"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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02 June 2010

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Middle East Online:Greek activist details Israeli raid, detention



**Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records


savethemales.ca - Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust

'Mini skirt meteorology' used to predict weather - Telegraph

Presence of world leaders 'paralysed' climate summit, UN letter claims | Environment | The Guardian

Gary McKinnon extradition can be stopped, says LibDem QC Lord Carlile | Mail Online

‘Welcome To Obama’s Jewish America’ | Real Zionist News

Blaming Everything On Zionists By Semantics

Canada's War On Islam

'We're the only ones who believe them' - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Tropical Storm Agatha blows a hole in Guatemala City | World news | The Guardian

BP oil spill: death and devastation – and it's just the start | Environment | The Guardian

US military rejects calls to take control of oil spill - Telegraph

Email From AID Ship 'Rachel Corrie' Enroute To Gaza

tehran times : Does Israel rule the world?

Fire Started Before IDF Landing, Wounded bled to Death «Kawther Salam

A Communication With Old Dog - Government Debt

Turkish PM Erdoğan calls on world to punish Israel over deadly attack - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Chinese hiding three million babies a year - Telegraph

New blood test can spot cancer before it develops - Telegraph

Ex-Mossad agent: Gaza flotilla raid ’so stupid it’s stupefying’ | Raw Story

Arizona immigration law gets high marks - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

US politicians support Israel's massacre of US citizens

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Turkey demands U.S. solidarity in response to Israeli attack « - CNN.com Blogs

Japan's prime minister announces resignation - CNN.com

'Next time we'll use more force'

Irish Rachel Corrie still on course for Gaza « What Do You Believe?

Hawaii Woman Detained In Gaza After Deadly Attack - Video - KITV Honolulu

YouTube - Israelis celebrating attack on Turkish Aid Ship - infront of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv

YouTube - The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain

YouTube - 'Israel is a Lunatic State' - Finkelstein on Gaza Flotilla Attack

A Hole in the Fence of Immigration Reform

The Unwarranted Castigation of Israel

Obama and Media Minions Inspire Violence

An Ode to Citizen Journalists

The Agitator-in-Chief

Sarah Palin and the Multitude of Dummies

From the" words are important" department

Chicago Way politics blocks GOP candidate from ballot

Flying the flag a dying tradition in some places

Texas lobbyists getting concealed handgun permits to speed access to Capitol building

Don't be fooled by Obama's 'incompetence'

Non-violent actions of the Third Jihad

The media's epic fail in covering the Gaza incident

Arizona's governor is ready to go to court

'Why the Web Benefits Liberals More than Conservatives'

Team Obama's 'Real Time' Bureaucracy

American Intelligence: Too Big to Succeed?

A Sneak Preview of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque

Is the Party Over?

Just Finish the Dang Fence

Muslims Killing Muslims in the Name of Jihad

All politics are local

China will eventually face an economic crisis

The limits of power...witness the Gulf crisis

Step Aside Warlords

Impact Fees

Second Amendment , guns are they for the masses or militia?

Right Libs Silent About Oil Disaster.

Most Agree, Under Obama the Country is Headed in the Wrong Direction

Convention USA: Confronting Unconstitutional Inaction by Congress

NAACP Changed Priorities From Politics to Party


Debbie Schlussel:Remember This Pic? They Should’ve “Gotten a Room”

Debbie Schlussel:Letter from a Dearbornistan Muslim Friend: Israel & the HAMAS Gaza Flotilla

Debbie Schlussel:Quote of the Day – HAMAS Gaza Flotilla

Debbie Schlussel:Yes, International Law Allowed Israel to Board HAMAS War Flotilla

Debbie Schlussel:UPDATED VIDEO: Yup, Looks Like a “Peaceful” Convoy/Flotilla To Me, Too

Debbie Schlussel:Scary VIDEO: Gaza Terror Flotilla & Animal Life Imitates “Art” in Turkey: Barbarians Attack Israeli Embassy


TruthNews:Put Patients and Doctors Back in Control of Healthcare

TruthNews:Egypt Opens Border With Gaza Strip to Allow Humanitarian Aid

TruthNews:Iraqi Forces Take Over Green Zone Security

TruthNews:Obama Promises Changes to Prevent Future Oil Spills

TruthNews:Anti-Taliban Offensive Concluded in Pakistan’s NW

TruthNews:Putin Sends Mixed Signals on Right to Protest in Russia

TruthNews:Poland Issues Cockpit Transcript from Doomed Presidential Jet

TruthNews:French Police Arrest Suspected Militant Basque Member

TruthNews:France to Bolster Program to Help Secure Africa

TruthNews:UN: Iran Expanding Nuclear Stockpile

TruthNews:We are Now Reaping What We Have Sown

TruthNews:Hamas Leader Claims US Envoys Making Covert Contacts With Terrorist Group

TruthNews:Syria Arming Hizbullah From Secret Bases Near Damascus

TruthNews:UN Report: Iran, Syria Receiving North Korea Nuclear Technology

TruthNews:Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference Ending With Focus On Cornering Israel


U.S. Mutes Criticism of Israeli Raid - WSJ.com

Right to remain silent? Better speak up - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

FBI is sole Justice agency prepared for terror attack, report says

foodconsumer.org - GM Crop Use Makes Minor Pests a Major Problem

Mobile phones responsible for disappearance of honey bee - Telegraph

YouTube - End the Wars


Vatican bank under scrutiny


YouTube - Roberts: 'AIPAC purchases US elections'

AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea [Anthony Lawson Video] | My Catbird Seat

AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain | My Catbird Seat


YouTube - Treason by Members of the United States Congress

YouTube - We Are Change Utah Talks with Fmr. Congressman and 2010 Senate Candidate Merrill Cook

YouTube - How To Brainwash A Nation

YouTube - Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli lapdog Apologist

YouTube - Eyewitness and victim recounts Israeli flotilla attack on an American boat and crew

Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2010 Congressional Candidates

The Mediterranean Massacre by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Craig Murray - Israeli Murders, NATO and Afghanistan

Patrick Cockburn: Notch Up Another Disaster for Israel's Well-Oil Propaganda Machine

USS Liberty Survivor Among 12 U.S. Citizens Abducted by Israel – 11 Have Been Released – What Happened to the 12th? « American Everyman

Freegaza - Israel's Disinformation Campaign Against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

The New Trend: Default On Your Mortgage And Stay In Your House! » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Mossad chief says, Israel is a burden to US

It's Official - Another BP Failure - Efforts To End Flow From BP Well Are Over, Coast Guard Says | zero hedge

The Escapist : News : Warner Bros. Sued for Pirating Anti-Piracy Technology

Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

Is BP trying to cap the Gulf oil well, or keep it flowing? -- Signs of the Times News

BBC News - China aims to become supercomputer superpower

What Caused The Explosion On The Deepwater Horizon? By Tom Eley

Japanese PM Resigns Over Failure to Move US Base -- News from Antiwar.com

From the 1953 CIA Overthrow of Democracy in Iran, to the Iraq War, to the Criminal Gulf Catastrophe and Deaths, BP Was There

'Money is killing us,' Gulf fisherman says -- Signs of the Times News

Former CIA Officer’s Giraldi & McGovern: Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media | My Catbird Seat

Greta Berlin: Marbles, paint balls and nukes [Videos] | My Catbird Seat

We Are Wide Awake.org - Eye Witness Reporting on Israel Palestine

Attack Timeline: How Gaza Freedom Flotilla was raided by Israeli commandos -- Signs of the Times News

Obama Regime Blocks Condemnation of Israeli Crimes at UNSC Meeting « Aletho News

Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

With Their Eye on Midterms, Don't Expect Democrats to Break With Israel - Newsweek

'The ship turned into a lake of blood,' says activist on Gaza flotilla - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

UN Security Council Members Demand Israel End Blockade

BBC News - China and Japan 'back North Korea financial sanctions'

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: HOT: Curious Trading by Federal Reserve Advisor May Result in JPMorgan Chase $1.264 Billion Windfall

America's Complicity in Evil

Israel Turns to YouTube, Twitter After Flotilla Fiasco | Danger Room | Wired.com

SOUTH LEBANON: Israel’s International Piracy

BP stock tumbles as feds announce oil-spill probes - Yahoo! News

The Enemies of Humanity Expose Themselves Again « Aletho News

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Israel: "We Control America"

It's the Corporate State, Stupid

Jewish Censorship For A Brave New World | Real Zionist News

George Soros: An Evil Rothschild Agent | Real Zionist News

The Jews Behind Obama’s Health Care Scheme | Real Zionist News

The Plot To Destroy The US Dollar | Real Zionist News

The Obama/Soros Plan To Destroy America | Real Zionist News

George Soros & The Georgian Conflict | Real Zionist News

US State Department Is Run By Jews! | Real Zionist News

George Soros & The Georgian Conflict | Real Zionist News

Turkish lawmakers urge govt to review Israel ties - Yahoo! News

UPDATE 3-Turkey calls on Israel to end blockade to restore ties | Reuters

'Activists threw stun grenades'

US consulate issues advisory for Israel

GAZA FLOTILLA RAID: Israel prepares for showdown with new aid ships | Mail Online

Anti-Israel sharks sniff O's weakness - NYPOST.com


YouTube - Wayne Madsen Reports Why South Korea Ship Attack was a False Flag Event on Alex Jones Tv


YouTube - Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 1/7

YouTube - Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 2/7

YouTube - Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 3/7

YouTube - Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 4/7

YouTube - Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 5/7

YouTube - Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 6/7

YouTube - Alex Covers The Brainwashing of America on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 7/7


YouTube - NWO: 'Bilderberg controls the world' -- Alex Jones


Gaza: Israel Ambassador Michael Oren Compares Flotilla Raid With World War Two | World News | Sky News

Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Israeli Knesset Member: Israel Wanted High Number Of Fatalities

Did Activists Attack Israeli Soldiers In Self-Defense?

Israel Forces Fired On Sleeping Civillians Under Cover Of Darkness

Israel: IDF Troops Who Murdered Innocent People Are ‘Brave Heroes’

“Rise Of The New Right” MSNBC Documentary Cites Alex Jones, Rand Paul As “Extremists”

Bilderberg: The Open Conspiracy

YouTube - CrossTalk on 9/11: Whodunit?

Airport security: Could the blink of an eye or a tiny muscle spasm ID a terrorist? - latimes.com

A disgrace of historic proportions - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

New Law Will Require a License to be a Journalist

Court rules against suspect who had been silent | Reuters

BBC News - MMR doctor struck from register

Chinese Edge Closer to Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com

Arizona’s Immigration Law — a good thing?


Official: US Will Stand with Israel - Political Punch

Barack Obama: Liar, Warlord, and Corporate Shill

Iran haze contains depleted uranium

Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack

Filmmaker Spike Lee States the Obvious: BP in Cahoots with Government

Broke Economies Lending Trillions to Other Broke Economies

Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests - Times Online

Bilderberg 2010: Plutocracy with palm trees | World news | guardian.co.uk

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla

Three Killed In Gaza Airstrike As Mossad Chief Says Israel “Risks Becoming A Burden On The US”

Israel jails 480 Gaza aid activists

Paris: Demonstrators tried to break into the Israeli embassy

Obama’s Timidity and Deaths at Sea

In raw video, reporters claim Israelis fired on activists before boarding ship

Israel’s Attack on Us All

The BBC: Official Voice of Ecofascism – Telegraph Blogs

Private neighbours and a boy who likes to draw guns among 'suspects' of terror hotline | Mail Online

Euro to Go Under $1.20 ‘Almost Certainly’: Gartman

Another Blatant EUR Intervention Leads To 150 pip EURUSD Move In Seconds

Bank Of International Settlements Warns To Ignore Banker “Doomsday Scenario” Fearmongering And Racketeering

Chinese Edge Closer to Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com

Ted Turner: If We Don’t Prepare For Global Warming We’ll Be Extinct

Tear gas projectile costs US Gaza protester her eye

Turkish Sources – Israeli Advance Target Assassination List Found on Flotilla

Tensions Between Israel and Turkey at Breaking Point | Oil Price.com

George W. Bush: ‘Starting Wars In Middle East Good For The Economy’

Princess Diana 'was killed for planning to expose senior Brits involved in the land mine trade' | Mail Online

Tyranny Response Team Exposes the DC Police State

Canadian and American Cops Run Training Exercise on New Hampshire Campus

YouTube - Mavi Marmara Passengers Attack IDF Before Soldiers Board Ship

'Activists threw stun grenades'

Goldman Sachs sold $250 million of BP stock before spill | Raw Story

Israeli allies freeze military ties over deadly Gaza ship raid | Raw Story

Israel: The Pariah of the International Community - Pravda.Ru

Geithner offers China vow of greater fiscal discipline | Reuters

Owners Stop Paying Mortgage ... And Stop Fretting About It - Yahoo! Finance

Neithercorp Press » Blog Archive » Warning Signs Of Full Spectrum Collapse Are Everywhere

NWO: ‘Bilderberg controls the world’ — Alex Jones

Iran To Dump 45 Billion Euros For Gold Bullion & Dollars

Daley’s Chicago Threatens to Charge Octogenarian for Defending Himself

Arizona immigration law gets high marks - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Israel Promises “More Force” to Stop Aid Ships Headed to Gaza

Israeli Knesset Member: Israel Wanted High Number Of Fatalities

Irish Nobel Peace Laureate, Former U.N. Diplomat Sail for Gaza

America’s Complicity in Evil

Infowars Poll: Nearly 70% Believe “Total War” Possible On Korean Peninsula

Mavi Marmara Incident Sabotages Peace Process

Did Activists Attack Israeli Soldiers In Self-Defense?

Israeli Knesset Member: Israel Wanted High Number Of Fatalities

Did Activists Attack Israeli Soldiers In Self-Defense?

Rand Paul Survives Smear Campaign To Maintain Healthy Lead Over Conway

The Korean Crisis: Cui Bono?

Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition

Bank Of International Settlements Warns To Ignore Banker “Doomsday Scenario” Fearmongering And Racketeering

Rothschilds Engineer Fire Sale Of UK Infrastructure To Offshore Corporations

‘Israel is a Lunatic State’ – Finkelstein on Gaza Flotilla Attack

Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – June 1st With Mike Rivero

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 28th With Alan Hart

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 27th With Miss Oklahoma

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 26th With Ron Paul

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 25th With Dr. Andrew Wakefield

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 24th With Christopher C. Horner

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 21st With Max Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 20th With Charlie Veitch

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 19th With William Gheen

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 17th With Max Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 14th With David Hammer

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 13th With Rob Redding

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 11th With Michael Badnarik

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 10th With Max Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 7th With Gerald Celente

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 6th With Red Beckman

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 5th With Robert G. Rash

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 4th With Stewart Rhodes

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 3rd With Greg Palast

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 30th With James Traficant

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 29th With Robert Bowman

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 28th With James David Manning

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 27th With William Gheen

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 23rd With Doug Stanhope

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 22nd With Bill Murphy

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 21st With Ted Gunderson

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 20th With Bob Bowman

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 19th With Max Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 16th With Leslie Dutton


The Alex Jones Show.com: 2009 Mp3 Audio Interviews Archive


Prison Planet.com:AUDIO


The Alex Jones Show Audio Archive


Gold To $10,000?

Israeli Gaza aid flotilla raid: British families face anxious wait for news | Mail Online

Witnesses deny that any of aid protesters were armed

Put Patients and Doctors Back in Control of Healthcare

US Mint Sells More Gold Coins In May Than Any Month Since January 1999

30 Shocking Quotes About The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill That Reveal The Soul-Crushing Horror This Disaster Is Causing

Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal

Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

NWO: ‘Bilderberg controls the world’ — Alex Jones

Iran To Dump 45 Billion Euros For Gold Bullion & Dollars

Ex-Mossad agent: Gaza flotilla raid ’so stupid it’s stupefying’

Gaza: Israel Ambassador Michael Oren Compares Flotilla Raid With World War Two | World News | Sky News

Israel rejects call for independent probe | Raw Story

Americans protest deadly Israeli attack

GAZA FLOTILLA RAID: Israel prepares for showdown with new aid ships | Mail Online

The Glorification of War

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops

NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus

Israeli Knesset Member: Israel Wanted High Number Of Fatalities

West Hawaii Today - from archives > Local > Police arrest Census taker

UK taxi driver kills 12, wounds 25 in England - Yahoo! News

Reuters AlertNet - Russia says terrorists seeking nuclear materials

China delays Gates trip in apparent snub for Taiwan | Reuters

Military chiefs split with Mullen on gays - Washington Times

Canada probes Google on wireless data collection | Reuters

Google has mapped every WiFi network in Britain - Telegraph

Apple boss Steve Jobs defends China Foxconn factory conditions after 10 suicides | Mail Online

Russia launching 520-day Mars mission simulation - Yahoo! News

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News

Foreign banks find fortune in crisis - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Iran to sell 45 bln euros, buy dollars, gold -Xinhua | Reuters

Judge Orders Reinstatement of Teen Suspended Over Rosary - ABC News

"Pocahontas" Paints With All the Color of Oil | NBC Washington

BP stock tumbles as feds announce oil-spill probes - Yahoo! News

Expert: BP Boycott Won't Hurt Company, Will Hurt Franchise Owners - cbs2chicago.com

Michelle Obama boosts Reid in Reno and Las Vegas - Yahoo! News

Stocks, Oil Drop, Treasuries Rise as Middle-East Tension Grows - Bloomberg.com

Paul McCartney: Lay Off “Great Guy” Obama | NBC Washington

Morris: Obama doesn’t have a clue - TheHill.com

Elected officials say no thanks to Obama invite - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario - Bloomberg.com

Robots succeed, cut well pipe; oil gushes into Gulf - CNN.com

Dying, dead marine wildlife paint dark, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill

Long Island genius Alia Sabur offers solution to Gulf oil spill mess - NYPOST.com

Police Reportedly Ask Transgender Topless Sunbathers To Put Tops Back On

Gores have lots of loot to split | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Video - CBS' "Evening News": Gore's Loss To Bush Contributed To Separation

AT&T caps phone data usage with new wireless plans - Yahoo! Finance

Crist says he’s ‘lonely’ out on campaign trail as an Independent - TheHill.com

U.N. investigator calls for halt to CIA drone killings - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press: 3 Namibian women with HIV say they were sterilized


*AUDIO: Savage calls for peace


DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Turkish FM likens flotilla raid to 9/11 - Israel News, Ynetnews

Our World: Ending Israel's losing streak

Israeli raid triggers global backlash - Washington Times

Turkish group linked to Montreal cell

Fort Hood suspect's trial put off 4 months - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, 'The Word Made Flesh'

Report says DOJ not fully prepared for WMD attack - Yahoo! News

White House can't get its Sestak story straight | Washington Examiner

AFP: Privacy fears 'should not hamper airport security'

Free birth control under health care? - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

California voters back pot legalization, but support is shaky - latimes.com

EDITORIAL: Climate alarmists on the run - Washington Times

Porn actor sought in fatal attack at LA studio

McCartney's long, winding road goes to White House

Obama takes economy spiel to Pittsburgh

UK taxi driver kills 12, wounds 25 in England

Blair: blockade counterproductive but hard to ease

Obama challenges Republicans to help on economy

DOT: Airlines should pay bumped passengers more

Ex-Fla. GOP chairman charged with felony theft

Obama calls for rolling back oil 'tax breaks'

Stocks rise after pending home sales top forecasts

Japan politics shaken by PM Hatoyama's resignation

States to establish uniform standards for teaching

UN expert: 'Targeted killings' may be war crimes

'Joining the flotilla - a mitzva'

'Israel kidnapped people off flotilla'

ADL conference on anti-Israel rhetoric

Israel's ambassador to stay in Turkey

Iran, Hamas discuss global anti-Israel front

Abbas: Israel performs 'national terrorism'

'Israel commits nat'l terrorism'

325 activists to be flown home

Gunman found dead after shooting spree

Barak: 'There is no reward for the weak'

Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift Wrestles with Her Inner Girlfriend

Your Tax Dollars At Work: James O’Keefe Goes Undercover At the Census

Israel, the Truth and the Asymmetric Warfare Of Embedded Journalism

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: A Profile in Media Courage

Think the Census Is Hinky? Here’s One Of the Reasons Why

The Washington Post Ignores Bill Maher’s ‘Macaca’ Moment

Pot, Meet Kettle: Former Clinton Hack George Stephanopoulos Calls James O’Keefe a ‘Political Activist’

NewsBusted: Which Hole Needs To Be Plugged?

Obama Names Carville ‘Right-Wing Threat Assessment’ Czar

Correction Request: CNN Also Tampering with the Truth

Are the Great Political Cartoonists Now On You Tube?

Andrew Sullivan Is Entitled To His Opinion, But Not To His Own Facts

Undercover Census Fraud Investigation – New Jersey

Bureaucrats vs. Taxpayers

Flashback: Census Bureau Dumped Unreliable ACORN After Videos Exposed Corruption

Census Workers Blow Whistle on Hiring Fraud

ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: A Profile in Media Courage

ABC: Conservative Filmmaker James O’Keefe Goes Undercover to Target Census Bureau

Clinton Redux: The Joe Sestak Affair

Bob Casey’s (Union) Bailout

Preserving Liberty: The Nation’s Greatest and Most Basic Purpose

Open Season: Trial Lawyers Ready To Jump Into The Oil Spill

Undercover Census Fraud Investigation: Louisiana

Arrested Gaza Flotilla ‘Peace Activists’ Are Al-Qaeda & Muslim Brotherhood Members; Have Record of Radicalism

Gulf Oil Crisis: Questions for Spike Lee and Kanye West

Billionaire Entrepreneur Complains of Regime Uncertainty

Obama’s Leadership by Litigation

Media Matters: ‘Israel’s Kent State’

Bill Maher: Post-Racial Racist?

Gene Simmons Tribute To the U.S. Military

For Help With Gulf Oil Spill, Feds Look To…James Cameron

Daily Gut: Empathy for Empathy

‘Hollywood Reporter’ Ridicules Christians For Mobilizing Against Comedy Central’s Jesus Project

Leftist Reviewers Disagree With Director Doug Liman’s ‘Fair Game’ Spin

Obama Ain’t Black Enough For Bill Maher

Sarah Silverman: Fox News Is a Secret Racist Machine!

Hot Pics - Demi Meets Katherine! - Demi Moore - Katherine Heigl - UsMagazine.com

PJTV - Sen. Fred Thompson: "Teaching the Pig to Dance" - Mpg

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Hollywood Reporter’ Ridicules Christians For Mobilizing Against Comedy Central’s Jesus Project

» Undercover Census Fraud Investigation – New Jersey - Big Government

Gregory Kane: '24' captured good writing in real time | Washington Examiner

Sex and the Sharia - NYPOST.com

Former Dem Aide Stephanopoulos Lectures James O'Keefe: 'You're More of a Political Activist Than a Journalist' | NewsBusters.org

James O’Keefe Investigates Census Fraud | RedState

Federal Eye - Conservative activist James O'Keefe alleges fraud by Census Bureau

James O'Keefe | Andrew Breitbart | Census - ACORN | Mediaite

US seeks foreign help for oil spill equipment

Obama vows justice if laws broken in oil spill | Reuters

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » For Help With Gulf Oil Spill, Feds Look To…James Cameron

Al and Tipper Gore, married 40 years, to separate

Arizona immigration law gets high marks - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Blumenthal's first ads tout character - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

In a welfare state, how much is 'enough'? - USATODAY.com

Does Washington care about unemployment? - The Week

Americans may give health care law a chance

General Andrew Breitbart's New Media War - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

FCC asked to monitor "hate speech," "misinformation" online

Mark Tapscott: Will journalists wake up in time to save journalism from Obama's FTC? | Washington Examiner

Former Dem Aide Stephanopoulos Lectures James O'Keefe: 'You're More of a Political Activist Than a Journalist' | NewsBusters.org

CNN.com Inadvertently Reveals Al Gore's Email Address - mediabistro.com: WebNewser

Obama and the press: Who said they were cozy? - Yahoo! News

Steve Jobs on Letting Gizmodo's Leak Slide: 'I'd Rather Quit' - TheWrap.com

How The Mainstream Media Stole Our News Story Without Credit

David ‘Mr. Paywall’ Remnick Defends His Turf | The New York Observer

Obama's FTC plan to reinvent America's news media | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Gary Coleman 911 Call -- 'Blood Everywhere' | TMZ.com

Why is Ashton Kutcher pirating his own movie?

Charlie Sheen to enter Plea Bargain | TheCelebrityCafe.com

BBC News - Dame Elizabeth Taylor unveils Richard Burton letters

FOXNews.com - Conan Performs "200 Feet" Away From Ex-NBC Bosses in New York

FOXNews.com - Pop Diva Mariah Carey Is Pregnant: Report

Are Moviegoers Tiring of Sequels? - ABC News

Dennis Hopper Funeral Today Comes Before Estate Battle - ABC News

Lady Gaga Admits Testing 'Borderline Positive' for Lupus on 'Larry King Live' - ABC News

'The Real Housewives' star Sonja Morgan arrested for drunk driving - Reality TV World - News, information, episode summaries, message boards, chat and games for unscripted television programs

Al and Tipper Gore's separation makes us fear for our parents, ourselves

YouTube - Al and Tipper Gore Split After 40 Years

The Associated Press: NY Republicans choose Lazio as governor candidate

Obama: Oil spill another reason for 'a clean energy future' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Davis loss in Alabama a sign of black establishment's clout - CNN.com

Arizona Governor Ready for Immigration Court Fight - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Andrew Koppel's pregnant partner, Ilona Lieberman, calls death a 'devastating tragedy'

Blagojevich trial, starting Thursday, will be key performance for ex-governor

AFP: China rebuffs plans for Gates to visit Beijing

Radio Business Report/Television Business Report - Voice of the Broadcasting Industry

AFP: US candidates in hot water over embellished military service

Kirk Re-Explains His Explanation « Liveshots

Web Video Surfaces of False Military Claim by Kirk of Illinois - BusinessWeek

Supreme Court: Suspects must assert right to silence - USATODAY.com

Supreme Court Loosens Miranda Rule - latimes.com

U.S. is world's top user of targeted killings, U.N. says - CNN.com

Ex-Ill. cop Peterson's trial delayed until July 9

Palin targets 'xtreme greenies' opposed to drilling – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Blanche Lincoln Targeted for Oil Industry Donations - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Associated Press: Conservatives seek gov't solutions after oil spill

2 Vancouver climbers missing on Mount St. Helens - Latest from AP - bnd.com

Latest Effort to Stop Oil Flow Hits a Snag - NYTimes.com

YouTube - BP to face criminal and civil investigations

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: Figueres Emerges New UN Climate Chief

The Associated Press: Building collapses in Bangladesh, 20 bodies found

Chinese, Mongolian leaders agree to boost ties, cooperation

YouTube - Chinese-Myanmar relations blurred along border

The Hindu : News / National : U.S. considers India “important part” of UNSC reform

Harold Meyerson - The collateral damage from Israel's raid

India government ally wins in West Bengal poll | Reuters

allAfrica.com: Africa: Summit Charts New Course Charts

YouTube - France addresses its colonial past

Flotilla activists deportation starts

YouTube - Raw Video: Flotilla Detainees Cross Into Jordan

EU says it supports Balkan integration despite crisis | Reuters

Iran says it wants cooperation on uranium programme | Reuters

Warship's sinking echoes in South Korean elections

WWII-era bomb explodes in Germany - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Thai Government Wins No-Confidence Vote | Asia | English

Russia says 20-year population fall may be turning | Reuters

Jamaica's leader survives no-confidence vote - Los Angeles Times

Geologists study giant Guatemala sinkhole left in wake of Tropical Storm Agatha - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Aerial, ground view of Giant Sinkhole crater after Agatha floods Guatemala City

Flotilla aid supplies refused by Hamas

savethemales.ca - McDonald's Ad Makes Gay Disorder Seem "Cool"

Roy Tov – An Attack’s Anatomy: On Israeli Terror

The sinking of the Cheonan: Another Gulf of Tonkin incident « what’s left

Discovery of two different strains complicates investigation of chronic wasting disease - University of Alberta

Proposed Joint Resolution No.666 Supporting Israel « Mantiq al-Tayr

Tehran has enough material for two nuclear bombs, IAEA says - Times Online

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: BP and Hayward fight for their survival - Telegraph

Steve Jobs says Foxconn in China 'not a sweatshop' after worker deaths | Technology | The Guardian

Robert Fisk: Western leaders are too cowardly to help save lives - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

GAZA AID FLOTILLA RAID: Israel's people believe war is better than peace | Mail Online

EU plans green taxes to cut debt - Telegraph

'Glassing game' on iPhone - Telegraph

Video game fanatic hunts down and stabs rival player who killed character online - Telegraph

‘Drunk’ parrots struck down by mystery illness - Times Online

Arms spending unaffected by financial crisis, says thinktank | World news | The Guardian

Current Israeli – Turkish Stand Off

Political ads are tough sell for image-conscious corporations

Poll: Plurality say GOP should not push to repeal any part of healthcare reform - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

GOP sees a way to revive old debate - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Clear the air on Romanoff deal - The Denver Post

Israel's bungled raid - chicagotribune.com

Israel's raid on flotilla deepens its isolation

The terrorists behind the Gaza "aid" flotilla--Editorial - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Primary Unkind To Two Alabama Congressmen

KY Sen Poll: Rasmussen's Latest Shows Much Closer Race - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

After Flotilla Raid, U.S. Is Torn Between Allies - NYTimes.com

Massacring the truth - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Israel naval raid a folly foretold - latimes.com

Friends or Enemies? The U.S. and Turkey - By Steven A. Cook | Foreign Policy

Op-Ed Columnist - A Storyteller Loses the Story Line - NYTimes.com

This Greek Tragedy Is Only Beginning - Forbes.com

To rule Big Oil, we need Big Government - CNN.com

Robert Gibbs raises the Sestak stonewall | Washington Examiner

Gibbs: 'I'd refer you to the memo' | POLITICO 44

RealClearPolitics - Will Iran Deter an Israeli Attack?

Op-Ed Columnist - When America’s Friends Fall Out - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Campaign Finance Reform Will Fix Sleaze

RealClearPolitics - Chicago v. Self Defense

Saving the City: An Interview With Brian Anderson - The Future of the City - The Atlantic

RealClearPolitics - Were Liberals Wrong on Crime?

RealClearPolitics - Why Americans Oppose Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Obama’s Glamour Problem - Reason Magazine

Israel was right to board the Gaza flotilla - The Daily Beast

PRUDEN: A shocking story of Israeli survival - Washington Times

Israel reveals its true face | Ahdaf Soueif | Comment is free | The Guardian

Israeli Blunder Should Force Talks with Hamas | The Nation

Hugh Hewitt: Obama's 2 percent solution for the Louisiana oil spill crisis | Washington Examiner

Gergen: Mr. President, take command - CNN.com

Obama and BP's Oil Spill: No Help From the Pundits

The Millionaire Cop Next Door « Digital Rules - Forbes.com

06-02-2010: Fears of new flashpoint as defiant Israel prepares for showdown with two more Gaza aid ships

06-01-2010: World currency unit intended to rival U.S. dollar for supremacy

Washington Post: Qaeda ‘martyrdom’ statements more ‘reliable’ than US officials

06-01-2010: China Bans Court Evidence Gained Through Torture

06-01-2010: Foreclosure Has Become A Way Of Life For Some

Privacy Fears Should Not Hamper Airport Security

06-01-2010: ECB Warns of $239 Billion in Further Bank Loan Losses

06-01-2010: What The Oil Spill Can Teach About Financial Catastrophe Probability Forecasts

Contaminated Cocaine Can Cause Flesh To Rot

06-01-2010: Bank Of International Settlements Warns To Ignore Banker "Doomsday Scenario" Fearmongering And Racketeering

05-31-2010: The U.S. Economic Collapse Top 20 Countdown

05-31-2010: Navy’s Drone Death Ray Takes Out Targets at Sea

05-31-2010: Watch closely, ‘Star Wars’ hologram TV is coming

Former CIA Officer’s Giraldi & McGovern: Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media

Obama’s USDA to deceive Americans over GM crops

World currency unit intended to rival U.S. dollar for supremacy

Global Redesign Summit of the World Economic Forum: ‘UN should be strengthened’

Europe's Coming Summer Of Discontent

World leaders could face prosecution for ‘state aggression’

Free trade zone for China, S.Korea, Japan to produce hefty benefits, thorough exploration needed

The taste of tiny: Putting nanofoods on the menu

Scientists breed goats that produce spider silk


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Clinton, Emanuel 'violated federal law'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Blockade legal, flotilla not

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama's oil nightmare


Hot Air » New video: Flotilla passengers attack Israeli troops

video:Is belief in 10 Commandments legalistic?

Breitbart.tv » Upside-Down Flag Stirs Controversy in Florida Neighborhood

The Divided States of America

'These people want empire'

Lawsuit to feds: Constitution says, 'No you can't'

GOP sees a way to revive old debate - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Reporters to need government licenses?

Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Obama's FTC plan to reinvent America's news media | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

CNN Turns 30, Quietly and Without Fanfare | PopEater.com

Obama's chance to act like an American

The right to discriminate

Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records

Simmering anger may drive religious right back to polls - Washington Times

U.S. public demanding probe of Obama in Sestak-gate

Hot Air » Gibbs: Sestak not offered spot on intel board

Gaza flotilla activists wanted to be 'martyrs'

Chill grows between U.S., Israel over flotilla

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla

CNSNews.com - Obama, Proclaiming LGBT Pride Month, Pushes Repeal of Defense of Marriage Act

U.S. debt soars to 90% of GDP

My Way News - Senators await Kagan papers from Clinton library

Report says DOJ not fully prepared for WMD attack - Yahoo! News

BP's bid to stem spill stalls with stuck saw - Disaster in the Gulf- msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - Brewer Says She's Ready for Potential Federal Court Challenge Over Immigration Law

Homer Simpson named greatest TV character - Television - Entertainment - TODAY Show

Author: European Antichrist looking more and more unlikely


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Fight terror, get deported

Impeach the stonewalling Obama

Wake up, you so-called Christians!

Lawsuit to feds: Constitution says, 'No you can't'

'These people want empire'


*American Minute for June 2nd:William J Federer's American Minute


For Some Homeowners in Foreclosure, a Rent-Free Approach - NYTimes.com

All the blame falls on 'peace flotilla'

Hamas inhumanity? No problem for the left

Fight terror, get deported

Greece: Socialism's ideal

Indicting the 1st Amendment

Fight bigotry without government

Our vacation president

Sympathy Deformed by Theodore Dalrymple, City Journal Spring 2010

Chris Hedges: This Country Needs a Few Good Communists - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

How media covered Rand Paul

Master of mendacity: Obama and the birthers

American Thinker: The Smallest President

George W. Bush Is Facebook’s 43rd President | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

David Laws: Treasury's new axeman and £40k expenses for secret gay partner | Mail Online

NHS chief executive pockets second highest public sector salary | Healthcare Republic

Infostat, cargo-cult science and the policy sausage-machine: NICE, CHI and the managerial takeover of clinical practice

CNSNews.com - Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare

Google Street View secretly took your wi-fi details... and will use the data to target ads at mobile phones | Mail Online


Microsoft's orwellian tracking system goes public - The Inquirer


Microsoft Hohm Lets Users Compare Energy Use with Neighbors | Buildings | GreenBiz.com

'09/Why Generation-Y Can’t Read Nonverbal Cues - WSJ.com


The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Tue June 01, 2010. 04:20 PM

June 1, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-01, Tuesday

06/01 The Mark Levin Show


*1st/TranscriptsObama's Remarks on the Oil Spill

AG Holder Announces Investigation Into Oil Spill

*31st/Roundtable on the Israeli Raid

Interview with Israel's Ambassador to the U.S.

*30th/Guests: Browner, Dudley; Rep. Gutierrez & Hayworth

Governor Rendell and Rep. Issa Debate Sestak Offer

Guests: Carol Browner, Rep. Markey and BP's Dudley


video:Mark Levin: Obama Has 'Hate on' for Israel, Hangs With Anti-Semites | The FOX Nation

Palin: Is It Any Wonder Why We Call Them 'Lame'? | The FOX Nation

CBS Decides Al and Tipper's Separation is the Fault of....George W. Bush | NewsBusters.org

The American Spectator : The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama

FOXNews.com - Federal Government Opens Criminal Investigation of Gulf Oil Spill

The Turkish Power | The Weekly Standard

YouTube - Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers

Turkish (blood)bath - NYPOST.com

McGinniss Targeted by Palin Supporters

NATO calls for probe into raid

Our World: Ending Israel's losing streak

Morning Bell: Time to Change Course in the Middle East | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Obama expresses regret over loss of lives

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla

NBC's David Gregory Peppers Hayworth With Japanese Internment-Camp Analogies, Goes Soft on Gutierrez | NewsBusters.org

CNSNews.com - Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, 'The Word Made Flesh'

HotAirPundit: Nancy Pelosi at Cornell University: "Let Me Declare That The Democrats Will Be The Majority After The Mid-Term Elections"

Hispanic Caucus wants Napolitano to cut ties with Arizona police - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Illegal Immigrants Crime Spree in WA. « Liveshots


*2nd/Politics Video:AL-Gov: Ron Sparks (D) Defeats Artur Davis

AZ Gov. Brewer To Obama If He Challenges Law: "We'll Meet You In Court"

AR-Sen: Ad Uses BP, Bush & Cheney Against Lincoln

NV-Sen: Michelle Obama Campaigns For Harry Reid

Paul McCartney: Obama's "A Great Guy, So Lay Off Him"

Barney Frank: Israeli Actions Make Me "Ashamed" As A Jew, Flotilla Activists Are "Innocent"

Flotilla Passengers Fire Live Ammunition at IDF Soldiers

MSNBC's Scarborough: White House Thinks "We've Been Too Tough On The President"

Limbaugh: Oil Spill Is Obama's "Bay Of Rigs"

Christie: Students Trapped By "Selfish, Greedy" & "Disgraceful" Teacher Unions

LA Dem Rep. Melancon Calls For BP's Hayward Ouster

McCain Blames Obama For Helping Create Flotilla Incident

Reich: Gov't Should Put BP In Receivership

O'Reilly: Flotilla Incident Poses Political Problem For Obama

Stephanopoulos On BP Criminal Investigation

Krauthammer: Admin. Wants To Give "Appearance Of Activity" On Oil Spill

*1st/CNN: "Stress" Of 2000 Recount Contributed To Gore Separation

Gibbs Dodges Question On Real "Job" Sestak Was Offered

Israel Shows Weapons Discovered Aboard "Peaceful" Flotilla

NBC "Nightly News": Gore Separation Is "Huge Surprise"

ABC's "World News": No One Doubted The Gore's "Passion"

Flashback: Gores Share Long Kiss At 2000 Democratic Convention

Hillary Clinton On Gaza Incident: US Supports UN's Condemnation

CA-Sen: Kaus Makes His Case For Senate

Mark Levin On Unions, Arizona Immigration Law

Gibbs Dodges Question On Whether WH Condemns Israeli Response

Holder Opens Criminal Probe Of BP: "We Will Prosecute"

Helen Thomas Calls Flotilla Incident A "Deliberate Massacre"

Flotilla Participants Chanted Islamic Battle Cry Invoking Killing Of Jews

Obama Introduces Oil Commission: BP "To Pay Economic Injury Claims"

Anti-Palin Author: I Didn't Move Next Door To Spy

Video Shows Timeline Of Obama Response To Oil Spill

FOX News: Obama Will Meet With AZ Gov. Jan Brewer On Thursday

Al & Tipper Gore Split After 40 Years Of Marriage

Limbaugh On Chris Christie: "The Guy Has Got Guts"

VA Gov. McDonnell On Jobs, Education

AR-Sen: Halter Says He's "The Only Choice For Change"

Zev Chafets Discusses Book On Rush Limbaugh

Al Qaeda's Number 3 Killed

NBC Reporter Confuses "Obama" With "Osama"

WH Energy Adviser Browner On Oil Spill: "We've Always Been In Charge"


Frenchman with no arms or legs set to swim 22 miles across English Channel | Mail Online

CBC News - Saskatchewan - Stranded man cuts power poles to draw attention

Fired for Facebook? City trying to dump dispatcher - JSOnline

Cruise ship rape: Carnival Cruise Line bartender accused of raping teen on ship - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Hot pink and bright yellow means you're in jail in Cleveland County | NewsOK.com

Mover Causes Multi-Accident Police Pursuit in Moving Truck on Baltimore-Washington Parkway

Police: Girl raped, then relocated | Concord Monitor

Lauren Rosenberg sues Google, blames faulty Google Maps directions after being hit by car in Utah

13-year-old Florida girl charged with careless driving after hitting tree on trip to grocery store - OrlandoSentinel.com

Christian conservatives target seated judges - Washington Times

Al-Jazeera anchorwomen 'quit in clothing spat'

Lawsuit could make designated drivers liable for intoxicated passengers - The Globe and Mail

Local News | Man accidentally shoots himself in testicles | Seattle Times Newspaper

Couple discover they are siblings: Child courts blamed after strangers fall in love, have a son - and then find out they are half-brother and sister | Mail Online

Earthfiles.com Environment | Part 1: “Greatest Equation Ever” in Binary Code in Wiltshire Oilseed Rape

BBC News - A space odyssey of the mind

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: The Night of the Chupacabras (2000)

SPACE.com -- Flying NASA Telescope Snaps First Photos from Stratosphere

Matter: The next generation - physics-math - 01 June 2010 - New Scientist

Tropical storm leaves at least 115 dead in Central America - CNN.com

Ancient mayor's 'lost tomb' found south of Cairo - Telegraph

Answers as elusive as evidence on topic of alien abductions - The Boston Globe

The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: What happens when three men who identify as Jesus are forced to live together? - By Vaughan Bell - Slate Magazine

Japan plans to build robot moon base by 2020

Lair of the Beasts: The Bodalog Monster - Mania.com

From butterflies' wings to bank notes -- how nature's colors could cut bank fraud

Cryptomundo » Lions On The Lamb?

BBC News - Asteroid probe 'on home straight'

Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked | The Corbett Report

BBC News - Snail 'meth' experiment yields drug addiction clue

Airport security: Could the blink of an eye or a tiny muscle spasm ID a terrorist? - latimes.com

Pigeon Held in India on Suspicion of Spying for Pakistan

Please Put Bigfoot on the Endangered Species List | Field & Stream

SPACE.com -- Pale Blue Crescent: Earth Photographed from Deep Space

Space junk threatens to cause 'chain reaction' that could wipe out communications on Earth | Mail Online

Generation me students have less empathy than 20 years ago - Telegraph

Dinosaur Had Horns the Size of Baseball Bats | LiveScience

Half a pound of human please | The Sun |News

Inside the Air Force’s Secret PsyOps Plane | Danger Room | Wired.com

Crop circle 'inspired by most beautiful formula in mathematics' appears in Wiltshire - Telegraph

BP oil spill: 9 strange facts - The Week

Guest Blog: Michelangelo's secret message in the Sistine Chapel: A juxtaposition of God and the human brain

Ring of fire in the sky: Storm clouds form a dramatic circle at sunset in Hungary | Mail Online

Scientist is first man to be 'infected' by computer virus - Telegraph

Herbal Supplements Often Have Contaminants, Study Finds - NYTimes.com

Origin of Milky Way Clouds Revealed | Wired Science | Wired.com



blog site:A Different Perspective

*site:Alcohol Can Be a Gas!






U.S. Blocks Security Council Criticism of Israeli Raid

Western Leaders are too Cowardly to Help Save Lives

Mossad Chief: Israel Gradually Becoming Burden on U.S.

Only a One-state Palestine is Possible

American Denial: Living in a Can’t-Do Nation

Wall Street's War

Immigration: Slightly Different Take

Dozen Worst Fruits Doused in Pesticides

Terror on Aid Ship: "Plan Was to Kill Activists and Deter Future Convoys"

The Israeli Massacre and the Cover-Up

Israeli International Aggression: White House Thumbs Up To State Terror and Murder

The Rift Between Teachers and Democrats Widens

The Israeli Blockade of Gaza Violates International Law

Israel's Raid on Freedom Flotilla: UN Security Council Ignores Basic Precepts of Justice and International Law

A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a "Failed State"

Israel the Rogue State

Freedom Flotilla Gaza: Memorial Service for USS Liberty Sailors Killed by Israel in 1967

FCC asked to monitor "hate speech," "misinformation" online

Will journalists wake up in time to save journalism from Obama's FTC?

Who's in Charge of Your Life -- You or the Government?

The Government Is Not the Country

All the News That the Government Sees Fit to Print

Suspect flu vaccine to remain in use

Are Cameras the New Guns?

Pelosi Says She Has a Duty to Pursue Policies in Keeping With The Values of Jesus, 'The Word Made Flesh'

Guarding Your Money from Government Onslaughts

What does Israel fear from media coverage?

Google OS on its way

The Prettification of War


*33:44/The Eternal Struggle Between Liberty and Power [Hans-Hermann Hoppe]


*28:39 Is Limited Government an Oxymoron? | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.


*54:19/ Environmental Problems, Libertarian Solutions [Walter Block]


YouTube - Freedom Watch - Gitmo Suicides Were Actually Homicides? - May 28, 2010

Does Israel rule the world?

VIDEO:John Taylor Gatto: Fighting Back

Obama: Life Imprisonment Without Trial

'G-20 agenda should touch on education'

Fidel Castro: Obama Lives in Fantasy World

China Says No Thanks to US Defense Chief

Military Chiefs Split with Mullen on Gays

Blagojevich Corruption Trial May Touch Obama

Bill Clinton Rep. Reviewing Kagan Docs

Gallup: GOP Hits All-Time High in Generic Vote

GOP Accuses W.H., Sestak of Different Stories

Palin Slams NBC for Not Airing Her Side of Story

Activist Aims to Show Blacks Tea Party Isn't Racist

Poll: Arizona Immigration Law Popular Nationally

Palin to Jindal: Ignore Feds, Protect Your State

Obama Demands Thorough Probe From Spill Panel

Arizona's Brewer: We'll Fight Obama Efforts to Overturn Immigration Law

Report Says DOJ Not Fully Prepared for WMD Attack

NASA Shuttle Workers Get $15M Grant to Find Jobs

Obama Admin. Holds Meetings On 'Great Outdoors'

Biologists Says Oil Spill Won't Wipe out Shrimp

Blagojevich Prosecutors Confident as Trial Nears

Michelle Obama Boosts Reid in Reno and Las Vegas

Bill Clinton Back In Haiti For Help

Jordanians See Wisdom in Burqa Bans

Illegal Abortions Widespread in Brazil

8 Foods That Fight Diabetes

US Cigarettes Higher in Chemicals

Yahoo Faces Privacy Test With New E-Mail Features

Russia Launching 520-Day Mars Mission Simulation

James Bond's Aston Martin for Sale at Auction

Illegal Aliens Are Illegal, Not Simply Undocumented

Reid, Tea Party Want Sharron Angle to Win Nev. GOP Primary

We Can Fight Discrimination Without Govt Intervention

Glenn Beck Wrong About NASA

Do you call mocking Jesus comedy?

The taste of tiny: Putting nanofoods on the menu - tech - 27 May 2010 - New Scientist

DARPA Nanotech, Machine Intelligence, Supersoldier Project Highlights for 2010-2011

Pentagon: Let Us Secure Your Network or Face the ‘Wild Wild West’ Internet Alone | Threat Level | Wired.com

CNSNews.com - Gibbs Won't Say What Job Sestak Was Offered

CNSNews.com - White House Spokesman Has No Answer on Sestak Job Offer; ‘I’d Refer You to the Memo’

CNSNews.com - Ranking Finance Committee Republican Undecided on Whether He'll Vote for Rationing Advocate to Run Medicare

CNSNews.com - Paul McCartney: Internet Hurting Livelihood of Young Musicians

CNSNews.com - Obama Medicare Czar Praised British NHS for Not Leaving Health Care in ‘The Darkness of Private Enterprise’

CNSNews.com - Democrats’ Tax Extender Bill to Add $115 Billion to Deficit in Only Two Years

CNSNews.com - Obama, Proclaiming LGBT Pride Month, Pushes Repeal of Defense of Marriage Act

CNSNews.com - Obama Trying to Put Focus Back on Economy, Jobs

CNSNews.com - Reid Marks Anniversary of Late-Term Abortionist’s Death, Calls His Murder ‘An Act of Terrorism’

CNSNews.com - Wilmer Valderrama: Too Many Hollywood Films Have a ‘Secret Political Agenda’

CNSNews.com - Isolated Israel Begins to Deport Activists, But Stands Firm on Need for Blockade

CNSNews.com - Japan Scrambles for New Leader After Prime Minister Hatoyama Resigns

CNSNews.com - Militants Attack As Afghan Peace Conference Starts

CNSNews.com - 48 States: Funeral Protests Shouldn't Be Protected

CNSNews.com - Anti-Incumbency Mood Takes Down Another Congressman

CNSNews.com - ‘Synthetic’ Cell Research Isn’t Frankenstein Science, but Raises Troubling Questions, Analysts Say

CNSNews.com - FCC Plans Study to Measure Broadband Speeds

CNSNews.com - Kagan Wants to Impose Her Values on Your Speech

CNSNews.com - Fiscal Fraud of Obamacare Snowballing Already

CNSNews.com - The Resurrection of Rod Blagojevich

CNSNews.com - Tavis Smiley’s Outrage

Liz Cheney Wants Independent Investigation of Sestak Offer

Robert Reich: Time To Put BP In Receivership, Take Charge Of The Cleanup

David Vitter Compares Gulf Oil Spill to Airplane Crash

Gulf Oil Spill Setting Off Thousands Of Lawsuits, Citing Array Of Legal Issues

Israel Maims Self in Flotilla Attack

Rove Attacks Obama for Commemorating Memorial Day Outside of Arlington, Struck by How Many Troops Miss Bush

It's here! "Over the Cliff, How the Election of Barack Obama Drove the American Right Insane"!

Senate To Vote On Removing Tax Incentive That Pushes Jobs Overseas

Dana Perino: 'BP is Not Going to Escape Responsibility for This' - Administration Shouldn't Play 'Blame Game'

UPDATED: BP Ends Efforts To Install Blowout Preventer; Holder announces DOJ Criminal Investigation

Glenn Beck gets on 'Rick's List' for attacks on 11-year-old Malia Obama, lame apology

O'Keefe and Breitbart launch Great American Rehab Tour on GMA

Labor Unions strike back against Blanche Lincoln!

Rachel Maddow: The Next Last Resort

Pensacola Expected To Be Hit By Oil Slick Wednesday

Nun excommunicated after approving abortion to save mother's life

Rep. Mark Kirk: Conservative, But No Longer In the Closet

Rep. Alan Grayson gives mad props to "Over The Cliff"

Michele Bachmann Criticizes Obama Administration for not Taking Over the Oil Spill

Thomas Sowell:The Real Public Service


*Top 20 Best Bar Fights


Mercantilism in England by Murray N. Rothbard

Madness Continues... by Massad Ayoob

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » MADNESS CONTINUES…

Why Chicago shooting deflates anti-gun philosophy everywhere…including Seattle

What's green, slimy and good for you? - Telegraph

Healing by 2-Way Video - The Rise of Telemedicine - NYTimes.com

Guest Article: Sea Salt--An Indispensable Commodity for Uncertain Times, by Roxanne Griswold - SurvivalBlog.com

A Visible Fall in US Money M3 Worries Some Analysts by Frank Shostak


Mystical Sites - U.S. Capitol | The Vigilant Citizen

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Medias | The Vigilant Citizen

The Hidden Hand that Shaped History | The Vigilant Citizen

Top 5 Most Sinister Corporate Logos | The Vigilant Citizen

Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye - Their Occult Meaning and Use in Corporate Logos | The Vigilant Citizen


YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Mike Rivero Discusses The Next Regional Gulf War Crisis on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


YouTube - Alex Breaks Down Gaza Aid Flotilla Ship Attack by Israel on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down Gaza Aid Flotilla Ship Attack by Israel on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down Gaza Aid Flotilla Ship Attack by Israel on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down Gaza Aid Flotilla Ship Attack by Israel on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


YouTube - BP Conceding They Can't Stop Leak!

YouTube - Roberts: 'AIPAC purchases US elections'

YouTube - If ANY Other Nation Had Done This We'd Be Up In Arms! Helen Thomas

Matthews-MSNBC Promo Implies Tea Party Seeks Violent Overthrow Of Government | NewsBusters.org

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #47 - Mass Tea Party Attack

YouTube - Oil (instrumental version)

Terror on Aid Ship: "Plan Was to Kill Activists and Deter Future Convoys"

Direct Bias Shown on BBC on Flotilla Crime «Kawther Salam

The Israeli Massacre and the Cover-Up


Reporters Without Borders: 15 journalists still missing « Aletho News

The Plum Line - Source: Hillary asking foreign leaders to `dial down' criticism of Israel


PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Pelosi: ‘I Don’t Want To Go Into A Discussion Of The Blockade Of Gaza’

YouTube - Former U.S. Ambassador Peck Calls Gaza Ordeal--"Piracy!"

As Obama Wavers, Congressmen Cheer Aid Ship Massacre -- News from Antiwar.com

Nicaragua cuts ties with Israel « Aletho News

World Council of Churches condemns flotilla raid « Aletho News

China's Wen reveals fears of any Korea conflict spreading | Reuters



As Obama Havers, Congressmen Cheer Aid Ship Massacre Foreign Affairs Chair Lauds Killings of 'Brutal' Aid Workers :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Video: Robert Davi Rips ‘Family Guy’ For Trashing the Troops

The Census Bureau’s Recent History of Throwing Billions of Dollars Down the Drain

Anything For a Buck: MTV Documentary Jeopardizes Saudi Kids


The B-Cast Interviews Florida Attorney Fired for Speaking at Tea Party Event

The B-Cast: Obama & BP

The B-Cast: Jesus Inspires Pelosi

Saudi Youths Face Trouble for Participation in MTV Reality Show

‘The Word’: Pelosi Sees Her Duty as Pursuing Policies ‘With the Values’ of Jesus

Paul McCartney: ‘Lay Off’ Obama

Sarah Silverman: ‘Entire Fox News Channel is a 24-Hour a Day Racism Engine’

Man Wins $1.5M in Court Case Over Profane Debt Collection Calls

McDonald’s Launches Gay-Friendly Ad Campaign in France

Scores Shot: British Taxi Driver Kills 12 in Rampage Across Rural Tourist Region

Cops in Kazakhstan Arrest Drunken Man Found Driving BMW in Ice Skates

Search Is On For Suspects Who Torched 25 American Flags on Memorial Day

GOP Group Joins With Nat’l Security Group on Ad Buy Backing Energy and Climate Bill

Fierce Flashback: Obama Excoriates Government’s ‘Unconsionable Ineptitude’ in Gulf Disaster

MSNBC’s Matthews: Clintons ‘Not Committed To Making Money’

Gibbs on Sestak Job Offer: ‘I’d Have to Ask Counsel for a Better Answer on That’

‘Global Cooling’: Al & Tipper Gore Separate After 40 Years of Marriage

Writer Living Next to Palin Calls Her Attacks ‘Ugly Innuendo’

States Line Up Against Marine Funeral Hecklers in Supreme Court Brief

New Video Shows Flotilla Passengers Attacking IDF With Stun Grenades Before Soliders Boarded Ship

CIA Drone Strike Kills Al-Qaeda No. 3

IDF Posts Video of Supply of Weapons Discovered On Board Flotilla

NewScientist: Balsa-Wood Butterfly Model Takes Flight Like Real Thing