"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

27 June 2010

27 june '10

Toxic Rain Hysteria Fueled by Internet Hoaxer | Before It's News

savethemales.ca - The Hindenberg Was Sabotaged

Panama City FL - People Vomiting, Respiratory Illnesses

China Has Basically Purchased Its Own Latin American Country

Freedom Fighters, Terrorism, World Financial Collapse

Is Petraeus McChrystal's Replacement Or Obama's

Attack of the vapours ¿ how jet trails block out the sunshine | Mail Online

Coalition to tell unemployed: 'Move to parts of the country where there are jobs' | Mail Online

The Devil and Bill Marriott

The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation

Gallery | Photos | Multimedia | National Post

Strange creature on the prowl in East Texas neighborhood - KTRE.com Lufkin and Nacogdoches

Leader Of Deathsquads Wins Colombian Election

The real story behind the Arizona World Cup lion burgers - Jun. 23, 2010

How many Americans are targeted for assassination? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Obama administration poised to challenge Arizona immigration law - latimes.com

savethemales.ca - Communism's True Believers Won't Give Up

Huge tent city takes root - Hawaii News - Staradvertiser.com

savethemales.ca - Springmeier: Government as Instrument of Foreign Tyranny

Obama’s Phony Financial Reform Bill a Stunning Triumph of the Wall Street Derivatives Lobby — Tell Your Congressman to Vote It Down! « TARPLEY.net

China rewrites history of Korean War - Telegraph

Sirhan Sirhan: In His Own Words

Supermarkets selling meat from animals fed GM crops - Telegraph

Internet pornography to get its own red light district as .xxx name approved | Technology | The Guardian

General McChrystal: the fall guy for the president's failure? - Telegraph

Illusion to magnify lunar eclipse - Telegraph

Immigration back on front burner due to Ariz. law | World news | guardian.co.uk

Battle for the Nile as rivals lay claim to Africa's great river | Environment | The Guardian

YouTube - Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough

Redress Newsblog: Demolishing Israel's lies about Gaza Freedom Flotilla: interview with ex-US Marine Kenneth O'Keefe


David Ray Griffin: Afghanistan War not even close to legal; 9/11 “justifications” all lies. 1 of 2

David Ray Griffin: Afghanistan War not even close to legal; 9/11 “justifications” all lies. 2 of 2


YouTube - Exposing Israel (MUST SEE!)

Video parts 1 through 4 of Arithmetic, Population and Energy - a talk by Al Bartlett on the impossibility of exponential growth on a finite planet

Is the Fed Too Big To Fail? by Gary North

Mission accomplished? Not for the Iraqi people :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Amnesty International Blasts Obama for Delays and Injustice on Human Rights, Guantánamo and Terrorism :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

34 states saw tax collections decline in the first quarter of 2010. State budget deficits projected well into 2010 – Plunging tax revenues reflect a weaker economy dragged down by pervasive unemployment and underemployment. $112 billion in state budget gaps for fiscal 2011.

The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation

CIA's Panetta: Iran has enough uranium for 2 bombs - Yahoo! News

YouTube - BP Slick Covers Dolphins and Whales.mov

YouTube - Personal Computers Could Be Open to Government Access Under New Obama Copyright Plan

Arlington Cemetery Officials Were Aware of Disc...

Obama Internet kill switch plan approved by US Senate - Techworld.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Biden Calls Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A "Smartass"

America is a state of mind | My Catbird Seat

The Raw Story | US military chief in Israel for top-level talks

Suiting Up for a Post-Dollar World by John Browne

YouTube - "We're f*#!ing losing this thing."

YouTube - Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough

YouTube - Fears Over BP Claims Process

YouTube - Oil Dispersant

American’s Need to Pay Attention and Get Some Skin in the Game | My Catbird Seat

FBI/DHS Attempt to Seize Colorado Indymedia Server and Silence Our Users | Colorado Indymedia

YouTube - Shepard Smith Rages On Fox News Colleague For Defending BP

Militarism and Democracy: More On The McChrystal Affair : Political Theatrics

Awash With Fictional ‘Success,’ Deployment Sets Petraeus Up for a Big Fall -- News from Antiwar.com

McChrystal Past, Present and Future? by Karen Kwiatkowski

Iraq’s Ancient Ruins Face New Looting - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Chossudovsky on G8: Austerity = Collapse

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order | My Catbird Seat

Obama Warns World Leaders ‘Millions Could Die’ From Gulf Oil Disaster

06-27-2010: Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority

06-27-2010: Lady Gaga Will Perform on Stage Decorated with Human Corpses

06-26-2010: U.S. Seeks Global Cooperation on Outer Space

Police can use sound cannons, but with limits: judge

06-25-2010: Ahmadinejad heralds age of light

G8 Police Protest Photos

U.S. government panel now pushing "vaccinations for all!" No exceptions…

Genetically Altered Salmon Get Closer to the Table

DARPA Push: Solar Cells Tough Enough to Handle a War

G20: Doves on finance reform, hawks on austerity

What's Next in National Security Military Mulls New Name for Psychological Operations: MISO

The W.H.O. Has Another Plan To Make Us Healthier Through Forced Medicating

48% See Government Today As A Threat to Individual Rights

Supreme Court ruling makes ‘it a crime to work for peace and human rights’

Large Hadron Collider: scientists create sound of ‘God particle’

'Kill TV' and Dark Arts of Special Ops Led McChrystal to the Edge

Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan?

Who Owns the World?

BP Welcomes You to the Apocalypse

The Destruction of U.S. Border States

WATCH OUT FEDERAL RESERVE: Senate agrees to expanded ‘Audit the Fed’ provision

The Only Correct Strategy in Afghanistan

Avertible Catastrophe

America's Compulsory Dependence on Government

Encouraging Roadblocks in the War on Oil

YouTube - 6 Year Old Girl On No Fly List! Homeland Security Refusing To Change It

Man Claims 'Female Forces' Humiliated Him

Suiting Up for a Post-Dollar World

CHART OF THE DAY: We're Not The First Empire To Have A Serious Currency Problem

The Devil Is In The Details: DHS Monitoring Web & "Wrong" Words

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Ron Paul Is On With The Judge

Ron Paul votes against honoring [In]justice Department, "because of the Justice Department's history of violating individual rights."

Anyone Here Ever Heard Of This Campaign For Liberty?

Toward a New Monetary Order

YouTube - Ron Paul Explains Why He Voted Against Giving Subpoena Power To Presidential Commission On BP

NexGen Space Travel: Uploading the Human Mind

YouTube - Fears Over BP Claims Process

video:Dolphins Beached on Gulf Shores

YouTube - G20 Protests Heat Up: Video of police car fire in Toronto

YouTube - Broken windows, burnt cars left by G20 riots in Toronto

YouTube - Toronto Tension: G20 protesters hit streets, skeptics slam summit

YouTube - George Butler: Big Money Spent for G8-G20 Summit Security in Toronto - Alex Jones Tv

Part 1 : Video: Protest march G-20 June 25, 2010

Part 2: Video: Protest march G-20 June 25, 2010


G20 — Toronto 2010


YouTube - Charlie Veitch: Arrested, Tortured, Caged by Toronto Fascist Police at G8-G20 - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Charlie Veitch: Arrested, Tortured, Caged by Toronto Fascist Police at G8-G20 - Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Celente: The US is run by Wall Street


YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 1/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 2/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 3/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 4/4


VIDEO: The BP "Gulf Syndrome": Benzene and Corexit Poisoning




YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 5/5


Ohio Democratic Party unsuccessfully tries to get gun records | cleveland.com

poor richard's blog: Massive Rally Calls on G20 to Put People Ahead of Banks

Anarchists leave trail of destruction | G20 | News | Toronto Sun

Bisphenol A: Hormone-Disrupter

White House Preparing National Online ID Plan -- Cybersecurity -- InformationWeek

TargetFreedom.com | Military Combat Troops Being Trained to Police 2010 Elections

Sources of American Federalism: Founders, Reformers & Ancient Hebrews

Republicans can Win or Lose November Elections - THIS WEEK!

Barack Obama: A Bill of Indictment

Equality is Never Equal

Despite the mayhem, today’s yesterday’s G20 Protest a big flop

Open Borders, Open Pit

Why Does Naming of Hurricanes Exclude Muslim Names?

Obama Internet kill switch plan approved by US Senate

The Ground Zero mosque and media conquest of Islam

Toronto in chaos!

Memo to Glenn Beck: Joe McCarthy was Right - and the Left was Viciously Wrong

Obama’s Drilling Moratorium a Sop to Unions?

New Global Warming Scandal: ‘Consensus’ on Sun is One Expert

‘They’re Not Cleaning it Up They’re Covering it Up’ - Citizens Respond & Report Gulf Atrocity

Climate Change: The IPCC In The Age of Speculation

Obama Fail: Hundreds of Oil Skimmers NOT Being Used in Gulf

Beware Analysts Worried About the GOP

How do you spell incompetence?

Nine Terrifying Words: I Am Barack Obama, And I’m Here To Help

Another Test For President Obama Looms

Policies of Scarcity in a Land of Plenty

Basic Principles

Taliban Extorting ‘Protection Payments’ From Taxpayer-Funded Private Security Contract

As Lawmakers Pass ‘Powerful’ Iran Sanctions Bill, Some Worry Presidential Waivers Will Weaken It

Lee Edwards on ‘William F. Buckley Jr.—The Maker of a Movement’: Buckley Was ‘The Most Important Action Intellectual of Last Half of 20th Century’

Cocaine Demand Down ‘Significantly’ in U.S., Cartels Fighting Over Shrinking Market, U.N. Report Says

North Korea Threatens Harsher Punishment Against Jailed American Unless U.S. Drops Ship-Sinking Issue

A Majority of Federal Mine Inspectors Did Not Undergo Required Retraining, Says Audit

Federal Agencies Still Failing to 'Connect the Dots' on Security Threats to U.S., Says GAO

Arizona Gov: Most Illegal Immigrants Smuggling Drugs

Another Failed President?

The U.S. Department of Illegal Alien Labor

Obama vs. the U.S. Army

Alabama mayor: BP point man didn't keep promises

Whales are safe from President Obama. Even Greenpeace agrees.

The Word - Who War It Best?

Blue America Welcomes Tarryl Clark in Her Race Against Michele Bachmann

Keith Olbermann Defends Dave Weigel, Gives WaPo, Rothstein and Carlson Worst Persons Honors

O'Reilly and Wallace Repeat Fox's Latest Lie That ICE Official is 'Sanctuary Guy' Who Refused to Enforce Immigration Laws

Kagan Critics: Keepin' It Klassy

Palinpalooza: Live Mic Left On, Reporters Call Palin "Dumb"

The Court Eunuch Standard of Blogging Exposed by Dave Weigel's Resignation

Geraldo Rivera Compares Rolling Stone's Michael Hastings to Al Qaeda

America Speaks. Will The Politicians Listen?

Cenk Uygur Debates 'Wingnuts' Author John Avlon

Panetta: We're Seeing 'Increasing Violence' in Afghanistan

McCain Disagrees With AZ Gov's Drug 'Mule' Comment

Man, Daughter Missing From Wash. Campground Found

Senate Candidate Subpoenaed for Blagojevich Trial

No Good Info on Bin Laden for Years: CIA's Panetta

Brother 'Died a Hero' in Stabbing Rampage

Court to Rule on Sarbanes-Oxley and Gun Rights

Shell CEO Says to Continue With Deep-Water Drilling

Obama Confident He'll Make Trip Back to Indonesia

Vandals Mar Summit Protests in Toronto

Partial Lunar Eclipse Visible in Western Skies

Stalemate Persists as Suspect Avoids Police

DA: 4 Found Fatally Stabbed in Pa.; Man in Custody

Is Mystery Man a Real-Life Jason Bourne?

G20 March Turns Violent as Cars Torched, 130 Arrested

Prince Harry Throws First Pitch at Mets Game

Falling Branch Kills Baby in NYC's Central Park

Children Feared Among Several Victims of NY Fire

Rescued Chihuahua Takes 'Ugliest Dog' Title

Services for Slain Outlaw Go on Without Incident

SUMMIT NOTEBOOK: Obama, Cameron Share Helicopter

Palin: 'Dumpster Divers' Can't Shut Me Up

Auction for Ind. Financier Who Tried to Fake Death

Father, Toddler Daughter Reported Missing in Wash.

Obama, Lee Criticize North Korea on Ship Sinking

Pickup Found in Maine Triple Homicide Case

Girl, 6, Scratched, Bitten by Coyotes in NY Suburb

Obama Invites Chinese President for State Visit

5 Killed in Head-on Crash on Utah Mountain Highway

Obama, G8 Leaders Boost Pressure on North Korea, Iran

G8 Avoids Bold Aid Promises Amid Budget Strains

Polar Bear Overseer: Few Tools to Stop Melting Ice

China Vows Not to Bow to Currency Pressure

YouTube - VP Joe Biden Visits Kopp's Custard Stand

The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: Damning New Evidence Points to a Cover-up by Tony Blair's Government

Leader of Death Squads Wins Colombian Election

Political and Social Instability in Kyrgyzstan

Reaching too Far, Delving too Deep: The Well from Hell

China and the Reconfiguration of the World System

Through the Wormhole: The Secret State's Mad Scheme to Control the Internet

VIDEO: The BP "Gulf Syndrome": Benzene and Corexit Poisoning

VIDEO: The G8 "Solution" to the Crisis is the Cause of Economic Collapse

Militarism and Democracy: the Implications of the McChrystal Affair

Petraeus’s False Hope

US Ranks Last Among 7 Countries on Health System Performance

The Risks and Rewards of Synthetic Biology - TIME

Scientists create 'sick pigs' to cure humans - The Scotsman

Psychotropic Drug Abuse in Foster Care Costs Government Billions

Afghanistan Progress 'Slower' Than Anticipated - Political Punch

Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers

Court to rule on Sarbanes-Oxley and gun rights | Reuters

My Way News - Possible pitfalls for Kagan's with her own words?

My Way News - Primer on senators judging would-be Justice Kagan

Biden: We Can't Recover All the Jobs Lost - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

RealClearPolitics - Video - Biden Calls Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A "Smartass"

Op-Ed Contributor - No Sex Please, We’re Middle Class - NYTimes.com

Authorities seize $45 million of narcotics in California drug bust - CNN.com

Cheney remains in hospital after feeling ill - Yahoo! News

Tree Branch Kills Baby at Central Park Zoo

In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

'Genocidal' Israel will be put in its place - Chavez | World | Reuters

Two Census Bureau managers fired for creating at least 10,000 bogus questionnaires to meet deadlines

My Way News - Pope: Belgian sex abuse raids deplorable

Obama calls for bank tax as next step in reform | Reuters

Durbin asks Obama to appoint carp czar - Chicago Breaking News

YouTube - Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough

My Way News - Teen shot by Border Patrol had smuggling arrests

Obama administration poised to challenge Arizona immigration law - latimes.com

Newsmax - Newsmax.com - Breaking News, Politics, Commentary


YouTube - The Highwaymen - Highwayman

YouTube - Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard - Pancho and Lefty

YouTube - Willie Nelson - On The Road Again (From "Outlaws and Angels" DVD)

YouTube - Willie Nelson - 1997 - Funny How Time Slips Away

YouTube - The City of New Orleans - Willie Nelson

YouTube - Willie Nelson, Angel flying too close to the ground

YouTube - Willie Nelson - Bloody Mary Morning

YouTube - Willie Nelson - Whiskey River

YouTube - Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson - Ring of Fire (live)

YouTube - Willie Nelson - Ray Charles - Georgia on my mind

YouTube - Arlo Guthrie & Willie Nelson/Will The Circle be Unbroken

YouTube - Uncloudy Day

YouTube - Willie Nelson - Midnight Rider

YouTube - Johnny Cash Willie Nelson - Ghost Riders In The Sky

YouTube - Willie Nelson & Edie Brickell - Blue eyes crying in the rain

YouTube - Stardust - Willie Nelson

YouTube - Ray Price Willie Nelson Merle Haggard - Night Life

YouTube - Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash - Unchained melody

YouTube - Willie Nelson ~ Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain

YouTube - Willie Nelson Me and Bobby McGee

YouTube - Willie Nelson - someone to watch over me

YouTube - Willie Nelson "Heart Of Gold"

YouTube - Willie Nelson Something

YouTube - Willie Nelson - Help Me Make It Through The Night 720p (see info for Real HD)

YouTube - Willie Nelson, Leon Russell and Ray Charles - A Song For You - WOW!


*Newstalgia World Week - June 21-26, 2010 | Newstalgia


Obama's race-rant Rev. rages on - NYPOST.com

Puerto Ricans targeted in massive ID theft schemes

Joint Chiefs chairman reiterates security threat of high debt - TheHill.com

ADAMS: Inside the Black Panther case Anger, ignorance and lies - Washington Times

My Way News - Thousands of Taiwanese protest China trade pact

BP spoof video is runaway hit on YouTube - Entertainment - MiamiHerald.com

Want to protect the poor? Then give them jobs - Telegraph

Will Obama Turn Around Jobs Outlook? - Newsweek

RealClearPolitics - The Democrats' Vision Problem

Opinion: How About Some Real Leadership on the Gulf Oil Cleanup?

Rep. Ed Markey on BP Oil Spill, Tropical Storm Threat - The Daily Beast

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Incompetence catches Obama - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Op-Ed Columnist - The 36 Hours That Shook Washington - NYTimes.com

Diana West: So what if McChrystal lost his job? | Washington Examiner

Elena Kagan and the Harvard stigma - The Boston Globe

Filling the Stevens Seat - Reason Magazine

Fair Game - Is the Dodd-Frank Bill Strong Enough? - NYTimes.com

Pointless G-20 Summit Unfolds In Toronto - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Let’s not have a revolution - Andrew Coyne - Macleans.ca

As Europe laments welfare state, U.S. turns to it - USATODAY.com

Dark clouds that spelt doom for a prime minister

Why China has reason to worry | Jonathan Fenby | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

A Year at War - One Battalion’s Wrenching Deployment to Afghanistan - NYTimes.com

New Energy in DC? | The Nation

Editorial: Obama fills oil drilling panel with opponents of offshore exploration | detnews.com | The Detroit News

How would you cut $1 billion? - The Denver Post

This was a coup we had to have | The Australian

Sen. Olympia Snowe, in letter to Harry Reid, urges stand-alone jobless aid bill

Clinton or Obama: Who's the bigger asset on midterm campaign trail? - TheHill.com

'Tea party' is not a shoo-in - latimes.com

Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority - NYTimes.com

The Problem With Regulating Political Speech | The Moderate Voice

Commentary » Blog Archive » Congressional Hypocrisy Watch

Repeal USC 18-486: Legalize Gold and Silver Money

The Nightmare Financial Regulatory Scheme

Two Simple Guidelines to End All Financial Regulation.

Socialism and it's unavoidable inconveniences

Obama's Online Power Play

Illegal aliens are not a race

The Presidential Rorschach Test

The Leftist 'Purification' Movement

Islamic Republic of Iran's Smoke and Mirrors

Is Civic Duty Optional?

Relabeling Americans

Christoper Hitchens Evolves

Las Vegas Hotel Owner tells it like it is

Biden calls citizen who asked for lower taxes a 'smartass'

Winning Through Competition

Biden admits jobs catastrophe

Hey Barry! Did you forget about Mississippi?

The Keynesian Dead End

Anarchists run wild in Toronto

Jeremiah Wright teaching at Univ. of Chicago

G-8 Leaders Send Love Note To Bibi -- But Where Are The Media?

Foundations Gone Wild

A Conservative Kid Tries To Survive In California Schools

Israel's PR Is Not the Problem

In God We Do Not Trust

Understanding Muslims' Mindset

The Gaza Blockade: A Dialogue

The Chicago Politician, the Discredited Non-Profit and a Mystery Earmark

Government Study Confirms What We Already Knew: DC Vouchers Improve Graduation Rates


audio :How Capitol Hill Owns the Business Community


Santelli and Dobbs Talk Tea Party Power

Next Chapter Of The Progressive Marxist Revolution – G8/G20


*Ricochet Podcast #22: McChrystal Clear


The G-20 Fiscal Fight: A Pox on Both Their Houses

Shocking! Bat-wielding Union Thugs Attack Non-union Workers

Eat Up… Joe Biden Gets Custard in Face When Business Owner Tells Him: ‘Lower Our Taxes’ (Video)

Jimmy Smits Joins Socialist Huerta, and Sec. Solis’ Crusade to Force Workers ‘Documented or Not’ into Labor Unions

Know your Republican Heritage – QUIZ #1

NewsBusted: Recovery Summer is Here!

Neutral, Professional Journalists At Work: Sarah Palin Division

In Dave Weigel ‘Resignation’ Aftermath, Washington Post Still Living In a Fantasy Land

In the E-Mail and Twitter Era, Is ‘Actual Malice’ Easier To Prove?

Weigel Not Alone: For Rank Partisanship, Consider NYT’s Gail Collins

Don’t Be Fooled By the MSM’s Adoration Of ‘Tough’ Obama — Afghanistan Is Still a Disaster

Team USA Loses, Lets MSM, Barack Hussein Obama, Entire World Down

Huffington Post Needs To Take a Closer Look At Its Cuban Writer

‘Little Obama’ Trailer: Was Barack Obama the Original Karate Kid?

Garofalo: Bible a ‘Work of Fiction’ for a ‘Child-Like Audience’

Daily Gut: Nutritionists Compare McDonald’s to Child Molesters

Hero of the Gulf: The Feds Fought Costner and Costner Won

FILM REVIEW: ‘Karate Kid’ Kicks Butt Onscreen and Off

MOVIE REVIEW: Adam Sandler’s ‘Grown Ups’ Vs. The Critics


60th Anniversary: Remembering ‘The Forgotten War’ Through Film — Part 1

60th Anniversary: Remembering ‘The Forgotten War’ Through Film — Part 2


TV REVIEW: ‘Entourage’ Return a Mixed Blessing

cartoon:Obama Nation: Last Week

comics:» Chris Muir - Big Government

comics:Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash

podcast page:» The New Ledger - Big Government

podcast page» ricochet - Big Government

Longtime Sen. Byrd in hospital, seriously ill

Frustrated by boycott, station owners want BP help

World leaders pledging to reduce global deficits

Alex, first named Atlantic storm, heads for Gulf

Senate candidate subpoenaed for Blagojevich trial

CIA chief Panetta: US has driven back al-Qaida

Kyrgyz leader says new constitution is approved

Largest diabetes gene search finds 12 new links

'Carbon storage' faces leak dilemma - study

Afghan war tougher than we thought: CIA chief

China's president fires back at currency critics

Pope deplores Belgian sex raids, stresses autonomy

Panetta: Iran has uranium for 2 bombs

How Quest for American Dominance Drove Roosevelt, Eisenhower

Mullen: I see Israeli perspective

Conflicting reports on Iran ship

Judge warns over bill of rights plan

Report: Toronto police rough up journalists, arrest peaceful protesters at G20

Charlie Veitch: Arrested, Tortured, Caged by Toronto Fascist Police at G8/G20

AFP: Toronto police use tear gas to combat G20 'thugs'

G20 Protests Heat Up

New York Times reporter calls Zionist terrorism ‘romantic’

How many Americans are targeted for assassination? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Ron Paul On Freedom Watch: GOP Reps vs. Waste and War

Is Petraeus McChrystal’s Replacement or Obama’s?

Is the U.S. a Fascist Police-State?

Obama calls for bank tax as next step in reform | Reuters

As 1.3 Million Americans Are About To Lose Their Jobless Benefits This Week, The Unemployment Rate Will Surge To 10.5%

Congress Pimps Out the American People

Celente: The US is run by Wall Street

Florida pushes for Arizona-style law

Biden Calls Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A “Smartass”

Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority - NYTimes.com

Cop’s lawyer claims hitting an Iraq veteran 20 times was ‘too little’ force

La. Police Doing BP's Dirty Work [Video] | Mother Jones

U.S. government panel now pushing “vaccinations for all!” No exceptions…

The Coming Gulf Coast Firestorm: How the BP oil catastrophe could destroy a major U.S. city

City Brights: Yobie Benjamin : BP oil spill Corexit dispersants suspected in widespread crop damage

Supermarkets selling meat from animals fed GM crops - Telegraph

Genetically Altered Salmon Set to Move Closer to Your Table - NYTimes.com

New Global Warming Scandal: ‘Consensus’ on Sun is One Expert


YouTube - Presence Of The Lord - Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood

YouTube - Billy Preston - That's The Way God Planned It


Video: Lack of Obama Birth Certificate Mentioned During U.S. House Debate

Kids may need 2 H1N1 doses again this year – Paging Dr. Gupta - CNN.com Blogs

Blagojevich on tape: Get Obama to fund-raise from Warren Buffett, Bill Gates - The Blago Blog


The Alex Jones Show – June 25th With Jesse Ventura

The Alex Jones Show – June 24th With Andrew Napolitano


Bill Press: Glenn Beck Speaking at Lincoln Memorial ‘Exact Same’ as Al Qaeda Speaking at Ground Zero

Matthews: ‘Being a Suicide Bomber is the New Political Rolemodel’

Bear Stuck in a Tree in City Park

Great White Caught Off Mass. Coast

Joining Hands to Stop Drilling

BP’s ‘Oiled Wildlife Hotline’ Fails to Help Rescue Bird

Tennis Player Victor Hanescu spits at Wimbledon crowd

Riot Police Nab G20 Protester After He Taunts Them

Taliban Bombing Caught on Video

Bizarre Tribute on Jacko’s One-Year Death Anniversary

Garofalo: Bible is ‘Work of Fiction Targeted to Child-like Audience’

Reporters Caught on Open Mic Bashing Sarah Palin

Leftist Protesters on Violent Rampage Through Streets of Toronto

AZ Gov. Brewer Claims Majority of Illegal Immigrants Come for Drug Crime

Police Release Raw Audio of Gore Accuser’s Testimony

Animation of Al Gore’s Massage Encounter

NM Gov. Urges Obama to Fight AZ Law

Biden Calls Business Owner a ‘Smart A**’

Violent Protests at Toronto G20 Meetings

President’s Weekly Address: Calls For Bank Tax

Brewer to Obama: ‘Do Your Job’

New Mexico Faces Influx of Illegal Immigrants Due to Arizona Law

Obama at war


White House scholar funded Ayers group

Obama scholar linked to 'Ground Zero' imam

Will death threats by 'gays' convince judges?

Report says religious programs vanishing

Next president elected by just 15% of voters?

State 'child-napping' escalates to international court

Censorship of pro-USA shirts prompts federal complaint

Criminal investigation of Planned Parenthood sought

How Obama got into Harvard


video:Know Jesus, no rules, right?

video:It's the gospel, not a pacifier


Report says religious programs vanishing

Investigating the QuiBids Phenomenon

Legally Reduce Your Debts by 50%

Hosing down claims of racism

The extremists in our midst - Washington Times

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Unconstitutional in many different ways'

Homeschoolers alarmed by Kagan nomination

Will death threats by 'gays' convince judges?

White House Preparing National Online ID Plan -- Cybersecurity -- InformationWeek

Obama Internet kill switch plan approved by US Senate - Techworld.com

Afghanistan Progress 'Slower' Than Anticipated - Political Punch

Germany to break climate aid promises - The Local

National Tea Party Convention moved to October

A little 'Saturday Night Live' comes to 'Taking America Back' confab

WorldNetDaily Commentary

G8 criticizes North Korea, Iran in final statement - CNN.com

French G8/G20 summits will cost '10 times less' than Canada's: Sarkozy - thestar.com

G20 — Toronto 2010

Does the Bible predict destruction of Saudi Arabia?

New troubles at Al Gore's Current TV | Reuters

Reggie Jackson and Tommy Lasorda Get Ugly in the Fox Broadcast Booth - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Vatican No. 2 Increases Criticism of Belgian Raids - ABC News

Fetus can't feel pain before 24 weeks, study says - Health - More health news - msnbc.com

White House welcomes Shariah finance specialist

Report: Failing grade for Obamacare

New federal database is helping to identify migrant felons

Brewer: Most illegal immigrants smuggling drugs

FOXNews.com - White House Picks Critic of Local Immigration Enforcement for Key Role at ICE

EU to ban selling eggs by the dozen: Shopkeepers' fury as they are told all food must be weighed and sold by the kilo | Mail Online

BBC News - Are beards obligatory for devout Muslim men?

Romans killed 100 unwanted babies at English brothel | Mail Online

After 112 Years, Lake Michigan Shipwreck Found - CBS News

NYT: Tomb raiders hit Iraqi sites as U.S. troops leave - World news - The New York Times - msnbc.com

Sperm Whale Voices Are Personal | Wired Science | Wired.com


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

No birth certificate needed to verify Obama's old Arcadia job - Hawaii News - Staradvertiser.com


Congressman on birth certificate: 'There's 1 we haven't seen'

Feds bash reliability of birth documents


*American Minute for June 27th:William J Federer's American Minute




*Somewhere West of California - NEVER-SEEN: LIFE in the Korean War - Photo Gallery - LIFE


*article links:Demystifying Autism from the Inside Out | Bill's Archived Articles


Feces smeared on Muslim van near Bellevue mosque - Bellevue Reporter


Jewellery thieves let down by planning as getaway car runs out of fuel - Telegraph

GOP says Schwarzenegger a 'disappointment' - Politics - Washington Post - msnbc.com


Lee Speigel on His 1978 Attempt to Convince the United Nations to Study UFOs

Vital fruit and berry collection set for destruction - life - 24 June 2010 - New Scientist

Cryptomundo » Bigfoot Contactees

BBC - Earth News - Baby cannibal spider gang makes web vibrate in time

Medical Drug Research & Study, Biased Clinical Trials, Medical Devices, Widespread Bias & Omissions | LiveScience

Singularity Backlash | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

SPACE.com -- Nuclear Bombs Could Save Earth from Asteroids

From the Shadows: Attacks in the Darkness

Chimpanzee trend-setters: New study shows that chimps 'ape' the prestigious

Radar imaging reveals ancient Egyptian underground city | World news | The Guardian

Jesus did not die on cross, says scholar - Telegraph

Invasion on a biblical scale: Grasshoppers overwhelming California town | ksdk.com | St. Louis, MO

When Humans and Neanderthals Split : Discovery News

Scientist at Work - Tor D. Wager - Seeking to Illuminate the Mysterious Placebo Effect - Biography - NYTimes.com

*site:QuiBids - Shopping Redefined


**27th/Politics Video:Liz Cheney: Father Is "Feeling Better" And Will Hopefully Be Released Tomorrow

CIA's Panetta: Afghanistan Progress "Slower" Than Anticipated

Sen. McCain: Obama Took "Appropriate Action" On McChrystal

Leahy On Kagan: You Will See A "Brilliant" Woman And Legal Mind

Sen. Chambliss Warns Of "Very Ugly Victory" In Afghanistan

Sen. Graham On Kagan: "She Is Well Qualified But Has A Lot To Answer For"

Huckabee: Obama Not "Capable" Of Executive Leadership

Sen. Levin: "The Afghan Army Is The Taliban's Greatest Nightmare"

Sen. Sessions: Kagan Is An "Activist" Judge

"This Week" Roundtable On Leaving Afghanistan

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Praising Obama For Petraeus Decision

"Meet The Press" Panel On Obama Backtracking On Afghan Withdrawal

*26th/Obama Weekly Address On Finishing The Job On Wall Street Reform

Rep. Paul Ryan Gives GOP Weekly Address On Canceling The Budget

Dem Congressman: The Economy Has "Recovered"

Open Mic Catches Reporters Mocking Sarah Palin After Speech

Police Release Tape From Gore Accuser's Interview

Maddow: Obama Getting A Lot Done

Barney Frank Complains That Auto Makers Shut Down Dealerships

O'Reilly: Obama Administration Is Confusing Me

Dr. Krauthammer: Financial Bill Is "Social Engineering Hubris"

Matthews: Who Are We Really Fighting In Afghanistan?


CBC News - Canada - Black Bloc radicals will be caught: police

AFP: Hundreds arrested in G20 protests: Toronto police

Karzai Pressed to Move on Taliban Reintegration - NYTimes.com

G20 Leaders Urged to Cut Deficits | Europe | English

CIA Chief Panetta Says North Korea’s Kim Preparing Succession - BusinessWeek

Julia Gillard, Australia's New Prime Minister - Newsweek

The Associated Press: Guinea holds first free election

More than 160 arrested in violent Bangladesh strike - CNN.com

C.I.A. Chief Sees Taliban Power-Sharing as Unlikely - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Pakistan officials: Suspected US missiles kill 3

Two Pakistanis Held in Zimbabwe, Possible Mumbai Tie | Asia | English

Taiwan Pledges Further China Trade Talks - WSJ.com

Diamonds Are Robert Mugabe's New Best Friends - Newsweek

'Immensely promising' home ministers' meeting: Pakistani media- Hindustan Times

PM for calibrated global stimulus exit - India Business - Business - The Times of India

Syria wants Brazil to help Mideast peace: report | Reuters

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Migration mess

The Associated Press: McCain disagrees with AZ gov's drug 'mule' comment

Obama Urges Financial-Overhaul Passage - WSJ.com

City Brights: Craig Newmark : A national approach to identity online

US Cybersecurity Czar wants online "identity cards" | TG Daily

Legislators Offer Alternative to Paterson's Budget - NYTimes.com

Inmates attack dad suspected of trying to sell baby - San Jose Mercury News

Palin in Tyler: Says Obama falls short on leadership | National | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Falling Tree Branch in Central Park Zoo Kills Baby - NYTimes.com

Who's exempted from 'fix' for Supreme Court campaign finance ruling? - CSMonitor.com

Washington Post blogger David Weigel resigns after messages leak

Financial disclosures: Emanuel got free Springsteen tickets - chicagotribune.com

Don't Believe the Hype: Rahm Emanuel Not Having Problems With Obama - Newsweek

At summit, Obama takes tough stance on N. Korea - The Boston Globe

Sen. Robert C. Byrd: West Virginia senator Byrd, 92, is hospitalized - latimes.com

1 dead, 2 injured in Castro shootings

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan: A not-so-leftist liberal - latimes.com

Kagan an eager, tough-talking political player - CNN.com

Mullen Visits Afghan Leaders and Allied Troops - NYTimes.com

Cheney improving, may be released Monday - UPI.com

Senator's Concern May Complicate Wall Street Bill Vote - ABC News

UPDATE 1-'Toy Story 3' beats Sandler, Cruise at box office | Reuters

Jackson sells 35 million albums since death - Entertainment - Access Hollywood - TODAY Show

The 41st Annual Chicago Gay Pride Parade - chicagotribune.com

Reality TV kids don't have a safety net - Los Angeles Times

From Pariah to Pundit in Two Years: Mapping Eliot Spitzer's Comeback - Newsweek

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline Reunite for Sons' Preschool Graduation - Britney Spears, Kevin Federline : People.com

Conan Writers Talk “Team CoCo” TV Special » Right TV

Smart List: Pop-culture talking points - latimes.com

The Associated Press: Over 100 people hospitalized during LA festival

LA Film Festival awards 'A Family'

O’Neal Family On Remembering Farrah Fawcett: ‘It Hurts’ | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

20 Favorite 'Entourage' Quotes - TV.com

Rapper Eminem Honors Mentor Dr. Dre at L.A. Event - ABC News

G20 Confers On How To Make You Pay For The Blunders Of The Rich

Walter Lippmann on Progressivism