"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

17 May 2010


Alex Jones :streaming


**Could Voyager 2 Transmission Be From Aliens?


YouTube - George Carlin Talks War And American Politics

Trillions for the Bankers

Weatherman: The Military is Spraying Our Skies

savethemales.ca - Feigned Space Invasion- Recalling "Blue Beam"

Marijuana To Control Alcohol Abuse | Psych Central News

savethemales.ca - Jews Vs. Gays: When Illuminati Shills Collide

Wise Up Journal - » The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation working on Sweat-Triggered Vaccines

Gordon Duff: Assassination In Dubai, Israeli’s Warning To The World : Veterans Today

Obama Linguistically Morphing Into Bush | Citizens for Legitimate Government

Hidden Sources Of MSG In Foods

Hidden Names For MSG In Your Food - Read Labels!

Mexico manhunt for missing politician Diego Fernandez de Cevallos - CSMonitor.com

Pat Buchanan: There Are Too Many Jews On The Supreme Court! | TPM LiveWire

Obama Picks Kagan, Backer of Indefinite Detention Without Trial, for High Court


*133 pgs/Depopulation of a Planet


Description, Location, and Directions to the Georgia Guidestones


Fighter jets escort plane into Vancouver after bomb threat - The Globe and Mail






YouTube - Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing

Obama’s Faith-Based Programs Pushing Global Warming and Climate Change

YouTube - illuminati cartoon time

YouTube - everythings made in china

Has the time finally come to stop funding our own insurrection?

A Brain-Recording Device that Melts into Place

MEART: the Machine that's Part Robot Part Rat

Me Bot: A Tele-Presence That Won’t Be Ignored

Within the Decade Couples Will Stop Having Sex to Conceive Babies

Is abortion being used to eradicate certain groups of people?

Walmart Awards $1.2 Million to La Raza

Wise Up Journal - » Tools of Eugenics: Fluoride *


YouTube - Benjamin Fulford vs. David Rockefeller Sr.


Engineering A Global Food Crisis: The Hardship Will Be Widespread -- Signs of the Times News




Margaret Sanger’s Case For Eugenics


*ARTICLE LINKS:Weekly Southern African Report


WakeUp 2010: Day 1 report on the Manning trial of Barack Obama

YouTube - Alex Jones - Christian You Tube Censors Obama Deception

YouTube - Hannity, Morris Agree with Conspiracy People About New World Order



*SITE:tangle.com - Christian Video


*SITE: TeaParty.org

*SITE:Tenth Amendment Center


*Devvy Kidd Show :ARCHIVE PAGE

*Paul Drockton Show : ARCHIVE PAGE


*Federal Deficit Chart (1901 to 2010)


Declassified GAO Report Exposes Fatally Flawed Israel Investigations by -- Antiwar.com

'US forced American Muslim into exile'

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 Truth From Director Of US ARMY War College

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Freedom Watch - Concerns for the Fed

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense 13 May 2010

ksl.com - May 16: Sen. Bennett and the Tea Party Movement

Israeli News: Nuclear-free Middle East: Obama's Jews rush to damage control

Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits the Wall

Carbon dioxide isn't all good for plants - 14/05/2010

Your Survival Depends Passing Glass Steagall

Sessions: Kagan Confirmation Hearings Will Be 'Big Deal' - Political Punch

US Funds Israel’s Apartheid Roads Plan by -- Antiwar.com

Inside the Secret Interrogation Facility at Bagram - Politics - The Atlantic



Military to Deploy Social Scientists to Africa, Searching for Signs of War | Danger Room | Wired.com

The Enemy Within - Magazine - The Atlantic

Looking to Delete Your Facebook Account? You’re Not Alone - Digits - WSJ

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Arizona vs. Mexico: Crime and Illegal Aliens:

'Al-Qaida terrorists may pose as Ethiopians to sneak into Israel' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

SOUTH LEBANON: The Fate of Palestine: Caught between Two Delusions

SOUTH LEBANON: Lies and Forgeries on Iran´s Nuclear Program

EclippTV :: Video :: TV Weathermen Debate Climate Change

EclippTV :: Video :: US Military Officers Pressuring Troops To Convert To Christianity

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 5/17/10 on Coming Hyperinflation

EclippTV :: Video :: CNN: Jenny McCarthy how she cured her sons Autism caused by VACCINATIONS!

Class Warfare: Hundreds Protest Outside Bankers' Houses In DC

Why Gold And The Dollar Are BOTH Rising | Charting Stocks

Now independent thinkers are considered diseased by psychiatry

Extraterrestrial Global Warming | Watts Up With That?

Barack Obama sends nuclear experts to tackle BP's Gulf of Mexico oil leak - Telegraph

Financial Terrorists Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank

Financial Fraud. How It Works. The Truth behind the Madoff Investment Scandal

Strategy shift in the Middle East [Voltaire]

TheSpec.com - healthfitness - Strokes on the rise in youths


*Canada's National Debt Clock

*U.S. National Debt Clock


Robotic Pancreas: One Man's Quest to Put Diabetics on Autopilot

Cable Company Makes a Move on Internet Video

Jury Reaches Decision in Brain-Scan Test Case

50 Years of Real-Life Ray Guns

First Crew Members Selected for 520-Day Mars Mission Simulation

Unleashing a Swarm of Augmented-Reality Cockroaches to Fight Phobias

'Double-Bubble' Airliners Designed by MIT for NASA Could Trim Fuel Consumption by 70 Percent

Japan to Launch Venus-Bound Atmospheric Probe Today

Darpa's Genetic Diagnostic Suite Will Know You're Sick Before You Do

Build It: An LED Lamp that Visualizes Data From the Web

Mouse Study Shows Immune Systems Genetically Compromised by Spaceflight

Proof-of-Concept CarShark Software Hacks Car Computers, Shutting Down Brakes, Engines, and More

New Method Lets Researchers Entangle Five Photons For the First Time, and That's Just the Start

Inhalable Local Anesthesia Could Replace Painful Needles at the Dentist

Augmented-Reality Window Display Lets Passing Shoppers "Try On" Virtual Watches Without Entering Store

'Micromasonry' Turns Cells into Lego Blocks For Building Artificial Organs

Bacterial Genes That Boost Plant Growth

Darwin's Theory of Universal Common Ancestry

Redefining Electrical Current Law With the Transistor Laser

The Art of Mindreading: Empathy or Rational Inference?

Talking Seriously With Children Is Good for Their Language Proficiency

Immune System Compromised During Spaceflight, Study Finds

Most Distant Galaxy Cluster Revealed by Invisible Light

Optical Quantum Transistor Using Single Atoms

Virtual Humans Appear to Influence Ethical Decisions in Gender-Specific Ways

Mathematicians Solve 140-Year-Old Boltzmann Equation

Quantum Dynamics of Matter Waves Reveal Exotic Multibody Collisions

Quantum space monster leaps from a gravity well

Imperfect universe: Bye bye, theory of everything

The outer limits of the human brain

Harmonious minds: The hunt for universal music

Scientists Find ‘Baffling’ Link Between Autism and Vinyl Flooring

Homeland Security threatens to seize farmland at US-Canada border

Nato future strategy to be set out by expert panel


*IBM, Positive ID and Verichip hope to get all humans tagged with microchip implants


APA Scrubs Pages Linking It to CIA Torture Workshops

05-16-2010: New gov. program recruits meter maids in anti terrorism watch

05-16-2010: MELTUP - "The Beginning Of US Currency Crisis And Hyperinflation"

NORAD scrambles 2 F16s in southern Arizona - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

Latest suspect in Dubai hit identified

How US Weapons Grade Uranium was Diverted to Israel

Noam Chomsky Denied Entry Into Israel

The Bailout of Big American Banks Cost Trillions More Than We've Been Told

Will the Wall Street Banksters Ever Be Held Accountable?

America's Ten Most Corrupt Capitalists


YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8)

YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 2 of 8)

YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 3 of 8)

YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 4 of 8)

YouTube - ARCHIVED VERSION: The Most IMPORTANT Video (part 5 of 8)

YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 6 of 8)

YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 7 of 8)

YouTube - The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 8 of 8)


New Target of Rights Erosion: US Citizens

Global Military Doctrine: NATO "Must Be Ready to Intervene Anywhere"

Dispersing Is Not Cleaning: Congress Must Investigate Oil Spill-Dispersing Chemicals

VIDEO: Hiding the Truth: White House Allowed BP to Keep Video of Gushing Pipe from Public for Three Weeks

Obama's Slippery Slope. Ginning-Up the "Terror" Threat, Shredding the Constitution

Milestone Russia-Ukraine Summit: Towards a New Strategic Partnership?

Massacre in Thailand and Obama’s Foreign Policy Stance

Alice in Videoland: Looking Through a Rectangular TV Window into an Alternative Universe

VIDEO: Africa's Female Mandela? Victoire Ingabiré Umuhoza on Trial

Arizona's War on Immigrants

Sweatshop Manufacturing: Engine of Poverty

The "War on Terrorism" for Oil: Folly of the Imperial Oil Adventure. Tolling Bells for Humanity

The American Art of War

"War without Borders": Obama's "Long War"

AllGov - Feds Ignored Louisiana Concerns about Experimental Chemicals Used against Oil Slick

AllGov - Bipartisan House Support for…Limiting Scientific Research

AllGov - Obama Loan Modification Program Backfires

Gov’t Loan Mod Program Leaves Some Homeowners Worse Off - ProPublica

Family: 7-year-old shot by police was asleep

YouTube - Pastor Anderson : We are losing our Freedom

YouTube - In the Future, Everyone Will Be Tazed for Fifteen Minutes

Economics, Philosophy, and Politics - Hans-Hermann Hoppe


YouTube - How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction (Part 1 of 5)

YouTube - How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction (Part 2 of 5)

YouTube - How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction (Part 3 of 5)

YouTube - How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction (Part 4 of 5)

YouTube - How the State Leads People to Their Own Destruction (Part 5 of 5)

Idiocracy Rising


Forget the Euro

An Important Rule of the Empire

Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests


YouTube - Dollars and Sense (Part 1 of 4)

YouTube - Dollars and Sense (Part 2 of 4)

YouTube - Dollars and Sense (Part 3 of 4)

YouTube - Dollars and Sense (Part 4 of 4)


YouTube - Anarchy_U.S.A.__Part_1_of_6_.flv

YouTube - Anarchy_U.S.A.__Part_2_of_6_.flv

YouTube - Anarchy_U.S.A.__Part_3_of_6_.flv

YouTube - Anarchy_U.S.A.__Part_5_of_6_.flv

YouTube - Anarchy_U.S.A.__Part_6_of_6_.flv


He Meant It When He Said He Would "fundamentally transform the United States of America."

FOXNews.com - Where’s Jimmy? Just Google His Bar Code

DNA could be backbone of next generation logic chips

Elena Kagan: She loves everyone and judges no one

Chevron's ‘crude’ attempt to suppress free speech

Saving the world’s reefs with Red Sea coral

Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number

Lucifer Rising | Before It's News

Bill Gates' Brave New World of Vaccines | Before It's News

First Muslim Wins Miss USA: Did AZ Law Answer Hurt Runner-Up? | The FOX Nation

YouTube - Brewer and Palin-Secure The Border


*SITE:Secure The Border


YouTube - Miss Oklahoma USA Supports Arizona Law: "I'm A Huge Believer In States' Rights"

Ten reasons for enforcing America's immigration laws | Before It's News

YouTube - The New World Order Currency Crisis


**Listen:Gerald Celente Liberals Lie The Conservatives Believe


Extraterrestrial Global Warming | Watts Up With That?

Solar Energy Could Provide 25% of World Electricity? | Buy Solar Panels for Your Home – 1BOG Group Solar Power Discounts

Nine specific prophecies in the Bible will occur within the final seven years prior to the Battle of Armageddon « New World Order War

Timothy N. Baldwin -- A Look Into the Sociology and Nature of Secession


Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Statue of Liberty: Part 1

Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Statue of Liberty: Part 2


Betty Freauf -- Communists Given Invitations to Enter US

Suggestion for Prepandemic Vaccine Ignites Debate | TopNews United Kingdom

YouTube - Former US Gen. Warns of Chemical Attacks against Israel

YouTube - 9/11 Truth from Director of US ARMY War College

Campaign For Liberty — Loss of American Citizenship and Assassinations | by David McKalip, M.D.

European Powerbrokers Present Proposal For New Economic And Political Order

The dangers of growing DNA databases

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Army Determines Precision Indirect Fires Not All That Important in Current Wars

U.S. Commanders Want More Firepower for Afghan Border Police

Counterinsurgency is a Long Term Process, Not an Event: McChrystal

Afghan Leader Karzai Needs a Bit of the Kid Gloves Treatment: Barno

Beware Unpredictable Consequences of Striking Iran: Former Bush Admin Official

Future of the Car: The Electric-Car Cheat Sheet

The End times are upon us The New World Order just around the Corner


YouTube - John F Kennedy - Secret society speech

YouTube - President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2


YouTube - President Obama Illuminati Puppet.

YouTube - Rapture Signs!

Khazar Empire, Illumanati and The New World Order

YouTube - Buildings On 9/11 Were Imploded! Willie Nelson

Americans Under 30 Most Likely to Take Uncompromising Stand for Right to Life, Says Gallup Poll

Senate Homeland Security Committee Probes U.S. Contracts With Companies Doing Business With Iran

Kagan Helped Craft Clinton Strategy for Blocking Partial-Birth Abortion Ban

Arab-American From Michigan Crowned 2010 Miss USA

Iran Agrees to Ship Its Nuclear Fuel to Turkey in Effort to Avoid U.N. Sanctions

Supreme Court Rules Sexually Dangerous Inmates Can Be Kept in Prison

Supreme Court Rules Out Life Sentences for Juveniles

NATO Unveils Draft of New Mission Statement

Obama Signing Law Supporting Worldwide Press Freedom

Obama-Backed Specter Drops in Polls Ahead of Pennsylvania’s Democratic Primary

White House Asks Clinton Library to Release Kagan Papers

The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Government to Track Body Mass of American Children

F-16s Scrambled As Small Plane Crosses Mexican Border Into Arizona

Bill Clinton Tells WVU Grads They Live in an ‘Unstable, Unequal, Unsustainable’ World

First Lady Tells George Washington University Graduates to ‘Keep Giving’

Waitress Fired for Complaining on Facebook about $5 Tip

Transportation Secretary LaHood Checks Out High-Speed Trains in China

Abortion Foes Capitalize on Health Law They Fought

The Spectre of Arlen

Jesus, Mohammed, and Comedy Central

Our Busted Deportation System Strikes Again

Pa. Man Sentenced in Fatal Lawmaker Crash Case

Decision Made in Asylum Bid for Obama Aunt

Plane Diverted to DC Area After Fire in Cockpit

Jersey City Police Foil Pizzeria Bomb Plot

AP: Vatican Rejects Closed Mass. Churches' Appeals

RI Boat Crash Kills 2; Owner Calls It Joyride

Ex-NYC Top Cop to Start Federal Prison Term

Should We Ask If Supreme Court Nominee Is Gay?

Even Buying Art Is Art With New Financial Product

How Britain's Queen Mother Kept the Bills Down

U.N. to Pick Costa Rican as New Climate Chief: Sources

Cuba Letting Drivers Rent Buses, Make Money

BP Says Capturing Some of Oil Leak, Trying for More

Modern Etiquette: Tips for Dining for Business Success

Maximizing Your Workout: the Readiness Is All

Gov. Perry's Temporary Digs Costs Texas Big Bucks

Officials in Calif. Teen Killings Case to Speak

Finding High-End Eats at LA's Mobile Food Courts

Lasers, iPods, for a Singapore Funeral of a Lifetime

Christian Leader Faces Questions About Muslim Past

Underground Cuban Rappers Live on the Edge

Business Booms for Ancient Afghan Letter Writing Art

Celebrated World War II Flying Ace Dies in Calif.

Hiking Into the Secret Heart of Tibetan "Paradise"

$35M for Dartmouth Health Care Delivery Center

Moms of 3 US Hikers Arrive in NY Before Iran Trip

Hiking Into the Secret Heart of Tibetan "Paradise"

Rogue "Red Shirt" Military Adviser Dies - Hospital

Shuttle Atlantis Reaches Space Station on Last Trip

Former NTSB Chief Dies in Clinton, Ark., Hometown

Ultra-Orthodox Jews Lose Grave Battle in Israel

GOP Looking for Big Win in Capture of Murtha Seat in Pennsylvania

Rand Paul: Victory for Me is Victory for Tea Party

Rubio Says Country Relying Too Much On Government

Palin Joins Arizona Gov. to Defend Immigration Law

Sessions: Kagan's Testimony Will Be 'Big Deal'

High-End Shoppers Are Opening Wallets Again

Hispanics Take Aim at Arizona's Law

Anger Greets Plan for Mosque at Ground Zero

Gingrich: Kagan 'Disqualified' from Court

Rahm: We 'Screwed Up' on Message

Sen. Kyl: Kagan Unlikely to See GOP Filibuster

Laura Bush Says Kagan Nomination Is 'Great'

Obama Hides from Murtha Race

AP: Vatican Rejects Closed Mass. Churches' Appeals

Small-Business Lobby to Fight Obamacare

IRS Pitches Tax Credit for Health Insurance

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Pa. in Murtha Seat Race

Cubans Turn to Cell Phones as Lifelines

Cheese Improves Elderly Immune Systems

Citrus Diet Soda Prevents Kidney Stones?

Cellphones Used More for Data Than for Calls

Facebook Rolling out New Security Features

Conan O'Brien to Work From Warners Lot

Filmmaker Documents Obama's Childhood

Economic Indiscipline the Root of Europe's Woes

Mumbai-Style Plot Foiled in Indonesia

Woody Allen Wants an Obama Dictatorship

Courts Continue to Attack Traditional Values

TV Station Pulls DCCC False Attack Ad on Tim Burns

Arizona's Immigration Law a Good Start


**This Week in Washington - May 17, 2010 | RedState


***SITE:THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF MAY 17, 2010 - House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer


Magnetic Hill’s Charm Will Stay | TopNews United Kingdom

Pac-Man Week Celebrated | TopNews United Kingdom

Japan launching Sail-powered Spacecraft | TopNews United Kingdom


**The Worldview Weekend Hour: Episode: The Bank for International Settlements and Global Governance

**How Have the Communist Been Successful in Implementing Their Worldview in America?

**Exposing America's Third Way to Welfare-State Capitalism and The Social Justice of The Religious Left

**Four Stages For Transforming a Nation Into Socialism

**10 Biblical Hallmarks That Reveal A True Follower of Christ or an Imposter

**The Grave Influence of Saul Alinksy

**What Has Happened to America and What is the Solution?

**The Socialists in the U.S. Congress and Their Connection To Fabian Socialism and John Maynard Keynes

**A Revolution Needs Two Things: A Financial Crisis and the Youth of the Middle Class

One World, One Money: The Quest for A Single Global Currency


Barack Obama's "Respectable" Socialist Mentor - Abner Mikva

The U.S. Government Knows that Iran Helps al-Qaida But Does Nothing About It

WSJ: Deepwater Horizon Crew Argued Over Drilling Plan Before Blast

Shame on Chuck Todd for Citing Polls to Defend Racism

Citizens United, Act II: SpeechNow vs. FEC

Brit Hume defends White House interview with Kagan

Gingrich calls on Obama to withdraw Kagan nomination

Karl Rove Thumbs His Nose At RNC, Builds Shadow Republican Party To Evade Finance Limits

Glenn Beck delivers commencement address at Liberty Univ.

OMG! Laura Bush is a Maoist Scholar!

Newt Gingrich says President Obama is Nazi-Commie "threat to our way of life."

Peggy Noonan Defends Robert Bork

Lisa Murkowski (R-Big Oil) Blocks Bill to Raise Liability Cap

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Simulation Of New Attempts By BP To Plug The Oil Leak

The Lakers' coach Phil Jackson sides with Arizona's anti-immigration bill and channels Kobach's misleading propaganda

Blowout: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Vital Equipment Damaged - Former BP Insider Warns Of Another Potential Disaster

Deepwater Horizon Was Supposed To Be Inspected At Least 1X A Month. It Wasn't. Why?

Will a driver's license suffice as proof of citizenship in Arizona? Maybe, but only if you're from Arizona


Ronnie James Dio Remembered By Metallica's Lars Ulrich - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Heavy metal legend Ronnie James Dio: 1942-2010

Heavy-metal legend Ronnie James Dio, former lead singer of Black Sabbath and Dio, dead at 67 | cleveland.com

YouTube - 1983 Ronnie James Dio "Rainbow In The Dark" (Rock Palace)


*AUDIO:LEW ROCKWELL SHOW/Podcast with Charles Goyette

Armed Citizens


Replies to Neoconservative Objections by Craig White

Never Enough by Becky Akers

Dumbing-Down the Economic Curriculum by Richard Daughty

Beyond the Point of No Return by Bud Conrad

Can a Christian Kill for His Government? by Laurence M. Vance

Tom DiLorenzo on Abraham Lincoln, US Authoritarianism and Manipulated History by Scott Smith

The Census Man Cometh by John Seiler

David Sirota: Blowback: Why They Try to Bomb Us - Truthdig

Scientists forecast decades of ash clouds - Times Online

500-year-old remains of Korean woman discovered with her handbag | Mail Online

Apparition: ‘fantastic message’ imparted to self-proclaimed visionary - The Irish Times - Wed, May 12, 2010

Abu Dhabi hotel installs gold vending machine - Yahoo! News

Peacock moves into family home - Telegraph

Superstitious Serbia :: BalkanInsight.com

Where's the oil? Much of it may be gone - Science- msnbc.com

Royal Navy 'does not keep sea monster sighting archive' - Telegraph

Report: Secret Space Plane Likely an Orbiting Spy | Danger Room | Wired.com

Bigfoot Mating Season Underway In Florida Everglades

GM crop use makes minor pests major problem : Nature News

Iowa court orders relatives to exhume body of man who wanted his head cryogenically frozen - WQAD

Prestosuchus chiniquensis: Fearsome predator that roamed Earth before the dinosaurs discovered | Mail Online

Aliens 'hijack' Nasa's Voyager 2 spacecraft, claims expert - Telegraph

A Vincent van Gogh now adorns my wall - Paranormal Review

Miracle or hoax in a Pakistan village? - World Blog - msnbc.com

Aiming to cure deafness, Stanford scientists first to create functional inner-ear cells

Using Laser to Map Ancient Civilization in a Matter of Days - NYTimes.com

Easter Island discovery sends archaeologists back to drawing board (The University of Manchester)

Herschel telescope finds 'impossible' star so massive it would dwarf our sun - CSMonitor.com

Britain's new Prime Minister promised UFO disclosure

Pope's visit to Portgual may shed light on Third Secret of Fatima - Telegraph

Woman unable to recognise voices gives new insights into the human brain - Telegraph

Gravity Lows Mark Burial Sites of Ancient Tectonic Plates | Wired Science | Wired.com

Is Halley's comet an alien interloper? - space - 10 May 2010 - New Scientist

Paul Hellyer vs. Stephen Hawking: Will contact with ETs lead to space weaponization and space war?


Debbie Schlussel: Donald Trump, Dhimmi: Miss Hezbollah Rima Fakih Wins Miss USA; Rigged for Muslima? Miss Oklahoma’s Arizona Immigration Answer

Debbie Schlussel:Miss USA Pageant Sponsor Attacked “Whites,” Bragged About Dad’s Massacre of Jews, is 9/11 Truther, Anti-Israel

Debbie Schlussel:Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant

Debbie Schlussel:You Stay Classy: Muslim Miss USA Contestant Has “High-Class” Supporters; More “Islamic Modesty”


*SITE:Marijuana Policy Project


The diet that helps you lose your paunch - Times Online

'Thousands of bees' swarm White House - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

AP IMPACT: Fed'l inspections on rig not as claimed - Yahoo! News

Breitbart.tv » ‘Unbecoming an American’: Gingrich Slams Kagan Over Military Recruiters at Harvard

No 'Little-Bitty Matter:' Sessions Says Kagan 'Violated the Law' on Military Recruiting - Political Punch

Answer the lesbian question, Ms Legal Eagle | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online

Vt. farmer draws a line at US bid to bolster border - The Boston Globe

Found: genes that let you live to 100 - Times Online

Pizza in Naples may be baked using coffin wood: report

Drama still swirls from last state dinner as Obama's second one nears - TheHill.com

Obama signs press freedom act, declines to take questions - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Iran fuel deal would not fix nuclear issue-France | Reuters

Reuters AlertNet - Israel plays wargame assuming Iran has nuclear bomb

Google’s Data Collection Angers European Officials - NYTimes.com

Fox unveils 2010-11 schedule, shrinks 'Idol' -- The Live Feed | THR

MCSO Busts Cockfighting Ring; Nearly 70 Arrested

The Associated Press: Chavez asks Venezuelans to tweet on speculators

Venezuela's Chavez orders takeover of iron-makers - BusinessWeek

RealClearPolitics - Video - AZ Governor, Palin Criticize AG Eric Holder For Not Reading Law

Trouble sleeping? Maybe it's your iPad - CNN.com

Archive Gallery: The Cities of Tomorrow | Popular Science

Mike’s World: Inside the Button-Down Mind of Mike Myers - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com

Fox unveils fall, midseason schedules

Legendary pianist Hank Jones dies | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

What Famous Mistress Will Pose for Playboy? - ABC News

'American Idol' Top Three Get Warm Homecoming During Whirlwind Visits - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

CBS picks up 'Hawaii Five-0,' 'Defenders,' more -- The Live Feed | THR

Miss USA runner-up Miss Oklahoma Morgan Elizabeth Woolard doomed by Arizona immigration law: critics

Conan O'Brien Finds an Historic New Home - TV News, Conan O'Brien : People.com

BP Reports Some Success in Capturing Leaking Oil - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Mile-long Tube Sucking Oil Away From Gulf Well

YouTube - Interview with Mrs RI 2010

Panel of experts outline how Arizona immigration law works

Kagan theses to be available online

The Associated Press: Ex-NYC top cop to start federal prison term

DPS emergency management director, Colley, dies | AP Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

FOXNews.com - 2 Kayakers Pulled From Sea Found Dead, Coast Guard Says

FOXNews.com - Iran Fuel Deal Puts U.S. in Check in Ongoing Nuclear Chess Match

FOXNews.com - Obama Signs Law Authorizing List of Nations That Stifle Press Freedom

Obama aides push back on claim that Kagan is 'anti-military' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Nigerian President Jonathan Fires CEO of State Oil Company - BusinessWeek

A Critique of Beinart's Essay - National - The Atlantic

BBC News - Miners missing after Turkey coal pit explosion

The Associated Press: Philippine chopper crash kills governor, 5 others

BBC News - Pakistan kidnappers free five more hostages in Kurram

South Korea freezes North Korea money ahead of Cheonan warship sinking report - CSMonitor.com

The Associated Press: Russian president boosts ties on visit to Ukraine

Indian Civilians Die in Maoist Attack - NYTimes.com

France accused of striking deal with Iran on prisoner releases - Times Online

BBC News - Somali President Ahmed to replace Prime Minister Sharmarke

YouTube - Chomsky: "We were denied entry"

BBC News - Eyewitness: Icelandic volcano

Plane Crashes in Afghanistan - WSJ.com

YouTube - Afghan plane crashes with 44 on board

BBC News - Bangkok protests day-by-day

YouTube - Inside Story - The battle in Bangkok

Economic Power: Avoid Arizona and Boycott BP

The Fall of the American Empire?

Crony Capitalism Caused the Crisis

The Dollar's Demise is not Inevitable

What Exactly Is 'Social Justice'?

The Genesis Machine

Test-Tube Life

The Ugly Side of Social Justice

The Pro-engagement Lobby and US Failure with Iran

Why Conservatives Love the Founders

Comedy Central and Anti-Semitism

NY Times sides with Obama and Palestinians on reference to 'settlements'

Speechless about our apology to the Chinese for protecting the border

In defense of 'making' money

Politicizing standard testing

Arab press cheers Obama for 'de-linking' Muslims and terror

Mexican President Calderone in Washington to whine about immigration law

'Brighter Days Ahead'

Climategate Taxpayer Fraud Investigation Draws Ideological Heat

Barack Obama's FCC Information Police

The Left's War on Free Speech

Combat Operations in the Border Zone

Computer Gamers: Conservatives in Waiting

See sparks fly! Michael Savage in Playboy

High Court Upholds Sex Offender Law « Liveshots

No breakthroughs in US, China human rights talks - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - San Diego Faces Own Medicine as Arizona Residents Cancel Travel Following Boycott of State

FBI files discuss Cronkite aiding Vietnam protesters - Yahoo! News

9/11 families blast Kagan - NYPOST.com

Kagan's abortion stance has both sides guessing - latimes.com

EDITORIAL: Obama's invisible Islam - Washington Times

US faces one of biggest budget crunches in world – IMF – Telegraph Blogs

Health reform threatens to cram already overwhelmed emergency rooms - TheHill.com

New York's Ground Zero mosque team lacking funds amid bookkeeping chaos - NYPOST.com

Official: Black Panther case lacks proof - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Federal prosecutors say former Mexican presidential candidate missing amid signs of violence

FOXNews.com - House Republicans Launch Anti-Government Spending Program

YouTube - Michael Savage Explains the Mental Disorder of Liberalism

Ben Kingsley: The dark family secret that drove him to success | Mail Online

Underground bunkers for sale, in case of apocalypse - latimes.com







Bill Cunningham 5/16/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 5/16/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 5/16/10 Hour 3


(cartoon)Saving the Planet, One Sheet at a Time

(cartoon)Obama Nation: What a Joker


Latest Polanski Accuser Speaks Out In Extensive Interview

Flyover State of Mind: Hollywood’s Red State Prejudice

Yes, There Is a Hollywood Blacklist

YouTube - Why I'm A Conservative Republican 2.0

Network That Cowers Before Muhammad: ‘You lied to me, Jew Producer’

Too Late: Polanski’s Chief Media Apologists Attempt to Backtrack

Congressional Logic: Let’s Fund Planes the Military Doesn’t Want

Matt Welch: We Are Out of Money

Obama’s Faith-Based Programs Pushing Global Warming, Climate Change, Green Issues

New Mosque Just Steps To Ground Zero?

Elites Hate When The People Speak

Salazar Shares Another Message With Employees

Who Is Governing America?

In Honor of a President Few Remember

Greece: Coming Attractions? … Or Wake-Up Call?

Tell Us How Great Regulations Are

House GOP to Obama: Drop Net Neutrality Agenda

Eyewitness: On the Ground With the Tim Burns Campaign in Pennsylvania

Are Liberal Bloggers Finally Admitting Gladney was Beaten?

‘Son of Alar’: The New Pesticide Scare Campaign

Must-Read of the Day: A Hidden History of Evil

As the Storm Approaches, Jonathan Capehart Finds a Truffle Named Sarah Palin

Sunday Morning Open Thread: The Way We Were

You, Too, Can Write a Frank Rich Column!

Does Eric Holder Even Know What He’s Talking About?

Credit Where Credit Is Due: For Once, the New York Times Acts In the Best Interests Of Our Country

Must-Read of the Day: The New Yorker Profiles Andrew Breitbart

What Regan and Goneril Can Teach Paul Krugman About Economics

Inside the Obama Media War Room

Inside the Obama Media War Room, Part Two: The Sequel

NASA: This Was The Hottest Six Months On Record. No Global Warming, Huh?

Will a driver's license suffice as proof of citizenship in Arizona? Maybe, but only if you're from Arizona

Deepwater Horizon Was Supposed To Be Inspected At Least 1X A Month. It Wasn't. Why?

Blowout: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Vital Equipment Damaged - Former BP Insider Warns Of Another Potential Disaster

The Lakers' coach Phil Jackson sides with Arizona's anti-immigration bill and channels Kobach's misleading propaganda

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Elena Kagan is no Blank Slate

The Cost Of Thinking Differently

Stealth Congress Climate Bills To Raise Energy Costs

BP siphon plan starts as political pressure builds - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Worry that Gulf oil spreading into major current

Australia to open up seabed for oil exploration - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Roy Tov – God’s Clowns: On Jewish Sabbath

Ultra-orthodox fury at removal of ancient remains from Israel hospital - Middle East, World - The Independent

Young Arabs just don't believe what they read in the Western press – Telegraph Blogs

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has passport confiscated - Times Online

Jamaican PM accused of blocking 'drug lord' trial - Telegraph

Former presidential candidate missing in Mexico - Times Online

Google aims to offer internet on your TV - Times Online

Sarah Palin: 'We're all Arizonans now' - Telegraph

Autistic boy charged with terrorist offence - Telegraph

Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news | The Guardian

Files reveal Britain's secret biological weapons trials in second world war | UK news | The Guardian

School-leavers and graduates are lacking basic skills, says survey - Times Online

Why a fifth of children don't know where they live | Mail Online

Laura Bush: George W Bush was a 'bore' when he drank too much - Telegraph

Obama Picks Kagan, Backer of Indefinite Detention Without Trial, for High Court

Pat Buchanan: There Are Too Many Jews On The Supreme Court! | TPM LiveWire

Wise Up Journal - » The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation working on Sweat-Triggered Vaccines

Gordon Duff: Assassination In Dubai, Israeli’s Warning To The World : Veterans Today

Why elites do belong on the Supreme Court

Big spenders in government, your time is up - KansasCity.com

Jonathan Alter: Obama, Year One, The Promise - Newsweek.com

So Much for Europe's Superiority - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - What Is It About Arizona?


*16th:Transcripts/Interviews with Sen. Specter and Rep. Sestak

Guests: Minority Leader McConnell and Senator Schumer

Guests: Senators Leahy and Sessions

Guests: Senators Feinstein and Kyl (PDF)


Mort Zuckerman: The Crippling Price of Public Employee Unions - US News and World Report

Angry Voters, but How Many? - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Key primaries a barometer of voters' frustration - USATODAY.com

Health care enters the race - Sen. Robert Menendez - POLITICO.com

Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? - Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - How Much Should the Government Spend?

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Base Likely to Disappoint Dems

RealClearPolitics - Democrats' Diverse Coalition

The American Spectator : Liberals Against Lincoln

Kagan Fit for Court Even Without Obama’s Hype: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - Holder Dodges the Obvious Truth

What Ever Happened to Welfare Mothers? | The Nation

David Ranson: The Revenue Limits of Tax and Spend - WSJ.com

Jorge G. Castañeda - Time for a reset in U.S.-Mexican relations

Nation building is a luxury in Afghanistan | John Bolton - Times Online

Supreme Court nomination of Kagan: WASP tradition triumphs - latimes.com

A slow-burn bonfire of liberties - Mark Steyn - Macleans.ca

Senate climate bill under a cloud - latimes.com

Editorial: Obama doing labor's bidding | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Sens. Lieberman and Brown offer the wrong solution on dealing with citizen terrorists

See-no-evil approach to terror attacks is scary | NewsOK.com

President Obama begins to rein in Congress - Glenn Thrush and Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

U.S. mayors caution against tax increase on carried interest - The Hill's On The Money

Auto Dealers Mobilize to Fight Federal Regulation - NYTimes.com

State Tax Collections Falter - WSJ.com


*17th:Politics Video/Texas Police Secretly Deploy Spy Drones

Family Guy Mocks Vietnam War Memorial: "I Killed Him, He Cried Like A B****"

Charlie Crist Heckled Over GOP Money: "I'm Going To Keep It"

NM-Gov: Citizens Support Doug Turner

PA-Sen: Pat Toomey Touts Conservative Credentials

Obama Signs Freedom Of Press Act

CBS' Schieffer: Obama Preparing For Specter Loss

Rep. Ron Paul On Debt Contagion Fears

Roll Call's Top Ten Most Vulnerable House Members

Gov. Rendell: Defends Specter, Stimulus

BP Exec: Won't Hide Behind $75M Cap

Politico's VandeHei Defends Kagan Against Charges Princeton Thesis "Bemoaned" Decline of Socialism

AL-Agr: Candidate Launches Ad Touting Tough Record

Former GEICO Voiceover Actor Mocks Tea Partiers In Satirical Ad

Palin: "We Are All Arizonans Now"

Kyl: Republicans Will Not Filibuster Kagan

FNS Panel On White House Media Management

Miss Oklahoma USA Supports Arizona Law: "I'm A Huge Believer In States' Rights"

No "Little-Bitty Matter": Sessions Says Kagan "Violated the Law" On Military Recruiting

Sessions: Kagan Confirmation Hearings Will Be "Big Deal"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Elena Kagan

Feinstein: Kagan "Qualified" And "Down To Earth"

"Meet The Press" Panel On Super Tuesday Primaries

Laura Bush On Media Bias, Obama's Response To Oil Spill

Gingrich On Obama's "Secular, Socialist Machine"

Michelle Obama: "So Many Of Today's Challenges Are Borderless"

Leahy: Miranda Reform Can't Stray from Previous SCOTUS Decisions

PA-Sen: Joe Sestak: "I'm Going To Win"

"This Week" Roundtable On Kagan Confirmation Battle

PA-Sen: Arlen Specter: "Where Was Sestak?"

Kyl On Kagan: Can She Put Her "Political Beliefs Aside"?

McConnell On Kagan: Let The "Process Play Out"

Schumer Defends Kagan: She Is "Brilliant" And "Practical"

AZ Governor, Palin Criticize AG Eric Holder For Not Reading Law


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Google clamps down on Obama's Social Security story


Here's my 2012 presidential ticket

See sparks fly! Michael Savage in Playboy

Facebook to Share Your Info for Money

Secretive speed traders in spotlight after crash - Yahoo! News


*American Minute for May 17th:William J Federer's American Minute


YouTube - Men Running on Water - Liquid Mountaineering

Health food magazine airbrush fattens up skinny model - Telegraph

Why I Quit Facebook - DailyFinance

Movie depicts seamy life of Facebook boss - Times Online

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Rachel Maddow: AZ Immigration Law Like Apartheid

Ezekiel unscathed!

Frano Selak: 'world's luckiest man' gives away his lottery fortune - Telegraph

detroit-shrinks-itself-historic-homes-and-all: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Report: Jordan River could die by 2011 - Israel Activism, Ynetnews

Trouble sleeping? Maybe it's your iPad - CNN.com

Laura Bush, abortion and same-sex marriage

Kagan was member of pro-abortion group

Government protects Islam, rejects trademark

Documentary delivers verdict on socialism and Christianity

Dem Congress just getting warmed up

Time to take the garbage out

Optimism in the midst of bad news

Academic overkill

Norwegian blood, U.S. flag

Citizens, naturally

Can Kagan Win Over Liberals? | The American Prospect

AP sources: US to join advisory group despite concern over possible anti-Israel bias - latimes.com

EDITORIAL: Obama's invisible Islam - Washington Times

Health reform threatens to cram already overwhelmed emergency rooms - TheHill.com

Judge rules Obama's aunt can stay in U.S. – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Gov. Brewer: Obama 'Comic-in-Chief'?

Our founders' solutions for illegal immigration

Miss USA: Did Arizona immigration hurt Miss Oklahoma Morgan Elizabeth Woolard in loss to Rima Fakih?

Dearborn's Miss Michigan wins Miss USA pageant | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

UPDATED: Miss USA Rima Fakih stripping contest photos emerge « Entertainment

Islamic mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero sparks protest

Mosque madness at Ground Zero - NYPOST.com

Thousands flock to Vatican to back pope over abuse

Pope tells crowd, priests must resist temptation | Reuters

Tea party claims a scalp

Afghan prosecutor issues arrest warrant for US special forces officer over police killing | World news | The Guardian

FBI files discuss Cronkite aiding Vietnam protesters - Yahoo! News

'Serious manipulation' of gold, silver markets

Cabal killing off U.S. wealth

Kagan was member of pro-abortion group

White House to release Kagan theses - Mike Allen and Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Top Republican sees bumpy Kagan court confirmation | Reuters


#Video: Plane pieces removed from home

Video: Investigation continues into 'serious crash' 5-17-10

Video: Whitehall Boy, 8, Saves Sister From Abduction Attempt

California Woman Earns College Diploma At Age 94

Video: Childcare Study Shows Impact on Kids

Video: Police Investigate Apparent VA Homicide

Video: Hollywood gossip from over the weekend

Video: Jury Sees Bathtub Where Sarah Widmer Died

Video: Style Essentials for the Modern Man

Video: The Do's & Don'ts of graduation etiquette

The B-Cast B-Side: Muslim Student Sends Chilling Message in San Diego

David Horowitz Analyzes ‘Chilling’ Encounter With Muslim Student

Gingrich Slams Harvard Hypocrisy Over Saudi Funding

SNL: ‘And Now a Message From the People Who Ruined Our Ocean’

‘Baby Bennett’: Pittsburgh TV Anchor’s Baby Defies Doctor’s Dire Predictions

Fired Geico Announcer Releases Epic ‘PSA’ Mocking FreedomWorks & Tea Partiers

Miss Oklahoma USA Defends Arizona’s Right to Pass Immigration Law

Network TV Shock: ‘Family Guy’ Joke Makes Light of US Soldiers Killed in Vietnam

Uncovered Audio: Obama’s Regulatory Czar Pushes Creepy Plan for Legally Controlling Internet Information

‘I-Fairy’ Robot Presides Over Japanese Wedding

United Airlines Apologizes for Locking Blind Teen on Plane

SEIU & Friends Storm DC Home of Bank Lobbyist

Miami Beach Hotel Offers Tanning Butler

Detroit 7-Year-Old Dies From Officer’s Gunshot During Police Raid

Ohio Taco Bell Customer Takes Off With Bonus $2,000 in Drive-Through Bag

‘Blessing of Fleet’ 2010 Carries Extra Importance for Gulf Fishing Crews

CBS News: Most TV Meteorologists Doubt Human Activity Is Causing Global Warming

Leahy: Miranda Reform Can’t Stray from Previous SCOTUS Decisions

‘We’re Republicans’: Alabama Candidate Debuts Super-Tough Campaign Ad

Phoenix Mayor Says Rep. Hayworth Is ‘Full of Racism’

Republican: Kagan Confirmation Hearings Will Be ‘Big Deal’

Beck to NRA: ‘Not One More Bill…Dollar…Right Will They Take From Us’

Beck to NRA: ‘These Are Not Democrats…They Are Marxist Revolutionaries’

‘Unbecoming an American’: Gingrich Slams Kagan Over Military Recruiters at Harvard

California Woman Earns College Diploma At Age 94