"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

10 May 2010


United States Radio Stations - Listen Online

Hedge fund manipulation, not error, was behind market plunge
EDITORIAL: Obama's good luck terrorism strategy - Washington Times
Craigslist diamond ad leads to deadly home invasion, police say - CNN.com

***The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com

CNSNews.com - Congressman Says Climate Science Should Be Simplified to ‘Sixth Grade Level’ Because Americans ‘Don’t Get’ It
U.S. not cracking down on immigrants with expired visas
Poll: Obama has Lost Almost Half of his US Jewish Support - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News
AFP: Obama bemoans 'diversions' of IPod, Xbox era
'Starving yogi' astounds Indian scientists
YouTube - McCain TV Ad: "Complete The Danged Fence"


American Taxpayers Looted To Bail Out The Euro
How the Illuminati Create Unlimited Money
Sovereign Independent Confronts Rockefeller in Dublin Trilateral Venue
Obama Bemoans Alternative Media, Rise of Tea Party
Bilderberg Manipulated Stock Market Crash
Is Gulf oil rig disaster far worse than we’re being told?
Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo, Entire Film

FT.com / UK - Leaders offer pledge on tighter fiscal discipline
Hijacking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights by Jacob G. Hornberger
Don’t Tread On Me: A Refresher Course on the Constitution

Freedom Watch: Secessionist Movement on the Rise?
U.S. should prepare for a cyber attack that will ruin the country in just 15 MINUTES, expert warns | Mail Online
Weeds Are Now Resisting Monsanto Weed Killer, Spurring Crisis in American Agriculture
Stephen Hawking’s Universe: Fear The Aliens
Signs of Neanderthals Mating With Humans - NYTimes.co

Bernanke Tells Students Money Alone Doesn't Buy Happiness
James M. Taylor: Cap and trade -- taxing our way to bankruptcy - Wednesday, May. 5, 2010

CIA Officer Explains New World Order’s Demise
Illegal Immigrants' Cost to Government Studied (washingtonpost.com)
YouTube - EU seals €750 billion deal to shield euro from speculators
*S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, the most dangerous bill in the history of the US

Mexican Students Walk Out of Class, Attack Other Students with American Flags
Elena Kagan: Wall Street’s SCOTUS Pick
Ron Paul: Euro Bailout Will Lead To Currency Collapse
Banksters Throw a Trillion Bucks Down a Black Hole
Gerald Celente: 2010 Will be the Summer of Terror
Markets Welcome E.U. Rescue Package
European Officials Act to Carry Out Rescue Package - NYTimes.com
The latest Greek tragedy And Sovereign Defaults Pose A Great Threat
FT.com / Markets / US - Plunge in US equities remains a mystery
Brown Announces New Talks and End of His Tenure - NYTimes.com
Is The Greek Debt Crisis Being Purposely Hyped And Manipulated?
EU Preps $645 Billion Fund to Fight ‘Wolfpack,’ Debt Crisis - Bloomberg.com
Seattle Police Close Down Neighborhood for Man Not Home
Russia and the Central Asian Drug Trade: The Role of Kyrgyztan
Medvedev: Chances of New World War Exist
RebelReports - Secret Erik Prince/Blackwater Tape Exposed
'Suspicious' package turns out to be donation for Seminole County church - Orlando Sentinel
20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State
9/11 families oppose Holder proposal to modify Miranda
Attorney General blasted for wanting to ‘kill’ Miranda rights
AFP Editor Reports On Secret Gathering Of Trilaterals in Ireland
Why Talk of Secession is Wrong
Our 10th Amendment Sovereignty Resolve, Will Defeat the New World Order!
HIV Positive Man Charged with Bioterrorism after Fight with Neighbor
Law would empower Hillary Clinton to revoke citizenship of whoever she deems terrorists
Killing The Food Supply: The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
New scale of disaster looms in Gulf of Mexico - Yahoo! News
SHOCKING VIDEO: Professor Calls for Mexican Revolt in America
New Film ‘Machete’ evokes race war
GilroyDispatch.com | American flag shirts ignite firestorm
American Thinker Blog: Poor Old Glory
Food Crisis 2010 and US Dollar Impact
Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’
A Frightful Despotism
Justice Elena Kagan, and President Larry Summers | NJ.com
YouTube - AP Source: Obama Chooses Kagan for Supreme Court
Predictive Programming? Gulf Oil Rig Explosion in “Knowing”
Sovereign Independent Confronts Rockefeller in Dublin Trilateral Venue

***Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo {Full Film} /1:35:46
AfricanCrisis:Science: INCREDIBLE: White Europeans from France colonised North America 12,000 years ago...
AfricanCrisis:[Pics] IMPORTANT: New Evidence Indicates Eugene Terre'Blanche' Murder was Planned in Detail - Instructions for when to kill ET

The Man Who Invented Alaska...And Sarah Palin
My Way News - Elena Kagan chosen by Obama for Supreme Court
Jews Back Kagan For Supreme Court - Interview With Kevin MacDonald PhD | Real Zionist News
BP Prepares Second Containment Dome for Gulf Spill (Update1) - BusinessWeek
Gulf Winds Turn on BP as Oil Containment Plan Snarls (Update2) - BusinessWeek
Gulf of Mexico oil spill to be absorbed using stockings stuffed with HUMAN HAIR | Mail Online
Tread carefully, Mr Obama. You need big oil (includes video)
Barack Obama criticises iPod and Xbox era - Telegraph
Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up - Times Online
Piece of Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree to be carried into space - Telegraph
'Fat tax' could be levied on junk food - Telegraph
NHS 'scaring patients into accepting electronic records database' - Telegraph
The BRAD BLOG : Here We Go Again (Again): 100% Unverifiable E-Voting Systems Set for Use in PA, KY, Elsewhere...
Iran – The innocent victim of US/UK/NATO aggression
Is our Government Bankrupt?
Tanning beds: What do the numbers really mean? : Covering Health
Using Alleged Terror To Increase Civilian Repression
Adult Hepatitis Vaccine Project gains traction in California
Paul A Drockton M.A.: Utah Parable: The Political Demise of Senator Bob Bennett
Scientists find sunken islands in the Caribbean - The Local
Roy Tov – I Told You! On Rachel Corrie’s Assassin

*33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know... > New World Order Report

Four Acres and Independence – A Self-Sufficient Farmstead » Nationalist Coalition Blog
Tinfoil Hat News: Federal Reserve Kosher Financial Tsunami Drowns US
Pedophiles and Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle : Information Clearing House - ICH
Oil leak is 5 times greater than reported by officials « Heidi-Lore’s Musings
Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Explain Patriotism
EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul - Global financial bailout of Greece and the American taxpayer.
Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies
Palin And The Religious Right: A Trojan Horse In The GOP | NEWS JUNKIE POST
Anti-Neocons • View topic - The 72 Virgins Myth
Russia and the Central Asian Drug Trade: The Role of Kyrgyztan
The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon's "Space Warriors"
Mosaic of Lies, by Justin Raimondo
Kagan’s Goldman Ties Won’t Hurt Supreme Court Chances, White House Says
Ron Paul: Euro Bailout Will Lead To Currency Collapse
Outrage: Obama Administration Targets Military for Pay Reductions
U.S. Debt Shock May Hit In 2018, Maybe As Soon As 2013: Moody's - IBD - Investors.com
YouTube - Message to the Environmental Movement - Climategate
Homeless in downtown tunnel get notices to leave - STLtoday.com
Government-funded Study Shows Net Loss of Jobs From CO2 Policies | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

Obama Attack On Corporate Giant P&G Shatters US Stock Market
RealClearPolitics - Video - Disturbing PA Tax Amnesty Ad: "We Know Who You Are"
YouTube - Gerald Celente on BILL MEYER 26 April 2010

YouTube - Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret (part 1 of 3)
YouTube - Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret (part 2 of 3)
YouTube - Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret (part 3 of 3)

Dow Jumps 404.71; Nasdaq Up 4.8% - WSJ.com
The Latest US Taxpayer Bill To Save Europe, And Specifically The French Banks: $57 Billion
Summary Of The Biggest Bail Out Ever: Even Keynes Is Spinning In His Grave

Babies know the difference between good and evil at six months, study reveals | Mail Online
Fake photo used in Science article
Climate change bill to be unveiled without key GOP supporter - CNN.com

Julius Caesar of the Internet - WSJ.com
The internet, as imagined in 1965 • The Register

Bankers, Economists: Mass Centralization At Heart Of Euro Bailout
Obama’s Supreme Pick Kagan Is A Bankster Operative
High Frequency Terrorism: How the Big Banks and Federal Reserve Maintained Their Death Grip Over the United States
Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power
Ron Paul: Euro Bailout Will Lead To Currency Collapse
Banksters Throw a Trillion Bucks Down a Black Hole
Euro Shock-And-Awe Will Create Huge Short Squeeze–Followed By Air Pocket And Market Collapse
Farr: Trillion Dollar Bail-Out, Here We Go Again! - CNBC
Euro could reach parity with dollar: German economist - Yahoo! Canada News
David Rockefeller confronted at his dinner table by The Sovereign Independent at the Trilateral Commission
Government Admits They Deal Heroin Yet Terrorize Families for Pot
Eurozone Bailout Fund is a “Desperate Measure”
Bank Funding Crunch Deepens as Swap Rates Soar: Credit Markets - Bloomberg.com
HPD: Man killed in home invasion after suspect poses as census worker | khou.com | khou.com Local News
Murdoch “Reporter” Bullies a Protester in the Name of “Journalism”
Newly Released Court Transcripts Prove Judge Misconduct In Robert Wanek Case
Kagan's Goldman Ties Won't Hurt Supreme Court Chances - WSJ.com
Kagan supported detaining terror suspects indefinitely without trial
A ‘new level’ of disaster: BP’s 70-ton oil containment dome floats, no ‘plan B’ | Raw Story
Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food
'Fat tax' on junk food as prices may rise to boost the war against obesity | Mail Online

Webster Tarpley Predicts End of The EURO
Hijacking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 10th With Max Keiser
*2:27:46/Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}
YouTube - Whitewater Michael Chertoff, Richard Ben Veniste, Vince Foster 6 4 1996 ABC
YouTube - Bohemian Grove Secrecy Upheld, Nixon Speech 7 30 1971 NBC
YouTube - Bohemian Grove Weinberger and Reagan Retreat Mentioned 7 21 1983 NBC
YouTube - Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy Controversy Detailed Report 8 10 1997
YouTube - Iran Contra CIA Drug Running John Deutch, Mike Ruppert, Los Angeles 11 15 1996 ABC
YouTube - Disinformation Campaign Reagan Administration 10 2 1986 CBS
YouTube - Iran Contra Drug Smuggling, Detailed Report 4 6 1987 CBS
YouTube - Benazir Bhutto Assassination Attempt Weeks Before Succeeding 10 19 2007 CBS
YouTube - Benazir Bhutto Assassination 12 27 2007 CNN
**364 new photographs of the Pentagon on 9/11 released by the New World Order Report Archives. These exclusive pictures have never been available on the internet before > New World Order Report
*349 pictures of Bohemian Grove, many of which never before seen or posted on the internet, uncovered during an investigation by New World Order Report > New World Order Report
YouTube - 9 11 Pentagon White, E4B, Doomsday Plane Anderson Cooper Investigates CNN
YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge Intelligence Failures FAA Warnings Before the Attacks 2 10 2005 ABC
YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge John Ashcroft Given Specific Foreknowledge 4 9 2004 NBC
YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge John Ashcroft Ordered by FBI to Take Only Private Charter Jets 7 26 2001 CBS

YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge Intelligence Failures Miised Warnings 7 20 2004 NBC
YouTube - 9 11 Investigation & Cover up CIA Intelligence Failures 6 4 2004 CNN
YouTube - 9-11 Investigation & Cover up Condoleezza Rice Testimony Intelligence Failures 2 7 2004 CBS
YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge NSA Intercepted Intelligence September 10th 6 11 2002 CBS
YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge Insider Trading 9 20 2001 ABC
YouTube - 9 11 Prior Knowledge 6 4 2002 NBC
YouTube - New World Order Part 1 Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO 2 2 1991 CNN
YouTube - New World Order Part 2 Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO 2 2 1991 CNN
YouTube - New World Order Part 3 Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO 2 2 1991 CNN
YouTube - New World Order Part 4 Roundtable Discussion with Pat Buchannon Mentions NWO 2 2 1991 CNN

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Thunder on the Mountain
Seen As Rising Star, Kagan Has Limited Paper Trail : NPR
Easy Confirmation for Kagan? | Mother Jones
The Problem With Elena Kagan - Page 1 - The Daily Beast
RealClearPolitics - Kagan Shows Arc of Women's Progress
Obama Works the Refs - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
FT.com / Columnists / Wolfgang Munchau - EU buys itself time
RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary
RealClearPolitics - The Welfare State's Death Spiral
The Ten Biggest Issues Elena Kagan Will Face | The New Republic

05-10-2010: The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon's "Space Warriors"
05-10-2010: Starving Yogi Astounds Scientists
05-10-2010: NHS 'scaring patients into accepting electronic records database'
Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food
Why the Euro Is Doomed
Debbie Schlussel:Don’t Believe the Hype: Israel Still Winning Hummus War Where it Counts
Debbie Schlussel:Videos: Hilarious Mother’s Day Worst Gift Idea That Doesn’t Quite Translate
Debbie Schlussel:We’ve Officially Lost: US Pediatrician Assoc Approves “Pin-Prick” Female Genital Mutilation
Debbie Schlussel:With Kagan, Obama Replaces US Military Vet w/ US Military Opponent
Debbie Schlussel:France Protects Iran Nukes From U.S. Justice . . . Again

BBC News - Northern Ireland parties clarify coalition position
Aquino Leads Philippine Presidential Race - WSJ.com
The Associated Press: In Iraq's bloodiest day of 2010, attacks kill 100
Russian President Medvedev starts official visit to Syria
UPDATE 4-Russia coal mine blasts kill 32, 58 still trapped | Reuters
The Associated Press: Afghanistan readies program to reintegrate Taliban
Official: Shahzad went to Pakistan for help with attack - CNN.com
Exclusive: Arab Bank shuts down in Gaza - Israel Business, Ynetnews
U.S. links Cheonan probe to stance toward N.Korea | Reuters
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Police grills suspect after shoes trigger airport alert
The Associated Press: 2 Israeli Arabs suspected of spying for Hezbollah
Spill thrusts Transocean into spotlight it shuns | Reuters
DC Dems Pull Out of Hawaii - Politics - The Atlantic
John McCain: "Complete the Danged Fence" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Democratic State Senator Will Run To Replace Obey - wcco.com
The Associated Press: 9 militia members to stay in jail for time being
Arkansas primary battle pits Lincoln against unions
Giannoulias Backs Kagan; Kirk Wants More Info - cbs2chicago.com
LA Judge Rejects Defense Bid in Polanski Case - ABC News
'Celebrity Apprentice': Where can I get a Bret Michaels Original? | EW.com
The Twilight Effect: Why Do So Many Parents Choose the Same Baby Names? - TIME

Mexico's illegals laws tougher than Arizona's

Bloomberg Smears Anti-Obamacare Activists As Terrorists
Fed Documents Reveal Secret Lobbying Effort Against Audit Provisions
Secretive ACTA Copyright Treaty and How it Threatens Internet Freedom
US school for disabled forces students to wear packs that deliver massive electric shocks
Alex Jones Sets The Record Straight and Reaches Out to The Military
Martial Law vs. Christian Responsibility
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer interviewed on the Alex Jones Show
Giuliani: ‘We had no domestic attacks under Bush’
Will the real Underwear Bomber please stand up?
The Rich Continue To Use Government To Cut Out Their Competition

Man arrives at Grenada police station with 2 heads in bucket
Stripper accused of committing worker's comp fraud
Smoothies blended by pedal power
Premature babies 'pain-sensitive'
Brain scans 'may help spot liars'
No food for 70 years? 'Starving yogi' says it's true
Hookah smoke 'major public health threat'
USDA's Higher Standards for Poultry Could Save 65,000 Lives
Hookahs Not Safer Than Cigarettes
Twitter hit by major disruption
Gator Chomps Handler During Wrestling Match
'Dire Situation' for World's Rarest Large Mammal
Comet clues buried in Antarctic snow
Cavuto: So Many Fingers to Point, So Little Time
Food poisoning suspected in 3 La. hospital deaths
Toyota waited months to issue '05 steering recall
IRS reviewing college business income, exec compensation
Drugs that reduce stomach acid also increase risk of bone fractures, studies show