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and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
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the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
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06 May 2010


Fed Reserve Demands To Keep Its TOP SECRET STATUS

Traces of explosive found on wreckage of South Korean warship - Telegraph

Russian special forces storm oil tanker, free ship | World news | guardian.co.uk

Ahmadinejad: 'Osama bin Laden is living in Washington' - Telegraph

Leading Democrat congressman announces retirement - Telegraph

Trained monkeys come to aid of maimed US soldiers - Telegraph

'Los Suns' set against Arizona's immigration law | Dave Zirin | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Ku Klux Klan leader murdered new recruit - Telegraph

Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of air force chief - Times Online

Times Square bomb: evidence mounts of Pakistan Taliban link - Telegraph

Times Square car bomb: authorities believe Faisal Shahzad acted alone - Telegraph

US tightens terrorism no-fly controls after Times Square bomb lapses - Telegraph

General Election 2010: Ukip's Nigel Farage injured in plane crash - Telegraph

Hooray! Paddy socks it to the self-serving spooks – Telegraph Blogs

General election 2010: Can Dow Jones index predict UK election winner? | Business | guardian.co.uk

YouTube - 30 Little Known Facts about America

Politics -- Latest News -- The Feds vs. Goldman -- RollingStone.com

Kirwan - Deepwater Horizon...Capturing The Planet!

Federal Reserve Kosher Financial Tsunami Drowns US | Real Zionist News

savethemales.ca - Was Times Square "Bomber" Framed?

YouTube - nyc

Joe Lieberman bill would strip suspects' citizenship - Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com


*Pictures Of The Most Violent Greek Riot Yet


NY Car Bomb Incident - Another False Flag?

Roy Tov – Meeting Iran

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Pedophile Symbols: How to Spot a Pedophile

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Scottish Masons, Whitewashed Crimes and Hollie Greig

Evidence Mounts for Taliban Role in Bomb Plot - NYTimes.com

Pakistan denies Taliban link with accused Times Square bomber - Telegraph

Times Square car bomb: security slip let Faisal Shahzad board plane - Telegraph

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Global plot blamed for Times Square bomb

Osama bin Laden 'living in luxury in Iran' - Telegraph

Video, Iranian president: We don't want the bomb | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iran does not fear fresh UN sanctions over nuclear programme | World news | The Guardian

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: new sanctions 'will mean Iran US relations will never be improved' - Telegraph

Soviet commander admits USSR came close to defeat by Nazis - Telegraph

‘We’re in the final days of white life in South Africa’ - Times Online

EU rules may mean silent electric cars must make Star Wars noises - Times Online

'Newsweek' Magazine Up for Sale - DailyFinance

Secret tape of Blackwater founder exposed - Times Online

US discrimination case between Betty Dukes and Wal-Mart reaches Supreme Court - Times Online

Judge rules Asbo on low-slung trousers illegal - Times Online

SAS comes out fighting as details of top-secret missions are exposed - Home News, UK - The Independent

Study spikes organic food environment claims - Times Online

Sleeping for less than six hours may cause early death, study finds | Society | guardian.co.uk

American hero Jim Traficant files for congressional run as an independent

Celente Predicted Pakistani Terror As A Top Trend For 2010 - More Terror To Come

Dobson: GOP misled me on Paul - Josh Kraushaar - POLITICO.com

savethemales.ca - Anti-Semitism is Zionism's Bread and Butter

New Anti-Obama Billboard in Marshall, Texas…

Journalist Clift - 'Illegal Immigration Is A Happy Invasion'

Pope Benedict says Shroud of Turin authentic burial robe of Jesus - CSMonitor.com

MJ Rosenberg: Schumer: I'm on a Mission From God (to Be Israel's Guardian in Senate)

New NOAA Projections Show Slick Curling Ominously Around The Louisiana Coast

Antony Loewenstein On Iran, Israel And The US

As companies hire again, more jobs go freelance - Careers- msnbc.com

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Times Square "False Flag" and Surveillance Cameras

Are the main party leaders truly worth a vote?

From Air, BP’s Chief Sees Progress in Containing Spill - NYTimes.com

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: giant dome sent to capture leaking crude - Telegraph

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Transocean-BP rig had safety valve problem in UK - Telegraph

Congressmen raised concerns about BP safety before Gulf oil spill | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Attention shoppers: Gulf spill could affect you | World news | guardian.co.uk

Greece crisis: three bank workers killed in street protests - Telegraph

Bank strike over Greece demo deaths | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Greece debt crisis: Austerity vote amid anarchy in Athens | Mail Online

Polish air crash: crew 'pressured into trying to land' - Telegraph

Kyrgyz security chief warns of instability | World news | guardian.co.uk

Stalin bus begins driving through St Petersburg - Telegraph

Accordion players and ice skaters get EU farm subsidies - Telegraph

The British public are demonising Israel, ambassador says - Times Online

Israel accuses Palestinian leaders of deliberately stalling peace process revival - Telegraph

Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanistan peace plan | World news | The Guardian

Daily Mirror launches class war on David Cameron with Bullingdon photo | Media | guardian.co.uk

Children's Tylenol Recall: FDA Report Rips Quality Control at Plant - ABC News

Blow-Happy Rabbis Make Fun Of Blow-Hard Catholics

Gulf of Mexico oil slick hits wildlife reserve beaches - Telegraph

Rig owner scrapped bonuses over safety concerns - Times Online

Texas Governor calls Louisiana oil spill 'act of God' - Telegraph

Shell reports record oil spillages in Nigeria | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Britain preventing Mossad diplomat replacement - Telegraph

North Korea masses 50,000 troops on border - Telegraph

Reclusive Kim Jong Il goes high profile on China visit - Times Online

Whoops! CO2 has almost nothing to do with global warming, discovers top US meteorologist – Telegraph Blogs

Senator viewed porn at abortion debate: Mike Bennett caught looking at topless women | Mail Online

General Election 2010: Eurostat migration stats expose lie behind PM's figures | Mail Online

The Uppingham revolt: Pupils stage mass mutiny over six-form expulsions | Mail Online

Study suggests decline in UK fish stocks more severe than thought | Environment | The Guardian

ALIPAC - ALIPAC Activists Help Spread Arizona Law to 12 More States

YouTube - Its All Falling Apart

Girls summit to precede G20 - The Globe and Mail

Engdahl - Who Judges The Judges?

Ukip's Nigel Farage tells Van Rompuy: You have the charisma of a damp rag | World news | guardian.co.uk

President Calderón Pledges To Help Migrants Fight Arizona Law: Excelsior, Mexico | The Moderate Voice

Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

Cooking herb Thyme 'could stop spread of MRSA' | Mail Online

Corporate Crime Reporter:Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the Decade

Corporate Crime Reporter

Corporate Crime Reporter

Faisal Shahzad: An Ordinary Man by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Gordon Duff: Times Square “Fizzler,” Israel’s “Crotch Bomber Redux | My Catbird Seat

Liberty Radio Hour Features Interview with Salem-News.com’s Tim King | My Catbird Seat


***9/11 FEMA Videographer at Ground Zero (200 Pics) | Crack Two


Think Progress » Media Ignore The Fact That Man Who Alerted Police To Failed Times Square Bombing Is A Muslim Immigrant

The Fed Must Be Audited: The Fraudulent Practices of the Federal Reserve

Thresholds of Pervasive Energy – | Sophrosyne Radical

Wicked Popes & Obscured Histories – | Sophrosyne Radical

Postal Votes Raise Fears Of Election Fraud As Police Investigate In Tower Hamlets, East London | Politics | Sky News

Obama’s Military Intentions

SOUTH LEBANON: UN Has 'No Evidence' of Presence of Scud Missiles in Lebanon

New IDF Weapon Defends Soldiers against Psychological Warfare - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

YouTube - Ahmadinejad: They're finished, the Zionist regime is finished.

congress refuses to outlaw insider trading for lawmakers: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance

Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees - NBCBAYAREA- msnbc.com

L.A. orders 439 medical marijuana dispensaries to close - latimes.com

Slashdot News Story | Hacker Develops ATM Rootkit

Corn industry brazenly turns Gulf disaster into marketing opportunity « Aletho News

Refreshing News: Gulf of Mexico oil spill begins to wash ashore in Louisiana while engineers attempt to contain the leak

What I Learned in Afghanistan – About the United States by Dana Visalli

False Virtue: The Politics of Lying About History by Thomas DiLorenzo

Violence is not up on Arizona border despite Mexican drug wars and SB1070 - CHICANO RADIO NETWORK U.S.A. Blog

Widow of officer slain by illegal immigrant criticizes new law

BBC News - Freddie Mac seeks further $10.6bn in US aid

Progressives In Crisis: The Democrats' Lobbyist-Industrial Complex | The Smirking Chimp

FBI informants operating openly in our midst

U.S. Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds - NYTimes.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul - Federal Reserve May Destroy The Dollar

YouTube - 30 Little Known Facts about America

YouTube - Columbia Mo SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present

Bernanke Warns Against Move to Audit Fed - WSJ.com

Kerry declines to confirm climate bill rollout next week - The Hill's E2-Wire

Police question climategate information seekers - Telegraph


SOUTH LEBANON: West Bankers Made Refugees in Their Own Country

SOUTH LEBANON: America's nuclear intentions - OBAMA'S WAR MACHINE

My Big, Fat Greek Disaster

12160.org - "Resisting the New World Order"

FCC Prepares to Re-Regulate Broadband Providers | Epicenter | Wired.com

No-Name Terrorists Now CIA Drone Targets | Danger Room | Wired.com

Laptop Scandal School's Own Law Firm: Aside From Those 58,000 Spy Photos, There's No Evidence Of Spying | Techdirt

Higher daily doses of vitamin D lower risk of preterm births: Study

Mammograms catch few cancers in young women: study | Reuters


FOXNews.com - Schumer Asks Arizona to Delay Immigration Law for a Year

MSM: New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet Access « Dprogram.net

Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group « Dprogram.net

Woman Found Dead Surrounded By Burning Bills - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

YouTube - "Israeli Technologies of Apartheid"

As Dow Swings, Obama To Come Out Against Audit the Fed Today | FDL Action

Trading error blamed for market plunge: CNBC | Reuters

Alex Jones On Russia Today: Greece Riots Coming To America?


*Your Guide To All The Countries That Are One Riot Away From Becoming Greece


Stocks Plunge as Investors Fear Spread of Greece Crisis - CNBC

Cramer Saves The Market? Sees Error In P&G Share Pricing

Patriotic American Students Persecuted for Stars and Stripes on Cinco de Mayo

Audit The Fed Push Strengthened By Second Front In Senate

New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet Access - WSJ.com

Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

How to Stumble Into a War: Loose Lips on Iran

Can There Be Good Government?

Top Recipient of Political Cash from BP, Goldman Sachs, Defense Contractors AND Healthcare Giants: Barack Obama

TASER NATION: ‘Inside the NBA’ TV Program Making Fun of Taser Victims

Russia says Iran attack 'disastrous'

Gold Is A Good Bet When Sovereign Nations Are Imploding

Hugh Hendry: The Greek “Bailout” Is Really A Bailout Of French Banks

FT.com / Currencies - Euro plunge raises reserve status fears

Conservatism in Exile

The Power & Danger of Iconography

New York bomb suspect was not a terrorist, says father - Telegraph

Gerald Celente on Greece: People will rise against bank bailouts globally

Schumer changes tune on stripping extremists of citizenship | Raw Story

Christian Science Monitor: Cops overuse taser because of media hype

State of Texas Bartering For Baby Blood Samples – Hides DNA Database Agenda

Americans Seeking Reward Money Inform IRS on Others (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Will The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Be An Economic Disaster That The Gulf Coast Will Never Recover From?

Team of Scientists Counter U.S. Gov’t Report: ‘Global warming alarm will prove false’ — Climate fears ‘based on faulty forecasting procedures’

Michelle Obama: Barack Obama Is “Kenyan”

Internet Police: London Signs Warn Against Accessing “Extremist” Material

Times Square Eyewitness: Bomb Scare Looked Like Drill

Fed Documents Reveal Secret Lobbying Effort Against Audit Provisions

Bloomberg Smears Anti-Obamacare Activists As Terrorists


video :7 pt.-Is the War in Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?


Iraq Shi'ite blocs to join forces in parliament | Reuters

» Rep. Andre Carson: Tea Party Protesters Are ‘One of the Largest Threats to our Internal Security’ - Big Government

Don’t Tread On Me: A Refresher Course on the Constitution

US Stocks: Dow Ends Down 350; VIX Tops 34 - CNBC

Audit The Fed Push Strengthened By Second Front In Senate

Patriotic American Students Persecuted for Stars and Stripes on Cinco de Mayo

Many possible triggers for wider euro debt crisis | Reuters

U.S. Food Prices ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

Fighter jets buzz Toronto, Muskoka in G20 test runs - thestar.com

Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Kent State Killings Triggered by FBI Agent Provocateur

Obama’s drone strike joke shows the reality of political leadership in the American Empire | America 20XY

Americans Are Ratting Out Their Neighbors to the IRS at a Record Pace to Reap Cash Whistleblower Rewards

Americans Seeking Reward Money Inform IRS on Others (Update2) - BusinessWeek

Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom | Media and Culture | AlterNet

The ACTA Copyright Treaty and Why You Should Care

YouTube - Laura Bush on best, worst day in White House

Laura Bush recalls 9/11 panic at White House - Biography and memoirs - Today.msnbc.com

Passengers with arms raised exiting bus

Freedom Watch: Secessionist Movement on the Rise?

Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees | NBC Bay Area

H1N1 Fears Led to Overcrowded ERs

Broccoli 'could aid breast cancer fight' - scientists - Telegraph

Global Warming Showdown on Capitol Hill: Hearing to address climate ‘deniers’ head on — Lord Monckton Set to Square off with Warmists

Illegal Immigrants' Cost to Government Studied (washingtonpost.com)

EDITORIAL: Angry, hateful, violent, extremist liberals - Washington Times

Cinco De Mayo Bar Brawl On Long Island

Parents of Fallujah children with birth defects say Britain knew of US chemical weapons use

Uncle Sam wants Micronesians for US military - Yahoo! News

Congressional Hypocrites Were Betting Against Stocks As Country Collapsed

Dumbed-Down Population: Teen celeb Justin Bieber Doesn’t know what ‘German’ Is…

CIA Officer Explains New World Order’s Demise

Matt Miller - The 'No Good Options' Era: We're all Greek now

The grim reality in Afghanistan: Five months into our new strategy, things are looking bleak

South Park gag makes a mockery of freedom of expression | The Australian

Roberts court protects the powerful - Nan Aron - POLITICO.com

Health care critics missing the point | detnews.com | The Detroit News

The most interesting Republican you've never heard of - 2012 Elections - Salon.com

Greece Fuels Fears of Contagion in U.S. - WSJ.com

The Politics Of Evasion | The New Republic

Michael Tomasky: Bad post-terrorist attack ideas department | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

We're worried about 'backlash' as the terrorists press our luck: Kevin O'Brien | cleveland.com

Obama Officials on Shahzad Case: We Did It Right - Declassified Blog - Newsweek.com

Finding Out What’s In It - Yuval Levin - The Corner on National Review Online

Management 101: What the Democrats Need to Learn - TIME

Denial over the bomb plot - The Boston Globe

Evidence Mounts for Taliban Role in Bomb Plot - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - In Afghanistan, the Clock is Ticking

RealClearPolitics - Disasters Show That Government Works

RealClearPolitics - A Spend-and-Borrow Debt Mess

What Health Law Didn't Fix: Medicare Doctor Pay : NPR

End U.S. Offshore Drilling After BP Oil Spill: Commentary by Michael Brune - Bloomberg

GM's Bailout Payback Claims: Untrue at Any Speed! Or, Wasn't It Supposed to be Used Car Salesmen Who Were Such Liars? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

The Rothenberg Political Report: On, Wisconsin: Feingold Return No Sure Thing

RealClearPolitics - Soldier-Citizens to the Rescue?

Harold Meyerson - Deficit hawkery's harsh impact on education

Op-Ed Contributor - Why Charter Schools Fail the Test - NYTimes.com

Haim Saban, producer, in Hollywood, Washington, Israel : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - Convenient Moral Blindness

Olbermann's Makeover - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

Vote likely on climate law | california, costs, businesses - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Obama wants immigration work to begin, but Graham thinks issue is dead

Karl Rove, Republican Party plot vast network to reclaim power - Mike Allen and Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet Access - WSJ.com

Bloomberg: Deny Second Amendment to People on Terror Watch List

Exclusive: Oath Keepers founder slams conservative media ‘hypocrisy’

YouTube - Clinton's Take on Immigration, Goldman Sachs

CNSNews.com - Gallup Poll: 9 Out of 10 Americans Say Secure the Border This Year

Christian preacher on hooligan charge after saying he believes that homosexuality is a sin | Mail Online

Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

Celente On the Bailout of Greek and American Banks

Overpopulation is a Myth

Faisal Shahzad, Times Square Bomb Suspect, Faced Foreclosure - WSJ.com

The Fed Must Be Audited Because It Has Taken Numerous Actions Which Are Far Beyond Its Authorized Powers

Max Keiser On Goldman Sachs And Bill Clinton’s Hypocrisy; Peter Schiff Interview

How Is The U.S. Economy Supposed To Succeed When Our Politicians And The Big Banks Are Making Billions Of Dollars Betting Against It?

General Election 2010: UKIP candidate Nigel Farage in dramatic plane crash as election banner catches in tail fin | Mail Online

Deadly Greek Bank Fire Blamed on Opposition to IMF Austerity

Obama administration says Emirates Airlines Dropped the Ball; 9/11 Commission Vice-Chair Says U.S. Govt Is Dropping the Ball - Political Punch

Why a Criminal Case Against Goldman Sachs Matters and Why Charges Could Stick

Forgotten Facts of American Labor History


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 5th With Robert G. Rash

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 4th With Stewart Rhodes


*4th/Transcripts:Holder, Napolitano Briefing on the NYC Suspect

Panel on Times Square, Gulf Oil Spill

Sen. Mary Landrieu on the Gulf Oil Spill

Minority Whip Eric Cantor on the Time Square Plot

Counterterrorism Expert on the Times Square Bomber

Interview with Rep. Pete Hoekstra

Obama's Remarks to the Business Council

Interview with Pakistan's Ambassador to the U.S.


*6th/Politics Video:Obama, April 30: "Our Economy Is Stronger, That Economic Heartbeat Is Growing Stronger"

PA-12: Tim Burns (R) Debates Mark Critz (D)

Emirates Plane Stopped On Taxiway At JFK Airport, Returns To Gate

Spoof GM Commercial Claims They Repaid Loan

McCain: Terrorist Threat Still Exists

New Keith Olbermann Promos On MSNBC

Election Day in the U.K.

Congresswoman: International Bailouts Will Begin With Greece

GOP Congressman Warns: "I Don't Think We're All That Far Away From Suicide Bombers Coming Into The US"

CNBC's Jim Cramer, Erin Burnett Go Nuts As Market Tumbles And Jumps

MSNBC Anchor's Conspiracy Theory: AZ Deputy Shooting Was "Staged" To Help Immigration Law

PA Gov "Considering" Publishing Names Of Tax Delinquents

Holder: If Federal Courts Were Taken Away It Would Weaken Ability To Win This War

Sharpton To Blacks: "After Dark We All Look Mexican"

Students Kicked Off Campus For Wearing American Flag Tees

PA-Sen: Joe Sestak Ad On "The Real Arlen Specter"

Cavuto: Gibbs Response To Brown Interview "Beyond Laughable"

Maher: Islam Criticism Is Censored Because Of Fear

Matthews: Americans Want Immigration Reform

Krauthammer: "Makes Eminent Sense" To Strip Citizenship From Terrorists

Maddow: Facts, Constitution No Obstacle To Stunts, Spin In Terror Case

O'Reilly: White House Anger At Fox News A "Charade"

*5th/Peter Beinart: Arizona Immigration Law Is Racist

NH-Sen: Ayotte (R) Runs First Ad On Cutting Washington Spending

PA-12: Burns Hits Critz On Not Repealing Health Care

Rep. Ron Paul On Auditing The Federal Reserve

OH-Con: GOP's Schmidt (R) Will Face Yalamanchili (D) In November

New Media Narrative: Dick Cheney Is To Blame For Gulf Oil Spill

Ahmadinejad: Iran Will "Definitely" Continue On Its Current Path

Napolitano Was Aware Of Pakistani Terror Threat In December 2009

Rangel: "I Will Be Back" As Chairman Of Ways & Means Committee

Obama Wants To Work On Immigration Reform This Year

Obey Planned On Retiring In 2000, But Stayed To Fight Bush Policies

Rep. Paul Ryan On Debt Commission

Obama Calls Phoenix Suns "Los Suns" At Cinco De Mayo Event

Reid: GOP Wants To Continue "Making Love" To Wall Street

Limbaugh: Faisal Shahzad Arrest Was "Dumb Luck"

"Does This Look Like A Terrorist?": GOP Candidate Advocates Racial Profiling In Controversial Ads

OH-Sen: NRSC Runs "Shirtless" Ad Of Dem Lee Fisher

White House: "Silly And Ridiculous" To Think BP Donations Is Influencing Obama's Decisions

Sen. Landrieu On Gulf Oil Spill, Cleanup & Donations From BP

CNN: Pakistani Taliban Spokesman Says Group Has No Ties To Shahzad, Warns Of New Attacks

Matthews: Shahzad Arrest Shows Government Can Do The Job

Krauthammer: Why Did The Obama Admin Mirandize Shahzad?

IN-Sen: Dan Coats' Primary Victory Speech

NC-Sen: Burr Wins (R) Primary, Dems Headed For Runoff

O'Reilly: Tools Opposed By Left Crucial In Catching Shahzad

Ahmadinejad: Bin Laden Is In D.C.

Olbermann: BP A Bad Actor

Paul Begala On Oil Spill

NBC's Russert Questions Why Blacks Join "Racist" Tea Party


*Faisal Shahzad on Homeland Security List Since 1999


New recycling bins with tracking chips coming to Virginia

New U.S. Push to Regulate Internet Access


*Why Did CBS Scrub A Story About Army Spy Planes Capturing the Times Square Bomber?


When Will Tim Geithner, Who Has The "Biggest Conflict Of Interest", Recuse Himself Of Fed Audit Deliberations?

*Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

U.S. Food Prices ‘Spiraling Out of Control’

Organ-Mart: Harvard Can Preserve Organs for 10 Days, Restarts Heart Outside Body


*Blackberry 'predicted a century ago' by pioneering physicist Nikola Tesla


IBM's City Simulation Trains Planners to Tackle Future Problems for Growing Urban Centers

European Union, Currency Are Headed for Collapse: Gartman

Wal-mart toxic dumping case: $27 million

Getting Ready for Tomorrow’s Space Wars

China May Rescue Banks If Property Drops, Fitch Says

Stocks, Euro Slide on Debt Concern; MSCI World Erases 2010 Gain

NASA official outlines plan for next-generation space robots

Secretive ACTA Copyright Treaty and How it Threatens Internet Freedom

The Rich Continue To Use Government To Cut Out Their Competition

The New Prison Industrial-Complex

05-05-2010: Russian president asked to investigate alien claims

05-05-2010: Documentary Claims Bin Laden Is Living In Iran

05-05-2010: Obama biggest recipient of BP cash

05-05-2010: CNP Stooge James Dobson To Support Rand Paul's Senate Campaign

05-04-2010: Heritage Foundation: Congress makes too many vague laws

05-04-2010: Russian paper: Nuke the oil geyser

CIA allowed to kill terrorist suspects without identification

Bomb threat aboard bus clears much of downtown Portsmouth, NH; passenger being questioned - latimes.com

17 on board bus after bomb threat in Portsmouth - Boston.com

NY plane incident a false alarm | Reuters

Faisal Shahzad ‘carried out dry run’ before Times Square attack - Times Online

Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect’s Dubai Flight - BusinessWeek

Countries are risking cyber terrorism, security expert tells first world summit | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Brown to co-sponsor terrorism bill - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com

Security Lapses Let Bomb Suspect Board Plane - NYTimes.com

A Timetable For War

Loose Lips on Iran Can Sink America

Khadr Routinely Trussed Up In Cage, Hearing Told

A New Low For US Politicians?




*YouTube - Full Video: Ahmadinejad speech at UN nuclear conference


YouTube - Obama home country is Kenya


Why Did CBS Scrub A Story About Army Spy Planes Capturing the Times Square Bomber? (Updated) - Times square bombing - Gawker

Privacy Groups Go After Facebook

Beginning of End for Internet Explorer

The Dangers of War Porn

Rep. Ron Paul: Congress Freezes Its Own Pay

Britain's Election: Welcome to No Choice Democracy

Did Osama bin Laden Confess to the 9/11 Attacks, and Did He Die, in 2001?

Iran, the US and the UN Nuclear Conference

Obama Sheltered BP's Deepwater Horizon Rig from Regulatory Requirement

Gulf Oil Spill: The Halliburton Connection

The Economic and Social Crisis in Nigeria: The Workers' Movement

New Colonialism: Pentagon Carves Africa Into Military Zones

The End of The Internet as we Know It

The Times Square Bombing: Were US Special Forces Involved in the Arrest of Faisal Shahzad?

U.S. Military Base in Japan: Source of Friction and Mistrust?

Graveyard of Empires: Will the US and Britain "Meet Their Waterloo" in Afghanistan?

The Fed Must Be Audited: The Fraudulent Practices of the Federal Reserve

The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of US Foreign Policy

GM Biofuels: Another Planned Disaster

NATO and Beyond: The "Wars of the Future"

The Fiction of Freedom in America: The "American Dream" of Social Inequality, Discrimination and Poverty

Encroachment of Free Speech on 9/11

Video: Patriotic American Students Persecuted for Stars and Stripes on Cinco de Mayo

Health care law's hidden tax change to launch 1099 avalanche

YouTube - Technology and Social Change | Jeffrey A. Tucker

Cyberattacks: Washington is hyping the threat to justify regulating the Internet

YouTube - PA Tax Amnesty TV ad "We Know Who You Are"

GM Food... Feeding the Hungry or Population Control?

Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay

Socialism vs Corporatism

Organic, small farmers fret over FDA regulation

The Rich Continue To Use Government To Cut Out Their Competition

The Hutaree Case Falls Apart

Want to get rich? Work for feds

YouTube - Jacob Hornberger at NH Liberty Forum, March 2010: Leading Humanity Out of the Darkness

How Empires Bamboozle the Bourgeoisie

Elitism and empathy in American presidents: Who cares for the suffering children?

Patients reported fractures caused by bone drug long before health industry

The triple curse of the corporate climate bill

What happens to all that uranium?

On Iran, the U.S. is painting itself into a political and moral corner

Derivatives and betting the ponies

Some questions and comments for Doug Henwood and others

Bush’s lame duck eavesdropping on Obama and Emanuel

The dangers of growing DNA databases

The "Gentle" Power of Choice Architecture

Paper reveals EU plan to boost GM crop cultivation

Russia Says Genetically Modified Foods are Harmful - Third generation of hamsters fed GM food are sterile

Pelosi: It’s Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Interdict Drugs at Border

Gibbs Can't Say, Won’t Check, If Obama Used Sexual Slur Against Tea Party Activists in Interview With Newsweek Editor

Obama Freezes Budget for Program Designed to Stop Terrorists from Getting U.S. Visas

37 Percent of All U.S. Deaths in Nearly Nine-Year-Long Afghan War Have Occurred Since Obama’s Troop Surge

92 Percent of Americans Believe in God; Only 5 Percent Oppose National Day of Prayer

Record Number of Islamic Nations, Fewer ‘Free’ Countries, Coming to U.N. Human Rights Council

Arizona Immigration Law Identical to Federal Laws Requiring Alien Documentation, Says Attorney

Sen. Cornyn: Need ‘More Boots on the Ground,’ ‘Better Technology,’ and Infrastructure to Secure Border

Republican Senator Pushes for Completion of Double-Layer Border Fence

Franklin Graham: Christians Will Lose the Power to Pray Outside Church Walls ‘Maybe in My Lifetime’

Republican Congressmen Urge Defense Department to Re-Invite Franklin Graham to National Day of Prayer Event

Reid: ‘Someone’ Should Offer Amendment to Financial Reform Bill to Prevent Treasury From Accessing Financial Records of Law-Abiding Citizens

Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor Arrested in Connection With Rape of a 16-Year-Old

Most Senators Who Questioned Goldman Sachs Also Took Money From Its PAC and Employees

Pakistan Taliban Wants to Be Seen As Part of Global Jihad

Comedian Marlon Wayans: ‘Tough’ to Make Jokes About Obama Because He’s ‘Trying To Do Something Good,’ ‘Sarah Palin Jokes Are Hilarious’

Graham Prays at Pentagon, Says 'Islam Got a Pass'

Brits Go to the Polls Under an Electoral System Many Want Reformed

Obama Administration Tries to Combat Growing Criticism From Right and Left Over Response to Oil Spill

Times Square Bombing Attempt No Systemic Failure, White House Says

Highway Safety Agency Wants More Auto Recall Power

Senator Asks Arizona to Hold Off on Immigration Law

New AZ Immigration Bill Old Hat for 'Sheriff Joe'

Judge Hears Arguments on Federal Marriage Law

From Meat to Wages, Economic Woes Fuel Anger and Political Unrest in Egypt

Russian Special Forces Storm Oil Tanker, Arrest Pirates

Romanian Designer Creates ‘Skyscraper’ Shoes That Boost Women’s Height

Study Points to More Older, Unmarried, Educated Moms in U.S.

TV News Employee in Los Angeles Hits Multi-Million-Dollar Lottery Jackpot

Risk: The New Four-Letter Word

Rough Seas for Obama

Who Bombed Times Square? Must Be the Swedish Grandmother

Dereliction of Duty: Opening Our Border to Drug Smugglers

The Jihadists' Deadly Path to Citizenship

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Rev. Graham Prays at Pentagon, Predicts Christian Split from Obama

Kingston Calls for Hearings on Prayer Day Debacle

Critics Blast Judge Who Struck Down Day of Prayer

Europe Faces Debt Contagion Fear

Arizona-Style Rebellions Over Immigration Spread

Zogby: US Catholics Strongly Back Pope Benedict

Kerik: 9 Years After 9/11, Prevention Is Key

Fossella: US Remains 'Battlefield' in War on Terror

Bolton: Obama Trying to Strip Israel of Nukes

Biden: US Committed to Missile Defense in Europe

Obama: GOP Plan Would 'Gut' Consumer Shields

Sen. Feinstein Wants Checks of 'No-Fly' List Sooner

Newsweek’s Circulation Now at 1966 Level

Tom Price: Obama Lacks Anti-Terrorism Strategy

FCC to Reassert Power Over Broadband

Experts: Ariz. Law Will Pass Legal Muster

Sarah Palin Confronts Press at Time Gala

Expert Panel Slams Obama On Arms Treaty

CNN, CBS News May Create Partnership

Obama: Begin Work on Immigration Reform

Obamacare May Hit Union Workers With High Costs

Feds Investigate Diapers Causing Severe Rashes

Part of Seattle Airport Cleared Due to Smoking Bag

Fear Among Ariz. Hispanics Dampens Cinco De Mayo

NKorea's Kim Says Ready for Nuke Talks

Taliban Claims No Training of Bomb Suspect

Paulson: U.S. Wasn't Prepared for Meltdown

Wealthy Concerned They Will Lose Their Riches

FDA: Tylenol PM Doesn't Work

Lactose Intolerant? Maybe Not

Cell Phones Raise Teen Nighttime Driving Risks

FCC Aims to Set Some New Regs on Broadband

Auto Industry Supports Black Box, Brake Override

Trump Turns Down Gibson Movie Role

Leno Takes Shot at Conan O'Brien in Monologue

Reid, Bennett Poles Apart but Peas in Pod

Chicago Murder Rate Rises Despite Gun Ban

Can Obama Keep the U.S. Safe?

Exposing Namby-Pamby Tack on Radical Islam

CAIR Attacks Investigative Project on Terrorism

Honor Mothers by Helping Families Through Hard Times

Students Threatened for Wearing US Colors on Cinco de Mayo

What al-Qaida Learned From Times Square Plot

Obama Motivated by Leftist Voters

Petraeus' Afghan Strategy Held Hostage by Timetable

YouTube - Greece riots: 100,000 fight against harsh cuts in Athens financial crisis protests


YouTube - Ron Paul and Alan Grayson: Audit the Fed! (part 1)

YouTube - Ron Paul and Alan Grayson: Audit the Fed! (part 2)


Health care reform: What will it cost?


YouTube - Gerald Celente on Greece: People will rise against bank bailouts globally


*CHART:European Debt


YouTube - Alex Jones: The republic is falling!

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Audit the Federal Reserve?

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Is this '1984'?

The Complete Patient - The Business of Your Health - Journal - The Food Rights Firestorm Spreads: Is Big Dairy Helping Regulators Use MA As Test to Bust Raw Milk Buying Clubs?

Warmongers of the world, unite

WHO issues warning about corruption of pharmaceutical industry


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The Global Quickening 1/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The Global Quickening 2/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The Global Quickening 3/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: The Global Quickening 4/4


*Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media « Dprogram.net



YouTube - Stewart Rhodes Discusses What Oath Keepers Really Stands for on Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Stewart Rhodes Discusses What Oath Keepers Really Stands for on Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Stewart Rhodes Discusses What Oath Keepers Really Stands for on Alex Jones Tv 3/3


YouTube - Dodd Bill: "The Federal Reserve is the Big Winner"

9/11 Truth Discussed by Libertarian National Chair Candidates in Kansas Convention « Norcaltruth

Another Building Burns And Does Not Collapse « Norcaltruth

Into The Fire: 9/11, & The Unknown War for Public Opinion | The Seminal

YouTube - Slideshow of Richard Gage's First Ottawa Visit


Oil Off Louisiana, Gulf Of Mexico: BP Spillage Reaches Shoreline Of Freemason Island | World News | Sky News

Gulf spill will forever change drilling-BP exec | Reuters

Activists launch boycott of Arizona over immigration law

Crime riles Arizonans bent on immigration crackdown | Reuters

My Way News - Crews burn some of oil spill in calm Gulf waters

U.S. not accepting foreign help on oil spill | The Cable

While Oil Slick Spread, Interior Department Chief of Staff Rafted with Wife on "Work-Focused" Trip in Grand Canyon - Political Punch

Comedy Central developing Jesus Christ cartoon -- The Live Feed | THR

Syndicated TV Ratings: Syndicated Nielsen Ratings: Jeopardy ratings, Wheel of Fortune ratings, Oprah ratings, Dr. Phil ratings, Dr. Oz ratings, Judge Judy ratings, Legend of The Seeker Ratings, WWE Friday Night Smackdown! ratings - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com

My Way News - Could time be right for CNN, CBS News to partner?

Scientists decry "assaults" on climate research - Yahoo! News

World needs 'bailout plan' for species loss: IUCN

Facebook Glitch Exposed Private Chats - WSJ.com

Americans 'bombarded' with cancer sources: report | Reuters

A look inside confessed Times Square car bomber Faisal Shahzad's nondescript Bridgeport home

Faisal Shahzad Had Contact With Anwar Awlaki, Taliban, and Mumbai Massacre Mastermind, Officials Say - ABC News

Breitbart.tv » Al Sharpton: We Won’t Have True Social Justice Until Everything Is ‘Equal in Everybody’s House’

A Note to my 600,000 New Colleagues - The Director's Blog

Stocks Plunge as Investors Fear Spread of Greece Crisis - CNBC

U.S. Stocks Plunge Most in Year as ’Panic Selling’ Grips Market - Bloomberg.com

Dow Jones Dives as Greek Debt Scare Shakes U.S. - ABC News

US Stocks: Dow Sheds 350 in Dramatic Selloff; VIX Tops 34 - CNBC

Suspicious Package: TSA Worker Jailed After Junk Joke | NBC Miami

For Airport Security, Size Matters - May 6, 2010

Boehner slams FCC for 'takeover of Internet' - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

FT.com / US / Politics & Foreign policy - White House unveils push on broadband rules

Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and Chris Webber blast Arizona's SB 1070 and their own TNT reporter during "Los Suns" Game

Lindsey Graham Opines Over Constitutional Rights of Gun Owners: Terrorism Suspects Not So Much

Rupert Murdoch says Fox is winning the ratings wars because all the other media are so liberal

George Rekers: 'WBWJR -- What Boy Would Jesus Rent?'

Republicans Care About the Constitution When it Comes to Guns, but Not Citizenship

Mr. President: Time to Take the Wheel on Net Neutrality

Enough with the whining! 'Teabaggers' actually introduced the term they now claim is a slur

CBS claims Shahzad on "Homeland Security List" 3 years before there was a Homeland Security List

Lieberman to Propose Citizenship-Stripping Law

What Are Erik Prince and Blackwater Doing In Pakistan? Maybe Someone Should Ask.

The Daily Show writers shred Jay Leno's writers at the WHPC

Republican ad asks "Who looks more like a terrorist?"

Wisconsin Rep. David Obey to retire

Mike Papantonio: BP Unleashes the Flying Monkeys on Washington DC

Weeds Are Now Resisting Monsanto Weed Killer, Spurring Crisis in American Agriculture

Phoenix Suns' Steve Nash Says On ESPN Viva "Los Suns"

Fred Hiatt: Question Obama on Times Square

Rep. Pete King is an embarrasment on issues of National Security

'Oath Keeper' under arrest after driving to Tennessee to take over courtouse, conduct 'citizens arrests' of public officials

FBI report on Shahzad: Fireworks, fertilizer and formal bomb training

President Declares Nashville A Disaster Area; Federal Funds On Their Way

Robert Gibbs to FOX News: "You could maybe do some work..."

In Conceding, David Krikorian Tries To Remain A Worst Person In The World

Peggy Noonan Claims Democrats Want to Keep the Border Open to Get Immigration Reform Passed

Eric Cantor booed by Heritage Foundation audience

Immigration Protesters Arrested as Street Blocked

Stolen SUV Rams Into Atlanta Barbershop, Hurting 5

Court Blocks Release of Jailed Militia Members

NY Sex Offender to Get Trial for Civil Confinement

NASA Working on Voyager 2 Data Problem

Eye Color Genes May Help Forensic Investigations

Women in U.S. Having Children Later

First Female Officers Headed to Subs Feel Blessed

Citigroup Probing Rumor of Erroneous Trade

NJ's Tent City Closes as Homeless Go to Hotel

WWII Medals for Multi-Service NYer, 68 Years Later

`Deadliest Catch' Employee Facing Drug Charges

Morgan Hill Students Sent Home Over Clothing

LA Prosecutors Seek Millions in Sign Complaint

Bomb Threat Aboard Bus Shuts Down NH City's Heart

Iran Minister to Meet U.N. Council in NYC

Trial Delayed for Ohio Man Charged in 11 Deaths

Lessons From the Exxon Valdez Disaster

New Orleans to Get New Police Chief From Nashville

Crash of Speeding Corvette Kills 4 in California

School for Chaplains Dedicated at Fort Jackson

Gay Couples Ask Judge to Toss US Marriage Law

Iranians Host Dinner Seeking to Avert UN Sanctions

U.S. Lawmakers Seek Data From FDA on J&J Recall

NOAA Says It Is Working to Contain Gulf Oil Spill

Trespasser Killed by Amtrak Train Near Baltimore

4 Men Indicted in Attack on Ohio Homeless Man

LA County Probes Alleged Beauty Salon in Baby ICU

2 Killed When Gunman Invades LA Area Home

Police: Truck Left on NYC Bridge Not Terrorism

Cell Phones Raise Teen Nighttime Driving Risks

Plots: West Must Be Alert, Not Alarmist: Experts

Biden Vows to Work With EU Parliament on Data Privacy

Walter Williams:Black Americans and Liberty

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: The World Should Now Be Considered in Revolution

Ron Pauls Home School High School Curriculum--By Far The Best Curriculum, at the Right Price: Free!

Immigration and Naturalization by Michael Boldin

Fattening the State by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Currency crisis will get worse: Jim Rogers-Interviews-Opinion-The Economic Times

The American Expatriation Guide

A Month Without Credit Cards: The Recap | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice

Surprise superfoods: Forget blueberries. Dieticians say popcorn and pork scratchings are bursting with nutrients - and could be GOOD for you | Mail Online

Pet Survival Kit

‘Edgy’ Comedy Central Censors Muhammad, ‘Bravely’ Ready to Satirize Christ

Lonewolf Diaries: ‘Time Magazine’ Poll Proves Celebrity Has Influence

Whoopi Says Without Abortion Parents Just Kill Kids Later

Roger Ebert Equates American Flag With Soviet Hammer & Sickle

‘Machete’ Trailer: Implied Anti-Government Threats Only Count From the Right

Shakira Boycotts Arizona: We Need More Liberal-Free Zones

Blacklisting Ideas: Hollywood’s Red (State) Scare

REVIEW: ‘Parenthood’ Is a Terrific New Show

TRAILER: ‘Machete’ — An Anti-Government Revenge Fantasy Only the Protected Class Gets Away With

Daily Gut: The MSM’s Radical Islam Blind Spot

REVIEW: You’re Going to Love the Imperfect ‘Iron Man 2′

Beyond Schadenfreude: What George Will’s Crucifixion of Bill Maher Really Means

As ‘The Hollywood Reporter’ Chuckles Along, Seth MacFarlane Crudely Trashes Sarah Palin

Simon Cowell Endorses Britain’s Conservative Party

REVIEW: Michael Moriarty’s ‘Hitler Meets Christ’

VIDEO: Hate and Violence Erupt at May Day Protest – Directed at Tea Party Counter-Protest

FCC Caves to Liberal Special Interests, Moves to Reclassify Broadband

The American Flag is Disrespectful on Cinco de Mayo?

Salazar’s Message to Interior Employees Says Much

Can Townsend Beat Cheerleader Chuck?

President ‘Tea Bagger’ Owes Grandma An Apology

Here Come the Suns Dumb Dumb Da Dumb

The Kerry-BP ‘Energy Refund’ Bill

‘Brace’ Yourself: Wall Street Regulation Bill Snares Dentists, Doctors & Patients

Putting al-Qaeda Ahead of the CIA?

Prime Minister Brown Pulls a Joe B*Den

The President Gets Dirty

Hypocrites Bash Arizona Law

AUDIO: Chicago Affiliate Won’t Cover GOP Senate Candidate if He Continues to Hammer Dem Opponent on Bank Scandal

‘Emergency Education Jobs Bill’ is Really a Union Dues Bailout Bill

Reason.tv: 3 Reasons YouTube Shouldn’t Censor Downfall Parodies

Sinking Ship: Approp Chair Obey (D-WI) to Retire

GOV2.0: Witold Skwierczynski Must Die

Riots Erupt in Athens

Advocates for Limited Government Must Align with Illegal Immigrants

A Spend-and-Borrow Debt Mess

Is President Obama Using Executive Powers To Organize Angry Anti-Capitalist Protests On The Streets Of America?

Your Neighbor May [Heart] Socialism, Progressive Trumps Capitalism

Inspector Robinson-Clouseau Rides to Arizona’s Rescue

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Turns Into a Clown Car, Starring Bill Maher

Chicago CBS News Producer Inadvertently Exposes Democrat Bias In Senatorial Race

‘We Are All Socialists Now’ Newsweek Goes On the Block

For Leftist Drones At ‘Media Matters,’ National Security Is One Big Joke

Terrorist Attack? ‘What Terrorist Attack?’ Wonders MSM

MSNBC Takes Its Anti-Tea Party Script Straight From the Top: Obama

Beyond Schadenfreude: What George Will’s Crucifixion of Bill Maher Really Means

In Times Square Bombing, the MSM Profiles the ‘White Guy’

AUDIO: Chicago Affiliate Won’t Cover GOP Senate Candidate if He Continues to Hammer Dem Opponent on Bank Scandal

In Times Square Case, MSM Bends Over Backwards Not To Utter the Dread ‘M-Word’

On CBS, Katie Couric Leads Bloomberg To Connect the ‘Homegrown’ Dots

About that ‘N-Word’ Story: High Time for McClatchy To Put Up or Shut Up

Interview With the Vampires

YouTube - NewsBusted 5/4/10

The ‘Hutaree Militia’ Case Starts To Unravel — On First Amendment Grounds

The (Fantasy) World According to Contessa Brewer

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer Wishes The Times Square Bomber Were a White Guy

In Times Square Bombing Attempt, Alleged ‘Reporters’ Rush to Judgment, Blame Tea Parties

VIDEO: McClatchy News Fuels ‘Phantom N-Word’ Story With Contradictions and Errors

Biden vows to work with EU parliament on data privacy | Reuters

New Orleans mayor asks feds to review city police force - CNN.com

This year's National Day of Prayer could be the last - KansasCity.com

Senator Modifies Proposal to Audit Fed - WSJ.com

The Associated Press: Senate kills GOP consumer protection plan

UPDATE 2-Man in New Hampshire bus standoff after bomb scare | Reuters

FOXNews.com - Under Law, U. of Virginia Was Never Told of Lacrosse Player's Violent Past

FOXNews.com - TSA Worker Arrested After Jokes, Fight About Size of Genitalia

Justice Stevens casts a long shadow over Supreme Court

YouTube - Obama and His Supreme Picks

The Associated Press: AG: Times square suspect's cooperation 'ongoing'

Immigration protesters arrested as street blocked

YouTube - Obama: AZ Immigration Law "misconcieved action"

Chemical dispersants an unknown quantity in addressing oil spill

YouTube - Exclusive Report From Oil Spill 'Dome' Ship


Debbie Schlussel: Boring “Iron Man 2″: Arrogant Schmuck Superhero Reminds Me of Superman III

Debbie Schlussel: Your Day in “Moderate Muslim” America

Debbie Schlussel: Shamelessly Lewd & Juvenile Funny Video of the Day

Debbie Schlussel: MUST WATCH VIDEO!: On Islam, Bill Maher Has the Guts FOX News, O’Reilly, Beck, Vannity Don’t

Debbie Schlussel: Meet the New York Times’ New Linguist, Debbie Schlussel: NYT Quotes Me on the Meaning of “Schmuck”

Debbie Schlussel: What Not to Wear: Students Ordered Home b/c American Flag T-Shirts Offend Hispanic Students; “Incendiary”

Debbie Schlussel: Quote of the Day: Arizona Immigration Law & David Hasselhoff Have a Lot in Common

Debbie Schlussel: Testing the System . . . Again: RFK Triborough Bridge U-Haul an Obvious Dry Run

Debbie Schlussel: Bush–Not Obama–Approved Most of Terrorist Shahzad’s Visas, Citizenship Papers, Allowed Stay in US

Debbie Schlussel: “Los Suns” for Los Morons: NBA Team Protests Arizona Law, Honors NBA’s . . . “Hispanic Heritage”?!

Debbie Schlussel: Good News: Feds/Justice Dept Hard @ Work Prosecuting Hardened Criminals

Debbie Schlussel: Hmmm . . . Luggage From Amsterdam Explodes in America, But No Way It’s Muslim, Right? (Gotta Be a Wiccan Terrorist)

Debbie Schlussel: Boneheaded: Obama/Hillary Reveal Number of U.S. Nukes

Debbie Schlussel: Avoiding Prison for Manslaughter: Tackiest First Lady Memoir Ever

Debbie Schlussel: “Foreclosure” of Times Sq Bomber: Yet Another Islamic Terrorist Commits Mortgage Fraud

Debbie Schlussel: No & No: Since Times Sq Bomber is Muslim, Will Mayor Bloomberg Apologize for Defaming Us? Will NBC Fire Incompetent “Terrorism Expert” Kohlmann?

Debbie Schlussel: Faisal Shahzad – ‘Nother “Moderate” US Muslim: “Not Terrorism” Terror Suspect in NYC Times Sq Bombing is Pakistani-American


The Hindu : News / International : Opposition to Maoist strike

Ukraine Cool on Russian Gas Plan - WSJ.com

Americans Head to Shanghai Expo Hoping to Be Wowed - ABC News

Terror group that claimed Times Square bomb is one of many | World news | guardian.co.uk

Were Russian secrets shared with ‘space alien’ visitors? - Times Online

FOXNews.com - Russian Governor Claims He Was Abducted by Aliens

Search narrows for Air France Flight 447 black boxes - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - French Navy closes in on the black boxes of Air France jet

Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano bulging slightly - Science Fair: Science and Space News - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Afghan president to remake image in Washington

YouTube - Afghanistan readies for Kandahar 'operation'

Kim Jong Il ‘ready to resume nuclear talks’ after secretive Beijing visit - Times Online

BBC News - Election 2010: UKIP's Nigel Farage too hurt for count

YouTube - UKIP's Nigel Farage survives plane crash as millions turn to up vote

Russian sailors release Somali pirates - Defense Ministry source | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

YouTube - Operation Storm: Pirates routed by Russian Navy warship

U.S., other big powers to refrain from atomic tests | Reuters

YouTube - Inside Story - Putting the world at risk?

Nigerian leader's funeral draws large crowds | Reuters

YouTube - Nigerian president Umaru Yar'Adua dead




Savage rips the media's coverage of the Times Square Bomber - The Woodward Report - Conservative News, Politics






WEBCommentary - The Prescience of Michael Savage


Opinion: Is President Obama's New Approach to Terrorism Making a Difference? - AOL News

Town’s health care bill triggers pain - The Boston Globe

AT&T, Verizon, others, thought about dropping health plans - May. 5, 2010

Plan for mosque near World Trade Center site moves ahead

FOXNews.com - Number of Soldiers Seeking Opiate Abuse Treatment Skyrockets

Obama: 'Begin' immigration this year - Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

2nd tragedy for NJ family - NYPOST.com

Taliban court orders amputation for thieves

Va. launching portable housing for aging relatives

World's Richest Moms - Forbes.com

From battle to ballots - NYPOST.com

A Keynes' Beauty of the Beast Contest.

Deport Anchor Babies

Government Must Be Honest, to Solve Problems

Peace (Not) in Our Time

The Intellectual Hegemon

Fixing What Ain't Broke, Hiding What Is

Liberals Are from Mars, Conservatives Are from Earth

Not bad for a party of racists

Was the Times Square bomb a test?

Students sent home for wearing American flag on Cinco de Mayo

Big Brother? More Like Big Bully

'Feckless' Obama betrays environmentalist wackos

Nashville devastation downplayed by media

A Real Leak of CIA Identities

Obama to freeze funds for terrorism screening program

Boston Joins Arizona Boycott

It's the jihad, dummy.

Reviving the White House Press Corpse

'¡Cuba Si! - Arizona No!' Says Mexican President Felipe Calderón

The Mainstreaming of Anti-Semitism

Obama/Media vs. Arizona/America

Obama's Supreme Court Choice: No Evangelicals Need Apply

Confession of an Undocumented Alien Who Loves America

Obama Stands with Muslims as He Promised

'Idol' castoff Aaron Kelly: 'These are all talented ' - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Spielberg, Abrams collaborate on `Super 8'

Chaz Bono's name, gender change official

'Lost' co-creators to host live Q&A session before series finale | EW.com

Miley Cyrus Talks 'Can't Be Tamed' Video, Frame By Frame - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

Kristen Stewart: I'll Never Talk About My Love Life - The Twilight Saga, Kristen Stewart : People.com

The war goes on: Leno curses O'Brien's claims :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Bill Zwecker

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: stiletto in mouth - People - MiamiHerald.com

Lindsay Lohan Parties Post Alcohol Awareness Class | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

OK! EXCLUSIVE: First Details of Kendra’s Sex Tape Emerge | OK! Magazine - The First for Celebrity News

*Obama 'Internet czar' linked to 'Net neutrality' effort

Hawaii governor announces 'exact' place of Obama birth

YouTube - Linda Lingle lies, rewrites history, might have broken the law

Media Matters smears 'Manchurian President'

Exposing Obama's Radical Past - Video - FoxNews.com

President Obama's Radical Network Exposed - Hannity - FOXNews.com

Extreme book here - NYPOST.com

Principal bans U.S. flag T-shirts on Mexican holiday

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Greek-debt crisis tip of iceberg

Girl's 'forced' abortion blamed on government 'death panel'

Plans to provide 'fresh fetal parts' abandoned

Whoopi Goldberg Frets Fewer Abortions Would Mean More Parents Kill Kids Later | NewsBusters.org

Gibbs' stand-up comedy deflects reporter's questioning

Researcher: Birth-control pill boosts HIV risk

Wis. legalization of raw milk seen as benchmark

7 days: 50,000 anti-amnesty pledges hit Senate

Breitbart.tv » AZ Immigration Law Author: Obama Is ‘Trying to Stir Up Racial Anxiety for Political Gain’

Immigration debate: To boycott ... or not

NYT: Poisonous chemicals used to fight slick - The New York Times- msnbc.com

See the Shroud of Turin exhibit

Feds didn't call all airlines to warn them of Times Square bomb suspect |

AG defends decision to Mirandize NYC suspect - Security- msnbc.com

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Congressman rips 'illogical' anti-terror tactics

NYT: Evidence mounts for Taliban role in bomb plot - The New York Times- msnbc.com

NYC to D.C.: Times Square bomb plot shows city needs anti-terror funding, better gun-control laws

Feds appeal release of militia members - Washington Times

Ahmadinejad draws line in the sand

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive GOP's 'reluctant heroes' challenging Democrats

Reid: GOP is 'making love to Wall Street' - TheHill.com

Obama national-security policy: Hope their bombs don't work

Media neutrality and open-mindedness

'Dumb and Dumber' on Arizona law

Goldman Sachs' real sin

Is Facebook deserving of gov't intervention?

The Democrats' media hatchet men

Not so 'NICE'

Too big to succeed?

Greece on the brink: Blame it on John Edwards

BP Oil Spill, NYC Terror Plot: Limbaugh & Co. Go Nuts

Shakira gets schooled

The Elephant in the Room: Two years worth every tear | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/05/2010

Nate Phelps Westboro Church Exclusive - ABC News

Top anti-gay Christian activist and minister, George Alan Rekers, linked to gay escort

Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races - NYTimes.com

toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

FOXNews.com - Creepy Pennsylvania Tax Agency Ad Goes Big Brother

To Tax Or Not To Tax? States Enter The Soda Wars : NPR

Arms dealer Schreiber jailed for eight years - The Local

Former Syracuse cop accused of using teens for sex and as drug dealers |

Domestic Child Sex Trafficking Increasing in United States - ABC News

Mummy Baby Still Missing From Gravesite - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

EU Free Trade Regulations: European Court Weighs Dutch Cannabis Ban for Foreigners - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Excite News - Mexico investigating US teen's death as homicide

Honey bees monitor air quality at Hamburg Airport - The Local

Israel helps African farmers fight desert - Israel Activism, Ynetnews

SPIEGEL Interview with Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi: 'Switzerland Should be Dissolved as a State' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Horror of D-Day: A New Openness to Discussing Allied War Crimes in WWII - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Moneynews - Frightened Foreign Investors Seek Safety of U.S.-Backed Mortgages

Update: Solvay man goes from jackpot winner to fire victim within hours |

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: Elvis Presley's Doctor Claims He Died of an 'Embarrassing' Case of Chronic Constipation

In Vitro Embryo Mix-Up Mother Shannon Morell Writes Book About Miracle Baby Carried By Carolyn Savage - ABC News

SPIEGEL's Exotic Edibles Quiz: A Taste of the World's Weirdest Delicacies - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Russian who 'cremated' Adolf Hitler refuses to reveal where he scattered his ashes | Mail Online

CIA documents show US never believed Gary Powers was shot down - Times Online

Miley Cyrus' 'Can't Be Tamed' music video has singer, 17, pole dancing in plunging S&M-style corsets

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Al Sharpton Hosts Actor Danny Glover's Incoherent Anti-American Comments

Is Facebook a deal with the devil?

6 days at the beginning of time

VIDEO:God's Commandments: 9 out of 10 isn't bad, right?

VIDEO:The great, big God buffet


*JACKIE MASON:Enabling murder by illegals


*American Minute for May 6th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Right Now - Hawaii Gov. Lingle answers the birthers, who remain surprisingly unconvinced

Army officer to tell CNN about challenge to Obama

The question that just won't go away

'Love and a birth certificate'

'New eligibility strategy working'

Is billboard campaign working?


YouTube - Columbia Mo SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present

Gulf of Mexico oil slick: amount gushing from well 'could increase 12 fold' - Telegraph

Immigration and REAL ID: Remember where you heard this

Brazilian Archbishop Says Kids Are 'Spontaneously Homosexual,' According To Report

BP: Billionaire Polluter | CommonDreams.org

YouTube - "Israeli Technologies of Apartheid"

Following the fast-growing Secession movement in the United States and abroad.

Lettuce sold in 23 states recalled due to possible E. Coli contamination - latimes.com

C3: Trees of Medieval Warming Period Found Under Swiss Glacier: Scientists Conclude MWP Warmer Than Present

Today There Were Literally NO BUYERS On The Stock Market For a Period of Time

Japanese PM's Reversal on US Base May Have Political Cost | Asia | English

YouTube - New Revelations on Climategate

G-20 and IMF Officials Institutionalize Economic Global Governance » Spotlight on Sovereignty » Global Governance Watch

BRIC must create a new world order: Lula

Al Jazeera English - Empire - BRIC: The new world order


* e book:Reinventing the Government Corporation


EUobserver / Anti-fraud investigators swoop on EU emissions traders

Stocks plunge nearly 1000 points on faulty P&G price; Jim Cramer nearly melts down

Indian police barred from using truth serums after court ruling - Times Online

savethemales.ca - Douglas Reed -- Hitler as "Jewish Messiah"

YouTube - Columbia Mo SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present

Roy Tov – Nuclear Chutzpah

Dem Turnout Falls Off A Cliff - Hotline On Call

W.H. woos GOP on immigration - POLITICO.com Print View

BP caps one of three oil leaks in gulf

Times Square bomber charged - NYPOST.com

Alex Jones - 2010-May-06, Thursday

May 5, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

05/05 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Wed May 05, 2010


The B-Cast Interview: Why Is Joel Rogers So Important to Obama’s Agenda?

The B-Cast: Is the Obama Administration ‘Hostile’ to Christianity?

Rev. Franklin Graham Prays Outside Pentagon Anyway

‘Ex-PLO Terrorist’ Turned Israeli Sympathizer: Obama Is Culturally a Muslim

Rev. Jim Wallis vs. Bishop E.W. Jackson on Arizona’s Immigration law

‘Islam Gets a Pass’: Rev. Franklin Graham Accuses Administration of Religious Double Standard

CNN: Rev. Franklin Graham Accuses Obama Administration of Hostility Toward Christians

Right Talker Speaks to Moms of Kids Kicked Off Campus Over American Flag Tees

Did ‘Mad Money’ Host Jim Cramer Help to Save the Markets?

KNBC-TV Newsroom Staffer Stays on Job After Winning $266 Million Lottery Jackpot

Caught on Video: Portuguese Political Deputy Steals Reporters Audio Recorder

Fox News Anchor Neil Cavuto Fires Back at Robert Gibbs

Redskins Apologize for Threatening to Fire Cheerleader in Media Flap

New York Newspaper Depicts Obamas as ‘Sanford and Son’ Actors

What Happened When Glenn Beck Met Joe Klein at Time 100 Dinner?

Actress Kim Kardashian: Fox News is ‘Very Reputable’

MSNBC Reporter Seems Shocked That Black GOP Candidates Seek Tea Party Support

GOP Uses Video of Shirtless Ohio Democrat in New Attack Ad

GOP House Candidate Dan Fanelli Airs Edgy Ads

GOP House Candidate Runs TV Ad Calling for Racial Profiling

‘Exposing Obama’s Radical Past’: New Book Examines President’s Associations

Laura Bush Tells Oprah the ‘Jim Beam or Me’ Quip Never Happened

Chris Matthews To Michael Brown: Your Oil Rig Theories Sound ‘Insane’

MSNBC Analyst Worries That Another Terror Attack Might Strengthen Tea Parties

‘This is Machete’: Filmmaker Uses New Movie Trailer to Send Message to Arizona

Will Yahoo’s New $80 Million Ad Campaign Reverse Falling Traffic?

FBN’s Varney on Greece: Modern Day Socialism is Collapsing As We Speak

Reid Wishes ‘Someone’ Could Fix Bank Bill’s Privacy Threat

Uncovered Video: Key Obama Ally Joel Rogers Explains Why American Capitalism Is ‘Monstrous’

‘Baby John’: Notorious Remains of Mummified Infant Are Missing From NH Cemetery

Pelosi Warns: ‘Be Very Careful’ About Lieberman, Brown Terror Citizen Bill

Left Animation: ‘Police State Pete’ Looks for Illegals in Arizona

Al Sharpton: We Won’t Have True Social Justice Until Everything Is ‘Equal in Everybody’s House’

Ahmadinejad: Osama Bin Laden Likely in D.C.

Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

‘Fake Pot’ Growing in Popularity

Bolivian festival turns deadly

One-On-One With Tom Campbell

Volunteer Florida Asks for Coast Watch Volunteers

Apology to interned Italian-Canadians questioned

PLAY VIDEO: Motorcycle Safety Awareness

Hospitals work together in disaster drill at Augusta Regional

Wind Vexes Allergy Sufferers

87-Year-Old Has Car Stolen From Senior Center

Day Of Prayer Honored Across Piedmont

Webcast: Dome Trying To Cap Oil Well, Pot Regulation Bill Moving Forward