"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

18 May 2010

18 MAY


YouTube - Amazing answer for oil spills!

YouTube - Its Coming Here Soon


Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news | The Guardian

Sail-powered spacecraft to be launched by Japan - Telegraph

Google aims to offer internet on your TV - Times Online

Former presidential candidate missing in Mexico - Times Online

Thailand violence: renegade general dies from gunshot wound - Telegraph

Jamaican PM accused of blocking 'drug lord' trial - Telegraph

Italians say priests should marry as confidence in Pope falls -Times Online

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has passport confiscated - Times Online

Huge swell sinks wave energy generator - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Young Arabs just don't believe what they read in the Western press – Telegraph Blogs

Afghan prosecutor issues arrest warrant for US special forces officer over police killing | World news | The Guardian

Roy Tov – God’s Clowns: On Jewish Sabbath

Purposely Killing The Gulf?

Stealth Congress Climate Bills To Raise Energy Costs

The Cost Of Thinking Differently

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Elena Kagan is no Blank Slate

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Planet Chomsky vs. Dershowitz’s Orbit by Gilad Atzmon

Hate law goes to 'most absurd level': Jewish group

Miss USA: Pole-dancing, Hezbollah-supporting agent provocateur?

Armageddon days are here

savethemales.ca - Top Secret Gorbachev Files Unveil Globalist Agenda

Led By AZ, State By State We Can Take America Back

"War without Borders": Obama's "Long War"

Natural Health News: RoundUp Ready Crops: Just as Predicited

Who Wants this American Dead? | Criminal State

APFN - Obama's aunt was an illegal immigrant ...BUT!

Disease 'to cut Afghan opium by up to 70%' - Yahoo! News


Hidden Sources Of MSG In Foods

Hidden Names For MSG In Your Food - Read Labels!


The Truth Will Set You Free: Suter's Back in Town - 9-11's Dancing Israeli Dominik Suter is Alive and Well and Living in New Jersey? (with updates)

Monetary Dictatorship

YouTube - Duck And Cover - Original 1950 Airing

Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites

American's Journey: Drill Baby Drill

Massive underwater oil cloud may destroy life in Gulf of Mexico

"Drill, baby, drill": Fox News' Environmental Catastrophe // Current

Obama to Name Panel to Probe Disaster - WSJ.com

SOUTH LEBANON: The Media: A Victim of Neo-Colonialism

Can Only a Catastrophe Unite Us?

The Failure of Surveillance Cameras - Reason Magazine

YouTube - Raw Video: Thai Battles Rage for Fifth Day

Attorney: Video shows police fired into home - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Rick Santelli tells the truth over on CNBC

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on the holistic Survival with Jason Hartman

Supreme Court: 'Sexually Dangerous' Can Be Imprisoned Beyond Sentence - ABC News


*MENA;The Activities at Mena MENA is no myth!


Refreshing News: Bo Obama worth $1,600


US military prick meets US Border Patrol pricks


YouTube - Full Video - Border Patrol Incident Part 1

YouTube - Full Video - Border Patrol Incident Part 2

YouTube - Full Video - Border Patrol Incident Part 3

YouTube - Full Video - Border Patrol Incident Part 4


CIA director, national security adviser to meet with officials in Pakistan

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul: Fed-Loving Senators Will Pay The Price

EclippTV :: Video :: David Swanson: Lobbyists must be stopped

EclippTV :: Video :: Norman Finkelstein on Israel and Noam Chomsky

EclippTV :: Video :: Afghanistan Runs On Drugs, Corruption & Aid - U.N.

Should we teach our Children the truth about Palestine? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers

Korea-China Relations: Kim Jong-il In China. What Implications for the West?

YouTube - Chossudovsky: Obama, not Osama, is threat No.1 to global security

A Bush brother collapses at meeting - Washington Times




Latest Podcasts « Libertarian Papers


*Download :“Two Constructions of Libertarianism”

*Download :“Two Views of Liberty, Occidental and Oriental (?)”

*Download :“Libertarianism and the Possibility of the Legitimate State”


Warren Buffet Does Heavy Selling; 13-F Filings Reveal | Charting Stocks

Gonzo Times » Blog Archive » Police Kill Children While Showing Off For TV

Gonzo Times » Blog Archive » Double Edged Borders

Gonzo Times » Blog Archive » The Natural History Of The State


*Key Oklahoma Bombing Witness Denied Access to Attorneys Fears for Life


European Council On Foreign Relations: EU Needs To Use Crisis For Greater Power

Financial Terrorists Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank

Ron Paul: Those Who Voted Against Audit The Fed Will Pay The Price

Obama Snubs Questions At Press Freedom Act Signing

Blanchflower: Europe Could Break Up, Another Bailout Inevitable

Will Neo-Cons Steal Senate Primary From Rand Paul?

Gates Foundation Suggests Sterilizing Males with Ultrasound

Kerry – Lieberman: Corrupt Climate Science Used To Destroy US Economy

Senator: Kagan Argued Government Could Ban Books

Oath Keepers Proves That There WERE Troops Who Refused to Confiscate Guns During Katrina

South Korea says torpedo 'likely' to have sunk naval ship | World news | guardian.co.uk

U.N. official calls for Thai talks - CNN.com

Norman Finkelstein: Israel being exposed and feels threatened

CNN Founder Ted Turner: Oil Spill May Be God’s Message Not to Drill


***David Hammer Talks About McVeigh and Government Prior Knowledge of OKC Bombing


Bill for Afghan war could run into the trillions

The Government As Identity Thieves

The Declining Value Of Work

Germans Fantasize About New Rich-Nation Currency Bloc That Doesn’t Even Include France

Obama’s Flailing Wars

Another Way That The Federal Reserve Makes Massive Gobs Of Money For The Big Banks

Surprise! Cost Of Healthcare Bill Already Spiraling Beyond Estimates, And Democrats Are Ignoring The Reasons Why

The Responses to the Gulf Oil Spill and to the Financial Crisis Are Remarkably Similar … And Have Made Both Crises Much Worse

Congress blocks indiscriminate IMF aid for Europe – Telegraph Blogs

Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

CNBC Stock Market News — March 2009 Lows Will Be Tested: Strategist — CNBC.com Stock Blog - CNBC

China’s Latest Stock Market Scare Was Its Worst Yet

Woody Allen says President Obama should be granted dictatorial powers (seriously)

Vt. farmer draws a line at US bid to bolster border - The Boston Globe

FT.com / Technology - Google set for probes on data harvesting

Parents of under 5s face 'nanny state' home inspections to keep children safe | Mail Online

Obama’s ‘illegal’ Kenyan Auntie wins the right to stay in America - Times Online

New York Times headline writer allergic to the word “liar”

Blumenthal’s Words Differ From His History - NYTimes.com

Houston Couple Avoids Foreclosure With Suicide Pact

Afghan prosecutor issues arrest warrant for US special forces officer over police killing | World news | The Guardian

Hutaree Update

The Extreme Frustration Of Unemployed Americans

U.S. Is Still Using Private Spy Ring, Despite Doubts - NYTimes.com

Obama plan would delay probable cause hearings to allow uninterrupted interrogations

Governor vetoes open carry, health care lawsuit measures | NewsOK.com

Scientist: Global Cooling is the Real Crisis

Files reveal Britain's secret biological weapons trials in second world war | UK news | The Guardian

WHO study has no clear answer on phones and cancer | Reuters

Geologist Declares ‘global warming is over’ — Warns U.S. Climate Conference of ‘Looming Threat of Global Cooling’

Tiny Tim vs. Al Gore?

CBS News: Most TV Meteorologists Doubt Human Activity Is Causing Global Warming

Found: genes that let you live to 100 - Times Online

Climate Craziness of the Week – New Scientist: The Denial Depot Edition

The Canadian National Newspaper: U.S. Scholars: 9/11 and the architects of World War II

The Canadian National Newspaper: Obama administration blocks U.S. Naval support for Gulf Oil Spill clean-up

The Canadian National Newspaper: Osama bin Laden evades capture

The Canadian National Newspaper: Barack Obama, North American Union, and You

The Canadian National Newspaper: God, Religion and Manipulative Extraterrestrials

The Canadian National Newspaper: Neo-capitalism, social control and Pyramid Power

The Canadian National Newspaper: Sex For Sale: Prostitution, Government and Regulation

Quinn Abolishes Wasteful Office of Education


*Obama’s Waterloo


Taxpayer Cost of Public Retirement Plans

Light Bulbs Were Just A Warning Sign

The Land of the Free or the Home of the Slave?

Kerry-Lieberman, Here We Go Again

Kerry-Lieberman’s Great American Rip-off

Cronkite Named as Soviet Target by FBI

Enemies to Our Country in the Classroom

Obama wants federal agencies to hit the gas on hiring

Court grants asylum to Obama’s illegal alien aunt

Arizona Illegal Immigration Law: Opponents May Be Boycotted In November

The first of Czar Cass Sunstein’s mandated websites now online

It’s Not the Messaging, It’s the Message

Another Democrat in Pursuit of High Office Lies About Serving in Vietnam

Kerry – Lieberman: Corrupt Climate Science Used To Destroy US Economy

Sorting Out Global Grievances

It’s All Unraveling Even As It All Comes Together

The Ground Zero Mosque - First You Bomb and Then You Occupy

Glass-Steagall and Why Obama wants it Forgotten

Ten Mental Mistakes of Obamatons

Janet Napolitano’s “Lesson Learned” About Big Government

Regulation For You, But Not For Soros

Obama administration helps ACORN defend socialism – in India!


*audio/The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 17th With Max Keiser


YouTube - Alan Keenan & Neil Foster of We Are Change Ireland on Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Alan Keenan & Neil Foster of We Are Change Ireland on Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Alan Keenan & Neil Foster of We Are Change Ireland on Alex Jones Tv 3/3


Lying children will grow up to be successful citizens - Telegraph

This Stinks: What Perfume Makers Won’t Tell You | Business | GreenBiz.com


Obama’s lies, fraud: Can Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald open an investigation?


*Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number


World Health Org Wants to Tax Us to Death

Another Mexican helicopter spotted in Texas

Audio: Couple Harassed on U.S.-Canada Border

Fear of a ‘racial jihad’ from Robert Rodriguez

Professors: Arizona law passes constitutional test

Former First Lady Laura Bush says Elena Kagan's nomination is "great," wants more women on Supreme Court - NYPOST.com

Training That Makes Killing Civilians Acceptable

USATODAY.com:Afghan war now outpaces Iraq costs

AFP: Qaeda 'planned World Cup attack from Iraq'

Senate panel approves money for Afghan, Iraq wars - Yahoo! News

Iraq violence set to delay US troop withdrawal | World news | The Guardian


You Are Being Lied To By The Entire Financial System

*Imf Fact Sheet


YouTube - Mystery Moves: Iran Easing Grip on Al-Qaida?

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Iran Seen Loosening Restrictions on Al-Qaeda

Iran Targeting Dissidents Through Global Police - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizens


*Patriots Question 9/11 – Robert Bowman Interview


Unitied Nations Convoy sighted in Pennsylvania

Woody Allen Says Obama Should Become a Dictator

Obama Snubs Questions At Press Freedom Act Signing

*Totalitarian Collectivism*

Totalitarian Collectivism1

Totalitarian Collectivism2

Totalitarian Collectivism3

Totalitarian Collectivism4

Totalitarian Collectivism5

Totalitarian Collectivism6

Totalitarian Collectivism7

Totalitarian Collectivism8

Totalitarian Collectivism9


Look its Ritchie & Fonzie in Chicago? Oops its Ron Howard & Vince Vaughn.

Three men, bound and gagged, found in trunk of car on Southwest Side

Philosophical Polices with the Intentions of Elections 2010: The Construction of Policy in Cook

Gas Prices: Why aren't we screaming about them anymore?

Pat Buchanan Has Seen Quite Enough Christ Killing Jews Nominated To The Supreme Court, Thank You Very Much

What is a "Meltup"? We might find out sooner than we'd like.

Yes, There Is a Hollywood Blacklist

Network That Cowers Before Muhammad: ‘You lied to me, Jew Producer’

Too Late: Polanski’s Chief Media Apologists Attempt to Backtrack

Burnt Offering: Friends, Independents, GOPers, and Teapartiers – Lend Me Your Ears: Time to Deal With Immigration

Daily Gut: God is Ted Turner

Big Government to the Rescue!

Polanski’s Rape-Rape: The Talent Pass and the Morality Paradox

Ms. Magazine Trashes ‘Iron Man 2′: No Wonder America Loves It

Who Is Governing America?

Greece: Coming Attractions? … Or Wake-Up Call?

Tell Us How Great Regulations Are

House GOP to Obama: Drop Net Neutrality Agenda

Eyewitness: On the Ground With the Tim Burns Campaign in Pennsylvania

Are Liberal Bloggers Finally Admitting Gladney was Beaten?

‘Son of Alar’: The New Pesticide Scare Campaign

Anonymous Donors, Liberal Foundations and Labor Unions Fuel Renamed ACORN affiliates

The Bailout Candidate: IL Dem Senate Nominee Runs from History

Take Heart Despite the Times: First 100,000 We the People Pamphlets Requested Across America

Michele Bachmann, Warrior for Judeo-Christian and Foundational American Values

High Schooler Objects to ‘Sicko’ Final Exam, Says Teacher Called Her A ‘Teabagger’ in Front of Class

The 9/11 Mosque’s Peace Charade

Arizona’s Immigration Law

Ohioans Want Economic Recovery, Not the President’s Job-Killing Agenda

Did SEIU Pay Media Matters to Cover Up the Gladney Beating?

Does Eric Holder Even Know What He’s Talking About?

Credit Where Credit Is Due: For Once, the New York Times Acts In the Best Interests Of Our Country

What Regan and Goneril Can Teach Paul Krugman About Economics

The New York Times, ‘Necessary Secrets’ and the Mullah Omar Outrage

Not Strange, But True: Obama Refuses To Take Questions After Signing Freedom of Press Act

So You Want To Be a Journalist, Eh?

You Thought They Were In Bed Together — They Are In Bed Together

MSM AWOL From a Non-Ideological Climate Conference

Must-Read Of the Day: In the Digital Age, How Much Are Words Worth?

A Con In Conn. — Media Asleep For Three Decades On Dick Blumenthal’s Big Vietnam Lie

Andrew Breitbart’s conservative Internet empire : The New Yorker;Rage Machine Andrew Breitbart’s empire of bluster- by Rebecca Mead

YouTube - Michael Savage Explains the Mental Disorder of Liberalism

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : How Liberal Jews Are Enabling the Second Holocaust

Obama Signs Law Supporting Global Press Freedom | USA | English

City Insider : New try to let non-citizens vote

FOXNews.com - Cost of Illegal Immigration Rising Rapidly in Arizona, Study Finds

Blumenthal Responds to Vietnam Allegations - Politics - The Atlantic

My Way News - Ex-Obama pastor: 'Obama threw me under the bus'

Warren Buffett Is All Wrong About Goldman - Forbes.com

A hit with lesbians - NYPOST.com

No breakthroughs in US, China human rights talks - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - San Diego Faces Own Medicine as Arizona Residents Cancel Travel Following Boycott of State

Fans asked to remove pro-Arizona immigration law shirts during NBA game | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Starving for attention at UC Berkeley

See sparks fly! Michael Savage in Playboy

Michael Savage Playboy Interview - June 2010 Playboy Magazine - Michael Savage Interview in Playboy




05-18-2010: Ray Guns Near Crossroads to the Battlefield

05-18-2010: Sony's energy saving TVs watch you while you sleep

05-18-2010: Virtual reality used to transfer men's minds into a woman's body

05-17-2010: US giving Qaeda '1,000 reasons' to attack: Yemen chief

05-17-2010: 30,000 airmen switch to cyberspace specialty

05-17-2010: Nato future strategy to be set out by so-called expert panel

05-17-2010: UN Scaremongerers: Oceans Won't Have Any Fish By 2050

05-17-2010: China Boosts Holdings Of U.S. Treasury Debt

05-17-2010: Obama's Slippery Slope. Ginning-Up the "Terror" Threat, Shredding the Constitution

05-17-2010: Sail-powered spacecraft to be launched by Japan

05-17-2010: Scientists: “Inefficient” sex will no longer be used to make babies in just 10 years, as couples turn to IVF

05-17-2010: BBC director hails journalism as PR at Royal Institute of International Affairs

05-16-2010: New gov. program recruits meter maids in anti terrorism watch

*05-16-2010: IBM, Positive ID and Verichip hope to get all humans tagged with microchip implants


**An Updated List of Goldman Sachs Ties to the Obama Government Including Elena Kagan


Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns

Uncovered Audio: Obama’s Regulatory Czar Pushes Creepy Plan for Legally Controlling Internet Information

Scientists Find ‘Baffling’ Link Between Autism and Vinyl Flooring

APA Scrubs Pages Linking It to CIA Torture Workshops

Meet the nano-spiders: The DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body

Joe Lieberman’s Fascist agenda to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights

Times Square Bomb Suspect Eyed Sikorsky: Source | NBC Connecticut

eCanadaNow » Secret Prison Discovered At Bagram Air Force Base

Army Recall of 44,000 Helmets Triggered by Justice Department Probe - ABC News

Man held in Times Square car bomb probe denies suspect link - NYPOST.com

Review Cites Flaws in U.S. Antimissile Program - NYTimes.com

ISS - Air tests from the Louisiana coast reveal human health threats from the oil disaster

Study - BP Refineries Account for Most Violations - NYTimes.com

US-led Occupation has Transformed Taliban into Freedom Fighters for the Pashtun People

How U.S. Aid Puts A Happy Face On Afghan Occupation

Foreclosure Victims "Want a Homeless Life"




America's 10 Most Corporate Capitalists

Millions of Jobs Lost, Many Will Never Return

VIDEO: Economic Crisis Spreads Unrest Globally

The "Eurozone Coup d’Etat": Towards a Global Systemic Economic Crisis

VIDEO: BP'S Criminal Negligence

Vison for the Future: The Age of Space-Solar Energy

Financial Fraud. How It Works. The Truth behind the Madoff Investment Scandal

Alice in Videoland: Looking Through a Rectangular TV Window into an Alternative Universe

Nuclear-Weapons-Free Middle East: Dismantling Israel's Nuclear Arsenal

Global Military Doctrine: NATO "Must Be Ready to Intervene Anywhere"

AllGov - Almost Half of U.S. Households Receive Government Benefits

AllGov - Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection: Who is Alan Bersin?

AllGov - Murder in America’s Backyard

AllGov - Anti-Arizona Cities Issue IDs to Illegal Immigrants

Atty: Video shows police fired into Detroit home (the cops were filming a reality tv show...)

After thoughtcrime, now we have tweetcrime

Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites

U.S. Government Can Execute Its Own Citizens With No Judicial Process And Based On Secret Intelligence

Supremes Rule in Favor of Indefinite Detention

Feds Single Out IRS Tax Critic for Harsh Treatment

Inside the Australian Government's Scary Web Site on Microchip ID Implants

Obamacare: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?

Marijuana Co-op Fees Getting High


Leave the Gamblers Alone


YouTube - Stossel Show - Gambling in America ! (Part 1/6)

YouTube - Stossel Show - Gambling in America ! (Part 2/6)

YouTube - Stossel Show - Gambling in America ! (Part 3/6)

YouTube - Stossel Show - Gambling in America ! (Part 4/6)

YouTube - Stossel Show - Gambling in America ! (Part 5/6)

YouTube - Stossel Show - Gambling in America ! (Part 6/6)


YouTube - Meltup (Part 1/6)

YouTube - Meltup (Part 2/6)

YouTube - Meltup (Part 3/6)

YouTube - Meltup (Part 4/6)

YouTube - Meltup (Part 5/6)

YouTube - Meltup (Part 6/6)


Argentinian Politician's Proposal For New Anti-Plagiarism Law Plagiarizes Wikipedia

YouTube - Pastor Anderson : We are losing our Freedom


YouTube - The Day Before Disclosure 2010 UFO Documentary Trailer+Links for Consideration Purpose Only


*35pg/UFO Area Project Redbook


13 May/EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Geithner Briefs Super Power Elite, Friday Afternoon

FOXNews.com - Where’s Jimmy? Just Google His Bar Code

Scientists Announce Advanced DNA Robots - WSJ.com

The vicious circle of debt and depression -- it is a class war

Obama, Clinton pressuring Medvedev on Khodorkovsky

Campaign For Liberty — The Government As Identity Thieves | by Ron Paul

YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 5/17/10: The Government as Identity Thieves

YouTube - After Signing "Freedom Of Press Act" Obama Refuses To Answer Questions

YouTube - BP's Newest Ticking Time Bomb Atlantis

Now independent thinkers are considered diseased by psychiatry

Genetically modified crops failing worldwide

Study suggests processed meat a real health risk - Yahoo! News

Can Pesticides Contribute to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? - ABC News

YouTube - Rand Paul We Pay The Taliban During The Daytime & At Night They Plant IEDs


Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » BREAKING NEWS! Oath Keepers Proves That There WERE Troops Who Refused to Confiscate Guns During Katrina

YouTube - Miss Oklahoma USA Supports Arizona Law: "I'm A Huge Believer In States' Rights"

American Expats Giving Up Citizenship in Record Numbers


pt 1/Audio: Dave Hodges on Earth Day, Agenda 21, Population Controls, Eugenics, and the Global Warming Hoax

pt 2 /Audio: Dave Hodges on Earth Day, Agenda 21, Population Controls, Eugenics, and the Global Warming Hoax


YouTube - More Soldiers & Vets Hospitalized Because Of Mental Disorder Then Physical Injury

YouTube - Alex gets A Call from Colonel 6 about Military Protecting Afghan Opium Fields on Alex Jones Tv

Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites


*U.S. National Debt Clock *


YouTube - Alex Breaks Down "Death of The Middle Class" on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 1/2

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down "Death of The Middle Class" on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 2/2



**Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA (Full Length)


video:Jean-Claude Trichet: Global Governance

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

*Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

White House Condemns Attack by Taliban in Kabul

Canadian Doc Charged With Unlawfully Treating Pros

Judge Bars Rajaratnam Access to Witness Computer

Trial of Vt. Man Charged in Prof's Shooting Begins

Republican Rep Souder Admits Affair, Resigns

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 18 in Afghan Capital

Mothers of 3 Imprisoned US Hikers Head to Iran

Pa. Kennel Owner Sentenced on Cruelty Charges

"Digital Genome" Safeguards Dying Data Formats

Conn. AG Blumenthal to Address Vietnam-Era Service

U.S. Envoy Arrives for Israeli-Palestinian Talks

Oil Spill to Shut Down 19 Percent of Gulf Fishing

'Rockefeller' Loses Bid to Trim Kidnap Sentence

Release Likely for 3 Jailed Militia Members

APNewsBreak: Ohio Board Votes for Mercy for Inmate

Victim Lawyers: Billionaire Sex Offender Owes $2M

Chef Eismann Pays Homage to American Barbecue

Major Powers Agree on Draft Iran Sanctions

Economy Won't Ground Families' Holidays

China's One-Time Richest Man Jailed for 14 Years

Wines, Like Patients, Need Tending and Care

Israel Mulls Iran Nuclear Deal, Sanctions

Mass. Boy, 10, Charged in Fire That Killed 2

Ohio Man Gets to 26 Years to Life in Wife's Death

Karzai Says West Starts to Get Taliban Peace Push

Vine Talk: Chinese Speculators Seen Stocking up on '09 Bordeaux

Mass. Man Accused of Trying to Swap Baby for Beers

Dutch Sex Shop to Give Away 'Pope Condoms'

BBC Apologizes for "Queen Is Dead" Radio Joke

Placido Domingo Says in Good Health After Surgery

Spill Reinforces Oil Bad Will for American Indians

Good Folk: Iconic NY Coffeehouse Marks 50th Year

Letters From Irish Great Famine Bought by Archive

Md. Cult Members Face Sentencing for Child's Death

Ex-Obama Pastor: 'Obama Threw Me Under the Bus'

Flush Asians Splash out on Luxuries

Seattle City Council Approves Arizona Boycott

Specter, Lincoln Face Career-Ending Votes in Potential Blow to Obama

Obama Tries to Win Back Jewish Lawmakers

Kagan Courts Lindsey Graham During Hill Visits

White House Braces for Specter Defeat

Pope-Bishop Relationship Key in Sex Abuse Defense

Obama Administration Faces Questions On Oil Spill

Eurozone Nations Defend Currency Union

Treasury Takes $2.1 Billion Loss On Chrysler Loan

Source: White House to Create Oil Spill Commission

16 Illegals Sue Arizona Rancher

Poll: 80% Oppose Reagan on $50 Bill

US Missionary Convicted in Haiti, but Free to Go

Paul Predicts Ky. Win; Foe Slams 'Overconfidence'

Zogby: Obama Approval Improves

UK Rules Not to Deport al-Qaida Operative

China's Alibaba.com: Soros Is Third-Largest Investor

Paulson Buys BofA as Soros Stocks Up on Gold

Buffett Cuts Kraft Stake; Slams Cadbury, Pizza Deals

9 Nutrients to Boost Your Memory

Study: The Internet Makes Us Happier

Best Buy's Internet Video Service Ready to Debut

Study: Consumers Happier About Their Cell Service

Microsoft Upgrade Aims to Make Hotmail Cool Again

Charlie Sheen Sticking With 'Two and a Half Men'

William Shatner to Star As Dad in New CBS Comedy

Republican Rep. Mark Souder Resigns

Kagan May Have to Recuse on Health Reform

Kyl, McCain Beg Obama: Send Troops to Border

Candidates Cut Back Bucks for Hill Seats

Bloomberg: NY Shorted On Terror Funding

Obama 2009 Income: Books Bring in Up to $5M

Fred Thompson Turns Hard Knocks Into Easy Read

Biden Receives Book Signed by Joyce Worth $3,500

Obama State Dept. Tells Communist China: AZ Immigration Law Is Indication of 'Troubling Trend' of 'Discrimination' in U.S.

White House Health Czar Repeats False Claim of Lower Health Costs

If Confirmed to Supreme Court, Kagan May Have To Recuse Herself in Health Care Cases

White House: Kagan Broke No Law Restricting Military Recruiters at Harvard

Kagan Advocated Campaign Restrictions While Serving as Clinton Adviser

Napolitano Hasn't Reviewed 'In Detail' the Arizona Immigration Law She's Criticized

Sen. Rockefeller Tells Neil Armstrong: ‘I Am a Substantial Skeptic of Human Spaceflight’ and America's Drive to Explore is Not All 'Glorious'

Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell, Gene Cernan: Obama’s NASA Plan a ‘Blueprint for a Mission to Nowhere’

Pelosi: Obama’s Budget a ‘Blueprint for Economic Stabilization’ for America, Designed To ‘Reduce the Deficit’

White House Seeks Distance Between Obama and Newly Minted Democrat Arlen Specter

Social Security Needs Small 'Tweaks,' New Congressional Report Says

Obama Heads to Ohio on Economic PR Mission: Says Things Are Getting

Bristol Palin to Hit Speakers' Circuit

Restaurant Lets You Pay What You Want

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal of ‘Must-Carry’ Rule

Federal Government Begins Review of New Orleans Police

Arizona Immigration Law Divides Police Across U.S.

Clinton to Serve as Honorary US Bid Chair

American Heart Association Teams up With Wii in Fight against Obesity

Will the PIGS Blow Up Europe?

A Well-Oiled Cycle

Constitution, Not Court, Is Supreme

View From The Left

Abolish Miranda Rights

Richard Blumenthal Is a Disgrace — and Must Resign

Obama Defiantly Breaches His Transparency Promise

Debt Crisis Could Bring Down the Euro, EU

Obama's 'New START' Nuclear Strategy Endangers US

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Simulation Of New Attempts By BP To Plug The Oil Leak

The Lakers' coach Phil Jackson sides with Arizona's anti-immigration bill and channels Kobach's misleading propaganda

Blowout: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Vital Equipment Damaged - Former BP Insider Warns Of Another Potential Disaster

Deepwater Horizon Was Supposed To Be Inspected At Least 1X A Month. It Wasn't. Why?

Will a driver's license suffice as proof of citizenship in Arizona? Maybe, but only if you're from Arizona

NASA: This Was The Hottest Six Months On Record. No Global Warming, Huh?

Newt Gingrich tries to justify his support of Utah's Robert Bennett

'Stewardship' by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-BP)

We're Using Private Spies And Hired Mercenaries To Infiltrate Afghanistan And Pakistan

Coalition Files Lawsuit Against Arizona's Racial Profiling Law

Mitch McConnell Defends the $75 Million Cap for Damages on the Oil Companies

Is it time to blow up the leaking Gulf oil well? BP doing its best to keep that option under wraps

Jeff Sessions Accuses Elena Kagan of Violating the Law at Harvard on Military Recruiting

C&L's Late Night Music Club With Bonnie 'Prince' Billy and Matt Sweeney

Bill Maher Calls Out John Avlon for the False Equivalencies in His 'Wingnuts' Book

Will Progressives Successfully Flex Their Political Muscle in Pennsylvania Primary?

Newt Gingrich gets free rein to embrace his inner fearmonger on Hannity's show

Matthews Calls Defeat of Establishment Candidates in Senate Primaries a 'Revolution'

Another 'family values' Republican bites the dust: Abstinence advocate Mark Souder to resign over affair with staffer

The Dollar's Demise is not Inevitable

What Exactly Is 'Social Justice'?

The Genesis Machine

Test-Tube Life

The Ugly Side of Social Justice

Why Conservatives Love the Founders

Computer Gamers: Conservatives in Waiting

Combat Operations in the Border Zone

The Left's War on Free Speech

Barack Obama's FCC Information Police

Climategate Taxpayer Fraud Investigation Draws Ideological Heat

Will Palin use 100th birthday of Reagan to announce for the presidency?

America's Public Debt Explained

Surfers subjected to racial profiling in Mexico

World Ambassador Roman Polanski

Obama's illegal alien aunt gains legal status

ICCC 4 Opens with a Climategate Surprise

Arizona passes law banning multilingual requirement for businesses

Woody Allen pines for Obama 'dictatorship'

Papers please, old timer

The tip of the Tea Party iceberg

Activists: Government to blame for unsafe gay sex

Obama and the Morning After

Diverting Kagan Questions

A Rookie Supreme

Cannibalizing Capital

The Black Church's Commitment to Obama

Citizens or Subjects: Keynesian Economics

Nazifying the Germans by Ralph Raico

Changing the Guard at Ten Downing Street by Eric Margolis

Fed to Blame for Gold Surge, Currency Woes: Ron Paul - CNBC

Winning a property-tax reduction on your home - MarketWatch

The Coming Sedition Act? by Robert Ringer

Douglas French on Ludwig von Mises and the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking

Getting After the Devil: Obama and Civil Liberties by John W. Whitehead

Gold Investing: A beginners Guide to the Gold Market | Silver Monthly - The Silver Investor's Resource

For Wall Street Villains: The Five Best Hideouts -- With No Extradition - DailyFinance

Pajamas Media » The Ammo Shortage Continues


*Great Moments in American Statesmanship | The Beacon


Newt Gingrich forecasts Obama loss - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Primaries may help foreshadow November elections

Review Cites Flaws in U.S. Antimissile Program - NYTimes.com

Pot Growers Troubled by Falling Prices | NBC Bay Area

American Deaths in Afghanistan Passes 1,000 - NYTimes.com

Jefferson County geometry teacher uses wrong example to teach angles --- assassination of President Barack Obama | al.com

Major powers agree on draft Iran sanctions - Yahoo! News

Breitbart.tv » NBC News Correspondent Swallows Huge Fly on Camera (With Slow Motion Replay)

More Than 1 in 10 Fathers Experience Post-Partum Depression, Study Says - WSJ.com

The Naked Office: London Underground commuters strip off to help save company | Mail Online

Press Freedom, Sure. But No Questions. - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

WORLD EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: White House Gatecrashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi Demand Apology | RadarOnline.com

Very few lawmakers know when to get out, according to retiring Sen. Dodd - TheHill.com

Midterm fury might leave Nancy Pelosi safe - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Man Selling Spots In Hidden Bunker Called Vivos As Last Hope - cbs2.com

Stock Market Selloff: Trading Curbs to Be Tested for Six Months: Sources - CNBC

France has first 'burka rage' incident - Telegraph

Texas doctors fleeing Medicare in droves | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Health reform threatens to cram already overwhelmed emergency rooms - TheHill.com

Short-run tax hikes being used to fill gaps - USATODAY.com

US senators blast Arizona-China rights comparison - Yahoo! News

Breitbart.tv » State Department Spokesman Critical of Arizona Law Admits He Too Hasn’t Read It

RealClearPolitics - Video - Napolitano Admits She Hasn't Read Arizona Law But Says She Wouldn't Sign It

Capitol Watch Blog - Connecticut Politics, Political News and Legislation

The Fix - Vietnam allegations threaten frontrunning Blumenthal in CT-Senate

RealClearPolitics - Video - Reid: BP's "Greed" Caused Gulf Oil Spill, 11 Deaths

Drive-Thru Taser Incident At Wendy's - May 17, 2010


Debbie Schlussel:Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant

Debbie Schlussel:Miss USA Pageant Sponsor Attacked “Whites,” Bragged About Dad’s Massacre of Jews, is 9/11 Truther, Anti-Israel

Debbie Schlussel:Donald Trump, Dhimmi: Miss Hezbollah Rima Fakih Wins Miss USA; Rigged for Muslima? Miss Oklahoma’s Arizona Immigration Answer

Debbie Schlussel:Hezbollah’s American Sharmuta: Tired of Pole Dancing? Try Miss USA

Debbie Schlussel:Fact Check: Meet the REAL 1st Arab-American Miss USA; Christians Don’t Count?


Purposely Killing The Gulf?

Washington - Industry Complicity Behind The Gulf Disaster

BBC News - Dio's two-finger gesture - what does it mean?

Who Wants this American Dead? | Criminal State

savethemales.ca - Top Secret Gorbachev Files Unveil Globalist Agenda

Armageddon days are here

Miss USA: Pole-dancing, Hezbollah-supporting agent provocateur?

"War without Borders": Obama's "Long War"

Natural Health News: RoundUp Ready Crops: Just as Predicited

Amazon.com: What I Saw That Day...Israel's June 8 1967 Holocaust…

Murder Of Russian Scientist At US Weapons Lab Sparks 2012 Fears


archive:Transcript of President Barack Obama's Commencement Address at Hampton University - WTKR


YouTube - Russian Climate Scientist Predicts New Ice Age Part 1

YouTube - Soviet Climate Scitentist Predicts New Ice Age Part 2

*New Ice Age 'to begin in 2014'


'Serious manipulation' of gold, silver markets

Wall Street Killionaires are at it again

Patriot rocker fights for little girl's 'Freedom'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Primary drama in Pennsylvania

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive EPA pushes 'egregious' climate mandate

2009/Obama's illegal aunt seeks asylum

Court grants asylum to Obama aunt - White House- msnbc.com

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Congressman: 'A lot of blame to go around'

Kagan was member of pro-abortion group

Documentary delivers verdict on socialism and Christianity

Government protects Islam, rejects trademark

Why materialist 'conservatives' are wrong

Laura Bush, abortion and same-sex marriage

Obamacare hospitals killed: 60, with 200 on life support

Woman battles county for husband's life

Scott Gottlieb: No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan - WSJ.com

CNSNews.com - White House Health Czar Repeats False Claim of Lower Health Costs

Amid concern, White House speeds up health care benefits - Jennifer Haberkorn and Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Health reform threatens to cram already overwhelmed emergency rooms - TheHill.com

Gibbs confirms Specter is on his own

Kagan: Flag-burning OK

The GOP's dilemma: Fight Kagan or go along? | Washington Examiner

FOXNews.com - Muslims in NYC Planning to Build Second, Smaller Mosque Near Ground Zero

Rep. Mark Souder on affair with aide: 'I have sinned' - John Bresnahan and Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Obama signs Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act - On Media - POLITICO.com

Independent probe of BP oil spill in works

Iran Prepared to Block Gulf Oil and Wreck Western Economies - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Toronto woman sues Rogers after her affair is exposed - thestar.com

Memo from 2002 could complicate challenge of Arizona immigration law

Class action filed against Arizona's new statute - Washington Times

Breitbart.tv » State Department Spokesman Critical of Arizona Law Admits He Too Hasn’t Read It

Miss USA: Did Arizona immigration hurt Miss Oklahoma Morgan Elizabeth Woolard in loss to Rima Fakih?

UPDATED: Miss USA Rima Fakih stripping contest photos emerge « Entertainment

Gallup Poll Finds More Americans Pro-Life Than Pro-Abortion, The "New Normal"

Euro fall could widen split between eurozone countries: analysts

High school teacher arrested on child sex charges

Female Corrections Officer Indicted on Sexual Battery Charges - WJW

Muslim soldier: Army has not addressed harassment complaints

Nonprofit project converts vacant lot into urban apiary - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

BBC News - Wi-fi owner fined for lax security in Germany

Oklahoma farm used in film Twister devastated by real tornado in last weeks storm | NewsOK.com

Dare leads to 'stupid mistake' by Powell Valley student | TriCities

Telemarketers talk themselves sick, study says | News.com.au

Stripping at Paramount High talent show leads to investigation - Press-Telegram

Longtime Tampa Theatre organist Rosa Rio dies at 107 - St. Petersburg Times

Trouble sleeping? Maybe it's your iPad - CNN.com

Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news | The Guardian

At the end of the day, they are journalism's worst cliches | News.com.au

Fox shakes up Idol, makes Simon replacement priority | Reuters

Found: genes that let you live to 100 - Times Online

100-Year-Old Credits Chocolate For Long Life - Phoenix News Story - KPHO Phoenix

Ezekiel unscathed!


*American Minute for May 18th:William J Federer's American Minute


Chris Hedges: BP and the ‘Little Eichmanns’ - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? - Reason Magazine

Why materialist 'conservatives' are wrong

Obama's smart aleck disses Les Kinsolving

Jesus an illegal?

Step 3 to win back our freedoms

Wake up, lazy parents!

From public servants to public masters

Pajamas Media » Reawakening Germany’s Nationalism: What Could Go Wrong?


*Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Inside Obama's Primary War Room - The Daily Beast

Kentucky primary reveals GOP rift on Afghan war | Washington Examiner

Ignore the electorate at your peril - Sen. John Cornyn - POLITICO.com

My Country, Tis of Me - Magazine - The Atlantic

RealClearPolitics - The New Robin Hood: Libertarian Rebel?

The Next Phase | The American Prospect

Press Freedom, Sure. But No Questions. - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama Midterm Strategy: Blame Bush and GOP - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - 2010: Anti-Incumbent, Anti-Liberal, or Anti-Democrat?

2010 Elections: Confused Voters Want Revenge and Results?

Democrats Face Threat From Their Own Base - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Left's Hollow Pleas for "Centrism"

RealClearPolitics - Kagan Should Apologize for Bias

Elena Kagan, and what Obama can learn from F.D.R. : The New Yorker

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

China, America, and a New World Order — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment | The New York Review of Books

RealClearPolitics - Holder Tightens Grip on Intelligence Agencies

Looks like time for Obama Cabinet repair :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Schaller: America far from 'socialism' - baltimoresun.com

RealClearPolitics - "Enough Money"

Iran's Nuclear Coup - WSJ.com

Editorial - A New Standard of Decency for Juvenile Criminals - NYTimes.com

Ground Zero Mosque - IBD - Investors.com

Editorials | Gov. Gregoire has skills to be U.S. solicitor general | Seattle Times Newspaper

Midterm fury might leave Nancy Pelosi safe - John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Democrats gear up for tight congressional race in Philly's western suburbs | Philadelphia Daily News | 05/18/2010

Online Gambling Tax May Be Jackpot for Congress, Lawmaker Says - Bloomberg.com

Minor parties fear extinction under Proposition 14 - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Only in Philly: Black Panther on the Ballot!

WSJ Profile: Out of the Conservative Closet — Jon David is…Jonathan Kahn

New York Times Does the Right Thing, Exposes Blumenthal Fraud


*18th/Politics Video:Obama Uses Teleprompters To Address Factory Workers On "Main Street" Tour

Clinton: US, Russia & China Have Reached Agreement On Iran Sanctions

Close Call in PA Senate Primary

State Department Spokesman Says AZ Law Challenges "Human Rights," Says He Hasn't Read It

GOP Congressman Talks Abstinence With Staffer He Had Affair With

Fred Thompson On His New Memoir, Politics

Krauthammer On Iran: "This Is A Collapse Of The Obama Foreign Policy"

Specter Makes Final Election Plea, Bashes Tea Party And Gold Standard

Paul Begala: Blumenthal Vietnam Lie Is "Indefensible; A Catastrophic Mistake"

GOP Congressman Souder Resigns After Affair With Staffer

Obama: "Controlling" The Price Of Health Care Premiums Is "The Right Thing To Do"

Trey Grayson On KY Senate Race, Oil Spill

Rand Paul: "The Government Is Out Of Control"

2010: Blumenthal Says He "Did Not Serve In Vietnam"

Rep. Joe Sestak On Anti-Incumbent Mood

Miss Oklahoma USA Reacts To Pageant: It Was A Loaded Question

Matthews: Obama Should Nationalize Oil Industry

Beck: Potential For Abuse With Amended Miranda Rules

Olbermann Fact Checks Beck & Palin NRA Speeches

Krauthammer: Voters Are More Anti-Obama Than Anti-Incumbent

*17th/CA-Gov: Poizner Slams Whitman Over Internet Porn

Family Guy Mocks Vietnam War Memorial: "I Killed Him, He Cried Like A B****"

FL-Sen: One Thing We Can Never Call Charlie Crist

Texas Police Secretly Deploy Spy Drones

NM-Gov: Citizens Support Doug Turner

Obama Signs Freedom Of Press Act

Turner: BP Spill Is Message From God That We Shouldn't Drill

CT-Sen: Blumenthal Touts Vietnam Service In 2008

After Signing "Freedom Of Press Act" Obama Refuses To Answer Questions

Hinderaker On Obama Administration Apologizing To China For Arizona Law

Threat On Border With Mexico: Possible Terrorists Entering US

PA-Sen: Pat Toomey Touts Conservative Credentials

Gibbs Denies Obama Told Limbaugh "To Go Play With Himself"

Politico's VandeHei Defends Kagan Against Charges Princeton Thesis "Bemoaned" Decline of Socialism

Roll Call's Top Ten Most Vulnerable House Members

AL-Agr: Candidate Launches Ad Touting Tough Record

Rep. Ron Paul On Debt Contagion Fears

BP Exec: Won't Hide Behind $75M Cap

Gibbs: "Positive Sign" That Iran Is Shipping Low-Grade Uranium

CBS' Schieffer: Obama Preparing For Specter Loss

Gov. Rendell: Defends Specter, Stimulus

Charlie Crist Heckled Over GOP Money: "I'm Going To Keep It"


**Sanctuary Cities and States Protecting Illegal Aliens in the United States - Undocumented Workers**

Illegal Immigrants and Federal Fugitives

*A List Of All The Sanctuary Cities That Shelter Illegal Alien Criminals! « Be A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord

*Sanctuary Cities


video:Thai protesters refuse to move

Video: Valley Doctor Accused Of Inappropiate Behavior

Mayors of Salt Lake City, County encourage Bike to Work Day

Memorial service held for fallen Kentucky law enforcement officers

Video: Jazz Education Network

Alan Colmes: ‘There’s No Such Thing as Radical Islam’

US Soldier Will Sue Military for Not Stopping Anti-Muslim Harassment

CNN Founder Ted Turner: Oil Spill May Be God’s Message Not to Drill

Gingrich Slams Harvard Hypocrisy Over Saudi Funding

Fox & Friends: Miss Oklahoma USA Has No Regrets Over Arizona Answer

CBS News Reporter Chip Reid Calls Out Obama on ‘Freedom of the Press’

Will New Miss USA Lose Title Over Stripper Pole Pictures?

Network TV Shock: ‘Family Guy’ Joke Makes Light of US Soldiers Killed in Vietnam

Miss Oklahoma USA Defends Arizona’s Right to Pass Immigration Law

Fired Geico Announcer Releases Epic ‘PSA’ Mocking FreedomWorks & Tea Partiers

‘Baby Bennett’: Pittsburgh TV Anchor’s Baby Defies Doctor’s Dire Predictions

Cockpit Fire Prompts Emergency Landing of Celebrity-Filled Flight

Uncovered Audio: Obama’s Regulatory Czar Pushes Creepy Plan for Legally Controlling Internet Information

Miami Beach Hotel Offers Tanning Butler

Woman Chases Wendy’s Worker With Stun Gun Over Botched Order

Rapper Gunned Down While Shooting Music Video

‘OTM’: Lax Border Security Opens Doors to Potential Terrorists

Ohio Taco Bell Customer Takes Off With Bonus $2,000 in Drive-Through Bag

CBS News: Most TV Meteorologists Doubt Human Activity Is Causing Global Warming

Rep. Souder Made Pro-Abstinence Video With Mistress

Primary Races Test Anti-Incumbent Sentiment

Affair With Aide Sinks Eight-Term Indiana Congressman

‘Adults Only’: California Campaign Ad Knocks Meg Whitman as Porn Peddler

NY Times: Dem Senate Candidate Lied About Serving in Vietnam

American Woman Drowns in Italy After Saving Son From Waves

Army Trying to Find 44,000 Defective Helmets

Houston Couple Avoids Foreclosure With Suicide Pact

California Woman Earns College Diploma At Age 94


Alex Jones - 2010-May-17, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-May-16, Sunday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Mon May 17, 2010. 04:20 PM

May 17, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

05/17 The Mark Levin Show


film:The Disappearing Male (2008)

ISPUB - The sperm count has been decreasing steadily for many years in Western industrialised countries: Is there an endocrine basis for this decrease?

A Population-Level Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels in American Men -- Travison et al. 92 (1): 196 -- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

Secular Decline in Male Testosterone and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Serum Levels in Danish Population Surveys -- Andersson et al. 92 (12): 4696 -- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

A Mixture of Five Phthalate Esters Inhibits Fetal Testicular Testosterone Production in the Sprague-Dawley Rat in a Cumulative, Dose-Additive Manner -- Howdeshell et al. 105 (1): 153 -- Toxicological Sciences

Environmental anti-androgens and male reproductive health: focus on phthalates and testicular dysgenesis syndrome -- Fisher 127 (3): 305 -- Reproduction

Sex to make babies may become redundant as IVF becomes the norm for couples | Mail Online


A List of Goldman Sachs People in the Obama Government: Names Attached to the Giant Squid’s Tentacles | The Seminal

An Updated List of Goldman Sachs Ties to the Obama Government Including Elena Kagan | The Seminal