"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

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**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

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Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

12 April 2010

12 April



YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.1

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul & Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.2

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.3

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.4

YouTube - Jesse Ventura Ron Paul Stephanie Miller on Larry King Jesse Guest Host pt.5


Canada Free Press: Online conservative newspaper, News, Politics, Editorials

WikiLeaks’ Theories Are Full of Holes

Should Obama Step Down? Hell, Yes!

We Must Know Who We Are to Decide What We Will Be

Poland Decapitated Again

The Sacrifices of the Religion of Liberalism

FBI Destroyed File on Obama’s Grandfather, Journalist Discloses

Obama, unilateral Denuclearizer-in-Chief

Unions Now Starting Their Own Political Party

U.S. Consulate Bombing in Mexico Ignored by White House

Obama: Authority or Authoritarian

A 12-Step Recovery Program for Overcoming Liberal Insanity

Chicago Alderman Feasts on Asian Carp: Bottom Feeder Eats a Bottom Feeder

What do telephones and car insurance have to do with health care???

Infowars.com Reviews Half Life 2

CNN Article Equates Confederate Soldiers to Terrorists

Ron Paul: President Obama Is Not A Socialist | TPMDC

Soros: It’s Not Easy Being God

Idiot Fox Pundit Claims Ron Paul Stole Straw Poll Votes

YouTube - MEDIA FAIL: Foxnews says Ron Paul Bought His Straw Poll Votes At SRLC

Flashback: Fluoride Poisons Children in Jharkhand, India

Google CEO and Obama Activist Wants Machines to Pick News

*Did Global Elite Kill Polish President Kaczynski?

Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

Is the World’s Second Biggest Economy On the Ropes?

Nuclear terrorism is gravest threat to global security, Barack Obama warns - Telegraph

25 MAR:WikiLeaks Followed by CIA and State Department

Whistleblowers on US ‘massacre’ fear CIA stalkers - Times Online

President Lech Kaczynski of Poland Dies at 60 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

What do your IRS taxes really pay for?

All bets are off if US under biological attack, warns Hillary Clinton | Herald Sun

Janet Napolitano, Supreme Court Justice?

Republicans Running Scared of Ron Paul and Straw Polls

Unclear future - NYPOST.com

Redmond police stage drug-trafficking check - KTVZ.com Central Oregons News, Weather and Sports Leader -

FOXNews.com - Mexican 'Assassin Teams' May Target U.S. Law Enforcement, DHS Warns

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports

Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year

VIDEO:Government "Help" for Native Americans - lesson to be learned

CFR: Harnessing International Institutions to Address Climate Change

Facebook under privacy microscope

Shoppers choose green products to improve social status, says study

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

VIDEO:IBM: The Internet of Things

*Ron Paul On The State Of The GOP

How The Black Bloc Anarchists Are Used To Provocateur Violence

Leaked U.S. Document Calls For “Global Regime” To Tackle Climate Change

Did Global Elite Kill Polish President Kaczynski?

Analysis: error, pressure or lost in translation - Times Online

DailyWealth | VAT United States Value Added Tax

Obama warning on terrorists getting nuclear weapons - Times Online

Ex-Goldman trader blows whistle on silver and gold manipulation by JPMorgan, HSBC - NYPOST.com

Low-energy light bulbs 'keep flicking our television channels at random ' | Mail Online

How Many More Tears? How Many More Funerals?


*Who REALLY Owns The Media In 2010? | Real Zionist News


Roy Tov – Holocaust Day


Truth Media Productions:What in the World Are They Spraying? Part I

What Are They Spraying Us With? - Pt II


YouTube - chemtrailspHcdrom.mov


Hungary party to follow European extremism's move away from fringes | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Helen Thomas on her one question for Obama

Adult Stem Cells - Diabetes type1

The Accomodationists: Memo to Liberals on the White House Death Warrants

savethemales.ca - Sarah Palin - Is Tea Party Mascot New World Orderly?

Must We Love A Wrathful God?

Why Doesn't Real Freedom Exist?

businesses-on-the-brink-change-or-fail: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Greece Wins EU45 Billion Aid Pledge to Blunt Crisis (Update3) - Bloomberg.com

China Imports Trigger Trade Deficit, Add Pressure for Yuan Move - Bloomberg.com

America is No Longer Free | Atlantic Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times

To achieve Mideast peace, Obama must make a bold Mideast trip

BBC News - First oxygen-free animals found

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

Chemical Moshe « Mantiq al-Tayr

Laodiceans at the White House

The American Workplace: Sweatshop USA

YouTube - What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't


YouTube - NEDA'S DEATH - NOT REAL!!- (Iran Protest)


YouTube - Tea Party James on Martial Law


YouTube - 1a Ancient Greek Alphabet (LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION SERIES)

YouTube - 1b Ancient Greek Alphabet (LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION SERIES)

YouTube - 1c Ancient Greek Alphabet (LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION SERIES)

YouTube - 1d Ancient Greek Alphabet (LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION SERIES)


YouTube - Mike Rivero - The Dangers of Belief


Paul A Drockton M.A.: The Ron Paul Resurgence

YouTube - CrossTalk on Billionaires: The money tumor

YouTube - Chelene Nightingale on Martial Law

The Geminoid F brings us a step closer to Bladerunner - Telegraph

Psst: Hillary Rodham Clinton for Supreme Court? | detnews.com | The Detroit News

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Washington D.C. Lockdown

If mainstream medicine really works, why are Americans so unhealthy?




Monsanto Under Investigation by Seven US States

TaxProf Blog: TRAC: IRS Audit Rate of Large Companies Continues to Plummet

The Jews of Iraq by Naeim Giladi

A bailout for news? - St. Petersburg Times

Reflections in a Petri Dish: Lady Apocalypse is Coming into Bloom.

Looting Main Street: How the Nation's Biggest Banks are ripping off American Cities

Orwellian Justice System: Spying on Americans Continues Despite Court Order

Anti-War Left and Anti-War Right Unite in Massachusetts | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

Vatican forgives Beatles for Lennon’s Jesus remark - thestar.com

FDA says studies on triclosan, used in sanitizers and soaps, raise concerns

'Your breast implants could explode', warns British health agency | Mail Online

Fury as Russia sells its missile system to Iran - Exclusive - mirror.co.uk


EclippTV :: Video :: Microchipping Airport Workers




EclippTV :: Video :: Deputy Tasers Fellow Female Officer In The Ass Just For Kicks


The Deadly Game Between The House of Rothschild and Freedom-Loving America


YouTube - Alan Keyes on Alex Jones (1) (NWO SERIES/ FROM 'SECURITY' TO 'SERFDOM')

YouTube - Alan Keyes on Alex Jones (2) (NWO SERIES/ FROM 'SECURITY' TO 'SERFDOM')

YouTube - Alan Keyes on Alex Jones (3) (NWO SERIES/ FROM 'SECURITY' TO 'SERFDOM')

YouTube - Alan Keyes on Alex Jones (4) (NWO SERIES/ FROM 'SECURITY' TO 'SERFDOM')

YouTube - Alan Keyes on Alex Jones (5) (NWO SERIES/ FROM 'SECURITY' TO 'SERFDOM')







YouTube - Texe Marrs, Planet X (1) (2012, PLANET X & PLANET NIBIRU SERIES/ 'A Christian Perspective')

YouTube - Texe Marrs, Planet X (2) (2012, PLANET X & PLANET NIBIRU SERIES/ 'A Christian Perspective')

YouTube - Texe Marrs, Planet X (3) (2012, PLANET X & PLANET NIBIRU/ 'A Christian Perspective')

YouTube - Texe Marrs, Planet X (5) (2012, PLANET X & PLANET NIBIRU SERIES/ 'A Christian Perspective')

YouTube - Texe Marrs, Planet X (6) (2012, PLANET X & PLANET NIBIRU/ 'A Christian Perspective')

YouTube - Texe Marrs, Planet X (7) (2012, PLANET X & PLANET NIBIRU/ 'A Christian Perspective')

YouTube - Texe Marrs, Planet X (8) (2012, PLANET X & PLANET NIBIRU SERIES/ 'A Christian Perspective')


Your Taxes and War by Tom Engelhardt -- Antiwar.com

American's Journey: False Flag at 32 Minute Mark: The Panama Deception Video

Think Tank Speculates War Could Break Out with Syria - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News


Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism

Totalitarian Collectivism


YouTube - Salbuchi - Second Republic - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Salbuchi - Second Republic - Part 2of 2


New discoveries indicate ancient British sun worship

Newsmax - Saakashvili: 'Something Incredibly Evil' About Kaczynski Death

Polish President Murdered In Staged Plane Crash?

Poland no longer needs IMF credit line - World - Economy - Dalje.com

flashback:Ron Brown:Was Ron Brown Assassinated? Experts Differ on Ron Brown's Head Wound

Did Bill Clinton order Ron Brown killed?

The Ron Brown Plane Crash - Did CIA Hawks Assassinate Ron Brown?

Jack Cashill - What Barack Obama ought to know about Ron Brown

WINDS - Ron Brown Classic Accident or Conspiracy Cover-up?

1994 Republican Rout Is Casting Shadow in 2010 - NYTimes.com

The Descent of Liberalism - Michael Knox Beran - National Review Online

The true patriotism of paying taxes - The Boston Globe

House Republicans say they're going cold turkey on pork projects - latimes.com

James Carafano: Reagan would not start with today's Russia | Washington Examiner

Absence of key U.S. allies at summit amplifies doubts about Obama’s foreign policy | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Obama's Nuclear Summit: Leaders Meet for Security Talks - TIME

Why the RNC Is Fast Losing Its Grip -- New York Magazine

Mark Landsbaum: EPA choking freedom - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Robert Reich: The Jobs Picture Still Looks Bleak - WSJ.com

RealClearPolitics - The Oscar-the-Grouch Economy

RealClearPolitics - ObamaCare and the Supreme Court

Justice John Paul Stevens' Real Legacy: Empathy - Dahlia Lithwick - Newsweek.com

Will Bush Be the Next Truman? - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

Russia is said to have fueled unrest in Kyrgyzstan

Behind the grieving faces is a thriving nation (includes video)

A Difficult Friendship with Obama: A Wall Separates Merkel and the Land of Her Dreams - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The Illinois spiral: How overgrown government stymies job creation. - chicagotribune.com

Poland's tragedy: In Memoriam: Lech Kaczynski | The Economist

What is most likely to denuclearize North Korea

Glorifying terrorism

Bill to extend jobless benefits faces Senate showdown

Back home, defending their healthcare votes - latimes.com

Democrats eye retiring senators' $20M - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

Transportation Dept. may seek second fine against Toyota - The Hill's On The Money

RealClearPolitics - Politics Nation - The Week Ahead: A Boston Tea Party

RealClearPolitics - President Obama's Nuclear Naivete

Op-Ed Contributors - How to Build on the Start Treaty - NYTimes.com

The Stevens Legacy: Mixed Verdict - Forbes.com

Why Kennedy Owns the Supreme Court - National - The Atlantic

G.O.P. Weighs Cost of Fight on Justice Stevens’s Successor - NYTimes.com

Two and a Half Cheers for Joe Lieberman - Frank J. Gaffney Jr. - The Corner on National Review Online

Selfish state of the unions - NYPOST.com

The Polish Catastrophe

An embarrassing Specter - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


*4/12:Politics VideoSen. Gregg: Obama To Blame For Financial Reform Breakdown

Brzezinski On Obama's Role In Achieving Mideast Peace

Sen. Hatch Mentions Clinton As Possible SC Nominee

Obama Hoping For Smooth Court Confirmation

Axelrod On Health Reform: We Mistakenly Thought Both Parties Would Come Together

Obama To Host Nuclear Arms Summit

Russian President on Nukes, Obama and Iran

*4/11:Clinton: Iranian "Belligerence Is Helping To Make Our Case"

FNS Panel On The Constitution

SNL: The Sarah Palin Network

Sen. Alexander: START Treaty Passage Will Not Happen This Year

Kyl: Filibuster Not Off The Table But Not Likely

Gates On Karzai: "We Have To Be Sensitive"

Gov. Barbour Defends Gov. McDonnell's Confederate Comment

"This Week" Roundtable On Supreme Court Decision

Sen. Sessions Isn't Ruling Out Court Filibuster

Sen. Leahy: Court Nominee Likely For Fall Term

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Obama's Supreme Court Pick


Homeschoolers win round against United Nations

WND ON THE AIR WorldNetDaily Aaron Klein on Fox Business Network

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers Cheer Stupak's Retirement, Shift Focus to Other Incumbents

King Obama

Ed Koch: 'I'm almost off the Obama train'

'Professor' Obama? Title never granted

Fresh Controversy Over Obama's Resume | The FOX Nation

Obama: Interns for me but not for thee - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Sheriff To Texas Border Town: 'Arm Yourselves' : NPR

Family gets a say on FBI Kennedy file - The Boston Globe

Saturday Night Live - Sarah Palin Network - Video - NBC.com

Obama takes non-nuclear pledge to world leaders

'All bets are off' if US under WMD attack: Clinton

Iran is not yet 'nuclear capable': US defense chief

Iran to mass produce speedier centrifuges

Iran producing new anti-aircraft missile: media

FOXNews.com - Tea Partiers Cheer Stupak's Retirement, Shift Focus to Other Incumbents


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000

NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'

Army Calls ‘Birther’ Doc’s Bluff


Download :4-11-10- Aaron Klein


Kupelian on Hannity: Obama staging 'socialist coup'

NASA's time is past

Don't give to the RNC!

Ayers: 'To be young in Chicago was to be a n-gger'

Obama spies boost monitoring of Jews

Homeschoolers win round against United Nations

The political use of 'Spittlegate'

GOP promises "whale of a fight" if court pick "too liberal" - The Denver Post

Orrin Hatch Names Hillary Clinton as Possible Supreme Court Nominee - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

State poised to punish free speech at schools

Irony report: Was CNN 'tea-bagged'?

More tyranny + more taxes = More American tea parties

Anderson Cooper Flirts With Talk-Show Format -- Daily Intel

Tea party 'infiltration,' destruction promised

Israel to mark Holocaust Day with Yad Vashem ceremony, nationwide sirens - Haaretz - Israel News

Israelis to show solidarity with Poles at Auschwitz march - Israel News, Ynetnews

For mentally ill survivors, Holocaust lives on - CNBC

GOP Looks for Leader in New Orleans - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Steele Tells G.O.P.: ‘I’ve Made Mistakes’ - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com

Republican firebrand Palin takes on Obama on energy | Reuters

Ron Paul: Barack Obama is Not a Socialist - Washington Wire - WSJ

Romney finishes first in GOP presidential straw poll - latimes.com

CNSNews.com - Health Law Bans New Doctor-Owned Hospitals, Blocks Expansion of Existing Ones

Priest named in sexual abuse lawsuit

Notorious Irish Catholic pedophile priest found dead | News from Ireland | IrishCentral

Bill O'Reilly says Cardinal Bernard Law should be in jail for pedophile cover up | Irish News | IrishCentral

Richard Dawkins calls for arrest of Pope Benedict XVI -Times Online

04-12-2010: Warrantless Checkpoints Hit Oregon

04-12-2010: Nuclear terrorism is gravest threat to global security, Barack Obama warns

04-11-2010: Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers' Heads by 2020

Houston, we have a problem... with your scientific theory: Apollo 13 crew would have burned in Earth's atmosphere, research reveals

04-11-2010: Spain Struck by Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake; No Damage Reported

04-11-2010: Will fraud lift gold prices to $10,000/ounce?

04-11-2010: Carbon credit documentary should not have been shown, BBC admits

04-11-2010: Eying another longshot bid, Paul addresses SRLC

04-11-2010: AFRICOM Backs Bloodshed in Central Africa

04-11-2010: Federal Reserve BANK CON exposed on MSNBC There is No Money

04-10-2010: Merging Man and Machine: We are the Internet

04-10-2010: "Managing" Data and Dissent: Where Big Brother Meets Market Fundamentalism

04-10-2010: Cable ties Kissinger to Chile controversy

Intervention Is Prolonging Economic Problems For Years

Is the World’s Second Biggest Economy On the Ropes?

Spend It Now! A Huge New Tax Is Coming…

First on-site video of plane crash that killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski

How the CIA is Welcoming Itself Back Onto American University Campuses

Analysis: Ramifications of crash on Polish politics

Helmand governor seizes Italian medics for alleged assassination plot

Italian medics 'in suicide plot to kill Afghan governor'

The 'Obama doctrine': kill, don't detain

Secret pact covered jurisdiction of U.S. military crimes committed in Japan

Iran to complete 'Peace Pipeline'

6 charged with left-wing terrorism in Greece

Whistleblowers on US 'massacre' fear CIA stalkers

Bomb explodes near MI5 HQ in Belfast

Henry Kissinger 'cancelled warning against political assassinations

Health providers pay to start disposing of expired swine flu vaccine

Ex-Members of U.S. Military Members of Hutaree Militia Extremist Group

Was Employee Laid Off for Voting for Obama?

Polish plane crash: investigators rule out technical fault

Americans 'worked for secret services'

Why Netanyahu Canceled His DC Visit, and Why the GOP Is Applauding

1974 CIA Estimate Declared,;“We Believe That Israel Already Has Produced Nuclear Weapons.”

US Puppet Cuts His Strings

The Cowboy President

The Enduring Power of Machiavellian Political Science!

Nine Myths about Socialism in the US

Chuck Baldwin: Saving Souls; Losing Freedom

Bernanke Stole Our Money, Now He Wants to Raise Taxes, Cut Social Security, Medicare

Idaho Plans to Allow Citizens to Pay Taxes in Silver

Evidence of Vote Fraud in Iraq Election of US-Backed Leader

Iraq Killings and Media Indifference

Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, Revolution

America's Imperial Design. Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons

Freedom Rider: Obama’s Lies About Iran

Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’?

AUDIO: The Myth of a Free Press

Iran to Take US to UN Over Obama's Threat to Use Nuclear Weapons against Iran

Iran Accuses NATO Chief Rasmussen Of Warmongering

Ramsey Clark Chosen to Head Commission to Investigate Bush Crimes

New Evidence Implicates Henry Kissinger In Assassination Case

One Day Soon, We'll All Be 'Homegrown Terrorists'

Dawit Issak, Sweden’s cause celebre: Hero or zero?

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

YouTube - Why Resistance Is Essential

BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes Forward With Solid Proof The Price Of Gold And Silver Is Being Manipulated By Major Financial Institutions « Dprogram.net

Did Global Elite Kill Polish President Kaczynski? « Dprogram.net


YouTube - Model Replica of the WTC on 9/11 - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Model Replica of the WTC on 9/11 - Part 2 of 2


Kissinger Effectively Gave Go-Ahead for Terrorist Attack on US Soil in 1976 « Dprogram.net

If mainstream medicine really works, why are Americans so unhealthy? – Mike Adams « Dprogram.net

YouTube - Freedom Watch - America the Fallen Empire?


YouTube - Gerald Celente on ObamaCare & Dollar Collapse (part 1)

YouTube - Gerald Celente on ObamaCare & Dollar Collapse (part 2)


Health Law Bans New Doctor-Owned Hospitals, Blocks Expansion of Existing Ones

Sebelius Says President Obama Has Instructed All Cabinet-Level Departments to Promote Public Health

Justice Ginsburg's Advice for Female Lawyers: Marry A Supportive Husband

Justice Ginsburg: Supreme Court Picks Should Not Be Based on Religion

Activist Atheist Pair Want Pope Arrested

Polish President Was a Reliable U.S. Ally, But Also a Candid Critic

Obama Hosts World Leaders at a Meeting to Stop the Nukes

Census Response Rates Lag As States Cut Funding on Outreach

California Protesters Seek Social Security Benefits for Homosexuals

Mississippi Governor Says Confederacy Flap in Virginia Not Worth ‘Diddly’

Senator Wants Government to Bar Airlines From Charging Fee for Carry-On Bags

Federal Panel Not Ready to Say When Recession Ended

Vatican Makes Clear Bishops Must Report Sex Abuse

Obama Pick for Justice Post Withdraws

New Iraqi Media Rules Restrictive: Rights Group

Famed Harlem Congressman's Son to Challenge Rangel

Thousands Rally for Immigration Reform Across U.S.

Researchers Developing A Test to Warn Smokers of Cancer Danger

Brave New America

The Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Teen in School Stabbing Described as Mentally Ill

Obama: Al-Qaida Would Use Nuke If It Could

Ben Stein: Steele Must Go

Despite Outrage From Critics, Popes Rarely Resign

Florida Doctor Aborts, Kills Wrong Twin

Study Finds Many Workloads Increased Since 2007

What Looked Like Easy Governors' Races May Not Be

Survey: Recovery to Remain Sluggish Into 2011

Putin Himself to Head Crash Probe

Gallup: Democrats' Approval at Historic Low

House Democrats Focusing on 'Easy Votes'

Lieberman: Obama Doesn't Have 67 Votes for Nuke Treaty

Kyl: Filibuster of Nominee 'Unlikely'

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution « American Armageddon Judgement Day

Agent Provocateur Mad Hatters want to crash your Tea Party

Outrageous: FBI Uses Non-Violent Conservative Group as Bait to Catch Stalker

Pro Libertate: We're From the Government; We're Here to "Help" You to Death

Newsmax - Obama Should Focus on Job Creation

Newsmax - Turin Shroud Display Rekindles Debate

Newsmax - Reward Kids for Academic Goals, but With Private Funds


*American Minute for April 12th:William J Federer's American Minute


GEARFUSE » Cupcakes for Zombies

3D space pictures: stereo images of moons, galaxies and nebulae - Telegraph

Images mark 20 years of Hubble telescope - Telegraph

Student to recreate Captain Bligh journey - Telegraph

How high is Mount Everest? China and Nepal agree to disagree on answer - Times Online

video:Hell is no laughing matter

video:God's forgotten 'universal proclamation'

The BRAD BLOG : Paul Loses GOP 2012 Straw Poll by Single Vote

Will Senate Republicans Block Unemployment Extensions Again? We'll Find Out Today.

Tea Partier Victoria Jackson on Obama: Whether He Has a Birth Certificate or Not, He's Not an American

Glenn Beck says Obama might find a 'gay handicapped black woman who's an immigrant' as well as a 'radical' for the Supreme Court

Clinton: Israel's Nuclear Weapons Aren't A Threat. Terrorists With Nukes Are.

Michele Bachmann says repeal and pass the same provisions over again

Lieberman Pushes Modernization Myth and Threatens to Block Nukes Treaty

Republicans Resurrect "Welfare" Charge for Tax Day

Vitter's Teabagger Yell : Republican Party Will Be Vehicle for Change and Tea Party Will Be the Fuel That Super-Charges It

Michele "Nostradamus" Bachmann with Chris Wallace: Crazier than ever, she still calls President Obama "anti-American"

Haley Barbour the Latest Neo-Confederate Face of the GOP

Sarah Palin Network

Energy saving light bulbs can interfere with television sets - Telegraph

AP IMPACT: Toyota uses questionable legal tactics

My Way News - Obama election-year jobs agenda stalls in Congress

Ten U.S. Cities In Free Fall - Forbes.com

Worst-Made Cars on the Road

Iran to complain to U.N. over Obama nuclear "threat" - Yahoo! News

Family gets a say on FBI Kennedy file - The Boston Globe

Recession Arbiters, Wary of Certifying an Upturn - CNBC

FT.com / Media - Facebook under privacy microscope

Books of The Times - In ‘Oprah,’ Kitty Kelley Searches for a Mega-Star - Review - NYTimes.com

Reliable Source - Kitty Kelley's new book: Oprah has a diva snit in Washington antique store; "does not do stairs"

PETA to ask feds to shut Ringling Bros., claiming circus is guilty of elephant torture, coverups

US newspaper, TV news executives gloomy about future

Federal Eye - GAO: Postal Service business 'not viable'

Congress sees no budget rush - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

Another Name on President Obama's Supreme Court Short List - Political Punch

GOP promises "whale of a fight" if court pick "too liberal" - The Denver Post

Republicans warn Obama on Supreme Court nominee | Reuters

Zazi, Al Qaeda pals planned rush-hour attack on Grand Central, Times Square subway stations

FT.com / Global Economy - Soros warns Europe of disintegration

Greek Police Arrest Suspected Leftist Guerrillas - NYTimes.com

Hungary far right needles Fidesz, gears up for parlt | Reuters

Jacob Zuma warns ANC to halt racial anger - Times Online

YouTube - Ron Paul dynamic at Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Ron Paul chastises at GOP conference: Conservatives ‘like the empire’ | Raw Story

Breakfast at the Church of the Electoral College; Or, How Presidents Suck in Christian Suck-Ups by Gary North


YouTube - Mises and the Austrian School (by Jörg Guido Hülsmann) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 1of11

YouTube - Value, Utility and Price (by Jörg Guido Hülsmann) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 2of11

YouTube - Division Of Labor and Money (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 3of11

YouTube - The Theory of Banking (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 4of11

YouTube - Capital and Interest (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 5of11

YouTube - Praxeology: The Austrian Method (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 6of11

YouTube - Business Cycle Theory (by Jörg Guido Hülsmann) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 7of11

YouTube - The Economics of Deflation (by Jörg Guido Hülsmann) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 8of11

YouTube - Theory and History (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 9of11

YouTube - Welfare Economics (by Jörg Guido Hülsmann) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 10of11

YouTube - Law and Economics (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe) - Introduction to Austrian Economics, 11of11


Why Politics Is Not the Answer by James Ostrowski

Fredericksburg.com - State's tentacles choke freedom at every turn

American Thinker Blog: Onerous New DOE Regulations Headed Our Way

Krugman Strikes Again by Peter Schiff

The Diamondback - Guest column: Depressed about our future

Foreclosures Hit Rich and Famous - WSJ.com

How to Get a Drink at a Busy Bar | The Art of Manliness

Op-Ed Contributor - P.S.A. prostate screening is inaccurate and a waste of money. - NYTimes.com

Nine Myths about Socialism in the US | CommonDreams.org

Wake up! The nightmare is real

Israel: Ally or enemy?

Understanding the numbers

VAT: The cowardly tax

American scholarship

A new approach to mental health

Torah Perspective: Are Hutaree Militia, or Abortion Doctor Murderers Christians?

NASA's time is past

Selfish state of the unions - NYPOST.com

Orangutans kickbox and parade in bikinis for cheering tourists | Mail Online

The Associated Press: Report: Anti-Semitic incidents doubled last year

It's a priest versus Jehovah's Witnesses after a FW altercation | kens5.com | San Antonio News, Weather, Sports, Traffic, Entertainment, Video and Photos

Two Christian converts from Islam to face trial April 13

Pope's ivory tower past adds to his detachment

Montreal police probe 'Holocaust' soap - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

South Africa: a separate homeland for Afrikaners? - Telegraph

Lawmakers should 'cool it' on airing threats, Lungren says - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

UN process under fire at climate change talks - Telegraph

Scientists turn to Inuit traditions to collect data on Arctic weather

Man threatens to down Qantas jet with his mind | The Australian

Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule - Telegraph

BBC News - Organs 'removed for transplant without consent'

'Cure' is found for skin cancer, claim scientists - Telegraph

For Some, Cycling Eases Parkinson’s Symptoms - NYTimes.com

Friends frozen out as Botox deadens facial expression - Times Online

A new book reveals Gandhi tortured himself with the young women who worshipped him, and often shared his bed | Mail Online

'Average Little Boy' or Menace? Witness Describes 7-Year-Old Adopted Boy's Trip Back to Russia - ABC News

Students 'solve' Europe's pothole crisis | Quirky News | Orange UK

'Touchdown Jesus' statue to get facelift

Sex at Opening Day: Hijinks in White Sox bathroom stall witnessed by father, son - chicagotribune.com





Russia tried to divert Polish president's flight - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - President Obama's Nuclear Naivete

Obama's numbers in a post-healthcare tailspin? | Washington Examiner

Pilot error eyed in Polish president's crash - Europe - World - Dalje.com

Polish plane crash boosts PM Tusk | Reuters

Zazi, Al Qaeda pals planned rush-hour attack on Grand Central, Times Square subway stations

My Way News - Obama election-year jobs agenda stalls in Congress

Klaus, Havel shocked by Kaczynski tragedy (Roundup) - Monsters and Critics

FOXNews.com - Lieberman: Omitting 'Islamic' Terrorism From Security Document Dishonest, 'Offensive'

Funeral of Eugene Terreblanche takes place amid tight security | Mail Online

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Islamisation Or Europe: Reality Or Fantasy? - Video - Dalje.com

CNSNews.com - Planned Parenthood Guide Tells HIV-Infected Youth to Enjoy Sex, Denounces Laws on Disclosure of HIV/AIDS to Sexual Partners

Political Cartoonist, Critic Jules Feiffer Talks About New Memoir -- Politics Daily

Even Obama's Fans Notice He's a Phony In How He Writes, Talks, and Even Walks | NewsBusters.org

Hashish shortage in Egypt sparks plot theories - Africa - World - Dalje.com

Silver Star Winner Capt. Matthew Myer Reprimanded Over Taliban Attack at Wanat, Afghanistan - ABC News

Can blacks accept American history?

The folly of the GDP report.

Easy to Avoid Paying Income Tax

All Revolutions are Doomed…Especially the one currently in fashion!

Obama's Blueprint for Total Federal Control in Public Education

The Ethics of Capitalism vs. Socialism vs. Communitarianism


Obamacare is Unconstitutional - Part 1

Obamacare is Unconstitutional – Part 2


The empty suit president

Blind, double amputee Marine re-ups

A personal tea party tax plan

Life after Obama

Health insurance mandates vs. Auto liability requirements - a false analogy

A report on the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Obama's upside down foreign policy in Kyrgyzstan

EU rides to the rescue of Greece

'Welcome to Peak Oil' - US military's glum energy outlook

Tea Parties targeted by the Dems' Alinsky Attack Machine

New Obama Bio Strengthens Case for Dreams Fraud

Federal Anti-Obesity Initiative to Eliminate Food Deserts

NYT's Pinch: The 'Poofter' Fights Back

Unfortunate Coincidence

Abdullah in Wonderland

A Justice Stevens Performance Review

DOE's Search and Seizure

'Spittlegate' and Its Consequences

Fair Tax Distraction

History and Ideology in Textbooks

A Plane Crash Changes Poland

Eternal Islamic Enmity toward the Jews

Liberal Narcissism and Anti-Christian Phobia

The Myths of Managing Health Care

Salvaging the Wreckage of the Catholic Church?

Holocaust Musings

The Great Political War Obama Never Expected

Howard Dean: The Bet's Off on Incumbency

How Much Risk Is Too Much?

When Civil Rights Make Civil Hands Unclean

The Liberty to Achieve

Reading the Tea Leaves of Health Reform

Government Is the Biggest Lawbreaker

TRAILER: ‘Unthinkable’ — Torture vs. Ticking Time Bomb Scenario

Lonewolf Diaries: The Case Against Canada & Hate Crime Laws

SUCKER PUNCH SQUAD: ‘Red Dawn’ Remake Is…

ZoNation: Obama Attacks America’s Immune System

Day by Day: Honey Do’s

Obama Nation: Our President

Do We Trivialize Evil Trying to Capture it on Film?

It’s Holocaust Day, and Another Holocaust Is Looming

Cookbook Healthcare: The Future Of Medicine In The United States

President Obama’s Next Nuclear Disarmament Move? Enriched Uranium Handouts

Sunlight on SEIU Part I: Marxist Andy Stern’s Compensation Would Have Karl Marx Spinning in His Grave


Alderman Edward Burke: Top Machine Boss of Obama’s Chicago-Part 1

Alderman Edward Burke, Part II: Top Machine Boss of Obama’s Chicago-Style Politics


Ricochet Podcast #10: Vote Kaus!


Univ. of Illinois Gives ‘Exceptional Achievement’ Award to Ecuador’s Terrorist Sponsoring President

Democrats Back FCC in Anticipated Efforts to Regulate Broadband

So, ‘Voicemails Expose Left’s Racism’… Where’s The MSM Been All This Time?

Queen vs Obama, Pelosi and Reid: Bureaucrats Want It All!

Loophole Lets Dozens of Minnesota Congressional Staff Opt Out of Key Health Care Reform Requirement

Voicemails Expose Left’s Racism

Why Won’t Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) Come Clean about the Dar Al-Hijrah Fundraiser?

Regulating the Internet, One Way or the Other

Dysfunctional CIA, NY Times Channel Ugly Stepsisters in Effort to Smash Defense Department’s Glass Slipper

Death of a Culture: ‘What Do We Do With Our Camels?’

Military Media Machine Playing Games During Time of War: My Embed Ends

Washington Post’s Andrew Alexander: Democrat Shill

Fisking the WaPo’s Ombudsman, Andrew Alexander

Washington Post Ombudsman Misses Larger Point of Capitol Hill Protests

Extra, Extra: See San Francisco Before the Big One Struck!

Sarah Palin Thread: Ventriloquist’s Dummy or MSM Nightmare?

Debbie Schlussel: Palestinian Muslims Sacrifice Conjoined Twins for Anti-Israel Propaganda

Debbie Schlussel:Remember

Debbie Schlussel:Per Usual, Honor Killing Dad in Arizona Had Lotsa Family Help

BBC News - Medvedev, Gorbachev sign condolence book for Kaczynski

YouTube - Alleged 'black box' tape from Kaczynski plane minutes before crash

Opposition Appears to Gain in Thai Political Crisis - NYTimes.com

Kyrgyz Interim Government Has Backing of Military, US | Europe | English

YouTube - Ousted Kyrgyz president gathers support, threatens blood

Rights Groups Condemn Sudanese National Election Conditions | Africa | English

Gaza militant: Hamas stopping rocket fire into Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

YouTube - Israeli ID order set to criminalise Palestinians

Western troops shoot at Afghan passenger bus, killing 4 - latimes.com

BBC News - Landslide derails train in Italy leaving nine dead

YouTube - Raw Video: Deadly Landslide Hits Train in Italy

Labour manifesto launch video: the YouTube verdict | Media | guardian.co.uk

BBC - Democracy Live - Parties condemn car bombing

YouTube - Raw Video: Bomb Rattles UK Spy HQ

The Associated Press: Moscow judge who sentenced neo-Nazis shot to death

Vatican Puts Abuse Rules Online to Quell Critics - NYTimes.com

The Associated Press: Taliban wants France to arrange detainee swap

Check on reef damage as coal ship Shen Neng 1 refloated | The Australian

AFP: China says no nationals on ship hijacked off Seychelles

BBC News - US boy Jordan Romero, 13, in Mount Everest bid

More than 200,000 Flee Violence in Pakistan's Northwest | Asia | English

Court upholds ban on alcohol ads in student newspapers - USATODAY.com

Traffic is light downtown as nuclear security summit begins

YouTube - Medvedev interviewed by ABC's Stephanopoulos

Supreme Court Justice Hillary Clinton? | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

The Associated Press: Kennedy cousin loses appeal in murder conviction

YouTube - No new trial for Skakel

Are Republicans losing their nerve on repeal?

Would fees end 'out of control' carry-ons? - CNN.com

YouTube - The Buzz: Carry-on baggage fees

The Associated Press: AP Sources: NYC terror probe nabs 4th in Pakistan

YouTube - 250 NYC Firefighters Battle 7-alarm Fire

Neb. lawmakers pass new pre-abortion requirements

White House will not back down from financial reforms | Reuters

Nothing Personal, Treasury Official Says Of Blasting Chamber of Commerce

2010 census response rates lagging in cities, rural areas

Wash. Legislature heads to special session finish - BusinessWeek

The midterms: Reid still trailing - First Read - msnbc.com

Amy Bishop: Inquest Into 1986 Death of Alleged Alabama Shooter's Brother - ABC News

Teen in school stabbing described as mentally ill | ajc.com

The Associated Press: 1 day, 3 states, 8 spots in Midwest militia raids

Tea Party Claims Victory Over Stupak At Weekend Rallies | Interlochen Public Radio

Biographer: Oprah called self teen ‘prostitute’ - TODAY Entertainment

Conan O'Brien to make TBS his new late-night home

Conan O'Brien Coming Back to TV on TBS - ABC News

Reliable Source - Kitty Kelley's new book: Oprah has a diva snit in Washington antique store; "does not do stairs"

Biographer: Oprah called self teen ‘prostitute’ - TODAY Entertainment

Spotted: Heidi Montag Shows Off Her New Body In Las Vegas » MTV Newsroom

'Date Night' and 'SNL' with Tina Fey: what a true 3-D experience looks like | EW.com

Elizabeth Taylor Denies She's Getting Married for 9th Time - Elizabeth Taylor : People.com

Justin Bieber Sings, Acts and Woos Tina Fey in ‘SNL’ Debut : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

KFC's 'Double Down,' and Other Outrageous Fast Foods - ABC News

Lady Gaga Says She's Celibate And Fans Should Be Too - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

The Associated Press: Vatican makes peace with Beatles after 40 years


Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 1

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 2

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 3

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 4

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 5

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 6

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 7

Rosie O’Donnell: Meet the ‘Next Oprah’ — Part 8

‘The Next Oprah’: Rosie O’Donnell Calls Big Hollywood Reader a ‘B*tch’ (Twice)


**(video page)An Introduction to Austrian Economics by Hans-Hermann Hoppe and Jörg Guido Hülsmann


**The Memory Hacker | Popular Science

Coverage under Obamacare will require an implantable microchip., page 1

A Cyborg Space Race

archive:RFID Chips Are Here

archive:RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages - CNET News


One Mainframe to Rule Them All, The We the People will not be Chipped

YouTube - RFID Micochips And The New Cashless Society

YouTube - RFID Chip - 666 ?

RFID-chip implants? well lets just wait and see. on Vimeo

YouTube - Phoenix Program 1967


*site:spychips.com - how RFID will compromise privacy, security, freedom


*172 pg/No Nwo Spychips Anti Rfid Anti Microchip K Albrecht&L Mcintyre Complete eBook


*America Freedom to Fascism 1:49:17


Hamid Karzai, R.I.P. by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

'Israel may drag US into new war'

Netanyahu: Iran wants to destroy Israel and the world remains silent - Haaretz - Israel News

Gates: WikiLeaks Video 'Painful To See' But Won't Have 'Lasting' Impact

The Raw Story | US airbase in Kyrgyzstan resumes full operations: embassy

Risk of Japan going bankrupt is real, analysts say | Raw Story

Provocateurs Openly Announce Plans To Stage Tea Party Violence

American Thinker Blog: Onerous New DOE Regulations Headed Our Way

Conservatives Defend Palin at Southern Republican Leadership Conference

EDITORIAL: Close enough for government work - Washington Times

Shoppers choose green products to improve social status, says study | Environment | guardian.co.uk

Police raid Romanian traffic gang sending child thieves to UK | Mail Online

Reevaluating Orbs

Ordinary T-Shirts could become body armor

Alien Life on Titan Would Stink

Identity Thieves Filed for $4 Million in Tax Refunds Using Names of Living and Dead

The Nessie Files

Video: Fighter jets chase UFO

Japanese scientists create 'Robocop' suit

English megaliths linked to death rites

Houston, the problem was with Apollo 13 burning up, not freezing

Breeders create self-shearing sheep

One in five adults believe aliens are on earth, disguised as humans

Atom-grabbing "black hole" created

Near Death Experiences Explained... Nearly

Tipping Point Not Likely for Arctic Sea Ice

*Feature Site:

*site:Jay Weidner;(www.jayweidner.com/)


Bill Cunningham 4/11/10 Hour 1

Bill Cunningham 4/11/10 Hour 2

Bill Cunningham 4/11/10 Hour 3

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-11, Sunday

Beyond the Beltway Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beyond the Beltway Sunday, March 28, 2010


*video:Axelrod: We Mistakenly Believed Both Parties Would Come Together

Debate Heats Up After WH Strips ‘Islamic Extremism’ from National Security Document

‘My Father Was My Cause’: John Gotti Jr. Breaks His Silence

Poll: 66% Say America Is Overtaxed

Medvedev: Nuke Treaty a Delicate ‘Formula’

Leahy Confident of SCOTUS Court Confirmation by This Fall

Carlsberg Workers Strike to Protect Right to Drink on the Job

Unions: Let’s Teach Social Justice to Middle Schoolers — But Don’t Tell Glenn Beck

Sean Hannity Meets T Pain

Arizona State House Hopeful Celebrates Women and the Second Ammendment

‘Operation Bombshell’: Military Wives Learn Burlesque During Deployments

SEIU Executive VP: White Union Members Are ‘So F****** Rabidly Racist’

‘Gods of Government’ Anthem Vows Resistence a ‘Corrupt Political Machine’

NY Times Profile: ‘Why I Joined the Tea Party’

Defense Secretary: Wikileaks Video ‘Not Helpful’ But Sees No ‘Lasting Consequences’

SNL Sketch Mocks Conspiracy Concerns Over Census Questions

Flashback: Protester Shouts ‘White Boy’ at Tea Party Speaker

Tina Fey Returns to SNL With Unveiling of Palin’s New Endeavor

Video: Priest removed over sex abuse allegations

Video: Taxpayers Get Larger IRS Refunds on Reduced Withholdings: Video

Video: Man, Niece Burned In Grill Explosion

Video: Russell's Wood Says Stocks Close to `Reasonably Valued': Video

Video: Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Cancer Book

Video: Lardy Says `Hot Money' Driving China's Currency Reserves: Video

Video: Police Search For Suspects In Mall Shooting

Top Student Suing School District to Stop Commencement Prayer

Details Emerge in Al Qaeda Plot on NYC Subway System

NRCC Launches First Ad in Special Election Contest to Replace Murtha

China Rising: Opportunity or Threat?

Witness Describes Polish Plane Crash in Russia

‘One Hitter’: So What Was the Quatari Diplomat Smoking in the Bathroom?

Jet Crash Kills Poland’s President & Top Military and Financial Leaders

ABC News Investigation: USA Swim Coaches Taped & Molested Dozens of Teen Girls

Teaching Sex Ed Could Be a Crime in Wisconsin County

Mark Levin: Civil Disobedience Is Coming

Limbaugh: Obama Is ‘Inflicting Untold Damage on This Country’

Obama Advisor on MSNBC: Social Justice & Health Care ‘Are at the Heart of the Gospel’