"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

12 May 2010

12 May


*site:Tea Party Patriots

*site:Oath Keepers

*Republican National Committee


Wall Street crash exposes world of stock market electronic trading - Telegraph

Goldman Sachs probed over financial transactions with Greece | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - Two Jewish Lesbians in a Row ??

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Lesbian Bankster Tool: Elena Kagan

Sex, Lies and Oil Spills

Borders - Do You Understand Now?

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

Communism May Be Dead In The USSR But It's Alive And Well In The USSA

Heavy Metal Poisoning, Brain Injury, Weather Mod

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: No Press Allowed Inside BP Oil Spill Command Area in Robert, Louisiana - ABC News

Financial 'Reform' Will Guarantee More Stealing

Kagan Whitewash

Explosive report shows Kagan supports censorship of TV, radio, posters, and pamphlets

Multi-Symptom Pain Disorders Plague Returning Service Men and Women

The most disturbing movie ever made? - CNN.com

YouTube - BP Slick THE SOURCE 05.07.10.mov

Scientists find sunken islands in the Caribbean - The Local

No survivors in Quebec slide

Herschel telescope finds 'impossible' star so massive it would dwarf our sun

Britain's new Prime Minister promised UFO disclosure

Pope's visit to Portgual may shed light on Third Secret of Fatima

Factory worker may have carved pear face

Woman unable to recognize voices gives new insights into the human brain

Indian man survives without food and water, baffles doctors

Gravity Lows Mark Burial Sites of Ancient Tectonic Plates

Is Halley's comet an alien interloper?

Paul Hellyer vs. Stephen Hawking

Girl frozen in time may hold key to ageing

Weird Water in Space is Electrically Charged

The Trickster as Shadow Government

Unseen Neighbors: Intimations of Another Reality?

Neanderthal genome reveals interbreeding with humans

Spaceship 'salad units' to farm special astro strawberries

Is a New Space Weapon Race Heating Up?

NASA team cites new evidence that meteorites from Mars contain ancient fossils

Seven wonders of the quantum world


*site:Xenotech Research



YouTube - Lehman Bros. linked to drug money


*audio page:The Israeli Mossad and 9/11: Conversations with/about Alan Sabrosky « Radio Du Jour




*Osama bin Laden - a dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government


FOXNews.com - Kagan's Unusually Thin Paper Trail Poses Challenge for Judiciary Committee

Net address availability is at critical low - The Inquirer

Syria and Russia in talks on nuclear power | World news | The Guardian

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » 911 facts – Richard Gage on Radio Liberty

From Shas to Hamas: The group behind the South Park controversy | My Catbird Seat

WILLIAM COOK : A Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism: the Birth of Israel | My Catbird Seat

Drifting satellite threatens US cable programming - Yahoo! News

Edmund de Rothschild and Global Warming

EclippTV :: Video :: 9 11 Truth Gore Vidal recommends 'The New Pearl Harbor'


Dr. Graeme MacQueen: The Connection between 9/11, Anthrax and Iraq 05-01-10 in Walkerton [1-5] | 911Blogger.com


Digging up chemical weapons in D.C.

Once Amigos, Now Enemies: BP, Halliburton, And Transocean -- Signs of the Times News

Big Three Nets' Evening News Dives Deepen | NewsBusters.org

The 5 Most Half Assed Apologies for Historic Crimes | Cracked.com

What is good for Goldman Sachs is bad for the world

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

"Venice was a quiet Mena, Arkansas" says former drug pilot

EclippTV :: Video :: Alex Jones: Bilderberg stealing from US citizens

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Keiser Report: Future Made In China?

Obama’s Supreme Pick Kagan Is A Bankster Operative

White House aims to use Deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Kerry-(Graham)-Lieberman: a monstrous collection of payoffs to big business | DoomDaily

SOUTH LEBANON: Which Comes First — the Deed or Its Chroniclers?

Archaeologist: Muslim prayer room may have been found at dig site - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Kagan: ‘Disappear’ Free Speech If The Government Deems It Offensive

An Objectivist Individualist: Another FCC Power Grab Attempt Over the Internet

Bankers Destroy Global Economy By Design To Consolidate Power « The Tonka Report

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: No Press Allowed Inside BP Oil Spill Command Area in Robert, Louisiana - ABC News

EclippTV :: Video :: George Carlin On Drugs And Marijuana

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente on The Tommy Schnurmacher Show 10 May 2010

‘The Mentalist’: A Case Study in How Hollywood Maligns Conservatives

Why Hollywood Will Lose the Culture War

Daily Gut: The World Opines on Arizona

Jack Bauer Died Monday Night and Bush Derangement Syndrome Killed Him

Sam Waterston Tells Congress to End Off-Shore Drilling

Bailouts Defeat Bennett–Who Wants to Be Next?

Disgrace of the Day: Industry Join Cap-and-Tax Presser

Nothing Outside the State

Tired of Big Government Spending? Then YouCut it!

Attack of the 50 Foot Pelosi

Video: Raging Muslim Students Screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ Assault Swedish Artist During Free Speech Lecture

Does the Census Bureau Need a Census to Count Its Own Employees?

Worst ‘Danged’ Political Ad In History! Congratulations, John McCain

Two Scrabble to Save California

You’ve Got Mail: America’s Broken Immigration Agency at Work

VIDEO UPDATE: As Tea Party Activists Protest Dodd’s Big Brother Bill, Bank of America Deploys Security Forces

Omar Captured? Game Changer or Just Another Perp.

Lefty Group Outed As Author of Letter from Congressman

Dodd’s Bank Bill: Worse Than ObamaCare. It’s the Nationalization, Stupid!

Behind That Bogus CNN Ratings Story

Who’s the Yo-Yo Now: ‘Master’ Dupes Local TV News In Midwest

On Usury, ‘Educating the Simple Child’ — Richard Eskow

NewsBusted: Obama Calls Europe a “Country”…

Babalu Bloggers Bedevil the Regime In Havana

KPHO And the ‘Border Invasion’ Pics: Borrowed Video, Altered Message

AP Reports Theft of Mojave Cross, Suspects ‘Scrap Metal Scavengers’

My Students Trust The New York Times — Until I Teach This Lesson

Are We Really ‘All Journalists Now,’ Or, Can Anyone ‘Do Journalism’?

Tracking ACORN’s Rebranding Process: A Handy Updated Guide

Must-Read Of the Day: Robert Samuelson On the Welfare-State’s ‘Death Spiral’

Media Take Note: In Arizona County, Of 64 Highway Chases Last Month, Not One Perp a U.S. Citizen

‘Media Matters’ Mutters About K-Lo Tweet: Is This Any Job For a Grownup?

Charles Blow, Back for More, Still Thinks You’re a Racist

Inside the Obama Media War Room

For Our Eyes Only: The Times Square Bomber Report



Deep Cover at Organizing for America

The New Middle East Peril

Elena Kagan and the Yale-Harvard Nexus

Would someone please list Kagan's qualifications?

Richard Goldstone, Apartheid Hanging Judge

A new 'Axis of Evil?'

Wow! Another teacher has a problem with a kid and an American flag

The shameless, shocking hypocrisy and lies of President Obama

Free speech at college: 'You can't do that here'

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'... Anything about Shariah Law

President Hamlet's Energy Policy

Greek Crisis Nothing New

The Making of a Warmonger by David Gordon

The Myth That Justice Is Blind! by Butler Shaffer

PIIGS Win. Bankers Win. Voters Lose. by Gary North

John Williams: Believe Him or Not by Chris Thompson

The Big Short – How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street by Jim Quinn

3 Steps to Geographically Diversifying Your Gold Stocks by Jeff Clark

Feds Likely to Face Uproar if They Overhaul Pocket Change - WSJ.com

Book Review: American Conspiracies by Jesse Ventura « James Guy Roberts's Blog

05-11-2010: Iran could fire nuclear missile within two years, says think tank

05-11-2010: Earth may be too hot for humans by 2300: study (More Fearmongering!)

05-11-2010: Drifting satellite threatens US cable programming

05-11-2010: Wall Street crash exposes world of stock market electronic trading

05-11-2010: Lawyers: Rig workers asked to sign statements

05-11-2010: Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative

The Second Leg of the Great Depression Was Caused by European Defaults

Europe Rewrites its Rule Book in Creating Fund to Contain Financial Crisis

Samuelson: Death Spiral of the Welfare State

Russia says may build nuclear power plant in Syria

High Frequency Terrorism: How the Big Banks and Federal Reserve Maintained Their Death Grip Over the United

Challenger Investigation Got $175 Million. Columbia $152 Million. Lewinsky $30 Million. 9/11 $15 Million. Financial Crisis Gets Only $8 Million

Starving Yogi Astounds Scientists

The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon's "Space Warriors"

CAIR: Incendiary Device Explodes Outside Florida Mosque -- WASHINGTON May 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Senate votes 96-0 to audit Fed, reveal who got bailout funds | McClatchy

Beau Biden, Son of Vice President Joe Biden, Has Stroke - ABC News

More War, Fewer Jobs, Poor Excuses

A Historic Breakthrough for U.S. Billionaires

The wealthy won’t pay their taxes, so labor must do so.

Is Elena Kagan a Neocon?

Russian President Says Mideast Tensions Could Lead to 'Catastrophe'

Scroogle scrapes back to life

Google screws Scroogle

The Israels Government Intends to Wage War on Iran and Syria?

Look Out, Obama Seems to Be Planning for a Lot More War

Eastern Europe and the Balkans: From Socialist Bloc And Non-Alignment To U.S. Military Colonies

Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth

Is the US Media Leading America into Another War?

Kagan Will Move Supreme Court to the Right

Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health


*Steve Quayle Prep Tips:20 Things You Will Need to Survive When the Economy Collapses and the Next Great Depression Begins


Israel can't conceal nukes now

Arizona and the Alien-Nation of America

Bankers, Economists: Mass Centralization At Heart Of Euro Bailout

The dangers of growing DNA databases

New Film ‘Machete’ evokes race war

NYC's Bloomberg in London to view transit CCTV

General Election 2010: bankers become MPs in new Parliament

False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Megyn Kelly gives a nice demonstration in corporate censorship: She won't let Josh Silver explain how net neutrality works

YouTube - Dylan Ratigan - Funding the Trillion Dollar European Rescue


YouTube - Ron Paul Explain Patriotism Pt.1 of 3

YouTube - Ron Paul Explain Patriotism Pt.2 of 3

YouTube - Ron Paul Explain Patriotism Pt.3 of 3


*Audio Download : Audio: Jeff Rense With Lindsey Williams On The BP Oil Catastrophe

YouTube - We Must Give Israel Intelligence Logistic & Political Support So They Can Successfully Attack Iran!

Alan Grayson: “We Beat The Fed”

YouTube - Two for one: Auditing Ft. Knox and the Fed

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #44 - Economic Sanctions for the Federal Government?

YouTube - Amateur Video Of Gulf Oil Slick - Worse Than BP Admits

YouTube - Ron Paul I Am Very Concerned About What's Going To Happen!

The Codex Alimentarius Commission Meets Again To Determine Our Health Options


A New Earthquake Hits Haiti: Monsanto's deadly gift of 475 tons of genetically-modified seeds to Haitian farmers

“The People of Greece Are Fighting for the Whole of Europe”: : Information Clearing House - ICH

Kagan helped shield Saudis from 9/11 lawsuits | Raw Story

Kerry-(Graham)-Lieberman: a monstrous collection of payoffs to big business | GlobalWarming.org

YouTube - Ron Paul on Freedom Watch - Concerns for the Fed - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Gary Johnson Shrank Government - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Drug Bust Gone Awry - May 10, 2010

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Continuing Bush's Foreign Policy - May 10, 2010

Kagan Says ‘Governmental Motive’ is Proper Focus in First Amendment Cases, Backs Limits on Speech That Can ‘Harm’

Sensenbrenner: Judicial Action Necessary to Repeal New Health Care Law

Venezuela Slams Arizona’s Illegal Immigration Law, Says America Must Overcome ‘Old Habits of Racism’

Obama’s Nat’l Drug Control Strategy Says Borders ‘Must Be Secured,’ But Plan Focuses on Prevention and Treatment

Arizona Governor Signs Bill Targeting Ethnic Studies

After Election of Reagan, Kagan Yearned for a 'More Leftist Left'

Pelosi Says She's Told Catholic Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops They Must Tell Catholics Immigration Reform is a 'Manifestation of Our Living the Gospels'

Chief Justice Roberts: Kagan Asked Court to 'Embrace Theory of First Amendment That Would Allow Censorship Not Only of Radio and Television Broadcasts, But Pamphlets and Posters'

Voters' Anti-Establishment Mood Bites Both Parties

UK Awakens to A New Political Era; Conservative PM Pairs With Liberal Democrat Deputy

Senators: Better Terror Screening Needed

State Department Could Be Hindering Program to Prevent Terrorists from Getting U.S. Visas

Man on Trial for Branding His Kids Like Cattle

Mistrial Declared Beating Death of Immigrant

Veterans Group Vows to Rebuild Mojave Desert Cross

More Schoolchildren Attacked in China; Fifth Attack Since March

Iran, Syria, North Korea Form New 'Axis of Evil,' Says Israel’s Foreign Minister

China, US to Renew Human Rights Talks

Bill Would Allow States to Veto Offshore Drilling

Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked During Lecture

Kagan’s Defense of Censorship

An Anti-Establishment Night

Why Obama Wanted Times Square Bomber to be a Lone Nut

Michelle Obama: Food Profiteer Turned Food Cop

Reagan-Hating Kagan

Republicans Defend Slavery to Attack Kagan

Tea Party Nation revs up the anti-Kagan machine

Papantonio: Real Possibility BP May Go Into a Bankruptcy Limited Fund

Rudy Giuliani tells Hannity he could easily secure the Mexico border. 'It's that easy!' gasps Hannity

Expert: Oil Leak 5X Greater Than Disclosed

Dave Weigel: How the Club for Growth Beat Bob Bennett

O'Reilly and Dobbs agree: Arizona immigration law is fine and dandy, and it would be political suicide for Obama to file a suit

Activists letter to Bud Selig and Major League Baseball over Arizona's immigration law: "Why the Silence?"

Video captures Seattle cop kicking Latino suspect in the face, using ethnic slur -- and then releasing him

Fighting For Progressive Values: Blue America Adds Rep. Raul Grijalva

Tea Parties Rage as Taxes Hit Lowest Level Since 1950

Oops! Health Care Plan Protections Will Rest On Interpretation Of 'Grandfathered'

Maine GOP Replaces Platform At Their Convention With The Tea Party's

Good News/Bad News: Tax rates at a 60-year low, but for how long?

Even After Deepwater Catastrophe, MMS Continues To Exempt Oil Companies From Environmental Impact Studies

Bay Buchanan Says Obama has 'Dummied-Down' Supreme Court After Calling Palin Qualified to be President

Tea Party Candidate In CA11 Leaves Facebook Entry Advocating Hunting Season For Liberals And Thinning The Herd

Contemporary Art Sale in NY Sees More Big Prices

Woman With Toddler Arrested After NY River Rescue

Mom, Stepdad Charged in Boy's Death

Appeals Court Refuses to Delay Blagojevich Trial

A Call to Mum Calms Stressed Kids, Study Shows

Pair Charged After Boy's Body Found in Utah

Authorities ID Triggerman in WA Craigslist Slaying

U.S. Still Probing Market Plunge; Reforms Coming

Fla. Man Who Caused Flight Diversion Due in Court

Venezuela Streets Brim With Revolutionary Art

Oil Execs Under Pressure, BP Tries Latest Well Fix

LA Councilman Pushing Arizona Economic Boycott

Obama, Karzai Hold Fence-Mending Talks

Elderly Conn. Sister Can Keep Full Lottery Prize

New UK Leaders Say Coalition Will Rebuild Economy

Rep. Waxman: Oil Well's Blowout Preventer Had Leak

Moms of 3 Americans Jailed in Iran Get Visas

Blast Levels 3 Cleveland Homes, Hurts at Least 11

Kerry, Lieberman Present Climate Bill

Poll: 1/3 Yes on Kagan, 1/3 No, 1/3 Not Sure

SF Boycotts Arizona Over Immigration Law

Senators to Query Kagan, but Don't Expect Answers

Sarah Palin Writes New Book, Out in November

Meese: Kagan's Thin Record Demands Scrutiny

Feinstein, Bond: Beef Up Terror Screening

GOP Wants Clinton-Era Papers On Kagan

Woodward: Obama Struggled Over Agenda

NRA Still Loves Harry Reid

Kagan Would Mean No Protestants On High Court

JPMorgan Buys Large Stake of USA Today

Evangelical Leaders Call for Increased Border Security, 'Just' Immigration Reform

NKorea Claims to Achieve Elusive Nuclear Fusion

CBO Says Obamacare May Exceed $1 Trillion

State Dept. May Put Pakistani Taliban on Terror List

GOP Warns of Democrats' Coming Spending Spree

Immigration Cuts Jobs for U.S. Teens, Report Finds

Summer Jobs Prospects Bleak for Youths

Green Groups Hope Gulf Spill Galvanizes Movement

Several States Stay off Charter-School Bandwagon

Walgreen Will Start Selling Genetic Test Kits

RNC Targeting 122 House Seats

Israel Says NKorea Weapons Plane For Hamas

Egypt Snubs US Rebuke on Crackdown Law

NKorea Claims Nuclear Fusion Success

Clinton: US Needs More Immigrants, Less Debt

AIG Probe May Lead to Charges Against NY Fed

Study: Nuts in Diet Can Cut Cholesterol

Off-the-shelf Genetics Tests to Hit Pharmacies

Threatening Airport Tweet Lands Brit Passenger Fine

Last Broadway Ziegfeld Follies Girl Dies at 106

Duets Shine On Movie-Themed 'American Idol'

Miss USA Contestants Pose for Vegas Lingerie Pics

Nominee Elena Kagan: Constitution Defective

FCC Angling to Regulate Internet

Elena Kagan — a Supreme Choice

Murtha Seat Could Fall to Republican Tim Burns

White House Denies Reports of Spy Planes Over NYC | Danger Room | Wired.com

Ron Paul: Don’t Let Them Swiftboat Rand! | Ron Paul .com

'Pixie Dust' made from pig bladders regrows limbs of wounded soldiers | Mail Online

Pentagon Turns to Brain Implants to Repair Damaged Minds | Danger Room | Wired.com

The infertility timebomb: Are men facing rapid extinction? | Mail Online

The Buzz Log - Zombie Satellite Causes Astronomical Buzz - Yahoo! Buzz

t r u t h o u t | Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist

TBO.com - Napolitano's oil-leak optimism based on bad info?

Gateway Pundit:Raging Muslim Students Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Assault Swedish Artist During Free Speech Lecture (Video)


Debbie Schlussel : “STFU, Governator” Video of the Day

Debbie Schlussel : Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness” & “Tolerance”

Debbie Schlussel : Should Chimp Lady Get to Cut to Front of Line for Face Transplant?

Debbie Schlussel : French Embassy Upset w/ Schlussel Over Iran

Debbie Schlussel : Taking Bets: How Many of These Women Will Be Pregnant by 2013?

Debbie Schlussel : Hilarious: World Gushes Over Dubai Police Keystone Koppery in HAMAS Assassination


Elena Kagan White House "Interview" Riles Reporters - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

W.Va. congressman’s 28-year run ends - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

Supreme Court: Republicans wants Clinton-era papers on Elena Kagan - latimes.com

David Cameron Becomes Prime Minister: Tory Leader Heads To Buckingham Palace To Form New Government | Politics | Sky News

Inside the Beltway - Washington Times

Debt Aid Package for Europe Took Nudge From Washington - NYTimes.com

Trillion-dollar euro rescue won't solve low growth - Yahoo! Finance

Althouse: How good will Elena Kagan be at influencing the other Justices on the Suprme Court?

CNSNews.com - U.N. Human Rights Experts Criticize Arizona Law

Israel: Current welfare system could mean the end of the country, economist warns - latimes.com

Attacks show al-Qaida in Iraq still powerful - Yahoo! News

Specter loses lead week before primary - Washington Times

Israel says N.Korea shipping WMDs to Syria - Yahoo! News

Experts Split on State Lawsuits Over Health Care Law - NYTimes.com

Mistrial declared in NY beating death of immigrant - NYPOST.com

Playboy unveils 3-D mag - NYPOST.com

Why Repeal Can Really Happen | The Weekly Standard

Rare Javan rhino found dead in Vietnam - NYPOST.com

8 of the Weirdest Hotels on Earth - Road Tickle





video:Savage rips the media's coverage of the Times Square Bomber - The Woodward Report

WEBCommentary - The Prescience of Michael Savage






UPDATE 2-Greek workers call one-day strike May 20 | Reuters

US Exposure to EU Bailout Is Big But Risk Is Limited - CNBC

Obama 'helped save the Euro' after calling Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel with advice | Mail Online

CNSNews.com - Kagan Says ‘Governmental Motive’ is Proper Focus in First Amendment Cases, Backs Limits on Speech That Can ‘Harm’

Natural Gas Leaking in the Gulf of Mexico is Lowering the Volume of Escaping Oil - ABC News

Gulf oil spill still out to sea, but odor has reached shore | McClatchy

Census worker attacked with pickaxe in Tampa | Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota | WTSP.com 10 Connects

Softball question - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Elena Kagan White House "Interview" Riles Reporters - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Kagan's journo friends - On Media - POLITICO.com

Grading Kagan as Dean - WSJ.com

Police: Fetus In Restroom An 'Unattended Death' - Honolulu News Story - KITV Honolulu

Suspicions about Arlen Specter aid Joe Sestak - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Sen. Specter calls College Democrats 'Republicans' | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - Video - FOX News: Specter To Hatch: "You Better Watch Out"

Netanyahu turns to Bible in tussle over Jerusalem - Yahoo! Singapore News

Lawyer: I didn't mean to touch judge's butt, my cerebral palsy made me do it

Man with Cerebral Palsy Faces Sexual Abuse Trial

RealClearPolitics - Video - Code Pink Tries To Arrest Karl Rove At Book Signing

Scientists stunned as grey whale sighted off Israel - Yahoo! Singapore News

Jimmy Carter's grandson wins Ga. Senate seat - Yahoo! News

Nixon's grandson tests pedigree in NY House race - Yahoo! News

Jeb Bush Endorses Scott Walker in Wisconsin as New Conservative Leader - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Congress Seeks to Expand Access to Women's Restrooms in Federal Buildings

Republican Party plans Tampa '12 convention - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Greece debt crisis: German anger at 750bn euro bailout swells | Mail Online

Transgenders win discrimination tiff with American Eagle Outfitters, AG Andrew Cuomo forces changes

Files expose Michael Jackson’s troubled mind | The Sun |Showbiz|Bizarre

The Associated Press: Egypt detains NY passenger with guns in luggage

Libyan jet with 104 crashes; child sole survivor - Yahoo! News

Obama to Limbaugh:go play with yourself - NYPOST.com

My Way News - GOP: WV congressman's ouster referendum on Obama

Paterson gives aides pay hikes after imposing furloughs on state workers - NYPOST.com

Will $11B Shortfall Force Texas to Roll the Dice? | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Russia Signs $20 Billion Deal for Turkish Nuclear Power Plant

Man Posing as High School B-Baller Busted | NBC Miami

Weatherman Sam Champion to have skin cancer cells removed on live television | Mail Online

Baby infected in apparent sexual assault - baltimoresun.com

"Robin Hood" opens Cannes, few U.S. movies in town - Yahoo! News

RealClearPolitics - Depression 2010?

RealClearPolitics - The Consequences of Not Letting Greece Go Broke

Can Elena Kagan Be Both Too Liberal and Too Conservative? | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

RealClearPolitics - Miles Away From Mainstream America

The Making of a Terrorist - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com

Eric Holder still treating terrorism as crime--Mike Rogers - NYPOST.com

The Case For Economic Doom And Gloom | The New Republic

The American Spectator : Who Will Bail Out America?

The White House's new Afghanistan plan: Be nice to Hamid Karzai. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Op-Ed Columnist - The Evil of Lesser Evilism - NYTimes.com

As a fraught Tory-Lib Dem era begins, Labour must renew itself once more | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

How to Save the News - Magazine - The Atlantic

New York Times hypocrisy on tax breaks--Steve Cuozzo - NYPOST.com

The New Politics -Times Online

Our view on energy: Don't use oil spill as excuse to deep-six domestic drilling - USATODAY.com

Voters' anxiety clouds Obama's historic successes - USATODAY.com

House and Senate do battle over earmarks added to war funding bill - TheHill.com

Offshore drilling agency to undergo radical overhaul, Salazar announces

Obama aims for 'tenacity' with choice of Kagan for high court - USATODAY.com

Does Elena Kagan Support Limited Government? | Cato @ Liberty

Kagan Has Appropriate Experience for a Seat on the Supreme Court - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - HorseRaceBlog - Obama the Polarizer

Democratic War Room Unleashed For Kagan Nomination

Should Specter have run as an independent? - Arlen Specter, Joe Sestak | Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Primary - Salon.com

Larry King, wife No. 7 call off divorce - People - MiamiHerald.com

Betty White - Oscars Host? - The Early Show - CBS News

Is Tyra Banks America's next top novelist? | EW.com

Burka is 'an affront to French values' parliament rules - Telegraph

Israel nukes real threat: Bahraini official

Expectations High for Nigeria's New Leader | Africa | English

Al Jazeera English - Americas - Chile makes arrest at US embassy

AFP: Attacked Pakistani ambassador leaves Tehran hospital

FOXNews.com - Trend Investigated After 7 Kids Die in Latest Attack on Chinese Kindergarten

Philippines'' Arroyo picks chief justice as probe looms | Reuters

BBC News - Somali pirates seize Greek ship

AFP: FM calls on Egypt to lift emergency law

BBC News - Pope to visit famous Fatima shrine in Portugal

Comic Riffs - 'Muhammad cartoonist' Lars Vilks undaunted after new attack [VIDEO]

YouTube - Raw Video: Swedish Cartoonist Assaulted

Child may be lone survivor in Libya plane crash - CNN.com

YouTube - Dutch boy survives Libya crash


*10th/Transcripts:Obama Nominates Kagan to the Supreme Court

Panel on Elena Kagan's Nomination

Analysis of Elena Kagan's Nomination

Senators Kyl and Sessions on Kagan

Interview with Defense Secretary Robert Gates

Interview with David Axelrod

Interview with Rand Paul

Interview with Rudy Giuliani

Political Video

*Politics Video:12th/Obama: Tensions Between US And Afghanistan Are "Simply Overstated"

Specter On Republican Gaffe: "It's Not Unusual For Anybody To Misspeak"

AR-Sen: Halter (D) Trying To End Lincoln's Time In The Senate

Sen. Kerry: Climate Legislation Is An "Energy Jobs Bill"

Rep. Pence: Doomed to Become Like Greece?

Karl Rove On Anti-Incumbent Fever

Matthews: Under Obama, America Is Taxed Less

O'Reilly: Feds Don't Know What To Do About Illegal Immigration

Sen. Bernie Sanders On Auditing The Fed

Krauthammer: Lib Dem Power Could Be To "Our Detriment"

*11th/Sweedish Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked During Lecture

Gibbs: President "Frustrated" With Everybody Including "Us"

PA-Sen: Obama's Says He "Loves" Arlen Specter In Campaign Ad

Former NM Gov. Gary Johnson On Colbert Report

CA-Gov: Whitman Loses Huge Lead In GOP Primary

Right Talker Says Elena Kagan Is A Lesbian

MSNBC's Matthews Attacks Limbaugh, Asks For Anti-Limbaugh Guests

David Cameron New UK Prime Minister

Sessions: Kagan Will Be "Subjected To Scrutiny"

Gordon Brown Resigns As British Prime Minister

Joe Biden On Kagan Opposing Military Recruiters: "She Was Right"

Bayh: Confirmation Process For Nominees Is "Sad Kabuki Theater"

KY-Sen: Paul, Grayson Square Off In Republican Debate

AL-Gov Alabama Political Attack Ad Mocks Evolution

Biden On Kagan: She's The "Right Age"

Hatch: Kagan Will Undergo A "Thorough, Fair, Complete" Investigation

"Law & Order" Star Tells Congress To Stop All Offshore Drilling

Mojave Desert Cross Torn Down By Vandals

Valerie Jarrett Defend's Kagan's Decision On Military Recruiters

Matthews: Voters Challenge Lawmakers' Sense Of "Entitlement"

Rudy Giuliani On Immigration

O'Reilly: Greece Proves "Entitlement Societies Will Always Fail"

Gates: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy Change Must Be "Smart"

Krauthammer: Politically, Obama Has Planned Court Picks "Very Well"

Federal Government Hiring Reform | Executive Gov

Government careers

Maine Stream, Not Extreme - WSJ.com

Rand Paul on 'Tea Party Tidal Wave' - Neil Cavuto | Your World - FOXNews.com

Dan Coats for Senate: Can Insider Play Outsider? - ABC News

Right Now - 'The record clearly shows that I fought to ensure the teaching of creationism in our schools.'

Gov. David Paterson rescinds staffer raises after union outcry over furloughs for 100,000 workers

Arizona bill targeting ethnic studies signed into law - latimes.com

Tonya Craft, Kindergarten Teacher, Not Guilty on 22 Molestation Charges - Crimesider - CBS News

Poll: Four in 10 Alaskans support Palin for president - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Sarah Palin in Rosemont today for two appearances :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics

YouTube - Sen. Kerry on Oil Spill, Energy

Kagan begins meeting with key senators - CNN.com

YouTube - Supreme Court Nominee Kagan Has Thin Paper Trail

YouTube - Ron Paul: Euro Bailout Will Lead to Currency Collapse

Distant galaxy cluster found 9.6 billion light years away - Telegraph

Phantom Ray: Boeing unveils spy plane of the future | Mail Online

Family killed as home swallowed up by giant sinkhole in Quebec - Times Online

Pakistani officials know where Osama bin Laden hiding: Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

Born to rule? The charmed life of a class act - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Parents' outrage as children told 'dress as a Muslim for mosque trip - or you will be branded a truant' | Mail Online

Heavy Metal Poisoning, Brain Injury, Weather Mod

REVIEW: HBO’s ‘Treme’ is a Taste of New Orleans and Good Jazz

Judge Richard Posner vs. Academic Elena Kagan

Sen. Bernie Sanders Explains His Fed Audit Amendment Just Passed by Senate

Council On Foreign Relations Propaganda

What Is Your Line In The Sand? Rise of the Republic

Republican Tea Party Hedges on Rejecting Enemy of the Constitution Kagan

Alan Grayson: “We Beat The Fed”

Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power

Cops Pose as DHS, Steal Pizza, Punch Clerk

Watered Down Audit the Fed Bill Passes, Ron Paul Says Senator Sanders is a Sell Out

Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’

Allawi warns of sectarian war

**Oh No! Kerry-Lieberman Climate Bill Would Create ‘60 new Programs, Studies, and Reports’

Bailout Is ‘Nail in the Coffin’ for Euro, Rogers Says (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

What Is Your Line In The Sand? Rise of the Republic

The Second Leg of the Great Depression Was Caused by European Defaults

Egypt detains US passenger with weapons in bags - NYPOST.com

Ron Paul on Fed audit status and Greece

The Latest Bailout: It’s Still Greek to Me

Delingpole: Cameron “Conservatism” Is Fake and Will Hurt Britain

Pakistan denies Taliban link to Times Square bomb suspect | World news | The Guardian

RIDICULOUS: Basically Every Major Bank Went The Entire Quarter Without A Single Losing Trading Day

USA Today Says Taxes are Low, Downplays Temporary Nature of Tax Cuts, Credits

Pro-legalization cops slam drug war recalibration, say Obama ‘just talking about it’

The Fed Is Using Its Cronies And Lobbyists To Stop Us From Auditing It

Texas School Demands Students Submit Intrusive Census Form


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 11th With Michael Badnarik


The B-Cast: Did a Phoenix TV Station Manipulate Message of Border Video?

Thieves Steal Mojave Desert Memorial Cross in Nighttime Heist

Zablon Simintov Is the Last Jew in Afghanistan

Farrakhan’s Obama Revelation: ‘Before He Was Elected He Was Selected’

Rush Responds to ‘Go Play With Himself’ White House Quip

Fox News Anchor Shep Smith Knocks BP CEO for ‘Beyond Snotty’ Remarks

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Makes Plea for Anti-Limbaugh Republican Guests

Tech Trouble Besets Fox News During Discussion of Obama’s ‘Tech-Phobia’

The Next Susan Boyle? 81-Year-old Lights Up ‘Britain’s Got Talent’

‘PR Disaster’: Volvo Demonstration of ‘Auto Brake’ System Ends Badly

Buffalo Billboard to Obama: ‘I Need a Freakin Job’

CNBC’s Santelli Rips Key Democrat For Ignoring Fannie/Freddie Reform

Texas High School Basketball Star Is Really 22-Year-Old Imposter

Mother Hurls Toddler Into Chilly Hudson River

Houston Teacher Fired: Video Shows Her Beating Student

Code Pink Tries Once Again to Arrest Karl Rove

Environmentalists Push ‘Ecocide’ as 5th International Crime Against Peace

Gray Whale Spotted Off Israel Is First Outside Pacific in 300 Years

CNN Tours Shanghai’s Hot New ‘Obama Club’

Dutch Boy Found Alive in Libyan Plane Crash That Killed Scores

Caught on Tape: Muhammad Cartoonist Headbutted During Lecture

UK’s Brown Resigns: ‘Thank You And Goodbye’

Cameron Is Great Britain’s New Prime Minister

‘For It’: Muslim Student in San Diego Confesses She Wants a Second Holocaust

White House Offensive: Elena Kagan Viral Video ‘Interview’ Riles Reporters

Ad Attacks Alabama Candidate for Believing in Evolution

Axelrod: Obama Is Open to Loosening Miranda Rule

Video: Investigation Shows Blowout Preventer Had Leak

Video: Raw Video: Kagan Meets Senate Leaders

Video: Mother of Accused Lacrosse Killer Speaks Out

Video: Plane Crash in Libya


Asia Times Online :Helmand's poppy growth surges

Pedophiles and Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle | CommonDreams.org

Russia Fears Weaker Obama, Rise of ‘Military Establishment’ - BusinessWeek

What is good for Goldman Sachs is bad for the world

The 5 Most Half Assed Apologies for Historic Crimes | Cracked.com


*123pgs/National Security Study Memorandum: NSSM 200; Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests/ (THE KISSINGER REPORT)

Alan Watt :Audio

May 11, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


Rich Santelli Rips Key Democrat For Ignoring Fannie/Freddie Reform | Republican Leader John Boehner

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Financial reform without Fannie and Freddie?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive More battle-tested warriors in Congress?

Cabal killing off U.S. wealth

US Exposure to EU Bailout Is Big But Risk Is Limited - CNBC

W.Va. congressman’s 28-year run ends - Capitol Hill- msnbc.com

Specter to Hatch – They’re Coming for You Next « The Speakers Lobby

Specter’s New Obama Ad - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Kagan kicked out campus recruiters at first chance - Washington Times

Elena Kagan White House "Interview" Riles Reporters - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Kagan under scrutiny for diversity hires - Washington Post- msnbc.com

How will Obama's nominee handle Gay Marriage question if she's on the bench? | KETK NBC News

The question everyone's whispering about Kagan

Team Obama 'hollowing out' U.S. forces

FOXNews.com - Napolitano Sounds Hopeful Note on Oil Leak, but It May Be Wishful Thinking

New force for broad immigration reform: conservative evangelicals - CNN.com

The Associated Press: Ariz. referendum drives targeting new law dropped

Hot Air » New McCain ad: You cannot be serious

Social-service agents grab child from school

No compromise on female genital mutilation

Lawyer accuses VOA manager of pro-Iranian bias

FOXNews.com - Swedish Muhammad cartoonist wants to repeat lecture interrupted by crowd violence

FOXNews.com - Obama Swipes at Media, Says 'Information' Onslaught Pressuring 'Democracy'

QUT physics professor siphons knowledge to rewrite Oxford Dictionary | News.com.au

Raw-milk advocates rally for access to their drink - The Boston Globe

NYT: Doubt cast on many food allergies - Allergies and asthma- msnbc.com

Pagan police get right to take festivals as holiday -Times Online

Charla Nash, Victim of Chimp Attack, Evaluated for Face Transplant - ABC News

St. Petersburg man threatens to blow up bar that cut him off, police say - St. Petersburg Times

Man with Cerebral Palsy Faces Sexual Abuse Trial

Man dressed as Cheesecake Factory chef robs Perimeter Mall location at gunpoint | ajc.com

Bodies of groom, wedding party members found - Americas- msnbc.com

Convicted serial killer 'Son of Sam' David Berkowitz denied parole for fifth time

The infertility timebomb: Are men facing rapid extinction? | Mail Online

Patient died after wrong injection - The Standard

Man 'pretended to be a bride to con men' | Quirky News | Orange UK

Does Sitting in a Salt Room Offer Health Benefits? - WSJ.com

Landscapers find workers choosing jobless pay | detnews.com | The Detroit News

Tory Johnson on Gigonomics: Go From Gig to Gig for Cash - ABC News

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes


*American Minute for May 12th:William J Federer's American Minute


Lovers meet at suicide spot | The Sun |News

Topless heroine puts out hotel fire | Northern Territory News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia | ntnews.com.au

Brit builds ultimate Road Rocket | Quirky News | Orange UK

Digital: Apparently Texting Can't Wait, Not Even During Sex - Advertising Age - News

*audio page @ TRUTH2U: TRUTH2U - Joe Kovacs - Noah's Ark - 090510

video:The great, big God buffet

video:The Apostle Paul you never knew

Social-service agents grab child from school

Government drags feet in soldier's freedom fight

Alarm bells sounding over Kagan's agenda

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

The Fox jihad continues

Tea partiers as 'insurgents'

Mexican-American crybabies

Hey, Obama: Where's the report card?

Leave the gamblers alone!

Are free markets good for the poor?

The FBI's positive fumble

The Times Square bomber and Obama's drones

Kagan: Anything but impartial

Don't invade Kagan's privacy - Joe Conason - Salon.com

A 'duty to die'?

Christ: An “Undocumented” Migrant? | FrontPage Magazine


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility lawyer to become election favorite?

Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec. #

WND explores White House lawsuit over press snub

Obama waives ethics rules for eligibility lawyer

What does Linda Lingle know?

Elections chief: Constitution 'important'

NASCAR has new connection to Obama's birth certificate

More birth-certificate mumbo jumbo

'New eligibility strategy working'

Blast from the Past: Sen. John Cornyn defends Harriet Miers' lack of judicial experience, which makes her a good candidate

video:Pastor Manning On CIA Columbia Obama Coverup

Dr. Manning - We Have Proof Of Obama's Ineligibility

*site:the Birthers


Alex Jones - 2010-May-11, Tuesday

05/11 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Tue May 11, 2010. 04:20 PM