"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

26 April 2010


Uprooted Palestinians: AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea


Industrial Wind and the Wall Street Cap and Trade Fraud

Industrial Wind and the Wall Street Cap and Trade Fraud



Nazi Warlord Unleashes ‘Olympic’ Eco-Bomb On World

Ghost sightings highest in 25 years - Telegraph

Wall Street Coup Against US Complete, Israel Set To Fall Next




Archive; This American Life(www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives)

Gateway Pundit:Confirmed: Economists Agree Stimulus Was Largely a Bust

savethemales.ca - Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants

Bolivian President Morales' Odd Remarks at Climate Summit - TIME

Obama’s Finance Reform - Jewish Bankers Win Again | Real Zionist News

Midas Letter - Goldman Sachs and the Next American Revolution

NATO Summit - 'Not Rational Enough'

Devvy -- Arizona's new immigration law: Not all illegals are Mexicans -- 04/26/10

CNSNews.com - Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

Crazy On Tap - GM Lies About Paying Back "Loan"!

ALIPAC - Lindsey Graham Retreats On Immigration Amnesty Effort Following Tea Party Pressu

GM Soy Linked To Sterility, Infant Mortality

Top 10 Israeli Obfuscations

Furor grows over Ariz. law against immigrants - MSNBC Articles

Nothing found for 79786 Israeli-scholar-assails-israel%27s-denial-of-the-armenian-genocide

Smacking ban delays caused by 'unwelcome government policy', Europe says - Telegraph

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Hillary Clinton and Communist China, Part 1

Financial Reform - The Final Con Game

Terrorizing Immigrants

Barack Obama promises to end bailouts 'once and for all' - Telegraph

US newspaper circulation falls 8.7 percent - Yahoo! Finance

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence | Mail Online

CIA 'using smaller missiles against al-Qaeda to avoid civilian deaths' - Times Online

Oil well hit by fatal explosion produces slick the size of Hong Kong - Times Online

FOXNews.com - Underwater Robots Deployed to Contain Massive Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

Okinawans rally for US base to be moved off island | World news | guardian.co.uk

Obesity among US schoolchildren 'a risk to national security' - Telegraph

A cruise missile in a shipping box on sale to rogue bidders - Telegraph

Chavez threatens to nationalise gold mines - Americas, World - The Independent

Mexican drug cartels turn fire on authorities - Americas, World - The Independent

Indian intelligence agencies bugged senior politicians - Telegraph

Online project to shed new light on second world war | World news | The Guardian

Facebook speak: Teenagers create secret online language - Telegraph

Lotus plant grown from 700-year-old seed - Telegraph

Immigration row delays unveiling of US energy reform bill | World news | The Guardian

Al-Qaeda Member 'Rises From Grave' to Plan NY Subway Attack | Citizens for Legitimate Government

US Congress expected to lift ban on women serving on submarines - Telegraph

Pentagon Wounded Warrior care official forced out | World news | guardian.co.uk

Steven Mulvain: Oxford graduate behind Pope condom memo will keep his job | Mail Online

Bags of radioactive waste from Sellafield dumped in landfill site - Times Online

Another reason why we're getting fatter – Telegraph Blogs

Stem cells could repair heart attack damage | Mail Online

Cancer-causing viruses exploit genetic achilles heel, finds study | Science | The Guardian

Scientists identify chemical linked to OCD - Telegraph

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gaining Momentum

TaxProf Blog: TIGTA: IRS Fails to Flag 1.2 Million Tax Returns Evidencing Identity Theft

Syria’s scuds, “Israel’s” security and one big smokescreen « Aletho News

WikiAnswers - What is Governmentium

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Geithner: "I Never Had A Real Job"

FOXNews.com - Goldman Sachs Chief: Trust is Our Only Means to Survive

EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 Debunker Gets His Ass Handed To Him By Richard Gage - 20/07/2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: Financial Regulation

Chinese report documents human rights disaster in the United States : Indybay

Our Commander-in-Chief Needs Our Support : Veterans Today

The Survival Station - 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know


FOXNews.com - Climate Scientist, Heated Up Over Satirical Video, Threatens Lawsuit

Frosty Wooldridge -- Immigration: The Rule of Law Awakens in Arizona

1.5 million Facebook accounts offered for sale - FAQ | Zero Day | ZDNet.com

Fact: 83% of homicide warrants in Phoenix, AZ are issued for illegal aliens : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

YouTube - Mexicans Riot in Wake of Arizona Illegal Alien Crackdown


When Iran Goes Nuclear

After 15 Months in Office, Policy vs. Politics for Obama - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Still Government Motors - Forbes.com

Mourn the dead; fight for the living

Too Big to Fail: Obama vs. NPR & the NY Times - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

When your cartoon can get you killed

Joseph Lieberman and Susan Collins: How Could the Fort Hood Massacre Happen? - WSJ.com

American Thinker: Chris Matthews and the Jews

Obamacare’s Danger Signs - Grace-Marie Turner - Critical Condition on National Review Online

Rev. Al Sharpton pledges to fight Arizona immigration bill - NYPOST.com

CNSNews.com - Obama’s Debt Commission Will Consider a Value-Added Tax

1 in 3 San Francisco employees earned $100,000

FOXNews.com - National Security Adviser Apologizes for Joke About Jewish Merchant

Wall Street Journal revs up New York Times rivalry

Police: Former colleague kills Yale doctor at home - NYPOST.com

Subway-bombing co-conspirator Zarein Ahmedzay details how he and al Qaeda-trained cohorts planned subway bombings - NYPOST.com

Europe presses UK to introduce total ban on smacking children | World news | The Guardian

Diandra Douglas, mother of Cameron and ex-wife of actor Michael, criticized by friends for being absent mom - NYPOST.com

Illinois Lawmakers Request National Guard to Stop Murders - ABC News

Mine explosion: Obama eulogizes West Virginia miners - latimes.com

FOXNews.com - Warrants suggest Calif killer followed 11-year-old

Friends, family: Sean McVey not capable of harming president | zanesvilletimesrecorder.com | Zanesville Times Recorder

YouTube - Judge Holds Armed Man Arrested As Obama Left NC

Obama Hosts Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship | News | English

Finance reform: Senate debate delayed - latimes.com

New Arizona law forcing hard choices on migrants | Reuters

Noriega extradited to France - CNN.com

Clinton Signs Off on Noriega Extradition - CBS News

The Fix - Can 2010 be a 2008 repeat?

Homeless good Samaritan left to die on NYC street

Yale doctor fatally shot in Conn.; wife also targeted

YouTube - Reaction to Yale doctor's death

Hefner helps save the Hollywood sign at Hollywood.com

The Hindu : Front Page : We will wait and watch how things turn up, says Krishna

Voters give far right a drubbing in Austria presidential election / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Obama to Barak: I am committed to Israel's security - Haaretz - Israel News

Philosophically Poorly Timed Earthquake Coincides with “Boobquake” | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

FT.com / Comment / Analysis - Central Asia: Tinderbox of trouble

BBC News - Viewpoint: What has happened to the Foreign Office?

BBC News - Denmark's Little Mermaid unveiled at Shanghai Expo

Relatives gather to remember Chernobyl dead - Anniversary : news, world | euronews

French burka scrutiny intensifies - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Bashir Wins Election as Sudan Edges Toward Split - NYTimes.com

Yemen at a crossroads in its response to al-Qaeda - Times Online

King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand speaks about protests for first time - Times Online

Ali Sweiti, Israel: Hamas militant killed by Israeli forces - latimes.com

BBC News - Hungary wants new IMF loan terms

Jaroslaw Kaczynski to follow in late brother’s presidential footsteps - Times Online

Brazil Criticizes Efforts to Impose Sanctions on Iran | Middle East | English

U.N. moves some staff out of Afghanistan's Kandahar

World Bank Increases Voting Rights for China | Economy | English

YouTube - World Bank Gives China Greater Voting Power






Political Video

*26 Apr:Politics Video-Obamaville: Tent City In New York Set Up In Hopes For Elevator Job

IL-Sen: Giannoulias Runs First Ad On Bank Failure

Phoenix Mayor: Illegal Immigration Law Makes AZ "Less Safe"

Sting: "We're Asking For Big Government" To Solve Global Warming

Obama Calls Upon Minorities For Upset Vote In 2010

Gov. Barbour: "We're Coming Back"

White House Now Says Arizona Bill Is "Fundamentally Unfair"

Sen. Levin On Goldman: They Have Harmed All Of Us

Sen. Ben Nelson Votes Against Cloture On Financial Reform Bill

White House: Jim Jones Apologizes For Joke

Gibbs: Immigration Reform Has "Failed" At The Federal Level

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is "Racist"

Scarborough: AZ Law Like Nazis Demanding To "Show Me Your Papers"

Rep. Issa Will Vote "No" On Senate Financial Reform Bill

Napolitano: Arizona Immigration Law Is "Misguided"

Sen. Richard Shelby On Finance Reform

Cramer: Goldman Has To Settle

Gov. Rendell: Media Has Given Tea Party "Too Much Credit"

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Defends Illegal Immigration Law

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Calls Rand Paul "Tea Party Bag" Candidate

Ex-GEICO Spokesman: Tea Party Is "Fringe, Dangerous Group"


KY-Sen: GOP Senate Debate Highlights

Samsung Issues 3D TV Health Warning

04-26-2010: Third Earthquake Since Tuesday Hits East Tennessee

04-26-2010: GM Crops Go to US High Court, Environmental Laws on the Line

04-26-2010: Greek Meltdown In Danger Of Spreading

S510 Is Hissing In The Grass

04-26-2010: Hyperfast Missile to Hit Anywhere in an Hour

04-26-2010: CIA Director Says Cyber Attack Could Be Next Pearl Harbor

04-26-2010: More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship

04-26-2010: China’s Population Control Program to Begin Sterilization

04-25-2010: UK: How David Cameron And Boris Johnson Are Related

04-25-2010: Superspy in the sky could soon be patrolling over British cities to search for hidden terror cells

04-25-2010: Goldman Sachs 'made fortune betting against clients'

Is the Bank Tax a Major Step Toward World Government?

GM Crops Go to US High Court, Environmental Laws on the Line

Cyberwar and Repression: Corporatist Synergy Made in Hell

Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects

US prepares to push for global capital rules

Food in the U.S. Is Still Tainted with Chemicals That Were Banned Decades Ago

U.S. Nuclear Option on Iran Linked to Israeli Attack Threat

Can The U.S. Beat Israel At Their Game?

Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?

Behind the Arizona Immigration Law:

The New Secessionists

Will Goldman Sachs Prove Greed is God?

What Really Triggered the Financial Crisis?

Studies Reveal Americans’ Declining Living Standards and Increasing Anger

The Pope, Pedophilia and the Class Struggle

Israel's Big and Small Apartheids

When Empires Join Hands: Japanese Military Joins U.S. And NATO In Horn Of Africa

The Instruments of Worldwide Domination: Obama Administration Spending Billions on New Global Strike Weapons

Cyberwar, the Internet and the Militarization of Civil Society

VIDEO: Iraq: Who was behind the Assassins? The Mystery Behind the Margaret Hassan Murder

Paltry Humanitarian Priorities

Japanese Island Set for Mass Rally Against US Bases

Financial Fraud and The Goldman Sachs E-Mails: How the Crash was Turned Into Cash

Senator Dodd’s Regulation Plan: 14 Fatal Flaws

Peter Schiff: New financial regs will likely increase severity of next crisis

Obama Debt Czar Says Tax Hikes "On The Table"

The Command Economy: Surging Forward into the Past | Charles Goyette


Economics and Moral Courage [Lew Rockwell]

Milton Friedman - Why Drugs Should Be Legalized

Lew Rockwell Radio: States Revolt Against the Federal Government


4409 -- Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill


YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 04/26/10 on Obama the Corporatist

Video: Blackmail – How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians « Dprogram.net


t r u t h o u t | Genetically Modified Crops Go to US High Court


Kissinger in 2008: There will be “Bipartisan” Push for New World Order, Whoever Is Elected President


YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 1

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 2

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 3

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 4

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 5

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 6

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 7

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 8

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 9

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 10

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - Part 11

YouTube - The McVeigh Tapes - The Conclusion


*The Oklahoma City Bombing

*Oklahoma City Bombing Questions

*The Oklahoma City Bombing


*WINDS - Oklahoma Federal Building Bombing Creates Many Questions


7/20/97:Jane Graham


YouTube - OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Gov. Prior Knowledge on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Gov. Prior Knowledge on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Oklahoma City Bombing Federal Surveillance Tapes Coverup

YouTube - More than one bomb at Oklahoma City

No Fingerprints of McVeigh Found on Ryder Truck Key; Testimony Is First Boost in Days for Bomb Defense - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research - FREE trial

Attorney: Sealed Documents Indicate OKC Inside Job

"SPLC Morris Dees linked to the Oklahoma City Bombing"

The Oklahoma City bombing - Did agents bungle US terror bomb?

**Oklahoma City Bombing

*The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing - PROOF there were additional explosive charges


Judge Napolitano: Immigration law will ‘bankrupt the Republican Party’ | Raw Story

The Silver Bear Cafe:The Middle Class Game Is Up: We're Heading to a Slave Labor Planet


VIDEO:Food, Inc.

Official Food, Inc. Movie Site - (foodincmovie.com)


Obama Debt Czar Says Tax Hikes “On The Table”

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Lawyers Give Closing Arguments in Palin Hack Case

Nat'l Guard in Chicago? Idea Gets Chilly Reception

Wal-Mart to Limit Toxic Cadmium in Kids' Products

Firing Over Creationism E-Mail Leads to Appeal

Calif.'s Costly Trout Recovery Effort Criticized

Warrants Suggest Calif Killer Followed 11-Year-Old

Okla. House Overrides Abortion Restrictions Vetoes

Police: Former Colleague Kills Yale Doctor at Home

Remains Found of Woman Last Seen in NYC

Plea Deal Reached in Attack on Milwaukee Mayor

Wife of Ex-Ohio AG Pleads Guilty to Ethics Charge

Kan. Doctor Tried on Charges He Ran 'Pill Mill'

New Arizona Law Forcing Hard Choices on Migrants

NY Judge: Anonymous Jury Will Hear Terrorism Trial

Journalist Group Demands Probes Into Iraq Deaths

Role of Afghan Forces Eyed in 4 UN Staff Deaths

Friends Suggest Armed Man No Threat to Obama in NC

Suspect in Death of Miss. Supremacist Speaks Out

eBay De-Lists Kevorkian Death Van, Citing Policy

Depressed? You Must Like Chocolate

Sentencing Delayed for Calif. Songbird Smuggler

Oil Leak From Sunken Rig off La. Could Foul Coast

Massey Director Defends CEO, Assails Unions

Kyrgyzstan Mulls Bakiyev Extradition Request

Naomi Campbell in Quest to Help Russian Children

Swedish Media Abuzz After Royal Wedding Called Off

East Coast Cities Beat West for Fun: Website

Wall St. Journal Metro Section Begins at 16 Pages

Suicide Bomber Targets British Ambassador in Yemen

Group Raises $12.5M Goal for Hollywood Sign Land

Conservative Westerner Feels Anti-Incumbent Fervor

Goody's Widower Tweed Cleared of Rape

Many Canadians Carry Debt Into Retirement

Poll: GOP More Trusted to Bring Economy Out of Recession

Shelby: GOP United Against Bank Overhaul

Healthcare Debate Likely to Re-emerge

Dems Willing to Test GOP in Wall St. Showdown

Inhofe: Cap-and-Trade Has No Chance in Senate

Hillary Signs off On Noriega Extradition

Gadhafi: US Nuclear Snub of Libya Hurt World Peace

Military Cancels Nuclear Attack Test

Obama Releases 2010 Electoral Plan

Pressure Mounting to Legalize Immigrants

Public to Help Select High School for Obama Speech

Kevorkian's Death Van Listed for Sale On Ebay

BP Struggles to Cap Leak in Gulf

Teen's Suicide Prompts Schools to Take On Bullying

Conservative Westerner Feels Anti-Incumbent Fervor

Obama's Home Congressional District in Play

Ahmadinejad Calls UN Veto Power 'Satanic'

Mexico Fights 'Virtual Kidnappings'

Experts: Goldman Should Settle SEC Suit Now


*9 Top Cancer-Fighting Foods


22 MAR:"The Rogue Government Called 'the United States of America' that is the Occupying Force in Washington DC"

18MAR:The New Corporate Model of Governance


Lone Star: Why Texas is doing so much better economically than the rest of the nation

Plan For Freedom


Are The DC Criminals Really Nazis?


Is Secession an Act of Sedition?

Secession is Just Give and Take


*Secession or Declaration of Independence? Part 1 of 5

*Secession or Declaration of Independence? Part 2 of 5

*Secession or Declaration of Independence? Part 3 of 5

*Secession or Declaration of Independence? Part 4 of 5

*Secession or Declaration of Independence? Part 5 of 5


Love and Strife: Don't Spill A Drop

Waste Management: Congress Pushes Surge in Ongoing War Against Iran

Monster's Ball: Drawing Back the Veil on the 'Death State'

Dawg Day Afternoon: Bubba and the Bombers

Howling Wind: The Unrepented Genocide

ARCHIVE:Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank

ARCHIVE:Feds knew about 9-11 bribery conspiracy before attacks

Jenna Jameson's boyfriend Tito Ortiz charged with beating her up

Randy and Evi Quaid jailed | EW.com

Michael Lohan takes first step in establishing conservatorship over Lindsay - NYPOST.com

Remains of woman last seen at NY club found in Pa.

R-rated movies can cause early drinking, says Science | EW.com

'The Simpsons' gingerly supports 'South Park' | EW.com


The McVeigh Tapes: A Fairy Tale Designed to Demonize the Patriot Movement


CNSNews.com - Obama Administration Sends Mixed Message on VAT as Fiscal Commission Prepares First Meeting

CNSNews.com - Screenwriter Andrew Klavan: Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’ in Hollywood

CNSNews.com - Obama’s Debt Commission Will Consider a Value-Added Tax

CNSNews.com - Senate Panel Previews Electronic Health Technology

CNSNews.com - Managers Charged with Hiring Illegal Temp Workers

CNSNews.com - Obama Asks His Supporters for Help in Midterm Elections

CNSNews.com - Salt Taking a Cut in Groceries, Restaurant Menus

CNSNews.com - Fed Poised to Keep Record-Low Rates to Aid Rebound

CNSNews.com - Muslim Says Mistresses Are the French Way of Life

CNSNews.com - Open Pens Lead to Chicken ‘Cannibalism' on Egg Farms

CNSNews.com - Lieberman Encouraged That Energy Bill Will Advance This Year

Republicans Agree It's the Wrong Time for Immigration Reform

'No Political Will' For Additional Unemployment Benefits? No, A Massive Public Relations Screwup.

Breaking: Ben Nelson votes for FinReg filibuster with his Republican buddies

Boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks and all things Jerry Colangelo

David Duke defends the Tea Parties from charges of racism: Why, they're just like him.

American Majority: Part the astroturf to see what's underneath

Joan Walsh: Mitch McConnell's Strategy on Bailouts Blew Up in His Face

Poll: Most Americans Support Stricter Bank Regulations. Will The GOP Ignore Them?

David Brooks: Moving Further to the Right is Good for Republicans as Long as They're 'Principled'

Yes, the American Right really has gone insane

Kristol and Williams Get into Shouting Match Over Goldman Sachs Emails Release

Goldman Sachs Emails: We Made Money On The Housing Collapse. Aren't We Clever?

Bill Kristol on Arizona Immigration Law: 'I Don't Think it Violates Anyone's Civil Rights'

Krugman: McConnell's Been 'Trying to Stop Reform with Possibly the Most Dishonest Argument' 'In the History of Politics'

William Black: Key Component in Financial Crisis - Fraud - Is Not Being Addressed

Help for the Little Guys: Growing Movement Shows How To Fight Back Against Debt Collectors

McConnell predicts filibuster of financial reform

Hume: 'Draconian' Arizona law will cause civil rights violations

Goolsbee To Republicans: Financial Reform Bill Is Going To Pass

The Chris Matthews Panel Doesn't Think the Democrats Should Be Taking on Immigration Reform This Year

AZ Truck driver forced to show birth certificate claims racial-profiling

Tiller Assassin Roeder Files Petition Claiming His Rights Violated

Rachel Maddow and Rick Perlstein on Michael Steele's Admission of a GOP Southern Strategy

Battlefield Arizona: "police state" bolts community into action

Debbie Schlussel:Your Tax $s @ Work: While Americans Struggle, Obama Host Muslim Entrepreneurship Summit!!!

Debbie Schlussel:With Women, Obama Turning U.S. Navy Into “Village People’s” Navy

Debbie Schlussel:She’s BAAACK: Hanoi Jane Hosts World Fitness Day, Has New Workout Video

Daily Gut: Hating Arizona

History Channel’s ‘America: The Story of Us’ Is a Hit!

Letter to the Congressional Black Caucus from Tea Party Federation: Please Provide Evidence of Cannon N-Word Incident

No More Beer Summits: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Incident Didn’t Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology

‘SNL’ Skewers Government Employees

The Tea Party Movement: What Is It?

VIDEO: Infamous Walk Down the Cannon Building Steps Exposed

Letter to the Congressional Black Caucus from Tea Party Federation: Please Provide Evidence of Cannon N-Word Incident

No More Beer Summits: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Incident Didn’t Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology

The Long Strange Trek of Lindsey Graham and His Climate Tax Bill

Dodd Bill’s Hidden Target: Community Banks

Media Matters vs. Citizen Journalists: Who Will Win in the End?

Obama’s Newest Goal: Expand the Nanny State

The IMF Is Urging Governments to Impose Regulatory and Tax Cartels to Benefit Politicians

The Irresponsible Center for Responsible Lending

Finding the Right Balance Among Religion, Free Speech, and Humor

Rachel Maddow Thinks Her Audience Is Almost Too Dumb To Function

Media Matters vs. Citizen Journalists: Who Will Win in the End?

Letter to the Congressional Black Caucus from Tea Party Federation: Please Provide Evidence of Cannon N-Word Incident

No More Beer Summits: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Incident Didn’t Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology

Relax: Rachel Maddow and MSNBC Know What’s Good For You

When They’re Not Actually Racists, Tea Partiers Are, You Know, Kooks

Putting the Lie To the Notion Of Tea Party ‘Racism,’ Up Close and Personal

New Book Wrongly Blames Nazis for Muslim Hatred Of Israel

Day by Day: Marketing Muhammed

When Religion Meets Free Expression, What Gives?

*Coming May 20: Everybody Draw Mohammed Day