"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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13 May 2010

13 MAY


*Strange Signs From Abroad - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com


**Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number


Study shows broad support for Arizona migrant law | Reuters

YouTube - How To Enslave Nations 101


*An Updated List of Goldman Sachs Ties to the Obama Government Including Elena Kagan | The Seminal


What In The World Is Going On?

savethemales.ca - World Health Org Wants to Tax Us to Death

Taking Back Homes from the Banks: Exercising the Human Right to Housing

Finance 101: Blame the Poor (While Taking Their Money)

Elena Kagan could reshape the US Supreme Court - Telegraph

Pakistani officials know where Osama bin Laden hiding: Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

Kagan Whitewash

Oil spill: BP had wrong diagram to close blowout preventer | McClatchy

The Price and Who Pays - Updates From the Gulf - NYTimes.com

Gulf oil spill: firms ignored warning signs before blast, inquiry hears | Environment | The Guardian

Study shows broad support for Arizona migrant law | Reuters

Lessons From The Gulf Of Mexico

The True Costs of the Euro -Times Online

Dutch boy only survivor in Libya plane crash - Africa, World - The Independent

Swedish Mohammed cartoonist attacked during free speech lecture - Telegraph

North Korea claims nuclear fusion breakthrough | World news | The Guardian

Out of control satellite threatens television reception across US - Telegraph

New Hawaii law prevents seizure of legal guns in an emergency | honoluluadvertiser.com | The Honolulu Advertiser

Trouble at the Bottom of the Ocean - Newsweek.com


YouTube - Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Global Warming Part 1 of 6

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Global Warming Part 2 of 6

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Global Warming Part 3 of 6

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Global Warming Part 4 of 6

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Global Warming Part 5 of 6

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Global Warming Part 6 of 6




YouTube - Ron Paul ~ Unhappy About The Senate Vote on the Vitter Amendment to Audit the Fed

The Bounds of Silence - Reason Magazine

Strategies for Revolutionaries: On the necessity of conscious politicization - | Sophrosyne Radical

MILLOY: Tree ring circus - Washington Times

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff Tuesday May 11, 2010 CNBC Fast Money

Food and Ethanol Shortages Imminent as Earth Enters New Cold Climate Era

Breitbart.tv » YouCut: GOP to Seek Votes on Spending Cuts Picked by Online Voters

Elena Kagan and the Supreme Court: A Barnyard Smell in Chicago, Harvard and Washington | My Catbird Seat

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Medias | The Vigilant Citizen

Rahm Emanuel's father specialized in bus bombings in Palestine

EclippTV :: Video :: David Icke on the 2010 British Elections

EclippTV :: Video :: James Traficant on the IRS

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Jim Rogers on Bloomberg 5/12/10: Gold has HUGE potential!

EclippTV :: Video :: Harley Schlanger Interviewed on the Glass-Steagall Act

Refreshing News: Jupiter loses one of its stripes and scientists are stumped as to why

Alison Rose Levy: Making the World Safe for Cancer

Faith In A Shadow: Early Christianity and the Hazard of Celestial Phenomenon

Howstuffworks "How the French Revolution Worked"

French guillotine exhibition opens 33 years after the last head fell « Follow The Money

U.S. Investigating Morgan Stanley Mortgage Deals - WSJ.com


*Hacking Democracy 1:21:57


New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizens - Terrorism - Salon.com





Sheeple: Signs That You Might Be Part Of The Herd | War On You: Breaking Alternative News

EclippTV :: Video :: 9 11 Truth Gore Vidal recommends 'The New Pearl Harbor'

It Lost an Oil Rig, but Transocean May Easily Ride Out the Gulf Oil Spill | BNET Energy Blog | BNET

Russia, Turkey call for Hamas inclusion « Aletho News

Why The UK Is The Next European Country To Experience A Massive Debt Crisis

Catholic Culture : Latest Headlines : 6 years after child porn found on computer, priest resumes ministry

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com - Philly cop shoots himself on purpose

Incoming British FM Won’t Rule Out Attacking Iran

Pentagon expanding Guantánamo-like prison in Afghanistan | Raw Story

Iran Eases Grip On Al Qaeda

Obama tentatively backs peace talks with Taliban - latimes.com

Russia warns U.S. against unilateral Iran sanctions - Yahoo! News

Russia Fears Weaker Obama, Rise of ‘Military Establishment’ - BusinessWeek

Dr. Graeme MacQueen: The Connection between 9/11, Anthrax and Iraq 05-01-10 in Walkerton [1-5] | 911Blogger.com

Once Amigos, Now Enemies: BP, Halliburton, And Transocean -- Signs of the Times News

The Truth Seeker - 9-11 Judge is Connected to Rothschild-Funded Mossad Culprit ICTS

Libertarians must take a stand on illegal immigration

Property Law



US Drug Policy has been Racist from the beginning

Silver Lining of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

What does it mean to be a 'nation of immigrants?'

President Hamlet's Energy Policy

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'... Anything about Shariah Law

How about a lottery to decide the first primary state?

Kagan's good deed

Obama; Free yourself from distractions - like information

Are Israeli settlements in the West Bank really illegal?

School district nixes basketball tournament trip to Arizona

Obama's innuendo regarding Rush

Medvedev in Damascus

Tory Euro-skeptics' time has come

Obama - it's all about him

Compare and contrast: Russia vs Obama on terrorists

Kagan and the Second Amendment

Kagan, Obama, and the Harvard Legacy of Literary Fraud

Will the GOP Wake Up and Smell the Tea?

Welcome to the Era of Expensive Energy

The Nebbish Nominee

The Baehr Essentials

Dancing with the Devil: David Cameron's Path to Power

Movies We Like: ‘Iron Man’ (2008)

SUCKER PUNCH SQUAD: ‘The A-Team’ Gets a “B”

Evening Thread: The Betty White Fad

Daily Gut: Kagan’s Stance

INTERVIEW: WWII Vet Turned Filmmaker George Ciampa

Plenty for Conservatives to Love and Loath at Tribeca ’10

REVIEW: HBO’s ‘Treme’ is a Taste of New Orleans and Good Jazz

‘The Mentalist’: A Case Study in How Hollywood Maligns Conservatives

Why Hollywood Will Lose the Culture War

Daily Gut: The World Opines on Arizona

Jack Bauer Died Monday Night and Bush Derangement Syndrome Killed Him

Sam Waterston Tells Congress to End Off-Shore Drilling

Betty White on ‘SNL’: Where’d My Legacy Go?

Mullah Omar Wants Peace! (And He’s Got Killer Deals on Oceanfront Condos in Kandahar too)

Criticisms of Arizona’s Immigration Law Comply with Conservative Principles

Come On Andy Stern, Get Real…

Big Banks, Big Government and Big Labor Equal Big Disaster in Financial Reform

Turning Voter Anger into a Republican Mandate

Democracy, on Trial, Again

Thursday Open Thread: Churchill Edition

Reason.tv: Sweden’s March Toward Capitalism – Economist Andreas Bergh on the “Capitalist Welfare State”

Cato Scholar to Tea Party: Beware of GOP, Avoid Social Issues

Judge Richard Posner vs. Academic Elena Kagan

Bailouts Defeat Bennett–Who Wants to Be Next?

Disgrace of the Day: Industry Join Cap-and-Tax Presser

Tired of Big Government Spending? Then YouCut it!

Is Harvard Law a Racket, a Cartel, Or the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft?

Need To Find ‘Nuance’ In Times Square Bomber Drives Liberals Nuts

Must-Read Of the Day: Stories From Fired Baltimore Sun Staffers

Breitbart Debuts Irony-Mustache® on MSNBC’s ‘Dylan Ratigan Show’

Batter Up! WSJ Takes Heat For Its Kagan Cover

What Part Of ‘No Law’ Doesn’t Elena Kagan Understand?

‘The Nation’ Turns a Lonely Eye To Big Mullah Omar Scoop

Behind That Bogus CNN Ratings Story

Who’s the Yo-Yo Now: ‘Master’ Dupes Local TV News In Midwest

On Usury, ‘Educating the Simple Child’ — Richard Eskow

NewsBusted: Obama Calls Europe a “Country”…

Babalu Bloggers Bedevil the Regime In Havana

KPHO And the ‘Border Invasion’ Pics: Borrowed Video, Altered Message

AP Reports Theft of Mojave Cross, Suspects ‘Scrap Metal Scavengers’

My Students Trust The New York Times — Until I Teach This Lesson

Are We Really ‘All Journalists Now,’ Or, Can Anyone ‘Do Journalism’?

Boy survivor of Libya crash not told family's dead

Nigeria: Muslim governor considered for VP post

Directors at Cannes sign petition supporting Roman Polanski as he fights extradition to L.A.

FBI searches Northeast homes in Times Square probe

Mules will help in radiation survey at LA-area lab

Mother, stepfather held in boy's killing in Utah

A voice for Arizona's immigration law

Supreme Court nominee Kagan's experience questioned

Obama calls Kabul tensions 'overstated'

US, China begin human rights talks

Kagan 'barely' used to limelight on Day 2 on Hill

Lots of fuss over Atlantis' last launch

Arkansas senator is latest incumbent in primary trouble

Mexican mayor allegedly beats wife on mother's day

Echo Chamber: Kagan talking points

Lobbyists, hawks dig in on Gates

Islamic mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero sparks protest

James Cameron: 3-D will become standard format

'Idol' curtain closes on Michael Lynche

National Alliance for Hispanic Health Endorses the President's Cancer Panel Report 'Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk'

Rare 'King of Herrings' found off Swedish coast for first time in 130 years

Eleven-foot 'giant herring' found off Sweden

Idol Results: Who Got Kicked Off American Idol May 12

Sean Penn sent to anger management post paparazzi clash | The Money Times

Ellen trumps Oprah in Daytime Emmy nods -- The Live Feed | THR

Betty White tells Jay Leno what happened backstage at 'SNL' - USATODAY.com

Elena Kagan: Supreme Court Nominee Subject of Rumors, Sexuality Debate - ABC News


*Hawaii Limits Requests on Obama’s Birth Records - NYTimes.com


Poll: Sestak opening up a lead on Sen. Arlen Specter - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Republican Party Wins Back Supporters, Poll Finds - WSJ.com

Arizona schools chief says ethnic studies law takes focus off race - CNN.com

Laura Bush Opens Up About Disagreements with Husband on Gay Marriage, Abortion - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Voting record at issue in GOP gov primary TV ad

Meg Whitman’s ‘I Control My Media’ Strategy Continues to Backfire - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

FOXNews.com - Defense Chief's Efforts to Reshape Military Draws Conservative Criticism

F.B.I. Conducts Raids in Times Square Bomb Case and Takes 2 People Into Custody - NYTimes.com

Cash couriers target of Northeast raids, source says - CNN.com

Nomination of Goodwin Liu Heads to Full Senate - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times

After BP Oil Spill Gains, Will Senate Energy Bill Dampen Environmentalists' Momentum? - ABC News

YouTube - Sen. Kerry on the Climate Bill

Chavez Says Gas Platform Sinks Off Venezuelan Coast (Update3) - BusinessWeek

BBC News - Australia arrests Serb war crimes suspect Vasiljkovic

American held at Cairo airport with weapons | Reuters

Radio Australia:Connect Asia:Story:North Korean claims to have conducted nuclear fusion reaction

BBC News - Pope Benedict says giant Mass at Fatima shrine

YouTube - Benedict XVI to intellectuals: Create masterpieces out of your lives

YouTube - Inside Story - A new leader for the Philippines

The Associated Press: Nigeria: Muslim governor considered for VP post

8 Killed in Attack on Cell Phone Workers | News | The Moscow Times

BBC News - Three arrested in Indonesia raids

The Associated Press: At least 3 dozen militants die in Afghan raids

Why Aquino, fresh off Philippines elections victory, risks being outflanked - CSMonitor.com

China school killer erupted after lease row | Reuters

UPDATE 3-Spanish unions threaten general strike | Reuters

BBC News - Middle East talks: US warning on East Jerusalem

YouTube - Israel defiant on settlements as it marks Jerusalem Day

Ousted Kyrgyzstan leader supporters attempt coup | Reuters

YouTube - Airport seized, riots loom as fight against Kyrgyz interim govt heats up

Israeli 'disappointment' over Russia-Hamas meeting - CNN.com

Karzai Visits Washington, With Smiles All Around - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Obama, Karzai Renew Pledge to Continue Fight Against Al-Qaida in Afghanistan

British Cabinet Holds First Meeting - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Cameron holds first coalition Cabinet meeting

Fate or fluke? Air crash sole survivors - CNN.com

YouTube - Boy Defies Odds, Survives Libya Crash

Red-shirt military adviser shot in head in Bangkok | Reuters

YouTube - Video of Thai gun battle: Snipers 'shoot' Red Shirts security chief in Bangkok

05-13-2010: Senate Rejects Regular Audits of Federal Reserve

05-13-2010: VIDEO: Raw Footage Of Violent Bailout Protests In Ireland

BLOOD IN THE STREETS! Bank Bailout Protesters Storm Ireland's Parliament (WATCH) - Home - The Daily Bail

05-13-2010: Russia got NATO secrets in Polish crash

05-12-2010: Gold steadies near record

05-12-2010: Armstrong Says Obama’s Plan Puts NASA Lead at Risk

05-12-2010: NASA looking to six-legged robot to build human outpost on Mars

Obama calls for NASA to focus on trips to Mars and beyond - Computerworld

No Press Allowed? ABC Reporter Turned Away from Oil Spill Command Center

05-12-2010: Gulf oil spill: firms ignored warning signs before blast, inquiry hears

05-12-2010: First Gold, Now Europe Running Out Of Silver

05-12-2010: Pentagon says military response to cyber attack possible

05-12-2010: New DNA Robots

05-12-2010: Maiden voyage for first true space sail

Don't Fight The Fed: Senate Preserves Central Bank's Power

05-12-2010: Military Expands ‘Obama’s Gitmo’ in Afghanistan

05-12-2010: NHS spending on ‘chemical cosh’ child-calming drugs soars by 60%

05-12-2010: Europe Rewrites its Rule Book in Creating Fund to Contain Financial Crisis

05-12-2010: Intervention Alert – Here Comes The Bailout Bailout: European Cental Banks Gobbling Up Portuguese, Irish And Greek Government Bonds

05-11-2010: Internet approaches addressing limit

Saving The Republic?

05-11-2010: Iran could fire nuclear missile within two years, says think tank

05-11-2010: Earth may be too hot for humans by 2300: study (More Fearmongering!)

05-11-2010: Drifting satellite threatens US cable programming

05-11-2010: Archaeologist: Muslim prayer room may have been found at dig site

05-11-2010: White House aims to use Deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill

US climate change legislation Q&A: what will happen in 2010? | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Deepwater Horizon oil spill | Environment | guardian.co.uk

05-11-2010: The most disturbing movie ever made?

05-11-2010: Wall Street crash exposes world of stock market electronic trading

05-11-2010: Lawyers: Rig workers asked to sign statements

05-11-2010: Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative

Facebook is Dying - Social is Not (by @baekdal) #opinion

The Relationship Between Facebook and Privacy: It’s Really Complicated

Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative | Epicenter | Wired.com

Criminal probe of Wall Street banks expands

9 indicted on charges of accessing Obama records

Gates Foundation Researches Nanoparticle Vaccines Triggered by Sweat

Robot arm controlled by the mind

Big Brother Wants To Know How You Spend Your Money

California Now in Top Ten for Highest Government Default Probabilities in the World

Chief Justice Roberts: Kagan Asked Court to 'Embrace Theory of First Amendment That Would Allow Censorship Not Only of Radio and Television Broadcasts, But Pamphlets and Posters'

Panic Buying Of Physical Gold In Europe Threatens Depletion Of Austrian Mint

They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.

Who's running Europe? Now Obama pressures Spain over cuts after whispers he advised Merkel on saving the euro

Phantom Ray: Boeing unveils spy plane of the future... that doesn't need a pilot

Eastern Europe and the Balkans: From Socialist Bloc And Non-Alignment To U.S. Military Colonies

Hersh: US troops executing prisoners in Afghanistan

'Vampire Squid' Goldman Sachs confesses it is being investigated for helping Greece hide its debts

Samuelson: Death Spiral of the Welfare State

Challenger Investigation Got $175 Million. Columbia $152 Million. Lewinsky $30 Million. 9/11 $15 Million. Financial Crisis Gets Only $8 Million

High Frequency Terrorism: How the Big Banks and Federal Reserve Maintained Their Death Grip Over the United

World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

Starving Yogi Astounds Scientists

Two Arrested in Raids Connected to Times Square Probe | NBC Connecticut

Faisal Shahzad Times Square bomb plot probe: FBI arrest 3 after raids on Mass., N.J., L.I. locations

Authorities search Boston area home, gas station in NYC bomb case - Brookline - Your Town - Boston.com

SpyTalk - Spanish prosecutors want 13 CIA agents arrested

PTSD diagnosis could appear on driver's licenses | ajc.com

Alcohol ‘more of a problem for returning troops than stress disorder’ - Times Online

BP Says Leak May Be Closer to a Solution - NYTimes.com

With eye on exit, military awards massive Iraq contract without competition

Iran says it warned off US plane near manoeuvres- Hindustan Times

Training That Makes Killing Civilians Acceptable

A Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism

How to Turn Congress Inc. Back to Just Congress

Capitalism Without Capital

Arizona Immigration Law Violates Human Rights, Say UN Experts

Taliban claim to have killed two U.S. spies in Northwestern Pakistan

Ahmadinejad advises US to leave region

Third of plants and animals 'at risk of extinction':

Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth

Why Was FBI Asking About Failed NY Bomber Six Years Ago?


*U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records/Roll Call for Senate Vote on Audit the Fed Bill


Elana Kagan's Shaky Record

Ex-CIA Agent Provides New Details on Torture, Plame Leak

Exposing the Temple: How the Fed Makes Money Out of Thin Air

Wall Street: Land of Million Dollar Babies

Insurers Don't Have to Insure Young Americans Unless They Want to

Calif. SWAT, Bomb Squad Go 'Loco' Over Misplaced Burrito

Pedophiles and Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle, Protecting the Perpetrators

Obama Scraps Iraq Withdrawal

Chemical Contamination in Gulf of Mexico

A Purely Political Appoinment: Elena Kagan and the Supreme Court

VIDEO: Gerald Celente: Banks Robbing the People. Turmoil in Greece May be Spreading Worldwide

How Big Is the Oil Spill?

Financial Reform: How We Can Save Our Economy

France. Ban on Muslim Burka: A Cynical Ploy to Stoke Islamophobia

Yemen’s Sorrowful Options: ‘Revolt, Migrate or Die’

US Senate Begins Oil Spill Cover-Up

BP: The Unfinished Tale of Imperialism

Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health

The Demise of the Euro as a World Currency?

Kagan Will Move the Supreme Court to the Right

Is the US Media Leading America into Another War?

High Frequency Terrorism: How the Big Banks and the Federal Reserve Maintain Their Death Grip on the United States

The Financial Reform Process in thew US Senate

Dangerous Geoegineering Experiment to Increase Whiteness of the Clouds

Jordan Says It Trained 2,500 Afghan Special Forces

Romania, U.S. to Soon Start Negotiations on Missile Defense

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism

Hayek on Socialism

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Elena Kagan & Sonia Sotomayor

Report commissioned by Legislature says higher taxes needed to improve lives

Gold Rises to All Time Record High as Investors Seek Alternative to Currency

British election: Everyone lost

As we die for BP, our military rots in the wrong Gulf

What is good for Goldman Sachs is bad for the world

From Shas to Hamas: The group behind the ‘South Park’ controversy

Arizona and the Alien-Nation of America

Video: Inside New York’s Spycam HQ | Danger Room | Wired.com

Boeing Unveils Unmanned Phantom Ray Demonstrator | Air Force News at DefenseTalk

Can Massive Crowd-Sourcing Predict The Future? | Disinformation

The New World Order is Now Complete | Shenandoah

US warns Russia about delivery of S-300

The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon's "Space Warriors"

Bankers, Economists: Mass Centralization At Heart Of Euro Bailout

The dangers of growing DNA databases


*New Film ‘Machete’ evokes race war


**Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA (Full Length)


False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order


Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

YouTube - CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up

What happened to Michelle Obama's law license?

American Grand Jury: Dr. Manning - We Have Proof Of Obama’s Ineligibility May 11th, 2010

*Barack Obama's Speech to AIPAC's Policy Conference 45:42

RockCreekFreePress Articles

1990:First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - NYTimes.com

flashback:Kissinger: Obama primed to create 'New World Order'

12 Jan09/Obama's Intelligence Adviser Involved in Security Breach

19 Apr08/Key witness in passport fraud case fatally shot - Washington Times


FBI Targets 'Cash Couriers' in Raids Linked to Time Square Probe

Gitmo Lawyer: Kagan Violated Law on Recruiters

Obama Says He's Accountable for Civilian Deaths

Obama: Afghan War Will Worsen Before It Improves

Pentagon Works to Define Rules of Cyber Warfare

Feinstein, Bond: Beef Up Terror Screening

Specter, a Former Foe, Calls Kagan 'Forthcoming'

Univision to Hold Town Hall Forum On Immigration

McCain: Obama Speaks Falsely on Ariz. Immigration

GOP: Obama’s Medicare Pick Wants Rationing

Stupak: How Did Oil Spill Companies Get Permits?

Inhofe: GOP Doesn’t Have Votes to Stop Kagan

Crist Signs the Paperwork to Officially Leave GOP

LA Approves Arizona Boycott Over Immigration Law

Republicans Pick Tampa for 2012 Convention

Even in Mass., 70% Oppose Benefits for Aliens

Visitors Arrive to See Young Libya Crash Survivor

Obama Threatens Obamacare Veto as Cost Soars

Former Astronauts Unhappy With Obama Space Plan

US Wants High Court to Stay out of Rendition Case

Evangelicals Call for Border, Immigration Reform

US Runs Record $82 Billion Deficit for April

Palin Scolds School for Canceling Team's Trip to Ariz.

Minority Student Activists Protest Education Cuts

Enforcement Tools Help Fight Healthcare Fraud

Emerging Oil Rig Evidence Shows Lack of Regulation

Video Shows Oil Flowing Like Steam From a Geyser

Other Border States Shun Arizona's Immigration Law

Friends Say Pakistani With TNT No Terrorist

SKorea Nears Blaming North for Sinking

Barak Sees Jerusalem Politics As 'Delicate'

Germany's Merkel: If Euro Fails, Europe Will Fail

Krugman: Oil Industry Is Courting Disaster

GM Repays Taxpayers, But With Their Own Money

Government Grabbing Bigger Role in Mortgages

Analyst: Goldman Will Lose Market Share to Rivals

Spot the Early Warning Signs of Cancer

All Prostate Cancer Therapies Affect Quality of Life

Are Implantable Lenses Safer Than Laser?

Coffee Reduces Shift Work Errors

Target, Wal-Mart Juice up Electronics Aisles

James Cameron: 3-D Will Become Standard Format

Drifting Satellite Threatens US Cable Programming

Cannes Directors Sign Petition Supporting Polanski

Facebook Not Enough to Bring Betty White to Oscars

NBC to Fan Enthusiasm With Social Networks

Degeneres, Winfrey On Missing List for Emmys

Half of Russians Believe Bribery Solves "Problems"

Retiring NORAD Commander: No Unfinished Business

Female Touch Can Influence Decisions, Behavior

Red-Shirt Military Adviser Shot in Head in Bangkok

Search on for UCLA Student Missing After Run

Taiwan Man Pleads Guilty in Iran Missile Case

2nd Ohio Sorority Accused of Trashing Event Hall

Ohio Executes Hitchhiker Who Shot 3 Drivers in '83

Gulf Hotel Installs Gold-Dispensing Machine

SC Gov. Sanford Saw Argentine Lover in Florida

Unruly Plane Passenger Sentenced to Probation

Ford CEO Says 2010 Will Be "Solidly" Profitable

Alpaca's Savage Beating in Ohio Upsets Ranchers

New Claims for Unemployment Insurance Inch Down

Burmese Monks Who Fled to U.S. a Vanishing Breed

Jewel-Studded Martini Glass Goes Under Hammer

Calif Hearing Set for Toyota Lawsuits

Everest Climbers to Get Free Nepal Visas

Crisis Cut U.S. Minority Mortgage Access: Study

Kuwait Mulling Minimum Wage Law for Maids

Searching for Husbands, Muses, on "Craigslist TV"

Obama to Knock Republicans and Emphasize Jobs Thursday

Teen Mountain Climber Accused of 'Street Surfing'

Pair Charged After Boy's Body Found in Utah

Hawaii Soldier Found Fit to Stand Trial for Murder

What Do You Mean, We Don't Know Elena Kagan?

Obama's Spending Leaves US Open to Greek Tragedy

Energy Bill Slams Consumers

China Threat Goes Unheeded

Obama Nominee Kagan Is Hardly a 'Consensus-Builder'

Immigration Becomes Hot-Button Issue

Your Plan in Peril Under Obamacare

GM Pays Back TARP With Govt Funds

YouTube - Dylan Ratigan - Funding the Trillion Dollar European Rescue

YouTube - Leaked Machete Script Confirms Race War Plot


YouTube - Michael Badnarik Explains The Power to Govern Comes From It's People on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Michael Badnarik Explains The Power to Govern Comes From It's People on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Michael Badnarik Explains The Power to Govern Comes From It's People on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Michael Badnarik Explains The Power to Govern Comes From It's People on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Alex Continues to Cover The "Illegal Alien" Conflict on Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Alex Continues to Cover The "Illegal Alien" Conflict on Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Alex Continues to Cover The "Illegal Alien" Conflict on Alex Jones Tv 3/3


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Plunder & Pillage 1/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Plunder & Pillage 2/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Plunder & Pillage 3/3


**The Ugly Truth Podcast March 15, 2010 :Audio: The Ugly Truth On Zionism/9-11 attacks with Dr. Alan Sabrosky


YouTube - Training that makes killing civilians acceptable

When the Gulf Oil Spill Hits Land: 3 Bad-to-Worse Scenarios - AOL News

flashback:New adversary in U.S. drug war: Contract killers for Mexican cartels - washingtonpost.com

Russia Proves ‘Peak Oil’ Is A Misleading Scam « Dprogram.net

The next 2,000-page bill | data, financial, bill - Opinion - The Orange County Register

YouTube - Gerald Celente: "we are going to see more and more violence" Greek Crises

YouTube - Protest at Leinster House, 11th May 2010


*Audio Download :Jeff Rense With Lindsey Williams On The BP Oil Catastrophe

YouTube - We Must Give Israel Intelligence Logistic & Political Support So They Can Successfully Attack Iran!

YouTube - Official Video: About The Council on Foreign Relations

YouTube - Is Portugal the next Greece?

YouTube - Gerald Celente: Banks robbing the people

YouTube - Peter Schiff: Buy Gold

As Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Spreads, BP, Halliburton and Transocean Executives Deflect Blame for Spill at Senate Hearings

Video: Republican Tea Party Hedges on Rejecting Enemy of the Constitution Kagan « Dprogram.net

Kagan Was ‘Not Sympathetic’ as Law Clerk to Gun-Rights Argument - Bloomberg.com

Kagan on Second Amendment: Like Freedom of Speech Enjoys “Strong But Not Unlimited Protection” | Kagan Watch

Kagan Involved In 9/11 Cover Up

CNSNews.com - Kagan Argued for Government 'Redistribution of Speech'

Delusions and illusions of press freedom > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

The Thin Green Line : Caveat eater: Strawberries are about to get more toxic

You Are Being Lied To By The Entire Financial System | www.PeterSantilli.com

Gold Could Explode To $3,000 As Confidence In Currencies Collapses

Europe and America Morally and Financially Bankrupt - The International Forecaster

FDA finally sued over its illegal suppression of raw milk

Terminal cancer patients spend final days suffering from radiation therapy that does nothing

The U.S. Government Is About To Get Hit With 'The Perfect Storm' Of Debt

Political, Media, and Bureaucratic Distortions of Weather and Climate

Obama’s Can’t Fail Way to Cut Healthcare Spending - Deny Services to Seniors

Did a Secret Climate Deal Launch the Hockey Stick Fakery?

The Importance of New Media

Cry Treason!

The Coming Crash: Usury and the Irrelevant Church

Green is GOOD….Carbon is BAD

Saluting Obama, Our Demagogue in Chief

Report: May 12, 2010 Sarah Palin In Chicago

Soros Hearts Cap and Tax

Kagan—More Qualified Than Obama

Obama’s Faith-Based Programs Pushing Global Warming, Climate Change, Green Issues

Kagan: So Much For Empathy

When the King Controls the Currency, Perception Is King

Senator Kerry and Lieberman release their new energy tax bill

IER Statement on Kerry-Lieberman Global Warming Bill

Kerry-Lieberman: Cap-and-Trade With a Gas Tax


*Obama’s Natural-Born Useful Idiots


The Trojan Horse

TV Documentary Reveals Fruits of Socialism: Tyranny, Poverty, Bloodshed; Airs Nationwide

Pandering to Lawbreakers Blurs Line Between Legal and Illegal

Conservatives Must Demand Honesty on Immigration Issues

A Reasonable Plan to End Illegal Immigration

Democrats Noncommittal on Whether White House Should Release Kagan’s Written Record

Kagan ‘Decided Not to Follow the Law’ When She Barred JAG Recruiters from Harvard, Former Gitmo Prosecutor Says

Americans Who Don’t Attend Church Form Base of Obama’s Support, Gallup Polling Indicates

Poll: It Takes Graduate Schooling to Appreciate Obama

Republican Amendment Would Bar U.S. Bailouts of Foreign Nations

Palestinian Official Criticizes Israeli Prime Minister for Invoking Bible in Comments on Jerusalem

Lebanon, As U.N. Security Council President, Walks Tightrope Between West and Hezbollah

Good Relations Between Afghanistan and Iran Important, Karzai Says

Don't Swallow the Skin Lotion: FDA Trying to Save People From Themselves

Poll: Oil Spill Not ‘Obama's Katrina,’ Oil Drilling Still OK With Americans

Obama Administration Wants to Prevent Drug Use in Communities, As ‘Medical Marijuana’ Outlets Multiply in Communities

Obama’s Nat’l Drug Control Strategy Says Borders ‘Must Be Secured,’ But Plan Focuses on Prevention and Treatment

Homosexual Group Demands Apology from Newsweek

LimeWire Loses Copyright Case in Fight with Labels

U.S. Notes ‘Worrisome Increase’ in al-Qaida Activity in Iran

Free Markets: Pro-Rich or Pro-Poor

Arizona or San Francisco: Which Path Will America Take on Immigration?

Kagan’s Defense of Censorship

An Anti-Establishment Night

Why Obama Wanted Times Square Bomber to be a Lone Nut

Breitbart.tv » Obama Flashback: A Supreme Court Nominee With No Judicial Experience Requires Extreme Scrutiny

AP source: 2 held in raids connected to Shahzad

Searches in Times Square probe yield 3 arrests - Yahoo! News

Hold fire, earn a medal (Static) - Military News, Navy News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, reports - Navy Times

Pope decries abortion, same-sex marriage at Fatima

Iran Targeting Dissidents Through Global Police - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Barack Obama plans to punish BP with tax hike as Gulf spill worsens - Times Online

Woods expects full recovery from neck pain | Reuters

EXCLUSIVE: Coach Who Left Tiger Has "No Regard For A Person Like That" | RadarOnline.com

Andy Warhol 'Self Portrait' fetches $32 million - Telegraph

State to force stores to post graphic signs vs. smoking - The Boston Globe

Mom Says Boy Dies During Dental Treatment In Va.

N.J. gov. sets tone for US - TheHill.com

Dog on the menu for Chinese astronauts - Telegraph

The New Poor - The Economy Shifts, Leaving Some Behind - NYTimes.com

YouTube film of teacher Sheri Davis' attack on pupil posted online | Mail Online

Video of a Houston charter-school teacher beating a student | Mom Houston | MomHouston.com

School beating case in Houston: ‘Mama, a teacher jumped on me'  | Moms | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Teacher in Beating Video Had Warrant for Arrest While Teaching

The next 2,000-page bill | data, financial, bill - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Bill Clinton offers himself as lottery prize to pay off Hillary’s debts - Times Online

Our Towns - Small New York Town Makes English the Law - NYTimes.com

Afghan war costs now outpace Iraq's - USATODAY.com

N.Korean women up for sale in China: activist

CANNES: Not All Aquiver For ‘Robin Hood’? – Deadline.com

Rudy Giuliani tells Hannity he could easily secure the Mexico border. 'It's that easy!' gasps Hannity

Dave Weigel: How the Club for Growth Beat Bob Bennett

O'Reilly and Dobbs agree: Arizona immigration law is fine and dandy, and it would be political suicide for Obama to file a suit

Video captures Seattle cop kicking Latino suspect in the face, using ethnic slur -- and then releasing him

Fighting For Progressive Values: Blue America Adds Rep. Raul Grijalva

Tea Parties Rage as Taxes Hit Lowest Level Since 1950

Oops! Health Care Plan Protections Will Rest On Interpretation Of 'Grandfathered'

Maine GOP Replaces Platform At Their Convention With The Tea Party's

Good News/Bad News: Tax rates at a 60-year low, but for how long?

Even After Deepwater Catastrophe, MMS Continues To Exempt Oil Companies From Environmental Impact Studies

Bay Buchanan Says Obama has 'Dummied-Down' Supreme Court After Calling Palin Qualified to be President

Megyn Kelly gives a nice demonstration in corporate censorship: She won't let Josh Silver explain how net neutrality works

Sen. Bernie Sanders Explains His Fed Audit Amendment Just Passed by Senate

Blast from the Past: Sen. John Cornyn defends Harriet Miers' lack of judicial experience, which makes her a good candidate

If Jack Abramoff weren't in prison, he'd be leading the Tea Party

New Tea Party Target: Roger Ebert

NY Times 'Fluffer' piece on CNN's newest talking head, Erick Erickson

SB1070 Not Xenophobic Enough, Arizona Now Says Teachers Cannot Have Accents

Arizona's immigration law creates a police state for immigrants in order to solve a drug-war problem

Arlen Specter Is Confused About Which Party Supports Him

Release the Kagan

Still Doing Damage Control From Bondage Club Scandal, Where Does RNC Decide To Hold 2012 Convention? Lap Dance Capital of US

Cenk Uygur Takes Apart S.E. Cupp's Ridiculous Claims of Anti-Christian Liberal Media Bias

Van Susteren and Carlson Carp Over President's iPod Statement During Commencement Speech

Glee Creator Calls For Boycott Of Newsweek After Homophobic Remarks

James Galbraith: 'Zero' Danger Posed By Deficit

Los Angeles City Council votes to Boycott Arizona!

Our activists' coalition against Arizona's xenophobic immigration law is spreading: Diamondbacks CEO is nervous

Hey, Steve King! Exactly where SHOULD gays wear their sexuality?


Left Coast Rebel: Michael Savage Playboy Interview


***Michael Savage Playboy Interview - June 2010 Playboy Magazine - Michael Savage Interview in Playboy


Michael Savage Playboy interview: Michael Savage blasts Playboy Magazine story

Opinion: UK, lift travel ban on Michael Savage

**Playboy article reviewed by a psychiatrist


Gateway Pundit:Raging Muslim Students Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Assault Swedish Artist During Free Speech Lecture (Video)


Debbie Schlussel: Another Dry Run, We Look Away: Middle Easterners “Up to No Mischief” w/ Airport Navigation Aides

Debbie Schlussel: EXCLUSIVE: Miss USA Contestant is Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah Supporter, Used Pageant Name to Promote Muslim Female Subjugation; Hezbo Taqiyyah Allows Bikinis?

Debbie Schlussel: “STFU, Governator” Video of the Day

Debbie Schlussel: Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness” & “Tolerance”


FOXNews.com - Illinois School Nixes Basketball Team's Trip to Arizona Over Immigration Law

Kagan nomination: Evidence of a Supreme Court bias - latimes.com

On Capitol Hill, outrage plays to cameras - Washington Times

Jewish Donors Outraged by 'Sociopath' Obama, Says Columnist - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Obama may embrace plan to reconcile with Afghan Taliban - latimes.com

Obama and Kagan whisper in the faculty lounge | Washington Examiner

Elena Kagan White House "Interview" Riles Reporters - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

DHS cuts New York funds as President Obama visits - Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com

FOXNews.com - Congress Seeks to Expand Access to Women's Restrooms in Federal Buildings

Man arrested, 2 others facing charges in deadly shootout

Why Repeal Can Really Happen | The Weekly Standard

Topless, tipsy woman accused of theft, DUI | NevadaAppeal.com

Mistrial declared in NY beating death of immigrant - NYPOST.com

16-year-old hooker told friend: I didn't have sex with Taylor - NYPOST.com




*Savage rips the media's coverage of the Times Square Bomber - The Woodward Report - Conservative News, Politics

The Prescience of Michael Savage






Savage Does Playboy: 'I Am a Sexual Libertarian' - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com


audio:LEW ROCKWELL: Why Was JFK Murdered?


Gold, Peace, and Prosperity: The Birth of a New Currency

Got Hemp? by Ron Paul


A ‘Duty to Die’? By Thomas Sowell

Europe has given up on the Euro, says Jim Rogers - Business Intelligence Middle East - bi-me.com - News, analysis, reports

Junk silver coins | Junk coins | silver dimes & dollar coin

The Volokh Conspiracy » Clinton staff: “We are taking the law and bending it as far as we can to capture a whole new class of guns.” Kagan wrote the Clinton ban on gun imports.

Saving in the Hard Times, for the Harder Times, by Mrs. C.J. in San Diego - SurvivalBlog.com

What’s Happening to the Little People by Cathy Cuthbert

Peter Schiff: Gold $1500-$2000 by Year-End

Only Marijuana Legalization Will End Shocking Police Raids Like the One in Columbia, Missouri by Paul Armentano

US troops executing prisoners in Afghanistan, journalist says | Raw Story

Gulf oil spill: first underwater video footage of leak | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gulf of Mexico oil slick: new Nasa image shows it 'looking like a swan' - Telegraph

Scandal in Goa as Israeli drug dealer boasts of police corruption on YouTube - Times Online

The kindergarten murders show fear and loathing has crept into China – Telegraph Blogs

Inside L.A.'s food truck phenomenon

Elena Kagan: Wall Street Journal softball image provokes gay row | Mail Online

Bill Hicks: the man who said the unsayable - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Alice Bailey: The "Glamour of Jew-Hatred"

Super-massive black hole is flung out of distant galaxy | Mail Online

Israel's ID/Permit System

Jerusalem residents attack writer Elie Wiesel over appeal to Barack Obama | World news | The Guardian

Israelis: No halt to east Jerusalem construction | World news | guardian.co.uk

Barack Obama serves notice on Egypt: I meant what I said about human rights | World news | guardian.co.uk

Parents pressured by 'must have' culture - Telegraph

Los Angeles to boycott Arizona over immigration law - Telegraph

US teacher sacked after being filmed beating student - Telegraph

Neil Armstrong criticises new space plan in Congress - space - 13 May 2010 - New Scientist

Using Laser to Map Ancient Civilization in a Matter of Days - NYTimes.com

New Zealand man 'attacked by vampires' - Telegraph

Phantom Ray unmanned aircraft makes its debut

Easter Island discovery sends archaeologists back to drawing board (The University of Manchester)

Herschel telescope finds 'impossible' star so massive it would dwarf our sun - CSMonitor.com

Britain's new Prime Minister promised UFO disclosure

Pope's visit to Portgual may shed light on Third Secret of Fatima - Telegraph

Woman unable to recognise voices gives new insights into the human brain - Telegraph

Gravity Lows Mark Burial Sites of Ancient Tectonic Plates | Wired Science | Wired.com

Is Halley's comet an alien interloper? - space - 10 May 2010 - New Scientist

Paul Hellyer vs. Stephen Hawking: Will contact with ETs lead to space weaponization and space war?

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - The Trickster as Shadow Government

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Unseen Neighbors: Intimations of Another Reality?

Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans - life - 06 May 2010 - New Scientist

The Midterm Is the Message | The American Prospect

How to Pay Down the Debt | The Weekly Standard

Welcome To 'The Real World'--White House Edition - Forbes.com

RealClearPolitics - A Supreme Choice

Government 'fixes' make matters worse | detnews.com | The Detroit News

The age of the big blow-up - The Globe and Mail

Michael B. Mukasey: Shahzad and the Pre-9/11 Paradigm - WSJ.com


*12TH/Transcripts : Obama's Press Conference with President Karzai

*11TH/Analysts on the Road Ahead for Kagan

Roundtable on Britain's New Prime Minister

Interview with Laura Bush

Interview with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar

Interview with Rep. Mike Pence

Secretary Clinton's Remarks with President Karzai

*10TH/Obama Nominates Kagan to the Supreme Court

Panel on Elena Kagan's Nomination

Analysis of Elena Kagan's Nomination

Senators Kyl and Sessions on Kagan

Interview with Defense Secretary Robert Gates

Interview with David Axelrod

Interview with Rand Paul

Interview with Rudy Giuliani

*9TH/Interview with Attorney General Eric Holder

Guests: Eric Holder and Rudy Giuliani

Guests: John Brennan; Senators Nelson & Shelby

Guests: John Brennan; Senators Dodd & Shelby (PDF)


Specter’s Crowded Bed Loses Loving Feeling: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg.com

RealClearPolitics - Why Americans Are Shocked & Appalled

Has clout become the 'kiss of death'? - Jonathan Allen and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Meet Obama's Karl Rove - The Daily Beast

Ezra Klein - Galbraith: The danger posed by the deficit ‘is zero’

RealClearPolitics - Obama and Kagan Whisper in the Faculty Lounge

RealClearPolitics - The Elena Kagan You Won't See

Elena Kagan vs. First Amendment :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Other Views

Afghan Follies: Why Karzai Is Doomed--Ralph Peters - NYPOST.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Pakistan and Times Square - NYTimes.com

Karl Rove: How Badly Will the Democrats Do? - WSJ.com

Britain and Europe are living separate crises. Underneath, it's the same one | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - Goodbye to Europe as a high-ranking power

FOXNews.com - Human Rights Just a Joke At the U.N.

Op-Ed Contributor - Why Miranda Matters — and Why It Doesn’t - NYTimes.com

Editorial - Mr. Obama and Mr. Karzai, Take Two - NYTimes.com

A 'Bush conservative' now leads Britain | cameron, conservative, government - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Player of the Week: Rep. Joe Sestak - TheHill.com

Greece crisis: Greece's debt crisis may preview the U.S.' future - chicagotribune.com

Blanche Lincoln primary has banking bill in limbo - Carrie Budoff Brown - POLITICO.com

Liberal Democrats unhappy with Pelosi’s relaxed style in 2010 ‘campaign mode’ - TheHill.com

Astronauts Attack Obama’s NASA Plan - NYTimes.com

Higher black voting rates in 2008 mostly occurred in South, report says


*6PGS/:(ImmuSANO) The New Mushroom Nutritional Super Food Marvin S. Hausman MD

(GlucoSANO): A New Mushroom Nutritional Super Food for Cellular Metabolism and Sugar Stabilization

Total Nutraceutical Solutions - Mushroom Health - Overview and General Description of Medicinal Mushrooms

Total Nutraceutical Solutions - Mushroom Health - Mushrooms as a Functional Food

Total Nutraceutical Solutions - Mushroom Health - What is Mycology?

Total Nutraceutical Solutions - Mushroom Health - The New Role of Mushrooms in Traditional Medicine

Total Nutraceutical Solutions - Mushroom Health - The General Science and Potential Health Benefits of Mushrooms



*SITE:Xenotech Research


*13TH/Politics VideoPelosi: "No Question" There Is An Anti-Incumbent Mood

Paul Ryan: Do We Want An Opportunity Society Or A Welfare State?

Sen. Kerry's Energy Plan Misguided?

Rep. Shadegg On Immigration: Federal Government "Has Failed"

Klobuchar: Kagan "Incredibly Smart Person" And "Counterweight" To Roberts

AR-Sen: Lincoln On Running Against Halter, Creating Jobs

CA-Gov: Poizner Hits Whitman Voting Record

Carville, Buchanan Debate GOP Winning Back Votes

Specter Reveals It Cost $18,000 To Bring Biden On Air Force Two To Rally For Him

Sen. Hatch: Dems Are After A Single-Payer System

Matthews: Cheney Must Testify On Oil Spill

O'Reilly: Ethnic Tension Will Continue Until Gov't Deals With Illegal Immigration

Kerry And Lieberman On Political Climate

Krauthammer: Withdrawal Deadline Hinders Afghanistan Effort

*12TH/Bailout's Impact on November Elections

Specter On Republican Gaffe: "It's Not Unusual For Anybody To Misspeak"

Obama's Nominee To Head Medicare, Medicaid: We "Must Redistribute Wealth"

Krauthammer: Lib Dem Power Could Be To "Our Detriment"

Reid: O'Connor Was A Good Justice Because She Had "No Judicial Experience" -- Except She Did

Sen. Inhofe Says No To Kagan

Matthews: Under Obama, America Is Taxed Less

Obama: Tensions Between US And Afghanistan Are "Simply Overstated"

MSNBC's Matthews Begs Anti-Limbaugh GOPers To Come On His Show

Sen. Bernie Sanders On Auditing The Fed

AR-Sen: Halter (D) Trying To End Lincoln's Time In The Senate

Ken Starr On Attacks On Kagan: "I Don't Think it Serves The Country Well"

O'Reilly: Feds Don't Know What To Do About Illegal Immigration

Elena Kagan Meets With Senators Reid, McConnell

FOX News: Specter To Hatch: "You Better Watch Out"

Sen. Kerry: Climate Legislation Is An "Energy Jobs Bill"

Sen. Corker On Financial Reform Bill Amendment: No Chance Of Passing

Rep. Pence: Doomed to Become Like Greece?

Karl Rove On Anti-Incumbent Fever


Whistleblower: Contractors Performing Safety Tests On Blowout Preventers Cheated 'At Least 100 Times'

Murder Of Russian Scientist At US Weapons Lab Sparks 2012 Fears

Loss of wildlife threatens food supplies – UN - Telegraph

NTI: Global Security Newswire - U.N. Chief Demands Test Ban Treaty Deadline

Collapsing biodiversity is a 'wake-up call for humanity'

Asia Times Online :US satellites shadow China's submarines

Russia Signs Deal To Build Turkey’s First Nuclear Power Plant - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

Latin American Herald Tribune - Former Chavez Ally Sentenced to Nearly 8 Years in Prison

Mexico, U.S. to evaluate oil-spill impact on Gulf of Mexico


Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies

Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies. 2 of 4

Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies. 3 of 4

Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies. 4 of 4

Our Monstrous Culture, and the Monsters Who Rule You (I): What the Monster Said


**Ron Paul: Audit the Fed, End the Inflation Tax - Before It's Too Late! - 12160.org

***SENATE VOTING RECORD: Vitter Amendment Fails - Yea 37 Nay 62 - Senate Roll Call Votes - 12160.org


So Much For ObamaCare's Savings - IBD - Investors.com

ARCHIVE '06/Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

Is Israel Sliding Towards a Police State? by Mel Frykberg -- Antiwar.com

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Schwarzenegger's Revised Budget Plan Is Expected to Eliminate Some Billion Dollar Health Programs

DOJ: AIPAC case witness was asked to 'fake...suicide' - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Thousands join legal challenge to bank fees(Australia) - 12160.org

The Panic Is On! « Revolt of the Plebs

Sympathy for the Oval: Seeking Shreds to Cover the Naked Truth of Power :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Extended Clip From Sean Penn’s ‘Fair Game’

How Donald Berwick Will Run Your Health Care

Obama’s Strategy: Reward Failure

Educating the Simple Child, Richard Eskow, Yet Again


Video: Dusting Off T-Rex

Video: Teen Female Pimps Busted

Video: West Coast Senators Introduce Anti-Drilling Law

Video: Modeling Scam Targets Teenagers

Video: Woman Allegedly Attacks Vallet With High Heel

Video: Driver Claims Her SUV Would Not Stop

Video: Raw Video: Terror Related Arrest Near Boston

Video: AP Source: NY AG Probing 8 Banks Over Securities

Video: Raw Video: "Red Shirt" General Shot in Bangkok

Video: Raw Video: Passenger Train Derails in N.C.

Video: Facebook Dangers: Greg Daugherty, Consumer Reports

Video: Strong-voiced Teen Singer Aims for Teen Audience

Video: Rent Dispute Preceded China School Attack

Video: Missing Tulare County Teen Located

Video: Thai Renegade General Shot in Head as Army Begins Siege: Video

‘Courageous Restraint’: Military Considers Awarding Medal for Not Killing Civilians

Enviromentalist Recommends Ditching Shampoo for Homemade Version

FBI Raids Home, Gas Station in Times Square Probe

Elena Kagan Jokes She Doesn’t Have the Worldly Experience Required for The Supreme Court

CNN Tests Reaction to Playboy’s 3-D Edition

Hunters and Tourists Stalk Florida’s Proliferating Pythons

CNN Anchor Rick Sanchez Jumps on Roland Martin’s Ascot Bandwagon

Mark Levin: Obama Health Care Nominee Is Radical Redistributionist

Extended Film Clip Leaked From Valerie Plame Drama ‘Fair Game’

The B-Cast: Buffalo Billboard Is a Case Study in Outrage

School Talent Show Turns Into Strip Tease

‘Environmental Police Agency’: CA Middle Schoolers Envision Green Arrest Squad

CNN Tours Shanghai’s Hot New ‘Obama Club’

Pence: We Didn’t Ask the EU to Bail Out New Jersey or California

Newsweek Writer: Actor Is Too Gay to Play Straight

Lawyer With Cerebral Palsy Faces Trial for Touching Judge

Rush Responds to ‘Go Play With Himself’ White House Quip

Buffalo Billboard to Obama: ‘I Need a Freakin Job’

Viral Hit: 12-Year-Old Oklahoma Boy Sizzles YouTube With Lady Gaga’s ‘Paparazzi’

‘Paparazzi’: Piano Prodigy Performs Lady Gaga on Ellen Degeneres Show

Poll: Voters Shifting to GOP

Arizona Congressman: Federal Government ‘Has Failed’

Update: Walgreens To Hold Off Selling Genetic Test Kits

Is Congress Breaking Laws They Passed?

Abu Dhabi Hotel Unveils Vending Machines That Dispenses Gold

Red Shirt Leader Shot as Unrest Continues in Thai Capital

Dutch Boy Found Alive in Libyan Plane Crash That Killed Scores

Gray Whale Spotted Off Israel Is First Outside Pacific in 300 Years

Caught on Tape: Muhammad Cartoonist Headbutted During Lecture

‘I Need a Freakin Job’ Group Takes Message to YouTube

Republicans Slam Union Rule Change

Environmentalists Push ‘Ecocide’ as 5th International Crime Against Peace

Fox News Anchor Shep Smith Knocks BP CEO for ‘Beyond Snotty’ Remarks

Code Pink Tries Once Again to Arrest Karl Rove

‘For It’: Muslim Student in San Diego Confesses She Wants a Second Holocaust

Genetic Testing Kits Coming to a Drug Store Near You

Texas High School Basketball Star Is Really 22-Year-Old Imposter

Mother Hurls Toddler Into Chilly Hudson River

Houston Teacher Fired: Video Shows Her Beating Student

Report: Morgan Stanley Probed by Federal Authorities; Shares Fall

CNBC’s Santelli Rips Key Democrat For Ignoring Fannie/Freddie Reform

‘PR Disaster’: Volvo Demonstration of ‘Auto Brake’ System Ends Badly

Tech Trouble Besets Fox News During Discussion of Obama’s ‘Tech-Phobia’

The B-Cast: Did a Phoenix TV Station Manipulate Message of Border Video?

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Makes Plea for Anti-Limbaugh Republican Guests

The Onion Spoof: Semi-Literate Former Gold Prospector Given Own Cable News Show

The B-Cast B-Side: Muslim Student Sends Chilling Message in San Diego


05/12 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Wed May 12, 2010. 04:20 PM

Alex Jones - 2010-May-12, Wednesday

May 12, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


Bill Aimed to Stem Global Warming, Create Jobs - ABC News

GOP-ers bristle at feds' land plan - POLITICO.com Print View

CMS Nominee Donald Berwick's Radical Agenda - by Ben Domenech

Pagan police win the right to take time off for festivals | Mail Online

TechMan: Want a record of your whole brilliant life?

'09/Out of the Blue, DARPA Seeks Means to Manipulate Lightning | Popular Science

3 students leap into River Clyde to save drowning woman after police REFUSE | Mail Online


Ultrasound hailed as effective, low-cost contraceptive | Mail Online

'09/Peruvian Government Shelves Investigation into Massive Forced Sterilizations of Indigenous Women


FILM:The Disappearing Male (2008)


Wise Up Journal - » The infertility timebomb: Are men facing rapid extinction?

APR 25/Doctors sterilise Uzbek women by stealth - Times Online


Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit

Kagan slammed own memo during 1st Senate hearing

Kagan wanted a 'more leftist left' after Reagan election

Questions surround Kagan's handling of White House eco-terrorist controversy | Washington Examiner

Supreme Court: Republicans wants Clinton-era papers on Elena Kagan - latimes.com

The question everyone's whispering about Kagan

Softball question - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Elena Kagan's friends: She's not gay - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

'Manchurian' smear misfires


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama 'refuses to ID enemy' in Afghanistan

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Anti-incumbency fever' threatens both parties

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Marine veteran gunning for Congress in Arizona


Google hides Obama's Social Security Number story

Why some are offended by a little girl's flag

Islamic mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero sparks protest

Obama to cut NYC anti-terror funding even after Times Sq. bombing attempt - NYPOST.com

FBI raids homes in Times Square probe - Security- msnbc.com

Barack Obama plans to punish BP with tax hike as Gulf spill worsens - Times Online

Cabal killing off U.S. wealth

Fed moves on Europe bank rescue plan - Washington Times

U.S. posts 19th straight monthly budget deficit | Reuters

It's government that has 'made enough money'

WND explores White House lawsuit over press snub

FOXNews.com - Obama Swipes at Media, Says 'Information' Onslaught Pressuring 'Democracy'

Sarah Palin: Let Highland Park Girls' Basketball Team Go To Arizona - cbs2chicago.com

Durbin: Immigration bill 'unlikely' in 2010, says GOP spooked by Bennett loss - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Jeb Bush Endorses Scott Walker in Wisconsin as New Conservative Leader - ABC News

Senate energy bill faces job-creation doubts - Washington Times

The Fox jihad continues

Tea partiers as 'insurgents'

Kagan slammed own memo during 1st Senate hearing

Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

'Gay' demands challenge freedom of religion

Transgenders win discrimination tiff with American Eagle Outfitters, AG Andrew Cuomo forces changes

Online Diet Pills Laced With Deadly Drug; May Cause Heart Attacks, Strokes - cbs2chicago.com

BBC News - Mother's phone call 'can be as soothing as a hug'

Bill Clinton offers himself as lottery prize to pay off Hillary’s debts - Times Online

Landslide swallows Canadian home: Bodies of family of four recovered from sinkhole wreckage

Sex Act in Class: Investigation Underway after Reports that Students Engaged in Sex Act During Class - KTLA

Bus driver accused of lewd 'spanking' of 7-year-old released on bond (ARREST REPORT) | spanking, lewd, accused - News - Northwest Florida Daily News

University Park man slain after dog urinates on lawn - chicagotribune.com

Three shot during filming of rap video in Dallas | Dallas - Fort Worth News | wfaa.com | Crime

JohnsonCityPress.com - Local News - Johnson City, TN

Truck full of sex toys, lingerie stolen in Plymouth Township | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

NYT: Doubt cast on many food allergies - Allergies and asthma- msnbc.com

Raw-milk advocates rally for access to their drink - The Boston Globe

The Canadian Press: Civil liberty lawyers: Police wrongly filed charges against hundreds just for swearing

The Pill ruined the institution of marriage, says Raquel Welch | Mail Online

Biographer Kitty Kelley suggests Oprah Winfrey thinks she's a Kennedy | Irish News | IrishCentral

Man with Cerebral Palsy Faces Sexual Abuse Trial

FOXNews.com - Congress Seeks to Expand Access to Women's Restrooms in Federal Buildings

Monk gets YouTube habit - Around the World News - Croatian Times Online News - English Newspaper

Minister, once gay, aims to heal evangelical rift

BBC News - Giant speech bubble bid to combat pub noise

Screen: Video Scavengers Spin Cultural Slag Into Comedy Gold | Magazine

Breitbart.tv » Rush Responds to ‘Go Play With Himself’ White House Quip

Nearly naked inmate tries to escape from hospital | abcactionnews.com

Playboy 'Readers' Get 3-D Centerfold in June Issue - ABC News

FCC ignores federal court, moves to regulate Internet


VIDEO:Truth, love and acceptance of the gospel

VIDEO:The Apostle Paul you never knew

AUDIO PAGE:TRUTH2U: TRUTH2U - Joe Kovacs - Noah's Ark - 09/05/10


*American Minute for May 13th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

The incurious, inglorious true believers

The Associated Press: New Hawaii law shuns Obama birth document requests

Hearing set for officer challenging eligibility

Obama eligibility 'trial' set to launch

Elections chief: Constitution 'important'

Nine accused of accessing Obama’s student loan records

Hearing set for officer challenging eligibility

Eligibility lawyer to become election favorite?

What does Linda Lingle know?

More birth-certificate mumbo jumbo

NASCAR has new connection to Obama's birth certificate

'New eligibility strategy working'

The incurious, inglorious true believers


Supreme Court faces Mecca

Political earthquake in Utah

'Barack Obama doesn't care about white people!'

The real Obama plan: Overwhelm the system

The myth of the supercriminal

The Palin Principle: Bible Trumps Constitution

Hey, Obama: Where's the report card?

Michelle Obama: Food Profiteer Turned Food Cop - Michelle Malkin - National Review Online


*JACKIE MASON:G.W. Bush: Blacker than Obama


What Is Your Line In The Sand? Rise of the Republic

*(7 PT VIDEO)Is the War in Afghanistan Justified by 9/11?

The Terrorism Industry

YouTube - Laura Bush on best, worst day in White House

Laura Bush recalls 9/11 panic at White House - Biography and memoirs - Today.msnbc.com

You Are Being Lied To By The Entire Financial System

*Imf Fact Sheet

Racist film ‘Machete’ produced with taxpayer funds

Leaked ‘Machete’ Script Confirms Race War Plot

Gold Could Explode To $3,000 As Confidence In Currencies Collapses

Europe and America Morally and Financially Bankrupt

Love Police expose ‘illusion of democracy’ at Chancellor of Exchequer press conference

China school killer erupted after lease row | Reuters

Action To Arrest Wanted War Criminal Kissinger in Ireland

Quanell X: If you shoot one more black man in Bellaire, your city will go up in flames | khou.com | Khou.com - News, Houston news, Texas News, Headlines

The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon’s “Space Warriors”

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

Newly Released Court Transcripts Prove Judge Misconduct In Robert Wanek Case

9/11 families oppose Holder proposal to modify Miranda

2nd Amendment Rights Protected During Emergency In Hawaii

The Bounds of Silence - Reason Magazine

Columbia, Missouri Police Chief: "I Hate the Internet" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Disgraceful Display of the Day

New adversary in U.S. drug war: Contract killers for Mexican cartels - washingtonpost.com

SHOCKING VIDEO: Professor Calls for Mexican Revolt in America

Arizona limits ethnic studies in public schools - CNN.com

You Are Being Lied To By The Entire Financial System

Predictive Programming? Gulf Oil Rig Explosion in “Knowing”

The Blast:Teaching Environmental Extremism: The ‘Environmental Police Agency’

Eyeblast.tv:Environmental Police Agency

CEO Predicts Market Armageddon: Dow To 5,000

Leaked ‘Machete’ Script Confirms Race War Plot

The next 2,000-page bill | data, financial, bill - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Criminal Gang Link Forces Out 500 Euro Note - Yahoo! News UK

Russia warns U.S. against unilateral Iran sanctions - Yahoo! News

David Icke on the 2010 British Elections

Obama's natural choice of Kagan - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

We Are Here To Protect You

Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems

CNSNews.com - The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Government to Track Body Mass of American Children

Aloha 'Birthers': Hawaii law lets state ignore repeated demands for Obama's birth certificate

FDA finally sued over its illegal suppression of raw milk

Farmer-consumer group challenges FDA authority to ban interstate raw-milk sales | Grist

NSA head confirmed as chief of US cyber command • The Register

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 11th With Michael Badnarik