"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
- Hillel
Lennon Marx

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies!

"If the American people ever allow private banks
to control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them,will deprive
the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson

Ron Paul :2012

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

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than an idea whose time has come.”

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18 April 2010

21stCenturyRebel: 3 yrs. Archive


9 Ingredients to avoid in processed foods - Healthy Living on Shine

Counting Heads

1 in 3 Americans Failed to Return Census Forms - NYTimes.com


audio:Kevin MacDonald - Jewish Indentity Politics In US - Pt 1

audio:Kevin MacDonald - Jewish Indentity Politics In US - Pt 2


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Israeli ID order set to criminalise Palestinians

Were Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot atheists?

YouTube - Chossudovsky: Obama, not Osama, is threat No.1 to global security

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Chinese Global Governance and the "Mark of the Beast"

Carlos Latuff - 'I Don't Trade Ideology For Money'

VAT (National Sales Tax) Coming

Black box reveals pilots of Polish president's jet knew they were doomed and made a 'dramatic' flight deck speech | Mail Online

Red Bull Air Race Plane Crashes Into Swan River

Exxon's Income Tax: $0 | Mother Jones

VIDEO: "Nuclear Terrorism": Al Qaeda is an Upcoming Nuclear Power according to president Obama

Nation of Laws and Lawlessness: America is Policing Itself and the World

Proof that vulcanic ash comes from a Nordic god – Telegraph Blogs

Volcanic ash cloud leaves shops facing shortages of fruit, vegetables and medicine - Telegraph

Volcanic ash keeps flights across Europe grounded | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan to launch new inquiry into Benazir Bhutto murder after UN report | World news | The Guardian

'Safer' not to defrock paedophile priests, says Catholic Church official - Telegraph

Microsoft accused of using teenage 'slave labour' to build Xboxes in China - Telegraph

Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller - Times Online

CIA chief approved destruction of terrorist waterboarding tapes - Telegraph

Blackwater staff 'violated weapons law' | World news | The Guardian

Gormley statues spark suicide alerts - Americas, World - The Independent

Rolling Stone, acme of counterculture, charges for website - Times Online

Rev. James Manning - The Obama We Know

savethemales.ca - Illuminati Plan Third Temple in Jerusalem

FBI destroyed file on Obama's grandfather

Vitamin D Supplementation Associated With Reduced Cardiovascular Risk

Democrat 'Progressivism' Is Prime Rothschild Domination Tool

Politics, Finance, and Your Health

savethemales.ca - Feminism Spoiled Nature's Great Con

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Oprah's Dirty Little Secret

Natural Health News: The Importance of Avoiding WholeFoods

Will Volcanic Ash in the Air Affect Climate? - CBS News

USAFE units participate in BRILLIANT ARDENT 2010

Israel seals West Bank as security precaution | World news | guardian.co.uk

Travel from Israel, Ynetnews

Iran calls US 'the world's only atomic criminal' - Telegraph

Iran's leaders hit out at nuclear 'bullies' - Middle East, World - The Independent

Afghanistan: A conspiracy of silence - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

This is just the beginning, warn scientists - Times Online

As the cloud thickens, some pilots are asking... Why can't we just fly beneath it? | Mail Online

Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: Police: Let us sedate suspects

Council tried to seize ‘veggie’ child - Times Online

Get your trolls off my lawn, Monbiot – Telegraph Blogs

Allegations No.10 was bugged by MI5 ‘removed’ from official history - Times Online

New York trembles at rise in violent crime - Times Online

‘Reich Mother’ bids for power - Times Online

Texas city revives paddling as it takes a swat at misbehavior

Ice cap thaw may awaken Icelandic volcanoes - Yahoo! News

Antony Flew, 87, Philosopher and Ex-Atheist, Dies - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com

Admiral Mullen Wary of Attack on Iran

John Paulson: the man who made billions betting on a US housing crash - Telegraph

Goldman Sachs Clients-First Pledge Undercut by SEC (Update1) - Bloomberg.com

Could Germany quit euro over Greece crisis? | Mail Online

Fury in Greece over IMF intervention | World news | guardian.co.uk

Global Peace, Justice Groups Threaten Israel's Legitimacy

Holocaust denier fined 10,000 euros - Telegraph

Russia moves to stamp authority on Roza Otunbayeva in Kyrgyzstan - Times Online

Chinese state holds parents hostage in sterilisation drive - Asia, World - The Independent

Digital Economy Act: This means war | Cory Doctorow | Technology | guardian.co.uk

LA's city government is at war with itself | Sasha Abramsky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Ex-NASA KSC Scientist Blasts Obama Space Talk As Treason

Health Buzz: Health Insurers Invest in Fast Food - US News and World Report

Behind The Bible Fraud - What Was The Church Trying To Hide?

*Full text of Iran's letter of complaint to the UN over US threats of nuclear attack | Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

*On the Edge with Max Keiser - April 17th 2010 Guest Alex Jones - 12160.org

ah, mephistophelis.: Fema Suddenly Wants Sensitive Docs (Already Public) Pulled for Nuke Drill (Which was Cancelled)

jesse ventura real time bill maher april 16 2010 - 12160.org

EclippTV :: Video :: Jesse Ventura on Real Time - "Do NOT Vote Republican or Democract"

ah, mephistophelis.: Google Better Have A Really Good Excuse....

YouTube - The Bishop

The Case for the Impeachment of Barack Obama

U.S. won't share Ft Hood evidence with Senate: Gates - Yahoo! News

Goon Squad: The Muslims Who Are Looting the USA From Within

EclippTV :: Video :: Those Buildings On 9/11 Were Imploded! Willie Nelson

100 Years of US Medical Fascism by Dale Steinreich

Big Content's dystopian wish-list for the US gov't: spyware, censorship, physical searches and SWAT teams - Boing Boing

Oil Companies Conspiring To Jack Up Gasoline Prices By Creating Artificial Scarcity

PJTV - Afterburner with Bill Whittle - The Blood of Patriots & Tyrants: The Tea Party's Founders


*10 Facts All Americans Must Know Now


MorningNewsBeat:FMI Attacks New Swipe Fees Instituted By Visa

Mezan Center: “Israel Deliberately Killed Reuters Cameraman”

Picnicking on Mount Vesuvius? :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Catholic Church is 'like the Mafia' - Telegraph.co.uk - Yahoo! Buzz UK & Ireland

Gen McChrystal: No Proof Iran Sending Fighters or Weapons to Afghanistan -- News from Antiwar.com

Everyone but the Roman Catholic Church Itself – The Blame-Shifting Continues | The Seminal

Holy mistake! Congress wipes out congressional health care insurance

Scots comedy legend Billy Connolly lends voice to satnav device - The Daily Record

School Spy Laptops “Took Thousands Of Photos” Of Students In Homes

The Strata-Sphere » Smoking Gun: CRU Data Too Inaccurate To Detect AGW

YouTube - Goldman Sachs fraud, how they cheated investors with exploding bonds - Part 1 of 2

HOSPITAL OVERCHARGES >> Four Winds 10 - fourwinds10.com

SEC's Goldman charges could be just the beginning | McClatchy

MARTIN BELL: Beware of newsmen wearing lip gloss | Mail Online

EclippTV :: Video :: Do You Hate The Government?

EclippTV :: Video :: PressTV excerpts Wikileaks video program

EclippTV :: Video :: Bill Clinton Gives a Veiled Threat of Another False Flag Terror Attack

EclippTV :: Video :: Marc Faber on American oil companies

“Yes, Virginia, There Are Oklahoma City Bombing Truthers” « LewRockwell.com Blog


EclippTV :: Video :: BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)1of5

EclippTV :: Video :: BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)2of5

EclippTV :: Video :: BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)3of5

EclippTV :: Video :: BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)4of5

EclippTV :: Video :: BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)5of5


EclippTV :: Video :: America Can Exist Just Fine Without Israel! But Israel CANNOT Exist Without

EclippTV :: Video :: Cap and Trade is NOT DEAD, What it will cost you?

Tom Sgouros: Public Banking -- From Radical to Conservative

Clinton Compares Tea Party Members to Timothy McVeigh « LewRockwell.com Blog

How the global warming hoax evolved from population control and eugenics : USACTION NEWS

Priest says he was bullied into taking fall for Pope in abuse scandal - The Local

Liberation's Lies

Howling Wind: The Unrepented Genocide


Kucinich: White House Assassination Policy Is Extrajudicial

What the whistleblower prosecution says about the Obama DOJ - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

Neo-Nazi Rally and Counter-Protest End With Arrests, Some Violence - LAist

Germany To Add To Goldman’s Headaches, Prepares To Sue Firm

Ahmadinejad calls for U.S. to destroy its nuclear arsenal first

SEC files lawsuit against Goldman Sachs for financial fraud

Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con | Will Hutton | Business | The Observer

Microsoft's Chinese workforce, too tired to stay awake | Mail Online

L.A. white supremacy rally gets bloody - Life- msnbc.com

Pope flies to Malta amid fresh claims of a cover-up over church sex abuse scandal | World news | The Observer

The man who stole your old age: How Gordon Brown secretly imposed a ruinous tax that has wrecked the retirements of millions | Mail Online


ah, mephistophelis.: Total Information Awareness: The Next Generation

Investor Who Made Billions Not Targeted in Goldman Suit - NYTimes.com

Digital Economy Act: This means war | Cory Doctorow | Technology | guardian.co.uk

How a Rich and Proud Nation Went Broke

Max Keiser and Alex Jones Cover the Globalist Takeover

Casino Carnival Barker Jim Cramer Defends Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs set to pay £3.5bn in bonuses - Times Online

Jesse Ventura on Real Time – Do NOT Vote Republican or Democract

Other Major Banks Did Deals Similar to Goldman’s - ProPublica

Airlines query flight ban as travel misery spreads - Yahoo! Singapore News

Bin Laden, a secret fan of footie and Monty - Times Online

Gates Says U.S. Lacks a Policy to Thwart Iran - NYTimes.com

City trader linked to Goldman Sachs case as regulators track sub-prime deals | Business | The Observer

Geithner ‘very confident’ US finance reform will pass | Raw Story

White supremacists' rally sparks violent clashes in Los Angeles | Mail Online

Former NSA Official Leaked Secrets Via Hushmail -- InformationWeek

Senate votes against a value-added tax

Revealed: How MI5 bugged 10 Downing Street, the Cabinet and at least five Prime Ministers for 15 YEARS | Mail Online

To prove weapon’s safety, Taser drugs, tortures animals

'Tea partiers' more wacky mavericks than extremist threat

Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller - Times Online

Climategate: a scandal that won’t go away - Telegraph

Richard Adams's blog | World news | guardian.co.uk


*UNCLASSIFIED: US Military Plan to Justify Intervention in Cuba, 1962.(Most Corrupt US Military Plan Ever)


False Flag Prelude? Clinton Launches Demonization Campaign On OK City Bombing Anniversary

There’s A World of Pain Ahead

Ratigan Deconstructs Goldman, Connecticut AG Blumental Wants Criminal Charges Filed

Thoughts On, “Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined”

The 'Obama doctrine': kill, don't detain | Asim Qureshi | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Reuters AlertNet - US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26

Recalling ’95 Bombing, Clinton Sees Parallels - NYTimes.com

Black Rev. Calls Accusations the Tea Party is Racist an “Out-and-out Lie”

Alex Jones

The Alex Jones Show – ARCHIVE – April 16th With Leslie Dutton


04-18-2010: A 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Papua New Guinea

04-18-2010: Felon accused of running animal-sex farm

04-18-2010: Is the Holy See above the law?

04-18-2010: John Paul ‘ignored abuse of 2,000 boys’

China Mineral Dominance Concerns U.S.

04-17-2010: Crime Prediction Software Is Here And It Is A Very Bad Idea

04-17-2010: Rare Yellowstone volcano eruption would be deadly

04-17-2010: Why Drug Addicts Are Getting Sterilized for Cash

04-17-2010: Yahoo Beats Feds in E-Mail Privacy Battle

04-17-2010: Study: Insurance Companies Hold Billions In Fast Food Stock

04-17-2010: Video Response To Alex Jones Destroying an iPad

04-17-2010: Microsoft's Chinese Labor Scandal

04-16-2010: UK: Military-style guns for police to fight terrorists on the streets

The Entertainment Industry’s Dystopia of the Future

video:Alexis de Tocqueville - Despotism in America

Elderly Community Turns To Big Brother For Help

Facebook under privacy microscope

Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

Cisco sees the network entering your brain

Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama

Chip Implanter PositiveID Aims To Clean Up A PR Mess

Online game shoppers duped into selling souls

'Third World' concepts no longer relevant - Zoellick

Your Bionic Brain: The Merging of Brain and Machine

United Nations' threat: No more parental rights Expert: Pact would ban spankings, homeschooling if children object

China tries to sterilise 10,000 parents over one-child rule

In Safety Study, Sheep on Meth Are Shocked With Tasers

Kucinich: White House Assassination Policy Is Extrajudicial

Can US Dollar Remain World's Currency?

What Do We Get For Our US Tax Dollars?

The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging:

NATO: Pentagon’s Gateway Into Former Warsaw Pact, Soviet Nations

Nation of Laws and Lawlessness: America is Policing Itself and the World

VIDEO: Be Nice to America. Or We'll Bring Democracy to Your Country!

ACTA Treaty: Can Seize, Destroy Your PC, Electronics

Marxist Wealth Distribution for the Bankers

What happened to "look forward, not backward"?

The Obama DOJ's warrantless demands for e-mails

Former NSA executive charged in newspaper leak case

James Mandarino, Streamwood Police Officer, Caught On Video BEATING Motorist (VIDEO)

FBI destroyed file on Obama's grandfather, journalist discloses

Murder for Money

College gives files of climate change sceptics to police

Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm

Health Law Bans New Doctor-Owned Hospitals, Blocks Expansion of Existing Ones

Handcuffed: When the Government Wants Your Invention

Libertarianism in Ancient China

Alan Watts - Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life


YouTube - Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at Infowars.com)


The Income Tax and Sovereignty

The Income Tax and American Servitude

You'll Get Nothing And Like It!

Digital Economy Bill: Nine things you can't do any more

Was Israel ever legitimate?

The mythical concept of trade war

Michael Specter: The danger of science denial | Video on TED.com

The Mark?

*Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Cattle And People, Company Says -- RFID Ink -- InformationWeek

SOMARK ; (http://somarkinnovations.com)


YouTube - Ron Paul's Tea Party Speech


Poles Bury Kaczynski, Eye Better Ties With Russia

Test Flights Raise Hope for European Air Traffic

Strict New Neb. Abortion Law Faces Long Legal Road

Doctor: Luci Baines Johnson Improving at Hospital

Tears and Prayers as Pope Meets Abuse Victims

Kyrgyzstan's New Rulers Struggle to Restore Order

India Police Defuse Three Bombs Near Stadium

China's Hu Flies in to Quake Site, Toll Tops 1,700

Ex-Mentor: Sharpton Is Obama's Link to the Streets

Palin Taken Aback by Obama 'Superpower' Remark

Man Shot, Hurt at San Diego County Border Crossing

Christian Militia Member Says What Plot?

Dutch, German Airlines Say No Damage in Test Flights

Mafia-Related Fugitive Nabbed in Ky. After 2 Days

Cuban Tobacco Legend Alejandro Robaina Dies at 91

Towns Reject FEMA Flood Buyouts, Despite Benefits

LA's Ex-Gangsters Train to Go Against Gang Life

2 Decades After Shaking Baby, Father Jailed Again

Cousin: Vet Who Killed Self in Ohio Changed by War

NJ Woman Claims Nearly $212M Powerball Jackpot

Free Flight Back for Cat 1,300 Miles From Home

Gates: Obama Has No Long-Range Plan to Stop Iran's Nuke Drive

Mccain Says U.S. Lacks Effective Policy On Iran

Iran: Suspend 'Atomic Criminal' U.S. from IAEA

Gaffney: Iran Could Have Nuke 'Any Day' Now

Iran Announces Batch of Higher Enriched Uranium

Ahmadinejad Extolls Iran's Military Might

Top General: U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq On Track

Goldman Case Likely to Unleash Torrent of Lawsuits

White House Spokesman: Twitter Is 'Amazing'

McConnell: Start Over on Bank Reform

Bill Clinton: Dems to Hold Senate, House in 2010

Bill Clinton: Look Beyond Judges for High Court

Geithner: Obama Taking Steps to Shrink Deficit

Geithner: Economy Growing Faster Than Expected

Perot, Tea Party Movements Different

Bill Clinton: Criticize, Don't Demonize Officeholders

Geithner Predicts Passage of Financial Overhaul

Massa: $40,000 Check to Aide Wasn't Authorized

GOP, Obama Ready For a Fight over High Court Pick

Schumer: 5 Airlines Say No Charge for Carry-Ons

Jerry Brown to Calif. GOP Rivals: Debate Me Now

Obama Adviser Downplays Muslim Law

Obama's Finance Bill: 'TARP on Steroids'

A Plan to Take Back America

Hillary Clinton: ‘We Have a Lot to Learn’ About Energy Policy From Other Nations

'American Patriots' Urged to Read and Sign the 'Contract From America'

Obama and Democrats Don’t Understand U.S. Economy, Would Get Answer Wrong on Citizenship Test, Republican Lawmaker Says

Tax Day Patriots

The Obamacare Inquisition Is on Hold … for Now

Obama’s Failing Foreign Policy

DNC to Pour $20M, Plus other Resources into Races

Obama Nation: Four Out of Five Despots Agree!

Remember the Maines: Is Miley Cyrus the Next Leftist Trojan Horse Into Country Music?

Hollywood’s Latest Attack On Everyday Americans: Bill Maher Slanders Tea Party…Again

‘BEHAVIOR PLACEMENT’: GE’s Orwellian NBC Wants ‘You To Do Good’

‘True Lies’: A Look Back at 1994 — The Best Year Ever

REVIEW: Entertaining ‘Modern Family’ Damaged By Reality Craze

NEW TRAILER: Tom Cruise’s ‘Knight and Day’ In Theatres June 25th

NEW TRAILER: Adam Sandler’s ‘Grown Ups’ Hits Theatres June 25th

Daily Gut: My Response to Deepak Chopra’s Son, Gotham

Going Galt to Escape Greedy Politicians

Indoctrination on Campus: SEIU Arrests Give New Meaning to ‘Cutting Class’

Allee Bautsch’s Mother Speaks Out – Says Daughter Was Attacked by Leftist Political Protesters

America’s Constitutionalist Revolt: Tea Parties Channel the Founding Fathers

Goldman’s Fall From Grace

St. Charles Violent Tea Party Infiltrator Steve Belosi: Dem Official, Truther & Code Pink Contributor

Obama’s Sleight of Hand on the Bailout Bill

audio page:Ricochet Podcast #11: Profile In Courage?

No, the Economy Is Not Turning Around

ObamaCare: Fighting On

John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government, Chapter 18-On Tyranny

The Emperor’s Old Robe: Justice John Paul Stevens

It’s Morning In The Movement: A Review of R. Emmett Tyrrell’s ‘After The Hangover’

Our Dysfunctional Congress

Is the Press Corps Finally Rebelling Against Obama’s Habitual Secrecy?

As Illinois Dies, the Blame-Blago MSM Narrative Comes Apart

Charles Blow, New York Times Tea Party Infiltrator, Sees White People

State of the New York Times’s Discourse: How Low Can MoDo Go?

Memo to MSM: When You’ve Lost Jon Stewart… You’re Officially Irrelevant

No Joy in Mudville As MSM’s Coverage of Tea Party Strikes Out

NY Times Survey Says: MSNBC Progressives, Tea Partiers Have Four of Five Traits in Common

For Tea Party Detractors and Mainstream Media, Thursday Was An Epic Fail

NewsBusted: What Does ‘B.F.D.’ Stand For?

Are There Limits to Free Speech and Other Constitutional Principles? Ask CNN

Andrew Breitbart At the Tax Day Tea Party in Washington

Blowing the Whistle On Organizing For America’s Manipulation of the Media

Elected Officials, ‘That Pesky First Amendment’ and All That Jazz

Why Is the ‘Master Communicator’ Ducking the Media?

Economic View - Can’t Cut Spending? Look Around the Globe - NYTimes.com

Klein: The Tax Man Should Cometh - Newsweek.com

RealClearPolitics - If VAT, Ditch the Income Tax

RealClearPolitics - The Real Story of Americans' Immigration Views

The Republicans' faulty foundation - The Week

Op-Ed Contributor - Keep the Fed on Main Street - NYTimes.com

Climategate: a scandal that won’t go away - Telegraph

Climategate Claptrap, II

Barack Obama v. John Roberts - The Struggle to Come - NYTimes.com

The American Spectator : Obama's Supreme Problem

Op-Ed Columnist - Welcome to Confederate History Month - NYTimes.com

RealClearPolitics - Another Bay State Upset?

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Harry Reid comes home - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

War of words over Obama's soft tone - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Key to success lies with Afghan officials coming through - latimes.com

For Obama and past presidents, the books they read shape policies and perceptions

The Public Editor - Squandered Trust - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

A federal balancing act - latimes.com

Teachers union shows its true colors on reform bill - The Denver Post

Editorial - With Financial Reform, Whose Side Are the Republicans On? - NYTimes.com

Memo to Washington: No more bailouts | Washington Examiner

After Health Care Passage, Obama Pushes to Get It Rolling - NYTimes.com

Sen. Brown would filibuster Dodd's financial regulatory reform legislation - TheHill.com

Obama displays plenty of fundraising steam - latimes.com

Supreme Court to consider case against California law school


*Politics Video:18 Apr/John McCain On "Maverick" Comment: "I'm A Fighter"

Sen. Warner On Regulatory Reform: "I Want To Hear Specifics"

Sen. Scott Brown On What His Victory Meant, Washington

Clinton On Being On The Supreme Court

"Meet The Press" Panel On Role Of Tea Party On Midterms

Sen. McConnell Weighs In On Rubio

Geithner: U.S. Needs Financial Reforms "With Teeth"

Robert Gibbs On "Background" Sourcing

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On VAT

"This Week" Roundtable On Financial Regulation

Clinton: Rubin & Summers Were Wrong On Derivatives

FL-Sen: Rubio On Crist's Independent Rumor

17 Apr/Clinton: Rush Limbaugh Comment "Doesn't Make Any Sense"

Obama Weekly Address On Holding Wall Street Accountable

Rep. Cantor Delivers GOP Response On Democratic Control

Senator McCaskill On Contracting Oversight

Bill Maher Rips Tea Partiers

Palin Called Female "Larry The Cable Guy"

Matthews: GOP May "Purge" Itself Out Of Contention

CBS News: Did Goldman Sachs Commit Fraud?

O'Reilly: Left Wing Establishment Fears Tea Party Movement

Krauthammer: It's In Obama's "Character" To Ridicule Tea Party Movement

Countdown: Democrats Take On The Tea Party


YouTube - Michael Savage and 'Jimmy from Brooklyn' - Part 1 of 2

YouTube - Michael Savage and 'Jimmy from Brooklyn' - Part 2 of 2






PRUDEN: Surrendering an ally is no strategy at all - Washington Times

My Way News - Obama: Fresh crisis without new financial rules

Gates Says U.S. Lacks a Policy to Thwart Iran - NYTimes.com

Taliban’s supreme leader signals willingness to talk peace - Times Online

Israel warns Syria over Hezbollah attacks - Times Online

CNSNews.com - NYT/CBS Poll: 52% Say Obama Moving America Towards Socialism

Home-grown, solo terrorists as bad as Al-Qaeda: FBI chief

Obama, Clinton fundraiser admits $292 million fraud | Reuters

A tale of two Obamas: Up in D.C., down in U.S. - Mike Allen and James Hohmann - POLITICO.com

Obama displays plenty of fundraising steam - latimes.com

Nancy Pelosi’s Palm Beach party had more security than guests | Jose Lambiet’s Page2Live.com

Miami-Dade Transit to remove `offensive' Islamic bus ads - Miami-Dade Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com

Bloods and Crips drug conglomerate wanted to kill cops - NYPOST.com

Parents of Chelsea King, Amber Dubois supported plea deal for killer, prosecutors say [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Dog Slobber Could Be the Next Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment - Cancer - FOXNews.com

Mississippi vet claims he's Oprah's dad - NYPOST.com

Taliban’s supreme leader signals willingness to talk peace - Times Online

I saw the earth explode: How a photographer shooting outdoor clothing camped on Iceland¿s volcano ¿ and witnessed the eruption that closed Europe... | Mail Online

Airlines query flight ban as travel misery spreads - Yahoo! Singapore News

Iran, at nuclear conference, hits out at bullies | Reuters

My Way News - Chavez: China to devote $20B to Venezuela projects

Nick Clegg nearly as popular as Winston Churchill - Times Online

Press airs grievances to Gibbs - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

China's economy marches on as growth rate soars by nearly 12% | Mail Online

Vostok, Antarctica Forecast : Weather Underground

Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm - Americas, World - The Independent

Pot enthusiasts gather at California cannabis expo - Yahoo! News

My Way News - Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

Bill Clinton Links Talk Radio, Tea Parties to Non-Existent Terrorism

Clinton: Rush Limbaugh Comment “Doesn’t Make Any Sense” - Political Punch

White supremacist rally ends with five arrests and two assaults, police say [Updated] | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

My Way News - Obama: Fresh crisis without new financial rules

Wall Street suspects Goldman charges 'not coincidental' to financial reform effort

Debbie Schlussel:Weekend Read: A Prescient Warning About Iran From Decades Ago

Debbie Schlussel:Radioactive Vannity: Why Roger Ailes Forced Hannity From Tea Party Event

Why the Constitution Matters in Military Affairs

Uncommon knowledge

An Inevitable Conclusion

The 2nd Amendment=our Constitutional right to bear (own/possess) arms--"Historically"-- "Why?"...

Obama 42%, Paul 41%. Is America Finally Waking Up?

The War of Ideas: Jihadism against Democracy

Time to Change the Rules of Engagement

The Man Who Supersized Higher Education

Republicans: Stop the Gimmicks

Republican Officials Attacked and Injured in New Orleans

The View from the Left

Obama's numbers sinking again

Just who is playing the race card?

The case against AGW: Pluto's atmosphere

Heading for another mortgage meltdown?

Gates: No plan for a nuclear Iran

All that census advertising has led to lower rate of return

Fight al-Qaeda with ridicule?

The Obama leadership vacuum

War in Middle East by Summer: Jordan's King

Barry and the Pirates

Was Jesus a Marxist?

Barack Obama's Missing Girlfriends

Jihadism's War on Democracies

Cultural Marxism in Education: The Gathering Revolt

Family Dairy Farms and Immigration Reform

For the Real Meaning of Israel Independence Day

Hope amidst Threat

RNC Strip Club Spree Raises Eyebrows, Yawns » Right Pundits

Clinton: Rush Limbaugh 'Doesn't Make Any Sense.'

Koch Industries denies funding tea parties, but official filings say otherwise

Bill Moyers Journal: Simon Johnson and James Kwak on Real Financial Reform

Who funds RightNetwork? Looks like the usual suspects.

U.S. Military Report Warns of 'Serious' Oil Shortages By 2015. Will We Go To War For Oil?

Open Thread: Driftglass and Bluegal Weekly Podcast:: Race, Sex, Class, and the White House Bed Linens

Newstalgia World Week - April 11 - 16, 2010

MA Health Insurers Selling Plans That Bar Treatment At Top Hospitals

New "Doctor Who" returns tonight

McConnell Announces GOP To Block Wall St. Reforms - To Reform Wall St. Huh?

Ben Roethlisberger does appear to be a Creep. Young woman claims she said "No" to Ben in newly released documents

Former Blackwater Officials Indicted on Federal Weapons Charges

Foxheads are shocked, shocked we tell you, that Bill Clinton would suggest the Tea Parties are linked to the militias

Comcast partners with teabaggers to bring new right-wing broadcast network online

Why a strong CFPA is necessary as McConnell tries to block financial reform

Grover Norquist lies about Obama lying about lying

Ed Schultz Talks to Media Matters' Eric Burns About Why Bill-O Will Never Admit to his 'Jail Time' Lie

Right-wingers think the president has gotten himself all uppity by not showing those Obama-hating Tea Partiers enough deference

“That’s bullsh*t”

Fox News Pundits Don't Agree With Demonizing an Entire Group Unless it's the Liberals

CBS publishes phony rumor about Elena Kagan's love life which was created by a right wing plagiarist

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Congressman: 'Demand adherence to Constitution'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Revere America' seeks repeal of Obamacare

Obama wants U.S. defenseless

NASA lab accused of crackdown on intelligent design

Bill Clinton Links Talk Radio, Tea Parties to Non-Existent Terrorism

Press airs grievances to Gibbs - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com

Tea partiers report Fox story changed

Gates Says U.S. Lacks a Policy to Thwart Iran - NYTimes.com

New 'Jews for Sarah Palin' movement

CAIR complains, Miami censors bus ads

Tea-party movement at a crossroads

Don’t Drink the Water « Liveshots

Supreme Court to consider case against California law school

Are Christians groups allowed to be Christian?

Obama pushes D.C. voting rights bill - Washington Times

Lawsuit targets UW over blocked Ayers speeches | coloradoan.com | The Coloradoan

FOXNews.com - Republican Senators Blast Court Nominee for Remarks About Alito

FOXNews.com - 'No End in Sight' to Ash as Flight Chaos Deepens

Volcanic ash grounds Obama - Washington Times

Crist's campaign asks teachers to change party affiliation

Top Charlie Crist supporters torn over indy bid - Jonathan Martin and David Catanese - POLITICO.com

Bombers dressed in burkas kill 41 in Pakistan - Pakistan - msnbc.com

Mayor Bloomberg to A.G. Eric Holder: Make a decision on 9/11 terror trial already!

ATF Has No Head 15 Months Into Obama Presidency - Declassified Blog - Newsweek.com

Shroud forgery? Not so fast, say scientists

Can science, religion co-exist?

President George Washington racks up $300,000 late fee for two Manhattan library books

Arizona Diamondbacks owner Ken Kendrick reveals $2.8 million secret Honus Wagner card


*American Minute for April 18th:William J Federer's American Minute


Obama pushes bank reform, lashes out at GOP - White House- msnbc.com

Summers Says Financial Overhaul Likely to Be Passed by June - Bloomberg.com

My Way News - Treasury pay czar releases 2010 pay guidelines

Felon accused of running bestiality farm in Washington State

Sex Offender Throws Fundraiser

Parents of Murdered Calif. Teen OK Plea Deal - ABC News

My Way News - Judge: No allergy risk proven for Ohio execution

Cops: MSU thong thief caught with 79 pairs of pilfered panties | detnews.com | The Detroit News

My Way News - Calif. lawmakers mix scouting with sexual politics

Massa: $40,000 Check Wasn't Authorized - CBS News

FBI probes prison fight that injured rape suspect | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/17/2010

To man who flipped off Olathe police, a bird in the hand is worth four grand - KansasCity.com

FOXNews.com - Aussie Cookbook Recalled After Recipe Includes 'Freshly Ground Black People'

68-Year-Old Grandmother Caught Smuggling Guns in Underwear at Dublin Airport - ABC News

My Way News - Mexican-born actress charged with marriage fraud

Border agents shoot driver at checkpoint - SignOnSanDiego.com

Texas city revives paddling as it takes a swat at misbehavior

Revenge of the lunch ladies! H.S. cafeteria staff serves only cheese sandwiches after food fight

HRC panel postpones transgender guidelines - Bangor Daily News

A mysterious powder and a miscarriage prompt investigation of restaurateur - latimes.com

Jailed at 19 for shaking baby, Fla. father guilty again when she dies from it 2 decades later - OrlandoSentinel.com


***Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

High-Ranking Military Officer Under 4 Star General George Casey Wants Truth About Obama’s Eligibility to be POTUS. Got Records!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Army responds to flight surgeon questioning Obama's eligibility. Wait until you see this! | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Lt. Col. Lakin Responds to Army; "Don't touch my brain"... Got Eligibility!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Army threatens Lt. Col. Lakin with imprisonment, Lakin Stands His Ground, A message from Pastor Manning. Got Guts!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin facing imminent court-martial, Lt. Col. Lakin didn't show up for his deployment, says to Army, BRING IT ON! | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

U.S. military officials confirm to NBC news that Lt. Col. Terry Lakin will get Court Martial... Got Scumbags in the Media!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Pay Attention LTC. Lakin & American Patriot Foundation, Many People Stand with You, Choose Counsel Wisely, Got Citizen ParentS!? Got Discovery!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Army Backtracks!? Lt. Col. Lakin Reassigned to Walter Reed, Under Investigation, Got Court-Martial!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Operation: Investigate Obama aka Soetoro, not Lt. Col. Terry Lakin... | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Give Us Liberty: BREAKING NEWS! As expected Bill O'Reilly & Megyn Kelly sellout their country and make FOOLS of themselves...

The Conservative Monster.com: Bill O' Reilly and Megyn Kelly Think Newspaper Birth Announcements are Legal Documents?

YouTube - Bill O' Reilly and Megyn Kelly Think Newspaper Birth Announcements are Legal Documents?

Breitbart.tv » Illinois Mayor Expresses Doubts About Obama’s Citizenship

Champaign, Illinois mayor doubts Obama's natural-born citizenship; local politicians divided on whether mayor should resign - Wikinews, the free news source

Mayor joins chorus questioning if Obama 'American'

High ranking army officer from Greeley refuses to obey orders until President produces birth certificate | Greeley Gazette

Justice Clarence Thomas: We're 'evading' eligibility

YouTube - Justice Thomas: We are evading the eligibility issue

Lord Monckton and the "birthers" | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk

Lord Monckton, Birther: British Climate Change Denier Questions Obama's Citizenship

Right Now - Lord Monckton, questioning Obama's citizenship

Press tries, convicts doctor-soldier

‘Birther’ movement finds evidence in Kenya road sign « Colorado Independent

Petition demanding birth certificate surges past 500,000

News Video

#Video: Tearful Pope Says Church Will Protect Young

Video: D.C. School Principal Found Fatally Shot

Iran displays military might

U.S. hands base to Iraqis

Possible Double Homicide in Edmond

Video: Tourists Still Stranded At Central Fla. Airports

Funeral for Reuters Cameraman

Dashcam: Tennessee Cops Charge Man Riding Lawnmower With DUI

Murderer Fights Deputies at Sentencing

Test Flights Through Iceland Volcano Ash Cloud Successful

White Supremacist Rally at L.A. City Hall Draws Violent Counter-Protest

Dr. Drew Has Strong Words for Lindsay Lohan’s Father

Bill Maher Defends Woman Who Sent Adopted Child Back to Russia

O’Reilly Asks Rev. Al: Why Did Crowd Boo Me at Sharpton Event?

Princeton Professor Critiques Ke$sha’s ‘Tik Tok’

Tea Party Leader Blasts Geraldo Rivera Over Anti-Tea Party ‘Hit Pieces’

CNBC Guest Gets Booted After Insulting Jim Cramer

‘Fan-in-Chief’: POTUS Takes in Daughter’s Soccer Game at DC Park

Caught on Video: Octopus Grabs Camera From New Zealand Diver

Willie Nelson Reaffirms ‘Truther’ Convictions

Clinton: Rush Limbaugh Comment ‘Doesn’t Make Any Sense’

Limbaugh: ‘Clinton Just Gave the Kooks Out There an Excuse to Be Violent’

Update: Phillies Fans Outraged Over Vomit Assault on Girl & Dad

Bill Maher on Tea Party: ‘Why Let the Truth Spoil a Perfectly Good Klan Rally’

‘Cynical and Deceptive’: Obama Blasts GOP Leader Sen. McConnell

WA Cops: Millionaire Drug Smuggler Ran ‘Bestiality Farm’

Microsoft Yanks Video After Complaints it Promotes ‘Sexting’

Pakistani Bootleggers Use Clandestine Tactics to Avoid Taliban

Obama Advisor: ‘Social Justice’ Is Not ‘Slippery Slope’ to Marxism

Jon Stewart to Fox News: ‘Go F*** Yourselves’

Willie Nelson Confesses Pre-Show Pot Use to Larry King

Fido’s Wet Kisses Could Hold Cancer Key

Clinton Redux: Tea Parties Make Him Worry About Another Oklahoma City Bombing

Krauthammer: Snooty Obama Sees Tea Party ‘Proletariat’ as ‘Stupid’ & ‘Paranoid’

Illinois Mayor Expresses Doubts About Obama’s Citizenship


The Associated Press: Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift in ACM spotlight

In HBO Kevorkian film, Pacino breathes life into Dr. Death - BostonHerald.com

Crystal Bowersox almost quits 'American Idol,' but Ryan Seacrest saves the day

Jesse James's Alleged Mistress Cashing in on Notoriety - Scandals & Feuds, Jesse James, Sandra Bullock : People.com

‘Doctor Who’ Review: Episode 5.01, ‘The Eleventh Hour’

Kim Kardashian nude and unretouched for 'Harper's Bazaar' | EW.com

So to Speak | Joe Blundo commentary: Kitty says Oprah is catty and Joe says so what? | The Columbus Dispatch

Is Oprah’s Dad an 84-Year-Old Farmer? | TheCelebrityCafe.com

Actor Danny Glover arrested during protest against food giant - Monsters and Critics

BBC News - Rare Rolling Stones track released for Record Store Day

Concert review: Punk icon John Lydon shows he's still full of fire - San Jose Mercury News

Charles the Cat: Chicago – New Mexico (1,300 miles!) » Right Juris

A somber Poland lays Lech Kaczynski to rest - latimes.com

Iran in new talks on nuclear fuel swap

Israel's population 7.5 million

Hard-liner claims victory in Turkish Cypriot poll - myMotherLode.com

Pakistan Suicide Bomb Attack Kills 7 | Asia | English

Zimbabe President Calls for End to Inter-Party Violence | Africa | English

The Associated Press: Flood of aid reaches China's remote quake zone

Thai Government Supporters Vow Counter-Protest - NYTimes.com

AFP: Sudan polls 'free and fair' considering context: AU

AFP: Probe into stricken S.Korean warship

New Afghan election chief promises to clean house

The Associated Press: 29 militants die in fighting in north Afghanistan

Kyrgyzstan's new rulers struggle to restore order | Reuters

Somalia violence kills 14, parliament fails to meet

The Associated Press: 3 Italian aid workers freed in Afghanistan


*'This Week' Transcript*: Former President Bill Clinton - ABC News

Bill Clinton: Hillary and I are too old to be appointed to the Supreme Court

The Associated Press: Clinton: Look beyond judges for high court pick


The Walton Tribune:A lot of yelling at tea party

Obama's choice : Buffalo News Editorials : The Buffalo News

Democrats add aggressively to 2010 election coffers | Reuters

Revolutionary War battles recalled on Patriots Day - BostonHerald.com

Jerry Brown calls for debate with GOP rivals - latimes.com

The Associated Press: White House spokesman: Twitter an 'amazing tool'

The Associated Press: Palin taken aback by Obama 'superpower' remark

YouTube - Justice Breyer Comments on Cameras in the Court

Independent team will review MSHA's record of W.Va. mine explosion

The Associated Press: 5 airlines won't charge for carryons, senator says

Race for lt. governor splits California Democrats - San Jose Mercury News

White supremacist rally at L.A. City Hall draws violent counter-protest - latimes.com

'Osama Bin Laden' Facebook Page Shut Down - ABC News

After Health Care Passage, Obama Pushes to Get It Rolling - NYTimes.com

Arizona's crackdown on illegal migrants feels familiar - Los Angeles Times

YouTube - Arizona clamps down on illegal immigration

Should planes fly in Iceland volcano ash? Be careful, study says. / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

FOXNews.com - Obama to Launch Public Campaign for Wall Street Crackdown