"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
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Lennon Marx

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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
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16 May 2010


IndyTruth Blog - The Declaration of Independence Provides the Answer to Illegal Immigration

IndyTruth Blog - Obama Deception and Dystopia


*4/17/10:Lew Rockwell on AntiWar Radio

*LEW ROCKWELL:States Revolt Against the Federal Government

*4/20-CATO INSTITUTE:Obamacare's Unconstitutional Coercion



States joined in suit against healthcare reform | Republic Broadcasting Network

YouTube - CHEMTRAILS - Weatherman Admits Military Spraying Chemicals In The Sky

Weatherman: The Military is Spraying Our Skies | Republic Broadcasting Network

Gates Foundation Researches Nanoparticle Vaccines Triggered by Sweat | Republic Broadcasting Network

Big Brother Wants To Know How You Spend Your Money | Republic Broadcasting Network

YouTube - YouTube - Obama_s Private Army now law. Hidden in health care bill.flv

YouTube - The Obama We Know

YouTube - The Story of Your Enslavement

YouTube - PA Tax Amnesty TV ad "We Know Who You Are"

YouTube - Fox Business May10




Repeal the healthcare bill: Here are some more arguments you can use

Now you tell us | health, care, insurance - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Immigration and REAL ID: Remember where you heard this

Chaos In The Minds And Chaos In The World | Republic Broadcasting Network


*Paranormal Top Sites(http://paranormal.top-site-list.com/)

Top Free Online Movie Sites(http://onlinemovies.top-site-list.com/)


*OVGuide: Online Video Guide


Paul A Drockton M.A.: Arizona vs. Mexico: Crime and Illegal Aliens:

Marijuana To Control Alcohol Abuse | Psych Central News

Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits the Wall

Ten-year worldwide study links mobile phone use to cancer | Mail Online

Sarah Palin's political bandwagon is wobbling under the weight of contradictions - Telegraph

US cities suspend trade with Arizona in protest against state’s immigration bill - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Internet-inspired drinks parties spread panic among authorities - Herald Scotland | News | World News

What has triggered the suicide cluster at Foxconn? – Telegraph Blogs

Kids who fib get to the top of the pile - Times Online

Outrage at secret probe into 47,000 innocent flyers | Mail Online

Billions wasted on swine flu pandemic that never came - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

SOUTH LEBANON: Israel's Master of Deception - The Career of Shimon Peres

Is “Elie Wiesel” His Real Name? « Mantiq al-Tayr

Inconvenient History | Revisionist Blog » The Riddle of Lazar-Lázár-Eliezer-Elie Wiesel

YouTube - Doyle criticizes BP, Transocean, and Halliburton for their failure to prevent or halt oil spill

YouTube - Palin's 'Drill Baby Drill' Vs. Oil Spill

savethemales.ca - Feigned Space Invasion- Recalling "Blue Beam"

Roy Tov – On the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the SS

Al-Ahram Weekly | Culture | The American art of war

Arizona law threatens ethnic studies courses tailored to immigrants' children | World news | The Guardian

The very unappetising truth about McDonald's chicken meals | Mail Online

Landmark study set to show potential dangers of heavy mobile phone use - Telegraph

States joined in suit against healthcare reform | Reuters

YouTube - STS 132 - UFO Fleet.

ET's Ignite Renaissance

State UFO experts say give peace a chance - JSOnline


**7 PART VIDEO:Stephen Hawking's Universe: Aliens /Discovery Channel


Hawking: A U.K. psyops to promote space weaponization and a false war against extraterrestrials?

Why the Search for Alien Life Matters - Julia Baird - Newsweek.com

Stephen Hawking partly in line with Denver UFO initiative

Hawking's Alien Warnings Divide UFOlogists - AOL News

- BASIL & SPICE OPINION - UFO Exposure 2010: Fallen Angels And The Protestants


* Audio3 Hr./ Rendlesham Debate


American Chronicle | The Curious Case of UFO's MAJIC MJ-12, and TV's Twin Peaks


*Sightings Broadcast/ 2.26.10


Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Hacker Gary McKinnon to be tried in Britain

Gary McKinnon: 'They can't return me to a place I wasn't in' - Profiles, People - The Independent


'Shocking' conditions at Tylenol plant - May. 14, 2010

Scientists find vast unreported oil leak from Deepwater Horizon - Times Online

Gulf oil spill: real disaster might be lurking beneath the surface - CSMonitor.com

Louisiana oil spill: toxic chemical fear over BP's clean-up efforts | Environment | The Observer

Oil spill: BP accused of using Gulf of Mexico as 'toxic testing-ground' - Telegraph

Redshirts warn of civil war as Thai troops told to shoot on sight | World news | The Observer

Scientists: Underwater plume of oil headed out to sea - USATODAY.com

TheSpec.com - healthfitness - Strokes on the rise in youths

Nigeria, China Sign Major Oil Deal - WSJ.com

Obama’s latest Monsanto pick, Elena Kagan

YouTube - 9/11 Truth from Director of US ARMY War College

Hispanic Anger Should Be Focused At Globalists « Dprogram.net

Loss of American Citizenship and Assassinations – David McKalip, M.D. « Dprogram.net

Proposal Would Delay Hearings in Terror Cases - NYTimes.com

ALIPAC - Professors: Arizona law passes constitutional test


YouTube - Patriots Question 9/11 - Robert Bowman Interview - part 1 of 5

YouTube - Patriots Question 9/11 - Robert Bowman Interview - part 2 of 5

YouTube - Patriots Question 9/11 - Robert Bowman Interview - part 3 of 5

YouTube - Patriots Question 9/11 - Robert Bowman Interview - part 4 of 5

YouTube - Patriots Question 9/11 - Robert Bowman Interview - part 5 of 5


YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Paul Watson Discusses Trilateral Commission wants War with Iran on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


YouTube - David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


Why U.S. lawmakers oppose renewable energy grants

Do healing foods work better than Big Pharma's drugs? The results speak for themselves

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*30 PGS/Conspiracy Theories/ CASS R. SUNSTEIN; University of Chicago - Law School

*20 PGS/Praxeology: The Methodology of Austrian Economics


*122 PGS/Essentials of Economics

Essays on Liberty: Volume 1

*170 PGS/Austrian Economics An Anthology


*304 PGS/Essays on Liberty VOL 1

**Journal of 9/11 Studies**


Liberty and Property

Libertarian Papers, Vol. 1 (2009)

On the Origins of Money

19 PG/Central Banking, Free Banking, and Financial Crises

14 PG/A Critical Analysis of Central Banks and Fractional-Reserve Free Banking from the Austrian School Perspective

57 PG/Karl Marx: Communist as Religious Eschatologist

8 PG/The Health-Care Tax

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 21 (2007)

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 20 (2006)

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 19 (2005)

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 18 (2004)

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 17 (2003)

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 16 (2002)

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 15 (2001)

Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 14 (2000)


*LINK PG:Journal of Libertarian Studies


16 PG/Religion & Liberty


There is a Crucial Link Between Culture and Economics


**Federal Deficit Chart (1901 to 2010) | Charting Stocks


America Held Hostage : Year 62 | My Catbird Seat

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on Freedom Watch - Concerns for the Fed

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 Truth From Director Of US ARMY War College

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense 13 May 2010

ksl.com - May 16: Sen. Bennett and the Tea Party Movement

YouTube - George Carlin ~ Owners of the country



Spot the difference when the "terror suspect" is a Muslim

stopwar.org.uk:Nobody winning in Afghanistan says US commander

stopwar.org.uk:How much more "accidental" mass murder in Afghanistan?

Declassified GAO Report Exposes Fatally Flawed Israel Investigations by -- Antiwar.com

Your Survival Depends Passing Glass Steagall

S Korea fires shots at North's ships

Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits the Wall

'Al-Qaida terrorists may pose as Ethiopians to sneak into Israel' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama plan would delay probable cause hearings to allow uninterrupted interrogations | Raw Story


Study Claims Unlawful Broadband File Sharing is Good for Sales − ISPreview UK

'US forced American Muslim into exile'

Newsalert: So Much for Europe's Superiority

05-15-2010: Tim LaHaye’s Apocalyptic Dreams Hits Pay-dirt With the Alleged Cop-Killing Plan of Michigan Militia

05-15-2010: Voyager 2 starts sending strange signals, claims 'hijacked by aliens'

05-15-2010: Another War in the Falklands? British Fleet on Standby, New Maps Highlight Disputed Territory With Oil and Gas Reserves

05-15-2010: U.S. Bank Failures Reach 72 In 2010

05-15-2010: Don't Go West

05-15-2010: Phantom Ray robot stealth jet rolls out

05-15-2010: Suggestion for Prepandemic Vaccine Ignites Debate

05-15-2010: Missing data pose mystery in Gulf spill probe

05-15-2010: Obama Administration Proposes Rolling Back Fifth and Sixth Amendments

Times Square Bombing Part of CIA False Flag Against Pakistan

Google says it mistakenly collected data about websites people were visiting over wireless networks

8 Long Term Economic and Environmental Effects of the Gulf Oil Spill

Joe Lieberman’s Fascist agenda to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights

US faces one of biggest budget crunches in world – IMF

Obama Sends Bomb, Mars Experts to Fix BP Oil Spill

Meet the nano-spiders: The DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body

New York Midwives Lose Right to Deliver Babies at Home

Facebook Founder Called Trusting Users “Dumb Fucks”

U.S. Still Using Illegal Private Spy Ring in Afghanistan and Pakistan

More troops hospitalized for mental health than any other reason

Japanese form human chain at US base

Canadian commander accused of murders and sex attacks - Telegraph

How US Weapons Grade Uranium was Diverted to Israel

The Bailout of Big American Banks Cost Trillions More Than We've Been Told

Will the Wall Street Banksters Ever Be Held Accountable?

The May 6 Stock Crash Revisited

New Target of Rights Erosion: US Citizens

Pentagon: Military Response To Cyber Attack Possible

Nuclear Energy: America's Chernobyl

The Financial Oligarchy Reigns: Democracy’s Death Spiral From Greece to the United States

The "War on Terrorism" for Oil: Folly of the Imperial Oil Adventure. Tolling Bells for Humanity

The Public Sector and the Economic Crisis: Searching for a Focus

Alice in Videoland: Looking Through a Rectangular TV Window into an Alternative Universe

Financial Fraud. How It Works. The Truth behind the Madoff Investment Scandal

Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits the Wall

Courthouse News Service

AllGov - News - Shareholders Sue Transocean for Hiding Oil Rig Blowout Preventer Failures

VA to limit surgeries at some hospitals - Army News, news from Iraq, - Army Times

AllGov - News - Omar Khadr: The U.S. Military Trial of a Child Soldier

AllGov - News - Men Who Marry Younger Women Live Longer; Women Do Best with Spouse of Same Age

AllGov - News - Future Worry: Hackers Attacking Car Computers

Idiocracy Rising

New terror monitors: Parking attendants and meter maids

Forget the Euro

Toward a Fed Audit

An Important Rule of the Empire

Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests

The Gold ATM

Training that makes killing civilians acceptable

Austrian Economics: What Is Money?

How Life Works | Hollywood's New Diet Secret...Appetite Control

Illustration of early hominids fighting a pack of hyenas - Boing Boing

The Haunted Boy: The Story Behind 'The Exorcist'? | Before It's News

YouTube - The Haunted Boy - The Secret Diary Of The Exorcist. October 2010

Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Cattle And People, Company Says -- RFID Ink -- InformationWeek

Shadow Government Controls Politicians, Regulators and The Fed | Before It's News

DNA could be backbone of next generation logic chips

European Powerbrokers Present Proposal For New Economic And Political Order

The dangers of growing DNA databases

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

Sessions: Kagan's Testimony Will Be 'Big Deal'

Laura Bush Says Kagan Nomination Is 'Great'

NAACP Backs Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Kagan

Pruden: 1st Amendment Under Liberal Siege

Kennedy: Kagan Will Change High Court 'Dynamic'

Leahy, Sessions to Set Kagan Hearings This Week

Thousands Flock to Vatican to Back Pope Over Abuse

Abortion Foes Capitalize On Healthcare Law

Obama: Shed Light on Wall Street's Shadowy Deals

Palin Joins Arizona Gov. to Defend Immigration Law

WH Asks Clinton Library to Release Kagan Papers

Plot to Kill Pope Thwarted

Election Poll Flashes Mixed Signals for Parties

Govt Met With Environmentalists On Land Protection

Palin Says Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could

Conservative Friends Rise in Support of Kagan

Justice Questions Way Court Nominees Are Grilled

Small Business Lobby to Go to Court On Health Law

Cellphones Used More for Data Than for Calls

Facebook Rolling out New Security Features

The Days of Carefree Spending Are Over

Obama’s Spending Defies Economic History

Elena Kagan Will Be Obama's Legacy

Obamacare Equals Socialism on Steroids

Ivy Leaguer Kagan Not Close to Mainstream America

Palin Says She Connects to 'Tough, Gun-Toting, Pioneer Feminism'

L.A. Mayor: Illegal Immigration Adds to ‘Economic Might’ of Deficit-Ridden California

The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Government to Track Body Mass of American Children

Americans Who Don’t Attend Church Form Base of Obama’s Support, Gallup Polling Indicates

Schwarzenegger Eliminates Welfare-to-Work Program from California Budget

Pope Declares Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage Most 'Insidious and Dangerous' Threats Facing the World

View From The Left

Jesus, Mohammed, and Comedy Central

Our Busted Deportation System Strikes Again

In 1971 The Big Question Was "Should All Drugs Be Legalized?"

Lobbyists Lose As Senate Votes To Cut Debit Card Fees

Sarah Palin feeds into phony -- and dangerous -- Obama anti-gun hysteria

Obama: Friends Don't Let Republicans Drive

Juan Varela's family says white neighbor gunned him down over SB 1070, demand hate-crime charges

Roxanne Conlin-- Is She The Democrat Most Likely To Paint A Red Seat Blue In 2010?

Arnold Schwarzenegger's budget will devastate the poor in California

BP sticking with 5,000-barrels-per-day estimate for Gulf oil spill

Can We Declare Defeat Already On War On Drugs?

Death of the WASP Power Structure: No More Protestants On SCOTUS

There's a reason we need to keep reminding people about George W. Bush

"Frickin' laser beam" weapons soon to be a reality?

NYC Women Lose Home Birth Options With Closure of St. Vincent's Hospital

New Rule: I Want My Country Forward

WSJ: Deepwater Horizon Crew Argued Over Drilling Plan Before Blast

Shame on Chuck Todd for Citing Polls to Defend Racism

Citizens United, Act II: SpeechNow vs. FEC

Brit Hume defends White House interview with Kagan

Gingrich calls on Obama to withdraw Kagan nomination

Thinking Rots the Mind! by Butler Shaffer

A Political Insurrection Has Begun by Gary North

The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the Impending Currency Crisis | Silver Monthly - The Silver Investor's Resource

My Way News - Eyes flashing, robot conducts wedding in Tokyo

My Way News - Rubio says country relying too much on government

Sister Sledgehammer: Palin takes aim at Dem women - Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

Haney confirms Tiger's sex addict treatment, saw no doping - Yahoo! News

Thousands of nonprofits may lose tax-exempt status - Yahoo! News

New GOP argument against Kagan: She could ban books - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Breitbart.tv » ‘Unbecoming an American’: Gingrich Slams Kagen Over Military Recruiters at Harvard

No 'Little-Bitty Matter:' Sessions Says Kagan 'Violated the Law' on Military Recruiting - Political Punch

My Way News - Shuttle survey stalled as NASA watches space junk

Anti-nuke film sounds terror warning at Cannes

Roman Polanski petition circulating at Cannes

New British PM bans mobile phones at cabinet meetings - Yahoo! News

Found: genes that let you live to 100 - Times Online

Movie depicts seamy life of Facebook boss - Times Online

WHO study has no clear answer on phones and cancer | Reuters

Earthquake rattles Puerto Rico – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Magnitude 5.8 - PUERTO RICO

U.S. Is Still Using Private Spy Ring, Despite Doubts - NYTimes.com

Hong Kong holds by-elections in test for democracy camp - Yahoo! News

China's property moves leave buyers in limbo

Venezuela's Chavez orders takeover of iron-makers - BusinessWeek

RealClearPolitics - Video - AZ Governor, Palin Criticize AG Eric Holder For Not Reading Law

Newlywed cosmonaut puts honeymoon on hold as he begins 18-month simulated Mars mission | Mail Online

Creature comfort: the British 'safari jet' that transforms into a plush viewing platform | Mail Online

Trouble sleeping? Maybe it's your iPad - CNN.com

Sunday Morning Open Thread: The Way We Were

Inside the Obama Media War Room

Inside the Obama Media War Room, Part Two: The Sequel

As the Storm Approaches, Jonathan Capehart Finds a Truffle Named Sarah Palin

Must-Read of the Day: A Hidden History of Evil

Inside the Sausage Factory: A Retirement at ABC News Brings Out the Long Knives

NewsBusted: Only 39% Would Re-Elect Obama

If Obama’s CIA Kills An American In the Desert, Will Keith Olbermann Hear It?

Elena Kagan — Worryingly Wobbly On the First Amendment

Lighten Up, America: PC Speech Is Not Free Speech

The MSM: Miserable Misunderstanding Misunderstanders of Islam

Re: Arizona, Mother Jones’s MoJo Not Working So Well

Trying To Ridicule ‘Climate Change’ Skeptics, Green-Bloggers Come a Cropper

Why Won’t the Obama Administration Call Out Radical Islam?

CNN’s Cooper Asks: What’s Wrong With Racial Segregation in Education?

Is Harvard Law a Racket, a Cartel, Or the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft?

NewsBusted: Obama Calls Europe a “Country”…

Elites Hate When The People Speak

New Mosque Just Steps To Ground Zero?

Obama’s Faith-Based Programs Pushing Global Warming, Climate Change, Green Issues

Matt Welch: We Are Out of Money

Congressional Logic: Let’s Fund Planes the Military Doesn’t Want

Kansas 1st Congressional District: I’m With Tim

Imagine the Reaction if Bush Nominee for Supreme Court Taught a Course in ‘Presidential Lawmaking’

AUDIO :Ricochet Podcast #16: The Soft Launch

What is a Right?

First Healthcare, Now Banks: Is Anyone Seeing A Pattern Here?

Congressman Steve King Questions AG Holder On Arizona Bill

Left Plans Massive In-Your-Face Anti-Capitalism Rally on DC’s K Street

Get Combative (Jersey Style) For Small Government

AUDIO:EuroTarp, Finreg, and Why Leftist Elites Hate the Tea Parties

US Census Workers Knocking on Your Neighbors’ Doors, Looking for Snitches in Memphis

Obama-Dodd Bank Bill: Spying on You

Eric Holder Is Irresponsible and Dangerous – Eric Holder Must Step Down

US Taxpayers Should Not Bail Out Greece!

Military ‘Intelligence?’

Soros Funded Think Progress Cries Astroturfing Wolf

Flyover State of Mind: Hollywood’s Red State Prejudice

BREAKING: Latest Polanski Accuser Speaks Out In Extensive Interview

‘Dumb & Dumber’: A Look Back at 1994, Best Year EVAH!


AUDIO PAGE( LIST):Ricochet - Big Government

AUDIO PAGE( LIST):The New Ledger - Big Government


Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Obama Nation: What a Joker

» Useful Idiots: Alleged Man-Caused Disaster Guy - Big Journalism


Mullah Omar Captured! - Big Journalism

‘The Nation’ Turns a Lonely Eye To Big Mullah Omar Scoop - Big Journalism

Oliver North Confirms Mullah Omar Capture - Big Journalism

Oliver North Confirms Big Government Report ** Intelligence Sources in U.S. & Afghanistan: Mullah Omar in Hands of Pakistan’s ISI - Big Journalism

Milblogger Baba Tim: Sources Confirm Pakistanis Have Captured Mullah Omar - Big Government


*SITE:Buzzsprout ;Create Podcast


Where's the oil? Much of it may be gone - Science- msnbc.com

Royal Navy 'does not keep sea monster sighting archive' - Telegraph

Report: Secret Space Plane Likely an Orbiting Spy | Danger Room | Wired.com

Bigfoot Mating Season Underway In Florida Everglades

GM crop use makes minor pests major problem : Nature News

FOXNews.com - Where’s Jimmy? Just Google His Bar Code

Iowa court orders relatives to exhume body of man who wanted his head cryogenically frozen - WQAD

Prestosuchus chiniquensis: Fearsome predator that roamed Earth before the dinosaurs discovered | Mail Online


Debbie Schlussel: Meet Miss USA Contestant’s Hezbollah “Martyr” Family

Debbie Schlussel:To Those Opposed to the Ground Zero Mosque

Debbie Schlussel:Your Day in Palestinian Statehood & “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

Debbie Schlussel:When Your Doctor is a Muslim, #455,246: The Medical Jihad on America Continues

Debbie Schlussel:Reason #883,254 Not to Eat @ Muslim-Owned Falafel Shops

Debbie Schlussel:Had Enough?: USA Today Whines Over Muslim Boxer’s Visa to US

Debbie Schlussel:You Stay Classy: Muslim Miss USA Has “High-Class” Supporters; More “Islamic Modesty”


Robert Downey Jr. and Matt Damon can't hold a candle to John Wayne | - Movies with Stephen Whitty - NJ.com

BLABBERMOUTH.NET - DIO: 'For The Record: The Complete Dio Vinyl Collection' Due Later This Year

NBC's 'Heroes' cancelled after four seasons and 'Law & Order: Los Angeles' is announced

Only hours remain to crowning of 2010 Miss USA winner - Sunday, May 16, 2010 | 11:04 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Tiger Woods Mistress -- Uchitel Had a Point ... | TMZ.com

Dr. Murray aids fallen air passenger - UPI.com

YouTube - Michael Jackson's doctor saves woman on flight

The Associated Press: Woody Allen comes out in support of Polanski

YouTube - Polanski faces new accusation of sexual abuse

'Iron Man' is No. 1 in USA, but 'Robin Hood' plays well overseas - USATODAY.com

FOXNews.com - Alec Baldwin Ties Saturday Night Live Hosting Record

Cannes Premiere: Woody Allen's 'Tall Dark Stranger' - Live From: Live Event and Entertainment Coverage - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Cannes Presents: 'You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger'

Senate primaries will test depth of anger at incumbents - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

FOXNews.com - Small Plane Reportedly Crashes Into Clearwater, Fla., Home

'Calorie Commando' chef Juan-Carlos Cruz held in alleged murder-for-hire plot - latimes.com

Protesters urge changes in gun laws, end to violence - CharlotteObserver.com

The Associated Press: 2 NYPD officers killed, 4 women hurt in car wreck

FOXNews.com - Pelosi Credits Motherhood For Congressional Success

The Associated Press: Detroit police say 7-year-old shot in home search

Leahy: Miranda Reform Can’t Stray from Previous SCOTUS Decisions - Political Punch

Pennsylvania Race a Midterm Bellwether - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: First lady tells George Washington U. grads: give

Palin pushes abortion foes to form 'conservative, feminist identity'

girl donates piggy bank money to huntsville officers memorial - WHNT

YouTube - President Obama Honors Fallen Law Enforcement Officers

Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions Says Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan 'Violated the Law' - ABC News

Tube Catches ‘Some’ Oil From Leak - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Giant Oil 'Plumes' Detected in Gulf of Mexico

YouTube - Lula hopes to broker Iran deal

YouTube - Cathay Pacific Plane Escorted to Vancouver

Japan PM's dilemma over U.S. base deepens before poll | Reuters

Pakistan Offensive Kills 30 Militants | Asia | English

The Associated Press: Teen sailor had doubts before sailing around globe

Survey: Drone attacks in Pak fuel anger

Cartoonist Lars Vilks attacked for showing Prophet Mohammed in gay film - CSMonitor.com

AFP: Eleven Somali civilians killed as rebels attack parliament

Ed Miliband stands against brother David Miliband in fight for Labour leadership | Politics | The Guardian

The Associated Press: Moderate quake rattles Puerto Rico

Israel bars academic Chomsky entry to West Bank | Reuters

Chinese FM refutes Japan's groundless attack on nuclear disarmament issues

Mexico manhunt for missing politician Diego Fernandez de Cevallos - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Senior Mexican politician goes missing

France denies deal with Iran over released teacher | Reuters

Recount in Iraq Preserves Victory for Maliki Rival - NYTimes.com

CTV Toronto - Vancouver flight bomb threat was a 'false alarm' - CTV News

Thailand toughens stand against spiraling protests | Reuters

Ash May Close London Airports - WSJ.com

Brazilian President Meets Iranian Leaders Over Nuclear Deal | Middle East | English


YouTube - Michael Savage Explains the Mental Disorder of Liberalism


FOXNews.com - Where’s Jimmy? Just Google His Bar Code

US faces one of biggest budget crunches in world – IMF – Telegraph Blogs

EDITORIAL: Obama's invisible Islam - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Federal prosecutors say former Mexican presidential candidate missing amid signs of violence

Kagan's abortion stance has both sides guessing - latimes.com

PRUDEN: The First Amendment under 'progressive' siege - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

CNSNews.com - Pelosi Calls for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Health reform threatens to cram already overwhelmed emergency rooms - TheHill.com

Muhammad cartoonist in hiding after arson attack

Official: Black Panther case lacks proof - Washington Times

Mosque madness at Ground Zero - NYPOST.com

CNSNews.com - The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Government to Track Body Mass of American Children

New British government includes first Muslim woman minister - CNN.com

WBIR.com | Knoxville, TN | Update: Gore tells graduates climate change is "unfinished business"

Muslim cleric calls for 'Greater Iran'

Guess What Greece Has To Jettison? - IBD - Investors.com

FOXNews.com - House Republicans Launch Anti-Government Spending Program

Playboy magazine mum over radio show host Michael Savage slamming interview article

UCLA awards honorary degrees to Japanese Americans who were interned - latimes.com

New York's Ground Zero mosque team lacking funds amid bookkeeping chaos - NYPOST.com

Fifty Ugliest Cars of the Past 50 Years: A Half-Century of Automotive Eyesores - BusinessWeek







Russia warns U.S. against unilateral Iran sanctions - Yahoo! News

Jpost-Moscow to build nuke plant in Turkey

Russia spurns Israeli rebuke over Hamas meet

'Russia moving closer to Hezbollah too'

YouTube - Eric Holder Refuses To Say "Radical Islam"

U.S. Jewish leaders echo European call to end Israeli settlement building - Haaretz

Goal: 15,000 expats back every year - PM unveils new plan to help Israelis residing abroad return - Jerusalem Post

The new Lebanon battlefield - Israelis don’t fully realize scope of military threat posed by Hezbollah - Ynet

Muslim cleric calls for 'Greater Iran' - Shi'ite Islamic union would stretch from Afghanistan to Israel - Jerusalem Post

Neo-Nazi jailed in U.K. for planning chemical attacks on Jews, Muslims - Haaretz

Jordanians burn Israeli produce - Hundreds burn Israeli fruit, vegetable crates after clerics issue religious edict - Ynet

Brazil's leader seeks nuclear compromise with Iran - MSNBC

Greece Considering Legal Action Against U.S. Banks for Crisis - Bloomberg

Customs Union is choice of principle of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan - Putin - Voice of Russia

Hague Meets Clinton On First Official Trip - Sky News

Suspected militants kidnap 60 in NW Pakistan: police - Reuters

Sudan army seizes Darfur rebel bastion, kills 108: spokesman - Gulf News

Obama Wants $80 Billion to Upgrade Nuclear Arsenal - NewsMax

Obama Rips Wall Street But Hosts High-Dollar Fundraiser in Manhattan - Fox

Obama Losing the 'God Vote', Backer Chaim Saban Losing Sleep - Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Evangelical leaders 'out on a limb' on citizenship for illegal immigrants - Church

BP stock: Is it time to sell the spill-stained oil giant? - Matt Krantz

Nicking Our Public Discourse: - Islam smells weakness at the heart of the West - Mark Steyn

How Badly Will the Democrats Do? - A few trends to watch ahead of November - Karl Rove


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Shahzad used 'Hawala' system to finance terror

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Radical Islam' doesn't fit Obama's 'narrative'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Constitution 'only roadblock' for Obama

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama creating huge bureaucracy like Greece


Laura Bush, abortion and same-sex marriage

He wasn't just whistling Dixie

Ed Meese vs. Elena Kagan

Why I'm an 'immediatist' on abortion

CBS claim: Robin Hood = Che Guevara

Baby boomers' wicked legacy

Pakistani intel agency linked to Times Square

Official: Broker network tied to NY bomb suspect - Yahoo! News

The real reason Eric Holder is friendly to terrorists

Interfaith meeting rocked by terror accusation

Amnesty? Bureaucrats already drawing up plan to implement

Arizonans Fighting Back Against Boycotts - Phoenix News Story - KPHO Phoenix

Media ignore violence from the left

AP-GfK Poll: Only a third want own lawmakers back - Yahoo! News

Which 'recently appointed' justice does Kagan have a beef with? - Yahoo! News

The rumour that will not be batted away - Times Online

Alert for military: Here comes Elena!

Kagan's hero: 'Most liberal activist judge' in world

Kagan slammed own memo during 1st Senate hearing

FBI files discuss Cronkite aiding Vietnam protesters - Yahoo! News

Obama threatens to 'impose' Palestinian state

Born-again 'Son of Hamas' now fights 'Islam's god'

Muslim cleric calls for 'Greater Iran'

Emanuel to rabbis: US 'screwed up'

Government protects Islam, rejects trademark

US faces one of biggest budget crunches in world – IMF – Telegraph Blogs

Hot Air » New billboards in MN ask: Had enough Hope and Change?

The Standard | Online Edition :: Hail Sarah Obama, the granny of letters

Charges dropped against Christian who preached ¿homosexuality is a sin¿ | Mail Online

Feds tell court they can decide what you eat

Former Mexico presidential candidate missing - Yahoo! News

'Gay' demands challenge freedom of religion


YouTube - Men Running on Water - Liquid Mountaineering

It’s all in the shoes, claim water-walkers - Times Online

30 AUG '06/Evangelist drowns trying to walk on water

APR 04 '06/University research: Jesus walked on ice


*American Minute for May 16th:William J Federer's American Minute


VIDEO :The Apostle Paul you never knew

VIDEO :Truth, love and acceptance of the gospel


Welcome, Elena Kagan, to the crossfire

Donald Trump's Miss USA Pageant Holds Lingerie Photo Shoot, Critics Are Upset - cbs4.com

Found: genes that let you live to 100 - Times Online

Ezekiel unscathed!

Tax Collector Employees Say They Are Forced To Give Blood - West Palm Beach News Story - WPBF West Palm Beach

*The big list: Female teachers with students

nrc.nl - New Orleans may let the water back in

Report: Jordan River could die by 2011 - Israel Activism, Ynetnews

Phantom Ray: Boeing unveils spy plane of the future | Mail Online

'I will never forgive Polanski. I'm telling the truth and Roman knows it': Actress Charlotte Lewis claims she was abused by director when she was 16 | Mail Online

Fort Scott, Kan. dance instructor accused of having sex with teen - KOAM TV 7 Joplin and Pittsburg News Weather Sports |

Sex Assault Victim: I Knew I'd Get An 'A' - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver

How a big nose keeps the sniffles at bay... | Mail Online

Elizabeth construction workers sue former co-worker over 2009 Mega Millions jackpot | - NJ.com

Cheap Alcohol Ravages Uganda - AOL News

RealClearPolitics - Europe's Lack of Discipline

Op-Ed Columnist - In Athens, a Question From Lydia - NYTimes.com

This is a time to weep and a time to laugh - Times Online

Cass Sunstein Wants to Nudge Us - NYTimes.com

Politicians want to tax us thin — but it’s big government that needs a diet - NYPOST.com

William A. Galston and Thomas E. Mann - The GOP's grass-roots obstructionists

RealClearPolitics - The Media's Primary Double Standard

The American Debate: Democratic champion or rogue knight? | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/16/2010

John Kass: Mitch Daniels the Un-Obama in 2012? - chicagotribune.com

Tide is turning in favor of Arizona immigration law

Arizona boycott doesn't solve anything :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Carol Marin

Why Obama Chose Kagan | The Weekly Standard

Klein: Why Elena Kagan Must Talk - Ezra Klein - Newsweek.com

Liberal grit in the fight for school choice - The Boston Globe

Britain’s Top Dog Finds a Mate - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - A Vote That Changed History

Where do they go to get their reputations back?

Editorial - The Threat to Miranda - NYTimes.com

The Lib-Cons must beware the tax trap -Times Online

Montgomery County judge goes easy on child sex offenders

Dems feel healthcare fatigue - TheHill.com

President Obama's school plan riles lawmakers - Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

New Rules Rein in Congress Travel Costs - WSJ.com

Thousands of non-profits could unwittingly lose tax status - USATODAY.com


16TH;Politics Video:Palin: "We Are All Arizonans Now"

Kyl: Republicans Will Not Filibuster Kagan

FNS Panel On White House Media Management

Michelle Obama: "So Many Of Today's Challenges Are Borderless"

"Meet The Press" Panel On Super Tuesday Primaries

No "Little-Bitty Matter": Sessions Says Kagan "Violated the Law" On Military Recruiting

Feinstein: Kagan "Qualified" And "Down To Earth"

PA-Sen: Arlen Specter: "Where Was Sestak?"

Sessions: Kagan Confirmation Hearings Will Be "Big Deal"

Gingrich On Obama's "Secular, Socialist Machine"

PA-Sen: Joe Sestak: "I'm Going To Win"

"This Week" Roundtable On Kagan Confirmation Battle

Leahy: Miranda Reform Can't Stray from Previous SCOTUS Decisions

McConnell On Kagan: Let The "Process Play Out"

Schumer Defends Kagan: She Is "Brilliant" And "Practical"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Elena Kagan

Kyl On Kagan: Can She Put Her "Political Beliefs Aside"?

Laura Bush On Media Bias, Obama's Response To Oil Spill

*15TH;PA-12: Tim Burns On Wall St., Health Care

Geithner: Greece's Debt Crisis Will Not Affect American Economy

Obama Weekly Address On Wall Street Reform & Main Street

AR-Sen: Lincoln Touts "Moderate" Status In Race Against Halter

Rep. Lee Gives GOP Address On Democrats' Budget Failure

FOX News Watch: White House Reporting On Itself?

Bill O'Reilly Vs. Glenn Beck On Miranda Rights

FL-Sen: Rubio On Crist's Decision Not To Give GOP Money Back

BP Executive: "We Will Stop This Leak"

PA-Sen: Specter, Sestak Battle It Out As Election Day Nears

Tapper On Obama's Reaction To Oil Spill

O'Reilly: Soldiers Are The "Best Among Us"

Krauthammer: Obama's Oil Leak Rebuke Was "Unpresidential"


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Google clamps down on Obama's Social Security story

WakeUp 2010: Day 1 report on the Manning trial of Barack Obama

The Conservative Monster.com: Summary of Day One - The Obama Columbia University Trial

Flowchart to Determine if Barack Obama is a U.S. Citizen

*Obama Felony

Obama Social Security number | Questions and answers

YouTube - Skirmish in Harlem -- birthers vs neighbors

President Obama Social Security Number is Questioned - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent | Deanna Spingola


Karl Rove Thumbs His Nose At RNC, Builds Shadow Republican Party To Evade Finance Limits

IDF Prepares Public for Nationwide Home Front Exercise - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

AP IMPACT: Fed'l inspections on rig not as claimed

AP Exclusive: Vatican details US sex abuse defense

Oil plumes under Gulf are a toxic double whammy

Abortion foes capitalize on health law they fought

Video of American drowned saving son shocks Italy

Detroit police say 7-year-old shot in home search

Major study on cell phones and cancer inconclusive

16 killed after attack on Somali parliament

European Muslims criticize veil ban plans

Miss USA hopefuls take stage in pageant from Vegas

Lieberman slams Russia-Syria arms deal

WW2 files reveal germ warfare trials

Texas schools board rewrites history

'42% of Jews identify as secular'

Academic Commando program launched

Libya plane crash survivor flies home

PM defends Barzilai grave removal

Thailand toughens stand against spiraling protests

France denies deal with Iran over released teacher

Yemen Qaeda threatens attacks on U.S. over cleric: website

Shuttle Atlantis reaches space station on last trip

BP says successfully tests oil-siphoning system

Chile charges, frees Pakistani in U.S. embassy case

Top Republican sees bumpy Kagan court confirmation

U.S. economy still needs further boost: Romer

Obama pushes Wall Street reform with populism

Turkish PM to Tehran in bid to seal nuclear swap

Iraq recount fails to overturn Allawi election win

Sudan arrests Islamist opposition leader

Rolling Stones revisit their days in "Exile"

Africa's lake Tanganyika warming fast, life dying

Scientists capture more "spooky" light particles

Genes explain why Tibetans thrive in high places

Google to stop selling smartphone online

Ruling could have chilling effect on P2P services

Global ad industry eyes boost from mobile devices

Michael Jackson's children become Web stars after leaks

Half of Russians believe bribery solves "problems"


#VIDEO:Phoenix Mayor Says Rep. Hayworth Is 'Full of Racism'

Video: Supreme Court Nominee Wraps Up A Week Of Visits To Capitol Hill

Gingrich Slams Harvard Hypocrisy Over Saudi Funding

The B-Cast B-Side: Muslim Student Sends Chilling Message in San Diego

David Horowitz Analyzes ‘Chilling’ Encounter With Muslim Student

SNL: ‘And Now a Message From the People Who Ruined Our Ocean’

Beck Commencement Speech at Liberty Gets Emotional From the Start

‘I-Fairy’ Robot Presides Over Japanese Wedding

Lawmakers Flock to Facebook

United Airlines Apologizes for Locking Blind Teen on Plane

Japanese Lingerie Company Unveils Bra That Grows Rice

Geithner Sees Europe Managing Crisis Without Fallout for U.S.

‘Blessing of Fleet’ 2010 Carries Extra Importance for Gulf Fishing Crews

Beck to NRA: ‘These Are Not Democrats…They Are Marxist Revolutionaries’

Beck to NRA: ‘Not One More Bill…Dollar…Right Will They Take From Us’

Arizona Governor Posts Video Slamming AG Holder for Not Reading Law

GOP Throws ‘Pink Slip Party’ For Grayson and Kosmas

‘Live Fire Zone’: Thai Government Cracks Down on Opposition in Central Bangkok

Palin: Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could

Obama Pushes Passage of Wall Street Reform Bill

GOP Critical of Obama’s Economic Policies

‘I’m a Socialist’: Fox News Confronts LA Teacher From Notorious La Raza Revolution Video


Brazil's Lula in Iran for nuclear talks

What's in store for Mount St. Helens 30 years post-eruption?

Airstrikes, combat kill 58 suspected militants in Pakistan

Plea for Talks Won't EaseThai Military Crackdown

All Eyes on 3 Senate Primaries

EXCLUSIVE: Shakeup at Wikipedia After Porn Purge

Why TV Crime Shows Are to Die For

Long pipe new weapon against oil leak

Man detained at U.S. Embassy in Chile released from jail

Woody Allen comes out in support of embattled French filmmaker Roman Polanski

Arrest called 'civil rights disaster'

Shrimpers chase a new catch: oil

Hospital nun rebuked for allowing abortion

Google giving up on Nexus One's online store

Man lands job with $6 Google campaign

Prehistoric 'footprints' falsified by science

It's Gawker vs. Jobs in e-mail debate over porn

Cosmic Log: The leading light for lasers

Facebook plays down crisis meeting

Hacker's lawyers lobby minister

*Kathleen Sebelius Interview on Health Care Reform

In war on drugs, Obama refocuses as public health fight

Vitamin E may help protect lungs

Heinz Changing Ketchup Recipe to Slash Salt

Faster, stronger, deadlier: the MRSA superbug

Ohio crooks get more than they wanted in car heist: a corpse

Man arrives at Grenada police station with 2 heads in bucket

Stripper accused of committing worker's comp fraud

Suicide bomber strikes Afghan border police

Huge Brazil collection of snakes, spiders burned

Official: Machine was origin of NH explosions

Kagan unlikely to see GOP filibuster on nomination

Letters - Two Generations - An American Story - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Search Engine of the Song Dynasty - NYTimes.com

Op-Ed Contributor - In the Arab world, the digital divide mirrors larger inequalities. - NYTimes.com

Mules will help in radiation survey at LA-area lab

Jamaica PM admits role against US drug extradition