"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


Language Tools

News Video

21st Century - Video
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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

21 April 2010

21 April


National Archives and Records Administration(www.archives.gov/)



LiveLeak.com - Shocking Footage Of The Violent Clashes In Kyrgyzstan

LiveLeak.com - News Anchors SCARED after hearing Richard Gage Architect talk about 911 as inside job

*images:More from Eyjafjallajokull - The Big Picture - Boston.com


Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1- The link to the New World Order

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 3 New World Order military plans

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 4 - New World Order breaches UK Constitution

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 5 - New World Order breaches UK Constitution

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 6 - New World Order breaches UK Constitution

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 7 - New World Order Threats, Neglects

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 8 – Leaders put their own countries at risk


AfricanCrisis:S.Africa: 2010: IMPORTANT: Looks like Kill the Boer is definitely ANC policy - Race War is DEFINITELY their goal...

AfricanCrisis:S.Africa: Race War: 2010 - SA Miner's Union Sings - This is bad news

Video - Patriots Dangerous to America

*Iceland volcano: the latest spectacular pictures of the volcanic eruption - Telegraph

Industrial Wind and the Wall Street Cap and Trade Fraud

What You Can Do About Overpopulation In The US, World

Obama repaying his masters at Goldman Sachs

Smoking Mirrors: Ride the Apocalypse on the New Ship of Seeing.

Harmful Effects Of Prolonged Isolated Confinement

*images:Iceland volcano: Amazing pictures show apocalpyse-like scene as the sky is immersed by black fog | Mail Online


Officials: NATO forces kill four Afghan school students The Education Ministry said in a statement that the four dead were students, aged 11 to 17.

Settlers Install An Illegal Outpost On Palestinian Land In Hebron


El Al sued for racial profiling « Aletho News

Israelis Debate Striking Iran Without U.S. Consent - WSJ.com

YouTube - Chossudovsky: Obama, not Osama, is threat No.1 to global security

YouTube - Jordan Maxwell - You are property of the Rothschild family!

YouTube - US Senator Graham asked to Admit His Homosexuality at Tea Party Event


Video - Whale Found Dead ; Full of Trash

Citizens For Legitimate Government:Recycled al-Qaeda: Ayyub al-Masri 'killed' on Sunday, captured in 2008

Ontario premier defends sex-ed curriculum

Prithviraj Chavan: Selling Out India to Foreign GM Biotech Interests

James Bovard: A Lethal Hypocrisy

savethemales.ca - Cops Raid Toronto Home of Outspoken Muslim

Air Force Looks for ‘Core Algorithms’ of Human Thought | Danger Room | Wired.com

Richard I. Fine's Judicial Lynching

Celente - US Puts World On Fast Track To 'Great War'


Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy


savethemales.ca - UK Satanists Criminalize Christianity

Warehoused Hepatitis C Patients May Boost Merck, J&J

Support Tyranny Or You're A Terrorist

Roy Tov – Elie Wiesel’s Contradictions

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Holly Greig Update: Vote for Robert Green!

ALIPAC - US Senator Lindsey Graham Asked To Admit Homosexuality

Pakistan suspends officials named in UN report on Benazir Bhutto killing | World news | The Guardian

Bill Clinton's warning on extremist mood in US | World news | The Guardian

Militias and firearms lobby fear Barack Obama is trying to take their guns away - Times Online

Response: Raj Patel is not Maitreya, but the World Teacher is here – and needed |

England 'least patriotic' country - Telegraph

Barack Obama and Sarah Palin are enriched by cosy political-media complex - Telegraph

Hollywood goes back to the future with 80s remakes - Telegraph

savethemales.ca - Canadian Serial Killer Linked to Elite Satanists?

YouTube - Re: The Media Trend of Omitting Motive for 1993 & 9/11 Attacks

Inherent Autonomy - intrinsic nature of the human condition

Metal hip replacements could cause tumours, doctors warn - Telegraph

How olive oil helps 'switch off' genes which lead to conditions including heart disease and arthritis | Mail Online

Natural Health News: Olive Oil Builds Bones

Well-done red meat may 'significantly increase' cancer risk, says report | UK news | The Guardian

What Do Ted Kennedy, Palin & McCain Enjoy In Common?

Devvy -- Southern Poverty Law Center: Liars Ca$hing in -- 04/19/10


McVeigh;The Second Trial


Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism1

Totalitarian Collectivism2

Totalitarian Collectivism3

Totalitarian Collectivism4

Totalitarian Collectivism5

Totalitarian Collectivism6


Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Truth About Russian Communism

Occidental Observer:Faux-Conservative Jews

Neoconned again | JAMES EDWARDS

New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Hitler’s Most Trenchant Speech - Biographer John Toland | Real Zionist News

Synthetic marijuana a growing trend among teens, authorities say - CNN.com

Space Junk Is a Growing Problem, Scientists Say - AOL News

Atzmon - Symbolic Identifiers And Jewish Stereotypes

Teaching Congress Shit from Shinola « Mantiq al-Tayr

savethemales.ca - You're a "Fascist" if...

Politics, Finance, and Your Health

Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Cattle And People, Company Says -- RFID Ink -- InformationWeek

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Plan Third Temple in Jerusalem

savethemales.ca - Sarah Palin - Is Tea Party Mascot New World Orderly?


**World Libertarian Order**


YouTube - Tea Party Hijacked by Neocons as Ron Paul Foreign Policy is Pushed Aside

Bill Clinton, Still Smearing Conservatives - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

The Limits of Power - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

A Post-Mortem of ObamaCare - Opinion - PatriotPost.US

When It Comes to Earmarks in DC, It's 'E Pluribus Oink' - Opinion - PatriotPost.US


*Driving Out the Money Changers


YouTube - David Duke on Jeff Rense Radio Program 1 26 2010 PT 1

YouTube - David Duke on Jeff Rense Radio Program 1 26 2010 PT 2

YouTube - David Duke on Jeff Rense Radio Program 1 26 2010 PT 3

YouTube - David Duke on Jeff Rense Radio Program 1 26 2010 PT 4


YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 1/8

YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 2/8

YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 3/8

YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 4/8

YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 5/8

YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 6/8

YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 7/8

YouTube - Jeff Rense | Michael Hoffman 011409 "Judaism Discovered" 8/8


FOXNews.com - Police Block Reporters From Gay Rights Protest Outside White House

FOXNews.com - GM Pays Back Government Loans Early

FOXNews.com - ACORN CEO: 'We're on Life Support'

FOXNews.com - Senators Call for Scrapping 'Virtual Fence'

FOXNews.com - IRS Targets Taxpayers Hiding Income in Offshore Accounts

FOXNews.com - Obama: Supreme Court Nominee Should Take Women's Rights Into Account



*The Federalist Papers

Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights

The Constitution of the United States

The Declaration of Independence


*215 PGS/Va. Fusion Center Terror Assessment


SPOOF:Supreme Court Rules Constitution Unconstitutional


Immigration Ends the Nation State

The HAARP that only angels should play

Globalism - Sun Tzu and The Art of War

New World Order vs. America

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is “Sort Of Like Terrorism”


**Southern Poverty Law Center Publishes Patriot Hit List**

*Meet the 'Patriots' | Southern Poverty Law Center


If The U.S. Economy Falls Will It Result In A Complete And Total Collapse Of Society?

Michael Savage Predicts Agents Provocateur False Flag

Goldman Sachs Eats Its Young

Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con | Will Hutton | Business | The Observer

Fraud, It’s Much Bigger Than Goldman Sachs | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Ratigan Deconstructs Goldman, Connecticut AG Blumental Wants Criminal Charges Filed

S.E.C. Sues Goldman Over Housing Market Deal - NYTimes.com


YouTube - OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Gov. Prior Knowledge on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Gov. Prior Knowledge on Alex Jones Tv 2/2

*July 20, 1997 Jane Graham,


Murrah Federal Building Survivor Talks with Alex Jones

Exercise allows accounting students to become honorary IRS special agents

Cops Link White Supremacists to Bombs in California

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is “Sort Of Like Terrorism”

Savage: Obama Regime Will Stage Violence To Crush Dissent

Southern Poverty Law Center Publishes Patriot Hit List

GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Is America’s Economic Recovery On The Whole Based On A Rotten Sham? | Daily Markets

Obama Now Pushing Sneaky Wall Street Bailout - HUMAN EVENTS

'FAT' tax to rein in banks | World news | The Guardian

Precrime in Florida: IBM Predictive Analytics

Ind. Lawyer Who Prosecuted Oklahoma City Bomber Reflects - Indiana News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

Red Dirt Report | RDR: Murrah bombing survivor says feds involved in blast that killed 168 in '95

DHS official: Virtual border fence a 'complete failure' - FederalTimes.com

Arizona Immigration Reform: Common Sense or Police State?

CNSNews.com - White House: Obama Not Proposing or Considering Value Added Tax

WikiLeaks claims Facebook deleted its page, 30,000 fans | News.com.au

Concentration Camps in America: Alex Jones Calls on All Patriots to Expose Growing Evil

When False Flags Don’t Fly

British Public Do Not Know Or Care About Politics

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is “Sort Of Like Terrorism”

Timothy McVeigh Tapes: A Response

IMF Says Government Debt Poses Biggest Risk to Growth (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Ron Paul on financial regulatory reform legislation


*Will Obama Return $994,795 In Goldman Sachs Campaign Contributions?

*OpenSecrets: Methodology


Elliot Spitzer: “There are no coincidences in this world. None.”

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports

Google privacy controls criticised by watchdogs | Mail Online

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘…the proposed cure for global warming – reducing greenhouse gas emissions – will someday seem as outdated as using leeches to cure human illnesses’

Ed Schultz Goes Into Meltdown After Registered Democrat Slams Obamacare

*The 10 biggest health care lies in America


*Claim: Man Who Shot Polish Plane Crash “Gunshots” Footage Stabbed To Death


Invisible Empire Extras: Peter Dale Scott On The Shadow Government

Here Is How Your New, Soon To Be Worthless Money, Will Look Like

*No Cap And Trade » Michael Mann Controversy

Prominent Climategate Figure Threatens Lawsuit over Spoof Video – No Cap-and-Trade Coalition Says “Bring it on”

UN IPCC Scientist: ‘The currently promoted greenhouse theory is dead and its consequences have to be removed at once’

Cops Link White Supremacists to Bombs in California

The Slippery Definition of Extremism

The Psychiatric Drugging of Children: Inventing Disorders

OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Gov. Prior Knowledge on Alex Jones TV

Krugman: Break Up the Giant Banks to Stop Their Domination of the Political Process

David Miliband says the UK would not have invaded Iraq 'if we knew what we knew now' - Telegraph

China Exhibits ‘Danger Signals’ as Prices Surge, Faber Says - BusinessWeek

John Paulson Comes Out Swinging, Says All He Wanted To Do Was Short The Hell Out Of Crappy Borrowers

GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights | Politics and Law - CNET News

‘Avatar’ Director Laments That ‘Climate Deniers’ Have the ‘Public Ear’

“Climate Change” Scamsters to go Global

Most transparent White House ever…

DeMint: Tea Party Movement Will Bring on ‘Spiritual Revival’


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 20th With Bob Bowman

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 19th With Max Keiser

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 16th With Leslie Dutton

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 14th With Gerald Celente


YouTube - Problem Reaction Solution (David Icke)

*The Problem Reaction Solution Paradigm


Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom

Digital Photocopiers Might Digitally Store Thousands of Documents That Get Passed on at Resale

BRIC must create a new world order: Lula

Gore takes cash for water campaign from Dow Chemical

Pentagon Using "Personality Disorder" Discharges To Cheat Wounded Veterans Out of Benefits

EPA Contest Seeks Videos Promoting Government Regulations

US to launch secret ’space warplane’

Sherman: Dodd Bill Contains Unlimited Bailout Authority

High-tech speed cameras using satellites to track motorists secretly tested in Britain

State-sponsored assassinations: A time to KILL

Pentagon's Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure a "Legitimate" Target

High Frequency Trading High-tech Highway Robbery

Obama Gladly Embraces Bush’s Anti-Terrorism Powers

Survey: Nearly 80% of Americans don’t trust the government

Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama

Chip Implanter PositiveID Aims To Clean Up A PR Mess

Study: Insurance Companies Hold Billions In Fast Food Stock

04-21-2010: Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom

04-20-2010: What if there's somebody else out there?

04-20-2010: Fox too liberal for you? Kelsey Grammer backs upstart right-wing TV network, RightNetwork

04-20-2010: Anti-Defamation League calls Allentown rock band Poker Face xenophobic, anti-Semitic after Hutaree militia connections revealed

04-20-2010: Google Exposes Government Takedown Requests

04-20-2010: Third of US teens with phones 'text 100 times a day'

IMF proposes two big new bank taxes to fund bail-outs

04-20-2010: Hollywood To Make Film Based Off Of 1993 Waco Siege

04-20-2010: Supreme Court voids law aimed at banning animal cruelty videos

04-19-2010: Willie Nelson Questions Official 9/11 Story On Larry King

Mysterious New Object Discovered in Space

Deputy mayor of Afghanistan's Kandahar shot dead

Feds launch inquiry into GOP credit-card expenses

Terrorist cell disbanded in west Iran

"There Will Be Another War "

Iraq: Nevermind Our Secret Torture Jail, We Killed al Qaida Leaders

Bush Insider Reveals Guantanamo Deception:

Bankrupt Empire

The End of Pax Americana

Americans Down on Federal Government

Arizona Passes Tough "Illegal Immigration" Law

Wall Street Culture of Greed Under Attack

A Finance Overhaul Fight Draws a Swarm of Lobbyists

Anderson Cooper and Class Solidarity

Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom

US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels

Illinois Democrat Presses Obama for Immigration Reform

Fed Inflating Biggest Bubble of All in Government

One-Third of Americans Say Government Is a Threat

Scammers Exploit Confusion Over New Healthcare Law

Rudy Guiliani Is a Fascist

Real Defense Spending Higher Than Believed

Wall Street Lobbyists Find Huge Loopholes in Financial Reform Bill

Hackers Stole Source Code for Google Global Passwords

CFR Trilat Member to Replace Polish President Killed in Plane Crash

Secret Prison Run by Iraqi Regime Exposed

Sunnis Said Tortured in Secret Iraq Prison

BRIC Ready to Recast World Order

After Reshuffle, CIA Still Keeps Eye On Russia

US: No Missile Defense Restrictions in New Nuclear Treaty

Chinese and Russian Military Aid: Chavez Hosts Regional Allies

The Weaponization of Space: US to Launch Secret 'Space Warplane'

Kucinich on Assassinations and Upcoming War Funding Vote

Release of Student Information to Military Recruiters

Modern-Day Post-9/11 McCarthyism in Media

Pentagon Continues to Use "Personality Disorder" Discharges to Cheat Veterans out of Benefits

Media Distortion regarding Cuba's Humanitarian Actitvites in Haiti

Break Up the Giant Banks to Curb Their Control over the Political Process

Genetic Modification of Plants: Early History of Plant Genetic Engineering.

Racial Profiling at New York Airport

VIDEO: Retreat of US Forces in Afghanstan? US Military Base under Taliban Control

Goldman Sachs and the Mega Banks: Too Big To Obey The Law

Did the WHO Knowingly Hype Swine Flu?

Pope Benedict and the Roman Catholic Church: Worst Credibility Crisis Since Reformation

VIDEO: The BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons

"Financial Terrorists" are Destroying the US Economy

The Criminalization of Wall Street: Lynching Bankers is not the Solution

Cyber-Warfare Chief's Deception

The Offshore Outsourcing of American Jobs: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism

"High Frequency" Financial Trading, High-tech Highway Robbery on Wall Street

The Pentagon's Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure is a "Legitimate" Target

The Pentagon Papers Are Public This Time

VIDEO: Be Nice to America. Or We'll Bring Democracy to Your Country!

911 Operator (Barely) Disciplined Over Callous Response To Girl As Her Parents Died

TV Brainwashing: The New World Order in Pokémon

FDA plans to limit amount of salt allowed in processed foods for health reasons

EPIC FAIL - CNN Does Hit Piece On Oathkeepers, Brave New Books, Camp Fema & Tea Partiers

Veteran Hangs American Flag Upside Down & Gets Harrassed By Police

Alex Jones' State of the Union: Alex Calls on All Patriots to Expose the Fascist Police State

Shocker: Obama Budget Proposal Likely to Decrease Charitable Contribution by Billions

Democrats who insisted on minimum-wage laws refuse to pay interns


Family calls police to help their devoted father of three who was suicidal because he couldn't find work – Police respond by killing him instead

NOPD asks FBI to investigate fatal shooting of man by police

Waco and the New Brown Scare

Obama Administration Officials Drafting Secret Indefinite Detention Policy

McCain Proposes Indefinite Detention Without Trial for Citizens

Free Markets, Deregulation, and Blame

If The U.S. Economy Goes Into The Toilet Will It Result In A Complete And Total Collapse Of Society?

Human genes to be injected into goats, cows, and sheep

Afghan Snipers Using Old Rifles Issued by CIA

Did New York Police Bungle Terrorism Case by Ignoring FBI?

Limbaugh, Iranian Cleric Agree: Human Behavior Can Cause Natural Disasters

Longest Sentence Ever Imposed for Bribing Foreign Officials

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

The Silver Bear Cafe:Gerald Celente Says This Is Among His Most Important Trends Ever


*Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined


*8 Invented Diseases Big Pharma Is Banking on | | AlterNet



YouTube - Ron Paul: Freedom is the Answer!


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: False Flag Terrorism Hype in Full Swing! 1/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: False Flag Terrorism Hype in Full Swing! 2/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: False Flag Terrorism Hype in Full Swing! 3/4

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Hour 1: False Flag Terrorism Hype in Full Swing! 4/4


YouTube - Aaron Dykes Exposes Karl Rove's Claim He Supports "Individual liberties" on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Aaron Dykes Exposes Karl Rove's Claim He Supports "Individual liberties" on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at Camp FEMA & Others

YouTube - The Chemistry of Monsanto: 100% Safe. Unless...

ARCHIVE:Just When You Thought Wheat Was Safe, Monsanto Steps In « Fit and Chic: Because Healthy Living is Tres Chic!


****Dprogram Films****


**Was Korean Airlines Flight 85 a Simulated Hijack in a 9/11 Training Exercise? « Dprogram.net

EU climate chief calls for energy tax - UPI.com

VIDEO:Alexis de Tocqueville - Despotism in America

The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future

VIDEO:Parag Khanna: Global Governance

MEP: Euro will collapse, 'Pig States' to bring EU down

Head of IMF Proposes New Reserve Currency

Farage Attacks Bilderberg EU President As “Quiet Assassin” Of Nation States

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help


Facebook under privacy microscope

YouTube - The Truth about Facebook!


DHS Global Biometric Plan, Facial Recognition Billboards

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

OpEdNews - Article: "Proving Election Fraud" by Richard Charnin (TruthIsAll)


*Listen:Senator Arlen Spector-- on healthcare, single payer, Israel, Iran, why progressives should support him and more


OpEdNews - Article: Imprisoning A Courageous Whistleblower: The Case of Bradley Birkenfeld

OpEdNews - Article: The Bible Belt's Self-Righteous Christians And Sex Abstinence Programs

OpEdNews - Article: We Moved from a Manufacturing to a Service Economy under Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush

New documents link Kissinger, Bush senior to Letelier assassination

OpEdNews - Article: Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US - Part I

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Crop Circles, Part Deux: Alien Glyphs, Human Myths, Blogging Bliss - Boing Boing

*US goes high-tech to redesign the $100 bill - Chicago Breaking Business


YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 1 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 2 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 3 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 4 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 5 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 6 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 7 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 8 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 9 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 10 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 11 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 12 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 13 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 14 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse

YouTube - Coast to Coast AM - 15 of 15 Global Fashpoints & Apocalypse


**THE BIG WOBBLE: The guy who filmed the shots fired at the POLISH PLANE CRASH WAS ASSASSINATED


JOHN L. SMITH: IRS forces nightclubs to keep closer eye on cash customers - News - ReviewJournal.com

State-sponsored assassinations: A time to KILL - US - World - The Times of India

Paul Proctor - Who’s Taking Our Liberty?


Catholic Diocese of Wollongong - Death by a thousand cuts – the new mode of martyrdom - Catholic Diocese of Wollongong

Crime Prediction Software Is Here and It's a Very Bad Idea - Crime - Gizmodo

Microsoft's Chinese workforce, too tired to stay awake | Mail Online

John Stanton: Human Terrain Systems and Military Intelligence

Transhumanism, Psychological Warfare and B.E.P.'s "Imma Be" | The Vigilant Citizen

FOXNews.com - Your Bionic Brain: The Merging of Brain and Machine


*Volcano News:(www.volcanolive.com)*

Global Volcanism Program(www.volcano.si.edu)

EMSC - European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Latest Earthquakes in the World:(earthquake.usgs.gov)

Live Internet Seismic Server:(aslwww.cr.usgs.gov)


04-21-10 Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Makes Case for Stronger Rural America « BARN OnAir & OnLine 24/7/365

401(k) as Dangerous as the Dollar

The 401(k) Wars: Fighting for Investors' Cash - WSJ.com

YouTube - Earth Changes UFO's Iceland Volcano Sky News V-Shape UFO Formation 18/04/10

Justice Department Reports 60 Percent Increase in Number of Drug-Smuggling Tunnels at U.S.-Mexican Border

Conservative Blogs Take on EPA With Anti-Regulation Video Contests

Hoyer Says Financial Regulation Bill is Not a Bailout Bill

Biden Goes to Bat for ‘Equal Opportunity in Athletics’

U.S. Congress Urges Obama to Impose New Sanctions on Iran, As U.N. Drags Its Feet

Iran Sees Nuclear-Fuel Swap As Chance to Boost Trust

Court-Martial of Navy SEAL Opens in Iraq

New Bank Tax Picks Up Support in Congress

GM Pays Back Government Loans From U.S. and Canada

One-Third of Americans Believe Climate Change is Caused by Human Activity

Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins Call for U.S. Troops at Border

French President Sarkozy to Submit Bill Banning Islamic Face Veils

Pope Promises Action Against Clerical Sex Abuse

Obama Vows No Litmus Tests on Abortion for Supreme Court Pick

Army May Rescind Invitation to Franklin Graham over Islam as Evil Remarks

Obama Talking With Possible Supreme Court Nominees

Rahm Emanuel Has Aspirations to Be Chicago Mayor

No Legislation on Giving DC Vote in Congress

Americans Favor US Cars over Asian Autos, Poll Shows

Navy Chief Says No Big Resistance to Women on Subs

Airlines Have Lost Almost $2 Billion Because of Volcano Eruption

U.S. and Europe Rethink Role of Cold War NATO Alliance

Bolivian Leader Warns That Eating Chicken Affects Men’s Virility, Hair

Group Wants Evangelist's Pentagon Event Canceled

Earthquakes & Miniskirts; Sophistry & Guns

Bill Clinton, Still Smearing Conservatives

No New Public School Bailout

Fighting Obama’s Fire With Fire of Our Own

All the President’s Goldman Sachs Men

DeMint Backs Conservatives in Key Races

Dick Morris 'Dead Certain' GOP Will Take Back House in Midterms

Perot: Time Will Show Impact of Tea Party Effort

RNC Spent 68% on Overhead, Cowboy Tickets

Limbaugh: Clinton Wrong, Obama Is Authoritarian

Reid Under Fire for Goldman Sachs Event

Army May Nix Invite to Franklin Graham

Brown: Obama Says Immigration Bill Coming

IMF Calls for Global Bank Tax

Will Obama Pick a Politician for Supreme Court?

Utah Tea Party: We've Taken Over the State GOP

U.S. Could Be in Iran Missile Range by 2015

Report: School Food Making Kids Unfit for Military

Oklahoma Gov. Considers Tough New Abortion Bills

House to Vote On Benefits for Veterans' Caregivers

At Least 11 Workers Sought After Oil Rig Explosion

Balloon Boy Parents to Pay $36K in Restitution

Feds Charge 14 Reputed Gambino Family Members

House Abandons Voting-Rights Bill for D.C.

FBI, IRS Raid N.Y. State Senator's Bronx Clinic

Crist Has Many Political Options; None Is Good

White House: Obama to Return to Calif. for Boxer

Whitman to Get Boost From Romney, McCain

N.Y. Attorney General Sues State Senate Leader

Forty-Four Americans on Derailed African Train

Hillary Heads to Estonia for NATO Talks

Taco Bell Storms Vegetarian India

Hussman: Overvalued Stocks In for Painful Correction

Jim Rogers: Next Recession Will Be Much Worse

BlackRock: No Inflation Ahead, Buy Treasuries

Norris: Why Experts Doubt Recovery Will Last

Shiller: Don't Bet the Farm on Housing Recovery

6 Foods That Fight Heart Disease

Brain Games Don't Make You Smarter

10 Ways to Allergy-Proof Your Home

Chip Detects Cancer Cells in Blood

School Worker: Pa. Teen Had No Privacy Expectation

Greenpeace Not LOL Over Facebook Footprint

Visa Pays $2 Billion to Buy out Cybersource

Author Steel's Ex-Aide Sentenced for Embezzlement

Woman Drops Rape Lawsuit Against Copperfield

'Octomom' Tells Winfrey She'll Never Do Reality TV

Bill Clinton Wrong About Oklahoma City Bombing

Bill Clinton's Tea Party Smear Repeats History

Arizona's Immigration Law Won't Work

Capitalism Is Alive and Well

Economic Adviser Refuses to Rule Out VAT

Obama Policies Risk Economic Peril

Obama's Nuke Strategy Endangers US

Police: 3-Year-Old Fla. Boy Left at NYC Cathedral

YouTube - why lehman brothers was allowed to fail

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Timothy McVeigh Tapes: A Response

*Christopher Bollyn:The Goldman Scam & John Paulson's Links to 9-11

Goldman says SEC distorted facts in fraud charges - USATODAY.com

SEC begins formal inquiry into Lehman 'tricks' - Telegraph

The Carlyle Group : Carlyle/Riverstone and Goldman Sachs to Invest $500 Million in Cobalt International Energy, a New Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Company

Barbara Hollingsworth: Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange | Washington Examiner

The 10 biggest health care lies in America

Taxes take up greatest part of household income, Fraser Institute says - Yahoo! Canada News

National Guard recruiters forged re-enlistment papers: report | Raw Story

Paulson Fund IPO Delayed Following Goldman Sachs Case - WSJ.com

Anti-govt. demos held in Egypt « Aletho News

EclippTV :: Video :: Murder witness turns gun advocate

EclippTV :: Video :: Michael Rivero on RT - Volcanic fever? Are regulators overreacting?

EclippTV :: Video :: President Obamas War on Capitalism

The Second Great Gold Rush: Even If You’re Broke and Bankrupt, Buy Gold!

Dishonest Weights & Scales: Are The Postal Services Ripping Us Off? - SoCal Martial Law Alerts (Los Angeles, CA) - Meetup.com

Draft of Secretive International Copyright Treaty Leaked -- Confirms Fears About Internet Freedom | Media and Culture | AlterNet

Facebook Further Reduces Your Control Over Personal Information | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse (Updated) | Washington Examiner

Government requests directed to Google and YouTube

EclippTV :: Video :: Goldman Sachs Fraud Charge: Bonuses for Buttons

New speed cameras trap motorists from space - Telegraph

YouTube - US military base under Taliban control

Allen L Roland's Weblog: Catholic Church Imploding

Deportation Is A Nazi Policy

MD11 lands safely, has possible ash symptoms - PPRuNe Forums

Massive government corruption hidden by focus on Goldman-Sachs

FOXNews.com - 'South Park' Creators Could Face Retribution for Depicting Muhammad, Website Warns

OpEdNews - Article: The Black Hats Must Go

The Wrong Man - Magazine - The Atlantic

12 Reasons Americans Are Angry About The Economy

Strategies for Revolutionaries: Break the TV addiction - | Sophrosyne Radical

The Sovereign Individual by Helio Beltrão

The NRA sits on sidelines of gun fight with feds - BusinessWeek

Mika acts like a child and the Right mocks Joan Walsh

Matthews Allows Gun Rights Protesters to Show Their Blind Hatred for President Obama


Obama heckled at Barbara Boxer rally

Even Mark Halperin Can't Defend Republicans' Talking Point on Finance Reform

*CBS Report: Copy Machines Retain Copies On Their Hard Drives

A compelling case for Diane Wood

"Small Government" McCain slams federal government while blaming immigrants for staged accidents

Beck's chalkboard universe: Neo-Nazis are 'Progressive Right,' NCLR lumped in with drug gangs

Arizona has turned into a police state: 'Show me your papers'

Michele Bachmann's latest paranoid fantasy: Net neutrality is 'essentially censorship of the Internet'

Newsweek: 'Another Big Shoe' To Drop On Goldman Sachs?

You've got to be kidding me, right? Bank CEO wants more politicians in their pockets

Call the Waaaahmbulance! Fox talkers say critics of Tea Partiers' unhinged attacks just want to 'silence' them

Bernard Goldberg Admits Jon Stewart is Right About His Generalizations and Then Attacks Him

Republicans Winning by Undermining Trust in Government. Again.

SEC Board Was Split Along Party Lines On Goldman Sachs Charges. Guess Which Side Defended Goldman Sachs?

Comcast says they will have nothing to do with RightNetwork

Video: Sarah Palin's speech to Women of Joy reveals church-state separation denier, adherent of radical 'Prayer Warriors'

Sen. Bob Corker: "I have never used those Frank Luntz Talking Points"

Republicans Pretending to Act Like Adults

Susan Collins will filibuster financial reform, but Olympia Snowe says she's OK with being the lone Republican

Deja Vu From Mitch McConnell on Finance Reform: Let's Go Back to the Drawing Board

Msg to Lieberman - Find Something Important to Do

Comcast denies involvement in RightNetwork

Scott Brown goes Palin on Face The Nation, but does say he'll filibuster financial reform bill: UPDATED

Karl Rove angry at FOX & Friends and calls them "pathetic" for bringing up Code Pink trying to arrest him

FATE magazine: April 20th, 2010/ Investigating the Paranormal (#10)

SPACE.com -- Mysterious New Object Discovered in Space

DARPA Takes a Crack at the Flying Car - Darpa - Gizmodo

Schrödinger's cash: Minting quantum money - physics-math - 20 April 2010 - New Scientist

Mysterious Volcano Lightning Creates Pretty Pictures | LiveScience

Dog-Sized Dinosaur Had Thick, Head-Butting Skull | LiveScience

3D printer could build moon bases

An Alcoholic’s Savior - Was It God, Belladonna or Both? - NYTimes.com

SPACE.com -- Meteor Fragment From Wisconsin Fireball Discovered by Farmer

UFO picks up Laconia, NH car with teens and drops 180 feet away

101. Near-Death Experience Skeptics Running Out of Excuses | Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point

A brain-recording device that melts into place

Double-Dip Recession, Shot Federal Wad by Gary North

Note to Israel (and the U.S.) From an Anguished Jewish American: Decentralize by Scott Lazarowitz

Owning Gold and Silver: The Unsafe Method by Richard Daughty

Can You and Your Doctor Thrive without Medicare and Insurance Plans? by George Watson

Most transparent White House ever... - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Obama backers show signs of disappointment | Reuters

GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

REFILE-UPDATE 2-Iran denounces US nuclear threats | Markets | Reuters

Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela - Washington Times

Testimony Could Undercut SEC Charge Against Goldman - CNBC

Goldman Employees Donated $1 Million to Obama Campaign - Bloomberg

Reid dodges questions on Goldman $$$ - First Read - msnbc.com

RealClearPolitics - Video - Sen. Reid Dodges Question About Wall Street Fundraiser

Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell, others flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, lawsuit reveals

Bus fight between NM first-graders hospitalizes 1

Sarah Jessica Parker looks skinnier than ever as she becomes 'obsessed' with the gym | Mail Online

Owners Hope To Turn Hotel Normandie Into Pot Friendly Resort - cbs2.com

Race factors into evaluation of Gerhart - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

Baseball coach Hector Penate tells of steamy affair with Larry King's wife - NYPOST.com

My Way News - Blagojevich calls feds 'cowards and liars'

FOXNews.com - 'South Park' Creators Could Face Retribution for Depicting Muhammad, Website Warns

Right Now - GEICO voice actor fired after insulting tea parties

Lib Dem Nick Clegg’s TV debate strategy is found in back of a cab | The Sun |News|Election 2010

General Election 2010: Clegg says 'no, I'm the man for change' | Mail Online

Local News | Bisexual men sue gay group, claim bias | Seattle Times Newspaper

London air passengers desperate to get on planes - Yahoo! News

Iceland volcano: UK airports reopen as BA claims shutdown 'unnecessary' - Telegraph

Feds launch inquiry into Florida GOP credit-card expenses - Florida - MiamiHerald.com

Google 'not interested' in privacy - Telegraph

Google Discloses Government Demands for User Data - WSJ.com

ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights | Politics and Law - CNET News

Botox may diminish the experience of emotion : Neurophilosophy

Both national party committees spend big chunks on fancy meals, hotels, travel

Denver iPad theft surveillance video shows brutal attack - KDVR

Distrust, Discontent, Anger and Partisan Rancor - Pew Research Center

MIT Student Develops $3 Cutting-Edge Healing Device, Field Tested in Haiti | Fast Company

Hide the Decline II « Climate Audit

Amazon fights demand for customer records | Politics and Law - CNET News

End Insanity Of The War on Drugs—Start With Decriminalizing Marijuana at The Federal Level - CNBC

BOVARD » Bill Clinton’s Lethal Hypocrisy on Government Violence

FOXNews.com - Threat of New, Larger Icelandic Eruption Looms

In Case of Emergency: 13 Things You Should Keep in Your Car | The Art of Manliness

The United States and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.

Government Intervention has Already been Tried

Goldman Sachs: A Fraudulent history repeats itself - The Legacy of Ashanti Gold

Advice for the Tea Party

Some Won't Believe How Dangerous Marijuana Can Be

Media & Lobbyist Control

The Problem with the Two-Party System

Domestic Terrorists

Why the Constitution Matters in Military Affairs

The British Obama?

Young and Old Voters Disagree on Obama Reelection, yet Agree on Major Political Issues

Sink the Murtha: Outrage on the High Seas

The Grand Illusions of America's Liberals

Tyranny May Be Closer than We Think

The New Front in the War on Wealth

China and Iran not intimidated

Gangster government: The continuing series

Is the Goldman-Sachs scandal manufactured

Ohio Homeland Security officials falsify credentials, cozy up to Islamic radicals

The Amazing Disappearance of Winter due to Global Warming

White House tries to co-opt press corps

Obama's non-policy on Iran is obscene

Great News: RNC spends $340,000 on Hawaii junket for staff

The astonishing reach of the Iranian military

The President Who Won't Grow Up

Who Is Obstructing the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act?

Soft Power and No Plan for Iran

Leaving Liberalism

Big Nature and Tiny Us

Could Fixed Exchange Rates Be Coming Back?


*19APR:Transcripts/Obama's Remarks at Fundraiser for Barbara Boxer

Senator Judd Gregg on Financial Regulation

Roundtable on Financial Reform

Pew Foundation Director on Trust in Government

Interview with Secretary Napolitano

Interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann

*18APR:Interviews with Leader McConnell & Senator Warner

Interview with Senator Scott Brown (PDF)

Interview with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

Interview with Bill Clinton

Interview with W.H. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs


Financial Debate Renews Scrutiny on Size of Banks - NYTimes.com

The SEC's Dangerous Gamble - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Harold Meyerson - Hope rises for real financial reform

What’s Missing in the Financial Rules Bill? - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com

RAHN: Could the U.S. become Argentina? - Washington Times

Obama: Washington Needs to Be More Like California - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

What If They Repealed Obamacare? | The New Republic

The American Spectator : Take the Painkiller and Go Home

How a calm, reasonable president gets exercised about … financial regulation. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

All the President's Goldman men - NYPOST.com

Op-Ed Columnist - Everybody Loves a Winner - NYTimes.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

The False Religion of Mideast Peace: And Why I'm No Longer a Believer - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

RealClearPolitics - Myths About Capitalism

Earth Day: Smile, don't shudder - USATODAY.com

This could be a blip. But if not, British politics will be changed for ever | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian

Obama and the New Civility - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - In PA-12 Special, Democrat Seeks Distance From His Party

Son of Sarbox - WSJ.com

Earth to Congress

Government: Americans' love-hate relationship | desmoinesregister.com | The Des Moines Register

Tehran's Other Target: America 2015 - IBD - Investors.com

Democratic Party, Helped by Wall Street, Outraising Republicans - Bloomberg.com

Senate Bill Sets a Plan to Regulate Premiums - NYTimes.com

Candidates crowd 2010 ballots - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Fast action to limit salt in processed foods pushed by Sen. Harkin, Rep. DeLauro

RealClearPolitics - The Democrats' Big Disconnect

Down the Health Care Wormhole - Reason Magazine

Wall Street's Talking Points, Now Available in Memo Form | The White House

RealClearPolitics - Connecting the Dots: Does Wall St. Want Dodd Bill?

Judicial Drama | The American Prospect

Op-Ed Columnist - Riders on the Storm - NYTimes.com

Obama waves magic wand

Obama wants U.S. defenseless

U.S.-trained forces caught aiding Hamas

'South Park' creators must 'fear for their lives'

Giving president more regulatory power?

Obama's message seen as invitation to attack

Court blasts city's ban on sound of church bells

Martyred: 176,000 Christians in 1 year

Confirmed! Global warming is 'settled' – as a scam

Judge sides with activist in raw milk dispute

Biometrics a worry? They're already here ...

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: MSNBC Libtalker Has Psychotic Meltdown With Caller

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive GOP's Joe Wilson talks Iran nukes with WND

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Relationship with Israel in crisis'

Arizonan: Boycott us over immigration bill - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins Call for U.S. Troops at Border

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Charlie Crist your classic moderate Republican'

Lefties' envy of Sarah Palin

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Ridiculous ruling makes Constitution unconstitutional'

Congressman backs 'hate crimes' lawsuit

SEC rebuffs questions on timing of Goldman charges

Democrats and Goldman Sachs launch Web ad war - NYPOST.com

Goldman Sachs Hires Ex-White House Counsel - EconWatch - CBS News

WaPo's Kathleen Parker on CBS: Tea Parties 'Dangerous;' Internet Journalism 'Like Terrorism' | NewsBusters.org

Job seekers too picky? |West Palm Beach News, South Florida Breaking News, Forecast, Video from WPTV

Health-care mandates could be 'null and void'

Oklahoma lawmakers to sue over federal health reform | Reuters

Democrats seek to control health insurance premiums - latimes.com

'South Park' creators must 'fear for their lives'

How Evil Works | FrontPage Magazine

U.S. promises Arabs no more Jewish construction

U.S.-trained forces caught aiding Hamas

FOXNews.com - Iranian Missile May Be Able to Hit U.S. by 2015

Muslim extremist up for human-rights post

Coast Guard: Oil rig workers still missing - Life- msnbc.com

The Associated Press: Group wants evangelist's Pentagon event canceled

Sarah Palin Christian Nation Remarks Spark Church and State Separation Debate - ABC News


*Politics Video:4/21-UK's David Cameron Hit By Egg During Election Campaign

Obama: Supreme Court Nominee Must Recognize "Women's Rights"

Krauthammer: Obama's Decisions On Missile Defense "Incomprehensible"

White House: Obama Did Not Take Goldman PAC Money, Will Not Return Donations

Larry King: Sarah Palin Should Pose For Playboy

GOP Senator: Tea Party Movement Will Bring On "Spiritual Revival"

GEICO Voiceover Actor Fired For Making Threats Against Tea Partiers

O'Reilly: We Need To Regulate Wall St. "Gangsters"

Sen. Specter Denies Pro-Life Deal With Santorum

Tapper On Obama's Bank Regulations

ACORN's Bertha Lewis Proudly Declares "I'm A Socialist"

Krugman: Wall Street Bankers "Cannot Be Trusted To Do The Right Thing"

NV-Sen: Lowden On Health Care Bartering: "Bring A Chicken To The Doctor"

Hardball: Are Republicans Obstructionists On Financial Reform?

Sens. Chambliss, Carper On Financial Reform

Rep. Darrell Issa On The SEC And Goldman Sachs

Rep. Paul Ryan On Jobs, Taxes, Spending & Broken Promises

Rove Responds To Speech Heckler: "Shut Up And Sit Down"

*4/20-George Will On Colbert Report

Dick Morris: Clinton Had To Reappoint Janet Reno Or She Would "Tell The Truth" About Waco

Bernie Goldberg: You're Right Jon Stewart, I Was Wrong

CNN Anchor Claims "N-Word" Tape Exists

Rep. Bachus: Feds "Looked The Other Way" On Financial Fraud

Is Washington Bankrupting America?

Brit Hume On Not Taking Tea Partiers Seriously

Gay Rights Protesters Handcuff Themselves To White House Fence

Sen. Gregg: Agreement "Basically" Reached On Derivatives Language

Police Chase Reporters Covering Gay Protesters At White House Fence

Biden Rips Wall Street "Greed"

Dem Senator: Timing Of Goldman Sachs Suit Is "Perfect" For Regulatory Reform

Specter Turned Down "Meet The Press" Debate With Opponent

Limbaugh: White House Had Advanced Knowledge Of SEC Suit Against Goldman Sachs

Blagojevich Challenges "Liar" Prosecutors To Play All Wiretapped Conversations

Eliot Spitzer On The Goldman Sachs Suit

Dem Congressman: Tea Partiers "Don't Know" Who They're Mad At

Sen. McCain: Borders Must Be Secured To Move Forward With Any Immigration Reform

Dem Threatens Obama: Reform Immigration Or I'll Tell Latinos To "Stay Home"

Rep. Paul Ryan On Financial Reform

Sen. Reed: Timing Of Goldman Sachs Suit "Not Suspicious"

Emanuel: WH Found Out About Goldman Sachs "When It Hit The News"

Sen. Corker: Financial Reform Bill Is "Anything But Tough On Wall St."

WH's Goolsbee: Obama Not Considering VAT

Rep. Bachmann On Dissenting From Obama

PA-Sen: Sestak Releases First Primary Ad Against Specter

Rahm Emanuel Says He Wants To Be Mayor Of Chicago

Bill Kristol: If You Like Freddie And Fannie You Will Like Regulatory Bill

Krauthammer: "No Check, No Balance" For Executive Branch In Finance Bill

Sen. Warner: Financial Reform Bill Is "Giant Step Forward"

Michael Lewis: "Wall St. Can't Control Itself"

Eliot Spitzer On Wall Street Crackdown

Matthews: Republicans Aren't Being Truthful

O'Reilly: Americans "Disillusioned" With Obama


Obama waves magic wand

More votes for those who pay taxes

A warning to the tea partiers

The church: Impotent and juvenile

Obama's disdain for marriage

What if the enemy uses drone killers on us?

Obama's demonization of Israel

Myths about capitalism

Gerald P. O'Driscoll: Why Government Regulation Fails - WSJ.com

Equal Pay and the Gender Gap: Men Still Outearn Women - TIME

New tribe rising?

Works and Days » An Age of Untruth

Couple sue for £380k after being driven out of home by noise from wind turbines | Mail Online

Family complain to Bristol hospital as rings go missing from amputated arm | Bristol News

Man died after medics missed disease six times, inquest hears - Telegraph

Satirical whizzes bringing Book of Mormon to Broadway - Salt Lake Tribune

Mali | Bible translated into Dogon language

Court documents: Mother of Dominick Calhoun left home in midst of beatings that killed her son, did not alert people to abuse | - MLive.com

KYW Newsradio 1060 Philadelphia - Former Head Of Bensalem SVU Charged With Sexual Assault

Girls accused of killing gay man in attack like Clockwork Orange - Times Online

Man accused of exposing buttocks in incidents at Target stores in Oklahoma City | NewsOK.com

Iceland volcano: Desperate father-to-be's 1200 mile dash home for birth of third child - mirror.co.uk

Australia: Facebook Page Undermines Covert Speed Camera Effort

Croc found in swimming pool | Northern Territory News | Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia | ntnews.com.au

Beached whale in Seattle had wide range of human garbage in stomach

Pedro Espada Jr. looted $14M from non-profit, including $20K spent on sushi: suit

Mayor Postponing Plans to Place a "Cost of War" Sign Outside City Hall. | WBNG-TV: News Sports, Weather Binghamton, New York | Local Top Stories

Florida Keys man got stuck in the sand he was stealing, cops say - Miami-Dade Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Auditors find credit card fraud and poor controls at FIU, UF and other state universities. - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Bid for 'Stonehenge' in Esperance | Perth Now

10 Creative Uses for Magnets - DIY Life

Pensioner uncovers £500,000 treasure - Telegraph

Is 2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?

Sherpa team plans to clean Everest's death zone

VIDEO:Loving God or so much lip service?


*ARICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

'Birther bill' in Arizona aims to make President Obama prove he's a 'natural born citizen'

More seeds of confusion sown on eligibility

Poll: "Birther" Myth Persists Among Tea Partiers, All Americans - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Approaching apocalypse: Will Obama docs surface?

Ariz House: Check Obama's Citizenship - Phoenix News Story - KPHO Phoenix

Army officer 'flagged' for challenging Obama

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Will the Military Court Martial of Lt. Col. Lakin Finally Put an End to the Birther Debate?

YouTube - American Patriot Foundation: FTC Terry Lakin Defense Fund

YouTube - Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya

YouTube - Obama Grandmother audio: Barack Born in Kenya

Presidential 'birther bill' advances in state House

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000


*American Minute for April 21st:William J Federer's American Minute


Debbie Schlussel : Reuters Quotes Schlussel on Obama’s, Cops’ Islamic “Outreach” & Homegrown Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel :To Look Taller, I Put Shrapnel, Batteries in My Shoes @ the Airport; Don’t You?

Debbie Schlussel :Not a Terrorist?!: Your Day in “Moderate” American Islam

Debbie Schlussel :South Park Creators: “We Lost [on Mohammed] . . . That’s Just F****d Up; NYTimes, ViaCom P*ssed Out”

Debbie Schlussel :Think Tiger Woods Would Do This?: Meet the World’s Most Honest Athlete

Debbie Schlussel :Happy 62nd, Israel!

Debbie Schlussel :This is Why We “Liberated” Iraq?: Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

Debbie Schlussel :So, NOW, They Worry about Terrorists’ Credit Cards (But Only b/c of Israel & the JOOS)

Debbie Schlussel :In Defense of Jamar Pinkney, Sr.: A Detroit Father’s Story

Debbie Schlussel :The Volcano, the Grounded Planes, Terrorism & Tomorrow


Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela - Washington Times

U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade | Reuters

LA cardinal: Nazism in Arizona immigration bill

Memo From Jerusalem - Mood Is Dark as Israel Marks Its 62nd Year - NYTimes.com

CNSNews.com - Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins Call for U.S. Troops at Border

Attack shows common decency in downward spiral

Gates: Sensitive export list outdated, ineffective

FOXNews.com - U.N.'s Ballooning $732 Million Haiti Peacekeeping Budget Goes Mostly to Its Own Personnel

Weighing the Evidence on Exercise - NYTimes.com

It's celebrity justice as Cameron Douglas gets 5 of a possible 10-year sentence - NYPOST.com

LI doctor killed when van crashes into her as she mows lawn - NYPOST.com

Vice President Joseph Biden - Yahoo! News Photos








**AUDIO:Winston Churchill on free speech


TV’s ‘Human Target’ Gets Healthcare Wrong, Women Owning Guns Right

What Country Music Looks Like in 2010

‘Kick-Ass’ Is the Quintessential Libertarian Film

Daily Gut: The New Extremism

SHOCK POLL: Public Has Negative Opinion of Hollywood

Ronald Reagan and James Dean: Video Uncovered from 1954

Hollywood’s Broke: What Would Robert Evans Do?

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 1

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 2

Blast From The Angry Left Past: Jesse Jackson Jr Can Muster The Fury!

Geico Cancels a Hater

Obama and Wall Street: I Love You! I Hate You!

Why the Financial Regulatory Reform is Flawed

Don’t Give Up on the American People…at Least not Yet

Naming Names: America’s Schools’ Problems Lie with Teachers’ Unions

Obama’s Back Door Bailout of Wall Street

Henry Waxman and the New American Way

Bailout Bob Corker: At it Again

Congress’ Amnesia on Fannie and Freddie

Cap-n-Tax: Team Obama Piles On the Outrages

Star Parker v. Radical, Ethically Challenged Maxine Waters Acolyte in California 37

What’s the Meaning of Gates’s Iran Memo?

‘Dissolved’ ACORN Still Hitting Up Supporters For Funds

Google’s Former Lobbyist in the White House; Still Lobbying for Google

All In a Day’s Work: AP Twists Words, Paints OK. Candidate as Militia Nut

‘Right-Wing Violence’ a Product of MSM Hyperactive Imagination, Leftist Agenda

Why Are the Obama Regime and Its Media Lackeys So Fearful Of the Dissent They Once Celebrated?

The Lafayette Park Reporter – A Lamb in Sheep’s Clothing

Let’s Play Hardball — Get Ready for a VAT (Volcanic Activity Tax)

From ‘The Front Page’ To a Flock Of Sheep: Reporters, Then and Now

Media Kept Well Away as Obama Clashes With Gays and Lesbians in Washington, L.A.

The Blow Back

For the MSM and Left, Freedom of Speech Means Agreeing With Them

A Citizen Encounters Professional ‘Journalism,’ Journalist Gets It All Wrong: Who Is Tee Zielsdors?

New Pew Study Shows Americans Growing More Conservative — Even the NY Times

Of Frank Rich, Bigfoot and the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Overnight Thread: Crackpot Fringe Elements From Sandpoint, Idaho, Take Over NY Times!

Exclusive: Second Hunger Striker, Cuban Journalist, Close to Death


*11 PG/Obama Budget Raises Taxes and Doubles the National Debt


HotAirPundit: DNC's Latest Attack Ad on GOP: "Republicans Stood By While Wall Street Ran Wild"

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Obama: America won’t be in the economic position it was before I got here

EU veto powers over national budget plans ruled out in Madrid


**DEPOPULATION QUOTES | Sovereign Independent


*Warning: Never Swallow Regular Toothpaste


*Full List - Environmental Toxins - TIME


April 20, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-20, Tuesday

04/20 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast : Tue April 20, 2010


#Video: Economist: Hispanics Not Stealing American Jobs

Video: Identity Thieves Could Feast On Recycled Copiers

Video: Arrested Protester Speaks Out About Immigration Bill

Pasta with Chicken Sausage and Greens

The Importance of Vitamin D

Home Decorating Tips

Grass Fed Beef Right Here in Texas

Columbia elects first black mayor

Geico Fires Announcer Who Left Voice Mail Insulting FreedomWorks

Larry King Agrees That Sarah Palin Should Pose for Playboy

DeMint: Tea Party Movement Will Bring on ‘Spiritual Revival’

Teen Eggs UK Conservative Candidate David Cameron

Update: Security Video Shows iPad Robbery That Severed Victim’s Finger

Ed Schultz Excoriates Democrat Tea Partier: ‘You’re Too Stupid to Read’

Las Vegas Hotel Launches 855-Foot Skyjump

Majority of Americans Still Oppose Marijuana Legalization

‘Avatar’ Director Laments That ‘Climate Deniers’ Have the ‘Public Ear’

‘Baby, Look at You’: Howard Stern Pushes Megyn Kelly in Explicit Directions

The B-Cast: White House Readies for War With Wall Street

Man Found Dead in House Full of Bones

Police Push Reporters Away From Covering Gay Protest at White House

Caught on Video: Runaway Saw Blade Hits Ohio House

Does CNN Anchor Imply That Infamous ‘Spitting’ Video Included ‘N-Word?’

GOP Seeks SEC Records on Goldman

Gay Rights Protesters Handcuff Themselves to WH Fence

Uncovered Video: Ronald Reagan and James Dean Star in 1954 Live Broadcast

Rush: Obama Buys ‘SEC’&‘Goldman Sachs’ Google Search Terms

Dick Morris: Reno Threatened Clinton With Waco Revelation

Libtalker Ed Schultz Loses His Cool with Tea Party Supporter

Rahm Emanuel Has an Audibly Embarrassing Moment on Charlie Rose Show

‘Daily Show’ Host Responds to Goldberg and Fox With ‘Go F**k Yourselves’ Song

Rev. Billy Graham Makes Rare Public Appearance for Rededication of the Billy Graham Library

11 Workers Missing After LA Oil Rig Explosion

Specter Denies Deal with Santorum on Support for SCOTUS Nominees

CNBC: Testimony Could Undercut SEC Charge Against Goldman

Reid Dodges Questions About Wall Street Fundraiser

Champion Boxer Found Dead in Jail Cell After Murder of Wife

The B-Cast B-Side: Tea Party Disparagement Raises Stakes

DNC Attack Ad: ‘Republicans Stood by While Wall Street Ran Wild’

Thieves Sever Man’s Finger During iPad Theft at CO Mall

‘Exploitive Left’: Palin, Beck & Fox Are Going to Cause Right-Wing ‘McVeigh-Like’ Domestic Terrorism

Hatch: Timing Of Goldman Suit ‘Very Suspect’

Gizmodo Editor Returns ‘Lost’ iPhone Prototype to Apple

Rahm: WH Found Out About Goldman Sachs Case ‘When It Hit the News’

Repo Man Grabs Limo on Prom Night

‘Real Housewives’ Star No Longer Hosting ‘Extreme’ Cosmetic Surgery Fashion Show


*Solari : Solari Podcasts


SRD #1 - Franklin Sanders, Community Derivatives, Terrorism and the Economy

SRD #2 - The Financial coup d'etat, the New World debutante party, and outsourced and out of money

SRD #3 - A Tale of Two Economies, A Historical perspective on the future with George Ure, and JFK, the movie, revisited

SRD #4 - The US Debt Clocks wake up call, A dose of common sense for swine flu fears, and learning the rules of success and survival

SRD#5 - Optimizing global equity, the End of the American Empire, and Whos Your Farmer?

SRD#6 - Truth and Consequences, Local Precious Metal Currencies, and Family as Bank

SRD #7 - The Art of Spiritual Warfare, Who Gets The Gold?, and The Forgotten Story of Royal Rife

SRD #8 - Chasing the Wild Tiger, 401(k)s vs Annuities, and Get to Know Your Local Sheriff

SRD #9 - Mind Control: Its not what you think or is it? Exploring the economics of mind control. Follow the Database: Bank data and the new trade wars. Lighting the Path: Life wisdom from talk show host and author George Noory.

SRD #10 - Thinking like a Garden: From Permaculture to Profits with Eric Toensmeier. Feeding the Databeast: Looking at Financial Reform Legislation. Greasing the Wheels of Economic Warfare with James Norman author of The Oil Card.


Are You Bringing Spychips Into Your Life? at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog

A Solari Report - Census Fines at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog


**Goldman Sachs Leaders** @ The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog


FOXNews.com - Actress Heather Locklear Arrested for Hit and Run

Barney: Why 'Dancing With the Stars' has 'American Idol' eating its dust - San Jose Mercury News

Did Crystal Bowersox Have The Best ‘American Idol’ Performance Of All Time? » MTV Newsroom

‘American Idiot’ comes to Broadway - THEATER- msnbc.com

Entertaining Feud Between Goldberg and Stewart - ABC News

Michael Douglas's son sentenced to 5 years

Sandra Bullock rumored to file for divorce later this week | SleekGossip : sleekgossip.com

Mega Millions jackpot climbs to $166M with no matches for winning numbers | - NJ.com

How gay must you be to play gay softball? - Game On!: Covering the Latest Sports News

Susan Boyle Inks Book Deal, Should Rival Other Great Music Biographies » MTV Newsroom

'I Dream of Jeannie' movie eyes a screenwriter. I'm blinking in anticipation. | EW.com

Lindsay Lohan Accuses Ex Of Spitting On Her | Access Hollywood

Courtney Love changes name, says she is 'sick' of talking about Kurt Cobain | EW.com

Evo Morales' message to grassroots climate talks – planet or death | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Sarkozy Ban of Full Veils in France - NYTimes.com

NATO Apologizes for Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan | Asia | English

Brazil: House arrest for priest on sex tape

South Korea Arrests Two North Korean Spies With Assassination Mission | South Asia | English

China confirms $20 bln Venezuela deal, half in yuan | Markets | Reuters

Iraq to Begin Election Recount | Middle East | English

Al Jazeera English - Europe - Bosnian veterans clash with police

6.2-magnitude earthquake strikes Samoa

Russia, Ukraine, fleet - latimes.com

The Associated Press: China mourns 2,064 victims in devastating quake

Poland to hold presidential elections in June

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Kyrgyz ex-president remains defiant

Clothes flow into Gaza after Israeli embargo eased - Haaretz - Israel News

Pope Benedict vows action on sexual abuse of children by priests / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

YouTube - Pope talks about his meeting with abuse victims

BBC News - Lib Dem 'contradiction' on VAT

YouTube - Nick Clegg: Secret election dossier claims

Treasury unveils new high-tech $100 bills with '3-D Security Ribbon'

Senate panel OKs bank swap ban in overhaul effort | Reuters

Obama: 'civil, thoughtful' hearings on new Supreme Court justice / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Have Republicans Abandoned Gov. Crist or Has Crist Abandoned Them? - Special Report w/ Bret Baier - FOXNews.com

FOXNews.com - Ethics Committee Opens Formal Probe Into Massa Case

FOXNews.com - Arizona Voters Support Controversial Immigration Bill, Poll Finds

Blagojevich warned: follow the rules - NewsTimes

City Room™ - Politics - Judge: Blagojevich Brothers Will Be Tried Separately

Local News | Waste Management trash haulers strike; 1 million customers will be affected | Seattle Times Newspaper

Somali pirates seize ship with 21 Filipinos aboard | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

The Associated Press: AP source: Fraud case possible against NY senator

Dorothy Irene Height 1912 – 2010 - Chicago Tribune

Balloon hoax dad must pay restitution - CNN.com

Tea Party Mapped: How Big Is It and Where Is It based? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

AP-GfK Poll: Americans say US cars top Asian autos - BusinessWeek

Local News | Fishing boat survivor prayed for a miracle | Seattle Times Newspaper

Charges Said to Be ‘New Low’ for Gambinos - NYTimes.com

Workers Injured in Oil Rig Blast - NYTimes.com

YouTube - Oil rig explosion: 11 missing after fire on Deepwater Horizon drilling platform


NYPD releases serial killer Rodney Alcala's photos of women -- seeks public's help in ID'ing them

images:*NYPD seeks clues from photos taken by serial killer Rodney Alcala


Glenn Beck calls progressives a 'cancer,' but compares Tea Partiers to progressive civil-rights marchers like M.L. King

Sovereign debt rise poses new threat to global economy - Times Online

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution a hit in US - Telegraph

Google 'not interested' in privacy - Telegraph

Argentina's last dictator gets 25-year prison sentence | World news | guardian.co.uk

Obama accused of playing politics with the law over Goldman Sachs - Times Online

Goldman Sachs trader barred from the City over SEC charges - Telegraph

SEC begins formal inquiry into Lehman 'tricks' - Telegraph

Under-fire Goldman Sachs reveals 90% jump in profits | Business | The Guardian

GM crops can benefit farmers | Janet Carpenter | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

'Toxic stew' of chemicals causing male fish to carry eggs in testes | Environment | guardian.co.uk


BBC News - Three-person IVF 'may prevent inherited disease'

Massive Anti-Obama Rally Set for Sunday in New York - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

FOXNews.com - Senate Leaders Trade Charges of Improper Relations With Wall Street

FOXNews.com - Republicans Warn Bank Bill Could Backfire as Dems Push for a Deal

Revolution in Central Asia: Who's Next?

Pro Libertate: "Find Me The Man, I'll Find The Crime"

Begin was right, deportation is a Nazi policy :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Democracy and depleted uranium :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

MD11 lands safely, has possible ash symptoms - PPRuNe Forums

U.S. Soldier on 2007 Apache Attack: What I Saw | Danger Room | Wired.com

SF Author Peter Watts Talks About Hard Science Fiction, and Being Beaten By US Border Guards - Peter watts - io9

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Fed Official: We Can Just Print Money, Damn It!