of 46%

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Bill would give DHS emergency cyber powers

Fisherman's wife breaks the silence - CNN.com

LeMieux blasts Obama spill response as ‘dereliction of duty’ | Post on Politics

Nuclear Option on Gulf Oil Spill? No Way, U.S. Says - NYTimes.com

Long Island genius Alia Sabur offers solution to Gulf oil spill mess - NYPOST.com

Rachel Maddow: The Next Last Resort

Pensacola Expected To Be Hit By Oil Slick Wednesday

Nun excommunicated after approving abortion to save mother's life

Rep. Mark Kirk: Conservative, But No Longer In the Closet

Rep. Alan Grayson gives mad props to "Over The Cliff"

Michele Bachmann Criticizes Obama Administration for not Taking Over the Oil Spill

SCOTUS Rules 5-4 To Weaken Miranda Decision; Sotomayor Writes Dissent

Physics professor: Oil leak could last for years

IOKIYAR: Orrin Hatch Says His Amendment Would Not Apply to Mark Kirk

It's all about Glenn: Mea culpa for attack on Malia Obama doesn't clear up his self-delusion problem

NOAA Research Vessel Sets Out To Gather Data On What Oil Spill Is Doing To Marine Life

AZ Gov. Jan Brewer stretches the truth for political gain. What a surprise!

Reining in Defense Budgets

Louisiana given green light for barrier berms to protect wetlands

Flotilla Debate: Glenn Greenwald vs Eliot Spitzer

One TRILLION Dollars Wasted In The Middle East. What Could We Have Done With That Money?

Dear Congress: Leave Social Security ALONE!

Chris Matthews Hits 'Drill, Baby, Drill' Palin's Hypocrisy on Offshore Drilling

Republicans Continue To Push 'Scandal' Of White House Offering Jobs To Discourage Primary Races

Jury Selection Begins in Blagojevich Trial

Rival Auction Houses Aim for New Heights in London

Ex-Police Chief Mends After Yellowstone Lightning

Romanoff Says Job Prospects Didn't Influence Him

'Serendipity' Kicks off 83rd National Spelling Bee

Former Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich Arrives at Federal Court for Start of His Corruption Trial

SC Police: Black Man Shot to Death, Body Dragged

Turks Mourn Dead, President Warns Israel on Ties

China Takes Baby Steps in Narrowing Gender Imbalance

Ump Jim Joyce's Botched Call Robs Tigers Pitcher of Perfection

White House Admits Job Talks With Senate Candidate

Gates Says China's PLA May Be Trying to Thwart Ties

Ohio Store Sells Powerball Ticket Worth $261.6M

Funeral Home Steps in to Stop the "Grim Eater"

Japan PM Race Tightens

Obama Travels to Visit Daughter Sasha's School

SCLC Back in Court for 2nd Day of Hearing

Assessing If You're Ready for a Global Role

Wallet Lost in 1941 Returned to Utah Man

`Banks' Allow Members to Pay With Time, Not Cash

Liberian Teen Gets Probation in Rape of Child

Fla. Ponzi Lawyer's Ex-Cars, Boats Being Auctioned

Police Hunt for Porn Actor Accused in LA Killing

Nokia Unveils Bicycle Mobile Charger

Pop Princess Minogue Tweets and Says Love Life Rosy

Sting Goes Classical as Kicks off World Tour Symphonicity

Fish Conservation an Economic Savior for Indian Villages

Man Accused of Trying to Swap Baby for Cocaine

Republican Hard Line on Migrants Risks Latino Ire

Australia's Hells Angels, Please Explain Lifestyle

Lawyers Say Emanuel Subpoenaed in Blagojevich Case

Obama Presents Award to Former Beatle McCartney

Authorities Investigate Blast at Ore. Bullet Plant

FLASHBACK:Newstalgia Reference Room - The Civil Rights Bill Of 1957 | Newstalgia

cryptogon.com » WikiLeaks Was Launched With Documents Intercepted From Tor

On the Verge of Implosion | 5 Min. Forecast

50 Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Does Sally Quinn Work for the Washington Post or the Obama Administration? :: The Lonely Conservative

Microbe Power: A Green Means To Hydrogen Fuel Production | Before It's News

New Secret About Illegal Immigration Photos the media has censored | Before It's News

Misinforming in eleven easy steps | Before It's News

YouTube - Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) G20 Pittsburgh

Military to Adopt NFL's Instant Replay Technology | LiveScience

'Thundercats' Cartoon Writer Murdered - Los Angeles News - LA Daily

YouTube - Rotating Golden Globe in Vatican.

Feds issue 70 steps to stop childhood obesity - SFGate

Eneco thermal-electric converter technology re-emerging | Before It's News

When Big Government Ignores The Voice of We The People | That's Just Plum Dumb

Netanyahu to International Community: Stop the Hypocrisy | FrontPage Magazine

Another Moderate Muslim Joins the Jihad: Mustafa Akyol | FrontPage Magazine

BP’s Other Oil Crisis | FrontPage Magazine

Never Letting a Serious Crisis Go to Waste | FrontPage Magazine

The “Humanitarian Relief” Wing of Hamas and Al-Qaeda | FrontPage Magazine

BREAKING NEWS: Natalee Holloway Murder Suspect Arrested | RadarOnline.com

EXCLUSIVE: Tiger Woods' Wife Going For Full Custody Of Their Children | RadarOnline.com

YouTube - Jobs Says Apple Is `All Over' Foxconn After Suicides: Video

Jobs defends Foxconn suicides as 'below average' | Electronista


**TERROR DATE 6/23/2010 CONFIRMED! First Illuminati Warning Found & Decoded-


YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


Liberal Coalition Demands FCC Move to Shut Down Talk Radio « Dprogram.net



Stewart to Obama: ‘Get back to the motherf**king spill’ | Raw Story

YouTube - Mckinney: 'Israel bought the executive branch'

YouTube - Kids Swallow DNA of Lethal Pig Virus in Vaccine

TEN Facts about Israel’s Massacre against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla « Dprogram.net

Video on Netanyahu’s Facebook Page Says Activists Plotted ‘a Terrorist Attack’ - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Keeping Lies Afloat

Matthews-MSNBC Promo Implies Tea Party Seeks Violent Overthrow Of Government | NewsBusters.org

YouTube - NWO: 'Bilderberg controls the world' -- Alex Jones

YouTube - Ron Paul on FOX Business News 06/02/10

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee - Telegraph

The Back Art Of ‘Master Illusions’

Washington Post Exposes BP ties to Eco-Groups, Other Media Ignore Controversy

YouTube - Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world

Fungi Perfecti: the petroleum problem

Lawmakers hope candy tax could be sweet charity for budget : Snoqualmie, WA – SnoValley Star – News, Sports, Classifieds


Candy Q&A

Candy and Chewing Gum Subject to Sales Tax

**List of candy products and products similar to candy


Joran van der Sloot captured in Chile - CSMonitor.com

Van der Sloot arrested in Chile, police say - CNN.com


Debbie Schlussel:ABSURD & Sad VIDEO: The Ultimate in Liberal Child Abuse

Debbie Schlussel:Hmm . . . Hypocritical Turkey Supported Blockades, Opposed Aid Flotillas

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Brave Kid (Protesting HAMAS Flotilla) Couldn’t Do This in Dearbornistan

Debbie Schlussel:Cool Video of the Day: Could This Replace Muslim World Oil?

Debbie Schlussel:MUST WATCH VIDEO: “Israel Doesn’t Allow Aid to Gaza. Oh, Wait . . . .”

Debbie Schlussel:Photo of the Day: How Muslims Celebrate HAMAS Flotilla Terrorism


A Hole in the Fence of Immigration Reform

An Ode to Citizen Journalists

Sarah Palin and the Multitude of Dummies

The Agitator-in-Chief

Muslims Killing Muslims in the Name of Jihad

Just Finish the Dang Fence

Is the Party Over?

A Sneak Preview of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque

American Intelligence: Too Big to Succeed?

Team Obama's 'Real Time' Bureaucracy

More transparency from Democrats

ObamaCare Propaganda Mailer

'Gun control' fails the UK again

Is there a political reason behind the Obama Administration's foot-dragging on the Gulf Oil Clean-Up?

Comparison of response to Katrina and BP Oil Spill

'Soft Revolutions'

Drip...drip...drip...: CO candidate details WH job offers

Ayers, Dorhn helped organize 'peace' flotilla

The Rise of the Thug Left

The (Not So) Great Pretender

Conservatives: Beware of the Military Funeral Case

The Gaza Flotilla Decoy for Iranian Missiles to Hezb'allah

Israel after the Flotilla Debacle

The Grand Jihad

BP and the Minerals Management Service: the Legacy of Capture Theory

Downsizing Government, Arizona Style

All politics are local

China will eventually face an economic crisis

The limits of power...witness the Gulf crisis

Second Amendment , guns are they for the masses or militia?

Truth behind the harm-ada - NYPOST.com

President Obama's agenda gets bogged down in gulf oil spill - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Los Angeles Students to Be Taught That Arizona Immigration Law Is Un-American

How NOT To Save the News Business--Jeff Jarvis - NYPOST.com

Obama's 'Chicago Way' plunders the private sector | Washington Examiner

CNSNews.com - Fiscal Fraud of Obamacare Snowballing Already

Obama's FTC plan to reinvent America's news media | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Rod Blagojevich trial rattles insiders - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Military chiefs split with Mullen on gays - Washington Times

Women in Italy to be offered €4,500 to not have abortions - Times Online

Qns. bodega worker fights back against thugs (video) - NYPOST.com

Obama faults GOP, BP as he defends agenda | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

Looking for creativity in Obama's response to the oil spill. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Anti-Israel sharks sniff O's weakness - NYPOST.com

Steven Rattner - After bankruptcy, GM, Chrysler turn the corner

The Berwick Battle Begins - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Op-Ed Contributor - Are Today’s ‘Entrepreneurs’ Actually the Unemployed? - NYTimes.com

Can Republicans Win the Senate in 2010? | The Weekly Standard

An Obama Classic - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

RealClearPolitics - Singling Out Israel is Nothing New

Op-Ed Columnist - Saving Israel From Itself - NYTimes.com

Obama urges expansion of agenda - USATODAY.com

George Will: The limits of the welfare state - Thursday, Jun. 3, 2010

RealClearPolitics - Captive to An Oil Spill

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Gulf Disaster Response Competed For President's Attention

Dear Leader | The New Republic

W.H. political team stumbles, bumbles - POLITICO.com Print View

Anybody left who hasn't been offered a payoff job by the Obama White House, please put out your hand | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Obama's extended critique of the Republican opposition. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

I Want It All, Even Better If You Pay for It: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - Economic Growth is Key to Our National Security

Op-Ed Contributor - An Assault on Israel, Cloaked in Peace - NYTimes.com

Israel, Iran: Twin Pariahs - The Daily Beast

Robert L. Pollock: Erdogan and the Decline of the Turks - WSJ.com

U.S. must hold Turkey to account: Congressman Anthony Weiner says they deserve blame for disaster

RealClearPolitics - History Returns to Europe

The Real Face of Obamacare - The Editors - National Review Online

Gaza flotilla raid a blow to Israel - latimes.com

Palin's new neighbor is a creep :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Commentary

Fixed Race - IBD - Investors.com

Democrats are fighting high disapproval of Congress - latimes.com

Abortion Foes Advance Cause at State Level - NYTimes.com

Short Obama coattails for black pols - Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com

In Calif. primary, Republican Senate candidates offer models for party comeback

Gates hopes Japan's new PM will clarify importance of alliance with U.S.

US calls for Rwanda to release professor

Chile police detain Dutchman in Peru killing

Judge begins jury questioning in Blagojevich trial

Microsoft CEO says changing market not a danger

Illinois and Louisiana Attorneys Convicted of Tax and Bank Fraud in Connection with Tax Shelter Transactions and Referral Fee Kickback Scheme

UN criticises CIA drone strikes

JP Morgan fined 33m by FSA

Sinkhole swallows Guatemala factory

Steve Jobs on Letting Gizmodo's Leak Slide: 'I'd Rather Quit' - TheWrap.com

Obama and the press: Who said they were cozy? - Yahoo! News

NewsBusted: Which Hole Needs To Be Plugged?

Obama Names Carville ‘Right-Wing Threat Assessment’ Czar

Correction Request: CNN Also Tampering with the Truth

Are the Great Political Cartoonists Now On You Tube?

Andrew Sullivan Is Entitled To His Opinion, But Not To His Own Facts

Anything For a Buck: MTV Documentary Jeopardizes Saudi Kids

Hey FTC, FCC: As Long As We’re On the Subject of ‘Hate Speech…’

Fisking: ‘Why the Web Benefits Liberals More Than Conservatives’

Si, se puede! — Yes, We Can Enforce the Arizona Law

Must-Read Of the Day: The WaPo’s Richard Cohen Gets Mugged By Reality… Again

Morning Thread, Blown Call Division: Everybody’s a Sportswriter

What’s the Good Word, Nancy d’Alesandro Pelosi?

Sarah Palin, Privacy, Decency and ‘The Boy Next Door’

Planet Olbermann to Earth: Israel Is the Source Of Everything Wrong In the Middle East

We Demand a Retraction From CNN Over False ‘Phone-Tampering’ Allegation

Amid spill anger, Obama asks cut in oil tax breaks

Obama: I intend to find the votes on climate 'in the coming months' - The Hill's E2-Wire

Open Season: Trial Lawyers Ready To Jump Into The Oil Spill

Undercover Census Fraud Investigation: Louisiana

Arrested Gaza Flotilla ‘Peace Activists’ Are Al-Qaeda & Muslim Brotherhood Members; Have Record of Radicalism

Gulf Oil Crisis: Questions for Spike Lee and Kanye West

Billionaire Entrepreneur Complains of Regime Uncertainty

Obama’s Leadership by Litigation

Media Matters: ‘Israel’s Kent State’

The Census Bureau’s Recent History of Throwing Billions of Dollars Down the Drain

Durbin’s Outrageous Bailout for BP

Reason.tv: How to Save a Dying Ocean (Hint: Stop Treating it Like a Public Restroom)

Political Activism at the National Cancer Institute

Sarah Silverman: Let It Go…

AUDIO: Breitbart, O’Keefe and Adeleye on Glenn Beck Radio

O’Keefe Census Video Sting Forces Bureau Rule Changes

The Blagojevich Trial: Honest Graft and Dishonest Graft

Lax Fingerprinting Procedures Enabled Criminals to Work for the Census

Gulf Oil Crisis: Yes, Obama Cares. So, What?

The Gathering Storm in the Middle East

Radical Judicial Nominee Jack McConnell’s Disturbing ACORN Connections

Will So. Cal. Tea Party Activists Send a Message to Republican Gary Miller?

Census Hiring to Spike Job Figures in May

Majority of U.S. House Oppose FCC Effort to Reclassify Broadband

Media Matters Covers Up Obama Ties to Hamas Ally Jodie Evans

Boehner: Obama speech 'diminishes' the presidency - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Director James Cameron says BP turned down help offer | Reuters

Comic book publisher praised for reflecting 'tolerance of Islam' - CNN.com

Daily Gut: Bill Maher’s Delightful Thoughts on Blacks

Sarah Silverman Disrespects Military Audience on ‘The View’

New Group Lashes Out Against Comedy Central’s Christ Mockery


2nd/Transcripts :Obama's Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon

*1st/Obama's Remarks on the Oil Spill

Panel on Obama's Oil Spill Response

AG Holder Announces Investigation Into Oil Spill

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Interview with Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen

Former Amb. Peck on the Gaza Flotilla

Debate: Does the Internet Help or Hurt Democracy?

Secretary Clinton & Romania's FM Take Questions


Deepwater Horizon spill – BP turns to shears to cap well | Environment | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - Raw Video: Bird's Eye View of Gulf Oil Spill

The Fix - Assessing the political fallout of the Andrew Romanoff revelation

Norton to Bennet: What did you know about job offer? : News : KXRM FOX 21

Fake George W. Bush Is Maybe Lying to You on Twitter! | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Arizona State Rep. on President's Upcoming Meeting With Gov. Brewer - Neil Cavuto | Your World - FOXNews.com

Palin backs Murkowski's GOP Senate opponent Miller - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

EPA Finalizes One-Hour Limits for Sulfur-Dioxide Emissions - WSJ.com

Facebook launches U.S. politics page - CNN.com

NRA endorses McCain, giving boost to Ariz. senator in tough Republican primary - latimes.com

Former 'World's Ugliest Dog' Miss Ellie dies at 17 | News10.net | Sacramento, California | The Buzz

Arizona Governor Joins List of Politicians Stretching Military Service - Newsweek

Third wave of good news for Blumenthal in Rasmussen poll | The Connecticut Mirror

The Associated Press: Rock band claims Paul violated music copyright

Pa. man allegedly stole 300 porn DVDs - Omaha.com

Ohio Cops Don't Need Radar Gun to Ticket Drivers - ABC News

In California, a Step Toward B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bag) - NYTimes.com

H1N1 is Still a Pandemic, Says World Health Organization - ABC News

Survey: 40% of Teens Have Had Sex

Burgers May Feed Kids' Asthma Risk - US News and World Report

Toxic chemicals finding their way into the womb - CNN.com

BBC News - 'People become immune to coffee boost', experts believe

Study says bodyweight linked to prostate tumor size » Gossip Jackal

UB biochemist receives award to facilitate stem cell research - UB Reporter


*AUDIO: Savage calls for peace


Gary Coleman 911 Call From Ex-Wife Gives Glimpse Of Actor's End - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

YouTube - Gary Coleman 911 Call - New York Post

Betty White: Rue McClanahan's Death 'Hurts More Than I Ever Thought' - Tributes, Betty White, Rue McClanahan : People.com

Dennis Hopper - TIME

Jack Nicholson: Dennis Hopper and I 'were soul mates' - USATODAY.com

Gore Split Defies Odds - ABC News

YouTube - Notebook: The Gores

Robin Wright 'Is a Ghost to Me Now,' Says Sean Penn - Good Deeds, Robin Wright, Sean Penn : People.com

Inside Conan O'Brien's Cathartic, Comedic Live Show - ABC News

Music -- Latest News -- Michael Jackson Museum Advances Without Estate's Permission -- RollingStone.com

Fired for being too hot? Former Citigroup worker says so | CFODailyNews.com | No-nonsense Finance news and insights to grow your bottom line

'Avatar' sequel could be Cameron's next film

#video:CA Dem: White Supremacist Groups Behind Arizona Immigration Law

McCain: ‘Rather Odd’ Obama Didn’t Mention Sending Nat’l Guard Troops to Border During Luncheon

White House Confirms It Suggested CO Dem Apply for Job

Spike Lee’s Charge to Obama: ‘Go Off!’

Biden Defends Israel

NYC Banker Claims Citibank Fired Her for Being ‘Too Attractive’

Ump’s Bad Call Leaves Detroit Pitcher One Out Short of Perfect Game

SC Gubernatorial Candidate Responds to Allegations of ‘Second’ Affair

General Andrew Breitbart’s New Media War

911 Audio: Child Star Gary Coleman Rushed to Hospital After Suspected Brain Hemorrhage

James Cameron Asked for Insight on Oil Spill

Obama Heckled Aboard Shuttle Bus

“As a Jew’ Barney Franks Is ‘Ashamed’ of Israel’s Treatment of Arabs

Paul McCartney: ‘Lay Off’ Obama

Fierce Flashback: Obama Excoriates Government’s ‘Unconsionable Ineptitude’ in Gulf Disaster

Man Wins $1.5M in Court Case Over Profane Debt Collection Calls

NewScientist: Balsa-Wood Butterfly Model Takes Flight Like Real Thing

Scores Shot: British Taxi Driver Kills 12 in Rampage Across Rural Tourist Region

New Video Shows Flotilla Passengers Attacking IDF With Stun Grenades Before Soliders Boarded Ship

Sarah Silverman: ‘Entire Fox News Channel is a 24-Hour a Day Racism Engine’


*3rd/Politics Video:Senate Candidate Romanoff: Obama Admin Emailed Me Three Jobs To Drop Out Of Race

SC-Gov: Haley Responds To Second Affair Allegation

McCartney Bashes Bush: "It's Great To Have A President Who Knows What A Library Is"

Brewer: "Encouraged" There Will Be Better Dialogue Between Obama And Arizona

Ron Paul: Obama Receiving Too Much Criticism On Oil Spill Response

Dem Rep. Linda Sanchez: White Supremacists Behind Arizona Immigration Law

Gov. Rendell: "Sestak Is A Hero"

Sen. Bill Nelson Stands Behind Obama's Response To Oil Spill

La. Parish President: Obama "Lived Up To His Word"

O'Reilly: Higher Taxes On Oil Companies Could Lead To Gas Lines

Chris Matthews: Can You Imagine Taking Orders From Sarah Palin?

Krauthammer: Carbon Tax Would Be "Transfer Of Wealth" To China

*2nd/Biden: "BP Is Not In Charge, The President Of The United States Is In Charge"

AL-Gov: Ron Sparks (D) Defeats Artur Davis

NV-Sen: Michelle Obama Campaigns For Harry Reid

Paul McCartney: Obama's "A Great Guy, So Lay Off Him"

AR-Sen: Ad Uses BP, Bush & Cheney Against Lincoln

ABC's "World News" Reports White House Complaining About "Chattering Class"

Obama: GOP Doesn't Believe Government Has Role In "Collective Challenges"

Obama: GOP Turned Surplus Into $1.3 Trillion Deficit

Spike Lee To Obama: "Go Off!"

Biden Defends Israel: "What's The Big Deal Here?"

Rove: Joe Klein Outdoes Chris Matthews In "Man Love" For Obama

Jindal Blasts BP & Fed Government Over Holding Up Sand Booms

Obama Trashes GOP For Opposing Economic Plans

Netanyahu: "Israel Regrets The Loss Of Life, But We Will Never Apologize For Defending Ourselves"

Barney Frank: Israeli Actions Make Me "Ashamed" As A Jew, Flotilla Activists Are "Innocent"

Christie: Students Trapped By "Selfish, Greedy" & "Disgraceful" Teacher Unions

LA Dem Rep. Melancon Calls For BP's Hayward Ouster

AZ Gov. Brewer To Obama If He Challenges Law: "We'll Meet You In Court"

McCain Blames Obama For Helping Create Flotilla Incident

Limbaugh: Oil Spill Is Obama's "Bay Of Rigs"

MSNBC's Scarborough: White House Thinks "We've Been Too Tough On The President"

Krauthammer: Admin. Wants To Give "Appearance Of Activity" On Oil Spill

O'Reilly: Flotilla Incident Poses Political Problem For Obama

Stephanopoulos On BP Criminal Investigation

Reich: Gov't Should Put BP In Receivership

Flotilla Passengers Fire Live Ammunition at IDF Soldiers


_Israel Rejects Calls for International Probe of Flotilla Raid | Middle East | English

YouTube - Turkish Ship Activists Funeral, Israel Defiant

BBC News - 'Traumatic' day for Cumbrian shootings GP

Kan Says No ‘Overnight’ Fix for Japan as He Bids to Lead Nation - Bloomberg.com

The Associated Press: Roman Catholic bishop stabbed to death in Turkey

Somali Forces Free Panama-Flagged Ship | AHN

ICC to investigate Ugandan army - CNN.com

Merkel's Favorite for German Presidency Loses Out - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Parliament cements Ukraine's nonaligned status

BBC News - Female judge and clerk shot dead in court in Belgium

Unprecedented US, India Engagement Defines New Era of Cooperation | USA | English

Gates criticizes Chinese military for blocking talks in Beijing

Leading UN official criticises CIA's role in drone strikes | World news | The Guardian

Official Admits Militancy’s Deep Roots in Pakistan - NYTimes.com

Protests to target toll exacted by 'the pill'

White House 'explanation' suggests criminal 'evasion'

Hijacking the tea party

Fight terror, get deported

Impeach the stonewalling Obama


Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-02, Wednesday

06/02 The Mark Levin Show

June 2, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Wed June 02, 2010. 04:20 PM

Bill Cunningham 5/31/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/31/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/30/10 Hour 3


British Airways red-faced over faux image of Bin Laden boarding pass - Yahoo! News

BBC - Democracy Live - Queen's Speech: Government aims to be 'greenest ever'

After civil servants' soaring pay, a 20% rise in their bonuses | Mail Online

Britain has highest inflation in Western World as families face sprialling food prices as pound plunges | Mail Online

Mulroney owes Canadian taxpayers $2.1 million: Opposition


I, Psychopath - Wild Docs! | CBC Newsworld


YouTube - I, Psychopath (Clip 1 of 5)

YouTube - I, Psychopath (Clip 2 of 5)

YouTube - I, Psychopath (Clip 3 of 5)

YouTube - I, Psychopath (Clip 4 of 5)

YouTube - I, Psychopath (Clip 5 of 5)


AP Sources: Admin talked jobs with Romanoff - Yahoo! News

Clear the air on Romanoff deal - The Denver Post

Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Obama's FTC plan to reinvent America's news media | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

White House misses early deadlines in ObamaCare implementation | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama Slips Up On Oil Spill Panel - IBD - Investors.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Rosie O'Donnell, Guest Use Show To Push State Takeover Of Industry

HotAirPundit: Secretary of State Clinton on the Flotilla Raid: "The United States Supports the Security Council's Condemnation of the Acts Leading to This Tragedy"

Obama using flotilla fiasco to blackmail Israel?

Gaza flotilla activists wanted to be 'martyrs'

20 Mar/Did White House 'organizing' step over line?

White House 'explanation' suggests criminal 'evasion'

Senate candidate says White House discussed 3 jobs

White House contacted candidate about jobs - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

Hot Air » Gibbs: Sestak not offered spot on intel board


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Clinton, Emanuel 'violated federal law'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama blueprint for imperial presidency

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive U.S. debt crisis '3 years away'


Morris: Obama doesn’t have a clue - TheHill.com

White House political team stumbles, bumbles - Jonathan Allen and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Obama extends benefits for gay federal employees - Yahoo! News

BP disaster called 'Cheney's Katrina'

Obama promises a fight for climate-change bill passage in Senate - latimes.com

‘We face international hypocrisy’

Turkish charity that sent aid convoy to Gaza ‘has links to terrorism’ - Times Online

Hot Air » New video: Flotilla passengers attack Israeli troops

Houston Planned Parenthood Abortion Center Called "Holy and Sacred Ground"

Abortion Foes Advance Cause at State Level - NYTimes.com

White House defends healthcare law as reducing budget deficit - TheHill.com

Mass. health insurers seek double-digit increases again - The Boston Globe

Obama's FTC plan to reinvent America's news media | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Holloway suspect detained in Peru killing - Americas- msnbc.com

Question leaves president's spokesman speechless?

Did you really think Obama could fix the problem?

Federal debt tops $13 trillion mark - Washington Times

Agents feared Mexican drug cartel attack on border dam | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

My Way News - About 2,300 running for Congress, most in decades

Think America 'protected' against EU crisis?


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records


*American Minute for June 3rd:William J Federer's American Minute


CBC News - Technology & Science - Giraffes can swim, though poorly: study

NSPCC ad aims to ease exam stress | Media | guardian.co.uk

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Rosie O'Donnell, Guest Use Show To Push State Takeover Of Industry

Mozart to help treat sewage | Quirky News | Orange UK

Homer Simpson named greatest TV character - Television - Entertainment - TODAY Show

IPCC Obsession With Temperature Distorts Climate Change Science

The chasm between Apollo and the Gulf

Nice Countries Finish Last

Guru Obama’s Latest Groupie

NASA Gagging Policy: Climate Scientist Quit over Controversy

The cult of arrogance and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

The Invisible Dr. Chu

Eleven More Mental Mistakes of Obamatons

Who’s Ready for a President Biden?

Obama Chief of Staff Emanuel Subpoenaed For Blago Trial

O’Keefe Exposes Census Payroll Fraud; Systematic, Possibly Widespread

The Anarcho-Totalitarian Nature Of Radical Environmentalism

James Hansen and Climate Change; NASA’s Disgrace

Rahm Emanuel Throws Obama Under the Bus

Constituting America a path to helps us take our country Back

video:Is belief in 10 Commandments legalistic?

video:Answering the objection, 'But God made me gay'

Network spending shows why free TV isn't dead yet


*site:Arcturus Research & Design

*site:Vivos Underground Survival Shelter Network for 2012 and Beyond


YouTube - Vivos Underground Catastrophe Shelter Network


BBC News - Hubble captures odd star motion

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Giant airship to carry science back to 1930s - tech - 26 May 2010 - New Scientist

Einstein's Brain Unlocks Some Mysteries Of The Mind : NPR

Column One: A Maryland town's 'Blair Witch' curse - latimes.com

Earthfiles.com Environment | Part 1: “Greatest Equation Ever” in Binary Code in Wiltshire Oilseed Rape

BBC News - A space odyssey of the mind

SPACE.com -- Flying NASA Telescope Snaps First Photos from Stratosphere

Matter: The next generation - physics-math - 01 June 2010 - New Scientist

Answers as elusive as evidence on topic of alien abductions - The Boston Globe

Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked | The Corbett Report

Airport security: Could the blink of an eye or a tiny muscle spasm ID a terrorist? - latimes.com

SPACE.com -- Pale Blue Crescent: Earth Photographed from Deep Space

Space junk threatens to cause 'chain reaction' that could wipe out communications on Earth | Mail Online

Inside the Air Force’s Secret PsyOps Plane | Danger Room | Wired.com

Guest Blog: Michelangelo's secret message in the Sistine Chapel: A juxtaposition of God and the human brain

Israel alone

Full-scale war imminent in Mideast?

Today's mollycoddled generation

The 'gay gene' hoax

When technology invades the body

Toyota, Tylenol and technology

Could we really take over BP? - Gulf Oil Spill 2010 | Gulf Oil Spill Pictures, Gulf Oil Spill News - Salon.com

All the blame falls on 'peace flotilla'

In a Welfare State, How Much Is ‘Enough’? - Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online

Hijacking the tea party

Obama's Iranian hostage crisis

Did you plug the hole with a blue dress yet, Daddy?

Environmentalists Also To Blame For Exxon Valdez And Gulf Spills - IBD - Investors.com

Obamacare inch by inch

Father jailed for sword attack Scales of Justice - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania

Porn actor goes on rampage at video production office, police say; 1 dead, 2 wounded [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Naked man runs through Newburgh streets, subdued after being Tasered four times | recordonline.com

Blown call costs Galarraga perfect game in 9th

John Mark Karr, man who claimed to kill JonBenet Ramsey, resurfaces, this time, as a woman

Fired for Facebook? City trying to dump dispatcher - JSOnline

Fla. parents file complaint against college that won't admit 13-year-old daughter

Poll Finds Most Americans Can't Name Any Supreme Court Justices - AOL News

CBS Decides Al and Tipper's Separation is the Fault of....George W. Bush | NewsBusters.org

eBay claims women's hemlines determine the weather | Mail Online

Couple discover they are siblings: Child courts blamed after strangers fall in love, have a son - and then find out they are half-brother and sister | Mail Online

Poll: More Americans want Arizona-style anti-illegal immigration law for their state

The Associated Press: Feds sue 6 websites for offering free comic books

Keeping officers' unauthorized crime-scene photos from going viral | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/01/2010


*JACKIE MASON:A right to bomb Israel?


Watchdog: Nothing improper in White House job discussions

Our 'Over the Cliff' website: A resource for progressives coping with insane right-wingers

Republicans Continue To Push 'Scandal' Of White House Offering Jobs To Discourage Primary Races

YouTube - Roberts: 'AIPAC purchases US elections'

YouTube - Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli lapdog Apologist

Obama: End dependence on fossil fuels | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Barack Obama to rescind billions of dollars in 'Big Oil' tax breaks - Telegraph

Vince Cable: David Cameron 'distancing' himself from BP – Telegraph Blogs

UN official: drone attacks ordered away from battlefield may lead to 'PlayStation' mentality - Telegraph

Nasa analysis showing record global warming undermines the sceptics - Times Online

Robert Boyle: 17th century chemist who foresaw the hi-tech future | Mail Online

Russia-US-Iran - Nuclear Juggling

U.S. citizen among those killed in Israeli flotilla raid