"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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*Libertarian Purity Test*

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

11 April 2010


Poland’s Leaders Move to Weaken Currency, Then Die in Plane Crash

Chris Matthews Race Baits Pat Buchanan Over Confederate History

The Names often Change, but the Game Remains the Same


YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.1

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul & Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.2

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.3

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.4

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.5


Corporate Media Connects Hutaree Members to U.S. Military

Kissinger Effectively Gave Go-Ahead for Terrorist Attack on US Soil in 1976

Gingrich Calls Banker Puppet Obama “Most Radical President in American History”

Chinese Students Laugh at Geithner as He Talks About U.S. Dollar, Economy

What do your IRS taxes really pay for?

One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terrorists”

H1N1 Spread Linked to Seasonal Flu Shots

Arizona Governor Calls For More Troops On The Border

Republicans Running Scared of Ron Paul and Straw Polls

President Lech Kaczynski of Poland Dies at 60 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

Soros: It’s Not Easy Being God

Redmond police stage drug-trafficking check - KTVZ.com Central Oregons News, Weather and Sports Leader -

FOXNews.com - Mexican 'Assassin Teams' May Target U.S. Law Enforcement, DHS Warns

Medical Marijuana Bill Moves Through Maryland Senate In Landslide

YouTube - First on-site video of plane crash that killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski - Peter Lavelle

Obey the (Natural) Law

Who Was Niccoló Machiavelli?

Bonn or bust – The UN’s last, desperate bid for unelected world government

YouTube - Ron Paul "We Should Pick Someone Who Respects The Constitution & Civil Rights & Property Rights!

YouTube - Ron Paul Loses Straw Poll By 1 Vote To Romney Who Didn't Bother To Show Up

Mitt Romney wins Republican straw poll | Reuters

YouTube - Ron Paul speech at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Ron Paul: Barack Obama is Not a Socialist - Washington Wire - WSJ

Israel ranks 6th with up to 300 nukes

How the CIA is Welcoming Itself Back Onto American University Campuses

The Cover-Ups That Exploded

The Guy Who Brought Down AIG – and Maybe the World Economy – Gets Off Scott-Free, and Gets to Keep $315 Million in Loot

The Fed “Owns Credit-Default Swaps … On Debt Owed by California and Nevada. So the Fed Would Profit If One of Those States Defaulted on its Debt.”

Give Greenspan an Oscar

Jesse Ventura speaks out about conspiracy theories in NaturalNews interview

President Lech Kaczynski of Poland Dies at 60 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

Polish president dies in plane crash after pilot ignored warning not to land - Times Online

U.S. officials say Pakistani spy agency released Afghan Taliban insurgents

Soros Says Pound Devaluation Is Option for Next U.K. Government - Bloomberg.com

Whistleblowers on US ‘massacre’ fear CIA stalkers - Times Online

British campaigner urges UN to accept 'ecocide' as international crime | Environment | guardian.co.uk

BBC News - NHS 'organ donor error' review to take place


YouTube - Alex Jones Show-Paul Watson:Neo-Con Attack on Ventura! pt1

YouTube - Alex Jones Show-Paul Watson:Neo-Con Attack on Ventura! pt2


Digital Economy Bill: Nine things you can't do any more - Crave at CNET UK

Krugman Strikes Again


YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 1/4

YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 2/4

YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 3/4

YouTube - Peter Dale Scott Reveals Secret Order within U.S. Gov. on Alex Jones Tv Hosted by Jason Bermas 4/4


YouTube - Alex's Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show 1/5

YouTube - Alex's Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show 2/5

YouTube - Alex's Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show 3/5

YouTube - Alex's Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show 4/5

YouTube - Alex's Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show 5/5


YouTube - Alex Covers Neo-Cons Spin That A VAT(Carbon Tax) is Conservative on The Alex Jones Show 1/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Neo-Cons Spin That A VAT(Carbon Tax) is Conservative on The Alex Jones Show 2/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Neo-Cons Spin That A VAT(Carbon Tax) is Conservative on The Alex Jones Show 3/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Neo-Cons Spin That A VAT(Carbon Tax) is Conservative on The Alex Jones Show 4/4


Gulf War veterans 'refused war pensions' - Home News, UK - The Independent

Fraud Finally Being Discussed in Polite Company … Now Where Are the Prosecutions?

Bilderberg Found In Spain

M3U:israeli agent congressman Mike Pence booed at 2010

YouTube - Rick Santelli - Father of the Tea Party Movement

YouTube - The Most Powerful Video Ull Ever See.flv

YouTube - CIA helps terrorists in Iran? Jundullah leader claims agency arms support

YouTube - Gary Webb on C.I.A. Trafficking of Cocaine

YouTube - The Secret Government

YouTube - Scott Ritter on Iranian Nuclear Program

YouTube - The Category of Terror


YouTube - The Underlying Politics of 9/11 (Part I)

YouTube - The Underlying Politics of 9/11 (Part II)


YouTube - Bombshell Eyewitness Revelations: Confirmed FBI Cover-Up Of Flight 253 Attack 1/3

YouTube - Bombshell Eyewitness Revelations: Confirmed FBI Cover-Up Of Flight 253 Attack 2/3

YouTube - Bombshell Eyewitness Revelations: Confirmed FBI Cover-Up Of Flight 253 Attack 3/3


YouTube - OPERATION OVERWATCH 2010: Military jet flyover during Fresno Tea Party speech 4/10/10


YouTube - History of Iran- (a must see for any Ron Paul Supporter) WW3 Russia.flv

“The Dark Ages”: Frat Boys, Prostitutes & Christian Morality - | Sophrosyne Radical

The Great Schism: Generals, Pirates & Fornicators as [Anti]Popes - | Sophrosyne Radical

Famous Papal Forgeries - | Sophrosyne Radical

Zogby International:Zogby Interactive: Most Support Stronger Regulations on Big Banks, Taxing Them To Pay Back Bailouts

YouTube - Barack Obama at AIPAC


YouTube - Obama and Rockefeller, the New World Order Connection. part 1

YouTube - Obama and Rockefeller, the New World Order Connection. part 2


YouTube - Rockefeller Rothschild, Illuminati/New World Order, Eugenic/World War III/Global Warming Conspiracy

Ex-soldier suffers with medical maladies, red tape | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/10/2010

Abuse charge against Catholic priest roils Kenya

Vatican blasts anti-Catholic 'hate' campaign - Yahoo! News


The Raw Story | 'All bets are off' if US under WMD attack: Clinton

ah, mephistophelis.: Number of Dead in Polish Crash Revised Downward

David Rothscum Reports: Evidence that Depleted Uranium is intended as a weapon of genocide

EclippTV :: Video :: Gordon Brown paid for Depleted Uranium Weapons

Richard Dawkins plans to arrest the Pope for 'crimes against humanity' | Mail Online


EclippTV :: Video :: The story of paper money (part 1)

EclippTV :: Video :: The story of paper money (part 2)


EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff on ObamaCare (part 1)

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff on ObamaCare (part 2)


EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on ObamaCare & Dollar Collapse (part 1)

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente on ObamaCare & Dollar Collapse (part 2)


Unapologetic About the Greatness of the American Warrior Spirit | David Bellavia

Obama going off the deep end | Opinion | eastvalleytribune.com

savethemales.ca - Kyrgyzstan Another Soros "Color" Revolution

t r u t h o u t | Alexander Cockburn | The Cover-Ups That Exploded

Liberty 101: ObamaCare and the Needs of the Many

Katyn massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EclippTV :: Video :: CNN Touts Civilian Service Corps As Way Of Shedding Student Debt

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente : A Third Party Will Rise

Document Friday: 1974 CIA Estimate Declared,“We believe that Israel already has produced nuclear weapons.” « UNREDACTED

Paedophile Collins dies of suspected heart attack - National News, Frontpage - Herald.ie

U.S. Banks Hid Risk by Lowering Debt Before Reporting, WSJ Says « Aletho News

US Moves From Nuclear Arms to Conventional Missiles With Global Reach

Can the US Triumph in the Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan? Opium, the CIA and the Karzai Administration

Hamas: Documents Revealed by Ha'aretz Enough to Sue Israel's Leaders ::

Shamed Abu Ghraib Military Police Unit to Be Sent Back to Iraq Army Insists Few Former Members Still in the Unit

U.S. Pushes for Somalia Offensive, But Settles for Starving Somali Civilians ::

How Many Americans Does It Take to Slaughter a Third World Child? ::

Bernanke: We Must Raise Taxes and Cut Services • Sane People: No, We Need to Stop Endless Bail Outs, Imperial Adventures and Fraudulent Schemes

Israel, a New Decade by Ran HaCohen -- Antiwar.com

Convince People of Absurdities and get them Acquiescing to Atrocities: The Enduring Power of Machiavellian Political Science

Pro Libertate: "Sedition" Purges -- Past, Present, and Future

Occupied Washington DC | AfterDowningStreet.org



YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 1

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 2

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice - Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America - Pt 3

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice- Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America- Pt 4

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 5

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice --Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America--Pt 6

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 7

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 8

YouTube - Rothschild's Choice -Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America-Pt 9


AfricanCrisis:S.Africa: IMPORTANT: Black Race baiter Julius Malema Goes Ape, Kicks Out BBC Reporter

YouTube - First on-site video of plane crash that killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski - Peter Lavelle

YouTube - Smolensk crash: Locals eyewitness Kaczynski plane coming down

Mohammed Omer On 'Democracy' Now - Vid

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Mohammed Omer (Rafah Today) with Amy Goodman (Democracy Now)

FLASHBACK:Madrid Ripple Effect 2nd Version Update! | Filthy Jewish Terrorists

Roy Tov – Palmolive-Izkor


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)1of5


A Response to Israeli Propaganda

Ban Ki-Moon to Eliminate all Nuclear Weapons

Is Lucifer the god of Judaism?

Lucifer Judaism's God? A Jewish Response

Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians

Tracking the Bilderbergers in Facebook

Tracking the Illuminati on Facebook

Illuminati Created the US to Advance NWO

The US Wasn't Founded as a Christian Nation

I'm Wary of Anti- NWO Groups Like LaRouche's

Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot in 1936

Patriot Elder: "Militias Will Not Be Allowed"

Patriot Historian Raises Questions About Eustace Mullins

Television Replaces God in Our Lives

Aldous Huxley's Dictatorship by Seduction

Geert Wilders -- Dutch Rising Star is Zionist Shill

Darwin Was an Illuminati Shill

"We are Not Alone," says NASA Veteran

Archeological Finds Debunk Darwinism

Malachi Martin -- Satan Enthroned in Vatican?

AfricanCrisis:[Pic] S.Africa: This is what Black people want... Genocide of the Boers... Kill the Farmers...


Russian contradicts Obama: START would limit U.S. missile defense

Blackmailing Obama to Nuke Iranian nation

Super Stemmys, a stem cell story

You Want Actual TEA Party Violence? A Reminder: SEIU Thugs Beat Up a Conservative at a Town Hall Meeting Last August (Video)

Orman Blasts Greenspan for 2004 Mortgage Remarks; Still Blames Banks for Financial Crisis

Comedy Central Pushes Heavily on Church-of-Pedophilia Attacks on Catholics

'Professor' Obama? Title Never Granted Barack, Michelle Not Licensed To Practice Law


USA: Michael Savage: "It's As If Hostile Foreign Power Has Taken Over Nation"

Presidents Body Going Straight To Warsaw [Poland]

VERY IMPORTANT: A must see American Racist Film: Birth of a Nation - One of the top 100 movies of all time (to be shown on eTv S.Africa)

Her ObamaCare Mission Achieved, ABC/CBS Veteran Linda Douglass Departs White House

Olbermann Ties FNC to Anti-Pelosi Threats, Hayes Sees Domestic Terrorism Possibility

One dead, four to five victims at Oklahoma mall shooting

OPINION: Obama Off the Deep End

[23 Pics] USA: Incredible Photos! The Mass Media suppresses this... This is America, how DARE THEY IGNORE US!! The Revolution has begun... The people are ANGRY...

OPINION: The Ultimate Hijacking

Howard Davidowitz: "US Looks More And More Like Zimbabwe"

French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns “He Might Be Insane”



Obama - The Issue is Not Going Away - No Birth Certificate? No ObamaCare!

All bodies located after Polish president's plane crash - minister | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

3 seniors charged in bank robbery plot - Chicago Tribune

The Daily Life of Kawther Salam «Kawther Salam

Coca-Cola doc chronicles a bitter battle | rabble.ca

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Numbers to Die For | TomDispatch

Trust Us: Social Security Works - Mark R. Crovelli - Mises Institute

Polish president Lech Kaczynski killed in plane crash | World news | guardian.co.uk

Yet again we see a major flaw in airline and airport operations!

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Polish Leadership Decapitation Benefits Russia

The Radical Press » Blog Archive » Doug Christie Takes Powerful Free Speech Message to the University of Ottawa

Michael Hudson: The Looming European Debt Wars

Man sentenced for ‘Jewish lobby’ list | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Obama's Brave Nuke World

US troop flights at Kyrgyz base suspended amid unrest - Telegraph

Kyrgyzstan pleas for Russian aid after ousted leader 'looted coffers' - Times Online

The nepotism that sparked a revolution - Asia, World - The Independent

Nations slash health funding if sent aid, report says | Society | The Guardian

Doctors Remove Ammunition From Soldier’s Head - NYTimes.com

They walk among us: 1 in 5 believe in aliens? - Yahoo! News

Child bride, 13, dies of internal injuries four days after arranged marriage in Yemen | Mail Online

Migrant city's cry for help: Anguished letter to Brown and Cameron reveals devastating toll of immigration | Mail Online

Drug addicts offered cash to stop reproducing - Telegraph

Mitt Romney's healthcare conundrum | Sahil Kapur | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

US bank accounting 'masks true debt levels’ - Telegraph

Raj Patel, the reluctant messiah, set for Hollywood treatment | Film | The Guardian

Pope Benedict accused of delaying unfrocking of sex abuse priest - Telegraph

Britain’s top Catholic ‘protected’ paedophile -Times Online

Priest named in sexual abuse lawsuit

The Catholic boy abused by Father David Pearce whose life fell apart -Times Online

Elena Kagan Emerging As Supreme Court Front-Runner

General election 2010: Make national citizen service compulsory, says Boris Johnson | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Unveiled: Giant earth sculpture of naked reclining woman | Mail Online

Do We Trivialize Evil Trying to Capture it on Film?

Tina Fey Returns to SNL to Mock Palin, Tea Partiers

Chris Rock Compares ObamaCare Opponents To Martin Luther King Haters

So, ‘Voicemails Expose Left’s Racism’… Where’s The MSM Been All This Time?

Public Opinion, the American Way

Queen vs Obama, Pelosi and Reid: Bureaucrats Want It All!

Loophole Lets Dozens of Minnesota Congressional Staff Opt Out of Key Health Care Reform Requirement

More Ethanol Handouts on the Table as DC Pols Go ‘Corny’

Voicemails Expose Left’s Racism

Why Won’t Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) Come Clean about the Dar Al-Hijrah Fundraiser?

Regulating the Internet, One Way or the Other

Extra, Extra: See San Francisco Before the Big One Struck!

Sarah Palin Thread: Ventriloquist’s Dummy or MSM Nightmare?

Did the Obama Administration’s New Approach to Islam Begin At a Press Conference?

California Dreamin’ — Rachel Maddow and Gov. Moonbeam Cover Up the Real ACORN Scandal

MSM, American Jews Look the Other Way As Obama Wages Diplomatic Jihad Against Israel

Along the Border: A Report From Camp Vigilance the MSM Doesn’t Want You To Read

Who’s Looking Out For You: Is the American Media Corrupt?

In Exposing ACORN ‘Lies,’ Maddow Leaves Truth On the Cutting Room Floor


Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1- The link to the New World Order

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 3 New World Order military plans

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 4 - New World Order breaches UK Constitution


Chuck Baldwin : Saving Souls–Losing Freedom

04-10-2010: UK investigates 800,000 organ donor list errors

04-10-2010: Merging Man and Machine: We are the Internet

04-10-2010: "Managing" Data and Dissent: Where Big Brother Meets Market Fundamentalism

04-10-2010: Cable ties Kissinger to Chile controversy

Al-Qaeda Threatens To Bomb World Cup

33 States Out Of Money To Pay Jobless Benefits

04-09-2010: Former Fannie Mae Chief Says Failure Was Inevitable

Pat Buchanan: Both Sides Were Right In The Civil War

04-09-2010: Why Are Silver Sales Soaring?

New Pre-Human Species Offers Evolutionary Clues

Analysis: Ramifications of crash on Polish politics

The Fight is On: The Looming European Debt Wars

Can the US Triumph in the Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan? Opium, the CIA and the Karzai Administration


Cameras make Chicago the most closely watched U.S. city

Big Brother pre-crime quiz used on children

'Scores dead' in Pakistan air raids

Attackers blast open Iran prison, two escape

Afghan farmers reap cannabis harvest worth £61m

Americans 'worked for secret services'

The President's Real Goal in Iraq

Olbermann on Obama's Assassination Program

PTSD, Infertility and other Consequences of War

The Surveillance Regime

Greenspan's Testimony:

Rand Paul Could Save the GOP

Alan Greenspan a 'Total Failure'

America's Imperial Design. Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons

Freedom Rider: Obama’s Lies About Iran

One of the World's Best Kept Secrets: Cuban Medical Aid to Haiti

VIDEO: Rwanda’s Packed Prisons and Genocide Ideology Law

Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK

Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’?


AUDIO: The Myth of a Free Press


Where are the Prosecutions? Cracking Down on Financial Fraud, A Precondition for Economy Recovery

The Dark Underbelly of Israel’s Security State

Political Prisoners in Venezuela?

Iran Accuses NATO Chief Rasmussen Of Warmongering

Ramsey Clark Chosen to Head Commission to Investigate Bush Crimes

Russia Will Pull Out of New START in Case of New Threat - Lavrov

Under the Disguise of Counterterrorism: Obama Expands U.S. Military Ops in Africa

Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty Signed, but Russia and U.S. Have Nothing to Cut

New START Will Not Affect Missile Shield Plans, Says Tusk

New Evidence Implicates Henry Kissinger In Assassination Case

What do your IRS taxes really pay for?

NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war


YouTube - Peter Schiff on ObamaCare (part 1)

YouTube - Peter Schiff on ObamaCare (part 2)


What Was I Thinking? a.k.a, iRemember, Memory Prosthesis

Merging Man and Machine: We are the Internet - BlackListed News

YouTube - Ron Paul Accused Of Buying Straw Poll Votes!

YouTube - CNN - SRLC Straw Poll Results

YouTube - FOX News - SRLC Straw Poll Results

Romney wins SRLC straw poll by 1 vote - First Read - msnbc.com


For Poland, plane crash in Russia rips open old wounds - latimes.com

After the Crash, What's Next for Poland? - Newsweek.com

Polish President Dies in Jet Crash in Russia - NYTimes.com

Poland in shock at news of president's death

Polish premier calls emergency meeting in Warsaw following death of president | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

America’s Imperial Design. Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons – Rick Rozoff « Dprogram.net

Why The Fed Owns A Mall In Oklahoma City « Dprogram.net

YouTube - 911's A lie - Karaoke

Commission gives green light to genetically-modified potato « Dprogram.net

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

YouTube - The Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101

The Reece Committee: Social Science as a Tool for Control

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

YouTube - The Internet of Things

Senate Poised to Vote on Democrat-Sponsored Bill Banning Chemical That the FDA Says Is Safe

Sebelius: FDA Will Require Health Labels on Front of Food Packages

Specter to Sestak: ‘Put Up or Shut Up’ On White House Job Offer

Palestinian Authority and Fatah Continue Their Longtime Practice of ‘Glorifying’ Terrorists

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Insists Health Care Law Doesn't Require Individuals to Buy Insurance

Value Added Tax Not a Bad Idea, Says Top White House Economic Adviser

Obama Telling Voters That Government Is Not All Bad

IRS Says Health Care Coverage Fines Not Punitive, But Admits Govt Can Keep Refunds If Fines Not Paid

White House Touts New Transparency Rules, As Watchdogs Decry Administration’s Poor FOIA Responses

Solar-Powered Plane Makes Successful Maiden Flight

LA Chosen by US Panel for Toyota Lawsuits

Researchers Developing A Test to Warn Smokers of Cancer Danger

The New Intolerance

The Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church

Resistance Is Futile?

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

YouTube - CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up

Writing About the Unspeakable | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

The Devil In The Vatican | Illuminati Conspiracy Archive Blog

No Body? No Problem Convicting, 90 Percent of Time

Magnitude 7.1 Quake Hits Solomon Islands: USGS

Global Climate Deal Impossible in 2010: U.N.

Somali Pirates Hijack Cargo Ship Near Seychelles

7 Shot, Wounded Near New Orleans' French Quarter

Worries About Calif. Priest Came Early in Career

First Chinese Singers Fined for Lip-Synching

Thousands Rally for Immigration Reform Across US

Revolving Door of Multiple Tours Linked to PTSD

GOP Chairman Steele: 'I've Made Mistakes'

Cherokee's Mankiller Remembered as Humble Leader

Karzai Takes Steps to Bury Feud With Washington

Explosive Device Tossed at U.S. Consulate in Mexico

Magnitude-4.5 Quake, Others Shake San Diego Area

Men Called to Action in NJ After Alleged Gang Rape

1 Killed, Several Hurt in Shooting at Okla. Mall

Chicago Artist Among Dead in Polish Plane Crash

Analysis: Is GOP a Party of Yes, No or Maybe So?

Rail Line Stirs Bad Memories in Black Neighborhood

Stupak Constituents Seek Federal Aid Over Ideology

Governors' Races May Be Tough for Incumbents

E. Coli Kills Child, Sickens 3 at Wash. Day Care

Pa. Circus Elephant's Killing of Man 'Accident'

GOP Striving to Unify Vision for Voters before Elections

Barbour: 2010 Elections Looking Better Than 1994

Obama Election-Year Jobs Agenda Stalls in Congress

Kyl, Sessions Push for 'Mainstream' Court Nominee

Rep. Pence Vows GOP Will Repeal Obamacare

GOP's Barbour Refers to Himself As 'Fat Redneck'

Sen. Alexanderr: Iran Sanctions Worth a Try

Lieberman: Ban on Terrorism Terms 'Offensive'

Hillary: 'All Bets Are Off' If U.S. Under WMD Attack

Leahy: Nominee Likely On High Court for Fall Term

Ron Paul Says 'American People Have Awoken'

Saakashvili: 'Something Evil' About Kaczynski Death

Walesa: 'Tragedy Second Only to Katyn'

Santorum: GOP Failed Conservative Movement

Obama Leaves WH Without Press, Breaks Protocol

Hillary, Gates Say Nuclear Threat Changing Rapidly

Putin Himself to Head Crash Probe

Shroud of Turin Displayed for 1st Time in 10 Years

Hillary: N. Korea Has up to Six Nuclear Weapons

Obama Emboldened for Another High Court Pick

Poll: 66 Percent Say America Is Overtaxed

Sen. Schumer Fights Airline Carry-On Bag Fee

Bomb Damages U.S. Consulate in Mexico; No Injuries

Grandma: Russian Boy Terrorized Adoptive Family

What Looked Like Easy Governors' Races May Not Be

Jindal to GOP: I'm Not Running for President

Sudan Holds First Election in 24 Years

Krugman: Inflation Hawks Will Fuel Unemployment

'Mind-Reading' Brain-Scan Software Showcased

CO2 May Explain Near-Death Experiences


YouTube - Ron Paul at SRLC 04/10/10 (part 1)

YouTube - Ron Paul at SRLC 04/10/10 (part 2)

YouTube - Ron Paul at SRLC 04/10/10 (part 3)


Andrew Breitbart Lies About Kenneth Gladney and Richard Trumka Incidents to Trash Unions at SRLC

West Virginians: 1 Wingnut Westboro: 0

Rick Santorum Explains Right Wing Anger: Obama Wants to Change Us From Being a Judeo-Christian Nation

Baja California Earthquake Victims In Need of Clean Water, Food, Camping Supplies

Doctor targets Obama voters for layoffs in advance of "Obamacare"

Mike Pence Rails Against Planned Parenthood: Calls to Deny All of Their Government Funding

As Unemployment Pain Deepens, Democrats Lose Touch With Nation

Laura Ingraham Plays Concern Troll for the Rich and Attacks Middle Class Tax Cuts

Osprey Crashes In Afghanistan; 4 Dead, Many Injured

Tax refunds up 10 percent thanks to Recovery Act

Danish Beer Company Workers Walk Out When Company Limits Them To Three Beers A Day - At Work

Polish President Dies In Plane Crash In Russia

Palin's brainless nonsequitur of a response to Obama: Well, you're no expert either

Hatriot Neal Boortz thinks Obama voters should lose their jobs

Why Do Cable News Pundits Constantly Ask Politicians to Respond to Hate Talkers Like Beck and Limbaugh?

Newt Gingrich 2012?

The Party of Fiscal Restraint Seems To Have A Problem With... Fiscal Restraint!

AC360 Panel Pretends the Tea Party Isn't Part of the Republican Establishment

Net neutrality isn't dead. Thanks, Comcast!

Jon Stewart rips Fox for extolling Reagan on nukes while attacking Obama (and nakedly lying about it)

If Municipal Bonds Crash, Our State And Local Governments Go With Them. Are They Next?

How Jon Kyl Learned to Love the Judicial Filibuster

President Obama: "Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues."

Massey Energy CEO So Determined To Win, He Financed Campaign For His Own Judge

When Romney Met Kennedy

Breitbart loses bet; blames Black Caucus for racial slurs

Another day, another anti-government terrorist arrested. Pipe bombs, anyone?

Rep. Bart Stupak announces his retirement

Justice John Paul Stevens to retire

Iran to complain to U.N. over Obama nuclear "threat" - Yahoo! News

Polish president dies in plane crash after pilot ignored warning not to land - Times Online

No curtailed cursing in Tiger tantrums at Masters

Tiger Woods' profanity aired live on CBS - Devil Ball Golf - Golf Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Poison swirls around Hamid Karzai and Barack Obama - Times Online

Family mourns 7-year-old girl killed in a Little Haiti shooting - Miami-Dade Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Apple Fights Google on New Turf - WSJ.com

Whistleblowers on US ‘massacre’ fear CIA stalkers - Times Online

China: The world's new superpower is beginning the century of its supremacy with an alarming surplus of males | Mail Online

Ron Paul: Barack Obama is Not a Socialist - Washington Wire - WSJ

Eying another longshot bid, Paul addresses SRLC - Yahoo! News

GOP promises "whale of a fight" if court pick "too liberal" - The Denver Post

Interest Rates Have Nowhere to Go but Up - NYTimes.com

Jacob Zuma warns ANC to halt racial anger - Times Online

Funeral of Eugene Terreblanche takes place amid tight security | Mail Online

New species 'lives without oxygen' - Telegraph

The folly of the GDP report.

Easy to Avoid Paying Income Tax

All Revolutions are Doomed…Especially the one currently in fashion!

Profit as the Gauge of a Free Society.

Obama's Blueprint for Total Federal Control in Public Education

Mother Jones Loves War - Just Not Good at Hiding It.

The Ethics of Capitalism vs. Socialism vs. Communitarianism





Pilot error eyed in Polish president's crash - Europe - World - Dalje.com

Islamisation Or Europe: Reality Or Fantasy? - Video - Dalje.com

My Way News - Obama election-year jobs agenda stalls in Congress

Polish plane crash boosts PM Tusk | Reuters

FOXNews.com - Looming Supreme Court Battle May Derail Obama's Legislative Agenda

My Way News - Obama pick for Justice post withdraws

PRUDEN: No nukes not good news - Washington Times

Two arrested for stealing railroad spikes | BlueRidgeNow.com

CNSNews.com - Planned Parenthood Guide Tells HIV-Infected Youth to Enjoy Sex, Denounces Laws on Disclosure of HIV/AIDS to Sexual Partners

Even Obama's Fans Notice He's a Phony In How He Writes, Talks, and Even Walks | NewsBusters.org

NYC's own superheroes - NYPOST.com

'Spittlegate' and Its Consequences

Fair Tax Distraction

History and Ideology in Textbooks

A Plane Crash Changes Poland

Eternal Islamic Enmity toward the Jews

Liberal Narcissism and Anti-Christian Phobia

The Myths of Managing Health Care

Salvaging the Wreckage of the Catholic Church?

Holocaust Musings

Ron Paul sees only one tree in the socialism forest

Paradox in Tax Poll

New NBA Owner Has Ties To Mugabe

Look For The Union Libel

Tea Party Express III: Vital Voice of We The People

WaPo ombudsman calls for 'spittlegate' investigative reporting

Political arson in Flint, MI?

White House says visas for Israeli scientists not denied

Tea Parties targeted for infiltration

Would Lincoln be a Republican today? Let's ask him!

Steyn on Thought Police

FOXNews.com - Missing Link Between Man and Apes?


archive:Scientists' Deaths Are Under the Microscope

Steve Quayle: Chronology of Dead Scientists

archive:The Mystery Of The Dead Scientists Coincidence Or Conspiracy?

archive:List of murdered/missing scientists..

Dead Scientists DO Tell Tales


YouTube - The story of paper money (part 1)

YouTube - The story of paper money (part 2)

YouTube - The story of paper money (part 3)


audio:Part One:The DisFigured Interviews

Part Two:The DisFigured Interviews


YouTube - Lindsey Williams on The Alex Jones Show 1/4:Economic Warfare Declared on Americans by The Elite!!

YouTube - Lindsey Williams on The Alex Jones Show 2/4:Economic Warfare Declared on Americans by The Elite!!

YouTube - Lindsey Williams on The Alex Jones Show 3/4:Economic Warfare Declared on Americans by The Elite!!

YouTube - Lindsey Williams on The Alex Jones Show 4/4:Economic Warfare Declared on Americans by The Elite!!


YouTube - Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:The Coming Food Crisis of 2009!!

YouTube - Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:The Coming Food Crisis of 2009!!

YouTube - Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:The Coming Food Crisis of 2009!!

YouTube - Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv 4/4:The Coming Food Crisis of 2009!!


YouTube - Tom Woods - Where Do Rights Come From? Pt. 1

YouTube - Tom Woods - Where Do Rights Come From? Pt. 2

YouTube - Tom Woods - Where Do Rights Come From? Pt. 3

YouTube - Tom Woods - Where Do Rights Come From? Pt. 4

YouTube - Tom Woods - Where Do Rights Come From? Pt. 5

YouTube - Tom Woods - Where Do Rights Come From? Pt. 6

YouTube - Lindsey Williams with Jeff Rense 28 January 2010


archive:The Federal Reserve Must Die « Dprogram.net

Debbie Schlussel:Per Usual, Honor Killing Dad in Arizona Had Lotsa Family Help

RealClearPolitics - Facing Up to a Pension Crisis

Why the U.S. recovery will be bigger, faster, and stronger than economists and politicians expect. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink | The Weekly Standard

Health care act's two ticking time bombs - Apr. 9, 2010

Former Citigroup execs blame consultants for downfall - NYPOST.com

RealClearPolitics - 2011: Taxes in the Spotlight

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Tax man comes for half of us - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Op-Ed Contributor - Justice Stevens - Learning on the Job - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Would Goodwin Liu Sink the Left-Leaning 9th Circuit?

A synchronized dance - The Boston Globe

Tea party activists get no respect

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Support for Israel runs on party lines - The Boston Globe

Op-Ed Columnist - Worlds Without Women - NYTimes.com

National Journal Magazine - Palin Is No Puppet

Editorial - Who’s Not Sorry About the Financial Crisis Now? - NYTimes.com

Sorry: No bump for Obamacare | Washington Examiner

Pretend pensions

Islamic extremism: It is the enemy, Mr. Obama - Sunday, Apr. 11, 2010

At G.O.P. Conference, Steele Admits ‘Mistakes’ - NYTimes.com

Lieberman: Not enough votes in Senate to ratify new START treaty - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obama: Stimulus led to big refunds - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Republicans warn Steele against fumbling speech to party faithful - The Hill's Ballot Box


*Politics Video/4-11:Clinton: Iranian "Belligerence Is Helping To Make Our Case"

Kyl: Filibuster Not Off The Table But Not Likely

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Obama's Supreme Court Pick

SNL: The Sarah Palin Network

FNS Panel On The Constitution

"This Week" Roundtable On Supreme Court Decision

Gates On Karzai: "We Have To Be Sensitive"

Sen. Sessions Isn't Ruling Out Court Filibuster

*4-10:Obama Weekly Address On Relief For The Middle Class at Tax Time

Maddow: Stevens' Departure Threatens Court's Balance

Ingraham: Obama Took The Bait From Palin

Olbermann: GOP "Desperate" To Define Itself "For A Volatile Base"

Special Report Panel On Obama's Supreme Court Decision


Christopher Bollyn:Fearing 9-11 Protests Netanyahu Cancels U.S. Visit

America is No Longer Free | Atlantic Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times

To achieve Mideast peace, Obama must make a bold Mideast trip

BBC News - First oxygen-free animals found

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Ron Paul Resurgence

Chemical Moshe « Mantiq al-Tayr

Laodiceans at the White House

The American Workplace: Sweatshop USA

YouTube - What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't

Targeting Activist University of Ottawa Students

YouTube - President Carter talks about AIPAC and Israel on C-SPAN

Man kills himself after row at work over non-PC joke | Mail Online

Teenagers to teach sex education - Scotland on Sunday

Keep trains out of my 5,000-acre back yard - Times Online

Carbon credit documentary should not have been shown, BBC admits | Media | The Observer

U.S. and China ties grow closer | Reuters

Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, threatens to block Nato offensive - Times Online

Nearly 100 killed in Pakistan air strikes - Telegraph

China's trade figures $7bn in the red - Telegraph

Back to reality: giving up the internet | From the Observer | The Observer

Anti-Semitism stirs as Hungary goes to polls - Times Online

At least 10 die and 500 injured in Thai riots - Asia, World - The Independent

Israel called on to honour the 'Arab Schindler' | World news | The Observer

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: 'Sharp increase' in life expectancy

Shell shock - Herald Scotland | News | World News

Show Larry Summers the door | Megan Carpentier | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Houston, we have a problem... with your scientific theory: Apollo 13 crew would have burned in Earth's atmosphere, research reveals | Mail Online

Clinton calls Kyrgyzstan's interim leader | World news | guardian.co.uk

Is Christianity being marginalised in the UK? | The Observer panel | Comment is free | The Observer

Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule - Telegraph


YouTube - 2010-4-7 1/2 Federal Reserve BANK CON exposed on MSNBC There is No Money

YouTube - 2010-4-7 2/2 Federal Reserve BANK CON exposed on MSNBC There is No Money


Iranian Spy for CIA: ‘Weak West’ Will Cause War with Iran - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Think Tank Speculates War Could Break Out with Syria - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

We don't need a messiah (and anyway, it isn't me) | Raj Patel | From the Guardian | The Guardian

Why did no one call the cops? Princes of church failed royally

Ex-Goldman trader blows whistle on silver and gold manipulation by JPMorgan, HSBC - NYPOST.com

Pope 'has no UK arrest immunity' - Yahoo! News UK


YayaCanada: Plumbing the depths ...

Ratzinger: "Bishop, take your time with that pedophile" - Rod Dreher

AFRICOM Backs Bloodshed in Central Africa :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

Home Free: No Worries for Dr K as Complicity is Revealed :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-4]

State poised to punish free speech at schools


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Dems 'profiteering over racism'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Website highlights your wasted dollars

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Tax expert: Liberalism costs money, jobs

Kupelian on Hannity: Obama staging 'socialist coup'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Iraq War veteran says it can go 'zero to hell in a second'


Obama: Interns for me but not for thee - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Irony report: Was CNN 'tea-bagged'?

Anderson Cooper Flirts With Talk-Show Format -- Daily Intel

Tea party 'infiltration,' destruction promised

'This Is a Wound Which Will Be Very Difficult to Heal': Polish President, Senior Politicians Killed in Plane Crash - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Death of a President: The Tragic End of Kaczynski's National Mission - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Obama spies boost monitoring of Jews

Unprecedented: U.S. bargaining on behalf of Palestinians

FOXNews.com - White House Disputes Report That U.S. Stopped Issuing Visas to Israeli Scientists

AP Exclusive: Sinaloa cartel wins Juarez turf war - El Paso Times

Met allows Islamic protesters to throw shoes -Times Online

Cruise ship passengers told: Keep your lights off to avoid attracting pirates | Mail Online

Spaniard kidnapped in Congo 'had body hair shaved for magic spells' - Telegraph

Israel to mark Holocaust Day with Yad Vashem ceremony, nationwide sirens - Haaretz - Israel News

Israelis to show solidarity with Poles at Auschwitz march - Israel News, Ynetnews

For mentally ill survivors, Holocaust lives on - CNBC

GOP Looks for Leader in New Orleans - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Republican firebrand Palin takes on Obama on energy | Reuters

Taxing Atlas

Notorious Irish Catholic pedophile priest found dead | News from Ireland | IrishCentral

Bill O'Reilly says Cardinal Bernard Law should be in jail for pedophile cover up | Irish News | IrishCentral

U.S. has 'enough oil to be independent'

Pediatricians warn educators not to promote being 'gay'

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers Cheer Stupak's Retirement, Shift Focus to Other Incumbents

Justice Stevens' Exit May Mold Senate More Than Courts - IBD - Investors.com

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Mark Levin's Stern Warning About Obama's Supreme Court Pick

Ayers: 'To be young in Chicago was to be a n-gger'

Retirement home worker convicted of torture, elder abuse - latimes.com

Montreal police probe 'Holocaust' soap - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

South Africa: a separate homeland for Afrikaners? - Telegraph

Lawmakers should 'cool it' on airing threats, Lungren says - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

UN process under fire at climate change talks - Telegraph

Scientists turn to Inuit traditions to collect data on Arctic weather


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000

'Professor' Obama? Title never granted

Army Calls ‘Birther’ Doc’s Bluff

American Thinker: President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief

No birth certificate? No Obamacare!

Officer to Obama: Burden of proof must rest with you


*American Minute for April 11th:William J Federer's American Minute


video: Hell is no laughing matter

video:God's forgotten 'universal proclamation'

YouTube - Munchkin Dies

YouTube - Organ donor register blunder

Aging reputed mobsters accused of planning bank heist - Chicago Breaking News

SNL's Tina Fey Episode: 5 Funniest Moments - Culture - The Atlantic

Dixie Carter, R.I.P.: Her five best 'Designing Women' moments | EW.com

Jim Carrey: Elin Nordegren was 'willing participant' in Tiger Woods' affairs

EXCLUSIVE: Jon Gosselin Back On Kate's Reality Show? Don’t Count On It | RadarOnline.com

Liz Taylor Reportedly Engaged - ABC News

BBC News - Hollywood mourns Munchkin actor

BBC News - Charlie Sheen says Two And A Half Men could end

Logan Lerman To Play Spider-Man?

Gwyneth Paltrow: 'If you saw me naked...' - USATODAY.com

The Associated Press: Astronauts take 2nd spacewalk, overcome stiff bolt

Twitter Gobbles Up Tweetie - PCWorld

AppleInsider | Steve Jobs defends Apple's changes to iPhone developer agreement

Java founder James Gosling leaves Oracle - BusinessWeek

Space Shuttle Sequel Slated for Liftoff wltx.com | Columbia, SC News, Weather and Sports |

Will Netflix Suffer from Delayed Gratification? - PCWorld

Euro-Zone Nations Offer $40 Billion to Greece - NYTimes.com

China Imports Trigger Trade Deficit, Add Pressure for Yuan Move - BusinessWeek

Car, Home, and Credit Card Interest Rates to Increase » Tech Jackal

Toyota could face second fine by US regulators | The Money Times

Arts & Living - The Times-Tribune

Airline mergers would dwarf solo-flyer Continental | Reuters

As Mortgage Rates Go Up People Are Backing Out Of The Housing Market

Toyota Acceleration Suits Combined in California Federal Court - BusinessWeek

Major U.S. banks masked risk levels: report | Reuters

Microsoft says committed to China despite Google pull-back | Reuters

Transplant patients: the importance of organ donation - Telegraph

Fact checker: Health care reform applies to Congress | rgj.com | The Reno Gazette-Journal

Hold your Sneezes this Allergy Season! | ACED Magazine

3 seniors charged in bank robbery plot - Chicago Tribune

Michelle Obama delves into the details on kids' obesity at task force meeting

Martina Navratilova in tears at breast cancer news, says ex-lover - Monsters and Critics

WHO Reviews H1N1 Flu Pandemic | Health | English

Hospitalization May Cause Physical And Cognitive Decline

Red Cross plans April blood drives - Fosters

WHIZ News | Southeastern Ohio's News Leader

Russian Response Earns Poles' Respect - WSJ.com

YouTube - Thousands in Warsaw streets to see Kaczynski cortege

Ousted Kyrgyz President Claims Popular Support - NYTimes.com

Hungary elections: first step to power for far-Right since Nazi era - Telegraph

Clergy who conceal abuse should be dismissed: cardinal

YouTube - Calif. Abuse Victim Criticizes Pope Benedict

U.S., Afghanistan's Karzai take steps to end feud

1 Canadian soldier killed, 1 injured in Afghan blast

AFP: Powerful 6.8-magnitude quake strikes Solomon Islands

South African President Reprimands Disciple - NYTimes.com

Climate change talks yield small chance of global treaty | Environment | The Guardian

Obama Meets With India’s Singh as Leaders Arrive for Summit - BusinessWeek

The Associated Press: Iran says new US policy a nuclear threat

Focus on Cost After Disaster Averted on Australia's Great Barrier Reef | Southeast Asia | English

FOXNews.com - Gates Defends Soldiers in Iraq Shooting Video, Says Footage Lacks Context

Obama kicks off nuclear summitry with five world leader meetings - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

International Nuclear Security Summit Set to Begin in Washington | Asia | English

GOP: Pick a fringe nominee for Supreme Court get filibuster - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

Republicans warn Obama on Supreme Court nominee | Reuters

In coalfields, days of prayer end in sorrow

YouTube - 4 Missing Miners Found Dead

FOXNews.com - Mississippi Gov. Barbour Backs McDonnell on 'Confederate History' Declaration

Ben Stein: Time for Michael Steele to Go - CBS Sunday Morning - CBS News

YouTube - RNC chairman Michael Steele wrapped up the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Obama Administration Calls Karzai 'A Reliable Partner' | USA | English

Southern Republican Leadership Conference Held in NOLA » Right Pundits

GOP hopes to go from Party of No to Party of Choice - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com

FOXNews.com - Tea Party Rallies Remain a Cauldron for Conspiracy Theories

YouTube - Tea Party Express brings out thousands

Rally calls for immigration reform

YouTube - Immigration Rally.m4v

Internet Bullying - TIME

Defense.gov News Article: Gates Discusses New Nuclear Posture, U.S. Relations With Karzai

Tea party movement draws competing agendas, strategies - KansasCity.com

Sarah Palin Fires Back at Obama, Mocks His "Experience" on Nuclear Issues - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Low census returns means high cost to get data | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

FOXNews.com - Tenant Arrested in Florida College Professor's Murder

Medical pot backers hail vote - baltimoresun.com

Sarah Palin Network


#video:‘Gods of Government’ Anthem Vows Resistence a ‘Corrupt Political Machine’

NY Times Profile: ‘Why I Joined the Tea Party’

Defense Secretary: Wikileaks Video ‘Not Helpful’ But Sees No ‘Lasting Consequences’

SNL Sketch Mocks Conspiracy Concerns Over Census Questions

Faith The Two-legged Dog Spreads Message of Hope

Taiwan’s Boy ‘Whitney Houston’ Prepares for Stardom

Flashback: Protester Shouts ‘White Boy’ at Tea Party Speaker

Tina Fey Returns to SNL With Unveiling of Palin’s New Endeavor

On-Air Outburst: Tiger Woods Curses During Moments of Poor Performance

Ex-Soviet Warheads Now Power US Homes

Texas Gov: America in Great Struggle Between ‘Socialism and Democracy’

Security Video: Florida Deputy Tasers Female Colleague in Butt for Fun

Ron Paul: Obama Is Not a Socialist

Michael Steele Tells GOP ‘I’ve Made Mistakes’

Swingers Campground Posting Riles Indiana Neighbors

Witness Describes Polish Plane Crash in Russia

‘One Hitter’: So What Was the Quatari Diplomat Smoking in the Bathroom?

ABC News Investigation: USA Swim Coaches Taped & Molested Dozens of Teen Girls

Labour Candidate Sacked Over Twitter Abuse

Jet Crash Kills Poland’s President & Top Military and Financial Leaders

Video: Jaco Report: Metro Wins At The Polls. What?s Next?

Video: Polish President's Body Returns to Warsaw

Kyrgyz president will not resign

Iran announces air defence system

Video: 7-year-old Killed in Miami Drive-by Shooting

US: Iranian bomb not inevitable

30,000 illegal fireworks go bang

Sudan historic vote underway

Video: Polish St. Louisans Send Condolences After Plane Crash Kills Polish President

SNL Sketch Mocks Conspiracy Concerns Over Census Questions

Thai "red shirts" defiant

Video: Raw Video: Former Cowboys Home Imploded

U.S. Mom Sends Adopted 7-Year-Old Back to Russia By Himself

Burkha Strangling: Muslim Women Dies in Freak Go-Kart Accident

Donald Trump: China Is Laughing at Us

Mark Levin: Civil Disobedience Is Coming

Limbaugh: Obama Is ‘Inflicting Untold Damage on This Country’

Obama Advisor on MSNBC: Social Justice & Health Care ‘Are at the Heart of the Gospel’