"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

04 June 2010

4 JUN '10


YouTube - Upbeat Blagojevich Goes on Trial for Corruption

Blagojevich and wife chipper as circus starts :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

FOXNews.com - White House Job Offer Controversy Could Boost Blagojevich Defense

Blagojevich jury selection continues today - Chicago Breaking News

Patti’s Jack Bauer experience - Blagojevich on Trial

'That's America'; Defense lawyer liking jury pool so far - Blagojevich on Trial

Defense and prosecution get their turn with jury candidates - Blagojevich on Trial

Judge queries jury candidates on TV, reading habits - Blagojevich on Trial

Blagojevich greets spectators as he arrives at court - Blagojevich on Trial

Blago team's subpoena fever; Patti likely to testify - Blagojevich on Trial


YouTube - Roberts: 'AIPAC purchases US elections' -

When Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Entertainment Industry | The Vigilant Citizen


YouTube - USS Liberty : This month in history


Tracking the American Epidemic of Mental Illness - Part I

Tracking the American Epidemic of Mental Illness - Part II


EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues - Crossroads - CBS News

Kagan Questionaire

Solicitor General - Elena Kagan

C-SPAN Video Player - Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Meets with Senators on Capitol Hill: Day 1

C-SPAN Video Player - Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Meets with Senators on Capitol Hill: Day 2

C-SPAN Video Player - Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Meets with Senators on Capitol Hill: Day 3

Fast Facts About Supreme Court Nominee, Elena Kagan; Including Appearances on C-SPAN « ResourceShelf

The Volokh Conspiracy » Waiting for the Kagan Papers

The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan’s Memos for Justice Marshall


'Sack tapping' a silly game with serious consequences | Comments Blog | Los Angeles Times

Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests - Times Online

ADL Rewrites New Testament

Robert Boyle: 17th century chemist who foresaw the hi-tech future | Mail Online

Nasa analysis showing record global warming undermines the sceptics - Times Online

Anger over Obama's meeting with Ariz. governor | World news | guardian.co.uk

About 2,300 running for Congress, most in decades | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Barack Obama to rescind billions of dollars in 'Big Oil' tax breaks - Telegraph

Obama: End dependence on fossil fuels | World news | guardian.co.uk

A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport


America's Complicity In Evil

Joran van der Sloot arrested over death of Peruvian woman | Mail Online

Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Soy Diet for Illinois Prisoners

1 of 8 Americans on Food Stamps « Fellowship of the Minds

U.S. Likely To Miss Deadline On Prison Rape Rules : NPR

BP and Feds Withheld Videos Showing Massive Scope of Oil Spill - ABC News

YouTube - China ban on dog meat draw angry outcry

CPJ denounces Israel’s use of footage seized in flotilla raid :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Under Scrutiny, IDF Retracts Claims About Flotilla’s Al Qaeda Links :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

YouTube - Ron Paul Correctly Predicts Obama Lie

Giuliani Rips Obama’s Handling of Oil Spill

YouTube - I am Israel Exposing true face of Zionist Occupation in English version

YouTube - Flotilla Massacre: Cynthia McKinney interviewed on CBC's Connect with Mark Kelley

YouTube - Raw Video: How Bad Can the Spill Get?

YouTube - CENSORED Mainstream Media - Israels simultanious demonstrations Against Fascism all around Israel

YouTube - Ocean currents likely to carry oil to Atlantic

YouTube - Keiser Report № 46: Social Fury builds up!

American's Journey: United States of Zionist America- 2010 Will Be the Summer of Rage

Review of Zionism, Militarism And The Decline Of US Power by James Petras | My Catbird Seat

Justin Raimondo : This Says It All | My Catbird Seat

The Legal Framework of International Law The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla by Israeli Navy Commandos on May 31, 2010 | My Catbird Seat

YouTube - Underwater video: BP lowers cap on oil well, graph of Gulf spill spread

Large 'bruise' on Jupiter 'was caused by | Mail Online

McDonald's pulls Shrek glasses in U.S. - Yahoo! Canada News

Why did Israel Attack Civilians in the Mediterranean?

Al Jazeera English - Report: WHO overstated H1N1 threat

Report condemns swine flu experts' ties to big pharma | World news | The Guardian


Proofform - Lawyers Claim Google Wi-Fi Sniffing ‘Is Not an Accident’

Macs under attack by high-risk spyware | Malware - InfoWorld

FT.com / Technology - Google ditches Windows on security concerns

BBC News - Facebook "clickjacking" spreads across site

SOUTH LEBANON: Yahoo and AP Caught Manipulating User Comments


Interpol: Joran van der Sloot arrested in Santiago – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Summer Streets Of Rage Predicted For Europe & U.S.

charles hugh smith-The Root of the Housing Bubble Remains Unchanged

Newsvine - Joran van der Sloot: "I sold Natalee Holloway for $10,000"

Israel Has Lost Its Mind — and Its Soul : Political Theatrics

Still Love Governments?

FOXNews.com - Los Angeles Students to Be Taught That Arizona Immigration Law Is Un-American

Army War College Prof. Says Military Brass Knows Mossad Behind 911


YouTube - Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?

YouTube - Global Covert Govt Inc.: Bilderberg gather forces near Barcelona


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 3rd With Victor Ostrovsky


YouTube - Bill Gates visita Barcelona

YouTube - Bilderberg is meeting in Barcelona, Spain Right Now!!


YouTube - Mark Anderson's Call in Report from Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Mark Anderson's Call in Report from Bilderberg Spain 2010 Meeting on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Daniel Estulin exclusive: Bilderberg are terrified!

YouTube - Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?


YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 1/8

YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 2/8

YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 3/8

YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 4/8

YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 5/8

YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 6/8

YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 7/8

YouTube - The Bilderberg Group part 8/8


YouTube - Michael Savage - False Flags, Bilderberg, and a New World Order.

Conspiracy Planet - Bilderbergers - Tucker Trumps Trilateral-Bilderberg Conspiracy


Prison Planet Archive - Bilderberg




Tiwy.com - June 3, 2010 - Bilderberg Group Conspiring in Latin America

Bilderberg 2010: Why the protesters are your very best friends | World news | guardian.co.uk

Bilderberg 2010 Begins, Stoking Conspiracy Fires

Bilderberg Group Sitges 2010 World Secret Government Dolce Hotel in Sitges 4 th to 6th June

Plunged into Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg Conference | Before It's News

What are the Bilderberg Group really doing in Spain? - Europe, World - The Independent

Crib Sheet: The Bilderberg Group, a Real-Life Illuminati for Conspiracy Theorists | Fast Company

Rush Limbaugh Exposes Secrets of Mars, UFOs, the Power Elite, and Yale's Skull & Bones Society! by Dennis Whitney

Wikipedia censors Bilderberg's Nazi roots


*Site:Tony Gosling:(www.bilderberg.org)


Flotilla Debate: Glenn Greenwald vs Eliot Spitzer

One TRILLION Dollars Wasted In The Middle East. What Could We Have Done With That Money?

Dear Congress: Leave Social Security ALONE!

Chris Matthews Hits 'Drill, Baby, Drill' Palin's Hypocrisy on Offshore Drilling

Republicans Continue To Push 'Scandal' Of White House Offering Jobs To Discourage Primary Races

Our 'Over the Cliff' website: A resource for progressives coping with insane right-wingers

Watchdog: Nothing improper in White House job discussions

Maybe now Clear Channel Communications is seeing clearly after insensitive contest

Halliburton Pours Money Into Campaigns Of Congress Members Who Will Investigate Oil Spill. Gee, I Wonder Why.

California, don't mess this up

Rudy Giuliani on the Obama Administration Response to the Oil Spill: 'It Couldn't Be Worse'

Obama: Time To Roll Back Tax Breaks For Oil Companies, Use Money To Develop Clean Energy

Bush Follows Cheney in Admitting War Crimes

US Citizen Among the Dead in Flotilla Attack

Armando Galarraga is all class after blown call loses his Perfect Game

Rachel Maddow: How Not to Respond to an Oil Spill -- Booming Fails on Louisiana Coast

Jindal Opposes Offshore Drilling Moratorium

Wife: Deepwater Horizon Crew Member Was So Worried About Safety, He Wrote His Will


Bilderberg See People With Income As “A Threat” To Their Agenda

Bilderberg 2010: Globalists Panic Over Euro Collapse


*White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents

*The Letter


YouTube - DeMint: Over 90 Percent of Bills Passed Secretly With No Debate, No Vote

The Death Spiral for Climate Alarmism Continues

CNSNews.com - Primatologist Jane Goodall: ‘The Future of the Planet’ Will Make Us ‘Tighten Our Belts’

The Israeli Spin-Machine in Overdrive: Dershowitz to the Rescue?

Top US cyberwarrior: ‘Remote sabotage’ a real and pressing concern | Raw Story

How NOT To Save the News Business--Jeff Jarvis - NYPOST.com

Bill would give DHS emergency cyber powers

Washington Post Exposes BP ties to Eco-Groups, Other Media Ignore Controversy


Nine meals from anarchy: What the coming food collapse means for civilization

Nine meals from anarchy | Andrew Simms | Comment is free | The Guardian


FCC Talks Up Sovietization of Media

U.S. National Debt 2010

Got Gold? Head Of IMF Policy-Steering Committee Says Fund Needs $320 Billion To Be “Properly Resourced”

Chinese Exporters Ditch Wounded Euro for Dollars - CNBC

Is Deepwater Horizon Not Being Blown Up Because BP Secretly Hopes To Drill From It Again?

A Statist Attack on John Stossel

FDA defeated in federal court over censorship of truthful health claims

Just what is it that greens like George Monbiot find so offensive about prosperity, abundance, happiness? – Telegraph Blogs

China Investing Estimated $200 Billion in ‘Imperialistic’ Military to Rival U.S., Warns Pentagon Sr. Strategist

Greek Debtor Sets Himself On Fire Inside Athens Bank

SpyTalk - Israeli special missions veteran deplores raid plan


Activists Give Warm Welcome To Bilderberg 2010

Bilderberg 2010: The security lockdown begins | World news | guardian.co.uk


Video Footage: Intense Security At Bilderberg 2010

YouTube - 'No to NWO': Video of anti-Bilderberg protests in Spain as group set to meet

YouTube - Bilderberg Meeting 2010 - Security (June 2nd 2010)

YouTube - We Are Change @ Bilderberg Spain 2010 - Cops aggression

YouTube - Bilderberg 2010: June 2nd, Sitges, Spain

YouTube - Sitges es blinda per rebre el Club Bilderberg

YouTube - Antena 3 Noticias 03 de junio de 2010 Diabólico Club Bilderberg se reúne hoy en Sitges España

YouTube - El Club Bilderberg minimizado en Espejo Público (03-06-10)

YouTube - Bilderberg 2010 Sitges


**Bilderberg 2010: Prisonplanet.com Master Page


YouTube - Alex Jones Calling All Activist to Send "Chemtrail Clips" for New Documentary Film

Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk

North Korean diplomat: ‘War may break out at any moment’ | Raw Story

YouTube - Global Covert Govt Inc.: Bilderberg gather forces near Barcelona


Eugenicist Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference


YouTube - Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation


Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility


The Israeli Spin-Machine in Overdrive: Dershowitz to the Rescue? | Real Liberty Media

LOST at Sea: Enormous Exaggeration of Oil Plume Set to Enrich World Bankers

Cyberbullying Bill Sponsor Says White Supremacists Behind Arizona Law

A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a “Failed State”

YouTube - How We Woke UP - We Are Change San Antonio

YouTube - Kids Swallow DNA of Lethal Pig Virus in Vaccine


YouTube - Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro


YouTube - Obama Heckled On A Shuttle Bus!


U.S. Jobs Report Compounds Europe's Woes - WSJ.com

US Stock Futures Extend Losses After Jobs Report - CNBC

Into the Abyss: The Cycle of Debt Deflation | Before It's News

Pedestrians Attacked by Secret Service for Walking in Street

IDF Retracts Claim al-Qaeda was on Flotilla, Corporate Media Silent

NSW Government recording features for facial recognition | The Daily Telegraph

9/11: Wake Up the District Attorney With 1,000 Letters: WEEK 1

Report says Burma is taking steps toward nuclear weapons program

Airport security: Could the blink of an eye or a tiny muscle spasm ID a terrorist? - latimes.com

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Genetically Modified Foods Could Cause Long-Term Sterility

Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals | Washington Examiner

BP and Feds Withheld Videos Showing Massive Scope of Oil Spill - ABC News

U.S.: Israel's Defenders Mobilise, Threaten - IPS ipsnews.net

Rep. Parker Griffith fourth incumbent felled by political tide - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Obama uses Gulf oil spill for energy agenda push - CNN.com

A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport

A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport

Video: President Obama gets Heckled on Bus | Bayanihan Tayo

BP and the Minerals Management Service: the Legacy of Capture Theory

Downsizing Government, Arizona Style

The Grand Jihad

Israel after the Flotilla Debacle

The Gaza Flotilla Decoy for Iranian Missiles to Hezb'allah

Conservatives: Beware of the Military Funeral Case

The (Not So) Great Pretender

The Rise of the Thug Left

Something missing in anti-Israel WaPo article

A real freedom flotilla - for Kurdistan

Supporting open borders is supporting sweat shops in the US

Obama's 'malaise' speech

The Gaza raid raises questions of Israeli competency

Survey: Two-thirds of Americans can't name a single Supreme Court Justice

Obama 'stands with Israel'...except when he doesn't

What is it with these administration guys and failure to pay taxes?

95% of new jobs from Census hiring

Worse than a Depression

Self-Inflicted Defeat

The 2010 Census and Our Fair Share


Churchill's Bad Idea

When It Rains in Chicago, It Pours

White House is feeling weight of controversies surrounding oil spill, elections

More premature and puerile verdicts on Obama - The Week

RealClearPolitics - Obama Should Heed His Campaign Rhetoric

Opinion | Israel refuses to commit suicide | Seattle Times Newspaper

Israel's piracy on the high seas - chicagotribune.com

News Analysis - Health Insurers and the Administration Find They Need Each Other - NYTimes.com

Realizing the True Cost of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

The Dems’ Plan to Hold Congress - Newsweek

Tony Hayward: What BP Is Doing About the Gulf Gusher - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Why Is BP's CEO Still on the Job?

Kass: Mark Kirk lets Alexi Giannoulias sail back into the Senate campaign - chicagotribune.com

RealClearPolitics - The University Guild vs. Glenn Beck

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - 10 Things To Watch On Super Tuesday

Editorial - The White House Employment Agency - NYTimes.com

Job offers were politics as usual - The Denver Post

Obama's trials: The president goes on the attack in Pittsburgh

Resolution threatens power of Office of Congressional Ethics

Democrats are fighting high disapproval of Congress - latimes.com

Abortion Foes Advance Cause at State Level - NYTimes.com

Short Obama coattails for black pols - Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com

In Calif. primary, Republican Senate candidates offer models for party comeback

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 03, 2010 - White House faces more questions over dealmaking

Michael Tomasky: Another job "scandal" | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Political problems converging on Obama White House all at once | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Good Health Care For Less Money? Yup, Still Possible. | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Obama's 'Chicago Way' Plunders the Private Sector

RealClearPolitics - Souter's Challenge to Originalists

Mickey Kaus: Democrats Are on the Path to Doom -- I Want Off

Pajamas Media » Hatoyama Resigns — Is Japan Falling Apart?


*3 JUN/Bernanke's Remarks on Small Business Lending

*2 JUN/Obama's Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon

Roundtable on Obama and the Oil Spill

Interview with Florida Gov. Charlie Crist

Interview with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

Gov. Rendell on the Sestak Job Offer

Legal Experts on the Israeli Raid


New Group Lashes Out Against Comedy Central’s Christ Mockery

Classless Paul McCartney Trashes Bush In Front of Obama at White House

VIDEO: Same Sarah Silverman Who Called Asian-Americans ‘Chinks’ Smears Conservatives as Racist

Daily Gut: Ashton Kutcher Blames Republicans For Oil Spill

Coming Soon: How Rock Rolled Up the Iron Curtain

REVIEW: ‘Sex’ and the Silly Sequel

REVIEW: Michael Douglas & ‘Solitary Man’ Deserve an Audience

Majority of U.S. House Oppose FCC Effort to Reclassify Broadband

Media Matters Covers Up Obama Ties to Hamas Ally Jodie Evans

The UN and Obama Versus Gun Owners

Middle East Crisis: Always Side with the Civilized Man

Friday Free for All: Blago Edition

Republican Gary Miller: Earmarks, Land Deals and FBI Investigations.

Rep. Phil Hare Threatens Constituents Who Point Out He Isn’t a Veteran

Relax America, Politicans Just Want To Improve You

SEIU’s Latest Target? The Red Cross

Have Census Job, Will Travel: Census Wastes Money Shuffling Workers Around the Country

Fisking: ‘Why the Web Benefits Liberals More Than Conservatives’

Si, se puede! — Yes, We Can Enforce the Arizona Law

Must-Read Of the Day: The WaPo’s Richard Cohen Gets Mugged By Reality… Again

What’s the Good Word, Nancy d’Alesandro Pelosi?

Sarah Palin, Privacy, Decency and ‘The Boy Next Door’

Planet Olbermann to Earth: Israel Is the Source Of Everything Wrong In the Middle East

We Demand a Retraction From CNN Over False ‘Phone-Tampering’ Allegation

Comedy Central’s Religious Cowardice

Useful Idiots: In ‘Peter Pan’ Special on Cuban-Americans, CNBC Falls Victim To Castroite Propaganda

Mainstream Media Doesn’t Let Facts Get In The Way Of Their Anti-Israel Narrative

Are Journalists Finally Getting Over their Pro-Teacher-Union Fetish?

First Things First: the MSM’s Priorities and the VP Disconnect

Miley Cyrus simulates lesbian lip lock in 'Britain's Got Talent' performance

Bill Maher, always a bride's maid - latimes.com

Charge to Obama: 'Go off!' - CNN.com

Jobs data likely to show burst of temporary hiring

White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents | Kagan Watch

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues - Crossroads - CBS News

Sestak a no-go for any job. So what was the deal? | Washington Examiner

Ariz. Gov. Brewer wants separating fence completed

Breitbart.tv » CA Dem: White Supremacist Groups Behind Arizona Immigration Law

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Bill would give DHS emergency cyber powers

Rahm Emanuel Pays Property Taxes After Inquiry - WBBM 780 - Chicago's #1 source for local news, traffic and weather

ABC's Davis to SEIU - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Census Bureau makes changes after sex offender hired - USATODAY.com

Comic book publisher praised for reflecting 'tolerance of Islam' - CNN.com

Steve Jobs on Letting Gizmodo's Leak Slide: 'I'd Rather Quit' - TheWrap.com

In May, Lower Ratings for Larry King - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Cartoon:Useful Idiots: Oil and Water - Big Journalism

'Furious' Obama heading to Gulf for spill update

Disappointing jobs report sends stocks tumbling

GOP line in Maine drinks the tea, but what's next?

Chile begins to expel Dutch murder suspect to Peru

Bangladesh fire races through buildings, kills 117

'79 Gulf oil spill leaves sobering lessons for BP

Cap collects some Gulf oil; crude washes into Fla.

Bell tolls for the misspellers at Spelling Bee

Japan's new leader faces test to win back voters

SKorea seeks UN action against NKorea over ship

EasyJet to test infrared ash detectors on planes

Dying father gave 25,000 to killer's twin

Warning to parents on car insurance 'fronting'

Turkey to minimize ties to Israel

Ahmadinejad blasts Israel, opposition

BP chief apologises for Gulf oil spill

Private Sector Adds Just 41K Jobs in May


Primatologist Jane Goodall: ‘Future of the Planet’ Will Make Us ‘Tighten Our Belts’

Detroit Pitcher on Botched Call: ‘Nobody’s Perfect’

SC Senator Calls GOP Gubernatorial Candidate, Obama ‘Ragheads’

Caught on Tape: Car Goes Airborne at Texas Toll Booth

NY Man Found Alive in Ditch Four Days After Crash

Oil Washes Ashore Florida Beaches

‘I Am Furious’: Obama Revs Up Anger Over Oil Spill for Larry King Interview

FTC Journalism ‘Reinvention’ Report Sparks Debate on Government Control

‘We Con the World’: Israeli TV Show Features ‘Flotilla Choir’

NYC Banker Claims Citibank Fired Her for Being ‘Too Attractive’

Brian Williams: Obama ‘Might Have Had His Scenario Off By 180 Degrees’

Spike Lee’s Charge to Obama: ‘Go Off!’

Lobbyist Dishes Details of Alleged One Night Stand with SC GOP Gubernatorial Hopeful

McCain: ‘Rather Odd’ Obama Didn’t Mention Sending Nat’l Guard Troops to Border During Luncheon

White House Confirms It Suggested CO Dem Apply for Job

Biden Defends Israel

SC Gubernatorial Candidate Responds to Allegations of ‘Second’ Affair

General Andrew Breitbart’s New Media War

Was Netanyahu Right About the Gaza Flotilla Not Being ‘The Love Boat?’

Ump’s Bad Call Leaves Detroit Pitcher One Out Short of Perfect Game


*4th/Politics Video:MSNBC Anchor Confuses Bush For Obama While Talking About Oil Spill

Former DNC Chair McAuliffe Blasts Obama: Bill Clinton "Would Have Moved The White House" To Gulf

Obama Applauds Biden For "Scandal-Free" Execution Of Recovery Act

Obama Lauds Jobs Created By Census

O'Reilly Vs. Ingraham On Oil Spill Response

Gov. Christie To Teachers' Unions: "You Punch Them, I Punch You"

Alan Colmes Defends Obama, Calls Hamas "Elected" Government

BP Launches Ad: "We Will Make This Right"

Ari Fleischer On Obama's Handling Of Oil Spill

Geithner: Fannie And Freddie To Be Reformed

O'Reilly: We Need A Federal Investigation Of WH Job Offers

Rep. Melancon: "We've Been Lied To"

Countdown: Is Jindal More Concerned About The Oil Companies?

Krauthammer: White House And Sestak Stories "Don't Stack Up"

*3rd/Ron Paul: Hamas Is A "Legitimate Government"

Kagan "Stood Shoulder-To-Shoulder With Liberal Left" On Abortion

Gibbs On Obama Not Showing Emotion: If "Screaming" Would Fix Oil Spill, We Would Have Done That

SC-Gov: Haley Responds To Second Affair Allegation

Angry Obama: "I Would Love To Spend A Lot Of My Time Venting And Yelling At People"

Report: Ocean Currents Likely To Carry Oil To East Coast

Gibbs: White House Has Been "Transparent" On Job Offers

Census Worker Claims Job Numbers Are Being Inflated

Rep. Issa: WH Job Offers Are "Violation Of Law"

Dem Rep. Linda Sanchez: White Supremacists Behind Arizona Immigration Law

Gov. Christie Slams Education Org: "Devoid Of A Publicly Supportable Agenda"

CA-Sen: "Terrorism Kills And Barbara Boxer Is Concerned About The Weather"

Brewer: "Encouraged" There Will Be Better Dialogue Between Obama And Arizona

Ron Paul: Obama Receiving Too Much Criticism On Oil Spill Response

McCartney Bashes Bush: "It's Great To Have A President Who Knows What A Library Is"

Senate Candidate Romanoff: Obama Admin Emailed Me Three Jobs To Drop Out Of Race

Sen. Bill Nelson Stands Behind Obama's Response To Oil Spill

O'Reilly: Higher Taxes On Oil Companies Could Lead To Gas Lines

Chris Matthews: Can You Imagine Taking Orders From Sarah Palin?

Gov. Rendell: "Sestak Is A Hero"

Krauthammer: Carbon Tax Would Be "Transfer Of Wealth" To China

La. Parish President: Obama "Lived Up To His Word"


Al-Qaeda's Number 3 Was Reported Dead In 2008 And Again In 2010

SEC Files Lawsuit Against Diebold, Then Settles for $25m, Pursues Fraud by Three Diebold Executives

Strategic Defaults: Is It Morally Right To Decide To Simply Stop Paying Your Mortgage?

The Back Art Of ‘Master Illusions’

Video: Mckinney – ‘Israel bought the executive branch’

EU plans green taxes to cut debt

Lieberman Bill Gives Feds ‘Emergency’ Powers to Secure Civilian Nets

Hugo de Garis and The Coming Artilect War

Liberal Coalition Demands FCC Move to Shut Down Talk Radio

The New Gulf of Tonkin: South Korean Torpedo Sunk ROK Warship

Video Footage: Intense Security At Bilderberg 2010

50 Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Video: Similiarties Between 1979 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill And 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Dallas Fed's Richard Fisher Says Only Way To Remove Systemic Risk Is Shrinking The Megabanks

Ocean currents likely to carry oil along Atlantic coast

Oily Politics Grease the Wheels of Control

'Yes We Can, Afghanistan'

James Cameron on BP Oil Spill: “If you’re not monitoring it independently, you’re asking the perpetrator to give you the video of the crime scene.”

Los Angeles police ask public's help in fighting terrorism threat - latimes.com

US to bill BP $69mn for oil spill

AFP: Texas man charged with trying to help Al-Qaeda

Illinois newspaper ordered to disclose commenter names - Chicago Breaking News

H1N1 Virus or Swine Flu is Still a Pandemic, Says World Health Organization - ABC News

CIA Drones Claim License to Kill with Impunity

Plenty of Money for War, None for Jobless


*McCain and the POW Cover-up


Bilderberg Agenda Leaked

Immigration Revolution Brewing

Russia, China to Try to Prevent Conflict on Korean Peninsula - Lavrov

Israeli Citizens Denounce Their Government: Call on the World's Governments and Civil Society Organizations

The Psychopathic Criminal Enterprise Called America

Washington Comes to the Aid of Israel over Gaza Convoy Massacre

For a More Ethical Civilization

Facebook and Muslim Outrage: Gleaning the Wrong Lesson, Again

US Calls on Rwanda to Release American Lawyer Peter Erlinder

Desperate Financial Situation, Biggest Debt Bubble in World History: Fifty Statistics About The U.S. Economy

VIDEO: Michel Chossudovsky: US Public Debt Level at an All-Time High

Israel is Already Singled Out: Unbending US Support to Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program

Plunged into Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg Conference

Paul McCartney meets Barack Obama: Why did McCartney not take a Stand on a Matter of Gross Injustice and Human Suffering

What Are Some of the Structural Inefficiencies of the World Bank?

Detailed Compiled Eyewitness Accounts Confirm Cold-Blooded Murder and Executions by Israeli Military

The Empire and the War


AllGov - U.N. Report Accuses U.S. of Using CIA as Pseudo-Military

*29 pg/Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Philip Alston*


Bilderberg 2010: The security lockdown begins

Bilderberg 2010: Plutocracy with palm trees

What are the Bilderberg Group really doing in Spain?

'Reign Of Witches' (It’s Back!)

EU may monitor searches under guise of child porn prevention

US backs off plan to take Vt. farm for border port

Two high school teachers put on leave over material about knowing your rights when dealing with police

U.S. 'secret war' expands globally as Special Operations forces take larger role

Police unveil arsenal for G20 summit security

Nevada's Real ID Showdown

2 ex-Hollywood cops arrested in video frame-up case

ColorofChange.org trying to take Stossel off the air for comments on the Civil Rights Act


YouTube - Doug Casey -The Greater Depression Has Arrived: What's Next? Pt.1

YouTube - Doug Casey -The Greater Depression Has Arrived: What's Next? Pt.2

YouTube - Doug Casey -The Greater Depression Has Arrived: What's Next? Pt.3


Former HUD Secretary Cisneros: Profiteers, Not Government, To Blame for Housing Crisis

50 Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

25 Questions To Ask Anyone Who Is Delusional Enough To Believe That This Economic Recovery Is Real

Poli-Tea: Guns Don't Kill People, Paramilitary Police Units Kill People

FCC and FTC: Enemies of Free Press and Free Speech

Lieberman Bill Gives Feds 'Emergency' Powers to Secure Civilian Nets

YouTube - CaseyResearchFAN's Channel


YouTube - New Orleans Conference: Political Debate Introduction (Part 1)

YouTube - New Orleans Conference: Political Debate Part 2

YouTube - New Orleans Conference: Political Debate Part 3

YouTube - New Orleans Conference: Political Debate Part 4

YouTube - New Orleans Conference: Political Debate Part 5

YouTube - New Orleans Conference: Political Debate Part 6

YouTube - New Orleans Conference: Political Debate Part 7


Only One-Third of Young Women Get Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Fluoride behind high rate of bone cancer in dogs?

58% Say No to Citizenship for Children of Illegal Immigrants

Ken Salazar, corporatism and the BP oil spill

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Cleansing our minds of crime and vice. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Transhumanist Aesthetics: A Theoretical Approach to Enhanced Existence


*TERROR DATE 6/23/2010 CONFIRMED! First Illuminati Warning Found & Decoded.


savethemales.ca - Do You Believe in the Electoral Process? Prove it!

The Really Creepy People Behind the Libertarian-Inspired Billionaire Sea Castles | Economy | AlterNet

Army Researchers Find an Ebola Vaccine. But it Might Only Save Themselves. | Danger Room | Wired.com

Missing the boat: Skewed responses to Israel’s attack on Gaza flotilla

Israel: UN Security Council ignoring basic precepts of justice

Russia-US-Iran: Nuclear juggling

Has Israel declared war on the international community?

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

Chinese Supercomputer Is Ranked World’s Second-Fastest, Challenging U.S. Dominance

Vitter, Jindal Plead with Obama: Don't Cripple Us

White House Halts All New Offshore Drilling in Gulf

BP CEO: 'We Will Be Here for a Very Long Time'

Computer Models Show Gulf Oil Reaching East Coast

Cap Placed Atop Gulf Well; Oil Still Spewing

Lou Ferrigno Made Honorary Deputy by Arpaio

Poll: 41% Strongly Disapprove of Obama

Laura Bush Sidesteps Obama Criticism On Oil Spill

Hugs, Handshakes at Blagojevich Trial

Dick Morris: Obama's Gulf Response 'Clueless'

Rescued Reporter Names Child After Bill Clinton

Christians, Jews Outraged Over TV Jesus Parody

NRA Endorses John McCain

Brewer Tells Obama: Secure the Border

'Titanic' Director Cameron: 'Morons' Run Spill Efforts

Obama: My Poll Numbers Are Doing All Right

W.H. Defends Dealmaking in Political Races

W.H: Obama Unaware of Romanoff Job Offer

US Widens Special Ops Against al-Qaida

Deficit Panel Eyes Another Bite at Healthcare

BP Chief to Face Investors, Questions About Job

US: No Sign of Another NKorean Attack

NJ Plant That Made 'Shrek' Glasses Studying Recall

Blobs of Oil Tar Stain Fla. National Seashore

Geithner: US Can Withstand Europe's Debt Crisis

Holloway Suspect Accused of $250K Extortion in Ala

GOP Line in Maine Drinks the Tea, but What's Next?

Kirk Apologizes for Misstating Military Record

Mortgage Firms Seek Relief From Buying Bad Debt

Vitamin E Can Prevent COPD

Shrimp Allergies May Wane With Age

ACLU Sues Government for 'Spying' Information

Paypal Millionaire's Rocket Making 1st Test Flight

Some Blocked Websites Now Accessible in China

Newspapers See Signs iPad Restores Ad Sales

'Golden Girl' Rue McClanahan Dies

Author Lionel Shriver Takes On US Health System

White House Now Says It Discussed USAID Position with Candidate Andrew Romanoff to 'Avoid Costly Battle' in Colorado

Congressman Seeks Full Accounting of White House Efforts to ‘Clear the (Primary) Field’

White House Misled Media: Originally Denied Sestak Job Offer That It Now Confirms

Former Medicare Chief Says Comparative Effectiveness Research Is Not Rationing, Contrary to View of Obama Nominee Donald Berwick

Bipartisan Bill Aims to Remedy ‘Gender Discrimination’ in Public Restrooms

McDonald’s Airs TV Commercial Featuring Homosexual Teen in France

Turkish Group Behind Gaza Flotilla Has Suspect Links, History

Economy Adds 431,000 Jobs but Few in Private Sector

Top Republicans to White House: Alleged Facts in Your Sestak Memo Appear to Document Lawbreaking

SC State Senator Refers to Candidate as 'Raghead'

Wal-Mart Launches Employee College Plan

Four-Day School Weeks Gain Popularity Across U.S.

Vermont Lawyer: Girl, Virginia Lesbian Mom May Have Fled US

US Court Weighs School Discipline for Web Posts

Lift the Siege of Gaza

The Summer of Corruption Plot Thickens

Energy Bills Will Skyrocket Under Obama's Plan

Sestak Affair Represents Hardball Politics

Newspapers Question Obama's Competence

Obama Must Reduce Debt Burden to China

Free Countries Won't Take Notice of China's Space Warfare

Pelosi Uses Religion to Advance Liberal Agenda

Obama Incompetent in Face of Gulf Spill, Debt Crisis

Obama Rejects Notion of Limited Govt

Kyrgyzstan as a Geopolitical Pivot in Great Power Rivalries

Kyrgyzstan’s "Rose Revolution": Washington, Moscow, Beijing and the Geopolitics of Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan’s ‘Roza Revolution’: Russia and the Future of Kyrgyzstan

Masonry, Education and the “Religion of Humanity”

Temple of Man: Freemasonry, Civil Religion, and Education

Murray Rothbard at His Semicentennial by Ralph Raico

Reign Of Witches' (It’s Back!) by Tim Case

How Christian Is Sojourners Marxism? Part I by William L. Anderson

Medicines and Treatments That Patients Don't Need by Joseph Mercola

CRIME, GUNS, AND VIDEOTAPE: Justice In The Socialist Style—Coming to America Soon!

Employers hiring fewer full-time workers, more contractors - Jun. 1, 2010

Pa.: Natural Gas Spewing From out-of-Control Well

Ex-Cop Pleads Guilty in Katrina Bridge Shooting

Ex-UMass Student Gets Probation in Stabbings of 2

Tourism Boom Boosts Syria's Flagging Economy

Financial Advisers Need Advice Too

Turkish PM Tells Israel "Thou Shalt Not Kill"

Rape Charges Dropped Against Liberian Boy in Ariz.

Ohio Governor Grants Clemency to Condemned Killer

UN Beefs up International Police Force in Haiti

Cleopatra Show Unveils New Archaeological Treasures

South Korea Complains to U.N. Over North's "Blatant" Act

Flight Attendant With Gun Arrested at Ind. Airport

Bill Gates Sr Says Wealth Is "Not Having to Worry"

Sisters Find $18,000 in Duffel, Return It to Owner

Bear Lured From Tree With Doughnuts After Mom Shot

Restaurant Tells Diners to Eat up or Be Fined and Leave

Natalee Holloway's Uncle Hopes Case Is Reopened

Legally, Many US Hotels Lack Fire Sprinklers

Ask AP: IMF Money, Vacuuming up Spilled Oil

U.S. Widens Special Operations Against Al Qaeda: Report

"Super" North Korean Drink "Multiplies Brain Cells"

Paper-Made Towers, Windmills, Tables Anchor Taiwan Park

BP Establishes Escrow Fund for La. Sand Berms

BP Lowers Containment Cap Onto Crippled Wellhead


*Washington Insider: Obama Member of Chicago Gay Mans Club | Before It's News


The American Spectator : The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama

Mass. Senate Passes Toughest Anti-Immigrant Law in Country | Virginia Right!

Exclusive: Law student puts price tag on Glenn Beck’s words | Raw Story


*NYC: The Truth About the Ground Zero Mosque | Before It's News


White House contacted candidate about jobs - Decision 2010- msnbc.com

When Big Government Ignores The Voice of We The People | That's Just Plum Dumb

Universities Are Offering Doctorates but Few Jobs

WikiLeaks Was Launched With Documents Intercepted From Tor

YouTube - Vintage McCartney lifts somber White House

Paul McCartney Receives Music Award at White House | Arts and Entertainment | English

Review: 'Splice' scientists cook up DNA monster

Eminem collaborates with Rihanna and Pink on new album | News | NME.COM

Gary Coleman's Parents: We Want to Bring Our Son Home - Gary Coleman : People.com

'American Idol' Winner Lee DeWyze To Sing At NBA Finals On Sunday - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

The Hindu : News / International : Naoto Kan is Japanese Premier

YouTube - Naoto Kan Elected Japan's New Prime Minister

Another Aid Ship Heads to Gaza to Challenge Israel's Blockade | Middle East | English

The Associated Press: Bangladesh fire races through buildings, kills 117

YouTube - Bangladesh mourns fire victims

The Associated Press: UK prime minister meets survivors of mass shooting

South Korea Asks Security Council Action in Ship Sinking - NYTimes.com

Pope Starts Landmark Three-Day Visit to Cyprus | Europe | English

Taliban prisoners 'would be released to kickstart Aghan peace process' - Telegraph

Deng Was Said to Have Approved Bloodshed at Tiananmen - NYTimes.com

Obama again delays trip to Indonesia, Australia - latimes.com

Ukraine ditches NATO goal | Reuters

Iranian Leaders Blast Israel and US at Khomeini Memorial | Middle East | English

BBC News - Burma 'trying to build nuclear weapon'

Obama (plans) to head to India in November - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Taliban key commander killed in S. Afghanistan

Van der Sloot Arrest "Not Enough" for Holloways - The Early Show - CBS News

BBC News - Sarkozy queried over Pakistan arms cash

Judge and clerk were shot over grudge about eviction three years ago - Times Online

Turkish Bishop's Driver Charged With Murder - WSJ.com

Oil spill: How bad it could get - Jun. 4, 2010

Poll shows big lead for Whitman over Poizner

Arizona immigration law in Florida: Police unease argues against a similar immigration law in Florida - latimes.com

Immigration Law Divides Arizona City | News Analysis | English

Mark Kirk Apologizes: Mark Kirk sorry for record mistakes - WGN

‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ May Haunt Effort to Taint Obama (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Sarah Palin’s Facebook Blasts Environmentalists for Oil Spill - TIME NewsFeed

Laura Bush Thinks This Is Obama’s Katrina, But in a Good Way -- Daily Intel

Why It Makes Sense for Romney to Campaign for McCain - Politics - The Atlantic

Boy-Girls Gone Wild! Trans Women Go Topless on Del. Beach | NBC Philadelphia

Support Democratic primary » Anderson Independent Mail

The Associated Press: Sonia Sotomayor returns to her old Bronx school

Car goes flying at Dallas airport | World | News | Toronto Sun

California moves toward banning plastic shopping bags - Green House - USATODAY.com

Juror who thought Blago guilty, retained for now - chicagotribune.com

YouTube - Upbeat Blagojevich Goes on Trial for Corruption

The Associated Press: Spelling bee favorite knocked out in semifinal

Obama under fire for election tactics with Sestak, Romanoff - USATODAY.com

'Have I got a job for you?' -- the sequel | Opinion L.A. | Los Angeles Times

Sessions: CBS News Report on Kagan Memos "Troubling" - Crossroads - CBS News

YouTube - The Kagan Papers


*site:Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington


Obama: Economy 'getting stronger by the day'

Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney takes cheap shot at President George W. Bush at White House event. - HUMAN EVENTS

Claudia Schiffer's woman in black provokes fashion race row | Mail Online

Scientists find the 'hint of life' on Saturn's moon Titan | Mail Online

Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests - Times Online

Documents Covering Supreme Court Nominee Kagan's Clinton-Era Service Are Released - WSJ.com

Support for Confirming Kagan Trails That of Recent Nominees

White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents | Kagan Watch

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues - Crossroads - CBS News

Drug cartel reportedly plotted to blow up Texas dam - Yahoo! News

Missing Man Found Alive

Krauthammer: Those troublesome Jews

The Associated Press: Fidel Castro claims Obama lives in fantasy world

Muslim praise for Obama dries up a year after Cairo speech - Yahoo! News

Officers subdue 2 men near Obama's motorcade

My Way News - 1,000th GI killed in Afghan war was on 2nd tour

U.S. 'secret war' expands globally as Special Operations forces take larger role

Election 2010: Pennsylvania Senate - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama’s Drill Ban May Trigger Job Losses, Slow Gains (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

FOXNews.com - Arizona Governor Gets Few Results From Meeting With Obama

My Way News - Student immigrants use civil rights-era strategies

Dark Side Arises for Phone Apps - WSJ.com

U.S. concerned by case of jailed Kuwaiti blogger - Yahoo! News

$11 million slot jackpot a malfunction, casino says - KDVR

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues - Crossroads - CBS News

White House: Obama may use executive privilege to withhold Kagan documents | Kagan Watch

FOXNews.com - DANA PERINO: Dick Durbin's Dastardly Plan for Your Debit Card

Muslim praise for Obama dries up a year after Cairo speech - Yahoo! News

Rahm Emanuel Pays Property Taxes After Inquiry - WBBM 780 - Chicago's #1 source for local news, traffic and weather

Long Island genius Alia Sabur offers solution to Gulf oil spill mess - NYPOST.com

Afghan Parliamentarian Calls for Execution of Christians

AP INTERVIEW: Turkish aid group had terror ties - Yahoo! News

Barry Gibbs framed by Mob cop Louis Eppolito settles suit against city for $9.9 millionl - NYPOST.com

Reality time at Gitmo: Obama wisely backs away from closing terror holding pen

Commentary » Blog Archive » Poof Goes the Myth

Archaeology Magazine - The Skull of Doom

SPACE.com -- Planet Triple Play: Saturn, Mars and Venus Appear Together

Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena

Coffee 'does not make the brain more alert' - Telegraph

Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com

BBC News - Hubble captures odd star motion

Giant airship to carry science back to 1930s - tech - 26 May 2010 - New Scientist

Einstein's Brain Unlocks Some Mysteries Of The Mind : NPR

Column One: A Maryland town's 'Blair Witch' curse - latimes.com

BBC News - A space odyssey of the mind

SPACE.com -- Flying NASA Telescope Snaps First Photos from Stratosphere

Matter: The next generation - physics-math - 01 June 2010 - New Scientist

Ancient mayor's 'lost tomb' found south of Cairo - Telegraph

Answers as elusive as evidence on topic of alien abductions - The Boston Globe

Japan plans to build robot moon base by 2020

From butterflies' wings to bank notes -- how nature's colors could cut bank fraud

BBC News - Asteroid probe 'on home straight'

BBC News - Snail 'meth' experiment yields drug addiction clue

Airport security: Could the blink of an eye or a tiny muscle spasm ID a terrorist? - latimes.com

Pigeon Held in India on Suspicion of Spying for Pakistan

SPACE.com -- Pale Blue Crescent: Earth Photographed from Deep Space

Space junk threatens to cause 'chain reaction' that could wipe out communications on Earth | Mail Online


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*site:Arcturus Research & Design


*Dr. Ronald Klatz / Published Papers

*site:Calphysics Institute

*site:Digital Universe; Directory


*AUDIO: Savage calls for peace


YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - British Journalist Charlie Skelton Investigates Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Alex Covers More Anti Free Speech Attacks from Our Government on The Alex Jones Show 1/2

YouTube - Alex Covers More Anti Free Speech Attacks from Our Government on The Alex Jones Show 2/2


YouTube - Goldman Sachs Dumps 44% of it's BP Stock Weeks before Oil Rig Disaster!!!

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Transparency in contracting remains opaque

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Pentagon told to save billions for use in war

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: For Defense industry, it's the best of times, it's the worst of times


Debbie Schlussel:Photo of the Day: How Muslims Celebrate HAMAS Flotilla Terrorism

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Turkish Economy Suffering Big-Time From Israeli Tourist Boycott

Debbie Schlussel:Who Are Huwaida Arraf & Adam Shapiro? Gaza Flotilla Leaders Sheltered “Mike’s Bar” Homicide Bombers


June 3, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Thu June 03, 2010. 04:20 PM

06/03 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-03, Thursday


RealClearPolitics - Video - McCartney Bashes Bush: "It's Great To Have A President Who Knows What A Library Is"

Arizona governor, Obama meet to discuss illegal immigration - latimes.com

Copyright bill makes it easier to go after illegal file-sharing

The Arizona Immigration Law And The Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution

Sir Paul shows no grace in accepting Gershwin prize

The Obama Administration Sides With Hamas

YouTube - Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World

Obama, Liberal Dems and Calderone Should Take a Hike

IPCC Obsession With Temperature Distorts Climate Change Science

Ingredients for ‘What’s your price’ soup; Sestak, Romanoff, Blagojevich

Eleven More Mental Mistakes of Obamatons

Stop the War on Carbon

The Death Spiral for Climate Alarmism Continues

Shameless: Another ‘Objective Journalist’ Changes Teams, Joins the Left

Obama, Advisor Cass Sunstein Remarkably Attacked Bush in 2006 for ‘Undermining Constitution’

Los Lobos cancels show in Arizona

What FOX Won't Say About Arizona: Brewer's "Secure the Border" Mantra is Bogus

My Way News - Cap collecting Gulf oil, still unclear how much

BP shares top risers as engineers assess latest oil spill operation | Business | The Guardian

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: BP fits cap on ruptured wellhead - Telegraph

White House in fresh job offer allegations - Telegraph

Obama's right-hand man dragged in to trial of disgraced governor - Americas, World - The Independent

George Osborne to strip FSA of City regulation powers | Business | The Guardian

Severe drought causes hunger for 10 million in west Africa | Environment | The Guardian

Large 'bruise' on Jupiter 'was caused by | Mail Online

Under Scrutiny, IDF Retracts Claims About Flotilla’s Al Qaeda Links :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Bilderberg 2010: The security lockdown begins | World news | guardian.co.uk

What are the Bilderberg Group really doing in Spain? - Europe, World - The Independent

Hijacking the tea party

Impeach the stonewalling Obama

Gaza flotilla activist: 'I want to be a martyr'

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'?

Prez wielding 'unlawful influence' on elections?

White House 'explanation' suggests criminal 'evasion'

Lawsuit to feds: Constitution says, 'No you can't'


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Tea partiers vs. GOP establishment in November?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Nevada: Tarkanian talks primary with WND

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Gulf spill 'not Obama's Katrina'


Gaza flotilla: Turkey accused of behaving like Iran by Israel - Telegraph

All aboard! Obama pals back violent Gaza flotilla

Ayers, Dohrn helped organize flotilla group | San Francisco Examiner

Israel's use of 'captured' video draws criticism - Yahoo! News

Obama told Netanyahu: Go Home, Don't Explain From Here - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

Obama using flotilla fiasco to blackmail Israel?

Gaza flotilla activist: 'I want to be a martyr'

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'?

Obama's recurring nightmare: Indictment climbing charts

Speaking at a tea party? You're fired!

Senator Menendez, Lawmakers Scrutinized for Bailouts that Cost Taxpayers - ABC News

Prez wielding 'unlawful influence' on elections?

White House 'explanation' suggests criminal 'evasion'

U.S. public demanding probe of Obama in Sestak-gate

White House: Obama unaware of job offers in Colorado - The Denver Post

White House political team stumbles, bumbles - Jonathan Allen and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Wasted lives of American heroes

Reid calls for sweeping energy bill - Meredith Shiner - POLITICO.com

Time Praises 'Kinder and Gentler' Christianity | NewsBusters.org

On Congress: Congressional news and analysis - POLITICO.com

Protests to target toll exacted by 'the pill'

Researchers Asked to Hide Scientific Debate over Maternal Deaths » Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

Michigan Woman Claims Doctor Forced Abortion After She Said Stop - ABC News

Houston Planned Parenthood Abortion Center Called "Holy and Sacred Ground"

President Obama, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Agree to 'More Direct Dialogue' - ABC News

Ariz. Gov. Brewer wants separating fence completed - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - Justice Dept. Challenges Arizona Over Other Immigration Law Targeting Employers

My Way News - Student immigrants use civil rights-era strategies

Low-lying Pacific islands 'growing not sinking' as sea levels rise | Mail Online

The Associated Press: Fidel Castro claims Obama lives in fantasy world

Muslim praise for Obama dries up a year after Cairo speech - Yahoo! News

FCC pushed to investigate Rush, Hannity 'hate speech'


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Army slams door on Obama details

Recusal sought for 'Twitter' judge in eligibility case

Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records

Asking the right questions about eligibility


Ban for lesbian coach who lured girls

Gay couple get a boost in winning bid to reunite - The Boston Globe

Man who beheaded fellow bus passenger wins right to supervised walks - The Globe and Mail

Doctors to be able to 'print' new organs for transplant patients | Mail Online

Cancer patients to be offered personalised drug therapies - Times Online

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg: 'Maybe I'm in Denial' About Privacy Issue - DailyFinance

Facebook Being Cited In More Divorces

Supreme Court Miranda Decision Shifts Police Burden - Yahoo! News


*American Minute for June 4th:William J Federer's American Minute


Unschooling: Homeschooling Without Books, Tests or Rules - ABC News

NSPCC ad aims to ease exam stress | Media | guardian.co.uk

Coleman's wife 'baulked at helping star'

Gary C's Ex: 'He Would've Been Like Muhammad Ali' | TMZ.com

'American Pickers' TV Hit: Stars Rummage to Find Hidden Treasures - ABC News

‘Golden Girls’ star Rue McClanahan dies from stroke at age 76 « Entertainment

America's 7 junkiest cities - Yahoo! Real Estate

The Barack Obama Faction: Enemy of Israel ... and U.S.

Israel, Turkey and the hypocrisy of the nations

Ho-hum: World press rushes to condemn Israel

Saint Mandela and the Gaza amity armada

An act of piracy on the high seas

Anchor accuses own network of ‘embarrassing’ bias in Israel coverage | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Asking the right questions about eligibility

The gap between the rich and the poor

The war on Christianity

E.J. Dionne, Jr.: Souter’s Challenge to Scalia - Truthdig

Today's mollycoddled generation

The American Spectator : The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama

Vintage McCartney lifts somber White House

Netanyahu defends Gaza blockade, boarding of ships

Publishers See Signs IPad Can Restore Ad Money

Doctor relives Cumbria horror

British gunman killed at least 12 in rampage: police

Police seek Cumbria motive

Arizona Gov. Encouraged Following Obama Meeting

Raw Video: 24 Hours of Oil Spill Work

Jindal on Hayward: 'Most Idiotic Statements'

Fire Risk Leads to Huge Maytag Dishwasher Recall

Ex-Illinois governor pleads not guilty to graft

Trash Piles Up in NYC Labor Dispute

'Modern Family' Dad Talks Show, Weinermobile

Boy May Lose Sight After Balloon Bleach Attack

Spill May Stain BP CEO

Police: Bicyclists Deliberately Struck by SUV

Raw Video: Bangladesh Fire Kills Up to 77

Chile Police Arrest Dutchman in Peru Killing

Drilling for oil in the heart of LA

Arizona Gov. Encouraged Following Obama Meeting

BP to know success of oil spill cap in '12 to 24 hours'

Raw Video: Dozens of Heavily Oiled Birds Off La.

Oil Washes Into Mobile Bay, on Fort Morgan, Ala.

Raw Video: How Far Could Gulf Oil Spread?

Upbeat Blagojevich Goes on Trial for Corruption

Police: Man Beheaded Neighbor for Money

Raw Video: Kan Elected Japan Ruling Party Leader

Raw Video: Anthony Busts Lip in Courthouse Fall

NJ Town Says Goodbye to 4th of July Fireworks

Fla. Dolphin Center Prepares for Oil Slick

Bafta beautiful

The secrets of Trinidad's black lake

Gunman 'embroiled in tax inquiry'

More African students heading to Morocco

Iraqi cinemas struggle to restore former glory

Coleman's Parents Want Custody of His Body

'The A-Team' Rolls Into Los Angeles

Doctor Who visits Van Gogh

EasyJet unveil 'ash weather radar'

Man arrested after Belgian courtroom murder

The A-Team is back

Raw Video: Boozy Birds Baffle Aussie Vets

Naoto Kan Elected Japan's New Prime Minister

ShowBiz Minute:Coleman, Carradine, Martin

Can Japan's new PM rebuild the economy?

Locals in shock at scene of UK gun rampage

Baby penguins' first steps

Schools Trying to Save Money Go to 4-day Weeks

Wenders hails 3D as 'ideal tool' for documentaries

Raw Video: Oil Flow Continues Despite Cap

Play 'Lara Croft' With Your Friends

Tim Roth Teases Return of Fox's 'Lie to Me'

Raw Video: Joran Van Der Sloot on Plane to Peru

Unemployment Rate Drops Thanks to Census Jobs

Cameron in Cumbria

In Pensacola, Picking Up Oil on the Beach

Twilight fans prepare

Ahmadinejad blasts opponents at Khomeini death memorial

New Doc Follows First Paparazzo

Brand and Hill Go 'Greek'

Rover set for Mars drilling

Illness Has Australian Birds Acting Drunk

Police say they couldn't stop rampage

Dutch Man Sent to Peru to Face Murder Charges

Thousands shout anger at Israel as Turks bury dead

Hope takes root in offbeat Paris exhibition

Hamas PM says ship activists have emerged victors

Afghan jirga calls for peace commission to end war

Pope on first 'pilgrimage' to divided Cyprus