"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

28 June 2010

28 June


*Alex Jones: Streaming


Bill Cunningham 6/27/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/27/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/27/10 Hour 3

Bill Cunningham 6/20/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 6/20/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 6/20/10 Hour 3


High court strikes down Chicago handgun ban

Daley ready to respond if Chicago's handgun ban overturned

Supreme Court strikes down Chicago handgun ban , Daley ready with new ordinance

Supreme Court Affirms Right to Keep Handguns in Home

Firearms Companies Rise On US Supreme Court Ruling

Supreme Court sides with gun advocates, extends gun rights nationwide

Supreme Court Extends Gun Rights Nationwide


Lawmakers Get Set for Kagan Hearing

Senators to Expect Much as Kagan Hearings Open

The Early Word: Kagan's Confirmation Hearings

A viewer's guide to the Kagan confirmation hearing

Sessions: Kagan may be outside legal mainstream

Kagan to break silence as marathon vetting begins

Penn State Law expert looks at Kagan nomination

The Nation: Knocking Kagan's Experience Won't Work

The New Republic: Liberals And The Judiciary

The Kagan hearings: Five things to watch


*Site:Kagan Watch


YouTube - Kagan Confirmation Hearings Set to Begin

YouTube - Supreme Court Comparison


Blago Subpoenas Giannoulias

Tape Shows Blagojevich Eyed Winfrey for Senate

Blago's lawyers ask judge to declare a mistrial

Corruption gets a break


*Rod Blagojevich : Rod Blagojevich News and Photos - chicagotribune.com


*Chicago Sun-Times: Gov. Blagojevich Archive

*The Blago Blog: Robert Blagojevich Archives

*The Blago Blog: Patti Blagojevich Archives


*US v. Blagojevich Trial Exhibits


Sen. Robert Byrd dies at 92


**Gallery/ Photos; g8/g20


The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation

More than 600 arrested as Toronto summit ends


savethemales.ca - The Hindenberg Was Sabotaged

savethemales.ca - Communism's True Believers Won't Give Up

How many Americans are targeted for assassination? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Wonkette : Waiting For Dick Cheney To Die? Get a Chair

Internet pornography to get its own red light district as .xxx name approved | Technology | The Guardian


The Devil and Bill Marriott:

The Devil and Bill Marriott (Part 2):


*site:The Kennedy Assassination


The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton and the Rothschilds

The Federalist Papers, Hamilton and Militias

How the Illuminati Use Sex and Blackmail

William "Bill" Cooper

Russia seeks Chinese Alliance for New World Order


article links:Weekly Southern African Report


YouTube - Shepard Smith Rages On Fox News Colleague For Defending BP


*Video parts 1 through 4 of Arithmetic, Population and Energy - a talk by Al Bartlett on the impossibility of exponential growth on a finite planet


YouTube - Personal Computers Could Be Open to Government Access Under New Obama Copyright Plan

YouTube - Stossel - More Guns Less Crime

YouTube - RCP: Biden Calls Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A "Smartass"

Iraq’s Ancient Ruins Face New Looting

Washington's Blog:The Powers-That-Be Are Terrified of the Mass Awakening Taking Place Worldwide O

Real-Time, Well-Researched and Actionable Information

Truth And Consequences

flashback:YouTube - Obama's PROMISE To End The Iraq War - Oct. 27, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"


*Audio: Illegal conditions / Human Rights Violations @ G20 Detention Center


**Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2010 Congressional Candidates


YouTube - Americans don't know why we celebrate 4th of July

Newsalert: Chicago Handgun Ordinance Pushed By Chicago Mob Member Struck Down

Panetta says Afghan insurgents show no real interest in reconciliation talks

Palin: Obama administration selling out Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2010 Congressional Candidates

Newsalert: Chicago Loses Handgun Ban: "We hold that the Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the states."

kenny's sideshow: Will the 2010 elections be fixed?

Supreme Court says 2nd Amendment applies to the States in a 5-4 decision - 12160.org

Quinn's debt bomb - Chicago Tribune

Chron.com | News, search and shopping from the Houston Chronicle

States Must Honor Gun Rights, U.S. High Court Says - Bloomberg

General McChrystal couldn’t fake it anymore : Veterans Today

Made in his own image: The Catholic Church faces another scandal - Faith, Opinion - The Independent

BP denies Russian report that embattled CEO Tony Hayward leaving - Yahoo! Canada News

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Touching Left, Islam, Israeli Lobby, Chomsky and Many other Hot Topics

Questioning legality of red-light cameras | court, red, light - Top Story - Victorville Daily Press

Obama Slams ‘Obsession’ With Ending War in Afghanistan -- News from Antiwar.com

FSB Wants to Shut Down Sites at Will | News | The Moscow Times

OpEdNews - Article: The CIA/Likud Sinking of Jimmy Carter

America is a state of mind | My Catbird Seat

Senate 'Internet Kill Switch' Bill Moves Forward | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Toxic Rain Hysteria Fueled by Internet Hoaxer | Before It's News

Suiting Up for a Post-Dollar World by John Browne

Repeal USC 18-486: Legalize Gold and Silver Money

The Nightmare Financial Regulatory Scheme

Two Simple Guidelines to End All Financial Regulation.

Socialism and it's unavoidable inconveniences

Obama's Online Power Play

Robert Byrd Dies at 92 After 51 Years in the Senate

The Court Eunuch Standard of Blogging Exposed by Dave Weigel's Resignation

Geraldo Rivera Compares Rolling Stone's Michael Hastings to Al Qaeda

America Speaks. Will The Politicians Listen?

Cenk Uygur Debates 'Wingnuts' Author John Avlon

Panetta: We're Seeing 'Increasing Violence' in Afghanistan

G20 Confers On How To Make You Pay For The Blunders Of The Rich

Liz Cheney doubts that Obama is "all in" on (eternal) war in Afghanistan

Huckabee: Republicans Need to Apologize and Repent for the TARP Bill

McCain disagrees with Brewer: Most undocumented immigrants are not drug mules

Killer whales in the wild: A sound-and-slide show from Haro Strait

Panetta: "Not much choice but to accept" Blackwater contract

Huckabee defends using term 'ick factor' to describe gays

Massive Oil Slick Headed for Grand Isle, LA, Gov. Barbour Fundraising in D.C. as Oil Hits MS

Rolling Stone Reporter Michael Hastings: Reporters Write Puff Pieces For Access

David Gregory says Al Qaeda doesn't have to recruit (and McCain agrees). Oh really?

Understanding Muslims' Mindset

Why the DoJ lawyer in charge of the New Black Panther Party case resigned

Does the National Enquirer have another scoop?

Black GOP Republican need not apply for membership in Black Caucus

Inflation is a Political Choice

US says Karzai interfering in corruption cases

Elena Kagan, Harvard Elitist

More straws in the wind regarding Iran strike

Surprise! Scott Brown outpolls Kerry and Obama in MA

Robert Byrd, RIP

Supreme Court: Second Amendment applies to states and localities, too

When Folks Stop Liking Barry

Sex, Lies, and Al Gore

Federal Revenue and the Economy

Top 10 Reasons GOP Must Rally behind Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran Candidates

It's the Media, Stupid!

Rolling the Conservative Movement: Seduction on the Right

'Obama harder on Israel than Arab states'

Obama scholar linked to 'Ground Zero' imam

White House scholar funded Ayers group

The value of fearless reporting

Your children belong to the state

The value of fearless reporting

Time to sue government officials?

Winning the war against men, Part 1

Obama's growing racist government

Wake up! Terrorists are running America

It's time to open impeachment file

Soccer captures America

Constitution? What Constitution?

Firing McChrystal Isn’t Enough. Fire the War | CommonDreams.org

As Europe laments welfare state, U.S. turns to it - USATODAY.com

Spirit Airlines Makes Oil-Spill Joke in Advertising - Adages - Advertising Age

Royal Dutch Shell: deep drilling must continue

Frustrated by boycott, station owners want BP help

For Gulf victims, claims calamity may be improving | Reuters

Greece will tame debt with reforms: IMF official

G20 agrees to cut deficits in half by 2013: Merkel

G20 draft urges emerging nations currency flexibility

China's president warns of fluctuating currencies

Washington's 'fuzzy math' and the next Depression

EU to ban selling eggs by the dozen: Shopkeepers' fury as they are told all food must be weighed and sold by the kilo | Mail Online

Biden: We Can't Recover All the Jobs Lost - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Lawmakers guide Dodd-Frank bill for Wall Street reform into homestretch

Some See a Tough Law, Others Little Change - NYTimes.com

Obama calls for bank tax as next step in reform | Reuters

Rep. Steny Hoyer says middle-class tax breaks may not be affordable long-term

Joint Chiefs chairman reiterates security threat of high debt - TheHill.com

Is the sun setting on the solar energy boom?

Starbucks shop tries wine, 'coffee theater' - Yahoo! Finance

KFC forced to ditch halal-only menus after disappointing sales | Mail Online

Video: Powerful tool against Demo-thugs

BBC News - Are beards obligatory for devout Muslim men?

Romans killed 100 unwanted babies at English brothel | Mail Online

NYT: Tomb raiders hit Iraqi sites as U.S. troops leave - World news - The New York Times - msnbc.com

Cuban former castaway Elian on military track | Reuters

A hard chair equals a hard heart - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Obama's New World Order manifesto


Transcripts:27th/Interview with CIA Director Leon Panetta

Guests: Sens. Reed, Menendez, Cornyn & Chambliss

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Senators Leahy, Levin and Sessions (PDF)


Pakistan’s Plan on Afghan Peace Leaves U.S. Wary - NYTimes.com

Barack Obama's firing of Stanley McChrystal showed weakness and will backfire - Telegraph

Why jobless deserve our help: Those opposing more aid to unemployed aren't cold - they're ignorant

Commentary » Blog Archive » OK, So It’s Not True

Paul Krugman Now Laughingstock On Two Continents - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine


*American Minute for June 28th:William J Federer's American Minute


White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 1

White House vs. Boy Scouts, Part 2




My Way News - Primer on senators judging would-be Justice Kagan

Epoch Times - Analysis: Media Blackout in the Gulf?

EDITORIAL: Obama bureaucracy soils the Gulf - Washington Times

Obama's race-rant Rev. rages on - NYPOST.com

Puerto Ricans targeted in massive ID theft schemes

My Way News - Iran postpones any nuclear talks until late August

ADAMS: Inside the Black Panther case - Washington Times

'Narco subs' of cartels sink to new lows in trafficking | World | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

North Korea to elect new leadership - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - The Liberal Hour

George F. Will - More questions for nominee Elena Kagan

Op-Ed Columnist - The Third Depression - NYTimes.com

Steve Forbes: Hillary Clinton: Accidental Supply-Sider - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Economics Unhinged

Jobs, Environment at Odds Again - WSJ.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - 5 Questions for General Petraeus

Financial Reform's Uncertain Impact on Main Street - BusinessWeek

A rotten 'reform' - NYPOST.com

JP Morgan Responds To Financial Reform: The Poison Pill Strategy « The Baseline Scenario

RealClearPolitics - Americans Relate to Founders, Not Progressives

Time for Arizona to file a lawsuit of its own

Populism, American Style > Publications > National Affairs

Senator Robert Byrd Dead at 92 Remembered by Paul Begala - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - South Carolina: Outlier or National Precursor?

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - The Week Ahead: Hectic Week On The Hill

Sen. Robert Byrd Dies, Fate Of Seat Uncertain - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

A Supreme conversation

Editorial - Elena Kagan’s Moment - NYTimes.com

Review & Outlook: Triumph of the Regulators - WSJ.com

Editorials | We are running out of reasons to remain in Afghanistan | Seattle Times Newspaper

Study Finds Questioning of Nominees to Be Useful - NYTimes.com

West Virginia law murky on Robert Byrd succession - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Republicans look to grill, not block Kagan - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 28, 2010 - Justices extend gun owner rights nationwide

Former KKK Member, Traitor And Criminal Robert Byrd Dead At 92

06-28-2010: RBS tells clients to prepare for ‘monster’ money-printing by the Federal Reserve

06-28-2010: Supreme Court Rules Again On Second Amendment

06-28-2010: Berlusconi: G8 convinced Israel to strike Iran

06-27-2010: Huge tent city takes root in Hawaii

Far Too Long in This Shit « The Celtic Rebel


*Oracle Broadcasting Network -The Rebel Path Archives / Podcasts


*Oracle Broadcasting Network - Archives / Podcasts


site:The Illuminatus Observor

site:Through The Looking Glass


06-27-2010: As 1.3 Million Americans Are About To Lose Their Jobless Benefits This Week, The Unemployment Rate Will Surge To 10.5%

06-27-2010: Through the Wormhole: The Secret State's Mad Scheme to Control the Internet

Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro”: The Occult Meaning

06-27-2010: Lady Gaga Will Perform on Stage Decorated with Human Corpses

Debbie Schlussel:Islamic Modesty VIDEO of the Day


cartoon:Obama Nation: Last Week


60th Anniversary: Remembering ‘The Forgotten War’ Through Film — Part 1

60th Anniversary: Remembering ‘The Forgotten War’ Through Film — Part 2

60th Anniversary: Remembering ‘The Forgotten War’ Through Film — Part 3

60th Anniversary: Remembering ‘The Forgotten War’ Through Film — Part 4


Hollywood Mourns Their Castro Connection

BOOK REVIEW: Sarah Silverman’s ‘The Bedwetter’

- Know your Republican Heritage – QUIZ #1

Walter Lippmann on Progressivism

Hubris and Humility: David Weigel Comes Clean on Washington Post, the D.C. Bubble, & the ‘Journolist’

Sen. Robert Byrd Dead at 92

Free Press and the Left Have Had At Least 30 ‘Behind Closed Door’ ‘Sellout’ Meetings with the FCC since January

Senate Hearings Begin on Supreme Court Pick Kagan

Dear Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan …. A Hearfelt Appeal

Supreme Court: Gun Rights Extend Across Nation

South Carolina: Outlier or National Precursor?

Don’t Be Fooled By the MSM’s Adoration Of ‘Tough’ Obama — Afghanistan Is Still a Disaster

Team USA Loses, Lets MSM, Barack Hussein Obama, Entire World Down

Huffington Post Needs To Take a Closer Look At Its Cuban Writer

Let Them Eat Cheeseburgers: How the AP Starves Its Readers of Real Information

National Association Of Black Journalists Joins Fight Against Spitzer Show On CNN

Hubris and Humility: David Weigel Comes Clean on Washington Post, the D.C. Bubble, & the ‘Journolist’

With Weigel Exposed, To Whom Will Media Matters Turn For a ‘Conservative’ Source?

As the Media Start to Enshrine Byrd, Questions About His Legacy Endure

‘Lower Our Taxes’ — Custard Shop Owner Does the Job the MSM Just Won’t Do!

Judiciary panel opens historic confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.

Kagan pledges deference to Congress

US Sen. Lautenberg of NJ says he's cancer-free

BP spends $2.65B on oil spill; denies CEO quitting

Kagan to tell senators she'd be impartial on court

Stocks rise after consumer spending ticks higher

Supreme Court rejects Vatican appeal in sex abuse case

Court lets Vatican-sex abuse lawsuit move forward

Kagan pledges impartiality, modesty as a justice

Gov't plans to double available wireless spectrum

Obama: Byrd was voice of principle, reason

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan says she'll consider cases impartially.

Sarbanes-Oxley auditing board ruled unconstitutional

Japan's first iron ore swap agreed

Spending data fail to impress Wall St

G20 deficits

Mashaal: 'Gilad won't be the only one'

'This is one of the most dangerous cells we've uncovered'

Italian police raid Chinese criminal gangs

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order

Competing Ideologies: G20 v US Social Forum

White House Preparing National Online ID Plan

Alabama State Troopers Moonlighting as BP Security Guards

Bill Gates now pushing genetically modified seeds in Africa

Gun Rights Must Be Honored by States, Cities, High Court Rules in 5-4 Vote

Britain will not defeat Taliban and should open talks, says head of Army

Is the U.S. a Fascist Police-State?

At The Extreme Edge Of Artificial Intelligence

VIDEO: La. Police Doing BP’s Dirty Work

Genetically Altered Salmon Get Closer to the Table

DARPA Push: Solar Cells Tough Enough to Handle a War

What's Next in National Security Military Mulls New Name for Psychological Operations: MISO

The victory dance of our robot overlords

Large Hadron Collider: scientists create sound of ‘God particle’

Methane in Gulf "As much as 1 million times the normal level": U.S. scientist

The "New Austerity" Road


*Lew Rockwell Show:The Invisible Government;A podcast with Russ Baker.


Obama May Soon Legalize Millions of Illegal Aliens by Executive Diktat

Advertising Begins To Incorporate RFID Technology

Military Families Caution Senators on Kagan Nomination

Napolitano: ‘You’re Never Going to Totally Seal That Border’

House Passes Campaign Finance Bill Over Bipartisan Opposition

Dr. Phil Backs Federal Funding to Combat Cyber Bullies

North Korea, Citing U.S. ‘Hostility,’ Plans to Bolster Its Nuclear Deterrent

Pakistan Reportedly Engineering Deal Between Karzai, Insurgents

Taliban Extorting ‘Protection Payments’ From Taxpayer-Funded Private Security Contract

Cocaine Demand Down ‘Significantly’ in U.S., Cartels Fighting Over Shrinking Market, U.N. Report Says

OPEC Urges U.S. to Reconsider Offshore Drilling Ban

Environmentalists Sue over Cape Cod Wind Project

Obama Claims Victory in Financial Overhaul Deal

Obama Finally Has Success with TSA Appointment

As Lawmakers Pass ‘Powerful’ Iran Sanctions Bill, Some Worry Presidential Waivers Will Weaken It

Obama Cites 'Obsession' on Afghanistan Timeline

CIA Chief Says U.S. Has Driven Back al-Qaida

Americans Spend More in May, See Incomes Rise

Federal Regs Set to Restrain Wall Street Risk

Labor Chief Blasts GOP on Unemployment Benefits

Iran Postpones Any Nuclear Talks Until Late August

U.S. Tops List of Unpaid London Traffic Toll Fees

Antibiotics in Meat Can Lead to Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in People

College Can Deny Funding of Christian Group That Won’t Accept Homosexuals, Supreme Court Says

Experts Urge Reform of Global Drug Policy; Say Compulsory Drug Treatment Violates Human Rights

Too Big To Care?

Ethics, Morality And In Vitro Fertilization

Another Failed President?

The U.S. Department of Illegal Alien Labor

Images In The Sand Connect Our Global Community

Confusion Reigns in the Wake of Supreme Court Rulings on Honest-Services Fraud

Your Humanitarian Work Could Land You in Jail

Why Washington is More Right-Wing Than the Rest of the Country

Where have all the peaceniks gone

Competing Ideologies: G20 v. US Social Forum

Testimonials to Sen. Robert C. Byrd

Scientists Predict Above-Average Gulf 'Dead Zone'

Pope Rebukes Austrian Cardinal Who Accused Peer

Russia Police Car Chase Ends With Cash in the Wind

W.Va. Gov. Hasn't Decided on Sen. Byrd Successor

Pirates Hijack Singaporean Ship in Gulf of Aden

Bin Laden Hunter: I Wanted to Haul Him to US Alive

Blagojevich Defense Gets to Question Key Witness

Pork or Progress? Either Way, Byrd Changed WVa

Shapewear: Can Clothes Make the Workout?

North Korea Warns U.S. Over "Heavy Weapons" at DMZ

More Than 100 Hospitalized During LA Festival

Former Texas Gov. Dolph Briscoe Jr. Dies at Age 87

Conspiracies and conspiracism

Moral debts and ethical deficits

Durbin Says “Bleeding Heart Liberals” Should Be Open to Medicare and Social Security Cuts

The Anatomy of the State

Bush's Lies Should Never Be Forgotten

US in panic over Russia's ICQ purchase (They can't spy on it carte blanche)

William Norman Grigg on Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette

Avertible Catastrophe

Encouraging Roadblocks in the War on Oil

America's Compulsory Dependence on Government

The last word: What are the odds? - The Week

Brunson: Focus on Jesus Christ's pre-eminence - (BP)

The W.H.O. Has Another Plan To Make Us Healthier Through Forced Medicating

U.S. government panel now pushing "vaccinations for all!" No exceptions…

Ancient Mars - "The Wet Planet"

YouTube - TED sixth sense technology

At The Extreme Edge Of Artificial Intelligence - Forbes.com

NexGen Space Travel: Uploading the Human Mind

JP Morgan Responds To Financial Reform: The Poison Pill Strategy « The Baseline Scenario

Robert Fisk: The US film that confronts the truth about Afghanistan - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Gulf Daily News » Local News » ISRAEL 'PLOTS TEHRAN RAID'

44 - Sen. Robert Byrd: A YouTube retrospective

Op-Ed Columnist - The Third Depression - NYTimes.com

Senate Democrats Plot 'Impenetrable' Path to Victory for Unwritten Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation

Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan?

G20 police let rioters run amok and then struck back hard at all activists

'Private Security Firms Threaten Afghan Security'

G20 Riots: Is the Black Bloc a Police Psyops Group?

Lieberman’s ‘peace’ plan: Strip Palestinians of citizenship

Mass Arrests, the Security State and the Toronto G20 Summit

Through the Wormhole: The Secret State's Mad Scheme to Control the Internet

The Mysterious Death of Dr David Kelly: Damning New Evidence Points to a Cover-up by Tony Blair's Government

Leader of Death Squads Wins Colombian Election

Political and Social Instability in Kyrgyzstan

Reaching too Far, Delving too Deep: The Well from Hell

China and the Reconfiguration of the World System

VIDEO: The G8 "Solution" to the Crisis is the Cause of Economic Collapse

Consumer Spending is Flat, Unemployment is Rising: The Case for a Second Round of Economic Stimulus

Militarism and Democracy: the Implications of the McChrystal Affair

Petraeus’s False Hope

The US-NATO Afghan Debacle: Commander Dismissed As War Deaths Reach Record Level

Global Bonapartism: The G20 and the Planet

Is Petraeus McChrystal’s Replacement or Obama’s

VIDEO: WHO and the Pandemic Flu "Conspiracies"

The Permanent Dehumanizing of Humanity?

Genetically Modified Crops and the Contamination of America's Food Chain

The Return of Nullification by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Fed Credit, Inflation and the Idiots in the Middle by Richard Daughty

Measure by measure, Idaho GOP leans right - Eye On Boise - Spokesman.com - June 26, 2010

Judge Andrew Napolitano is TV's resounding voice of the Constitution | zanesvilletimesrecorder.com | Zanesville Times Recorder

The Long Forgotten Obligation to Resist the State on Behalf of Others by Roger Roots

Peter Schiff: U.S. Is in a Depression - TheStreet

Sirhan Sirhan: In His Own Words

Seven Myths About Grilling a Steak

Biodiversity's 'Holy Grail' Is in the Soil : Soil-Borne Pathogens Drive Tree Diversity in Forests, Study Shows

More Variation in Human Genome Than Expected

'Copy and Paste DNA' More Common Than Previously Thought

Test of Quantum Field Theory and Bose-Einstein Statistics of Photons: Bosons Aren't Fermions, Not Even a Little Bit

Technique Enables Precise Control of Protein Activity in Living Cells

Quantum Entanglement May Hold DNA Together, New Study Says

The Future of Green Architecture: The Zero-Emissions Dice House

Asteroid hunters part-blinded by the military

Green machine: Tackling the plastic menace

The ups and downs of speech that we all understand

Prophetic visions of a world of living technology

On the trail of Tutankhamen's penis

Earth-Like Planets May Be Shielded From Solar Scorching

The Moon Rings That Never Were

Looking Beyond the Spill, Obama Highlights Long-Term Restoration

Changing Oceans: Viewing Coral Reefs Through a Cultural Lens

Neutrino experiments sow seeds of possible revolution

Lucy fossil gets jolted upright by Big Man

Are Modern Cities for People or Cars?

Wrangling Renewables and the Smart Grid: How Can the Federal Government Change the Future of Electricity?

Natural Gas Could Serve as 'Bridge' Fuel to Low-Carbon Future

Urban Visions: The Future of Cities

The Laser at 50: Advancing Science through Beams of Coherent Light

Faster-than-light electric currents could explain pulsars

The Dirty Truth about Plug-in Hybrids, Made Interactive

One reason why humans are special and unique: We masturbate. A lot


Food and Depopulation (Part 1 of 4)

Food and Depopulation (Part 2 of 4)

Food and Depopulation (Part 3 of 4)

Food and Depopulation (Part 4 of 4)


The Birds and the Bees


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Liberals about to reap what they've sown'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Open hostility to gun rights'


White House scholar funded Ayers group

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Calling "Bluff" Of Those Complaining About "Deficits And Debt"

AFP: Americans can't buy the world's prosperity: Obama

Palin: Obama administration selling out allies

My Way News - GOP senators: Can Kagan be impartial judge?

Homeschoolers alarmed by Kagan nomination

Turkish Rally for Flotilla Raises Flag with Nazi Symbol - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

'Genocidal' Israel will be put in its place - Chavez | World | Reuters

Ex-BP official received payouts, perks - Washington Times

No good info on bin Laden for years: CIA's Panetta | Reuters

Gary Faulkner: I Want to Capture bin Laden Alive - The Early Show - CBS News

Afghanistan Progress 'Slower' Than Anticipated - Political Punch

Will death threats by 'gays' convince judges?

Gay pride marchers, floats out on both coasts

Blagojevich Considered Oprah for Senator | NBC Chicago

White House Preparing National Online ID Plan -- Cybersecurity -- InformationWeek

National Tea Party Convention moved to October

A little 'Saturday Night Live' comes to 'Taking America Back' confab

Disgraced Fannie Mae deep in carbon scheme

Does the Bible predict destruction of Saudi Arabia?

New troubles at Al Gore's Current TV | Reuters

Health Care Law: Obama Administration Works to Meet Deadlines - ABC News


video:Know Jesus, no rules, right?

video:It's the gospel, not a pacifier


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


No birth certificate needed to verify Obama's old Arcadia job - Hawaii News - Staradvertiser.com


*Alex Jones - 2010-Jun-27, Sunday


YouTube - Alex Jones Sunday Edition: USA Going into Receivership!! 1/3

YouTube - Alex Jones Sunday Edition: USA Going into Receivership!! 2/3

YouTube - Alex Jones Sunday Edition: USA Going into Receivership!! 3/3


YouTube - Toronto G20 protests: 'Police State' Resistance or Vandalism?

Peaceful Protesters Attacked, Arrested While Cop-Car Arsonists Left Alone

YouTube - Alex Jones Sunday Edition: Update from Toronto's G8/G20 Summit with Dan DIcks & Charlie Veitch

Leon Panetta: There May Be Less Than 50 Al Qaeda Fighters In Afghanistan

Clinton: U.S. budget is broken - Video

Sometimes they tell me to shut up > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Oliver Stone: The US Has Launched Military Interventions and Political Coups Fifty-Five Times in Latin America | World | AlterNet

GOP presses Obama to implement sanctions without broad waivers - TheHill.com

YouTube - INVESTIGATE 9/11! (What To Wear When You Know News Cameras Will Be Round)


YouTube - 9/11 Resolution Trilogy Volume I: Pattern of the Crimes part 1 of 3

YouTube - 9/11 Resolution Trilogy Volume I: Pattern of the Crimes part 2 of 3

YouTube - 9/11 Resolution Trilogy Volume I: Pattern of the Crimes part 3 of 3


US says no to indigenous rights

YouTube - Ron Paul on Freedom Watch

My Way News - Possible pitfalls for Kagan's with her own words?

My Way News - Primer on senators judging would-be Justice Kagan

Sen. Jeff Sessions on Elena Kagan: ‘I Am Concerned About the Nomination’ - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

GOP Keeps Filibuster Option for Kagan - Washington Wire - WSJ

FTC Says Scammers Stole Millions, Using Virtual Companies - Yahoo! News

Couric turned down Larry King's job - NYPOST.com

FT.com / Technology - US outlines online security strategy

EU voices concern over Egyptian blogger's death - Yahoo! News

Google Streetview 'horseboy' photo on Scottish road becomes latest mystery | Mail Online

Brown outpolls Kerry, Obama - The Boston Globe

CNSNews.com - Napolitano: ‘You’re Never Going to Totally Seal That Border’

International Space Station sex ban - Telegraph

Medvedev: CIA warning on Iranian nukes 'troubling'

Hamas says asked by US to keep silent on talks - Israel News, Ynetnews

GE CEO collapses during Biden speech - WAVE 3 - Louisville, KY

GE CEO collapses as Vice President Biden speaks at GE Applicance Park | WHAS11.com | Featured Video | WHAS11.com | News for Louisville, Kentucky

RealClearPolitics - Video - Obama Calling "Bluff" Of Those Complaining About "Deficits And Debt"

Obama says he's serious about tackling deficits | Reuters

RBS tells clients to prepare for 'monster' money-printing by the Federal Reserve - Telegraph

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - Fiscal disarray is the least of the G20’s sins

Health Care Law: Obama Administration Works to Meet Deadlines - ABC News

Robert Byrd Dead at 92, Senate's Longest Serving Senator, Reformed Member of KKK - ABC News

Robert Byrd 'seriously ill' - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Models in space suits close Paris menswear shows - Yahoo! Finance


Management Tip of the Day: 3 Tips for Reader-Friendly Memos - ABC News


* ArchiveArticles/Management Tip of the Day - ABC News


**28TH/Politics Video:"Stop Spending!": CNBC's Santelli Warns Liesman "November 2nd Is The Day"

NBC's Matthews: Sessions Called Kagan "Pro-Terrorist" And A "Socialist"

Sen. Patrick Leahy On Qualifications Of Elena Kagan

Sen. Cardin: Kagan Is A "Mainstream" Candidate

Sen. Sessions: Kagan Has "Serious Problems"

Biden Praises Byrd: "We Shall Not See His Like Again"

Sen. Orrin Hatch: GOP Probably Won't Filibuster Kagan

Pelosi: Train Station Receiving $35 Million From Stimulus A "Small Price To Pay"

*27TH/Liz Cheney: Father Is "Feeling Better" And Will Hopefully Be Released Tomorrow

RCP's Sean Trende On Obama's Falling Approval Numbers

Obama Who Threatened To Filibuster Alito, Says Kagan Deserves Fair Shake

CIA's Panetta: Afghanistan Progress "Slower" Than Anticipated

Obama: Countries Must Not Have "Undue Advantage" If World Is To Recover

Sen. Graham On Kagan: "She Is Well Qualified But Has A Lot To Answer For"

Obama: There Is An "Obsession" With Timeline Of Afghanistan Pullout

Leahy On Kagan: You Will See A "Brilliant" Woman And Legal Mind

Sen. McCain: Obama Took "Appropriate Action" On McChrystal

Huckabee: Obama Not "Capable" Of Executive Leadership

Sen. Levin: "The Afghan Army Is The Taliban's Greatest Nightmare"

Sen. Chambliss Warns Of "Very Ugly Victory" In Afghanistan

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Praising Obama For Petraeus Decision

"This Week" Roundtable On Leaving Afghanistan

Sen. Sessions: Kagan Is An "Activist" Judge

"Meet The Press" Panel On Obama Backtracking On Afghan Withdrawal


Debbie Schlussel:Would You Eat Lion Meat? Lion Burgers Under Fire in Arizona

Middle East Online:Tehran: CIA waging anti-Iran psychological warfare

60 Years Into War, US Delays South Korea Forces Handover -- News from Antiwar.com

Iran is Surrounded by US Troops in 10 Countries - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

College: Big Investment, Paltry Return - BusinessWeek

Bill Clinton: Iran Poses 'Suitcase Nuke' Threat

Russia alarmed by CIA view of Iran's weapons | Reuters

Robert Nyman DEAD: Massachusetts Lawmaker Dies After Being Found In Pool

N. Korea: U.S. bringing 'heavy weapons' to border - CNN.com

Big Government Lawmakers Deserve Criticism-Even If They Are Republicans

Open Thread: Robert Byrd, the KKK, the Second Amendment Ruling and What the MSM Doesn’t Want You To Know About Guns

Supreme Court strikes down part of anti-fraud law

Leahy, Sessions, send competing messages on Kagan

Rival Hamas, UN summer camps compete over children

Kyrgyzstan faces tricky political future

Kagan pledges deference to Congress

Noriega appears confused at his trial in France

"Current gov't is destroying country"

BP boss set to quit, claims Russian

'We weren't negligent with transcripts'

Ahmadinejad: No talks until August

Foreign doctors 'must speak English'

Supreme Court extends 2nd Amendment protection to state, local levels

Venezuela's economic war

Reports: Jennifer Capriati hospitalized because of possible drug overdose

Royal Dutch Shell

Woman accused of beating, starving and tying up her children is to be arraigned

Amelia Earhart May Have Survived Months as Castaway : Discovery News

Why We Dream | Solving Problems While We Sleep | LiveScience

Strange creature on the prowl in East Texas neighborhood - KTRE.com Lufkin and Nacogdoches

Ancient sun festival still draws thousands -- rain or shine


Lee Speigel on His 1978 Attempt to Convince the United Nations to Study UFOs

Vital fruit and berry collection set for destruction - life - 24 June 2010 - New Scientist

Cryptomundo » Bigfoot Contactees

BBC - Earth News - Baby cannibal spider gang makes web vibrate in time

Medical Drug Research & Study, Biased Clinical Trials, Medical Devices, Widespread Bias & Omissions | LiveScience

Singularity Backlash | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

SPACE.com -- Nuclear Bombs Could Save Earth from Asteroids

From the Shadows: Attacks in the Darkness

Chimpanzee trend-setters: New study shows that chimps 'ape' the prestigious

Radar imaging reveals ancient Egyptian underground city | World news | The Guardian

Jesus did not die on cross, says scholar - Telegraph

Invasion on a biblical scale: Grasshoppers overwhelming California town | ksdk.com | St. Louis, MO

When Humans and Neanderthals Split : Discovery News

Scientist at Work - Tor D. Wager - Seeking to Illuminate the Mysterious Placebo Effect - Biography - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Total stops petrol sales to Iran

CBC News - Montreal - Montreal protesters arrested during G20: activist

McChrystal violated not just protocol but Obama tenets on media management

After McChrystal, What's Next for Afghanistan? - Newsweek

President Obama urges G-20 nations to spend; they pledge to halve deficits

North Korea Vows to Boost Nuclear Deterrent | Asia | English

AFP: Kabul dismisses report Karzai met militant leader

Would South Korea ETFs (EWY, SKOR) Benefit From Free Trade Agreement At G-20 Meeting? | ETF Database

Noriega denies laundering drug money, lawyers say - CNN.com

Why Russia's Medvedev is blasting ally Kyrgyzstan - CSMonitor.com

Tropical Storm Alex May Delay BP Oil Collection - WSJ.com

UPDATE: Obama To Nearly Double Available Wireless Spectrum - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Court: Christian group can't bar gays, get funding

Supreme Court to hear Arizona immigration law challenge | Reuters

Blogrolled: Why David Weigel Left the Post - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Govs consider alternative energy, climate change - San Jose Mercury News

Lame-Duck Session Emerges as Possibility for Climate Bill Conference - NYTimes.com

Quinn signs bill meant to help military children - chicagotribune.com

Joe Biden calls Wisconsin man a very slightly bad word - War Room - Salon.com

White House drafting plan for cyberspace safety | Politics and Law - CNET News

Angelina Jolie Doesn't Want Her Family to Get Too Big - Couples, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt : People.com

Epoch Times - 2010 Daytime Emmys A Night of Tributes

'Toy Story 3' remains No. 1 - latimes.com

Arts, Briefly - Jackson Collectors Open Their Wallets at Auction - NYTimes.com

'And The Sea Shall Turn To Blood'...

Reports: U.S. Ships Massing Off Iran Coast As Israel Prepares To Strike

Washington Post writes up "Over The Cliff"


GE CEO Collapses as Vice President Biden Speaks at GE

‘Yes We Can’? – Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary Concedes Inability to Secure Border

‘Disgusting’: Outrage Over Police Escort for Cop Killer’s Funeral

Classic Palin: I Want my Bendy Straw

‘Troopathon’ Featuring Co-Host Andrew Breitbart, Planned for Thursday, July 1st

Sen. Robert Byrd Dies at 92

Kagan Hearings Set to Begin

60 Cats Seized From Condemned House

Mike Huckabee Defends Gay ‘Ick Factor’ Comment

Bill Press: Glenn Beck Speaking at Lincoln Memorial ‘Exact Same’ as Al Qaeda Speaking at Ground Zero

Matthews: ‘Being a Suicide Bomber is the New Political Rolemodel’

Bizarre Tribute on Jacko’s One-Year Death Anniversary

Expert: Europeans ‘Winners’ at G20

Bear Stuck in a Tree in City Park

Great White Caught Off Mass. Coast

Joining Hands to Stop Drilling

BP’s ‘Oiled Wildlife Hotline’ Fails to Help Rescue Bird

‘I’m Calling Their Bluff’ – Obama Goes Partisan on International Stage

Riot Police Nab G20 Protester After He Taunts Them

Prince Harry Tumbles off Horse

Tennis Player Victor Hanescu Spits at Wimbledon Crowd

Taliban Bombing Caught on Video

Martin Ginsburg, Husband of Supreme Court Justice, Dead at 78