"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

07 May 2010

7 May '10


Unabomber Manifesto


8 pg/MK Ultra SubProject 130 - Personality Theory

2007:American Chronicle | Mind Control, MK ULTRA and A Course in Miracles

MKULTRA Documents

Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents


xymphora: Portrait of a patsy

The Neandertal Genome

U.S. facing 'grievous harm' from chemicals in air, food, water, panel says

savethemales.ca - Douglas Reed -- Hitler as "Jewish Messiah"

YouTube - Columbia Mo SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present

As companies hire again, more jobs go freelance - Careers- msnbc.com

AFP: Rig owner sets aside 200 million dollars for US oil disaster

Interior Suspends Planned Va. Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sale - NYTimes.com

Feds to offer loans to businesses hurt by Gulf oil spill - Gulf Oil Spill - MiamiHerald.com

Local News | BP's trail of accidents, scandals stretches to Alaska | Seattle Times Newspaper

Many Kids With Hepatitis C Are Missed

AZ Hero Sheriff - Resist Marxist Takedown Of The US

World's biggest beaver dam discovered in northern Canada - Yahoo! News

Fluoride level to be halved

Horse Vaccine Maker Instigates Urgent Recall -- ZooToo Pet News

Indian police barred from using truth serums after court ruling - Times Online

Federal Reserve Kosher Financial Tsunami Drowns US | Real Zionist News

New NOAA Projections Show Slick Curling Ominously Around The Louisiana Coast

President Calderón Pledges To Help Migrants Fight Arizona Law: Excelsior, Mexico | The Moderate Voice

Former bank CEO arrested by Icelandic authorities - Business- msnbc.com

Immigration and REAL ID: Remember where you heard this

Hutaree Militia Staying In Jail: Court Issues Emergency Order - 12160.org

FCC Prepares to Re-Regulate Broadband Providers | Epicenter | Wired.com

No-Name Terrorists Now CIA Drone Targets | Danger Room | Wired.com

Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

Facebook's new features secretly add apps to your profile | Social Media | Macworld

Fox News Caught Aggregating Others Copyrighted Photographs... Something Murdoch Insists Is Illegal | Techdirt

James M. Taylor: Cap and trade -- taxing our way to bankruptcy - Wednesday, May. 5, 2010

Audit the Fed Amendment Modified – Allows Fed To Keep Secrets | Ron Paul .com

Immigration hysteria « disinter

Music industry spokesman loves child porn - Boing Boing

Suspicious Package: TSA Worker Jailed After Junk Joke | NBC Miami

The American Expatriation Guide

Mr. President: Unplug the F*ing Computers - The Market Ticker ®

SOUTH LEBANON: General 'tried to cover up truth about death of Rachel Corrie'

» Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Protesters Are ‘One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security’ - Big Government

Nasdaq to cancel trades - Yahoo! News

Sanders sells out on Senate Floor : a message from the Campaign for Liberty - 12160.org

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Citigroup Trading Error Cause Market To Crash? Citigroup Says No

3 critically ill in E. coli outbreak of strain that may be hard to ID; lettuce recalled - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Number of Soldiers Seeking Opiate Abuse Treatment Skyrockets

YouTube - New Revelations on Climategate

YouTube - Sanders Amendment Update

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

Will the World’s Governments Learn from the Greek Crisis? | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Schumer changes tune on stripping extremists of citizenship | Raw Story

YouTube - Rep. Andre Carson: Protesters are "One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security"

REVIEW: Michael Caine’s ‘Harry Brown’ Is My Kind of Vigilante

Does Liberal Ideology Come Directly From the Movies?

Daily Gut: Larry Gatlin’s ‘Red Eye’ Song

‘Edgy’ Comedy Central Censors Muhammad, ‘Bravely’ Ready to Satirize Christ

Lonewolf Diaries: ‘Time Magazine’ Poll Proves Celebrity Has Influence

Whoopi Says Without Abortion Parents Just Kill Kids Later

CRS Confirms: People Will Avoid the Individual Mandate

Financial Crisis 101

Barney Frank (Video): Tip-Toeing Through the Tulips While the Housing Bubble Burst

Dear Barack: Is the US Still an Ally of Israel?

Why Dems Are in Trouble in Illinois

Breaking: Obama Administration Removed Faisal Shahzad From Terror Surveillance List Before Attack

VIDEO: Hate and Violence Erupt at May Day Protest – Directed at Tea Party Counter-Protest

FCC Caves to Liberal Special Interests, Moves to Reclassify Broadband

The American Flag is Disrespectful on Cinco de Mayo?

Salazar’s Message to Interior Employees Says Much

Can Townsend Beat Cheerleader Chuck?

E. J. Dionne’s Ode To the Wonders of Government Twists Reality

Useful Idiots: Selective Outrage

Not-Dead-Yet Newsweek Asks a Good Question: Where’s the Coverage Of the Nashville Flood?

Inspector Robinson-Clouseau Rides to Arizona’s Rescue

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Turns Into a Clown Car, Starring Bill Maher

Chicago CBS News Producer Inadvertently Exposes Democrat Bias In Senatorial Race

‘We Are All Socialists Now’ Newsweek Goes On the Block


**For Leftist Drones At ‘Media Matters,’ National Security Is One Big Joke

Open Society Institute and Soros Foundations Network

Democracy Alliance

MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action

Center for American Progress

Tides Foundation

Media Matters for America


Dow Crashes, Gold Spikes

Black Deception

A Keynes' Beauty of the Beast Contest.

Deport Anchor Babies

Government Must Be Honest, to Solve Problems

Can America truly be a Republic?

Jake Towne on HR 5146, the Congressional Pay Freeze and HR 5017 Rural Housing Service Subsidies

Jake Towne on HR 5013, the Dept. of Defense's IMPROVE Act

Jake Towne's Comments on HR 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009

The Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism

Obama/Media vs. Arizona/America

Obama's Supreme Court Choice: No Evangelicals Need Apply

Confession of an Undocumented Alien Who Loves America

Obama Stands with Muslims as He Promised

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer and media madness

Al Sharpton's idea of 'social justice'

Segregated school field trip raises ire of parents

Border Security -- another approach

A tale of two cultures

What's up with these 'incompetent' terrorists?

White House knows illegal immigration fuels unemployment

OK to Celebrate the National Day of Prayer the Obama Way?

Obama's Burden of Brightness

San Francisco's Unconstitutional Arizona 'Boycott'

American Fossil Fuels: The New Alternative Energy Source

Dissonance and Victimhood

Free Software and Tech Progress

A Nation of Lawbreakers

Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans - life - 06 May 2010 - New Scientist

Six-year-old saved from dropping to his death by his ears - Telegraph

In search of the skunk ape » Big Story » Valdosta Daily Times

Spaceship 'salad units' to farm special astro strawberries • The Register

Inhalable Measles Vaccine Set to Debut in First Human Trials | Popular Science

Woman with no arms goes for black belt » Local News » SalemNews.com, Salem, MA

NASA team cites new evidence that meteorites from Mars contain ancient fossils

Seven wonders of the quantum world - New Scientist

CBC News - North - North Pole rainfall 'bizarre': climatologist

Spanish man, Rafael, who received partial face transplant, makes first public appearance

BBC News - African rocks record ancient magnetic field

Ptolemaic statue and temple gate discovered at Taposiris Magna - News, Archaeology - The Independent

'Pixie Dust' made from pig bladders regrows limbs of wounded soldiers | Mail Online

A Different Perspective: The Ubatuba UFO Sample

Woolly mammoth's survival secret? Antifreeze blood | Science | The Guardian

SPACE.com -- Two Black Holes Found Hard to Kill

Hawking: Time travel will happen | Technically Incorrect - CNET News

Political Bookworm - Reagan and the occult

American Chronicle | Extraterrestrials in the news, and maybe in America

Making Oil in Minutes, Not Millennia | Autopia | Wired.com

8 Theories For Why The Stock Market Plunged Almost 1000 Points In A Matter Of Minutes On May 6th

Amazing Audio From The S&P 500 Pits As The Market Goes Into Complete Collapse

CNBC’s Bartiromo: ‘That is Ridiculous. This Really Sounds Like Market Manipulation to Me’

Greek protesters encircle parliament as new austerity measures approved

CIA allowed to kill terrorist suspects without identification

High-Speed Trading Glitch Costs Investors Billions

Whistleblower: BP Risks More Massive Catastrophes in Gulf

Pelosi: Treating Drug Use Here Cheaper Than Stopping Drugs at Border

New recycling bins with tracking chips coming to Virginia

New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet Access

Why Did CBS Scrub A Story About Army Spy Planes Capturing the Times Square Bomber?

When Will Tim Geithner, Who Has The "Biggest Conflict Of Interest", Recuse Himself Of Fed Audit Deliberations?

Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

U.S. Food Prices ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

05-06-2010: Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of air force chief

05-06-2010: CIA drones have broader list of targets

05-06-2010: Gold is again a winner as investors seek safety

05-06-2010: Pennsylvania Tax Nazis Know Who You Are

05-06-2010: Market Emergency

05-06-2010: Geithner, Paulson make case for overhaul

05-06-2010: Dow Drops Nearly 1,000 Before Rebound; Possible Bad Trades Probed

05-06-2010: Dow Plunges Most Since 1987 Before Paring Losses; Euro Tumbles

05-06-2010: Megacities of the world: a glimpse of how we'll live tomorrow

05-06-2010: Getting Ready for Tomorrow’s Space Wars

05-06-2010: Wal-mart toxic dumping case: $27 million

05-06-2010: IBM's City Simulation Trains Planners to Tackle Future Problems for Growing Urban Centers

05-06-2010: Congress Refuses to Outlaw Insider Trading For Lawmakers

05-05-2010: Bloomberg, Kelly call on Congress to close 'terror gap' loophole on guns

05-05-2010: China to force internet users to register real names

A Timetable For War

Khadr Routinely Trussed Up In Cage, Hearing Told

A New Low For US Politicians?

The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century.

New Colonialism: Pentagon Carves Africa Into Military Zones

Did Osama bin Laden Confess to the 9/11 Attacks, and Did He Die, in 2001?

IAEA presses Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open up its nuclear facilities for inspection

Moscow Calls for Nuclear-Free Middle East

Pentagon Reveals Secret: U.S. Has 5,113 Nuclear Warheads

Encroachment of Free Speech on 9/11

Voting in Britain for war. Take your pick

Economic Slash and Burn: Greece’s Deadly Austerity Measures

Bolivarian Venezuela at the Crossroads

The Pentagon's "Local Defense Initiatives" in Afghanistan: "Making Everyone Feel Safer"

Iran, the US and the UN Nuclear Conference

Gulf Oil Spill: The Halliburton Connection

Specie, Script, and War: The Contradictory Practices of the Global Economic System

The Economic and Social Crisis in Nigeria: The Workers' Movement

The Price of Courage: Goldstone’s Investigation of Israeli War Crimes committed in Gaza

The End of The Internet as we Know It

The Times Square Bombing: Were US Special Forces Involved in the Arrest of Faisal Shahzad?

U.S. Military Base in Japan: Source of Friction and Mistrust?

Leaked Confidential Report on Disaster in the Gulf: Deepwater Oil Well Could Become Unchecked Gusher

The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of US Foreign Policy

The Fed Must Be Audited: The Fraudulent Practices of the Federal Reserve

SWAT Team Kills Dog With Child Present, Arrest Father In Misdemeanor Marijuana Bust

Randomly Stopped and Searched for WMD's in North Texas!

Kent State Killings Triggered by FBI Agent Provocateur

Times Square Bomb: Faisal Shahzad's Pakistani family calls arrest a conspiracy

New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?

McCain and Lieberman: Americans Accused of Crimes Should Have No Rights

The Cultural Upheaval of Loose Money | Jeffrey A. Tucker

Laptop Scandal School's Own Law Firm: Aside From Those 58,000 Spy Photos, There's No Evidence Of Spying

Americans Are Ratting Out Their Neighbors to the IRS at a Record Pace to Reap Cash Whistleblower Rewards

The council snoopers sizing up your garden for a 'tax database'

L.A. orders 439 medical marijuana dispensaries to close

Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche

Technology and Social Change | Jeffrey A. Tucker

Cyberattacks: Washington is hyping the threat to justify regulating the Internet

Orwellian Tax Collection Commercial Threatens Citizens -- "We Know Who You Are"

GM Food... Feeding the Hungry or Population Control?

Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay

Socialism vs Corporatism

The Rich Continue To Use Government To Cut Out Their Competition

Organic, small farmers fret over FDA regulation

China May ‘Crash’ in Next 9 to 12 Months, Faber Says - Bloomberg.com

The Laughable Nature of GDP Growth

Times Square Eyewitness: Bomb Scare Looked Like Drill


Tribulation-Now: Aliens, Demons, Nephilim, Time Travel, & God (Part One)


Reporters Without Borders seems to have a geopolitical agenda

The Woodrow Wilson Center desecrates its namesake’s legacy and violates its congressional mandate

Elitism and empathy in American presidents: Who cares for the suffering children?

What happens to all that uranium?

On Iran, the U.S. is painting itself into a political and moral corner

The "Gentle" Power of Choice Architecture

European Union, Currency Are Headed for Collapse: Gartman

European Central Bank President Calls for Corrupt BIS to Boss Global Government in CFR Speech

Paper reveals EU plan to boost GM crop cultivation

Russia Says Genetically Modified Foods are Harmful - Third generation of hamsters fed GM food are sterile

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Facts and Figures About the Dow's Big Plunge

Senate Kills GOP Consumer Protection Plan

Treasury Prices Skyrocket as Stocks Plunge

Stocks Plunge 10% Before Bouncing Back; Europe Troubles, Computer Selling Blamed

Graham: 'Impossible' to Pass Climate Bill Now

Petraeus: Times Square Bomber Acted Alone

GOP to Insist on 10th Amendment

Times Square Suspect Inspired by Cleric

Dick Morris : US is the Next Greece

Holder Defends Mirandizing Times Square Bomber

Comedy Central Mulls Series About Jesus Christ

Schumer Asks Ariz. to Hold Off Immigration Law

Mosque Goes Up in Building Damaged On 9/11

Navy SEAL Found Not Guilty on Assault Charges

Kerik: 9 Years After 9/11, Prevention Is Key

Fossella: US Remains 'Battlefield' in War on Terror

Franklin Graham Has Sidewalk Prayer Service

Obama Revives Russian Nuke Deal Canceled by Bush

World Stocks Slide On Dow Collapse, Debt Crisis

Investigators Seek Money Courier in NYC Bomb Plot

Fears Intensify About Greek Crisis' Impact On US

US Jobs Figures Fail to Shore up World Markets

Oil Extending West Around Mississippi Delta

Immigration Protesters Block Los Angeles Street

Oil Spill May Endanger Human Health, Officials Say

Border Patrol Head Says Immigration Accord Tough

Ex-NY Senate Leader Bruno Gets 2 Years for Fraud

Cleric: Iran Belongs in World's 'Nuclear Club'

Pentagon Bans Four Reporters From Gitmo

High-Speed Trading Glitch Costs Investors Billions

Rogers: Somebody Should Hang NYSE Over Glitch

Rogers, Faber: Crash Was Just Normal Correction

Gartman: Greek Crisis to Destroy European Union

Americans Bombarded With Carcinogens

MRIs Spot Spreading Cancer

Cherries Are Powerful Anti-inflammatories

Judge Judy Trumps Oprah in Ratings

Shriver, Gore Honored by TV Academy

Columnist Cohen Maligns Newt Gingrich

History Through Theodore Roosevelt's Eyes

Obama Motivated by Leftist Voters

Obama Reform Will Enable Another Goldman Sachs

Ally (GMAC) Bank's Bailout Deceptions

What al-Qaida Learned From Times Square Plot

Reid, Bennett Poles Apart but Peas in Pod

Exposing Namby-Pamby Tack on Radical Islam

Pelosi: 'Thank God for the Nuns' Who Helped Pass a 'Life-Affirming' Health Care Bill

Franklin Graham: ‘God Used’ Judge Who Ruled National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional ‘to Accomplish His Purposes’

92 Percent of Americans Believe in God; Only 5 Percent Oppose National Day of Prayer

Sen. Shelby: Financial Reform Violates Privacy

Pakistan’s Jihadists Form A Complex Web of Collaborating Groups

37 Percent of All U.S. Deaths in Nearly Nine-Year-Long Afghan War Have Occurred Since Obama’s Troop Surge

Gibbs Can't Say If Obama Used Sexual Slur Against Tea Party Activists in Interview With Newsweek Editor

Obama Freezes Budget for Program Designed to Stop Terrorists from Getting U.S. Visas

Schemes to Illegally Issue Drivers’ Licenses Uncovered in California, Pennsylvania

Oil Spill May Endanger Human Health, Government Officials Say

Past Oil Spill Exercises Did Not Anticipate Scale of Current Disaster

Arizona to Eliminate Speed Cameras on Highways

Sen. Cornyn: Need ‘More Boots on the Ground,’ ‘Better Technology,’ and Infrastructure to Secure Border

Republican Senator Pushes for Completion of Double-Layer Border Fence

Reid: ‘Someone’ Should Offer Amendment to Financial Reform Bill to Prevent Treasury From Accessing Financial Records of Law-Abiding Citizens

Record Number of Islamic Nations, Fewer ‘Free’ Countries, Coming to U.N. Human Rights Council

Utility Agrees to Buy Power from Cape Wind

Jobless Rate Rises, Even Though Census Hiring Boosted Payroll Growth

Illinois Democrats Moving Budget That Shorts Pensions

Immigration Reform Will Require ‘Act of Political Leadership,’ Says Head of Customs and Border Protection

Franklin Graham Prays at Pentagon, Says 'Islam Got a Pass'

Brownie's Chutzpah

The End of La Dolce Vita

The Go-Fly List for Terrorists

Fox Television’s Dung Pile

The Pill and 50 Years OF Misery


YouTube - World economies in depression

YouTube - David Letterman - Brian Williams on Wall Street's Free Fall


*4 Part Video: Patriot Icon Red Beckman Breaks Down The Fall of American Society on Alex Jones TV « Dprogram.net


The Cover-up: BP's Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster | Oil Price.com

NIH: No Proven Way to Prevent Alzheimer's - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Alzheimer's and Diet: Some Foods May Lower Dementia Risk - ABC News

NIH panel foolishly insists Alzheimer's can't be prevented (are they demented?)

If Only One Forecast Came True? « Dprogram.net

Audit the Fed Amendment Modified – Allows Fed To Keep Secrets

As Dow Swings, Obama To Come Out Against Audit the Fed Today | FDL Action

Probe concludes torpedo sank South Korea ship: report | Reuters

Media promotes far-fetched ‘bin Laden in Iran’ report | Raw Story

Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect’s Dubai Flight - BusinessWeek

Official: Times Square suspect had Taliban ties - CNN.com

Obama sheltered BP's Deepwater Horizon rig from regulatory requirement

U.S. officials: No credible evidence that terrorists trained Shahzad | McClatchy

Feds reviewing files on bomb suspect - USATODAY.com

Taleban disown Times Square ‘Idiot Bomber’ - Times Online

Local News | Activist spied on? Man wins settlement | Seattle Times Newspaper

The Associated Press: Obama gives shout out to 'Los Suns' of Phoenix

Standoff with passenger on bus ends peacefully - The Boston Globe


*SITE:Alcohol Can Be a Gas!


Police: 2 Charged in NH Bus Bomb Scare

Gen. Petraeus: Times Square Bomber Acted Alone

Fraud Trial Set for Indiana Doctor Caught in Italy

Chimp Attack Victim Discharged From Ohio Hospital

Huge Mural of Spain Returns to Renovated NY Museum

Skinny Mannequins Renew "Too Thin" Debate

Truck Driver in Deadly Crash Had No Drugs, Alcohol

Diamonds, Royal Gems Seek Good Prices in Revived Market

NYers Wary but Not Fearful After Terror Scares

Italy Experts Find Raphael Painting in Museum Vault

Rule the Waves on World War Two British Battleship

Oil Spill May Endanger Human Health, Officials Say

Survey: Sexual Satisfaction Ebbs for 45-Plus Set

Destination Weddings: Package Deals for Runaway Brides

LA-Area Gunman Kills 3 Family Members, Wounds 1

Singapore Visual Artist Revives Magic of Cinema

DC Officials Try to Improve EMS After Girl's Death

Nipple Tassles Aside, Aussie Fashion Week Strikes Serious Notes

US Official Says Immigration Reform Will Be Tough

Utah Court to Hear Appeal in Firing Squad Case

About 40 Cows Killed as Rig Flips on Calif Freeway

Police: NH Bus Bomb Scare Not 'Terrorist Event'

Man in New Hampshire Bus Standoff Surrenders

U.S. Joins U.N. Council at Iran Dinner in New York

Commuter Train Hits Car in Philadelphia, 1 Hurt

Stolen SUV Rams Into Atlanta Barbershop, Hurting 5

Kit Bond Apparently Isn't Too Fond of American Citizens Having the Right to an Attorney Either

FreedomWorks grows grassroots for BP drilling initiatives

The Senate Hearts Big Banking! They Voted To Protect Behemoth Banks, 61-33. We Won't Forget.

When a Fox Host and Joe Scarborough are Trashing Your Talking Points You've Got Problems

David Obey: I Would Have Retired a Long Time Ago If Not For Meeting With Bush After 9-11

Hugh Hewitt exposes the true feelings of the far right as he discusses the Rule of Law: 'That's just cliche'

Sarah Palin endorses Carly Fiorina, giving her the Facebook Kiss of Death

O'Reilly and Co. want everyone to declare Islam 'the enemy'

Stocks plunge nearly 1000 points on faulty P&G price; Jim Cramer nearly melts down

Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Chris Webber blast Arizona's SB 1070 and their own TNT reporter during "Los Suns" Game

Lindsey Graham Opines Over Constitutional Rights of Gun Owners: Terrorism Suspects Not So Much

Rupert Murdoch says Fox is winning the ratings wars because all the other media are so liberal

George Rekers: 'WBWJR -- What Boy Would Jesus Rent?'

Republicans Care About the Constitution When it Comes to Guns, but Not Citizenship

Mr. President: Time to Take the Wheel on Net Neutrality

Enough with the whining! 'Teabaggers' actually introduced the term they now claim is a slur

CBS claims Shahzad on "Homeland Security List" 3 years before there was a Homeland Security List

Lieberman to Propose Citizenship-Stripping Law

What Are Erik Prince and Blackwater Doing In Pakistan? Maybe Someone Should Ask.

The Daily Show writers shred Jay Leno's writers at the WHPC

Republican ad asks "Who looks more like a terrorist?"

Mike Papantonio: BP Unleashes the Flying Monkeys on Washington DC

Weeds Are Now Resisting Monsanto Weed Killer, Spurring Crisis in American Agriculture

Fred Hiatt: Question Obama on Times Square

Rep. Pete King is an embarrasment on issues of National Security

'Oath Keeper' under arrest after driving to Tennessee to take over courtouse, conduct 'citizens arrests' of public officials

FBI report on Shahzad: Fireworks, fertilizer and formal bomb training

Robert Gibbs to FOX News: "You could maybe do some work..."

In Conceding, David Krikorian Tries To Remain A Worst Person In The World

Peggy Noonan Claims Democrats Want to Keep the Border Open to Get Immigration Reform Passed

The Laughable Nature of GDP Growth by Richard Daughty

The Marines Are Looking for a Few Good High School Students by Laurence M. Vance

Democracy Takes Too Many Lunch Hours by Jeffrey A. Tucker

The Liberal Assault on the Poor by Jacob G. Hornberger

Doug Casey on the Russian Bear

The Home Defense Shotgun | Personal Defense

Stop the Attack on Wal-Mart by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Frugality among consumers is outliving recession | Antiwar Newswire

Top 10: Fictional Movie Food and Drink - Los Angeles Restaurants and Dining - Squid Ink

Ventura County Reporter - Power To Speak

Living Prehistorically In A Modern Age

How to beat the dreaded hay fever season - The Daily Record

GOP:Obama’s ‘New Normal’ Is Unacceptable

Jobs up 290,000; jobless rate rises to 9.9 pct. - Yahoo! Finance

SEC Said to Probe Causes, Exploitation of Stock-Market Turmoil - Bloomberg.com

GOP continues effort to thwart EU bailouts - The Hill's On The Money

Cher's gender-swap son Chaz Bono is officially a man | Mail Online

Al Franken takes over the U.S. Senate floor to explain a newspaper cartoon to the waiting nation | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

High-End Homeowners Falling Into Foreclosure Trap - CNBC

Americans bombarded with cancer sources: report | Reuters

Russian president slams 'totalitarian' USSR

Scientists decry "assaults" on climate research - Yahoo! News

Iran belongs to world's nuclear club, cleric says | Reuters

RealClearPolitics - Video - Gibbs Evades Question About Obama's Use Of "Teabagger"

Women painting nails before crash found guilty :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime

Thousands unable to vote as polling stations fail to cope - contains video

Confidence Improves, But Trust Hurts Obama - Hotline On Call

Women are waiting longer to have children in the U.S. - and a record 41% are unmarried | Mail Online

Mickey Rourke - Mickey Rourke's Actor Dislike - Contactmusic News

Syndicated TV Ratings: Syndicated Nielsen Ratings: Jeopardy ratings, Wheel of Fortune ratings, Oprah ratings, Dr. Phil ratings, Dr. Oz ratings, Judge Judy ratings, Legend of The Seeker Ratings, WWE Friday Night Smackdown! ratings - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com

Psychiatry Congress | Voxy.co.nz

'Iron Man 2': Full Metal Racket, By Kurt Loder - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Stewart to co-star in Kerouac picture - UPI.com

The Force Is with American Idol‘s Aaron Kelly - PEOPLE TV Watch

Lady Gaga Fans Petition 'American Idol' To Air Unedited 'Alejandro' Performance - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

'SNL' tips for Betty White: Be bawdy, not crude

Michael and Lindsay Lohan lies go viral, and the truth is hard to corral

The Associated Press: Comedy Central considers series about Jesus Christ

Chastity Bono Now Chaz Bono | Long Island Press

Ex-Senator Joe Bruno Sentenced to Prison, Not Going to Prison - Gothamist

Nuns, Nancy Pelosi are rock stars to progressive Catholics - Faith & Reason

FOXNews.com - Fox News Poll: Arizona Was Right to Take Action on Immigration

Senate vote defeats move to cut financial watchdog powers - USATODAY.com

Plan for mosque near World Trade Center site moves ahead

YouTube - Gunman Enters Ex-girlfriend's Home, Kills 3

YouTube - Obama and His Supreme Picks

Obama: Job growth 'the truest measure' of recovery - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

The Associated Press: Police: Criminal charges in NH bus bomb scare

Two charged in Portsmouth bus standoff; not last passenger

Senator Graham calls for pause in climate bill | Reuters

Jokes About Miami Airport Worker's Body Scan Lead To Beating, Arrest | AHN

UVA Lacrosse Death: Yeardley Love Funeral to be Held in Baltimore - Crimesider - CBS News

BP Lowers Dome in Effort to Catch Oil - WSJ.com

YouTube - Workers lower cap over oil well in Gulf of Mexico

Clerk: Shahzad Seemed a Typical "American Guy" - The Early Show - CBS News

YouTube - Official: NY Suspect Did Dry Run Before Car Bomb

Lessons From the U.K. Election - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Witness: A day chasing North Korea's camera-shy Kim | Reuters

The Associated Press: Nigeria: President's death ends political turmoil

German Parliament Approves Greek Rescue - NYTimes.com

Putin, not Medvedev, Remains Master of Russian Foreign Policy | EurasiaNet.org

Exclusive: Nobody wants a South Africa here

Israel won't move on U.N. call for nuclear-free zone | Reuters

Russia not to reinforce anti-piracy presence in Gulf of Aden | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Marcos-Aquino feud continues in Philippine election

AFP: Pressure mounts for swift justice in Mumbai case

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Maoist strike sparks Nepal anger

Burma Opposition Members Split to Form New Party | Asia | English

Hu's Russia trip of vital significance, says Chinese ambassador

New Suspects Surface In Hamas Dubai Hotel Assasination | AHN







The Prescience of Michael Savage






Britain wakes up to a hung Parliament - Times Online

Brown Losing Last-gasp Fight For Power. Prepare For Cameron As PM - Iain Martin - WSJ

Election latest: Antique political system is left creaking under the strain | Politics | The Guardian

Your Big, Fat-Fingered Debacle - Up and Down Wall Street Daily - R. Forsyth - Barrons.com

Nation’s future being spent - BostonHerald.com

Op-Ed Columnist - A Money Too Far - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Athens or Washington, It's the Size of Government

Why Didn't Obama Back Busting Up Big Banks? | Mother Jones

RealClearPolitics - Watch What Obama Does, Not What He Says

RealClearPolitics - Our First Line of Defense

RealClearPolitics - Miranda and Public Safety

RealClearPolitics - Arizona Law May Be Flawed, But Federal Remedy Will Be Worse

The Tea Party Jacobins | The New York Review of Books

Now Playing at Reason.tv: Is the Tea Party Movement Racist? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Bennett Could Be First Casualty In Changing National Mood

General election 2010: Labour has lost and the Conservatives deserve a chance to govern - Telegraph

Vigilance works: The U.S. sidestepped tragedy in Times Square

EDITORIAL: Stinko de Mayo - Washington Times

Obama to Seek More Power to Cut Spending From Bills - NYTimes.com

Immigration overhaul: Sen. Menendez chides Obama; Sen. Schumer appeals to Arizona governor - latimes.com

Nancy Pelosi pals gain power in House - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Senator Modifies Proposal to Audit Fed - WSJ.com


*7TH/Politics Video:MI-Gov: Rick Snyder Calls Himself "One Tough Nerd"

Blankfein Struggles To Answer Question About Contacts With Treasury

AR-Sen: SEIU Runs Negative Ad Against Lincoln Over Wall St., Jobs

Palin: America Is A Christian Nation

Newsweek Editor Makes Plea For Magazine: I'm Going To "Fight" That We Have A "Future"

Janet Napolitano: "This Was An Attempted Terrorist Attack"

Matthews: America Can Learn Something From The Brits

O'Reilly: "Craven Politicians And Dishonest Media" Dividing Americans On Immigration

UK: The Story Of Election Night

Olbermann: Jindal Makes Hypocritical Plea For Help

Krauthammer: "Saving The Greeks By Helping The IMF Is The Right Thing To Do"

*6TH:New GOP Organizations Spring Up In Effort To Win Back Power

PA-12: Tim Burns (R) Debates Mark Critz (D)

Trader Mark Fisher: "We Need To Slow Down"

Emirates Plane Stopped On Taxiway At JFK Airport, Returns To Gate

US Navy Seal Matthew McCabe On His Acquittal

Charlie Rangel On Financial Crisis

Spoof GM Commercial Claims They Repaid Loan

Obama, April 30: "Our Economy Is Stronger, That Economic Heartbeat Is Growing Stronger"

McCain: Terrorist Threat Still Exists

New Keith Olbermann Promos On MSNBC

CA-Gov: Whitman Pushes Fiscal Conservative Values

Election Day in the U.K.

Dem Majority Whip: Tea Party Outrage Based On Obama's Race

GOP Sen. Bennett "I Am In Trouble"

PA-Sen: Joe Sestak Ad On "The Real Arlen Specter"

Cavuto: Gibbs Response To Brown Interview "Beyond Laughable"

Boehner: Obama Administration Has No Plan To Confront Terrorism, Keep America Safe

Maher: Islam Criticism Is Censored Because Of Fear

GOP Congressman Warns: "I Don't Think We're All That Far Away From Suicide Bombers Coming Into The US"

CNBC's Jim Cramer, Erin Burnett Go Nuts As Market Tumbles And Jumps

Holder: If Federal Courts Were Taken Away It Would Weaken Ability To Win This War

Matthews: Americans Want Immigration Reform

PA Gov "Considering" Publishing Names Of Tax Delinquents

Sharpton To Blacks: "After Dark We All Look Mexican"

Krauthammer: "Makes Eminent Sense" To Strip Citizenship From Terrorists

Students Kicked Off Campus For Wearing American Flag Tees

O'Reilly: White House Anger At Fox News A "Charade"

Maddow: Facts, Constitution No Obstacle To Stunts, Spin In Terror Case

Congresswoman: International Bailouts Will Begin With Greece


*6TH/Transcripts:Vice President Biden's Remarks to the European Parliament

*5TH/Obama Signs Veterans Health Care Bill

Panel on Terrorism, Obey's Retirement

Interviews with John McCain & Rudy Giuliani

Laura Bush Interview on "Hannity"

Interview with Senator Joe Lieberman

Interview with Senator Orrin Hatch


Debbie Schlussel: De Niro, Other Celebs Mock Ariz Immigration Law in Pro-Illegal Alien Video

Debbie Schlussel:Boring “Iron Man 2″: Arrogant Schmuck Superhero Reminds Me of Superman III

Debbie Schlussel:Your Day in “Moderate Muslim” America

Debbie Schlussel:Shamelessly Lewd & Juvenile Funny Video of the Day

Debbie Schlussel:MUST WATCH VIDEO!: On Islam, Bill Maher Has the Guts FOX News, O’Reilly, Beck, Vannity Don’t

Debbie Schlussel:Meet the New York Times’ New Linguist, Debbie Schlussel: NYT Quotes Me on the Meaning of “Schmuck”

Debbie Schlussel:What Not to Wear: Students Ordered Home b/c American Flag T-Shirts Offend Hispanic Students; “Incendiary”

Debbie Schlussel:Quote of the Day: Arizona Immigration Law & David Hasselhoff Have a Lot in Common

Debbie Schlussel:Testing the System . . . Again: RFK Triborough Bridge U-Haul an Obvious Dry Run

REVIEW: New ‘Nightmare’ Not Worth Your Time

Main Street vs. Wall Street

Diabolical Tea-Partiers Take Leaf from MSM Playbook, Fake Own Astroturf


Obama: April Job Growth Is Encouraging Sign

AG Holder Insists Times Square Bomber Faced Heavy Questioning Pre-Miranda

Security Video Captures NYC Car Bomb Suspect Buying Supplies

Scarlett Johansson on Obama Schtick: ‘We All Drank the Kool-Aid’

Palin Argues for Judeo-Christian Foundation for Nation’s Laws

‘Mutton on the Lamb’: Dems Make Own ‘Demon Sheep’ Ad

‘I’m on Cloud Nine’: Navy SEAL Reacts to Not Guilty Court-Martial Verdict

Robert Gibbs Avoids Comment on Obama’s ‘Teabagger’ Quote

Former NFL Great Lawrence Taylor Charged With Rape

Gibbs Backs Off Cavuto: ‘Sometimes I Get It All Mixed Up’

Right Talker Speaks to Moms of Kids Kicked Off Campus Over American Flag Tees

Did ‘Mad Money’ Host Jim Cramer Help to Save the Markets?

Pelosi Warns: ‘Be Very Careful’ About Lieberman, Brown Terror Citizen Bill

KNBC-TV Newsroom Staffer Stays on Job After Winning $266 Million Lottery Jackpot

Rev. Franklin Graham Prays Outside Pentagon Anyway

Will Yahoo’s New $80 Million Ad Campaign Reverse Falling Traffic?

Fox News Anchor Neil Cavuto Fires Back at Robert Gibbs

Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

‘This is Machete’: Filmmaker Uses New Movie Trailer to Send Message to Arizona

‘Fake Pot’ Growing in Popularity

Caught on Video: Portuguese Political Deputy Steals Reporters Audio Recorder

Two Men Die During Bolivia’s Hand-to-Hand Tinku Combat Festival

FBN’s Varney on Greece: Modern Day Socialism is Collapsing As We Speak

‘Ex-PLO Terrorist’ Turned Israeli Sympathizer: Obama Is Culturally a Muslim

The B-Cast: White House Targets Fox News Once Again

Left Animation: ‘Police State Pete’ Looks for Illegals in Arizona

The B-Cast Interview: Why Is Joel Rogers So Important to Obama’s Agenda?

New York Newspaper Depicts Obamas as ‘Sanford and Son’ Actors

‘Baby John’: Notorious Remains of Mummified Infant Are Missing From NH Cemetery

The B-Cast: Did Keyboard Confusion Cause Wall Street Chaose

Reid Wishes ‘Someone’ Could Fix Bank Bill’s Privacy Threat

Uncovered Video: Key Obama Ally Joel Rogers Explains Why American Capitalism Is ‘Monstrous’

The B-Cast: Is the Obama Administration ‘Hostile’ to Christianity?

Rev. Jim Wallis vs. Bishop E.W. Jackson on Arizona’s Immigration law

‘Islam Gets a Pass’: Rev. Franklin Graham Accuses Administration of Religious Double Standard

CNN: Rev. Franklin Graham Accuses Obama Administration of Hostility Toward Christians

Video: Denver Social Couponing Site Saves Money, Businesses

Video: Obama: April Job Growth Is Encouraging Sign

The return of Ming-Na

Video: 'The Pill' Turns 50

Video: Crossover Characters Populate 'Lost Planet 2'

Video: Oil Woes Make It to the 'Redneck Riviera'

Video: ShowBiz Minute: Swift, Rodriguez, Spielberg

Video: Jobs Grow by Most in 4 Years but Jobless Rate Up

3 New Ways to Bring Customers to Your Small Business

Video: UK Prime Minister Calls for Election Reform

Video: World Stocks Slide on Greece, Dow Collapse

MinnPost - Ex-editor of NEJM tells how Big Pharma has corrupted academic institutions

Crisis, what crisis? EU demands £7bn more from Britain and other member states | Mail Online

Breitbart.tv » Al Sharpton: We Won’t Have True Social Justice Until Everything Is ‘Equal in Everybody’s House’


The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Al Sharpton Hosts Actor Danny Glover's Incoherent Anti-American Comments

New recycling bins with tracking chips coming to Alexandria | Washington Examiner

Feds didn't call all airlines to warn of suspect - Yahoo! News

Shahzad's Motive 'Unclear' to CBS, Cites Money Pressure Since He 'Hasn't Realized Any American Dream' | NewsBusters.org

Faisal Shahzad Had Contact With Anwar Awlaki, Taliban, and Mumbai Massacre Mastermind, Officials Say - ABC News

Faisal Shahzad on Homeland Security List Since 1999 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News


Alex Jones - 2010-May-06, Thursday

May 6, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

05/06 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Thu May 06, 2010


TSA Incident Proves Authorities Are Engaged In Monumental Body Scanner Cover-Up

Faisal Shahzad: Portrait of a patsy

Authorities Terrorize Bus Passengers Over Bomb Rumor

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

CNBC’s Bartiromo: ‘This Really Sounds Like Market Manipulation to Me’

CNBC's Bartiromo: 'That is Ridiculous. This Really Sounds Like Market Manipulation to Me'

U.S. Food Prices ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

NORAD conducts exercises in preparation of G8 and G20 summits

Fighter jets buzz Toronto, Muskoka in G20 test runs - thestar.com

Freedom Watch: Secessionist Movement on the Rise?

Stephen Hawking’s Universe: Fear The Aliens

Signs of Neanderthals Mating With Humans - NYTimes.com

Broccoli 'could aid breast cancer fight' - scientists - Telegraph

Illegal Immigrants cost feds more than $10 billion a year

Illegal Immigrants' Cost to Government Studied (washingtonpost.com)

Ron Paul: Up to Senate to get audit bill passed

Brian Williams Blames Shock Stock Plunge On Greece Chaos

SEC Said to Probe Causes, Exploitation of Stock-Market Turmoil - Bloomberg.com

290,000 New Jobs Created In April, But Unemployment Rate Jumps To 9.9%

Audit the Fed Amendment Modified – Allows Fed To Keep Secrets

Medvedev: Chances of New World War Exist

FBN’s Varney on Greece: Modern Day Socialism is Collapsing As We Speak

Guy Goes Crazy While Giving A Stock Market Webinar During The Crash

Why Did CBS Scrub A Story About Army Spy Planes Capturing the Times Square Bomber?

Gerald Celente: Wall Street Fall, Dow Jones collapse, 2010 global crash

Don’t Tread On Me: A Refresher Course on the Constitution

Now Here’s One Big Crash That CAN’T Be Blamed On A Glitch

Alex Jones On Russia Today: Greece Riots Coming To America?

Immigration Protesters Arrested in Los Angeles

Pastor John Hagee: Is the Devil in Him?

The Liberal Assault on the Poor

CIA used ‘fictional’ tale of US prison rape to intimidate teen terror suspect

Amazing Audio From The S&P 500 Pits As The Market Goes Into Complete Collapse

The internet, as imagined in 1965

Testimony of The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley Before Congress May 6, 2010

Will The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Be An Economic Disaster That The Gulf Coast Will Never Recover From?


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 6th With Red Beckman


Dadeus Grings: We're all potential paedophiles, says archbishop | Mail Online

Mosque going up in NYC building damaged on 9/11 - Yahoo! News

'Goldstone sent 28 SA blacks to death'

Most People Carry Neanderthal Genes - WSJ.com

Brazil Air France crash black boxes found - Telegraph

NTSB Wraps Up Probe Into Miracle on the Hudson Landing - AOL News

Six-year-old saved from dropping to his death by his ears - Telegraph

The Japanese ninja dress that turns into a Coca Cola machine to ward off attackers | Mail Online

Russian who 'cremated' Adolf Hitler refuses to reveal where he scattered his ashes | Mail Online

CIA documents show US never believed Gary Powers was shot down - Times Online

Stocks Plunge as Investors Fear Spread of Greece Crisis - CNBC

Political correctness in the Marine Corps?

Don't cry for me, Arizona

How dare Arizonans try to protect themselves

Why Terry Lakin's stand benefits America

Land of moussaka, moochers and looters

The end of La Dolce Vita

The last communist

Confusion among conservatives

The death of the tea-party movement

The left's battle for the minds of Texas kids

WorldNet Daily's Latest Snub | Mother Jones

OnTheCommons.org » Why Future Prosperity Depends on More Socializing

American Thinker Blog: Reviving the White House Press Corpse

Not so 'NICE'

Political correctness in the Marine Corps?

Media neutrality and open-mindedness

Who's to blame for this terror?

Obama working to keep Fed's secrets

College backtracks on discipline for prayer

Girl's 'forced' abortion blamed on government 'death panel'

Firearms Freedom Act like 'giving machine guns to wing nuts'

Plans to provide 'fresh fetal parts' abandoned

'Scheme' to 'peddle abortions' investigated

Divided U.S. sounds off on Obama revelations!


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Left pushes Puerto Rico toward statehood

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Nailbiter election grips U.K

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Where's Obama's 'master plan' to protect homeland?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Faith in public square: 'Prayer birthed America'


Tea partiers: Help rescue drowning Nashville

Report calls tea party-supporters 'insurgents'

RealClearPolitics - "There Will Be No Apology"

School District: Flag Clothing Incident "Extremely Unfortunate" | NBC Bay Area

Principal bans U.S. flag T-shirts on Mexican holiday

Democrats' shift right frustrates Hispanic activists - Jeanne Cummings - POLITICO.com

Border Patrol agents train Mexican police - KGUN 9 On Your Side, Tucson News, Weather & Sports

U.K. leaders jockey after inconclusive vote - Europe- msnbc.com

UK ELECTION RESULTS 2010: Jacqui Smith and expenses scandal MPs lose seats | Mail Online

Gulf of Mexico oil slick: Sarah Palin fuels anti-British sentiment - Telegraph

Gulf of Mexico Spill: Expert Recommends Killing Oil-Soaked Birds - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

Girl's 'forced' abortion blamed on government 'death panel'

U.S. and other big powers back Mideast nuclear arms ban | Reuters

Pro-Israel Group Official Says Buzz About Obama Administration Signing Off on Nuclear-Free Middle East Not A Big Deal - Political Punch

FCC Proposes 'Third Way' to Regulate Broadband | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

FCC's Third Way: What You Need to Know | Lance Ulanoff | PCMag.com

BBC News - Decision urged on .xxx porn web domain

BBC News - Facebook fixes embarrassing security flaw

Obama 'Internet czar' linked to 'Net neutrality' effort

Faisal Shahzad Had Contact With Anwar Awlaki, Taliban, and Mumbai Massacre Mastermind, Officials Say - ABC News

Mumbai attack gunman sentenced to death - Telegraph

Firearms Freedom Act like 'giving machine guns to wing nuts'

Seven new albino killings in Tanzania and Burundi - Telegraph

Gibbs' stand-up comedy deflects reporter's questioning

Dems may abandon House race in Hawaii - Yahoo! News

Karl Rove, Republican Party plot vast network to reclaim power - Mike Allen and Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

Palin Breaks with Tea Party Activists in California - The Note

Climate change deniers accused of McCarthyism - Telegraph

The Copenhagen Protocol: How China and India Sabotaged the UN Climate Summit - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International


*American Minute for May 7th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

See Michelle call Barack a 'Kenyan'

The question that just won't go away

Hawaii governor announces 'exact' place of Obama birth

Army officer to tell CNN about challenge to Obama

'New eligibility strategy working'

Is billboard campaign working?


Savage rips the media's coverage of the Times Square Bomber - The Woodward Report - Conservative News, Politics

Opinion: Is President Obama's New Approach to Terrorism Making a Difference? - AOL News

Faisal Shahzad Had Contact With Anwar Awlaki, Taliban, and Mumbai Massacre Mastermind, Officials Say - ABC News

AT&T, Verizon, others, thought about dropping health plans - May. 5, 2010

BREAKING: Navy SEAL McCabe Found Not Guilty - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama: 'Begin' immigration this year - Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

Plan for mosque near World Trade Center site moves ahead

FOXNews.com - Number of Soldiers Seeking Opiate Abuse Treatment Skyrockets

2nd tragedy for NJ family - NYPOST.com

Taliban court orders amputation for thieves

While Oil Slick Spread, Interior Department Chief of Staff Rafted with Wife on "Work-Focused" Trip in Grand Canyon - Political Punch

World's Richest Moms - Forbes.com

Ariz. governor rejects delay of immigration law - Yahoo! News

Groomed for terror - NYPOST.com



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An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches

*e book:The Battle for Your Mind

Born Again Brainwashing (Persuasion and Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today) June 6, 2005