"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

14 May 2010

14 May

*Alex Jones Show ; Stream


Murder Of Russian Scientist At US Weapons Lab Sparks 2012 Fears

7 MAY:Kane County Chronicle | Coroner: Woman died after fall at Fermilab

Washington's Blog:The Bailout of Big American Banks Has Cost Trillions More Than We've Been Told

Buying Brand Obama | CommonDreams.org

Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran

EclippTV :: Video :: Rep. Ron Paul on U.S. Bailout of Foreign Banks, Greek Debt

EclippTV :: Video :: Keiser Report № 42: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

Could marijuana save California? |reportage | World news | The Observer

YouTube - The New World Order Currency Crisis

*American's Journey: Uncle Sam needs YOU: To help Expand the US Government's "List of People to be Murdered"

Are honey bees being killed off by chemically coated crop seeds?

Nicotine Bees - Trailer/Pierre Terre

Facebook founder called trusting users dumb f*cks • The Register

How Facebook Was Founded

Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems

VIDEO:Facebook : What They Really Have On You

VIDEO:Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Who is bombing in Iraq? > Iraq > Redress Information & Analysis

YouTube - Ron Paul: Audit the Fed, End the Inflation Tax - Before It's Too Late!

So Much For ObamaCare's Savings - IBD - Investors.com

Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

New Arizona Law Steps on Ethnic Studies Program In Public Schools | NowPublic News Coverage

EclippTV :: Video :: Harley Schlanger Interviewed on the Glass-Steagall Act

EclippTV :: Video :: James Traficant on the IRS

EclippTV :: Video :: David Icke on the 2010 British Elections

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Medias | The Vigilant Citizen

*67 PG/An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches


Op-Ed Columnist - New Alarm Bells About Chemicals and Cancer - NYTimes.com

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 1 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 2 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 3 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 4 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 5 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 6 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 7 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 8 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 9 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 10 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 11 of 12

2010 and beyond - Web Bot Predictions Part 12 of 12


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 1/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 2/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 3/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 4/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 5/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 6/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 7/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 8/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 9/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 10/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 11/12

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 01 Apr 2010 - Web Bot Predictions part 12/12

World ends in 2012


Crop Circle at Stonehenge, Nr Amesbury, Wiltshire. Reported 9th May 2010.


Why Are Abortionists, Jews, Gays & Leftists Pushing Kagan? | Real Zionist News

savethemales.ca - Boycott the People Boycotting Arizona


Roy Tov – Ezrahoot: Brainwashing’s Clockwork

Jeff Rense - Hay Used On The 1969 Santa Barbara Spill - Pics

Overwhelming Majority In US Back AZ Immigration Law

Gulf of Mexico oil slick: new Nasa image shows it 'looking like a swan' - Telegraph

Barack Obama serves notice on Egypt: I meant what I said about human rights | World news | guardian.co.uk

The kindergarten murders show fear and loathing has crept into China – Telegraph Blogs

Inside L.A.'s food truck phenomenon

Parents pressured by 'must have' culture - Telegraph

Joe Lieberman's Fascist agenda to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights

Calculations of Gulf Spill Volume Are Questioned - NYTimes.com

Richard Sauder Arrested

Jerusalem residents attack writer Elie Wiesel over appeal to Barack Obama | World news | The Guardian


The Book of Mormons and the 2012 Predictions

2012: The Mayans and Other Strange Predictions of Our Time

The Gravity of Enlightenment and 2012

Is There Science Behind 2012 Prophecies?

The 11:11 phenomenon

How to Prepare for a Catastrophic Event On 12/21/12

2012: From the Mayan Elders Themselves

The Eight Horsemen of 2012

The Number 11


promo: The Yes Men Fix the World Pt. 1/2

The Yes Men Fix the World Pt. 2/2


Coast Guard sees less threat of huge oil landfall | Reuters

U.S. Decision to Approve Killing of Cleric Causes Unease - NYTimes.com

New Yorkers mad as hell at President Obama's decision to slash city's anti-terror funds

Obama wants $80 bln to upgrade nuclear arms complex | Reuters

Illinois is broke, and can’t pay its bills - Life- msnbc.com

*Gordon Duff: Times Square Bombing Part of CIA False Flag Against Pakistan : Veterans Today

*The Associated Press: 9 indicted on charges of accessing Obama records

*Hawaii slams door on 'birthers,' who turn to Obama Social Security number - CSMonitor.com

Millions of jobs lost, many may never return - Stocks & economy- msnbc.com

Right Now - Republicans introduce bill to prevent Euro bailout

Obama seeks $205 million for Israel rocket shield | Reuters

US faces same problems as Greece, says Bank of England – Telegraph Blogs

28 die as bus touches high-voltage wire in India - South and Central Asia- msnbc.com

Chavez Decrees Seizure of Gruma’s Venezuelan Unit (Update3) - BusinessWeek

Kurdish journalist jailed for 166 years in Turkey

EU privacy watchdogs say Facebook changes 'unacceptable' • The Register

AFP: S.Korean activists accuse N.Korea over sunken ship

Top North Korea general and Kim confidant out of job | World | Reuters

Asia Times Online :US satellites shadow China's submarines

Chinese Naval power to rule the seas « Rupee News

Summit is Iran's 'last chance'

Lizards face extinction because of global warming, study finds - Los Angeles Times

Loss of wildlife threatens food supplies – UN - Telegraph

YouTube - The True Cost of the BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill


*siteTruthTube. tv



YouTube - New World Order Government Conspiracy

*audio archive page:We The People Radio Network

Legalizing Mind Control

Part 2: Justifying Mind Control

A New Mask for an Ancient Secret

Mind Control 9-98

Real Conspiracies -- Past and Present

Treason in the Church: Trading Truth for a "Social Gospel"

Conspiracies -- Part 3: Transforming the World by Subverting the Church

05-13-2010: Fla. AG Defends $120K Payment to Expert Now Embroiled in Rentboy Scandal

After 40 years, $1 trillion, US War on Drugs has failed to meet any of its goals

Autistic Boy Charged With Making Terrorist Threats Over Stick-Figure Sketch

05-13-2010: Big Brother Wants To Know How You Spend Your Money

05-13-2010: E.P.A. Unveils Rule to Regulate Greenhouse Gases

05/13/2010: EPA Sets Thresholds for Greenhouse Gas Permitting Requirements/Small businesses and farms will be shielded

E.P.A. Unveils Rule to Regulate Greenhouse Gases - NYTimes.com

E.P.A. Announces New Greenhouse Gas Emission Rule - NYTimes.com

05-13-2010: EU Bids for Power Over National Budgets

05-13-2010: States: Let taxpayers cover your mortgage

05-13-2010: Offshore gas platform sinks off Venezuela; no leak

05-13-2010: Gold ATMs - First In Abu Dhabi, Soon Everywhere: Gold Is Now One Step Closer To Full Currency Status

05-13-2010: Russian Generals Want Their Space Based Weapons Too

05-13-2010: U.S. Probes Morgan Stanley

05-13-2010: Russia got NATO secrets in Polish crash

05-12-2010: Armstrong Says Obama’s Plan Puts NASA Lead at Risk

05-12-2010: NASA looking to six-legged robot to build human outpost on Mars

Gulf oil gusher ‘ten times worse’ than previously estimated, experts say

The Bailout of Big American Banks Has Cost Trillions More Than We've Been Told

Medical journal warns of 'tidal wave' of mental trauma among servicemen

Sarkozy Threatened to Quit Euro in Showdown with Germany

Israel is building a robot army!

Is your web cam spying on you?

Criminal probe of Wall Street banks expands

Gates Foundation Researches Nanoparticle Vaccines Triggered by Sweat

U.S. Probes Morgan Stanley

Big Brother Wants To Know How You Spend Your Money

Europe and America Morally and Financially Bankrupt

Chief Justice Roberts: Kagan Asked Court to 'Embrace Theory of First Amendment That Would Allow Censorship Not Only of Radio and Television Broadcasts, But Pamphlets and Posters'

US trade deficit biggest in more than two years

White House aims to use Deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill

Panic Buying Of Physical Gold In Europe Threatens Depletion Of Austrian Mint

Bloomberg Wants 'Big Brother Britain' For NYC

They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff.

Pakistani men held over links to Times Square bomb suspect, says FBI - Times Online

FBI busts three following raids across Northeast in Times Square bomb plot - NYPOST.com

Pakistan arrests man with militant ties who says he aided Times Square bomb suspect

Terminally Dumb People

The Palin Principle – Bible trumps Constitution

Financial Chaos And The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning

Prognosis 2012: Towards a New World Social Order

Elena Kagan and the Supreme Court

41 Taliban suspected militants killed in Afghanistan:

Twelve killed, 42 injured in Iraq bomb attacks:

Feds Single Out IRS Tax Critic for Harsh Treatment

*Jim Traficant:‘Powers That Be’ Hate Opposition

Was Gulf Oil Spill an Inside Job?

PASTOR JOHN HAGEE: Is the Devil in Him?


Democrat Leaders Renew Calls for National ID Card

Federal Reserve Keeps Its Power

New Target of Rights Erosion: US Citizens

How Bankers Are Gaming the System to Get Richer than God

Census Bureau Gave Up Names of Japanese-Americans in WWII

Healthcare to Cost $115 Billion More than Projected

Top US General Says Afghan War is 'a Draw'

Senate Votes to Cap Credit, Debit Card Fees

Romania, U.S. to Soon Start Negotiations on Missile Defense

VIDEO: The Second Debt Storm: Who will Bail out the Countries that bailed out the Banks?

Israel’s Red Line: Real Democracy

How to Stop the Economic War Sweeping the World? Can We Challenge the Crimes of Our Time?

Pedophiles and Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle, Protecting the Perpetrators

Chemical Contamination in Gulf of Mexico

Financial Reform: How We Can Save Our Economy

BP: The Unfinished Tale of Imperialism

The Demise of the Euro as a World Currency?

Is the US Media Leading America into Another War?

AllGov - News - Karzai Family Inc. in Afghanistan

4 Big Banks Score Perfect 61-Day Run - NYTimes.com

Mobile Minutes Made Simple: Tips for Avoiding Bill Shock Now

F.C.C. Weighs Plan to Warn of High Cellphone Bill - NYTimes.com


FBI gives its effort to find fugitive Bulger a makeover - The Boston Globe

Austrian Economics: What Is Money?

Thank Goodness for Capitalism

Headed to National Socialism


Video of Police officer shooting unarmed cooperating suspect

The next 2,000-page bill

A Commercial From the Council on Foreign Relations

Libertarianism is Practical and Statism Isn't

Repeating History with Iran

Kagan Argued for Government 'Redistribution of Speech'

Kagan Said She Was `Not Sympathetic' Toward Gun-Rights Claim

Clinton staff: “We are taking the law and bending it as far as we can to capture a whole new class of guns.” Kagan wrote the Clinton ban on gun imports.

Kagan Involved In 9/11 Cover Up

Memo Shows Kagan Helped Clinton-Era Defeat of Partial Birth Abortion Ban

Feds: Attorney Taped Pa. Judges Discussing Plot to Jail Innocent Children for Cash

Ron Paul: Stop Bailing Out Banksters

Ron Paul: What Happened to the Fed Audit

The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Government to Track Body Mass of American Children

Leaked 'Machete' Script Confirms Race War Plot

Racist Film 'Machete' Produced With Taxpayer Funds

Fearmonger much?: 'Climate change could make half the world uninhabitable'

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism

Hayek on Socialism

Kagan Argued to Ban Political Pamphlets

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Elena Kagan & Sonia Sotomayor

Report commissioned by Legislature says higher taxes needed to improve lives

Gold Rises to All Time Record High as Investors Seek Alternative to Currency

World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

Video: Inside New York’s Spycam HQ | Danger Room | Wired.com

How Is The U.S. Economy Supposed To Succeed When Our Politicians And The Big Banks Are Making Billions Of Dollars Betting Against It?

Voyager 2 starts sending strange signals, claims 'hijacked by aliens' | Herald Sun

XM25 Lets Soldiers Eliminate Targets They Can't See

DNA could be backbone of next generation logic chips

Can Massive Crowd-Sourcing Predict The Future? | Disinformation

The New World Order is Now Complete | Shenandoah

The Militarization of Outer Space: The Pentagon's "Space Warriors"

Boeing Unveils Unmanned Phantom Ray Demonstrator | Air Force News at DefenseTalk

*Steve Quayle Prep Tips: 20 Things You Will Need to Survive When the Economy Collapses and the Next Great Depression Begins

Pentagon Turns to Brain Implants to Repair Damaged Minds | Danger Room | Wired.com

The infertility timebomb: Are men facing rapid extinction? | Mail Online

The Buzz Log - Zombie Satellite Causes Astronomical Buzz - Yahoo! Buzz

t r u t h o u t | Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist

Shahzad: American dream or nightmare bomber?

U.S. intelligence turns up surveillance ears on Turkey and Brazil

British election: Everyone lost

Rahm Emanuel's father specialized in bus bombings in Palestine

What is good for Goldman Sachs is bad for the world

European Powerbrokers Present Proposal For New Economic And Political Order

video:New Film ‘Machete’ evokes race war

The dangers of growing DNA databases

European Central Bank President Calls for Corrupt BIS to Boss Global Government in CFR Speech

L.A. Mayor: Illegal Immigration Adds to ‘Economic Might’ of Deficit-Ridden California

Pelosi Calls for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

Many ‘Free’ Countries Voted for Libya to Join U.N. Human Rights Council

U.S. Joins U.N. Initiative Whose Stated Goal Is to Bridge Islam-West Divide

Celebrity Chef Rachael Ray: We Need ‘A Uniform System Keeping Track of What’s Being Served to Kids Across the Country’

Arizona Religious Leaders Press for ‘Pathway to Citizenship,’ Say U.S. Has Moral Obligation to Stop Influx of Drugs

The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Government to Track Body Mass of American Children

Holder Won't Say If Justice Department Is Investigating Rep. Sestak's Claim He Was Offered Administration Job Not to Run Against Specter

Former Gitmo Prosecutor: Kagan Did Not Follow the Law When She Barred Military Recruiters from Harvard Law

Holder Uncertain if Radical Islam Influenced Terrorists

Americans Who Don’t Attend Church Form Base of Obama’s Support, Gallup Polling Indicates

Democrats Noncommittal on Whether White House Should Release Kagan’s Written Record

Transportation Secretary LaHood Checks Out High-Speed Trains in China

New ‘Al-Qaida in Iraq’ Chief Vows Blood-Soaked Days

‘Hawala’ Money Transfer System Frustrates Anti-Terror Probes

Republican Amendment Would Bar U.S. Bailouts of Foreign Nations

Vermont One of Few Trying Tax Cuts

California Lawmakers Back Food Stamps for Drug Felons

Schwarzenegger Budget: No New Taxes, Deeper Cuts

Maryland May Regulate Campaign Use of Social Media

Small Business Lobby Joins Challenge to Health Care Law

9-Year-Old Lone Plane Crash Survivor Could Go Home This Weekend

Chinese Scientists Say Cigarette Butts Protect Steel From Corrosion

‘Rising Global Temperatures Cooking Lots of Lizards’

Pope Declares Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage Most 'Insidious and Dangerous' Threats Facing the World

Jesus, Mohammed, and Comedy Central

Our Busted Deportation System Strikes Again

Are Liberals Anti-WASP?

Green Movement Hits Yellow Light on Climate

Archive of Ancient British "Filofaxes" Goes Online

Study Finds Diet Soda May Help Prevent Kidney Stone

Calif. Investigating High School Strippers

Obama: Feds Will End Cozy Ties With Oil Drillers

Ohio Handyman Gets Life in Murders of 2 Women

Adopt-a-Highway Crews Find Wallet With $170

Balloon-Boy Parents Get Balloon Back

DA: Mom Threw Tot in NY River out of Spousal Spite

Iraq Election Recount Over, No Fraud Found

La. Officials: 8-Inch Tar Balls Washed up on Beach

Burmese Monks Who Fled to U.S. a Vanishing Breed

Woman Faces Charges in Texas Polygamist Deaths

Federal Judge Delays US Piracy Trial for 6 Somalis

U. of Tenn. Gives Gore Home-State Honorary Degree

Pakistani Taliban Say America Will "Burn"

U.N. Seeks Torture Probes in Syria, Yemen, Jordan

Tokio Hotel Guitarist Falls Ill After Taking Viagra

Russia to Sell Syria Warplanes, Air Defense Systems

U.S. Rights Group Sues to Protect Right to Swear

Third Ohio Sorority in Trouble Over Wild Partying

Italy Bribery Scandal Widens, Casts Pall on Government

Killer Heads to Prison Amid Changes to Calif. Laws

Family Sues Teacher in Recorded Attack on Student

Prosecutors Seek Longer Sentence for Ex-NY Senator

Pa. Woman to Face Canada Trial in Husband's Death

No Bomb as New York Vehicle Scare Ends

Ask AP: Crime by Immigrants, El Nino's Effects

Where's the Oil? Much Has Evaporated, Underwater

Missing Calif. Woman Faked Own Kidnapping

Iraq's Qaeda Names New "War Minister", Vows Attacks

Formal Charges Expected in Death of Utah Boy

Chandra Levy Slaying Suspect Due in DC Court

Miss., La. Govs Contrast in Responses to Oil Spill

Trial Begins in Killing That Has Captivated DC

Alligators, Snakes, Rodents Rescued in Milwaukee

U.S. Drug War Has Met None of Its Goals

Specter Abandoned by Obama, Imploding In Pa. Senate Race

Incumbents May Pay Dearly for TARP Support

McCain: Obama Speaks Falsely on Ariz. Immigration

Polls: Nearly Two-Thirds Support Arizona Law

Palin Scolds School for Canceling Team's Trip to Ariz.

Palin: New 'Feminist Coalition' Will Change Nation

Biden Slams Govt Oversight of Offshore Drilling

Biden: Democratic Party Backs Sen. Specter in Pa.

Hawaii Law Shuns Obama Birth Doc Requests

GOP Senators Plot New Healthcare Offensive

Obama Was Target of Indonesia Militants

New Poverty Yardstick Called Trojan Horse

Dick Morris: Kagan Unfit for High Court

Crist: Immigration Reform Can Help Social Security

Scott Brown Calls Kagan Pro-Military

Blagojevich Subpoenas Senate Majority Leader Reid

Underground Broker Network a Bane in Terror Probes

Diplomats: Iran Expands Enrichment Facility

Ex-Auto Czar: GM Stretches Truth on Repayment

US War Aim: Protect Civilians First, Then Troops

Obama Submits Russia Nuclear Treaty to Senate

Criminal Probe Targets 6 Wall Street Firms

Red-Light Camera Nabs Mayor Who Pushed for Law

Salazar Names 2 to Oversee Agency Restructuring

Tale of 2 Lawmakers May Hold Trouble for Democrats

Jeb Bush Backs Scott Walker Surge for Wisconsin Gov

Al-Qaida Names Iraq 'War Minister'

Germans Drop Abuse Investigation of Bishop

Are Healthcare Agencies Taking Advantage of Medicare?

Cellphones Used More for Data Than for Calls

Wireless Users Opt for Service Without Commitment

Facebook Rolling out New Security Features

Target, Wal-Mart Juice up Electronics Aisles

Field of Dreams Site for Sale

Univ. of Texas Exhibit Showcases Cronkite Career

Travel Picks: Pedal to the Metal - Top Driving Routes - ABC News

Becoming an Ant

James Galbraith: 'Zero' Danger Posed By Deficit

Los Angeles City Council votes to Boycott Arizona!

Our activists' coalition against Arizona's xenophobic immigration law is spreading: Diamondbacks CEO is nervous

Hey, Steve King! Exactly where SHOULD gays wear their sexuality?

Whistleblower: Contractors Performing Safety Tests On Blowout Preventers Cheated 'At Least 100 Times'

Franken Amendment pass 64-35.

Appalling video of oil pouring into the Gulf from BP's wellhead: Remember 'Drill Baby Drill'?

Right-Wing Milblogs Call for End of DADT

Los Angeles is the "Alien Nation"

Four Icelandic Bankers Arrested, Warrant Issued For Chairman; $2B Lawsuit Brought

Mike Pence Blames Taxation Rather than Wall Street for Greece's Financial Collapse

Open Thread - Back in Black - 'Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's'

Arizona Superintendent Horne Defends State's New Ethnic Studies Law

Experts Say Gulf Gusher Is 'Ten Times Worse' Than First Believed

Cub fans speak out against Arizona: Move spring training to Florida

Anatomy of a "Movement": "INAFJ (I need a freakin' job)" comes courtesy of Breitbart

Scarborough and Shadegg Bust a Gut After Watching McCain's 'Complete the Danged Fence' Ad


**Grateful Dead :Internet-radio Bee.fm


Deceived by the Dialectic Process

The Dialectical Imagination

Using dissatisfaction as a tool in social transformation

Force Field analysis

Kurt Lewin: “Group Decision and Social Change”

Brainwashing & How to Resist It

Brainwashing in America

Quotes and Excerpts - Brainwashing and "Education Reform"

Communist Psychological Warfare

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Obama's "Universal" Service Plan - Part 1: Training a Socialist Army of World Servers

Obama's "Universal" Service Plan - Part 2

From Freedom to Servitude - Part 1: The Power and Perversions of Law

From Freedom to Servitude - Part 2: "Service Learning" through Soviet Brainwashing

From Freedom to Servitude - Part 3:Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America

From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky


'69;Hillary Clinton/ thesis(92 PGS)

**The Declaration of Independence**

Manifesto of the Communist Party

Communist Manifesto; 10 Planks

E BOOK:Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


YouTube - K'naan - Wavin' Flag

Gulf Oil 'SPILL' - What A Lie

YouTube - Keiser Report № 42: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

YouTube - Oil Spill Leaking 70,000 Barrels A Day Not 5,000!

Why not a safe, effective solution?

YouTube - Training that makes killing civilians acceptable

Russia Proves ‘Peak Oil’ Is A Misleading Scam « Dprogram.net

YouTube - IBM Commerical: The Smarter Planet Anthem

YouTube - IEM - Let's Build an Enslaved Planet - I'm an IEMer

Police remove suspect from red VW Bug | abc7.com

Israeli American Microbiologist Linked to Deadly Fungus

Holder hasn't read Arizona law he criticized - Washington Times

Whistleblower Claims That BP Was Aware Of Cheating On Blowout Preventer Tests

Oil spill: BP had wrong diagram to close blowout preventer | McClatchy

Licensed To Kill: Andrew Witty Stars In Pharmakeia Royale


*An Updated List of Goldman Sachs Ties to the Obama Government Including Elena Kagan | The Seminal


YouTube - Alex Takes Phone Calls on Racist Nwo Funded Film 'Machete' on Alex Jones Tv

YouTube - Alex Jones: Racist Film Machete Produced with Taxpayer Funds!

YouTube - Matthew Medina Discusses Leaked 'Machete' Script That Confirms Race War Plot on Alex Jones Tv

YouTube - Leaked Machete Script Confirms Race War Plot


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Plunder & Pillage 1/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Plunder & Pillage 2/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: Plunder & Pillage 3/3


YouTube - Rob Redding Calls for Total Border Enforcement & MORE! Against 'Illegal Aliens' on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Rob Redding Calls for Total Border Enforcement & MORE! Against 'Illegal Aliens' on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Rob Redding Calls for Total Border Enforcement & MORE! Against 'Illegal Aliens' on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Rob Redding Calls for Total Border Enforcement & MORE! Against 'Illegal Aliens' on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Webster Tarpley Discusses Nwo Funded Group "La Raza" on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Alex Continues to Cover The "Illegal Alien" Conflict on Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Alex Continues to Cover The "Illegal Alien" Conflict on Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Alex Continues to Cover The "Illegal Alien" Conflict on Alex Jones Tv 3/3


***September 11 Television Archive ***


Free Markets: Pro-Rich or Pro-Poor By Walter Williams

Idiocracy Rising by William Norman Grigg

Doug Casey on the Return of the Crisis Creature

Toward a Fed Audit - May 12, 2010 - The New York Sun

Ron Paul: Auditing the Fed is Responsibility of Congress

Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests | Danger Room | Wired.com

Arizona gov. signs bill targeting ethnic studies | dailyrecord.com | Daily Record

College For All? Experts Say Not Necessarily

'Law & Order' cancelled by NBC after 20 seasons: The culprit behind NY show's demise? Low ratings

Critic Review for Robin Hood on washingtonpost.com

VIDEO: Elton John – and Half-Naked Men – Cover Madonna in Concert - Elton John, Madonna : People.com

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps -- Film Review

The Associated Press: 'American Idol' finalist Bowersox back in Ohio

Matt Lauer: Cheating reports are 'not true' - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Thousands mourn jazz singer Lena Horne in NYC

NRA convention jams Charlotte traffic; Palin's up this afternoon - CharlotteObserver.com

44 - Obama criticizes oil executives for trying to pass blame

FOXNews.com - Georgia College Student Ignites Immigration Debate

The Blotter | State Patrol: No grace period for new cell phone law | Seattle Times Newspaper

YouTube - Bill would put expanding gambling up for vote

Obama: 'Top cops' are 'shining examples' of bravery - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

NJ lawmakers advance 'millionaire's tax' measures | APP.com | Asbury Park Press

Oops! Gas cans in car in Union Square bomb scare were for concert-goer's day job as landscaper

YouTube - NYC Police Give All Clear on Bomb Scare

Space Shuttle Atlantis: On Florida's Space Coast, Sadness and Anger as NASA Shuttle Program Winds Down - ABC News

Palin hits campaign trail for anti-abortion group - CNN.com

Two senators in fight for political survival | Reuters

FOXNews.com - Kagan Sought to Shield Supreme Court, Police from Racial Arguments in Clinton Era

Obama's 'hottie' connection in Buffalo - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

YouTube - Raw Video: Obama Stops for Wings in Buffalo

Obama Vows End to ‘Cozy’ Oversight of Oil Industry - NYTimes.com

YouTube - The World: Oil from the BP spill sinks from surface

Libya crash boy's family blog becomes a memorial | Reuters

Nuclear complex upgrades related to START treaty to cost $180 billion

British police learn from Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Portugal - Times Online

Bus accident electrocutes 28 wedding guests in India | Reuters

China Cracks Down on Web Savvy Activists | Human Rights and Law | English

US base in Okinawa looms in Japan elections - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - Nigeria president 'chooses Namadi Sambo as deputy'

AFP: Lawmaker stabbed while meeting constituents

Nicolas Sarkozy threatened to pull out of euro over Greece row - Telegraph

Somali pirates free British ship St James Park after ransom drop - Telegraph

YouTube - Libyan Crash Boy Smiles at Relatives

Explosion hits Greek court building - CNN.com

YouTube - Bomb goes off outside Athens prison

Indonesian Authorities Announce Alleged Terrorist Plot Against President | Asia | English

BBC News - Turkish leader Erdogan makes 'historic' Greek visit

Maine detainee in Times Square probe is identified - Boston.com

YouTube - US arrests over Times Square bomb plot

The Associated Press: China school attacks highlight mental health

Turkey, Brazil scramble to seal Iran nuclear fuel swap deal - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Medvedev the optimist: 30% chance for Iran diplomatic mission

Government Buildings Retaken in Kyrgyzstan - NYTimes.com

Thailand Remains Tense | Asia | English

YouTube - World: Dissident Thai General Shot - nytimes.com/video

Your Tax Dollars at Work: ‘Machete’ Glorifies Race War

Calling All Film Buffs — ‘Film Noir: The Encyclopedia’ is Here!

Miley’s & Christina’s ‘Edgy’ New Videos Are a Bore

TRAILER: ‘Adjustment Bureau’ — New Maaaatttt Daaaamonnn Movie Opens Sept. 17th

Daily Gut: Bonuses For Greek Boneheads

Henry Winkler Jumps The Shark — Trashes Palin’s Family

Desecrating Old Glory: ‘Educators’ Failing Our American Flag

Extended Clip From Sean Penn’s ‘Fair Game’

The MSM: Miserable Misunderstanding Misunderstanders of Islam

Re: Arizona, Mother Jones’s MoJo Not Working So Well

Useful Idiots: Alleged Man-Caused Disaster Guy

Trying To Ridicule ‘Climate Change’ Skeptics, Green-Bloggers Come a Cropper

Overnight Thread: Don’t You Wish All Republicans Spoke This Bluntly?

Why Won’t the Obama Administration Call Out Radical Islam?

BREAKING: Oliver North Confirms Mullah Omar Capture

Oliver North Confirms Big Government Report ** Intelligence Sources in U.S. & Afghanistan: Mullah Omar in Hands of Pakistan’s ISI

CNN’s Cooper Asks: What’s Wrong With Racial Segregation in Education?

Educating the Simple Child, Richard Eskow, Yet Again

Is Harvard Law a Racket, a Cartel, Or the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft?

Need To Find ‘Nuance’ In Times Square Bomber Drives Liberals Nuts

Breitbart Debuts Irony-Mustache® on MSNBC’s ‘Dylan Ratigan Show’

Batter Up! WSJ Takes Heat For Its Kagan Cover

What Part Of ‘No Law’ Doesn’t Elena Kagan Understand?

‘The Nation’ Turns a Lonely Eye To Big Mullah Omar Scoop

Behind That Bogus CNN Ratings Story

Who’s the Yo-Yo Now: ‘Master’ Dupes Local TV News In Midwest

On Usury, ‘Educating the Simple Child’ — Richard Eskow

Sachs + Schakowsky + Shorebank = Shakedown

US Taxpayers Should Not Bail Out Greece!

Military ‘Intelligence?’

Census Worker Charged With Rape, Burglary

Soros Funded Think Progress Cries Astroturfing Wolf

Sanctioning Violence with Silence: The Obama Administration’s Policy on Women

Kagan Opposes Second Amendment Gun Rights

Kagan’s Gun Problem

The Sad Spectacle of US Immigration Policy

Hoopskirt Dreams: High School Girls Basketball Team’s Trip to Arizona Gets Stuffed

How Donald Berwick Will Run Your Health Care

Obama’s Strategy: Reward Failure

Mullah Omar Wants Peace! (And He’s Got Killer Deals on Oceanfront Condos in Kandahar too)

Criticisms of Arizona’s Immigration Law Comply with Conservative Principles

Come On Andy Stern, Get Real…

Big Banks, Big Government and Big Labor Equal Big Disaster in Financial Reform

Turning Voter Anger into a Republican Mandate

Democracy, on Trial, Again

Reason.tv: Sweden’s March Toward Capitalism – Economist Andreas Bergh on the “Capitalist Welfare State”

Cato Scholar to Tea Party: Beware of GOP, Avoid Social Issues

Debbie Schlussel: When Your Doctor is a Muslim, #455,246: The Medical Jihad on America Continues

Debbie Schlussel: Your Day in Palestinian Statehood & “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

Debbie Schlussel: To Those Opposed to the Ground Zero Mosque

Debbie Schlussel: EXCLUSIVE: Meet Miss USA Contestant’s Hezbollah “Martyr” Family

Debbie Schlussel: Another Dry Run, We Look Away: Middle Easterners “Up to No Mischief” w/ Airport Navigation Aides

Debbie Schlussel: EXCLUSIVE: Miss USA Contestant is Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah Supporter, Used Pageant Name to Promote Muslim Female Subjugation; Hezbo Taqiyyah Allows Bikinis?

Debbie Schlussel: “STFU, Governator” Video of the Day


YouTube - Michael Savage Explains the Mental Disorder of Liberalism


American Thinker: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'... Anything about Shariah Law

MUST WATCH: Gov. Christie Destroys 'Thin-Skinned' Reporter | The FOX Nation

N.J. gov. sets tone for US - TheHill.com

Iran Targeting Dissidents Through Global Police - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

USSR planned nuclear attack on China in 1969 - Telegraph

Elena Kagan Says Senator Hatch's Gun is "Gorgeous" - The Note

On Capitol Hill, outrage plays to cameras - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Illinois School Nixes Basketball Team's Trip to Arizona Over Immigration Law

FOXNews.com - School Official in Basketball Flap Is No Stranger to Controversy

UC Berkeley ends hunger strike over immigration

Inhofe on Kerry-Lieberman: 'It's not going to pass ... it's dead' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Get To Work : Magazine mocks California as "the Venezuela of North America"

Who will warn the West of the mortal threat to its existence as Einstein did to FDR in 1939?

A Hidden History of Evil by Claire Berlinski, City Journal Spring 2010

Economic Woes Threaten Chavez's Socialist Vision : NPR

Can We Quit the UN Yet? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Drugs to help us live to 100 may be available from 2012 | Mail Online


Playboy magazine mum over radio show host Michael Savage slamming interview article

Michael Savage Playboy interview: Michael Savage blasts Playboy Magazine story

Left Coast Rebel: Michael Savage Playboy Interview

Michael Savage Playboy Interview - June 2010 Playboy Magazine - Michael Savage Interview in Playboy

Playboy article reviewed by a psychiatrist

Opinion: UK, lift travel ban on Michael Savage



The Prescience of Michael Savage





*Michael Savage Playboy Interview - June 2010 Playboy Magazine - Michael Savage Interview in Playboy

Savage Does Playboy: 'I Am a Sexual Libertarian' - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com


VIDEO:Protestors not happy with Al Gore honorary degree

WBIR.com | Knoxville, TN | Update: Gore tells graduates climate change is "unfinished business"

L.A.'s Homeboy Industries lays off most employees - latimes.com

President Barack Obama - Yahoo! News Photos

Detroit to Demolish 10,000 Abandoned Properties - WSJ.com

EU Debt Crisis: White House's Volcker: Future of Euro in Doubt - CNBC

Mexico's Calderon to protest Arizona law to Obama | Reuters

Calculations of Gulf Spill Volume Are Questioned - NYTimes.com

Obama decries fingerpointing, 'cozy' oil links - Yahoo! News

U.S. Said to Allow Drilling Without Needed Permits - NYTimes.com

Text of Obama's remarks on the oil spill

Obscene e-mail: Coconut Grove Elementary principal sent parent profane message - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Census to use Web in future counts

YouTube - Gov. Chris Christie(R-NJ) Puts A Liberal Reporter In His Place!

U.S. Approval of Killing of Cleric Causes Unease - NYTimes.com

Dow Jones Industrial Average: INDEXDJX:.DJI quotes & news - Google Finance

RealClearPolitics - Video - Palin Warns "Mama Grizzlies" Will Take Back Country

Sarah Palin: I Understand Temptation to Have an Abortion - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

CVS Shoplifter Death Now An 'Active' Investigation, Police Say - cbs2chicago.com

Woman, 87, Busted For Selling Crack - May 14, 2010

Man Accused Of Using Hatchet In Home Depot Robbery

Buffalo billboard petitions president for "a freakin' job" - Yahoo! News

Some New Yorkers Say Obama A Hypocrite For Coming - wcbstv.com

Obama counters Republican critics on jobs agenda - Yahoo! News

Wall Street execs are no-shows at Obama-led Democratic fund-raiser - NYPOST.com

Hold fire, earn a medal - Navy News, news from Iraq - Navy Times

Iranian cleric defends earthquake-promiscuity link

Will the Senate see Kagan's long paper trail? | Washington Examiner

Senator says Kagan critical of US Supreme Court | Reuters

Kagan on Second Amendment: Like Freedom of Speech Enjoys “Strong But Not Unlimited Protection” | Kagan Watch

Is sexual identity our business, or are we a nation of busybodies?

PRUDEN: The First Amendment under 'progressive' siege - Washington Times

Feds raid Hudson Valley town in massive gang bust

The Other European Volcano - Victor Davis Hanson on National Review Online

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Voters fed up with spendthrift Obama :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Harry Reid's tea party insurance policy? - Harry Reid - Salon.com

What The Incumbents Have There Is A Fatal Failure To Communicate - IBD - Investors.com

Kim Strassel: The Democrats' Civil War - WSJ.com

The GOP's Fresh 2012 Faces - The Daily Beast

How Obama Can Turn the Gulf Coast Crisis Into an Opportunity to Put Back Together His Climate Bill -- New York Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Cap and Scam

What Obama's choice of Kagan tells us about his judicial philosophy. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Modernizing Miranda: A New Consensus

Miranda rights don't need a rewrite: A civil rights attorney says Attorney General Holder is wrong

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - In Battleground States, Obama Job Rating Suffers

No money for you, NY - NYPOST.com

Editorial - While the Senate Fiddles on Climate Change - NYTimes.com

EDITORIAL: The smiley face medal - Washington Times

Dems feel healthcare fatigue - TheHill.com

President Obama's school plan riles lawmakers - Kendra Marr - POLITICO.com

New Rules Rein in Congress Travel Costs - WSJ.com

Thousands of non-profits could unwittingly lose tax status - USATODAY.com

Just not that into Dems - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Obama's 2008 Playbook Passed Health Bill

Barack Obama, Campaign Manager: How The 2008 Playbook Passed Health Care

Time Is Not On ObamaCare's Side - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Congress Accelerates Out of Control

Our immigration system is broken, and only bipartisan work will fix it - TheHill.com

The savvy are shockproof - BostonHerald.com


*12TH/Transcripts:Obama's Press Conference with President Karzai

Analysts on U.S./Aghan Relations

Sens. Kerry & Lieberman on Their Climate Bill

Sen. John McCain on the Immigration Fight

Rep. Eric Cantor on Spending

Interview w/Author of AZ's Immigration Law


YouTube - blood toil tears sweat


*Politics Video:14TH/Repower America Gulf Coast Oil Spill Ad

CA-Gov: Meg Whitman Gets Tough On Immigration

VT-Sen: GOP Candidate Highlights National Debt Crisis

Obama: Finger Pointing By Oil Companies Is "Ridiculous Spectacle"

New Billboard In Richmond: "America's Coming For You, Congress!"

PA-Sen: Sestak: You Can't Trust A "Career Politician" Like Specter

Rep. Chris Van Hollen On Anti-Incumbent Mood

Cardin Calls Kagan "Qualified", Says She Was Very "Candid"

PA-12: Republican PAC Anti-Critz Ad Spoofs Tax Commercial

Krauthammer: We Can Speak About Radical Islam The Way We Spoke About Nazism, Communism

Boehner: Where's The Budget?

O'Reilly: Justice Ginsburg Doesn't Base Decisions On Constitution

Women Lead Charge To Fix Wall Street

Boycotting Arizona

*13TH/Woman To Obama: "You're a Hottie with a Smokin' Little Body"

Sen. Kerry's Energy Plan Misguided?

Paul Ryan: Do We Want An Opportunity Society Or A Welfare State?

Gov. Christie Takes On Columnist For Inquiring About His "Confrontational Tone"

Holder Refuses To Use The Term "Radical Islam"

Army Captain Flatlined For 15 Minutes Shares Amazing Story

Obama On Repealing Health Care: "I'm Not Going To Let That Happen"

Pelosi: "No Question" There Is An Anti-Incumbent Mood

Sen. Hatch: "I'm Not Sen. Bennett. I'm A Tough Guy."

Holder Criticizes Arizona Immigration Law He Hasn't Read

Kagan To Hatch On His Gun: "It's Beautiful"

AR-Sen: Lincoln On Running Against Halter, Creating Jobs

Rep. Shadegg On Immigration: Federal Government "Has Failed"

PA-Sen: Sestak Claims He Has Better Record Than Specter

Klobuchar: Kagan "Incredibly Smart Person" And "Counterweight" To Roberts

MSNBC's Ratigan: US Dropping "Predator Bombs On Civilians All Willy-Nilly"

Carville, Buchanan Debate GOP Winning Back Votes

Sen. Hatch: Dems Are After A Single-Payer System

Kerry And Lieberman On Political Climate

Specter Reveals It Cost $18,000 To Bring Biden On Air Force Two To Rally For Him

Matthews: Cheney Must Testify On Oil Spill

O'Reilly: Ethnic Tension Will Continue Until Gov't Deals With Illegal Immigration

Krauthammer: Withdrawal Deadline Hinders Afghanistan Effort

CA-Gov: Poizner Hits Whitman Voting Record


YouTube - PA Tax Nazis Know Who You Are

YouTube - Ordering Pizza in the Future


Woman faces charges in Texas polygamist deaths

Scientist inspired by Dalai Lama studies happiness


#VIDEO:Obama Calls Finger Pointing by Oil Companies a ‘Ridiculous Spectacle’

Palin: ‘Mama Grizzlies’ Will Punish Washington

Martha Coakley Explains Why Illegals Might Like Massachusetts

‘See Me When I’m Pissed’: NJ Governor VS. Reporter Over ‘Confrontational Tone’

‘Red Eye’ Takes on Glenn Beck Over ‘Bricks Held Hostage’

Obama Accuses GOP of Sitting on ‘Sidelines as Crisis Unfolded’

GOP Spoofs Pennsylvania’s Orwellian Tax Amnesty Ad

Tiger Bone Wine Stash Found in China

AG Holder Then & Now on Arizona Immigration Law He Hasn’t Read

Meet the Woman Who Told Obama He’s a ‘Hottie With a Smokin’ Little Body’

Fort Hood Soldier Explains Why He Went AWOL

Poll: Voters Shift to GOP

New Zealand TV Tests ‘Mad Tree Shaking Gadget’

AG Holder Refuses to Say ‘Radical Islam’ Is a Cause of Terrorism Committed by Muslims

Abu Dhabi Hotel Unveils Vending Machines That Dispenses Gold

‘Courageous Restraint’: Military Considers Awarding Medal for Not Killing Civilians

Enviromentalist Recommends Ditching Shampoo for Homemade Version

FBI Raids Home, Gas Station in Times Square Probe

Obama Flashback: A Supreme Court Nominee With No Judicial Experience Requires Extreme Scrutiny

Elena Kagan Jokes She Doesn’t Have the Worldly Experience Required for The Supreme Court

Video: Neighbors Help Grieving Mother Find Peace

Video: Facebook 101 For Parents Offers Advice

Video: Group Of Gypsies Accused Of Fraud

Video: ASU Students Make Statement With Shirts

Video: Religious Leaders Talk SB 1070

Video: Obama: Feds Will End Cozy Ties With Oil Drillers

L.A. Mayor: Illegal Immigration Adds to 'Economic Might' of Deficit-Ridden California

Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

The B-Cast B-Side: Holder Hesitates on ‘Radical Islam’

The B-Cast: Obama Hires Another Redistributionist

The B-Cast B-Side: Muslim Student Sends Chilling Message in San Diego

CNN Anchor Rick Sanchez Jumps on Roland Martin’s Ascot Bandwagon

‘Paparazzi’: Piano Prodigy Performs Lady Gaga on Ellen Degeneres Show

CNN Tests Reaction to Playboy’s 3-D Edition

‘I Need a Freakin Job’ Group Takes Message to YouTube

‘Environmental Police Agency’: CA Middle Schoolers Envision Green Arrest Squad

Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

Mark Levin: Obama Health Care Nominee Is Radical Redistributionist

L.A. Mayor: Illegal Immigration Adds to ‘Economic Might’ of Deficit-Ridden CA

Protesters Gear Up to Mock Al Gore Honorary Degree in Tennessee

Arizona Congressman: Federal Government ‘Has Failed’

Is Congress Breaking Laws They Passed?

Red Shirt Leader Shot as Unrest Continues in Thai Capital

Viral Hit: 12-Year-Old Oklahoma Boy Sizzles YouTube With Lady Gaga’s ‘Paparazzi’


Concluding Remarks by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, at the High-Level Conference on the International Monetary System

EU bid to rule UK banks - UK Independence Party

nrc.nl - International - Crisis coerces EU members into ever closer union

BBC News - EU wants member countries to co-ordinate budgets

28 APR:Fury as 'up to 300 urns containing human remains from Dignitas suicide clinic are found at bottom of Lake Zurich' | Mail Online

A ‘Duty to Die’? By Thomas Sowell

FOXNews.com - World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

Elena Kagan Finally Caught on Tape Saying Something Important…Damn, Barack Obama is Awesome | Verum Serum

Elena Kagan a big Dem donor - BostonHerald.com

Diana West : Do We Deserve a Mosque at Ground Zero? - Townhall.com

White House slashes NY anti-terrorism funds amid buzz Obama will meet with NYPD Times Square heroes

Audio: Sen. Boxer's answer to energy crisis: end oil drilling and check your tire pressure - Water Cooler - Washington Times


Alex Jones - 2010-May-13, Thursday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/Thu May 13, 2010. 04:20 PM

May 13, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

05/13 The Mark Levin Show


*Footage of Polish air crash emerges claiming to show Russian-speaking men shooting survivors | Mail Online

Polish president killed in plane crash: the conspiracy theorists will go crazy – Telegraph Blogs

*(list dead)Polish Plane Crash Conspiracy – Breaking Global News

YouTube - Polish President killed in plane crash (10Apr10)

YouTube - Digital Enhancement Of Amateur Plane Crash Site Footage (w / English Subtitles) In Smolensk

Regime Change by Plane Crash

Max Kolonko: The Mystery of Poland's Presidential Plane Crash Deepens

Amateur footage from the site of airplane with Polish President crash :: TVN News & Services Agency

“Shots Fired VIDEO”…Andrei Mendierej, Who Filmed Polish Plane Crash VIDEO…Has Been Assasinated!!! « A Ct Patriot's Blog


Bill to ban offshore drilling on the west coast introduced

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: Obama slams oil spill 'spectacle'

Coast Guard chief says spill impact small on shore - MarketWatch

Japanese government blocks a ban on child pornography - Telegraph

USSR planned nuclear attack on China in 1969 - Telegraph

School attacks caused by deep problems in society, says Chinese PM - Telegraph

Conservationists protest as Robert Mugabe sends 'ark' of animals to North Korea | World news | The Guardian

Mystery disease blights Afghan opium poppies | World news | The Guardian

Islamic Jew-hatred isn't just on UK campuses. America's got it too – Telegraph Blogs

Barack Obama visits Real Time Crime Center - Telegraph

Girl, eight, 'lied to mother about rape to get sweeties' - Telegraph

Police force to hand out 'DIY drug kits' to addicts - with advice on how to find the best veins | Mail Online

Scientists call for GM review after surge in pests around cotton farms in China | Environment | The Guardian

Did the soya I took to cope with the menopause contribute to my breast cancer? – Telegraph Blogs

Why Are Abortionists, Jews, Gays & Leftists Pushing Kagan? | Real Zionist News

Gerald Celente: Banks Robbing the People

Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran

Lone money manager may have sparked (stock market) plunge - Democratic Underground

Obama’s torture loophole « Aletho News

Russia to sell Syria warplanes, air defense systems - Israel News, Ynetnews

Joe Lieberman's Fascist agenda to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights

Fighting For Our Freedom? by Tom Mullen -- Antiwar.com


92% of Conservatives Believe Obama is a Socialist or a Marxist: Invasion of the Pod People | BuzzFlash.org

BBC News - Eight banks face US investigation

Propagandized in America- the chains of illusion « Wake-up Call

MOCKINGBIRD - The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Politics of Hate and the Coming World War

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Roy Cohn, McCarthy and CIA sex traps

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Lesbian Bankster Tool: Elena Kagan

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Utah Parable: The Political Demise of Senator Bob Bennett

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About the Kent State Massacre

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Malcolm X, Black Separatists and the American Communist Party

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Weather Underground, Bill Ayers and Obama

Paul A Drockton M.A.: John Taylor Vision and the Coming Plagues

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Ron Paul Resurgence

savethemales.ca - Zionists Prepare to Restrict US Freedom

savethemales.ca - Alice Bailey: The "Glamour of Jew-Hatred"

OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism 1:17:41

The Corporation (2003) 2:24:03

European Powerbrokers Present Proposal For New Economic And Political Order

*Geithner to Submit Economic Report to Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger

*IIE Board of Directors*

Arizona State Senator Responds to Immigration Law


Fear of a ‘racial jihad’ from Robert Rodriguez

FOX News Suggests Banning the American Flag

You Are Being Lied To By The Entire Financial System

*Imf Fact Sheet*

US media demands Greek-style austerity for American workers

Is the Financial System Corrupt? | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

The second debt storm hits nations - MarketWatch

The American Spectator : Disgraceful Display of the Day

Shahzad: American dream or nightmare bomber?

*The Bounds of Silence - (w/audio) - Reason Magazine

Israeli American Microbiologist Linked to Deadly Fungus

European Council On Foreign Relations: EU Needs To Use Crisis For Greater Power

Euro Plunges As France Downgrade Rumor Emerges

Euro Falls to Lowest Since Lehman as Breakup Concern Increases - Bloomberg.com

Volcker Sees Euro ‘Disintegration’ Risk From Greece (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Webster Tarpley: Karzai Visit a Charade

The Bailout of Big American Banks Has Cost Trillions More Than We’ve Been Told

Ireland: Action To Arrest Wanted War Criminal Kissinger Trilateral Member May 2010 Video

Footage of Polish air crash ’shows Russians executing survivors’… but is it a cruel propaganda stunt?

NEW CABINET: David Cameron appoints David Lidington as Europe Minister over Mark Francois | Mail Online

Loss of American Citizenship and Assassinations

Euro Breakup Talk Increases as Germany Loses Proxy (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Wall Street inquiry expands beyond Goldman Sachs - latimes.com

G20: Climate Change No Longer A Priority

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – May 13th With Rob Redding

How can RINOs really fight against Kagan?

Are liberals anti-WASP?

Kagan: No flaming liberal

Got milk? You bet – from Mexico

H-1B hogs swindling 'average' Americans

Coffee party: Either ignoramuses or Marxists

Is Boxer really dumber than Pelosi?

The government war on a freedom-loving beauty

Obama's latest redistributionist

Christians unequally yoked

America's Ten Most Corrupt Capitalists | Economy | AlterNet

'Barack Obama doesn't care about white people!'

NUGENT: My gun control - Washington Times

Kagan's hero: 'Most liberal activist judge' in world

Kagan slammed own memo during 1st Senate hearing

Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit

Kagan: Some speech can be 'disappeared'

Obama's Supreme pick has love affair with socialism

Government rejects trademark to protect Islam

'Gay' demands challenge freedom of religion

Feds tell court they can decide what you eat

New York AG accused of 'bullying' private employer

The Fox jihad continues

Feds tell court they can decide what you eat

*Text of H.R. 2749: Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009

S 510 is hissing in the grass « Food Freedom

Alert for military: Here comes Elena!(w/audio)

Read Elana Kagan's undergraduate thesis: Socialism in New York City | Washington Examiner

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Triumph of ideology over qualified applicants'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Great faith in the Marines'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive More incumbents in crosshairs

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Climate bill 'act of desperation'

Cabal killing off U.S. wealth

70% in Massachusetts Favor Ban on Public Benefits For Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™

Interfaith meeting rocked by terror accusation

Holder balks at blaming 'radical Islam' for terror attempts - Washington Times

Man Boards Flight At JFK With Guns In Luggage - wcbstv.com

St. Cloud school officials say harassment complaints not valid | Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ

Small business lobby joins challenge to health law - Yahoo! News

Senate GOP Launching New Campaign Against Health Care Law - Roll Call

Sarah Palin: I Understand Temptation to Have an Abortion - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Islamic mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero sparks protest

Indonesian police foil Mumbai-style plot - Washington Times

Iran eases grip on al-Qaida - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Iron Dome defense system gets new backer: Barack Obama - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

AP sources: US to join advisory group despite concern over possible anti-Israel bias - latimes.com

GPS in Judea, Samaria: Shorter Route May Shorten Life - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

FOXNews.com - Ad Questioning Candidate's Faith Jolts Alabama Governor Contest

Little Girl 'Single Ladies' Dance Sparks Controversy on Internet - ABC News

Obama counters Republican critics on jobs agenda - Yahoo! News

Senator OK with Kagan military ban | POLITICO 44

Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Kagan's hero: 'Most liberal activist judge' in world

Kagan shielded Saudis from 9/11 lawsuit

Give Senate spine transplant for Kagan fight

Welcome, Elena Kagan, to the crossfire

Trig shots: The secret of perfect pool - physics-math - 11 May 2010 - New Scientist

'Impossible motion' trick wins Illusion Contest - physics-math - 11 May 2010 - New Scientist

Monsters of the Deep: Mysterious Oarfish Found in Sweden - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Mont. aims to reduce wolf numbers for first time - Forbes.com

Robin Hood: A Legend in Many Forms : Discovery News

China boom may be ending, warns OECD - Telegraph

Personal DNA Tests Arriving in Stores Near You : Discovery News

Ancestry Gene Tests Need Firmer Science, Report Says (Update1) - BusinessWeek

China's first man in space Yang Liwei reveals astronauts ate dog meat to keep up strength | Mail Online

Girl, eight, admits she was not raped by boy - Times Online

Scott Brown's modeling photos reveal thick coif, dreamy eyes and 'excellent hands' - Yahoo! News

Syrian diplomat expelled over 'kidnap plot' - The Local

Vilks website hacked as cyber hate grows - The Local

After Complaints, Facebook Convenes Privacy Meeting - ABC News

China scientists find use for cigarette butts - Yahoo! News

How the recession is reshaping the American family - CSMonitor.com

Aliens 'hijack' Nasa's Voyager 2 spacecraft, claims expert - Telegraph

Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests | Danger Room | Wired.com

A Vincent van Gogh now adorns my wall - Paranormal Review

Miracle or hoax in a Pakistan village? - World Blog - msnbc.com

Aiming to cure deafness, Stanford scientists first to create functional inner-ear cells

Neil Armstrong criticises new space plan in Congress - space - 13 May 2010 - New Scientist

Using Laser to Map Ancient Civilization in a Matter of Days - NYTimes.com

New Zealand man 'attacked by vampires' - Telegraph

Phantom Ray unmanned aircraft makes its debut

Easter Island discovery sends archaeologists back to drawing board (The University of Manchester)

video:The Apostle Paul you never knew

video:Truth, love and acceptance of the gospel


*American Minute for May 14th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Investigators: Obama using Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number | Before It's News

Hearing set for officer challenging eligibility

Eligibility lawyer to become election favorite?

Hearing set for officer challenging eligibility

What does Linda Lingle know?

Google hides Obama's Social Security Number story

Obama eligibility 'trial' set to launch

The incurious, inglorious true believers

More birth-certificate mumbo jumbo

Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number

'New eligibility strategy working'