"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

23 April 2010



Oil slick spreads from sunken rig - CNN.com

Occidental Observer:Goodbye, America! (Part 1)

Deep Well Is Not Spilling Oil in Gulf, Official Says - NYTimes.com


SEC and Pornography: Employees Spent Hours Surfing Porn Sites - ABC News

Correcting A Misquotation Reputedly By Menachem Begin

savethemales.ca - How Russians Staged Polish "Regime Change"

Amazing Video Shot Of MultipleUFOs Hovering, Darting & Dancing InNight Sky Over Geelong, Australia

Nearly 4M people could pay without health coverage - Yahoo! News

Metals Manipulation, Machinations, and Assassinations

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Satanic Monsters Preying on Our Children

S. H. Pearson: Nabs

AmericanCrisis:USA: The Return of Racism, Obama style - African American farmers want $1 billion for 'racial bias' settlement

Deadly airborne fungus in Oregon set to spread - Infectious diseases- msnbc.com

Don't Give A Dog A Bone, FDA Says - Health News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Cryptomundo » The Ultimate Earth Day Icon: Sasquatch

Demonizing Iran - US Media Continue Beating War Drums

Fla. GOP Under Criminal Probe | Judicial Watch

Homeland Security Attorney Guilty In Bribery Scandal | Judicial Watch

The Inflated Threat from Iran | Stephen M. Walt

General Election 2010: Wannabe MP who's banned from Scottish seat he wants to represent - Scotsman.com

Roy Tov – A Missile of Hope

Is World War Three about to begin on the Korean peninsula? – Telegraph Blogs


Google had 1,200 requests for data from British authorities - Telegraph

'600 passengers' laid low by norovirus bug on British cruise liner | Mail Online

Drinking accelerates ageing of cells - Telegraph

Judge found guilty of seeking sex in return for positive refugee ruling - Posted Toronto

First Europe, then the US – now abuse claims sweep Latin America - Americas, World - The Independent

How much CO2 did those cancelled volcano flights really spare Mother Gaia? – Telegraph Blogs

Biofuels cause four times more carbon emissions - Telegraph

Sanitation for all - but not for another 300 years | Society | guardian.co.uk

Life of Mark Twain revealed in unpublished memoir - Telegraph

AmericanCrisis:Who is Barack Obama? The scariest list of facts about President Obama you've ever seen... The President who HATES America

The Death of High Fructose Corn Syrup | BNET Food Blog | BNET

An American Phenomenon: The Widespread Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers | Drugs | AlterNet

YouTube - The drugs I need

YouTube - To rob a country, own a bank

YouTube - Rabbi Sentenced 32 Years For Sexually Abusing Teen

Washington's Blog:Are Interest Rate Derivatives a Ticking Time Bomb? D

YouTube - New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'

“The extremists are coming! The extremists are coming!” « LewRockwell.com Blog

Obamacare Fail - Bringing You The Latest Failures From Obamacare!

Democrats Haunted by Corporate Ties | CommonDreams.org

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Google Tool Tracks Government Tracking

EclippTV • View topic - Gerald Celente : They are taking us to the Great War

The Murder of Donkeys and Detained Goats by Israel «Kawther Salam


Expert says the SEC is a farce - Apr. 21, 2010

Buying carbon offsets may ease eco-guilt but not global warming / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

An American Phenomenon: The Widespread Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers | Drugs | AlterNet

Mossad And The Russian Mafia Plutonium Connection

Obama: Ties with Israel 'unshakable'

In Defense of Sedition by Thomas DiLorenzo

The Making of American Foreign Policy by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

EclippTV :: Video :: Freedom Watch - The Tea Party Split - 04/20/10

Refreshing News: U.S. Realeases New $100 Bill (Pics)

8 Invented Diseases Big Pharma Is Banking on | | AlterNet

Alzheimer's drugs cause brain damage and actually worsen memory loss >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

ah, mephistophelis.: William Black to Evil Bankers and Their Useless Regulators: Wapishta

EclippTV :: Video :: Dick Morris reveals the truth about Tim McVeigh and Clinton

EclippTV :: Video :: Rachel Maddow- Janet Napolitano 1on anti-government extremists

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers: Next Recession Will Be Much Worse: Gold: Silver: Dollar

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » CNN and SPLC Attempt to Demonize, Blackball Patriots

Earth Day « Heidi-Lore’s Musings

Richard Koo Says If Banks Marked Commercial Real Estate To Market,It Would "Trigger A Chain Of Bankruptcies" | zero hedge

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

Russia: Not involved in Georgia uranium seizure - Yahoo! News

WellPoint Routinely Targets Breast Cancer Patients - ABC News

Firm used debt proceeds for strippers, payroll? - Yahoo! News

Moneynews - Paulson's Hedge Fund Made Billions on Subprime Crisis

Dodd Bill KILLS Jobs, Creates Permanent Bailout « noworldsystem.com

18 veterans kill themselves every day: report | Raw Story

House Overwhelmingly Votes to Advance Iran Sanctions

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Why the Valued Added Tax Is Coming On Top of the Income Tax

New Lawsuit Shows Letters to Vatican on Sexual Abuse Earlier Than Previously Thought - NYTimes.com

Computerized Front Running and Financial Fraud

Obama Earth Day - Carbon Footprint of Air Force One - Wall Street Speech at Cooper Union | NYCAviation.com | Planespotting and Aviation Photography, Breaking Airline News, Aviation Discussion


Full-body scanners are waste of money, Israeli expert says

Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11

EclippTV • View topic - Did Schumer, Paulson, Soros Kill the Bank & Profit From It?

Refreshing News: Dangerous Health Therapies To Avoid

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente: Finance reform, just a show


EclippTV :: Video :: Governments Will 'Bankrupt Us' Marc Faber Part 1

EclippTV :: Video :: Governments Will 'Bankrupt Us' Marc Faber-2


EclippTV :: Video :: Lew Rockwell on Goldman Sachs and the Government

'Sun' censored poll that showed support for Lib Dems - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

Biofuels cause four times more carbon emissions - Telegraph

Just Who Is This Guy, Obama? >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America's New Global Strike Weapon - Popularmechanics.com

US Rules Out Removing Its Nukes From Europe -- News from Antiwar.com

RAF grounds fighter jets after volcanic dust is found in engines - Home News, UK - The Independent

The Radioactive Nature of Jewish Thinking–Transforming the Garden Of Eden into the Little Shop Of Horrors « The Ugly Truth

ACORN CEO compares Tea Party to bowel movement [video] | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: American Arrested in Mexico for Carrying 150 Gold Coins; Coins Seized

It’s Official! Freedom Watch Coming To TV!

Walter Williams:Taxes and Voting

Demonizing Iran: US Media Continue Beating War Drums | This Can't Be Happening!

Against Anti-Civilian Sanctions by Ron Paul

'Find Me the Man, I'll Find the Crime' by William Norman Grigg

Governments Will 'Bankrupt Us': Marc Faber - CNBC

The Story of Foundations of Economics by Shawn Ritenour

Doug Casey on Race

Leftist SPLC Publishes Patriot Hit List

Money Supply Metrics, the Austrian Take by Michael Pollaro

Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle by Albert Jay Nock

Jesse Ventura Book Review - American Conspiracies Book Review

Shattering of the health myths: The expert advice turning received wisdom on its head | Mail Online

As Usual, Government Regulation as Political Payoff

The Federal Reserve and Income Tax: Working in Tandem or Seperate Institutions?

Did Big Ben Get Smeared Again?

Americans Deserve Recall Power

FEMA National Level Exercises Hushed

Misquoting James Madison's Article V convention Position

The United States and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.

Government Intervention has Already been Tried

Goldman Sachs: A Fraudulent history repeats itself - The Legacy of Ashanti Gold

Blacks, the Media, & the Tea Parties

Political Fatal Conceit

Reality Check on the Record of Big, Bad Capitalism

Earth Day: An Assault on Man

Why I Am Enlarging My Carbon Footprint

The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

No Free Speech about Leaving Islam?

Fix Is On by Obama and Congress in Union Fight

Iran: Doing Nothing Is Not an Option

Desalinizing America

Obama backtracking from muscling Israel?

Illinois unions rally for higher taxes

The Baehr Essentials

The time of testing is coming for Obama

Reuters: Everything Bad is Caused by Global Warming

Chinese to open 'Club Obama'

South Park creators threatened with death

A tale of two cities - Public Sector union follies

Non-profits running wild, and making big bucks

Obama's polarizing rhetoric


Debbie Schlussel:Video of the Day: Cheesy or Classic?

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, Parents: Teach Your Kids About Being Gay w/ Archie Comics!

Debbie Schlussel:UPDATED w/ Video: Dr. Phil’s Shameless Islamo-Pandering Continues

Debbie Schlussel:Not Stimulated: Michelle Obama’s Personal Clothing Designer Went Out of Business

Debbie Schlussel:MUST WATCH!: The Bacha Bazi Boys – Video on Afghanistan’s “Dancing Boys” & How Muslims Pimp Young Boys for Gang Rape

Debbie Schlussel:Reuters Quotes Schlussel on Obama’s, Cops’ Islamic “Outreach” & Homegrown Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:To Look Taller, I Put Shrapnel, Batteries in My Shoes @ the Airport; Don’t You?

Debbie Schlussel:Not a Terrorist?!: Your Day in “Moderate” American Islam

Debbie Schlussel:South Park Creators: “We Lost [on Mohammed] . . . That’s Just F****d Up; NYTimes, ViaCom P*ssed Out”


Conservative News: Woolley - Bill Clinton, Chris Matthews and others compare Tea Partiers to Oklahoma City Bomber. - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama should return Wall Street's money | Washington Examiner

FOXNews.com - ACORN CEO: Tea Parties a 'Bowel Movement,' Future Will Be Worse Than Segregation

FOXNews.com - US Navy SEAL cleared in Iraq abuse case

Mexican gov't slams Arizona immigration law - Yahoo! Finance


Obama stirring up 'VAT' of tax trouble - NYPOST.com

Blagojevich to judge: Make Obama testify :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich

Goldman's White House connections raise eyebrows | McClatchy

FOXNews.com - Obama Rebukes Wall Street, While Seeking Support for Financial Regulation

Senior official quits Amnesty International - Washington Times

Wynn's remarks rattle Las Vegas gaming - News - ReviewJournal.com

Boy who punched schoolmate won't be deported

How bad science opened door for malaria - USATODAY.com

Don’t cry for MGM: its lion stopped roaring years ago | Michael Freedland - Times Online

Cops: Women drug men to steal jewelry, cash - Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Rum, anger fueled slaying suspects, D.A. says

Brooklyn jury rejects reporter sex harass suit brought against NY1 - NYPOST.com

Mow-down LI teen has a sick way of looking at bright side of death - NYPOST.com

Another polar rescue must send chills down spines of alarmists | Herald Sun



*audio:Winston Churchill on free speech







REVIEW: ‘Kick-Ass’ Is Not Just For Libertarians

REVIEW: ‘You Don’t Know Jack,’ and Neither Does HBO

Lonewolf Diaries: ‘Glee’ vs Conservative Women, Round 2!

Slow Start for ‘Kick-Ass’ Shows Perils of Pandering

Now Is the Time for All Good Men and Women to Come to the Aid of ‘South Park’

‘Generation Zero’ Writer/Director Steve Bannon Addresses the New York Tea Party

Where’s Liberal Hollywood When You Need Them?: No Outrage Over Sigourney Weaver’s ‘Breasts’ Remark

An Earth Day Message for Green Hollywood

Clicking the Emerald Slippers, Stealing Your Money

Threats Against Legislators Captured on Video!

Michael Steele and the Southern Strategy

‘Give Up the Bucks:’ Illinois Pigs at the Trough Demanding More Slop, With the Help of Astroturf SEIU

Obama’s Tangled Webs

Scientists: EPA ‘Distorting’ Biofuels Reality

Atlantic Yards and the Despicable Bertha Lewis

Nearly 4M to Pay Health Insurance Penalty by 2016

Center for Responsible Lending and SEIU, a Perfect Union

Bertha Lewis: A Socialist Rallying Cry for Immigration Reform

Sen. Corker vs. Tea Party Activists

Blagojevich Moves to Subpoena Obama

Chicago Teacher on Tax Hike: ‘Give Up the Bucks’


*audio:Goldman Sachs and Financial Regulation Reform


What You Need To Know About The Recent Bertha Lewis ACORN Rant

IndyMac Attack: Did Schumer, Paulson, Soros, and the CRL Kill the Bank and Profit From Its Collapse?

Speaker Michael Madigan, Where Did the Money Go?

Job-Killing Bailout Bill Rewards Obama’s Friends on Wall Street, Hurts Small Businesses

Federal Court Reinstates ACORN Funding Ban

Progressives in America

In Oklahoma, the AP Gets It Wrong One More Time

Useful Idiots: Unexpected

Morning Thread: Comedy Central Embraces Dhimmitude Instead of Free Speech

‘The McVeigh Tapes’ — Imagine Hearing the 9/11 Plotters on MSNBC

As Obama Justice Dept. Stonewalls Civil Rights Commission, Media Still Uninterested In Blatant Voter Intimidation

Klavan On the Culture: The New York Times Answer Man Explains It All For You

The MSM, ‘Beginning To See the Light’ At Last…

The MSM, the Tea Parties, and the Law Of the ‘Narrative’

MSM Whistles Past the Anniversary Of a Decade-Old Outrage

More Media Fighting: The Goldberg Variations, Performed By Jon Stewart

‘America the Angry’ Sets Off Civil War at MSNBC

NewsBusted: How Did MSNBC Portray the Tea Parties?

Local TV Station Gets It All Wrong, Chucks ‘Tee Zielsdors’ Down the Memory Hole!

Omitting Words, NPR Portrays a Conservative Court Watcher As a Clarence Thomas Hater

What a Piece of Work Is Man: Hubris and the Scientific Illiterates in the MSM


Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 1

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 2

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 3

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 4


archive:EXCLUSIVE: Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation - Washington Times

SEC staffers watched porn as economy crashed

Report says health care will cover more, cost more - Yahoo! News

Budget crisis puts LA court system at risk - Yahoo! News

Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request | NBC Chicago

First-ever full face transplant | The Sun |News

Paramount Gets Sacha Baron Cohen Film (After He & WME Get Paramount’s Goats) – Deadline.com

Local Woman Arrested For Stabbing Spree | WPRI.com

Breitbart.tv » PA Democrat Accuses Opponent of Pretending to Be Bisexual

New Alzheimer vaccine to be tested in Europe - Yahoo! News

Eliot Spitzer slated for red-carpet rebirth - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

Obama slams pending Ariz. immigration law - Politics- msnbc.com

Reuters AlertNet - Potentially deadly fungus spreading in US, Canada

Breitbart.tv » ‘The Teabagger Boogie’: Ex-Geico Announcer Posts ‘Dick Armey’s Army of D****’

Biggest study on cellphone health effects launched | Reuters

'Muhammad' now a dirty word on 'South Park' -- The Live Feed | THR

'South Park' Muhammad episode airs despite uproar

My Way News - 'South Park' producers say network cut fear speech

Susan Boyle success helps Cowell amass a fortune

US military launches top-secret robotic spacecraft - Yahoo! News

Pentagon X-37 space plane to launch amid secrecy / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Behind the Air Force's and NASA's X-37B Space Plane - Popularmechanics.com

Is the X-37B the start of war in space? | News.com.au

X-37B unmanned space shuttle to be launched tonight | Mail Online

Rush Limbaugh: Liberals and the Violence Card - WSJ.com

FT.com / Media - James Murdoch ambushes Indy editor

Frat inspired by Robert E. Lee bans Rebel uniforms - Yahoo! News

Nick Clegg echoes Obama in debate | Reuters

Sarah Palin begins testimony in e-mail trial of former UT student » Knoxville News Sentinel

U.S. Tries to Buy Time for Its Iran Strategy - WSJ.com

When tyrants meet: Mugabe welcomes Ahmadinejad to Zimbabwe | Mail Online

China defends its drills in East China Sea

Arizona lawmakers: President Barack Obama, presidential candidates must prove citizenship | Oregonlive.com





Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

FDNY teams with Marines to stage mock suicide bomb, poison gas attacks

US: Missile transfers could lead to war

Drawing Back the Veil on the 'Death State'

Disposable Soldiers

Obama Should Deal With Iran Nukes, Not Criticize Israel

The Weird Theology of Glenn Beck and His Cohorts

Bill Clinton's Warning on "Extremist" Mood In US

The Failure Of The Liberal Class In The United States

There Ain't No Escape From Collapse

Break Up the Banks Bill Is Here

Washington Will Appeal Ruling Against National Day of Prayer

Senate Passes Bill Denying Pay Raises

Feds Join New York in Subway Screenings

70% of Arizonans Favor Cracking Down on Illegal Immigration

McCain, Kyl Want Troops on the Border

IMF: Banks Should Pay for Own Bailouts with Taxes

Ironic Bernanke Prints New $100 Bills to Fight Phony Money

Bayer Admits GMO Contamination Out of Hand

Massive Protests Mobilize to Fight Wall Street, Banks

We're Heading to a Slave Labor Planet

Dick Morris Says Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated Waco Massacre


***Chuck Baldwin: SPLC Publishes Patriot Hit List


Ron Paul: Conservatives 'Like the Empire'

Pat Buchanan: New Tribe Rising?

Ralph Nader: No Interest in Saving

Mainstream Paper Refuses Ventura’s 9-11 Commentary

FEMA Detention Site Plans Exposed


VIDEO: AFP Deputy Editor Visits the U.S. Border Fence

AFP Podcast: Interview with Provocative Journalist, Musician Gilad Atzmon

Computerized Front Running and Financial Fraud

The Story of the Financial Debacle: Goldman Plays, We Pay

The Goldman Sachs Indictment

Obama Reassures Wall Street on Bank Regulation Bill

Layoff Notices Sent to Thousands of US Teachers

Environmental and Public Health Disaster: Canada's Tar-Sands Cesspool

"The CIA Hit List": Muslim Men to be Murdered as "Threats to the US"

The Return of German Militarism

VIDEO: The Man Made Global Warming Hoax

"Mafianomics": From “Trickle-down Economics” to outright Financial Fraud

Cartoons and Freedom of Speech

The Never Ending Drug War: The Personalities, Politics and Espionage Intrigues that Shaped the DEA

Goldman Sachs: "Financial Fraud!" What a Happy Noise. Revenge is Sweet.

Pentagon Continues to Use "Personality Disorder" Discharges to Cheat Veterans out of Benefits

Secret Treaty To Curb Internet Freedom

Genetic Modification of Plants: Early History of Plant Genetic Engineering.

Financial Fraud: Culture of Greed Under Attack

VIDEO: Oklahoma City Bombing: RARE Footage

VIDEO: Retreat of US Forces in Afghanstan? US Military Base under Taliban Control

Goldman Sachs and the Mega Banks: Too Big To Obey The Law

VIDEO: 9/11 was Done by People in our Own Government

Did the WHO Knowingly Hype Swine Flu?

VIDEO: Obama, not Osama, is Threat No.1 to Global Security

VIDEO: The BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons

"Financial Terrorists" are Destroying the US Economy

The Criminalization of Wall Street: Lynching Bankers is not the Solution

Cyber-Warfare Chief's Deception

"High Frequency" Financial Trading, High-tech Highway Robbery on Wall Street

The Pentagon's Cyber Command: Civilian Infrastructure is a "Legitimate" Target

Going After Goldman: A Crackdown on Financial Crime or a Kabuki Play Maneuvre to Avoid Bringing Criminal Charges

From Vietnam to Afghanistan: America and the Dictators

Kucinich on Assassinations and Upcoming War Funding Vote

The Weaponization of Space: US to Launch Secret 'Space Warplane'

New START Treaty May Help U.S. Deploy New Ballistic Missile Shield in Europe

Chinese and Russian Military Aid: Chavez Hosts Regional Allies

After Reshuffle, CIA Still Keeps Eye On Russia

Secret Draft of Canada-European Union Free Trade Agreement

Giant Bacteria Colonise the Oceans

New START Not to Constrain US Missile Defence Programmes -- Tauscher

EPIC FAIL: Fox News hit piece against 9/11 truth and Jesse Ventura inadvertently reveals a shocking truth; WTC leaseholder was "on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building"

'Find Me the Man, I'll Find the Crime'

ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights

ADL Calls For “Major Law Enforcement Operation” To Deal With Obamacare Critics

IMF's Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

American Kleptocracy

Eminent Domain and the Kelo Echo

Against Anti-Civilian Sanctions

Ron Paul vs. Chris Matthews

High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Liver Scarring

Missing tape in University of Maryland police beating found, missing two minutes of footage. The officer in charge of the video surveillance system is married to one of the officers under investigation.

Hormone discovered that increases trust in the government

Local computer security expert investigates police practices

Happy Earth Day - NYPD trashes hundreds of bikes for Obama visit.

YouTube Hitler Downfall parody videos removed over copyright

Goldman's White House connections raise eyebrows

Regulatory Reform Bill: Another Round of Bailouts

Bankers Prepare To Assault Americans With VAT, Transaction Taxes

An American Phenomenon: The Widespread Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers

In Defense of Sedition

George Bush, Internet Freedom Fighter for Soros and Freedom House

Millions Face Tax Increases Under Democratic Budget Plan

Climate-Change Bill Avoids ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Tag in U.S. Senate

Fluoride scam goes on after six decades

DHB Fluoride Ad Complaint Laid With Advertising Watchdog

56% of Californians Support Legalizing Marijuana Use

Police raid at JMU is an affront to the First Amendment

Groups ask DHS to suspend full-body imagers

US military option against Iran still on table: Pentagon

Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy

Michael Savage Predicts Agents Provocateur False Flag

When False Flags Don't Fly

Food costs jump most in 26 years

Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option

The Sovereign Individual

The 10 biggest health care lies in America

One third of Americans say own govt a threat: Poll

Hotel Conference Center May Trump Private Property in Eminent Domain Case


** Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA( Full Length)

***Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined( Full)

*** The Obama Deception( HQ Full length)

*** Fall of the Republic (HQ full length)


EPIC FAIL - CNN Does Hit Piece On Oathkeepers, Brave New Books, Camp Fema & Tea Partiers

TV Brainwashing: The New World Order in Pokemon

Tea partiers in two camps: Palin vs. Paul

Insights Into America's Disneyland And Our "Neo-Feudalistic, Gulag Casino Economy" From Mike Krieger

Galbraith: Economists Should Move into Background, and “Criminologists to the Forefront”

“Lehman Was the Leading Purveyor of Liar’s Loans in the World” — Incidents of Fraud at 90% — “Lehman Sold This to the World”

Facebook Steps Up Lobbying, Deepens Ties with Intelligence Agencies, FTC

Star Wars 2010? U.S. military launch space plane on maiden voyage... but its mission is top secret

ADL Calls For Major Law Enforcement Operation To Deal With Obamacare Critics

Massive government corruption hidden by focus on Goldman-Sachs

Human Torpedoes Blamed For Korea Ship Strike

Another Drug Record for Afghanistan

04-23-2010: Lawsuit demands Vatican name priests accused of sex abuse

04-23-2010: AFP Article On X37-B

archive:cryptogon.com » The CIA and NSA Want You to Be Their Friend on Facebook

US X-37B robot minishuttle: 'Secret space warplane'?

04-22-2010: Air Force: winged robotic spacecraft launched

(Again Don't Laugh) Glenn Beck Claims God Is Giving Him A Plan

(Don't Laugh) Senator DeMint Says: Tea Bagging A Spirtual Movement

04-22-2010: Flying car? Dept of Defense OKs new Jetsons-like vehicle

Nevada: Real ID driver's licenses to be optional

Joe Klein Of Time Magazine Calls Beck and Palin Seditious

04-22-2010: Bin Laden tried for satellite link to watch 9/11 from his hideout

Obama Earth Day Flights Burned Over 9,000 Gallons Of Fuel

04-22-2010: Church of Scientology blasts Russian government for ban on L. Ron Hubbard writings

04-22-2010: ADL Calls For Major Law Enforcement Operation To Deal With Obamacare Critics

04-22-2010: Early humans may have bred with other species – twice

04-22-2010: Lawmakers Question NASA's Plan for Private Rockets

04-22-2010: Merkel: Leaving Afghanistan Would Be Worse Than 9/11

04-22-2010: NASA Releases New Images Of Sun

Yes The TSA Is Doing Subway Bag Checks Now

Idiiot Slaves Demand Higher Taxes In Illinois Protest

04-22-2010: Goldman’s Chief Executive Visited the White House at Least Four Times

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war


YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 2 of 2


Japanese scientists develop thought-controlled machines - Telegraph

YouTube - Dick Morris reveals the truth about Tim McVeigh and Clinton.


***Download The Films Below @ Dprogramfilms.net (90 of 109 Available) BURN EM!!! SHARE EM!! « Dprogram.net***


DHS Boss Hints Tea Party Will Engage in Violence

YouTube - Bill Black's eye-popping opening statement at House FinServ hearing on Lehman Bros. failure

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is “Sort Of Like Terrorism”

video:Alexis de Tocqueville - Despotism in America

The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future

Parag Khanna: Global Governance

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

Facebook under privacy microscope

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Christian Theologian on Earth Day: ‘Climate Change Is the Totalitarian’s Dream Come True’

Rep. Israel: ‘Climate Change Is a National Security Issue’

Lawmaker Says Obama Administration Doesn't Want to 'Coerce People Into Their Cars'

GM Repaid TARP Loans With TARP Money, Republican Senator Says

Obama Administration ‘Urges’ Health Insurer to ‘Stop Dropping Coverage’ for Breast Cancer Patients

Obama’s Own HHS Says Health Care Bill Will Cost More Than Projected

Justice Dept. Reviewing Request to Name Special Prosecutor to Probe White House Job Offer to Sestak

Interior Secretary Says National Security Can Co-Exist With ‘Ecological Values’ at U.S.-Mexico Border

La Raza President: Immigration Bill ‘Would Make Living in Arizona a Police State’ for Hispanics

As Iran Lobbies Against Sanctions, Biden Sees World ‘Unified’ on Nuclear Issue

Obama Calls Arizona Immigration Bill 'Misguided'; Will Have His People Examine It

Republicans Blast Porn-Surfing on the Job by SEC Officials

Democrats Set Showdown Vote on Financial Regulations Bill

South Korea Seeking Solid Evidence to Explain Warship Disaster

Activists Claim Free Speech Victory As ‘Leaving Islam’ Ads Return to Buses

Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

ENDA Could Open ‘Every Classroom in America’ to Cross-Dressing Teachers, Conservative Group Says

Tanning Bed Tax Worries Beleaguered Industry

Insurer Won't Pay Legal Costs in Pennsylvania Webcam Spying

Vatican Will Finance Adult Stem Cell Research

Obama Aides Neither Back Nor Bury Value-Added Tax

Powerful Lobbies vs. Ordinary Citizens

John S. McCain, Will You Please Go Now?

19th Century Americans

Save the Environment—Say No to the Pill!

Enron on Broadway: Tale of Risk Is Itself Risky

Man Detained After Trying to Open Plane's Door

Obama: Ariz. Immigration Measure 'Misguided'

US Indicts 11 Suspected Pirates in Norfolk, Va.

EU to Enter Talks With U.S. to Track Terrorist Funds

Officials: NYC Terror Suspect to Plead Guilty

Britons Believe the Hills Are Alive With Haggis

Condemned Utah Killer Could Face Firing Squad

UK Parties Clash Over Recovery After GDP Data

French President's Father Makes Waves With Loud Art

Pregnant Woman Charged With Stabbing 3 in RI

Circus Comes to Turkmenistan Again After Long Ban

Mo. Clerk Says He'll Use $258M Jackpot on Bills

Russia War Epic Spotlights Row Over Stalin's Legacy

Slain Miss. White Supremacist Was Stabbed, Beaten

U.S. Lawsuit Against Pope Not Legitimate: Vatican

Baths, Spas Make for Better Airport Experience

Like Sept.11, Volcano Plane Ban May Hold Climate Clue

Simon Cowell Ups Fortune by $69 Million in Past Year

China Demands Senior Officials Report Spousal Changes

Budget Crisis Puts LA Court System at Risk

Lawsuit Tries Tough Sell: Vatican as Business

Marine's Murder Conviction of Iraqi Dismissed

Analysis: Torch Passes in Civil Rights Struggle

Endangered Sturgeon Fish Flourishing in Wisconsin

Deodorant Sprays for Beijing's Festering Garbage

Years Later, Looking for Traces of Sept. 11 Victims

Mom Accused of Killing Son in NY Asks for Bail, US

Ariz. Lawmakers: Candidates Must Prove Citizenship

Sea Lion Pup Found on Southern Calif. Rooftop Deck

Travel Picks: Tapas in Spain and Other Top Food-Place Combos

Green Auction Nets $2 Million for Environment

2 Americans Jailed in Iran Reported in Poor Health

Court Dismisses Murder Conviction of Calif. Marine

Kevorkian: Assisted Suicide 'Discussed to Death'

Army Rescinds Prayer Invitation to Franklin Graham Over Islam Remarks

Video: Graham: Islam Mistreats Women

Graham: Muslims 'Enslaved' by Their Religion

CAIR Applauds Pentagon Decision to Drop Graham

Tony Perkins Condemns Army on Franklin Matter

Sarkozy to Submit Bill Banning Islamic Face Veils

3 Million Middle Class to Pay Health Law Penalty

Iran Allows More Overview of Enrichment Site

North Korea Torpedoed South Korean Ship: Report

Clinton Rules out Early End to U.S. Nukes in Europe

Military Jury Clears SEAL in Iraq Abuse Case

Brown Thinks Palin Qualified, Backs Romney Now

Senators: Hold Immigration for Climate Change

Speaker Pelosi Rules Out White House Run

Report: Healthcare Will Cover More, Cost More

'South Park' Producers: Network Cut Fear Speech

Report: Health Overhaul Will Increase Nation's Tab

Paul Ryan: Obama Turns U.S. into Welfare State

Army Disinvites Graham to Pentagon Prayer Day

Ex-General: Cubans Involved in Chavez's Military

Arizona Gov Calls for More Border Protection

U.S. Mideast Envoy Wants Breakthrough

Veil-Wearing Driver Fined in France

S. Korea May Not Avenge Warship Strike

How to Invest for the End of the World

Report: Buffett Has 'Great Confidence' in Goldman

Live Long and Healthy with Chocolate

Are School Lunches a Security Threat?

Problems Plague New Air Traffic Control Computers

Muslim Brotherhood Helps Bankroll Minnesota Democrat

Shariah Rules Death for 'Witchcraft'

Democrats Plot Assault on Capitalism

Obama Seems Allergic to Profits

National Debt Clock Is Ticking

Liberal Assault on Tea Party Pitiful

VAT, Cap and Trade . . . What's Next?

Millennium Ark: Hot News:Alien Disclosure: Don't be Fooled

John Embry will be surprised if gold not up $500 in 6 months - GOLD ANALYSIS | Mineweb

CNSNews.com - Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

Proposed Bill Seeks Punishment for Unauthorized Militia | Republic Broadcasting Network

Plan For Freedom | Liberty Defense League

Pelosi: House won't object to moving immigration first - TheHill.com

ADL calls for "major law enforcement operation" to deal with obamacare critics | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines

3D printer could build moon bases

The Rutherford Institute - Commentary

Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim James tells us, "This is Alabama. We speak English."

Big Surprise, Huh? Ratings Agencies Blessed Bad Bond Deals To Pull In High Fees

In Which Mark Twain Explains Iraq and Afghanistan

Glenn Beck calls his own show the "worst television ever done," and "we're doing it every day"

Lawrence Frank drops the F-bomb on ESPN

As Recession Deepens, Even Thrift Store Donations Are Down.

Did Marco Rubio's free enterprising ways put an extra hundred grand in his pocket?

O'Reilly: The Daily Show is a Key Component of Left Wing TV - Whines With Goldberg About Lack of Right Wing Comedians

In Today's Speech, Obama Tells Wall Street: Don't Fight Us On Reform, Work With Us

Wellpoint is busy adding breast cancer survivors and dependents with illnesses to their fraud database

Brian Bilbray Says The Arizona Birther Law Is Aimed At John McCain

Live chat with Justin Coussoule: Campaigning to prevent House Speaker John Boehner: UPDATED by Alan Grayson!

Pope Benedict says 'changes are a coming'

Glenn Beck is all confused by Markos calling out Tea Partiers for eliminationist rhetoric. Imagine that.

Search Continues for 11 Missing Workers in Gulf of Mexico Oil Rig Explosion

Anderson Cooper Asks Birther Arizona Rep. Cecil Ash Why He's Perpetuating Internet Rumors

Ben Roethlisberger suspended over sexual abuse case as the NFL draft approaches

Bipartisan Senate Deal Near On Financial Regulation

Congratulations, GM! All TARP funds repaid 5 years early

Where Alan Greenspan makes my head explode

Jon Stewart To Fox News: 'Go F*ck Yourselves' (part deux)

WSJ's James Taranto thinks liberals need to concoct racism 'smear' against Tea Partiers

Obama on Wall Street: A vote for reform is a vote to stop tax-payer bailouts - TheHill.com

Sen. Bob Corker wants to prevent 'too big to fail' banks - Apr. 21, 2010

Ezra Klein - Dodd: 'It's not size; we're preoccupied with size.'

Goldman's White House connections raise eyebrows | McClatchy

Global Warming Panic Attack - The Week

Earth Day: 40 years of imminent catastrophe | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/22/2010

Ms. Weaver Goes to Washington | Cato @ Liberty

Obama's Phony Bank Debate - The Daily Beast

Financial reform fails to tackle real issues :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley

Go Home, Mae West - Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Arianna Huffington: Guns vs. Butter 2010

Transparency for Wall Street? Try Starting in Washington

Goldman Sachs and the Left - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Kimberley Strassel: The Real Republican Civil War - WSJ.com

Party Affiliation Gap in U.S. Narrowest Since 2005

John Kass, Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama - chicagotribune.com

RealClearPolitics - Next on Cowardly Central

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Rush Limbaugh: Liberals and the Violence Card - WSJ.com

EDITORIAL: Public-sector unions bankrupting America - Washington Times

Immigration bill holds high price

Schumer, a Friend to Wall St., Is Suddenly Quiet - NYTimes.com

White House leaves Dick Durbin hanging - Glenn Thrush and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Senate panel approves budget plan with more cuts than Obama's

Lawmaker Calls GM Payment Misleading - WSJ.com


*4/22:Transcripts:Wall Street Reform at Cooper Union

*4/21:Obama's Remarks on the Supreme Court

Panel on the White House & Goldman Sachs

Analysts Debate Financial Reform

Senator Kyl on Immigration Reform

Guests: Reps. Sanchez & Bilbray, Rep. Sestak

Senator Sessions on the Supreme Court Vacancy

Interview with Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell

Secretary Clinton's Remarks with Estonia's FM

*4/20:Panel on the Obama/McConnell Dispute

Rep. Issa on the Goldman Sachs Charges

Chairman Bernanke's Testimony on Lehman Brothers

Geithner's Testimony on Lehman Brothers


23 APR-Politics Video:"Relieved Of Duty": Specter Questions Sestak's Military Record

Obama: Arizona's Immigration Bill Is "Misguided"

Dodd To Bankers: "Your White Horse Is Dead"

Sebelius On Health Care Reform: "We Don't Know What It's Going To Cost"

S.E.C. Employees' Porn Problem

Stossel Debunks Myths About Business

Brown: "I Have To Work Twice As Hard" To Fill Kennedy's Shoes

Krauthammer: Obama Not The "Arbiter Of American Political Discourse"

Meek: "Charlie Crist Is Going To Do What's In The Best Interest Of Charlie Crist"

Matthews: Politics Shouldn't Be Prosecution

O'Reilly: Relying On The Govt To Police Wall Street Is "Downright Scary"

*22 APR-FL-Sen: Dick Cheney Endorses Marco Rubio

Schumer: Obama's Israel Policy Is "Counter-Productive" And "Has To Stop"

Pelosi: Are You With Families Or Banks?

Obama: Free Market Not A "Free License" To Excess

Crist On Cheney Endorsing Rubio: "Do I Look Upset?"

Todd: GOP May Not Be Eager For A SCOTUS Fight

Fmr. Sen. Bob Kerrey on Financial Regulation

HI-01: Charles Djou On Running For Congress

Dem Senator Refuses To Answer How Health Reform Is Constitutional

KY-Sen: Sarah Palin Supports Dr. Rand Paul

Rep. Issa Wants Answers

Geithner: These Reforms Will Set Limits On Risk-Taking

Karl Rove On Tea Party Power

O'Reilly: Jon Stewart Needs Fox News

Krauthammer: Without Secure Border, States Will Adopt "Draconian" Laws

Countdown: Senate Rallies To Break Up Big Banks

Matthews: Obama Should Emulate Teddy Roosevelt In Wall St. Fight

Feds invade farm for 5 a.m. inspection


#VIDEO:The B-Cast Interview: YouTube Yanks Hitler Parody Videos

The B-Cast: Jim Wallis & Franklin Graham – Tales of Two Reverends

The B-Cast Interview: ‘Minnesotans for Global Warming’ Fight YouTube Takedowns

The B-Cast: Will Tea Parties Trigger ‘Spiritual Revival?’

Pentagon Prayer Debate: Rev. Franklin Graham Stands By Remarks on Islam

Rev. Wallis: Bill Criminalizing Illegals ‘Would Make Obeying Jesus Against The Law’

Rev. Billy Graham Makes Rare Public Appearance for Rededication of the Billy Graham Library

DeMint: Tea Party Movement Will Bring on ‘Spiritual Revival’

ABC Slams Lane Bryant: We Never Rejected Plus Size Lingerie Ad

‘Zim-Zam’ Yo-Yo Mystery Man Scams Wisconsin TV Stations

Biden on ‘Big F****** Deal’ Remark: Obama Was ‘Laughing Like the Devil’

‘Get Splinters’: Ted Nugent Offers to Fix Beck’s ‘Ballerina Hands’

Fox News Covers Fox TV Mocking Ann Coulter on ‘Glee’

‘Vile Vulgar Hateful Stuff’: Daily Show vs. Fox News Night Five

Fox News Asks Gibbs: Have Birthers Harmed Obama’s Muslim-American Outreach?

Rahm Emanuel Has an Audibly Embarrassing Moment on Charlie Rose Show

Caught on Tape: Inebriated Coachella Attendee Desperately Tries to Don His Flip Flop

Principal Defends Middle School Visit by Paroled Rapper

‘Real Housewives’ Star No Longer Hosting ‘Extreme’ Cosmetic Surgery Fashion Show

‘Baby, Look at You’: Howard Stern Pushes Megyn Kelly in Explicit Directions

Five Years Ago Today: First Video Uploaded to YouTube

Famed Concert Pianist Plays ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ Encore on iPad

X-37B: US Military Launches Top Secret ‘Robocraft’ Space Plane

Cyber Attacks Jeopardize Superpower Status

UK’s Brown to Clegg on Securing Nuclear Materials: ‘Get Real’

Top SEC Staffers Surfed Porn for Hours During 2008 Economic Turmoil

Pelosi: Wall St. Doesn’t Get Anything For Filling Dem Campaign Coffers

Geithner: Obama ‘Does Not Support’ the VAT for the U.S.

Obama: Value Added Tax a ‘Novel’ Idea For U.S.

Obama ‘Categorically’ Denies Influence in SEC’s Goldman Case

Geico Fires Announcer Who Left Voice Mail Insulting FreedomWorks

CNBC: Testimony Could Undercut SEC Charge Against Goldman

Reid Dodges Questions About Wall Street Fundraiser

Wriggling Package Gives Away Mailed Ferret

US Military Jury Clears SEAL in Iraq Abuse Case

Trunk Driving: Congressman Claims Trees Cause Slower & Safer Motorists

YouTube Yanks All Versions of ‘Hide the Decline’ ClimateGate Song

Democrat Congressman: America’s Fossil Fuel Use Is ‘Sinful’

ObamaCare: Sebelius Admits Admin Has No Clue How Much ‘High Risk Pools’ Will Cost

‘ChickenCare’: Left Mocks Reid Opponent’s ‘Bartering’ With Doctors Comment

Senator DeMint: Come November We’ll Know If Health Care Is Obama’s Waterloo

‘Raise My Taxes!’: SEIU & Friends Lead Pro-Tax Hike Rally Illinois

HLN Unwittingly Airs Mean Parody of Lane Bryant Lingerie Ad

Video: Group Demands Governor To Veto Immigration Bill

Video: Bill Would Force Drivers To Hang Up In School Zones

'Raise My Taxes!': SEIU & Friends Lead Pro-Tax Hike Rally Illinois

Video: Obama: Ariz. Immigration Measure 'misguided'

Video: Court Video of Waco Tahausen, Man Accused of Rape

‘The Real Tea Party’ Exposes Divide Between Democrats and Democracy

FreedomWorks CEO: Geico Voice Actor ‘Doesn’t Have a Case’

ThinkProgress: GOP’s Solution to Everything —‘Start Over’

Biden on Palin: ‘I Like Her’

‘Unfit to Lead’: MoveOn Ad Features ‘Mug Shot’ of Sen. McConnell

PA Democrat Accuses Opponent of Pretending to Be Bisexual

Chatham House - International Monetary System: Beyond the Dollar


April 22, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-22, Thursday

04/22 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show Podcast/April 22, 2010


ARCHIVE:Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11 - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

Tripod II and FEMA

Crossing the Rubicon: Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'EPA on course to damage environment'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'It's easy to blame Wall Street'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama didn't seal the deal

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Iran targets U.S. in Afghanistan


Dem faith in Obama plunges as health-care details emerge

Obama backers show signs of disappointment - Yahoo! News

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Poll: Obama gets thumbs down on Israel « - Blogs from CNN.com

Overwhelmingly, Americans see Obama inviting attack

'Climategate' blazes up Amazon's best-seller lists

New Revelations on Climategate - Video - FoxNews.com

Confirmed! Global warming is 'settled' – as a scam

EPA prods Congress to act by issuing rules - The Hill's E2-Wire

CNSNews.com - 'Avatar' Director James Cameron: Climate Change as Great as Any Threat Since World War II

Bill would widen Clean Water Act - Washington Times

Obama tells feds to check Arizona immigration bill - Washington Times

Unmanned military space planes usher in new weaponry era - Washington Times

Blago Asks for Subpoena of Obama - The Note

Blagojevich Judge Calls Emergency Meeting | NBC Chicago

Report says health care will cover more, cost more - Yahoo! News

3 million in middle class to pay health law penalty - Washington Times

Beck, Farah, Bachmann, Ron Paul on 'patriot' hit list

Rush Limbaugh: Liberals and the Violence Card - WSJ.com

Bachmann standing by ‘gangster government’ - TheHill.com

Are 'tea party' rallies given preferential treatment by police? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

$150M case claims anti-freedom bias at Voice of America

Islamic warning to 'South Park' still 'remains'

Supreme Court contender: 'Gay rights' champion

GOP senator warns NASA budget cuts will help China beat U.S. - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Wave of deadly bombings hits Iraq - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com

FBI probes Massa sexual-harassment charges - Washington Times

CNSNews.com - Congressman's Earth Day Message: Trees Make Better Drivers

Army withdraws Franklin Graham Pentagon prayer day invitation | Stars and Stripes

Divine Impulses: Franklin Graham on Islam and the media

The Associated Press: Government to appeal ruling against Prayer Day

Martyred: 176,000 Christians in 1 year

FOXNews.com - Scent-Killing Machine Could Be Sweet Choice for Terrorists

Senior official quits Amnesty International - Washington Times

California lawmakers: Boy Scouts teach 'hate'

Probe casts shadow on Marco Rubio - David Catanese - POLITICO.com

Abortion foes wage war on old allies - Alex Isenstadt - POLITICO.com

Internal RNC probe finds financial controls in disarray - Washington Times

Study Confirms Link Between Autism and Use of Cells From Abortions in Vaccines

Lessons from the swine flu pandemic - USATODAY.com

Review: Many sick airline passengers aren't reported - USATODAY.com

Do databases cross a line in border checks? - USATODAY.com

nrc.nl - International - Dutch spies become more active abroad

Injection to Limit Paralysis After Spinal Injury Shows Promise in Mouse Study - ABC News

Saudi girl, 12, divorces 80-year-old husband - Mideast/N. Africa - msnbc.com

Police: Man targets neighbor with orgy ad - Crime & courts- msnbc.com

FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: Actor Files $50M Lawsuit Against Academy of Motion Pictures For False Imprisonment

Paralyzed mom of triplets seeks to see her kids - More health news- msnbc.com

Evangelical Alliance challenges uninspiring sermons


*American Minute for April 23rd:William J Federer's American Minute


Why does tea party need infiltrating?

Farah v. Morris Dees

Obama waves magic wand

A primer on Islamo-fascism

Islamic warning to 'South Park' still 'remains'

Obama pushing Israel to carve up Jerusalem?

U.S. promises Arabs no more Jewish construction

U.S.-trained forces caught aiding Hamas

$150M case claims anti-freedom bias at Voice of America

Dem faith in Obama plunges as health-care details emerge

Feds invade farm for 5 a.m. inspection

Overwhelmingly, Americans see Obama inviting attack

Beck breaks from the pack

Why the tea party transcends race

Tea partiers akin to Nazis?

The tea party goes docile

When will this insanity end?

'I'm ashamed to be human'

From violent talk to violent actions

Why Responsible Republicans Are Almost Extinct - Jacob Weisberg - Newsweek.com

What Clinton didn't say about OKC

Daniel Henninger: Democrats at the Edge of the Cliff - WSJ.com


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND ON THE AIR WorldNetDaily Corsi to discuss eligibility on 'Overnight AM'

Retired Army general: Lt. Col. Lakin has 'valid point'

Army charges Lt. Col. Lakin

Approaching apocalypse: Will Obama docs surface?

More seeds of confusion sown on eligibility

Approaching apocalypse: Will Obama docs surface?

Obama's born-in-USA mandate

It's a matter of constitutional integrity

McCain is 'father of birther movement'


Fox News Blonde Megyn Kelly loses it in debate over National Day of Prayer

kenny's sideshow: Curt Maynard Kills Wife, Self

Job seeker Vicky Harrison commits suicide after she was rejected for 200 jobs | Mail Online

Soaring unemployment, pay freezes for millions, but... Billions more for bankers | Mail Online

Nicolas Sarkozy asks Obama for Roman Polanski to be spared jail | Mail Online

Sipsey Street Irregulars: "Oh, HELL No!" -- My speech at the Restore the Constitution Rally, Fort Hunt Park, Virginia, 19 April 2010.

Wikileaks Video Revisited: What Needs To Happen Now

nrc.nl - International - Catholic nuns also abused children

Michael Moore to Broadcast Kent State Truth Tribunal for 1970 Campus Shootings of War Protesters - 12160.org

Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality in Hamsters - 12160.org

Facebook steps up lobbying, deepens ties with intelligence agencies, FTC - 12160.org

McAfee admits "inadequate" quality control caused PC meltdown | Ed Bott’s Microsoft Report | ZDNet.com

A Free Thinker's Journey: MS - School lawsuit filed for Illegal Stripsearch

kenny's sideshow: Curt Maynard Kills Wife, Self

EclippTV :: Video :: Wall Street: $33 billion in tax refunds


*Newborn babies to get bar codes instead of handwritten name tags - Times Online


"Lehman’s failure is a story in large part of fraud" Black's Knockout Testimony

Benjamin Netanyahu defies Barack Obama's demands over East Jerusalem - Telegraph

Five Israelis charged with organ trafficking | World news | The Guardian

Obama says Arizona immigration bill 'misguided'

X-37B unmanned space shuttle to be launched tonight | Mail Online

Iran shows off 'high destruction' speed boats in war games - Telegraph

Wave of Fatal Bombs in Iraq After Killing of Militant Chiefs - NYTimes.com

Bill Gates donates £20m to kickstart fund for farmers | Technology | The Guardian

Deep Well Is Not Spilling Oil in Gulf, Official Says - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Full face transplant 'a success'

Relatives of 7/7 bombers refused legal aid for inquests | UK news | The Guardian

Huang Guangyu, formerly China's richest man, on trial for bribery | World news | guardian.co.uk

Danger lurks everywhere. Let the pilots handle ash | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Climate scientist sues newspaper for 'poisoning' global warming debate | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Britain facing further bitterly cold winters 'due to drop in solar winds' | Mail Online

We must not be dogmatic about climate change – unlike the warmists – Telegraph Blogs

Grand Canyon tribe accepts 'genetic piracy' settlement - Telegraph


YouTube - Dick Morris Reveals Bombshell on Waco and Janet Reno


Clinton Advisor: Reno Threatened To “Tell The Truth About Waco” If Not Reappointed To Office

Silverstein Was Calling Lawyer To Get Double Insurance On WTC On The Evening Of 9/11

Alan Grayson Discloses That Dodd Bill Covertly Eliminates Already Passed Legislation Requiring Full Fed Audit

Demonizing Iran: U.S. Media Continue Beating War Drums

Obama = Wall Street? Celente on Corruption and Gambling in Finance

American Kleptocracy

Webster Tarpley: Cyber hypocrisy of US ‘freedom’ labels

Kudlow—The Washington Tax Attack Marches On - CNBC

EU Debt Crisis: Greece Asks for EU/IMF Aid to Be Activated - CNBC

Governments Will ‘Bankrupt Us’: Marc Faber

Obama slams pending Ariz. immigration law - Politics- msnbc.com

Ex-cyber czar wouldn’t trust government to filter the internet

Key demands Associated Press retraction

Guantanamo and Habeas Corpus: Judge Rules Yemeni’s Detention Based Solely on Torture

Facebook Steps Up Lobbying, Deepens Ties with Intelligence Agencies, FTC

Millions drink toxic water in the USA, but it’s EPA-approved

USA Today Special Calls for More Government Action on the Environment

South Park censored after threat of fatwa over Muhammad episode | Television & radio | The Guardian

U.S. Navy Meteorologist Claims: ‘The so-called greenhouse effect has long been known to be devoid of physical reality — Temp variations cause CO2 changes — not the reverse’

Star Wars 2010? U.S. military launch space plane on maiden voyage… but its mission is top secret


**Taxed Enough Already!*(list)*


Patient access to radiology reports: what do physi... [J Am Coll Radiol. 2010] - PubMed result

Big Brother doctors say patients don’t need to see their imaging test results


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 22nd With Bill Murphy


Flush human rights: Activist stocks campus bathrooms with torture toilet paper

The Establishment’s Nervous Mutterings on Ron Paul

Galbraith: Economists Should Move into Background, and “Criminologists to the Forefront”

Claim That Goldman Probes are Politically Motivated - The Jakarta Globe

Dodd Bill Would Allow Fed To Hide Its Spending

Murder witness turns Second Amendment advocate

Natal may learn from your actions News | Xbox 360 | Eurogamer

Libertarian photographer sues Dept. of Homeland Security after arrest for filming courthouse protest

Video Compilation: The Media Crashing the Tea Party