"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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26 June 2010

26 JUNE '10

Obama’s Phony Financial Reform Bill a Stunning Triumph of the Wall Street Derivatives Lobby — Tell Your Congressman to Vote It Down! « TARPLEY.net

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Kenneth O’Keefe Says it All. Must See Video

CNSNews.com - Jewish Clergy Group: Elena Kagan Isn't ‘Kosher’ to Serve on Supreme Court

Ten Percent of Adult Homosexuals in Brazil Have HIV: Study

The Coming Jewish Lock-Down Of The Internet | Real Zionist News

P-town to rethink condom policy - The Boston Globe

Roy Tov – Guilty!

The Austrian System Media and Zionist Propaganda «Kawther Salam

Jan Smith - Morgellons Nightmares & 'Body Bug' Ruse

Yada, Yada, Yada!

FOXNews.com - Petraeus to Modify Afghanistan Rules of Engagement, Source Says

Barack Obama is a “house nigger” | Thetruthisfreedom's Blog

Ben Bernanke needs fresh monetary blitz as US recovery falters - Telegraph

Barack Obama is refusing to listen to reason on economic policy - Telegraph

Light The World

G20 leaders flying into a storm as sovereign debt fears grow again | Business | The Guardian

Canada's chief spy: foreign powers control country's politicians - Telegraph

US politicians oppose 2,000-mile oil sands pipeline | Environment | guardian.co.uk

The double standards of multinationals | Martin Khor | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Not so secret: deal at the heart of UK-US intelligence | World news | The Guardian

Moonbat + Amazongate = Prize Pillock – Telegraph Blogs

How Lord Oxburgh of Persil washed the Climategate team whiter than white (pt 2) – Telegraph Blogs

Republicans kill jobless aid measure in Senate - MSNBC Articles

FOXNews.com - Filmmaker Says McChrystal Part of Pat Tillman Cover Up, Surprised at His Obama Remarks

Half Past Human March 2010 Predictions Of Oil Disaster

savethemales.ca - Titanic & Hindenburg: Two Psy-Ops, One Agenda?

Elena Kagan: Willing accomplice in Siegelman’s political prosecution

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

ALIPAC - Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch Pushes for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Ron Paul bucks wisdom on McChrystal - Marin Cogan - POLITICO.com

What Lies Ahead: A New Massacre or a Genocidal War? «Kawther Salam

YouTube - History Channel Mega Disasters - Methane Explosion

UPDATE 2-Venezuela to nationalize U.S. firm's oil rigs | Reuters

FOXNews.com - U.S. Predator Drones to Surveil Mexican Border

The Associated Press: Stem cells reverse blindness caused by burns

'The Whole Casing System Is Deteriorating' - Shell Oil Ex-CEO

48% See Government Today As A Threat to Individual Rights - Rasmussen Reports™

Obama Administration Knew About Deepwater Horizon 35,000 Feet Well Bore | Oil Price.com

Obama and Mexico Sue Arizona Over Immigration « Fellowship of the Minds

West’s Afghan Debacle: Commander Dismissed As War Deaths Reach Record Level [Voltaire]

Executive Orders Can Be Changed Secretly [Voltaire]

General McChrystal and the militarisation of US politics | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama's sacking of General McChrystal put his vanity above the national interest – Telegraph Blogs

Barack Obama should beware of alienating the US Army – Telegraph Blogs

Barack Obama's inner circle really is clueless about the military – Telegraph Blogs

Gene data for all 'within a decade' - Telegraph

Methane in Gulf astonishingly high: U.S. scientist | Reuters

McChrystal Bashes Obama & His Zionist Shills | Real Zionist News

U.S. scores dead last again in healthcare study | Reuters

Campaign For Liberty — Supreme Court Nominee Could Coronate Obama | by Bruce Fein

New documents surface on Hitler's jail time - Yahoo! Canada News

Judeo-Satanic Feminists in Afghanistan « What Do You Believe?

McChrystal To Challenge Obama For President?

Gassed In The Gulf - Benzene, New Gulf War Syndrome

ISS - TILT: The illness afflicting workers exposed to BP's oil disaster?

savethemales.ca - Court Unmasks Secularism as State "Religion"

Towards the Eighteenth Brumaire of General David Petraeus? « TARPLEY.net

Senators Fear President Will Grant Amnesty by Executive Order... | Before It's News

Petraeus could provide calming influence after leadership change

savethemales.ca - Is Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan an Ex-Gay?

Wartime sackings of US military commanders - Telegraph

Remains of 72 people found at World Trade Center site - Telegraph

Rahm Emanuel 'traded political favours with Rod Blagojevich' - Telegraph

An Explanation of Anti-Semitism «Kawther Salam

Birmingham's spy-cam scheme has had its cover blown | Steve Jolly | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Limit the use of BPA due to health risks, scientists claim - Telegraph

McDonald's faces Happy Meals lawsuit for using toys in 'creepy and predatory plot' | Mail Online

Large Hadron Collider: scientists create sound of ‘God particle’ - Telegraph

Jesus will return by 2050, say 40pc of Americans - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Psy-Op: Welles' "War of the Worlds"

How Time and Life magazines helped turn America on to LSD. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine

kenny's sideshow: Which Side Are You On?

Roy Tov – On a False Messiah and Apartheid’s End

The hunt for the God particle | Science | The Guardian

BP - Beyond Petroleum = Big Trouble

FOXNews.com - Napolitano: Internet Monitoring Needed to Fight Homegrown Terrorism

How the Illuminati Use Sex and Blackmail

Sunscreen scam? We spend millions every year on sun protection, so why is skin cancer still on the rise? | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider Responds to "Disbelievers"

Buried ancient Egyptian city revealed by radar imaging - Telegraph

A Little Known Fact About The 9/11 Planes

Severodvinsk nuclear attack submarine | INFOgraphics | RIA Novosti

Teenager-repellent 'mosquito' must be banned, says Europe | Society | The Observer

savethemales.ca - In 1903, Cabalist Banker Prophesied Gulf Apocalypse

New York Times Planted Story on Afghan Mineral Wealth Designed to Prolong US Occupation, Spur Neocon-Backed Petraeus Presidential Candidacy « TARPLEY.net

Newsvine - Feds Define Jesters

The death of polite society - Telegraph

California school launches cell tower study - KansasCity.com

Human race 'will be extinct 'within 100 years due to population explosion' | Mail Online

Napolitano: US must balance liberties, security | World news | guardian.co.uk

How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could kill millions - by Terrence Aym - Helium

savethemales.ca - The Gulf Gusher & the NWO Agenda

Oval Office Duplicity - Cover For Corporate Criminality

What's wrong with the sun? - space - 14 June 2010 - New Scientist

Satanic Psychopaths Mourn Loss of One of Their Own

Nasa warns new meteor storm 'could damage Hubble and International Space Station' - Telegraph

Nasa solar flare space storm warning: a British scientist writes - Telegraph

Call to ban 'breast cancer' chemical found in babies bottles | Mail Online

Back from the dead, an ancient guide to the afterlife - This Britain, UK - The Independent

Scientists analyse ancient plants to work out when the Egyptian kings ruled | Mail Online

RealClearPolitics - Video - Clinton: Obama Administration To Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law

22 Reasons Why American Workers Hate The State

YouTube - Old cattle mutilation stumped Feds

RealClearPolitics - Video - School Kids Chant: "I Am An Obama Scholar"

Food firms spend millions on push to kill 'traffic light' labelling that would identify unhealthy products | Mail Online

Smoker's lung cancer risk could be halved by taking B vitamin | Mail Online

I admit it: I was wrong to have supported Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

Financial Scandals: The Hidden Wealth of the Catholic Church - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Federalist Papers, Hamilton and Militias

Coffee prices rise 20% in a week | Business | The Guardian

Mafia plot to smear Kennedys using Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe - Telegraph

FBI reveals death threats that plagued Ted Kennedy | World news | The Guardian

Children born to non-US citizens could be barred from American birth certificates - Telegraph

Anti-paedophile database halted weeks before launch for 'commonsense' reasons - Telegraph

Dark energy may not exist in space, scientists claim - Telegraph

'More water on the moon than previously thought' - Telegraph

The 'God particle' may exist in five forms, Large Hadron Collider's rival project finds - Telegraph

Americans get most radiation from medical scans - Yahoo! News

savethemales.ca - Secularism Shows Its True Satanic Colors

Aerosol Operation Crimes & Cover Up

FOXNews.com - Government under pressure to open US skies to unmanned drones despite safety concerns

Toxic Citizens? - WSJ.com

The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton and the Rothschilds

Scientists grow laboratory liver, giving hope to millions with diseased organs | Mail Online

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Teen Suicide Statistics - Gay Teen Suicide Statistics

Talking therapies are more effective than Prozac-type drugs, says scientist - Times Online

Car windscreen spray 'raises Legionnaires' risk' - Telegraph

Michael Neumann: The WASP Penchant for Zionism

savethemales.ca - How Gloria Steinem's CIA Role Was Censored

Michelangelo hid anatomical sketches in Sistine Chapel in Church attack - Telegraph

Scientists create GM 'Frankenfish' which grows three times as fast as normal salmon | Mail Online

Food prices to rise by up to 40% over next decade, UN report warns | Environment | The Guardian

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider Blasts Patriot "Arrogance"

Petras - Afghanistan...The Longest Lost War

YouTube - The Mythicist Position | What is Mythicism?

YouTube - David Cameron 9/11 ''Twin Towers blown up"

savethemales.ca - Is New "Love Drug" the NWO's "Soma" ?

A breakthrough in China,
another blow for Sudbury - The Globe and Mail

savethemales.ca - Waiting for Anti-Christ: The Maitreyea Cometh

White newborn babies set to become a minority in the U.S. 'next year' | Mail Online

Mark Twain memoir and the 'filthy-minded' secretary - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Ten Ways Zionists Would Spin BP Disaster


Johann Hari: How can America's 'War on Drugs' succeed if their Prohibition laws failed? - Americas, World - The Independent

Hand operation shows how the body will heal itself - Telegraph

The Green Agenda

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent | Deanna Spingola

savethemales.ca - Rudolf Steiner Actually Opposed Satanic Cults

When animal rescues fall short, evidence of oil spill's toll on wildlife is collected | NOLA.com

War of the atom-smashing colliders: the race for the Higgs boson - Telegraph

The Collapsing Western Way of Life

On the Contrary: "Holocaust denier" found dead in parking lot

Fiat Money And Schemes Collapsing - The International Forecaster

DEACON FOR LIFE: Over 800 Rabbis Urge Filibuster to Prevent Homosexualization of the Military

The Great Wind Farm Disaster (ctd.) – Telegraph Blogs

Boldly going nowhere: Nasa ends plan to put man back on Moon - Times Online

High heels for girls are sexualising children, parenting groups warn - Telegraph

'Sexsomnia': more people suffering from 'sex while sleeping disorder', study claims - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Satanist Insider: "Keep Your Money Hidden"

Wire-crawling robots could inspect power lines | Crave - CNET

Police can use sound cannons, but with limits: judge

06-26-2010: States of Crisis for 46 Governments Facing Greek-Style Deficits

06-25-2010: Ahmadinejad heralds age of light

06-25-2010: Former Oil Worker Says Cleanup Just For Show

06-25-2010: 'Secret' law lets police arrest for failing to show ID near summit

Buzz Aldrin Is Not All That Impressed With Walking On The Moon

06-25-2010: More American women not having children: report

06-25-2010: Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers

06-25-2010: What's Next in National Security Military Mulls New Name for Psychological Operations: MISO

06-24-2010: Supreme Court ruling makes ‘it a crime to work for peace and human rights’

06-24-2010: CIA hires Xe, formerly Blackwater, to guard facilities in Afghanistan, elsewhere

06-24-2010: Robert Pattinson related to Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for 'Dracula'

06-24-2010: Rand Paul's Underground Electric Border Fence Baffles Cornyn, Libertarians

G20: Doves on finance reform, hawks on austerity

The W.H.O. Has Another Plan To Make Us Healthier Through Forced Medicating

The victory dance of our robot overlords

The Coming U.S. Real Estate Crash

Kids Think Food Tastes Better From Cartooned Packages

TILT: The illness afflicting workers exposed to BP’s oil disaster?

Obama May Soon Legalize Millions of Illegal Aliens by Executive Diktat

Did the CIA Conduct Medical Experiments on Detainees?

Termination Notice: McChrystal Sideshow Masks Murderous Reality

'Kill TV' and Dark Arts of Special Ops Led McChrystal to the Edge

Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan?

Who Owns the World?

Congresswoman Raises Red Flag on Hezbollah-Cartel Nexus on U.S. Border

Mission Accomplished:

We Need a Real Populist Movement

BP Welcomes You to the Apocalypse

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Political and Social Instability in Kyrgyzstan

China and the Reconfiguration of the World System

VIDEO: The BP "Gulf Syndrome": Benzene and Corexit Poisoning

VIDEO: The G8 "Solution" to the Crisis is the Cause of Economic Collapse

Why was General McChrystal fired?

Militarism and Democracy: the Implications of the McChrystal Affair

Petraeus’s False Hope

This Year Anti-Incumbency Movement Succeeds or Fails

The US-NATO Afghan Debacle: Commander Dismissed As War Deaths Reach Record Level

Is Petraeus McChrystal’s Replacement or Obama’s

Global Bonapartism: The G20 and the Planet

VIDEO: WHO and the Pandemic Flu "Conspiracies"

The Permanent Dehumanizing of Humanity?

Genetically Modified Crops and the Contamination of America's Food Chain

Media Disinformation: The Demonization of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez

WikiLeaks Founder Drops 'Mass Spying' Hint

U.S. Indirectly Paying Afghan Warlords as Part of Security Contract

US Military Buildup on Polish-Russian Border: Second round of Patriots expected imminently

Development of US Military Facilities in Former Soviet Union: U.S. To Build Training Center In Tajikistan

Canada: Major Military Exercise involving US, Canadian, British and Danish Warships

VIDEO: Is it "Raining Oil" in Metro New Orleans?

'Private Security Firms Threaten Afghan Security'

How many Americans are targeted for assassination?

IRS says it wants its share of BP payments received by oil spill victims

Toward a New Monetary Order

FTC Chairman Demands Congress Repeal Due Process

YouTube - Ron Paul Explains Why He Voted Against Giving Subpoena Power To Presidential Commission On BP

The Myth of Public Goods

Judge Napolitano: Congressman Rohrabacher Told Me Almost All House Republicans Now Think Iraq War Illegal, Immoral

New Global Warming Scandal: 'Consensus' on Sun is One Expert

Why Statists Hate Gold

Central Banks Join Gold Rush

War Makes Us Poor

Panera Co. to open more pay-what-you-wish eateries

Financial Overhaul Gives Government Broad New Powers To Seize Financial Firms

Kenya Businesses Unhappy with Price Control Law

Document a Day: The Waterboarding Tapes We’ll Never See

Cops Resort To Planet of the Apes Style Policing To Let The Scum Public Know Who Their Bosses Are

Copyright as a Moral Hazard

WHO to tax your internet usage to fund vaccines in third-world countries

Guest Post: They Keep Stealing - Why Keep Paying? | zero hedge

NexGen Space Travel: Uploading the Human Mind

Welcome to 'Gasland': it could kill you!

Justices Limit Use of ‘Honest Services’ Law Against Fraud

Homeland Security to use drones along border

America Can't Solve Crises Because It's a Company-Owned Town


Food and Depopulation (Part 1 of 4)

Food and Depopulation (Part 2 of 4)

Food and Depopulation (Part 3 of 4)

Food and Depopulation (Part 4 of 4)


G20: Activists Arrested, Denied Entry into Canada

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Research Links Genetically Modified Food To Long Term Sterility

Taliban Extorting ‘Protection Payments’ From Taxpayer-Funded Private Security Contract

Jewish Clergy Group: Elena Kagan Isn't ‘Kosher’ to Serve on Supreme Court

Kagan’s ‘Judicial Hero’: An Israeli Justice Who Said Judges ‘Create New Understanding of Law’

As Lawmakers Pass ‘Powerful’ Iran Sanctions Bill, Some Worry Presidential Waivers Will Weaken It

Oliver Stone Disagrees with Hugo Chavez: Obama's Not a Leftist, But ‘Very Much a Centrist’

Six-Month 'Doc Fix' Slows Medicare Meltdown -- for Now, Doctors Warn

Congressmen Seek to Halt Deportation of Son of Hamas Founder Who Became Spy for Israel

Lee Edwards on ‘William F. Buckley Jr.—The Maker of a Movement’: Buckley Was ‘The Most Important Action Intellectual of Last Half of 20th Century’

Many Legislators Aim to Copy Arizona Immigration Law

Arizona Gov: Most Illegal Immigrants Smuggling Drugs

Cocaine Demand Down ‘Significantly’ in U.S., Cartels Fighting Over Shrinking Market, U.N. Report Says

North Korea Threatens Harsher Punishment Against Jailed American Unless U.S. Drops Ship-Sinking Issue

A Majority of Federal Mine Inspectors Did Not Undergo Required Retraining, Says Audit

Federal Agencies Still Failing to 'Connect the Dots' on Security Threats to U.S., Says GAO

Bork Says Kagan Lacks ‘Mature Philosophy' Needed in a Justice; Says Court is Becoming 'Committee of Ideologues'

Restaurant Serves Lion Burgers Despite Protests

Labor Chief Blasts GOP on Unemployment Benefits

Obama Finally Has Success with TSA Appointment

Democrats Settle for Medicare Fix As Jobs Bill Falters

Another Failed President?

The U.S. Department of Illegal Alien Labor

Obama vs. the U.S. Army

OpEdNews - Article: Committing "Ecocide:" Tipping Point Between Evolution or Extinction?

OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Dodd-Frank bank reform bill: A deeply flawed success

OpEdNews - Article: McCrystal Scandal Shows Us the Military No Longer Protects America -- It Guards Empire

U.S. Chamber Official: Disclose Act 'Shreds' Constitution

Chamber of Commerce Opposes Disclose Act

NRA Under Fire for Disclose Act

GOP to Spotlight Military Controversy On Kagan

Gallup: Conservatives Head Toward Record Year

Obama Claims Victory in Financial Overhaul Deal

McChrystal Aides: Comments Were Off Record

Palin Strikes Back in Calif. Campus Controversy

Police Release Tape From Gore Accuser's Interview

Ex-VP Cheney Hospitalized After Having Discomfort

GOP Says General Won't Testify Against Kagan

Stupak: BP Won't Let Panel Talk to Employees

Military Members to Testify for GOP Against Kagan

White House Praises Kagan Amid GOP Criticism

Vatican 'Astonished' at Belgian Police Raid

Conservatives Decry Pro-Gay Moves

Bork: Burden of Proof Now Shifts onto Kagan

World Summit Turning Attention to Nuclear Threats

New BP Oil Spill Fear: Suicides Among Victims

Cleanup Czar to Tour Gulf Region Next Week

Teen Shot by Border Patrol Had Smuggling Arrests

Parents of Missing Ore. Boy Voice Fading Hope

Pelosi Begs Bucks to Fend Off GOP Probes

Chavez Friendly Film Bombs in Caracas

Bill Clinton Meets Nelson Mandela

Krugman: China Is Playing Games With Yuan Moves

8 Wacky Weight-Loss Plans

Most Americans Eat Too Much Salt

10 Types of Non-Alzheimer's Dementia

Porn Sites Closer to .XXX Web Address

Scientists Become Celebrities in Oil Spill Story

Americans Aren't Buying Into Economic Recovery

Obama to Break 'Firm Pledge' on Taxes Starting July 1

For Medicare Patients, the Doctor Is Not In

Offshore Drilling Fiasco Highlights Rampant Abuses of Power

US-Mexico Border Easy Entry for Terrorists

McChrystal Mess Erodes Confidence in Obama

McChrystal Episode Further Damages Obama Among Liberal

Obama's Numbers Plunge as He Drowns in Oil

Little Spent on Oil Spill Cleanup Technology

Season's First Tropical Storm Forms Near Yucatan

NV Focuses on Pardon for First Black Boxing Champ

G8 Leaders Condemn North Korea, Urge Iran Respect Laws

Prince Harry Visits UNICEF; Mets on Deck

Mass. Rep. Nyman Dies After Being Found in Pool

Palin: 'Dumpster Divers' Can't Shut Me Up

Unclear If Tropical Storm Alex Will Hit Oiled Gulf

Senate Set to Begin Kagan Court Confirmation Hearing

Thousands Protest in Taiwan Against China Trade Deal

Death Toll in Flood-Stricken South China Nears 400

Rescued Chihuahua Takes 'Ugliest Dog' Title

US Teen Sailor Reunited With Brother After Drama

Obama Calls for Bank Tax as Next Step in Reform

US Overhaul Could Push Some Trading Overseas

Obama, Cameron Expected to Talk BP Spill

Muslim-Turned-Preacher out as Baptist School Dean

Protesters, Donors Blitz Campus to Greet Palin

Accused Jamaican Drug Lord Coke Pleads Not Guilty

Leaders Play Down Austerity Split on Eve of G20

Big Island Launching Publicly Funding Elections

NY Judge: Others Should Join 9/11 Responders' Deal

LA Police Probe 2 Marijuana Dispensary Killings

Small Plane With Engine Problems Lands at NY Beach

Former Calif. Officer Says He Pulled Wrong Weapon

Police Have Suspect in 2000 Ore. Teen Slaying

Lawmakers Want More Answers on Afghan War Plan

Natural Health from A to Z - Give Your Body a Clean Sweep

12 Classic and Manly Cop and Detective Shows | The Art of Manliness

Is the Fed Too Big To Fail? by Gary North

Hayek's Road to Serfdom: Despotism Then and Now by Thomas DiLorenzo

Suiting Up for a Post-Dollar World by John Browne


America’s Compulsory Dependence on Government by Scott Lazarowitz

Welcome To Forbes.com

NUGENT: The Declaration of Defiance - Washington Times

e book:Mises on Money

Videos:Gore's Accuser Speaks

Police release tape from Gore accuser's interview - NYPOST.com

Al Gore: A Joke on Late-Night Talk Shows Once Again

Buzz Aldrin Is Not All That Impressed With Walking on the Moon | Little Gold Men | Vanity Fair

‘Don’t Taze My Granny!’ « LewRockwell.com Blog

Grandmother, 86, Sues El Reno Police - Oklahoma City News Story - KOCO Oklahoma City

U.S. Lawmakers Reach Accord on New Finance Rules - WSJ.com

Lawmakers guide Dodd-Frank bill for Wall Street reform into homestretch

Obama calls for bank tax as next step in reform | Reuters

6-Year-Old Northeast Ohio Girl on 'No Fly' List - WJW

Authorities seize $45 million of narcotics in California drug bust - CNN.com

World's biggest gold coin fetches over 3 million euros | Reuters

Biden: We Can't Recover All the Jobs Lost - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama Internet kill switch plan approved by US Senate - Techworld.com

Two Census Bureau managers fired for creating at least 10,000 bogus questionnaires to meet deadlines

Decision to use on-duty officers for funeral procession of David Brown Jr. spurs outrage | CRIME Blog | dallasnews.com

FOXNews.com - Petraeus to Modify Afghanistan Rules of Engagement, Source Says

E-mails reveal Post reporter savaging conservatives, rooting for Democrats | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Ombudsman Blog - Blogger loses job; Post loses standing among conservatives

Sen. Harry M. Reid building war chest by tapping donors beyond Nevada

In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

Durbin asks Obama to appoint carp czar - Chicago Breaking News

YouTube - Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough

Obama administration poised to challenge Arizona immigration law - latimes.com

YouTube - Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster U.S.A 2010

YouTube - Tarpley: 'Obama's plans are hogwash'


YouTube - G20 Toronto -- Charlie Veitch Arrested and Luke Rudkowski Denied Entry into Canada Part 1 of 2

YouTube - G20 Toronto -- Charlie Veitch Arrested and Luke Rudkowski Denied Entry into Canada Part 2 of 2


YouTube - The Crumbling of America

The Big Picture, Part I: Following the Worst Crisis Since the Great Depression | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

The Big Picture, Part II: Following the Worst Crisis Since the Great Depression | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter


YouTube - How they bleep you

YouTube - Chossudovsky on G8: Helping world downhill

Why the Taliban is winning in Afghanistan

Will Obama Turn Around Jobs Outlook? - Newsweek

The First OILCANE Will Be Worse Than Anything We've Seen

Iraq’s Ancient Ruins Face New Looting - NYTimes.com

Kellogg recalls some Corn Pops, Honey Smacks, Froot Loops - Jun. 25, 2010

McChrystal Past, Present and Future? by Karen Kwiatkowski


BP buys Google, Yahoo search words:Is it to keep people from real news on Gulf oil spill disaster?

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order | My Catbird Seat

poor richard's blog: Who Owns the World?

Connecting the Zionist dots: roots of Zionist domination of Britain and the United States > Zionism > Redress Information & Analysis

Rahm Emanuel’s BP Connection - Planet Gore - National Review Online

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Apple's Al Gore Problem

Can You Pass The Hamas Quiz? : Political Theatrics

Congressman Rohrabacher: Almost All House Republicans Think Iraq War Illegal, Immoral

PA suspends Al-Jazeera in West Bank


Dahlan responsible for Gaza chaos

Official France: Dahlan, Arafat attended the poison

Republicans say Obama needs to change focus to jobs

Linda McMahon Airs Ad Featuring WWE History - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

McCain will join 2 GOP debates

Sen. John McCain agrees to debate in Arizona - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Sarah Palin Thinks Everyone Should Read This Article Comparing Obama to Hitler | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Thomas Sowell compares Obama to Hitler, Palin agrees.

Inmates attack father in Salinas baby-sale case - San Jose Mercury News

YouTube - Parents Arrested; Tried to Sell Baby at Walmart

Tropical storm plus oil slick equal more fear and uncertainty - CNN.com

3rd UPDATE: Judge In Moratorium Case Sold Exxon Stock This Week - WSJ.com

Arizona immigration debate heats up with Gov Jan Brewer saying most illegal immigrants smuggle drugs

BBC News - Dick Cheney goes to hospital after feeling ill

Obama and Roberts Will Cast Shadows Over Kagan Hearings - NYTimes.com

Senate set to begin Kagan court confirmation hearing | Reuters

The Associated Press: Kagan's life an undeviating course to high court

Senate bogs down on tax extenders and unemployment benefits - CSMonitor.com

Washington Post blogger David Weigel resigns after messages leak

Post Blogger Quits After Limbaugh, Drudge Comments Were Made Public - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Gov. Jindal Responds to Idle National Guard Troops Issue - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Local News | Ref. 71 signatures are public, Supreme Court rules | Seattle Times Newspaper

Supremes say no to petition privacy | OregonLive.com

Senate confirms Obama TSA nominee - CNN.com

YouTube - New Home Video of Missing Oregon Boy

YouTube - Storm Brewing Near Gulf Oil Spill

Officials: US Missile Strike Kills 2 in NW Pakistan | Asia | English

Group of Eight summit in Canada ends after issuing declaration

G8 wraps with words for Iran, N. Korea - thestar.com

North Korean Party Plans Leadership Vote - NYTimes.com

Presidential Vote Tests Merkel’s Ailing Coalition in Germany - NYTimes.com

G20 closer to deal on bank capital: Bank of Canada | Reuters

G20 bank reforms a choice between global boom or bust, warns Barclays chief - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Kyrgyz leaders take risky bet on referendum

Iranians to join ship to Gaza

Obama and Cameron to reassess U.S.-Britain's 'special relationship'

Karzai backs new U.S. commander in Afghanistan - CNN.com

In Kandahar, A Powerful Brother Frustrates U.S. Aims : NPR

Int'l meeting in Morocco fails to lift ban on commercial whaling

Breakaway Somalia Region Somaliland Holds Peaceful Presidential Election - Bloomberg

Death toll in flood-stricken south China nears 400 | Reuters

Fighting drug abuse and trafficking must be part of the battle against poverty, Ban says

Iran's Falling Oil Output Means Less Clout - WSJ.com

Congress OKs sanctions on Iran's energy, banks | Reuters

AFP: Tens of thousands rally in Taiwan against China pact

AFP: Row grows between Vatican, Brussels over police raid

Quiet Day in Court for Jamaican Drug Defendant - NYTimes.com

YouTube - 'Dudus' Drug Lord arrives in New York

Where Did BP Get The Legal Authority To Keep The Press Out Of Gulf Cleanup? Yoo Hoo, White House Press Corpse!

Stabenow Asks For Emails, Phone Calls and Outrage: 'Republicans Want This Economy To Fail'

Giving New Meaning To Red States--Meet the REAL Welfare Queens, The Republican Party

Gen. Petraeus Goes to War, Mrs. Petraeus Loses to Car Salesman in Congress

'Support Liberal Authors' Example # 4: Ann Coulter

BP Oil Spill - Clarke & Dawe lighter look at BP

Why Hiring General Petraeus Was A Smart Political Move for President Obama

When "Getting It Handed To You" Meant Something Else In 1951

Republicans Argue We Should Stay in Afghanistan Indefinitely

There's No Air Conditioning Where The Republican Senators (And Ben Nelson) Will Spend Eternity

Missouri farmer calls Democrats "party of parasites"

Maddow Highlights the Republicans' Disdain for the Unemployed

Eric Cantor Defends Keeping Barton in Leadership Position to Scarborough: 'Joe Barton is Not the Issue'

Jack Abramoff, Pizza Guy

Why Did The Media Give McChrystal A Pass For His Role Covering Up Pat Tillman's Death?

Howard Kurtz Reveals How The Village Media Thinks When They Cover A Story

Fed-Up Farm Workers Team Up With Colbert: Want Our Jobs? Come Take 'Em

Alan Grayson powerfully channels Eisenhower's "Chance for Freedom' Speech

Overpriced, Underperforming U.S. Health Care System Lags Competitors

Jon Stewart Mocks the Media's Questions About Rolling Stone's Access to Gen. McChrystal

WashPo Blogger Dave Weigel Gets Booted For Saying Mean Things About Drudge. Old Media = Last Year's Pradas!

Alabama mayor: BP point man didn't keep promises

Whales are safe from President Obama. Even Greenpeace agrees.

The Word - Who War It Best?

Oliver Stone’s Latin America in ‘South of the Border’ - NYTimes.com

Farrah Fawcett's companion, children visit her grave a year later - CNN.com

Peter Jackson In Talks To Take Over 'The Hobbit' | Airlock Alpha

The Associated Press: Police release tape from Gore accuser's interview

Letters: How one paper tried, and failed, to confirm Al Gore sex allegations - Salon

'Restrepo' Offers Intimate Portrayal of Soliders in Afghanistan - ABC News

Oprah’s network denies rigging contest votes, ensures legitimacy | The Money Times

Obituary: Fred Anderson dies at 81; tenor saxophonist - latimes.com

'Inception' Director Christopher Nolan Says 'Batman 3' Script Is Under Way - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Adam Sandler, 'Saw' star and even Oscar winners among academy invitees | Gold Derby | Los Angeles Times

Katherine Jackson: 'Kids are doing fabulous' - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Fans Gather at Jackson Childhood Home

YouTube - Celente: The US is run by Wall Street


*Tropical Storm ALEX


YouTube - Senator LeMieux on BP spill

YouTube - Afraid of the Internet Kill Switch? Purchase a Shortwave Radio

CNN: Gulf residents say chemicals & oil “are making them violently ill”; “Almost all” Exxon Valdez cleanup workers “are now dead” (VIDEO) | Florida Oil Spill Law

Bill Gates now pushing genetically modified seeds in Africa

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order – Andrew Gavin Marshall « Dprogram.net

The W.H.O. Has Another Plan To Make Us Healthier Through Forced Medicating « Dprogram.net

Milfuegos: Bhutto assassination linked to US-run Pakistani terrorist group

"With Liberty and Justice for All" by Nathan Janes of PUPAGANDA.com

NASA Flight Director Confirms 9/11 Aircraft Speed As The "Elephant In The Room"


YouTube - Dr. John Coleman: Committee of 300 Staged Atrocities for World Government - Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman: Committee of 300 Staged Atrocities for World Government - Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman: Committee of 300 Staged Atrocities for World Government - Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Dr. John Coleman: Committee of 300 Staged Atrocities for World Government - Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano: Obama's Impeachable Offenses Mount - Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano: Obama's Impeachable Offenses Mount - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano: Obama's Impeachable Offenses Mount - Alex Jones Tv 3/3


YouTube - HARDtalk with Kenneth O'Keefe Part 1of 3 (2010).wmv

YouTube - HARDtalk with Kenneth O'Keefe Part 2 of 3 (2010)

YouTube - HARDtalk with Kenneth O'Keefe Part 3of 3 (2010)


Video: Agenda 21 Alert – The Birds & The Bees « Dprogram.net


Alex Jones and Jon Arthur Taking America Back

Bee decline could be down to chemical cocktail interfering with brains | Environment | The Guardian

Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee


YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 1/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 2/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 3/4

YouTube - Bob Chapman: Obama's Asset Holder 'Vanguard' Sold BP Stock Weeks before Gulf Oil Disaster! 4/4


YouTube - Charlie Veitch: Arrested, Tortured, Caged by Toronto Fascist Police at G8-G20 - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Charlie Veitch: Arrested, Tortured, Caged by Toronto Fascist Police at G8-G20 - Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Exclusive: "Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!" Alex Jones Tv 5/5


The Obama Omelette: Euthanasia, Abortion, Obamanomics… Death is Death

My Bizarre Mayor Villaraigosa Experience Explained by ‘LA Weekly’?

REVIEW: ‘Restrepo’ Focuses Admirably on Our Military But Willfully Ignores Their Noble Cause

REVIEW: Warm, Funny, Relatable ‘Grown Ups’ Well Worth Your Time

‘Little Obama’ Trailer: Was Barack Obama the Original Karate Kid?

Garofalo: Bible a ‘Work of Fiction’ for a ‘Child-Like Audience’

Daily Gut: Nutritionists Compare McDonald’s to Child Molesters

Hero of the Gulf: The Feds Fought Costner and Costner Won

We Stopped the ShoreBank Bailout: Now for the Investigation

OSHA: BP Less Safe Than Other Oil Companies

House, Senate Negotiators Approve Bank Bailout Bill

The Chicago Politician, the Discredited Non-Profit and a Mystery Earmark

Government Study Confirms What We Already Knew: DC Vouchers Improve Graduation Rates

Reason.tv: Is Sweden a Supermodel for America’s Economy?

KELO: Five Years Later

Oops: 1st Quarter GDP Revised Down

How Capitol Hill Owns the Business Community

Santelli and Dobbs Talk Tea Party Power

Next Chapter Of The Progressive Marxist Revolution – G8/G20

Ricochet Podcast #22: McChrystal Clear

The G-20 Fiscal Fight: A Pox on Both Their Houses

Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Media As Propagandists

Rolling Stone Author Got Exactly What He Wanted

cartoon:Useful Idiots: A Chilling Effect

David Weigel, the ‘Journolist,’ Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing, and the Death Of Privacy

Weigel Resignation: In Cyberspace, Anything You Write Can and Will Be Used Against You

The Oral Suicide Club: David Weigel Joins Helen Thomas, Van Jones, Michael Richards, Howard Dean

NewsBusted: Recovery Summer is Here!

Neutral, Professional Journalists At Work: Sarah Palin Division

G-8 condemns N. Korea over S. Korean ship sinking

G8 leaders condemn North Korea, urge Iran respect laws

Kagan's life an undeviating course to high court

Iran cancels plan to send ship to Gaza

Germany says Apple must improve data transparency

Top industrial economies condemns Iran, North Korea, calls Gaza situation unsustainable.

Kyrgyz leaders take risky bet on referendum

Toyota recalls Lexus HS 250h hybrid, halts sales

Financial reform package wouldn't change Wall Street much

Petraeus faces pressure to ease war rules


*CARTOON PAGES:Chris Muir - Big Journalism

CARTOON PAGES:Big Hollywood » James Hudnall and Batton Lash

CARTOON PAGES: James Hudnall and Val Mayerik - Big Journalism


*PODCAST PAGES:» ricochet - Big Government

PODCAST PAGES:» The New Ledger - Big Government


For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 3

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 4

For Conservative Movie Lovers: John Woo, Chow Yun-fat, and ‘Hard Boiled’ Part 5


60th Anniversary: Remembering ‘The Forgotten War’ Through Film — Part 1


Socialism and it's unavoidable inconveniences

Obama's Online Power Play

Illegal aliens are not a race

This Year Anti-Incumbency Movement Succeeds or Fails

Constitution Party - Is There a Difference?

New Method Produces Super Potent Pot

Have the Democrats Learned Anything from Vietnam?

Democrat 'Suicide Bombers'

The Presidential Rorschach Test

Bungling the Gulf Spill Response

The Leftist 'Purification' Movement

Insurance, Profits, and the Revenue Fairies

Democrat says Arizona isn't on southern border

Civil Rights Division Attorney Talks: Time to Remove Holder from Office

Save the Turtles. Kill the unborn.

Is inflation inevitable?

Good news on the jobs front: government jobs increase by 600,000

Barone: In Black and White terms, Obama's in Terrible Shape

Russian Mi-17 Helicopters in Afghanistan

AFL-CIO chief economist swears at Neil Cavuto during TV interview

Would You Rather Have Obama Golf or Govern?

Why the News Makes You Angry

Christoper Hitchens Evolves

Life between the Cracks

Relabeling Americans

Is Civic Duty Optional?

The Unlikely Republican

Islamic Republic of Iran's Smoke and Mirrors


Debbie Schlussel:BARF: Barack Obama Helps Syria Market Itself as “Post-Dubai” Western Paradise; Homes by Bin Ladin Grp

Debbie Schlussel:FOX News Owner Rupert Murdoch: “We Need Illegal Alien Amnesty”; FOX News’ Hannity, Malkin, Etc.: Utter Silence

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: Who is Harold Hurtt? Meet the Immigration Enforcement Foe . . . Who Wants to be ICE’s Public Face

Debbie Schlussel:You Heard it Here First: Harold Hurtt, Obama’s New Pro-Illegal Alien Immigration Guy


**25TH/Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on Financial Reform

*24TH/Joint Press Conf. With Presidents Medvedev & Obama

Roundtable on Petraeus and Afghanistan

Analysts on Petraeus and Afghanistan

Reps. McGovern and Hunter on Afghanistan

Interview with New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu

Interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann

*23RD/Obama's Remarks on McChrystal's Resignation

Political Fallout of McChrystal Ouster Examined

Interview with "Rolling Stone" Writer Michael Hastings

Interview with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

Interview with S.C. Gov. Candidate Nikki Haley

Interview with Florida Sen. Candidate Marco Rubio

*22ND/Panel on Obama and McChrystal

Interview with Rep. Joe Sestak

Debate Over Offshore Drilling Moratorium

Interview with Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg

Obama's Remarks on Health Care Reform

Geithner's TARP Testimony to the Oversight Panel

*21ST/Panel on Obama and Immigration

Analysts on the Supreme Court's Terror Ruling

Interview with Senator Tom Coburn

Rep. Markey on the Latest Spill Estimates

*20TH/Interview with Defense Secretary Robert Gates

Interview with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

Guests: Feinstein, Lieberman, Lugar & Murkowski

Guests: Sen. Landrieu, Rep. Markey and Gov. Barbour

Guests: Sens. Boxer, Nelson and Shelby and Rep. Cao




Liberal Activist Compares US Border Patrol to the KKK

County Board Delays Vote on Arizona Boycott | Today's TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Weather, Sports, WTMJ | Local News

EDITORIAL: Obama bureaucracy soils the Gulf - Washington Times

'Narco subs' of cartels sink to new lows in trafficking | World | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

FOXNews.com - Widow of Houston Officer Killed by Illegal Immigrant 'Shocked' at ICE Appointment

In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

Joint Chiefs chairman reiterates security threat of high debt - TheHill.com

NorthJersey.com: Parents of accused NJ terrorist blame FBI for son's interest in jihad

Portland doctor plans house where terminally ill can kill themselves | OregonLive.com

Taliban endorses General Petraeus, say new US Afghanistan war chief 'not smarter' than McChrystal

Politically connected crook gets a year and a day in the slammer - NYPOST.com

Turner tops list of biggest land barons in U.S. - Business - U.S. business - msnbc.com

Street-smart developer shaped S.F. skyline

Cop who beat cuffed vet was 'compassionate': lawyer - NYPOST.com

California welfare recipients withdrew $1.8 million at casino ATMs over eight months - latimes.com

Stalin statue torn down in dictator's hometown - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

Lightning strikes Willis Tower and Trump Tower in Chicago | Mail Online

First Stop on the Journey to Ellis Island - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls


AZ Gov. Brewer Claims Majority of Illegal Immigrants Come for Drug Crime

Police Release Raw Audio of Gore Accuser’s Testimony

Reporters Caught on Open Mic Bashing Sarah Palin

New Mexico Faces Influx of Illegal Immigrants Due to Arizona Law

Garofalo: Bible is ‘Work of Fiction Targeted to Child-like Audience’

Animation of Al Gore’s Massage Encounter

Disgraced Ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s Lawyer Clucks Like a Chicken at Reporter

Police Capture Shooting on Hidden Cameras

Woman Accusing Gore of Attack Says She Saved Pants with DNA Stain

Marco Rubio on Scrapping Obamacare… or not?

Obama ‘Gratified’ by Bank and Wall Street Overhaul Deal

LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Ticket Corruption Scandal

Fired-up Jindal Pushes to Save Jobs

Recall Drive for Sacramento City Council Over AZ Boycott Vote

Afghan Embed: Anatomy of an Insurgent Attack

Human Rights Group Criticizes Hamas Treatment of Israeli Captive

‘Baby Bong’ Photo Causes Uproar


**26TH/Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address On Finishing The Job On Wall Street Reform

Dr. Krauthammer: Financial Bill Is "Social Engineering Hubris"

Rep. Paul Ryan Gives GOP Weekly Address On Canceling The Budget

Matthews: Who Are We Really Fighting In Afghanistan?

Open Mic Catches Reporters Mocking Sarah Palin After Speech

O'Reilly: Obama Administration Is Confusing Me

Barney Frank Complains That Auto Makers Shut Down Dealerships

Maddow: Obama Getting A Lot Done

*25TH/AFL-CIO Calls FOX News' Cavuto An "Asshole" Live On Air

Rep. Michele Bachmann On Obama's Low Poll Numbers

Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chair Mullen: Greatest Threat To National Security Is "Debt"

"Morning Joe" Liberals Take Up For Kanjorski's Racial Comments

Napolitano's Policy On Illegal Immigrants: Go After Employers Instead Of Workplace Raids

Obama: Financial Regulations Will Prevent Another Crisis

Sen. LeMieux: Why Are All Domestic Skimmers Not In The Gulf?

Sen. Scott Brown: Harry Reid Called Me "Four Times Within 12 Minutes" To Extend Unemployment Benefits

Barney Frank: Bush And Media's Fault Most People Have Negative View Of Congress

Ratigan: Financial Reform Bill Doesn't Address Big Problems

Krauthammer: Obama Needs To End Ambiguity About Exit Date

Maddow: Every Republican Is Now Jim Bunning

Matthews: GOP Won't Stand Up To BP Or Rush Limbaugh

O'Reilly: Obama Is In "The Chaos Zone," But Has Allies In Media


*SITE:Meru Foundation Research: Hebrew Alphabet, Genesis, Geometric Metaphor, and Kabbalah


Medical Drug Research & Study, Biased Clinical Trials, Medical Devices, Widespread Bias & Omissions | LiveScience

Singularity Backlash | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

SPACE.com -- Nuclear Bombs Could Save Earth from Asteroids

From the Shadows: Attacks in the Darkness

Chimpanzee trend-setters: New study shows that chimps 'ape' the prestigious

Radar imaging reveals ancient Egyptian underground city | World news | The Guardian

Jesus did not die on cross, says scholar - Telegraph

Invasion on a biblical scale: Grasshoppers overwhelming California town | ksdk.com | St. Louis, MO

When Humans and Neanderthals Split : Discovery News

Scientist at Work - Tor D. Wager - Seeking to Illuminate the Mysterious Placebo Effect - Biography - NYTimes.com

Racism, Food, and Health - Healthy at 100 ::: by John Robbins

Obama at war

Sarah Palin's fuzzy on pot

Obama's New World Order manifesto

White House scholar funded Ayers group

Obama scholar linked to 'Ground Zero' imam

State 'child-napping' escalates to international court

Censorship of pro-USA shirts prompts federal complaint

Criminal investigation of Planned Parenthood sought

Death threats called 'chilling' to free speech

Dems to Supremes: DISCLOSE that!

Attempted rape 'trivial'?

Homeschoolers alarmed by Kagan nomination


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Unconstitutional in many different ways'


All eyes on Kagan's support of Barak - Abby Phillip - POLITICO.com

Fetus can't feel pain before 24 weeks, study says - Health - More health news - msnbc.com

German court: Ending life support not criminal - World news - Europe - msnbc.com

Portland doctor plans house where terminally ill can kill themselves | OregonLive.com

Dignitas founder Ludwig Minelli 'now a multi-millionaire' | Mail Online

White House welcomes Shariah finance specialist

Report: Failing grade for Obamacare

Rep. Steny Hoyer says middle-class tax breaks may not be affordable long-term

FOXNews.com - White House Picks Critic of Local Immigration Enforcement for Key Role at ICE

FOXNews.com - Legal Architect Behind Arizona Law Becomes Sought-After Immigration Guru

Agencies deny boycott of Arizona over SB 1070

N.Y. mayor pushes immigration bill - Washington Times

Seminary introduces program of religious collaboration

Judge rules evangelist can hand out Bibles at Pride Festival | StarTribune.com

Afghan Embed: Anatomy of an Insurgent Attack - ABC News

Disgraced Fannie Mae deep in carbon scheme

P-town to rethink condom policy - The Boston Globe

A little 'Saturday Night Live' comes to 'Taking America Back' confab

It's time to open impeachment file

Report: Mossad chief's request to extend term denied - Israel News, Ynetnews

Does the Bible predict destruction of Saudi Arabia?


**America's pro-homosexual giants: 2010




Reusable bags may present health risk

Obama at war

Where is your sword?

Corrupter in chief: A modern fairy tale

It's time to open impeachment file

Strangled by government

How do you spell incompetence?

Rules of an unengaged president | obama, one, president - Opinion - The Orange County Register

It's not a conspiracy – it's right out in the open

Courage vs. cowardice

God's answers to our excuses

Does the Bible predict destruction of Saudi Arabia?

At G8, Obama, Clinton Must Speak With One Voice for Safe Abortion Access | The Nation

Obama's on the verge of outright dictatorship

American Thinker: The Leftist 'Purification' Movement


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Congressman on birth certificate: 'There's 1 we haven't seen'

FOXNews.com - Nevada Democrats Seize on Birther Controversy to Attack Tea Party Darling

Feds bash reliability of birth documents


*American Minute for June 26th:William J Federer's American Minute


VIDEO:Know Jesus, no rules, right?

VIDEO:It's the gospel, not a pacifier


Rincon High School teacher arrested, accused of relationship with student

Veteran NYPD cop busted in Albany for stalking 11-year-old girl on way to school

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: Pedophiles Find a Home on Wikipedia

Porn sites get their own domain: '.xxx' - CNN.com


*The big list: Female teachers with students


More Children Dying in Hot, Unattended Cars in the Summer - ABC News

South African doctor invents female condoms with 'teeth' to fight rape - CNN.com

At G-8, Obama faces hard sell on public stimulus spending to boost recovery

Why The G20 Won't Listen To Obama - Forbes.com

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Too big to fail survives again - Street Sweep: Fortune's Wall Street Blog

A Pretty Good Deal On Financial Reform | The New Republic

Financial Reform's Loopholes - The Daily Beast

In Afghanistan, Petraeus will have difficulty replicating his Iraq success

Op-Ed Columnist - Worse Than a Nightmare - NYTimes.com

O's deadly deadline - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Butter Over Guns Argument Gains Traction

Tossing A Few Legal Queries Into The 'Void' - IBD - Investors.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Fighting Crim Where the Criminals Are - NYTimes.com

Just stop with the Hillary-Obama 2012 talk - 2012 Elections - Salon.com

The Feuding Founding Fathers - WSJ.com

The Keynesian Dead End - WSJ.com

Editorial - The G-8 and G-20 Are Supposed to Lead - NYTimes.com

Financial Deform - IBD - Investors.com

Senate tradition at its worst - The Boston Globe

Sen. Olympia Snowe, in letter to Harry Reid, urges stand-alone jobless aid bill

Clinton or Obama: Who's the bigger asset on midterm campaign trail? - TheHill.com

'Tea party' is not a shoo-in - latimes.com

Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority - NYTimes.com


June 25, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

06/25 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-25, Friday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Fri June 25, 2010. 04:20 PM


Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?

Carbon Tax Center » Nat’l Academy of Sciences Tells Citizen-Lobbyists: First Priority is Economy-Wide Carbon Price


The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (1/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (2/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (3/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (4/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (5/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (6/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (7/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (8/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (9/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (10/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (11/12)

The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet (12/12)


BBC News - Geithner says US can 'no longer drive global growth'

Gen. McChrystal allies, Rolling Stone disagree over article's ground rules

RealClearPolitics - Video - Napolitano's Policy On Illegal Immigrants: Go After Employers Instead Of Workplace Raids

YouTube - Liberal Activist Compares US Border Patrol to the KKK

The Real Truth About BP and What is Happening in the Gulf

BP Gives Unlimited Behind-the-Scenes Access to One Woman, Who Says BP’s Response is Fake: Clean-Up Equipment Taken Away as Soon as Officials Leave

Congress Pimps Out the American People

Celente: The US is run by Wall Street

‘Green’ Energy Company Threatens Economics Professor … with Package of Dismantled Bomb Parts

Oil Industry Insider and CFR Member Predicts Gulf Evacuation

Blagojevich on tape: Get Obama to fund-raise from Warren Buffett, Bill Gates - The Blago Blog

Australia joins 10 nations in war games

Is the U.S. a Fascist Police-State?

Peace campaigner, 85, classified by police as 'domestic extremist' | UK news | The Guardian

FOXNews.com - Petraeus to Modify Afghanistan Rules of Engagement, Source Says

Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority - NYTimes.com

Harris: Obama knew of Blagojevich plot :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Genetically Altered Salmon Set to Move Closer to Your Table - NYTimes.com

Supermarkets selling meat from animals fed GM crops - Telegraph

New Global Warming Scandal: ‘Consensus’ on Sun is One Expert

‘Bad Genes’ Blamed for Fragile Link to Autism: Don’t Mention the Vaccines!

The Real Truth About BP and What is Happening in the Gulf

War bill could clear next week - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com

Knoxville-based amputee group questions TSA

Trial Delayed in New Fake Terror Case « Aletho News

80% chance of Gulf-bound tropical depression in Caribbean -

Kids may need 2 H1N1 doses again this year – Paging Dr. Gupta - CNN.com Blogs

Loop Current Lies

We are Change Plans End the Fed protest on Independence Day

Bank to return woman's home sold without notice - KDVR

Gassed in the Gulf: New Gulf War Syndrome

Gabriel Schoenfeld: Warfare Through 'a Soda Straw' - WSJ.com

Energy chief quits over Iraq's power cuts - Middle East, World - The Independent

Iraq invites oil firms to Jun 26 refining meeting | Reuters

Senator introduces legislation to shift tax burden back to billionaires | Raw Story

Orszag Leaving as Budget Director - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Video: Lack of Obama Birth Certificate Mentioned During U.S. House Debate

Creating the Great ‘Union’ Divide


The Alex Jones Show – June 25th With Jesse Ventura

The Alex Jones Show – June 24th With Andrew Napolitano

The Alex Jones Show – June 23rd With John Coleman

The Alex Jones Show – June 22nd With Alan Watt

The Alex Jones Show – June 21st With Max Keiser

The Alex Jones Show Video & Audio Archive June 18th – With John Coleman


Supreme Court decision excites Blagojevich defense lawyers | Before It's News

The Associated Press: Fraud ruling? Experts say minimal impact on Blago

Rahm Emanuel’s role in Blagojevich scandal suggests further impropriety by administration officials

Code of silence alive and well here :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Carol Marin

John Kass: Letter sent to Rezko, in Obama's name - chicagotribune.com

Ruling’s Least Affect on Blago | TopNews New Zealand

Tapes reveal Rod Blagojevich wanted to be anything but Illinois governor - chicagotribune.com

Excerpts from the Blagojevich trial tapes - chicagotribune.com

The Blagojevich Trial: The Tale of the FBI Tapes - TIME