"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 May 2010

11 MAY


RealClearPolitics - Video - Disturbing PA Tax Amnesty Ad: "We Know Who You Are"


YouTube - Israel Did 9/11- Demonstration By Elderly Man

YouTube - Kucinich the Federal Reserve is paying banks NOT to make loans " One Fraud after Another"

YouTube - The Common People

YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

YouTube - CoreOfCorruption.com - 4 Suspects in World Trade Center Before 9/11 Doing Construction

YouTube - BP Slick THE SOURCE 05.07.10.mov

EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Jones: Bilderberg stealing from US citizens

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Peter Schiff – Bailout American Style




Obama Said to Be Open to New Miranda Look - NYTimes.com


audio:Max Keiser on Alex Jones Radio - May 10 2010


*site:maxkeiser.com — Finance. Markets. Scandal.


EclippTV :: Video :: EX CIA Ray McGovern On 911 PART 1

EclippTV :: Video :: EX CIA Ray McGovern On 911 PART 2


The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon's "Space Warriors"

Anti-Neocons • View topic - The 72 Virgins Myth

Obama’s Supreme Pick Kagan Is A Bankster Operative


10 Facts All Americans Must Know Now

The Income Tax and American Servitude

Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds


GRANT SMITH : Declassified GAO Report Exposes Fatally Flawed Israel Investigations | My Catbird Seat

NHS 'scaring patients into accepting electronic records database' - Telegraph

'Fat tax' could be levied on junk food - Telegraph

Barack Obama criticises iPod and Xbox era - Telegraph

Scientists find sunken islands in the Caribbean - The Local

Using Alleged Terror To Increase Civilian Repression

Is our Government Bankrupt?

Chomsky & Jewry Hypocrisy On Arizona Immigration Law - Interview With Kevin MacDonald PhD | Real Zionist News

Ron Paul Backs Fed Audit Compromise

U.S. agency let oil industry write offshore drilling rules | McClatchy

BP’s oil spill fight plagued by methane hydrates, a hazard of deep water | FT Energy Source | FT.com


*S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, the most dangerous bill in the history of the US



search:Scroogle Scraper


Killing The Food Supply: The Dangers of Genetically Modified Food

Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’

$1 Trillion Was Not Enough

Tea Party Clueless About U.S. Tax Dollars Funding Bailout Heist

Alex Jones on Greece: It’s Robbery, Not Bailout!

Fed Audit Under Fire

Bankers, Economists: Mass Centralization At Heart Of Euro Bailout

Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power

Dylan Ratigan on the IMF-EU Bailout

Is The Greek Debt Crisis Being Purposely Hyped And Manipulated?

HPD: Man killed in home invasion after suspect poses as census worker | khou.com | khou.com Local News

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

NHS 'scaring patients into accepting electronic records database' - Telegraph

Newly Released Court Transcripts Prove Judge Misconduct In Robert Wanek Case

A Warning Label — on the U.S. Constitution

Attorney General blasted for wanting to ‘kill’ Miranda rights

HIV Positive Man Charged with Bioterrorism after Fight with Neighbor

Google Blocks Scroggle Searches

We Are Change Ireland Confronts “Scum” Rockefeller At Trilateral Meeting

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

Tea Party Clueless About U.S. Tax Dollars Funding Bailout Heist

Alex Jones on Greece: It’s Robbery, Not Bailout!

The European Bailout: Not a Very Promising Start

Schiff: Greece Should Have Been Allowed To Default

Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism

'ManBearPig is real!' declare top climate scientists. 'And to prove it here's a photo-shopped image we found on the internet of a polar bear on a melting ice floe.' – Telegraph Blogs

Israel: Current welfare system could mean the end of the country, economist warns - latimes.com

Iran says it warned off U.S. plane near manoeuvres - Yahoo!7 News

Lehman Brothers Linked to Drug Money

ECB risks its reputation and a German backlash over mass bond purchases - Telegraph

Gordon Brown resigns: How Mandelson and Campbell persuaded PM to quit | Mail Online

Germany, France May Hurt AAA Ratings in ‘Ponzi Game’ (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Gold rises above $1,220 on euro zone debt fears | Reuters

New York mayor Bloomberg inspects London's 'ring of steel' | News

Did a Big Bet Help Trigger 'Black Swan' Stock Swoon? - WSJ.com

US university introduces electronic monitoring of student attendance | Education | The Guardian

20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State

Atmospheric Scientist Slaps Down 255 Warming Scientists Letter: There is ‘no scientific evidence that burning of fossil fuel is responsible for climate change’

'Starving yogi' astounds Indian scientists - Yahoo! News UK

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 10th With Max Keiser

05-11-2010: Bloomberg Visits London To Check Out Spy Cameras Again

05-11-2010: Euro, Stocks, Commodities Retreat as Bailout Optimism Ebbs

05-11-2010: Gold Hits 6 Month high

05-10-2010: Why The Euro Is Doomed

Broadband For All To Cost $23 Billion

05-10-2010: NHS 'scaring patients into accepting electronic records database'

05-10-2010: Africa The New Crude Frontier

Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food

Death Spiral of the Welfare State

‘Journalism of neutrality is an illusion’ and inadequate to democracy, says professor

Feds probing JPMorgan trades in silver pit

Assassination of US Muslim Cleric is Illegal, Immoral and Unwise

A Massacre of Arabs Masked by a State of National Amnesia

If The Secret Police Ran a Jewish State

Kagan: - Goldman Sachs - Shifting Court to Right?

After Religion Fizzles, We’re Stuck with Nietzsche

Pedophiles and Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle

Was the Market Pushed?

With ‘ Hat In Hand ‘ : American Serfdom


AFP Editor Reports On Secret Gathering Of Trilats in Ireland

Look Out, Obama Seems to Be Planning for a Lot More War

US-China Trade War: Washington Slaps More Tariffs on China

High Frequency Terrorism: How the Big Banks and the Federal Reserve Maintain Their Death Grip on the United States

"Drop Dead Economics": The Financial Crisis in Greece and the European Union

Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist

The Middle East Order: The War Game

The Second Wave of the Financial Tsunami

NATO: Global Military Bloc Finalizes 21st Century Strategic Doctrine

Police Raid Wrong Apartment, Brutalize Terrified Refugees

Probe uncovers strip searches, chains and racism at prisons

Firebomb thrown at marijuana business in Montana

Sen. Shelby: Financial Reform Violates Privacy

Cooperation: How a Free Market Benefits Everyone

YouTube - The Evils of Intellectual Property | by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Congressman Says Climate Science Should Be Simplified to 'Sixth Grade Level' Because Americans 'Don't Get' It

Media promotes far-fetched 'bin Laden in Iran' report

Bill Gates pays for 'artificial' clouds to beat greenhouse gases

Megacities of the world: a glimpse of how we'll live tomorrow (globalist propaganda)

The Relentless Misery of 1.6 Gallons

CIA allowed to kill terrorist suspects without identification

Hijacking the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

YouTube - Government Admits they Deal Heroin, Terrorize Families for Pot

Statism Is Safer for the Environment?

The Obama Dollar

The Liberal Assault on the Poor

The Laughable Nature of GDP Growth

Pakistani air passenger caught with electronic circuits concealed in his shoes | Mail Online

The Associated Press: Oil spill swells to 4M gallons with fixes days off

Man who called for murder of PM pleads guilty to terror charge - Crime, UK - The Independent

The Associated Press: Kagan in '97 urged Clinton to ban late abortions

Pakistani tries to smuggle bomb detonating equipment onto plane


Homeland Security Tests 360-Degree Video Cam -- Security -- InformationWeek


Kagan May Mean a More Conservative Court - National - The Atlantic

President Barack Obama names Elena Kagan his Supreme Court pick - latimes.com

The Buzz Log - Zombie Satellite Causes Astronomical Buzz - Yahoo! Buzz

What Are The Odds? (GS) - The Market Ticker ®

The missiles are coming - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


» EXCLUSIVE: Mullah Omar Captured! - Big Journalism


Obama Bemoans Alternative Media, Rise of Tea Party

Arizona and the Alien-Nation of America

The Evil Doer Pakistan and the Times Square Fizzler

50 years of frightened white men, today the tea parties

Puppets, puppet masters, and closet liberation

Uncle Sam, global trade sucker?

Reporters Without Borders seems to have a geopolitical agenda


YouTube - Ron Paul Explain Patriotism Pt.1 of 3

YouTube - Ron Paul Explain Patriotism Pt.2 of 3

YouTube - Ron Paul Explain Patriotism Pt.3 of 3


YouTube - Dylan Ratigan - Funding the Trillion Dollar European Rescue

YouTube - When Will Greek Contagion Hit the U.S.?

YouTube - Ron Paul on Freedom Watch - Concerns for the Fed - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Dealing with Fiscal Emergencies - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Gary Johnson Shrank Government - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Drug Bust Gone Awry - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Continuing Bush's Foreign Policy - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Bailout American Style


YouTube - George Humphrey in-Studio Details How The Bailout Scam Works on Alex Jones Tv 1/6

YouTube - George Humphrey in-Studio Details How The Bailout Scam Works on Alex Jones Tv 2/6

YouTube - George Humphrey in-Studio Details How The Bailout Scam Works on Alex Jones Tv 3/6

YouTube - George Humphrey in-Studio Details How The Bailout Scam Works on Alex Jones Tv 4/6

YouTube - George Humphrey in-Studio Details How The Bailout Scam Works on Alex Jones Tv 5/6

YouTube - George Humphrey in-Studio Details How The Bailout Scam Works on Alex Jones Tv 6/6


YouTube - Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism on Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism on Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism on Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism on Alex Jones Tv 5/5


YouTube - Alex Reviews New Film 'Machete' That Evokes Race War on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 1/6

YouTube - Alex Reviews New Film 'Machete' That Evokes Race War on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 2/6

YouTube - Alex Reviews New Film 'Machete' That Evokes Race War on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 3/6

YouTube - Alex Reviews New Film 'Machete' That Evokes Race War on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 4/6

YouTube - Alex Reviews New Film 'Machete' That Evokes Race War on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 5/6

YouTube - Alex Reviews New Film 'Machete' That Evokes Race War on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Editon 6/6


Disturbing Questions Remain about GM Flax Contamination


YouTube - Alex Jones: Bilderberg stealing from US citizens


YouTube - Webster Tarpley Predicts End of The EURO on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/2

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Predicts End of The EURO on Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/2


YouTube - Obama Changes Miranda Rights?

20 Signs That The United States Is Rapidly Becoming A Totalitarian Big Brother Police State

People Surrounded by Cancer «

Magnetic Brain Stimulation Battles Depression «

Is Gulf Oil Rig Disaster Far Worse Than We’re Being Told? «

YouTube - AP Source: Obama Chooses Kagan for Supreme Court

SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!!: Food Crisis 2010 and US Dollar Impact

The dangers of growing DNA databases

European Union, Currency Are Headed for Collapse: Gartman

European Central Bank President Calls for Corrupt BIS to Boss Global Government in CFR Speech

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

video:Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Russia Says Genetically Modified Foods are Harmful - Third generation of hamsters fed GM food are sterile

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Kagan Under Fire for 'Segregating' Pro-Military Students at Harvard Law

Kagan in '97 Urged Clinton to Ban Late Abortions

Limbaugh Labels Kagan Unqualified 'Liberal Elitist'

Kagan Has Anti-military Views, Record, Group Says

Axelrod: Obama Open to Miranda Review

Minnery: Kagan 'Abhors' US Military

Thieves Take Controversial Mojave Desert Cross

Dick Morris: Kagan 'Moderate' Democrat

Rand Paul May Not Back McConnell if Elected

White House: VP Joe Biden's Son Hospitalized

Kagan Argued to Ban Political Pamphlets

GOP's Djou Enjoys Large Hawaii Voter Turnout

Inhofe: I Will Vote 'No' on Kagan

UN Rights Experts Criticize Arizona Law

Polls: Sestak Takes Lead Over Specter

McCain: Complete the Dang Fence

Schlafly: Obama Should Apologize for Prayer Day

Farrakhan: Obama 'Selected' for This Time

Rep. King Defends 'Hero' Kerik

Ariz. Law Referendum Drives Dropped

Senators Want Pakistani Taliban On Terror List

Sentenced Newsweek Reporter: Iran Wants to 'Scare'

'Shock and Awe' Euro Rescue Lifts Global Markets

New Drug Control Strategy Signals Policy Shift

Lawsuit Wants SEC to ID Porn Snoopers

Judge: FBI Can View Evidence in Webcam Spy Case

In W.Va., Pelosi Is Target for Democrats

Euro Will Collapse Like Tower of Babel: Economist

Vitamin D Protects Health 12 Ways

5 Foods That Fight Fatigue

Twitter Bug Lets Users Fake Followers

Playboy 'Readers' Get 3-D Centerfold

Coke Goes High-Tech to Juice Restaurant Sales

Music City to Rebuild On Shoulders of Its Stars

Dad Convicted of Beating Once-Conjoined Twin Son

NAACP Says Seattle Police Kicking Was Hate Crime

Cigars Loved by Churchill to Be Auctioned in June

Man Charged With Murder in Detroit Officer's Death

"Sin Within the Church" Threat to Catholicism: Pope Benedict

Philly Neighborhood Scars Unhealed From 1985 Bomb

Man Accused of Killing Yale Doc to Give DNA Sample

98-Year-Old Kan. Woman to Earn Master's Degree

Oil Executives Face Congress on Gulf Spill

4 Missing After Quebec Home Falls in Sinkhole

Judge: Casey Anthony Still Faces Death Penalty

Wholesale Inventories and Sales Rise in March

First Lady Releases Child Obesity Recommendations

LA Shelter Meal Goes Wild With Bear Tacos

Gold Watch Fetches Nearly $6 Million at Auction

Clinton Cites Long-Term US Commitment to Afghans

Senate's Wall Street Reform Bill Churns Ahead

Memo to Boss: 11-Hour Days Are Bad for the Heart

Moms of 3 Americans Jailed in Iran Wait for Visas

Young Women Refocus Money Priorities in Recession

Russian Mine Death Toll Rises to 52

Face-to-Face Time Makes Us Happier Than Facebook

Pakistan Court Dismisses Taliban Extradition Challenge

In Indonesia, Twitter Takes on Social Watchdog Role

Free Lodging in China, but Only If You Speak English

Calif. Woman Pleads Guilty in Sandra Cantu Murder

FCC Angling to Regulate Internet

Nominee Elena Kagan: Constitution Defective

Obama Slings Partisan Mud to Fire Up Base

Capital Gains Tax Increase Is Suicidal for Congress

Political Correctness Endangers Americans

Cardinal Verbally Attacks John Paul II's Deputy

Jerusalem Can Be Open to Jews and Arabs

Obama Administration Seeks Internet Control

Kagan Likely to Face Scrutiny for Views on Socialism, Military Recruitment on Campus, Senate Review of Judicial Candidates

Kagan Called ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ A ‘Moral Injustice of the First Order’

Chief Justice Roberts: Kagan Asked Court to 'Embrace Theory of First Amendment That Would Allow Censorship Not Only of Radio and Television Broadcasts, But Pamphlets and Posters'

Inspector General: Accuracy of Census Still at Risk Because of Computer Problems

Obama's iPod Flip-Flop: Last Year He Said He Had All Michael Jackson's Music on His iPod; Now He Says He Can't Use an iPod

State Department Could Be Hindering Program to Prevent Terrorists from Getting U.S. Visas

Expanded Insurance Coverage for Young Adults Will Raise Premiums, Government Says

Treasury Department Blasted for Sloppy Record-Keeping on Bailed-Out Banks

White House Shifting Its Strategy on Drug Abuse

No Roadblocks Anticipated for Elena Kagan’s Confirmation

Deadly Attacks in Iraq Seen As Effort to Destabilize Country Amid Political Uncertainty

Interior Secretary Salazar Wants to Split Energy Agency

An Ever-Evolving Enemy

Is the War Coming Home?

An Unwritten Constitutional Crisis

Obama Strives for a Political Court

Discrimination and Racism Coming Your Way from Culture of Death

Mosaic of Lies, by Justin Raimondo

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Trillion Dollar Madness

Got Hemp? by Ron Paul

8 Theories For Why The Stock Market Plunged Almost 1000 Points In A Matter Of Minutes On May 6th

20 Things You Will Need To Survive When The Economy Collapses And The Next Great Depression Begins

Creating and Consuming: How to Be Mature | The Art of Manliness

Summer jobs tougher to find, despite labor market gains - May. 6, 2010

Betty White to host the Oscars? Facebook campaign, Take #2. | EW.com

Carrie Underwood among top CMT Music Awards nominees - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

Erin Andrews: 'I didn't speak' with Elisabeth Hasselbeck when she tried calling me to apologize

Cannes organizers off to rough start | Movies | Entertainment | Toronto Sun

FOXNews.com - Blast at Texas A&M Chemistry Annex Injures 2

Conservative principles echo issues raised by the Tea Party - BostonHerald.com

The Associated Press: New drug control strategy signals policy shift

Gas meter at issue at Conn. explosion hearing

Campus Overload - McDonnell, U-Va. president to discuss Love slaying

The Associated Press: New ad features Obama as Specter seeks edge

Miss USA hopefuls pose in racy photos - Beauty Pageants

YouTube - Miss USA Photo Flap

Oil executives shift blame at Senate hearing

Gay Rights a Flashpoint in Kagan Confirmation - Newsweek.com

YouTube - Kagan Showdown

Israel sees no discord with U.S. on nuclear issue | Reuters

Turkey-Russia talks to focus on energy, Caucasus | Reuters

Ukrainian Protest Against Pro-Russian Policies | Europe | English

The Associated Press: Buildup of top Afghan police seen as key for NATO

Benigno Aquino III set for landslide Philippines election victory | World news | The Guardian

Uncertainties Prevail Over Thailand Protests | Asia | English

Iraqi Officials Blame Al-Qaida for Deadliest Day of Attacks This Year | Middle East | English

Drone Strike Kills at Least 14 in Northwest Pakistan | Asia | English

Freed Pirates May Have Drowned - WSJ.com

Pakistani ambassador in Tehran attacked | Reuters

NYPD commissioner : NYC bomb suspect 'homegrown'

YouTube - Pakistanis react to NY bomber

Kagan’s Lack of Judicial Experience Draws Republican Questions - Bloomberg.com

Abortion could be sleeper issue in Supreme Court confirmation process

Court Nominee Elena Kagan Draws Split Verdict on Hill - WSJ.com

Why Hollywood should be very nervous about Elena Kagan

Israel: Current welfare system could mean the end of the country, economist warns - latimes.com

Steele defends spending to RNC members

NYC's Bloomberg in London to view transit CCTV - Yahoo! News

White House Task Force Urges Fight on Childhood Obesity - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Swedish artist attacked during free-speech lecture

FOXNews.com - Thieves Steal Mojave Desert Memorial Cross in Nighttime Heist

Supreme Court allows Mojave war memorial cross - Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Amzazing Video of Multi Vortex Tornado Wakita, OK 05/10/2010

Did a Big Bet Help Trigger 'Black Swan' Stock Swoon? - WSJ.com

Oil spill testimony to Congress: Not our fault - Yahoo! News

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

Experts: Home-schooling doesn’t add up across Texas | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

US university introduces electronic monitoring of student attendance | Education | The Guardian

TOPWRAP 1-Excitement over $1 trln euro plan fades, euro slips - Yahoo! Finance

Israel says N.Korea shipping WMDs to Syria - Yahoo! News

Russia says may build nuclear power plant in Syria | World | Reuters

Betty White on ‘SNL’: Where’d My Legacy Go?

‘Breaking Bad’ and the Rise of the Sociopath

‘Glee’ Is Leftist Propaganda Aimed Squarely At Your Kids

When Did the American Flag Become Disrespectful to (Some) Americans?

Daily Gut: Sex and the Single Jihadist

Smoke & Mirrors: ‘Daily Beast’ Wants Us To Believe Hollywood’s Turning Against Polanski

Nashville’s Under Water and Hollywood’s AWOL: When Will Bono Write a Song?

Two Scrabble to Save California

You’ve Got Mail: America’s Broken Immigration Agency at Work

VIDEO UPDATE: As Tea Party Activists Protest Dodd’s Big Brother Bill, Bank of America Deploys Security Forces

Omar Captured? Game Changer or Just Another Perp.

Lefty Group Outed As Author of Letter from Congressman

Dodd’s Bank Bill: Worse Than ObamaCare. It’s the Nationalization, Stupid!

Obama to Grads: A Little iPod Is a Dangerous Thing

Crash Ahead? Obama Bails Out Railroad, Airline Unions

As Tea Party Activists Protest Dodd’s Big Brother Bill, Bank of America Deploys Security Forces

It’s Time For a Meaningful Discussion of Legal Issues

Feds Tell Seniors They Can’t Pray Before Meals

Modus Operandi.

The National Debt is Huge, but Unfunded Liabilities Are America’s Real Red-Ink Challenge

Kagan: THIS Harriet Miers Will Get Confirmed

FCC to U.S. Court of Appeals: Drop Dead!

Stripping Terrorists’ Citizenship and Obama’s Blueprint

Are We Really ‘All Journalists Now,’ Or Can Anyone ‘Do Journalism’?

Tracking ACORN’s Rebranding Process: A Handy Updated Guide

Must-Read Of the Day: Robert Samuelson On the Welfare-State’s ‘Death Spiral’

Media Take Note: In Arizona County, Of 64 Highway Chases Last Month, Not One Perp a U.S. Citizen

‘Media Matters’ Mutters About K-Lo Tweet: Is This Any Job For a Grownup?

Charles Blow, Back for More, Still Thinks You’re a Racist

Michael Yon Dispatches: An Afghan Story

Inside the Obama Media War Room

Ad Lib, a Tease: Is Rick Sanchez Really Ron Burgundy In Disguise?

For Our Eyes Only: The Times Square Bomber Report

Clueless MSM Way Out Of Its Depth In Gulf Oil Spill Coverage

In California, Could a Blogger Unseat Barbara Boxer?


Debbie Schlussel:Taking Bets: How Many of These Women Will Be Pregnant by 2013?

Debbie Schlussel:Hilarious: World Gushes Over Dubai Police Keystone Koppery in HAMAS Assassination

Debbie Schlussel:Don’t Believe the Hype: Israel Still Winning Hummus War Where it Counts

Debbie Schlussel/Videos: Hilarious Mother’s Day Worst Gift Idea That Doesn’t Quite Translate

Debbie Schlussel:We’ve Officially Lost: US Pediatrician Assoc Approves “Pin-Prick” Female Genital Mutilation

Debbie Schlussel:With Kagan, Obama Replaces US Military Vet w/ US Military Opponent

Debbie Schlussel:France Protects Iran Nukes From U.S. Justice . . . Again

Obama Space


Obama's Misguided Approach to Peacemaking

Why the Ground Zero Mosque Must Be Stopped

Tea Parties and Racism

Cap-and-Trade Is Back

Danny Glover Keynote Squawker

What's the difference if it's for security reasons?

Conservative columnist goes squishy on AZ law

Building a Consensus of One

The grandaughter of immigrants

Chris Van Winkle

Kagan on Obama circa 2005

The hits just keep on comin' with Obamacare

Elena Kagan's unequal justice?

Elena Kagan and the Yale-Harvard Nexus

The Failure of the Unfree Market

The New Middle East Peril

Greece: A Preview of Things to Come

Deep Cover at Organizing for America

New York State Opens a Door to Vote Fraud


*American Thinker Blog: Video of San Francisco May Day protest



The question everyone's whispering about Kagan

Kagan Whitewash

Althouse: How good will Elena Kagan be at influencing the other Justices on the Suprme Court?

Inside the Beltway - KID GLOVES / Washington Times

The Next Harriet Miers? - The Daily Beast

FOXNews.com - BRAINROOM: Background on Elena Kagan

Playboy unveils 3-D mag - NYPOST.com

US Drug Policy has been Racist from the beginning

Confronting Evil

Silver Lining of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

What does it mean to be a 'nation of immigrants?'

Dow Crashes, Gold Spikes

Trillion-dollar euro rescue won't solve low growth - Yahoo! Finance

The Associated Press: Ariz. referendum drives targeting new law dropped

British Elections - Tories, Liberal Dems Agree on New UK Government: Source - CNBC

Landscapers find workers choosing jobless pay | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Pakistani air passenger caught with electronic circuits concealed in his shoes | Mail Online

U.S. not cracking down on immigrants with expired visas

Left-Wing US Jews Call ’Law of Return’ Racist - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

Poll: Obama has Lost Almost Half of his US Jewish Support - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

YouTube - McCain TV Ad: "Complete The Danged Fence"

Overwhelmed parents leave kids at Haiti orphanages - Washington Times





WEBCommentary - The Prescience of Michael Savage

video:Savage rips the media's coverage of the Times Square Bomber - The Woodward Report - Conservative News, Politics






Dave Weigel: How the Club for Growth Beat Bob Bennett

Expert: Oil Leak 5X Greater Than Disclosed

Rudy Giuliani tells Hannity he could easily secure the Mexico border. 'It's that easy!' gasps Hannity

Papantonio: Real Possibility BP May Go Into a Bankruptcy Limited Fund

Real Estate Crash Effects Continue As Drag On Rest Of Economy

Sen. Robert Menendez urges MLB players to boycott 2011 All-Star Game in Arizona

Tea Party Nation revs up the anti-Kagan machine

Afghan Combat - It's All About the Process

Why is Bud Selig hiding? Activists demand action against Arizona's SB 1070: Press Conference 11 AM EST Tuesday

Major attacks across Iraq bring a massive death toll

Republicans Defend Slavery to Attack Kagan

Coulter: Liberals "always" root "for savages against civilization," including rooting for Nazis

Meg Whitman's Support In California Is Eroding

WSJ: Oil Rig Operator Had More Accidents After Massive Merger

Fingers to the Bone: Child Farmworkers in the United States

Forget Kansas, What Is Wrong With Virginia? Now VA Governor Hires Former Nixon "Jew Counter"

Three years ago, immigrant-bashers were claiming 'illegal aliens' killed 9,000 people a year. Now they claim 2,200. Eh?

Markets Rally Over News Of Massive European Bailout Package

Lieberman and King Continue Fear Mongering Over Times Square Bomber on Fox News Sunday

BREAKING: Obama To Name Elena Kagan As SCOTUS Nominee

BP's Containment Dome Foiled By Ice

Mr. "A Noun, A Verb and 9/11" Thinks "Political Correctness" Led To Missed Signals In Failed Times Square Bombing

Liz Cheney: Obama's 'first instinct' to Mirandize terrorists

Gates Throws Down Gauntlet On Military Spending: 'The Gusher Has Been Turned Off'

Holder: Pakistani Taliban behind Times Square bomber

Meet The Press: AG Eric Holder Says He Wants Congress To "Modify" Miranda

Bill Maher Hits Back at George Will After This Week Dust Up on Brazil's Oil Dependence

New Analysis Of Kent State Recording Says National Guard Was Ordered To Fire

Elena Kagan's limited record may smooth her way - latimes.com

Supreme Court Choice Perfectly Positioned for Confirmation

The American Spectator : Do Ask, Do Tell

What Really Happened at Harvard - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Op-Ed Columnist - What It Takes - NYTimes.com

Why Elena Kagan won't be the next Harriet Miers - Elena Kagan, Supreme Court Nominee - Salon.com

RealClearPolitics - Searching for Self-Governance in America

News Analysis - Europe’s Huge Rescue Raises Long-Term Doubts - NYTimes.com

Strip suspected terrorists of their constitutional rights? No! - latimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Security Policy by Bumper Sticker

Elena Kagan: Would she embody empathy as a Supreme Court justice? - CSMonitor.com

RealClearPolitics - The Harvard Way of Life

Editorials | Elena Kagan: Obama's first-rate pick for the highest court | Seattle Times Newspaper

Vital questions for Kagan | Washington Examiner

FT.com / Comment / Editorial - Brown makes a mischievous exit

Republicans seek vote on future of Fannie, Freddie | Reuters

RealClearPolitics - Politics - May 11, 2010 - DeMint: A conservative kingmaker upends GOP order

Labor unions rally behind Bill Halter in Senate Democratic primary in Arkansas

Experts Split on State Lawsuits Over Health Care Law - NYTimes.com


*Politics Video:11th/PA-Sen: Obama's Says He "Loves" Arlen Specter In Campaign Ad

Former NM Gov. Gary Johnson On Colbert Report

CA-Gov: Whitman Loses Huge Lead In GOP Primary

Right Talker Says Elena Kagan Is A Lesbian

Joe Biden On Kagan Opposing Military Recruiters: "She Was Right"

KY-Sen: Paul, Grayson Square Off In Republican Debate

"Law & Order" Star Tells Congress To Stop All Offshore Drilling

Valerie Jarrett Defend's Kagan's Decision On Military Recruiters

Mojave Desert Cross Torn Down By Vandals

Bayh: Confirmation Process For Nominees Is "Sad Kabuki Theater"

Biden On Kagan: She's The "Right Age"

Hatch: Kagan Will Undergo A "Thorough, Fair, Complete" Investigation

Sessions: Kagan Will Be "Subjected To Scrutiny"

Rudy Giuliani On Immigration

Matthews: Voters Challenge Lawmakers' Sense Of "Entitlement"

O'Reilly: Greece Proves "Entitlement Societies Will Always Fail"

Gates: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy Change Must Be "Smart"

Krauthammer: Politically, Obama Has Planned Court Picks "Very Well"

*10th/Kagan Praises Cameras In Supreme Courtroom

Kagan Botches Oral Argument In Supreme Court Appearance At Citizens United Lawsuit

US Troops Celebrate V-E Day Victory In Russia's Red Square

CA-Gov: Poizner Attacks Whitman On Immigration

Coalition for Constitutional Values Releases New Ad Supporting Elena Kagan

Kagan: Memo On Religious Teaching "Injecting" Opinion In Teen Pregnancy Prevention Was "Dumb"

Barbara Walters Announces She Will Have Surgery On Heart Valve

Axelrod: Kagan Is "Well Qualified" And Has "Diverse Experience"

Schwarzenegger At Commencement: I Was Going To Speak In AZ, But I Was Afraid They'd "Deport" Me

Obama To Nominate Elena Kagan To Supreme Court

WH's Gibbs Defends Kagan's Lack Of Private Sector Experience

Dem Sen: Kagan To "Counter-Weight" Roberts On Supreme Court

Hatch: "This President Is Going To Appoint A Liberal"

GOP Sen. Kyl: Kagan's Positions Are "Troubling"

Lanny Davis: Kagan Is A "Strict Constructionist"

AZ-Sen: McCain Says "Complete The Danged Fence"

Scarborough On U.S. Drone Attacks In Pakistan: We Are "Just Dropping Bombs And Killing Families"

Obama: Kagan Is "One Of The Nation's Foremost Legal Minds"

Sen. Leahy Praises Kagan, Eyes Summer Confirmation

Hillary Clinton Warns Pakistan On "60 Minutes"

Obama Makes Case For Elena Kagan

Spitzer: Kagan Would "Get the Fifth Vote"

Harvard's Kagan Praises Obama, Speaks About Attending DNC Convention

Nancy Pelosi In Afghanistan: "Security, Security, Security"

GOP Sen: Kagan Will Face Questions On Health Care Law

Kagan: "Honored And Humbled" By Nomination

Teacher Says Student's Drawing Of American Flag Is "Offensive"

The Fed Is Using Its Cronies And Lobbyists To Stop Us From Auditing It


FCC Web Rules Create Pushback

Teacher Deems Student’s American Flag Drawing ‘Offensive’

Sen. Sessions: It’s Unacceptable That Kagan Banned Military Recruiters From Harvard

‘Bitter Irony Alert’: ‘Diversity Battle’ Pits Diamondbacks vs. Olbermann

Paul Ryan Warns: EU Debt Crisis Could Spread to the U.S.

Why Did NBC Cut Times Square Bomber Sketch From SNL?

Ohio Dems Respond to ‘Risque’ Spot With Shirtless Ad of Their Own

New McCain Ad: ‘Complete the Danged Fence’

Volunteer Census Worker Charged With Burglary and Rape in Indiana

Sen. Hatch: Ahmadinejad Is a ‘Boob’

Schwarzenegger Zings Arizona: ‘I Was Afraid They Would Try to Deport Me’

Mini Cannon Packs Mini Punch

Andy Rooney Tries to Comprehend Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber & Usher

Miss USA Organization Defends Racy Lingerie Pictures of Contestants

‘She Was Right’: VP Biden Defends Kagan’s Opposition to Military Recruiters at Harvard

DNC Chairman Issues Message to Tea Partiers Worried About Size of Government

1998 Video Resurfaces: Bronte Sisters Power Dolls TV Show Pitch

Axelrod: Obama Is Open to Loosening Miranda Rule

New Specter for Senate Ad Features Obama

Newsweek Writer: Actor Is Too Gay to Play Straight

Caught on Video: Aussie Father Shields Son as Car Runs Them Down

‘PR Disaster’: Volvo Demonstration of ‘Auto Brake’ System Ends Badly

Zablon Simintov Is the Last Jew in Afghanistan

Real or Viral Hoax?: ‘This Isn’t a Urinal Is It?’

Thousands of Feral Rabbits Plague Canadian Campus

Obama Biographer: Has the President Given Up on Bipartisanship?

NBC News: Obama Picks Kagan as Next Supreme Court Justice

What’s it Like Inside Hillary Clinton’s Office?

White House Ceremony: President Obama Nominates Elena Kagan to High Court

Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’

Pelosi: We Can’t Tell 12M Illegals ‘Go Back to Wherever You Came From or Go to Jail’

‘Wild Experience’: Fan Tased for Heckling Tiger Woods Bails Out

The B-Cast Interview: Anonymous Anchorman Confesses Fears for TV News

The B-Cast: Why Did NBC Cut NYC Bomber Sketch From SNL?

Golf Channel Announcer Has Graphic Freudian Slip on Tiger News

The B-Cast: Does Islam-Shy Hollywood Have Open Season on Jesus?

Video: Firefighters Concerned Over Legalized Fireworks

Video: Police: Principal Left Kids, Went to Bar

Video: Venus Probe Readied for Launch

Video: Raw Video: Could Hay Help Cleanup Oil Spill?

Video: Newest Lasik Technology

Video: Pope Blames Church's Own Sins for Sex Scandal

Video: VP Joe Biden's Son Hospitalized in Delaware


May 10, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-May-10, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-May-09, Sunday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Mon May 10, 2010

05/10 The Mark Levin Show


BoehnerSolisGeithner_Savings_Letter.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Get Exclusive Insider Memo: The Real Elena Kagan | Judicial Crisis Network

An Anti-Military Justice? | The Weekly Standard

CNN's Kurtz: Do Conservative Commentators Want a Successful Terrorist Attack? | NewsBusters.org

Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation - Times Online

Bill Gates: Use vaccines to lower population

Challenges to Darwin's theory dog prominent atheist

AFP: Ex-intelligence officer wins USA Memory Championship

Tea partiers as 'insurgents'


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'No judicial experience not a virtue'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Employers will 'head for exits' over Obamacare

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Thousands homeless in Tennessee


Oil-spill catastrophe: Can hay save the day?

Oil companies pass the buck for Gulf spill - Gulf oil spill- msnbc.com

Obama's green communist rises again

Top Obama advisers Jarrett and Axelrod given car privileges traditionally reserved for national security officials | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Experts Split on State Lawsuits Over Health Care Law - NYTimes.com

Iran could fire nuclear missile within two years, says think tank - Telegraph

Gibbs avoids question about enemies' nukes

FCC ignores federal court, moves to regulate Internet

Teen Accused Of Carjacking Census Worker - Connecticut News Story - WFSB Hartford

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

The question everyone's whispering about Kagan

How will Obama's nominee handle Gay Marriage question if she's on the bench? | KETK NBC News

Alarm bells sounding over Kagan's agenda

Petition drive to stop Kagan confirmation

CNN's Toobin Says He Was In Kagan's Study Group at Law School, But Her Views are a 'Mystery' to Him? | NewsBusters.org

Team Obama 'hollowing out' U.S. military

Intel briefs: Obama priorities include Navy cuts

Will this simple action put an end to 'Obamnesty'?

New force for broad immigration reform: conservative evangelicals - CNN.com

Breitbart.tv » Schwarzenegger Zings Arizona: ‘I Was Afraid They Would Try to Deport Me’

FOXNews.com - Prayers Answered: Seniors Can Pray Before Meals at Georgia Center

Judd Gregg: U.S. following Greece - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

YouTube - Fox Business May10

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

Obama picks Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

Government drags feet in soldier's freedom fight

Lawyer accuses VOA manager of pro-Iranian bias

Alarm bells sounding over Kagan's agenda

Industry plan could put more porn Web

Man arrested in Pakistan trying to board plane with batteries and electrical circuit in shoes - Telegraph

BBC News - China clears murderer after 'victim' shows up alive

Bizarre torture charges in Lawrence County are disputed

LPD arrests man believed to be 'toilet paper bandit'

Mother of 15 charged after leaving 3-year-old girl at Walmart | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

Man who shot self in groin at parking lot found guilty | SummitDaily.com

McMinnville firefighters don't have to go far to put out flaming truck | OregonLive.com

Fire Breaks Out At Child's Birthday Party - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

'Too embarrassed to call for help' | Quirky News | Orange UK

Library forced to hire doormen to stop staff being threatened | Mail Online

The infertility timebomb: Are men facing rapid extinction? | Mail Online


*American Minute for May 11th:William J Federer's American Minute


'Freakish' find shocks Southland woman - oddstuff | Stuff.co.nz

Save the planet on the low-carbon diet - News, Food & Drink - The Independent

theblogprof: Mensa slogan for upcoming convention: 'Who's the genius who picked Detroit?'

Squirrel has lucky escape from hungry hawk in captivating photographs | Metro.co.uk

Yob in Snoopy costume tries to break into jail | The Sun |News

Woman unable to recognise voices gives new insights into the human brain - Telegraph

Indian man survives without food and water, baffles doctors | National Post

Gravity Lows Mark Burial Sites of Ancient Tectonic Plates | Wired Science | Wired.com

Is Halley's comet an alien interloper? - space - 10 May 2010 - New Scientist

Paul Hellyer vs. Stephen Hawking: Will contact with ETs lead to space weaponization and space war?

Girl frozen in time may hold key to ageing - Times Online

Cryptomundo » Teddy Roosevelt: Cryptozoologist

Paranormal Investigation: The Gold Leaf Lady | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

BBC News - Robot-inflicted injuries studied

In Upstate New York, 42,225 Daily Temperature Readings, and Counting

SPACE.com -- Weird Water in Space is Electrically Charged

Cuddly robots aim to make social networks child-safe - tech - 07 May 2010 - New Scientist

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - The Trickster as Shadow Government

FOXNews.com - History Mystery: Lost U.S. Colony Found at Last?

Hunters and Tourists Stalk Pythons in the Everglades - NYTimes.com

Tory Johnson on Gigonomics: Go From Gig to Gig for Cash - ABC News

Elena Kagan's leftist language


*site:Xenotech Research


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Obama waives ethics rules for eligibility lawyer

What does Linda Lingle know?

NASCAR has new connection to Obama's birth certificate

More birth-certificate mumbo jumbo

Mainstream media: Tens of millions doubt Obama eligibility

Elections chief: Constitution 'important'

CNN places eligibility in primetime spotlight


Activists letter to Bud Selig and Major League Baseball over Arizona's immigration law: "Why the Silence?"

O'Reilly and Dobbs agree: Arizona immigration law is fine and dandy, and it would be political suicide for Obama to file a suit

video:As Oil Nears Shore, Businessess Fear Devastation

Pro Libertate: Gregory Girard: Political Prisoner



The Fake “Global War on Terror” in a Nutshell « American Everyman

Mosaic of Lies, by Justin Raimondo

A Solari Report - The Biggest 2010 Health Care Act Change You Never Heard About: at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Sex, Lies and Oil Spills

Faith In A Shadow: Early Christianity and the Hazard of Pestilence

Britain’s Hung Politics: The Death Throes of Parliamentary Democracy

Allawi Warns of New Civil War on Iraq’s Deadliest Day -- News from Antiwar.com

Rig Survivors Felt Coerced To Sign Waivers : NPR

Clinton: Pakistan Officials ‘Harboring’ Bin Laden -- News from Antiwar.com

"Venice was a quiet Mena, Arkansas" says former drug pilot

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

NATO chopper downed in Afghanistan

Senate Adopts Sanders' 'Audit The Fed' Amendment | TPMDC

General Election 2010: funny pictures from this year's campaigns - Telegraph

Oil executives shift blame at Senate hearing

Oil firms blame each other for Gulf of Mexico spill - Times Online

Gulf spill will change deep water operations across oil industry, says BP | Business | The Guardian

White House aims to use Deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Suspected U.S. drones kill 14 militants – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs

Changes to ash cloud air safety rules will allow more flights to operate | World news | guardian.co.uk

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Afghan warlords feed on US contracts, say critics

Iraq risks sectarian war, warns election winner Iyad Allawi | World news | The Guardian

Two Arab citizens of Israel accused of spying for Hezbollah | World news | The Guardian

Israel bows to pressure and admits arrest of rights activist - Middle East, World - The Independent

Israel admitted to the OECD - Telegraph

China suffers seventh child stabbing attack in a month - Telegraph

Kosovo Albanian mass grave found under car park in Serbia | World news | The Guardian

Anger over reality television 'virgin auction' - Telegraph

Pentagon cuts may be double whammy for companies | Business | guardian.co.uk

Ariz. referendum drives targeting new law dropped | World news | guardian.co.uk

Obama revives nuclear energy deal with Russia - Telegraph

Gordon Brown resigns: How Mandelson and Campbell persuaded PM to quit | Mail Online

General Election 2010: bankers become MPs in new Parliament - Telegraph

Three-quarters of Britons want to emigrate with Australia the most popular destination | Mail Online

Health workers’ shock at NHS survey that asked: how cool was Hitler? - Times Online

Raquel Welch blames the Pill for decline of marriage - Telegraph

'ManBearPig is real!' declare top climate scientists. 'And to prove it here's a photo-shopped image we found on the internet of a polar bear on a melting ice floe.' – Telegraph Blogs

U.S. agency let oil industry write offshore drilling rules | McClatchy

BP’s oil spill fight plagued by methane hydrates, a hazard of deep water | FT Energy Source | FT.com

Chomsky & Jewry Hypocrisy On Arizona Immigration Law - Interview With Kevin MacDonald PhD | Real Zionist News