"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 May 2010


YouTube - Digital Enhancement Of Amateur Plane Crash Site Footage (w / English Subtitles) In Smolensk


The American "TC" Saga - Part 1 - INTRODUCTION

The American "TC" Saga - Part 2 - STATE

The American "TC" Saga - Part 3 - CHURCH

The American "TC" Saga - Part 4 - FAMILY

The American "TC" Saga - Part 5 - ECONOMY

The American "TC" Saga - Part 6 - SCHOOL

The American "TC" Saga - Part 7 - MEDIA

The American "TC" Saga - Part 8 - CORPORATIONS and LAW


savethemales.ca - Is "Avatar" Based on Raelian Cult?

savethemales.ca - Was Aleister Crowley a Satanist?

'Smart dust' aims to monitor everything - CNN.com


Tesla versus Edison


Plunder - The Crime Of Our time - Synopsis



YouTube - Gerald Celente: Crash of 2010 inevitable

YouTube - Gerald Celente on Greece Riots


Third of all plants and animals face extinction - Times Online

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake rattles western Indonesia - Asia, World - The Independent


*The Biggest 2010 Health Care Act Change You Never Heard About: at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog


A Substance Found In Broccoli And Brocolli Sprouts Kill Cancer Stem Cells | TopNews United Kingdom

NASA team cites new evidence that meteorites from Mars contain ancient fossils

Elena Kagan Is Obama's Supreme Court Pick

Deepwater Horizon Rig Disaster Threatens Drilling (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Adolf Hitler 'did not shoot himself' - Telegraph

Simon Bolivar died of arsenic poisoning - Telegraph

Secret Copenhagen recording reveals resistance from China and India | Environment | The Guardian

Chinese workers link sickness to n-hexane and Apple iPhone screens | World news | The Guardian

Medvedev criticises USSR over human rights - Telegraph

Rare glimpse of Kim Jong Il shows North Korean dictator in good health - Times Online

Pope's ally probed over sex abuse claims - Telegraph

Pakistan tests two nuclear-capable missiles - Asia, World - The Independent

APNewsBreak: Bubble of methane triggered rig blast | World news | guardian.co.uk

Cyber attack 'could fell US within 15 minutes' - Telegraph

Euro crisis goes global as leaders fail to stop the rot | Business | The Guardian

Roy Tov – Apostle Paul, the State of Israel and Christian Leadership

Dick Cheney's Fingerprints Are All Over the Gulf of Mexico Oil Catastrophe: Blogger

Record Number of Jews slated for next U.S. Congress - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

YouTube - CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise

Workers tell of night their oil rig exploded - MSNBC Articles

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Obama's Mother's Day Present to America

truthjihad.com blog: A generals' revolt against Zionist domination of US policy?

Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

Heavy Metal Poisoning, Brain Injury, Weather Mod

Man stabs eight to death in latest China killings - Asia, World - The Independent

Soft drinks linked to pancreatic cancer | Mail Online

‘Healthy’ snacks loaded with sugar - Times Online

The Greek spirit of resistance turns its guns on the IMF | World news | The Observer

US warns Pakistan against links to terrorism - Herald Scotland | News | World News

If Joe Lieberman's anti-terror bill becomes law, the Times Square bomb will have worked | World news | The Observer

After the slick: will Obama finally force ‘Big Oil’ to clean up its act? - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Gulf oil spill: quick fix dashed as BP tower fails to contain oil | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Utah Republicans Oust Sen. Bob Bennett in Anti-Incumbent Rage

C'mon, how big is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, really? - CSMonitor.com

Are Cops More Criminal Than Criminals?

Eating With Elie « Mantiq al-Tayr

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About the Kent State Massacre

Gulf oil spill: BP has a long record of legal, ethical violations - More News - MiamiHerald.com

Oil production hit for decades after BP spill - Business News, Business - The Independent

The Ultimate Meaning Of The BP Gulf Blow Out

EU Crafts $962 Billion Show of Force to Halt Crisis (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

Chucky’s In Love « The Ugly Truth


*article links:Weekly Southern African Report


YouTube - Global Governance Called for by European Central Bank



YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs story (pt1 of 2)

YouTube - Max Keiser takes offense to Goldman Sachs oligarchy (pt2 of 2)


Washington's Blog:Americans Have Been Bailing Out Foreign Banks for Years ... And We're Getting Ready To Do It Again

British Petroleum's oil spill is latest crime in a criminal history

Eric Holder: Miranda Rights Should Be Modified For Terrorism Suspects

EclippTV :: Video :: EX CIA Ray McGovern On 911 PART 1

EclippTV :: Video :: EX CIA Ray McGovern On 911 PART 2

Seymour Hersh: Obama Being "Dominated" by the US Military

Has the Power Elite Over-Reached?

Did 'they' crash the markets to send a message to Congress?

The Cover-up: BP's Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster

Obama Employs Bush Administration Tactic, Blocks Photos - Kevin Gosztola - Open Salon

With ‘ Hat In Hand ‘ : American Serfdom : Information Clearing House - ICH

truthjihad.com blog: US Senator Barbara Boxer: Wellstone assassination was "a warning"

YouTube - "Takin' Back Our Country" Joyce Shaffer ©2010

Hijacking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights by Jacob G. Hornberger

Is Sovereign Debt Crisis Contained to Subprime?

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Big oil controlling Obama

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente Predicts 2010 Will be The Summer of Terror on Alex Jones

Bill Gates pays for ‘artificial’ clouds to beat greenhouse gases - Times Online



The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century.

Ventura County Reporter - Power To Speak

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

How the Pentagon Is Cheating Wounded Vets -- Soldiers Aren't Disposable | World | AlterNet

Weeds Are Now Resisting Monsanto Weed Killer, Spurring Crisis in American Agriculture | Crooks and Liars

Reporters Without Borders seems to have a geopolitical agenda

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - Secessionist Movement on the Rise?

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley - World economies in depression

EclippTV :: Video :: America Treats Americans Like Crap...

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Who Really Are The Rothschild Family

EclippTV :: Video :: RON PAUL BANNED 20/20 INTERVIEW

Phillip D. Zelikow...911 Myth Maker


Uprooted Palestinians: Israel Did 9-11 - How Zionists React to the Truth


*All In One Chunk - 9/11 Basic Questions-WRH 9/11 Index-Questions for Michael Moore

*Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies


Voyager 2 stops making sense

Refreshing News: Largest scientific instrument ever built to prove Einstein's theory of general relativity

kenny's sideshow: The Warning

Consortiumnews.com:A Russian government report, which corroborated allegations that Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign interfered with President Jimmy Carter’s Iran-hostage negotiations .....

SOUTH LEBANON: The language of Zionism


**ah, mephistophelis.: Starting Over May Be Our Best Option


**Thomas Jefferson - Money & Banking



05-10-2010: EU Crafts $962 Billion Show of Force to Halt Crisis (Ridiculous)

05-10-2010: Governments In Southeast Asia Detain Thousands In Abusive Drug Detention Centers

05-10-2010: Africa The New Crude Frontier

05-10-2010: License to frustrate: Get-tough ID policies could snag all Floridians

05-10-2010: U.S. Federal Reserve Opens Credit Line To Europe

05-09-2010: A Simple Way To Clean Up The Oil Spill In The Gulf

05-09-2010: L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

05-09-2010: Robert Rodriguez cuts 'illegal' trailer for 'Machete' to protest Arizona immigration law

05-09-2010: NASA Tests Astronaut Escape System

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

05-09-2010: Greek Debt Crisis Raises Doubts About the European Union

05-09-2010: 2010 Annual Trilateral Commission Held This Weekend

05-09-2010: 39 pct of Greeks plan to take part in protests-poll

05-09-2010: Workers tell of multiple explosions the night the leaking gulf oil rig exploded

05-09-2010: Obama Claims Information Is A Diversion

05-09-2010: The Greek spirit of resistance turns its guns on the IMF

05-09-2010: Problem for Containment Dome in Gulf

05-09-2010: Civil And Criminal Probes Launched Against JP Morgan For Silver Market Manipulation

05-09-2010: EU Preps Euro Fund to Fight ‘Wolfpack,’ Debt Crisis

05-09-2010: Audio Analysis Reveals National Guard Troops Were Ordered To Fire On Kent State War Protesters in 1970

05-09-2010: Bill Gates pays for ‘artificial’ clouds to beat greenhouse gases

05-09-2010: Tainted nuke plant water reaches major NJ aquifer

05-09-2010: Army Gives KBR $568 Million No-bid Contract as U.S. Alleges Kickbacks

05-09-2010: 'Black World' Space Shuttle: Air Force Raises the Stakes for a New Arms Race

05-09-2010: Pentagon Turns to Brain Implants to Repair Damaged Minds

05-08-2010: Canadian journalists cannot protect sources: top court

Is The Greek Debt Crisis Being Purposely Hyped And Manipulated?

Governments In Southeast Asia Detain Thousands In Abusive Drug Detention Centers

Death Spiral of the Welfare State

US Landlord Who Used Hidden Cameras To Spy On 34 Female Tenants Gets 4-10 Years In Prison

‘Journalism of neutrality is an illusion’ and inadequate to democracy, says professor

The Cover-up: BP’s Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster

8 Theories For Why The Stock Market Plunged Almost 1000 Points In A Matter Of Minutes On May 6th

CIA allowed to kill terrorist suspects without identification

Pakistani Taliban Behind Times Sq. Plot, Holder Says

Pentagon: Decrease Spending on Troops

War Epics on Screen Skip Mass Slaughter of Civilians

Was the Market Pushed?

Booze, Rage and Justice in the Participation Age

AFP Editor Reports On Secret Gathering Of Trilats in Ireland








FCC Will Seek Net Neutrality Despite Corporate Pressure

Sanders Sells Out on Audit the Fed Provision

Would You Tolerate What Is Being Asked of the Greek People?

Newly Found Photos Show Devastation of Berlin After WWII

Look Out, Obama Seems to Be Planning for a Lot More War

How Economic Recessions Cause Wars and Revolutions

Sex, Lies and Oil Spills

Goldman Sachs Set to Plan Sell-Off of Ontario Assets

The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon's "Space Warriors"

Mounting Tensions and Political Confrontation on the Korean Peninsula

Nord Stream, Putin's "Peace Pipelines": Russia and Germany Join Hands?

Shadow Banking: Keeping the Fed Honest

Wealth And Inequality In America: The Rich are getting Richer and the Poor are getting Poorer

The Relentless Misery of 1.6 Gallons

Murder as a Punchline

The Road to Greece and Rome

Porn Star Saves Man From Incompetent Prosecutor, “Expert” Witnesses

Hijacking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Statism Is Safer for the Environment?

Federal Reserve Comic Book Propaganda

The Obama Dollar

The Liberal Assault on the Poor

YouTube - Sanders Amendment Update

YouTube - Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot

YouTube - Columbia Mo SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present

YouTube - Randomly Stopped and Searched for WMD's in North Texas!

Kent State Killings Triggered by FBI Agent Provocateur

McCain and Lieberman: Americans Accused of Crimes Should Have No Rights

YouTube - The Cultural Upheaval of Loose Money | Jeffrey A. Tucker

U. S. gold coins sales soar on economic anxiety - GOLD NEWS | Mineweb


**Tunnels under the USA

Description of tunnel system and hollow earth

Nuclear powered tunnelling machines.


Has Gold Become A New Reserve Currency?

CNSNews.com - Pelosi: It’s Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Interdict Drugs at Border

PEDOPHILE SYMBOLS AND CODES: An Update « The Ultimate Evil

Civic Center: Three Heads Six Arms Buddha Installation

Signs of Neanderthals Mating With Humans - NYTimes.com


Tribulation-Now: Aliens, Demons, Nephilim, Time Travel, & God (Part One)

Tribulation-Now: Aliens, Demons, Nephilim, Time Travel, & God (Part Two)


Tribulation-Now: The BAPTISM of the HOLY SPIRIT


Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

YouTube - The FED = Dishonest Money

Puppets, puppet masters, and closet liberation

Uncle Sam, global trade sucker?


*LEW ROCKWELL AUDIO: Is There Any Gold in Ft. Knox?


75 Years of Funny Money

Crony Capitalism Is NOT Capitalism by Dom Armentano

The Taliban in Burbank by Tricia Shore

A Classic Moral Theory and a War by Craig White

For the Love of Power or Money? by Vedran Vuk

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

VIDEO:New Film ‘Machete’ evokes race war

The dangers of growing DNA databases

European Union, Currency Are Headed for Collapse: Gartman

European Central Bank President Calls for Corrupt BIS to Boss Global Government in CFR Speech

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

VIDEO:Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Sen. Shelby: Financial Reform Violates Privacy

Paper reveals EU plan to boost GM crop cultivation

Russia Says Genetically Modified Foods are Harmful - Third generation of hamsters fed GM food are sterile

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order


*media/mp3:VFTB 044: Paul & Phillip Collins — Obama, Transformer or Technocrat? / The Information Cartel

*media/mp3:VFTB 044: Paul & Phillip Collins — Obama, Transformer or Technocrat? / The Information Cartel


YouTube - The Hidden Roots of the European Union - Henrik Palmgren - Pt 1

YouTube - The Hidden Roots of the European Union - Henrik Palmgren - Pt 2

YouTube - The Hidden Roots of the European Union - Henrik Palmgren - Pt 3

YouTube - The Hidden Roots of the European Union - Henrik Palmgren - Pt 4

YouTube - The Hidden Roots of the European Union - Henrik Palmgren - Pt 5

YouTube - The Hidden Roots of the European Union - Henrik Palmgren - Pt 6


Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Conservatives Note Kagan’s Anti-Military Views, Lack of Judicial Experience

Obama Chooses His Friend and Fellow Liberal Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

Pelosi Says She's Told Catholic Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops They Must Tell Catholics Immigration Reform is a 'Manifestation of Our Living the Gospels'

White House Doesn't Know if There's Target Date for Sealing Border From Influx of Drugs

Conservative Legal Expert Warns That Obama’s Court Pick Does Matter, but Not Everyone on the Short List is ‘Equally Bad’

Congressman Says Climate Science Should Be Simplified to ‘Sixth Grade Level’ Because Americans ‘Don’t Get’ It

OIC Fulfills Function of Caliphate, Embodies ‘Islamic Solidarity,’ Says OIC Chief

Obama Rule Change Favors Labor Unions

AP: Kagan Is ‘A Brilliant Legal Scholar With Liberal Views and Conservative Friends’

More Children Getting Free Supper Courtesy of Uncle Sam

Late Payments on Mortgages Show Surprising 1st Quarter Drop

Opponents of Religion in Inaugurations Lose Fight

Barrier-Breaking Jazz Star Lena Horne Dies at 92

An Unwritten Constitutional Crisis

Obama Strives for a Political Court

Discrimination and Racism Coming Your Way from Culture of Death

Health Care: Could Cash Control Costs?

Outrage: Obama Administration Targets Military for Pay Reductions

Gates Says Urgent Need to Cut Defense Bureaucracy

Hillary Warns Pakistan of 'Severe Consequences'

White House Says Pakistan Taliban Behind NY Bomb

Terrorists Have New Focus on Attacking US

Kerry Endorses Specter in Pa. Senate Primary

Democrats Cheer, Republicans Cautious On Kagan

Pelosi to Bishops: Talk Up Immigration

Other States Take Cue from Ariz. Law

Kagan Had Rapid Ascent to High Court Nomination

Will BP's Washington Connections Help It Now?

Kagan Should Have Quick Path to Supreme Court

Gingrich to Dems: Push Smaller Health Bills

Tea Party Focuses On Ky. After Defeating Bennett

Giuliani: Political Correctness Led to Times Square

RNC Shakeup, Steele Still Holds Chair

Holder: Arizona Law Not Racially Motivated

Obama Slams iPad Era and 'Craziest Claims'

Murdoch, Slim, Anschutz Won't Buy Newsweek

Putin Snubs Biden, Prince Charles

Russia Promises Poland to Declassify Katyn Files

Spike in Disability Claims Clogs Overloaded System

Census: Share of Americans On the Move Edging up

Rule Change Favors Unions at Airlines, Railroads

Abruptly Unemployed Fishermen Struggling to Get by

BP Struggles With List of Ways to Plug Gulf Gusher

US Official Says More Fines for Toyota Possible

In W.Va., Pelosi Is Target for Democrats

Absentee Balloting Changes Calif. Election Machinery

Jimmy Carter Hits the Campaign Trail With Grandson

Barak Says Control over Palestinians Hurts Israel

Roach: Europe Will Have 'Significant' Contractions

Williams: Don’t Buy Jobs Data, Downturn Is Here

Oil Spill May Endanger Human Health

Lack of Sleep Linked to Early Death

Does Height Affect Blood Clot Risk?

Wi-Fi to Come in a Much Faster, Short-Range Flavor

Signals Appear Those of Crashed Air France Jet

Newton's Apple Tree Bound for Gravity-Free Space

De-Cluttering Your Digital Life Can Set You Free

Polanski Lawyers Seek Sealed Prosecutor Testimony

Obama, Petraeus Have Limited Time for Afghanistan Success

Could We Become Greece?

A Real Solution to the Immigration Problem

Political Correctness Endangers Americans

The Horror of D-Day: A New Openness to Discussing Allied War Crimes in WWII - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

YouTube - 9/11 Truth Leading People out of the Matrix


YouTube - EX CIA Ray McGovern On 911 PART 1

YouTube - EX CIA Ray McGovern On 911 PART 2


YouTube - George Gordon- 9-11 is a Popular Lie- Part One.wmv

YouTube - George Gordon- 9-11 is a Popular Lie- Part Two.wmv


YouTube - Obama: Education Responsibility of All Americans

YouTube - Obama's Comments Provoke Tea Party Ire

Heavy Metals Poisoning, Brain Injury, and Clandestine Weather Modification Programs Connecting the Dots – Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri « Dprogram.net

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers, Stock Plunge is Just the Beginning! (6/May/10)

Poland should take over probe of Russia crash: late president's twin

Regime Change by Plane Crash

YouTube - Digital Enhancement Of Amateur Plane Crash Site Footage (w / English Subtitles) In Smolensk

The Excavator: Greg Palast: "Remove the bloodsuckers"

Controversial terror bill creates unlikely allies, foes - Yahoo! News


YouTube - Ron Paul's What If ? Remastered


The smell of money « JoNova

Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food – Mike Adams « Dprogram.net

CBC News - North - North Pole rainfall 'bizarre': climatologist

Broke New York bomber collected cash from Pakistan - Times Online

Classified military information lost in Opryland Hotel flood | Nashville City Paper: Nashville's Online Source for Daily News

3 NM Officers, Man Shot in Domestic Dispute

Oil Spill Solutions Uncertain, Slick Spreads West

Firebomb Thrown at Marijuana Business in Montana

NYC House Where Capote Lived Is on Sale for $18M

Barbara Walters to Have Heart Valve Surgery

Britons Consider Emigration to Leave Woes Behind

Pakistani Soldiers Clash With Taliban, 40 Dead

Reggae Gig Opens up Ivory Coast's "Rasta Village"

Warren Buffett's Son Preaches Values as Wealth

The Assimilated Terrorist: An Outsider No Longer

On the Set in Serbia With a Bloody Ralph Fiennes

Immigration Protesters Released From LA Jail

Food Poisoning Suspected in 3 La. Hospital Deaths

NTSB: No Engine Alarms Before NY Ferry Dock Crash

DA Seeks Hate Crime Charges in NM Swastika Case

UK Parties to Resume Government Formation Talks

2 Dead, 4 Wounded in Oakland Shooting

Teen Charged in NJ Carnival Shooting

Russia Offers Olive Branch as NATO Joins Parade

Sugar Plantation, Native Hawaiians in Water Battle

Obama: Education a Responsibility of All

Obama Stresses Education Over iPod, Xbox

Cardinal Accuses Vatican Official of Abuse Cover-Up

Ala. Hopes Makeshift Locks Keep Seaport Oil-Free

Afghanistan's Karzai Faces Muted Washington Reception

Forget Kansas, What Is Wrong With Virginia? Now VA Governor Hires Former Nixon "Jew Counter"

Three years ago, immigrant-bashers were claiming 'illegal aliens' killed 9,000 people a year. Now they claim 2,200. Eh?

Markets Rally Over News Of Massive European Bailout Package

Lieberman and King Continue Fear Mongering Over Times Square Bomber on Fox News Sunday

Our New Book Teaser Post: "Over the Cliff'

BREAKING: Obama To Name Elena Kagan As SCOTUS Nominee

BP's Containment Dome Foiled By Ice

Mr. "A Noun, A Verb and 9/11" Thinks "Political Correctness" Led To Missed Signals In Failed Times Square Bombing

Liz Cheney: Obama's 'first instinct' to Mirandize terrorists

Tainted Water From Nuke Plant Now Reaches Major NJ Underground Aquifer

E.J. Dionne: 'I Hate This Term Lawyered Up'

Ireland proves lower corporate taxes lead to bankrupt governments

Gates Throws Down Gauntlet On Military Spending: 'The Gusher Has Been Turned Off'

Holder: Pakistani Taliban behind Times Square bomber

Meet The Press: AG Eric Holder Says He Wants Congress To "Modify" Miranda

Bill Maher Hits Back at George Will After This Week Dust Up on Brazil's Oil Dependence

New Analysis Of Kent State Recording Says National Guard Was Ordered To Fire

Sen. Jon Tester joins effort to make it illegal for members of Congress to ever become registered lobbyists

AP: Obama Administration responded to oil spill aggressively and promptly

AUDIO:Saturday Night Open Thread with the Driftglass and Bluegal Podcast: Can Obama be a Transformative President?

*REVIEW; Newstalgia World Week - May 3-8, 2010

Rekers' Rent Boy on AC360

Sen. Bob Bennett loses GOP nomination to a deep, wide divide

New Rule: This Mother's Day, Americans Must Extend a Special Thanks to Their Nannies

Hannity's 'little idea': 'The Iraqis ... need to pay us back for their liberation. Every single solitary penny'

USDA: 40.5 Million On Food Stamps Expected By End of Year

Dick Morris: Huge Republican Gains are Going to All But do Away With Public Education

Ron Paul's inner far-right extremist: We'll have 'riots in the streets' like Greece because the U.S. dollar is 'counterfeit'

Young Voters Disenchanted With Politics - And Obama

Sean Hannity calls for Obama to "step up or step aside" -- just because. No really.

Are You Buying Your Gas From BP Or One Of Their Subsidiaries?

Russian Report: The 1980 'October Surprise' Was Indeed A Deal Made By The Republicans.

Sen. Franken Proposes Amendment to End 'Too Big to Fail' Rating Agencies

Fed Restarts Currency Swaps as EU Debt Crisis Flares (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

FT.com / Columnists / Clive Crook - America has good reason to worry about Greece

Elena Kagan chosen by Obama for Supreme Court - Yahoo! News

President Obama to Senate: Act fast - Josh Gerstein and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

Reserved passion: Kagan ’81 - The Daily Princetonian

Kagan and Obama Go Way Back | NBC Chicago

Kagan and the GOP - The Note

White House complains about CBS News blog post saying that possible Supreme Court nominee is gay

HPD: Man killed in home invasion after suspect poses as census worker | khou.com | khou.com Local News

Census Worker Carjacked and Kidnapped | NBC Connecticut

Volunteer Census worker charged with burglary and rape in Indiana | WHAS11.com | Louisville news, Kentucky news & breaking news | WHAS11.com | News for Louisville, Kentucky

Watch Your Step | NBC Los Angeles

Landscapers find workers choosing jobless pay | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Poll: Obama has Lost Almost Half of his US Jewish Support - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

Man held at Pakistani airport with "therapy shoes" - Yahoo! News

One of Obama's closest friends part of federal probe :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: 44: Barack Obama

Woods withdraws, may have bulging disk in back - Yahoo! News

Ga. Seniors Told They Can't Pray Before Meals - News Story - WSB Atlanta

Scientists find sunken islands in the Caribbean - The Local

Israel primed for war on Iran - Netanyahu deputy | World | Reuters

VIDEO: Man attacked by 8-foot gator as horrified crowd watches | Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota | WTSP.com 10 Connects

Anger over reality television 'virgin auction' - Telegraph

Breitbart.tv » Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’

White House Denies Reports of Spy Planes Over NYC | Danger Room | Wired.com

Shark in a pickup truck | Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota | WTSP.com 10 Connects

Glover gets ovation, some boos at USU graduation - Salt Lake Tribune

Breitbart.tv » Danny Glover Chided for Not Placing Hand Over Heart During Flag Ceremony

Sex sells: Soft-core pornography still hot stuff on cable TV - latimes.com

Babies know the difference between good and evil at six months, study reveals | Mail Online

The infertility timebomb: Are men facing rapid extinction? | Mail Online

BBC News - Mass grave find shows Serbia slowly facing up to past

WH red carpet's out for Karzai visit to Washington

Party warns PM Kevin Rudd: no more U-turns | The Australian

The Hindu : News / International : Officials: Four Afghan policemen, NATO soldier killed in attacks

PM raps minister for China comments | Top News | Reuters

Carolyn Leddy: Moving Forward from Futenma - WSJ.com

Russia: U.S. troops march in Red Square for first time in Victory Day parade - latimes.com

YouTube - Raw Video: Russia Holds 65th Victory Day Parade

Will terrorism acquittal of MDC's Roy Bennett salvage Zimbabwe unity government? - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - What would a Con-Lib deal mean for schools?

Across Iraq, Gunmen, Bombers Strike, Killing 76 People | Middle East | English

UPDATE 4-Russia coal mine blasts kill 32, 58 still trapped | Reuters

YouTube - Time running out to save trapped miners, Death toll in methane blasts rises

Gordon Brown To Step Down As Labour Leader By September Conference As Power-Sharing Talks Continue | Politics | Sky News

Brown to quit as Labour leader | The Sun |News|Election 2010

Teen in Stable Condition After Being Accidentally Stabbed with Javelin - Incredible Health - FOXNews.com

Anthony case jurors to come from outside Orlando

FOXNews.com - New Official Miss USA Photos Racier Than Those That Got Carrie Prejean in Hot Water?

Miss USA contenders pose in unmentionables on NBC website; pageant airs on Sunday | -

Federal Eye - More trouble for census workers

Randy Alcorn: Illegal Immigration Idiocies - Noozhawk.com

Republicans in Michigan, Oklahoma move to adopt Arizona-like anti-immigration laws

UC Berkeley hunger strikers resisting pressure from police to leave - San Jose Mercury News

Democratic leaders raise concerns about GOP plan | theleafchronicle.com | The Leaf Chronicle

Cash for Caulkers? Home Star Energy Retrofit Act Is Just Corporate Welfare in 'Green' Clothing - DailyFinance

Kagan nomination opens new spat in Pa Senate primary - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

FOXNews.com - Obama Warns Grads of iPad Perils

YouTube - Obama Urges Black Grads To Close Education Gap

Gulf Winds Turn on BP as Oil Containment Plan Snarls (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Educated and radical: Why Pakistan produces Faisal Shahzads - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Shahzad's Taliban Connection

President Barack Obama names Elena Kagan his Supreme Court pick - latimes.com

YouTube - Globe Today - President Obama nominates Kagan

AllAboutJazz.com:FCC Approves New, Barred Window for Pay-TV Movies

Remembering Lena Horne: 1917 - 2010

NBC releases Betty White sketches cut from 'SNL' - USATODAY.com

Carrie Underwood to perform at Nashville flood benefit - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

Cyndi Lauper: Bret Michaels 'has good shot' at winning 'Apprentice' - USATODAY.com

Lady Gaga's Monster Ball Tour To Continue Into 2011 - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

News - Sandra Bullock Steps Out for First Time Since Adoption Announcement - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com

The Twilight Effect: Why Do So Many Parents Choose The Same Baby Names? - TIME

BBC News - Today - Russell Crowe on the changing legs of Robin Hood

Christina Aguilera Announces Summer Tour Dates - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Mel Gibson News | Mel Gibson Allegedly Cheated on His Baby Mama While She Was Pregnant

Lohan’s Dad Objects to Porn Star Role | Entertainment News | Advocate.com

Conrad Murray's Visit to Joel Osteen's Church Not for PR | TMZ.com

American Fossil Fuels: The New Alternative Energy Source

No Blanks: Kent State 40 Years Later

If America Were a Free Country, Immigration Would Not Be a Problem

The World Turned Upside Down

Nonsexual Zones of Trust and Military Policy

Is America Conquered When the American Flag Is 'Offensive'?

The Problems with Al Gore

Obama Space

Obama's Misguided Approach to Peacemaking

Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat

Why the Ground Zero Mosque Must Be Stopped

Tea Parties and Racism

Cap-and-Trade Is Back

In the Star Spangled Spirit, Tea Parties Will Prevail

Obama Chicago crony part of grand jury investigation

The Gospel According to Pelosi

Poor Old Glory

Boycott the boycotters

Do liberals really want to talk about 'racial profiling?'

The America I left - reactions of a retiring expat.

Selective detectives

Putin disinvites Biden to WW II anniversary celebration

The Holder (Miranda) Backstroke

Sudden love for our military appreciated, but transparent

Did "left-wing media" trigger the Times Square Bomber?

EPA seeks to stifle shale gas industry

State Department silent on Hamas as 'proximity talks' begin

Aussies more skeptical of climate change

Obama says we "Must stay informed and engaged

A fitting monument to Senator Edward Kennedy

It's Solictor General Elena Kagan for SCOTUS

Diminished prospects

The welfare state in a death spiral

It's official: Elena Kagan nominated for SCOTUS

US Drug Policy has been Racist from the beginning

Confronting Evil

Greece is a Harbinger of Things to Come

What does it mean to be a 'nation of immigrants?'

Black Deception

A Keynes' Beauty of the Beast Contest.

Government Must Be Honest, to Solve Problems


Debbie Schlussel: With Kagan, Obama Replaces US Military Vet w/ US Military Opponent

Debbie Schlussel: France Protects Iran Nukes From U.S. Justice . . . Again

Debbie Schlussel: Who is Jerry Joseph a/k/a Guerdwich Montimere? Mysterious Illegal Alien Basketball Player Dupes ICE Fingerprint Database

Debbie Schlussel: YouTube Child Abuse: Creepy Parents Parade Their Kids as Beyonce, Lady Gaga


The Next Harriet Miers? - The Daily Beast

FOXNews.com - Obama Nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

BBC News - Gordon Brown 'stepping down as Labour leader'

U.S. not cracking down on immigrants with expired visas

My Way News - Clues suggest NKorean sub behind warship attack

Deported illegal immigrant gets $145,000 after New York City jails him for too long at Rikers Island - NYPOST.com

Venezuela: Chavez critic convicted - latimes.com

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

NEJM -- Syphilis and Social Upheaval in China

Girl frozen in time may hold key to ageing - Times Online

Cryptomundo » Teddy Roosevelt: Cryptozoologist

Paranormal Investigation: The Gold Leaf Lady | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

BBC News - Robot-inflicted injuries studied

In Upstate New York, 42,225 Daily Temperature Readings, and Counting

SPACE.com -- Weird Water in Space is Electrically Charged

Cuddly robots aim to make social networks child-safe - tech - 07 May 2010 - New Scientist

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - The Trickster as Shadow Government

FOXNews.com - History Mystery: Lost U.S. Colony Found at Last?

Hunters and Tourists Stalk Pythons in the Everglades - NYTimes.com

Coyotes in New York City Lead Surge in Urban Wildlife | LiveScience

Curses! Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his astounding death car | CFI Blogs

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Unseen Neighbors: Intimations of Another Reality?

Museum Explores History of Jersey Devil -- Could It Be Real? - AOL News

Bladeless wind turbine inspired by Tesla

Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans - life - 06 May 2010 - New Scientist

Six-year-old saved from dropping to his death by his ears - Telegraph

In search of the skunk ape » Big Story » Valdosta Daily Times

Spaceship 'salad units' to farm special astro strawberries • The Register

Inhalable Measles Vaccine Set to Debut in First Human Trials | Popular Science

SPACE.com -- Is a New Space Weapon Race Heating Up?

Seven wonders of the quantum world - New Scientist

Ptolemaic statue and temple gate discovered at Taposiris Magna - News, Archaeology - The Independent

'Pixie Dust' made from pig bladders regrows limbs of wounded soldiers | Mail Online

Woolly mammoth's survival secret? Antifreeze blood | Science | The Guardian

SPACE.com -- Two Black Holes Found Hard to Kill

Hawking: Time travel will happen | Technically Incorrect - CNET News


SITE:Hippocrates Health Institute

SITE:Vortex Technology

SITE:Center for UFO Studies

SITE:National UFO Reporting Center










Charles Blow, Back for More, Still Thinks You’re a Racist

Michael Yon Dispatches: An Afghan Story

Inside the Obama Media War Room

Ad Lib, a Tease: Is Rick Sanchez Really Ron Burgundy In Disguise?

**For Our Eyes Only: The Times Square Bomber Report

Clueless MSM Way Out Of Its Depth In Gulf Oil Spill Coverage

Happy Mother’s Day, ‘New Yorker’ Writer and CNN Analyst Jeff Toobin

In California, Could a Blogger Unseat Barbara Boxer?

Earth to Media: Unemployment Numbers Are Like Golf Scores — the Lower the Better

Government ‘Cancer Scare’ Report So Bogus Even the New York Times Notices

NewsBusted: How Will Bush’s New Book Be Received?

The National Debt is Huge, but Unfunded Liabilities Are America’s Real Red-Ink Challenge

Kagan: THIS Harriet Miers Will Get Confirmed

FCC to U.S. Court of Appeals: Drop Dead!

Stripping Terrorists’ Citizenship and Obama’s Blueprint

Sanctioning Barbarity: American Academy of Pediatrics and the New York Times

Constitutional Infidelity: Progressive Judicial Philosophy

The American ‘Watershed’

Reason.tv: Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

Sen. Bennett Loses GOP Nomination: First Casualty of 2010 Midterms

New Jersey’s Wacky Month in Education

White House: Pakistan Taliban Behind NY Bomb

Don’t Look To Generals To Revitalize The GOP

Chevron Request for ‘CRUDE’ Footage Approved

Faisal Shahzad Was Blogging On Terror Websites Since 2006 But Obama Administration Took Him Off Terror Watch List Anyway

YouTube - Walid Phares: Times Square Bomber Was Blogging On Terror Websites

Subsidizing Terrorism with Welfare Handounts: More Astounding Moments in Government Stupidity

OFA Leaders Use The Term ‘Tea-Bagger’ At Their Official Meetings!

Rights Double-Talk

AUDIO:Ricochet Podcast #15: A White Coat Hypertension

Court-Packing, Chicago-Style

AUDIO:Fat Fingers, Unemployment, and Greece

YouTube - President Obama, No One in Arizona is Laughing

Lena Horne Dead at 92

Rockers For Stalinism & Segregation!

REBOOT: ‘The Genius Of The Crowd’

Day by Day: Marvel

Roger Ebert Explains He’s Not a Commie By Trashing NASCAR Fans

Obama Nation: Whodunit?

INTERVIEW: ‘City Island’ Director’s Tribute to Working Class Families is a Sleeper Hit

As Vichy Hollywood Cowers Before Islam, Another Catholic-Bashing Film Greenlit

FLORA & FAWNA: ‘Gasbags’

TRAILER: Christopher Nolan’s Mind-Blowing ‘Inception’


Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 6

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 7

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 8

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 9

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 10

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 11

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 12


Zakaria: Why Pakistan Keeps Exporting Jihad - Fareed Zakaria - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - The Civilianization of the U.S. Military

RealClearPolitics - What the Public Really Thinks About Immigration

RealClearPolitics - How Not to Alienate Hispanics

Can the U.S. Avoid European Contagion? | The Weekly Standard

The Times Square bomb failed. What will we do when the next bomb works?

RealClearMarkets - Oil Isn't 'Expensive', the Dollar Is Cheap

Beyond Business as Usual | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Meeting Stupidity with Stupidity

RealClearPolitics - Race and Resentment

RealClearPolitics - What the Census Will Show

The Case for Federalism - Rep. Rob Bishop - National Review Online

Op-Ed Columnist - Root Canal Politics - NYTimes.com

Will Janet Napolitano Be Fired For Times Square Incompetence? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Asking "Who can sway Kennedy?" is no way to pick Justice Stevens' replacement. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

Blank Slate | The New Republic

Get used to the pain as world tackles debt crisis | The Australian

Questioning suspected terrorists

Red flags over Web regulation - The Denver Post

Bungled Parliament:: The Price of Pursuing Safe Society Over Growth and Opportunity | Newgeography.com

The Moral Life of Babies - NYTimes.com

Why Duffy will owe Obey thanks - JSOnline

RealClearPolitics - The Welfare State's Death Spiral

Europe announces vast contingency fund, racing to contain crisis

Europe prepares nuclear response to save monetary union - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - Are the Greek Riots a Picture of Our Future?

Op-Ed Columnist - Sex and Drugs and the Spill - NYTimes.com

Trust gap will haunt Democrats in November | Washington Examiner

The Ten Biggest Issues Elena Kagan Will Face | The New Republic

Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan - Ed Whelan - The Corner on National Review Online

Elena Kagan's youth and judicial inexperience recommend her for the Supreme Court. - By Emily Bazelon - Slate Magazine

Fouad Ajami: Islam's Nowhere Men - WSJ.com

Obama’s foreign policy, a year after Cairo : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - We Need Real Leadership to Put American Interests First

53 Hours: Faisal Shahzad's Near Disaster - Newsweek.com

ObamaCare's Phony Medicaid 'Deal' - WSJ.com

The onus is on Lib Dems. Do this Tory deal, or be consigned to irrelevance | Julian Glover | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Spring 2010

The Real Constitutional Crisis -Times Online

Editorial - The Anthem Saga - NYTimes.com

Toomey for the GOP: He can give Democrats a real run for the Senate

EDITORIAL: In bed with Fannie and Freddie - Washington Times

Budget looms over midterm elections - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Backers Say Gay Rights Bills Will Win in House - Roll Call

Sen. Bennett's loss means gap must be filled in Sen. McConnell's trusted team - TheHill.com

Wall Street Faces Call to Stop Betting Against Customers - WSJ.com


*Transcripts /9TH/Interview with Attorney General Eric Holder

Guests: Eric Holder and Rudy Giuliani

Guests: John Brennan; Senators Nelson & Shelby

Guests: John Brennan; Senators Dodd & Shelby (PDF)

*7TH/Obama's Remarks on the Monthly Jobs Numbers


*10TH/Politics Video:Kagan Praises Cameras In Supreme Courtroom

Barbara Walters Announces She Will Have Surgery On Heart Valve

Obama: Kagan Is "One Of The Nation's Foremost Legal Minds"

Lanny Davis: Kagan Is A "Strict Constructionist"

Sen. Leahy Praises Kagan, Eyes Summer Confirmation

Obama To Nominate Elena Kagan To Supreme Court

Harvard's Kagan Praises Obama, Speaks About Attending DNC Convention

Kagan: "Honored And Humbled" By Nomination

Scarborough On U.S. Drone Attacks In Pakistan: We Are "Just Dropping Bombs And Killing Families"

Teacher Says Student's Drawing Of American Flag Is "Offensive"

GOP Sen: Kagan Will Face Questions On Health Care Law

Hillary Clinton Warns Pakistan On "60 Minutes"

Spitzer: Kagan Would "Get the Fifth Vote"

Nancy Pelosi In Afghanistan: "Security, Security, Security"

*9TH/Defense Secretary Gates: We're Spending Too Much On Defense

Harry Reid: Republicans Are The "Anti-Immigrant Party"

Obama Compares Lynching, Desegregation To Passing Health Care Reform

Flashback: Hillary Clinton: Pakistan Must Crack Down on Terrorist "Safe Havens"

Holder: Arizona Immigration Law Not Racist

Flashback: Obama Advertises In Video Games During 2008 Election

Sen. Shelby On Future Of Terror Attacks

Ahmadinejad: US Is Isolated, Not Iran; They Can't Do Anything Without Iran

Newsweek Editor: Excessive Obama Coverage Didn't Hurt Magazine

Holder: Pakistani Taliban Behind Times Square Attack

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On NYC Car Bomb Attempt

TIME's Klein: Drudge, Huffington New Way At Looking At News

Rep. King: "We'll Face More And More Of These Domestic Attacks"

"This Week" Roundtable On Times Square Terror

Brennan On Terrorism: "We're Not Lucky, We're Good"

Holder: Updating Miranda Should Be Considered

Sen. Lieberman: "We Were Lucky"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On High Court Pick, Midterms

Obama Criticizes New Media, Ipads, Rumors

Giuliani: "The Entire Apparatus Needs To Be Fixed"

*8TH/Pelosi Instructs Cardinals, Bishops To Speak About Immigration Reform From The Pulpit

Sen. Bennett Blames "Toxic Environment" On Losing GOP Nomination

"FOX News Watch" On Motivation Behind Times Square Bomb Attempt

Obama Weekly Address: Health Reform Starts To Kick In

Sen. Shelby Gives GOP Address On Reforming The Financial System

Coulter On Media Sympathy For NYC Bomb Suspect

Can Europe Contain Greece's Debt Beast?

Retired Doctor Behind Anti-Obama Billboards Explains Purpose

Gov. Rendell: Specter Was Fighting For Democratic Values "All Along"

O'Reilly: The Stock Market Was "Manipulated" By "Wise Guys"

Christina Romer On "Severe" Unemployment

Krauthammer: If Obama Wants To "Leave A Mark" On Court, He'll Pick An African American


YouTube - Message to the Environmental Movement - Climategate


YouTube - Manning Predicts White Revolution


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Webster Tarpley Predicts End of The EURO on Alex Jones Tv

EclippTV :: Video :: 05.08.10 Webcast Q5 - The British vs Glass-Steagall

Four Acres and Independence – A Self-Sufficient Farmstead » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Tinfoil Hat News: Federal Reserve Kosher Financial Tsunami Drowns US

Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power

What Business is Wall Street In ? « blog maverick

Roy Tov – I Told You! On Rachel Corrie’s Assassin

6 "Non-Lethal" Weapons That'll Make You Wish You Were Dead | Cracked.com

If Marijuana Production Were Legal: Projected Tax Revenues, by State - 12160.org

U.S. Special Forces Slaughter Family In Afghanistan, Attempt Cover-Up

Greg Palast » Emperor Hickel: The Man Who Invented Alaska… and Sarah Palin

A Concurrence In The Case Against Elena Kagan | Emptywheel

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Goldman Sachs' Tentacles Now Likely to Reach Into Supreme Court

Faith In A Shadow: Early Christianity and the Hazard of Soap

Pledge of Allegiance? » Nationalist Coalition Blog

Mosaic of Lies, by Justin Raimondo

Kagan’s Goldman Ties Won’t Hurt Supreme Court Chances, White House Says

American Thinker: The Problems with Al Gore

Ron Paul: Euro Bailout Will Lead To Currency Collapse

Has Faisal Shahzad Started a War? by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

On The Hill: Kerry To Advance Climate Bill Minus Graham


BBC News - Chaotic polling problems lead to calls for e-voting


Bill Cunningham 5/9/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/9/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/9/10 Hour 3


Bill Cunningham 5/2/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/2/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/2/10 Hour 3


#Video: Pot Activists Trying To Enlist Moms

Video: Body May Be Missing California Nursing Student

Video: Preparing for Summer Travel Costs

Video: Christopher Nolan's Grand Scale 'Inception'

Video: Adopt Pets From 'A Forever Home'

SNTV - The stars give back to Nashville

Video: Man killed during officer-involved shooting at grocery store

Video: Peoria High School Locked Down

Video: Woman In High Speech Chase Speaks Out

Video: The Download - Sex Life Concerns

Teacher Deems Student’s American Flag Drawing ‘Offensive’

Pelosi: We Can’t Tell 12M Illegals ‘Go Back to Wherever You Came From or Go to Jail’

Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’

White House Ceremony: President Obama Nominates Elena Kagan to High Court

Caught on Video: Alligator Attacks ‘Swampmaster’ as Crowd Watches

Real or Viral Hoax?: ‘This Isn’t a Urinal Is It?’

Thousands of Feral Rabbits Plague Canadian Campus

What’s it Like Inside Hillary Clinton’s Office?

‘Wild Experience’: Fan Tased for Heckling Tiger Woods Bails Out

NBC News: Obama Picks Kagan as Next Supreme Court Justice

Obama Biographer: Has the President Given Up on Bipartisanship?

Couple Adopt Deaf Dog, Teach Him Sign Language

Bulletproof Glass Used on Lights at AZ Border

Injured Hiker Survives Five Days Stranded on Remote California Beach

Betty White Rocks SNL

AG Holder: Evidence Points to Pakistani Taliban in Car Bomb Case

Arpaio: Sharpton Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About

Lady Gaga Angers Lingerie Company Over Lost Loaners

New SEIU President Decries Legal Efforts to ‘Criminalize…New Immigrants’

Meet ‘Lucien’: CNN Interviews ‘Rent Boy’ About Trip With Religious Right Leader

Andy Rooney Tries to Comprehend Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber & Usher

1998 Video Resurfaces: Bronte Sisters Power Dolls TV Show Pitch

Golf Channel Announcer Has Graphic Freudian Slip on Tiger News

Bill Maher: Rush Limbaugh Says ‘F–ked Up S–t’ Just to Compete With Glenn Beck

Brian Williams: ‘The World Has No Money and the Emperor Has No Clothes’

FNC’s Baier: ‘It Is Strange Some of the Things That Come Out of the Administration’

‘SNL’ Host Betty White Takes on Jimmy Fallon in Beer Pong Rematch

FCC Web Rules Create Pushback

Shelby: Bank Bill Should Include Mortgage Firms

Mom: Suspect Stuffed Three-Year-Old in Freezer for Fun

Two Long Island Teens Arrested in Alleged School Massacre Plot

‘F****** Mexican’: Tearful Seattle Detective Apologizes for Ethnic Slurs Caught on Video

Pittsburgh Man Kidnapped, Assaulted With Dead Deer in Woods

Teacher Takes Students to Swim at Home After Fieldtrip

Obama: Health Care Reform Already Working

New McCain Ad: ‘Complete the Danged Fence’

2007 Flashback: ‘UCLA Professor’ Supports La Raza

Sen. Bob Bennett Ousted at Utah GOP Convention

Rep. Grayson Congratulates Americans on Ownership of Red Roof Inn

CNN’s Anderson Cooper Questions Army Lt. Col. Terry Lakin About ‘Birther’ Court Martial

Mini Cannon Packs Mini Punch

Graphic Video: Puck Hit Reportedly Ruptures NHL Player’s Testicle


Political correctness in the Marine Corps?

Obama picks Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

Obama working to keep Fed's secrets

Industry plan could put more porn Web

Will this simple action put an end to 'Obamnesty'?


*Exposed! Communists boast 'mentoring' David Axelrod


Lambs to the slaughter, Part 1

Give me liberty or …

The new abortion, Part 3


Conservatives turn to Internet radio - latimes.com

Supreme Court contender: 'Gay rights' champion

Obama picks Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

The Next Harriet Miers? - The Daily Beast

Times Square terrorist's mystery mosque found?

My Way News - White House says Pakistan Taliban behind NY bomb

Detainee: I'll skip trial if strip searches go on | Lake Wylie Pilot - Lake Wylie, SC

Cyber attack 'could fell US within 15 minutes' - Telegraph

Democrats See Hopes for West Dim in Colorado - NYTimes.com

Man explains purpose of controversial billboards - KLTV 7 News Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville |

WRAPUP 5-U.S. Gulf oil spill spreads west toward Texas | Reuters

La. to bulk-up islands ahead of slick - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Expert: Shroud 'actual burial cloth of Jesus'

Cardinal accuses Vatican official of abuse cover-up | Reuters

The Virginia Gazette, Williamsburg Virginia > Slide Show > He went through hell

AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era

Arizona governor hits back against Obama border remark on YouTube

Holder: Feds may sue over Arizona immigration law - CNN.com

Phoenix Business Journal: 'Viva los 1070' shirt rankles Suns security

The next Arizona earthquake

Feds move to cut off talk radio's backup plan

Myths and falsehoods about Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination | Media Matters for America

No indication cyberattack caused stock sell-off: U.S. | Reuters

Stories of teen's double life baffle friends | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Vandals mar new pedestrian bridge in Detroit | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Danger: robots with knives could attack humans accidentally - Telegraph

Fla. man prank calls Calif. police says he’s raping boy - BostonHerald.com

Louisville man going to prison for tattoo on tot - Canton, OH - CantonRep.com

Vandals slash tires at confirmation ceremonies

Lord Jesus Christ suffers minor injuries in downtown Northampton crosswalk mishap | Massachusetts Local News - MassLive.com

Pet Dementia Becoming More Common Among Dogs - cbs4denver.com

Save the planet on the low-carbon diet - News, Food & Drink - The Independent

Digital: Apparently Texting Can't Wait, Not Even During Sex - Advertising Age - News

Devastation of War: Archival Discovery Reveals a Ruined Berlin - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Buried by a Welsh beach for 60 years, the World War II fighter that has emerged from the seas | Mail Online

Teacher with rabbit phobia to sue 14-year-old for drawing bunny - Telegraph

Scientists zero in on ancient Land of Punt

Babylon ruins torn between preservation and profit

First pressurized water system in the Americas is found - latimes.com

Tegu in Florida: First tegu reptile, a South American species, spotted in Ocala National Forest - OrlandoSentinel.com

Lost in search of lunch: Rare Pacific whale spotted off Israel's coast - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Is Facebook a deal with the devil?

Cher's gender-swap son Chaz Bono is officially a man | Mail Online

Mission Mars: six men to spend 520 days in 1,000sq ft capsule - Telegraph

Shark's nasal plumbing gives it a nose for blood - life - 06 May 2010 - New Scientist

Another underage child star in sex movie

Don't surrender to high unemployment

RINOS' last stand in California

Surprise! Profiling works

I'm sick of it!

Carbon cred

Ego fest or words of inspiration?

Bombs for Moms | CommonDreams.org

Zakaria: Why Pakistan Keeps Exporting Jihad - Fareed Zakaria - Newsweek.com


American Minute for May 10th:William J Federer's American Minute

American Minute for May 9th:William J Federer's American Minute


video:God's Commandments: 9 out of 10 isn't bad, right?

video:The great, big God buffet

Sun's halo – 'gift from God,' 'end of days' or just pretty? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

6 days at the beginning of time

Is everyone looking for Noah's Ark in the wrong place?

Latest Noah's Ark 'just wood planted on Ararat'

*audio page:TRUTH2U: TRUTH2U - Joe Kovacs - Noah's Ark - 090510


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

What does Linda Lingle know?

NASCAR has new connection to Obama's birth certificate

Mainstream media: Tens of millions doubt Obama eligibility

CNN places eligibility in primetime spotlight

Is billboard campaign working?


Alex Jones - 2010-May-09, Sunday


Fingers to the Bone: Child Farmworkers in the United States

Debbie Schlussel: We’ve Officially Lost: US Pediatrician Assoc Approves “Pin-Prick” Female Genital Mutilation

How Much Does Climate Change Naturally?

Liberal Life on Other Planets

Tragedy at the Notorious Evin Prison-Execution of Five (5) More Political Prisoners in Iran

Government Funded Front Groups

Value Added Tax and Illegals

We All Know What Happens When You Assume

Why the Dithering about Invading Pakistan, Mr. President?

A question of “illegal voters”

Obama Choice for SCOTUS, Elena Kagan, Angers Pro-Troop Groups

San Francisco’s Unconstitutional Boycott

Secretary Napolitano Lost Credibility, Say Critics

Can the Republican Party Win the Black Vote?

Many Questions Surround Obama Awards

Carbon Capture & Burial – all Carbon Cemeteries are already Full

Presidential Chemo-phobia?

The Trojan Horse

Fight Agenda 21 or Lose Your Freedom

Terrorism Doesn’t Go Away When You Ignore It

Religion Invoked To Coax America’s Cultural Surrender

Conservatives Must Demand Honesty on Immigration Issues

A Reasonable Plan to End Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration: Is it Kind to be Cruel?

‘Media Matters’ Mutters About K-Lo Tweet: Is This Any Job For a Grownup?

Modus Operandi.

Nashville’s Under Water and Hollywood’s AWOL: When Will Bono Write a Song?

My Way News - Elena Kagan chosen by Obama for Supreme Court

Jews Back Kagan For Supreme Court - Interview With Kevin MacDonald PhD | Real Zionist News

BP Prepares Second Containment Dome for Gulf Spill (Update1) - BusinessWeek

Gulf Winds Turn on BP as Oil Containment Plan Snarls (Update2) - BusinessWeek

BP to try golf long shot to stop Gulf of Mexico oil leak (contains video)

BP chief reveals $10m daily clean-up bill - Telegraph

Tread carefully, Mr Obama. You need big oil (includes video)

Rig firm’s $270m profit from deadly spill - Times Online

US oil spill: fishermen raise alarm over chemical dispersants - Telegraph

Oil spill: US failing to tighten ecological oversight, say activists | Environment | The Guardian

US cannot afford another Afghanistan or Iraq, warns Defence Secretary - Telegraph

Barack Obama criticises iPod and Xbox era - Telegraph

A massacre of arabs masked by a state of national amnesia - Middle East, World - The Independent

President Karzai's brother accused of being challenge to stability | World news | The Guardian

Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up - Times Online

Piece of Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree to be carried into space - Telegraph

Athens unveils its first Holocaust memorial | World news | The Guardian

Iraq bombings, shootings kill at least 76 - latimes.com

'Fat tax' could be levied on junk food - Telegraph

Police staff 'hired' out to supermarkets and universities - Telegraph

NHS 'scaring patients into accepting electronic records database' - Telegraph