"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

08 May 2010


YouTube - Digital Enhancement Of Amateur Plane Crash Site Footage (w / English Subtitles) In Smolensk

Michael Chertoff, Master of the Cover-up

Whatever Happened to the Hole in the Ozone Layer? - Yahoo! News

savethemales.ca - Weaponized Music: MTV and the NWO

YouTube - Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets

Complete Neanderthal genome sequenced

video:Attempted Dome Placement Over Gusher

Gulf of Mexico oil slick: Sarah Palin fuels anti-British sentiment - Telegraph

Relatives of 7/7 victims criticise 'Four Lions' - Home News, UK - The Independent

Investigators seek money courier in NYC bomb plot | World news | guardian.co.uk

Pakistan Taliban conspired in plot to blow up car in Times Square, US officials believe | World news | The Guardian

Times Square suspect tells of dry-run for terror attack - Americas, World - The Independent

Airport security guard beats colleague over manhood jokes after walking through high-tech body scanner | Mail Online


YouTube - The Genetic Conspiracy (1/3) - about Monsanto

YouTube - The Genetic Conspiracy (2/3) - about Monsanto

YouTube - The Genetic Conspiracy (3/3) - about Monsanto


British settlers 'arrived in America before Pilgrim Fathers' - Telegraph

Worldwide web goes truly global with Arabic urls | Technology | The Guardian

AZ Hero Sheriff - Resist Marxist Takedown Of The US

The Neandertal Genome

savethemales.ca - Douglas Reed -- Hitler as "Jewish Messiah"

YouTube - Columbia Mo SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present

Fed Reserve Demands To Keep Its TOP SECRET STATUS

The Worst Natural Disasters Ever | LiveScience

Why I Appreciate Press TV

Unemployment Inches Up, But Payrolls Pop - Forbes.com

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Hollie Greig, Robert Green and Vote Fraud

Why Don't They Publish Us?

Oil-Contaminate Vessel Nears Seafloor - WSJ.com

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: fears over impact of 'untested' dispersant - Telegraph

Leading scientists condemn 'political assaults' on climate researchers | Environment | The Guardian

Analysis: the only certainty is another general election - Times Online

General 'tried to cover up truth about death of Rachel Corrie' - Middle East, World - The Independent

Deepwater Horizon Rig Disaster Threatens Drilling (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Elena Kagan Will Be Obama's Supreme Court Pick: Mike Allen [UPDATE]

Cops, Tasers And Steroids

Stock Market Collapse - More Goldman Rigging?

Fears mad cow disease may have killed Australian woman | Herald Sun

savethemales.ca - "Progress" = Satanic Possession of Mankind

The Associated Press: Oil spill may endanger human health, officials say

Toxic Oil Dispersant Used in Gulf Despite Better Alternative | Wired Science | Wired.com

What are we dumping into the Gulf to ‘fix’ the oil spill? | Grist

BP working hard to keep the damage hidden - Greenpeace USA Blog

Jesus Christ cartoon in development at Comedy Central – The Marquee Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Sun's halo – 'gift from God,' 'end of days' or just pretty? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Immunity & Sabotage

The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century.

Obama's pal part of federal probe :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: 44: Barack Obama


**Thomas Jefferson - Money & Banking**


YouTube - "Takin' Back Our Country" Joyce Shaffer

truthjihad.com blog: US Senator Barbara Boxer: Wellstone assassination was "a warning"

Meet the New Frontline Bloggers: Security Contractors | Danger Room | Wired.com

Pentagon: More Money for Weapons, Less for Troops -- News from Antiwar.com

Ellen Brown: Stock Market Collapse: More Goldman Market Rigging?

ah, mephistophelis.: Starting Over May Be Our Best Option

Is It Time for Law Abiding American Citizens to Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government? | Amped Status

SOUTH LEBANON: A Cup of Tea with Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

SOUTH LEBANON: The language of Zionism

US bill to link 'terror' to citizenship

Jobless woman finds generosity on the streets - CNN.com

Keeping America Safe: SWAT Team Storms Family Home, Shoots Pet Dogs, Over Small Bag Of Marijuana

MIA's Anti-Fascist Anti-War Anti-Racist Anti-Police-State Anti-Occupation Video "Born Free" DEFINITELY Has Something To Say

EclippTV :: Video :: America Treats Americans Like Crap...

EclippTV :: Video :: Southern Boys Show US Government How to Clean Up Oil With Hay!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Greg Palast Tells How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece on Alex Jones Tv

EclippTV :: Video :: Webster Tarpley - World economies in depression

EclippTV :: Video :: Are SWAT raids killing innocenct?

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - Secessionist Movement on the Rise?

Lieberman's Citizen-Stripping Bill "Unconstitutional" -- Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)

video:Copy Machines, a Security Risk?

John Williams: A Hyper-Inflationary Great Depression Is Coming - International Business Times

Senate Votes For Wall Street; Megabanks To Remain Behemoths

Mass. church to offer worship services for dogs

Is Faisal Shahzad Crazy? by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Consortiumnews.com:Key October Surprise Evidence Hidden

Bill Targets Citizenship of Terrorists’ Allies - NYTimes.com

Karzai Seeks Deal with Taliban | The Nation

Reporters Without Borders seems to have a geopolitical agenda



YouTube - Steven Seagal's Ending Speech from "On Deadly Ground"


Why Our Civilization's Video Art and Culture is Threatened by the MPEG-LA

Was Yesterday’s Stock Market “Glitch” Really Big Banking Blackmail? « American Everyman

kenny's sideshow: The Warning

Weeds Are Now Resisting Monsanto Weed Killer, Spurring Crisis in American Agriculture | Crooks and Liars

Interior Department Exempted BP Drilling From Environmental Review

How the Pentagon Is Cheating Wounded Vets -- Soldiers Aren't Disposable | World | AlterNet

Ventura County Reporter - Power To Speak

American's Journey: Video: Bomb Scare Slops the Hogs in New Hampshire Federal Fund Feeding Frenzy


Campaign for Rubashkin Paints Another View of Kosher Meat Scandal – Forward.com

YouTube - Rep. Andre Carson: Protesters are "One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security"

YouTube - Sanders Amendment Update

YouTube - Immigration Gumballs

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: Bernie Sanders Sells Out

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente: Crash of 2010 inevitable

EclippTV :: Video :: Land Management surprise inspection on oil rig 2 hours before it exploded!

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: Greece II

Facebook's new features secretly add apps to your profile | Social Media | Macworld

Fox News Caught Aggregating Others Copyrighted Photographs... Something Murdoch Insists Is Illegal | Techdirt

Woman says she became pregnant after watching porn in 3D

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul: Greece is just the beginning!

Can We Talk?

Audit the Fed Amendment Modified – Allows Fed To Keep Secrets | Ron Paul .com


The American Expatriation Guide

*26 pg/American Expatriation Guide


Mr. President: Unplug the F*ing Computers - The Market Ticker ®

James M. Taylor: Cap and trade -- taxing our way to bankruptcy - Wednesday, May. 5, 2010

Righteous Jews vs. the New Afrikaners" : Information Clearing House - ICH

Kim Jong-il opens door for disarmament talks - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

IAEA presses Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open up its nuclear facilities for inspection

IAEA: Pressure on Israel to disclose its unacknowledged nuclear arsenal

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

Will the World’s Governments Learn from the Greek Crisis? | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Nuclear agency set to focus on Israel - Yahoo! News

General 'tried to cover up truth about death of Rachel Corrie' - Middle East, World - The Independent

Experts: Obama Admin Pioneering Robust Use Of Miranda Exception In Terrorism Cases (VIDEO) | TPMMuckraker

Special Report: Rapid growth of militias feeds off politics | Reuters

Since spill, feds have given 27 waivers to oil companies in gulf | McClatchy

The Mother of All Bubbles: Huge National Debts Could Push Euro Zone into Bankruptcy - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

U.S. should prepare for a cyber attack that will ruin the country in just 15 MINUTES, expert warns | Mail Online

truthjihad.com blog: A generals' revolt against Zionist domination of US policy?

t r u t h o u t | Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist

*Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve 41:25


*All In One Chunk - 9/11 Basic Questions-WRH 9/11 Index-Questions for Michael Moore

*Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies


EclippTV :: Video :: Obama Got Some Explaining To Do!


TIGTA Identifies Widespread Noncompliance With IRA Rules


*site:U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)


ZoNation: A Lil’ Somethin’ On Illegal Immigration

Daily Gut: Laughable MSM Coverage of Times Square Terror

Movie Bloopers From 1936 (Mildly NSFW)

REVIEW: ‘Iron Man 2′ Is Only Good Enough

REVIEW: New ‘Nightmare’ Not Worth Your Time

REVIEW: Michael Caine’s ‘Harry Brown’ Is My Kind of Vigilante

Despite SNL, Betty White still can’t beat out Betty Crocker : Beatweek Magazine

New Lindsay Lohan track leaks online - Music

Christina Aguilera Named WFP Hunger Ambassador - ABC News

Lady GaGa and Adam Lambert seeing equal opportunity censorship? : Beatweek Magazine

Josh Brolin Says ‘Men In Black 3′ Script Is ‘Really, Really Good’

News - Michelle McGee: I Had Sex With Jesse James Out of "Boredom" - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com

Rights Double-Talk

Court-Packing, Chicago-Style

God Bless Alan Grayson, Blind Squirrel

Judge’s Ruling a Victory for Hutaree and Free Speech

Global Warming: The Issue Is Not the Issue

National Day of Prayer is about American Beginnings … So, What are the Courts Saying about America’s Future?

Debt-Deflation-Contagion Panic: It’s a Bloody Mess

Repeal Arizona’s Immigration Law: It Only Harms Arizona

Reason.tv: Is The Tea Party Movement Racist?

Main Street vs. Wall Street

CRS Confirms: People Will Avoid the Individual Mandate

Financial Crisis 101

Barney Frank (Video): Tip-Toeing Through the Tulips While the Housing Bubble Burst

Dear Barack: Is the US Still an Ally of Israel?

Why Dems Are in Trouble in Illinois

Breaking: Obama Administration Removed Faisal Shahzad From Terror Surveillance List Before Attack

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Washington Post Blogger Must Not Read His Own Paper

L.A. Times Fails To Endorse Barbara ‘Call Me Senator’ Boxer On Grounds Of Stupidity

A Smoking Gun: Coverage Of Arizona Immigration Law Exposes MSM Bias

Stop the Presses! Associated Press Discovers Epidemic Of Diaper Rash As Feds Investigate

Diabolical Tea-Partiers Take Leaf from MSM Playbook, Fake Own Astroturf

E. J. Dionne’s Ode To the Wonders of Government Twists Reality

Useful Idiots: Selective Outrage

Not-Dead-Yet Newsweek Asks a Good Question: Where’s the Coverage Of the Nashville Flood?

Inspector Robinson-Clouseau Rides to Arizona’s Rescue

YouTube - Anti-Arizona Protest Ties Up Downtown L.A.

YouTube - Minuteman and Tea Party protest of May Day Illegal Immigrants in San Francisco, May 1, 2010


YouTube - Senator Boxer Accused of Race Politics

YouTube - Senator Barbara Boxer: "Don't Call Me Ma'am" - General Michael Walsh


YouTube - NewsBusted 5/7/10


Defending a Local Business From Union Tactics, Part 1

Defending a Local Business From Union Tactics, Part 2


Fat Fingers, Unemployment, and Greece

* The New Ledger - audio page


Ricochet Podcast #15: A White Coat Hypertension

*Ricochet - audio page


For Conservative Movie Lovers: D. W. Griffith, Lillian Gish, and ‘Broken Blossoms’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: D. W. Griffith, Lillian Gish, and ‘Broken Blossoms’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: D. W. Griffith, Lillian Gish, and ‘Broken Blossoms’ Part 3


05-08-2010: Canadian journalists cannot protect sources: top court

05-08-2010: Food-stamp tally nears 40 million, sets record

05-08-2010: Medvedev: Chances of New World War Exist

05-07-2010: Americans "bombarded" with cancer sources: report

05-07-2010: 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Peru

05-07-2010: Don't pay by cash or check: Use your cell phone instead

05-07-2010: Plunge In U.S. Equities Remains A Mystery

05-07-2010: Number of Soldiers Seeking Opiate Abuse Treatment Skyrockets

05-07-2010: Abandoned Cooler With Water Bottles And Books Leads To Closures At 46th Street & Broadway

05-07-2010: CME Issues Press Release, Confirms No Fat Finger

05-07-2010: NASDAQ Cancels Trades Of 296 Stocks

05-07-2010: UK: Voters declare their anger as thousands are turned back at polling station door

05-07-2010: Plan for Congressional Audits of Fed Dies in Senate

05-07-2010: 8 Theories For Why The Stock Market Plunged Almost 1000 Points In A Matter Of Minutes On May 6th

05-07-2010: Christian leader tells ‘rentboy’ not to talk to the press

05-07-2010: Sen. Shelby: Financial Reform Violates Privacy

05-07-2010: Women are waiting longer to have children in the U.S. - and a record 41% are unmarried

05-07-2010: Arizona to eliminate speed cameras on highways

05-07-2010: Amazing Audio From The S&P 500 Pits As The Market Goes Into Complete Collapse

05-07-2010: CNBC’s Bartiromo: ‘That is Ridiculous. This Really Sounds Like Market Manipulation to Me’

05-06-2010: CIA drones have broader list of targets

Medvedev: Chances of New World War Exist

The “Real” Unemployment Rate Jumps To 17.1%

CME Issues Press Release, Confirms No Fat Finger: Will CNBC Issue Retraction For Repeated Factless Rumor Dissemination?

Stock Market Collapse: More Goldman Market Rigging

Untapping the EU-US trade potential: Taking the Transatlantic Economic Council forward

The Cover-up: BP’s Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster

8 Theories For Why The Stock Market Plunged Almost 1000 Points In A Matter Of Minutes On May 6th

CIA allowed to kill terrorist suspects without identification

Pelosi: Treating Drug Use Here Cheaper Than Stopping Drugs at Border

Faisal Shahzad on Homeland Security List Since 1999

New recycling bins with tracking chips coming to Virginia

New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet Access

Why Did CBS Scrub A Story About Army Spy Planes Capturing the Times Square Bomber?

When Will Tim Geithner, Who Has The "Biggest Conflict Of Interest", Recuse Himself Of Fed Audit Deliberations?

Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

U.S. Food Prices ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

Blackberry 'predicted a century ago' by pioneering physicist Nikola Tesla

What I Learned in Afghanistan - About the United States

The Downward Slope of Empire

Would You Put Up With What is Being Asked of the Greek People?

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America


*Full Video of Speech of Ahmadinejad to UN


Nine Out of 10 Americans Say Secure Border

*VIDEO: Michelle Obama Says Barack's 'Home' Is Kenya

Privacy Groups Go After Facebook

Beginning of End for Internet Explorer

John Bolton: Obama Trying to Rid Israel of Nukes

The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century.

Gulf Oil Spill: The Halliburton Connection

AllGov - Army Gives KBR No-Bid Contract in Iraq Hours after Justice Dept. Joins Anti-KBR Kickback Suit

AllGov - President’s Cancer Panel: Cancer Caused by Contaminants “Grossly Underestimated”

AllGov - U.S. Arrests Guatemalan Mass Murderer in Florida

AllGov - Pentagon Bans 4 Reporters from Guantánamo Trial

AllGov - Don’t Reform Campaign Financing Behind Closed Doors: Jeff Patch

Signs of Neanderthals Mating With Humans - NYTimes.com

End of unemployment checks will mean no income for many | McClatchy

Kim Jong-Il In Beijing 'As Troops Gather' - Yahoo! News UK

The Woodrow Wilson Center desecrates its namesake’s legacy and violates its congressional mandate

The triple curse of the corporate climate bill

What happens to all that uranium?

On Iran, the U.S. is painting itself into a political and moral corner

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

The "Gentle" Power of Choice Architecture

Paper reveals EU plan to boost GM crop cultivation

Russia Says Genetically Modified Foods are Harmful - Third generation of hamsters fed GM food are sterile

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Obama's Supreme Court Pick Imminent; Kagan the Favorite

Obama: Authorities Investigating Wild Market Swing

Over 20 Candidates Sign 'Contract From America'

GOP to Insist on 10th Amendment

Justice Stevens Decries Push for Nominees' Views

Hillary Not Interested in Supreme Court

Sen. Shelby: Bank Bill Should Include Mortgage Firms

Hillary Warns Pakistan of 'Severe Consequences'

Army to Accept Comments On 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

De Borchgrave : Pakistan a 'Nursery' for Terrorism

Graham: 'Impossible' to Pass Climate Bill Now

Times Square Suspect Inspired by Cleric

Holder Defends Mirandizing Times Square Bomber

Pieces Still Missing in NYC Car Bomb Plot Puzzle

Obama Says Healthcare Law Already Helps Millions

Petraeus: Times Square Bomber Likely Acted Alone

Bubble of Methane Triggered BP Oil Rig Blast

Mexican Schools Halt Exchanges Over Ariz. Law

Box to Contain Oil Leak Touches Down On Gulf Floor

Report Finds It Wasn't Just a 'Mancession'

Like a Video Game: Big Box Lowered Over Gulf Well

La. Wildlife Refuge Closed As Oil Advances

More of Gulf Closed to Fishing Because of Spill

Suggestive GOP Ad Attacks Ohio Dem Hopeful

Chicken Quip Grounds High-Flying Senate Candidate

Ensign Under Scrutiny On Fundraising Efforts

Poizner, Whitman Risk Being Too Right for California

Incumbency Encumbers Utah Senator

Cleric: Iran Belongs in World's 'Nuclear Club'

Fed's Plosser: Greece Crisis Threatens US Recovery

High-Speed Trading Glitch Costs Investors Billions

Cherries Are Powerful Anti-inflammatories

Newton's Apple Tree Bound for Gravity-Free Space

De-Cluttering Your Digital Life Can Set You Free

Wash. Supreme Court Upholds Web Filtering Policy

Fallon Says He Hopes to Keep the Emmys Classy

Judge Judy Trumps Oprah in Ratings

What al-Qaida Learned From Times Square Plot

Terrorists Shift to Sniper-Like Attacks on U.S.

Exposing Namby-Pamby Tack on Radical Islam

Liberal Media Misshapes the Facts on Obama Approval

Columnist Cohen Maligns Newt Gingrich

Obama Motivated by Leftist Voters

Obama Reform Will Enable Another Goldman Sachs

Ally (GMAC) Bank's Bailout Deceptions

History Through Theodore Roosevelt's Eyes

Glenn Beck Should Revere Theodore Roosevelt


*8 PART /Video: Gerald Celente On The Alex Jones Show – Stock Market; War; Terror « Dprogram.net


1000 Architects/Engineers and 100 Firefighters Expose 9/11 Myths at San Francisco Bay Area Events - Forbes.com

YouTube - Ron Paul's What If ? Remastered

U.S. should prepare for a cyber attack that will ruin the country in just 15 MINUTES, expert warns | Mail Online

Climate change bill to be unveiled without key GOP supporter - CNN.com

'Greece being forced to buy arms'

YouTube - Seattle Cop's Tearful Apology For Beating An Innocent Man


Militarized SWAT Drug Raids on the Rise

YouTube - A Dire Warning from Dr. Ron Paul

Audio Link : Amazing Audio From The S&P 500 Pits As The Market Goes Into Complete Collapse

YouTube - Marc Faber On Dow Plunge

YouTube - Ron Paul on FOX News 05/06/10

YouTube - World economies in depression

YouTube - Ron Paul Money Isn't Worth What It Used To Be!

Bankers Laughing All the Way to the Bank

CNSNews.com - Sen. Shelby: Financial Reform Violates Privacy

Franklin Graham: ‘God Used’ Judge Who Ruled National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional ‘to Accomplish His Purposes’

Conservative Legal Expert Warns That Obama’s Court Pick Does Matter, but Not Everyone on the Short List is ‘Equally Bad’

There 'Will Be' a National Day of Prayer Next Year, Regardless of Courts, Says Organizer

92 Percent of Americans Believe in God; Only 5 Percent Oppose National Day of Prayer

Sen. Cornyn: Need ‘More Boots on the Ground,’ ‘Better Technology,’ and Infrastructure to Secure Border

Reid: ‘Someone’ Should Offer Amendment to Financial Reform Bill to Prevent Treasury From Accessing Financial Records of Law-Abiding Citizens

Record Number of Islamic Nations, Fewer ‘Free’ Countries, Coming to U.N. Human Rights Council

Opponents of Religion in Inaugurations Lose Fight

Utility Agrees to Buy Power from Cape Wind

Kerry, Lieberman Press Climate Bill without Graham

Immigration Reform Will Require ‘Act of Political Leadership,’ Says Head of Customs and Border Protection

Ex-Inmate with Bad Gums Can Sue over No Toothpaste

TV Academy Honors ‘Television With A Conscience’

Franklin Graham Prays at Pentagon, Says 'Islam Got a Pass'

Health Care: Could Cash Control Costs?

The Go-Fly List for Terrorists

Fox Television’s Dung Pile

Senate Rejects Consumer Amendment to Overhaul Bill - BusinessWeek

US Stocks Drop For Fourth Consecutive Session - MarketWatch

House panel to hold hearing on stock market plunge - MarketWatch

Afghanistan's Karzai to ask Obama for billions more to fight Taliban - Telegraph

Health care reform: What will it cost?

Economy Kept On Life Support While Global Governance Is Organized : Neithercorp Press

In Financial Collapse Gold and Silver Offer Protection | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Inflation and Bailouts Go Hand in Hand | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

cryptogon.com » Bank Risk Soars to Record, Default Swaps Overtake Lehman Crisis

Georgia militia member arrested while trying to free fellow birther | Raw Story

More Than 2M Gallons of Oil-Water Mix Collected

Injuries as Staten Island Ferry Hits N.Y. Dock

Coroner: Divers Recover Kayaker's Body in Ky.

`How Long a Wait?' Ban Asks About Nuke Test Treaty

Palestinian Approval Opens Door to Mideast Talks

Violence Raises Tensions as Thai Protests Drag On

Palestinians Agree to New Peace Talks With Israel

Pope Accepts Resignation of German Bishop in Sex Probe

CA Highway Patrol Officer Killed in Plane Crash

Obama Touts Healthcare in New Bid to Ease Doubts

Ex-Interior Sec Walter Hickel Dies at 90

Pakistan Says Nuclear Safety Concerns Addressed

Gates Steps up Campaign to Slash Defense Waste

Questions in N.Y. Car Bomb Plot Puzzle

Video Shows Seattle Police Kicking Suspect

Spill Could Devastate U.S. Gulf Coast Oyster Reefs

Rasta Inmates Spend 10 Years in Isolation for Hair

Life Sentence for Wash. Man Who Killed 2 With Ax

2 NY Teens Arrested in Plot to Attack High School

Arrest History Allowed in Transit Shooting Case

Army to Accept Comments on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Another Day, Another Scare in a Cautious New York

Rape Suspect Eyed in Attacks in Mo., Calif.

Court Overturns 17-Year Sentence for Oregon Man

Blagojevich Attys Ask Appeals Court to Delay Trial

Mexican Schools Halt Exchange Programs Over AZ Law

AZ Debate Shows Low Profile of Latino Leadership

Montana, Idaho Consider Increased Wolf Hunt Quotas

Fight Looms on Plan to Abandon Nuke Waste Facility

Clinton: "Severe Consequences" in Case of Attack

Phoenix Police Fatally Shoot Homicide Suspect

Police: No Criminal Intent in NH Bus Bomb Scare

Ill. Rail Chief Dies in Apparent Suicide by Train

Ala. Researchers Find Oil Chunks Approaching Coast

LA Council Agrees to Draft Partial Rent Hike Ban

Utah Students Pull Goodbye Prank in Campus Paper

Sean Hannity calls for Obama to "step up or step aside" -- just because. No really.

Are You Buying Your Gas From BP Or One Of Their Subsidiaries?

Russian Report: The 1980 'October Surprise' Was Indeed A Deal Made By The Republicans.

Sen. Franken Proposes Amendment to End 'Too Big to Fail' Rating Agencies

As It Looked In Greece In 1947 - Civil War And A $400 Million Aid Package

It Would Be Irresponsible Not To Speculate, Part 2: No Confirmation Yet of Terrorist Training for Times Square Bomber

Huge support for the Suns' Arizona protest, but a Joe Arpaio fan desecrates Steve Nash poster at Suns game

Pew Survey: 70% Of Americans Have Financial Problems, Up 9% from 2009. Meanwhile, Congress Ignores Unemployment Crisis.

Matalin: It's 'Nutty' to Blame Wall Street for Greece's Problems -- and the Clinton Economy Was Result of Reaganomics

Tea Party Woodstock Slated for 9/11 Anniversary

BP Was Drilling In A Mine Field! Gulf of Mexico Is Major Dumping Ground For Unexploded Bombs.

Fox News grotesquely smears immigrants by blaming them for over 2,000 deaths annually -- based on wild speculation

Head of the St. Louis Tea Party vows to "destroy the left"

Is this the first case of murder over Arizona's SB 1070?

Kit Bond Apparently Isn't Too Fond of American Citizens Having the Right to an Attorney Either

FreedomWorks grows grassroots for BP drilling initiatives

The Senate Hearts Big Banking! They Voted To Protect Behemoth Banks, 61-33. We Won't Forget.

When a Fox Host and Joe Scarborough are Trashing Your Talking Points You've Got Problems

David Obey: I Would Have Retired a Long Time Ago If Not For Meeting With Bush After 9-11

Hugh Hewitt exposes the true feelings of the far right as he discusses the Rule of Law: 'That's just cliche'

Sarah Palin endorses Carly Fiorina, giving her the Facebook Kiss of Death

O'Reilly and Co. want everyone to declare Islam 'the enemy'

Stocks plunge nearly 1000 points on faulty P&G price; Jim Cramer nearly melts down

Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Chris Webber blast Arizona's SB 1070 and their own TNT reporter during "Los Suns" Game

Lindsey Graham Opines Over Constitutional Rights of Gun Owners: Terrorism Suspects Not So Much

Rupert Murdoch says Fox is winning the ratings wars because all the other media are so liberal

Republicans Care About the Constitution When it Comes to Guns, but Not Citizenship

Mr. President: Time to Take the Wheel on Net Neutrality

Enough with the whining! 'Teabaggers' actually introduced the term they now claim is a slur

CBS claims Shahzad on "Homeland Security List" 3 years before there was a Homeland Security List

Lieberman to Propose Citizenship-Stripping Law

What Are Erik Prince and Blackwater Doing In Pakistan? Maybe Someone Should Ask.

GOP:Obama’s ‘New Normal’ Is Unacceptable

TBO.com - Ill. rail chief dies in apparent suicide by train

TBO.com - Sleepwalking claimed by Colo. teen in killing case

Breitbart.tv » Arizona Governor Has Serious Video Message for President Obama

Burst of hiring aids recovery, but long slog ahead - Yahoo! Finance

White House doesn't rule out sabotage in Thursday's wild Wall Street plunge - TheHill.com

FT.com / Markets / US - Plunge in US equities remains a mystery

Pentagon asking Congress to hold back on generous increases in troop pay

In Hawaii, intraparty feud may cost Democrats a seat in Congress

Michelle gears up for campaign role - Glenn Thrush and Amie Parnes - POLITICO.com

6 will be tried in mob incident against Modesto police officer - Crime & Courts - Modbee.com

Jolly Rancher lands Fort Bend County third-grader in detention for a week | khou.com | Khou.com - News, Houston news, Texas News, Headlines

High-End Homeowners Falling Into Foreclosure Trap - CNBC

Thousands unable to vote as polling stations fail to cope - contains video

Ash cloud closes 19 Spanish airports, could spread | Reuters

Video shows Seattle police kicking suspect - Boston.com

YouTube - I'm Going To Beat The Fucking Mexican Piss Out Of You! Seattle Police Brutalize Innocent Man

My Way News - AP INVESTIGATION: Blowout preventers known to fail

Natural Health from A to Z - Confused About Natural Weight-Loss Supplements?

How to Plan a Funeral | The Art of Manliness

1789 by Jim Davies

Statism Is Safer for the Environment? by Karen Kwiatkowski and Walter Block

Is Sovereign Debt Crisis Contained to Subprime? by Peter Schiff

Murder as a Punchline by William Norman Grigg

How To Run a Federal Budget Surplus by Gary North

Gold Report - John Williams: A Hyper-Inflationary Great Depression Is Coming

The Associated Press: UK's Prince Harry to fly Apache attack helicopters

Taiwan's economy policy should not focus only on GDP growth: scholars - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

BBC News - Demo outside Lib Dem meeting demands electoral reform

PLO OKs Indirect Talks With Israel | Middle East | English

Iran mulls uranium exchange

The Associated Press: Taliban threaten new attacks in Afghanistan

Chinese president calls for correct view of history

A Celebration Is Haunted by the Ghost of Stalin - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Violence as Lithuania gay pride march goes ahead

Pope accepts resignation of German bishop - BusinessWeek

The Associated Press: Pakistan tests 2 missiles, wants nuke recognition

AFP: Nigerian leader pays respects late president's family

YouTube - Ethiopia conveys condolences over death of Ya'adua

Daily Pilot - Serving Newport Beach & Costa Mesa, California

Gibbs Gaggle Highlights « Row 2, Seat 4

White House: Now Is Most Ripe Time For Energy Reform

Anatomical ridicule raises body-scanning concerns - CNN.com

YouTube - Genital Joke Reportedly Sparked TSA Agent Fight

Last weeks of GOP Senate primary race focus on Democrat Boxer - latimes.com

In a time of anti-government fury, is mild man Tom Campbell electable? - San Jose Mercury News

The Associated Press: Some Palin Facebook fans unhappy with endorsement

Financial reform bill takes shape as decision looms on 'Fed audit' - CSMonitor.com

Illinois' lawmakers paralysis on budget driven by dysfunction, election - chicagotribune.com

Pentagon asking Congress to hold back on generous increases in troop pay

Sestak Leads Specter for First Time in Pennsylvania Senate Race

The Associated Press: Shelby: Bank bill should include mortgage firms

YouTube - Shelby: Bank Bill Should Include Mortgage Firms

New Reports of Trouble in George Huguely's Past - The Early Show - CBS News

New Justice to Confront Evolution in Powers - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Age, gender could tip balance in high court pick

Elena Kagan's words on Supreme Court hearings may haunt her - latimes.com

Arizona immigration law: Residents demand that district defy Senate Bill 1070

U.S. laws blamed for migrant deaths - USATODAY.com

FOXNews.com - Fox News Poll: Arizona Was Right to Take Action on Immigration

Bombing Suspect Followed All Rules for Citizenship - NYTimes.com

Brown wants citizenship revoked for terror ties - The Boston Globe

Two sides of Michelle Obama: Savvy campaigner and down-home Everywoman

YouTube - First Lady Lauds Her 'Mommy' for Mother's Day

YouTube - Obama: Health Care Reform Already Working

FBI in Pakistan Investigating Possible Shahzad Ties - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Getting Started with Firefox

Newsweek Squeak

EDITORIAL: Obama's good luck terrorism strategy - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - L.A. Times Declines to Endorse Sen. Boxer in California Primary

Confidence Improves, But Trust Hurts Obama - Hotline On Call

Dems may abandon House race in Hawaii - Yahoo! News

Ariz. governor rejects delay of immigration law - Yahoo! News

GilroyDispatch.com | American flag shirts ignite firestorm

FOXNews.com - Islam Becomes Taboo Topic on TV in Wake of 'South Park' Threats and Times Square Scare

NYPD Officer Emmanuel Tavarez sold out badge to crime crew that posed as cops, feds charge

Al Franken takes over the U.S. Senate floor to explain a newspaper cartoon to the waiting nation | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Survivor Tere Duperrault Fassbender Breaks Silence on the Bluebelle Tragedy - AOL News


5/4/10 - Savage rips the media's coverage of the Times Square Bomber ....

The Prescience of Michael Savage









YouTube - Ingraham and Hitchens Go Toe to Toe

YouTube - Christopher Hitchens on marijuana legalization

What does it mean to be a 'nation of immigrants?'

Deport Anchor Babies

Government Must Be Honest, to Solve Problems

A Nation of Lawbreakers

Free Software and Tech Progress

Dissonance and Victimhood

American Fossil Fuels: The New Alternative Energy Source

San Francisco's Unconstitutional Arizona 'Boycott'

Obama's Burden of Brightness

Good news and bad news on jobs numbers

'There will not be an apology'

Feds to solve problem of children not fishing and hunting enough

Cinco de Mayo, Ocho de Mayo

Racial Profiling; if you can't find any, organize some

Net Neutrality War Heats Up

Slamming Israel in NY Times' 'Jerusalem Journal'

The view from across the pond

Government as bully - microchips in recycling bins?

$100 million mosque slated for site near Ground Zero

NBA All-Star and Canadian Steve Nash should worry about discrimination in his own country

'Vote for the Crook. It's Important.'

Defining Dumbness Down

Italy's Littlest Angel

What We Lost on the Border

A Tale of Two Car Bombs

The Arizona Desert and Its People

Coyotes in New York City Lead Surge in Urban Wildlife | LiveScience

Curses! Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his astounding death car | CFI Blogs

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Unseen Neighbors: Intimations of Another Reality?

Museum Explores History of Jersey Devil -- Could It Be Real? - AOL News

Bladeless wind turbine inspired by Tesla

Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans - life - 06 May 2010 - New Scientist

Six-year-old saved from dropping to his death by his ears - Telegraph

In search of the skunk ape » Big Story » Valdosta Daily Times

Spaceship 'salad units' to farm special astro strawberries • The Register

Inhalable Measles Vaccine Set to Debut in First Human Trials | Popular Science

SPACE.com -- Is a New Space Weapon Race Heating Up?

NASA team cites new evidence that meteorites from Mars contain ancient fossils

Seven wonders of the quantum world - New Scientist

CBC News - North - North Pole rainfall 'bizarre': climatologist

BBC News - African rocks record ancient magnetic field

Ptolemaic statue and temple gate discovered at Taposiris Magna - News, Archaeology - The Independent

'Pixie Dust' made from pig bladders regrows limbs of wounded soldiers | Mail Online

SPACE.com -- Two Black Holes Found Hard to Kill

Hawking: Time travel will happen | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Political Bookworm - Reagan and the occult

American Chronicle | Extraterrestrials in the news, and maybe in America

FT.com / Columnists / GillianTett - Investors fear uncertainty cubed

Times Square Bomber Shahzad Linked to Imam al-Awlaki - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Health Care Promises Already Busted

Terror attacks raise tension between Obama and GOP | Washington Examiner

Who leads the Democrats if they lose the House? - War Room - Salon.com

The American Spectator : Ford Is a Better Idea

Op-Ed Columnist - Leading With Two Minds - NYTimes.com

Not Britain's Finest Hour | By Gerard Baker - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - What Britain Taught Us

How Greece's Crisis Could Wreck the Euro - Newsweek.com

We're bailing out Greece - NYPOST.com

Origin of Wall Street’s Plunge Continues to Elude Officials - NYTimes.com

Coming Soon: The Real Stock Disaster - The Daily Beast

The Crisis Comes Ashore | The New Republic

Expeditionary Economics | Foreign Affairs

Engagement: Obama's foreign policy tool - latimes.com

The American Spectator : Obama's Ostrich Strategy

Op-Ed Columnist - The Tea Party Tries to Outrun Race - NYTimes.com

Dana Milbank - Rep. Norm Dicks is about to go from Mr. Boeing to Mr. Spending

RealClearPolitics - What Motivates Obama: Left Wing Turnout

Op-Ed Columnist - Bloody Urban Landscapes - NYTimes.com

Curse the Suns for becoming political

Yes We Can -Times Online

Finally, economy finding its footing - The Denver Post

The failure of too big to fail | The Platform | STLtoday

SEALs 3, Pentagon 0 - NYPOST.com

Obama to Seek More Power to Cut Spending From Bills - NYTimes.com

Immigration overhaul: Sen. Menendez chides Obama; Sen. Schumer appeals to Arizona governor - latimes.com

Nancy Pelosi pals gain power in House - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Senator Modifies Proposal to Audit Fed - WSJ.com


*7TH/Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the Monthly Jobs Numbers

*6TH/Panel on the Politics of Times Square

Senator Bennett on His Primary Fight

Krugman & Barbera on the Greek Debt Crisis

Interview with Rep. Charlie Rangel

Interview with BP CEO Tony Hayward

Vice President Biden's Remarks to the European Parliament

Causes of the Financial Crisis and the Case for Reform

Holder's Testimony to Appropriations Subcommittee


*8TH/Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address: Health Reform Starts To Kick In

Retired Doctor Behind Anti-Obama Billboards Explains Purpose

Gov. Rendell: Specter Was Fighting For Democratic Values "All Along"

O'Reilly: The Stock Market Was "Manipulated" By "Wise Guys"

Christina Romer On "Severe" Unemployment

Krauthammer: If Obama Wants To "Leave A Mark" On Court, He'll Pick An African American


*7TH/AZ-Gov: Brewer Attacks Obama Over Immigration

NV-Sen: Lowden Responds To Attacks From Reid

Pro-Mexican Flag Students Protesting American Flag Assail Man In Wheelchair

Student: "I Never Thought I'd Be On National Television For Wearing An American Flag Shirt"

Matthews To GOP Strategist: "Why Do You Keep Bitching?"

MI-Gov: Rick Snyder Calls Himself "One Tough Nerd"

Blankfein Struggles To Answer Question About Contacts With Treasury

AR-Sen: SEIU Runs Negative Ad Against Lincoln Over Wall St., Jobs

Newsweek Editor Makes Plea For Magazine: I'm Going To "Fight" That We Have A "Future"

Palin: America Is A Christian Nation

MSNBC's Matthews Floats Conspiracy That Cheney Contributed To Oil Spill

RNC's Steele To MSNBC's Mitchell: "Stop With The Democrat Talking Points"

Janet Napolitano: "This Was An Attempted Terrorist Attack"

Gov. Barbour: Oil Spill Is Not "Armageddon" Or A "Catastrophe"

Chris Matthews Makes Rallying Cry For GOPers Who Disagree With That "Large Man" Rush Limbaugh

UK: The Story Of Election Night

Obama: Job Numbers "Very Encouraging"

CA-Sen: Republican Candidates Debate

Obama Economic Adviser Romer: "The Private Sector's Coming Back"

NBC Reporter To Black Republican: Are You Aligning Yourself With The "Racism" In The Tea Party?

Krauthammer: "Saving The Greeks By Helping The IMF Is The Right Thing To Do"

Matthews: America Can Learn Something From The Brits

Olbermann: Jindal Makes Hypocritical Plea For Help

O'Reilly: "Craven Politicians And Dishonest Media" Dividing Americans On Immigration


DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:YouTube Child Abuse: Creepy Parents Parade Their Kids as Beyonce, Lady Gaga

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:Who is Jerry Joseph a/k/a Guerdwich Montimere? Mysterious Illegal Alien Basketball Player Dupes ICE Fingerprint Database

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:That’s Conservative?: Palinmessiah Endorses Jesse Jackson Pal/Fan of Islam, Iran, Amnesty for US Senate

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL:De Niro, Other Celebs Mock Ariz Immigration Law in Pro-Illegal Alien Video


Political correctness in the Marine Corps?

Media neutrality and open-mindedness

Obama working to keep Fed's secrets

Industry plan could put more porn Web

College backtracks on discipline for prayer


WND ON THE AIR WorldNetDaily Exclusive Aaron Klein on Fox News' 'Geraldo at Large'


Feds move to cut off talk radio's backup plan


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 9.9% unemployment: 'Not good news'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Wall Street: Why so jittery?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Conservatives on brink in U.K.


VIDEO:PJTV - Former US General Warns of Chemical Attacks Against Israel

Divided U.S. sounds off on Obama revelations!

When America began its descent

Arizona governor hits back against Obama border remark on YouTube

The next Arizona earthquake

The Real Reason You're Fat...

Report calls tea-party supporters 'insurgents'

Obama 'Internet czar' linked to 'Net neutrality' effort

Peanut butter rains from heavens

CNSNews.com - Obama Freezes Budget for Program Designed to Stop Terrorists from Getting U.S. Visas

Medal for 'courageous restraint' plan get mixed review from troops | Washington Examiner

U.S. Marines boot recruits with Confederate tattoos

U.S. official: Iran defiant on nuclear program to UN diplomats - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama May Name Supreme Court Pick Monday, Likely Pro-Abortion Elena Kagan

Gulf Spill Changes Few Senators' Minds on Offshore Drilling - NYTimes.com

No warning of US oil rig blast - survivors | News.com.au

Containment dome used in Gulf oil leak has never been in such deep water | NOLA.com

SATIRE:WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'They give me FEMA'

Babylon ruins torn between preservation and profit


VIDEO:God's Commandments: 9 out of 10 isn't bad, right?

VIDEO:The great, big God buffet


Latest Noah's Ark 'just wood planted on Ararat'

IN PICTURES / Samaritan pilgrims pray at West Bank holy site - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

First pressurized water system in the Americas is found - latimes.com

Mission Mars: six men to spend 520 days in 1,000sq ft capsule - Telegraph

Is Facebook a deal with the devil?

Cher's gender-swap son Chaz Bono is officially a man | Mail Online

The Japanese ninja dress that turns into a Coca Cola machine to ward off attackers | Mail Online

Russian who 'cremated' Adolf Hitler refuses to reveal where he scattered his ashes | Mail Online

CIA documents show US never believed Gary Powers was shot down - Times Online

Mexican soldiers seize gold plated and diamond encrusted firearms in raid on gang | Mail Online

Grape-loving moths invade California's wine country | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Survey of beekeepers shows hive loss remains high and the cause remains a mystery | OregonLive.com

Greek Wealth Is Everywhere but Tax Forms - NYTimes.com

Fearing the U.S. dollar

Is Facebook deserving of gov't intervention?

Finding the 3% that is not imported

How Much Does That Airline Ticket Really Cost?

Say 'no' to credit-counseling services!

Linda Self, Victim Shot in Head to Purse-Snatcher: 'Well, Shoot Me'

The Lufkin Daily News: Local & State - Police: Hudson woman stabs common-law husband for bed behavior

Rapist smirks, then cries after getting 12-year sentence for attack of prostitute

Lawrence Taylor's rape arrest costs Giants legend Nutrisystem deal

Imam charged with sex offences - The Local

Bishop Mixa investigated for sex abuse - The Local

Gory 'death metal' teacher too gruesome for school - The Local

University to turn over Palin speech documents

Unearthing the truth about volcanic ash: Spain has been spared for 40,000 years, and other facts

Amazing Image of Icelandic Volcano Ash - Yahoo! News

Survivor Tere Duperrault Fassbender Breaks Silence on the Bluebelle Tragedy - AOL News

Will America be the next Greece?

Greek tragedy, 2010

For Arizona, and America, the immigration solution

Balancing justice and compassion

Ashamed to be an American

Rule of man

Lessons of tea-party failures

Tampering with God's template

Manipulation, Not Error, Behind Market Plunge

The Gender Equity Bubble Goes Pop! | The Nation

The last communist

Pajamas Media » The Appalling Media Double Standard on Reporting Political Violence


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

More birth-certificate mumbo jumbo

Mainstream media: Tens of millions doubt Obama eligibility

CNN places eligibility in primetime spotlight

See Michelle call Barack a 'Kenyan'

Hawaii governor announces 'exact' place of Obama birth

'New eligibility strategy working'

The question that just won't go away

Is billboard campaign working?


*American Minute for May 8th:William J Federer's American Minute


Young Voters Disenchanted With Politics - And Obama

North Korea and Israel: A Lot in Common by John Feffer -- Antiwar.com

Hijacking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights by Jacob G. Hornberger

The Raw Story | 'Severe consequences' for Pakistan over terror plots:US


Satire -- Miracle Cure For Holocaust Denial Syndrome


Special Report: Rapid growth of militias feeds off politics | Reuters

Government Admits They Deal Heroin Yet Terrorize Families for Pot

Bankers Laughing All the Way to the Bank

TSA Incident Proves Authorities Are Engaged In Monumental Body Scanner Cover-Up




Secret Erik Prince/Blackwater Tape Exposed


YouTube - Greg Palast Tells How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Greg Palast Tells How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


Stock Market Collapse: More Goldman Market Rigging

Controversial terror bill creates unlikely allies, foes - Yahoo! News

F.C.C. Sets Plan for Limited Broadband Control - NYTimes.com

FT.com / Markets / US - Plunge in US equities remains a mystery

CME Issues Press Release, Confirms No Fat Finger: Will CNBC Issue Retraction For Repeated Factless Rumor Dissemination?

Medvedev: Chances of New World War Exist

Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20 Summit

Keeping America Safe: SWAT Team Storms Family Home, Shoots Pet Dogs, Over Small Bag Of Marijuana

Missouri SWAT team shoots family dog during raid over “small amount” of marijuana

Media promotes far-fetched ‘bin Laden in Iran’ report

Don’t Tread On Me: A Refresher Course on the Constitution

Weeds Are Now Resisting Monsanto Weed Killer, Spurring Crisis in American Agriculture

Stephen Hawking’s Universe: Fear The Aliens

Machete: The ‘Illegal’ Trailer

Bernanke Tells Students Money Alone Doesn’t Buy Happiness

Cap and trade — taxing our way to bankruptcy

Government Admits They Deal Heroin Yet Terrorize Families for Pot

EU to Set Up Fund to Prevent Spread of Greek Crisis (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

The Raw Story | Iran missed chance to break nuclear deadlock: US

British kingmaker party in power-sharing talks - Yahoo! News

The Fed Is Only Authorized to Conduct MONETARY Policy, But It Has Also “Become the Single Largest FISCAL Actor in the U.S. Economy”

Is Sovereign Debt Crisis Contained to Subprime?

Guy Goes Crazy While Giving A Stock Market Webinar During The Crash

Has Gold Become A New Reserve Currency?

Julius Caesar of the Internet - WSJ.com

The internet, as imagined in 1965 • The Register

CIA used ‘fictional’ tale of US prison rape to intimidate teen terror suspect


*Polish Military: Crash Site Video Authentic

Translated:What happened on board the presidential Tupolev Tu-154M? Black boxes reveal the truth


YouTube - Digital Enhancement Of Amateur Plane Crash Site Footage (w / English Subtitles) In Smolensk


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 7th With Gerald Celente

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 6th With Red Beckman


Obama Attack On Corporate Giant P&G Shatters US Stock Market

VIDEO:Mark on the Time Square bomber & Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Illustrated (May 4, 2010)

Gateway Pundit:Awful Lib Clyburn Claims Tea Party Rage Is Due to Obama’s Race (Video)


May 7, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-May-07, Friday

05/07 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Fri May 07, 2010


Pittsburgh Man Kidnapped, Assaulted With Dead Deer in Woods

Meet ‘Lucien’: CNN Interviews ‘Rent Boy’ About Trip With Religious Right Leader

CNN’s Anderson Cooper Questions Army Lt. Col. Terry Lakin About ‘Birther’ Court Martial

NJ Judge Resigns Over His Film About Obama’s ‘Deal With The Devil’

Officers Taser Belligerent Fan at The Players Championship

Teacher Takes Students to Swim at Home After Fieldtrip

MSNBC Host Asks Black GOP Candidate About ‘Racist’ Tea Parties

Breitbart.tv » Genital Joke Reportedly Sparked TSA Agent Fight

Breitbart.tv » FNC’s Baier: ‘It Is Strange Some of the Things That Come Out of the Administration’

Breitbart.tv » Another Flag Flap: Napa Students Accused of Burning Mexican Flag

Breitbart.tv » Stock Market Webinar Leader Goes Nuts During The Crash

Breitbart.tv » Mom Speaks: TX Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

Breitbart.tv » Unusual CouchCast: Does Glenn Beck Secretly Want to Be a Housewife?

Breitbart.tv » Pelosi: ‘Thank God for the Nuns’ Who Helped Pass ‘Life-Affirming’ Health Care Bill

Breitbart.tv » Obama: April Job Growth Is Encouraging Sign

Breitbart.tv » AG Holder Insists Times Square Bomber Faced Heavy Questioning Pre-Miranda

Breitbart.tv » Security Video Captures NYC Car Bomb Suspect Buying Supplies

Breitbart.tv » Palin Argues for Judeo-Christian Foundation for Nation’s Laws

Breitbart.tv » Moscow Government Puts Up Stalin Posters Despite Outcry

Breitbart.tv » Caught on Video: Portuguese Political Deputy Steals Reporter’s Audio Recorder

Breitbart.tv » Two Men Die During Bolivia’s Hand-to-Hand Tinku Combat Festival

Scarlett Johansson on Obama Schtick: ‘We All Drank the Kool-Aid’

‘Mutton on the Lamb’: Dems Make Own ‘Demon Sheep’ Ad

Robert Gibbs Avoids Comment on Obama’s ‘Teabagger’ Quote

‘I’m on Cloud Nine’: Navy SEAL Reacts to Not Guilty Court-Martial Verdict

‘SNL’ Host Betty White Takes on Jimmy Fallon in Beer Pong Rematch

The B-Cast: Flag Frenzy Spreads Through US High Schools

Video: Police Bust Organized Gang From Upscale Schools

Video: HOA Dues Questioned By Potential Homebuyer

Video: UK Political Deal May Be Close

Video: BP Probe: Methane Bubble Triggered Rig Blast