"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

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10 April 2010


Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world | Video on TED.com


AfricanCrisis:[Pic] S.Africa: This is what Black people want... Genocide of the Boers... Kill the Farmers...

AfricanCrisis:S.Africa: I told Jeff Rense: Here's the REAL REASON why Afrikaners will remember Eugene Terreblanche and NOT FW De Klerk...

Elena Kagan Emerging As Supreme Court Front-Runner

General election 2010: Make national citizen service compulsory, says Boris Johnson | Politics | guardian.co.uk

Unveiled: Giant earth sculpture of naked reclining woman | Mail Online

Adopted Russian boy, 7, returned by US mother on one-way flight to Moscow... alone - Telegraph

The Daily Life of Kawther Salam «Kawther Salam

savethemales.ca - Lucifer god of Judaism? Reply to Jewish Scholar

Johnson & Johnson Pushed Drugs on Seniors, Suit Alleges

J&J spent $1.64M lobbying government in 4Q - BusinessWeek

Virginia Joins Suit Alleging that Johnson & Johnson Paid Kickbacks to Steer Nursing Home Prescriptions for Anti-Psychotics

Bad bottles, labels, drive two more Tylenol recalls - FiercePharma Manufacturing

Thailand protestors seize TV satellite station from police - Telegraph

New species 'lives without oxygen' - Telegraph

Paul A Drockton M.A.: New Nuke Treaty, George Albert Smith Prophecy and WWIII.

Ashtabula County: Judge tells residents to "Arm themselves"

NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'

It's Ponzimonium In The Gold Market

An Imperial Presidency In The Making?

Saving Souls–Losing Freedom

The Hutaree Militia Raid

LAROUCHE DEMANDS IMPEACHMENT Obama’s Afghan Policy Is Tantamount to Treason

Jesse Ventura speaks out about conspiracy theories in NaturalNews interview

Mike Rivero - The Dangers of Belief - MaxKeiser.com

Courthouse News Service: Mortgage Fraud Ring Busted

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura: Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann Are Puppets!

ah, mephistophelis.: Proof (at last) that Pope Hid Abuse

One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terrorists” : Neithercorp Press

American GIs & The Uniform Code of Military Justice

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins




Digital Economy Bill: Nine things you can't do any more - Crave at CNET UK

Alexander Cockburn: The Cover-Ups That Exploded


Dylan Ratigan Explains 'Con Job': Greenspan, Banks, Congress To Blame

The “indispensable” help received by Goldman | John Gapper's Business Blog | FT.com

The 'Full Version' of The Wikileaks Video Is Missing 30 Minutes of Footage - wikileaks - Gawker

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

ah, mephistophelis.: Submit, or Fight.

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers Discusses Commodities Market, Gold Prices

EclippTV :: Video :: If Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll Republicans May Stop Using Them!

Opium and the CIA: Can the US Triumph in the Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?

Schneier on Security: The Effectiveness of Air Marshals


BREAKING NEWS: Plane carrying Polish president crashes in Russia | Mail Online

Big Brother pre-crime quiz used on children

kenny's sideshow: A Zionist Jewish Lesbian Feminist Not So Free Speech Friendly Nominee for the Supreme Court?

Asia Times Online :: Central Asian News and current affairs, Russia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan

“The Dark Ages”: Frat Boys, Prostitutes & Christian Morality - | Sophrosyne Radical

Dawn Johnsen withdraws as nominee to head Justice Dept. Office of Legal Counsel | StarTribune.com

Drug gang hangs two from bridge near Mexico City | Reuters

Deir Yassin: History of the Massacre

The dark underbelly of Israel's security state > Palestine > Redress Information & Analysis

Text of 1985 letter from future Pope Benedict

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura: Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann Are Puppets!

ah, mephistophelis.: Proof (at last) that Pope Hid Abuse

One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terrorists” : Neithercorp Press

American GIs & The Uniform Code of Military Justice

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian


Digital Economy Bill: Nine things you can't do any more - Crave at CNET UK

Alexander Cockburn: The Cover-Ups That Exploded


Dylan Ratigan Explains 'Con Job': Greenspan, Banks, Congress To Blame

The “indispensable” help received by Goldman | John Gapper's Business Blog | FT.com

The 'Full Version' of The Wikileaks Video Is Missing 30 Minutes of Footage - wikileaks - Gawker

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

ah, mephistophelis.: Submit, or Fight.

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers Discusses Commodities Market, Gold Prices

EclippTV :: Video :: If Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll Republicans May Stop Using Them!

Opium and the CIA: Can the US Triumph in the Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?

Schneier on Security: The Effectiveness of Air Marshals

US to retain 90 nukes on Iran border

EclippTV :: Video :: Tim Geithner Gets Laughed at Reassuring US Dollar and Economy

OpEdNews - Article: Greenspan's Testimony: Two hours of buck-passing


EclippTV :: Video :: Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser -04-09-2010 (part 1)

EclippTV :: Video :: Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser -04-09-2010 (part2)

EclippTV :: Video :: Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser -04-09-2010 (part 3)


EclippTV :: Video :: Ron Paul on MSNBC 04/09/10 - CPAC, NEW Chief of Justice, Federal Reserve


Tinfoil Hat News: New Nuke Treaty and the Coming World War


EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura & Ron Paul on Larry King Live 04/09/10 (part 1)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura & Ron Paul on Larry King Live 04/09/10 (part 2)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura & Ron Paul on Larry King Live 04/09/10 (part 3)

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura & Ron Paul on Larry King Live 04/09/10 (part 4)


BREAKING NEWS: Plane carrying Polish president crashes in Russia | Mail Online

Big Brother pre-crime quiz used on children

kenny's sideshow: A Zionist Jewish Lesbian Feminist Not So Free Speech Friendly Nominee for the Supreme Court?

Asia Times Online :: Central Asian News and current affairs, Russia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan

“The Dark Ages”: Frat Boys, Prostitutes & Christian Morality - | Sophrosyne Radical

Dawn Johnsen withdraws as nominee to head Justice Dept. Office of Legal Counsel | StarTribune.com

Drug gang hangs two from bridge near Mexico City | Reuters

Deir Yassin: History of the Massacre

The dark underbelly of Israel's security state > Palestine > Redress Information & Analysis

Text of 1985 letter from future Pope Benedict

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura: Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann Are Puppets!

ah, mephistophelis.: Proof (at last) that Pope Hid Abuse

One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terrorists” : Neithercorp Press

American GIs & The Uniform Code of Military Justice

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian


Digital Economy Bill: Nine things you can't do any more - Crave at CNET UK

Alexander Cockburn: The Cover-Ups That Exploded


Dylan Ratigan Explains 'Con Job': Greenspan, Banks, Congress To Blame

The “indispensable” help received by Goldman | John Gapper's Business Blog | FT.com

The 'Full Version' of The Wikileaks Video Is Missing 30 Minutes of Footage - wikileaks - Gawker

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution

ah, mephistophelis.: Submit, or Fight.

EclippTV :: Video :: Jim Rogers Discusses Commodities Market, Gold Prices

EclippTV :: Video :: If Ron Paul Wins Another Straw Poll Republicans May Stop Using Them!

Opium and the CIA: Can the US Triumph in the Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?

Schneier on Security: The Effectiveness of Air Marshals

Chris Matthews Race Baits Pat Buchanan Over Confederate History

Soros Dems Say American People Rank IRS Over Tea Party

Bakiyev: No US, Russian involvement in turmoil

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

Gold Price Fixing Bombshell

The Bush Secrecy Legacy

The Guy Who Stole All Our Money Now Wants to Steal Our Paycheck, Too

Ron Paul On The Brutal And Futile War On Terror

'US banks reduced debt levels to mask risks': Rediff.com Business

Obama Advisor on MSNBC: Social Justice & Health Care ‘Are at the Heart of the Gospel’

Mom: Son who threatened Pelosi got radical ideas from Fox News

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Insists Health Care Law Doesn’t Require Individuals to Buy Insurance

England World Cup curtain-raiser targeted by terror group linked to al-Qa'eda | Mail Online

Polish President Lech Kaczynski dies in plane crash

Bonn or bust – The UN’s last, desperate bid for unelected world government

Ron Paul “We Should Pick Someone Who Respects The Constitution & Civil Rights & Property Rights!

Leading UK ISP Says It Will Defy Government’s Net Censorship Bill

Another pedophilia scandal rocks Vatican

Krugman Strikes Again

Fraud Finally Being Discussed in Polite Company … Now Where Are the Prosecutions?

The Cover-Ups That Exploded

Bernanke: We Must Raise Taxes and Cut Services • Sane People: No, We Need to Stop Endless Bail Outs, Imperial Adventures and Fraudulent Schemes

Obey the (Natural) Law

Who Was Niccoló Machiavelli?

Off the radar: Private planes hidden from public view

Secrecy in science is corrosive

Climate change and “The Birds”

Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK

Kyrgyzstan leader demands president go into exile as civil war threat rises - Telegraph

Binyamin Netanyahu pulls out of Washington nuclear weapons summit | World news | The Guardian

Soros Says Pound Devaluation Is Option for Next U.K. Government - Bloomberg.com

Investors 'Do Not Have Faith' In the Stock Market: Siebert - CNBC

US government 'abused rights' of Hurricane Katrina victims | News

Deputy uses Taser on Leadville students, apparently at their request - The Denver Post

George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent' - Times Online

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 9th With Mark Dice

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 8th With Peter Dale Scott


Elizabeth Taylor To Wed For Ninth Time? | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Sex Pistols' Steve Jones: 'Malcolm McLaren was the Brian Epstein of punk' | News | NME.COM

Sheen denies 11th hour ploy over show contract- msnbc.com

News - Gwyneth Paltrow Has "Potential" to Be Mean, Says Mom - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com

'Saturday Night Live' tonight: Tina Fey, Justin Bieber, and Fey-as-Palin. Are you looking forward to all three? | EW.com

"The Addams Family" Musical Disappoints on Broadway - ABC News

With no survivors in West Virginia mine blast, focus shifts to responsibility / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

FOXNews.com - Looming Supreme Court Battle May Derail Obama's Legislative Agenda

Palin fires up GOP on Obama, midterm elections at annual conference

Sarah Palin Fires Back at Obama, Mocks His "Experience" on Nuclear Issues - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Bart Stupak: Tea Party didn't force me to leave | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

U.S. Tries to Keep Summit Nuclear - WSJ.com

Obama Says Recovery Act Benefits Americans | American Life | English

Economy: Grassroots Tea Party Movement Shifting Nov. Midterm Elections

How badly did McDonnell stumble?

Confederate History Month fight: Obama rebukes Virginia governor / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

FOXNews.com - Tea for Two: Partiers Bask in the Glow of Palin and Bachmann

What's News: What do you think, is writing "tea baggers" off-limits?

The Associated Press: Analysis: Is GOP a party of yes, no or maybe so?

Newt Gingrich: We Need a President, Not an Athlete - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Majority of state GOP committees support Steele; others cite 'distractions'

The Associated Press: Majority of Republican Party chairs back Steele

Romney's advice: Focus on jobs, Mr. President - Saturday, Apr. 10, 2010

Possible 2012 foes Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty hit same stage - BostonHerald.com

Patrick slams school officials in teen suicide case - The Boston Globe

Attorney wants Phoebe Prince’s medical records - BostonHerald.com

Obama Nominee to Legal Office Withdraws - NYTimes.com

FOXNews.com - Obama's Controversial Justice Nominee Withdraws Amid GOP Protests

NorthJersey.com: Christie blasts teachers union for 'perverse' memo

Arrested Qatari Diplomat Likely to Lose Job After Shoe Incident With Air Marshalls - ABC News

Michelle Obama delves into the details on kids' obesity at task force meeting

World leaders pay tribute to Polish leader - CNN.com

World Leaders React to Polish President's Death | USA | English

Thai red shirt clashes kill eight - Bangkok governor | Reuters

Iran conf seeks world without nukes

China says Iran sanctions talks in NY constructive | Reuters

Victims of Government Shooting Buried in Kyrgyzstan | Asia | English

Pope Benedict willing to meet with more abuse victims, Vatican says - Los Angeles Times

The Associated Press: Sudan says elections will go ahead despite boycott

Russia's Adoptions Threat Worries Advocates - The Early Show - CBS News

BBC News - Brazil landslide death toll rises

U.S. security official: No new concrete Mideast peace plan - Haaretz - Israel News

UN process under fire at climate change talks - Telegraph

BBC News - Eugene Terreblanche: Love and hate

The Associated Press: Sri Lankan leader promises peace after poll win

The Associated Press: US ambassador says Washington, Kabul can disagree

UK's Labour clashes with Conservatives over marriage

Thai Leader Cancels Trip to Summit Meeting - NYTimes.com

American teenager attempts to climb Everest - Telegraph

The Associated Press: SAfrican president blasts outspoken youth leader

ANC Youth Leader Agrees to Stop Singing Controversial Anti-Apartheid Song | Africa | English

Shanghai aims for a world class fair - Los Angeles Times

Ousted Abbas aide: Israeli gov't held ransom by settler movement - Israel News, Ynetnews

Survey: Jews back Obama, Bibi | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

AFP: N.Korea leader sets world fashion trend: Pyongyang

Alex Jones: ‘Invisible Empire’ exposes a hidden history the public must learn

Poland’s Leaders Move to Weaken Currency, Then Die in Plane Crash

MSNBC’s Ratigan Remarkably Tells Truth About Bankster Scam

Agents Provocateurs Disrupt Washington State Protest

What do your IRS taxes really pay for?

Social workers take baby boy after mom refuses to feed him processed junk food

The REAL STORY on NYC sifting for human remains from Manny Badillo

The End of the Internet as We Know It in Britain

America: The Grim Truth

Republicans Running Scared of Ron Paul and Straw Polls

Iran claims Americans ‘worked for secret services’

Crash the Tea Party Crashes

The Obama Spin Machine Fights Trial

Soros: It’s Not Easy Being God

UPDATE 4-Netanyahu cancels trip to Obama's nuclear summit | News by Country | Reuters

U.S. Stocks Rise as Inventories Point to Strengthening Economy - BusinessWeek

Redmond police stage drug-trafficking check - KTVZ.com Central Oregons News, Weather and Sports Leader -

Hay fever may lay half of us low within 20 years | Mail Online

As democracy unravels at home, the west thuggishly exports it elsewhere | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

A plane went down in Smolensk, Russia today but Poland is forever

The Great Locomotive Chase

Glenn Beck is missing!

Non Science Nonsense

Jihadism’s War on Democracies

Kudos to Tea Party for Bagging Bart Stupak!

Agent Provocateur Mad Hatters want to crash your Tea Party

Polish president dies in air crash

04-09-2010: Former Fannie Mae Chief Says Failure Was Inevitable

Pat Buchanan: Both Sides Were Right In The Civil War

04-09-2010: Why Are Silver Sales Soaring?

New Pre-Human Species Offers Evolutionary Clues

04-09-2010: Bill targeting illegal file-sharing to become law

04-09-2010: Israeli organ-trafficking ring, including retired army general, arrested


World Bank's $3.75bn coal plant loan defies environment criticism

Citigroup bosses under fire for role in credit meltdown

Iraq War Vet: "We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us"

Cameras make Chicago the most closely watched U.S. city

Google Gives the US Government Access To Gmail

Abu Ghraib MP unit to return to Iraq

Prisoner demands compensation for Guantánamo nightmare

Americans 'worked for secret services'

NATO aircraft crashes in Afghanistan, killing 4

Doctors Remove Explosive Round From Soldier's Head

AIPAC: We'll take over the UC Berkeley student government

Pope Accused of Protecting Paedophile Priest

The President's Real Goal in Iraq

Olbermann on Obama's Assassination Program

The Pay-Any-Price Principle

PTSD, Infertility and other Consequences of War

"The Accountability Movement"

The Surveillance Regime

Where America Stands: World Power

Greenspan's Testimony:

Congress Is Finally Recognizing Border Violence Needs Attention

Rand Paul Could Save the GOP

Today's News: Substance No Match for BS

The Coming European Debt Wars

“Job Creation”–Stupid Is as Stupid Does

A New Wind Blows in Egypt

The Major Jewish American Organizations Defend Israel’s Humiliation of America

Obama's Nuclear Surprise

New START Will Not Affect Missile Shield Plans, Says Tusk

We're From the Government; We're Here to "Help" You to Death

American Indians Enslaved by the Federal Government

Leading UK ISP Says It Will Defy Government's Net Censorship Bill

The Muted Plain: Anticipating the Wake of the Wikileaks Revelation

Nuking the Mullahs

Eastern Philosopher Alan Watts Explains Drug War Scam From Way Back When

Alex's Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show

Ron Paul Discusses America’s Moral Decline & Economic Collapse

Shhh!!!, What If It Was Reported That They Are Spraying Aluminum?

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

When the Holy See pretends not to see

Expressing and suppressing dissent in D.C.

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

video:The Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101

The Reece Committee: Social Science as a Tool for Control

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Senate Poised to Vote on Democrat-Sponsored Bill Banning Chemical That the FDA Says Is Safe

Planned Parenthood Guide Tells HIV-Infected Youth to Enjoy Sex, Denounces Laws on Disclosure of HIV/AIDS to Sexual Partners

Sebelius: FDA Will Require Health Labels on Front of Food Packages

Palestinian Authority and Fatah Continue Their Longtime Practice of ‘Glorifying’ Terrorists

If Security-Clearance Check Reveals Homosexuality, Info Can’t Be Used To Discharge Soldiers, Says Defense Dept

U.S. Intelligence Says Sinaloa Cartel Has Won Battle for Ciudad Juarez Drug Routes

Value Added Tax Not a Bad Idea, Says Top White House Economic Adviser

Obama Telling Voters That Government Is Not All Bad

Sarah Palin to Address Republican Gathering in New Orleans Friday

IRS Says Health Care Coverage Fines Not Punitive, But Admits Govt Can Keep Refunds If Fines Not Paid

White House Touts New Transparency Rules, As Watchdogs Decry Administration’s Poor FOIA Responses

CIA Briefings Were Like 'Playing 20 Questions,' Says Former Ranking Member of Intel Committee

Solar-Powered Plane Makes Successful Maiden Flight

Ft. Hood Suspect to Be Isolated in Texas Jail

Former Fannie Mae Executives to Face Special Panel

Stupak Retiring after 9 Terms

Lance Bass, Others Sponsor Gay-Friendly Prom

Driverless Audi to Climb Pikes Peak

Researchers Developing A Test to Warn Smokers of Cancer Danger

District Attorney in Wisconsin Warns That Some Sex-Ed Instruction May Be Criminal

The New Intolerance

The Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church

Resistance Is Futile?

The Party of Fiscal Restraint Seems To Have A Problem With... Fiscal Restraint!

AC360 Panel Pretends the Tea Party Isn't Part of the Republican Establishment

Dawn Johnsen withdraws her nomination for OLC

Net neutrality isn't dead. Thanks, Comcast!

Jon Stewart rips Fox for extolling Reagan on nukes while attacking Obama (and nakedly lying about it)

If Municipal Bonds Crash, Our State And Local Governments Go With Them. Are They Next?

How Jon Kyl Learned to Love the Judicial Filibuster

President Obama: "Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues."

Massey Energy CEO So Determined To Win, He Financed Campaign For His Own Judge

When Romney Met Kennedy

Breitbart loses bet; blames Black Caucus for racial slurs

Another day, another anti-government terrorist arrested. Pipe bombs, anyone?

Rep. Bart Stupak announces his retirement

Justice John Paul Stevens to retire

Document: Bush, Cheney Knew They Sent Innocent Men To Gitmo, Kept Them There For 'Political' Reasons

CNN's "Fox Envy": Details Behind Their Fawning Tea Party Coverage Exposed

IRS more popular than Tea Parties

Media Uses McDonnell's 'Confederate History Month' to Trot Out the Racists

Michael Steele As Muppet

Fraud Warnings Intensify on Eve of Sudan Elections

Thousands Expected to Honor Cherokee's Mankiller

Eight Die as Troops, Protesters Clash in Bangkok

Cuban Diplomat in Mexico Has Defected to U.S.: Report

Analysis: Is GOP a Party of Yes, No or Maybe So?

Law Murky for Mom Who Returned Adopted Russian Boy

Polish President, Top Officials Killed in Plane Crash

E. Coli Kills Child, Sickens 3 at Wash. Day Care

Karzai Takes Steps to Bury Feud With Washington

U.S. Halts Troop Flights From Kyrgyz Base

What Looked Like Easy Governors' Races May Not Be

Earthquake Shakes Southern Alaska; No Damage

Yuan Rise Still on Cards Despite Rare Trade Deficit

Documents: Bullied Teen Sought Help From School

Missing West Virginia Miners Found Dead, Blast Toll at 29

Parents Issued Citations at Hawaii Furlough Sit-In

Police ID 21 Women in Serial Killer's Photos

Alaska Eagle Survives Plunge After Mating Dance

Crystal Cathedral Megachurch Meets With Creditors

Jury: Preacher Killed Wife, Froze Body

Newly Discovered Letter: Future Pope Resisted Defrocking Pedophile Priest

Elephant Kicks Trainer at Pa. Circus, Killing Him

Fight Over NJ Beach Sand Replenishment Gets Dirty

Palin, Obama Spar From a Distance

Aftershock Hits California-Mexico Border Region

Clinton Urges Bipartisan Push on Nukes

Timothy White, Victim of 1980 Kidnapping, Dies

Aging Diamond Thieves Held in Alleged Bank Plot

Russia Eyes U.S. Adoption Freeze After Boy Sent Back

Informant in Mexican Drug War Freed From NY Jail

Politics to Play Central Role in Obama's Supreme Court Pick

Battle Lines Drawn for Justice Stevens' Replacement on High Court

Leahy Pushes Early Hearings on Court Nominee

Reaction to Justice John Paul Stevens' Retirement

Potential Obama Nominees for the Supreme Court

McConnell: Stevens' Replacement Must Show 'Restraint'

Hillary Woos McConnell in Pitch for Nuclear Treaty

Texas Gov. Perry Urges Republicans to Say 'No'

Palin Attacks Obama on Energy Policy, Eyes 2012

Romney: Steele Is a 'Distraction'

Obama: Slave History Omission 'Unacceptable'

Prosecutors: Pelosi Feared for Family After Calls

Obama: I Don't Need Palin's Advice on Nukes

Liz Cheney: Obama's Healthcare Push Arrogant

Jindal to GOP: I'm Not Running for President

Raabe, 'Wizard of Oz' Munchkin Actor, Dies at 94

House, Senate to Hold Hearings On Mine Explosion

Iran Unveils More Efficient Centrifuge Machines

Polish Leader, 95 Others Dead in Russia Jet Crash

GOP Vows 'Whale of a Fight' over High Court Pick

Cable Ties Kissinger to Chile Controversy

Polish Crash Focuses on Old Russian Jet

U.S. Navy Gun Battle Nets Somali Pirates

NATO Afghan Base Called 'Coney Island'

Hillary Says Cuba's Castros Want Status Quo

Krugman: Inflation Hawks Will Fuel Unemployment

Pimco: Stocks, Bonds Won’t Be Normal for Years

9 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda Now

FDA Reviewing Safety of Soap Additive

CO2 May Explain Near-Death Experiences

NASA Chief: Space Agency Positioned to Grow

FCC Plans to Move Forward With Broadband Plan Soon

'Mind-Reading' Brain-Scan Software Showcased

Reality TV Producer and Wife Always 'On the Go'

Mel Gibson to Donate Movie Sets to Mexican Museum

Oprah Winfrey Plans Nighttime Show On Her Network

CAIR Defending Radical Imam Killed by FBI

Catholic Church Trying to Atone for Misdeeds

Prison in Store for Obamacare Offenders

Obamacare Losing Points Since Passage

Hip-Pocket Politics: How To Become a Tack by Gary North

A Grand Adventure by Fred Reed

Who Was Niccolò Machiavelli? by Murray N. Rothbard

From Where Comes Consent? by David Calderwood

Murder.gov by Becky Akers

Production Killing Basics by William L. Anderson

You Just Bought a Gun? Whatever You Do, Don't Shoot It! by Greg Perry

Has the Bull Market in Commodities Run Its Course? - WyattResearch.com

CNN Touts Civilian Service Corps As Way Of Shedding Student Debt

Property Tax Rebellion in States After Real Estate Crash - ABC News

Tea Party Ads Target Stupak for ‘Betrayal’ on Health-Care Vote - Bloomberg.com

Polish leader, 96 others dead in Russia jet crash - Yahoo! News

Poland in shock as president dies in crash - Telegraph

BBC News - Polish President Lech Kaczynski dies in plane crash

Polish President Lech Kaczynski Killed When Plane Crashed On Approach To Smolensk Airport In Russia | World News | Sky News

Polish president, top officials killed in plane crash | Reuters

Polish president and elite killed in plane crash - Yahoo! News

BREAKING NEWS: Plane carrying Polish president crashes in Russia | Mail Online

Union Memo Hints At N.J. Gov.'s Death - wcbstv.com

Al-Qaeda threaten to bomb the World Cup | The Sun |News

Muslim woman strangled by her burkha in freak go-kart accident | Mail Online

FT.com / Commodities - Oil could give kiss of death to recovery

High and Low Finance - Why So Glum? History Suggests a Strong Recovery - NYTimes.com

Foreclosures Hit Rich and Famous - WSJ.com

Wal-Mart Cuts Prices, Polishes Discount Image - WSJ.com

Teen Suspects To Appear In Family Court Saturday - wcbstv.com

12-Year-Old Protester Arrested At Senator's Office - Politics News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Judge says he may unveil key Blagojevich document



CNSNews.com - Sean Hannity: ‘If You Look Up the Dictionary Definition of Socialism, This Is It’

Liz Cheney: Obama Putting America on Path to Decline - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Palin Fires Back at Obama's Nuclear Experience (Video) - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama Performs Statist-Assisted Suicide on the American Economy

Gingrich: Obama is 'most radical president ever' - Yahoo! News

iPranged a submarine | The Sun |News

UPDATE 4-Netanyahu cancels trip to Obama's nuclear summit | News by Country | Reuters

Netanyahu ducks U.S. nuclear summit, fearing censure | Reuters

Justice John Paul Stevens announces his retirement from Supreme Court

My Way News - Obama promises quick court replacement for Stevens

Anderson Cooper trying talk show format -- The Live Feed | THR

Margo Howard: The Blackballing of Kitty Kelley's Oprah Bio | wowOwow

USA Swimming Coaches Molested, Secretly Taped Dozens of Teen Swimmers - ABC News

My Way News - NKorea vows to keep building nuclear bombs

Tax Returns of the Living Dead | NBC New York

When did 'anti-government' become a bad thing?

Ariz. House approves concealed weapons bill | Antiwar Newswire

US government official: JFK cover-up, film fabrication

Natural Health from A to Z - Mason County News - Mason, Texas




REVIEW: ‘Dodo’ is a Penetrating & Touching Docu-Comedy

Barack Obama, Talking Crap II: This Time It’s Crap

Daily Gut: Johnny Rotten Says Goodbye to Malcolm Mclaren

‘The Next Oprah’: Rosie O’Donnell Calls Big Hollywood Reader a ‘B*tch’ (Twice)

REVIEW: Good Cast, Energetic Direction Lift Action-Comedy ‘Date Night’

Progressive Jazz: How the Left’s ‘Teachable Moments’ Killed Bradley’s

Shouldn’t ‘Funny or Die’ Just Give It Up and Become ‘Liberal or Die?’

INTERVIEW: ‘Letters to God’ Director Insists On a Message In His Films

Daily Gut: The Consequences of Chicken Little

Why Won’t Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) Come Clean about the Dar Al-Hijrah Fundraiser?

Live Streaming Video: Michele Bachmann

Regulating the Internet, One Way or the Other


Reason.tv: Why California is Doomed (Spending!); Q and A With Flash Report’s Jon Fleischman

Stevens Retiring: Buckle Up!

Post-Party Summits: Organizing for a Free America

Action Item: 100% Repeal of ObamaCare

Stupak to Retire, Betting Pool on His ‘Next Job’ Now Open

Stimulus War: The Left’s Attack on Veronique de Rugy

Is Obama Misunderestimating Nuclear Weapons’ Contribution to Peace?

Blaine Amendment: The Last of the Jim Crow Laws

Along the Border: A Report From Camp Vigilance the MSM Doesn’t Want You To Read

Who’s Looking Out For You: Is the American Media Corrupt?

In Exposing ACORN ‘Lies,’ Maddow Leaves Truth On the Cutting Room Floor

On Television, the Rhetoric Wars Are Starting To Go Nuclear

Alan Grayson Disrupts Republican Meeting, MSM Declines to Notice; ‘He’d Rather Pick a Fight With a Woman’

Christian Family Has 19 Kids, Liberal Media Sneers

To Judge the News, Consider the Source — Especially the New York Times

Useful Idiots: Not News

David Shuster, Faust, and the Perils of Selling Your Soul

Edit This, Governor Moonbeam: It’s Called ‘Journalism’

Maddow: O’Keefe Hid Important Facts About ACORN!!!! (Patterico Responds: Except That He Didn’t)

Racist Hate Mail Attacks Tea Party Express; MSM Sticks to ‘Narrative’

Maybe One Of These Days the MSM Will Actually Cover This Candidate for Congress… Nah

Mush From the Wimp: Obama, Orwell and National-Security Psychobabble

Three Things CNN Can Do To Save Itself: (Hint — Don’t Hire David Shuster)

The Mainstream Media: Fourth Estate Or Fifth Column?

FOXNews.com - Looming Supreme Court Battle May Derail Obama's Legislative Agenda

Vulnerable Dems keeping health care forums casual - Washington Times

PRUDEN: No nukes not good news - Washington Times

Elena Kagan Emerging As Supreme Court Front-Runner

My Way News - Obama pick for Justice post withdraws

Inhofe: 'There's nothing nice' about Pelosi

ROTHBARD & RUCKER: Global warming's weak links - Washington Times

Muslim Aid: the Hamas connection – Telegraph Blogs

Union Memo Hints At N.J. Gov.'s Death - wcbstv.com

End to 'loaded' Islamic terms welcomed - UPI.com

Risk and Debt: Major U.S. Banks Masked Risk Levels: Report - CNBC

Bloomberg: No mercy in Times Square wilding - NYPOST.com

As agents clear out Mexican gangs, more brutal ones move in - Washington Times

Refugee jailed for strangling 'too Australian' wife

Study: Health aid made some countries cut budgets

Shen Neng 1 | Ship aground on Great Barrier Reef | News.com.au

Australopithecus Sediba: the two million year old boy | News.com.au

Yemeni child bride dies of bleeding after intercourse | News.com.au


For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 1

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 2

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 3

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 4

For Conservative Movie Lovers: Ian Fleming, Sean Connery, and ‘Goldfinger’ Part 5


*4/9:TranscriptsObama's Remarks on Justice Stevens' Retirement

*4/8:Obama & Medvedev Sign New START Treaty

Roundtable on the START Treaty

Senators Feinstein & Kyl Debate the START Treaty

NSC Chief-of-Staff McDonough on START

Interview with Rep. Pete Hoekstra

Economic Policy: Lessons from History


PostPartisan - After Justice John Paul Stevens retires

Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- msnbc.com

The American Spectator : The Man With the Plan

Margo Howard: The Blackballing of Kitty Kelley's Oprah Bio | wowOwow

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens to Retire in Summer - WSJ.com

The Next Justice | The New Republic

John Paul Stevens' unexpectedly liberal legacy - latimes.com

Left-leaning Justice Stevens resigns but who will replace him? - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Op-Ed Columnist - Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court - NYTimes.com

Casualty of ObamaCare - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - What the Euphemisms Tell Us

Eradicating Nukes Should Still Be Our Goal - Eleanor Clift - Newsweek.com

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - Israel the Strong Horse

RealClearPolitics - On McDonnell's Confederate Mistake

Op-Ed Columnist - The Curse of the Wow Factor - NYTimes.com

Hate speech, hypocrisy from AFL-CIO chief - BostonHerald.com

Dana Rohrabacher's War | Mother Jones

Obama moves to reaffirm ties with Karzai

RealClearPolitics - A V-Shaped Boom Is Coming

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - Three Republicans To Watch In 2012

Supreme Court needs another mind like John Paul Stevens' - latimes.com

Obama's Supreme right - NYPOST.com

Fair review for next nominee? - The Denver Post

EDITORIAL: Don't upset the unions -- or else - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

Obama: Stimulus led to big refunds - Eamon Javers - POLITICO.com

Republicans warn Steele against fumbling speech to party faithful - The Hill's Ballot Box

White House Withdraws Johnsen for Justice Nomination - WSJ.com

Census volunteers will pile on the pressure Saturday


*Politics Video:4/10-Maddow: Stevens' Departure Threatens Court's Balance

Ingraham: Obama Took The Bait From Palin

Olbermann: GOP "Desperate" To Define Itself "For A Volatile Base"

Special Report Panel On Obama's Supreme Court Decision


*4/9-Palin: Obama Doctrine Is "Coddling Enemies" While "Alienating Our Allies"

Countdown: Will Republicans Block The Nuke Treaty?

Rep. Bart Stupak Announces Retirement From Congress

Obama: Stevens Leaving At "Top Of His Game"

Dem Congressman Grayson Interrupts Gathering

Justice John Paul Stevens To Retire From Supreme Court

Krauthammer: U.S. Got "Very Little" From Russia On Iran

Rep. Barney Frank Blames Gingrich, Media For Hyper-Partisan Political Climate

GOP Senator: Expect More Senate Retirements

Ingraham: Pro-Pot People Push For Palin

Jon Stewart Skewers FOX News For Reporting On Nuclear Treaty

CBS' Schieffer: GOP Firing Up The Base

Obama: Nuclear Treaty "Absolutely Vital"

Matthews: GOP Has Gone "Topsy-Turvy"

Maddow: Coburn Not Discouraged By Hypocritical Record


Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 6

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 7


Debbie Schlussel:Funny: VIDEO Commentary on Creepy Nike Dead Dad Ad & Tiger Woods Return

Debbie Schlussel:New Muslim Part-Owners Ban “Jesus,” “Christ,” “Thank G-d” @ Ultimate Fighting Championship

Debbie Schlussel:Party Like It’s 1939: Obama Bans Israeli Nuke Scientists From US, Bans Sale of Radiation Detectors to Israel! Why Netanyahu Canceled @ Obama’s Nuke Summit (EXCLUSIVE Exact Translation of Ma’ariv Article)

Debbie Schlussel:Your Day in Islamic (Child) Marital Bliss

Debbie Schlussel:Told Ya So: Shoe Bombing Muslim “Joker” Not Charged, Qatar Defends Him, Criticizes US; Blase Feds

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: ABC News Reporter on CAIR Story Was CAIR Official!

Debbie Schlussel:Here’s a Little “Diplomatic Immunity” For the Qatari Diplomat (VIDEO)

Debbie Schlussel:Muslim “Humor”: Now Even Islamic Ambassadors Are Doing Dry Runs

WaPo, NYT spike coverage of Obama Admin Denunciation of Abbas, Palestinian Authority

Free software movement a key to America's future

The Democratic Party and the Sin of Slavery

America's surrender of space


*Happy Tax Freedom Day


Steyn on Thought Police

Would Lincoln be a Republican today? Let's ask him!

Tea Parties targeted for infiltration

Political arson in Flint, MI?

The Great Political War Obama Never Expected

Howard Dean: The Bet's Off on Incumbency

How Much Risk Is Too Much?

In Fond Memory of the Status Quo

When Civil Rights Make Civil Hands Unclean

The Liberty to Achieve

Reading the Tea Leaves of Health Reform

The Naked Left

Government Is the Biggest Lawbreaker

Can the Government Force You to Buy a Condom?

Odd but Welcome Bedfellows

Cornhuskers Choose Life

The Coming British Non-Election

The Scientific Socialism of Today

Protectionism Didn't Cause the Great Depression

Ludwig von Mises: Setting the Record Straight

Obama's Blueprint for Total Federal Control in Public Education

Mother Jones Loves War - Just Not Good at Hiding It.

The Ethics of Capitalism vs. Socialism vs. Communitarianism

One Cheer for Barack Obama


Obamacare is Unconstitutional - Part 1

Obamacare is Unconstitutional – Part 2


Totalitarian Collectivism1

Totalitarian Collectivism2

Totalitarian Collectivism3

Totalitarian Collectivism3

Totalitarian Collectivism4


Newt Gingrich 2012?

First on-site video of plane crash that killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski

More than 200,000 flee Pakistan tribal regions | Antiwar Newswire

Reuters AlertNet - Iraq anti-US cleric Sadr urges unity vs Americans

Israel, a New Decade by Ran HaCohen -- Antiwar.com

Sovereign debt crisis at 'boiling point', warns Bank for International Settlements - Telegraph

Convince People of Absurdities and get them Acquiescing to Atrocities: The Enduring Power of Machiavellian Political Science

Israel viewed as world's sixth nuclear power: analysts - Yahoo! News

3 More Warnings Sounding for the Euro | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

Who is behind the Assassinations of Iraq's Brains ?

Obama's Guantanamo



Occupied Washington DC | AfterDowningStreet.org

YouTube - AP Writer: Vatican 'In the Loop' on Calif Priest

Russian Move Against US In Poland Kills President, Most Of Government

French Leader Sarkozy Slams Obama, Warns “He Might Be Insane”

Russia Moves Against US In Kyrgyzstan, Thailand As World War III Nears

‘Death Camps’ Warned Being Prepared As Millions In US Left Hopeless

World leaders pay tribute to Polish leader - CNN.com

Iran to Hold Nuclear Summit | Middle East | English

Thai Military Cracks Down - Protesters Fight Back - NYTimes.com

Victims of Government Shooting Buried in Kyrgyzstan | Asia | English

BBC News - Eugene Terreblanche: Love and hate

U.S. Air Force Osprey crashes in Afghanistan

BBC News - Sherpas cancel plan to spread Hillary ashes on Everest

Brzezinski: Bold move needed to advance peace - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Associated Press: Last hope gone: 4 W.Va. coal miners found dead

Justice Stevens retirement portends long, hot political summer / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Bart Stupak: Tea Party didn't force me to leave | freep.com | Detroit Free Press

Palin fires up GOP on Obama, midterm elections at annual conference

As tax day and elections loom, Obama touts tax cuts | Reuters

Sarah Palin Says Republicans Are Ready for 2010 Election - ABC News

GOP gathering a 'jump-start' to 2012 race - CNN.com

How badly did McDonnell stumble?

FOXNews.com - Tea for Two: Partiers Bask in the Glow of Palin and Bachmann

Majority of state GOP committees support Steele; others cite 'distractions'

Romney's advice: Focus on jobs, Mr. President - Saturday, Apr. 10, 2010

Arrested Qatari Diplomat Likely to Lose Job After Shoe Incident With Air Marshalls - ABC News


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Dems 'profiteering over racism'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Website highlights your wasted dollars

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Tax expert: Liberalism costs money, jobs

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Iraq War veteran says it can go 'zero to hell in a second'


Obama spies boost monitoring of Jews

NASA's time is past

Don't give to the RNC!

State poised to punish free speech at schools

Irony report: Was CNN 'tea-bagged'?

Tea party 'infiltration,' destruction promised

Obama spies boost monitoring of Jews

Unprecedented: U.S. bargaining on behalf of Palestinians

Illiterate, Corrupt and Trigger-Happy: German Trainers Describe Pitiful State of Afghan Police - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

LiveLeak.com - WIKI DECEPTION: Iraq "Collateral Murder" Video Rebuttal: Scenes WikiLeaks Edited Out!!

Former Red Army Faction member Becker indicted - The Local

US accuses Iran of 'nefarious' intentions - Israel News, Ynetnews

Sean Hannity, 'drinking his own blood for 20 years'

Taxing Atlas

U.S. has 'enough oil to be independent'

Pediatricians warn educators not to promote being 'gay'

Stupak, linchpin of health bill, calls it quits | thestarpress.com | The Star Press

Bart Stupak retires: His health-care saga

Tea Party members pleased Stupak will not run again | wzzm13.com | Grand Rapids, MI

Justice Stevens Retires: White House Ready With Potential Supreme Court Nominees - ABC News

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Mark Levin's Stern Warning About Obama's Supreme Court Pick

Ayers: 'To be young in Chicago was to be a n-gger'

AP Exclusive: Sinaloa cartel wins Juarez turf war - El Paso Times

East Germany's Forgotten Bunkers: New Research Sheds Light on Soviet Plans for World War III - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000

3rd Circuit picks June 29 for eligibility case

No birth certificate? No Obamacare!

Officer to Obama: Burden of proof must rest with you

President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief

video:Hell is no laughing matter

video:God's forgotten 'universal proclamation'


*American Minute for April 10th:William J Federer's American Minute


Despite a life of hardship, he's headed for West Point - latimes.com

Teens stage revolution | GJSentinel.com

PREACH IT! Demi Moore saves the Earth, all by herself | Ministry of Gossip | Los Angeles Times

KFC's Double Down chicken sandwich with no bread unveiled | Mail Online

Experts to design molecule to shut down fat gene | Reuters

Cancer protective effect of fruits and vegetables may be modest at best

nrc.nl - International - Features - Kangaroo meat: healthy but controversial

Trees to commemorate Civil War soldiers - The Frederick News-Post Online

JEWISH CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS: My Family’s Fate on the Day Lee Surrendered - Huntington News Network

Civil War Reenactors Marching 47 Miles|ABC 13

Chinese Party lothario took kickbacks to finance his dream of 800 lovers - Times Online

Swedish ex-Nazi extradited over sign theft - The Local

Anger Over Mom Who Sent Adopted Boy Back to Russia - ABC News

Drug addicts offered cash to stop reproducing - Telegraph

Oceana County infant suffocates while breast feeding | wzzm13.com | Grand Rapids, MI

Can nutritional cocktail boost stem cells?

Vitamin pills can increase cancer risk: study - The Local

Demons of the Past: The Armenian Genocide and the Turks - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Republican Party needs new playbook

Why I'm running for Congress

Obama's private army?

NASA's time is past

My gay America

Why abortion's not a states' rights issue

What is intellectual racism?

The United States of Gulliver

Dumbing down God

Olbermann on Obama's assassination program - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Is there anything worth dying for?

Bribery Strikes Out by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal 8 April 2010

More Americans Give Up Citizenship As IRS Gets Aggressive Overseas

Top bloggers take on tax agency - The Local

Tax Returns of the Living Dead | NBC New York

Lawsuits against Toyota are consolidated - latimes.com

U.S. looking into brake failure possibility in 6 million older GM trucks - latimes.com

Confusing Car Terms Explained - Forbes.com

Business & Technology | Ex-Fannie Mae execs try to defend track record | Seattle Times Newspaper

California Legislature approves tax break for people in foreclosures, short sales - latimes.com

Congressional budget office: Fiscal policy is 'unsustainable' - The Hill's On The Money

Ten U.S. Cities In Free Fall - Forbes.com


Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-09, Friday

The Michael Savage Show Podcast

04/09 The Mark Levin Show

April 9, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN


#video:ABC News Investigation: USA Swim Coaches Taped & Molested Dozens of Teen Girls

Labour Candidate Sacked Over Twitter Abuse

Jet Crash Kills Poland’s President & Top Military and Financial Leaders

Teaching Sex Ed Could Be a Crime in Wisconsin County

Code Pink Activist Targets Karl Rove at Book Signing — Again

Iowa Cops Arrest 12-Year-Old War Protester at Senator’s Office

Dog Survives Being Shot Four Times in the Head

North Carolina GOP Leader: Steele Should Go

U.S. Mom Sends Adopted 7-Year-Old Back to Russia By Himself

Liz Cheney to Obama: Stop Apologizing for America and Start Defending Her

Fox News Anchor Confuses Which Chris Is Which

Miner Left Poignant Note for Girlfriend Just Days Before Deadly Explosion

Where’s the Outrage? U.S. Flag Burned at Left-Wing Protest

Obama: Retiring Supreme Court Justice Leaving at ‘Top of His Game’

Palin Escalates ‘Nuclear’ War with Obama

Rep. Stupak Announces Retirement Citing Stress of Congressional Job

Rep. Grayson Crashes GOP Meeting at Perkins Family Restaurant

Stepdad of NJ Girl Defends Three Accused of Raping Her

Limbaugh: Obama Is ‘Inflicting Untold Damage on This Country’

Liz Cheney: ‘President Obama Is Playing a Reckless Game’

Video: 7NEWS Learns Of Possible Laser Incidents Over Denver

The man who survived two atom bombs

Video: Analyst: Vatican Feels Under Attack

Video: Person struck by Amtrak train

Video: Mother fights for justice for her daughter

President Obama Sends His Deepest Condolences to W.Va.

Mark Levin: Civil Disobedience Is Coming

Savage Slams Obama: ‘He Is Our Destroyer-in-Chief’

Gingrich: Obama Is ‘Most Radical President Ever’

Burkha Strangling: Muslim Women Dies in Freak Go-Kart Accident

Rare Blue Diamond Fetches $6.4m

Obama: ‘Unacceptable’ to Omit Slavery From Confederate History Month

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Insists Health Care Law Doesn’t Require Individuals to Buy Insurance

Update: ‘Survivor’ Producer Arrested After Missing Wife Found Dead

CNN Exclusive: Feds Play Audio Recording at Hearing for Hutaree Militia Members

Tiger Woods Ad Ripped Audio from 2004 Documentary

Donald Trump: China Is Laughing at Us

New Nike Ad Features Voice of Tiger’s Dad

Barney Frank Says Gingrich, Media to Blame for Angrier Politics

Obama Advisor on MSNBC: Social Justice & Health Care ‘Are at the Heart of the Gospel’

MSNBC’s Matthews: Would Lincoln Be a Republican Today?

Hannity: Would You Like to See a Palin-Bachmann Ticket?