"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

.... Movies ....Audio .... News ....

Rebel Report

.... News Flash ....


*Libertarian Purity Test*

WSJ:NEWS UPDATE LINE:1-800-975-3916

**U.S. National Debt Clock**

*World Clock*

*Alex Jones Show
Raw-Savage:Savage Nation:Audio


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News Video

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

“Nothing is more powerful
than an idea whose time has come.”

Watch live streaming video from davidaron at livestream.com

24 April 2010

24 April '10

Sanctioning Iran Is an Act of War by Rep. Ron Paul -- Antiwar.com


***Database of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse



msnbc.com: Regulating Wall Street and the economy(Dylan Ratigan Exposes The Fed)

Hubble space telescope captures the incredible moment a nebula forms - mirror.co.uk

Layoff Notices Sent to Thousands of US Teachers

FIRA - The 800 LB Gorilla In The Financial 'Reform' Bill

Israel's Open Secret - Nuclear Armed And Dangerous

A Tropical, Fatal Fungus Gains a Foothold in the Pacific Northwest | 80beats | Discover Magazine

US Pneumonia & Influenza Deaths Spike To Epidemic Threshold

Roy Tov – On Justice Goldstone and Jewish Values

House Overwhelmingly Votes to Advance Iran Sanctions

Feds invade farm for 5 a.m. inspection

Judge sides with activist in raw-milk dispute

Videos of Small Animals Being Crushed by Women in High Heels Are Protected Free Speech? | | AlterNet

Vatican says sex abuse suit lacks merit - CNN.com

Uprooted Palestinians: Hard Talk

Job seeker Vicky Harrison commits suicide after she was rejected for 200 jobs | Mail Online

America - Do You Feel Violated Yet?

Benjamin Netanyahu defies Barack Obama's demands over East Jerusalem - Telegraph

Binyamin Netanyahu tells US: We won't stop east Jerusalem settlement building | World news | guardian.co.uk

Tom DeWeese -- Freedom Movement Faces Dire Threats From Within, Part 1

Report: Health overhaul will increase tab - Health care reform- msnbc.com

Civil rights groups fight Ariz. immigration law - More politics- msnbc.com

What does Arizona's immigration law do? - CNN.com

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Playbook: The Phony Opposition

Paul A Drockton M.A.: John Taylor Vision and the Coming Plagues

Oceans die, while humans trivialize

Washington's Blog:Mega-Banks Which Received Bailouts Slashed Lending More, Gave Higher Bonuses, and Reduced Costs Less Than Banks Which Didn't Get Bailed Out


PDF:Democrats for the people?




A MINORITY VIEW:Minimum Wage Cruelty


*The Skeptics Handbook*


Silverstein Was Calling Lawyer To Get Double Insurance On WTC On The Evening Of 9/11 « Dprogram.net

Russia and Georgia clash over uranium | World news | The Guardian

Securities and Exchange Commission, Internet, porn, - latimes.com

Taleban defectors 'are rejoining insurgency' :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Google Catches Flak for Mapping European Homes' Wireless Networks With Street View Car | Popular Science

Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US

Alan Grayson Discloses That Dodd Bill Covertly Eliminates Already Passed Legislation Requiring Full Fed Audit

The Ostroy Report: This Jew Says 'Sorry Sarah, America is Not a "Christian" Nation'

A Free Thinker's Journey: MS - School lawsuit filed for Illegal Stripsearch

kenny's sideshow: Curt Maynard Kills Wife, Self

No Sign Scuds Moved to Lebanon - U.S. Officials - NYTimes.com

Mexican gov't slams Arizona immigration law - Yahoo! Finance

Goldman Sachs 'fraud' banker Tetsuya Ishikawa always asked: Where's the brothel? | Mail Online

The Goldsmiths—Part CXXXVIII

In Defense of Sedition by Thomas DiLorenzo

Richard I. Fine's Judicial Lynching :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]

The Chemistry of Monsanto: 100% Safe. Unless... | bytestyle.tv

Populism, Left and Right by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com

Dodd Bill KILLS Jobs, Creates Permanent Bailout « noworldsystem.com

Michael Moore to Broadcast Kent State Truth Tribunal for 1970 Campus Shootings of War Protesters - 12160.org

EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Why the Valued Added Tax Is Coming On Top of the Income Tax

Facebook steps up lobbying, deepens ties with intelligence agencies, FTC - 12160.org


Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11

EclippTV • View topic - Did Schumer, Paulson, Soros Kill the Bank & Profit From It?

Refreshing News: Dangerous Health Therapies To Avoid

EclippTV :: Video :: Gerald Celente: Finance reform, just a show

EclippTV :: Video :: Governments Will 'Bankrupt Us' Marc Faber Part 1

EclippTV :: Video :: Governments Will 'Bankrupt Us' Marc Faber-2

EclippTV :: Video :: Lew Rockwell on Goldman Sachs and the Government

Just Who Is This Guy, Obama? >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

EclippTV :: Video :: How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes (by Peter Schiff) - Lew Rockwell

EclippTV :: Video :: Dick Morris reveals the truth about Tim McVeigh and Clinton

EclippTV :: Video :: Rachel Maddow- Janet Napolitano 1on anti-government extremists

Moneynews - Paulson's Hedge Fund Made Billions on Subprime Crisis

8 Invented Diseases Big Pharma Is Banking on | | AlterNet

Police investigate possible hate crime against Jewish Journal - Sun Sentinel

Yousef Al-Khattab, Man Behind Virulent Islamic Website, Grew Up Jewish | Local Brooklyn News and Features | The Brooklyn Ink

American Thinker Blog: They're laughing at Obama overseas

Newsalert: Broadway Bank to Close: Chicago Mob Linked Bank to Shut ABC Reports; Obama's Side Kick Could be Affected in Senate Race

The words that make you free « Hawaii Observer

EclippTV :: Video :: Policing for Profit - The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture

EclippTV :: Video :: Eyewitness Accounts of Martial law Build Up!

EclippTV :: Video :: Fix the Government.... That's What's Broken!!!

Thresholds of Wireless – | Sophrosyne Radical

» In Oklahoma, the AP Gets It Wrong One More Time - Big Journalism

Truth Does Not Fear Investigation « I R O N L I G H T

Top 10 Israeli Obfuscations

Tom Nelson: And we would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for that damned Internet

Mayor's aide links Earth Day to eugenics

A History of Labor Unions from Colonial Times to 2009 - Morgan Reynolds - Mises Institute

Are Interest Rate Derivatives a Ticking Time Bomb?

The Goldman Sachs Indictment

Colleague Says Anthrax Numbers Add Up to Unsolved Case | Raw Story

FOXNews.com - Immigration Advocates Vow to Fight Arizona Law

No Frakking Consensus: The Stern Review Scandal

TBR.cc: Climategate whitewash excoriated by climate scientists Judith Curry

YouTube - Fox News: Calls for Investigation of Climategate Grow

EclippTV :: Video :: PROOF!! Israeli organisations had PRIOR knowledge of 9/11!

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff 2nd Amendment SMACKDOWN

Al Gore's $100 Million Makeover - Current TV - Generation Investment Management - An Inconvenient Truth | Fast Company

EclippTV :: Video :: Peter Schiff: Is Financial Reform Hurting the Economy?

OpEdNews - Article: Profiling CEOs and Their Sociopathic Paychecks

Regulation is Just Another Distraction. The Answer is Public Ownership! | The Smirking Chimp

Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality in Hamsters « Wake-up Call

LSD and Ecstasy being used to combat cancer anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder | Mail Online

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Holocaust Tax Allowance by Gilad Atzmon

South Korea Raises Bow of Sunken Warship - AOL News

No Win Situation for the Euro | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter

It’s Official: Google Can Sell Power Like a Utility | Epicenter | Wired.com

FIRA - The 800 LB Gorilla In The Financial 'Reform' Bill

Climategate: Googlegate? – Telegraph Blogs

Warning Signs: Where Do These People Come From?

YouTube - New Revelations on Climategate

Wall Street shuffle: Their ‘huge playground’ is safe | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Goldman Sachs 'conflict of interest inflated Lloyds bail-out costs' | Mail Online

Vital Remnants: Could biofuels ruin the environment?

TYWKIWDBI: From "sideshow freak" to "person of Walmart"

04-24-2010: Obama warns of 'misguided' immigration efforts

04-24-2010: Frank Luntz, GOP message maven, publicly boasts Wall Street clients

04-24-2010: Study: U.S. Students Suffering From Internet Addiction

NASA Readies Jumbo Eye In The Sky

04-23-2010: Ariz. governor signs immigration enforcement bill

Gingrich: Tea Party will become ‘militant wing’ of GOP

04-23-2010: New Alzheimer vaccine to be tested in Europe

04-23-2010: Archie Comics introduces first gay character

04-23-2010: Report: 18 vets kill themselves every day

04-23-2010: Five Israelis charged with organ trafficking

“Lehman Was the Leading Purveyor of Liar’s Loans in the World” — Incidents of Fraud at 90% — “Lehman Sold This to the World”

04-23-2010: Star Wars 2010? U.S. military launch space plane on maiden voyage... but its mission is top secret

04-23-2010: U.S. Faces Choice on New Weapons for Fast Strikes

04-23-2010: Fox News Piece: Silverstein Was Seeking Permission From Insurance Company To Bring Down WTC-7 With Controlled Demolitions

04-23-2010: Lawsuit demands Vatican name priests accused of sex abuse

04-23-2010: While economy crumbled, top financial watchdogs at SEC surfed for porn on Internet: memo

04-23-2010: Facebook Steps Up Lobbying, Deepens Ties with Intelligence Agencies, FTC

16 Feb:cryptogon.com » The CIA and NSA Want You to Be Their Friend on Facebook

"Mafianomics": From “Trickle-down Economics” to outright Financial Fraud

As Russia Reclaims Its Sphere of Influence, the U.S. Doesn’t Object

Mega-Banks Which Received Bailouts Slashed Lending More, Gave Higher Bonuses, and Reduced Costs Less Than Banks Which Didn't Get Bailed Out

Insights Into America's Disneyland And Our "Neo-Feudalistic, Gulag Casino Economy" From Mike Krieger

Galbraith: Economists Should Move into Background, and “Criminologists to the Forefront”

ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights

Pentagon Launches Mystery US Spacecraft

Pope may face charges at US court

La Gloria, swine flu's ground zero, is left with legacy of anger

CITGO Receives 2009 Safety Recognition by the American Petroleum Institute

Star Wars 2010? U.S. military launch space plane on maiden voyage... but its mission is top secret

Blackwater executive blames feds

Military's health care costs booming

Former NSA official pleads not guilty in media-leaks case

U.S. Faces Choice on New Weapons for Fast Strikes

The Imminent Crash Of The Oil Supply

Lies and Wars

Big Liars and the Voters Who Love Them

Peace: A New Way of Thinking about Achieving and Preserving It

How the Game Is Rigged

Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product

The Death Penalty for Murderous 'Corporate Persons'

The Migration Begins

Food, Inc.

EPIC FAIL: Fox News hit piece against 9/11 truth and Jesse Ventura inadvertently reveals a shocking truth; WTC leaseholder was "on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building"

Too Politically Connected to Fail: Obama Banking Regulation Bill Does Not Go After Big Banks

'Find Me the Man, I'll Find the Crime'

ADL Calls For "Major Law Enforcement Operation" To Deal With Obamacare Critics

IMF's Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

Against Anti-Civilian Sanctions

Ron Paul vs. Chris Matthews

Hormone discovered that increases trust in the government


YouTube - Ron Paul: Today's Conversation Was Nothing But War Propaganda!


YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 2 of 2


YouTube - Dr. Russell Blaylock Details The Continued Sterilization of America on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Dr. Russell Blaylock Details The Continued Sterilization of America on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Dr. Russell Blaylock Details The Continued Sterilization of America on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Dr. Russell Blaylock Details The Continued Sterilization of America on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show 1/4: Hour 1 on Tim Geithner, Henry Paulson, Glenn Beck & Haiti

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show 2/4: Hour 1 on Tim Geithner, Henry Paulson, Glenn Beck & Haiti

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show 3/4: Hour 1 on Tim Geithner, Henry Paulson, Glenn Beck & Haiti

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show 4/5: Hour 2-Alex Takes Your Calls & Covers Cointelpro Agents

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show 5/5: Hour 2-Alex Takes Your Calls & Covers Cointelpro Agents


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv: A System of Pure Evil Designed for The American People!


YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Special 1/3: Suspicious Shooting at Texas Capitol Results in Lockdown!

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Special 2/3: Suspicious Shooting at Texas Capitol Results in Lockdown!

YouTube - Alex Jones Tv Special 3/3: Suspicious Shooting at Texas Capitol Results in Lockdown!


YouTube - ADL Calls For "Major Law Enforcement Operaton" to Deal with Obamacare Critics 1/2

YouTube - ADL Calls For "Major Law Enforcement Operaton" to Deal with Obamacare Critics 2/2


YouTube - Alex Goes on a News Blitz


YouTube - Alex Details ADL's Latest Attack on Him and Other Patriots on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Alex Details ADL's Latest Attack on Him and Other Patriots on Alex Jones Tv 2/2


YouTube - Alex Covers Fox News Hit Piece Against Jesse Ventura & 9/11 Truth on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Fox News Hit Piece Against Jesse Ventura & 9/11 Truth on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Fox News Hit Piece Against Jesse Ventura & 9/11 Truth on Alex Jones Tv 3/4

YouTube - Alex Covers Fox News Hit Piece Against Jesse Ventura & 9/11 Truth on Alex Jones Tv 4/4


YouTube - Police State Toronto - Terror Drill Caught On Tape

YouTube - Ron Paul: Today's Conversation Was Nothing But War Propaganda!

YouTube - Ron Paul vs Chris Matthews on Hardball 04/22/10

YouTube - Gerald Celente: Finance reform, just a show

YouTube - Gingrich casts Tea Party as Militant Wing of GOP

Newt Gingrich: Tea Party Will Become “Militant” Faction of Republican Party


YouTube - Richard Gage1

YouTube - Richard Gage2


Silverstein Was Calling Lawyer To Get Double Insurance On WTC On The Evening Of 9/11

September 12, 2001: WTC Leaseholder Already Wants to Claim Double Insurance for Attacks and Rebuild

60 Minutes Video - Extra: Where He Was on 9/11 - CBS.com

Computerized Front Running: How A Computer Program Designed To Save The Free Market Turned Into A Monster – Ellen Brown « Dprogram.net

The Establishment’s Nervous Mutterings on Ron Paul



**Invisible Empire - Full Version

**Fall of the Republic HQ full length

**The Obama Deception - HQ Full length


YouTube - Dick Morris reveals the truth about Tim McVeigh and Clinton.

Bowling For Patriots « Dprogram.net

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is “Sort Of Like Terrorism”

video:Alexis de Tocqueville - Despotism in America

Parag Khanna: Global Governance

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Facebook under privacy microscope

IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government

The Entertainment Industry's Dystopia of the Future

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Death of Anti-NWO Polish President Raises Questions

Judea Declares War on America’s 44th President

Activists See ‘Non-Compliance’ as Challenge to Globalists


AFP Interviews Jesse Ventura






YouTube - American Free Press Mark Anderson Visits US Border Wall


The Homeowners Whose Loss Was Wall Street's Gain

Break Up the Banks Bill Is Here


**Chuck Baldwin: SPLC Publishes Patriot Hit List**


Christian Theologian on Earth Day: ‘Climate Change Is the Totalitarian’s Dream Come True’

Rep. Israel: ‘Climate Change Is a National Security Issue’

Lawmaker Says Obama Administration Doesn't Want to 'Coerce People Into Their Cars'

Obama Administration ‘Urges’ Health Insurer to ‘Stop Dropping Coverage’ for Breast Cancer Patients

Obama’s Own HHS Says Health Care Bill Will Cost More Than Projected

Justice Dept. Reviewing Request to Name Special Prosecutor to Probe White House Job Offer to Sestak

Interior Secretary Says National Security Can Co-Exist With ‘Ecological Values’ at U.S.-Mexico Border

La Raza President: Immigration Bill ‘Would Make Living in Arizona a Police State’ for Hispanics

Obama Calls Arizona Immigration Bill 'Misguided'; Will Have His People Examine It

ENDA Could Open ‘Every Classroom in America’ to Cross-Dressing Teachers, Conservative Group Says

GM Repaid TARP Loans With TARP Money, Republican Senator Says

Powerful Lobbies vs. Ordinary Citizens

Millennium Ark: Hot News:Alien Disclosure: Don't be Fooled

The Rutherford Institute - The National Biometric ID Card: The Mark of the Beast?

The Value-Added Tax Is Not the Answer by Murray N. Rothbard

Bachmann stirs the pot while angry tea partier assaults and threatens videographer

Chris Matthews vs Ron Paul by Walter Block

Computerized Front Running and Financial Fraud

Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA

Mortgage Madness: Financial Fraud in the Housing Market

The Story of the Financial Debacle: Goldman Plays, We Pay

Nuclear Weapons And Interceptor Missiles: Twin Pillars Of U.S.-NATO Military Strategy In Europe

The Goldman Sachs Indictment

VIDEO: The Man Made Global Warming Hoax

"The CIA Hit List": Muslim Men to be Murdered as "Threats to the US"

Secret Draft of Canada-European Union Free Trade Agreement

US Tests Orbital Plane: Integration of Air Forces, Space Weapons and Missile Defense

Dangerous Crossroads: US Deploys Patriot Missiles in Poland directed against Russia

Russia is the Target: Why does the US need a missile shield in Europe?

Natural Health from A to Z - Mason County News - Mason, Texas

Ganging Up on Grandma by Becky Akers

Gerald Celente: Financial Reform Is Just a Show

Physicians and Hospitals That Love ObamaCare by Michael Scott, MD

Commerce, Jurisdiction and Firearms Freedom Acts by Jeff Matthews

Colleague Says Anthrax Numbers Add Up to Unsolved Case | Raw Story


Stephen Colbert Urges Lindsey Graham to Make a Straight Sex Tape to Prove He's Not Gay

Cenk Uygur Debates Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root - Asks Why They're Not Protesting Wall Street

Thom Hartmann: I'm Dizzy - Do The Republicans always say Start Over?

Oklahoma loves government-run health care, but only for women

Donny Deutsch Pulled from MSNBC After Attacks on Olbermann and Schultz by Hugh Hewitt

Gov. Jan Brewer makes it official: Arizona is now nation's first police state for immigrants

Member of American Majority Fired For Trying To Co-opt Google Fiber Experiment For Political, Personal Gain

Barney Frank: SEC officials' pornfest exposes the Republican lie of unregulated markets

A Tale of Two Coal Mines: How One Followed The Rules, And The Other One Didn't.

Obama slams Arizona immigration bill as 'misguided' attempt to 'undermine basic notions of fairness'

Fox News Blonde Megyn Kelly loses it in debate over National Day of Prayer

Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim James tells us, "This is Alabama. We speak English."

Big Surprise, Huh? Ratings Agencies Blessed Bad Bond Deals To Pull In High Fees

Glenn Beck calls his own show the "worst television ever done," and "we're doing it every day"

Lawrence Frank drops the F-bomb on ESPN

As Recession Deepens, Even Thrift Store Donations Are Down.

Did Marco Rubio's free enterprising ways put an extra hundred grand in his pocket?

O'Reilly: The Daily Show is a Key Component of Left Wing TV - Whines With Goldberg About Lack of Right Wing Comedians

In Today's Speech, Obama Tells Wall Street: Don't Fight Us On Reform, Work With Us

How to Buy a Used Car | The Art of Manliness

Republicans Talk Tough on Pending Wall Street Vote

Morris Opposes Financial Regulation Bill

Obama Says Auto Bailouts Have Paid Off

Administration Trims Bailout Cost Estimate to $87B

Pushing Massive Regulation, Obama Launches War on Wall Street

SEC Watchdog to Investigate Timing of Goldman Suit

Palin Raises Money for GOP in Liberal Oregon Town

Grassley: GM Didn't Really Pay U.S. Back

Schumer Blasts Obama on Israel Policy

High Court Turns Down ACORN Request for Help

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Proposed Sanctions Not Legal

1 of Oldest Military-Style Schools in US to Close

Suspect: Al-Qaida Ordered Suicide Attack in NYC

U.S. Tells Insurer: Quit Dropping Cancer Patients

William Shatner Touted for Canadian Office

Obama Cites `Devastating Chapter' in Armenia Past

South Korea Raises Warship, Finds Clues on Sinking

E-Mails Show Goldman Boasting as Meltdown Unfolds

Foes Vow to Challenge Ariz. Immigration Law

Boy Scouts Ordered to Pay $18.5M in Sex Abuse Case

Suicide Raid Killed American Soldier on Kabul Base: U.S.

Most French Want Burqa Law, but Not Total Ban

Mich. Hookah Fanciers Fume About Smoking Ban

Alaska Dog Honored for Leading Troopers to Fire

Regulators Seize Bank Linked to Senate Candidate

SC's Bauer: Lazy People Cause Illegal Immigration

Navy to Name Next Ship After Late Rep. John Murtha

Atheists, Religious Groups Lobby on Day of Prayer

U.S. Border Police Train Mexicans for Drug Fight

NTSB Investigates Near Collision at Calif. Airport

AA Flight Makes Unscheduled Landing in Wash. State

Obama, First Lady Start NC Vacation With BBQ, Hike

Okla. Governor Vetoes 2 Abortion Bills

Man Detained After Trying to Open Plane's Door

Dismissed Murder Conviction Setback for Military

No Bail for Mom Accused of Killing Son in NY Hotel

Pa. Incumbent: Foe Feigning Bisexuality for Votes

Woman Gets Death Penalty in Fortuneteller Killing

Vet Gets Prison for Faking Paralysis to Avoid Iraq

Did Ex-Nurse Prey on Suicidal People?

John Warnecke, Kennedy Grave Site Architect, Dies

Ex-Cop 'Never Intended to Lie' in NYC Cyclist Case





The Associated Press: Obama cites `devastating chapter' in Armenia past

YouTube - World marks 95th anni of Armenian genocide

Debbie Schlussel:GREAT VIDEO Analysis on Sean Hannity Freedom Alliance/Freedom Concert Scam

Debbie Schlussel:The NFL Draft Sucks; Told Ya So on Tebow

Debbie Schlussel:“Rehabbing” Dr. Death: HBO’s Revisionist History of Jack Kevorkian

Debbie Schlussel:Beware of Clegg: UK Political Star in Bed w/Anti-Israel Billionaire, Obama Rezko Buddy

Debbie Schlussel:Video of the Day: Cheesy or Classic?

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, Parents: Teach Your Kids About Being Gay w/ Archie Comics!

Debbie Schlussel:UPDATED w/ Video: Dr. Phil’s Shameless Islamo-Pandering Continues

Debbie Schlussel:Not Stimulated: Michelle Obama’s Personal Clothing Designer Went Out of Business

Debbie Schlussel:MUST WATCH!: The Bacha Bazi Boys – Video on Afghanistan’s “Dancing Boys” & How Muslims Pimp Young Boys for Gang Rape

Debbie Schlussel:Reuters Quotes Schlussel on Obama’s, Cops’ Islamic “Outreach” & Homegrown Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:To Look Taller, I Put Shrapnel, Batteries in My Shoes @ the Airport; Don’t You?

Mahmoud Abbas calls on US to 'impose' a solution to Middle-East conflist - Times Online

The Associated Press: Shiite cleric calls on followers to defend mosques

General Election 2010: Nothing buys customer loyalty quite like honesty - Telegraph

Thousands protest Russia-Ukraine deal - CNN.com

NATO approves plan to hand over Afghanistan security to Kabul government

Endangered whales could be killed legally - Telegraph

The Associated Press: China replaces party boss in region hit by unrest

Russia's Medvedev Reiterates Possible 2012 Plans | Europe | English

Ex-Gov. Blagojevich: What Are the Odds President Obama Testifies in Blago's Case? - ABC News

Ex-governor Blagojevich wants Obama, Sen. Durbin at this trial - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Kerry, Graham, Lieberman to unveil climate bill

A Real Peace Movement - WSJ.com

Strategizing Legalization’s Pros and Cons - NYTimes.com

Legalizing pot may kill buzz in California enclave | Reuters

Marijuana Fans Seek Legalization | TopNews United States

Obama's Supreme Court Short List Shows Personal Ties - ABC News

When Obama picks a new Supreme Court justice, older is better

Why religion could affect Obama's court nomination - Los Angeles Times

Politics Digest: Biden forecasts growth of up to 500,000 new jobs a month

Books by Karl Rove and Mitt Romney - Review - NYTimes.com

Scott Brown: No presidential run in 2012 - BostonHerald.com

Sen. Scott Brown backs Romney for 2012 - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com

Some voters will find GOP insert in sample ballot - SignOnSanDiego.com

Macon braces for possible Obama visit - Columbia Missourian

Franklin Graham removed from Pentagon prayer service

Senate moves toward combined bill on derivatives oversight

The Associated Press: Obama links auto industry woes, financial overhaul

Will: Requiem for 'Responsible' Republicans - George F. Will - Newsweek.com

Is progressive Asheville Obama’s vision for America? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Taxi driver pleads guilty in New York subway terror plot - CNN.com

Family and friends of Gardner's victims divided on execution - Salt Lake Tribune

BBC News - Eleven suspected Somali pirates charged in US court

YouTube - Somali 'Pirates' Appear in U.S. Court

Polanski Lawyer Says U.S. Wants Him "In Shackles" - ABC News

Arts, Briefly - A New Character in Archie’s Town - NYTimes.com

'Idol Gives Back' Raises Nearly $45 Million - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News

‘Idol’s’ Tim Urban wants to sing, pursue acting

Ariz. governor signs immigration enforcement bill

Arizona governor signs immigration law; foes promise fight

Obama Seeks Immigration Overhaul, Slams Arizona Law - Bloomberg

UPDATE 1-Obama warns of 'misguided' immigration efforts | Reuters

Edwards to Testify About Sex Tape - The Daily Beast

My Way News - FDIC shuts down 7 banks in Illinois

Giannoulias to Move ‘Forward’ in Senate Race After Bank Seizure - Bloomberg.com

EXTRA! Wall Street Journal heads into NY hyperdrive - Yahoo! News

Tourist shot by police in J'lem church after drawing knife

X-37B unmanned space shuttle to be launched tonight | Mail Online

World's first full face transplant takes place at Vall d'Hebron hospital in Barcelona | Mail Online

Republicans, Citing Past Democratic Promises, Question Democrats' Credibility on Wall Street Reform - Political Punch

20100423issalettertoseciginvestigation.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Michelle Obama - Yahoo! News Photos

Obamas take 'middle class' holiday in North Carolina - Telegraph

Civil rights groups fight Ariz. immigration law - More politics- msnbc.com

Breitbart.tv » ‘The Teabagger Boogie’: Ex-Geico Announcer Posts ‘Dick Armey’s Army of D****’

Biggest study on cellphone health effects launched | Reuters

'Muhammad' now a dirty word on 'South Park' -- The Live Feed | THR

For nations living the good life, the party's over, IMF says

Colleague Says Anthrax Numbers Add Up to Unsolved Case

Dial “M” for mangled – Wikipedia and Environment Canada caught with temperature data errors

Clinton Advisor: Reno Threatened To “Tell The Truth About Waco” If Not Reappointed To Office

Newt Gingrich: Tea Party Will Become “Militant” Faction of Republican Party

Economic Ignorance and Liberal Hypocrisy

The Curse of Spending

Obama = Wall Street? Celente on Corruption and Gambling in Finance

American Kleptocracy

South Korea raises warship, finds clues on sinking | Reuters

Goldman Sachs readies forceful response against claims it misled clients

No, Canada’s Big Banks Don’t Justify America’s Too Big to Fails

Kudlow—The Washington Tax Attack Marches On - CNBC

UPDATE 1-Obama warns of 'misguided' immigration efforts | Reuters

Scientist says Arctic getting colder


*12 pgs./Full Text: Briefing Paper No. 52


*Failure Is the Only Reform We Need


Alex Jones: Global Bank Conspiracy

Senator Graham’s Gay Scandal Goes National and Viral

Gerald Celente: Financial Reform Is Just a Show

China: Authorities Plan To Sterilise 10,000 People To Ensure They Meet Family Planning Targets | World News | Sky News

Claim That Goldman Probes are Politically Motivated - The Jakarta Globe

Dodd Bill Would Allow Fed To Hide Its Spending

Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy

$338.3 Billion Paid to Service America’s Illegal Aliens « Publius Forum

Libertarian photographer sues Dept. of Homeland Security after arrest for filming courthouse protest

CNSNews.com - Dick Armey: Democrats Will Impose Value Added Tax On Top of All Other Taxes

Video Compilation: The Media Crashing the Tea Party

Survive to Thrive in a Changing World

Getting the right gang numbers in D.C.

As Usual, Government Regulation as Political Payoff

The Federal Reserve and Income Tax: Working in Tandem or Seperate Institutions?

Did Big Ben Get Smeared Again?

Americans Deserve Recall Power


The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 23rd With Doug Stanhope

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 22nd With Bill Murphy








*fashback audio:Winston Churchill on free speech

flashback:Earth Day - 1970 | Newstalgia




Subway-bombing co-conspirator Zarein Ahmedzay details how he and al Qaeda-trained cohorts planned subway bombings - NYPOST.com

FOXNews.com - Road to Radicalism: The Man Behind the 'South Park' Threats

'South Park' jihad patrol - NYPOST.com

Obama tells feds to check Arizona immigration bill - Washington Times

Arizona governor signs immigration law; foes promise fight

Bay Area Dems request $2.3 billion in earmarks

CNSNews.com - Rep. Israel: ‘Climate Change Is a National Security Issue’

FOXNews.com - US clears 2nd Navy SEAL in Iraqi abuse case

Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request | NBC Chicago

Where in the world is Tony Rezko? | Washington Examiner

PolitiFact | Obama campaign financed by large donors, too

L.A. Unified dismisses teacher accused of sex harassment - latimes.com

A homeless man dies and nearly 25 people in Queens keep walking by - NYPOST.com

Why is the unashamed child abuser Polanski lauded while the repentant Pope is vilified? | Mail Online

When tyrants meet: Mugabe welcomes Ahmadinejad to Zimbabwe | Mail Online

Unmanned military space planes usher in new weaponry era - Washington Times

Children's Nickelodeon network spoofs, 'Hallelujah' Obama!

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Iran strengthens foothold in Latin America

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive HHS uncovers 'broken promises' under Obamacare

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Pro-life' Democrats on defensive

Compass Direct News:Messianic Jews in Israel Seek Public Apology for Attack

Grijalva calls for Obama to end agreements with Arizona police - Phoenix Business Journal:

Arizona immigration law may prompt influx of immigrants into Texas, professor says

Small Riot Breaks Out at Immigration Protest

Dem faith in Obama plunges as health-care details emerge

Facebook Page 'Prays' for Obama's Death? - ABC News

Ed Koch Predicts Anti-Democrat 'Tsunami' in November - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Schumer rips Obama administration on handling of Israel - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Massive Anti-Obama Rally Set for Sunday in New York - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

Public schoolers: How's that indoctrination workin' out?

CAIR celebrates Pentagon disinvite of Franklin Graham

Will the real hate-mongers please stand up?

New acquittals for people who attacked Christians in India | Spero News

'Climategate' blazes up Amazon's best-seller lists

Confirmed! Global warming is 'settled' – as a scam

New Revelations on Climategate - Video - FoxNews.com

Feds tight-lipped about raid on milk farm

U.N. yanks chain of press corps

Government report: Health law could hike prices, make employers drop coverage - TheHill.com

Bill Would Apply Hyde Amendment to Obama's Pro-Abortion Health Care Law

Supreme Court contender: 'Gay rights' champion

Pro-Life Groups Condemn Obama Abortion Litmus Test for Supreme Court Pick

Beaten Jindal Staffer Says Protesters are the Perpetrators - HUMAN EVENTS

Democrats get talking points to sell campaign finance bill - The Hill's Ballot Box

Report: Blagojevich subpoenas Durbin to testify at his trial - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Boehner Increasingly Holds Pro-Life Mantle - Hotline On Call

GOP Leader Boehner to Get Pro-Life Award for Opposing Pro-Abortion Health Care

China: Authorities Plan To Sterilise 10,000 People To Ensure They Meet Family Planning Targets | World News | Sky News

Air Force Launches Secretive X-37B Space Plane on Mystery Mission - Yahoo! News

Is the X-37B the start of war in space? | News.com.au

FOXNews.com - GM Could Be in Hot Water With FTC Over Truth in Advertising

Time, Water Running Out for Ogallala, America's Biggest Aquifer - AOL News

Condemned Utah killer will face firing squad - Yahoo! News

The freedoms afforded would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr.

Woman identifies her photo, says 'charming' serial killer persuaded her to pose for him

Woman sex offender charged with assault on boy, 14 | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/20/2010

Mow-down LI teen has a sick way of looking at bright side of death - NYPOST.com

Tourist shot after attacking church goers - Israel News, Ynetnews

Six police officers killed in Mexican ambush - Telegraph

Wave of bombs in Baghdad kills 69 - Times Online

Dutch Arab group acquitted of hate speech - Israel News, Ynetnews

Atheist given Asbo for leaflets mocking Jesus - Telegraph

Church of Scientology blasts Russian government for ban on L. Ron Hubbard writings - Yahoo! News

Carville: Palin and Santorum are 'reptiles'

Policing the Web: Germany No. 2 in Google 'Censorship' Rankings - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Eliot Spitzer slated for red-carpet rebirth - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

ABC News Uncovers New Evidence in Naomi Campbell 'Blood Diamond' Scandal - ABC News

Lindsay Lohan named a 'suspect' in watch theft: report - NYPOST.com

The Associated Press: Census returns hit 72 percent, match rate in 2000

Years later, looking for traces of Sept. 11 victims - Yahoo! News

DARPA confirms mission’s failure

Dinosaurs died from sudden temperature drop 'not comet strike', scientists claim - Telegraph

Redesigning the Ouija board | forgetomori

Maxed out: How long can you go without sleep? - health - 23 April 2010 - New Scientist

Sea lion pup found on Newport Beach rooftop | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times

Bacterial mat the size of Greece found on Pacific floor - life - 21 April 2010 - New Scientist

Our B&B is haunted.. but it was the reality show guests that were the most scary - The Daily Record

Archaeologists unearth 6th century Ikea-style temple - Telegraph

Cryptomundo » The Ultimate Earth Day Icon: Sasquatch

Mysterious Sheep-Pig Creature's True Identity Revealed | LiveScience

Cryptids with Claws: Monsters of the American South | Mysterious Universe

Heaven: A fool's paradise - Faith, Opinion - The Independent

Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country

World around us: Turkmen president wants to close "Hell's Gate"

Upward Physical Movement Brings Back Happy Memories | Wired Science | Wired.com

SPACE.com -- Mysterious New Object Discovered in Space

DARPA Takes a Crack at the Flying Car - Darpa - Gizmodo

Schrödinger's cash: Minting quantum money - physics-math - 20 April 2010 - New Scientist

Mysterious Volcano Lightning Creates Pretty Pictures | LiveScience

Feds tight-lipped about raid on milk farm

Lawmakers want university explanation for expulsion of Christian

Islamic warning to 'South Park' still 'remains'

Carbon-phobia? Not me

Why does tea party need infiltrating?

McCain 2.0 now on sale

If you're not a tea partier … why not?

Philip Dru Obama

Kill the welfare state!

Carbon-phobia? Not me

Why I love Barack Obama

Defining the left-right divide

Marriage-absence: America's greatest problem

Why adultery is a big deal

National Day of Prayer: Franklin Graham Deserved to Be Booted

High self-esteem, low test scores

John Kass, Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama - chicagotribune.com

Desalinizing America

Iran: Doing Nothing Is Not an Option

Fix Is On by Obama and Congress in Union Fight

No Free Speech about Leaving Islam?

The Tea Party, Timothy McVeigh, and Tainted History

Dr. Ivins Not responsible for Anthrax Attacks

Time to put Holder and Perrelli under oath in Black Panther whitewash

In South Park controversy; Islam - 1, Free Speech - 0

New hit song in South Africa: 'Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer !'

Some thoughts on Earth Day looking into the rearview mirror

The voter fraud agenda

They said it: Dems who went out on a limb for Obamacare deficit reduction

Will Giannoulias be forced to withdraw from IL senate race?

Arizona's immigration law too tough? Not if you live there.

It's the Constitution that's Radicalizing Our Politicians

Liberty and the Death of God

Next Earth Day, Thank a Hunter

Taxes Aren't the Problem

The GOP Needs Candidates with Backbone

Government's Compulsive Spending Disorder

*The Capitol Steps:WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'It's Not Easy Being Green'

VIDEO:Loving God or so much lip service?

Is 2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?

Joni Mitchell: Everything about Bob Dylan is fake - Telegraph

Cheney happy that he once told Leahy to... - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Girl 'Channels' SpongeBob To Help Friend


*Transcripts:23APR-Obama's Remarks on Immigration

*22 APR-Wall Street Reform at Cooper Union

Roundtable on Obama's Wall St. Speech

Interview with Economic Adviser Larry Summers

Interview with Senator Blanche Lincoln

Interview with Rep. Steve King

Interview with Rudy Giuliani


Commentary » Blog Archive » Brooks Struggles to Figure Out What Went Wrong

The national debt and Washington's deficit of will

Washington Possessed - Forbes.com

Obama Hasn't Changed, but Where's the Country That Elected Him?

Screaming extremism - The Boston Globe

Mark Steyn: Tea Party the new front in 'war on terror' | tea, comedy, clinton - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Harold Meyerson - Will Congress hold the big banks responsible for the economic crisis?

Commentary » Blog Archive » Obama’s Economic Policy: Crony Capitalism

Goldman Alum Who's Trying to Fix Wall Street - Howard Fineman - Newsweek.com

Wall Street shuffle: Their ‘huge playground’ is safe | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Op-Ed Columnist - Running on Empty - NYTimes.com

The regrets of Bill Clinton - Bill Clinton - Salon.com

The New Fat Cats | The Weekly Standard

RealClearPolitics - Media Leave "South Park" Creators Out to Dry

Cowardly Central - NYPOST.com

Editorial - The Supreme Court and Free Speech - NYTimes.com

Free All The SEALs From Travesty - IBD - Investors.com

Schumer, a Friend to Wall St., Is Suddenly Quiet - NYTimes.com

White House leaves Dick Durbin hanging - Glenn Thrush and Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

Senate panel approves budget plan with more cuts than Obama's

Lawmaker Calls GM Payment Misleading - WSJ.com

James Grant - The best financial reform? Let the bankers fail

Loose Tea

The Midterms Don't Matter - The Daily Beast


*24 APR-Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address On Good News From The Auto Industry

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Financial Regulation

Paul Ryan: Obama Leading America On "Dangerous Path" To Welfare State

David Axelrod On The "Tonight Show"

Palin: Email Hacker Was Trying To "Derail A Presidential Election"

Matthews: Time To Get Serious On Immigration Reform

Ingraham on "South Park" Censorship

Richardson: AZ Law "Hurts Democratic Values" Of U.S.

Special Report Panel On Arizona Immigration Law

*APR 23-Jon Stewart Defends South Park

RGA Ad: "Remember November"

FL-Sen: Crist Doesn't Rule Democratic Run For Senate

AZ Governor Announces She Will Sign Immigration Bill Into Law

AR-Sen: Lincoln Would Be "Proud" To Have Obama Campaign For Her

Obama: Arizona's Immigration Bill Is "Misguided"

SEC Inspector General Will Probe Goldman Suit Timing

AZ State Senator Clashes With MSNBC's Ratigan Over Equal Time Debating Immigration Bill

Sebelius On Health Care Reform: "We Don't Know What It's Going To Cost"

Obama Blames Media, Cable & Blogs For Inability To "Connect" With Americans

Palin: E-Mail Hacker's Fate "Up To The Judge"

"Relieved Of Duty": Specter Questions Sestak's Military Record

Brown: "I Have To Work Twice As Hard" To Fill Kennedy's Shoes

Stossel Debunks Myths About Business

Krauthammer: Obama Not The "Arbiter Of American Political Discourse"

Matthews: Politics Shouldn't Be Prosecution

Gov. Chris Christie on Property Taxes, Teachers' Union

Meek: "Charlie Crist Is Going To Do What's In The Best Interest Of Charlie Crist"

Barney Frank Blames SEC Porn Scandal On Republicans

O'Reilly: Relying On The Govt To Police Wall Street Is "Downright Scary"

Cheney: Cursing At Leahy "Best Thing I Ever Did"

Dodd To Bankers: "Your White Horse Is Dead"

S.E.C. Employees' Porn Problem


*American Minute for April 24th:William J Federer's American Minute


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

FOXNews.com - Birther Army Doctor Court Martial May Yield No New Document

Another state considers Arizona eligibility plan

Retired Army general: Lt. Col. Lakin has 'valid point'

Army to 'inquire' into charges against Lakin

Army charges Lt. Col. Lakin

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Will the Military Court Martial of Lt. Col. Lakin Finally Put an End to the Birther Debate?

More seeds of confusion sown on eligibility


*SITE:(www.adriangilbert.co.uk)Magazine Articles


Scummy Moment of the Week: Dick Morris' untold tale of how Clinton was blackmailed by Janet Reno over Waco


**A (Not Quite) Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming



Millions drink toxic water in the USA, but it’s EPA-approved

Obama Revives Rumsfeld’s Missile Scheme, Risks Nuke War | Danger Room | Wired.com

Report: Netanyahu Open to Palestinian State With ‘Temporary Borders’ -- News from Antiwar.com

Afghan ‘Exit Strategy’ Won’t Involve Removing Any Troops -- News from Antiwar.com

Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request | NBC Chicago

The Raw Story | Top US senator presses Clinton on Iran sanctions

The Raw Story | Syria providing 'wider array' of missiles to Hezbollah: US

U.S. Nuclear Option on Iran Linked to Israeli Attack Threat - IPS ipsnews.net

FOXNews.com - E-mails Show Goldman Execs Boasting as Housing Meltdown Unfolds

Tax evader who blamed Holocaust gets 10 months - Business- msnbc.com

US to maintain tactical nukes in Europe « Aletho News

Goldman Sachs 'conflict of interest inflated Lloyds bail-out costs' | Mail Online


The Michael Savage Show Podcast - 23 APR

Alex Jones - 2010-Apr-23, Friday

April 23, 2010 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

04/23 The Mark Levin Show


NewsBusted: Why Does Eric Holder Want Bin Laden Captured Alive?

‘Welcome Back To the Fight — This Time I Know Our Side Will Win’

Parker and Stone: On the Front Lines Of a War the MSM Desperately Wants To Ignore

EXCLUSIVE: Comedy Central Head in 2009: We’ll Let ‘South Park’ Do Mohammed

Twinkie Alert: In Contemplating Tea Parties, the Washington Post Finds Racism Just About Everywhere

Today, Jon Stewart — Free Speech Warrior — is My Hero

Media AWOL As Earth Day Goes Up In Smoke

Useful Idiots: Unexpected

Morning Thread: Comedy Central Embraces Dhimmitude Instead of Free Speech

‘The McVeigh Tapes’ — Imagine Hearing the 9/11 Plotters on MSNBC

As Obama Justice Dept. Stonewalls Civil Rights Commission, Media Still Uninterested In Blatant Voter Intimidation

Klavan On the Culture: The New York Times Answer Man Explains It All For You

The MSM, ‘Beginning To See the Light’ At Last…

The MSM, the Tea Parties, and the Law Of the ‘Narrative’

MSM Whistles Past the Anniversary Of a Decade-Old Outrage

More Media Fighting: The Goldberg Variations, Performed By Jon Stewart

‘America the Angry’ Sets Off Civil War at MSNBC

NewsBusted: How Did MSNBC Portray the Tea Parties?

Teddy’s Temple: A Taxpayer-Funded Shrine to Leftism

BREAKING: SEIU Names a New Leader, Against Stern’s Wishes Anna Burger is Out

Saturday Open Thread: Easter Rising Edition

Supreme Court Upholds ACORN Funding Ban

WSJ Picks Wrong Issue in Air Force Tanker Debate

Pressure Mounts on Bank Bailout Bill

Eric Stein Must Resign

The Truth About Judicial Stereotypes

My Advice for Goldman

Clicking the Emerald Slippers, Stealing Your Money

Threats Against Legislators Captured on Video!

Michael Steele and the Southern Strategy

‘Give Up the Bucks:’ Illinois Pigs at the Trough Demanding More Slop, With the Help of Astroturf SEIU

Obama’s Tangled Webs

Scientists: EPA ‘Distorting’ Biofuels Reality

Atlantic Yards and the Despicable Bertha Lewis

Nearly 4M to Pay Health Insurance Penalty by 2016

Center for Responsible Lending and SEIU, a Perfect Union

Bertha Lewis: A Socialist Rallying Cry for Immigration Reform

Sen. Corker vs. Tea Party Activists

Blagojevich Moves to Subpoena Obama

Chicago Teacher on Tax Hike: ‘Give Up the Bucks’

AUDIO:Goldman Sachs and Financial Regulation Reform

What You Need To Know About The Recent Bertha Lewis ACORN Rant

IndyMac Attack: Did Schumer, Paulson, Soros, and the CRL Kill the Bank and Profit From Its Collapse?

Speaker Michael Madigan, Where Did the Money Go?

GI Film Festival: Wounded Champions; Not Victims

…And Overnight This is All It Takes to Be ‘Edgier’ Than Gutless Comedy Central

Daily Gut: Naomi Campbell, a Machine of Entitlement

Today, Jon Stewart — Free Speech Warrior — Is My Hero

REVIEW: ‘The Back-Up Plan’ Above-Average RomCom

EXCLUSIVE: Comedy Central Head in 2009: We’ll Let ‘South Park’ Do Mohammed

How BigGovernment.com and FreedomWorks Took Down the Voice of Geico

‘Killin’ People, Just Another Day’ – Episode Two Of ‘Young Americans: The ‘Unwinnable’ Ramadi Episodes’

REVIEW: ‘You Don’t Know Jack,’ and Neither Does HBO

Now Is the Time for All Good Men and Women to Come to the Aid of ‘South Park’

Where’s Liberal Hollywood When You Need Them?: No Outrage Over Sigourney Weaver’s ‘Breasts’ Remark

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 1

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 2

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 3

Classroom Propaganda: Debunking ‘The Story of Stuff’ — Part 4


#VIDEO:The B-Cast B-Side: Blago Connections Raise All Kinds of Concerns

The B-Cast: Open Clip Friday

The B-Cast Interview: YouTube Yanks Hitler Parody Videos

The B-Cast: Jim Wallis & Franklin Graham – Tales of Two Reverends

Pentagon Prayer Debate: Rev. Franklin Graham Stands By Remarks on Islam

Rev. Wallis: Bill Criminalizing Illegals ‘Would Make Obeying Jesus Against The Law’

The B-Cast: Will Tea Parties Trigger ‘Spiritual Revival?’

Rev. Billy Graham Makes Rare Public Appearance for Rededication of the Billy Graham Library

DeMint: Tea Party Movement Will Bring on ‘Spiritual Revival’

ABC Slams Lane Bryant: We Never Rejected Plus Size Lingerie Ad

Fox News Asks Gibbs: Have Birthers Harmed Obama’s Muslim-American Outreach?

Critical Condition: Rocker Bret Michaels Suffers Brain Hemmorhage

Rep. Israel: ‘Climate Change Is a National Security Issue’

Five Years Ago Today: First Video Uploaded to YouTube

Famed Concert Pianist Plays ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ Encore on iPad

X-37B: US Military Launches Top Secret ‘Robocraft’ Space Plane

Cyber Attacks Jeopardize Superpower Status

Frank: GOP ‘Bailout Bill’ Claim is ‘Phoniest Issue I’ve Seen In a Very Long Time’

Top SEC Staffers Surfed Porn for Hours During 2008 Economic Turmoil

Pelosi: Wall St. Doesn’t Get Anything For Filling Dem Campaign Coffers

Detroit Strip Club Hired 14-Year-Old to Dance

Minnesota Man Faces Charges for Using Internet Chat to Encourage Suicides

‘Get Behind Me Satan’: Broadcaster Helps Subdue Threatening Passenger on Cross-Country Flight

‘An Attempt to Grill’: Palin Talks to Greta About Testimony in Hacking Trial

Wriggling Package Gives Away Mailed Ferret

Spanish Doctors Perform World’s First Full-Face Transplant

‘Remember November’: Republican Governors Send Video Message for Fall Elections

Getaway!: Obamas Hit North Carolina for Hiking, Golf & Ribs

Obama: Arizona Immigration Bill Threatens to ‘Undermine Basic Notions of Fairness’

Dick Cheney Loved ‘F*** Yourself’ Moment With Sen. Leahy

‘Raise My Taxes!’: SEIU & Friends Lead Pro-Tax Hike Rally Illinois

Beijing Deploys 100 Deodorant Cannons to Combat Powerful Stench From Festering Garbage

CNBC Reporter Tours $150 Million Dollar California Home

Dash Cam Video Shows Dog Leading Troopers Through Winding Roads to Blazing Fire

Video: Will Lawmakers Call For Boycott Affect Tourism?

Video: Student Fears Enforcement Of Immigration Law

Video: Groups Plan To Challenge Immigration Law

Video: Immigration Law Marks New Era For Arizona

Young Inventor

This Weekend: Natalie Merchant Reappears

BNP launches manifesto

Spanish Hospital Claims 1st Full Face Transplant

Raw Video: Man Falls Into Head Shop

Greece: Aid Available in Several Days

Celebs limber up for Marathon

Ice Cube Comes 'Straight Outta L.A.'

Cuban prima ballerina and choreographer fetes 90th birthday

58 dead as car bombs sow Iraq mayhem

Burqa ban riles French Muslim women

Ex-Bin Laden bodyguard writes against Qaeda

'SpongeBob' to the Rescue, Helps Girl Save Chum