"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
Add 21st Century Rebel Mippin widget

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

27 April 2010



*Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA

*Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined


New Offensive in the Infowar Starts Today with Two Free Films

Underwear Patsy Appears in al-Qaeda Video

The Associated Press: Feds give defense evidence in Christmas bomb case

YouTube - AlQaeda.flv

YouTube - Walter E Williams - Greedy, Evil and Green

Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

We Are Change Colorado confronts Madeleine Albright

YouTube - The Story of Your Enslavement

BBC News - Dead Kaczynski's twin to run for Poland president

Former FBI Agent Vo Duang Tran Gets 30 Years for Planning Home Invasion - AOL News

Police Raid Gizmodo Blogger’s House Over iPhone 4G

Lawsuits Involving Local Police Working For DHS Highlighted By The Identity Project

The government has your baby’s DNA!

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gaining Momentum | Editorial

Jesse Ventura Hammered Over 9/11 Statements

FOX News Presents WTC 7

TSA Not Doing Enough to Protect Railways from Terrorism, Says Sen. Lautenberg

Sacramento Press / CIA Director tells Cap-to-Cap delegates: Cyber attack could be next “Pearl Harbor”

Illinois to Declare “Disarm Lawful Citizens Week”

Timothy N. Baldwin -- Obama’s Eligibility: Here’s Your Sign!

Whatever isn’t in the Constitution is left for the People and their States | Colorado Tenth Amendment Center

Mass H1N1 immunisation 'inappropriate' - Pharmacy News

H1N1 vaccine study investigating hints of complications from vaccine

t r u t h o u t | Genetically Modified Crops Go to US High Court

Launch of secret US space ship masks even more secret launch of new weapon - Times Online

CNSNews.com - Obama Administration Sends Mixed Message on VAT as Fiscal Commission Prepares First Meeting

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Details of the Goldman Sachs Congressional 'Show Hearing'

US intervenes in Iraq election row as feared militia waits in wings - Middle East, World - The Independent

Military May Have Abducted Iraqi Newspaper Editor

Saboteurs hit Iraq's northern oil pipeline, halting exports - Oil & Gas Journal

Failure Is the Only Reform We Need

CNSNews.com - Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

Video Compilation: The Media Crashing the Tea Party

Iran Stresses Preparedness to Repel Enemy Attacks

Iran shows off 'high destruction' speed boats in war games - Telegraph

Time For Another Mass Viral Wake Up Call For Humanity

Megabanks: The Banking Oligarchy That Controls Assets Equivalent To 60 Percent Of America’s GNP

Police Let Terrorist Zazi Slip Through - WSJ.com

China: Thousands at risk of forced sterilisation

Motorcyclist jailed for 26 hours for videotaping gun-wielding cop

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians

Socialism vs. Corporatism

Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein Beats Off The Holocaust Card

Big Brother to track your medication compliance with electronic transmitters in pills

We Are Change Booted Out of California Tea Party Event

Smoke grenades, eggs & tomatoes turn Ukraine parliament into battlefield

Iraq’s political future ‘in disarray’ ahead of US pullout | Raw Story

Greece hit by new riots as pressure grows to quit euro | Mail Online

US threatens Iran with all options

Greece Angst Hits America As States Lash Out Against Shorting Speculators

America Is Losing Its Imperial Status, And Global Institutions Such As The IMF, G20 And BIS Are Filling The Void

“Scuppering” the one world bank plan (by not allowing the G20 bank tax)

States Cut Public Pension Benefits In Massive Funding Shortfall - ABC News

Good Samaritan bled to death on New York street as 25 pedestrians ignored him for more than an HOUR

Military cancels nuclear attack test - Washington Times

Texas town vows fight to keep illegal immigrants from renting houses | McClatchy

To show that you still believe in the global warming hoax, why not wear this seed-sprouting face mask *and* your tinfoil hat?

Why Judges Can’t Free Torture Victims from Guantánamo

Race Card Of The Day

Afghan spy chief: 'I told MI5 that prisoners were being tortured' | World news | The Observer

7/7 families call for victim inquests to examine intelligence services - Times Online

Seeing Is Believing: How Do Plants React to 42 Days of Elevated CO2?

Physics professor tells U.S. government PUT UP OR SHUT UP on Global Warming Claims

Out for the count: Why levels of sperm in men are falling - Science, News - The Independent

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11

Clinton Advisor: Reno Threatened To “Tell The Truth About Waco” If Not Reappointed To Office

Obama Debt Czar Says Tax Hikes “On The Table”

OpEdNews - Article: The IRD's Attack on My ''Silly'' 9/11 Theories

Another polar rescue must send chills down spines of alarmists | Herald Sun

Toddler flu vaccine death to be investigated

Graham Pulls Support for Major Senate Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

Dinosaurs died from sudden temperature drop 'not comet strike', scientists claim - Telegraph

Obama’s climate change agenda in turmoil | Raw Story

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship - NYTimes.com

Can I Please Borrow $100,000?

Bankers Said ‘Anything’ to Get High Rating, S&P Ex-Analyst Says - Bloomberg.com

Unemployment for Those Who Earn $150,000 or More is Only 3%, While Unemployment for the Poor is 31%

Goldman Sachs bosses boasted about financial success during housing crash misery | Mail Online

The Raw Story | War possible if Colombia's Santos elected: Chavez

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence | Mail Online

The Big Six banks are shorting the American Dream

Most back stricter financial reform, advantage Obama - Behind the Numbers

A Detailed Look At Goldman’s Mortgage Trading Strategy In Late 2006 And 2007; The Goldman “Directive”

Paupers In The Land Our Forefathers Conquered

Sting’s Hypocritical “Green Tea Party” Lecture

Lawmakers Call for Troops on the Streets of Chicago


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 23rd With Doug Stanhope

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 22nd With Bill Murphy


KATYN 2. Polish opposition party demands international investigation into plane crash - Kavkazcenter.com

ALIPAC - Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty Dead For 2010!

savethemales.ca - Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?

Consortiumnews.com:Is Iran Really a Threat?

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants

Bolivian President Morales' Odd Remarks at Climate Summit - TIME

Obama’s Finance Reform - Jewish Bankers Win Again | Real Zionist News

Midas Letter - Goldman Sachs and the Next American Revolution

NATO Summit - 'Not Rational Enough'

Devvy -- Arizona's new immigration law: Not all illegals are Mexicans -- 04/26/10

CNSNews.com - Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

Crazy On Tap - GM Lies About Paying Back "Loan"!

ALIPAC - Lindsey Graham Retreats On Immigration Amnesty Effort Following Tea Party Pressu

GM Soy Linked To Sterility, Infant Mortality

Top 10 Israeli Obfuscations

Financial Reform - The Final Con Game

Terrorizing Immigrants

'Word Magic'

YouTube - Seeing is Believing

Omega 3s may help cut colon cancer risk | Reuters

Vitamin D reduces diabetes risk by 43 percent - is there anything this vitamin can't do?

Amid Calls for Transparency, Pope Describes Dangers of Digital Age | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

Damage Control: Noam Chomsky and the Israel-Palestine Conflict

When Empires Join Hands: Japanese Military Joins U.S. And NATO In Horn Of Africa

U.S. training Afghan villagers to fight the Taliban

Al-Qa'ida struggling to find recruits in Iraq: US general Ralph Baker | The Australian

BBC News - Teacher Peter Harvey 'beat pupil while shouting die'

American's Journey: Jesse Ventura is attacked once again for telling the truth

Lawmakers Call for Troops on the Streets of Chicago

Israel’s big and small apartheids > Zionism > Redress Information & Analysis

Syria’s scuds, “Israel’s” security and one big smokescreen « Aletho News

FOXNews.com - Goldman Sachs Chief: Trust is Our Only Means to Survive


EclippTV :: Video :: 9/11 Debunker Gets His Ass Handed To Him By Richard Gage - 20/07/2009

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: Financial Regulation

Chinese report documents human rights disaster in the United States : Indybay

Jeff Gates : Can the U.S. Beat Israel at their Game? | My Catbird Seat

t r u t h o u t | Genetically Modified Crops Go to US High Court

BE YOUR OWN LEADER: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Survey: 72% of Millennials 'more spiritual than religious' - USATODAY.com


*The Survival Station - 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know


9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gaining Momentum

TaxProf Blog: TIGTA: IRS Fails to Flag 1.2 Million Tax Returns Evidencing Identity Theft

Obamacare’s Danger Signs - Grace-Marie Turner - Critical Condition on National Review Online

Cyberwar, the Internet and the Militarization of Civil Society

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence | Mail Online

Fact: 83% of homicide warrants in Phoenix, AZ are issued for illegal aliens : Fire Andrea Mitchell!

YouTube - Mexicans Riot in Wake of Arizona Illegal Alien Crackdown

WSJ: ‘Draw Mohammed Day’ Equals…Flag Burning?

‘South Park’: Drawing a Line in the Sand

History Channel’s ‘America: The Story of Us’ Is a Hit!

Letter to the Congressional Black Caucus from Tea Party Federation: Please Provide Evidence of Cannon N-Word Incident

No More Beer Summits: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Incident Didn’t Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology

‘SNL’ Skewers Government Employees

GOV2.0: Napsterize Education

Buffy Wicks Departs White House, Joins Axelrod’s Old Media Firm??

Breaking: Dems Hid Damning Health Care Report From Public Until a Month After Vote!

The Tea Party Movement: What Is It?

VIDEO: Infamous Walk Down the Cannon Building Steps Exposed

Letter to the Congressional Black Caucus from Tea Party Federation: Please Provide Evidence of Cannon N-Word Incident

No More Beer Summits: Tea Party ‘N-Word’ Incident Didn’t Happen, And the Congressional Black Caucus Owes America an Apology

The Long Strange Trek of Lindsey Graham and His Climate Tax Bill

Dodd Bill’s Hidden Target: Community Banks

Media Matters vs. Citizen Journalists: Who Will Win in the End?

Obama’s Newest Goal: Expand the Nanny State

Classless Hub Radio Host Slimes Tim Tebow; Will He Suffer Imus’s Fate?

Flood, Famine, Fear and Environmental Porn: Newsweek Devotes ‘Special Edition’ to Global Warming Hysteria

Re: Comedy Central, At Least One Writer on the New York Times Gets It

Finding the Right Balance Among Religion, Free Speech, and Humor

Rachel Maddow Thinks Her Audience Is Almost Too Dumb To Function

Relax: Rachel Maddow and MSNBC Know What’s Good For You

When They’re Not Actually Racists, Tea Partiers Are, You Know, Kooks

Putting the Lie To the Notion Of Tea Party ‘Racism,’ Up Close and Personal

New Book Wrongly Blames Nazis for Muslim Hatred Of Israel

Rethinking Education

Black Republican Rebukes Steele

Justice Stevens on Distinguishing Protest from Incitement

Racially Profiling Redheads

Chris Matthews and the Jews

American Thinker

The Snakes in Our Midst

Fighting Statism

National Guard headed soon to the streets of Chicago?

Obama's message to voters: White Males Need Not Vote Democrat in 2010

Bob Bennett Re-nomination for Utah Senate Seat in Trouble

Whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Our 'Insulter-in-Chief' about to go into overdrive

Equal treatment vs. equal results.

America's enemies testing our resolve

Revisiting a visionary's caveat from 2008

Steele's latest goof

Obama and the Anti-Semites

The Arizona Uproar

The Fed Did It, Says Bob Mundell

Obama's Tea Party Straw Man

Ban the Income Tax

School Choice and the Limits of Liberal Jewish Compassion

South Park Matters

Immigration - A problem?

Why I'll Not Run As A Major Party Candidate.

Dissatisfaction with Congress reflects anger towards warped political parties

Economic stimulus

Getting the right gang numbers in D.C.

As Usual, Government Regulation as Political Payoff

The Federal Reserve and Income Tax: Working in Tandem or Seperate Institutions?

McCain Questions Legality of Arizona Immigration Law He Supports

Senate Panel: Goldman Kicked Off The Financial Crisis

Seth Myers: Could We All Agree That There's Nothing More Nazi Than Saying 'Show Me Your Papers'?

Massey Energy blames federal regs for tragedy 1 day after Obama and Biden speak at memorial service

Blue America Contest: It's 'May Senate Primaries' Time

Republicans Agree It's the Wrong Time for Immigration Reform

'No Political Will' For Additional Unemployment Benefits? No, A Massive Public Relations Screwup.

Breaking: Ben Nelson votes for FinReg filibuster with his Republican buddies

Boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks and all things Jerry Colangelo

David Duke defends the Tea Parties from charges of racism: Why, they're just like him.

American Majority: Part the astroturf to see what's underneath

Joan Walsh: Mitch McConnell's Strategy on Bailouts Blew Up in His Face

Poll: Most Americans Support Stricter Bank Regulations. Will The GOP Ignore Them?

David Brooks: Moving Further to the Right is Good for Republicans as Long as They're 'Principled'

Yes, the American Right really has gone insane

Kristol and Williams Get into Shouting Match Over Goldman Sachs Emails Release

Goldman Sachs Emails: We Made Money On The Housing Collapse. Aren't We Clever?

Bill Kristol on Arizona Immigration Law: 'I Don't Think it Violates Anyone's Civil Rights'

Krugman: McConnell's Been 'Trying to Stop Reform with Possibly the Most Dishonest Argument' 'In the History of Politics'

William Black: Key Component in Financial Crisis - Fraud - Is Not Being Addressed

Help for the Little Guys: Growing Movement Shows How To Fight Back Against Debt Collectors

McConnell predicts filibuster of financial reform

Hume: 'Draconian' Arizona law will cause civil rights violations

Goolsbee To Republicans: Financial Reform Bill Is Going To Pass

The Chris Matthews Panel Doesn't Think the Democrats Should Be Taking on Immigration Reform This Year

AZ Truck driver forced to show birth certificate claims racial-profiling

Tiller Assassin Roeder Files Petition Claiming His Rights Violated

Rachel Maddow and Rick Perlstein on Michael Steele's Admission of a GOP Southern Strategy

Battlefield Arizona: "police state" bolts community into action

Debbie Schlussel:Your Tax $s @ Work: While Americans Struggle, Obama Host Muslim Entrepreneurship Summit!!!

Debbie Schlussel:With Women, Obama Turning U.S. Navy Into “Village People’s” Navy

Debbie Schlussel:She’s BAAACK: Hanoi Jane Hosts World Fitness Day, Has New Workout Video

Debbie Schlussel:GREAT VIDEO Analysis on Sean Hannity Freedom Alliance/Freedom Concert Scam

Renouncing American Citizenship by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Crime and Complicity by Tim Case

Were American Indians Really Environmentalists? by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Tea Party Vindicators: I Am a Traitor, Communist, Nazi, and Racist by James Bovard


*Socialism vs Corporatism by Ron Paul(W/AUDIO)


How chimps mourn their dead - life - 26 April 2010 - New Scientist

Ghost sightings highest in 25 years - Telegraph

Ancient Tools Revealed by Melting Arctic Ice | LiveScience

The Cryptid Factor: Comedy Festival Review | ENTERTAINMENT News

Animal pictures of the week: 23 April 2010 - Telegraph

Scientists find ancient asphalt domes off California coast

BBC News - Dreams 'can help with learning'

Mysterious Desert Lines Were Animal Traps : Discovery News

Revealed: The secret of how worms re-grow amputated body parts... and how humans could one day do the same | Mail Online

'Ancestral Eve' crystal may explain origin of life's left-handedness

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Budget Director: Powerful Rationing Panel (Not Doctors) Will Control Health Care Levels

Nationally, 60% Favor Letting Local Police Stop and Verify Immigration Status - Rasmussen Reports

The American Spectator : What Lies Beneath

Treasury has profited from big bank bailouts - Washington Times

Obama energy official has ties to firms that stand to benefit | McClatchy

Underwear Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab: New Video of Training, Martyrdom Statements - ABC News

Obamacare’s Danger Signs - Grace-Marie Turner - Critical Condition on National Review Online

CNSNews.com - Obama’s Debt Commission Will Consider a Value-Added Tax

1 in 3 San Francisco employees earned $100,000

American Thinker: Chris Matthews and the Jews

US newspaper circulation down 8.7 percent

FOXNews.com - National Security Adviser Apologizes for Joke About Jewish Merchant

Doctor slain in Connecticut. Suspect is ex-colleague at Brooklyn hospital - NYPOST.com

Study links chocolate and depression - latimes.com

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship - NYTimes.com

Europe presses UK to introduce total ban on smacking children | World news | The Guardian

Hawking: Aliens may pose risks to Earth - Space- msnbc.com

Is Einstein the world's smallest horse? | Metro.co.uk

Tragic Sports Accidents Caught on Tape - ABC News

Truthdig - The New Secessionists

America's Permanent, Entangling Alliance With Korea by Joshua Snyder

Latest CBS News Polls Finds Majority Of Western Voters, Californians, Back Marijuana Legalization by Paul Armentano

Cairo’s Illuminating Garbage Problem by Anders Mikkelsen

Las Vegas mafia museums open new mob rivalry | World news | The Guardian

Democrats lead calls to boycott Arizona over immigration bill | World news | The Guardian

Alternative Health and Medicine: Natural Dental Care







Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country:Edgar Mitchell on Moon Travel

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country:Hawking warns: Alien Contact Could be Dangerous




BBC News - Is climate change South Asia's deadliest threat?

Business leaders applaud carbon scheme deferral | The Australian

Russia and Norway Reach Accord on Barents Sea - NYTimes.com

Airlines under EU pressure to pay compensation to stranded passengers - Telegraph

Vatican’s No. 2 Says Celibacy Not ‘Untouchable,’ TV3 Reports - BusinessWeek

Rising China adds World Expo's attraction

2nd UPDATE: Hungary's Fidesz: Central Bank Governor Should Resign - WSJ.com

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Indian diplomat arrested for spying

24th Anniversary Of Chernobyl Nuclear Accident

U.N. shuts mission in Afghanistan's Kandahar

One Missing Climber Found Dead in Himalayas

Georgia to name street after Poland's Kaczynski | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Israel quietly freezes new building in East Jerusalem - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Green light for Jerusalem settlers

Yanukovych reverses Ukraine's position on Holodomor famine | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

BBC News - Southern Sudan opposition leader contests poll result

BBC News - Labour's election balloons 'exploit children'

On Tehran visit, Brazil backs Iran nuclear fuel swap - CSMonitor.com

Thailand hints at treason as red-shirt protesters shut down trains / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - Private zoo discovered at Kyrgyz ex-leader's home

US Extradites Former Panamanian Leader Noriega to France | Americas | English

YouTube - Former dictator Manuel Noriega extradited from US to France

MIA's 'Born Free' video removed from YouTube | News | NME.COM

Amy Winehouse in Hospital After Fall - ABC News

The Hollywood Sign, Brought to You by Hugh Hefner | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

FOXNews.com - Michael Lohan Calling on a Judge to Stop Daughter Lindsay From 'Dying'

Golden Globe couldn't save Randy Quaid from the clinker | Gold Derby | Los Angeles Times

Sandra Bullock's shamed hubby Jesse James has always been fascinated by Nazis, says dad Larry James

NYC - Why No Arrests After Threats to ‘South Park’ Creators? - NYTimes.com

Joe Heim reviews 'Nobody's Daughter' by Hole

Southern Political Report:Renegade Ray refuses GOP oath, may run as independent for Georgia governor

Clout St: Emanuel says he doesn't want mayor remark to disrupt Daley

Rahm Emanuel in Town As National Guard Debated - Chicago News

President Obama’s Debt Commission Remarks « Row 2, Seat 4

Rubio files papers in Fla. GOP Senate race; Crist to decide Thursday - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Arrests made at immigration protest - 4/27/10 - Chicago News - abc7chicago.com

Immigration Reform Protest: More Than 100 People Protest Outside Broadview Detention Center Against Immigration Law - WGN

BBC News - US President Obama hosts Muslim business summit

Sen. Bob Bennett dropping big bucks before GOP convention | Deseret News

Arts, Briefly - George W. Bush Memoir Coming In November - NYTimes.com

Obama to deliver eulogy at Dorothy Height's funeral - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Duncan Man Charged With Murder After Chase, Standoff on I-85 | WSPA

Obama taking “Main Street” tour to southern Iowa

Sideshow: For Palin, stardom is better | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/27/2010

The Exponent - Purdue's Student Newspaper

Suspect in death of Miss. supremacist denied bond

Some NJ Students Walk Out Of Class To Protest Cuts - cbs3.com

Midterms: The immigration fight on '10? - First Read - msnbc.com

Right Now - J.D. Hayworth doubles down on the 'birther bill'

YouTube - McCain & Kyl on Arizona Immigration Law

Senate to Hold Second Vote on Financial Bill - WSJ.com

New immigration law won't hurt economy, Arizona governor says - CNN.com

YouTube - Furor Grows Over Arizona's New Immigration Law

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Grows - WSJ.com

YouTube - Crews rush to contain oil spill off US coast

Capital Journal: Washington Must Admit Deficit Addiction - WSJ.com

President Obama's strategy gets personal - Jonathan Allen and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com

How Democrats are trying to make the 2010 elections like 2008. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine

Obama isn't radical. His party is. - USATODAY.com

Budget deficit: Economic stimulus is key in a recession - latimes.com

U.S. needs to let more workers in | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/27/2010

RealClearPolitics - Arizona's Act of Vengeance

RealClearPolitics - Feds Have Failed on Immigration

Financial bill hits roadblock, but bipartisan deal likely | McClatchy

Op-Ed Columnist - The Goldman Drama - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: 'South Park' and the Informal Fatwa - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - Filtering History

Dems chance to save 2010 - TheHill.com

Obama Begs His Base to Come Out in November | The Weekly Standard

Bennett Facing Historic Loss - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Primary Fight Looms One Year After Specter Switch

GM misleading with debt claim - The Denver Post

Arizona leads, sort of, on immigration - latimes.com

Don't Try This Again - IBD - Investors.com

General Election 2010: A conspiracy of silence - Telegraph

Senate Democrats to Kill Derivatives Provision Pushed By Berkshire - WSJ.com

Immigration push may help Dems in the West - TheHill.com

Would-be replacements raise for Harry Reid - Manu Raju and John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

27 APR:Politics Video-Sen. Durbin: "Filibusters Have To End;" Supported It In 2006

MSNBC Flash: "Law Makes It A Crime To Be Illegal Immigrant"

Reid Forgets He Voted Against Reform Cloture; Blames GOP For Failure

Sen. McCaskill: Republicans "On The Side Of Wall Street"

KY-Sen: Rand Paul Touts Bunning Endorsement

PA-12: Tim Burns (R) On "Hannity"

Hardball: Democrats Rally For Midterm Elections

Bernie Goldberg: Media Double Standard On Immigration Protests

Phoenix Mayor: Illegal Immigration Law Makes AZ "Less Safe"

Krauthammer: GOP "Going To Get Hit In November" On Financial Reform

Food Safety Enhancement Act

Bill: H.R. 2749 - GovTrack.us


*26 APR-White House Now Says Arizona Bill Is "Fundamentally Unfair"

Gov. Barbour: "We're Coming Back"

Sting: "We're Asking For Big Government" To Solve Global Warming

Phoenix Mayor: Illegal Immigration Law Makes AZ "Less Safe"

IL-Sen: Giannoulias Runs First Ad On Bank Failure

Obama To Muslims: All Of Us "Have Responsibilities To Fulfill"

New Video Shows "N-Word" Was Not Used At Health Care Tea Party Rally

White House: Jim Jones Apologizes For Joke

Obamaville: Tent City In New York Set Up In Hopes For Elevator Job

Sen. Ben Nelson Votes Against Cloture On Financial Reform Bill

Sen. Levin On Goldman: They Have Harmed All Of Us

Rep. Issa Will Vote "No" On Senate Financial Reform Bill

Gibbs: Immigration Reform Has "Failed" At The Federal Level

Sen. Richard Shelby On Finance Reform

Obama Calls Upon Minorities For Upset Vote In 2010

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Using Race To Purposely Divide People

Scarborough: AZ Law Like Nazis Demanding To "Show Me Your Papers"

KY-Sen: GOP Senate Debate Highlights

Napolitano: Arizona Immigration Law Is "Misguided"

Ex-GEICO Spokesman: Tea Party Is "Fringe, Dangerous Group"

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Calls Rand Paul "Tea Party Bag" Candidate

Cramer: Goldman Has To Settle

Gov. Rendell: Media Has Given Tea Party "Too Much Credit"

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Defends Illegal Immigration Law


States 'seek new ways to stop abortion'

Immigration 'off the table': Graham

Comcast: 'Worst company in America'

Senators: Facebook not protecting users

SCOTUS to rule on video game regs

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint

Professor Tim Bell: Computer Science Unplugged

New York: Tent City Springs Up as Over One Thousand People Try to Receive an Application for a Single Elevator Mechanic Job

YouTube - Obama Satanic Youth

The Sorcerers of Atlantis - the Freeman Perspective

Time Travel, Cloning, and the Elite - the Freeman Perspective

Romance is Dead [1 & 2] incomplete

Illuminati Symbolism - the Freeman Perspective

Ancient Technology of the Future - the Freeman Perspective

Hollywood Mind Control - the Freeman Perspective

Obama Cloning & the Coming Space War - the Freeman Perspective

04-26-2010: Armed Man Named Joseph Sean McVey Held at Airport as Obama's Plane Departed

04-26-2010: Coast Guard now says just 1 blast on oil rig

U.S. Treasury Taking Online Donations To Pay Down Debt (Ridiculous!)

04-26-2010: Amtrak trials first cow-powered train

04-26-2010: Sony Announces the Death of the Floppy Disk

04-26-2010: Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov. elections

04-26-2010: Government plans to seize farm land from family

04-26-2010: Ghost sightings highest in 25 years

Samsung Issues 3D TV Health Warning

Police seize Gizmodo's computers in iPhone probe

GM Crops Go to US High Court, Environmental Laws on the Line

Hyperfast Missile to Hit Anywhere in an Hour

CIA Director Says Cyber Attack Could Be Next “Pearl Harbor”

Lawsuits Involving Local Police Working For DHS Highlighted By The Identity Project

The Instruments of Worldwide Domination: Obama Administration Spending Billions on New Global Strike Weapons

Cyberwar and Repression: Corporatist Synergy Made in Hell


S 510 is hissing in the grass


Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects

Venezuela's Chavez rebuffs Pentagon report

U.S. won't use Khadr statements


Video shows airliner bomb suspect in training

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Northwest Bomb Plot 'Oddities'


CIA rolls out plan to beef up spy techniques


*Homeland security exercise in Hawaii planned for tomorrow


NY judge: Anonymous jury will hear terrorism trial

Obama meets with Israeli defense minister

G.O.P. Blocks Debate on Financial Oversight Bill

U.S. Nuclear Option on Iran Linked to Israeli Attack Threat

Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?

Can The U.S. Beat Israel At Their Game?

The New Secessionists

Will Goldman Sachs Prove Greed is God?

What Really Triggered the Financial Crisis?

Studies Reveal Americans’ Declining Living Standards and Increasing Anger

Bowling for Patriots: Set 'Em Up and Knock 'Em Down

'Shocking' Report: Police Find Tea Partiers More Peaceful than Antiwar Protesters

What 'Fiscal Responsibility' Means to You


**Chuck Baldwin: SPLC Publishes Patirot Hit List


Computerized Front Running and Financial Fraud

Bailouts, Stimulus Packages and Jobless Recovery: The Crisis of Wealth Destruction

The American Military is Creating an Environmental Disaster in Afghanistan

The Pope, Pedophilia and the Class Struggle

When Empires Join Hands: Japanese Military Joins U.S. And NATO In Horn Of Africa

Cyberwar, the Internet and the Militarization of Civil Society

Break up the Banks and Combat Financial Crime

VIDEO: Iraq: Who was behind the Assassins? The Mystery Behind the Margaret Hassan Murder

US-NATO Occupation Forces in Afghanistan: Pullout or Chased Out?

More than 50% of US Government Spending Goes to the Military

Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product

Mortgage Madness: Financial Fraud in the Housing Market

Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA

Senator Dodd’s Regulation Plan: 14 Fatal Flaws

Peter Schiff: New financial regs will likely increase severity of next crisis

The Command Economy: Surging Forward into the Past | Charles Goyette

Economics and Moral Courage [Lew Rockwell]

Milton Friedman - Why Drugs Should Be Legalized

Board stands by fluoride adverts

Lew Rockwell Radio: States Revolt Against the Federal Government

4409 -- Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill

Why big corporations love government regulations

Paupers In The Land Our Forefathers Conquered

Is a Real Anti-Government Movement Forming?

Among All Government Looting Methods... The VAT Tax May Be The Worst

SPLC Publishes Patriot Hit List

National ID: The Time to Resist is Now

Alex Jones: Global Bank Conspiracy


Download MP3:Interview #158 - Jim Marrs Date/Duration: 2010/04/24 / 57:44

Download MP3:Interview #143 - Alex Jones Date/Duration:2010/03/26 / 10:50

Download MP3:Interview #138 - Sibel Edmonds Date/Duration: 2010/03/12 / 49:05

Download MP3:Interview #116 - Lord Monckton of Brenchley Date/Duration: 2009/12/06 / 04:03

Download MP3:Interview #111 - Lord Monckton of Brenchley Date/Duration: 2009/10/27 / 31:20

Download MP3:Interview #106 - Anti-Illuminati Date/Duration: 2009/10/12 / 1:01:56

Download MP3:Interview #104 - G. Edward Griffin Date/Duration: 2009/10/01 / 17:30

Download MP3:Interview #087 - Paul Craig Roberts Date/Duration: 2009/06/25 / 13:39

Download MP3:Interview #062 - Alex Jones Date/Duration: 2009/02/18 / 27:36

Download MP3:Interview #032 - Alex Jones / G. Edward Griffin Date/Duration: 2008/05/31 / 07:12

Download MP3:Interview #010 - Jerome Corsi Date/Duration: 2007/08/03 / 23:44

Download MP3:Interview #005 - Alex Jones Date/Duration: 2007/06/22 / 2:43


False Flags Don't Fly Anymore | The Corbett Report


Who's Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?


Sibel Edmonds Speaks Out on Whistleblower 'Protections' | The Corbett Report


A Guide to the 9/11 Whistleblowers | The Corbett Report


Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians

YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 04/26/10 on Obama the Corporatist

Illegal drug money saved banks during global finance disaster

Russia says genetically modified foods are harmful: Voice of Russia

YouTube - Peter Schiff vs James Galbraith on CNBC 04/26/10

t r u t h o u t | Genetically Modified Crops Go to US High Court

This bill will kill small farms, and wreck our food supply « Dprogram.net

China To Sterilise 10,000 To Curb Births

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Facebook under privacy microscope

DHS Boss Hints Tea Party Will Engage in Violence

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Obama Launches His Fiscal Commission; Republicans Call It A Front for Tax Hikes

Health Care Law Not Working As Advertised for Some Families

Poll: Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One Month

Actress Janine Turner: New Health Care Law Not ‘A Vision of What Our Founding Fathers Would Have Liked’

Senate Panel Previews Electronic Health Technology

Lawmaker Calls for Hearings into Pentagon’s ‘Politically Correct’ Decisions to ‘Disinvite’ Conservative Christian Leaders

SEC IG Probes Timing of Goldman Sachs Suit and Financial Reform Legislation

Screenwriter Says Hollywood Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’

U.S. Postal Service Facing ‘Major Financial Crisis,’ Report Says

Joe Scarborough: ‘Saving the World for Moral Reasons’ Is ‘the Republican View’

Janine Turner: Being a Conservative in Hollywood Can Jeopardize Career

Senate Panel to Question Janet Napolitano About Arizona’s New Immigration Law

Mexican President Condemns Arizona’s New Immigration Law

As Dispute Over U.S. Base Drags On, Japan’s Prime Minister Languishes in Polls

Re-Election of Sudan’s President Underscores Limits of International Court

Battle for Kandahar May Be Tougher Than Expected

Persistent Unemployment Looms As Political Pitfall for Obama, Other Democrats

EBay De-lists Dr. Kevorkian’s ‘Death Van’

One Democrat Joins Republicans in Opposing Senate Consideration of Financial Regulations

Rolling Pot Dispensary Targeted in California

Restoring Respect

Whose Country Is This?

America’s Choice: Arizona or Amnesty

Cap-and-Trade Treason

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Bilderberg Found

The Devil In The Vatican


New Arizona Law that forces Hispanics to "show their papers please" is anti-liberty and anti-American

Justice for Goldman Sachs!?

Eenie Meenie, Chili Beanie, The Founding Fathers Are About To Speak

A Genuine Financial Industry Reform Bill

Better Lashes Through Chemistry: New Mascara is a Drug

OpEdNews - Quicklink: What If the Tea Party Were Black?

What the Former Obama Lawyer's Defection for Goldman Sachs Says About 'Transparency' in Washington

Robert Reich: Here's What Real Wall Street Reform Should Look Like

Is America's Problem That Things Aren't Collapsing Fast Enough?

What If the Tea Party Were Black?

Brad Still Off the Grid, James O'Keefe III Still a Loser (And Now 'Celebrated' as Such in Song)

Trailer: 'Casino Jack & the United States of Money'

VIDEO: Russian TV Asks Me About Bush Speech on 'Internet Freedom'

Former Blackwater Chief Criminally Indicted, Breitbart Boys Hypocritically Uninterested...


YouTube - Sen. Levin Grills Goldman Sachs Exec On "Shitty Deal" E-mail


Sen. Carl Levin: Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: The Role of Investment Banks

Goldman Hearing: Execs Called Before Congress

SAM STEIN GOP Accused Of Mail Fraud Over Fake 'Census' Mailers


WATCH: Letterman Rips Leno: A 'Complete Boob' Who Got What He Deserved


More Media CNN Anchors Engaged .. Turner Trashes Time Warner .. 'Southland' Renewed

JASON LINKINS Washington Newspaper Says 'Obama Disses White Guys'


WATCH: Jon Stewart Hammers Arizona For Immigration Bill


RYAN GRIM Broad Bipartisan Coalition Fighting Fed In Senate

EXCLUSIVE: Big Oil Fought Off New Safety Rules Before Gulf Rig Explosion

US Supreme Court Considers Genetically Modified Crops

Manuel Noriega Hears Charges in Paris Court

Obama Hosts Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship

American Apparel Companies Interested in Investing in Haiti

Oil from Sunken Rig Threatens Gulf of Mexico Shorelines

Nelson Joins GOP Senators to Stop Cloture Vote; Financial Bill Stalled

Obama Releases 2010 Electoral Plan

Senate Probe: Goldman Planned to Profit From Bust

Poll: GOP More Trusted to Raise Economy

DOD, Senate at Loggerheads On Fort Hood Case

World Stocks Tank As Euro Debt Crisis Intensifies

EU: Airspace Closure Cost up to $3.3 Billion

Unemployment Foils Obama's Economic Rap

Chavez Accuses U.S. Plane of 'Electronic Warfare'

Poll: Americans Connecting With Government Online

Some Families Will Face Wait to Cover Young Adults

Obama's Home Congressional District in Play

Egypt Warns of Mideast Summer War

Detroit Plane Bomber Seen in Training Video

Democrats Kill Reform Loophole Pushed By Buffett

Bad Habits Can Age You by 12 Years

Drinking Green Tea May Protect Eyes

U.S. Defense Agency's Hypersonic Glider Test Fails

Senators See Privacy Problem in Facebook Expansion

Google Decides Nexus One Won't Work With Verizon

Court to Decide If State Can Regulate Video Games

Authorities Jail, Release Randy Quaid and Wife

Fundraising Spares Hollywood Sign From Sprawl

Mobilize Voters to Foil Obama's Socialist Agenda

Putin Roguery Mocks Obama, Endangers U.S.

Obamacare Analyses Reveal Fallacies

Obama: Asking About My Tax Pledge Is a 'Washington Game'

The Tax Bite Cometh

Loan Approval Misery Under Obama Plan

Arizona Immigration Law Is an Outrage

Iran reportedly tests five new missiles - CNN.com

Girl lucky to be alive after sting by deadly jellyfish - Yahoo! News

Sheryl Wolfe, Hawaiian Beauty Queen and Stroke Victim, Was Organ Donor - ABC News

Sandwich-board job hunter finds work after 2 years - Yahoo! News

Deactivated: College Students Giving up Facebook...By Choice - Campus Chatter

U.S. students suffering from Internet addiction: study - Yahoo! News

Evangelists claim to have found Noah's ark - 4000m up mountain

Potentially deadly airborne strain of fungus spreading in US and Canada | Herald Sun

FOXNews.com - Cheney: Many Were Pleased I Cursed Out Leahy

'Aroused' rabbits reproduced in tennis club wreckage - The Local

Gay dogs not welcome, diner told | Adelaide Now

Job seekers camp out 4 days for applications

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010 - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Wealth.net » Full Annotated Lloyd Blankfein Testimony

Market Manipulation and Delusions of Prosperity

Revelation Now Forum • View topic - POLISH PLANE CRASH TRUTH VIDEO from the people

FOXNews.com - Armed Man Arrested at Airport as Obama Departs

Newsmax - Military Cancels Nuclear Attack Test

Constructing a Permanent Underground Cache, by JIR - SurvivalBlog.com

Vatican Tied Mount Graham Observatory Launches LUCIFER Telescope

H1N1 vaccine study investigating hints of complications from vaccine

Spaceflight Now | Breaking News | New Minotaur rocket launches on suborbital flight

Time, Water Running Out for Ogallala, America's Biggest Aquifer - AOL News

DHS Boss Hints Tea Party Will Engage in Violence

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Satanic Monsters Preying on Our Children

Big Brother to track your medication compliance with electronic transmitters in pills

Omega 3s may help cut colon cancer risk | Reuters

NATO summit: Not rational enough

Did anyone think Blagojevich was going to �auction� a senate seat before 8:30 A.M.?

Was the war on terrorism contrived?

YouTube - Elie-Wiesel-Tattoo.mp4

Is Iran Really a Threat? « Aletho News

Case-Shiller Wants You To Ignore Some Housing Data - Developments - WSJ

Possible Supreme Court pick had ties with Goldman Sachs - USATODAY.com

YouTube - Global Warming Dooms day cults don't want you to see this

Goldman throws employee under bus

Swedes Study Their Menu To Reduce Global Warming,

Does your life stink or rock?

Organic Coffee Beans – can they really save the planet?

FDA Threatens Dr. Weil Over Immune-Boosting Supplements

The Food We Eat -what your don’t know could be hurting you

Obesity can Come From Chemicals in Our Diets

Lawyer For White Nationalist Group Brags That He 'Helped' Sen. Russell Pearce Write Arizona Immigration Law

McCain Questions Legality of Arizona Immigration Law He Supports

Senate Panel: Goldman Kicked Off The Financial Crisis

Seth Myers: Could We All Agree That There's Nothing More Nazi Than Saying 'Show Me Your Papers'?

Ohio Sheriff Pulls Gun Permit of Man in NC Arrest

Ex-CIA Official Facing Sex Charge Arrested in Va.

German Steals Electricity With Meat Hook

Okla. Senate Overrides Abortion Restriction Vetoes

Emanuel Says Not Subpoenaed in Blagojevich Case

Emanuel Gets Ribbing for Interest in Being Mayor

6-Pound Foal Born in NH May Be World's Tiniest

Mental Exam Set for Man Charged in Soldier's Death

Russia Proposes New UN Court for Somali Pirates

Ombudsman Warns Russia Could End Foreign Adoption

Suspect in Death of Miss. Supremacist Denied Bond

Ex-Wife Ordered Imprisoned in Bogus Paralysis Case

Biden to Speak at Daughter's Commencement at Penn

What's on the Menu at Top World Restaurant Noma?

Law May Make Holt's Senate Campaign Ambulance DOA

Want to Lose Weight? Keep a Journal of What You Eat

9 Charged With Plotting Against US Seek Release

U.N. Shuts Mission in Afghanistan's Kandahar

Jurors in Tenn. Get Palin E-Mail Hacking Case

Kyrgyz Interim Government Charges Bakiyev Over Massacre

Iraq Delays Ruling on Election Candidate Ban

Korean First Woman to Climb World's 14 Highest Peaks

Ousted Kyrgyz Leader Kept Exotic Private Menagerie

Police Wanted to Protect Loch Ness Monster

Ex-Panama Dictator Noriega to Fight French Drugs Charge

Thai Government Vows Action as Red Shirts Block Trains

Oil Spill Growing in Gulf of Mexico off La. Coast

Unemployment Challenges Obama's Economic Narrative

Japan PM Woes Mount Over Party Kingpin, U.S. Base Row

Organic, Biodynamic Have Little Impact on Wine Lovers

Cyprus Beaches to Offer Massage to Sun Worshippers

Ruling in Ayers Case Expected Tuesday

Former Los Angeles Police Chief to Be Laid to Rest

Sanctions Squeeze Iranians in Trade Hub Dubai

Nevada Deputy Sheriff Shot and Killed

Japan PM Says Finalizing Plan to End U.S. Base Row

Rwanda President Takes Stage at Tribeca Film Fest

Anti-Tea Party Oregon Teacher Back in Class

Ordo Ab Chao ~ Freeman’s Predictions - the Freeman Perspective

AZ governor dismisses threat of economic boycott - Yahoo! News

GOP's Graham: No immigration bill until 2012 - Washington Times

Breitbart.tv » ‘One S***** Deal’: Sen. Levin Uses ‘S-Word’ Eleven Times in Grilling of Ex-Goldman Exec

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010 - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

PRUDEN: It's time to play the race card - Washington Times

Proposal to make voting mandatory riles Ridgway - The Denver Post

Happy Meal toys could be banned in Santa Clara County - latimes.com

Robots Working to Stop Oil Leak in Gulf of Mexico - NYTimes.com

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: First Video Of Larry King & Wife With Her Lover | RadarOnline.com

Concertgoers show the Reich stuff, are beaten by crowd | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/27/2010

Yale Daily News - Postdoc killed outside Branford, Conn., home; suspect charged

FOXNews.com - Climate Scientist, Heated Up Over Satirical Video, Threatens Lawsuit

Would-be replacements raise for Harry Reid - Manu Raju and John Bresnahan - POLITICO.com

Unemployment challenges Obama's economic narrative - Yahoo! News

Chavez accuses US plane of `electronic warfare'

Senators' letter to Facebook - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

Toilet Paper Bandit Sought - April 27, 2010

Sen. Jeff Sessions: Obama Wants Supreme Court Judges to 'Promote Agenda' - ABC News

SF Calls for Arizona Boycott | NBC Bay Area

New Arizona law forcing hard choices on migrants | Reuters

Police seize Gizmodo's computers in iPhone probe | Apple - CNET News

Computers Seized at Home of Gizmodo Reporter Who Wrote About iPhone, Gawker Media Says - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com

Italian police arrest top mafia fugitive - Yahoo! India News

France24 - Robot takes on battle of the bulge


*archive audio:www.soundwaves2000.com

Survive 2 Thrive.net;audio archive 2


U.S. National Debt Clock


Sweden to join Germany in persecuting homeschoolers?

Video: The 10 best cat videos on YouTube - Telegraph

World's tallest teenage girl: 6ft 11 ins, size 11 feet - Telegraph

BBC News - Police believed Nessie existence was 'beyond doubt'

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope marks 20th birthday with Carina Nebula pictures | Mail Online

Ghost sightings highest in 25 years - Telegraph

Slain principal's home shares tragic past - wtop.com

Deadly new Russian weapon hides in shipping container | Reuters

Flaws Found in State Child-Abuse Registries - ABC News

SEC porn peekers at work confess - Washington Times

UW Medical School Investigating Stripper At Event - Madison News Story - WISC Madison

Attack on gay teen staged, lawyers say - Crime - Kentucky.com

Two men charged after attack with ceramic frog » TCPalm.com

Debbie Miller of Appleton sentenced to jail, probation in extortion case involving planted rat at The Seasons restaurant in Grand Chute | postcrescent.com | Appleton Post-Crescent

Cops: Bradenton man keeps drinking after DUI crash - Crime & Courts - BradentonHerald.com

Woman charged with strangling her three-year-old child in Hollywood

Chile desert to host world's biggest telescope

Can't quit smoking? Blame your genes - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Out for the count: Why levels of sperm in men are falling - Science, News - The Independent

Video: 'Toxic sofa' customers to receive up to £20m - Telegraph

Gasoline prices poised to push higher

Max Baucus: A bank tax is coming - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Pay czar sees signs Wall Street changing pay habit | Reuters

Obama(doesn't)care taking surprise hits

Arizonans: Doing the job the feds won't do

May 1: A meeting withreal Power

Is Hillary prepping a challenge to Obama?

Why any doubt about Iran's nuke intentions?

Why the left talks about 'white' tea parties

Mining history for only certain sins

Say it isn't so, mama!

Right-Wing Attacks on South Park Censorship Ignore America's Wars in Muslim Countries | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Lambs to the slaughter, Part 1

ESR | April 26, 2010 | Big nature and tiny us

Meet stunning Americans looking to dethrone Pelosi


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Chasing knuckleheads in speedboats'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Taxpayers on hook for financial reform

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Insidious agenda to reconquer the U.S.'


*Download :4-25-10- Aaron Klein


Evangelists claim Noah's Ark found

Government health care a 4-letter word: W-a-i-t

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s Budget Director: Powerful Rationing Panel (Not Doctors) Will Control Health Care Levels

CNSNews.com - Health Care Law Not Working As Advertised for Some Families

Inquiry Says Health Care Charges Were Proper - NYTimes.com

Cap and trade 'flat out dead'

FOXNews.com - Climate Scientist, Heated Up Over Satirical Video, Threatens Lawsuit

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010 - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

More vets enlisting in the electoral wars - Washington Times

Celeb support doesn't help candidates - Washington Times

Under financial overhaul, FTC could gain enforcement power over Internet

Gibbs deflects congressional, fiscal questions

Sweden to join Germany in persecuting homeschoolers?

Survey: 72% of Millennials 'more spiritual than religious' - USATODAY.com

Chinese accused of vast trade in organs - Washington Times

U.S. training Afghan villagers to fight the Taliban

Buzz kill! Is this 'bee Armageddon'?

Entrepreneur summit eyes Muslim world - Washington Times

Panthers deem flap over voting 'error' - Washington Times

Arizona jumpstarts immigration bill - Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

Whose country is this?

Palestinians signal readiness to talk - Washington Times

Creators of 'Everybody Draw Muhammad Day' drop gag after everybody gets angry | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Pope memo sent by 23-year-old Oxford graduate - Telegraph


*American Minute for April 27th:William J Federer's American Minute


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Fox and the eligibility facts

What if ... ?

Is billboard campaign working?

New strategy unveiled to force Obama on eligibility


Beyond the Beltway - Apr. 18, 2010


Home Field advantage - BostonHerald.com

Economists say the stimulus didn't help - Apr. 26, 2010

YID With LID: National Security Adviser Jones: Jews Are Greedy Merchants

AFP: Abbas invited to Washington

Democrats, undaunted, keep focus on Wall Street - Yahoo! News

Democrats dominate list of lobbyist: fundraisers | Reuters

HotAirPundit: David Brooks on MTP: This Bill in Arizona is an Invitation To Abuse"

YouTube - President Obama Announces Vote 2010

J O S H U A P U N D I T: Obama Plays The Race Card For 2010

RealClearPolitics - Video - Sharpton Promises To Bring "Freedom Walkers" To Arizona

Sharpton, other activists compare Arizona immigration law to apartheid, Nazi Germany and Jim Crow

YouTube - Ariz. Strict Immigration Law

Arizona/House of Representatives : SB 1070


April 26, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-26, Monday

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-25, Sunday

04/26 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast: The Michael Savage Show Podcast/ Episode: Mon April 26, 2010.

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 4-24-10


*site:Tea Party Patriots

*site:the Birthers


Skanky clothes cause natural disasters?

U.S. Air Forces in Europe units participate in BRILLIANT ARDENT 2010 | EUCOM, Stronger Together

F-16 drawdown to begin

NATO Air Forces Exercise In German Sky During BRILLIANT ARDENT | Atlantic Council

X-37B unmanned space shuttle to be launched tonight | Mail Online

Launch of secret US space ship masks even more secret launch of new weapon - Times Online

Superspy in the sky could soon be patrolling over British cities to search for hidden terror cells | Mail Online

Newborn babies to get bar codes instead of handwritten name tags - Times Online

Barcodes May Face Extinction with New Printable RFID Tags | RFID World Canada

Carl Levin Continually Uses Curse Word During Senate Hearing With Goldman Sachs

MRC's Brent Bozell Blasts the Media's Double Standard of The Tea Parties vs. Immigration Protest Rallies

Rasmussen: 56% Not Willing to Pay a Single Cent More To Fight Global Warming

New Ad From the RNC: Obama's Wild Ride

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Tells Rev. Al Sharpton on Larry King: "You Don't Understand the Law"

Mexican President Condemns Arizona Immigrant Law

Zogby Poll: Anti-Wall St. Sentiment Slightly Greater Than Anti-Government Feelings

Financial Reform Bill Fails Senate Test Vote 57-41

Cafferty Slams Obama For His Position on the Arizona Immigration Law

Vandals Smear Refried Beans in the Shape of Swastikas on the State Capital Windows in Phoenix

New Lefty Ad: Republicans Have Their Fingers on The Financial Ticking Time Bomb

Rasmussen: 60% Believe Health Care Law Will Increase Deficit, 58% Favor Repeal

CNN: Could Right Wing Rants Lead to Violence?

Driver's thumbs insured for $13 million

Tables turned: suspected thief arrested after calling police for stolen tools

Lovers' quarrel plays out on New York City square, but show may have been stunt

Fake mop top finds cops at San Diego TV appearance

Man suspected of stealing dozens of fire hydrants

Vt. farmer finds stolen 116-pound African tortoise

Police: Man invades home, says he's at wrong house

Spanish policeman returns 6,000 euros found in metro station

Police barred from penis enlargement

Beetles Stand Out Using 'Avatar' Tech

House Ants Form Supercolonies And Prosper In Urban Settings


#video:Evangelical Researchers Claim Discovery of Noah’s Ark Atop Turkish Mountain

Smoke Bombs, Eggs Fly in Ukraine Parliament

‘Mr. Obama’s Wild Ride’: RNC Mocks Obama’s Trips as ‘Jobless Tour’

NY Jobseekers Set Up Three-Day Tent City in Hopes of Landing Work

Fox News Reporter Courtney Friel Has a Chandelier in Her Closet

‘Whoa…Writing?’: MSNBC’s Matthews Mocks Bush’s Book

Boobquake 2010 Succeeds in Failing to Trigger Major Earth Tremors

FreedomWorks Posts Sampling of Liberal Hate Messages Following Geico Announcer’s Firing

The B-Cast Interview: ‘Climategate’ Author Charges Gore With Profiteering

Vandals Use Refried Beans to Smear Swastikas on Arizona Capitol

‘Bible Thumpin’ Gun Totin’ Capitalist Pig’: Sandwich Shop Sign Turns Heads

NY Times: Marines in Marja Face the ‘Inches That Matter’

Seeing Is Believing: How Do Plants React to 42 Days of Elevated CO2?

Is Obama Ignoring Independents?

Is the Taliban Using Poison Gas to Sicken Afghan Schoolgirls?

Senate Panel Releases E-mails Between Goldman Sachs Execs

Geithner: ‘I Never Had a Real Job’

Video: Raw Video: Rubio Steps Toward Fla. Senate Race

Video: Raw Video: Elderly Woman Fights Off Robber

Video: City by the Bay Wants All Electric Taxis

Video: Eyewitness News' iPhone app gets an update

Video: Giant Video Game for Criminology Students

The B-Cast: Obama Advisor Apologizes for Jewish Merchant Joke

Obama’s National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants

Beck: You Cannot Be a Nazi and For Limited Government

FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd Gives False Responses to ‘Right Wing Smear Campaign’

‘Right Network’ Revels in Mockery From Olbermann & Company

Jim Carrey Joins Conan O’Brien for Epic Duet During Live Show

Janine Turner: Being a Conservative in Hollywood Can Jeopardize Career

Screenwriter Says Hollywood Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’

Five Years Ago Today: First Video Uploaded to YouTube

Watch Live: Goldman CEO, ‘Fabulous Fab’ Grilled

Dem: GOP Counting on Voters Blaming Dems for Banking Bill’s Failure

Dems Target Romney: ‘Wall Street’s Best Friend’

Deal Near on Derivatives as Warren Buffett Group Pushes for Eased Curbs

Top Republican Dealmaker for Financial Regulatory Legislation Says Deal Close

New Zealand Biker Shrugs Off Freak Accident That Impaled Handle in His Hand

Spanish Doctors Perform World’s First Full-Face Transplant

GOP’s Graham: Immigration Reform ‘By 2012 If We’re Smart’

Santorum: Dems Have No Intention of Passing an Immigration Bill

Sharpton on AZ Immigration Law: ‘Not a Fight for Illegal Immigrants’

Hamas Mocks Israel With Cartoon of Kidnapped Soldier


FDA Warns Users about Faulty Components in 14 External Defibrillator Models

The Clamour Of The Times:Global Warming: the Collapse of a Grand Narrative

The Clamour Of The Times:Nails in the Global Warming Coffin

Nazi Warlord Unleashes ‘Olympic’ Eco-Bomb On World

Debbie Schlussel:Bring Arizona Law to the Rest of the Union; Fire ICE, Napolitano

If Abdulmutallab Trained With Al-Qaeda, Why Did The U.S. Government Let Him On A Plane?

BBC News - Mexico warns citizens over new Arizona immigration law

The Raw Story | Pentagon and Congress at odds over Fort Hood probe

Sinead O'Connor: Accountability Would be for the Vatican to Admit Cover-up Orchestrated by Central Command

Search for female taxi driver whose car vanished from GPS system at location of mystery landslide | Mail Online

GLOBAL WARMING: Is James Cameron a Genocidal Maniac?

WSJ: ‘Draw Mohammed Day’ Equals…Flag Burning?

Hope and Change in Illinois: Vouchers for Chicago Kids

VIDEO: Exclusive Footage Reveals Truth Behind ‘Phantom N-Word’ Myth

Bailout Bill: First Victory in a Long Battle

GOV2.0: Napsterize Education

Buffy Wicks Departs White House, Joins Axelrod’s Old Media Firm??

Don’t Look To MSM For Honest Coverage Of Arizona

A Tale of Two Parties: Would You Like Coffee or Tea With Your Liberal Bias?

Classless Hub Radio Host Slimes Tim Tebow; Will He Suffer Imus’s Fate?

Flood, Famine, Fear and Environmental Porn: Newsweek Devotes ‘Special Edition’ to Global Warming Hysteria

The Reference Frame: Angela Merkel gives up binding carbon treaties

Climate Common Sense: Carbon storage premise 'totally erroneous'

MUCH ADO ABOUT A JEW « Desertpeace

Child sex `no breach of virtue', some priests believe | The Australian

Future Pope’s Role in Abuse Case Was Complex - NYTimes.com

Ancient artifacts revealed as northern ice patches melt

John Paul II Abetted Abuse & Rape of Children?

US Helicopter Shot Down in Afghanistan: 13 Americans Dead

Is The CIA Behind Mexico’s Bloody Drug War?

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Over 700 killed in 44 drone strikes in 2009

Former FBI Agent Vo Duang Tran Gets 30 Years for Planning Home Invasion - AOL News

CNSNews.com - Poll: Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One Month

Illinois to Declare “Disarm Lawful Citizens Week”

KATYN 2. Polish opposition party demands international investigation into plane crash - Kavkazcenter.com

Amazing 7 UFOs flying slowly over Poland early April 2010 , page 1

Obama Orders DOJ To Challenge Ariz. Immigration Law | Judicial Watch

New immigration law won't hurt economy, Arizona governor says - CNN.com

FOXNews.com - Fears of Arizona's Immigration Law Are Bogus

Democrats lead calls to boycott Arizona over immigration bill | World news | The Guardian

Arizona immigration law encourages police abuse, says Mexican president | World news | guardian.co.uk

Max Kolonko: The Mystery of Poland's Presidential Plane Crash Deepens

Polish prosecutor to go to Moscow to clarify plane crash riddles « Case about Bird Flu

Volcano crisis: Sense vanishes in a puff of ash - Telegraph

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence | Mail Online

Ottawa refuses to fund abortion in G8 plan - The Globe and Mail

Hillary Clinton urged to ban Russian officials - Times Online

Ban on violent video games for minors violates free speech, US Supreme Court to hear - Telegraph

CIA to spend millions on improving spying techniques - Telegraph

Friends suggest armed man no threat to Obama in NC | World news | guardian.co.uk

Unforgivable persecution of the Bushmen - Telegraph

Underwater 'safe' protects £5m shipwreck treasures - Telegraph

Pope Catholic; Obama energy official profits from AGW – Telegraph Blogs

Big oil braced for safety overhaul after BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico - Telegraph

Shell drafted letter Tony Blair sent to Gaddafi while Prime Minister - Times Online

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Holly Greig Update: "Braveheart Alive and Well in Scotland"

Girl, 14, arrested over murder of 'paedophile' Robert Daley | Mail Online

It's a pity we can't vote out our real rulers - Telegraph

Teacher Peter Harvey shouted 'die, die' as he hit pupil with dumbbell - Times Online

More than 7,000 parents hit by truancy convictions as courts punish soaring levels of school absenteeism | Mail Online

Archives reveal belief in Loch Ness Monster - Times Online

Noah's Ark 'discovered' 4,800 years on... 4,000m up a mountain in Turkey | Mail Online

savethemales.ca - Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?

savethemales.ca - Why Rockefeller Created Canadian & Quebec Nationalism

savethemales.ca - Jesus was NOT a Jew --Benjamin Freedman

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Playbook: The Phony Opposition

savethemales.ca - How Russians Staged Polish "Regime Change" (UPDATED)

savethemales.ca - NPR- Rockefeller's Device For Duping Liberals

savethemales.ca - Young Have Been Turned into Zombies

savethemales.ca - UK Satanists Criminalize Christianity

savethemales.ca - Canadian Serial Killer Linked to Elite Satanists?

savethemales.ca - You're a "Fascist" if...

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Plan Third Temple in Jerusalem

savethemales.ca - Sarah Palin - Is Tea Party Mascot New World Orderly?

savethemales.ca - Lucifer Judaism's God? A Jewish Response

savethemales.ca - Lucifer god of Judaism? Reply to Jewish Scholar

savethemales.ca - Is Lucifer the god of Judaism?

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