"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

22 April 2010

Earth Day (click here)


Unabomber's Manifesto

Unabomber CIA NSA FBI Conspiracy Echelon Terrorism Ten Most Wanted.

Snowshoe Documentaries: for social and economic justice


Christopher Bollyn:The Goldman Scam & John Paulson's Links to 9-11

Imprisoning A Courageous Whistleblower

Sovereign debt rise poses new threat to global economy - Times Online

Rahm Emanuel admits ambition to become Mayor of Chicago - Times Online

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution a hit in US - Telegraph

The Death of High Fructose Corn Syrup | BNET Food Blog | BNET

TotallyJewish.com | News | National

Israel-Backed UAE Pressures Iran On Gulf Islands

The Associated Press: China oil demand up on double-digit growth

The Murder of Donkeys and Detained Goats by Israel «Kawther Salam

Lily is Britain's first baby with two women parents on her birth certificate - so what will her Mummies tell her about Dad? | Mail Online

Harry’s Place defends Israeli Organs Theft!

Real ID driver's licenses to be optional - News - ReviewJournal.com

On the Contrary: The Trial of the Bishop who Wasn't There

LED Street Lights: A Foolish and Unhealthy Idea by Ken Adachi (April 21, 2010)

Is Google Making Us Stupid? - Magazine - The Atlantic

Google 'not interested' in privacy - Telegraph


**Chuck Baldwin -- Southern Poverty Law Center Publishes Patriot Hit List


Was the Polish President killed over landmark gas deal? « Case about Bird Flu

*THE BIG WOBBLE: The guy who filmed the shots fired at the POLISH PLANE CRASH WAS ASSASSINATED


Democrats haunted by corporate ties - Jonathan Allen and Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com


*Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks on Natural Rights and the Patriot Act « Bobbi85710's Mouth in the South


Paul A Drockton M.A.: Stalin, Putin and the Communist Resurgence

Eulogy for John McCain's lost integrity - Leonard Pitts Jr. - MiamiHerald.com

savethemales.ca - NPR- Rockefeller's Device For Duping Liberals

Do we not read as much anymore because the Internet has sapped our attention spans? | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home

savethemales.ca - Young Have Been Turned into Zombies

VIDEO: Obama, not Osama, is Threat No.1 to Global Security

YouTube - AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea

ALIPAC - Senator Graham's Gay Scandal Goes National & Viral

YouTube - US Senator Graham asked to Admit His Homosexuality at Tea Party Event

The Difference Between Putin And Obama | Real Zionist News

An American Phenomenon: The Widespread Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers | Drugs | AlterNet

Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you" | Washington Examiner


*AmericanCrisis:Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you've ever seen... The President who HATES America


Obama keeps up pressure for financial overhaul | Washington Examiner

Meghan Cox Gurdon: Earth Day couldn't be more boring | Washington Examiner

Michelle Malkin: All the president's Goldman Sachs men | Washington Examiner

Gregory Kane: Democrats know all about 'incivility' | Washington Examiner

04-21-2010: McAfee Antivirus Program Goes Berserk, Freezes PCs

04-21-2010: IEEE: Checks and Cash Slowing Starting To Disappear

04-21-2010: UK relies on 'virtual' water from drought-prone countries, says report

04-21-2010: Heritage Foundation indignantly denies influencing Obamacare

04-21-2010: Police Raid Homes Of White Supremacists

04-21-2010: U.S. Soldier Who Felt Bad About Slaughter of Civilians in Iraq: “I was told that I needed to get the sand out of my vagina”

04-21-2010: BRIC Must Create New World Order

04-21-2010: Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom

04-20-2010: Gore takes cash for water campaign from Dow Chemical


*Creating Lists Of Political Dissidents: Good Enough For The Nazis, Good Enough For the SPLC


Savage: Obama Regime Will Stage Violence To Crush Dissent

Al-Qaeda Chief In Iraq: Captured, Killed, Never Actually Existed, Re-Captured, Now Killed Again

YouTube Hitler Downfall parody videos removed over copyright | Metro.co.uk

Big Brother doctors say patients don’t need to see their imaging test results

Patient access to radiology reports: what do physi... [J Am Coll Radiol. 2010] - PubMed result

Leaked U.S. Document Calls For "Global Regime" To Tackle Climate Change

Bankers Prepare To Assault Americans With VAT, Transaction Taxes

Video:Remember When .....President Obama s Pledge Never to Raise Taxes on Anyone Making Less Than 250 000 a Year


*Taxed Enough Already!*


Scandals Signal The Demise of Our Financial System

The 100 Years War: Collectivism vs. Individualism

Human Torpedoes Blamed For Korea Ship Strike - Yahoo! News UK

YouTube - Gibbs: Obama won't return Goldman donations

WH: Obama Not Going to Return $1M in Goldman Cash

YouTube - New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'

Shocking Video “Priest Abusing Altar Boy” : Truth is Contagious

EclippTV :: Video :: RICHARD FINE on Dr. SHIRLEY MOORE Show, April 19, 2010‏

TaxProf Blog: Tax Court: IRS Agent Liable for Taxes (and Penalties) on Unreported Income From Thousands of eBay Sales

EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul: Freedom is the Answer!

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers Vince Stanzione London 2010 Global Financial Trading Day

YouTube - Climategate: Hide The Decline - the video

Penny for your thoughts: Gore backed by group linked to oil industry


**Quotes About Tyranny**


**Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Murrah Federal Building Survivor Talks with Alex Jones


NovelGuide: The Grapes of Wrath: Top Ten Quotes

Washington's Blog:Are Interest Rate Derivatives a Ticking Time Bomb?

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Symbolic Identifiers and Jewish Stereotypes by Gilad Atzmon

Americans going mad with anger | Lisa Vandusen | Columnists | Comment | Winnipeg Sun

U.S. Soldier on 2007 Apache Attack: What I Saw | Danger Room | Wired.com

SF Author Peter Watts Talks About Hard Science Fiction, and Being Beaten By US Border Guards - Peter watts - io9

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Fed Official: We Can Just Print Money, Damn It!

BBC News - Three-person IVF 'may prevent inherited disease'

Revolution in Central Asia: Who's Next?

Pentagon Continues to Use "Personality Disorder" Discharges to Cheat Veterans out of Benefits

Support Tyranny Or You're A Terrorist

Massive government corruption hidden by focus on Goldman-Sachs

Iran Affairs: The Twenty-Percent Solution with Iran that won't work

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » REALITY REPORT #41 – The Tea-O Con Takeover

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Arizona Immigration Reform: Common Sense or Police State?

Wonkette : U.S. Treasury Department Really, Really Wants You To Masturbate To New Features On $100 Bill

ah, mephistophelis.: Support the Goldstone Report! (UN Petition)

Heaven: A fool's paradise - Faith, Opinion - The Independent

Testimony Could Undercut SEC Charge Against Goldman - CNBC


Expert says the SEC is a farce - Apr. 21, 2010

YouTube Pulls All Versions of 'Hide the Decline' ClimateGate Videos | NewsBusters.org

Buying carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt but not global warming / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Is the Mortgage Burning Party a Thing of the Past? | Chink in the Armor

High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Liver Scarring - DukeHealth.org

Mossad And The Russian Mafia Plutonium Connection

Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con | Will Hutton | Business | The Observer

Iran's military begins large-scale war games | World news | guardian.co.uk

High-Frequency Trading: High-tech highway robbery | The Smirking Chimp

The Inflated Threat from Iran | Stephen M. Walt

YouTube - Criminal Rothschilds

YouTube - Noam Chomsky On Corporate Propaganda

The Deadly Game Between The House of Rothschild and Freedom-Loving America


*10 Facts All Americans Must Know Now


The Income Tax and American Servitude

Zionism Unmasked

Good-Bye: Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It

Bank For International Settlements (BIS): How The Rothschilds

YouTube - The Federal Reserve caused the 700 billion dollar bailout and economic crash

YouTube - Webster Tarpley on Obama, Calls RabbitHoleCentral.tv


**Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - The Full Movie HQ


The Hidden Role of the CIA at Popular Mechanics

Controlled Press Hides Chertoff's Israeli Roots

Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful

The 90-Minute Stand Down on 9/11

The Criminal Nature of the Zionist Controlled Press

YouTube - $100 Note Unveiling Video

EclippTV :: Video :: How Goldman Sachs Survived

Massive government corruption hidden by focus on Goldman-Sachs

ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights

Pandemic of panic: The great volcanic shutdown was the price we pay for a society that overreacts to any risk

Another Drug Record for Afghanistan

The Goldman Probe Is a Smokescreen

Food costs jump most in 26 years

New Global 'FAT' Tax to Rein in Banks

Heritage Foundation indignantly denies influencing Obamacare.

Nothing is Forever, Even European Union

Apps That Answer Military Needs

Checks and Cash Slowly But Surely Disappearing

$3 Million in Stimulus = 6 Jobs Created?

Sovereign debt rise poses new threat to global economy

Digital Photocopiers Might Digitally Store Thousands of Documents That Get Passed on at Resale

Pakistan holding thousands in indefinite detention, officials say

Deputy mayor of Afghanistan's Kandahar shot dead

US: Missile transfers could lead to war

US had 'specific concerns' in issuing terror warning

Recycled al-Qaeda: Ayyub al-Masri 'killed' on Sunday, captured in 2008

Let U.S. pay cost of Flight 253 terror trial security, Miller asks

Lawyer: Stuck Throttle Found in Car of Imprisoned Toyota Driver

Feds launch inquiry into GOP credit-card expenses

U.S. doctors, minorities still wary of shots: official

Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option

The Latest Scare Story About Iran: Missiles Targeting US by 2015

The Road to Total War

Polanski's Ghost Writer

'I Listen as a Lost People Tell of Their Woes in a Kind of Trance'

How Fears of Socialism and Fascism Hide Naked Theft

McCain, Kyl Want Troops on U.S.-Mexico Border

YouTube - American Free Press Mark Anderson Visits US Border Wall

Ron Paul: Conservatives 'Like the Empire'

Pat Buchanan: New Tribe Rising?

Ralph Nader: No Interest in Saving

The End of Pax Americana

Leaked Draft of Secret Copyright Treaty Confirms Fears of Internet Freedom

New Face of Foreclosures: The Unemployed

"The CIA Hit List": Muslim Men to be Murdered as "Threats to the US"

The Never Ending Drug War: The Personalities, Politics and Espionage Intrigues that Shaped the DEA

Goldman Sachs: "Financial Fraud!" What a Happy Noise. Revenge is Sweet.

The Afghan War: "No Blood for Opium"

Uprisings against the New World Order: Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, and Revolution

Break Up the Giant Banks to Curb Their Control over the Political Process

Secret Treaty To Curb Internet Freedom

Genetic Modification of Plants: Early History of Plant Genetic Engineering.

Financial Fraud: Culture of Greed Under Attack

Decline in Bank Lending: Business Investment in America is almost at a Standstill

Goldman Sachs and the Mega Banks: Too Big To Obey The Law

The Criminalization of Wall Street: Lynching Bankers is not the Solution

Cyber-Warfare Chief's Deception

"High Frequency" Financial Trading, High-tech Highway Robbery on Wall Street

VIDEO: Be Nice to America. Or We'll Bring Democracy to Your Country!

The Weaponization of Space: US to Launch Secret 'Space Warplane'

New START Treaty May Help U.S. Deploy New Ballistic Missile Shield in Europe

After Reshuffle, CIA Still Keeps Eye On Russia

Secret Draft of Canada-European Union Free Trade Agreement

Giant Bacteria Colonise the Oceans

The Sovereign Individual


*The 10 biggest health care lies in America


Why is FEMA trying to cover up NLE 10?

Hotel Conference Center May Trump Private Property in Eminent Domain Case

Tea partiers in two camps: Palin vs. Paul

New speed cameras trap motorists from space

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is "Sort Of Like Terrorism"

TV Brainwashing: The New World Order in Pokémon

FDA plans to limit amount of salt allowed in processed foods for health reasons

EPIC FAIL - CNN Does Hit Piece On Oathkeepers, Brave New Books, Camp Fema & Tea Partiers

Veteran Hangs American Flag Upside Down & Gets Harrassed By Police

Alex Jones' State of the Union: Alex Calls on All Patriots to Expose the Fascist Police State

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

VIDEO:Alexis de Tocqueville - Despotism in America

The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future

Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Advancing the Transatlantic Agenda

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help

Facebook under privacy microscope

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

YouTube - Ron Paul Speech at Jekyll Island: My Battle Against the Fed 2/27/10

YouTube - Bill Black's eye-popping opening statement at House FinServ hearing on Lehman Bros. failure

YouTube - 4/21/10 Marc Faber on Bloomberg


*OpEdNews - Article: The IRD's Attack on My ''Silly'' 9/11 Theories


YouTube - George Bush: Messiah of internet freedom

George Bush, Internet Freedom Fighter for Soros and Freedom House

Why Sharks Should Not Own Sport – John Pilger « Dprogram.net

Climate-Change Bill Avoids ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Tag in U.S. Senate - BusinessWeek

Video: Catherine Austin Fitts Discusses Nwo Economics on Alex Jones « Dprogram.net

UN IPCC Scientist: ‘The currently promoted greenhouse theory is dead and its consequences have to be removed at once’ « Dprogram.net


*Creating Lists Of Political Dissidents: Good Enough For The Nazis, Good Enough For the SPLC « Dprogram.net


Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy

YouTube - Dick Morris reveals the truth about Tim McVeigh and Clinton


WikiLeaks claims Facebook deleted its page, 30,000 fans | News.com.au

Alzheimer's drugs cause brain damage and actually worsen memory loss

James Bovard: A Lethal Hypocrisy

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Ill. Man Sues Vatican, Pope Over Wis. Abuse Case

Insurer Won't Pay Legal Costs in Pa. Webcam Spying

Md. Homeless Man Sent to Jail in Plane Theft

Carnival Cruise Ship Lists, 60 Passengers Hurt

Privacy Chiefs Keep Watch Over Facebook

Man Who Killed 2 in Mich. Town Gets Life Sentence

Kevorkian: Assisted Suicide 'Discussed to Death'

North Korea Torpedoed South's Navy Ship: Report

Police: Conn. Man in Feud Placed Fake Orgy Ad

Pope Accepts Resignation of Third Irish Bishop

Most Americans Spend $6,200 to Improve Homes: Poll

US Airways Ends Talks With United About Combo

Riding Surge in Support, UK's Third Party in Spotlight

Ohio Police: Missing Mom Is in Fla., Not in Danger

Legalizing Pot May Kill Buzz in California Enclave

Japan May Suffer Second "Lost Generation" of Youth

Bristol Palin: Hacked E-Mail Meant Harassing Calls

Georgia Confirms Highly Enriched Uranium Seizure

Top Dealer's Lost Paintings Finally to Be Sold

Whale Capsizes Canoe off Mass. Coast, Drowning Man

A Minute With: Cheech & Chong, Unstoned

Schools Urge Parents Not to Take Kids to Work

Vietnamese Sister City a Hard Sell in NC Army Town

Kelly Clarkson Flies Into Smoke Storm

Motorcyclist Deaths Drop, Sour Economy Cited

Fisherman: Captain Was Worried Boat Was Overloaded

Analysis: Torch Passes in Civil Rights Struggle

China Military Paper Spells out Nuclear Arms Stance

APNewsBreak: Ohio Man Faces Somali Torture Claim

New Muslim Women's Magazine Talks Sex

Police: Calif. Students Accused in Hamster Torture

Conn. Mayor Donates Kidney to Facebook Friend

Fisherman Recounts Rescue as Boat Sinks off Alaska

FBI, IRS Raid NY State Senator's Bronx Clinic

Scouts Defend Training Program in Sex Abuse Case

Police Seek Couple Who Left Fla. Boy at NYC Church

Obama Launches War on Wall Street

Millions Face Tax Increases Under Democratic Budget Plan

Geithner: Bill Would Rein in Bank Supersizing

Financial Times: U.S. Debt to Hit $20 Trillion in 10 Years

Unemployment Claims Drop but Remain Elevated

Cheney Endorses Rubio for Senate

Hoyer Regrets Calling Tea Party Un-American

McCain Takes Lead on Immigration Crackdown

Internal RNC Probe Finds Disarray

Lieberman, McCain: 'Virtual Fence' a Failure

Feud Erupts Between Fox's Goldberg, Jon Stewart

Dems, GOP Compete for Title of Bank Bailout Foe

Millions Face Tax Hikes Under Dems' Budget Plan

Obama Adviser: U.S.-Israel Bond Strong

Hoyer, Pelosi Aides Questioned in Ethics Case

Muslim Group Warns 'South Park' Creators of Death

NYC Mayor Bloomberg Defends Wall Street

Specter Challenger Criticizes 'Swift-Boat' Ad

FBI Conducting Own Investigation in Massa Case

Navy Not Happy with Submarine Changes

Judge: Blagojevich Brothers to Be Tried Together

10 Years After Elian, U.S. Players Mum Or Moving On

Ariz. Court Discovers Original OK Corral Papers

Sarkozy to Submit Bill Banning Islamic Face Veils

Military Jury Clears SEAL in Iraq Abuse Case

Hezbollah May Have Scud-Type Missiles

Intel Chief: Small Terror Groups Are Key Challenge

Israeli Rightists to Burn Obama Effigies

Ahmadinejad Visits Zimbabwe's Mugabe

Aussies Fear Becoming 'Fat Americans'

HIllary: U.S. Still Committed to Syria

IMF Chief: No Silver Bullet to Help Save Greece

Trump: Tax China as Punishment for Unfair Trade

Tuna Sushi Contains Too Much Mercury

Problems Plague New Air Traffic Control Computers

Government Goes High-Tech to Redesign $100 Bills

Obama Finance Bill Sets Up TARP II

iPad's OK, but We Need Real-World Solutions

Shariah Rules Death for 'Witchcraft'

George W. Bush Legacy Will Be Iraq Debacle

Brzezinski Misses Mark on Obama Policies

Poll: 65% Say Congress Having Negative Impact

Both Parties Must Agree to No Supreme Court Filibusters

Democrat Congressman: America's Fossil Fuel Use Is ‘Sinful’

Congressman's Earth Day Message: Trees Make Better Drivers

Pelosi Calls Press Conference to Unveil $140,000 Light Fixtures in House Cafeteria

DHS Official: Underwear Bomber Might Have Raised A Red Flag--After He Landed in Detroit

Sen. Leahy Wants Obama to Nominate Justice to Move Supreme Court to the Left

Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

ENDA Could Open ‘Every Classroom in America’ to Cross-Dressing Teachers, Conservative Group Says

Actress Sigourney Weaver Criticizes President Obama

Military Supports Wind Power Despite Radar Worries

Justice Department Reports 60 Percent Increase in Number of Drug-Smuggling Tunnels at U.S.-Mexican Border

Hoyer Says Financial Regulation Bill is Not a Bailout Bill

U.S. Congress Urges Obama to Impose New Sanctions on Iran, As U.N. Drags Its Feet

Obama Brings His War on Wall Street to New York on Thursday

Israel Rejects Obama’s Demand to Stop New Housing Construction in Jerusalem

Arizona Immigration Debate Forces McCain to Move to the Right

2,500 Sallie Mae Jobs Fall to New Student Loan Law

No More Burning Rivers, But Earth Day Brings New Threats, AP Reports

Hillary Clinton Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Defense of Europe

See-Through Toaster Coming This Spring

Muslim Group Warns of Possible Violence if ‘South Park’ Lampoons Prophet Muhammad

Ruling Sought for Disabled Daughter to Visit Kids

Drill, Baby, Drill ... Maybe

Taxes and Voting

Earthquakes & Miniskirts; Sophistry & Guns

Bill Clinton, Still Smearing Conservatives

No New Public School Bailout

Where’s Liberal Hollywood When You Need Them?: No Outrage Over Sigourney Weaver’s ‘Breasts’ Remark

An Earth Day Message for Green Hollywood

Battle Royale: Jon Stewart v. Bernard Goldberg

SUCKER PUNCH ALERT: Disney Channel Goes Green with ‘Friends for Change’ on Earth Day

REVIEW: ‘American Idol’ Continues to Entertain, Inspire

Daily Gut: Hey PETA, This Is How to Hold a Kitten

TV’s ‘Human Target’ Gets Healthcare Wrong, Women Owning Guns Right

What Country Music Looks Like in 2010

MSM Whistles Past the Anniversary Of a Decade-Old Outrage

More Media Fighting: The Goldberg Variations, Performed By Jon Stewart

‘America the Angry’ Sets Off Civil War at MSNBC

NewsBusted: How Did MSNBC Portray the Tea Parties?

Local TV Station Gets It All Wrong, Chucks ‘Tee Zielsdors’ Down the Memory Hole!

Omitting Words, NPR Portrays a Conservative Court Watcher As a Clarence Thomas Hater

What a Piece of Work Is Man: Hubris and the Scientific Illiterates in the MSM

All In a Day’s Work: AP Twists Words, Paints OK. Candidate as Militia Nut

‘Right-Wing Violence’ a Product of MSM Hyperactive Imagination, Leftist Agenda

Why Are the Obama Regime and Its Media Lackeys So Fearful Of the Dissent They Once Celebrated?

The Lafayette Park Reporter – A Lamb in Sheep’s Clothing

Let’s Play Hardball — Get Ready for a VAT (Volcanic Activity Tax)

From ‘The Front Page’ To a Flock Of Sheep: Reporters, Then and Now

Media Kept Well Away as Obama Clashes With Gays and Lesbians in Washington, L.A.

The Blow Back

For the MSM and Left, Freedom of Speech Means Agreeing With Them

Chicago Teacher on Tax Hike: ‘Give Up the Bucks’

Goldman Sachs and Financial Regulation Reform

What You Need To Know About The Recent Bertha Lewis ACORN Rant

IndyMac Attack: Did Schumer, Paulson, Soros, and the CRL Kill the Bank and Profit From Its Collapse?

Speaker Michael Madigan, Where Did the Money Go?

Job-Killing Bailout Bill Rewards Obama’s Friends on Wall Street, Hurts Small Businesses

Federal Court Reinstates ACORN Funding Ban

Progressives in America

SEIU THUGS PLEAD NOT GUILTY In Brutal Beatdown of Kenneth Gladney

How Obamacare Will Hurt California

Reason.tv: Demonizing DDT – How the Scare Campaign Against ‘the Excellent Powder’ Has Cost Millions of Lives.

The New GOP Agenda: GOV2.0

Bertha Lewis Unleashed: Bashes Conservatives and the Tea Party, Promotes Socialism

Blast From The Angry Left Past: Jesse Jackson Jr Can Muster The Fury!

Geico Cancels a Hater


Debbie Schlussel : Not Stimulated: Michelle Obama’s Personal Clothing Designer Goes Out of Business

Debbie Schlussel : MUST WATCH!: The Bacha Bazi Boys – Video on Afghanistan’s “Dancing Boys” & How Muslims Pimp Young Boys for Gang Rape

Debbie Schlussel : Reuters Quotes Schlussel on Obama’s, Cops’ Islamic “Outreach” & Homegrown Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel : To Look Taller, I Put Shrapnel, Batteries in My Shoes @ the Airport; Don’t You?

Debbie Schlussel : Not a Terrorist?!: Your Day in “Moderate” American Islam

Debbie Schlussel : South Park Creators: “We Lost [on Mohammed] . . . That’s Just F****d Up; NYTimes, ViaCom P*ssed Out”

Debbie Schlussel : Think Tiger Woods Would Do This?: Meet the World’s Most Honest Athlete


Why I Am Enlarging My Carbon Footprint

Earth Day: An Assault on Man

Reality Check on the Record of Big, Bad Capitalism

Political Fatal Conceit

Blacks, the Media, & the Tea Parties

All for the Palestinians Stand Up and Holler

Business as usual with Syria despite Scud transfers to Hezb'allah

How bad can it get for Democrats? Example #5,671

A lesson in obscurity - or the lack - on new $100 bill

The Provocateur-in Chief

The administration's addiction to power

Save the earth! Tax volcanoes

South Korea believes North Korea torpedoed its ship

Another 'Name that Party' AP story

MSNBC's Deutsch booted for criticizing Olby

Why a strong Israel is essential for our national security

Camp OFA

The President Who Won't Grow Up

Who Is Obstructing the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act?

Soft Power and No Plan for Iran

Leaving Liberalism

Could Fixed Exchange Rates Be Coming Back?

The New Front in the War on Wealth

Tyranny May Be Closer than We Think

The Grand Illusions of America's Liberals

Young and Old Voters Disagree on Obama Reelection, yet Agree on Major Political Issues

Did Big Ben Get Smeared Again?

Americans Deserve Recall Power

FEMA National Level Exercises Hushed

NC company goes green -- with taxpayer money

Misquoting James Madison's Article V convention Position

The United States and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.

Government Intervention has Already been Tried

Goldman Sachs: A Fraudulent history repeats itself - The Legacy of Ashanti Gold

Race to the Court

Advice for the Tea Party

Some Won't Believe How Dangerous Marijuana Can Be

Media & Lobbyist Control

The Problem with the Two-Party System

Domestic Terrorists

Why the Constitution Matters in Military Affairs


**AUDIO:SHOW #146. Peter Schiff: How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes


Cryptids with Claws: Monsters of the American South | Mysterious Universe

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

World around us: Turkmen president wants to close "Hell's Gate"

Upward Physical Movement Brings Back Happy Memories | Wired Science | Wired.com

SPACE.com -- Mysterious New Object Discovered in Space

DARPA Takes a Crack at the Flying Car - Darpa - Gizmodo

In Defense of Sedition by Thomas DiLorenzo

Is God Green? by Laurence M. Vance

Statism: The Opiate of the Frightened Masses by Eric Englund

Jim Rogers: Next Recession Will Be Much Worse

Claim That Goldman Probes are Politically Motivated - The Jakarta Globe

Student loans throw us further into debt | Daily Titan

The Wrong Man - Magazine - The Atlantic

The Making of American Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

50 Best Books for Boys and Young Men | The Art of Manliness

AFP: Rare Yellowstone volcano eruption would be deadly

Dieting really CAN harm your health: Slimmers at higher risk of heart disease and cancer | Mail Online

FOXNews.com - ACORN CEO: Tea Parties a 'Bowel Movement,' Future Will Be Worse Than Segregation

Second, more powerful Icelandic volcano likely to explode soon - Europe, World - The Independent

Obama backers show signs of disappointment | Reuters

Democrats seek to control health insurance premiums - latimes.com

Obama stirring up 'VAT' of tax trouble - NYPOST.com

Iran begins war games in Gulf, Strait of Hormuz - Washington Times

Both national party committees spend big chunks on fancy meals, hotels, travel

Suit alleges Cardinal Mahony conspired to hide priest’s sexual abuse of children - Los Angeles Times

Arizonan: Boycott us over immigration bill - Washington Times

Most transparent White House ever... - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Tony Blankley : There Bill Clinton Goes Again - Townhall.com

U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade | Reuters

CNSNews.com - Court-Martial of Navy SEAL Opens in Iraq

LA cardinal: Nazism in Arizona immigration bill

Senator Charles Schumer OKs Obama's bank tax - NYPOST.com

Gig With White House Folks, Then Jail Time « Liveshots

FOXNews.com - Franklin Graham Stands By Islam Comments, Awaits Decision on Appearance at Pentagon's Day of Prayer Service

Mow-down LI teen has a sick way of looking at bright side of death - NYPOST.com

S.F. man beaten in Oakland dies - suspects held


*The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 21st With Ted Gunderson


*AUDIO:Winston Churchill on free speech









*AUDIO:30 March:show #145. Ron Paul


*SITE PAGE:The Lew Rockwell Show/(W/ARCHIVES)


Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 1

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 2

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 3


US confident it could defeat Iranian missile

Blagojevich Defense Team Moves To Subpoena President Barack Obama - cbs2chicago.com

Mexico Under Siege: Monterrey hotel attack - latimes.com

Obama Earth Day - Carbon Footprint of Air Force One - Wall Street Speech at Cooper Union | NYCAviation.com | Planespotting and Aviation Photography, Breaking Airline News, Aviation Discussion

Obama Earth Day Flights Burned More Than 9,000 Gallons Of Fuel - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

U.S. Unveils New $100 Bill to Foil Counterfeiters (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

America’s New $100 Bill Might as Well Be a Euro | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

Local News | Federal air marshal charged with raping woman at SeaTac hotel | Seattle Times Newspaper

Mexican gov't slams Arizona immigration law - Yahoo! Finance

UPDATE 1-US Congress may push immigration over climate bill | Reuters

General Election 2010: Nick Clegg, the Lib Dem donors and payments into his private bank account - Telegraph

Military police dog missing at Dulles International - wtop.com

'Muhammad' now a dirty word on 'South Park' -- The Live Feed | THR

'South Park' Muhammad episode airs despite uproar

Party animal? Obama nightclub opens next week in China | Washington Examiner

Parents Not Happy With T.I. School Visit - 11Alive.com | WXIA | Atlanta, GA

CNSNews.com - Pelosi Calls Press Conference to Unveil $140,000 Light Fixtures in House Cafeteria

Pelosi may have to testify in Massa investigation | Washington Examiner

Pelosi: No concerns over handling of Massa case

Goldman's White House connections raise eyebrows | McClatchy

Obama Denies Link to Timing of S.E.C. Case - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

National weed day 2010: US '4/20' pot protesters light up on April 20th | Mail Online

'American Idol' Experts Say Tim Urban Tried Too Hard - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

FOXNews.com - Comedy Central Censors 'South Park' Episode After Muslim Site's Threats

Media Life Magazine - Fox dominates but with a weaker 'Idol'

Crystal Bowersox Declared Best ‘American Idol’ Performance Of All Time » MTV Newsroom

Heather Locklear Arrested for Hit and Run Accident - ARTISTdirect News

Marie Osmond's son, Michael Bryan, previously attempted suicide three times: autopsy report

Kelly Clarkson cigarette sponsorship pulled - USATODAY.com

That Fake Kristen Stewart Story...You Didn't Fall for It, Did You? - E! Online

Al Pacino takes on Kevorkian's story in HBO film - San Jose Mercury News

Bin Laden tried for satellite link to watch 9/11 from his hideout

Regulatory Reform Bill: Another Round of Bailouts(W/LINKS)

Murder witness turns Second Amendment advocate

Natal may learn from your actions News | Xbox 360 | Eurogamer

Moneynews - Millions Face Tax Increases Under Democratic Budget Plan

Goldman's White House connections raise eyebrows | McClatchy

White House Cops Prevent Media From Covering Protest

Concentration Camps in America: Alex Jones Calls on All Patriots to Expose Growing Evil

Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela - Washington Times

Bankers Prepare To Assault Americans With VAT, Transaction Taxes

Scandals Signal The Demise of Our Financial System

America’s New $100 Bill Might as Well Be a Euro

Republican party seeks SEC records on Goldman Sachs - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Is America’s Economic Recovery On The Whole Based On A Rotten Sham? | Daily Markets

IMF plan: the wrong kind of reform | City A.M.

CNN Pushes Brutal One Child Policy As Part Of “Green” Love Life

Obama Banking Regulation Bill Does Not Go After Big Banks

*Guardian Continues To Spread Misinformation About Eyjafjallajokull

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

Climate-Change Bill Avoids ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Tag in U.S. Senate

AFP: US military option against Iran still on table: Pentagon

Groups ask DHS to suspend full-body imagers - CNN.com

The 100 Years War: Collectivism vs. Individualism

OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Gov. Prior Knowledge on Alex Jones TV

Another Drug Record for Afghanistan

Scandals Signal The Demise of Our Financial System

Here Is How Your New, Soon To Be Worthless Money, Will Look Like

John Paulson Comes Out Swinging, Says All He Wanted To Do Was Short The Hell Out Of Crappy Borrowers

Big Brother doctors say patients don’t need to see their imaging test results

DeMint: Tea Party Movement Will Bring on ‘Spiritual Revival’

Iceland volcano eruption: The price we pay for a society that overreacts to risk | Mail Online

Police Arrest Woman For Sending Her Stolen Son A Birthday Card

ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights | Politics and Law - CNET News

Special Report: Networks Hide the Decline in Credibility of Climate Change Science

“Climate Change” Scamsters to go Global


*EclippTV :: Video :: Federal Reserve - Destroying the American economy since 1913


*site:The Jesus Secret Society(/www.thejesussecretsociety.com/)


The Associated Press: Jordan says rocket hits Red Sea port city of Aqaba

Evo Morales' message to grassroots climate talks – planet or death | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Bangkok grenade blasts kill 3, deputy PM says | Reuters

Leftists to Elie Wiesel: Occupied Jerusalem can't be holy - Haaretz - Israel News

General election 2010: Labour leadership defends Liberal Democrats - Telegraph

BBC News - Iceland and the UK: Ancient volcanic connections

The Associated Press: Air search resumes for 11 missing in oil rig blast

The Associated Press: Ill. man sues Vatican, pope over Wis. abuse case

Iran: Gasoline sanctions futile

No anti-Russian sentiment in Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyz deputy PM | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Armenia halts ratification of Turkey peace deal | Reuters

No Date Yet for Final Sudan Election Results | Africa | English

Sarath Fonseka rails against ‘injustices’ at opening of Sri Lankan parliament - Times Online

Ukraine's ex-president slams naval base deal with Russia | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

BBC News - Belgian PM Yves Leterme offers to stand down

Aid-giving monks told to leave China earthquake zone | World news | guardian.co.uk

Analysis: fear that stops Kim Jong Il from sinking - Times Online

France wants to apply burqa ban to tourists

YouTube - France Considers Banning Islamic Face Veils

Romney endorses Hoekstra in Mich. governor’s race - BostonHerald.com

Missing Ohio Mom Tiffany Tehan Left to Start New Life - ABC News

YouTube - Mystery Man in Video With Missing Mom

Cardinal being replaced as celebrant of Latin Mass in D.C.

Why religion could affect Obama's court nomination - Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Obama Begins to Scrutinize Potential Supreme Court Nominees

Obama to Wall Street: Work with me on 'common-sense rules' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Obama: Fix Financial System or Risk Another Meltdown | Economy | English

Blagojevich wants to subpoena Obama

Blagojevich Defense Team Moves To Subpoena President Barack Obama - cbs2chicago.com

Judge Warns Blagojevich About Rules During Corruption Trial | AHN

UPDATE 1-Senate to give serious look at bank tax -Pelosi | Reuters

FOXNews.com - Biden: No Idea Microphones Picked Up F-Bomb Until Obama Told Me

Is it the 'National Day of Pray Our Way Only' now? - Faith & Reason

DOJ To Appeal National Day Of Prayer Ruling « Liveshots

Do Blacks Have a Reason to Vote GOP? Michael Steele Says No - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Arizona Immigration Bill Draws Fire Nationally, Gov. Brewer to Make Decision This Week - ABC News

Spouting off for the Tea Party - The Boston Globe

Tea Party brews protest for Obama visit - Crain's New York Business

Sestak to Biden: Make Specter stop attacking my military record - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: US, Canada, Spain, South Korea support food fund

The Associated Press: Pelosi: No concerns over handling of Massa case

YouTube - Massa now under investigation by FBI


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 20th With Bob Bowman


A warning on Iran - NYPOST.com

Obama’s poll numbers will go up when unemployment goes down | Cynthia Tucker

No More Entitlements - Forbes.com

Michael Tomasky: The Supreme Court gets interesting | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Obama readies for Wall Street tough talk - The Hill's On The Money

The Equal Pay Day Reality Check — The American, A Magazine of Ideas

RealClearPolitics - Obama: The New Happy Warrior?

Obama Urges Finance Industry to End Regulation Fight (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

O's hollow promises - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - Goldman Sachs's Questionable Profit Motive

RealClearPolitics - World Likes U.S. More Under Obama

Daniel Henninger: Democrats at the Edge of the Cliff - WSJ.com

Living Without Stevens | The New Republic

Environmentalism is now a religion, and being overtaken by extremism | detnews.com | The Detroit News

No time like now to pass climate bill - Rep. Henry Waxman - POLITICO.com

Steven Greenhut: Even abusive public employees can't get fired | Washington Examiner

Illinois budget deficit: Straightening state’s financial mess - chicagotribune.com

How Immigration Crackdowns Backfire - Reason Magazine

RealClearWorld - 21st Century Energy? Dig, Baby, Dig!

Editorials | U.S., state need a sense of urgency to reset expectations | Seattle Times Newspaper

Earth Day 2010 - Thursday, April 22, 2010 | 2:01 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

On Presidential Rhetoric - WSJ.com

South Korea’s sunken warship: Playing for time | The Economist

Democrats Revive Immigration Push - WSJ.com

Campaign finance bill has GOP wary - TheHill.com

Prominent Republicans making more endorsements in primary races

Orszag Weighing Obama’s Appeal to Stay On as Budget Director - Bloomberg.com


*4/21-Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on the Supreme Court

*4/20:Panel on the Obama/McConnell Dispute

Rep. Issa on the Goldman Sachs Charges

Chairman Bernanke's Testimony on Lehman Brothers

Geithner's Testimony on Lehman Brothers

*4/19:Obama's Remarks at Fundraiser for Barbara Boxer

Senator Judd Gregg on Financial Regulation

Roundtable on Financial Reform

Pew Foundation Director on Trust in Government

Interview with Secretary Napolitano

Interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann


*4/22-Politics Video:Crist On Cheney Endorsing Rubio: "Do I Look Upset?"

FL-Sen: Dick Cheney Endorses Marco Rubio

Todd: GOP May Not Be Eager For A SCOTUS Fight

Obama: Free Market Not A "Free License" To Excess

Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey on Financial Regulation

KY-Sen: Sarah Palin Supports Dr. Rand Paul

HI-01: Charles Djou On Running For Congress

Rep. Issa Wants Answers

Geithner: These Reforms Will Set Limits On Risk-Taking

Dem Senator Refuses To Answer How Health Reform Is Constitutional

Karl Rove On Tea Party Power

Matthews: Obama Should Emulate Teddy Roosevelt In Wall St. Fight

O'Reilly: Jon Stewart Needs Fox News

Countdown: Senate Rallies To Break Up Big Banks

Krauthammer: Without Secure Border, States Will Adopt "Draconian" Laws

*4/21:Palin On 2012 Run: "If It's Right, Then We Will Pursue That"

UK's David Cameron Hit By Egg During Election Campaign

Obama: Value-Added Tax A "Novel" Idea

Obama: Fiscal Crisis Worse Than Anticipated, Hedges On Middle Class Tax Pledge

Obama: White House Did Not Know About Goldman Case Until News Broke

White House: Obama Did Not Take Goldman PAC Money, Will Not Return Donations

RCP's Tom Bevan On RNC, DNC Spending

Sen. Specter Denies Pro-Life Deal With Santorum

Krugman: Wall Street Bankers "Cannot Be Trusted To Do The Right Thing"

GOP Senator: Tea Party Movement Will Bring On "Spiritual Revival"

Dem Congresswoman Calls For Higher Taxes And Defense Cuts

Rep. Darrell Issa On The SEC And Goldman Sachs

Obama: We Need A "Thriving Financial Sector"

Rep. Paul Ryan On Jobs, Taxes, Spending & Broken Promises

Larry King: Sarah Palin Should Pose For Playboy

Rove Responds To Speech Heckler: "Shut Up And Sit Down"

GEICO Voiceover Actor Fired For Making Threats Against Tea Partiers

Krauthammer: Obama's Decisions On Missile Defense "Incomprehensible"

Obama: Supreme Court Nominee Must Recognize "Women's Rights"

O'Reilly: We Need To Regulate Wall St. "Gangsters"

ACORN's Bertha Lewis Proudly Declares "I'm A Socialist"

Tapper On Obama's Bank Regulations

NV-Sen: Lowden On Health Care Bartering: "Bring A Chicken To The Doctor"

Hardball: Are Republicans Obstructionists On Financial Reform?

Sens. Chambliss, Carper On Financial Reform


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive McCain 'aggressively wrong' on immigration

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Ex-'gays' to Steele: Why the hostility?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Charlie Crist your classic moderate Republican'


Senator DeMint to Brody File: Tea Party Movement Will Bring On "Spiritual Revival"

Beck, Farah, Bachmann, Ron Paul on 'patriot' hit list

Overwhelmingly, Americans see Obama inviting attack

Iran begins war games in Gulf, Strait of Hormuz - Washington Times

Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela - Washington Times

'South Park' episode altered after Islamic warning

FOXNews.com - 'South Park' Creators Could Face Retribution for Depicting Muhammad, Website Warns

'South Park' creators must 'fear for their lives'

Obama pushing Israel to carve up Jerusalem?

U.S. promises Arabs no more Jewish construction

U.S.-trained forces caught aiding Hamas

Palestinian Zionist Organization is Founded - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

Muslim extremist up for human-rights post

FOXNews.com - Obama Rebukes Wall Street, While Seeking Support for Financial Regulation

Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan - Yahoo! News

Health-care mandates could be 'null and void'

Hoyer regrets calling protests 'un-American' - Washington Times

Tea Party is a ‘bowel movement,’ says ACORN boss Bertha Lewis | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

FOXNews.com - Appeals Court Temporarily Reinstates ACORN Funding Ban

Pelosi tells Reid: Immigration bill before climate change is ‘fine’ - The Hill's E2-Wire

Mexican gov't slams Arizona immigration law - Yahoo! Finance

Mexico Under Siege: Monterrey hotel attack - latimes.com

Grandmother refused brain surgery that she could have if she lived 200m away | Mail Online

Judge sides with activist in raw-milk dispute

Test Flight Provides Plume Data: How Dangerous Is the Volcanic Ash? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Farah v. Morris Dees

Obama waves magic wand

Obama pushing Israel to carve up Jerusalem?

U.S. promises Arabs no more Jewish construction

U.S.-trained forces caught aiding Hamas

Overwhelmingly, Americans see Obama inviting attack

Part-time space racers shoot for Lunar X Prize - The Local

10 Ways to Enjoy Doing Nothing | Real Simple

Brain training games are not worth the money say UK neuroscientists - Times Online

Maxed out: How much can we remember? - life - 21 April 2010 - New Scientist

Pensioner uncovers £500,000 treasure - Telegraph

10 Fast Food Items Worse For You Than The KFC Double Down - The Consumerist

The Dangerous Side Of Sugar on Yahoo! Health

The Associated Press: Jerusalem reopens popular Old City gate

World Bible Quiz winner: Or Ashual

Who Knew? - Yahoo! News

10 Creative Uses for Magnets - DIY Life

Totalitarians in our midst

Farah v. Morris Dees

Tea party: Why the left doesn't get it

A call to action in support of liberty

Evil's 2-front war on America

The fundamental deception of corporate taxes

What Clinton didn't say about OKC

The absurdity of Bubba's 'violence' warning

Bob Cesca: Glenn Beck: the Televangelist Con Man Selling God's Plan for America

The church: Impotent and juvenile

Obama’s Wall Street Bill Lets Crooks Escape

Local News | Bisexual men sue gay group, claim bias | Seattle Times Newspaper

Parent groups alarmed by sex-ed

Polanski Appeals To Obama For Help Fighting Extradition To L.A. - Los Angeles News - LA Daily

Pensioner jailed for attempted Jehovah's Witness massacre - The Local

Local News | Federal air marshal charged with raping woman at SeaTac hotel | Seattle Times Newspaper

D.C. carjacking victim immediately recognized teen suspect

Illusionist David Copperfield's sexual assault lawsuit dropped | Mail Online

Street Gang With Ties To Mexican Mafia Raided - Los Angeles News - LA Daily

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Sharpton: Many Blacks Support Illegal Alien Crackdown

'I'm scared to be just dropped off at the border' | KVAL CBS 13 - News, Weather and Sports - Eugene, OR - Eugene, Oregon | News

Sacramento County's ballooning deficit: What happened? - Sacramento City News - sacbee.com

Farm Bureau upset with EPA blog for urging vegetarianism - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Google vs. the world as watchdogs slam firm

Business & Technology | McAfee antivirus program goes berserk, freezes PCs | Seattle Times Newspaper

Business & Technology | Low-power version of Bluetooth coming for watches | Seattle Times Newspaper

PM aims to reverse Kinneret fish decline - Israel Business, Ynetnews

Peak Phosphorus, and Why It Matters - By James Elser and Stuart White | Foreign Policy

Essential Element Becoming Scarce: Experts Warn of Impending Phosphorus Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International


video:Loving God or so much lip service?

video:If you had Hitler in your gunsights, would you shoot?

Is 2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?


*JACKIE MASON:Demonizing arthritic tea partiers


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Pravda, McCain, Obama, Egypt and Arizona: What is the Connection? | The Moderate Voice

YouTube - Obama's Kenyan Roots

Ariz. House votes to check candidates' citizenship

Michelle “Obama” Says Kenya is her Husband’s Home Country : Infowars Ireland


Breitbart.tv » Fox News Asks Gibbs: Have Birthers Harmed Obama’s Muslim-American Outreach?

Army officer 'flagged' for challenging Obama

Approaching apocalypse: Will Obama docs surface?

More seeds of confusion sown on eligibility

Anti-'birther' bill moves forward - Hawaii News - Starbulletin.com

Rep. Bill Posey defends 'birther' bill - David Mark - POLITICO.com

Barack Hussein Obama: Born In Kenya According To The Parliament Of The Republic Of Kenya « Stevex09

Kenyan Parliament Website Scrubs Minutes which confirm Obama as “son of this soil” « AConservativeEdge

YouTube - Barack Obama - Born in Kenya II

Kenyan Embassy Mocks Tea Party Movement, Promotes Kenyan Tea With Capitol Tea Party

Tea Party leader and 'birther' Mark Williams says the darnedest things

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - President Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate « - CNN.com Blogs

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Latest 'birther' move: A good idea or a waste of time? « - CNN.com Blogs

FOXNews.com - Hawaii Lawmakers Poised to Shun Obama Birth Certificate Requests

Anderson Cooper Asks Birther Arizona Rep. Cecil Ash Why He's Perpetuating Internet Rumors | Video Cafe

Newsmax - Bill Would Shun Obama Birth Certificate Requests

DC Knows that Obama is Ineligible for Office

'Birther bill' in Arizona aims to make President Obama prove he's a 'natural born citizen'

Obama White House dismisses 'birther' movement as 'crazy' Internet conspiracy

GOP fringe: First they worried about microchips. Now they want birth certificates for presidential candidates | Cynthia Tucker

Tancredo urges Tea Partiers to send Obama back to Kenya - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obama's born-in-USA mandate

Poll: "Birther" Myth Persists Among Tea Partiers, All Americans - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Did a Kenyan Member of Parliament Say Obama was Born in Kenya?

Kenyan official: Obama born here

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000

*American Minute for April 22nd:William J Federer's American Minute


YouTube - Rabbi Sentenced 32 Years For Sexually Abusing Teen

EclippTV • View topic - Gerald Celente : They are taking us to the Great War

Glenn Beck is all confused by Markos calling out Tea Partiers for eliminationist rhetoric. Imagine that.

Search Continues for 11 Missing Workers in Gulf of Mexico Oil Rig Explosion

Ben Roethlisberger suspended over sexual abuse case as the NFL draft approaches

Bipartisan Senate Deal Near On Financial Regulation

Congratulations, GM! All TARP funds repaid 5 years early

Special Blue America live chat Thursday at 4PM Eastern with a challenger to Crying John Boehner named Justin Coussoule

Where Alan Greenspan makes my head explode

Jon Stewart To Fox News: 'Go F*ck Yourselves' (part deux)

WSJ's James Taranto thinks liberals need to concoct racism 'smear' against Tea Partiers

What pot is CNN trying to stir now?

Mitch McConnell starts the 'Republican Flip' on financial reform

Orrin Hatch hates being reminded that conservatives drove the economy over a cliff -- so he questions the Goldman Sachs probe

Arizona House votes to require evidence of US birth to run for President

Sue Lowden's 'Chicken For Checkups' health care plan is Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Bullied Geico Fires Voice-Over Announcer After He Insults Tea-baggers; FreedomWorks Still Harassing

Glenn Beck calls progressives a 'cancer,' but compares Tea Partiers to progressive civil-rights marchers like M.L. King

Mika acts like a child and the Right mocks Joan Walsh

Matthews Allows Gun Rights Protesters to Show Their Blind Hatred for President Obama


Obama heckled at Barbara Boxer rally

Even Mark Halperin Can't Defend Republicans' Talking Point on Finance Reform

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Samoa | World news | guardian.co.uk

Europe flights back to '100 percent' - CNN.com

How much CO2 did those cancelled volcano flights really spare Mother Gaia? – Telegraph Blogs

Biofuels cause four times more carbon emissions - Telegraph

Syria introduces smoking ban in public palces - Times Online

Oklahoma joins push for new restrictions on abortion | World news | The Guardian

Georgia admits seizing shipment of highly-enriched uranium | Mail Online

Sanitation for all - but not for another 300 years | Society | guardian.co.uk

Burglars break in to Dutch prison to steal televisions from inmates - Telegraph

McAfee antivirus program fault causes millions of PCs to shut down | Mail Online

Life of Mark Twain revealed in unpublished memoir - Telegraph

Brazil tops world asking Google to remove content - Americas, World - The Independent

From the depths of the Amazon river... amazing images of giant, bubblegum pink dolphins | Mail Online

Worm's regeneration ability unravelled by scientists - Telegraph


Across U.S., recession could result in deep school-staff layoffs, and larger class sizes

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - The Tea Party Split - 04/20/10

Georgia confirms highly enriched uranium seizure - Yahoo! News

US: All Options on the Table Against Syria « Aletho News

Obama 'Categorically' Denies Influence in Goldman Case - CNBC

Reid's office defends Wall St. fundraiser - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Cornyn: Obama 'demeaned' presidency - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO.com

Obama: No abortion litmus test for high court pick - Yahoo! News

Hoyer, Pelosi aides questioned in ethics case

Climategate; Why Don’t We Know Who Leaked The CRU Emails?

A new civil rights movement

Booing Obama

Obama tax increases are raining everywhere

Big Brother Arrives in the Front Room

Where Do These People Come From?

Is Socialism Christian?

Competing for Islam’s Favor Against Ourselves

Blago-a-go-go: Suckin’ Up to Da Man

Don’t talk about Muhammad or you’re dead

The Enemy of State or The Chief of State?

Obama’s Propaganda War Against an Ally

Those Delusional ‘Coffee Party’ Lefties

Inhofe: EPA rule will stand

PETA Washes Its Hands of Reality (Again)

The Naked Communism of Earth Day

What Happens if You Actually Look into the Science of Climate Change?

Should the Ends Justify the Means?

The Ownership Society vs the Ownerless Society

Leftwing Pseudo-science Threatens Freedom


April 21, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-21, Wednesday

04/21 The Mark Levin Show

Beyond the Beltway - Apr. 18, 2010

The Michael Savage Show Podcast: Wed April 21, 2010


#VIDEO:The B-Cast Interview: ‘Minnesotans for Global Warming’ Fight YouTube Takedowns

The B-Cast: Will Tea Parties Trigger ‘Spiritual Revival?’

The B-Cast B-Side: Tea Party Disparagement Raises Stakes

The B-Cast: White House Readies for War With Wall Street

Rev. Wallis: Bill Criminalizing Illegals ‘Would Make Obeying Jesus Against The Law’

Rev. Billy Graham Makes Rare Public Appearance for Rededication of the Billy Graham Library

DeMint: Tea Party Movement Will Bring on ‘Spiritual Revival’

Biden on ‘Big F****** Deal’ Remark: Obama Was ‘Laughing Like the Devil’

‘Get Splinters’: Ted Nugent Offers to Fix Beck’s ‘Ballerina Hands’

‘Zim-Zam’ Yo-Yo Mystery Man Scams Wisconsin TV Stations

Fox News Covers Fox TV Mocking Ann Coulter on ‘Glee’

‘Vile Vulgar Hateful Stuff’: Daily Show vs. Fox News Night Five

Rahm Emanuel Has an Audibly Embarrassing Moment on Charlie Rose Show

Goldberg Responds to Stewart’s ‘Go F**k Yourselves’ Song: ‘Spitballs at a Battleship’

‘Daily Show’ Host Responds to Goldberg and Fox With ‘Go F**k Yourselves’ Song

Geico Fires Announcer Who Left Voice Mail Insulting FreedomWorks

‘Real Housewives’ Star No Longer Hosting ‘Extreme’ Cosmetic Surgery Fashion Show

Larry King Agrees That Sarah Palin Should Pose for Playboy

Ed Schultz Excoriates Democrat Tea Partier: ‘You’re Too Stupid to Read’

‘Baby, Look at You’: Howard Stern Pushes Megyn Kelly in Explicit Directions

Does CNN Anchor Imply That Infamous ‘Spitting’ Video Included ‘N-Word?’

Uncovered Video: Ronald Reagan and James Dean Star in 1954 Live Broadcast

‘What Did Freedom Get the American People?’: GOPer on MTP Host’s Financial Collapse Question

‘You Gave Him a Lap Dance’: Goldberg Slams Stewart Interview With Rich

Beck Answers Klein: ‘Regime’ Was Used to Describe Bush 6,500 Times

Principal Defends Middle School Visit by Paroled Rapper

‘Avatar’ Director Laments That ‘Climate Deniers’ Have the ‘Public Ear’

Obama: Value Added Tax a ‘Novel’ Idea For U.S.

Geithner: Obama ‘Does Not Support’ the VAT for the U.S.

Obama ‘Categorically’ Denies Influence in SEC’s Goldman Case

CNBC: Testimony Could Undercut SEC Charge Against Goldman

Reid Dodges Questions About Wall Street Fundraiser

GOP Seeks SEC Records on Goldman

DNC Attack Ad: ‘Republicans Stood by While Wall Street Ran Wild’

Hatch: Timing Of Goldman Suit ‘Very Suspect’

Rahm: WH Found Out About Goldman Sachs Case ‘When It Hit the News’

Obama on ‘Global Rebalancing’: American Consumers & Government Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon

ObamaCare: Sebelius Admits Admin Has No Clue How Much ‘High Risk Pools’ Will Cost

‘ChickenCare’: Left Mocks Reid Opponent’s ‘Bartering’ With Doctors Comment

Senator DeMint: Come November We’ll Know If Health Care Is Obama’s Waterloo

Trunk Driving: Congressman Claims Trees Cause Slower & Safer Motorists

ThinkProgress: GOP’s Solution to Everything — ‘Start Over’

FCC Commissioner Copps Vows ‘Public Interest’ Fight for Internet Regulation

Teen Eggs UK Conservative Candidate David Cameron

Viral Hit: Fordham Baseball Player Makes Superman Leap to Score

Behold: Does the New $100 Bill Look…European?

YouTube Yanks All Versions of ‘Hide the Decline’ ClimateGate Song

Explosions and protests in Bangkok

Obama's honor Olympians

Democrat Congressman: America’s Fossil Fuel Use Is ‘Sinful’