"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

26 April 2010



Lawmakers Call for Troops on the Streets of Chicago

Kissinger in 2008: There will be “Bipartisan” Push for New World Order, Whoever Is Elected President

The McVeigh Tapes: A Fairy Tale Designed to Demonize the Patriot Movement

Housing Sales and Inflation Surge

The Story of Your Enslavement

Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy

YouTube - Dick Morris reveals the truth about Tim McVeigh and Clinton

String of bombs in Iraq follows leadership losses for insurgency | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Headline | International News

YouTube - Multiple bombings kill many in Iraq

*Full Text :Too Big to Fail?: Long-Term Capital Management and the Federal Reserve

Failure Is the Only Reform We Need

Claim That Goldman Probes are Politically Motivated - The Jakarta Globe

China: Authorities Plan To Sterilise 10,000 People To Ensure They Meet Family Planning Targets | World News | Sky News

New York subway bombing plot was hatched in Pakistan- Hindustan Times

Lawsuits Involving Local Police Working For DHS Highlighted By The Identity Project

TSA Not Doing Enough to Protect Railways from Terrorism, Says Sen. Lautenberg | Security Management

Timothy N. Baldwin -- Obama’s Eligibility: Here’s Your Sign!

Whatever isn’t in the Constitution is left for the People and their States | Colorado Tenth Amendment Center

Launch of secret US space ship masks even more secret launch of new weapon - Times Online

BBC News - Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens

Civil rights groups seek suspension of airport full body scanners

H1N1 vaccine study investigating hints of complications from vaccine

FOXNews.com - Grassley Slams GM, Administration Over Loans Repaid With Bailout Money

Libertarian photographer sues Dept. of Homeland Security after arrest for filming courthouse protest

Saboteurs hit Iraq's northern oil pipeline, halting exports - Oil & Gas Journal

Wave of Fatal Bombings Widens Fissures in Iraq - NYTimes.com

CNSNews.com - Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

In Defense of Sedition

Iran Stresses Preparedness to Repel Enemy Attacks

Iran shows off 'high destruction' speed boats in war games - Telegraph

Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela - Washington Times

Video Compilation: The Media Crashing the Tea Party

Alex Jones: Global Bank Conspiracy

Colleague Says Anthrax Numbers Add Up to Unsolved Case

Algerian pilot wrongly accused of training 9/11 hijackers in line for £2m payout from Britain | Mail Online

Guantanamo and Habeas Corpus: Judge Rules Yemeni’s Detention Based Solely on Torture

Facebook Steps Up Lobbying, Deepens Ties with Intelligence Agencies, FTC

Millions drink toxic water in the USA, but it’s EPA-approved

USA Today Special Calls for More Government Action on the Environment

Senator Graham’s Gay Scandal Goes National and Viral

Geithner: Bailouts cost less than 1 percent of US gross domestic product | Raw Story

For nations living the good life, the party's over, IMF says

The Curse of Spending

Obama = Wall Street? Celente on Corruption and Gambling in Finance

American Kleptocracy

Webster Tarpley: Cyber hypocrisy of US ‘freedom’ labels

George Bush, Internet Freedom Fighter for Soros and Freedom House

UK ordered to pay $650 mn to Iran

South Korea raises warship, finds clues on sinking | Reuters

EU wants united airspace after ash cloud | Reuters

E-mails Show Goldman Execs Boasting as Housing Meltdown Unfolded

Judge Napolitano: Immigration law will ‘bankrupt the Republican Party’

Obama Debt Czar Says Tax Hikes “On The Table”

2 Chicago state reps: Bring in the National Guard - Chicago Breaking News

Obama’s climate change agenda in turmoil | Raw Story

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship - NYTimes.com

Armed Man Arrested Near Obama's Plane - Yahoo! News UK

The Raw Story | War possible if Colombia's Santos elected: Chavez

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence | Mail Online

Seattle cartoonist launches "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" - Seattle News - MyNorthwest.com

Hyperfast missile to hit anywhere in an hour - Times Online

Launch of secret US space ship masks even more secret launch of new weapon - Times Online

Another polar rescue must send chills down spines of alarmists | Herald Sun

Paupers In The Land Our Forefathers Conquered

Dodd’s “Fed Empowerment Bill” Guarantees Fed Secrecy

Economic Ignorance and Liberal Hypocrisy

Unemployment for Those Who Earn $150,000 or More is Only 3%, While Unemployment for the Poor is 31%

A Detailed Look At Goldman’s Mortgage Trading Strategy In Late 2006 And 2007; The Goldman “Directive”

Goldman Sachs bosses boasted about financial success during housing crash misery | Mail Online

Obama: Wall St. reform will ‘end’ taxpayer bailouts

Can I Please Borrow $100,000?

Protest Organizer Smacks Photographer During Arizona Immigration Rally

Republicans Threatening Congressional Seats Long Held by Democrats | TheLedger.com

Toddler flu vaccine death to be investigated

Graham Pulls Support for Major Senate Climate Bill - NYTimes.com

Dinosaurs died from sudden temperature drop 'not comet strike', scientists claim - Telegraph

The government has your baby’s DNA!

Google Street View logs WiFi networks, Mac addresses • The Register

5 East Valley cities consider private jail company

The ash cloud that never was: How volcanic plume over UK was only a twentieth of safe-flying limit and blunders led to lock-down | Mail Online

Washington Think Tank Predicts New Mideast War - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

CNN Pushes Brutal One Child Policy As Part Of “Green” Love Life

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11

Clinton Advisor: Reno Threatened To “Tell The Truth About Waco” If Not Reappointed To Office


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 23rd With Doug Stanhope

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 22nd With Bill Murphy


*article link page:Weekly Southern African Report:25 Apr


YouTube - Gullible Nation - More False Hope

IBM Research creates world's smallest 3D map; brings low-cost, ease of use to creation of nanoscale objects

Revealed: how David Cameron and Boris Johnson are related (and Nick Clegg's Mata Hari connection) – Telegraph Blogs


AfricanCrisis:Kenya: Farming Butterflies Puts Food on the Table

Kitco - America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship

Al-Qaeda Member 'Rises From Grave' to Plan NY Subway Attack | Citizens for Legitimate Government


savethemales.ca - Why Rockefeller Created Canadian & Quebec Nationalism

We’re All Comrades Now

Biotech crops go before Supreme Court this week | desmoinesregister.com | The Des Moines Register

Charles Schumer (Likud, New York) « Mantiq al-Tayr

Nuclear Weapons And Interceptor Missiles: Twin Pillars Of U.S.-NATO Military Strategy In Europe

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Arizona and Illegal Immigration Law

The 'Killer Fungus': Should We Be Scared? - TIME

China Pledges to Keep ‘Relatively Easy’ Policies Amid Recovery - Bloomberg.com

S.Korean warship 'sunk by torpedo blast' - Asia, World - The Independent

Is South Africa turning into Zimbabwe? - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Revealed: Goldman Sachs 'made fortune betting against clients' | World news | The Observer

White supremacist 'stabbed and beaten to death by his black neighbour' in Mississippi town | Mail Online

John McCain fighting for his political life in the Arizona desert - Telegraph

Ex-minister wants young jobless starved into work - Times Online

Pope 'condom' gaffe: Foreign Office apologises | World news | The Observer

Tolerance set to zero, craziness to sky-high | Dominic Lawson - Times Online

'Green' BBC spends £5million flying directors around Britain | Mail Online

Scientists make cancer cells vanish - Herald Scotland | News | Health

Prozac can help in the battle with cancer - Telegraph

97% unaware of ‘spare tyre’ health danger - Herald Scotland | News | Health

LSD and Ecstasy being used to combat cancer anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder | Mail Online

Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking - Times Online

Fight the Derivatives Cancer with a Wall Street Sales Tax, Plus Bans on Hedge Funds, Credit Default Swaps, and Synthetic CDOs « TARPLEY.net

Vatican Seeks ‘Transparency’ in Abuse Cases - NYTimes.com

savethemales.ca - Jesus was NOT a Jew --Benjamin Freedman

Home - Federal Business Opportunities: Home

YouTube - The Story of Your Enslavement

US intervenes in Iraq election row as feared militia waits in wings - Middle East, World - The Independent

Afghans May Block NATO Offensive in Kandahar Over Civilian Deaths -- News from Antiwar.com

The Big Six banks are shorting the American Dream

Indo-Pakistan proxy war heats up in Afghanistan | BartlesvilleLIVE


Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov. elections (Update)

One-Fourth of Nonprofits Are to Lose Tax Breaks - NYTimes.com

Legal spying via the cell phone system | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

S 510 is hissing in the grass « Food Freedom

Sex scandal could cost Steven Seagal his fake badge - NYPOST.com

Hyer Seeking Cross-Party Support for C-311 | netnewsledger.com

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Mockingbird Reloaded...More scary "muslims"!

Tax evader who blamed Holocaust gets 10 months | courierpostonline.com | Courier-Post

Three Approved GMOs Linked to Organ Damage « Food Freedom

Lawyer’s tumble stalls court hearing for ban on British MP - thestar.com

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Islamic Fascism In America: The Silencing Of South Park

EclippTV :: Video :: Dollar Devaluation Scenario - The Spark of Hyperinflation

EclippTV :: Video :: Oklahoma City Bombing Government Cover-Up


EclippTV :: Video :: Gold, Cash, Currency, and Inflation Trends (1/2)

EclippTV :: Video :: Gold, Cash, Currency, and Inflation Trends (2/2)


Obscured Christian Histories: Chair of Peter + Frat Boy = ? | Sophrosyne Radical

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Virginia school kids to learn about gun safety–opponents of gun safety object

The 10 biggest health care lies in America

George Bush memoir: 'Decision Points' to reveal 9/11 mistakes | Mail Online

Aliens may exist but contact would hurt humans: Hawking - Yahoo! News

Climate: Copenhagen pledges set Earth for +3 C warming - study - Environment - The Independent

Ohio man arrested as Obama leaves NC faces hearing

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Details of the Goldman Sachs Congressional 'Show Hearing'

Jesse Ventura Hammered Over 9/11 Statements

ah, mephistophelis.: Its 2010. Do you know where your internet freedom is?

Russian Hacker Selling 1.5 Million Facebook Accounts

Facebook: 5 Privacy Settings You Must Tweak Now - PCWorld

EclippTV :: Video :: Debunking Glenn Beck & Anti Ron Paul Propaganda

EclippTV :: Video :: Chinese Replica Jet in Dogfight for Copyright

EclippTV :: Video :: Obama = Corporatist (Worse Than a Socialist)

Israelis shoot Maltese photographer as she films Gaza demonstration

Directorate of Communication - Ukrainian President and Russian Foreign Minister to address PACE at its spring session

NATO - News: Secretary General calls for greater NATO-EU police training synergy, 26-Apr.-2010

NATO - News: NATO agrees roadmap for transition to Afghan lead, 23-Apr.-2010

Director: Robocop Was an ‘American Jesus’ Because He Kills People

Day by Day: Marketing Muhammed

Obama Nation: Such a Deal!


Media Matters vs. Citizen Journalists: Who Will Win in the End?

Obama’s Newest Goal: Expand the Nanny State

The IMF Is Urging Governments to Impose Regulatory and Tax Cartels to Benefit Politicians

The Irresponsible Center for Responsible Lending

Nevada: Now it’s the ‘People’s Truck!’

Will Widening Fissures Doom the GOP’s Chances this November?

Indentured Servitude in the USA and the Biggest Ponzi Scheme Ever

Why ACORN is Unworthy of Our Hard-Earned Tax Dollars and Chief Organizer’s Toilet Talk Proves Why

Does Obama Want to Destroy America? Yes, But…

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

Dem Senate Candidate’s Family Bank Shut Down by Feds

Some Friendly Advice For GreenMyParents

Teddy’s Temple: A Taxpayer-Funded Shrine to Leftism

When They’re Not Actually Racists, Tea Partiers Are, You Know, Kooks

Putting the Lie To the Notion Of Tea Party ‘Racism,’ Up Close and Personal

New Book Wrongly Blames Nazis for Muslim Hatred Of Israel

Day by Day: Marketing Muhammed

When Religion Meets Free Expression, What Gives?

From the ‘National Circle News,’ a Day In the (Future) Life

Re ‘South Park,’ the Silence of the Media Lambs Continues

Behind the Scenes Of the ‘South Park’ Follies — MSM-Style

NewsBusted: Why Does Eric Holder Want Bin Laden Captured Alive?

‘Welcome Back To the Fight — This Time I Know Our Side Will Win’


Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 6

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 7

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 8

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 9

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 10



Crooked police chief still gets a monthly pension

video:PJTV - Sharia and Jihad - Censorship of Islamic Terminology: A Call for a Congressional Inquiry

Pajamas Media » Controversy over Rodney King Beating and L.A. Riots Reignites

Pajamas Media » Is the CIA a ‘Bloated, Dysfunctional Bureaucracy’?

Pajamas Media » ‘Victory’ Over Obama? Hannity Shows How It Can Be Done

Roger's Rules » Rush Limbaugh, Patriot

Chesler Chronicles » Islamic Homosexual Pederasty and Afghanistan’s “Dancing Boys.”

Roger L. Simon » Why Is the L.A. Times Burying the Obama/Khalidi Tape?

Pajamas Media » A Dumb Idea, via Hitchens and Dawkins: Arresting the Pope

Robotic subs race to seal leaks as US oil slick spreads

How should post office deliver in less costly way

Massey: W.Va. mine clear of gases before explosion

Late Poland president's twin runs to replace him

Supreme Court stays out of Asian carp dispute

GOP Rep. Issa: 1999 banking deregulation bill went 'too far'

Sixty lawmakers urge SEC to broaden Goldman probe

Grijalva calls on Obama to battle a new Arizona immigration law

Climate backers seek to salvage bill after Graham halts action over immigration

Unions wait to see Citizens United ‘fix’

SEC Inspector General opens probe into timing of Goldman Sachs fraud charges

Congressman charges Obama with 'increasing danger' in the world

Rev. Al Sharpton pledges to fight Arizona immigration bill - NYPOST.com

Wall Street Journal revs up New York Times rivalry

Ministers apologise for insult to Pope - Telegraph

Iran strikes secret nuclear mining deal with Zimbabwe's Mugabe regime - Telegraph

Bay Area Dems request $2.3 billion in earmarks

FOXNews.com - Road to Radicalism: The Man Behind the 'South Park' Threats

PolitiFact | Obama campaign financed by large donors, too

Unmanned military space planes usher in new weaponry era - Washington Times

'Nobody wins' on immigration reform - Jonathan Martin and Kasie Hunt - POLITICO.com

Max Baucus: A bank tax is coming - David Rogers - POLITICO.com

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010 - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com









Debbie Schlussel:GREAT VIDEO Analysis on Sean Hannity Freedom Alliance/Freedom Concert Scam

David Brooks: Moving Further to the Right is Good for Republicans as Long as They're 'Principled'

Yes, the American Right really has gone insane

Kristol and Williams Get into Shouting Match Over Goldman Sachs Emails Release

Goldman Sachs Emails: We Made Money On The Housing Collapse. Aren't We Clever?

Bill Kristol on Arizona Immigration Law: 'I Don't Think it Violates Anyone's Civil Rights'

Krugman: McConnell's Been 'Trying to Stop Reform with Possibly the Most Dishonest Argument' 'In the History of Politics'

William Black: Key Component in Financial Crisis - Fraud - Is Not Being Addressed

Help for the Little Guys: Growing Movement Shows How To Fight Back Against Debt Collectors

McConnell predicts filibuster of financial reform

Hume: 'Draconian' Arizona law will cause civil rights violations

Goolsbee To Republicans: Financial Reform Bill Is Going To Pass

The Chris Matthews Panel Doesn't Think the Democrats Should Be Taking on Immigration Reform This Year

AZ Truck driver forced to show birth certificate claims racial-profiling

Tiller Assassin Roeder Files Petition Claiming His Rights Violated

Rachel Maddow and Rick Perlstein on Michael Steele's Admission of a GOP Southern Strategy

Battlefield Arizona: "police state" bolts community into action

Israel's Right to Exist as a Jewish Homeland

Fighting Statism

Are Jewish Students Safe on California Campuses?

The Snakes in Our Midst

Evil at Westboro Baptist Church

Truman Was Right; Netanyahu Would Be Right

The Constitution as a 'living document'

Subpoena for Ft.Hood terrorist attack

The Obama's 'Middle Class' trip to Asheville

Iran strikes uranium deal with Zimbabwe

Arizona just doing the job the Feds refuse to do

How are those lower health insurance rates you promised working out for you, Barry?

The man who promised a new era of bipartisanship just killed the bipartisan bank deal

The Next Woman on the Left's Hate List

Obama breaks another promise

A Hero's Repose

The Great Phony Volcano Ash Scare and Global Warming

Obama Is Enabling Nuclear Breakout

Chris Matthews and the Jews

Racially Profiling Redheads

Justice Stevens on Distinguishing Protest from Incitement

Black Republican Rebukes Steele

Rethinking Education

Economic stimulus

Survive to Thrive in a Changing World

Getting the right gang numbers in D.C.

As Usual, Government Regulation as Political Payoff

The Federal Reserve and Income Tax: Working in Tandem or Seperate Institutions?

Arizona immigration law protesters urge action | Reuters

ABC News' Exclusive Look at a Day in the Life of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano - ABC News

Illegal Immigrant Law Opponents Rally in Arizona

Sharpton vows to protest Arizona immigration bill

Feds’ push to seize restaurant a rare one - SignOnSanDiego.com

Texas town vows fight to keep illegal immigrants from renting houses | McClatchy

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010 - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

"Hope" Artist Shepard Fairey Not Pleased With Obama | NBC New York

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

FT.com / Global Economy - US prepares to push for global capital rules

RealClearPolitics - Video - Geithner: "I Never Had A Real Job"

FT.com / Companies / Banks - Goldman releases internal paper trail

Chomsky Warns of Rise of the Far Right in the U.S. - Pravda.Ru

Feeling Warehoused in Army Trauma Care Units - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Long-hated one-child rule may be eased in China

Out for the count: Why levels of sperm in men are falling - Science, News - The Independent

SEC inspector general opens probe into timing of Goldman Sachs fraud charges - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Deal Near on Derivatives as Warren Buffett's Berkshire Presses for Eased Curbs - WSJ.com

2 Chicago state reps: Bring in the National Guard - Chicago Breaking News

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: First Video Of Larry King & Wife With Her Lover | RadarOnline.com

U.S. backs plan to stop leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well | Reuters

Senators postpone climate bill unveiling - Yahoo! News

14 arrested in 'out of control' nightclub melee » Merrimack Valley » EagleTribune.com, North Andover, MA

Clegg Says Brown Can’t Stay After Third-Place Finish (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

BBC News - Lib Dems stage 'fake Pc' photos

More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship - NYTimes.com

Australia tightens rules for foreign property buyers

Breitbart.tv » Obama’s National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants

Lost iPhone prototype spurs police probe | Apple - CNET News

G.O.P. Threatens Seats Long Held by Democrats - NYTimes.com

Pope memo sent by 23-year-old Oxford graduate - Telegraph

Reid asks for help of Carson Democrats | NevadaAppeal.com

Romance is Dead [1 & 2] incomplete « The Celtic Rebel

The Instruments of Worldwide Domination: Obama Administration Spending Billions on New Global Strike Weapons

Cyberwar and Repression: Corporatist Synergy Made in Hell

Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects

China’s Population Control Program to Begin Sterilization

Food in the U.S. Is Still Tainted with Chemicals That Were Banned Decades Ago

Is the Bank Tax a Major Step Toward World Government?

"Mafianomics": From “Trickle-down Economics” to outright Financial Fraud

04-26-2010: More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship

04-25-2010: Superspy in the sky could soon be patrolling over British cities to search for hidden terror cells

04-25-2010: Video: Many Questions Surround The Plane Crash That Killed The Polish Ruling Elite

04-25-2010: Fake Al-Qaeda News: Al-Qaeda In Iraq Confirms Deaths Of Two Supposed Leaders

The 'greening ' of al-Qaeda: More recycled al-Qaeda emerge

Elite U.S. Units Step Up Effort in Afghan City Before Attack

Lawmakers: Military could quell Chicago violence

Armed man arrested at NC airport as Obama departs

Man impersonating police officer charged as President Obama jets out of North Carolina

Obama Revives Rumsfeld’s Missile Scheme, Risks Nuke War

Goldman Cited 'Serious' Profit on Mortgages

Air Force Creates Steering Group For ICBMs

House passes Vt.'s own take on health reform

The Imminent Crash Of The Oil Supply

Big Liars and the Voters Who Love Them

Peace: A New Way of Thinking about Achieving and Preserving It

How the Game Is Rigged

Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product

The Death Penalty for Murderous 'Corporate Persons'

The Migration Begins

The Instruments of Worldwide Domination: Obama Administration Spending Billions on New Global Strike Weapons

Cyberwar, the Internet and the Militarization of Civil Society

Break up the Banks and Combat Financial Crime

Paltry Humanitarian Priorities

More than 50% of US Government Spending Goes to the Military

An Act Of War: The US Congress is Actively Pushing for War on Iran

Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA

Canada to Resurrect 9-11 "Anti-Terror" Measures

Judea Declares War on America’s 44th President

Bowling for Patriots: Set 'Em Up and Knock 'Em Down

'Shocking' Report: Police Find Tea Partiers More Peaceful than Antiwar Protesters

What 'Fiscal Responsibility' Means to You

Video: Ron Paul Says Debate Over Iran Sanctions Act Is War Propaganda

**Chuck Baldwin: SPLC Publishes Patirot Hit List

4409 -- Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill

Police may use trash to get a suspect's DNA

Why big corporations love government regulations

Alan Grayson Discloses That Dodd Bill Covertly Eliminates Already Passed Legislation Requiring Full Fed Audit

Man who shot judge and politician who had raped his daughter, national hero

Paupers In The Land Our Forefathers Conquered

60% Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism

Widely publicized 4/20 poll actually shows majority support for drug reforms

Is a Real Anti-Government Movement Forming?

Among All Government Looting Methods... The VAT Tax May Be The Worst

National ID: The Time to Resist is Now

The CFL Bulb Is Not Environmentally Friendly

Goldman Sachs: What hath fraud wrought?

Kyrgyzstan: Another colour revolution bites the dust

US military culture is deeply flawed

Dawn Johnsen is a victim of the war on terror

The F Word: Is the SEC up to the job?

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is “Sort Of Like Terrorism”

video:When False Flags Don't Fly

Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help

Facebook under privacy microscope

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Obama Administration Sends Mixed Message on VAT as Fiscal Commission Prepares First Meeting

Obama’s Debt Commission Will Consider a Value-Added Tax

Senate Panel Previews Electronic Health Technology

Republican Lawmaker Says She’ll Enter EPA’s Video Contest to Show the Downside of Federal Regulations

Iran Drops Bid for Human Rights Council Seat, Eyes Women’s Rights Body Instead

Sigourney Weaver: ‘The Oceans Are Not Prospering’

U.S. Newspaper Circulation Continues to Drop

GOP Bill Would Empower Border Patrol to Secure U.S.-Mexico Border without National Guard Help

Interior Secretary Says National Security Can Co-Exist With ‘Ecological Values’ at U.S.-Mexico Border

Activists Call on President Obama to Fight Arizona Immigration Law

Hamas Video Shows Kidnapped Israeli Soldier Returning Home in a Coffin

Narrow Escape for British Ambassador Targeted in Yemen

Democrats Plan to Test Republican Resolve With Vote on Financial Regulations

Treasury Announces Plans for First Sale of Government-Owned Citigroup Stock

George W. Bush Book 'Decision Points' Out Nov. 9

Obama Asks His Supporters for Help in Midterm Elections

Lieberman Encouraged That Energy Bill Will Advance This Year

Obama Says W.Va. Miners Died in Pursuit of A Better Life

Conservative Utah Senator Feels Anti-Incumbent Fervor

Open Pens Lead to Chicken ‘Cannibalism' on Egg Farms

Archie Comics Introduces First Homosexual Character

Cap-and-Trade Treason

Border Crossing

Free to Choose What's Right

Transatlantic Tracks

Powerful Lobbies vs. Ordinary Citizens

Inhofe: Cap-and-Trade Has No Chance in Senate

Sen. Menendez: Immigration and Energy Do-Able

Lindsey Graham Blasts Reid's 'Ploy' On Immigration

McConnell Says Financial Bill Not Ready

Military Cancels Nuclear Attack Test

Obama and Evangelist Billy Graham Share a Prayer

WSJ Revs Up New York Times Rivalry

Healthcare Debate Likely to Re-emerge

Dems Willing to Test GOP in Wall St. Showdown

Pataki Says Obamacare Can Be Repealed

Washington Times Publisher Slevin to Leave Paper

GOP Bank Bailout Supporters Pay Political Price

Vatican May Cancel Pope U.K. Visit over Memo

U.K. Apologizes to Vatican Over Pope Visit Jokes

U.S. Newspaper Circulation Down 8.7%

Quick End to Gulf Oil Leak Depends On Robot Subs

Obama Pal Patrick Banks On 3-Way Gov. Race

Japan's PM on Edge in Okinawa Base Row

Faber: Hold Your Gold While Geithner, Bernanke In

Feds Try to Avoid Soured-Loan Ripoffs


*9 Top Cancer-Fighting Foods


Does 1976 Flu Shot Protect Against H1N1?

Schumer's Next Target: Facebook

Barnes & Noble E-Reader to Offer Web Browser

Sarkozy's Delivery of Polanski Plea to Obama Is Absurd

Voter Backlash Will Punish the Establishment

If You're Not a Tea Partyer . . . Why?

Silent Commerce Killer: Obama's VAT Proposal

GM Still Owes Us - Forbes.com

The Devaluation of the U.S. Dollar, Gold's Springboard :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Jeremy Grantham: This Is Nothing But The Greenspan Legacy’s Latest Bubble | Phil’s Stock World

Time, Water Running Out for Ogallala, America's Biggest Aquifer - AOL News

Halfpasthuman - Wolf and the Other Blitzers

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Satanic Monsters Preying on Our Children

FOXNews.com - Chicago Lawmakers: Call In the National Guard

Daley "Open" to Troops | NBC Chicago

No testimony from alleged Palin e-mail snooper as defense rests » The Commercial Appeal

Families settle with NJ city over car-trunk deaths

Ray LaHood in Conn. to discuss rail line - BostonHerald.com

How Should Post Office Deliver in Less Costly Way - ABC News

FOXNews.com - Pint-Sized Pinto Born in New Hampshire May Be World's Smallest Horse

Schumer Asks FTC to Investigate Privacy of Facebook, Other Sites | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

YouTube - FTC urged to crack down on social sites

Obama seeks to recapture 2008 magic in November

High Court to Hear Videogame Case - WSJ.com

Armed man arrested outside Asheville airport as Obama leaves | citizen-times.com | Asheville Citizen-Times

Obama Hosts Muslim Entrepreneurs | American Life | English

YouTube - Growing herbs for profit in Jordan

YouTube - Protesters: US Should Fight Ariz. Immigrant Law

Israeli opposition sees Jerusalem settlement freeze

Ukrainian opposition warns against ratifying Russian naval base deal | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Ukraine leader says Chernobyl reactor a threat

Kyrgyz draft constitution cuts presidential powers | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

South Korea Mourns Victims of Warship Sinking - NYTimes.com

YouTube - South Korean president honours the victims of the Cheonan disaster

Afghanistan war: Taliban escalates violence with Kandahar blasts / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

BBC News - Al-Qaeda blamed for Yemen bomb attack on UK envoy

The Hindu : Business / Economy : China hails World Bank voting reforms

South Africa likens Israeli restrictions to apartheid | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Late Polish president's twin brother to seek top job

Bashir wins Sudan election. Now what? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Pope's visit: Foreign Office needs brains, not brainstorming - Telegraph

YouTube - "Dark forces are at work in British Foreign Office, ...

It Started With the Tyrant Lincoln by Vin Suprynowicz


*LEW ROCKWELL SHOW: States Revolt Against the Federal Government


What If? by Gary D. Barnett

Achieve Educational Freedom, Excellence and Harmony: Eliminate the Public Schools by Paul Galvin

Peter Schiff: New financial regs will likely increase severity of next crisis - Investment News

When Soda Was a Nickel and Social Security Wasn’t Much More by Vedran Vuk

Punishment Park by James Allen Wilkins

Future police: Meet the UK's armed robot drones

James Bond can beat any villain - including MGM - Telegraph

Can you disappear in surveillance Britain? - Times Online

Generation Y's steep financial hurdles: Huge debt, no savings - USATODAY.com

The College Voice - Marijuana: Recreational drug or natural health miracle?

Bush memoir: 43's 'most critical and historic decisions' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Lindsay Lohan Fired From Movie 'The Other Side' - Movie News Story | MTV Movie News

Sandra Bullock: Another Reported Mistress Says Sorry - ABC News

Five Things to Know About Johnny Depp's New Pirates Costar - Pirates of the Caribbean, Movie News, Johnny Depp, Pen\u00E9lope Cruz : People.com

Scarlett Johansson: Skinny Isn't Sexy | TheCelebrityCafe.com

When your cartoon can get you killed

Mariah Carey: I'm NOT pregnant | Mail Online

Michael Douglas’ 16-Year-Old Mrs. Robinson Moment | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Paris Hilton bares scary skinny bikini bod while ex Doug Reinhardt steps out with Paris look-alike


*25APR:Transcripts/Interview with Treasury Sec. Timothy Geithner

Senators Dodd & Shelby on Financial Reform

Sens. Menendez & Chambliss Debate Financial Reform

Senators Corker & Brown, Goolsbee on Financial Reform

Interview with Larry Summers (PDF)


*26APR:Politics Video/Obama Calls Upon Minorities For Upset Vote In 2010

IL-Sen: Giannoulias Runs First Ad On Bank Failure

Rep. Issa Will Vote "No" On Senate Financial Reform Bill

Napolitano: Arizona Immigration Law Is "Misguided"

Gov. Rendell: Media Has Given Tea Party "Too Much Credit"

Cramer: Goldman Has To Settle

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Defends Illegal Immigration Law

Sen. Richard Shelby On Finance Reform

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Calls Rand Paul "Tea Party Bag" Candidate

Ex-GEICO Spokesman: Tea Party Is "Fringe, Dangerous Group"

KY-Sen: GOP Senate Debate Highlights

*25ARP:Sen. Dodd: Obama Will Be An "Asset" In November

Coal Miner Memorial Crowd Yells "We Love You Obama"

Fmr. Sen. Simpson: "If We Can Get The Figures" We Can All "Bleed And Bitch"

Sen. Chambliss: Cheney's Endorsement Of Rubio Not Helpful To GOP

"This Week" Roundtable On Wall Street Reform

Goolsbee, Corker, Brown On Financial Reform

Sharpton Promises To Bring "Freedom Walkers" To Arizona

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Debt Commission

SNL Spoofs Obama On Financial Reform

Mich. Gov. Granholm: Automakers Are "Too Important To Fail"

William Ayers: "We Were Never A Terrorist Organization"

"Meet The Press" Panel On Impact Of Arizona Law On Midterms


Obama and Democrats appeal to new voters in midterms

Goldman Sachs Money for Obama Wins at Monopoly: Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg.com

Investors’ love-hate relationship with Wall Street : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - Hold the VAT -- Taxpayers May Prefer Spending Cuts

RealClearPolitics - GOP Dark Horse Dreams: Can Someone Pull a Goldwater?

How Sarah Palin Has Become a Singular National Industry -- New York Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Thin-skinned Liberals Smear Critics

Arizona's new immigration law is unconstitutional - Immigration - Salon.com

CEO series:Obamacare impact | care, health, companies - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - The Right Court Fight

Elena Kagan acquits herself in any court - BostonHerald.com

The Pope Should Be Questioned in Sex-Abuse Cases - Newsweek.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Op-Ed Columnist - South Park - NYTimes.com

ObamaCare Mulligan: Readying Price Controls for Insurance - WSJ.com

Congress should be abetted in probing the Fort Hood massacre

Prepare now for a nuclear Iran - The Boston Globe

The Case against the Dodd Bill - The Editors on National Review Online

Courtesy of Arizona, immigration moves higher on Obama's agenda

CQ Politics | Democrats’ Path Ahead Puts Hoyer in Dilemma

Unions wait to see Citizens United ‘fix’ - TheHill.com

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Apr 26, 2010 - Conservative Westerner feels anti-incumbent fervor

G.O.P. Threatens Seats Long Held by Democrats - NYTimes.com

azcentral.com blogs - Laurie Roberts' Columns & Blog

Goldman Wasn't Alone in Deals Like Abacus - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - Panetta the Defuser

He Ain't Beanbag, But He's My Friedman! - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Carbon-phobia? Not me

Why does tea party need infiltrating?

Islamic warning to 'South Park' still 'remains'

Lawmakers want university explanation for expulsion of Christian

Feds tight-lipped about raid on milk farm

$150M case claims anti-freedom bias at Voice of America

VIDEO:Loving God or so much lip service?


*American Minute for April 26th:William J Federer's American Minute


Average woman dates more than 24 men before 'Mr Right' - Telegraph

Lecturer married homeless busker - after nine days | Quirky News | Orange UK

Is 2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?

Ronald Reagan and James Dean: Rare Video From 1954 - Culture - The Atlantic

Geithner says reforms will benefit Wall Street | Reuters

Scientists find ancient asphalt domes off California coast

BBC News - Dreams 'can help with learning'

Mysterious Desert Lines Were Animal Traps : Discovery News

Revealed: The secret of how worms re-grow amputated body parts... and how humans could one day do the same | Mail Online

'Ancestral Eve' crystal may explain origin of life's left-handedness

SPACE.com -- How the Hubble Telescope Survived Eye Surgery to Win Our Hearts

Unexplained Mysteries - First contact: a short study

King Tut Exhibit Unwraps His Majesty's Mysteries - AOL News

1976 shot may protect against modern swine flu | Reuters

Shellfish workers net WWII-era grenades - UPI.com

DARPA confirms mission’s failure

Dinosaurs died from sudden temperature drop 'not comet strike', scientists claim - Telegraph

Redesigning the Ouija board | forgetomori

Maxed out: How long can you go without sleep? - health - 23 April 2010 - New Scientist

Sea lion pup found on Newport Beach rooftop | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times

Teacher-student sex scandals - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Lennon acid discovery | The Sun |Showbiz|Bizarre

Spanish hospital claims first full face transplant - The Globe and Mail

World grabs more and more toilet paper - environment - 24 April 2010 - New Scientist

U.S. students suffering from Internet addiction: study | Reuters

Backstage with the Wikipedians: Inner Workings of Global Encyclopedia 'Better than a Soap Opera' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Police arrest woman suspected of urinating on clothes at Cape Coral Walmart | news-press.com | The News-Press

In hiding, the mother accused of abuse for cuddling her child | Mail Online

Slain principal's home shares tragic past - wtop.com

Arrest made after blow dart spree | stevenspointjournal.com | Stevens Point Journal

Offense wins politics

Israel and liberal appeasement

Adios, Baby!

Tax Freedom Day never really comes

Free speech in academia

Public schoolers: How's that indoctrination workin' out?

The least we can do for our soldiers

Why Obama Should Select Merrick Garland to Move the Supreme Court to the Left -- New York Magazine

A Plague of ‘A’ Students | The Weekly Standard

Lambs to the slaughter, Part 1

Entrepreneur summit eyes Muslim world - Washington Times

A homeless man dies and nearly 25 people in Queens keep walking by - NYPOST.com

G.O.P. Threatens Seats Long Held by Democrats - NYTimes.com

Obama seeks to 'reconnect...young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women' for 2010 - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

John McCain fighting for his political life in the Arizona desert - Telegraph

Despite Kennedy loss, Coakley has no GOP opponent

Panthers deem flap over voting 'error' - Washington Times

Ariz. congressman: U.S. should fight state's 'unjust' immigrant law

CongressDaily - Groups Fear Reid Might Push Hastily Written Reform Bill

Iran: We'll allow UN officials to inspect new uranium enrichment plant - Haaretz - Israel News

Iran strikes secret nuclear mining deal with Zimbabwe's Mugabe regime - Telegraph

'No temporary Palestinian state'

East Jerusalem construction frozen - Washington Times

FOXNews.com - Road to Radicalism: The Man Behind the 'South Park' Threats

Popular Technology.net: 700 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming

Research Gap Left Airlines Exposed to Volcano’s Blast (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Lawmakers want university explanation for expulsion of Christian

U. of Wyoming cites threats in barring Ayers - U.S. news- msnbc.com

Buzz kill! Is this 'bee Armageddon'?


Bill Cunningham 4/25/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 4/25/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 4/25/10 Hour 3


Obama’s National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants

Beck: You Cannot Be a Nazi and For Limited Government

FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd Gives False Responses to ‘Right Wing Smear Campaign’

‘Right Network’ Revels in Mockery From Olbermann & Company

Jim Carrey Joins Conan O’Brien for Epic Duet During Live Show

NBC News ‘Puff Piece’: Asheville ‘Has Gone Ga-Ga Over the Obamas’

Geraldo Warns Latino Congressman: You Might Get Stopped by Cops in Arizona

Hannity: Is Criticism of Radical Muslims Increasingly Dangerous?

Deal Near on Derivatives as Warren Buffett Group Pushes for Eased Curbs

Top Republican Dealmaker for Financial Regulatory Legislation Says Deal Close

Ben Stein: Obama Is ‘So Right’ to Rein in Wall Street’s ‘Drunken Frat Boys’

Feds Close Bank With Ties to Dem Candidate Running for Obama’s Senate Seat

Mississippi White Supremacist Found ‘Stabbed and Beaten by Black Neighbor’

Dozens Walk By Dying Hero on Queens Sidewalk

Sting: ‘We’re Asking for Government’

Police Release Video of Possible Meteorite That Landed on Israeli Beach

Mile-Wide Tornado Kills Ten in Mississippi

New Zealand Biker Shrugs Off Freak Accident That Impaled Handle in His Hand

Spanish Doctors Perform World’s First Full-Face Transplant

Vote 2010: Obama Aims to Reconnect ‘Young People, African-Americans, Latinos, and Women’

Protest Organizer Smacks Photographer During Arizona Immigration Rally

Young Man Stopped With Gun Near Obama Has Diverse Video Posts

Obama to Debt Panel on Taxes: ‘Everything Is on the Table’

Bill Ayers Tells CA Crowd: ‘We Were Never a Terrorist Organization’

Update: PA Candidate Denies Faking Bisexuality to Garner Votes

French Ban on Full Islamic Veils Could Take Effect This Summer

‘Remember November’: Republican Governors Send Video Message for Fall Elections

Top Spanish Bullfighter Gored in Mexico

WA State Patrol Vacancies Soar Because Younger Trooper Candidates Can’t Pass Fitness Test

Update: Alaska Dog Honored For Leading Troopers To Fire

Video: Funeral Video Shows Angel, Daughter Says

Video: Polygamy Issue Stokes French Veil Debate

Video: Mel Brooks Gets Walk of Fame Star

Video: Monks enter digital age to extend ancient home

British ambassador targeted in Yemen

Top Republican Dealmaker for Financial Regulatory Legislation Says Deal Close


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Is billboard campaign working?

What if ... ?

Another state considers Arizona eligibility plan

Army to 'inquire' into charges against Lakin

Hayworth: 'Birther bill' doesn't go far enough

FOXNews.com - Birther Army Doctor Court Martial May Yield No New Document


Poll: Most Americans Support Stricter Bank Regulations. Will The GOP Ignore Them?

Obamacare’s Danger Signs

Gateway Pundit:Confirmed: Economists Agree Stimulus Was Largely a Bust

Confirmed: global warming zealots hate people – Telegraph Blogs

Pajamas Media » More Global Warming Profiteering by Obama Energy Official

Cyberwar, the Internet and the Militarization of Civil Society

Crazy On Tap - GM Lies About Paying Back "Loan"!

Sex abuse rife in other religions, says Vatican | World news | The Guardian

Details of the Goldman Sachs Congressional ‘Show Hearing’

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Details of the Goldman Sachs Congressional 'Show Hearing'

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians